AP1A - Group 1 Booklet

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with the center with the river with itself

The following work was done in the Design Studio IA class, advised by Prof. José Fernando Gonçalves, and realized by the students Ana Morena Pinho, Charlotte Robic, Frederico Ribeiro and Lara Reis. It consists in the elaboration of an urban rehabilitation plan for Fontaínhas, in Porto, Portugal. Besides improving the site for the locals, the plan should also include a night shelter destined for the homeless or refugees - , a civic center and public baths - destined to the general public - . In order to establish an urban environment that welcomes people systematically excluded from society, the proposal seeks to (re)connect Fontaínhas with the center of Porto, the Douro river, and with itself, reenergizing the community and improving the local economy.


site ANALYSIS 05

proposal bases 11

Development of the area 05

concept 11

current state 07

target users 13 Strategies 15

proposed project 17

implantation Phases 31

general plan 17

first phase 31

main spaces 21

second phase 32

secondary spaces 29

third phase 32

a note about the proposed project 33


Development of the area Fontaínhas often has been exempt from the city throughout its history, physically and socially. Due to its topography, which at first was difficult to occupy, the area was outside the city walls. Thanks to its abundant water resources, good ventilation and good insolation, the region drew Porto’s wealthy families, who went there at first for the view, and later settled there for the resources and new equipments. The growing urbanization of Fontaínhas attracted investments and reforms, known as Reformas Almadinas, which promoted the organization and beautification of the space, as well as the insertion of new public facilities. 5

The organization of the urban space underwent major changes during the Industrial Revolution. With the construction of the D. Maria Pia’s Bridge, Fontaínhas proved to be an ideal site for small industries, which consequently brought a large quota of workers looking for accommodation. Without great economic power, they settled in the backyards of bourgeois houses, which were parceled out and leased by their owners, thus originating the islands housing typology (ilhas). These changes marked the urban fabric in a way that, with the subsequent withdrawal of industries from the region, the vacant spaces became underutilized, and the region established itself in the city's image as a mostly residential and secluded area. 6


current state Currently, the FontaĂ­nhas image is marked by three main nodes and their connections. As meeting points for paths and people, the three nodes - the area of the old Rest Home of Mendicidade, the square of Padre Baltazar Guedes and the Alegria Square have the potential to resignify the relationship of the region with the rest of the city, and therefore demonstrating strength and opportunity. The nodes and their connections, together, constitute the backbone of FontaĂ­nhas. Furthermore, some buildings adjacent to nodes 1 and 2 can be characterized as landmarks, thus being attraction points in the region.

Nodes Edges Opportunities Landmarks Strengths Districts 8



Pre and post Infante’s Bridge

In the site there are two main areas with similar housing typologies within them, thus denoting two districts. During the evolution of the constructed area, the districts encountered two different edges: the Prado do Repouso cemetery, and the steep river bank. Later, when the constructed space was mostly solidified, a third edge was constructed that cut the connection btween the site and the city center, making the access to Fontaínhas harder: the Infante Dom Henrique’s Bridge. By limiting the growth of the urban net, physically by the cliff, functionally by the cemetery and mobility wise by the bridge, these edges shape the built environment of Fontaínhas. 10

proposal bases


concept Through the analysis of the space, considering the urban development of the intervention area and the reading of its image and its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats identified by the group, an urban project was designed with the objective of revitalizing Fontaínhas. Since the analysis clearly points out the disconnection of the area with the Douro River and with several layers of the urban network of the city of Porto, such as the cultural, touristic, public transport and equipment networks, as well as the absence of a solid internal network of commerce, services and community activities that once existed and that helped to maintain the viability of the place and the livelihood of the population, the proposal uses the motto (re)connection of Fontaínhas. Such (re)connection, which sometimes refers to the creation of new connections and sometimes to the rescue of connections that once existed, is mainly focused on three relations: with the center of Porto, exploring the visibility that can be obtained with the intervention at notable points; with the river, imperative in the urban structuring of the locality, but which sudden unevenness of the slope creates an obstacle for establishing a more direct contact between the upper part of Fontaínhas and the river bank; in the relationship with the city, taking advantage mainly of the proximity and with itself, seeking to create a chain of solidarity amongst the population based on spaces for socializing and the offer of local commerce and services. Therefore, each intention of the proposal is designed with the goal of collaborating with the premise, which can be summarized in:


with the center with the river with itself 12

proposal bases

target users The proposal was designed considering primarily the benefit of the current local population of FontaĂ­nhas, people who, from what was observed in visits to the area, have lived there for years and have a strong cultural and emotional bond with the site. As in the past the interaction between residents was more intense, through the contact generated by equipment for routine activities, such as in the washrooms, and in sporadic collective activities, such as at the SĂŁo JoĂŁo festival and at the Vandoma Market, even with these dynamics not happen anymore, there is still a feeling of community that the project aims to strengthen. 13

