Viewbook 2010/11

Page 1

The big book of possibilities. Viewbook


The College of Higher Learning.


A shade different from other colleges.



about langara

6 University, career, &

continuing studies


programs & courses

9 Flexible Study Options 11 Cost of Tuition 12 Program chart 21 Teacher spotlight 23 student testimonials 24 Student support services 27 Athletics 28 Activities around campus 29 International Students 31 environmental sustainability 32 langara campus 33 transit options 35 Apply to langara 36 Admission Details 38 contact information

Langara College 100 West 49th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 2Z6

The College of Higher Learning.


Langara College, located in Vancouver, BC, Canada, provides University, Career, and Continuing Studies programs and courses to more than 20,000 students annually. Our range of offerings lets you choose your own educational path. We offer three bachelor’s degrees as well as a variety of associate degrees, diplomas, certificates, postgraduate certificates, and citations. We are Langara. The college of higher learning.


The college of higher learning. About langara

Langara is a community of learners,

Unlike any other

constantly investigating ideas and

We provide a well-crafted launching pad to

transforming thoughts. We encourage a culture of exploring new ground, digging deeper, and striving further. We value exceptional learning experiences. Our focus is on you and your experience here.

take you closer to your academic, career, and personal aspirations. We do this by offering: ··

Tailored learning experiences in small classes


Passionate and knowledgeable instructors


Rigorous and thorough curricula


An expansive range of more than 900 courses

Whether you are on a set path or navigating


Opportunities for hands-on industry experience

your way through a sea of options, you will


Affordable tuition that won’t break the bank

be surrounded by thinkers, collaborators, and mentors on your journey.


Open admissions


Support services around every corner

The College of Higher Learning.


We’ve got options for you. University, career, & continuing studies

University studies

Career Studies

Continuing studies

University Studies is where you

Career Studies are more

We offer a rich and diverse range

take the first couple of years

experiential. They offer a strong

of lifelong learning opportunities.

of university-level studies at a

academic core and teach hands-on

Whether the objective is to improve

college, like Langara. You then

industry-relevant skills. Programs

business skills, enhance a career

take the credits you earned and

are designed with the input

path, expand individual creativity,

seamlessly transfer to second- or

of community-based advisory

or develop a more holistic approach

third-year at a university, like

committees and taught by

to personal well-being, Continuing

UBC or SFU. Our courses equip

dedicated instructors with years

Studies offers more than 500

you with the same knowledge as

of industry experience.

courses and 37 certificate programs

those at university. At Langara, we offer the most

skills in industries like magazine

comprehensive selection of

publishing, early childhood

university-transferable courses

education, social service, business

in BC. You can choose from more

administration, journalism,

than 900 courses; learn from

nursing, and more, a career

teachers who are experts in their

program may be right for you.

field; excel with small, intimate classes; and get real value from lower tuition rates.


If you’re looking for real-world

designed with your needs in mind.

baChelor’s degree


posT-graduaTe CerTifiCaTe

Want a four-year bachelor’s degree?

Have a specific area of interest?

Post-graduate certificates will

You can earn one at Langara

Langara offers you 46 two-year

enhance the knowledge and

through full- or part-time studies.

diploma options in both career

skills acquired in your degree by

Just complete a minimum of 120

studies and university studies.

providing you with theory and

credits of university-level courses

You can earn one by completing

practical knowledge in specific

in a specific program of study in

at least 60 credits in a specific

career-related areas. There are

one of these subject areas:

program of study.

four post-graduate certificates (requiring at least 30 credits)


Business Administration


Nursing (full-time only)



Recreation Management

Interested in a shorter program?

to choose from.

Langara offers 13 one-year assoCiaTe degree

learn more

certificate programs (30 to 42

For a full listing of study options, contact our Counselling

Got two years? Associate degrees

credits) for you to choose from,

are a great way to get in two years

many of which provide you with

Department or visit the College

of university-transferable credit in

the theory and practical

website at

the arts, sciences, social sciences,

knowledge to begin a career.

and humanities while laying a solid foundation for further study.


Langara offers 26 associate degrees.

Langara offers three citations.

You can earn one by completing two

You can earn one by completing at

years of university-level courses (at

least 12 credits in a specific

least 60 credits).

program of study.

The College of higher learning.


Enough choices to make your head spin. Programs & courses

Aboriginal Studies

Design Formation

Latin American Studies



Leisure Studies


Early Childhood Education

Library & Information Technology

Applied Computer Science & Technology


Management Information Systems

Applied Urban and Rural Planning


Marketing Management

Art History

Education Assistant


Arts (General)



Arts & Science (General)


Nursing Transition

Asian Studies

Environmental Studies

Nutrition & Food Service Management


Family Studies

Peace and Conflict Studies


Field Studies - Canadian


Business Administration

Field Studies - International

Physical Education

Business Computer Applications

Film Arts


Business Management

Financial Management

Political Science

Canadian Studies

Fine Arts

Professional Computer Science & Technology



Professional Photo-Imaging


General Education


Chinook Business



Classical Studies


Recreation Leadership



Recreation Management

Commerce & Business Studies

Health Sciences

Religious Studies



Science (General)

Computer Science

Human Kinetics

Social Service Worker

Computer Studies

Human Resources Management


Computer Studies Foundation

International Business Management


Computing Science & Info. Systems

Internet/Web Computing & Software Dev.


Creative Writing


Theatre Arts at Studio 58

Criminal Justice


Web Technology



Women’s Studies


Make it work for you. Flexible Study Options

Langara recognizes the need for flexibility

External Studies

Concurrent Studies

and different ways of learning. We offer

Earn credits while travelling to

Interested in getting a head start?

exotic places and experiencing life

Have great grades? Take university-

traditional classroom learning and a variety of flexible study options.

first-hand. External studies combine

level courses while still attending

the rigors of academic studies with

secondary school.

real-world experience. Earn course Online Distance education The world is your classroom via the Internet. Interact with instructors and classmates online on a schedule that works for you. For a full list of online course offerings, visit Guided Independent Studies If your work, college, or home schedule make it hard to attend on-campus classes on a regular basis, we may have a solution for you. Guided independent studies integrate printed materials, tapes, and online components along with a few in-class sessions throughout the semester. Subject areas include Chinese, Communications, English, French, Greek, Latin, Psychology, and Spanish.

credits by taking an art history

ESL Studies

tour of Europe, ecological tour of

Need to brush up on your English?

Thailand and Cambodia, or work

Skills Training for English

a dig with the Archeology Field

Proficiency (STEP) and Langara

School. For a full list of programs,

English for Academic Purposes


(LEAP) provide intensive English and academic skills to prepare

Co-operative Education

students for university-level studies.

