P linkedin/lara-mendez
EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Candidate for B.S in Architecture, School of Architecture Candidate for Minor in Management Consulting, Marshall School of Business
Relevant coursework: Architectural Design II-V, Barcelona Study Abroad Program Fall 2019, Project Awards: Dean’s Award and People’s Choice Award 2020 “Spaced Out” Post-Pandemic Design Com
ISTITUTO MARANGONI Short Course in Interior Design, School of Design
Learning outcomes: interpret a theme; define materials, colors and lightning; translate concept into
UNIVERSIDAD DE LIMA Candidate for B.A in Architecture
Relevant coursework: Architectural Design, Visual Communication, Technical Drawing, Structural O
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE SMU Co-founder and Creative Director
Curated the brand identity and the client experience for start-up specializing in home-deliver Develop content for social media platforms while working directly with clients.
ARCSPACE Student Architectural Intern
Developed the interior design for the Bridge Housing prototype alongside the Bridge Homele
Researched grants and passive design options for the LACI Pilot Project and the San Jose She
1 . Fo rm Fo llows Infe ct i on
2. US C Center for Soci al Ju st i ce
3. Co - lo c atio n C ommu n i t y Housi n g
4 . Mia m i Des ig n D i st ri ct Bout i qu e Hote l
5 . Lo s A ng eles Aqu at i c C e nte r
6 . Mis cella neo u s Work
FOR M FOLLOWS IN F ECTION University of Southern California, School of Architecture Summer 2020 [Spaced-Out: Designing our New Community competition entry] Collaborative work with a team of three. The project involved re-thinking and re-designing our school in light of the COVID-19 pandemic to enrich our learning environment. Our feasible design aimed at planning for the current times and the near future. We adapted six existing spaces and a seventh virtual space to provide a hybrid blend in a dynamic platform further emphasizing equity and implementing design synergy, wellness and flexibility.
Figure 1: Presentation Board
Fig u re 2 : Axo no m et ric d ia g ra m s h ow i n g o ur i d e a s to a d a pt Ha r r i s C o ur t ya rd
Fi g ure 3: Axonomet ric d ia g ra m showing o u r id e a s to a d a pt un d e r ut i l i ze d s p a ce s a ro un d t h e S c h o o l of A rch i te ct ure
F ig u re 4: Axo no m et ric d ia g ra m s h ow i n g o ur i d e a s to a d a pt d e s i g n s t ud i o c l a s s ro o m s
Fig u re 5: Re nd e r showing s t ud i o e nv i ro n m e nt b a s e d o n 6 - fo ot d i s t a n ce r ul e
Figure 6: New virtual space: the School of Architecture App
Figure 7: ARCKIT to give out to students
U S C C E NTER FOR SO CIAL J U STI CE University of Southern California, School of Architecture Fall 2020 The design of the USC Center for Social Justice draws upon the idea of human equality to unify a complex program which integrates the existing community centers with the new building. This sense of integration is enhanced by the facade materials, used throughout as a unifying aesthetic device which change every two other floors to mirror the different programs and break down the building’s sense of uniformity. Finally, the exposed wood structure is intended to support biophilic design and human well-being.
F i g ure 8 - 9 : S i te A n a lys i s
Fig u re 10 -1 3: S i te Ad a pt at i o n D i a g ra m s
F i g ure 1 5 : S i te Pl a n
Fig u re 14: Pe rsp e c t i ve d raw i n g f ro m C re n s h aw B o ul eva rd
Figure 16: Structural Diagram (Basement)
Figure 17: Diagrammatic Section showing program
Figure 16: Structural Diagram (Columns)
Figure 19: Structural Diagram (Girders)
Figure 20: Exploded Zoning Diagram
Fi g ure 21 : St r uc t ure D et a i l
Figure 22: Level five floor plan
Figure 23: Render showing office seating area
Figure 24: Ground floor plan
Figure 25: Render showing main entrance from Crenshaw Boulevard
Figure 26: Basement one floor plan
Figure 27: Render showing exhibition space on basement one
Fig ure 28 : S e c t i o n p e r s p e c t i ve
C O-LO CAT ION COMMUN ITY L I B R ARY & AFFO RDAB L E H O U SIN G P ROTOT Y P E FOR LOS AN GEL ES University of Southern California, School of Architecture Spring 2020 The Co-location Community Library and Housing Prototype for Los Angeles is a 48-unit affordable housing project of studios, 1, 2, and 3-bedroom units. The first two levels contain a library and a cafe that visually connects to the street in order to activate the street and draw people inside. The courtyard typology helps to enhance daylight and cross-ventilation for all units. The highest floor has a rooftop garden and two terraces with panoramic views of the area for residents to share and enjoy while building a strong sense of community.
