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• Resources for Langley Seniors
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In-home services in Langley Aging in place is possible for many people, given a helping hand by the community. When Canadians retire, they usually hope to stay in their own homes for years, if not decades. As mobility and health issues creep in over the years, it can seem like the only choice is to give up and move in with relatives or into a seniors care home. However, there is a wide variety of home care services, both private and public, offered around the Lower Mainland and in Langley. “Sometimes we’re the first place that people come on their journey of finding out what’s available,” said Janice McTaggart of the Langley Seniors Resource Centre. One of the biggest areas of home care is non-medical help: aid with driving too and from appointments, a bit of house cleaning, or grocery shopping. The Seniors Centre either provides or can link people to all those services, as well as its Telephone Buddy program. The Better At Home program is another major resource, offering services including minor home repairs, snow shovelling, and light yard work. Better At Home is provincially funded and managed by the United Way, with services provided by local organizations around the province. Some seemingly simple tasks, if they can be handled for seniors, allow them to live otherwise independently. “One of the hardest things for people to do is
make their bed,” said McTaggart. The big arm motions, stretches, and bending can make getting sheets on and off difficult. Different issues may require different levels or types of help. McTaggart suggests seniors check in the Yellow Pages under categories like “home help,” “care aides,” and “nursing.” They can also find out more through Fraser Health, their local library, or from their doctor. Read more at page 6…
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Resources for Langley Seniors •
Directory of resources for seniors in Langley “Senior” doesn’t mean much on its own. It’s a term that can be defined in many ways, depending on the context. For some people, it’s a title earned by age – we define it here as 55+. For many, it’s a title of honour. Look around you, and you’ll see the “seniors” who, each according to their particular skills and abilities, built families, neighbourhoods, businesses. As they challenged themselves with their everyday pursuits, they built Langley and our surrounding communities. Some literally built Langley’s buildings and roads infrastructure. Seniors range from people who worked a lifetime to achieve their goals to those who are still working to achieve those goals. Just as our seniors all have something to offer to their community, Langley is a community that has a great deal to offer to its seniors. With the help of local volunteer groups, service associations, the wide variety of local seniors’ service providers, and seniors themselves, the Langley Advance offers this directory as a guide to seniors seeking information about services available to them in their own community. Some will be appreciative of the guides to health, legal, or support services, while others will enjoy browsing through the volunteer section or seek out Langley’s many recreational or leisure activities. Our thanks to all who made this directory possible – and especially, our thanks to our seniors. 4
• Resources for Langley Seniors
Table of Contents Help is a phone call away Emergency numbers Police Fire/Rescue Community Policing Legal Aid Identity Theft Public Guardian
Lifelong Learning 5 57 57 57 20 20 40
Home Care/Housing Independent Living In Home Care House Cleaning Services Decluttering Thrift Stores Adult Day Care Shelter/Homeless Seniors Complexes Assisted Living Seniors Residences
7 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15
Health Services Fraser Health Authority General Information Seniors Health Mobility Nutrition/Food Services Medical Care/Clinics Alternative Medicine Biomedical Laboratories Dental Health/Dentures Eyecare/Vision Hearing Pharmaceutical/Drugs Psychologist Registered Nurses
7 10 12 12 19 22 24 24 44 46 47 47 49 49
Community Agencies
Support Groups
Animal Care
32 32 32 33
Licensing Shelters Veterinary Care
34 34 34
Seniors Recreation Seniors Resource Centre Community Centres Bowling Curling Horseshoes Lawnbowling Canoeing Equestrian Walking Cycling 2014 BC Seniors Games
36 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 49
Langley Arts Council
Volunteer Opportunities
Employment Aid
Palliative Care/Funerals
Royal Canadian Legion Langley Aldergrove
51 51
Veterans Affairs Canada Benefits Assistance
51 52
Government Langley Township Langley City Provincial – MLAs Federal – MP Federal Agencies
54 55 56 56 10
Your community newspaper since 1931
Books/Reading Libraries Bookstores
Universities Langley School District Leisure/Recreation Guides
34 34
A Glacier Media publication
Phone: 604-534-8641
Help is a phone call away 24 Hour Crisis Line Phone: 604-951-8855
Poison Control Centre Toll free: 1-800-567-8911
Rape Crisis
Crisis intervention and support (24 hours) Phone: 604-255-6344
Problem Gambling Help Line Toll free: 1-888-795-6111 Deaf or hearing-impaired (collect calls accepted) Phone: 604-875-0885
Emergency Services in Langley At any time, in case of police, fire, or medical emergency, call 9-1-1 (For more details about Langley’s police and fire rescue services, see page 57)
BC-wide toll-free Suicide Hotline
Health Link B.C. helps you learn about health topics, check your symptoms and find the health services and resources that you need for healthy living. Phone: 811 TTY (Deaf and Hearingimpaired): 711
24/7 Distress Line
Phone: 604-872-3311 Toll-free Distress Line Phone: 1-866-661-3311
Mental Health Line
(after hours services) 4:30-11 p.m. weekdays; 1-11 p.m. weekends and holidays Phone: 1-877-384-8062
(includes addiction services) Phone: 604-534-7921
Phone: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
Langley Mental Health Centre
Health Link B.C.
Langley Community Services Society
Phone: 604-514-7940
Langley Memorial Hospital Phone: 604-534-4121
LMH Emergency Psychiatric Nurse Clinician
Langley Ministry for Children & Families Phone: 604-514-2711
Mood Disorders Association Phone: 604-873-0103
Medic Alert Foundation Phone: 1-800-668-1507 www.medicalert.ca
Phone: 604-534-4121
Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI) Peace Arch Hospital Phone: 604-538-4278
B.C Schizophrenia Society (BCSS) Phone: 604-574-1976 BCSS Langley Branch: 604-513-3711 BCSS Respite: 604-608-0477
Elder Abuse Some family members, caregivers, friends, or landlords victimize seniors. Abuse can be physical, financial, or psychological.
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Willoughby Town Centre Dr 72 Ave Resources for Langley Seniors •
Maximum independence goal for seniors …continued from page 3 Medical help will most often come from the Fraser Health Authority. Langley has a variety of services and amenities to help seniors stay in their homes, whether it’s help taking their medication each day or help bathing. The Fraser Health Authority oversees Home Health Care through its public health office at 20651 56th Ave. (604-532-6500). The office provides a range of services for eligible residents who have acute, chronic, palliative or rehabilitative health care needs. But these are not intended to replace the efforts of people to care for themselves with the assistance of family, friends and community. Home-based services can include assessment and case management, nursing, rehabilitation, home support and palliative care. It’s easy for the new clients to access home care services through a dedicated phone line (1-855-4122121). Existing home care clients are asked to continue to call their existing Home Health office. Home Health service cover a range of conditions and circumstances. • Acquired brain injury • Community Respiratory Services • Adult Day Programs for adults and seniors with disabilities • Health Services for Community Living for people
with developmental disabilities • BreatheWELL at Home • Home Care nursing • Caregiver support/respite care • Case management • Choice in Supports for Independent Living • Home Support Services such as bathing, dressing and medication help • Community intravenous therapy • Medical equipment and supplies • Community nutrition • Occupational and physical therapy A variety of programs are offered through the Langley Seniors’ Resource Centre, including the bathing program, peer support, housing counselling, Better at Home (a United Way funded program to help seniors remain more independent), and day to day tasks. Within the community there are also home care companies that provide a variety of services.
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• Resources for Langley Seniors
Fraser Health Authority Langley Public Health Unit 20389 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-539-2900
Adult Abuse and Neglect
The public can contact Fraser Health with concerns of abuse or neglect, regardless of which Fraser Health area, sector, or agency within the organization received the report. Criminal offences are reported to police, as required. Phone: 604-534-4121 ext.5477 Fax: 604-533-6447 E-mail: feedback@fraserhealth.ca
Health Equipment Loan Program
A community-based, volunteer-run program that provides short-term loans of basic health equipment. 9770 196A St. www.redcross.ca/help
Langley Home Health Office
20651 56th Ave. Phone: 604-532-6500 Web: www.fraserhealth.ca/find_ us/locations/our_locations?site_ id=1720
BreatheWELL at Home BreatheWELL at Home Program provides in-home services that helps individuals gain more control over COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and its symptoms after being discharged from hospital, or when having difficulties managing at home.
Choice in Supports for Independent Living Seniors and people with disabilities can obtain funding to purchase and manage private home support services. Access to this service can only be arranged by calling the local Home Health office and ask for an eligibility assessment. Web: www.health.gov.bc.ca/hcc/ csil.html.
Community Bathing Program Provided by the Fraser Health Authority at the Langley Home Health Office. Offers community bathing programs. 20605 51B Ave. Phone: 604-530-3020 Web: find.healthlinkbc.ca
Home Health Care Home-based services such as assessment and case management, nursing, rehabilitation, home support, and palliative care, and community-based services such
as adult day programs, residential care services, hospice and shortstay treatment and assessment centres.
Home Health Caregiver Respite Home Health offers special supports which provide caregivers a much-needed break from the emotional and physical demands of caring for a relative or friend.
Home Health Case Management Care coordinators provide ongoing case management for individuals who require significant assistance to live at home.
Home and Community Care Access Assessment for home care and community care services. Clients include those with acute, chronic, palliative, or rehabilitation health needs. Services available include assisted living and residential care, rehabilitation services, home nursing, support, and personal care, adult day programs, palliative, and respite care.
Excellence in hearing healthcare • Unmatched selection of hearing aids from world leading manufacturers • Latest technology to suit your hearing loss, lifestyle & budget • Certified Audiologists with over 20 years of experience • Privately owned and operated since 1998
Surrey: 5-6450 120th St. 604-543-3301 Langley: 106-19916 64th Ave. 604-530-1640 Resources for Langley Seniors •
Bria Communities is a family of retirement residences built for seniors looking for spacious, comfortable living and places to meet their friends and families.
5840 Glover Road Langley
22301 Fraser Hwy Murrayville
604 514-1210
604 510-5091
• Resources for Langley Seniors
Medication Management Program The medication management program consists of home visits by pharmacists. Medications are reviewed, outdated and unneeded medications are removed, aid options are introduced as needed, and recommendations are provided. Seniors taking more than six medications, at risk of drug interaction, with kidney or liver failure, or with dementia or confusion are typically referred to the program.
Home Care Nursing Services Provided by the Fraser Health Authority at the Langley Home Health Office. Offers professionally licensed home care nurses. 20651 56th Ave. Phone: 604-532-6500 Fax: 604-532-9642 Web: find.healthlinkbc.ca/search. aspx?d=SL063989
Strategies and Actions for Independent Living (SAIL) Provided by the Fraser Health Authority at the Langley Home Health Office. Offers a provincial falls prevention program. 20651 56th Ave. Phone: 604-532-9642
Langley Memorial Hospital 22051 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-514-6000
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) SelfManagement Education Provided by the Fraser Health Authority at Langley Memorial Hospital. 22051 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-514-6000 Web: www.healthlinkbc.ca
Respiratory Therapy Services Provided by the Fraser Health Authority at Langley Memorial Hospital. Web: www.fraserhealth.ca
Emergency Department
Hospice Residence Provided by Fraser Health at Langley Memorial Hospital. Offers private rooms for people in the last weeks or months of life. 22051 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-514-6000
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program provided by the Fraser Health Authority at Langley Memorial Hospital. 22051 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-514-6000
Located at Langley Memorial Hospital. Provides 24hour emergency services. 22051 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-514-6000
Lifeline Program Fraser Health Authority Located at Langley Memorial Hospital. Provides 24-hour home monitoring and personal emergency response to assist people with physical challenges, older adults, and patients with medical conditions. 22051 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-514-6041
Pharmacy Hours:
Monday- Friday 9am-10pm, Saturday, Sunday and Holidays 9am-8pm
19851 Willowbrook Drive, Langley (across from Willowbrook Mall) Resources for Langley Seniors •
Government of Canada The federal government has programs for seniors. Web: www.servicecanada.gc.ca Web: www.seniors.gc.ca 1 800 O-Canada (1-800-622-6232) TTY: 1-800-926-9105 * For information about Langley’s Member of Parliament Mark Warawa, see page 56.
Public Health Agency of Canada
The federal office responsible for health has a variety of resources for seniors such as food safety, travel, immunization, diseases, emergency preparedness and injury prevention. Web: www.phac-aspc.gc.ca
Canada Revenue Agency
The office of the federal government that oversees taxation has information for seniors on such things as income splitting, travel and living abroad, and benefits. Tax Information Service (TIPS) 1-800-267-6999 Web: www.cra-arc.gc.ca
Taxpayers’ Ombudsman
An independent and impartial officer who reviews complaints from people who believe they have been treated unfairly or unprofessionally by the Canada Revenue Agency. Phone: 1-866-586-3839 Web: www.oto-boc.gc.ca
First Nations
AANDC – Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. Web: www.aboriginalcanada.gc.ca Phone: 1-800-567-9604 Fax: 1-866-817-3977 Email: infopubs@aadnc-aadnc.gc.ca
General Information BC211
Dial 2-1-1 for community, social, or government services for communities in the Metro Vancouver, Fraser Valley, and Squamish-Lillooet Regional Districts. Web: www.bc211.ca
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp.
The government agency has information on how to adapt a home for seniors’ comfort.
B.C. Regional Business Centre 200 – 1111 West Georgia St. Vancouver, BC V6E 4S4 Phone: 604-731-5733 TTY: 1-800-309-3388 Fax: 604-737-4139 Web: www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca
Web: www.seniorsbc.ca The provincial government’s website and amenities for seniors provides information on many topics (housing, independent living, health, transportation, elder abuse, finances, government benefits, legal issues and much more).
“Seniors contribute enormously to our society by volunteering, mentoring and continuing to play a crucial role in our communities.” ~ Mark Warawa, MP Mark Warawa, MP Langley 604-534-5955 mark.warawa@parl.gc.ca
• Resources for Langley Seniors
HealthLinkBC Phone: 811 Call 8-1-1 from anywhere in British Columbia to speak with a nurse any time of the day or night. On weekdays, you can speak to a dietitian about nutrition and healthy eating. At night there are pharmacists available to answer questions about medication.
The Council of Senior Citizens Organizations of B.C.
