Aneilson portfolio

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adrienne neilson


event branding

Asahi Cratemen

A successful pitch put together for The Facility events company to replace a well-known heritage listed billboard in Perth with Asahi advertising. The pitch document needed to be modern with a Japanese twist, remaining aligned with the Asahi brand.

day one

day six

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rutrum nisi tortor. Nam tristique, massa ac mattis luctus, nunc odio auctor erat, nec volutpat turpis urna nec magna. Nulla aliquet enim a nulla pellentesque tincidunt. Praesent ut tortor lorem. Sed ut est nibh. Vestibulum in orci urna. Aliquam a orci condimentum libero sollicitudin euismod. Curabitur scelerisque faucibus purus ut vehicula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse eu magna velit, porta ultrices enim. Vivamus blandit mollis urna et lobortis. Nulla non sapien tellus. Aenean pulvinar accumsan arcu ut tincidunt. Aliquam aliquet ultricies magna ac faucibus. Donec vulputate rhoncus tellus eu accumsan. Mauris magna lorem, iaculis at rhoncus a, luctus id ligula.

day seven Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rutrum nisi tortor. Nam tristique, massa ac mattis luctus, nunc odio auctor erat, nec volutpat turpis urna nec

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rutrum nisi tortor. Nam tristique, massa ac mattis luctus, nunc odio auctor erat, nec volutpat turpis urna nec

magna. Nulla aliquet enim a nulla pellentesque tincidunt. Praesent ut tortor lorem. Sed ut est nibh. Vestibulum in orci urna. Aliquam a orci condimentum libero sollicitudin euismod. Curabitur scelerisque faucibus purus ut vehicula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse eu

magna. Nulla aliquet enim a nulla pellentesque tincidunt. Praesent ut tortor lorem. Sed ut est nibh. Vestibulum in orci urna. Aliquam a orci condimentum libero sollicitudin

magna velit, porta ultrices enim. Vivamus blandit mollis urna et lobortis. Nulla non sapien tellus. Aenean pulvinar accumsan arcu ut tincidunt. Aliquam aliquet ultricies magna ac

euismod. Curabitur scelerisque faucibus purus ut vehicula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse eu

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rutrum nisi tortor. Nam tristique, massa ac mattis luctus, nunc odio auctor erat, nec volutpat turpis urna nec

magna velit, porta ultrices enim. Vivamus blandit mollis urna et lobortis. Nulla non sapien tellus. Aenean pulvinar accumsan arcu ut tincidunt. Aliquam aliquet ultricies magna ac

euismod. Curabitur scelerisque faucibus purus ut vehicula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse eu

faucibus. Donec vulputate rhoncus tellus eu accumsan. Mauris magna lorem, iaculis at rhoncus a, luctus id ligula. magna. Nulla aliquet enim a nulla pellentesque tincidunt. Praesent ut tortor lorem. Sed ut est nibh. Vestibulum in orci urna. Aliquam a orci condimentum libero sollicitudin magna velit, porta ultrices enim. Vivamus blandit mollis urna et lobortis. Nulla non sapien tellus. Aenean pulvinar accumsan arcu ut tincidunt. Aliquam aliquet ultricies magna ac faucibus. Donec vulputate rhoncus tellus eu accumsan. Mauris magna lorem, iaculis at rhoncus a, luctus id ligula.

faucibus. Donec vulputate rhoncus tellus eu accumsan. Mauris magna lorem, iaculis at rhoncus a, luctus id ligula.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rutrum nisi tortor. Nam tristique, massa ac mattis luctus, nunc odio auctor erat, nec volutpat turpis urna nec magna. Nulla aliquet enim a nulla pellentesque tincidunt. Praesent ut tortor lorem. Sed ut est nibh. Vestibulum in orci urna. Aliquam a orci condimentum libero sollicitudin euismod. Curabitur scelerisque faucibus purus ut vehicula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse eu magna velit, porta ultrices enim. Vivamus blandit mollis urna et lobortis. Nulla non sapien tellus. Aenean pulvinar accumsan arcu ut tincidunt. Aliquam aliquet ultricies magna ac faucibus. Donec vulputate rhoncus tellus eu accumsan. Mauris magna lorem, iaculis at rhoncus a, luctus id ligula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rutrum nisi tortor. Nam tristique, massa ac mattis luctus, nunc odio auctor erat, nec volutpat turpis urna nec magna. Nulla aliquet enim a nulla pellentesque tincidunt. Praesent ut tortor lorem. Sed ut est nibh. Vestibulum in orci urna. Aliquam a orci condimentum libero sollicitudin euismod. Curabitur scelerisque faucibus purus ut vehicula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse eu magna velit, porta ultrices enim. Vivamus blandit mollis urna et lobortis. Nulla non sapien tellus. Aenean pulvinar accumsan arcu ut tincidunt. Aliquam aliquet ultricies magna ac faucibus. Donec vulputate rhoncus tellus eu accumsan. Mauris magna lorem, iaculis at rhoncus a, luctus id ligula.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rutrum nisi tortor. Nam tristique, massa ac mattis luctus, nunc odio auctor erat, nec volutpat turpis urna nec magna. Nulla aliquet enim a nulla pellentesque tincidunt. Praesent ut tortor lorem. Sed ut est nibh. Vestibulum in orci urna. Aliquam a orci condimentum libero sollicitudin euismod. Curabitur scelerisque faucibus purus ut vehicula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse eu magna velit, porta ultrices enim. Vivamus blandit mollis urna et lobortis. Nulla non sapien tellus. Aenean pulvinar accumsan arcu ut tincidunt. Aliquam aliquet ultricies magna ac faucibus. Donec vulputate rhoncus tellus eu accumsan. Mauris magna lorem, iaculis at rhoncus a, luctus id ligula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rutrum nisi tortor. Nam tristique, massa ac mattis luctus, nunc odio auctor erat, nec volutpat turpis urna nec magna. Nulla aliquet enim a nulla pellentesque tincidunt. Praesent ut tortor lorem. Sed ut est nibh. Vestibulum in orci urna. Aliquam a orci condimentum libero sollicitudin euismod. Curabitur scelerisque faucibus purus ut vehicula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse eu magna velit, porta ultrices enim. Vivamus blandit mollis urna et lobortis. Nulla non sapien tellus. Aenean pulvinar accumsan arcu ut tincidunt. Aliquam aliquet ultricies magna ac faucibus. Donec vulputate rhoncus tellus eu accumsan. Mauris magna lorem, iaculis at rhoncus a, luctus id ligula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rutrum nisi tortor. Nam tristique, massa ac mattis luctus, nunc odio auctor erat, nec volutpat turpis urna nec magna. Nulla aliquet enim a nulla pellentesque tincidunt. Praesent ut tortor lorem. Sed ut est nibh. Vestibulum in orci urna. Aliquam a orci condimentum libero sollicitudin euismod. Curabitur scelerisque faucibus purus ut vehicula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse eu magna velit, porta ultrices enim. Vivamus blandit mollis urna et lobortis. Nulla non sapien tellus. Aenean pulvinar accumsan arcu ut tincidunt. Aliquam aliquet ultricies magna ac faucibus. Donec vulputate rhoncus tellus eu accumsan. Mauris magna lorem, iaculis at rhoncus a, luctus id ligula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rutrum nisi tortor. Nam tristique, massa ac mattis luctus, nunc odio auctor erat, nec volutpat turpis urna nec magna. Nulla aliquet enim a nulla pellentesque tincidunt. Praesent ut tortor lorem. Sed ut est nibh. Vestibulum in orci urna. Aliquam a orci condimentum libero sollicitudin euismod. Curabitur scelerisque faucibus purus ut vehicula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse eu magna velit, porta ultrices enim. Vivamus blandit mollis urna et lobortis. Nulla non sapien tellus. Aenean pulvinar accumsan arcu ut tincidunt. Aliquam aliquet ultricies magna ac faucibus. Donec vulputate rhoncus tellus eu accumsan. Mauris magna lorem, iaculis at rhoncus a, luctus id ligula.

day four

day three

day five

day two

Suspendisse eu magna velit, porta ultrices enim. Vivamus blandit mollis urna et

Suspendisse eu magna velit, porta ultrices enim. Vivamus blandit mollis urna et

Suspendisse eu magna velit, porta ultrices enim. Vivamus blandit mollis urna et

Suspendisse eu magna velit, porta ultrices enim. Vivamus blandit mollis urna et

lobortis. Nulla non sapien tellus. Aenean pulvinar accumsan arcu ut tincidunt.

lobortis. Nulla non sapien tellus. Aenean pulvinar accumsan arcu ut tincidunt.

lobortis. Nulla non sapien tellus. Aenean pulvinar accumsan arcu ut tincidunt.

lobortis. Nulla non sapien tellus. Aenean pulvinar accumsan arcu ut tincidunt.

