31 March 2016_Press Release_German-Italian Hospitality and Real Estate Forum

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Press Release

ALLEGROITALIA HOTELS & RESORTS ORGANISES THE 2016 GERMAN-ITALIAN HOSPITALITY & REAL ESTATE FORUM A business-to-business event to promote meetings between hospitality players and investors

Milan, 31st March, 2016 - AllegroItalia Hotels & Resorts, the Italian hotel group based around the concept of democratic luxury, is pleased to be organising the second edition of the Hospitality & Real Estate Forum. This year the event focuses on the German and Italian markets and is to be held on the 23rd and 24th June, 2016, at the AllegroItalia Hotel Savoia Rimini, in Rimini, Italy. “We are proud to be organising and hosting the second edition of the Hospitality & Real Estate Forum,” says Piergiorgio Mangialardi, President of AllegroItalia. “The Forum is a major event for the hospitality and real estate world, aimed at fostering meetings and arrangements between investors and entrepreneurs so as to facilitate their entrance into the various segments of the Italian hospitality market.” After the group’s recent growth and success, AllegroItalia is organising the Forum in order to highlight the range of scenarios for the Italian hospitality market and to guide and assist hospitality players in carrying out their development plans on this market. The Forum work sessions will examine a variety of subjects: Hotel Conversions and Restructuring; Sustainable Hotels; Non Performing Loans and Hotels; Law and Tax in Italy and in Germany; “Air Dolomiti: A Success Case of Business Innovation”; Restoring Old Villages and Castles; Golf and Hospitality; Social Hotels; Senior Citizens Hospitality; Condotels. Participants at the Forum will include: Piergiorgio Mangialardi, President of AllegroItalia; Giorgio Ribaudo, Horwath HTL Italy; Massimo Caputi, President of Feidos; Jorg Eberhart, President and CEO of Air Dolomiti; Massimo Vitali, President of Vitali S.p.A.; Guido Polito, CEO of Baglioni Hotels; Mark B. Jones, Considerate Hoteliers; Mauro Paoloni, Vice President of Gruppo Bancario BPM; Maurizio Laverone, AllegroItalia Deutschland; Michele Esposto, CEO of Borghi Srl; Fabio Tonello, Managing Director of Antoitalia; Micaela Fanelli, Mayor of Riccia. “Early Bird” registration by 15th April: 850 Euros.

Alleg roItal ia Hotels S.p . A. | V AT Nr . 065 331 609 63 | Shar e capi tal € 230 000 totall y pai d up L e g a l h e a d o f f i c e : V i a S a n P i e t r o a l l ’ O r t o 6 – 2 0 1 2 1 M I LA N O , I t a l y Op e r a t i o n s : V i a d e l l ’Ar c i v e sc o v a d o , 1 8 – 1 0 1 2 1 T OR I N O , I t a l y | T e l . +3 9 0 1 1 5 5 1 2 1 1 1 | w w w . a l l e g r o i t a l i a .i t

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