COSCO is the largest federation of seniors’ organizations in British Columbia, representing seniors for over 50 years. Mandate: • To assemble, co-ordinate and advance proposals and resolutions concerned with the welfare of elder citizens, and submit them to the appropriate government bodies; and • To advance the social and physical welfare of all elder citizens in the province of British Columbia.” Web: www.coscobc.ca
Seniors Task Group
CARP is a national, non-partisan, non-profit organization committed to a “New Vision of Aging for Canada,” promoting social change to bring financial security, equitable access to health care, and freedom from discrimination. CARP’s mandate is to promote and protect the interests, rights, and quality of life for Canadians as we age. Web: www.carp.ca
The Goal of the Seniors Task Group is to create healthier and more vibrant seniors through collaboration and partnership. The Objectives are: • to increase seniors’ engagement; • to ensure seniors’ voices are heard by the City and Township of Langley; • to empower seniors to conduct monthly meetings;
• to develop partnerships among populations of seniors, and raise awareness of seniors’ health. This work is being done through the Langley Seniors Community Action Table of community members, service organizations, and agencies that facilitate seniors’ mobilization, leadership, and involvement in the Langleys. Contact the Seniors Task Group through: Lynda, 604-533-1679 or llyscat@gmail.com.
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Langley Senior Resource Society
Health-related programs 20605 51B Ave. Web: www.lsrs.ca Phone: 604-530-3020
Seniors Outreach Programs
Provides seniors with extra support in order to remain independent and less isolated. 20605 51B Ave. Web: www.lsrs.ca
Seniors Information and Referral Service
A BC Transit service for people with mobility issues who cannot use public transit. Phone: 604-575-6600
Aldergrove-Langley Taxi
Serves as a resource to connect seniors with needed information. 20605 51B Ave. Web: www.lsrs.ca
Seniors Health
The Better at Home program offers basic health care services. 20605 51B Ave. Web: www.lsrs.ca
Community Bathing Program
Offers therapeutic bathing to people with disabilities. 21616 52nd Ave. Web: www.lsrs.ca
Phone: 604-530-4444 Wheelchair-lift equipped cabs are available.
Public transit
TransLink oversees public transit in Langley and has a trip planner on its website. Web: www.translink.ca
Transportation Program
Langley Senior Resource Society offers program of volunteer drivers who drive housebound seniors. Fee for gas applicable. Phone: 604-530-3020 ext. 305 Monday – Friday before noon
Mobility Wheelchairs and mobility aids Medical Equipment Loan
The Canadian Red Cross operates programs in communities. Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. 101 - 9770 196A St. Langley, BC, V1M 2X5 Phone: 604-881-1113 Fax: 604-881-1125
Langley Pos-Abilities Society
A non-profit volunteer supported agency that helps improve the quality of life for people with disabilities, including those living with mobility issues, hearing loss, blindness, plus many other conditions requiring assistive devices. #80 – 2270 – 196 St. Langley, BC V2Z 1N6 Phone: 604-961-0117 Web: langley.pos-abilities.org
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• Resources for Langley Seniors
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#101-20611 Fraser Highway, Langley 604-510-5142 The Wiens Family
www.cvoh.ca Resources for Langley Seniors •
Comfort Plus Mobility
House cleaning
20412 Fraser Hwy Phone: 604-539-8200 Web: www.comfortplusmobility.ca
Amazing Grace Cleaning
A-1 Wheelchairs Unlimited
Mommymaids Inc.
– sells wheelchairs, scooters and walkers, along with other mobility and transfer aids. They also provide servicing and parts for existing chairs and scooters. 111-6360 202 St. Phone: 604-530-1735
Shoppers Home Health Care
– sells a variety of mobility aids, including canes, walkers and scooters, and ramps and lifts. 304-6339 200th St. Phone: 604-514-9987
Valley Evergreen Pharmacy
– offers wheelchairs and walkers, canes, bathroom aids, lift chairs and other mobility-assisting devices. 20577 Douglas Cres. Phone: 604-534-1332
In Home Care Cornerstone Care Society
6676 203rd St. Phone: 604-514-1476
House Calls Health and Wellness
20410 Douglas Cres. 604-510-5155 Web: www.housecallsnursing.ca
Penny Pincher
Phone: 604-533-5858 447 200th St., Langley Phone: 604-533-4959 207-20189 56th Ave., Langley
I’M Cleaning Solutions
A thrift store run by the Langley Memorial Hospital Auxiliary and its volunteers with all proceeds going to the local hospital. 20211 56th Ave. Phone: 604-530-3232
Township of Langley Reuses Exchange
Phone: 604-888-2213 Email: Annette@ IMCleaningSolutions.com PO Box 785, Fort Langley
Molly Maid
Serving Langley, Aldergrove, and East Surrey Phone: 604-534-9697 Email: cathy-deacon@mollymaid.ca
Sparkling Clean House Cleaning Based in Langley and serves Aldergrove to Surrey Phone: 604-574-0038 Email: info@sparklingcleanbc.com
Classic Cleaning Phone: 604-534-1026 22978 24th Ave., Langley
Merry Maids
101 17720 57th Ave., Surrey Serving Langley and the South of the Fraser area Phone: 604-575-5288 Fax: 604-575-5299 Email: mmlangley@hotmail.com
A free listing service available to residents where they can create listings for reusable household items that they no longer need, in hopes of finding another individual/organization that could make further use of them. Items cannot cost more than $99. This is a moderated website that links donors/ sellers with recipients. Web: www.townshipoflangleyreuses.com
Langley Salvation Army Thrift Store
Accepts gently used clothing and household goods. For a complete list of accepted items, go to www. thriftstore.ca or call the store. 19868 Langley Bypass Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday: Closed Phone: 604-530-1321
Bibles For Missions Thrift Store 5785 200th St. Phone: 604-533-3995
Shop in store and we’ll deliver to your door FOR ALL YOUR SHOPPING NEEDS, QUALITY & SERVICE. 6153 200 St., Langley 20871 Fraser Hwy 27566 Fraser Hwy 14
• Resources for Langley Seniors
604.533.3291 604.534.4363 604.857.1351
604.530.6131 604.534.4245 PHARMACY 604.856.4667 PHARMACY PHARMACY
Seniors Complexes
Langley Advance classified ads
Junk to one may be treasure to another. Classified ads are a great way to recycle unwanted items… or gather them all together and let the community know you’re holding a garage sale. Phone: 604-444-3000 Fax: 604-444-3050 Email: classified@van.net
Avalon Gardens at Murrayville
Independent living 22323 48th Ave., Langley Phone: 604-546-3100 Fax: 604-546-3131 Web: www.avalon-gardens.com Email: info@avalongardens.com
Cedar Hill
Salvation Army Warehouse and Thrift Store
Accepts gently used clothing and household goods. For a complete list of accepted items, go to www.thriftstore.ca or call the store. 19733 96th Ave., Langley Monday to Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday: Closed
Second Story Treasures
Run by the Langley Hospice Society to raise funds for local hospice care. For a complete list of accepted items, contact the store. Suite 5, 20349 88th Ave., Langley Phone: 604-513-9319
Value Village
The company donates to charity based on the amount of merchandise the charity provides. Accepts most houshold goods and furniture. 20501 56th Ave. Phone: 604-533-1663
Housing Langley Adult Day Centre
Provides specialized care and recreation for adults with physical and/or mental limitations. 21616 52nd Ave. Phone: 604-953-4965 Web: www.lsrs.ca
Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER)
The Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program helps make rents affordable for BC seniors with low to moderate incomes. Applicant Services Inquiry Line Suite 101 - 4555 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 4V8 Phone: 604-433-2218 Fax: 604-439-4729 Toll Free: 1-800-257-7756
Subsidized residential care for adults who can no longer live safely or independently at home due to complex health care needs. A Fraser Health facility. 22051 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-533-6413 Web: www.fraserhealth.ca
Evergreen Timbers
Assisted Living A four-storey assisted living residence. Owned and operated by Langley Lions Senior Citizens Housing Society. 5464 203rd St. Information is through the Langley Home Health Office 20651 56th Ave. Phone: 604-532-6500 Fax: 604-532-9642 Email: feedback@fraserhealth.ca
Harrison Landing
Assisted living 20899 Douglas Cres. Langley, BC V3A 9L3 Phone: 604-530-7075 Fax: 604-533-7059
• Wheelchairs • Walkers, Canes & Scooters • Home Care Beds • Van Conversions, Ceiling Lifts & Chair Lifts • Recliner Chairs • Bathroom Safety Products • Aids for Daily Living • Rentals & Service
Earn Shoppers Optimum Points® on your purchases www.shoppershomehealthcare.ca at Shoppers Home Health Care®. See stores for details. • Langley 604-514-9987 • Surrey 604-597-2097 • White Rock 604-538-3400 • VGH 604-739-4645 • Kingsgate 604-876-4186 • Resources for Langley Seniors • 15
Harrison Pointe
Assisted living 21616 52nd Ave. Langley, BC V2Y 1L7 Phone: 604-530-1101 Fax: 604-530-1105
Highland Lodge
Subsidized residential care for adults who can no longer live safely or independently at home due to complex health care needs. A Fraser Health facility. 20619 Eastleigh Cres. Phone: 604-534-7186 Web: www.fraserhealth.ca
Jackman Manor
Subsidized residential care for adults who can no longer live safely or independently at home. A Fraser Health facility. 27477 28th Ave. Phone: 604-856-4161 Fax: 604-856-2562
Langley Lodge
Residential Care A 139-bed six-storey residential care facility owned and operated by Langley Care Society. 5451 204th St. Phone: 604-530-2305
Langley Seniors Village
Independent Care, Assisted Living 20363 65th Ave. Langley, V2Y 3G9 Phone: 604-539-9934 Fax: 604-539-3300 Web: www.retirementconcepts.com
Langley Gardens Retirement Community Independent Care, Assisted Living, Residential Care 8888 202nd St. Langley, V1M 4A7 Phone: 604-888-0228 Fax: 604-881-8179 Web: www.chartwellreit.ca Email: ppenner@chartwellreit.ca
Subsidized residential care for adults who can no longer live independently at home due to complex health care needs. A Fraser Health facility. 22051 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-533-6423 Web: www.fraserhealth.ca
Magnolia Gardens
Renaissance Resort Retirement Living
Email: murphyp@magnoliagardens.net
Independent Care, Assisted Living, Residential Care 5840 Glover Rd. Langley, V3A 9K3 Phone: 604-514-1210 Fax: 604-514-1228 Web: www.magnoliagardens.net
Maple Hill
Subsidized residential care for adults who can no longer live safely or independently at home due to complex health care needs. A Fraser Health facility. 22051 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-514-6095 Web: www.fraserhealth.ca
Manoah Manor
Independent, Residential Care 100 - 20265 54A Ave. Langley, V3A 3W6 Phone: 604-530-9895 Fax: 604-530-9480 Web: www.manoah.org Mike Krabbendam Email: manoah@uniserve.com
Independent Care 6676 203rd St. Langley, V2Y 2Z1 Phone: 604-539-0571 Fax: 604-539-0573 Web: www.residencesallegro.com Email: jjohnston@residencesallegro.com Subsidized residential care for adults who can no longer live independently at home due to complex health care needs. A Fraser Health facility. 22051 Fraser Hwy., Langley Phone: 604-514-6026 Web: www.fraserhealth.ca
Simpson Manor
Provides 24-hour personal care and nursing support. 8838 Glover Rd., Fort Langley Phone: 604-888-0711 Web: www.simpsonmanor.ca
Sunridge Gardens
Independent care 22301 Fraser Hwy Phone 604-510-5091 www.sunridgegardens.net
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• Resources for Langley Seniors
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Resources for Langley Seniors •
â&#x20AC;˘ Resources for Langley Seniors
Fort Langley
• Parish of St. George Church 9160 Church St. 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. RSVP: 604-888-7782
Langley Meals on Wheels A charitable non-profit society that supplies affordable, preventive, therapeutic and social meals programs to nutritionally challenged individuals in Langley.
Langley City
• Choo Choo’s Restaurant 20550 Fraser Hwy. 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month RSVP: 604-514-2940
Web: langleymealsonwheels.com PO Box 26025, Langley Phone: 604-533-1679 Fax: 604-534-7157 Email: info@langleymealsonwheels.com
• Flourishing Chinese Restaurant 20472 Fraser Hwy. 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. RSVP: 604-514-2940
Food and Friends
Langley Meals on Wheels has a program for seniors (55+) to share a nutritious lunch along with socializing and guest speakers. Lunch costs $5. RSVP in advance to the number listed. 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
• Grand Tandoori Flame Restaurant 20345 Fraser Hwy. 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. RSVP: 604-514-2940.
• Bob’s Bar n’ Grill 27083 Fraser Hwy. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Tuesday of the month. RSVP: 604-857-7725
North Langley
• Walnut Grove Community Centre 8889 Walnut Grove Dr. 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month. RSVP: 604-882-0408.
• Otter Co-Op 3600 248 St. 2nd and 4th Monday of the month. RSVP: 604-607-6923
Volunteers needed
for the various gatherings – about two to three hours twice per month. Contact Langley Meals on Wheels, 604-5331679 or shannon@langleymealsonwheels.com.
• Brookswood Seniors Centre 19899 36th Ave.: 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. RSVP: 604-590-3888
DEPENDABLE IN-HOME FOOTCARE FOR YOU & YOUR FAMILY •We comply with cleaning, disinfecting and sterilization regulations set by the BC Ministry of Health • Educated foot care nurse for every in-home visit •We offer direct billing to VAC and Green Shield
ASHLIE Resources for Langley Seniors •
Langley Food Bank
The Langley District Help Network operates the food banks in Langley and Aldergrove.
Harvest produce bags
The public can get a bag of fruits and vegetables on the first Tuesday of the month for $5. Pickup is at Douglas Recreation Centre and the Langley Seniors’ Resource Centre. Delivery available for those 50+ and unable to pick up. Book in advance: Rec centre, 604-514-2865 or Seniors Centre, 604-530-3020 Sponsored by Langley City, the seniors’ centre, and other community groups.
Harvest boxes
The Harvest Box program offers three kinds of produce packages to encourage healthier eating. The Harvest Value Box is $8. Each box contains at least seven varieties of fruits and vegetables. The Harvest Local Box also has at least seven varieties, sourced as locally as possible, and costs $15. The Harvest BOGO Box, $15, is a value box for oneself and a value box for a local family in need. All are available for pick up on the 2nd and last Thursday of the month at the Douglas Recreation Centre. Order in advance through: Douglas Rec, 604-514-2865, or the Timms Communty Centre, 604-514-2940.