Aliquam aliquet ultricies magna ac faucibus. Donec vulputate rhoncus tellus eu

Aliquam aliquet ultricies magna ac faucibus. Donec vulputate rhoncus tellus eu

Aliquam aliquet ultricies magna ac faucibus. Donec vulputate rhoncus tellus eu

Aliquam aliquet ultricies magna ac faucibus. Donec vulputate rhoncus tellus eu

accumsan. Mauris magna lorem, iaculis at rhoncus a, luctus id ligula.

accumsan. Mauris magna lorem, iaculis at rhoncus a, luctus id ligula.

accumsan. Mauris magna lorem, iaculis at rhoncus a, luctus id ligula.

accumsan. Mauris magna lorem, iaculis at rhoncus a, luctus id ligula.

event branding

Somersby Cider Bus

Again working for The Facility, the brief was to revamp a 1960s Bedford bus with the Somersby Cider branding. The bus acted as a travelling bar along the east coast of Australia.

overview Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dui tortor, lacinia aliquam elementum at, imperdiet vel urna. Nunc porta ultrices ligula quis malesuada. Phasellus egestas eros eu sem molestie dapibus. Vivamus sodales nisi non quam adipiscing nec faucibus arcu aliquam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec a purus orci. Nullam auctor pharetra mi. Aenean nec venenatis felis. Curabitur eleifend dui vitae erat congue fermentum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In vestibulum scelerisque lectus, sit amet vestibulum risus ultricies vitae. Aliquam mi turpis, congue in posuere sed, rutrum in felis. Aliquam iaculis purus rutrum ligula mollis eu bibendum purus pulvinar. Duis eros enim, gravida vitae consequat ut, consequat ut metus. Cras adipiscing consectetur quam, ac faucibus risus hendrerit ut. Proin elementum, nibh nec adipiscing semper, purus lectus porta libero, in tincidunt enim arcu at arcu. Donec at nunc lectus, luctus tincidunt lacus. Pellentesque velit ipsum, viverra nec sollicitudin non, vestibulum vitae tortor. Donec feugiat, augue at condimentum consectetur, quam dolor hendrerit nibh, ut sagittis nisi lacus sed libero. Sed vel lorem vitae leo facilisis convallis sit amet sit amet justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vitae nisi tortor. Aenean id rhoncus sapien. Curabitur nulla mi, tincidunt non placerat vitae, molestie ac lorem. Vestibulum ac ligula neque, in ullamcorper leo. Vivamus et commodo ante. Ut a magna turpis. Cras vitae felis nisi, in bibendum massa. Proin elementum lobortis nibh in sodales. Aliquam posuere, quam a posuere rhoncus, nunc diam varius enim, sed sollicitudin urna est a diam. Duis turpis turpis, molestie ut molestie a, laoreet adipiscing nibh. Cras nisi diam, ullamcorper vel suscipit vitae, vulputate dictum dolor. Nam vel tristique ante. Etiam at mauris nisi, non dignissim nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque sollicitudin iaculis dignissim. Nam enim sem, dapibus nec tristique at, lobortis ac velit. Phasellus at vehicula urna. Nam porta dignissim im-

perdiet. Sed egestas condimentum tellus, a tempus dui congue non. Nulla ullamcorper magna erat, at pretium mauris. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas ac iaculis enim. Aenean auctor magna a ante fringilla vulputate et id massa. Mauris sed tristique augue. Duis urna metus, suscipit ut posuere a, ultricies in enim. Ut vel sapien eget ante commodo egestas eget id lectus. Sed at sagittis velit. Curabitur vel diam ante, ut mattis sapien. Duis cursus porta libero ac imperdiet. Praesent hendrerit volutpat neque, placerat ornare tortor pretium sit amet. Nam congue, dolor at consectetur fermentum, elit sapien mollis magna, at fringilla eros massa et odio. Cras at mi et orci condimentum aliquet ut at quam. Quisque in purus quis elit convallis auctor et ac sem. Cras ligula felis, eleifend at convallis sed, vestibulum nec enim. Curabitur in pellentesque sem. Etiam ac nunc tellus. Proin feugiat nulla eget dolor cursus eget ullamcorper massa accumsan. Proin aliquam iaculis dui, sed tristique lorem adipiscing et. Sed condimentum ipsum non est convallis ullamcorper. Donec non nulla dui. Sed augue risus, semper in euismod sed, lobortis id velit. Donec posuere quam quis leo porta bibendum. Duis at turpis nisi, id accumsan lectus. Integer pharetra tellus a ipsum bibendum nec ullamcorper nisl interdum. Duis hendrerit pellentesque nibh eu vestibulum. Praesent vehicula nibh quis dolor gravida vulputate varius lacus adipiscing. Duis tincidunt, ligula in volutpat pretium, sem magna congue erat, a malesuada eros leo non ligula.

the event

what else? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dui tortor, lacinia aliquam elementum at, imperdiet vel urna. Nunc porta ultrices ligula quis malesuada. Phasellus egestas eros eu sem molestie dapibus. Vivamus sodales nisi non quam adipiscing nec faucibus arcu aliquam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec a purus orci. Nullam auctor pharetra mi. Aenean nec venenatis felis. Curabitur eleifend dui vitae erat congue fermentum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In vestibulum scelerisque lectus, sit amet vestibulum risus ultricies vitae. Aliquam mi turpis, congue in posuere sed, rutrum in felis. Aliquam iaculis purus rutrum ligula mollis eu bibendum purus pulvinar. Duis eros enim, gravida vitae consequat ut, consequat ut metus. Cras adipiscing consectetur quam, ac faucibus risus hendrerit ut. Proin elementum, nibh nec adipiscing semper, purus lectus porta libero, in tincidunt enim arcu at arcu. Donec at nunc lectus, luctus tincidunt lacus. Pellentesque velit ipsum, viverra nec sollicitudin non, vestibulum vitae tortor. Donec feugiat, augue at condimentum consectetur, quam dolor hendrerit nibh, ut sagittis nisi lacus sed libero. Sed vel lorem vitae leo facilisis convallis sit amet sit amet justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vitae nisi tortor. Aenean id rhoncus sapien. Curabitur nulla mi, tincidunt non placerat vitae, molestie ac lorem. Vestibulum ac ligula neque, in ullamcorper leo. Vivamus et commodo ante. Ut a magna turpis. Cras vitae felis nisi, in bibendum massa. Proin elementum lobortis nibh in sodales. Aliquam posuere, quam a posuere rhoncus, nunc diam varius enim, sed sollicitudin urna est a diam. Duis turpis turpis, molestie ut molestie a, laoreet adipiscing nibh. Cras nisi diam, ullamcorper vel suscipit vitae, vulputate dictum dolor. Nam vel tristique ante. Etiam at mauris nisi, non dignissim nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque sollicitudin iaculis dignissim. Nam enim sem, dapibus nec tristique at, lobortis ac velit. Phasellus at vehicula urna. Nam porta dignissim imperdiet. Sed egestas condimentum tellus, a tempus dui congue non. Nulla ullamcorper magna erat, at pretium mauris. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas ac iaculis enim. Aenean auctor magna a ante fringilla vulputate et id massa. Mauris sed tristique augue. Duis urna metus, suscipit ut posuere a, ultricies in enim. Ut vel sapien eget ante commodo egestas eget id lectus. Sed at sagittis velit. Curabitur vel diam ante, ut mattis sapien. Duis cursus porta libero ac imperdiet. Praesent hendrerit volutpat neque, placerat ornare tortor pretium sit amet. Nam congue, dolor at consectetur fermentum, elit sapien mollis magna, at fringilla eros massa et odio. Cras at mi et orci condimentum aliquet ut at quam. Quisque in purus quis elit convallis auctor et ac sem. Cras ligula felis, eleifend at convallis sed, vestibulum nec enim. Curabitur in pellentesque sem. Etiam ac nunc tellus. Proin feugiat nulla eget dolor cursus eget ullamcorper massa accumsan. Proin aliquam iaculis dui, sed tristique lorem adipiscing et. Sed condimentum ipsum non est convallis ullamcorper. Donec non nulla dui. Sed augue risus, semper in euismod sed, lobortis id velit. Donec posuere quam quis leo porta bibendum. Duis at turpis nisi, id accumsan lectus. Integer pharetra tellus a ipsum bibendum nec ullamcorper nisl interdum. Duis hendrerit pellentesque nibh eu vestibulum. Praesent vehicula nibh quis dolor gravida vulputate varius lacus adipiscing. Duis tincidunt, ligula in volutpat pretium, sem magna congue erat, a malesuada eros leo non ligula.

and then

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dui tortor, lacinia aliquam elementum at, imperdiet vel urna. Nunc porta ultrices ligula quis malesuada. Phasellus egestas eros eu sem molestie dapibus. Vivamus sodales nisi non quam adipiscing nec faucibus arcu aliquam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec a purus orci. Nullam auctor pharetra mi. Aenean nec venenatis felis. Curabitur eleifend dui vitae erat congue fermentum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In vestibulum scelerisque lectus, sit amet vestibulum risus ultricies vitae. Aliquam mi turpis, congue in posuere sed, rutrum in felis. Aliquam iaculis purus rutrum ligula mollis eu bibendum purus pulvinar. Duis eros enim, gravida vitae consequat ut, consequat ut metus. Cras adipiscing consectetur quam, ac faucibus risus hendrerit ut. Proin elementum, nibh nec adipiscing semper, purus lectus porta libero, in tincidunt enim arcu at arcu. Donec at nunc lectus, luctus tincidunt lacus. Pellentesque velit ipsum, viverra nec sollicitudin non, vestibulum vitae tortor. Donec feugiat, augue at condimentum consectetur, quam dolor hendrerit nibh, ut sagittis nisi lacus sed libero. Sed vel lorem vitae leo facilisis convallis sit amet sit amet justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vitae nisi tortor. Aenean id rhoncus sapien. Curabitur nulla mi, tincidunt non placerat vitae, molestie ac lorem. Vestibulum ac ligula neque, in ullamcorper leo. Vivamus et commodo ante. Ut a magna turpis. Cras vitae felis nisi, in bibendum massa. Proin elementum lobortis nibh in sodales. Aliquam posuere, quam a posuere rhoncus, nunc diam varius enim, sed sollicitudin urna est a diam. Duis turpis turpis, molestie ut molestie a, laoreet adipiscing nibh. Cras nisi diam, ullamcorper vel suscipit vitae, vulputate dictum dolor. Nam vel tristique ante. Etiam at mauris nisi, non dignissim nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisc-

ing elit. Quisque sollicitudin iaculis dignissim. Nam enim sem, dapibus nec tristique at, lobortis ac velit. Phasellus at vehicula urna. Nam porta dignissim imperdiet. Sed egestas condimentum tellus, a tempus dui congue non. Nulla ullamcorper magna erat, at pretium mauris. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas ac iaculis enim. Aenean auctor magna a ante fringilla vulputate et id massa. Mauris sed tristique augue. Duis urna metus, suscipit ut posuere a, ultricies in enim. Ut vel sapien eget ante commodo egestas eget id lectus. Sed at sagittis velit. Curabitur vel diam ante, ut mattis sapien. Duis cursus porta libero ac imperdiet. Praesent hendrerit volutpat neque, placerat ornare tortor pretium sit amet. Nam congue, dolor at consectetur fermentum, elit sapien mollis magna, at fringilla eros massa et odio. Cras at mi et orci condimentum aliquet ut at quam. Quisque in purus quis elit convallis auctor et ac sem. Cras ligula felis, eleifend at convallis sed, vestibulum nec enim. Curabitur in pellentesque sem. Etiam ac nunc tellus. Proin feugiat nulla eget dolor cursus eget ullamcorper massa accumsan. Proin aliquam iaculis dui, sed tristique lorem adipiscing et. Sed condimentum ipsum non est convallis ullamcorper. Donec non nulla dui. Sed augue risus, semper in euismod sed, lobortis id velit. Donec posuere quam quis leo porta bibendum. Duis at turpis nisi, id accumsan lectus. Integer pharetra tellus a ipsum bibendum nec ullamcorper nisl interdum. Duis hendrerit pellentesque nibh eu vestibulum. Praesent vehicula nibh quis dolor gravida vulputate varius lacus adipiscing. Duis tincidunt, ligula in volutpat pretium, sem magna congue erat, a malesuada eros leo non ligula.