In addition, the proposal seeks to stimulate the population to come from other parts of Porto, not necessarily to live, but essentially due to an offer of services, commerce and leisure spaces, reinforcing the presence of FontaĂ­nhas in the city's networks. In this process, it is expected that the generated environment will also function as a space for social reintegration of a portion of the population usually marginalized, such as homeless and refugees. Thus, the motto of (re)connection goes beyond the physical sphere of the project and is also about the relationship between the population of FontaĂ­nhas, the population of Porto and groups that are normally marginalized, generating a multicultural, dynamic and welcoming environment for all. 14

proposal bases 3




5 6

Strategies In order to achieve the intended (re)connections, a series of strategies were adopted, notably: To recover the relation with the river, a series of connections were proposed in the cliff, some are contemplative slow routes and some are mechanical routes that make the link more practical and accessible; 15

existent connections proposal connection 1 - Aliados Avenue 2 - Bolhão Market 3 - Campanhã Station 4 - São Bento Station 5 - Porto’s Catedral 6 - Customhouse

To increase the relationship with Gaia, it’s proposed to convert the Maria Pia Bridge into a pedestrian path that flows into the pedonal paths that are being built on the Gaia's river bank, tracing a leisure route that connects the two cities; Intending to establish a link with the center of Porto, it’s proposed the rehabilitation of the old Rest

Home of Mendicidade and the implementation of attractive civic and cultural programs in a highly visible point close to the city center; To help with the site’s appeal, equipments will be created to collaborate with the offer of services and local commerce, such as a market and programs associated to the night shelter that serve the general population, which also contribute to the reintegration the usually marginalized portions of the population;

connection with the rest of the national territory, it has a great offer of public transport lines; To stimulate the community life, the plan intends to create and requalificate public spaces associated with the equipments of collective interest; And, to foment the circulation among the main points of intervention, it’s proposed to make the paths between them more pleasant for pedestrians.

In addition to the previous point, it’s intended the establishment of a microcredit that makes the local population the main beneficiary of the site’s development as a means of curbing a further gentrification caused by its revitalization; For a better connection with the rest of the city, it’s proposed the rehabilitation of the Customhouse Railway, now unused, making a connection with the old Porto's Customhouse and the Campanhã Station, which besides being a means of 16

proposed project

Main nodes interventions Main connections interventions Secondary interventions Cliff intervention 17

general plan Concerning the concrete achievements of our project, the major interventions are distributed over the 3 opportune nodes identified during our analysis. They all have essential points of attraction in order to respond to our urban strategy. Indeed, the first node is located at the exit of the Infante D. Henrique Bridge and hosts the Old Rest Home of Mendicidade, a space with visibility due to its proximity to the center and with intense traffic routes. The Alegria Square, qualified as the second node, proves to be an important hub to connect the neighborhood with the rest of the city because of the diverse programs around it that bring together users from different age groups. Concerning node 3, the presence of the Salesianos School and the Cemetery of Prado do Repouso point to a possibility of higher use of the Padre Baltasar Guedes Square, which today is used as a parking lot. Given the importance of the nodes, the connection’s development between them is essential, since it’s conjointment brings together the urban plan as a whole. In addition, the cliff is identified as a relevant space in the implementation of the design intents, since it's through it that the connection with the river is possible, while collaborating with the connection with the rest of the city by reactivating the Customhouse Railway. Supplementary to these main project areas, a series of secondary interventions are proposed in order to articulate the main interventions, revitalizing the site as a whole. Together, the main and secondary spaces make possible the achievement of the project's objectives.








