International Education - Langara PLUS (English)

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My name is Meilin. I completed the LEAP (Academic English) program, and started the Arts and Science (University Transfer [UT]) program this term.

New Student Orientation Welcome to Langara!

All right! I need to study seriously from now on.

…participating in events and activities…

Please try to participate in Langara PLUS.

I made my Langara PLUS passport at the beginning of LEAP. It doesn’t matter, I don’t have time to do that anyway… Langara PLUS? Oh, I remember now…

A few weeks later..

I have been eating lunch by myself a lot since UT started.

It seems most Canadian students know each other from high school.

I always go straight home after school to study, but I can’t get all of my homework done in time.

Well… School is not as much fun as it used to be…

Well… I’m going to check my e-mails.

What’s this? A message from the IE office*.

*IE: International Education Office

I remember getting e-mails from them every week, but I never read them.


Langara PLUS Social events IE Coffee Hour: Take a break from your studies, enjoy some FREE coffee and cookies and meet other students… i-Sport basketball: Organized by the i-SPORT Committee. i-Lunch Club: Indonesian Cuisine. Here’s your chance to try food from different parts of the world.

Workshops Finding volunteer work: Learn about how you can get some experience by volunteering.

It sounds very interesting!

What am I thinking!? I don’t even have enough time to finish my homework!

What? Wow…

I need to go home and prepare for the group project.

IE event notice board

Coffee Hour?!?

I can take a break if it’s only an hour.

Excuse me…

Well… I don’t know if it was a good idea.

I think this is the room.

Hi! Are you here for Coffee Hour?


< wow, she is nice…>

You are early, but please come in and help yourself to coffee or tea.

Thank you.

I am an IEVP volunteer. Many Langara PLUS events are led by IEVP (International Education Volunteer Program) members. IEVP members plan and help organize Langara PLUS events.

Wow, many students have started to walk in..

I don’t know what to say to them…

This will help you to mingle with others.

Here you are. ?

I see… I just need to ask these questions…

You try to find a person who can match each of these descriptions.

Okay, I can try this!

Excuse me… Is there anyone who has visited more than 5 countries?


Yes, you can write my name on this one. How about this?

Do you want to do this together?

Yes!! Your name is Meilin, right?

Hey, Meilin.

Have you taken the ▲▲ course? It is true! I took ●●’s class last term!

I heard ●●’s class is very interesting. No. Why?

I was going to take that class next term.


Meilin, let’s exchange e-mail addresses and cell numbers.

Me too.

All right!

You can text me anytime.

Will do.

At Coffee Hour, participants need to exchange their e-mails and phone numbers with at least 3 other students in order to get their Langara PLUS passport signed by the IE office.

Wow‌ This was my first event participating in the Langara PLUS program.

It was fun. Maybe I can join other events or workshops.

I can ask people I met at Coffee Hour to join me at these events.

The Langara PLUS program supports students’ academic study goals and further enhances their experiences in Canada.


Students can broaden their social network, and get acquainted with other students outside of their programs by participating in events such as International Coffee Hour, Holiday Potluck, and Cultural Celebrations.


Students play badminton, basketball and other activities during open gym. They can also participate in events such as yoga, snowshoeing and billiards.


Lifestyle workshops offer helpful information about living on a student’s budget, finding housing, finding volunteer work and more!


Study skills workshops are mainly offered by the Counselling Office.

These workshops include time management, speed reading, stress management, etc.

A variety of workshops are offered to help students achieve academic success.

I made many friends through these events. I feel comfortable meeting new people and making new friends.

I also don’t hesitate to talk to Canadian classmates now.

Can I join your group for this project?

Ha ha…. Hi!!!


Of course! Why not?

I also made many friends in my classes.

We are going downtown after. Do you want to come with us? Yes!

I got tons of help from these friends. By the end of the term, I had participated in a lot of Langara PLUS events and workshops.

My points are accumulating.

I almost have enough points to get a SILVER level statement of achievement.

I’ll join more events and get the GOLD.

I enjoy school so much more these days.

I just realized‌

The Langara PLUS Program was developed for international students at Langara to gain additional experience, skills and knowledge in order to achieve academic success. Students achieve different levels depending on the points they accumulate: Bronze, Silver or Gold.

I met many interesting students through Langara PLUS.

The Langara experience in manga.

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