5768 203 St. Phone: 604-533-0671 Fax: 604-533-0891
27309 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-857-1671
St. Joe’s Soup Kitchen At St. Joseph’s Catholic Church 20676 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-534-3303
Home delivery
Fresh Gourmet Take Away
6280 202 St Phone: 604-533-0700 Email: meals@gourmettakeaway.ca
Hagen’s Travel and Cruises
– offers seniors 55 and over discounts on some packages, and arranges seniors-oriented fully escorted tours several times a year. #2-20432 Douglas Cres. Phone: 604-530-7010
Sears Travel
Phone: 604-534-6525 Web: www.searstravel.ca
Visschers Travel and Cruise
– has agents who specialize in organized group tours for seniors, including trips to Biblical sites for Christian travellers. 20440 Douglas Cres, Langley Phone: 604-530-6771
Legal Aid Legal Aid assists low-income British Columbians, and is able to provide information to help seniors who have legal issues. Web:www.lss.bc.ca LSS Call Centre: 604-408-2172
Identity theft The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre has resources aimed at helping people protect their identity and personal information, including the SeniorsBuster program. Phone: 1-888-495-8501 Web: www.antifraudcentre.ca
Healthy Meals in a Hurry! We have a great selection of single portion quality cooked meals to choose from, perfect for seniors or singles. Menu changes monthly, delivered to your door (or pick-up).
604.533.0700 gourmettakeaway.ca #3 - 6280 202 Street, Langley Gourmet Takeaway is a proud, approved supplier to the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA).
• Resources for Langley Seniors
What will your legacy be?
604-533-6422 Resources for Langley Seniors •
Medical Care College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia
Protects the public by establishing and endorsing high standards of medical practice by licensed physicians. Provides public information, receives public complaints about physicians, and disciplines physicians. Web: www.cpsbc.ca 300-669 Howe St., Vancouver V6C 0B4 Phone: 604-733-7758 Toll Free 1-800-461-3008 Fax: 604-733-3503
Avalon Medical Clinic Ltd Phone: 604-530-2374 5720 Glover Rd.
Avecina Medical Clinic Phone: 604-539-1744 101-20644 Fraser Hwy.
BC Spinal Decompression Centre Phone: 604-513-4334 104-8843 204 St.
Best Fit Medical Phone: 604-625-1959 2-3083 276 St.
Brookswood Medical Clinic Phone: 604-530-8899 20040 40A Ave.
CarePlace Medical Centre Langley Phone: 604-530-4489 Suite 202 6339 200 St.
Fort Physiotherapy Clinic
Murals Medical Clinic Phone: 604-532-9944 104-22314 Fraser Hwy.
Phone: 604-888-1777 23243 Francis Ave.
Fraser Highway Medical Clinic Phone: 604-856-1717 27109 Fraser Hwy.
Glover Medical Clinic Phone: 604-530-3233 101-5796 Glover Rd.
Grove Medical Centre Inc. Phone: 604-882-1250 401-21183 88 Ave.
LaForge Medical Services Phone: 604-510-5094 26-21746 52 Ave.
Langley Foot Clinic Phone: 778-278-5550 5521 206 St.
Langley Physiotherapy Clinic
Paterson Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic Phone: 604-888-8982 103-9292 200th St.
Redwood Medical Clinic Phone: 604-888-4472 5-8948 202 St.
Valley Centre Medical Clinic Phone: 604-534-9284 19851 Willowbrook Dr.
Village Medical Clinic Phone: 604-888-8300 9089 Glover Rd.
West Coast Vein Clinic Phone: 604-534-1274 303-5171 221A St.
Willoughby Medical Centre
Phone: 604-530-6511 420-6325 204 St.
Phone: 604-514-8800 B1A-20202 66 Ave.
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â&#x20AC;˘ Resources for Langley Seniors
When pigs fly! Report investment fraud and download the App at BeFraudAware.ca
Resources for Langley Seniors •
Alternative Medicine College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia Oversees ethical standards of professional practice amongst naturopathic physicians of B.C and handles dispute resolution. Web: www.cnpbc.bc.ca Suite 840, 605 Robson St. Vancouver, BC V6B 5J3 Phone: 604-688-8236 Fax: 604-688-8476 Toll free: 877-611-8236 Email: office@cnpbc.bc.ca
Valley Natural Health Products 20425 Douglas Crescent Phone: 604-534-2512 Web: www.valleynaturalhealth.ca
Well Beings
Phone: 604-539-0500 202-22259 48 Ave. Web: www.wellbeingshealth.com
Y E S Medspa & Cosmetic Surgery Centre Phone: 604-888-9378 Suite 301 8837 201 St. 877-527-7697 Fax: 604-888-9301
Langley City
Suite 209 5503 206th St. (Douglas Cres.) Monday to Friday 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sunday closed Phone: 604-534-8671 Fax: 604-532-3017
Avenue 56 Chiropractic
Phone: 604-539-1885 Suite 103 19897 56 Ave.
Better Care Acupuncture Healing Clinic
Suite 105 – 20103 40th Ave. Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday closed Sunday closed Phone: 604-533-1617 Fax: 604-533-1631
Grove Vitamins
Walnut Grove
Phone: 604-532-5805 14-20555 56 Ave.
Phone: 604-882-1477 504-8840 210 Street
Integrated Health Clinic
Phone: 604-888-8325 2nd Floor - 23242 Mavis Ave
Web: www.integratedhealthclinic.com
BC Biomedical Laboratories
Lifestyle Chiropractic Health Centre Aldergrove Phone: 604-881-1158 104-8843 204 St.
Lyuh’s Acupuncture Acupressure Massage Clinic Phone: 604-539-0850 209-20436 Fraser Hwy.
• Resources for Langley Seniors
27127 Fraser Hwy. Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday closed Sunday closed Phone: 604-856-0322 Fax: 604-856-3694
Suite 102B, 20999 88th Ave. Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sunday closed Phone: 604-882-0426 Fax: 604-882-3910
Suite 130 – 19653 Willowbrook Dr. Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sunday 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. Phone: 604-534-8667 Fax: 604-534-9253
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20678 Willoughby Centre Dr., Langley • 604-882-2520 Resources for Langley Seniors •
Community agencies Aldergrove Neighbourhood Services
The organization offers various programs on parenting and children’s issues, including literacy, and operates the Community Kitchen. 26970 Fraser Hwy., Aldergrove Phone: 604-857-4662 Fax: 604-857-8901
Ishtar Transition Housing Society
The organization provides support services and programs to assist women, men & children, and operates transition housing. It operates a donation room to provide basic goods for people trying to start anew. Call to find out what’s available and what’s accepted for donation. Web: www.ishtarsociety.org #101 – 6350 203rd St., Langley Phone: 604-534-1011 Fax: 604-534-1929 Transition Houses: For immediate assistance contact the transition houses: Ishtar Transition House Phone: 604-530-9442 (24 hours/7days) Libra Transition House Phone: 604-857-5797 (24 hours/7days)
The Gateway of Hope
Volunteer opportunities include: administration, meal centre, special events, cleaning and grounds maintenance, Aldergrove SalMart thrift store, driving, and the emergency shelter. Web: www.gatewayofhope.ca 5787 Langley Bypass Phone: 604-514-7375 Email: info@gatewayofhope.ca
Langley Community Services Society
5339 207 St., Langley The organization offers family programing, language training and substance use help as well as English as a Second Language Classes (ESL), Pre-Employment Language Training, interpretation and translation to help people access community resources. Volunteer opportunities are available in areas such as: Client information and registration Youth Program Workers Homework Tutors Sporting Event Co-ordinators Mentors Youth/Seniors/Women Seniors Program Ethnic and Cultural Activities Coordinator Field Trip Hosts/Chaperones Various Workshop Presenters Web: www.lcss.ca Phone: 604-534-7921 Email: info@lcss.ca.
Langley Substance Use Services
Langley Community Services Society’s substance abuse program provides out-patient screening, assessment, information/education, one-to-one and group counselling and referrals to the funded treatment system for residents of Langley directly or indirectly affected by substance use. 5339 207 St., Langley Phone: 604-534-7921 Fax: 604 534 3110 Email: info@lcss.ca
Support groups Al-Anon Family Groups
www.bcyukon-al-anon.org. Phone: 604-688-1716 Email: langleyafg@shaw.ca
Alano Club of Langley
Social club for people in recovery, open 365 days a year. 20433 Douglas Cres. Phone: 604-532-9280
The group supports young people recovering from the effects of living with problem drinking in a family member or friend. Ages 10 and up. The group meets at the Township Civic Facility, 20338 65th Ave. Phone: 604-688-1716
Excellence in hearing healthcare • Unmatched selection of hearing aids from world leading manufacturers • Latest technology to suit your hearing loss, lifestyle & budget • Certified Audiologists with over 20 years of experience • Privately owned and operated since 1998
• Resources for Langley Seniors
Surrey: 5-6450 120th St. 604-543-3301 Langley: 106-19916 64th Ave. 604-530-1640
Alcoholics Anonymous
Tuesday evenings at George Preston Recreation Centre, 20699 42nd Ave., 8:30 p.m. The Langley intergroup office 5339 207 St., Langley Phone: 604-533-2600 Answering machine after hours. Phone: 604-434-3933 or 604-533-2600
The Arthritis Society BC and Yukon
Learn about the disease, self-management strategies, and early interventions. 5501 204th St., Langley Web: www.arthritis.ca
Alzheimer Society of BC
The office services Cloverdale, Langley, North Surrey. Please make an appointment. Alzheimer Resource Centre - North Surrey (Monday and Friday) The Czorny Alzheimer Centre Suite 300 - 16850 66th Ave. Surrey, B.C. V3S 5M1 Phone: 778-571-2390 Fax: 778-571-2391
Arthritis Support Group
The Langley group meets on the third Monday of the month, 1:30-3:30 p.m. at the Langley Senior Resource Society, 101-20542 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-532-9671
BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre
Offers Osteofit, a specially designed exercise and education program for those with osteoporosis and related health issues. Offered at Langley Senior Resource Society (604530-3020), 101-20542 Fraser Hwy., and Timms Recreation Centre (604-514-2940), 20702 Eastleigh Cres. Web: www.osteofit.org
Canadian Diabetes Association
The organization provides education and assistance to those living with the disease. Web: www.diabetes.ca
BC Schizophrenia Society
Support for families of people with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and/or bipolar disorder. Phone: TOLL FREE 1-877-717-5518 Email: familysupportandrespite@bcss.ca
Alzheimer Resource Centre
Open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please call to make an appointment. Suite 200 - 20644 Eastleigh Cres. Web: www.alzheimerbc.org Phone: 604-533-5277 Toll-free: 1-888-251-3111 Fax: 604-533-1421 Email: rpuszka@alzheimerbc.org
DoYou Have ? Diabetes? Circulatory Problems? Arthritis? Vision Problems?
Canadian Cancer Society - Fraser Valley Web: www.cancer.ca Suite 202 20434 64 Ave, Langley Phone: 604-533-1668 Toll free: 1-888-939-3333 Fax: 604-533-8511
My Services Can Include: • Callus & Corn Care • Nail Packing • Ingrown Toenail Care • Hygiene & Footwear Education • Assessment & Referral • Nail Cutting & Filing
DIANE HILL DOELL, LPN Foot Care Nurse Call: 604.309.8971 or 604.533.6724 For an appointment in hospital, at home or in a clinic.
Resources for Langley Seniors •
Canadian Mental Health Association
Depression/Stress Recovery Program
South Fraser Branch 208-8334 128th St. Surrey, BC V3W 4G2
Friendly Amputees of the Fraser Valley
A support group for people with amputations and their family and friends.
Phone: Betty (evening) 604-882-7493 or Eileen (days) 604-856-5830
Phone: 604-543-1357 Fax: 604-543-1369
Environmental Health
Email: infosf@cmha.bc.ca
Canadian National Institute for the Blind
It offers support for people with vision issues as well as advocacy and products to help in daily life. First time callers are encouraged to call the help line. 5055 Joyce St., Vancouver, BC V5R 6B2 Phone: 604-431-2121 Help line: 1-800-563-2642
Caregiver Support Group
Provided at Langley Health Protection Office by Fraser Health. Oversees the inspection of restaurants and food service locations, public swimming pools and hot tubs, and businesses providing personal services (such as beauty salons, barber and tattoo shops) to assure public health standards are met. Also oversees the drinking water program, tobacco enforcement, communicable disease control (enterics), West Nile Virus programs and onsite sewage management.