Want to get work experience while

Developmental and ESL courses are

still at school? Consider co-op.

also available for students at the

You’ll integrate academic studies

post-secondary level who require

with practical career-related work

additional training in fundamental

experience. Alternate terms of full-

English reading and/or writing.

time classroom study with terms of full-time employment to gain experience in your field of interest.

The College of Higher Learning.



Your investment. Cost of Tuition

Langara has some of the most reasonable tuition rates in the province. If you’re a typical domestic university studies student taking a full course load (that’s 15 credits per semester), your tuition will be about $1,248 per semester or $2,496 over two semesters. Other perks include a flexible all-zone transit U-Pass and a very reasonable Langara Students’ Union health and dental plan.

Cost breakdown

For an average domestic first-year student for 2 semesters*

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

Tuition for



Required textbooks



Legacy Fund









Students’ Union


15 credits

& supplies (approx.)

Union fees

(all-zone bus pass) Medical &

Dental Plan**

Semester total


Total for two

$2,367.94 $4,935.86


* For international student fees, please check ** If you already have coverage, you can opt out of the plan. *** Langara College is open year-round and offers classes in all three semesters (Fall, Spring, Summer).

The College of Higher Learning.


The matrix of options. Program chart

Langara has more than 90 programs to

Limited Enrolment


choose from. Each one has been thoughtfully

All career studies and some

Co-op is a career training model

university studies programs have

where students alternate terms of

a limited number of seats. We

classroom study with terms of paid,

encourage you to apply early for

full-time employment. Many of our

these programs.

programs offer a co-op option.

designed and carefully sculpted to give you a solid blend of knowledge and skills. Ranging from eight months to four years in length, how far you take your higher learning is up to you. For a complete list of programs and admission requirements, please visit our website at



Credential & Length

Start Dates


Admission Requirements

Aboriginal Studies

Associate Degree 2 years


Integrated program addressing a variety of Aboriginal issues. Students will gain an understanding of the historic and contemporary realities of Aboriginal people in Canada, including self-government, land claims, and community development.

·· See notes 1 and 2

Provides an educational option for students with bachelor’s degrees whose work requires knowledge of Aboriginal issues.

·· Bachelor’s degree

University Studies (Limited Enrolment)

Diploma 2 years

Post-degree Certificate 1 year

Applied computer science & technology

Diploma 2 years

Sept Jan May

Prepares students for meeting the challenges of information technology by providing them with life-long opportunities for academic and career advancement through theoretical concepts and hands-on experience.

·· See note 1

Diploma 2 years


Intensive career-based program with practical training in core planning methods. Program emphasizes project-based learning, data collection and analysis, applied problem solving, and creative planning solutions. Suitable for students with prior degrees or extensive post-secondary education.

·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· Math 11 (min. ‘C’ grade) or a Mathematics Diagnostic Test score of 53. (See note 3)

Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

Develop deeper insight into multiple disciplines while building writing, as well as analytical and critical thinking abilities. Students design their own academic program and explore a range of subject areas.

·· See note 1

Diploma 2 years

Sept Jan May

The most comprehensive Arts and Science Program of any college in BC – more than 200 first- and second-year university-transferable courses to choose from.

·· See note 1

Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

Provides insight into the cultural values, international situations, and lifestyles of the AsiaPacific region. Prepares students for Asian Studies at UBC. An exchange program to Korea is available as well as scholarships and awards to study at Asian colleges and universities.

·· See note 1

University Studies

Applied Urban and

Rural Planning

University Studies (Limited Enrolment) ·· Computer Applications and Graphics ·· Environmental Planning ·· Rural Planning ·· Urban Planning

Arts (General) University Studies

Diploma 2 years

Arts and Science (General) University Studies

Asian Studies University Studies

Diploma 2 years

Note 1: Graduation from BC Grade 12 or the equivalent or be a domestic student who is at least 19 years of age. Note 2: English requirement - you must have one of the following: LET with a minimum level 3 or LPI equivalent; a minimum 80% in BC English 12 or BC Literature 12; a minimum ‘C’ grade in a university-level English course for which Langara awards transfer credit; or an ‘S’ in one of ENGL 1107, 1108, or 1110. Note 3: Math and science requirements - must be completed within the last three years. For information on the Math or Science Diagnostic Tests, visit As of Fall Semester 2011, you will need the following to meet Math (Principles of Math) 11 or 12 requirements: For Math 11, you will need Principles of Math 11 or Pre-calculus 11. For Math 12, you will need Principles of Math 12 or Pre-calculus 12. Note 4: For details on these admission and/or document requirements, visit The College of Higher Learning.



Credential & Length

Start Dates


Admission Requirements


Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

Includes courses in cell biology, botany, ecology, genetics, zoology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics. Flexibility in course selection allows students to transfer to any BC university. Career paths in research, education, law, and health-related fields.

·· See note 1

·· Accounting ·· Business Management ·· International Business Management ·· Marketing Management

Bachelor’s Degree 4 years

Sept Jan May

Comprehensive full- or part-time business program for students who want to complete a business degree.

·· Accounting ·· Business Management ·· Financial Management ·· Marketing Management

Diploma 2 years

Sept Jan May

Diplomas can be obtained by students who complete a specific program of study in the first two years (60 credits) of the degree program.

First-year entry for degrees & diplomas: ·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· Min. ‘C’ grade in Math 11; a min. ‘C-’ grade in one of Math 12 or a firstyear, universitytransferable Math course; or 60 on the Math Diagnostic Test (See note 3)

University Studies ·· General ·· Ecology ·· Molecular/Microbiology

Business Administration Degree & Career Studies

Third-year entry for degrees: ·· Min. 60 credits with min. 2.33 GPA - may require bridging courses (See note 4) ·· Business Management ·· Human Resources Management International Business Management ·· Marketing Management

Post-Graduate Certificate 1 year

Sept Jan May

Post-graduate certificates are available to students with an undergraduate degree who would like a concentrated program that provides specific management theory and applied knowledge.

·· University degree

Canadian Studies

Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

Provides an in-depth understanding and appreciation of Canadian society. Covers critical perspectives on major issues that mark contemporary Canada such as racism, emerging women’s roles, working life, Aboriginal concerns, Quebec separatism, and American domination. Core courses draw from history, sociology, political science, and English.

·· See note 1

Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

Includes courses in analytical, organic and physical chemistry, mathematics, physics, and biology. Studies range from analytical, environmental and/ or aquatic chemistry, to organic and inorganic chemistry.