event branding

Nikka Whisky

Keeping with a Japanese aesthetic, the brief called for a high-end and modern pitch for the launch event of Nikka Whisky in the Australian market. The outcome was a minimal approach to design, with monotone imagery ensuring the product remain the focal point.


La Petite Miette Website

The brief required branding for a food business. A logo, website, blog, and business cards were all designed to coincide with the launch of Katrina’s first cookbook, Kitchen Coquette.



Soak the sultanas in the vinegar until plump and juicy.

125g red chillies, seeded and roughly chopped 125g sultanas 180ml white vinegar 3 garlic cloves 30g fresh ginger Heavy pinch of salt 180ml water 350g sugar

Add the water and sugar to a saucepan and place over medium high heat and cook until sugar dissolves. Blend all other ingredients in a food processor then add to the boiling sugar syrup. Reduce the heat and simmer until a thick syrup like consistency is achieved.

food gifts Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec id massa dui, sed hendrerit erat. Quisque id molestie risus. Sed vel lacus est. Suspendisse suscipit, dolor et placerat porta, massa risus congue ante, ultricies dignissim ligula nisi sed mauris. Nulla condimentum felis nec purus venenatis consectetur. Ut rhoncus, leo eu placerat consequat, lacus orci malesuada dui, at consectetur metus eros quis urna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis bibendum gravida nulla sed tincidunt. Nulla at sapien in metus imperdiet dignissim.

CUMQUAT, WHITE CHOCOLATE AND ROSEMARY FINANCIERS 250g butter 130g ground almonds 110g plain flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary, leaves finely chopped 220g icing sugar 6 egg whites 1/8 cup cumquat juice 1 teaspoon orange blossom water 100g coverture white chocolate, melted 3 cumquats, finely sliced

MIDDLE EASTERN CHOCOLATE BARS 1 cup dried cranberries 1 tablespoon rosewater 250g each mix of white, milk and dark coverture chocolate ¼ cup dried rose petals ½ cup almond cocoons ½ pistachio nuts, roughly chopped Combine the rosewater and cranberries in a bowl and set aside. Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. Gently spoon the mixture into chocolate moulds. Sprinkle over the rosewater cranberries, rose petals, almond cocoons and pistachio nuts. Place in the fridge to set. Crack from the moulds and store in airtight containers.

Traditionally financiers use beurre noissette (brown butter) which does add a wonderful nutty taste so add your butter to a small saucepan and melt over low to medium heat until brown in colour. Remove and allow to cool. Combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Whisk the egg whites to soft peak and gently pour in the dry ingredients and whisk until just combined. Add the butter, white chocolate, cumquat juice and orange blossom water and gently whisk to combine. Gently spoon the mixture into a petit four tin until almost full, or half fill a small muffin pan halfway, and bake in the oven for 30 minutes or until golden and a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean. Allow to cool before packaging. These are best given on the day but can last up to 3 days with a quick warm up in the oven just prior to eating

Day A 12 Day A 12 Day A 12 ay Giveaway Giveaway Giveaw y Da A 12 Day A 12 Day A 12 ay Giveaway Giveaway Giveaw Day A 12 Day A 12 Day A 12away Giveaway Giveaway Give Day y 12 y A Da Da 12 A A 12 ay Giveaway Giveaway Giveaw Day A 12 Day A 12 Day A 12away Giveaway Giveaway Give Day A 12 Day A 12 Day A 12 ay Giveaway Giveaway Giveaw Day A 12 Day A 12 Day A 12 ay Giveaway Giveaway Giveaw 1.

A mixed dozen of Debortoli Wines. Yep get in the party spirit with some thirst quenching goodness with these Yarra Valley babes. Want to win?

Leave a comment on the Kitchen Coquette facebook page and let us know your perfect Christmas day drink.


Your copy of Kitchen Coquette + a $100 vouchers to giveaway thanks to All About the Dress. Want to win?

Visit then jump on over to Kitchen Coquette on facebook and let us know which dress is your ultimate Christmas Day party frock.


Want to boost your cookbook collection? Win some shelf esteem thanks to Allen & Unwin.

Visit the cookbook profile on and let us know which books youʼd like for your shelf.

A 12 Day Giveaway A 12 Day Giveaway A 12 Day Giveaway A 12 Day Giveaway A 12 Day Giveaway A 12 Day Giveaway A 12 Day Giveaway 7.


Get organized with pins and sticky things to make life seem like it is going to plan. Tick, order, own and enjoy. Show the love for KC on facebook and an organized desk/magazine collection/ life could be yours.

Your summer holiday beach reads Allen & Unwin have some summer reads to get you through your holiday. Want to win?

Visit and leave a suggestion for the ultimate beach snack to go with your beach

At work and canʼt use facebook? Email your comments to and weʼll post them for you.



Your copy of Kitchen Coquette + a $100 vouchers to giveaway thanks to All About the Dress. Want to win?

A copy of Kitchen Coquette + a mixed dozen from our wonderful friends in the Yarra Valley Debortoli Wines. Want to win?

Visit then jump on over to Kitchen Coquette on facebook and let us know which dress is your ultimate Christmas Day party frock. Boss is an asshole and you canʼt use facebook? Thatʼs ok, email your comments to au and weʼll post them for you.

Just like both Kitchen Coquette and Debortoli Wines on Facebook and leave us some love. At work and canʼt use facebook? Email your comments to and weʼll post them for you.



Hair need some care? Enjoy some organic hair care products with the likes of lavender, jasmine, orange and sage. We think they just might be good enough to eat. Visit and tell us your favourite flavour on Kitchen Coquette facebook page.

Christmas is all about boozing and schmoozing. Do it in style with a case of beauties from Debortoli Wines. At work and canʼt use facebook? Email your comments to info@thelittlecrumb. and weʼll post them for you.

At work and canʼt use facebook? Email your comments to and weʼll post them for you.

Preheat the oven to 180C. Place the kaffir lime leaves on a baking tray and dry in the oven for 10 – 15 minutes. Coarsely tear into a bowl and add the remaining ingredients. Toss to combine. Place in an airtight container for maximum freshness.

marinades Cleopatra used to bathe in milk and it paid off – her skin was the talk of the town and kudos where kudos is due - botox and dermabrasion were not an option in Roman times. So it pays off in spades to give your protein a royal long soaking bath in something tasty. Itʼs a few minutes of sloshing things together then a bit of idle twiddling of the thumbs before ordinary becomes extraordinary. Other than suffering from kitchen lethargy at Christmas (it is the heat, I know) there are very real reasons to marinate: to tenderize texture and to embrace and heighten flavour. Marinades are a delightful combo of tangy, slightly acidic ingredients; flavourings such as herbs and spices; and usually a good dollop of oil. Dollop is the key word here – oil lubricates and gives a delightful texture. Also while I am handing out advice, I suggest going easy on the booze – alcohol can pickle the meat so add this at the end so as not to leech out the juices. The key is to let flavours intensify without swallowing the meat or fish (think Cleopatra prune skin after too long swanning in her milk). You still want to taste what you are eating so I suggest aborting all those marinate for 24hr propositions (except for the lemongrass duck) and do it for say, as long as it take to have a good bath….

 Donʼt be alarmed. Doctors induce comas as a mechanism to increase survival. Draw comfort from this.  Wikipedia suggests “bending over forwards, putting your head at heart level, to help the flow of blood (and therefore oxygen) to your brain. Do this every few minutes until the drowsiness begins to pass”. We suggest ignoring this Wikipedia has obviously never had a ham coma. Anything other than lying flat, preferably in front of a fan, would result in the projection of ham on carpet, and the sort of athletic prowess not found in true Christmas gluttons.

At work and canʼt use facebook? Email your comments to and weʼll post them for you.

 Pay attention to the bread. Good meat deserves an equally worthy carrier. Sourdough or something equally dense means you can blame the bread not the ham for the niggling food particle at the back of your throat waiting for the traffic jam to clear.

10. Your summer holiday beach reads + Kitchen Coquette Allen & Unwin have some summer reads to get you through your holiday. Want to win?

 Organise a post-christmas picnic and offload your ham on others, “third blanket from the sun” style.

Visit www.theothercrumb.blogspot. com and leave a suggestion for the ultimate beach snack to go with your beach reads. At work and canʼt use facebook? Email your comments to and weʼll post them for you.

 Ham contains an amino acid called tryptophan, which many think induces sleep. Many more than that think its bullshit, but crack on, you are suffering after all.  Wear clothing that allows the ham food baby room to breathe. Give your newly acquired bub a decent space to roll around and experience the world. They say that is important for development.