Meets at the Langley Senior Resource Society, 101-20542 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 778-328-2302 local 2
22051 Fraser Hwy., Langley Phone: 604-514-6121 Fax: 604-514-6122 Email: feedback@fraserhealth.ca
Child caregiving support
Fibromyalgia Well-Spring Foundation
Langley Community Services offers free information and a support group for people caring for the children of family or friends. Phone: Jill Craven, 604-5337920 ext 1312 Email: jcraven@lcss.ca
The support group meetings are on the first Wednesday of the month in the Murrayville Library at 12:30 p.m. Web: www.fibromyalgiawellspringfoundation.org. Foundation office: #109-20631 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 778-278-3697 Email: info@fibromyalgiawellspringfoundation.org
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of Canada Suite 200 20171 92A Ave. Phone: 604-513-8202
Meets at: 2420 Montrose Ave., Abbotsford. Phone: 778-278-4222 or 779-278-4333(TDD) Email: friendlyamputees@shaw.ca
Gamblers Anonymous Group Phone: 604-878-6535
Grief support
The Langley Hospice Society offers programs for a variety of groups. Phone: 604-530-1115
Health Equipment Loan Program
HELP, a Canadian Red Cross program, needs volunteers for its equipment loan service. Organizers are looking for people who can spare three hours a week to work in the depot in Port Kells. Phone: Wendy, 604-513-3935 or 604-881-1113
Heart & Stroke Foundation of BC and Yukon
The Surrey office also covers residents of Langley, Aldergrove and Cloverdale 101-13569 76th Ave., Surrey Phone: 604-591-1955 Fax: 604-591-2624 Web: www.heartandstroke.bc.ca
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• Resources for Langley Seniors
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Watch for upcoming events at facebook.com/willoughbytowncentre
A100 - 20678 Willoughby Town Centre Drive, Langley Resources for Langley Seniors •
The Hominum Fraser Valley chapter is a support and discussion group to help gay, bi- or questioning men. It meets the last Friday of each month. Phone: Don, 604-329-9760; Art, 604-462-9813
Influenza program
Offers flu vaccinations at Public Health Units. For a list of clinic locations and times, visit http:// www.fraserhealth.ca/Services/PublicHealth/Pages/FluClinicLocations. aspx or visit www.immunizebc.ca. 20389 Fraser Highway, Langley Phone: 604-539-2900 Fax: 604-514-8036 Email: feedback@fraserhealth.ca
Stroke support groups
Langley Community Support Groups Society, formerly Langley Stroke Recovery, has two groups that meet at Walnut Grove Community Centre. Stroke Support Group is Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Young Strokes 4 Hope meets Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Phone: Marilyn, 604-882-4672
Langley Psychiatric Outpatients Group therapy dealing with depression, stress, or anxiety through a variety of life issues. Phone: 604-514-7940
Langley Visually Impaired group
Meets at Evergreen Hall, 5464 203 St., third Thursday/month. Monthly luncheons at restaurants, summer picnic, and Christmas dinner. Phone: Dorothy, 604-514-2246
LMH Family Council
Meet at 6:30 p.m., fourth Thursday each month (except December) in the meeting room of Rosewood/ Marrwood Residential Unit of Langley Memorial Hospital. Open to all families and friends of residents of LMH Residential Services. Phone: Kathy Keenan, 604-595-2429
LMH Family Support Group
For families of those coping with mental illness. Meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month on the main floor of the Marion Ward Building at Langley Memorial Hospital. Phone: 604-533-6476
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Phone: Sharon, 604-733-2873 ext. 30
Meals on Wheels
Langley Meals on Wheels has hot meals weekdays and frozen meals weekends for seniors, the disabled, and sick people unable to cook for themselves. Phone: 604-533-1679
Mental Health Family Support
The BC Schizophrenia Society offers help to families/caregivers with a family member diagnosed with a severe mental illness. Family support groups meet in Langley and Delta. Phone: 604-574-1976 Email: hardeep_bcss@shaw.ca
MS Society
The Lower Mainland chapter has 16 support groups in the region. Phone: 604-689-3144
Nar Anon
The group for people affected by the addiction of a friend or family member meets Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. at the Bethany Newton Church, 60th Ave. and 148th St. Web: naranon.org
Osteoporosis Canada
The Langley branch meets monthly in the Langley Senior Resource Society, 20605 51B Ave. Phone: 604-534-4924
Overeaters Anonymous
The meetings are Wednesdays at 7pm in the Douglas Recreation Centre. Phone: 604-878-4575
Parkinson Support Group
Langley: 1 p.m. on 3rd Friday of each month. Douglas Recreation Centre 20550 Douglas Crescent Langley Caregivers: 1:30-3 p.m. 1st Wednesday of each month Langley Steelworkers Office 202-9292 20th St. Web: www.parkinson.bc.ca
Prostate Cancer Support Group
The support and awareness group meets the last Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon in the Surrey Memorial Hospital cafeteria. Phone: George, 604-574-5554 Web: www.procansupport.com
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• Resources for Langley Seniors
STI/HIV Clinic
Provided at the Fraser Health Authority’s Langley Public Health Unit. Provides free and confidential testing, counselling, and education about sexually transmitted infections, HIV, and AIDS. Provides support to those living with HIV/AIDS and offers assistance with partner notification. 20389 Fraser Hwy, Langley Phone: 604-539-2900 Email: feedback@fraserhealth.ca
Sex Addicts Anonymous
Respiratory program
The Fraser Health Authority delivers home-based medical oxygen therapy to people who are managing asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, occupational lung disease, lung cancer, cystic fibrosis or congestive heart failure. Other services include assessment and diagnostic testing, treatment, education and patient monitoring by respiratory therapists. 9440 202nd St., Langley Phone: 604-514-6106 Fax: 604-514-6079 Email: feedback@fraserhealth.ca
Safer Sex Harm Reduction Supply Distribution Programs The program through the BC Centre for Disease Control works with the community to provide publicly funded supplies such as female condoms, male condoms and lubricant. This program, in
A fellowship for people wishing to recover from sexual addiction. Web: www.saavancouver.org Phone: 604-290-9544
addition to educating the community on the safe use and disposal of supplies, links individuals to other relevant health and social services within the community. Web: www.bccdc.ca/prevention/ HarmReduction
The non-profit weight-loss support group has chapters around Langley. Phone: Lynda, 604-856-8014
20389 Fraser Hwy., Langley Phone: 604-539-2900
Vancouver Scoliosis Support Group
Screening Mammography
The BC Cancer Agency program provides and encourages regular mammograms and breast cancer screening for women. Screenings are recommended every two years for women aged 50 years and older. Web: www.bccancer.bc.ca/PPI/ Screening/Breast/def
Take Off Pounds Sensibly
Information and support for children with scoliosis and their families. Meet others and learn. Phone: 604-924-1740 Email: erica97@shaw.ca
22051 Fraser Hwy., Langley BC Cancer Agency Phone: 604-514-6044 Fax: 604-533-6432 Email: Smp-BC@bccancer.bc.ca
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604-534-4555 EXT. 1 Resources for Langley Seniors •
Protecting pets Dog licences – Langley City
Seniors receive a discount on licensing fees from Langley City, which has a restriction of two dogs maximum per residential unit. Annual seniors’ costs are $10 for service dogs, $16 for spayed or neutered dogs, or $33 for most others. (There are higher fees for some categories. Dangerous dogs: $420, aggressive dogs: $210). City finance department: Phone: 604-514-2800
Dog Licences – Langley Township
All Township residents must license their dogs. The Township offers a discount for licences purchased before Feb. 1. Seniors fees are $14 for fixed animals and $29 for dogs not spayed or neutered. Add another $10 after Feb. 1. Township finance department: Phone: 604-533-6005 Email: taxdept@tol.ca.
Patti Dale Animal Shelter
Operated by the Langley Animal Protection Society which is contracted to provide animal and pound services for Langley Township and City. It also takes in unwanted and abandoned cats and dogs. The shelter has opportunities to volunteer. Web: www.lapsbc.ca 26220 56th Ave. Aldergrove, BC V4W 1J7 Phone: 604-857-5055 Fax: 604-857-5057 Email: info@lapsbc.ca
DoYou Have ? Diabetes? Circulatory Problems? Arthritis? Vision Problems?
Animal rescue Critter Care Wildlife Society
Baby mammals often appear to be orphaned when, in fact, they are not. If you suspect a baby mammal is orphaned, patiently observe it to ensure it needs help. If the animal is showing signs of injury, or the parents do not return, call Critter Care. Phone: 604-530-2064 Web: www.crittercarewildlife.org
C.A.R.E.S. mission is to rescue, shelter, and find loving homes for stray, abandoned, and unwanted cats. Phone: 604-532-5632
Small Animal Rescue Society
SARS rescues rabbits and other unwanted and abandoned small pets. Phone: Muriel, 604-530-3297 or cell: 604-306-5775 After
My Services Can Include: • Callus & Corn Care • Nail Packing • Ingrown Toenail Care • Hygiene & Footwear Education • Assessment & Referral • Nail Cutting & Filing
DIANE HILL DOELL, LPN Foot Care Nurse Call: 604.309.8971 or 604.533.6724 For an appointment in hospital, at home or in a clinic.
• Resources for Langley Seniors
Veterinary care
Newlands Veterinary Clinic
Suite 175-20015 Langley Bypass Phone: 604-514-1225
Albatross Vet Clinic
Paws & Claws Animal Hospital
45 216th St. 604-530-1409
22372 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-539-7297 Web: www.pawsandclaws.ca
Aldergrove Animal Hospital
26841 Fraser Hwy. 604-856-7707 Web: www.aldergrovevet.com
Small Creatures Pet Clinic
21183 88th Ave. #302 Phone: 604-888-6123 Web: www.smallcreaturespetclinic.ca
Aldor Veterinary Clinic
21773 Smith Crescent 604-530-0704 Web: www.infovet.ca/aldorvet
All About Pets Clinic
Suite 102-20058 Industrial Ave. 604-534-1300
The Animal Emergency Clinic of the Fraser Valley
Central Langley Pet Hospital 20015 Langley Bypass Phone: 604-514-1225 Web: www.langleyvet.com
Clayton Animal Hospital
Apex Animal Hospital
Fort Langley Veterinary Clinic
Avon Animal Hospital
19475 Fraser Hwy., Surrey 604-532-7600 Web: www.avonanimalhospital.ca
Brookswood Veterinary Hospital
19653 Willowbrook Dr. #132 Phone: 604-530-3802 9110 Glover Rd. Phone: 604-888-4142
Langley Animal Clinic Ltd
5758 203rd St. Phone: 604-534-1713 Web: langleyanimalclinic.ca
Murrayville Animal Hospital 22259 48th Ave. Phone: 604-532-1121
21566 24th Ave. Phone: 604-533-3966
Thunderbird Animal Hospital
20159 88th Ave. Phone: 604-513-8100 Web: www.thunderbirdanimalhospital.com
Walnut Grove Animal Hospital
Suite 101A-20995 88th Ave. Phone: 778-298-2629 Web: www.walnutgroveanimalclinic.com
Willowbrook Animal Hospital
6375 202th St. Phone: 604-532-1889 Web: www.willowbrookanimalhospital.ca
4059 200th St. Phone: 604-534-4174 Web: www.brookswoodvet.com Stop By: Stop By: #5-2034988 88 Avenue, Avenue , Langley #5-20349 Langley Phone: 604-513-9319 Phone: 604-513-9319 Hours of of Operation: Operation: Hours Tuesday- -Saturday: Saturday: 10am – 5pm Tuesday 10am – 5pm Donation Hours: Donation Hours: Mon: 9am- -4:30pm, 4:30pm, Tues-Fri: 9am - Mon: 9am Tues-Fri: 9am 4:30pm,Sat: Sat: 9am-3:30pm 4:30pm, 9am-3:30pm www.langleyhospice.com www.langleyhospice.com
5758B 203rd St. Phone: 604-534-1713
Wiebe & Leakos Veterinary Services
Suite 306-6325 204 St. 604-514-1711 Web: www.animalemerg.com
19909 64 Ave. 604-514-1444 Web: www.apexanimalhospital.com
Spay & Neuter Clinic of Langley
Langley Hospice Foundation’s’ ...the little department store in Walnut Grove
Please consider donating your gently used clothing, furniture, household items, toys and books.
Volunteer opportunities are available Resources for Langley Seniors •
Lifelong learning
Reading, Books, Literature
Post-Secondary Education
Fraser Valley Regional Library
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
A regional university with campuses in Langley, Cloverdale, Surrey, and Richmond Kwantlen Polytechnic University offers degree programs and other applied credentials for learning at all ages. Web: www.kwantlen.ca
Coordinates the Continuing Education courses to the residents of Langley, Abbotsford, and Surrey. Web: www.fvcontinuingeducation.ca
20901 Langley Bypass Phone: 604-599-2100
Trinity Western University
Trinity Western University offers Christ-centred learning in a wide variety of degree programs. Web: www.twu.ca
305-20338 65th Ave. Phone: 604-533-4227
Third Age Learning
7600 Glover Rd. Phone: 604-888-7511
Kwantlen Polytechnic University offers programs for adults 50 and older. Web: www.kwantlen.ca/talk
Continuing Education Langley School District
Phone: 604-599-3077
Langley Education Centre offers opportunities for adults to complete courses toward a B.C. Secondary School Graduation (Regular Dogwood) or a B.C. Adult Graduation (Adult Dogwood). Web: lecss.com 21405A 56th Avenue Phone: 604-534-7155 email: lecweb@lecss.com
Community Education Services
Langley Township Leisure Guide
Copies are available at Township recreation centres and libraries, or visit: Web: www.tol.ca/ParksRecreation
Langley City Recreation Guide
Copies are available at at City hall, 20399 Douglas Cres., or online at: Web: city.langley.bc.ca
Fraser Valley Regional Library branches offer books, periodicals, large print editions, free internet access, books on CD and as mp3 ďŹ les, and movies and TV series on DVD. They also host a variety of programs including book clubs and used book sales. Suite 130 20338 65th Ave., Langley Phone: 604-532-3590
Aldergrove Library
26770 29th Ave., Langley Phone: 604-856-6415
Brookswood Library
20045 40th Ave., Langley Phone: 604-534-7055
City of Langley Library
20399 Douglas Cres., Langley Phone: 604-514-2855
Fort Langley Library
Fort Langley Community Hall Phone: 604-888-0722
Muriel Arnason Library
130 20338 65th Ave., Langley Phone: 532-3590
Walnut Grove Library
8889 Walnut Grove Dr., Langley Phone: 604-882-0410
Dependable Cleaning from the Professionals you can Trust!
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â&#x20AC;˘ Resources for Langley Seniors
For all your shopping needs.
Beauty4Ever Nails
Dollar Plus
JB Salon
The Wine Emporium
Panago Pizza
Atkinson + Terry Insurance
Murrayville Animal Hospital
Quiznos Sub
604- 532-1121
BC Safety Authority
Genji Sushi
A&W 604-534-6333
Esquires Coffee House 604-534-0204
FOOD Market Place IGA 604-514-8301
DENTAL Hillcrest Dental Centre 604-539-0188
Well Beings Health & Nutrition 604-539-0500
TD Canada Trust 604-514-5150
THE CORNER OF FRASER HIGHWAY & 222 STREET Resources for Langley Seniors â&#x20AC;˘
Surrey Libraries Langley residents can get Surrey Library cards.
Cloverdale Library
5642 176A St., Surrey Phone: 604-598-7320
Port Kells Library
(not fully wheelchair accessible) 18885 88th Ave., Surrey Phone: 604-598-7440
Bookstores Ambassador Discount Books – used books 5490 Salt Lane, Langley Phone: 604-534-2124
115 20015 Langley Bypass Phone: 604-514-8663
Cole’s Books
457 19705 Fraser Hwy., Langley Willowbrook Shopping Centre Phone: 604-530-2244
The Creative Bookworm
20438 Douglas Cres., Langley Phone: 778-278-2008
Seniors Recreation Langley Senior Recreation & Resource Centre
20605 51 B Ave. Offers social activities, the bathing program, adult day program, recreation, outreach programs, transportation program, peer support, trips, housing counselling, a cafeteria, catering, and volunteer opportunities. Phone: 604-530-3020 Fax: 604-532-1320
Aldergrove OAP Hall 71
Wendel’s Bookstore and Cafe 9233 Glover Road, Fort Langley Phone: 604-513-2238
3010 272nd St. Offers daily activities including cribbage, round dancing, art club, carpet bowling, bridge and more. Phone: 604-857-7700
Krazy Bob’s Music Emporium
Brookswood Seniors Centre
– sells books, vintage comics, records, CDs, casettes, and older video games. 20484 Fraser Hwy., Langley Phone: 604-534-5150
19899 36th Ave. Hosts activities such as chess, bingo, whist, line dancing, bridge, Paw2Dance, etc. Phone: 604-530-4232
Langley Rainbow OAPO Br. 146 Offers lunches, bingo, crafts, crib, bridge and more at Evergreen Timbers, 5464 203rd St. Phone: 604-534-2311
Municipal recreation centres with seniors programs: Walnut Grove Community Centre
8889 Walnut Grove Drive Phone: 604-882-0408 ext 107
Aldergrove Kinsmen Community Centre
26770 29th Ave. Phone: 604-856-2899
Timms Recreation Centre
Temporarily relocated to the former Legion branch on Eastleigh Cres. during construction of a new centre. 20702 Eastleigh Cres.
