Nursing prereqs
Students find competition tough to enter the Langara nursing program. P3
Turf grab
Field hockey community vies for new pitch in South Vancouver. P8
Tent city
In South Vancouver, a new tent city is growing.
NOVEMBER 23, 2023 • VOL. 57 NO. 3 • VANCOUVER, B.C.
Pottery enthusiasts hit brick wall P7 Kate Metten holding a bowl she had been working on at her studio in Vancouver B.C. on Nov. 13, 2023. EDMUND HAYLEY PHOTO
A bad housing situation, worse Short-term regulations may limit future options for students, expert says By SARAH AMY LEUNG
the situation of available housing. Malamug lives in a house with 12 espite coming provin- other renters near King Edward and cial regulations meant Fraser. He shares a room with two to help those looking for other students. housing, many students Despite sharing a home with many still must make difficult trade-offs people, Malamug said the monthly when finding a place to live. $520 rent and proximity to ColumIn October, the provincial bia College are advantages. government introduced the Short“I feel like it is worth all those Term Rental sacrifices,” he Accommodasaid. tions Act that Fir st-year “A lot of people limits hosts to SFU psycholwould end up just more stringent ogy student rules in hopes Kenji Singh sacrificing the of offering said many more housing international flexibility just to try availability. students feel “We are in a pressured to to find a place.” housing crisis take whatever — KENJI SINGH, SFU STUDENT and we need is available in to make sure Va n c o u ve r ’s that homes are being used to house “fast” market. He said many, includpeople, not as an investment oppor- ing himself, have faced unpleasant tunity,” said Housing Minister Ravi experiences due to rushed decisions. Kahlon to the Voice in an emailed “It’s so hard to just find a decent statement. place,” Singh said. “A lot of people The act will be fully implemented would end up just sacrificing the flexin 2024. For students in school now, ibility just to try to find a place.” the situation is still dire. Singh lives in residence at SFU Those who manage to find rent- while studying psychology at Fraser als, like first-year Columbia College International College. Though student Leo Malamug, must consider Singh said his situation now is conve-
nient, he used to rent a room under a landlord that “broke the law” by intruding on his personal space. He said she also threatened to evict him without reason. Singh moved out before eviction because SFU offered him on-campus residency. Singh said he didn’t know where he would have lived if SFU had not accepted him into residency. “I don’t think I would have had many choices,” Singh said. One housing expert has concerns with the short-term rental act and whether it will fit the unpredictable lifestyles of students. Andrey Pavlov, a professor of finance who specializes in real estate at SFU’s Beedie School of Business, said the act’s inflexibility hinders students’ options. “One thing about young people in general is that they’re still finding that longer-term career,” said Pavlov. “They need to be flexible, they need to be able to move to a summer job or switch schools or even switch campuses in the same school.” Pavlov referenced the impacts of B.C.’s speculation and vacancy tax on the housing market, predicting that house prices will fall, but so will unit sales and desirability.
Students at Langara, which lacks campus housing, are forced to dive into the rental market. Chin Song, who will be starting Langara’s post-degree diploma in business administration in January, has searched for accommodations in Vancouver since September. Song’s frugal mentality and income from her career as an educator in China means affordability is not her primary concern. She said
she is willing to pay up to $1,600 a month for a rental. Song said she needs the ability to rent something short-term, she told the Voice over Zoom from her home in China. “But it seems that most landlords would love to rent for the longterm [only].” Song said she is looking at Airbnb and short-term leases, the availability of which will be reduced by the upcoming regulations.
Living situations for students in Vancouver have some making drastic sacrifices. LEO MALAMUG SUBMITTED PHOTO