 Remind yourself, when you are gasping to breathe comfortably, that ham is often salt-riddled. And that people with rare kidney diseases can become salt-deficient, sick and dizzy. And because of mistakes in drug treatments some salt deficiencies cause lapses into stupor or even an actual real, not food-induced coma. You owe it to your health and wellbeing. And the poor doctors working over Christmas. Eat that damn ham. Eat it.

Yep Christmas is days away and you still havenʼt purchased a damn thing for anyone except yourself. Perfect present = copy of Kitchen Coquette. Want to win your gifts? We have 4 copies of Kitchen Coquette to give away today. At work and canʼt use facebook? Email your comments to info@thelittlecrumb. and weʼll post them for you.


Christmas is upon us. That means presents, drinks, snacks, canapés, taking plates, eating, drinking, and eating and drinking. Followed by more eating and drinking. And kitchen disasters. There are some of us who see Christmas as the ultimate excuse for some serious “I am a chef” cookery, and for others there are some decision that loom larger than all others: how/ what/why/when/where is the valium and do I have to cook. Again. Never fear. In celebration of the birth of Jesus and the launch of Kitchen Coquette across our nationʼs fine shelves, weʼve put together some festive shenanigans of the culinary variety and some tips for a stellar Christmas. The idea being to litter the table with a whole bunch of tasty goods to be snaffled while the cook (you) finds five minutes to sneak off with the bottle of gin.

aka ham coma Drunken scallops with ponzu granita Reef fish curry

Yes it has been days since you felt genuine hunger but getting through the ham becomes an imperative. Not to over-eat ham would be an act of willful, superstitious stupidity on a par with deliberately “going on a diet” before January 1 because you felt that the chance for success was higher

3 tablespoons fried shallots 6 kaffir lime leaves, veins removed ¼ cup sea salt 1 tablespoon dried chilli flakes 1 tablespoon dried garlic 1 tablespoon coriander seed, roughly ground

Surviving a ham coma aka postprandial somnolence

Christmas is getting closer. Extended lunch with the rellies, catch-ups, rising temperatures and the growing need for a vino to see you through. Solve your Christmas tipple quandaries with a case of Debortoli. Tell us your favourite beverage.


But unlike other episodes of over-eating, the ham coma is a game changer.


But there is a shining light at the end of the tunnel. Utilise our tips for surviving the ham coma and know this - the knife will eventually hit bone and the ham-bag will become light once more.


Seaside Delight

Christmas, the birthday of Jesus yes, but also a time for other landmark events like over eating, over-catering and the obligatory overdose of ham. Ooh the marinating, braising, glazing and the episodes of gluttony it provides for days afterwards, make schlepping 8kg of pig in a dinky little canvas bag home to take hostage of your fridge that much more worthwhile.


Peanut butter chocolate pav

And because we like you and we want you to like Kitchen Coquette, we are using shameless marketing tactics and giveaways to encourage you into our sordid world of frenzied feeding. Like Hallmark and Mattel, we are on the 12 days of Christmas gravy train – menus, hints and tips for Christmas and 12 giveaways that are de-light-ful. Some shelf-esteem for your cookbook collection, some holiday reads, even weekend getaways and some find threads selected specifically to hide your Christmas food baby or see you take out the best-dressed award come two-5 December. Howdya like them Christmas crackers? Let the noshing begin.

There is only so long left overs can survive before they get the kind of marinade you didnʼt make…I know, crazy but itʼs not actually cloves. Itʼs mould. So best to go on a ham frenzy making pea and ham soup; slivers or cubes fried and topped with egg; bubble n squeak; wraps; quiche; omelettes; fritters; frittata; green eggs and ham; pizza; salad; terrine; tartlets; welsh rarebit; croque monsieur; melba toasts; sandwiches; pies; muffins; pasta bake… Meh my face hurts.


Kitchen Coquette eMag

The successful food business Kitchen Coquette released a Christmas eMag in 2011, for which I was employed to design and contribute photography. A bright, festive aesthetic was used throughout, with clean layouts championing the content.


two, four, six, eight cake can we please collaborate?

400g bacon, diced 3 eschallots, finely chopped 3 cloves garlic, crushed 3 tablespoons brown sugar

dear cake,

2 teaspoons smoked sweet paprika

Partnerships are no happy accident. Think chocolate and red wine. Or bacon

2 teaspoons ground coriander 2 teaspoons tarragon leaves, very finely chopped 2 teaspoons ½ tsp cinnamon 2 tbsp instant coffee granules dissolved in 2 tbsp boiling water 1 cup tomato passata 3 tablespoons dark molasses 3 tbsp Dijon mustard 1 cup Cake Cabernet Merlot 3 tbsp red wine vinegar 1 tbsp soy sauce Salt and pepper to season

and maple syrup.

Whether it’s a few words on the back of a bottle or a recipe for dark chocolate and Pinot Noir brownie with raspberry swirl, the love child of our combined forces could be truly thrilling.

Food and wine, much like your brand and mine, belong together.

Know this. I heart you Cake. You and your grape loving mother.

much love,

kitchen coquette

Fry the bacon in a deep-sided fry pan over medium heat for 5-10 minutes or until coloured. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside. Add the eschalots and garlic to the pan and sweat until translucent. Add the spices and cook for an additional 2 minutes or until fragrant. Add the remaining ingredients and return the bacon to the pan. Reduce the heat to low and cook for 1 – 1 ½ hours or until thickened and reduced by half. Allow to cool then add to a food processor and pulse briefly or until desired jam consistency is achieved.



Raspberry Swirl


2 cups fresh or frozen raspberries ¼ cup brown sugar ½ cup red wine 1 vanilla bean split Dash of cinnamon

200g light brown (or rapido) sugar 1 teaspoon nutmeg 2 teaspoons cinnamon, ground 2 cloves, crushed 150ml Cake pinot noir 3 blood oranges, peeled and segmented Leche merengada 300ml milk 200ml condensed milk Rind of 1 lemon Juice of ½ lemon

Red Wine Brownies ½ cup Pinot noir 2 tbs boiling water 1/3 cup Dutch-processed cocoa 60g good quality milk chocolate, melted 4 tbs butter melted ½ cup plus 2 tbs vegetable oil 2 tsp vanilla bean paste 2 eggs 2 egg yolks 2 ½ cups sugar 1 ¾ cups plain flour ¼ tsp salt ¼ cup sour cream 2/3 cups milk chocolate chips/chunks

For the leche merengada, add all the ingredients to a small saucepan and bring to a simmer over a low heat for three minutes. Set aside to cool then strain and discard the solids. Transfer to a container, cover with plastic wrap and freeze until serving. Add the sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, cloves, vinegar and and wine to a saucepan over medium heat and cook until sugar dissolves and the mixture reduces and thickens slightly (about 10 minutes). Add the blood orange slices to a serving bowl. Pour over the caramel mix and stir gently to coat the fruit. Place in the fridge to allow fruit to steep for at least an hour. Just before serving, pull the leche merengada from the freezer and scrape the top with a fork to get a sticky, granita texture. Serve on top of the fruit and sprinkle with the remaining teaspoon of cinnamon.

Preheat oven to 175C For the raspberry swirl, place all ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer about 20 minutes or until mixture is reduced by half. Strain mixture through a fine sieve and set aside. In a large bowl add wine, boiling water, cocoa powder, and melted chocolate. Using a wooden spoon or spatula, mix until smooth. Add melted butter and oil continue to mix. Next, add the vanilla and eggs. Mix until incorporated. Add sugar and continue to mix. Then add flour and salt. Fold in sour cream and add chocolate chips.

katrina meynink phone




twitter @kcoquette

To prepare brownies, place a long sheet of parchment paper over an 8×8 baking dish so that there is some hanging over on all sides. This will allow for an easy clean up and also help to lift the brownies out of the pan. Pour batter in dish and smooth out. Place spoonfuls of the raspberry mixture on top of the brownies then take a knife and swirl it into the batter. Bake approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes. After an hour check the brownies to see if they are set. If they are not cook an additional 10-20 minutes. Allow to cool for 30 minutes in the pan before turning out to cut.


Kitchen Coquette Layouts

I work closely with Kitchen Coquette on many projects and pitches. Her publishers, Allen and Unwin, and Murdoch Australia, are always thrilled with the thought and consistency in the design. The following pages are examples of some of this work.

Recipe extract: Chinese Heritage Cooking

FRIED PRAWNS WITH BLACK SAUCE Fresh big prawns (shrimps) 500 g (1 lb 11/2 oz), about 10–12 prawns Salt 1 tsp Cold water 500 ml (16 fl oz / 2 cups) Liquid lard (page 32) or peanut oil 2 Tbsp Sugar 1 tsp Spring onion (scallion) 1, cut into 4-cm (11/2-in) lengths Ginger 3 slices Red chilli 1, deseeded and cut into thin strips Purple onion 1/2, small, peeled and cut into thin wedges Superior dark soy sauce 1 Tbsp Sesame oil 1/4 tsp Shaoxing rice wine 1 Tbsp

Serves 3–4 This dish reflects the purity of the Cantonese approach to cuisine—find the best ingredients and bring out their essential flavour with light cooking. This classic homestyle dish should be made with the freshest prawns (shrimps) you can get; dryfrying them as an initial step turns them deep red and enhances their aroma. Do use lard if you have it available, as it gives the prawns a special fragrance.

1. Wash prawns well. With kitchen scissors, snip off all their legs and trim off the sharp points on their heads. 2. Combine salt with cold water in a bowl and stir to dissolve. Add prawns to bowl, Cover and chill for 30 minutes. This step gives the prawns a firmer texture. Just before you start cooking, drain prawns well and pat dry with paper towels. 3. Heat a well-seasoned wok over medium-high heat. Place prawns in wok, spacing them out evenly. Let fry undisturbed for 45–60 seconds, then flip over each prawn and fry for 45 seconds more. Prawns will be nearly cooked through and browned at the edges. Transfer prawns to a plate.