Douglas Recreation Centre 20550 Douglas Crescent Phone: 604-514-2865 Fax: 604-530-8596
• Wheelchairs • Walkers, Canes & Scooters • Home Care Beds • Van Conversions, Ceiling Lifts & Chair Lifts • Recliner Chairs • Bathroom Safety Products • Aids for Daily Living • Rentals & Service
Earn Shoppers Optimum Points® on your purchases www.shoppershomehealthcare.ca at Shoppers Home Health Care®. See stores for details. • Langley 604-514-9987 • Surrey 604-597-2097 • White Rock 604-538-3400 • VGH 604-739-4645 • Kingsgate 604-876-4186 • 36 • Resources for Langley Seniors
Recreation Alder-Alley
– offers bowling and league play, discounted rates for seniors, and a Wednesday seniors bowling drop in from 1-3 p.m. with free coffee. Phone: 604-856-2034 27070 Fraser Hwy., Aldergrove
Willowbrook Lanes
– offers five-pin bowling, league play, and has a senior’s discount. Phone: 604-533-2695 6350-196th St., Langley
Langley Curling Club
Masters rinks are teams of men 55-plus who curl Tuesdays and Thursdays. The club curls at the George Preston Recreation Centre in Brookswood. Phone: 604-530-8218 Fax: 604-530-8956 20699 42nd Ave., Langley Email: manager@langleycurlingclub.com
The Cloverdale Horseshoe Club Phone: 604-585-6831 17886 64th Ave. Surrey
Langley Golf & Banquet Centre Phone: 604-585-6831 17886 64th Ave., Surrey
Langley Lawn Bowling Club
– meets on their green near the south end of Douglas Park in the City. Phone: 604-514-2695 20471 54th Ave., Langley
Fort Langley Canoe Club
– offers lessons and organizes teams, including those for adults, in dragon boats, voyageur canoes, and kayaks, among others. The main boathouse is located just to the west of the Jacob Haldi Bridge/Glover Road in Fort Langley, on the Fraser River. Phone: 604-513-8713
Vintage Riders Equestrian Club
– a club for adult riders of all ages, focused on non-competitive riding. Visitors are welcome to meetings held on the third Tuesday of the month at: www.vintage-equestrian.ca St. Andrews Church 9025 Glover Road, Fort Langley Email: vintageriders@shaw.ca
Willowbrook Mall Walking Club
– meets daily, Monday to Saturday, 7:30 a.m., and Sunday at 9 a.m. Sign up by calling Dixie Platt at Phone: 604-530-4447
Seniors Cycling
– with a small group based at the Langley Senior Resource Society. Phone: 604-530-3020 20605 51B Ave., Langley
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Resources for Langley Seniors •
304-20771 Langley Bypass Hwy. #10 (across from La-Z-Boy Furniture Gallery)
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• Resources for Langley Seniors
Langley Arts Council As a community-based arts organization, the mission of the Langley Arts Council is to cultivate, sustain, and proliferate artistic activity in Langley by offering both monetary and resource support to the community, as well as developing new and innovative programs in a variety of artistic disciplines. Phone: 604-534-0781 Web: langleyarts.org
Monthly critque
Langley Arts Council hosts a monthly art critique session for amateur and aspiring artists of any age. Participants can get feedback and direction from professional artists. Art appreciators are also welcome to see the works on display. The event is held on the last Monday of every month at the City of Langley Library. Call ahead to sign up. 20399 Douglas Cres., Langley Phone: 604-514-2866
Langley Quilters Guild
– is for those who sew and stuff quilts. The group meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month, except December, at noon and 7:15 p.m. at the George Preston Recration Centre Web: www.langleyquiltersguild.com
Langley Camera Club
– is for all photographers and promotes photography as a hobby and an artform. Meetings are held on the second, third, and fourth Wednesdays of the month, Sept. to June, at the Fort Langley Community Hall. Web: www.langleycameraclub.com 9167 Glover Road, Fort Langley Email: contact@langleycameraclub.com Email: president@langleycameraclub.com
Langley Community Chorus
20699-42 Ave., Langley Contact them at: P.O. Box 61598 Brookswood P.O. Langley, B.C. V3A 8C8 Email: info@langleyquiltersguild.com
Langley Players Drama Club
– meets to sing and entertain residents, including in hospitals and seniors’ homes. Rehearsals are at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings at the Langley Community Music School. 4899 – 207th St., Langley Email: membership@langleychorus.org
– stages productions of new and classic plays from their Langley Playhouse Theatre in Brookswood, and they recruit for on-stage and backstage talent. 4307 200th St. Phone: 604-534 7469 Contact by mail: Box 56103, Valley Centre RPO, Langley, B.C. V3A 8B3
Shop in store and we’ll deliver to your door FOR ALL YOUR SHOPPING NEEDS, QUALITY & SERVICE. 6153 200 St., Langley 20871 Fraser Hwy 27566 Fraser Hwy
604.533.3291 604.534.4363 604.857.1351
604.530.6131 604.534.4245 PHARMACY 604.856.4667 PHARMACY PHARMACY
Resources for Langley Seniors •
Langley Spinners and Weavers Guild
– was formed to display its members accomplishments in the fibre arts. The guild meets every third Tuesday of the month except for July, August, and December at the Sharon United Church. Sharon United Church Hall 21562 Yale Road, Langley Email: members@lwsg.org Or by mail: PO Box 349, Milner, B.C. V0X 1T0
Langley Writers’ Guild
– meets on the first, second and fourth Thursdays of the month from 10 a.m. to noon at Langley City Library. 20399 Douglas Cres., Langley Phone: 604-534-3384
Surrey Square Wheelers
– hold square dances for fitness and fun twice a week. New members are always welcome Brookswood Seniors Centre 19899 36th Ave. Phone: 604-838-8821
The Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia
An agency of the provincial government which operates under provincial law to protect the legal rights and financial interests of children, to provide assistance to adults who need support for financial and personal decision making, and to administer the estates of deceased and missing persons where there is no one else able to do so. www.trustee.bc.ca
VolWeb – created by 2010
700-808 West Hastings Street Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3L3 Phone: 604-660-4444 Fax: 604-660-0374 Email: mail@trustee.bc.ca Or call Service BC and asking to be transferred to the Public Guardian and Trustee: If calling from Vancouver, 604-660-2421 If calling from Victoria, 250-387-6121 All other areas of BC, 1-800-663-7867
Web: www.bbbslangley.com Phone: 604-530-5055
Legacies Now and the Province of BC as a legacy of the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. The site is for people looking to volunteer or those needing volunteers. It’s free and easy to use. Phone: 604-660-2421 Web: volweb.ca
Big Brothers Big Sisters Langley Brookswood Community Police Phone: Karen Zappa, 604-530-3104 Email: karenzappa@shaw.ca
Conversation Circles
New English speakers are invited to friendly social gatherings to practice conversation skills. The circles are run by volunteers. Langley Literacy Now and the libraries have free volunteer training. Email: Ada, ada.con@fvrl.bc.ca
Optical Department Hours
Sunday 12pm -5pm, Monday & Tuesday 10am-6pm, Wednesday - Friday 10am-8pm, Saturday 9am-5pm
19851 Willowbrook Drive, Langley (across from Willowbrook Mall)
• Resources for Langley Seniors
Canadian Cancer Society
Volunteers required in the Willowbrook office. Training provided. Info: 604533-1668 or langley@bc.cancer.ca. The group also needs volunteer drivers to take patients to and from appointments at the Surrey, Vancouver and Abbotsford cancer centres. Mileage reimbursed. Flexible scheduling. Training provided. Phone: Linda Kelly, 604-533-1668, ext. 226 Email: lkelly@bc.cancer.ca.
Downtown Langley Ambassadors
Volunteers greet visitors and help the public. Training and uniforms provided. Flexible schedules. Phone: Lilianne Fuller, 604-539-0133
A no-kill cat shelter in Langley has openings for volunteers to assist in feeding and care of sheltered cats. Phone: Carol, 604-202-0713.
4-H Club
Volunteers needed for new and existing clubs. Web: 4-H-Canada.ca/join_again
Friends of the City of Langley Library
The group supports the downtown library branch and meets monthly. Phone: 604-514-2850
Fibromyalgia Well Spring Foundation
The group is looking for volunteers for its downtown Langley office and thrift shop. Phone: 778-278-3697
Ishtar Transition Housing Society
The Ishtar Transition Housing Society is looking for donation room volunteers. Training provided. Flexible daytime shifts. Phone: Debbie, 604-534-1011 Web: www.ishtarsociety.org
Langley Hospice Society
Volunteers needed at the Second Story thrift store. Phone: 604-530-1115 Email: Denise, denisestation@langleyhospice.com, or info@langleyhospice.com.
Langley Literacy Association
The group meets monthly at the City of Langley Library. New members welcome. The group helps the Langley Christmas Bureau with the Wrap-a-Read program. Email: Kailey@aldergrovens.com
Langley Lodge Special Care Home
Help needed for recreational/leisure programs for seniors, Monday-Saturday. Phone: Helen Kirby, 604-532-4200 ext. 4138 Email: hkirby@langleylodge.com
Langley Meals on Wheels
Volunteer drivers needed for Walnut Grove and Fort Langley routes. The commitment is two hours per week, once a week, 11am-1pm. Phone: 604-533-1679
Resources for Langley Seniors •
Langley Senior Resource Society
A wide variety of volunteer opportunities is available through the LSRS, including drivers to transport seniors to appointments and for the seniors’ buddies program. Phone: Janice, 604-530-3020 ext. 302
Literacy tutors
The Learning Disabilities Association needs volunteers to work with children at locations in Langley and Surrey. Extensive training provided. #201 13766 72 Ave. Phone: 604-591-5156 Web: www.ldafs.org
Pacific Assistance Dogs Society
Puppy raisers train dogs to assist people with disabilities other than blindness. Phone: 604-527-0556
People with Pets
Visit residents in Langley Lodge seniors home. Pets must have up-to-date medical exams and vaccinations. Phone: Helen Kirby, 604-532-4200, ext. 4138
Pacific Riding for Developing Abilities offers equestrian therapy. No experience necessary to volunteer. Training includes preparing horses for lessons, leading horses, and side-walking during lessons. Volunteers also needed for fundraising, special events, facility and ground maintenance, barn help, and office work. 1088 208th St., Langley Phone: Bill or Judi, 604-530-8717
Small Animal Rescue Society
SARS needs volunteers urgently for its facility in Aldergrove. Volunteers can also help with rabbit socialization and grooming. Phone: Muriel, 604-530-3297 or (cell) 604-306-5775
Cashiers needed
Penny Pinchers Thrift Store needs volunteers for various shifts Monday through Saturday. The store raises funds for Langley Memorial Hospital. A weekly four hour commitment is requested. Training provided. Apply at the store: 20251 56th Ave.
Patti Dale Animal Shelter
The shelter is seeking volunteers to help homeless animals. Opportunities include walking dogs, TLC for cats, website work, photography, fundraising and fostering. Phone: 604-857-5055 Web: www.lapsbc.petfinders.com
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• Resources for Langley Seniors
Fraser Health Crisis Line
Volunteers needed to assist people in the community experiencing emotional distress. No previous experience is needed. Training and on-going support are provided. Information package are at Options Community Services, 9815 140th St. Web: www.options.bc.ca.
TLC Pet Adoptions
Langley cat rescue group needs volunteers to foster adult cats and kittens with special needs. Phone: 604-856-4866 Email: tlcpetadoption@hotmail.com
Transplant Society of B.C.
More than 300 British Columbians are waiting for life-saving organ transplants. Volunteers are needed to educate and encourage people to register as organ donors. Phone: 604-877-2240 Web: www.transplant.bc.ca.
Xyolhemeylh Family Services
Looking for individuals, aboriginal or non-aboriginal, 19 years and older interested in volunteering as mentors to off-reserve aboriginal youth on a weekly-basis. Training provided. Phone: Gary, 604-532-3682 Email: gary.robinson@stolonation.bc.ca.
You’ve Gotta Have Friends
Organization seeks new volunteers of all ages and interests to help another find connections in the Langley community. A belief in the value of each person is essential. Out and About with Friends is a coffee gathering each Monday at 1:30pm at the Mocha Room. Phone: Janice or Pat, 604-533-6546.
Employment aid Job Bank
Valley Therapeutic Equestrian Ass’n
The non-profit organization provides therapy riding for people with special needs and needs volunteers. VTEA is at 3330 256th St. Phone: 604-857-1267 Email: info@vtea.ca
ReConnect Program
Needs volunteers to mentor and assist individuals with acquired brain injury in recreational and social activities. Phone: Tammie, 604-897-1563 Email: info@fvbia.org
Vancouver Rape Relief
Women’s Shelter is looking for volunteers for the Rape and Crisis Line and Transition House. Free training begins immediately. Phone: 604-872-8212 Web: www.rapereliefshelter.bc.ca
It is an electronic listing of jobs provided by employers from everywhere across Canada and provided by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. Web: www.jobbank.gc.ca
The Targeted Initiative for Older Workers
TIOW provides employment assistance services and employability improvement activities, such as skills upgrading and work experience, to assist unemployed workers aged 55 to 64 with their return to work. TIOW is a federal-provincial/territorial cost shared initiative. Web: www.hrsdc.gc.ca, click on the Jobs and Training tab, and then the link “Older Workers”
Langley Service Canada Centre
A federal office for people to access information and services, including those related to employment and seniors. 8747 204th St., Suite 102, Langley
Dependable Cleaning from the Professionals you can Trust!