·· See note 1

Diploma 2 years


Developed in conjunction with UBC, this program provides business skills to students of Aboriginal ancestry. Students may continue and complete a Bachelor of Business Administration (Langara) or Bachelor of Commerce (Chinook Major/UBC).

·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· Math 11 (min. ‘C’ grade) or Math Diagnostic Test (See note 3) ·· Must be of Aboriginal ancestry

University Studies

Diploma 2 years

Chemistry University Studies

Chinook Business Career Studies

Note 1: Graduation from BC Grade 12 or the equivalent or be a domestic student who is at least 19 years of age. Note 2: English requirement - you must have one of the following: LET with a minimum level 3 or LPI equivalent; a minimum 80% in BC English 12 or BC Literature 12; a minimum ‘C’ grade in a university-level English course for which Langara awards transfer credit; or an ‘S’ in one of ENGL 1107, 1108, or 1110. Note 3: Math and science requirements - must be completed within the last three years. For information on the Math or Science Diagnostic Tests, visit As of Fall Semester 2011, you will need the following to meet Math (Principles of Math) 11 or 12 requirements: For Math 11, you will need Principles of Math 11 or Pre-calculus 11. For Math 12, you will need Principles of Math 12 or Pre-calculus 12. Note 4: For details on these admission and/or document requirements, visit



Credential & Length

Start Dates


Admission Requirements

Classical Studies

Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

Explores the history, literature, philosophy, archaeology, mythology, and the arts of Greece and Rome. Provides perspective on how these societies still influence the world today. An external study opportunity to Greece is offered in some summer semesters.

·· See note 1

Diploma 2 years

Sept Jan May

Designed for students planning to pursue a business degree at UBC or SFU. Students complete the required coursework equivalent to first- and second-year of the UBC Bachelor of Commerce Program (Sauder School of Business) and/or the SFU Bachelor of Business Administration. Students may also apply to bridge into the third-year of Langara’s BBA program.

·· See note 1

Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

Provides courses needed for equivalency to first- and second-year Commerce or Business Administration at SFU, UBC, and UVIC. Students may also apply to bridge into the third-year of Langara’s BBA program.

·· See note 1

Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

Provides a strong foundation in computer science and transfers directly into third-year computer science at UBC, SFU, and UVIC.

·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· Min. ‘C’ grade in Math 12 or 75 on the Math Diagnostic Test (See note 3)

Diploma 2 years

Sept Jan May

Flexible program for students looking for a computing career and/or to transfer to university. Specializations include computer engineering, network security administrator, software engineering, project management, and web development.

·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· Min. ‘C’ grade in Math 12 or 75 on the Math Diagnostic Test (See note 3)

Certificate 1 year

Sept Jan May

This flexible certificate program prepares students for a computing career and/or to transfer to university. A co-operative internship work term is available. This program serves as the first-year of the Computer Studies Diploma.

·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· Min. ‘C’ grade in Math 12 or 75 on the Math Diagnostic Test (See note 3)

Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

Includes courses in writing poetry, stage plays, screenplays, short stories, and non-fiction prose. In a reading- and writing-rich environment, students are challenged to express themselves through various voices.

·· See note 1

Diploma 2 years

Sept Jan May

Blends applied skill-based courses with universitytransferable courses in criminology and related arts courses to prepare for further study or careers in law enforcement, criminology, or security. Students apply their knowledge to real world situations and gain work experience through volunteer work. Students may also apply to bridge into third-year of Langara’s BBA.

·· See notes 1 and 2

Diploma 2 years


Merges the design disciplines of spatial formation and communication design while bridging architectural, industrial, interior, and graphic design. Students develop foundations in three areas: design knowledge, design skills, and design practice.

·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· Interview, design assignment, portfolio, and information session (See note 4)

University Studies

Diploma 2 years

Commerce University Studies

Commerce &

Business Studies

University Studies

Computer Science University Studies (Limited Enrolment)

Diploma 2 years

Computer Studies University Studies (Limited Enrolment)

Computer Studies Foundation

University Studies (Limited Enrolment)

Creative Writing University Studies

Criminal Justice Career Studies

Design Formation Career Studies

The College of Higher Learning.



Credential & Length

Start Dates


Admission Requirements

Early Childhood Education

Diploma 2 years

Sept Jan

Balances academic foundation with practicum experience to enable graduates to work in pre-schools, childcare centres, and other early childhood learning settings. Program is recognized for providing quality training and is approved by the Early Childhood Education Registry of BC.

·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· Interview, reference letters, additional requirements (TB test, criminal records review, and first-aid certification) upon acceptance (See note 4)

A Special Education Post Basic Citation is offered for early childhood educators already holding an ECE diploma or certificate.

·· An ECE diploma or certificate

Career Studies

·· Special Education Post Basic

Post Basic Citation 1 year

Education Assistant

Certificate 1 year


Program blends theoretical principles with practical learning experiences in schools to prepare students for a rewarding career working with children with special needs in a team environment. Graduates work in a variety of school districts throughout the BC public school systems.

·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· Volunteer experience with reference letter and criminal record review upon acceptance (See note 4)

Coordinated Diploma 2 years

Sept Jan May

A coordinated diploma is awarded to students who complete the certificate and an additional 10 courses (minimum 30 credits, 24 of which must be university-transferable courses that have science, social science, or humanities attributes).

·· Education Assistant certificate

Certificate 1 year


Program is equivalent to the first-year of UBC’s Applied Science Program. It is an excellent foundation for further university studies in physical sciences. Those who complete the program may apply directly to second-year engineering at UBC.

·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· Minimum ‘B’ in each of Chemistry 12, Math 12, & Physics 12 (See note 3)

Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

Highlights American and Canadian composition and literature across different genres. Covers courses in modern and historical English as well as specialized courses in poetry, film studies, linguistics, theatre history, and creative writing.

·· See note 1

Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

Builds knowledge, skill, and experience to address complex issues of globalization, ecosystems, and human impact on the environment. An interdisciplinary program drawing from biology, chemistry, English, and geography. A one-week field school is offered.

·· See note 1

Sept Jan May

Courses cover the sociological, psychological, philosophical, literary, and historical perspectives on families in Canada and elsewhere. Guest speakers provide innovative analyses and experiential accounts.