4. Add lard or oil and sugar to the wok and let sugar melt and caramelise to a pale brown, stirring once or twice. This will only take a few seconds. 5. Add spring onion, ginger, chilli and onion to wok and stir-fry for 30 seconds. Add prawns and stir-fry for 30 seconds more. Add dark soy sauce and sesame oil and fry briskly for 20 seconds, until prawns are well coated with the sauce. 6. Drizzle in rice wine around the edge of the wok, fry for a final 5 seconds and

Recipe extract: Chinese Heritage Cooking

FRIED PRAWNS WITH BLACK SAUCE Fresh big prawns (shrimps) 500 g (1 lb 11/2 oz), about 10–12 prawns Salt 1 tsp Cold water 500 ml (16 fl oz / 2 cups) Liquid lard (page 32) or peanut oil 2 Tbsp Sugar 1 tsp Spring onion (scallion) 1, cut into 4-cm (11/2-in) lengths Ginger 3 slices Red chilli 1, deseeded and cut into thin strips Purple onion 1/2, small, peeled and cut into thin wedges Superior dark soy sauce 1 Tbsp Sesame oil 1/4 tsp Shaoxing rice wine 1 Tbsp

dish up. Serve immediately.

Serves 3–4 This dish reflects the purity of the Cantonese approach to cuisine—find the best ingredients and bring out their essential flavour with light cooking. This classic homestyle dish should be made with the freshest prawns (shrimps) you can get; dryfrying them as an initial step turns them deep red and enhances their aroma. Do use lard if you have it available, as it gives the prawns a special fragrance.

1. Wash prawns well. With kitchen scissors, snip off all their legs and trim off the sharp points on their heads. 2. Combine salt with cold water in a bowl and stir to dissolve. Add prawns to bowl, Cover and chill for 30 minutes. This step gives the prawns a firmer texture. Just before you start cooking, drain prawns well and pat dry with paper towels. 3. Heat a well-seasoned wok over medium-high heat. Place prawns in wok, spacing them out evenly. Let fry undisturbed for 45–60 seconds, then flip over each prawn and fry for 45 seconds more. Prawns will be nearly cooked through and browned at the edges. Transfer prawns to a plate.

Poached white chicken

4. Add lard or oil and sugar to the wok and let sugar melt and caramelise to a pale brown, stirring once or twice. This will only take a few seconds. 5. Add spring onion, ginger, chilli and onion to wok and stir-fry for 30 seconds. Add prawns and stir-fry for 30 seconds more. Add dark soy sauce and sesame oil and fry briskly for 20 seconds, until prawns are well coated with the sauce. 6. Drizzle in rice wine around the edge of the wok, fry for a final 5 seconds and dish up. Serve immediately.

Recipe courtesy of Chef Alvin Tan

1.5 kg chicken, trimmed fat and cleaned 5 litres chicken stock 1 tsp soy sauce 1 tsp sesame oil 1 cucumber, thinly sliced Chilli, ginger and garlic sauce 125g (6-7) fresh long red chilli, finely sliced 30g ginger, peeled and finely sliced 60g (15 cloves) garlic, peeled and finely sliced 1 cup chicken stock ½ teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons lemon juice or white vinegar Soy sauce dressing 5 tablespoons light soya sauce 4 tablespoons chicken stock 1 tablespoon sesame oil 1 teaspoon Shaoshing wine Ginger and green shallot sauce 100g ginger, peeled and finely sliced 1¼ teaspoons salt 3 tbsp water 1 teaspoon Shaoshing wine 5 tablespoons diced green shallot 3 tablepoons vegetable oil 1½ tablespoons sesame oil Flavoured rice 670g long grain rice 3 tablespoons margarine 2 tablespoons rendered chicken fat or vegetable oil 4 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped 4 cups chicken stock 2 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons chicken powder, optional 1 pandan leaf*, knotted 1 x 2cm ginger, lightly bruised To serve ½ bunch coriander, leaves picked 2 stalks green shallots, finely julienned

HAINANESE CHICKEN RICE I have had the amazing pleasure of working with chef Alvin Tan on his upcoming cookbook. And lucky for me (and you) he was willing to share his recipe for Hainanese chicken rice, which we’ve edited slightly here. When I first ate Alvin’s ‘chicken rice’ I was forever ruined. Nothing will ever be as good. The chicken was tender, the skin was silky smooth and the condiments added the flavour and textural combination that turn this humble street food to legendary status and pure gustatory delight.


Bring the chicken stock to the boil in a large pot over medium high heat. Immerse the chicken in the boiling stock. Bring stock to a boil again. Put a lid on and reduce heat to the lowest possible. Poach for 25 minutes. Then turn off the heat. With the lid on, leave chicken in the stock for another 35 minutes. While the chicken is cooking, prepare the sauces. For the chilli, ginger and garlic sauce, add all ingredients to a food processor and blitz to a smooth paste. Adjust the seasoning to taste. Set aside until serving. Prepare the soy sauce dressing by combining all ingredients in a mixing bowl. For the ginger and green shallot sauce blend the ginger, salt and water to a smooth paste in a food processor. Add the wine and green shallots. In a small saucepan, heat the vegetable and sesame oils to smoking hot then carefully pour over the ginger mixture. Stir to mix well. Set aside. Remove the chicken from the poaching liquid and plunge into cold water then continue to run the chicken under cold water until completely cooled. Remove and rest for 20 minutes.

Recipe extract: Chinese Heritage Cooking

SWEET AND SOUR PORK This southern Chinese classic properly gets its sweetness and tang from fruit. The resulting sauce is light and vibrant, and should never taste syrupy, cloying or heavy. Some cooks may add tomato ketchup to the sauce, a modern addition, but if used, it should not dominate the flavour of the sauce. A childhood favourite with many, this dish is best served with a bowl of freshly steamed white rice.

Pork shoulder meat 350 g (12 oz), cubed Rice wine 1 Tbsp Potato starch 11/2 tsp Oyster sauce 3/4 tsp Light soy sauce 1/2 tsp Egg 1, small Tapioca starch as needed Cooking oil for frying and deep-frying Onion 1/2, small, peeled and sliced into wedges Young ginger 2 thin slices Green and red capsicums (bell peppers) 1/2 each, small, cored and cut into 3-cm (1-in) pieces method Tomatoes 2, small, each cut into 6 segments Canned pineapple rings (optional) 2, cut into chunks sauce Water 100 ml (31/2 fl oz) Plum sauce 3 Tbsp Sugar 11/2 Tbsp or to taste Rice vinegar 1 Tbsp Light soy sauce 1 Tbsp Crumbled haw flakes (optional) 1 Tbsp Salt 1/8 tsp or to taste Cornflour (cornstarch) 1 tsp

1. Wash pork cubes well, then pat dry with paper towels. Toss well with rice wine, potato starch, oyster sauce and soy sauce. Cover and let marinate refrigerated. 2. Combine all ingredients for sauce and stir until smooth. Set aside. 3. Heat oil for deep-frying until it shimmers and a haze forms above it. Meanwhile, beat egg well and stir into marinated pork cubes. Spread tapioca starch on a plate and roll pork cubes in starch to coat lightly but thoroughly. Let cubes rest for 3–4 minutes, so the starch coat can set. 4. With chopsticks or tongs, drop pork cubes one by one into hot oil. Deep-fry for 2–3 minutes, until pale golden brown and pork is only just cooked through. Fry in batches to avoid crowding oil. Drain on paper towels. When all pork cubes have been fried, heat oil until very hot and fry pork again for 40–50 seconds per batch, until deep golden brown and crispy. Drain well.

Garnish Spring onion (scallion) 1, white part only, cut into slivers

5. Heat 2 tsp fresh oil in a clean wok over high heat. When hot, add onion and pineapple and fry until pieces are browned at the edges. Add ginger and capsicums and stir-fry vigorously for about 1 minute, until capsicums are crisp-tender. 6. Add tomatoes and sauce mixture. Stir for 30 seconds more, until sauce boils and thickens. Add pork and toss well. Dish out, garnish with spring onion and serve immediately.

Rub the skin with the light soy sauce and the sesame oil. Cut the chicken into eight pieces, removing the breast and thigh bones. Arrange the chicken pieces on a bed of cucumber rounds on a serving plate and set aside. For the rice, heat the margarine and rendered chicken fat or vegetable oil in a wok over moderate heat until melted. Add the garlic and cook till golden and fragrant. Add the chicken stock, salt, pandan leaf and ginger. Bring to the boil and add to the rice. Stir to combine and transfer to rice cooker. When rice is cooked, use rice ladle to fluff the rice. To serve, spoon soy sauce dressing over the chicken. Garnish with coriander and green shallots. Serve with flavoured rice, the sauces and top with the coriander and shallots. * Pandan leaf is available from specialist Asian grocers.

TAPIOCA PUDDING WITH STAR ANISE PEACHES 1 cup tapioca pearls 325mls coconut milk 20g palm sugar 4 peaches peeled, deseeded and sliced (use tinned if not in season) 1 vanilla bean, seeds scraped 2 star anise

To make the tapioca pudding, bring a large saucepan of water to the boil over high heat. Add tapioca pearls and stir until liquid returns to the boil, then stir occasionally until pearls are translucent (10-15 minutes). Drain through a fine sieve and rinse under cold running water to remove the starch, then drain and refrigerate until chilled (2-4 hours).

Meanwhile, combine the coconut milk, palm sugar, star anise and vanilla bean seeds in a small saucepan and bring to the boil, stirring until sugar dissolves (1-2 minutes). Remove pan from heat and cool. Discard the star anise. Add the cooled tapioca pearls and stir to combine. Layer the base of serving vessels with sliced peaches. Top with tapioca pearls and then repeat with remaining pearl mixture and peaches. Refrigerate until serving.