F i g ure 29 : S i te A n a lys i s
Fig u re 30 : S i te Ad a pt at i o n D i a g ra m
Fig u re 31 : Li b ra r y Zo n i n g D i a g ra m
F i g ure 32: S i te Pl a n
Fig u re 33-34 : Li b ra r y F l o o r Pl a n s
F i g ure 35 : S e c t i o n
Fig u re 36 : Env i ro n m e nt a l D i a g ra m
Fig u re 37 : Re n d e r s h ow i n g exte r i o r v i ew of b ui l d i n g
Fig u re 3 8 : Re nd e r s h ow i n g l i b ra r y e nt ra n ce a n d c afe
T H E DI STRICT BO UTIQ UE H OTEL Istituto Marangoni Miami, School of Design Interior Design Short Course 2019 [Digital drawings and 3D model] The project was done as part of a three-week interior design course. The idea was to design a twelve-room hotel located in the Miami Design District where locals and travellers meet or stay to enjoy art, fashion and culture. The project included interpreting a theme; defining materials, colors and lightning; and translating the concept into the space.
Fig u re 39 : Hote l Lo b by Zo n e D i a g ra m
Fig u re 4 0 : Lo b by Mate r i a l Pa l et te
Fig u re 41: Fl o o r p l a n a n d s e c t i o n s of T h e D i s t r i c t l o b by
Fig u re 42 : Re n d e r s h ow i n g t h e h ote l l o b by
Fig u re 4 3: B e d ro o m Mate r i a l Pa l et te
Fig u re 44: Fl o o r p l a n a n d s e c t i o n s of t y p i c a l h ote l b e d ro o m
Fig u re 45: Re n d e r s h ow i n g t y p i c a l h ote l b e d ro o m
Fig u re 46: Re n d e r s h ow i n g t y p i c a l h ote l b e d ro o m
W ESTC HESTER AQ UATIC C EN TER University of Southern California, School of Architecture Spring 2019 [Digital drawings and museum board model] The Los Angeles Aquatic Center introduces a new public pool that celebrates the city’s diversity and meets the community’s demand for more recreational space. The proposed design draws upon the exposed structure of Renzo Piano’s Centre Pompidou, in Paris, to unify a multiuse facility which seeks to break the long standing history of segregated pools in America. This project augments the adjacent park as well as incorporate uses such as a restaurant and a gymnasium to bring life to the area. The color palette and high ceilings are warm and welcoming, extending a glow to the interior and onto the sidewalk, inviting those outside to enter.
Fig u re 47 : Dia g ra m showing t h e t ra n s fo r m at i o n of t h e C e nt re Po m p i d o u s t r uc t ure
Fig u re 48 : Se c t i o n p e r s p e c t i ve of Aq uat i c C e nte r
F i g ure 5 0 : S e co n d Leve l F l o o r Pl a n
F igure 49: Sketche s
F i g ure 5 1 : G ro un d Leve l Pl a n
Fig u re 52 : Iso m et r i c d raw i n g s h ow i n g s t r uc t ure d et a i l s
Fig u re 53 : Phys i c a l m o d e l of Aq uat i c C e nte r
Fig ure 5 4 : E xte r i o r Pe r s p e c t i ve
Fig u re 55-56: Dig it a l d raw i n g a n d m o d e l fo r d e s i g n s t ud i o p ro j e c t
Fig u re 57-58 : B ra nd id e nt it y a n d s o c i a l m e d i a co nte nt fo r s m o ot h i e s t a r t- up
thank you
P linkedin/lara-mendez
EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Candidate for B.S in Architecture, School of Architecture
Los Angeles, August 2017 - May
Candidate for Minor in Management Consulting, Marshall School of Business Relevant coursework: Architectural Design II-V, Barcelona Study Abroad Program Fall 2019, Project Management Awards: Dean’s Award and People’s Choice Award 2020 “Spaced Out” Post-Pandemic Design Competition
Short Course in Interior Design, School of Design
July 2
Learning outcomes: interpret a theme; define materials, colors and lightning; translate concept into the interior space
Lima, P
Candidate for B.A in Architecture
April 2015 - July 2 Relevant coursework: Architectural Design, Visual Communication, Technical Drawing, Structural Orientation, Structures
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE SMU Co-founder and Creative Director
Lima, P
December 2020 - Pres
Curated the brand identity and the client experience for start-up specializing in home-delivered frozen smoothies. Develop content for social media platforms while working directly with clients.