·· See note 1

Career Studies

Engineering University Studies (Limited Enrolment)

English University Studies

Environmental Studies University Studies

Diploma 2 years Citation 1 year

Family Studies University Studies

Associate Degree 2 years Diploma 2 years

Note 1: Graduation from BC Grade 12 or the equivalent or be a domestic student who is at least 19 years of age. Note 2: English requirement - you must have one of the following: LET with a minimum level 3 or LPI equivalent; a minimum 80% in BC English 12 or BC Literature 12; a minimum ‘C’ grade in a university-level English course for which Langara awards transfer credit; or an ‘S’ in one of ENGL 1107, 1108, or 1110. Note 3: Math and science requirements - must be completed within the last three years. For information on the Math or Science Diagnostic Tests, visit As of Fall Semester 2011, you will need the following to meet Math (Principles of Math) 11 or 12 requirements: For Math 11, you will need Principles of Math 11 or Pre-calculus 11. For Math 12, you will need Principles of Math 12 or Pre-calculus 12. Note 4: For details on these admission and/or document requirements, visit



Credential & Length

Start Dates


Admission Requirements

Film Arts

Certificate 1 year


Advanced, professional drama-based program for those looking to practice their craft and work in the film industry. Choose from three streams of study: Acting, Writing, or Directing. Produce a festivalquality film and gain on-screen credits. Most students have previous post-secondary education and/or experience in film.

·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· 60 credits of post-secondary or department approval (See note 4)

Diploma 2 years


Intense program of study in visual arts and design, teaching a wide set of studio skills with opportunities to specialize in one or more studio disciplines. Includes 35 - 40 hours/week of studio practice plus course work in art history and English. Most courses are transferable to other post-secondary fine arts programs in Canada.

·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· Info session, questionnaire, and a portfolio may be required (See note 4)

Diploma 2 years

Sept Jan May

For students who wish to study a diverse selection of subjects and do not necessarily plan to complete a university degree.

·· See note 1

Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

Explores aspects of our physical environment including volcanoes, earthquakes, and glaciers and examines the impact of human activities in urban, cultural, environmental, and economic contexts. Studies include social sciences, sociology, economics, as well as the natural sciences, geology, biology, and physics.

·· See note 1

Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

An interdisciplinary approach examining health, illness, and disease in human communities. It builds on the basic sciences but also draws from research-oriented fields such as psychology and economics. Students may transfer to third-year studies in SFU’s Faculty of Health Sciences.

·· See note 1

Diploma 2 years

Sept Jan May

Primarily for those completing two years of university-transferable courses towards a degree in human kinetics, physical education, or kinesiology. Many courses offer certification from organizations such as National Coaching Certification Association, SportMed BC, and BC Recreation & Parks Association.

·· See note 1

Certificate 1 year


Prepares students to enter the information technology field. It emphasizes Internet/web programming and provides a solid foundation for the technical side of e-business. Learn network management, website design skills as well as software development with multi-media and platform-independent code for Internet-, intranet-, and extranet-based applications.

·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· Min. ‘C’ grade in CPSC 1150 or one year of professional computing experience

Diploma 2 years


Prepares students for careers in print (community papers, dailies, and magazines), broadcast journalism, and public relations. Students get hands-on experience in researching, conducting interviews, writing stories, and shooting photos for the program’s weekly newspaper, The Voice.

·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· Entrance test, keyboarding at 40 wpm, resume, and statement of intent (See note 4)

Certificate 1 year


An intensive accelerated one-year program is offered for those with extensive post-secondary background.

·· A university degree in an approved discipline, substantial academic achievement, or journalism experience may be considered. ·· Letter of intent (See note 4)

Career Studies ·· Acting ·· Writing ·· Directing

Fine Arts Career Studies

General Education University Studies

Geography University Studies

Health Sciences University Studies

Diploma 2 years

Human Kinetics University Studies

Internet/Web Computing

& Software Development University Studies (Limited Enrolment)

Journalism Career Studies

The College of Higher Learning.



Credential & Length

Start Dates


Admission Requirements

Latin American Studies

Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

Students examine the geography, history, politics, economies, languages, and cultures of Latin America, preparing them for further university studies in this area or to work in the region. External studies opportunities are periodically held in Latin America.

·· See note 1

Diploma 2 years

Sept Jan May

With appropriate selection of courses, students can complete two years of university-transfer coursework towards a degree in recreation, leisure, or sport studies.

·· See note 1

Diploma 2 years

Sept Jan May

Prepares students for duties in information centres as well as public, academic, and specialized (medical, legal, corporate, or government) libraries. Part-time and online options available. Students may also apply to bridge into the third-year of Langara’s BBA program.

·· See note 1 and 2 ·· Testing, interview, and reference letters (See note 4)

Diploma 2 years

Jan May Sept

Provides knowledge, skills, and business management base to become an expert in systems analysis, programming, networking, software support, and Internet technologies. Universitytransferable co-operative education option available.

·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· Min. ‘C’ grade in Math 12 or 70 on the Math Diagnostic Test (See note 3)

Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

Provides a strong foundation for third-year at BC universities. Courses include calculus, linear algebra, analysis, differential equations, statistics, computer science, and English, as well as science, social science, and humanities electives.

·· See note 1

Bachelor’s Degree 4 years

Sept Jan

Provides students with comprehensive knowledge and skills to practice nursing in the health care system. Upon completion, students will be eligible to write the Canadian Registered Nurse Exam.

·· See note 4

3 terms Upon completion, students enter Term 4 of the BSN program

Sept Jan

Program is for full-scope Licensed Practical Nurses and Registered Psychiatric Nurses who wish to become Registered Nurses.

·· LPN or RPN registration ·· See note 4

Diploma 2 years

Sept Jan May

Learn basics of management and supervision through food-service-based practicums and fieldwork. Students are prepared for management careers in the food service industry. Many of the courses are taken online. Graduates are eligible for membership in the Canadian Society of Nutrition Management and related provincial associations. Students may also apply to bridge into the third-year of Langara’s BBA program.

·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· Letter of intent, resume, reference letters, interview, and valid Food Safe Level 1 certificate (See note 4)

University Studies

Diploma 2 years

Leisure Studies University Studies

Library & Information

Technology Career Studies


Information Systems University Studies (Limited Enrolment)

Mathematics University Studies

Nursing Degree Studies

Nursing Transition Career Studies

Nutrition and Food

Service Management

Career Studies

Note 1: Graduation from BC Grade 12 or the equivalent or be a domestic student who is at least 19 years of age. Note 2: English requirement - you must have one of the following: LET with a minimum level 3 or LPI equivalent; a minimum 80% in BC English 12 or BC Literature 12; a minimum ‘C’ grade in a university-level English course for which Langara awards transfer credit; or an ‘S’ in one of ENGL 1107, 1108, or 1110. Note 3: Math and science requirements - must be completed within the last three years. For information on the Math or Science Diagnostic Tests, visit As of Fall Semester 2011, you will need the following to meet Math (Principles of Math) 11 or 12 requirements: For Math 11, you will need Principles of Math 11 or Pre-calculus 11. For Math 12, you will need Principles of Math 12 or Pre-calculus 12. Note 4: For details on these admission and/or document requirements, visit



Credential & Length

Start Dates


Admission Requirements

Peace and Conflict Studies

Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

Considers the problems of human conflict and how it can be constructively and non‑violently resolved. Draws on the perspectives of physical and social sciences, history, and philosophy. Guest lecturers include labour mediators, politicians, and peace leaders.

