Design 1o1 Redux Part 2 - My House Week 04 – My Guest Monday: list friends in a random order Tuesday: connect one friend with another or “who knows who?” Wednesday: choose a rule / code / system of value to “classify” / organize friends Thursday: same as yesterday (+ a 2nd rule / code / value to the whole) Friday: free
#wirelesstransmission #design1o1redux -the list- 049/101
searching relations, floating friends #poletoequator #design1o1redux 050/101
#whoispluto #design1o1redux 051/101 four elements water earth fire wind
whoispluto #design1o1redux 051/101 think see do feel
#whoispluto #design1o1redux 051/101 stay/go
feel _ relations and connections between 7 friends #neveradestiny #design1o1redux 052/101
do | go | change _ connections and relations between 7 friends #neveradestiny #design1o1redux 052/101
think see | connections and relations between 7 friends #neveradestiny #design1o1redux 052/10
by first moving inward it is easier and satisfying to move outward from myself to my friends in -out | potential -actual design starts from oneself but it is done with other people #whatweseem #design1o1redux 053/101
In - out | potential - actual | let's go out for a picnic! #whatweseem #design1o1redux 053/101