5 1 - public park 2 - civic and cultural center and/or public baths and/or CNAIM 3 - night shelter/temporary housing 4 - old carvalhinho’s ceramic factory 5 - slow-train’s stations 6 - old washroom 7 - mechanical connections 8 - pedonal path 9 - pocket parks’ paths 10 - shared street 11 - collective housing 12 - commercial or service buildings 13 - market 14 - square 15 - pedonal path (maria pia’s bridge) 16 - alegria’s square



9 12 7

11 10 8


14 13


7 5



proposed project


main spaces node one The 1st node will host the community center, the public bath, the Centro Nacional de Apoio à Integração de Imigrantes (CNAIM) and the current urban wasteland will be transformed into a large green park with a whole promenade and wider spaces to accommodate other uses, as well as a more direct path with stairs. Due to its strong presence in the node and in the image of Fontaínhas, the Old Rest Home of Mendicidade will be rehabilitated to accommodate one of the programs. A new building on the edge of the node will host one of the programs and will help to draw the boundaries of the park and the road, along with two other buildings that will be constructed in the corner in front. Furthermore, the entrance platform of the Old Rest Home of Mendicidade will be modified to ease the difference of level with the Fontaínhas Street, conferring accessibility to it..


proposed project


node two On node 2, the arrangements are simpler, since that, in general, the place is already well structured. Stairs will be built to facilitate access to the Fine Arts School and a fountain will be added to create different spaces in the square, stimulating the occurrence of simultaneous dynamics, consistent with the diverse programs in its surroundings.


proposed project node three The node 3 will place a collective housing, buildings for commercial and service activities and a local market, all of them related with a project to qualify


the existenting square. The programs will be located on the current unused lots and their volumes will help to draw the angles between the roads as well as the boundaries of the square. At the same time, their uses will

collaborate with the creation of a local microcredit and of some job vacancies for the local population and for the reintegration of homeless and refugees. The square is divided into three parts. The first one, next to the

market, is the reception space of the square, characterized as a mostly free area to allow the extension of market activity in the form of periodic street markets or to host community events. In the extension of the latter, the second part contrasts with the first by the presence of green areas, which divide the entrance space of the cemetery and of the school and its church, and meeting places for the users of these programs. This second part of the square is connected with the first and the third by stairs/bleachers, designed also to be occupied. The third part, the one nearest to the cliff, is marked by the wide view, a coffee shop with a terrace and the access to pedonal path created over the D. Maria Pia’s Bridge, to one of the train stations of the rehabilitated line and to a mechanical connection with the river bank. In order to make the construction of the square viable, since it breaks a connection between streets, the road will be redesigned and a parking lot and stopping area will be created for parents to drop their children off at school.


proposed project


Path 1-2

Path 2-3

For the connection between node 1 and 2, the group proposes the widening of the pedestrian walkway and the addition of trees to announce the park of node 1. In addition, the stairs to go up to node 1 will be widened and turned in the direction of the alley that leads to the park to create a spatial and visual link.

The connection between nodes 2 and 3 corresponds to the redevelopment of S.Victor Street. As the width of the road isn't enough for the simultaneous presence of a wide sidewalk, a parking lot and green areas, the sidewalk will be enlarged punctually, allowing the placement of urban furniture without occupying the passageway. In places where such furniture doesn't exist, parking lots or green areas will be placed, making the path functional, dynamic and comfortable for pedestrians.

Path 3-1

The cliff

For the last connection, between nodes 1 and 3, the Fontaínhas’ Alameda will be extended, following Rua de Gomes Freire until the beginning of its curved part, where it will be converted into a shared street, with car access restricted to residents. At the beginning of the shared street, some parking spaces will be provided for the residents and for the visitors to leave their cars and go on foot. For the extension of the Alameda, the area where the library and playground are currently located will be redesigned, giving way also to one of the connections by the cliff.

The cliff will accommodate two train stations which will serve the rehabilitated train line, one next to the node 1 and another next to the node 3. In addition, three elevators and two funiculars in metal structures will facilitate access between the different levels, also possible through contemplative paths by stairs. The structure next to the node 1, which is in a visible point in the upper part of Fontaínhas, also connects the rehabilitated washroom and the old Carvalhinho’s Ceramic Factory, creating a small interpretative path. All the interventions made on the cliff were thought to be light and punctual due to the instability of the terrain, being just the essential to establish the intended connections. 28

proposed project secondary spaces We define secondary interventions as those that promote the articulation of primary spaces and organize their flows. Within this category are:

pocket parks A fragmentation of the housing blocks was necessary, with the aim of improving the circulation of residents, in order to connect them to new and old public spaces and to promote interaction between residents and visitors. Furthermore, based on the idea of reconnecting Fontaínhas with itself, these small squares can serve for celebrations and meetings of the local community, recovering the identity of the region of celebration and sharing. This revitalization takes place using existing vacant lots, to create new passages to the interior of the blocks. In the block facing Alameda das Fontaínhas, the existing vacant lot gives space for the development of a building that solves accessibility issues and 29

generates covered living spaces. This new building is in relation with the existent stairs that cuts the block in two and connects Gomes Freire Street with São Vítor Street. The other pocket park planned with this purpose takes advantage of an existent dead end alley and some empty buildings in its alignment to create a new path, prioritizing pedestrian flow.

