Celebrating excellence. A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT
Congratulations to the class of 2021.
Our Langara faculty, advisors, and mentors are immensely proud of your growth and transformation during your
This year has continued to be extraordinary, but you
time with us. We hope that you will harness what you
have persevered with determination and grace. Now is
learned at Langara to think big, be innovative, and
the time for you to celebrate your academic achievements,
consider how you will contribute to make our world
reflect on your experience, and be proud of your
a better place.
accomplishments and your resilience. Whatever your future holds, be confident that you have gained the skills
Take the time to look back on your journey to see how far
you need to meet challenges head on, understand that
you’ve come, then turn towards your future with pride
you are a global citizen and that your decisions and
and confidence.
actions have far reaching impact. Know that you will always be a valued member of the Langara community.
Good luck to you, and I wish you all the best,
Lane Trotter, Ed.D. President and CEO