SLOW BRAISED BEEF N GUINNESS PIES 1 cup tapioca pearls 325mls coconut milk 20g palm sugar 4 peaches peeled, deseeded and sliced (use tinned if not in season) 1 vanilla bean, seeds scraped 2 star anise To make the tapioca pudding, bring a large saucepan of water to the boil over high heat. Add tapioca pearls and stir until liquid returns to the boil, then stir occasionally until pearls are translucent (10-15 minutes). Drain through a fine sieve and rinse under cold running water to remove the starch, then drain and refrigerate until chilled (2-4 hours). Meanwhile, combine the coconut milk, palm sugar, star anise and vanilla bean seeds in a small saucepan and bring to the boil, stirring until sugar dissolves (1-2 minutes). Remove pan from heat

and cool. Discard the star anise. Add the cooled tapioca pearls and stir to combine. Layer the base of serving vessels with sliced peaches. Top with tapioca pearls and then repeat with remaining pearl mixture and peaches. Refrigerate until serving.

Booze Hound U LT I M AT E F I G H T I N G Meat. Beer. Bread. Man could, quite simply, sustain life on these three elements. Meals like these make you question whether the food pyramid was developed by a woman – with all its unnecessary layers, orders and complexities. This method of creating a sponge and incorporating yeast is adapted from Greg Malouf – it is the most fool-proof way of getting a great flat bread.

Beef n boags pie Ingredients

Ingredients 900g boneless wagyu chuck steak. 2 tablespoons plain flour 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 large onion, coarsely chopped 2 garlic cloves, chopped 3 tablespoons water 1 ½ tablespoons tomato paste 1 cup beef jus (or stock) 1 cup Boags beer 1 tablespoon Worcehstershire sauce 2 tsps drained brined green peppercorns, coarsely chopped 2 fresh thyme sprigs 2 sheets good quality puff pastry

These pies fill your house with one of those oddly nice smells – bread with the faintest whiff of homeless old boozer and damp dog. I kind of like it.

10g dried yeast 3 teaspoons caster sugar 375ml warm beer + two tablespoons 500g bread flour 1 tsp salt 75 ml extra virgin olive oil 2 eggs 50ml milk ½ cup smoked vintage cheddar, finely grated 2 biltong sausages, thinly sliced 1 tablespoon olive oil 15g butter (a heaped teaspoon) 3 brown onions, thinly sliced 1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves

Dissolve the yeast and sugar in 125ml of the warm beer and set aside for 10 minutes until frothy. Use your fingers to work 90g of the flour into the yeast mix to make a sloppy paste. Set aside for 30 minutes or until a ‘sponge’ like consistency forms. Put the remaining flour and salt into a large bowl. Add the sponge, oil, remaining beer and cheese. Use your hands to work into a soft dough. It will be sticky. Knead for 15 minutes or until smooth and springy. You can do this by hand on a flat surface or fit an electric mixer with a dough hook and knead on low speed. Add the Cover with a damp tea towel and leave to rest at room temperature for 1 hour or until doubled in size. While the dough is proving, place a frying pan over high heat and add the olive oil and butter. Add the onion slices and thyme and then turn the heat to low and sweat the onions until cooked through. Add the two tablespoons of beer. Cook until liquid has been absorbed then remove from heat and allow to cool. Preheat the oven to 180C. Divide the dough into two, them form into rounds and rest for 10 minutes. Mix the eggs and milk to make an egg wash. Use the heel of your hand to flatten each piece of dough out to the desired shape. Brush over the egg wash then gently push slices of biltong into the breads and top liberally with some of the onion mixture. Lightly flour an oven tray, place the breads onto the tray and cook for 8 – 10 minutes until crisp and golden brown. Serve warm.

Preheat oven to 175C. Pat beef dry. Stir together flour, salt and pepper in a shallow dish. Add beef, turning to coat then shake off excess and transfer to a plate. Heat oil in a wide, heavy pot over medium-high heat then brown meat, in batches until browned. Add onion, garlic and water to pot and cook, scraping up all the brown bits from the bottom of the pot and cook until onion is soft. Add tomato paste and cook out for about 1- 2 minutes then return beef to pot with jus, beer, Worcestershire sauce, peppercorns, and thyme and bring to a simmer. Cover and transfer to oven. Braise until beef is tender and sauce has thickened (about 2 ½ hours). Check on beer and add more if needed.



Discard thyme and allow to cool. Divide among 4 large 1½ cup ramekins or 1 large baking dish. Roll out the pastry dough on a lightly floured surface and then place over the dish or cut into quarters and place over the top of individual ramekins. Press down gently on the sides to stick the pastry down.

10 hour Guinness braised beef cheeks

Bake in the oven until pastry looks puffed and golden, about 20 minutes.

Ingredients 6 beef cheeks 1/2 tablespoon salt 1 ½ teaspoons freshly ground black pepper 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 carrots, peeled and chopped 2 celery stalks, chopped 1 onion, chopped 1 ½ cans Guinness Stout 1½ cups veal stock 1 cup port 1/3 cup balsamic vinegar 2 sprigs thyme

As the beer brand attests – good things come to those who wait and I feel it prevalent to remind you at this point in time that virginity is still referred to as a loss. These sweet cheeks cook for a mighty long time, but all that pent up angst and hunger, and a result that is dark, sticky and slippery, well…that’s definitely worth the wait.

Preheat oven to 120C (250ºF). Season the cheeks with salt and pepper. Heat the olive oil in a large heavy based baking pot over medium-high heat. Sear the cheeks on all sides until brown. Add carrots, celery, and onions and cook over medium heat until vegetables are just tender. Add Guinness, stock, port, balsamic vinegar, and thyme and bring to a boil. Cover with a cartouche and then the lid and place in the oven. Cook for 6 – 8 hours until the meat is soft and extremely tender to the touch. Remove from the oven and take the cheeks out of the pot and set aside. Place the cooking liquid on the stove and cook over medium-high heat until reduced by half, about 25 minutes. Strain sauce and return to pot. Adjust seasonings if necessary. Return meat to pot and reheat. Serve with steamed green beans and roast potatoes.

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Introduction. It may be gauche to admit, but I am truly fascinated by the male species. Maybe a little jealous even. What it is to be a man. Smell like one, fart like one, eat like one and to have the capacity to drink beer and scratch myself whenever and wherever I am. I want to swear without my mother frowning, embrace musty smelling ideals like holes and stains in my underwear and I want to exude whiskey, wood, tobacco, moss and cardamom without even trying. I think I quite like the idea of being a man. And I am completely enamoured by a man who can get his cook on. So this is a book heaving with recipes to celebrate da man, his poorlydecorated man pad, strange smells and other situations that may require him in all his glory to wash plates, visit a supermarket and legally yield a meat cleaver. But do not be mistaken – this book is its own beast. As well as brimming with food, it’s frank, conversational, and seasoned with a hearty number of f-bombs to keep you enthused. There is a bunch of panty dropping, suave suited, and gallant man-hugging recipes free from food wankery. And lots of cool tasty looking dishes you probably wont ever get round to making (tsk tsk tsk). It will see those you cook for willing to forfeit their big toe for the privilege of having you behind the hotplates just one more time. Consider this your manifesto. Because this is a cookbook for the ultimate homo of homo sapiens. And. It. Is. Awesome.

Booze Hound

Beasts of Yeast

CONTENTS 1. Kissing your Cousin. What you always wanted but could never have The drop bear  Penis cleavage  Stay at home man-dad  I’ve been everywhere… man

2. Beasts of yeast  Ales  Lager  Stouts  Wheat beer  Pretty beer

3. Do you want to come up and try my coq au vin?  Pants off panache  A gentleman never arrives empty-handed  Take her to Paris  Sophisticated boom boom

4. A darn good sandwich  The top ten

5. Man crisis

6. It’s just not cricket.

7. Bromance  The man hug  Bogan or gay?  What goes on tour stays on tour  Wingman

900g boneless wagyu chuck steak. 2 tablespoons plain flour 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 large onion, coarsely chopped 2 garlic cloves, chopped 3 tablespoons water 1 ½ tablespoons tomato paste 1 cup beef jus (or stock) 1 cup Boags beer 1 tablespoon Worcehstershire sauce 2 teaspoons drained brined green peppercorns, coarsely chopped 2 fresh thyme sprigs 2 sheets good quality puff pastry

Beer making and all of its associated imbibing is a craft. When done well the flavour combinations are sublime, ethereal even. And it embraces diversity, not because beer is trying to be wanky and niche or modern, but because there is just so much damn spice and foamy citric depth to share.

8. Cooking for the man cave  Grillin  Arcade fire  Manshed  Couch surfing  Angry Birds

9. That’s going straight to the pool-room  The ginger ninja  Kilts n cabers  The man knows his artichoke from his elbow  A guide for small gatherings

These sweet ribs cook for a mighty long time, but all that pent up angst and hunger, and a result that is dark, sticky and slippery, well…that’s definitely worth the wait. Ingredients 2 kg lamb ribs, trimmed 6 eschallots, peeled and halved 2 carrots, roughly chopped 1 large celery, roughly chopped 1 onion, peeled and roughly chopped 1 tbsp brown sugar (or more to taste) 1 tbsp molasses 3 heaped tsp coffee granules 1 1/2 tablespoons coriander seeds, crushed 1/2 teaspoon black peppercorns, crushed 500mls good quality veal stock 500mls Guinness

Preheat oven to 175C. Pat beef dry. Stir together flour, salt and pepper in a shallow dish. Add beef, turning to coat then shake off excess and transfer to a plate. Heat oil in a wide, heavy pot over medium-high heat then brown meat, in batches until browned.

Preheat the oven to 130C.

Discard thyme and allow to cool. Divide among 4 large 1½ cup ramekins or 1 large baking dish. Roll out the pastry dough on a lightly floured surface and then place over the dish or cut into quarters and place over the top of individual ramekins. Press down gently on the sides to stick the pastry down.