Washroom of Fontaínhas

night shelter in São Vítor district

Another focal point of intervention that aims to evoke the memory of the region is the washroom of the Fontaínhas. In this sense, we propose the rehabilitation of what was once a space for work and socialization, creating an area for the interpretation of the site’s history.

In addition to these two interventions, was proposed the construction of a building on the vacant lot of the São Vítor district, based on the fact that there was once a building there and because it appears to be a density that makes sense in the configuration of the place, generating smaller and cozier spaces. It also recovers the relation of the housing building designed by Álvaro Siza with a builded element in front. As it is mostly an area with housing, it was considered as a great site to the social reintegration expected through the night shelter. Thus, it will be hosted in the proposed building together with another associated programs to help the reintegration at the same time that improves the district.

path over the d. maria pia’s bridge To create a direct connection between Fontaínhas and the pedestrian paths that are being built in Gaia, it’s proposed the conversion of the bridge, currently unused, into a pedonal path. For this, platforms were designed to be attached to the structure, creating enlargements along the course that will serve as break points, making the path more comfortable. 30

Phases of implantation

First phase Second phase Third phase

Through the analysis carried out, we realized that the large urban project should be phased and structured, with the objective of reaching levels of development and investment throughout its execution. When taking these issues into consideration, we divided the execution of the project into 3 phases. 31

first phase In the first phase, we propose the construction of new buildings and squares, in order to create appeal and modernize the region, which does not keep pace with the development processes of most of Porto. We propose the construction of the civic center, public bath, the night shelter and the rehabilitation of the old Rest Home of Mendicidade , to create a relation between the two ends at the same time, it’s necessary to execute the project of the local

market, the collective housing and the commercial and service buildings together with the square that establishes the relation of the entire building with the public space and its visitors. In order to connect these two points of urban relevance, the stabilization and completion of construction of Fontaínhas’ Alameda is essential.

second phase After the construction of new equipments of public interest, the consolidation of connections between these points is necessary, through the construction of mechanical and automatic pedestrian routes between the parts. In addition, the interventions in the Alegria Square can be made in order to improve a space of urban connections already consolidated. Through the development of new urban connections, we foresee the reactivation of the metro, allowing the creation of two new stations within Fontaínhas. With these two new stations established in the cliff, connections by stairs, elevators and funiculars are extremely important to ensure the accessibility of the local population and visitors.

third phase In order to stabilize the project and its relation with the surroundings, we understand that it was necessary to construct a housing building near the end of Av. Alexandre Herculano, close to the D. Infante Bridge, in order to contain the perimeter and give importance to the square built in t h e first phase. Another intervention stipulated for this phase is the rehabilitation of the washroom of the Fontaínhas in order to recover part of the identity of the local community. To create new jobs for individuals living nearby, the construction of a cafe next to the market in Padre Baltasar Guedes Square. In addition, build the new squares inside the blocks that allow better circulation in the region.



As explained previously, the proposed project aims to (re)connect FontaĂ­nhas with the center, with the river and with itself, mainly benefiting the local population and helping the reintegration of a part of the society usually marginalized. 33

Such goals started from the analysis of the place, identifying especially the prime aspects in the urban morphology and the main opportunities to be improved, giving rise to a project essentially based on three intervention points, the paths

between them and the cliff. However, despite the effort to find the most appropriate solution, since it is an academic exercise, there isn't a horizon for implementing the proposal. But the group hopes that the work can

collaborate with highlighting the potential of the site and indicating possible key points of intervention for plans that will actually be implemented, improving the area and (re)connecting FontaĂ­nhas with the center, the river and itself. 34

dARQ - FCTUC | Design Studio IA Advised by Prof. José Fernando Gonçalves Realized by Ana Morena Pinho, Charlotte Robic, Frederico Ribeiro and Lara Reis Intervention site in Fontaínhas, Porto, Portugal

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