Young Learners Summer Program 2011

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L A N G U A G E L I N K V I E T N A M S U M M E R P R O G R A M Are you a qualified and experienced Young Learner teacher? If the answer is YES then LLV is for YOU! If teaching children and teenagers is your preferred area of EFL/ESL then the Young Learner Summer Program in Hanoi should be at the top of your list of choices of work locaOon this coming June and July 2011. Hanoi has been described as the Paris of Asia with tree lined boulevards, myriad of parks and lakes with a now abundant choice of social scenes. The Language Link Young Learner Program will run out of each of our four campuses: Cat Linh, Dai Co Viet, Lang Ha and the new campus at Yen Phu. Each school is well resourced with everything you need to deliver engaging, effecOve, student centered lessons. With the addiOonal support of our experienced YL academic team you will find adapOng to Vietnamese students learning needs a friendly process and valuable addiOon to your personal porTolio of experience.

Who and where are we? Language Link was established in London in 1975 and has since grown into a leading English language service provider in Russia, Uzbekistan, China and Vietnam.

36 Cat Linh Street Dong Da District

62 Yen Phu Street Ba Dinh District

With five branches in Vietnam LLV dominates the market in the north and is establishing a strong corporate presence in the south.

Young Learners, children aged 6 – 10 years and teenagers aged 11-­‐16 years, account for almost half of our work and we are well equipped to make sure that they all receive the best value for their investment in us. Whichever school you work from the courses have a fully paced and staged curriculum, provided with all the published support material and a wealth of supplementary resources to compliment the course through every stage.

80A Lang Ha Street Dong Da District

26 Dai Co Viet Street Dong Da District

Which candidates are we looking for… Minimum Requirements

…what you need to do…

Must have a recognized teaching qualificaRon. Preference will be given to those candidates who possess a Cambridge CELTA or Oxford Trinity TESOL 120hr with observed teaching pracRce and CELTYL or equivalent.

•  Monday to Friday •  Classes scheduled between 8am and 5.30 or 6pm. •  Two classes AM and two PM. •  Each class will be 1.5 or 2 hours long. •  Full-­‐Rme teachers work up to 110 contact hours per month.

Must have bachelors degree in any discipline if the candidate wishes to remain working aXer the Summer Program.

•  Prepare and adend Parents MeeRngs. •  Weekend Parents meeRngs qualify for overRme payment.

Must have a police clearance cerRficate, dated within 6 months prior to arrival from home country, if arriving from overseas and intending to remain working aXer the Summer Program. Preference will be given to candidates who have a minimum of two years experience teaching young learners ESL/EFL and those who possess professional teaching qualificaRons with graduate qualificaRons that are specific to teaching. Please provide the following documents to support your applicaRon Current C.V: highlighRng YL teaching experience and qualificaRons: doc or pdf. Teaching QualificaRon: jpeg or pdf. Graduate QualificaRon: jpeg or pdf (if required). Police clearance cerRficate: jpeg or pdf (if required). Passport informaRon page: required to support visa applicaRon jpeg or pdf. The original copies of these documents are required on contract signing in Vietnam All of the above documents are required without excepRon to obtain a work permit and LLV will not offer employment if these documents cannot be produced on contract signing.

Teachers can also be asked to placement test and contribute to resource development work should their teaching schedule not reach 110hrs. …and what we provide for you •  Visa on arrival •  Airport collecRon •  Taken to hotel organized by LLV for iniRal stay •  OrientaRon, InducRon and Workshops •  Fully resourced staffrooms and classrooms •  Excellent mentor and line management support •  Full HR and Admin support •  Guidance on accommodaRon and social events •  Priority given to SP teachers for post program vacancies

Full-­‐Time Overseas Candidates

•  $140 expenses for InducRon week •  $1305 net per month (paid VND) •  $15 net per night accommodaRon allowance (paid in salary) •  $500 net compleRon bonus •  Up to $600 net flight allowance (Rcket/receipt required)

Full-­‐Ome Local Hire •  As above without flight or accommodaRon allowance Local Hire Part-­‐Ome •  Up to 60 hours per month •  $20-­‐$26 per hour •  $250 net bonus


