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Continuing to advocate for change | Megan Flower, Chief Executive Officer, LVML


Continuing to advocate for change

In a year when we thought we had a clear run at getting back to normal, we have been reminded twice already that 'normal' can be very fleeting.

The Landscape Show was delivered by the skin of its teeth, with Victoria going into lockdown barely 24 hours later. But boy, what great big toothy smiles were on people's faces, under their masks indoors of course! Having the opportunity to enjoy a trade event in a face to face environment was fantastic, despite the fact that at times the months, weeks and days preceding May 26th felt like the Hunger Games, with numerous obstacles threatening the very survival of the 2021 show. In the end we prevailed with the winning combination of 76 enthusiastic businesses supporting the event and 1000 people on site on the day. Check out our full review of the show on page 23.

Two additional lockdowns this year imposed on Victorians have been debilitating to many, however it is pleasing to see that the tireless work undertaken last year advocating for our industry has resulted in 'landscaping' getting a direct mention from the Premier's Office whenever new restrictions are announced.

They are aware of our calls to be able to work outdoors unhindered and although we hope not to experience further lockdowns, we remain confident that landscaping will continue to be front of mind and any future restrictions will be void of an overlay of "occupied sites" preventing some of our Members from working.

LVML continues to advocate for change with Business Victoria regarding the business support funding which, in 2020 and again this year, does not recognise Landscape Construction (ANZSIC Code 3219) or Architectural Design Services (Code 6921) as eligible for support, despite businesses being shutdown and unable to operate remotely.

"The last 15 months have been unsettling on businesses and families, so it is important to acknowlede that although there is much to be grateful for, it is not easy at times."

Work also continues within the training sector to attract people to the industry to assist Members experiencing labour shortages. The problem is widespread and will not be solved overnight however we are tackling the problem from as many angles as possible, including a customised script in our most recent radio campaign.

As the President, Andrew Grasby mentions in his article, opportunity abounds for our industry right now, but that also comes with challenges. There have been times when the thought of a pipeline of work for Members extending months and months into the future would have delighted every landscaper in the State, but I know many of you are mentally exhausted and 'over it'.

The last 15 months have been unsettling on businesses and families, so it is important to acknowledge that although there is much to be grateful for, it is not easy at times. Make sure you look after your staff, and yourself, perhaps trying to ensure that everyone in your business has a 'long weekend' every now and then. And reach out for help if you feel you need help.

The wonderful thing about this industry is its people, and there is plenty of support available if you need it.

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