(604) 534-9697 shauna-browne@mollymaid.ca
Resources for Langley Seniors •
Dental Care
Columbia Dental Office
Phone: 604-533-2180
101-20542 Fraser Hwy.
College of Dental Surgeons of B.C.
Cornerstone Dental Centre
The college is the regulatory and credentialling body for dentists and dental surgeons in B.C. Medical colleges can also help people find doctors for their specific need. 500 - 1765 West 8th Ave. Vancouver, V6J 5C6 Phone: 604-736-3621 Toll Free: 1-800-663-9169 Fax: 604-734-9448
Allard Dental Centre
Phone: 604-530-6461
105-6395 198 St.
Forest Hills Dental Centre
Phone: 604-888-6861
114-8850 Walnut Grove Dr.
Fraser Crossing Dental Centre Phone: 604-534-5600
23-20811 Fraser Hwy.
Hill Crest Dental Centre
Phone: 604-539-0188
502-22259 48 Ave.
Ickert Dental Implant Centre
Phone: 604-882-0568
Phone: 604-881-1381
301-21183 88 Ave.
105-8411 200 St.
Alpha Dental
Phone: 604-533-8806
Phone: 604-530-4011
112-20151 Fraser Hwy
Amazing Smile Dental
Phone: 604-514-7588 Web: www.amazingsmile.ca
105-19909 64 Ave.
Phone: 604-530-9737
206-20644 Eastleigh Cres.
Phone: 604-533-1151
Phone: 604-533-4041
101-6351 197 St.
102-20238 Fraser Hwy
Phone: 604-533-6696
Phone: 604-534-7474
201-19978 72 Ave.
207-20644 Eastleigh Cres.
Langley Sedation Dental
Brookswood Dental Group
Phone: 604-514-6499
Phone: 604-533-8000
103-19978 72 Ave.
111-4061 200 St.
Brookswood Medical-Dental Clinic Phone: 604-530-8866
Phone: 604-882-9116
104-9292 200 St.
Smiles @ Willoughby
Phone: 604-888-8190
3-8590 200 St.
Thunderbird Dental Group
Phone: 604-882-6822
D113-20159 88 Ave.
Transformation Orthodontics Phone: 604-888-3450
E207-20159 88 Ave.
Phone: 604-532-4000
105-19978 72 Ave.
Walnut Grove Dental Centre 510-8840 210 St.
Westhill Dental Clinic
Phone: 604-530-5353
206-19978 72 Ave.
Willoughby Dental Centre C4-20202 66 Ave.
Willoughby Heights Dental Phone: 604-514-9906
305-19978 72 Ave.
Willowbrook Dental Clinic Phone: 604-533-0131
Phone: 604-539-9374 Web: www.doctorsaidi.com
201-6351 197 Street
Budd Orthodontics
Murrayville Dental Clinic
12-8590 200 Street
Sage Dental Centre
223-19705 Fraser Hwy.
Dr. Masoud Saidi
20040 40A Ave.
Phone: 604-882-9700
Phone: 604-882-8280
102-8814 216 St., Langley
Phone: 604-532-3944
Langley Orthodontics
Bright Smile Dental
Redwoods Dental Langley
Phone: 604-888-2868
Langley Family Dental
Langley Orthodontic Centre
Banyan Dental Office
Phone: 604-533-8475
101-22196 48 Ave.
200th Street Dental
Ivory Dental Centre
5926 200 St.
Oracare Dental Centre
Phone: 604-533-8900
202-22314 Fraser Hwy.
Willowbrook Oral Surgery
Phone: 604-532-9686
301-6351 197 St.
Willow Dental Care Langley Phone: 604-534-7200
438-19705 Fraser Hwy.
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• Resources for Langley Seniors
Resources for Langley Seniors â&#x20AC;˘
College of Denturists of B.C.
The college regulates the denturists in this province and handles public inquiries or complaints. 101 - 309 Sixth St., New Westminster
Phone: 604-515-0533 Fax: 604-515-0534 Email: registrar@cd.bc.ca
ABM Dental
20428 Douglas Cres.
Behnoush Bahrini Denture Clinic 604-533-0970
103-5501 204 St.
Brookswood Denture
Phone: 604-530-9936
20103 40 Ave
Web: www.yourdenture.com
Eyecare College of Optometrists of B.C.
The college is the regulatory and credentialling body for optomestrists and opthlalmolgists in B.C. Medical colleges can also help people find doctors for their specific need.
1204 - 700 West Pender St., Vancouver
Phone: 604-623-3464 Fax: 604-623-3465
College of Opticians of B.C.
The college is responsible for the assessment, registration and licensing of all opticians and contact lens fitters.
Donald Fung Walnut Grove Denture 403-1505 West 2nd Ave., Vancouver Clinic 604-513-1239
8830 204 St.
Langley Denture Clinic
Phone: 604-888-4356
Suite 103-8843 204 St.
Dr. Larry Lu Inc./Surrey Dental Clinic Phone: 778-574-8338
18640 Fraser Hwy. #107, Surrey
Nielsen’s Dental Laboratory 1990 Ltd. 604-530-2280
Suite 6b-5761 Glover Rd.
Punnett Barbara A
20785 Fraser Hwy.,
Rittaler R
5423 203rd St.
Phone: 604-278-7510 Toll-free Tel: 1-888-771-6755 Fax: 604-278-7594 Email: reception@cobc.ca
Aldergrove Vision Clinic Phone: 604-607-0820 27111 Fraser Hwy.
Crystal Vision & Hearing
Phone: 604-510-5142 101-20611 Fraser Hwy Web: www.cvoh.ca
Debbie Mozelle
Image Optometry
Phone: 604-532-0085 317 Willowbrook Shopping Centre
Iris Optometrists and Opticians Phone: 604-881-4750 2-8948 202 St.
Dr. Anita Kanwal Optometry Clinic Phone: 604-530-8031 20555 56 Ave.
Langley Eyecare Centre
Phone: 604-534-6033 101-20641 Logan Ave.
Langley Optometry Clinic Phone: 604-534-4312 Fax : 604-534-8092 20430 Douglas Cres.
Sense Of Vision Optical Phone: 604-534-2115 19579 Fraser Hwy.
Universal Optical
111-19897 56 Ave. Phone: 604-533-4233
UV Optical
Phone: 604-533-1666 20231 Fraser Hwy.
Vision Care Centre Langley 20455 Douglas Cres. Phone: 604-514-0070 Web: www.bcvisioncare.com
123 5501 204 St. Phone: 604-532-1158 Web: www.debbiemozelle.com
Willowbrook Image Optometry
In Sight Optometry
Willowbrook Optometry Clinic
Phone: 604-455-0477 Suite 201E-20159 88 Ave.
Phone: 604-532-0085 317 Willowbrook Shopping Centre Phone: 604-533-8833 Suite 131A-19705 Fraser Hwy.
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• Resources for Langley Seniors
Glover Family Pharmacy
102 - 5796 Glover Road Phone: 604 534-8686 Email: contact@gloverfamilypharmacy.ca
College of Pharmacists of B.C.
The regulatory body for pharmacy in B.C. registers pharmacists and pharmacy technicians and licenses pharmacies in B.C. The College investigates complaints related to professional practice. Web: www.bcpharmacists.org
Langley I.D.A. Pharmacy
101-20644 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-539-9799
Loblaw Pharmacy (Superstore)
200-1765 West 8th Ave., Vancouver
Phone: 604-733-2440 Toll free: 800-663-1940 Fax: 604-733-2493 or 800-377-8129 E-mail: info@bcpharmacists.org
Sonus Langley Hearing Clinic 604-533-4797
102 20651 56th Avenue
Connect Hearing
Phone: 604-530-8616
101A 20151 Fraser Hwy.
Absolute Hearing Services
Phone: 778-278-2022 Phone: 1-877-906-2022
104 20644 Eastleigh Cres.
Advanced Hearing Solutions Phone: 604-530-1640
106-19916 64th Ave.
Beltone Hearing Centre
Phone: 604-534-8663
103 22314 Fraser Hwy.
Ears Hearing Clinic
Phone: 604-427-2828
20568 56 Ave.
Crystal Vision and Hearing Phone: 604-510-5142
101-20611 Fraser Hwy.
Web: www.cvoh.ca
Pharmaceutical records
To obtain a copy of your PharmaNet Patient Record, you can make a request through any pharmacy in British Columbia. The pharmacist cannot print your record for you, but will forward your request electronically to the College of Pharmacists of B.C. The College will mail your PharmaNet Patient Record directly to you.
Pharmacies CMP Care in Motion Pharmacy
CMP Care in Motion Pharmacy offers free delivery of medication for seniors in Langley 207-20628 Mufford Cres. Phone: 604-514-3312
Costco Pharmacy
20499 64th Ave. Phone: 604-539-8900
DrugStore Pharmacy
in Willowbrook Shopping Centre 19851 Willowbrook Dr. Phone: 604-532-5435
19851 Willowbrook Dr. Phone: 604-532-5435
Medicine Centre
107-5501 204th St. Phone: 604-532-1996 Fax: 604-532-1937 Email: langley@medicinecentre.com
Murrayville Pharmacy
102-2212 52nd Ave. Phone: 604-534-6600
Otter Co-op Pharmacy
3650 248 St, Langley Phone: 604-856-2517
Pharmasave Walnut Grove 8850 Walnut Grove Dr. Phone: 604-888-5602 Langley Gardens 7 - 8948 202nd St. Phone: 604-513-1414 Fort Langley 3 9124 Glover Road Phone: 604-882-0611 Murrayville 3 22323 48th Ave Phone: 604-510-5522
London Drugs
20202 66th Ave. Phone: 604-533-4631
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Resources for Langley Seniors â&#x20AC;˘
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Safeway Pharmacies
Langley City 6153 200 St. Phone: 604-533-3291 20871 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-534-4245 Aldergrove 27566 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-856-4667
Target Pharmacy
19705 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 778-777-9021
Tux Pharmacy
104-22314 Fraser Hwy, Phone: 604-530-5300
Valley Evergreen Pharmacy 20577 Douglas Cres. Phone: 604-534-1332
Save On Pharmacies
Walnut Grove 8840 210 St., Langley Phone: 604-882- 8449 Willoughby 20255 64 Ave. Langley Phone: 604-532-5988 Aldergrove 100 - 26310 Fraser Hwy., Aldergrove, BC Phone: 604-607-6555 Langley City 20151 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-533-2911
Shopper’s Drug Mart
Brookswood 4030 200th St. Phone: 604-530-5388 Murrayville 22196 50th Ave. Phone: 604-532-0515 Walnut Grove 20159 88th Ave. Phone: 604-881-9921 Willoughby A100-20678 Willoughby Town Centre Dr.
Phone: 604-882-3566 Willowbrook 6339 200th St. Phone: 604-533-2132
SurLang Medicine Centre
105-19475 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-533-1041 Fax: 604-533-1051
College of Psychologists of BC
The regulatory body for professional psychology. Web: www.collegeofpsychologists.bc.ca 404-1755 W. Broadway, Vancouver
Phone: 604-736-6164 Toll free: 1-800-665-0979 Fax: 604-736-6133
College of Registered Nurses of B.C.
Responsible for regulation of registered nurses and nurse practitioners, setting standards of practice, assessing nursing education programs in B.C. and addressing complaints. Web: www.crnbc.ca
2855 Arbutus St, Vancouver
Phone: 604-736-7331 Fax: 604-738-2272 Phone: 1-800-565-6505
Our Supportive Programs Centre
Our Supportive Programs Centre
20660—48th Avenue , Langley 20660—48th Avenue, Langley Phone: 604-530-1115 | Fax: 604.530.8851 Phone: 604-530-1115 Email: Fax: 604.530.8851 info@langleyhospice.com Email: info@langleyhospice.com
Hours ofofOperation: Hours Operation: Monday to Friday: – 4:30pm Monday to Friday:8:30am 8:30am – 4:30pm
www.langleyhospice.com www.langleyhospice.com
2014 BC Seniors Games Langley Township and City are hosting the games scheduled to take place Sept. 9-13, 2014. The event is expected to draw 4,000 people, mostly competitors who will take part in 26 sports at various local venues. Events range from swimming to less strenuous endeavours such as bridge. Competition is open to those 55 years of age and older. The cost of putting on the Seniors Games is expected to be about $300,000, including $85,000 from the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development, $105,000 coming from participant registration fees, and $60,000 from the City and Township. The rest is made up by contributions. In return, the economic activity expected to be generated by the Games is estimated at about $2 million.
Langley Hospice Society
Providing compassionate care and support to the community through:
Individual and group grief support programs for children, teens, adults and families Day camp and summer camp programs for grieving children and teens Volunteer opportunities, training and support Community outreach, advocacy, education and a resource library Caregiver respite and vigil support 10-bed Langley Hospice Residence Programs are FREE of Charge | No referral needed Resources for Langley Seniors •
Palliative care
Funeral services
Hospice Residence
Henderson Funeral Home
At Langley Memorial Hospital. Offers private rooms for people in the last weeks or months of life. 22051 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-514-6181
20786 Fraser Highway Langley, BC V3A 4G6 604-530-6488 Web: www.hendersonslangleyfunerals.com
Langley Hospice Society
First Memorial Funeral Services®
A community-based, non-profit organization, provides compassionate support to help dealing with the end of life. 20660 48th Ave. Phone: 604-530-1115 Fax: 604-530-8851 Email: info@langleyhospice.com
Burial history Langley Centennial Museum cemetery database Cemetery records are a rich source of information for families and historians. The Township of Langley has made available over 10,000 cemetery records, covering burials in Langley between 1874 and 2001. Search through the database and gather information from the Fort Langley, Murrayville, and Langley Lawn cemeteries. Langley Centennial Museum 9135 King St. 604-532-3536 Web: www.langleymuseum.org
27555 31 Ave., Aldergrove 604-857-0111 Fax: 604-857-0168 Email: info@aldergrovechapel.com
Alternatives Funeral and Cremation
3070 275A St. Aldergrove, B.C. V4W 3L4 Phone: 604-857-5779 Fax: 604-857-5746 Email: mail@myalternatives.ca
Cemeteries The Township of Langley has three municipal cemeteries that offer a range of burial plots, cremation plots, and niche walls.