·· See note 1

Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

Students learn to apply physics in diverse contexts and can choose from courses in chemistry, mathematics, computer science, modern physics, electricity, magnetism, thermodynamics, and classical mechanics. A number of astronomy courses are also offered.

·· See note 1

Certificate 1 year

Sept Jan May

Program is aimed at professionals and degreeholders in related disciplines who want to upgrade their computing skills. Curriculum blends theory with practice to give students the skills needed to advance in the profession and manage change.

·· See notes 1 , 2, and 4 ·· Min. ‘C’ in CPSC 1150, and min. ‘B’ in Math 12, min. ‘B’ in a universitylevel Math course, or 80 on the Math Diagnostic Test. (See note 3)

Diploma 2 years


Prepares students for careers in photography and digital imaging through technical training (camera techniques, lighting, lab work, and image manipulation) and grounding in the business and aesthetic aspects of the profession. Explore photography for advertising, architecture, editorial, industry, photo-journalism, portraiture, and science.

·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· C in Math 11 (See note 3) ·· Demonstrated interest in photography, interview, and portfolio (See note 4)

Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

Prepares students for transfer to third-year psychology programs at BC universities. Study the role of the brain; memory and thinking processes; lifespan development; social, family, and cultural influences; psychological disorders; and related issues.

·· See note 1

Diploma 3 terms


Provides comprehensive training to those who wish to enter the publishing industry or create their own graphic design/electronic publishing business. Program covers print-based graphics, photo-intensive publishing sequences, writing, editing, and new media publishing.

·· See note 1 ·· Min. 5 on the LET or LPI (or min. ‘C+’ in a firstyear, universitytransferable English or Communications course). ·· Letter of intent and resume (See note 4)

Diploma 2 years


Students learn the skills and competencies to create quality recreation experiences. Topics include: leadership; program and event development; facility operations; budgeting; human relationships; and community and business development. Qualified students may continue to complete a Bachelor of Recreation Management.

·· See note 1 and 2 ·· Reference letters, supplemental application, and resume (See note 4)

Bachelor’s Degree 4 years (Third-year entry)

Sept Jan May

Online program aimed at professionals with recreation diplomas who wish to upgrade their skills and pursue entry-level or middlemanagement positions in the recreation field. Program combines a solid foundation in management theory with practical specialized courses in recreation.

·· 6 credits of universitytransferable English ·· Recreation diploma or equivalent with a min. 2.33 GPA (See note 4)

University Studies

Diploma 2 years

Physics University Studies

Professional Computer

Science and Technology University Studies (Limited Enrolment)

Professional Photo-Imaging Career Studies

Psychology University Studies

Publishing Career Studies

Recreation Leadership Career Studies

Recreation Management Degree Studies

The College of Higher Learning.



Credential & Length

Start Dates


Admission Requirements

Science (General)

Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

Students develop deeper insight into multiple disciplines while building lab skills, field techniques, and the ability to analyze data. Students choose specialization areas and design their own well-rounded academic program.

·· See note 1

Certificate 1 year


Provides students with a combination of academic, experiential, and community-based learning for the delivery of basic social service. Focus is on translating theory into practical skills through workshops, community speakers, community agency visits, and practicum placements for all students.

·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· 3 credits of postsecondary with min. GPA of 2.00, supplemental application, interview, volunteer work, and reference letters (See note 4)

Coordinated Diploma 2 years

Sept Jan May

A coordinated diploma is awarded to students who complete the certificate and an additional 10 courses (minimum 30 credits, 24 of which must be university-transferable courses that have science, social science, or humanities attributes.)

·· Social Service Worker certificate

·· Acting

Diploma (Acting) 3 years

Sept Jan

Theatre Arts at Studio 58, one of the most renowned theatre programs in Canada, provides practical, hands-on training for an exciting and rewarding career in professional theatre, film, and television. Acting option has intensive classes, workshops, and participation in productions.

·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· Audition (See note 4)

·· Production

Diploma (Production) 2 years


Theatre Arts at Studio 58, one of the most renowned theatre programs in Canada, provides practical, hands-on training for an exciting and rewarding career in professional theatre, film, and television. Production option has intensive classes, workshops, and backstage participation in productions.

·· See notes 1 and 2 ·· Audition (See note 4)

Web technology

Certificate 1 year

Sept Jan May

Prepares students for meeting the challenges of web technology by providing life-long opportunities for academic and career advancement. Courses include computer science, web development and programming, multimedia, animation, operating systems, and databases.

·· See notes 1 and 2

Associate Degree 2 years

Sept Jan May

Provides diverse perspectives on women’s history, contemporary experiences, analyses, and movements for change. Examines critical concepts for understanding women’s perspectives on their experiences personally, collectively, locally, and globally.

·· See note 1

University Studies

Diploma 2 years

Social Service Worker Career Studies

Theatre Arts at studio 58 Career Studies

University Studies

Women’s Studies University Studies

Diploma 2 years

Note 1: Graduation from BC Grade 12 or the equivalent or be a domestic student who is at least 19 years of age. Note 2: English requirement - you must have one of the following: LET with a minimum level 3 or LPI equivalent; a minimum 80% in BC English 12 or BC Literature 12; a minimum ‘C’ grade in a university-level English course for which Langara awards transfer credit; or an ‘S’ in one of ENGL 1107, 1108, or 1110. Note 3: Math and science requirements - must be completed within the last three years. For information on the Math or Science Diagnostic Tests, visit As of Fall Semester 2011, you will need the following to meet Math (Principles of Math) 11 or 12 requirements: For Math 11, you will need Principles of Math 11 or Pre-calculus 11. For Math 12, you will need Principles of Math 12 or Pre-calculus 12. Note 4: For details on these admission and/or document requirements, visit


The passionate teacher.

Teacher spotlight: Dr. Nora franzova, Mathematics and Statistics instructor

A fiercely dedicated faculty brings their

One of the advantages college instructors have over

passion for teaching to our classrooms.

university professors in the classroom is that they are

Langara attracts some of the brightest minds from a range of disciplines. Many are published authors, renowned artists, industry professionals, and/or involved in research, community initiatives, and international education. Dr. Nora Franzova, mathematics and statistics instructor at Langara, was recently featured in The Globe and Mail for her

free to focus exclusively on teaching. Dr. Franzova continuously studies the latest education research and experiments with new techniques in the classroom, something she says her university professor husband is not able to find time for with his busy research schedule. “When I was doing research and teaching courses in graduate school, teaching was much more alive for me. It had the spark.” Excerpt from The Globe and Mail “What it takes to be a college instructor”, by Erin Millar Published February 22, 2010

commitment to teaching.