ASP 1 – Responding to job posRng from overseas ASP 2 – Responding directly with OVIA ASP 3 -­‐ Local candidates in person interview

With more opportuniRes and and more applicants every year the HR recruitment team have been looking for ways to provide as many applicants as possible a fair chance of achieving their goal. With the introducRon of the state of the art Online Video Interview ApplicaRon we think we have achieved our goal. For all overseas applicants there is now no need to go through the mulRple e-­‐mail exchange and someRmes weeks that it takes to organize a telephone or Skype interview. Candidates can simply follow the link provided in all internet communicaRon with the recruitment team and provided they have an internet connecRon, webcam and microphone they can record the answers to the quesRons provided and the recruitment team can respond within 2-­‐3 working days.

ASP 1 – OVERSEAS CANDIDATES 1.  Submit the following documents for consideraRon •  Cover Leder •  Up to date C.V. •  PDF/Jpeg copy Teaching qualificaRon •  PDF/Jpeg copy Graduate qualificaRon •  PDF/Jpeg copy of Passport informaRon page

ASP 2 – OVERSEAS CANDIDATES 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.


Await response from recruitment team


PosiRve response will invite interview and request use of OVIA 1.  or suitable date and Rme for telephone or Skye interview. 2.  Interview 3.  Successful candidates receive offer in Pre-­‐Service Agreement 4.

4.  5.

Use link provided to respond with OVIA with C.V. sent to recruitment Await response from recruitment team 2-­‐3 working days Successful candidates will be requested to submit documents as ASP 1 Second interview arranged if felt necessary to expand and confirm Successful candidates receive offer in Pre-­‐Service Agreement

ASP 3 – LOCAL CANDIDATES Send C.V. directly to recruitment team and await response Date and Rme arranged for interview Interview at LLV head office providing all original copies of documents Candidates noRfied of result in person, by phone or e-­‐mail as agreed

A ‘Rough Guide’ for Successful Candidates Arrival and InducRon All successful candidates will be provided informaRon on visa collecRon, airport collecRon and what to expect on iniRal arrival.

Language Link Vietnam Summer Program 2011 Pre-Service Agreement –

Overseas Hire Full-time (Up to 110 hrs)

Teacher’s full name: This is to confirm that you have been offered a teaching position with Language Link Vietnam. (LLV). This document is a summary of the terms and conditions’ offered and does not constitute a contract. You will be asked to sign an official contract by the school before starting work. Please sign and return a jpeg/scanned copy to LLV to confirm receipt of the offer.

LLV School

To be determined by scheduling upon arrival at one of our four schools at either 36 Cat Linh, 24 Dai Co Viet, 80A Lang Ha or 62 Yen Phu Street in Hanoi

Period of Employment

2 Months from June 1 2010 – July 31 2010

Induction and Start date

Workshops commence week beginning 23

Induction Payment

$140 net to attend 12 hours of workshops

No. of contact hours per month

Up to 110hrs including cover classes and parents meetings.

Salary and Bonus

$1305 net + $500 net bonus

Visa provision

$60 reimbursed at conclusion of program


Up to $600 for flight to arrive in Vietnam for the program. Flights purchased prior to the agreement to not qualify nor do separately purchased outbound flights.

Accommodation Provision

$15 net per day from the 1 of June paid together with salary




May 2011


Upon contract signing you must have the following documents otherwise LLV cannot support your visa application and therefore legal working status. Original degree Original teaching certificate In signing this document, you are confirming that you are in good health, with no existing physical, mental or medical conditions that would prevent you from fulfilling all the requirements of this post for the full term of your contract. I have read and understand and agree to the terms and conditions set out above. I understand that this Teacher Service Agreement does not constitute a formal employment contract. I will be asked to sign an official Contract from LLV before starting work, an example of which I have been shown.

Teacher’s signature: ……………………………………


For HR Teacher Recruitment Services: ……………………………..


Strictly Private and Confidential

These links will help you get a beder picture of what to expect from what to expect from life in Hanoi and all the local info you need to keep you on track.

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