Fort Langley Cemetery
23105 St. Andrew’s Avenue
Langley Lawn Cemetery 4393 208 Street
Murrayville Cemetery 21405 44 Avenue
Recreation, Culture, and Parks Division Phone: 604-534-5965 Email: prinfo@tol.ca
• Wheelchairs • Walkers, Canes & Scooters • Home Care Beds • Van Conversions, Ceiling Lifts & Chair Lifts • Recliner Chairs • Bathroom Safety Products • Aids for Daily Living • Rentals & Service
Earn Shoppers Optimum Points® on your purchases www.shoppershomehealthcare.ca at Shoppers Home Health Care®. See stores for details. • Langley 604-514-9987 • Surrey 604-597-2097 • White Rock 604-538-3400 • VGH 604-739-4645 • Kingsgate 604-876-4186 • 50 • Resources for Langley Seniors
Veterans Affairs Canada Web: www.veterans.gc.ca General Inquiries Phone: 1-866-522-2122 (English) Phone: 1-866-522-2022 (French) Email: information@vac-acc.gc.ca
Assistance Fund
Royal Canadian Legion The organization supports Canada’s military veterans but people don’t have to be veterans to join and enjoy the amenities.
The Assistance Fund provides financial assistance to any recipient of the War Veterans Allowance (WVA) for an emergency or unexpected contingency that affects health or safety and for which there are no other resources available. Grants of up to $1,000 are most commonly provided for shelter, clothing, health items and essential appliances.
Case Management
Case management is a service offered by Veterans Affairs to assist former members, veterans, RCMP and their families who may be finding it difficult to navigate a transition or change in their lives.
Detention Benefits
A tax-free lump sum payment awarded to Canadian Forces members or veterans who, while serving in the Forces, were detained by an enemy.
Disability Benefits
Disability benefits are financial payments provided to individuals who have a service-related disability.
Branch 21 Langley
This branch offers hall rentals, social events, live entertainment, dinners, a golf tournament, fundraisers, a soup and sandwich bar, and Sunday morning pancake breakfasts. Web: www.langleylegion.com 20570 56th Ave., Langley Phone: 604-534-3615
Branch 265 Aldergrove
This branch offers social events such as weekly karaoke, dinners, fundraising events, and more. Web: www.aldergrovelegion.ca 26607 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-856-8814
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604-534-4555 EXT. 1 Resources for Langley Seniors •
Rehabilitation Program
If you have been medically released or if you have a rehabilitation need that is primarily related to your military service, we can provide the support you need to transition from the military to civilian life.
War Veterans Allowance
Financial assistance for low-income veterans and their families.
Financial Benefits
This program can help to compensate for the economic impact that a disability may have on you or your family.
Health Care Program
The Health Care Program is designed to enhance the quality of life of VAC clients, promote independence, and assist in keeping clients at home and in their own communities by providing a continuum of care.
Group Health Insurance
This program offers eligible veterans and certain survivors access to group health insurance under the Public Service Health Care Plan.
Health Care Benefits
expenses incurred when travelling to receive treatment benefits and services may be reimbursed.
Health-related Travel
Travel expenses incurred by a veteran when travelling to receive health-care services or benefits may be reimbursed by VAC.
Veterans Independence Program
A national home care program to help clients remain healthy and independent in their own homes or communities.
Mental Health
(Treatment Benefits) This program provides financial support to qualified veterans for the health-care services or benefits available through VACs 14 Programs of Choice. Also, travel
Services and benefits for veterans, Canadian Forces members, RCMP members, and the families of those living with a mental health condition.
Prisoner Of War Compensation A monthly payment made to a veteran of the Canadian Forces, or Canadian merchant mariner, who was a POW for 30 days or more.
Death Benefit
When military families lose a loved one in the line of duty, there can be great suffering as the surviving spouse and children struggle to find their place in the civilian world.
Funeral, Grave-marking Assistance
Provides and maintains grave markers and offers financial assistance to veterans’ estates where the veteran died as a result of a service-related disability or where there are insufficient funds to provide the veteran a dignified funeral and burial. For more information on these and other programs and services provided through Veterans Affairs Canada, visit the website at: www.veterans.gc.ca Or direct inquires to: Phone: 1-866-522-2122 (English) Phone: 1-866-522-2022 (French) Email: information@vac-acc.gc.ca
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• Resources for Langley Seniors
Environment The Langley Field Naturalists
– are involved in conservation and the appreciation of nature, including organizing walks, birdwatching, and informative talks. Meetings are the third Thursday of the month except July and August, at 7:15 p.m. at the Langley Community Music School. 4899 207th St., Langley Contact by mail: Langley Field Naturalists, Box 56052, Valley Centre Post Office, Langley, B.C. V3A 8B3 Email: Langleyfieldnaturalists@shaw.ca
Langley Environmental Partners Society
LEPS is a non-profit group that works to protect Langley’s natural environment and educate the public about everything from composting to salmon habitat. Phone: 604-532-3511 Fax: 604-534-6593 201 4839 221 St., Langley Contact by mail: Langley Environmental Partners Society 4700 224th Street, Langley, B.C. V2Z 1N4 LEPS also works with a large number of local streamkeeping groups, and can put potential volunteers in touch with the following groups: Bertrand Creek Enhancement Society Little Campbell Watershed Society Salmon River Enhancement Society Glen Valley Watersheds Society Yorkson Creek Watershed Stewardship Committee Pepin Brook Streamkeepers
Nicomekl Enhancement Society
– runs its own salmon hatchery and works to improve the habitat along the Nicomekl River. Web: www.nicomeklhatchery.com 5263 232 St., Langley Phone: 604-539-2486 Email: nicomeklh@yahoo.com
DoYou Have ? Diabetes? Circulatory Problems? Arthritis? Vision Problems?
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
The local community advisor to the DFO is Joe Kambeitz, covering the south side of the Fraser River as far inland as Boston Bar. 3-100 Annacis Parkway, Delta BC V3M 6A2 Phone: 604-666-8266 Fax: 604-666-7112 Email Joe, care of Maurice: Maurice.Coulter-Boisvert @dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Ministry of Environment
If you have seen a bear, mountain lion, or other dangerous animal in an urban area, call the Ministry’s Conservation Officer Service. Conservation officers will attempt to track and tranquilize and remove, or humanely destroy, animals in urban areas. Phone: 1-877-952-7277 (RAPP) to report wildlife-human interactions where public safety is at risk.
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Resources for Langley Seniors •
Government – Langley Township Township of Langley
The Township of Langley was incorporated in Fort Langley in 1873 and is known as the “Birthplace of B.C.” The municipality has a land mass of 316 square kilometres (122 square miles) and a population of approximately 104,000. Web: www.tol.ca
Councillor David Davis Phone: 604-888-1402 Mobile: 604-340-9385 Email: ddavis@tol.ca
Councillor Bob Long Phone: 604-671-8948 Fax: 604-857-8964 Email: Bob@BobLong.ca
Councillor Kim Richter Phone: 604 856-9788 Email: krichter@tol.ca
Councillor Michelle Sparrow Phone: 604-882-8330 Email: msparrow@tol.ca
Langley Township Civic Facility 20338 - 65 Avenue Langley, BC V2Y 3J1 Phone: 604-534-3211 Fax: 604-532-3555 Email: info@tol.ca Councillor Grant Ward Phone: 604-534-4991 Email: gward@tol.ca
Mayor Jack Froese Phone: 604-856-4494 Email: jfroese@tol.ca
Councillor Steve Ferguson Mobile: 604-340-9387 Email: sferguson@tol.bc.ca
Councillor Charlie Fox Mobile: 604-340-9421 Email: cfox@tol.ca
Councillor Bev Dornan Mobile: 604-996-1502 Email: bdornan@tol.ca
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• Resources for Langley Seniors
Government – Langley City City of Langley
On March 1, 1955, the area of Langley Prairie seceded from the Township and the City of Langley was established. The City of Langley covers 10 square kilometres (four square miles) and is home to about 25,000 residents. www.city.langley.bc.ca Langley City Hall 20399 Douglas Crescent Langley, BC V3A 4B3 Phone: 604-514-2800 Fax: 604-530-4371 Email: info@langleycity.ca
Acting Mayor Ted Schaffer Mobile: 604-317-4110 Email: info@langleycity.ca
Councillor Jack Arnold Phone: 604-309-4015 Email: langleylad@shaw.ca
SEniOr’S ExaMS
Councillor Dave Hall Phone: 604-533-2240 Email: info@langleycity.ca
Councillor Rosemary Wallace Mobile: 778-808-5900 Email: info@langleycity.ca
Councillor Gayle Martin Phone: 604-534-4896 Email: gaylemartin@hotmail.com
Councillor Teri James Phone: 604-532-8344 Email: info@downtownlangley.com
• • • • • •
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Resources for Langley Seniors •
Government – Provincial Members of the Legislative Assembly
Provincially, Langley City and Langley Township are represented by MLAs Mary Polak and Rich Coleman. MLA Mary Polak’s Langley office: #102 – 20611 Fraser Hwy. Langley, BC V3A 4G4 Web: www.marypolak.ca. Phone: 604-514-8206 Fax: 604-514-0195 Email: mary.polak.mla@leg.bc.ca
Langley MLA Mary Polak is Minister of Environment. She is vice-chair of the Environment and Land Use Committee and is a member of the Cabinet Working Group on Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) and of the Priorities and Planning Committee.
Fort Langley-Aldergrove MLA Rich Coleman is Deputy Premier of B.C., Minister of Natural Gas and Development, and Minister Responsible for Housing. He vice-chair of the Cabinet Working Group on Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) and of the Priorities and Planning Committee. He is a member of the Treasury Board,
Member of Parliament
At the federal level, Mark Warawa serves both Langley City and Langley Township as Member of Parliament (MP).
Web: www.markwarawa.com Phone: 604-534-5955 Fax: 604-534-5970 Email: mark.warawa@parl.gc.ca
MLA Rich Coleman’s Fort Langley-Aldergrove office: 130-7888 200th Street, Langley, BC V2Y 3J4 Web: richcolemanmla.bc.ca Phone: 604-882-3151 Fax: 604-882-3154 Email: rich.coleman.mla@leg.bc.ca
Government – Federal MP Mark Warawa’s Langley office: 104-4769 222nd Street Langley, BC V2Z 3C1
the Cabinet Committee on Strong Economy, and the Environment and Land Use Committee.
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• Resources for Langley Seniors
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Langley City Fire-Rescue
Langley City fire hall also houses firefighting memorabilia. Call to find out when to visit. Fire hall 1 5785 203rd St., Langley Phone: 604-514-2880
Emergency Services in Langley Langley RCMP
Emergencies: call 911
9-1-1 is for police, fire or medical emergencies when immediate action is required: someone’s health, safety or property is in jeopardy or a crime is in progress. For non-emergencies contact the main detachment, 604-5323200, or a Community Policing Office. The RCMP also offers Victim Services, Crime Watch, Speed Watch, Block Watch, Auxiliary Policing, and staffing local Community Police Offices. Seniors are often the target of scammers. The police also have information that can help seniors from being victimized. The RCMP also has videos and DVDs about crime prevention and other topics. (At the main detachment, 22180 48A Ave.)
Langley Township fire halls Administration: Murrayville hall #6 22170 50 Ave., Langley Phone: 604-532-7500 Fax: 604-532-7530 Fire Hall 2 - Fort Langley 23137 - 96th Ave. Fire Hall 3 - Aldergrove 26316 - 30A Ave. Fire Hall 4 - Willoughby 20253 - 72nd Ave. Fire Hall 5 - Brookswood 20355 - 32nd Ave. Fire Hall 6 - Murrayville 22170 - 50th Ave. Fire Hall 7 - Otter 3876 - 248th St. Fire Hall 8 - Walnut Grove 9580 - 208th St.
Community Policing Offices Aldergrove 26970 Fraser Hwy. Phone: 604-856-7386 Tuesday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. Brookswood #102 4059 200th St. Phone: 604-530-3104 Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Langley City #100 20408 Douglas Cres. Phone: 604-514-2870 Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Walnut Grove #108 8850 Walnut Grove Dr. Phone: 604-888-0563 Tuesday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Willowbrook #140 20338 65 Ave. Phone: 604-534-1040 Monday to Wednesday and Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.