The College of Higher Learning.



We’ll let you speak for yourself. Student testimonials

“The smaller class sizes allowed

“Langara gave me everything I

for more interaction with

needed to walk into a newsroom

classmates. Langara equipped

and successfully tackle anything

me with a solid math and physics

thrown my way. I’ve found the

background, which enabled

foundation of solid skills and

me to bridge my transition to

judgment I learned at Langara

university. The curriculum is

translates into any medium.”

very well-designed.” Devon Goodsell Anja Lanz Engineering Graduate UBC Engineering Physics Graduate President, Women in Engineering

Journalism Graduate Associate Producer and Online Journalist, CBC Radio

“We learned the fundamentals of

“Langara provided me with

business with an international

a solid foundation and the

outlook, which represented the

confidence to pursue a career as

changing nature of commerce.

an environmental practitioner.

A broader perspective in making

I appreciated the expertise of

everyday decisions has helped me

the faculty and their willingness

work successfully overseas with

to assist me in defining my goals

different cultures.”

for the program and beyond.”

Varinder Dhaliwal

Sherese Johnson

International Business Management Graduate Trinity Business Centre

Environmental Studies Graduate Program Manager, Passion for Action

The College of Higher Learning.


Making things easier. Student support services

Starting college is a big step. It’s okay to ask

Aboriginal Services


for help. Langara offers a range of student

Do you need advocacy with your

You can get confidential career,

band, First Nations’ council, or

educational, and personal

school? Need help transitioning to

counselling through the Counselling

college life? Contact the Manager,

Department. Counselling also offers

Services to Aboriginal Students, and/

free Student Success Workshops

or Aboriginal Liaison Counsellor for

and Course Planning Sessions

confidential educational, personal, or

throughout the year.

services to help you get the most out of your college experience.

career counselling. Bookstore

Disability Services Support services can be arranged

You can pick up all of your textbooks

on a case-by-case basis if you

and stationery supplies at the

need accommodation. Contact the


Disabilities Services Office as soon as possible. Services such as Sign


Language Interpreters and TypeWell

The Langara Child Development

Services may take up to six months

Centre runs a full-time inclusive

to arrange.

daycare centre for children ages 18-months to 5-years. Priority placement is given to student families.


Financial Aid

Instructional Media Services

Library Instruction

We can help you find ways to reduce

We can assist you with production

Learn to research effectively.

financial barriers. Get information

of materials for class projects and

Take advantage of the Library’s

on bursaries, scholarships,

presentations. We also offer access to

foundations class in library research

emergency loans, grant programs,

equipment such as VCRs; slide, film,

concepts to hone your research skills

student loans, work assistance

video film, and digital projectors;

and get ahead.

programs, and various other

digital cameras; and audiocassette

assistance programs.

players for class projects.

Health Services

Learning Centres

Langara hosts an orientation for

Need a medical consultation?

Check out one of the following

new students. It’s a great way to prep

Langara College Health Services

learning centres for free tutoring

for school and get to know what to

provides confidential physical

and academic help: Writing Centre,

expect and what is expected.

and mental health services to the

Biology Help Centre, Chemistry Help

College community. Physicians,

Centre, Mathematics and Statistics

Parent Orientation

psychologists, and psychiatrists are

Activity Centre, and Physics Help

Each year Langara hosts an

available for assessment, diagnosis,


orientation for parents. Parents have

New Student Orientation Before the start of each semester,

and treatment. If you are a full-time student, you have medical and dental insurance coverage through the Langara Students’ Union (LSU) Health and Dental Plan. For more information, please contact StudentCare at

an opportunity to meet instructors, Library

speak with current students, tour the

Access an impressive collection

campus, and become familiar with

of books, journals, magazines,

college life.

newspapers, databases, and audiovisual materials. There are

Safe-walk Service

computer terminals available with

We want to ensure the safety and

Internet access. Librarians are

security of everyone on campus. The

always ready to lend a hand.

College provides safe-walk services anytime through the Security Office.

The College of Higher Learning.



Work hard. Play harder. Athletics

Langara falcons

Falcon spotlight


Langara’s Falcons attract some of

Most recently, soccer player Loren

Interested in recreational sports?

the best athletic talent across the

Lidin received the 2009 College

Intramurals might be for you! We’ve

province. They compete in men’s and

Athlete of the Year Award by Sport

got basketball, badminton, volleyball,

women’s badminton, basketball, and

BC. Loren was also named the

tennis, indoor soccer, and more. It’s a

soccer and consistently win awards

2009 Canadian Colleges' Athletic

great way to meet new friends, have

and accolades.

Association National Female Player

fun, and get some exercise. Check

of the Year for Soccer.

online for the gym schedule at

Over the last three decades, they have racked up an impressive number

If you’re up to the challenge, try

of achievements:

out for a team and join the winning

·· 161 Provincial Championship Titles

tradition. Many of our athletes go on

·· 24 National Championship Titles

to be recruited by university teams.

·· 18 Provincial Aggregate Trophies ·· 72 CCAA All-Canadians ·· 25 CCAA Academic All-Canadians

The College of Higher Learning.


Outside the classroom. Activities around campus

Mix and mingle

Kick back and relax

Orientation sessions, campus BBQs,

Langara’s new Students’ Union

student fundraisers, workshops, film

Building is a great place to meet

nights, forums - you name it. All year

up with friends, grab a bite to eat,

round, we have events for students

relax between classes, or catch a few

and the community. Find out about

zzz’s. The Students’ Union Building


campus happenings by checking out


the Langara website, myLangara, or

·· Women’s Centre

our social media channels.

·· The Dave Pearson Aboriginal Gathering Place

Langara’s Social


Join a club

·· Global Centre


Joining a club is one of the best ways

·· Bike Repair Shop

to meet like-minded people. Visit the

·· Restaurant and coffee shop

college website for a full list of clubs.

·· The office of the Ombudsperson ·· Access to book binding, faxes,

Catch a show

photocopiers, Internet service,

Studio 58, Langara’s professional

microwaves, telephones, and

theatre training program, presents

couches (lots of them)!

four full-length plays and two “Risky Nights” projects between October – April every year. Performances are reasonably priced for students, or you can take advantage of one of the FREE preview performances for students. Contact Studio 58 at 604.323.5227 for details.