Place a large pot over high heat. Add a tablespoon of olive oil and sear the ribs all over. Remove the ribs from the pot and add the eschallots, carrots, celery and onion and cook until just soft. Add the remaining ingredients, season and return the ribs to the pot. Place the pot in the oven and braise over low heat for 1.5 - 2 hours. Remove from the heat and gently remove the ribs from the braising liquid. Allow liquid to cool completely and skim off the layer of fat. Strain the braising liquid into a saucepan and place over medium heat. Reduce the sauce by twothirds until a thick syrup consistency. If the liquid still has fat globules you may need to skim off and strain again. Heat a chargrill to high. Quickly grill the ribs on each side to reheat. Remove and pour over the reduced braising liquid.

Bake in the oven until pastry looks puffed and golden, about 20 minutes.

Cut the ribs into desired portions and drizzle over the Guinness mix.

Add onion, garlic and water to pot and cook, scraping up all the brown bits from the bottom of the pot and cook until onion is soft. Add tomato paste and cook out for about 1- 2 minutes then return beef to pot with jus, beer, Worcestershire sauce, peppercorns, and thyme and bring to a simmer. Cover and transfer to oven. Braise until beef is tender and sauce has thickened (about 2 ½ hours). Check on beer and add more if needed.

There is a beer for every man. Whether it’s pale, or decadent and rich, the stuff washing festively over the voice box is a glorious call to arms, so much so it is only natural for your chosen libation to also end up in your tea.

 Man flu  Man crown  Man boobs  Man threads  Mantrum

10 hour Guiness braised lamb ribs As the beer brand attests – good things come to those who wait and I feel it prevalent to remind you at this point in time that virginity is still referred to as a loss.


Beer has, until recently, suffered. Like that awkward slow-speaking third cousin, any scenes it caused were generally inappropriate and talked about for days following in hushed voices. But our yeasty friend went away to band camp and came back all refreshed. Trendy even. And has finally set the record straight.

 The art of manliness  Don’t miss the team photo  Cutting grass  Don’t own a pet you can’t take out for a walk

Pub Athlete

Beef n boags pie These pies fill your house with one of those oddly nice smells – bread with the faintest whiff of homeless old boozer and damp dog. I kind of like it.

An evening of imbibing

Makes 4

Heineken Pancakes These pancakes are a wet-lipped and eager welcome, like a beered-up teenager hoping for a snog. Perfect breakfast fodder.

Makes 6 - 8. Ingredients

Ingredients 3 cups plain flour 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda 1/2 cup brown sugar Pinch salt ¼ cup grapeseed oil 1 egg 1 tbsp molasses 1 x bottle of Heineken 2 egg whites Butter for frying Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl. Add the oil, beer and molasses and stir to combine. In a separate bowl, whip the egg whites until stiff peaks. Fold gently through the batter. Melt a knob of butter in a hot pan. Pour 2 tablespoons of batter into the pan and swirl until bottom is covered. When bubbles form, flip it, then when browned on both sides remove from heat. Repeat with remaining mixture and enjoy. Serve plain or with ice cream, nuts and maple syrup

Vegetable oil for deep-frying

Either you all wear the lobster bib, or no one does. The greatest thing since sliced bread? A sandwich. Preferably laden with lobster.

Chow down

Chow down

Lobster rolls Ingredients 800g freshly cooked lobster meat 1 cup mayonnaise ½ cup pickles, finely diced ½ cup celery, finely diced 2 tbsp lemon juice 2 tsp celery salt 1 tbsp sea salt 2 tsp white pepper 6- 8 hot dog buns 6 tbsp butter

Pull the meat from the lobster and roughly chop. Mix the mayonnaise, pickles, celery, lemon juice, salts and pepper in a bowl. Add the lobster and stir to combine. Melt the butter in a large frying pan over medium heat. Lightly toast the hot dog buns on both sides. Fill the buns with the lobster mix and serve. Makes 6 - 8

8 chicken thigh fillets 50g rice flour 250g plain flour 2 tsp onion powder Grated rind of 1 lemon 2 tsp dried tarragon 1 tsp finely ground white pepper 1 tsp garlic powder 250ml (1 cup) buttermilk 2 eggwhites Rocket leaves to serve Mayonnaise 2 egg yolks 2 lemons, finely grated rind only 1 clove garlic, minced 180ml olive oil 60ml lemon juice ¼ cup tarragon, finely chopped

Bring a large saucepan of water to the boil over mediumhigh heat, add the chicken the to boiling water and cook until just cooked through (8-10 minutes). Drain, cut into quarters and set aside. For the mayonnaise, process the yolks, lemon rind and garlic in a food processor to combine, then, with motor running, add the oil in a thin steady stream, processing until thick and combined. Add lemon juice and tarragon, season to taste. Makes about 250ml. Combine the flours, onion powder, lemon rind, tarragon, pepper and garlic powder in a bowl and stir to combine. Add the buttermilk to another bowl. Whisk egg whites to soft peak in a separate bowl then fold through the buttermilk. Dip the chicken in the milk mixture, dust with flour mixture and repeat the process. Add the oil to a deep fryer or deep-sided frying pan and heat to 190C. Deep-fry the chicken in batches, turning occasionally, until golden and hot (5-7 minutes; be careful as hot oil will spit). Drain on absorbent paper. Stuff bread rolls with chicken, a dollop of tarragon mayo and some rocket if using. Eat warm.

Unlike our cave-dwelling ancestors, we no longer possess a hunter mentality or engage in a ‘survival of the fittest’ struggle when it comes to acquiring food. There may not be a whittling of spears or beating of chests while wearing a loin-cloth, but the mindset, the hardwired desire to compete and attract the best mate, has well and truly shifted from the acquisition to the preparation of food. A man’s ability to throw together a meal is pivotal in attracting a woman, along with all the usual suspects – personality, wealth and a lustrous head of hair. Cooking is the equivalent of the four horseman of the apocalypse when it comes to pantzing a woman. If you think you are making too much effort. You’re not. Cooking is like the theatre: everything is heightened. Emotion rules. And when she’s on her fifth champagne, eating any of the following dishes, well the story is there for all to read. She’ll be truly touched, in that very special adult way. Look the doors, shut the blinds and hide the keys. Sandbag your daughters, fine fathers. There is a collective menace lurking our nation, ravaging our country and pillaging our women. It is the man who can cook.





MENU 1 Skewers Pasta al Pomodoro Leche Merengada









THE MAN HUG It’s a viscous world that decides hello and goodbye are insufficient markers of your presence amongst men and it is the man-hug not the dead arm or chummy shoulder punch that has become the order of the day. The hug can be all unanswered questions. That accidental smooshing of nipples, then the weird slight outward tilt of your buttocks should testes accidently touch and the hug fast becomes a physical challenge of epic proportion. It’s like Tetris. But not nearly as fun. And if you are gay, you probably really want to get your hug on but don’t want your mates who “are fine with it” to feel, I dunno, gay. It’s a minefield and I don’t even want to introduce the challenges of hot days, sweaty backs or the awkwardness of miscalculated approaches. We all have our hang ups. Some of us with hugging, others with the sharpness of razors, or the comfort factor of shitting in public loos. This menu is for those who struggle to get their ‘brace on with their bro’ but want to show a bit of love.



MAN FLU Marrying a doctor means inevitably you marry a family of them – they catch it like some horrid dull-but-incrediblysmart disease to carry through the generations unless beaten out of them by non-conformist family members and various other third parties. But it also means you marry into a cynical, some would say robust, approach to sickness. Unless you are dying (think blood/bones/large scale excrement of bodily fluids), you are quite simply full of shit. Enter the man flu. If ever there was a farce it is the man who deems himself ill. Your sniffles do not give you the right to go all nanny state on your shiz. Take a few pills, it’s rare that a man operates heavy machinery these days anyway, and go forth to the kitchen and create. It might actually make you feel better. Because peppering the floor with Vicks-scented tissues while performing live theatre across the bed as you writhe like an unwashed lump of manflesh does not maketh the man. Time to soldier on, as they say, and get up and make your own damn soup. Did you hear me? Hurry up, hurry up…. I’m bored. But, if you really are genuinely, honest-to-god, feeling that poorly, I suggest you take a wee happy snap of the recipe from your phone and text it to all members of the household with your bedridden requests. I mean if you really are that unwell you should probably rest or something.

construction pHase: 50% construction complete the integration of the old-with-the-new building begins to formalise the transition from a detailed design concept and depot shell to a carefully crafted structure.

Garrison 14

a pitman properties heritage project

Garrison 14 HeritaGe to arcHitectural opulence tHe former australian Defence Depot in the pursuit of architectural style coupled with historical significance, this one-of-a-kind historical project is even more alluring after the new construction. the transformed garrison 14, the former annerley Depot lends a glimpse of the past with modern character for your new residence in the future. Utterly unique and historically compelling, garrison14 was originally designed as a military training depot for the australian Defence Force. the understated design showcases a variety of visible historic elements within the building. this impressive ten unit development composes a rich tapestry of heritage elements featuring cavity brick foundations, the structural steel portal frame, original and recycled hardwood timber flooring, and the earliest concrete slab. spanning from two to three levels and covering areas up to 225sqm, these luxury dwellings craft meticulous heritage detail within modern residential features. an effortless flow of stone, glass, steel and timber is unified by high atrium ceilings and artfully placed windows allowing for natural light and ventilation – providing you with a genuine sense of spatial freedom and comfort.