“Seniors contribute enormously to our society by volunteering, mentoring and continuing to play a crucial role in our communities.” ~ Mark Warawa, MP Mark Warawa, MP Langley 604-534-5955 markwarawa.com mark.warawa@parl.gc.ca
Resources for Langley Seniors •
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• Resources for Langley Seniors
Index 24-Hour Crisis Line 24/7 Distress Line
5 5
A-1 Wheelchairs Unlimited 14 ABM Dental 46 Absolute Hearing Services 47 Abuse Relief 5, 7, 26 Addiction Support 5, 28, 31 Adult Abuse and Neglect 5, 7, 11 Adult Daycare 15 Advanced Hearing Solutions 47 Alano Club of Langley 26 Alateen 26 Al-Anon Family Groups 26 Albatross Vet Clinic 33 Alcoholics Anonymous 27 Alder Alley Bowling 37 Aldergrove Animal Hospital 33 Aldergrove Kinsmen Community Centre 36 Aldergrove-Langley Taxi 12 Aldergrove Legion Branch 265 51 Aldergrove Library 34 Aldergrove Neighbourhood Services 26 Aldergrove OAP Hall 71 36 Aldergrove Vision Clinic 46 Aldor Veterinary Clinic 33 All About Pets Clinic 33 Allard Dental 44 Alpha Dental 44 Alternative Medicine 24 Alternatives Funeral and Cremation 50 Alzheimer Resource Centre 27 Alzheimer Society of BC 27 Amazing Grace Cleaning 14 Amazing Smile Dental 44 Ambassador Discount Books 36 Ambassadors, Downtown Langley 41 Animal Emergency Clinic of the FV 33 Animal Shelters 32, 42 Animal clinics 33 Apex Animal Hospital 33 Art Critiques 39 Arthritis Society BC & Yukon 27 Arthritis Support Group 27 Assistance Dogs 42 Avalon Gardens at Murrayville 15 Avalon Medical Clinic 22
Avecina Medical Clinic Avenue 56 Chiropractic Avon Animal Hospital
22 24 33
Banyan Dental 44 Bathing programs 7, 12 BC Biomedical Laboratories 24 BC Schizophrenia Society 5, 27 BC Seniors Games 49 BC Spinal Decompression Centre 22 BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre 27 BC211 10 Behnoush Bahrini Denture Clinic 46 Beltone Hearing Centre 47 Better Care Acupuncture Clinic 24 Best Fit Medical 22 Bibles for Missions Thrift Store 14 Bicycling 37 Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Langley 40 Biomedical Laboratories, BC 24 Blindness Support 28, 42 Books 34, 36 Bowling 37 BreatheWELL at Home 7 Bright Smile Dental 44 Brookswood Community Police 40, 57 Brookswood Dental Group 44 Brookswood Denture 46 Brookswood Medical-Dental Clinic 44 Brookswood Library 34 Brookswood Medical Clinic 22 Brookswood Seniors Centre 36 Brookswood Veterinary Hospital 33 Budd Orthodontics 44
C.A.R.E.S 32, 41 Canada Mortgage & Housing Corp 10 Canada Revenue Agency 10 Canadian Cancer Society - Fraser Valley 27, 41 Canadian Diabetes Association 27 Canadian Mental Health Association 28 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) 10 Canadian National Institute for the Blind 28 Cancer Support 27 Canoeing 37 Caregiver Support 28
CarePlace Medical Centre 22 CARP 11 Cedar Hill 15 Cemeteries and cemetery database 50 Central Langley Pet Hospital 33 Chapters 36 Child Caregiving Support 28 Children and Families Ministry 5 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 9 City of Langley 55 Classic Cleaning 14 Clayton Animal Hospital 33 Cleaning services 14 CMP Care in Motion Pharmacy 47 Cloverdale Horseshoe Club 37 Cloverdale Library 36 Coleman, Rich - MLA 56 Cole’s Books 36 College of Dental Surgeons of B.C. 44 College of Denturists of B.C. 46 College of Naturopathic Physicians of BC 24 College of Opticians of B.C. 46 College of Optometrists of B.C. 46 College of Pharmacists of B.C. 47 College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C. 22 College of Psychologists of B.C. 49 College of Registered Nurses of B.C. 49 Columbia Dental Office 44 Comfort Plus Mobility 14 Community Bathing Program 7, 12 Community Education Services 34 Community Policing Offices 57 Connect Hearing 47 Conversation Circles 40 Cornerstone Care Society 14 Cornerstone Dental Centre 44 Costco Pharmacy 47 The Council of Senior Citizens Organizations of B.C. 11 The Creative Bookwoom 36 Cremation 50 Critter Care Wildlife Society 32 Crisis Line 5, 43 Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of Canada 28 Crystal Vision and Hearing 46, 47 Curling 37 Cycling 37 Resources for Langley Seniors •
Dancing Daycare, Adult Debbie Mozelle (vision) Decluttering Dental Care Depression/Stress Recovery Diet Aid Distress Line Dog Licences Donald Fung Denture Clinic Douglas Recreation Centre Downtown Langley Ambassadors Drugs/Drugstores DrugStore Pharmacy
40 15 46 14 44 28 30, 31 5 32 46 36 41 47, 49 47
Early Psychosis Intervention 5 Ears Hearing 47 Education 34 Elder Abuse 5, 7, 11 Elderly Renter Shelter 15 Emergency Numbers 5, 57 Emergency, Langley Memorial Hospital 5, 9 Emergency Psychiatric Nurse Clincian 5 Emergency Services 5, 57 Employment 43 End of Life Care 50 Environment Ministry 53 Environmental Health 28 Environmental Groups 53 Equestrian 37 Equipment Loans 7, 12, 28 Evergreen Timbers 15 Eye care 46
Federal Government 10, 51, 52, 56 Fibromyalgia Well-Spring Foundation 28, 41 First Memorial Funeral Services 50 First Nations 10 Fisheries & Oceans Canada 53 Food and Friends 19 Food Bank 20 Forest Hills Dental Centre 44 Fort Langley-Aldergrove MLA 56 Fort Langley Canoe Club 37 Fort Langley Library 34 Fort Langley Veterinary Clinic 33 Fort Langley Physiotherapy Clinic 22 60
• Resources for Langley Seniors
4-H Club 41 Fraser Crossing Dental Centre 44 Fraser Health Authority 7 Fraser Health Crisis Line 5, 43 Fraser Highway Medical Clinic 22 Fresh Gourmet Take Away 20 Friendly Amputees of the Fraser Valley 28 Friends of the City of Langley Library 41 Fruits and Vegetable Program 20 Funeral Services 50
Gamblers Anonymous Group Gambling, problem Gateway of Hope Glover Family Pharmacy Glover Medical Clinic Government Langley City Langley Township Province of BC Canada Grief Support Grove Medical Centre Grove Vitamins
Hagen’s Travel and Cruises HandyDART (Transportation) Harrison Landing Harrison Pointe Harvest Bags & Boxes Health Equipment Loan Program Health Link BC Hearing Heart & Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon Henderson Funeral Homes Highland Lodge Hill Crest Dental Centre Homeless Shelter Home Care Nursing Services Home Health Care Services Hominum Horseshoe pitch Hospice Residence Hospital BC Women’s Hospital, Langley Memorial House Calls Health and Wellness House Cleaning Services Housing
28 28 26 47 22 55 54 56 56 28 22 24 20 12 15 16 20 7, 28 5, 11 47 28 50 16 44 26 9 7 30 37 9, 50 27 5, 10 14 14 15
Ickert Dental Implant Centre IDA Langley Pharmacy Identity Theft I’M Cleaning Solutions In Sight Optometry Image Optometry Influenza Program Independent Respiratory Services Integrated Health Clinic Iris Optometrists and Opticians Ishtar Transition Housing Society Ivory Dental
Jackman Manor Job Bank
Dr. Anita Kanwal Optometry Clinic Krazy Bob’s Music Emporium Kwantlen Polytechnic University
44 47 20 14 46 46 30 9 24 46 26, 41 44 16 43 46 36 34
LaForge Medical Services 22 Laboratories 24 Langley Adult Day Centre 15 Langley Advance 15 Langley Animal Clinic 33 Langley Arts Council 39 Langley Camera Club 39 Langley Centennial Museum 50 Langley City 55 Langley City Fire-Rescue 57 Langley City Library 34 Langley City Recreation Guide 34 Langley Community Chorus 39 Langley Community Services Society 5, 26 Langley Community Support Groups Society 30 Langley Curling Club 37 Langley Denture Clinic 46 Langley Eyecare Centre 46 Langley Environmental Partners Society 53 Langley Family Dental 44 Langley Field Naturalists 53 Langley Foot Clinic 22 Langley Gardens Retirement Community 16 Langley Golf & Banquet Centre 37 Langley Home Health Office 7 Langley Hospice Society 9, 41, 50
Langley I.D.A. Pharmacy 47 Langley Lawn Bowling Club 37 Langley Legion Branch 21 51 Langley Literacy Association 41 Langley Lodge 16, 41 Langley Memorial Hospital 5, 9 Langley Mental Health Centre 5 Langley Ministry for Children & Families 5 Langley MLA 56 Langley Optometry Clinic 46 Langley Orthodontic Centre 44 Langley Orthodontics 44 Langley Physiotherapy Clinic 22 Langley Players Drama Club 39 Langley Pos-Abilities Society 12 Langley Psychiatric Outpatients 30 Langley Public Health Unit 7 Langley Quilters Guild 39 Langley Rainbow OAPO Br. 146 36 Langley RCMP 57 Langley School District 34 Langley Sedation Dental 44 Langley Senior Resource Society 12, 36, 42 Langley Seniors Village 16 Langley Service Canada Centre 43 Langley Spinners & Weavers Guild 40 Langley Substance Use Services 26 Langley Township 54 Langley Township Fire Halls 57 Langley Township Leisure Guide 34 Langley Visually Impaired Group 30 Langley Writers’ Guild 40 Larry Lu Inc. (Dentures) 46 Lawn bowling 37 Legal Aid 20 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society 30 Libra Transition House 26 Libraries 34 Lifeline Program 9 Lifestyle Chiropractic Health Centre 24 Literacy Tutors 42 LMH Family Council 30 LMH Family Support Group 30 Loblaw Pharmacy (Superstore) 47 London Drugs Pharmacies 47 Dr. Larry Lu Clinic (Dentures) 46 Lyuh’s Acupuncture Accupressure Massage 24
Magnolia Gardens
Maid Services 14 Mammography 31 Manoah Manor 16 Maple Hill 16 Mark Warawa - MP 56 Marrwood 16 Mary Polak, MLA 56 Masoud Saidi (dentist) 44 Meals on Wheels 19, 30, 41 Medic Alert Foundation 5 Medication Management 9 Medical Clinics 22 Medical Equipment Loan 7, 12, 28 Medicine Centre Pharmacy 47 Mental Health 5, 27, 28, 30, 49 Mental Health Family Support 30 Merry Maids 14 Military Veterans 51, 52 Ministry for Children and Families 5 Ministry of Environment 53 Molly Maid 14 Mommymaids Inc 14 Mood Disorders Association 5 MP Mark Warawa 56 MS Society 30 Municipal Government 54, 55 Murals Medical Clinic 22 Muriel Arnason Library 34 Murrayville Animal Hospital 33 Murrayville Dental Clinic 44 Murrayville Pharmacy 47
Nar Anon Naturopaths Newlands Veterinary Clinic Nicomekl Enhancement Society Nielson’s Dental Laboratory Nutrition Nurses
OAP Organizations Ombudsman for taxpayers Oracare Dental Centre Organ Transplants Osteoporosis Canada Otter Co-op Pharmacy Outreach Programs Overeaters Anonymous
30 24 33 53 46 19 49 36 10 44 43 30 47 11, 12 30
Pacific Assistance Dogs Society 42 Pacific Riding for Developing Abilities 42 Palliative Care 10, 50 Parkinson Support Group 30 Paterson Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic 22 Patti Dale Animal Shelter 32, 42 Paws & Claws Animal Hospital 33 Penny Pincher 14, 42 People with Pets 42 Pet care 32-33 Pharmaceutical records 47 Pharmacies/Pharmacists 47-49 Pharmasave Pharmacies 47 Photography 39 Physicians/Surgeons 22 Poison Control 5 Polak, Mary - MLA 56 Police 5, 57 Port Kells Library 36 Post Secondary Education 34 Problem Gambling 5 Prostate Cancer Support Group 30 Provincial Government 56 Psychiatry 5, 30 Psychologists 49 Psychosis Intervention 5 The Public Guardian & Trustee of B.C. 40 Public Health 7, 10 Public Transit - TransLink 12 Pulmonary Rehabilitation 9 Barbara A. Punnett (Dentures) 46
Rape Crisis 5, 43 RCMP 57 ReConnect Program 43 Recycling 14 Redwood Medical Clinic 22 Redwoods Dental Langley 44 Renaissance Resort Retirement Living 16 Respiratory Program 31 Respiratory Therapy Services 9 Retirement residences 15, 16, 19 Rich Coleman MLA 56 Rittaler, R. (Dentures) 46 Rosewood 16 Royal Canadian Legion 51 Resources for Langley Seniors • 61
Safer Sex Harm Reduction 31 Safeway Pharmacies 49 Sage Dental Centre 44 Salvation Army Thrift Store 14 Salvation Army Warehouse & Thrift Store 15 Save-On-Foods Pharmacies 49 Schizophrenia Society, BC 5, 27 Screening Mammography 31 Sears Travel 20 Second Story Treasures 15 SeniorsBC 10 Seniors Centres 12, 19, 36, 42 Seniors Health Care Services 12 Seniors Information & Referral Services 12 Seniors Outreach Programs 12 Seniors Community Tax Group 11 Sense of Vision Optical 46 Service Canada Centre 43 Sex Addicts Anonymous 30 Shelter 15 Shelters, Animal 32, 42 Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER) 15 Shoppers Drug Mart Pharmacies 49 Shoppers Home Health Care 14 Simpson Manor 16 Small Animal Rescue Society 32, 42 Small Creatures Pet Clinic 33 Smiles @ Willoughby 44 Sonus Langley Hearing Clinic 47 Sparkling Clean House Cleaning 14 Spay and Neuter Clinic 33 St. Joe’s Soup Kitchen 20 STI/HIV Clinic 31 Strategies and Actions for Independent Living (SAIL) 9 Stroke Recovery 30 Substance Abuse 26 Suicide Hotline 5 Sunridge Gardens 16 Support Groups 26, 31 SurLang Medicine Centre Pharmacy 49 Surrey Square Wheelers 40
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Target Pharmacy Taxes Taxi Service 62 • Resources for Langley Seniors
30 49 10 12
Taxpayers’ Ombudsman The Public Guardian & Trustee of B.C. The Targeted Initiative for Older Workers Third Age Learning Thrift Stores Thunderbird Animal Hospital Thunderbird Dental Group Timms Recreation Centre TLC Pet Adoptions Township Fire Halls Township of Langley Township of Langley Reuses Exchange Transformation Orthodontics Transplant Society of BC Transportation Program Travel Trinity Western University Tux Pharmacy 200th Street Dental
Universities Universal Optical UV Optical
10 40 43 34 14 33 44 36 43 57 54 14 44 43 12 20 34 49 44 34 46 46
Valley Centre Medical Clinic 22 Valley Evergreen Pharmacy 14, 49 Valley Natural Health Products 24 Valley Therapeutic Equestrian Association 43 Value Village 15 Vancouver Rape Relief 43 Vancouver Scoliosis Support Group 31 Veterans Affairs Canada 51-52 Veterinarians 33 Village Medical Clinic 22
Vintage Riders Equestrian Club 37 Vision Care Centre Langley 46 Visschers Travel and Cruise Ltd. 20 Visual Impairment 28 Volunteering 19, 40-43 VolWeb 40
Walking club Walnut Grove Animal Hospital Walnut Grove Community Centre Walnut Grove Dental Centre Walnut Grove Library Warawa, Mark - MP Well Beings Wendel’s Bookstore and Cafe West Coast Vein Clinic Westhill Dental Centre Wiebe and Leakos Veterinary Willoughby Dental Centre Willoughby Heights Dental Willoughby Medical Clinic Willow Dental Care Langley Willowbrook Dental Clinic Willowbrook Animal Hospital Willowbrook Image Optometry Willowbrook Lanes Bowling Willowbrook Mall Walking Club Willowbrook Optometry Clinic Willowbrook Oral Surgery
Xyolhemeylh Family Services
37 33 36 44 34 56 24 36 22 44 33 44 44 22 44 44 33 46 37 37 46 44 43
YES Medspa and Cosmetic Surgery Centre 24 You’ve Gotta Have Friends 43
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Resources for Langley Seniors •
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• Resources for Langley Seniors