Explore the neighbourhood The campus is centrally located between Main Street and Cambie Street on 49th Avenue. It’s a brisk walk from great neighbourhoods like Oakridge, Marpole, South Vancouver, Main Street, and Fraser. Did we mention the Langara Golf Course is our backyard?



Bringing the world in. International Students

Langara welcomes international students


to our campus and local city life. We offer

Skills Training for English

a range of academic programs for every skill level. From contemplation to program

Services for international students

Proficiency (STEP) is a full-time,

·· Academic planning

intensive, lower-level English

·· Access to testing for

language program focusing on

academic upgrading courses

completion, we’re here to help you  —  every

the environment and culture of

·· Student services

step of the way.

Vancouver and Canada. The program

·· Workshops and tutoring

is designed to improve skills in

·· External studies in Canada

speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

and overseas ·· Campus tours ·· On- and off-campus



Langara English for Academic

·· Weekly e-mail newsletters

Purposes (LEAP) is an intensive

·· Campus orientation

English and academic skills program.

·· Pre-arrival essentials

It is designed to prepare students

·· Accommodation options

whose first language is not English for full-time study at English language universities and colleges.

Langara PLUS This program is designed for students to gain extracurricular experiences, skills, and knowledge while at Langara. This includes study skills workshops, social events, recreational activities, lifestyle workshops, and leadership opportunities.

The College of Higher Learning.



Langara thinks green. Environmental sustainability

At Langara, we are very conscious of

Energy management

‘C’ Building and Students’

the impact we have on the world. From

Langara joined BC Hydro’s

Union Building

the construction of our new buildings to the napkins we use in our cafeteria, we

Energy Manager Program in 2009. With the help of Patricia Baker,

·· Voluntary seismic upgrade of ‘C’ Building to extend building

Langara’s Energy Manager, we have

lifespan and improve safety

are committed to making the campus as

developed a strategic plan to help us

·· Geo-exchange Energy Transfer

sustainable as possible.

reach our energy and greenhouse gas reduction goals. To learn more about our initiatives, please visit our website at

“Over the past 10 years, Langara

Sustainable Construction

has completed audits, retrofits and

All of our new buildings on campus,

voluntarily designed new buildings to high environmental standards. I am

including the Library/Classroom

System, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and saves energy ·· Low VOC paint with reduced levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) ·· Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) Reflective Roof to reflect the sun’s energy and reduce the building’s cooling costs

Building, ‘C’ Building, and the Langara Students’ Union Building

We practice the 3 R’s

excited to work with an institution which

are built to LEED Gold Standards


understands the benefits of energy

and boast special green features.

Our cafeteria has switched to


Library/Classroom Building ·· Concrete mixed with fly

Patricia Baker,

ash (by-product of power

Langara Energy Manager

plants created during coal consumption) to increase resistance to chemical corrosion, decrease landfill pollution, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

biodegradable cutlery, plates, and cups constructed from sugarcane, cornstarch, and bamboo. Our napkins are made from 65 percent post-consumer material and we have switched from foil wraps to recyclable paper wrappers for all of our sandwich products. Reuse

·· Wind energy generated by an

We funnel all the money we collect

undulating roofline and wind

from our bottle-recycling program

towers for natural ventilation

back to our students via bursaries.

·· Solar shading to prevent the sun’s heat from warming the building

Recycle We have easily accessible recycling containers throughout the campus to collect paper, cans, and bottles. In the employee lounge, we have a composting program to collect all appropriate material.

The College of Higher Learning.


A sense of place. Langara campus

Library/classroom building

‘C’ Building

Child development centre ‘A’ building


Students’ Union Building

‘B’ Building

A, B, C Buildings

Library/Classroom Building

Langara Students’ union building

These three buildings are filled with

This state-of-the-art building opened in

A recent addition to campus in 2009, the

media-ready classrooms, lecture halls, labs,

2007. Renowned for energy efficiency, it

Students’ Union building offers book buy

creative studios, meeting and study spaces,

offers classrooms, computer labs, a coffee

back, cafés, a bicycle repair shop, lockers,

student support services, and faculty and

shop, and an extensive library collection.

a kitchenette, the Dave Pearson Aboriginal

administration offices. These buildings,

Gathering Place, and lounge space.

along with most of the campus, have Wi-Fi

Child development centre


A reputable daycare with programs looking after 60 children ranging from 18-months


to 5-year olds. This facility offers outdoor

The gym is equipped with changing

playgrounds, playrooms, and a resource

rooms, lockers, showers, and two teaching

room. Priority is given to children of

classrooms. This is where the Falcons

Langara students.

train and where sport-enthusiasts can get some exercise between classes.


Getting here. TransiT opTions

Langara College is centrally located in

To Lions Gate Bridge, North Vancouver, and West Vancouver ↑

Vancouver, BC, Canada. It is in a great residential neighbourhood in South

Stanley Park

Burrard Inlet

by green space. Just steps away from Main





Street, there are many ways to get here:



Sea Bu D s Lo own ns da town le Q / ua y

Vancouver and is bordered on three sides St


Waterfront Station


P.N.E./ Playland


The bus is a great transportation choice. The 49th Avenue bus stops directly in front of the campus, while Main Street and Cambie Street buses are only a few blocks away.

Queen Elizabeth Park

program. For an affordable fee, each semester you have

skyTrain To get to the main campus, use your U-Pass to hop on the

Oak St.

fares on the West Coast Express.

bike lane langara Campus

Main Campus Granville St.

of buses, SkyTrains, and SeaBuses as well as discounted


Cambie Street Centre

49th Ave.

As a Langara student, you are part of the U-Pass unlimited all-zone access to the entire TransLink system


41st Ave. Oakridge Mall

nearest Canada line station Canada line millenium line expo line

Fraser River

Canada Line, get off at Langara-49th Avenue Station, and

popular bus route


walk two blocks east. To put it into perspective, we’re now just 13 minutes from downtown Vancouver and 12

seabus route Transfer station

minutes from Richmond Centre. Carpool

John Hendry Park

park shopping and food

Alderbridge Way Centre


Avoid the hassle of fi nding parking — join a carpool and get a dedicated space near a campus entrance. Visit

To Richmond and Ladner ↓ To Delta and Surrey

The College of higher learning.


Boundary Rd.


Dunbar St.

convenience. Showers are available in the gym.

Clark Park

Knight St.

parking cage and a compressed air hose for your

12th Ave.

Fraser St.

around the campus. There is also a locked bicycle

Commercial Drive/ Broadway Station

Main St.

controlled intersections. We have bicycle racks all

West Broadway Centre


Ontario St.

features like cyclist-priority crosswalks and speed-

Cambie St.