Luxury accoutrements address all requirements of grand-scale indoor/outdoor entertaining while also attending to everyday comfort. showcasing a trove of old war detail, the tranquil infinity edge swimming pool features an artist impression of a military tiled mosaic set amongst an elevated timber sunbathing deck and undercover entertaining area.

clockWise from top: Front facade of garrison 14 at 50% complete; the commencement of pool construction; rear view east of Units 1-7, and Units 8 & 10.

the serene heritage setting is a short 4km drive to the cBD and a brief walk to annerley’s cafes, beauty salons and anticipated Woolworths opening. garrison14 majestically forms part of an exclusive community in annerley representing creative architectural designs contained within a footnote of heritage significance. Built to rigorous standards, with no detail overlooked, garrison14 is a rare heritage jewel that endlessly captivates the senses. secure your place in australian military history today.



construction pHase: 100% practical completion an australian Defence force History of tHe site


a Historical reference by major asHley Walker

the australian Defence Force used this site for military training for most of the 20th century. the commandant of the First military district recommended the purchase of the land which had been offered for sale by William stephens, a councillor with the stephens shire council, for the sum of 519 pound. this occurred following the councils rejection of requests, in 1912 and 13, for suitable council land to be made available for defence purposes. the junction park Drill hall, the older hall on the eastern side of the grounds, was built in 1914 and established a local community focus on the defence of australia. in the 1952-53 Defence Works program 20,000 pounds was allocated for the development of the annerley citizen military Forces (cmF) training Depot. this allocation allowed the construction of the original part of this building in 1954. these weren’t isolated developments; they were part of strategic plans for the defence of australia which included the construction of numerous defence buildings throughout the country. But what were the drivers for these initiatives? in recent times Defence spending has been driven by the “Defence White paper” which is a document developed in part to identify the likely threats and possible employment of our Defence Force.

clockWise from beloW: internal Unit 3: master bedroom and ensuite; internal Unit 3: view of living area and void area; View from pool and sunbathing deck to garrison 14 building.

During the development of this Depot the threat was seen more specifically in terms of political unrest in europe. in the late 19th century the political state in europe translated to a perceived threat to australia which motivated the building of coastal fortifications, such as Fort Lytton at the mouth of the Brisbane river, to safeguard shipping lanes and ports from possible enemy raids. this period saw an escalation of the state’s defence posture which resulted in the construction of a large number of drill halls for the training of the volunteer force.

forces and the depot was once again used to full capacity throughout WW2. the Korean conflict and the cold War of the early fifties were driving forces for the next phase of development at annerley with the construction in 1954 of the second drill hall. there were only six drill halls built for voluntary training at this time in Queensland. this was partly due to expenditure on facilities for the australian regular army which had been formed in 1947. the reorganisation of the voluntary forces into the citizen military Forces (cmF) along with the introduction, in 1951, of the national service scheme for 18 year olds, which included a period of part time service with the cmF ensured that annerley would be a hub for part time military training for some time.

Following Federation the commonwealth continued the development of the Defence Force which included the compulsory training, to varying degrees, of males between the ages of 12 and 20. as you can imagine, once the junction park Drill hall was completed this depot was a hive of activity catering for a large number of militia units and the training of cadets. a number of the organisations that had elements based here still exist or have links to current units.

cmF training during the 60’s and 70’s had a counter revolutionary Warfare emphasis which was motivated by the Vietnam War. Following this period there was a shift to a peace time footing and the cmF transitioned into the army reserve. reserve training focused on continental defence with specific responsibilities for Key asset protection. For the annerley Depot this was the last significant shift in training policy before the government gave up the site for redevelopment.

the looming war in europe fuelled a high rate of activity at the depot which continued throughout WW1. after the war training activities slowed until the mid-thirties when once again the situation in europe saw a revival of citizen


as you can well imagine there have been an enormous number of australians whose lives have been impacted by events they experienced in these buildings. there is no telling how many have passed through the doors but over a period just short of a century the community of Brisbane has provided a constant stream of personnel coming to these drill halls for military training. my first awareness of the annerley training Depot was in 1972 when a work colleague introduced me to the cmF unit the operated out of the old drill hall. i submitted my enlistment papers here at annerley and was sworn in to service here, in january 1973. i would like to thank pitman properties for inviting me to be part of this important project and on behalf of the Defence community i thank mr paul pitman and his staff for the effort they have gone to in preserving the history and cultural value of this site.

commissioneD artwork


the oil on canvas titled on parade by australian artist john santucci was commissioned for garrison 14 in remembrance of the men & women who trained on its grounds. the painting was transformed into a large scale mosaic covering the length of the infinity pool wall and is a permanent reminder of the building’s important place in Queensland’s military history and the cultural heritage of the land.

construction Process

construction pHase: 100% practical completion

about tHe artist

garrison 14 was formally on the 28th of February 2013 opened by councillor Vicki howard on behalf of Brisbane city council’s chairman of neighbourhood planning, amanda cooper. the formal opening was commenced by the brash tunes of Brisbane Brass band, excelsea and celebrated by the community, neighbours, industry associates and pitman properties.

construction pHase: post Demolition

artist john santucci takes inspiration from architecture, film, music, memories and the figurative. he has had exhibitions in australia and abroad and is the winner of both a maritime art award and a peoples choice award. santucci believes his work allows him to understand the world in which we live and our relationship to it by making the invisible, visible. “i think to create anything meaningful the first thing is the desire for quality, without this it is impossible to achieve anything” santucci’s states.

the former annerley Depot is exposed to its structurally grandeur. the frame revealing the triple cavity brick construction, dense concrete foundations and slab, and structural steel portal frame. the civil contractor preparing the slab cut for the ground floor plumbing revealed that the concrete slab was the most condensed and solid endured by the company to date. this confirms the durability and solidness of the construction methods of the australian Defence Force in war eras.

imaGes clockWise from top left: Front facade of the Depot; internal view north revealing structural portal frame and ground slab; View to the south of the Depot.

imaGes clockWise from top: completed facade of garrison 14; internal: living room of Unit 3; internal: kitchen and stair void area of Unit 3.






Garrison 14 Brochure

Pitman Properties employed me to design the sales brochure for a new development in central Brisbane. As the site was an old army barracks, the design had to reflect this history, whilst showcasing the impressive new structure.

Through our services, we aim to restore respect, encourage awareness and promote healing amongst those affected.

Led by Principal Consultant, accredited youth justice conference convenor (Queensland Government) and Nationally accredited mediator Maryann hearn, the team of consultants at Restorative Results are passionately committed to providing holistic, high-quality, efficient and effective services to clients in a professional, confidential, supportive and inclusive manner.

ouR CLienTs Restorative Results provides a response to issues where harm has been caused, disharmony is present or a holistic approach to the resolution of conflict is required in workplace, sporting, educational and pastoral care organisations. We are also committed to working alongside organisations in identifying and implementing long-term solutions to overarching organisational issues by assisting with the development and maintenance of robust, concise, clear, consistent and compliant policies and procedures. our team can also help families open up the lines of communication where they have been damaged as a result of wide ranging conflict or when a specific action of a particular family member/s may have caused hurt and harm to others within that family unit.

Who we aRe MARYANN HEARN 0400 000 000 | 07 3333 2222

Restorative Results is committed to developing and maintaining emotionally healthy corporate, educational, sporting and pastoral care organisations, as well as family units, by resolving issues underpinned by a framework of restorative justice – an alternate justice process used to address an issue or wrongdoing caused as a result of violation of one person by another. At Restorative Results our nationally accredited mediators listen to you so that we can tailor an effective conflict management method that suits your individual situation. We ensure a holistic, thorough and personal approach is designed to address any conflict, incident, issue or disharmony in diverse range of settings.

At Restorative Results our nationally accredited mediators listen to you so that we can tailor an effective conflict management method to suit your individual situation.

pastoral care organisations

family matters schools / educational institutions

workplace organisations sporting organisations

ouR seRviCes

we understand that no two situations are quite the same as each other.

We specialise in innovative and alternative responses to: • addressing breaches of behavioural and conduct codes, and other associated regulations by athletes, officials, spectators, administrators within sporting organisations • addressing conflict or disharmony amongst staff in any workplace • addressing student disciplinary matters of all year levels along with ensuring effective communication exists between the school administration and parents/carers. • assist organisational and congregational members of pastoral & spiritual care communities as well the recipients of their care within contemporary multi-pastoral care Australia, to resolve both current conflict issues and concerns as well as addressing the impact of any historical issues may have had on those affected. • assist families who are experiencing conflict to communicate and negotiate in a positive way so that family members can reach a peaceful and positive resolution avoiding the potential long term fracture of the family unit Restorative Results also assists organisations with the development and maintenance of robust, concise, clear, consistent and compliant policies and procedures which are responsive to issues where harm has been caused, disharmony is present or a holistic approach to the resolution of conflict in required.

Restorative Results can provide positive outcomes for clients through: • holistic conflict resolution • restorative practices conflict resolution facilitator training • leadership, team and management development • performance development • policy development.



one of the main contributors to the successful facilitation of any alternative justice process such as a restorative justice conference is a participant’s perception of the impartiality and neutrality of the facilitator. Engaging an independent and impartial facilitator to resolve issues underpinned by the framework and principles of restorative justice ensures that issues are addressed in an environment where power is perceived by all participants to be balanced. What are the outcomes of a restorative justice conference? The outcome of this process is to provide parties with: • Restoration • Participation • Accountability • Reparation • Reintegration.

WhAT cAN you exPeCT? A Restorative Results facilitator will: • assess the situation and tailor a process to suit the individual needs of the client • provide thorough preconference preparation with all potential conference participants • facilitate the conference by providing clear and concise guidance through the steps of the conference process • conduct a thorough debriefing with conference participants • where requested, provide a post conference report for the client • provide advice to the client to reduce the likelihood of further occurrences. Restorative results also delivers presentations and provides training on the principles and processes of restorative justice enabling clients the opportunity to learn and embed these processes in their organisation.

For more information, visit For a confidential discussion about your particular requirements, please contact one of our consultants on: Email: Phone: (07) 3161 3990 Mobile: 0412 986 577


Restorative Results

This mediation company required branding that suited both the industry, but also the employees. Duotone images allowed the bright colours behind the brand to speak for themselves.

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table: selo engineering core capabilities matrix

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3 3 − 3 3 3

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SELO Engineering Brochure

A corporate brochure design for this engineering company required going back to basics and developing a new logo, then incorporating similar design elements into the document.

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