Alma St.

the Ontario Street Bikeway. Take advantage of special

Granville Island

To Burnaby, Coquitlam, and Simon Fraser University ↑

4th Ave.

To Point Grey, Pacific Spirit Park, and University of British Columbia ↓

37th Avenue Bikeway (Ridgeway Greenway) or along

Commercial Dr.

Strathcona Park

It is convenient to cycle to Langara along the nearby


How do I become a student? Apply to langara

It’s easy to become a student – the hard part

When do I apply?

is choosing from the hundreds of programs

Langara starts accepting

International Students:

applications 11 months prior to the

You must have successfully completed

start of each semester. We suggest

BC Grade 12 or the equivalent (12

that you apply early as some career

years of education), and you must

programs accept students on a

demonstrate proficiency in the English

first-come, first-served basis and

language by providing one of the

paper application. Check out the specific

university studies students are


requirements for programs you are applying

assigned a registration time based

and courses we offer. Simply complete an online application (fastest and easiest method) or fill out a

to on our website at

on their date of application. Online application is available at

·· TOEFL (paper-based) with a total score of 550 or higher and an essay score of 4.0 or higher, OR ·· IELTS 6.5, OR ·· CAEL 60 overall with essay 60, OR

I would like to start in

Semester starts

Application opens

Spring 2011

January 2011

February 1, 2010

Summer 2011

May 2011

June 1, 2010

Fall 2011

September 2011

October 1, 2010

Spring 2012

January 2012

February 1, 2011

General Admission

·· LPI (Language Proficiency Index)

If you’re a Canadian citizen or

·· LET (Langara English Test)


permanent resident, you apply as a domestic student. If you have

Level 4 with essay 24, OR Level 2, OR ·· ELA (English Language

neither status in Canada, you apply

Assessment) 145 offered by

as an international student. To be

Vancouver Community College

successful in your studies, you will need to be proficient in English. Domestic Students: ·· You must have successfully completed BC Grade 12 or the equivalent, OR ·· You must be at least 19 years of age by the first day of the semester of attendance, OR ·· You must have successfully completed an Adult Basic Education (ABE) or a General Education Development (GED) program.

Check the Program Chart and/or to find additional

(VCC), OR ·· Successful completion of LEAP Level 8, OR ·· Successful completion of BC Grade 12 English or Communications or equivalent, OR ·· Successful completion of a post-secondary English or Communications course for which Langara College awards transfer credit, OR ·· Successful completion of VCC English 099

Check the Program Chart and/or visit to find additional requirements specific to your program of interest.

requirements specific to your

Visit the website at

program of interest.

for application deadlines.

The College of Higher Learning.


The fine print. Admission details

What are specific program requirements?

Are you currently in grade 12?

For admission to career studies and university studies

Info for BC Grade 12 students

limited enrolment programs, you may need to meet

Current BC Grade 12 students can

from other provinces

additional admission requirements. Examples of

apply to Langara as of October 1 for

Official paper transcripts must be

these requirements include specific courses, letters of

admission to the Fall Semester 2011.

submitted as requested.

reference, letters of intent, interviews, auditions, and/or

Complete a PSI Selections form to

portfolio submissions.

ensure that your interim grades and

Requirements may also include achieving appropriate scores on diagnostic tests and placement tests. Most commonly used for admissions and course placement are the Langara English Test (LET) and the Language Proficiency Index (LPI). Others include the Mathematics/Statistics Diagnostic Test (MDT), and the Chemistry and Physics Diagnostic Tests.

final transcript are automatically sent to Langara. To ensure we have your interim transcript before registration begins in June, you should submit an online application and complete the PSI Selections form no later than April 30, 2011. Apply early as many career and

Info for Grade 12 students

Conditional admission for BC Secondary School Students

Students currently enrolled in BC Grade 12 who are missing only one course for Grade 12 graduation may appeal for conditional admission to Langara. Visit our website at Concurrent studies for BC

Check the Program Chart and/or visit the Langara

limited enrolment university

website at to find

studies programs admit students on

Secondary School Students

the additional requirements specific to your program

a first-come, first-served basis.

If you have demonstrated academic

of interest.

BC Grade 12 students are not required to write optional provincial exams for admission or for course prerequisite purposes. If you choose to write an optional exam, we will consider the higher of the school mark or the blended grade (the combination of the school and provincial exam mark). For courses with required provincial exams, like English 12, we will use only the final blended grade for admission and prerequisite purposes. If you are in the Adult Graduation Program, you must write the provincial exam for English 12 if you want to use the course for admission or prerequisite purposes.


excellence and you want to get ahead, you can apply for limited admission to take university studies or open career courses at Langara while you’re still going to secondary school. To learn more, contact the Registrar’s Office.

Want to Transfer credits?

Ready to apply?

You must indicate your complete

Quickest way:

academic history on the application

Visit our website at

form. Transfer credit may be and submit

awarded for courses completed at

your application online.

another post-secondary institution or through an International Baccalaureate (IB) or Advanced Placement (AP) program. If you want to request transfer credit, you

Snail mail: Pick up an application form from

Fast & easy application:

Visit our website at and submit your application online.

the Registrar’s Office or your secondary school counsellor. Submit it to the Registrar’s Office in person or by mail:

Important Dates for fall 2011

at or at the

Langara College

Application Opens

Registrar’s Office. Submit it, along

Registrar’s Office

October 1, 2010

with an official transcript from the

100 West 49th Avenue

transferring institution, and the

Vancouver, BC V5Y 2Z6

appropriate fee, to the Registrar’s


will need to complete a Transfer Credit Request form available

Office. Make sure you submit your transfer credits at least three months before the start of the semester to have prerequisites processed in time for registration.

Processing your application: Normally it takes about two

Registration Begins June 20, 2011 Fee Payment Deadline August 20, 2011

to three weeks to process your

First Day of Class

application. Check out our website

September 6, 2011

for course selection ideas. We will contact you via e-mail regarding your application and let you know how to check your application

Questions? 604.323.5241

status online.

The College of Higher Learning.


Stay in touch. Contact information

General General Information


Main Switchboard




Continuing Studies






Student Services Aboriginal Student Services


Child Development Centre (Daycare)


Co-operative Education




Disability Services


Financial Aid


Health Services


Human Rights


International Education


Registrar’s Office


Transfer Credit






Student Life Athletics and Intramurals LSU Health and Dental Plan

604.323.5682 1.866.369.8796

Studio 58


Students’ Union


Social Media Facebook Flickr Twitter YouTube

Copyright © 2010 Langara College Edited, designed and produced by Langara College Communications & Marketing


The College of Higher Learning.



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