LC 12 2022

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Larchmont Chroni cle


“What do you really want?”

I asked Franco Iervolino, for merly known as Giorgio when he and his possession-packed shopping cart were seen dai ly on Larchmont Boulevard, waiting for a gift of coffee or a sandwich.

We were sitting in his shared bedroom at the senior care facility where he now lives, after he was taken from the street on Larchmont to a mental health hospital on April 20 and then transferred here in July.

So what does he want? He answered without hesitation. “Money in my pocket and an apartment.”

Homeless just seven months ago, will Franco get his wish? Or will the system fail him while he waits in a dreary se nior living facility subsisting on

Breaking news: Lucy’s El Adobe Cafe plans its reopening

Intra-family litigation has been resolved, and Patricia Casado, daughter of restau rant founders, the late Frank and Lucy Casado, and sister of the late James Casado, plans to reopen her family’s beloved eatery at 5536 Melrose Ave.

Having worked at the restau rant from its early beginnings until 2014, Patricia says she

See Lucy’s, p 5

n Larchmont Boulevard shines brightly nightly

By Suzan Filipek

Santa will be hearing wish es and taking requests during the Larchmont Open House on Sat., Dec. 3.

The event will take place on Larchmont Boulevard between 11:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. A trol

ley will carry shoppers up and down the Boulevard, and San ta will be taking requests at the Wilshire Rotary Tree Lot at 568 N. Larchmont Blvd. from 1 to 4 p.m. A lighting ceremony for the newly installed café lights strung across the Boulevard will take place at approximate ly 4:30 p.m. near Tailwaggers.

It’s official! The Larchmont Mercantile building’s down stairs storefronts are fully leased. After years of construc tion and tenant negotiations, 12 tenants have signed on. They are:

Holey Grail Donuts , a Hawaiian-based donut brand;  Velvet by Graham and Spencer, a national clothing brand;

Sichuan Kitchenette , a grab-and-go café serving ready-to-eat Sichuan Chinese food;

Blvd. shop openings, closings Together again at Family Fair

Although the first Larch mont Family Fair was held 56 years ago, this year‘s event was the 54th — because there was no Fair in 2020 or 2021 due to the pandemic. It was clear, this year, that neigh borhood families relished the


now complete

Mayor-elect Karen Bass, in response to a question at her November 17 press con ference held at the historic Ebell of Los Angeles, said she still was overwhelmed by her recent victory in the contest to become the new Mayor of Los Angeles. She said she had not even contemplated the details of moving into Get ty House in Windsor Square, but that she soon was to be talking with Mayor Garcetti about that and other transi tion issues.

Election results will not be official until December 5. The newly elected take office on December 12.

DECEMBER 2022 ~ Entire Issue Online! For Information on Advertising Rates, Please Call Pam Rudy 323-462-2241, x 11 Mailing permit: • DELIVERED TO 76,439 READERS IN HANCOCK PARK • WINDSOR SQUARE • FREMONT PLACE • MIRACLE MILE • PARK LA BREA • LARCHMONT • IN THIS ISSUE
RAMS cheer at Third Street School.
18 Holidays & Museums Section 3 Health, Fitness & Beauty Read tips to help you feel and look your best in 2023 in the January issue of the Larchmont Chroni cle. For more information on this special section, and an intro to Summer Camps and Programs , contact Pam Rudy, 323462-2241, ext. 11. NUTCRACKER takes the stage. 3-16 n Mercantile leased up! n New mayor in the neighborhood See
8 See Mercantile, p 5 See Open House, p 9 See Fair
4 VOL. 60, NO. 12
SPIRIT OF THE SEASON was evident at the annual tree light ing ceremony at The Grove. Shown with Santa are mother and daughter Gloria and Emily Estefan with Gloria’s grandson Sasha.
page 9 See Homeless, p
Election, p
, p
AT THE EBELL OF LOS ANGELES, mayor-elect Karen Bass greets the press Nov. 17 shortly after she was announced the winner. Photo by Gary Leonard
n Last in a series
the transition: homeless to housed
Holiday Open House brings good cheer and Santa Dec. 3
ANOTHER neighborhood milestone. 17

This time of year, thanks are due to many people.

“Thank you” to people who traveled to be with family and friends over Thanksgiving. Thanks, also, to our Larchmont Chronicle advertisers who know that our 60-year-old news paper remains the ideal way to reach local readers. Similarly, “thanks” to those same readers for their support, including sending us checks in the reply envelopes included in the November issue.

Now that November 8th is behind us, thanks also are due to every citizen who recently sacrificed family and personal life to put herself or himself “out there” as a candidate for public office. “Thank you,” especially, to those candidates who won the recent contests and who soon will be sworn in.

To our new citywide elected officials and city council mem bers in CDs 5 and 13: please remember that all of us are your constituents. In CD 13, for example, 38,000 registered vot ers selected Hugo Soto-Martinez in the runoff election just completed. However, the new council member represents not only those 38,000 voters, he actually represents all of the 253,000 children, women and men who reside in the 13th Council District.

Each city council member is the elected official closest to the people in the city, whether the people rent, own, or do business within the confines of a city council district. The council member is a constituent’s initial point of contact for government solutions to problems that beset the constituent. Addressing those problems is a lot of work, and we look for ward to having the new CD 5 and CD 13 victors recruit terrific staff members who are oriented toward the chief mission of the city council job — serving the constituents.

So, again, to the newly elected: “Thank you” for running for office; “congratulations” for winning; but, please, now is the time … to get to work!

Sat., Dec. 3 — Holiday Open House takes place on Larchmont Boulevard from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Tues., Dec. 13 — Mid City West Neighborhood Council board meeting, 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. Check for details.

Wed., Dec. 14 — Great er Wilshire Neighborhood Council board meeting, 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. Check great for details.

Sun., Dec. 18 — First night of Hanukkah.

Wed., Dec. 21 — First day of winter.

Sat., Dec. 24 — Christmas Eve.

Sun., Dec. 25 — Christmas Day.

Thurs., Dec. 29 — Deliv ery of the January issue of the Larchmont Chronicle Sat., Dec. 31 — New Year’s Eve.

Sun., Jan. 1 — New Year’s Day. Mon., Jan. 2 — Rose Parade.

Letters to the Editor

Boycotting Pizzeria

I will not eat there [Village Piz zeria] until the memorabilia is returned [“Tenant construc tion underway at Boulevard shops, some opening,” Nov. 2022]. I have been a patron since the very beginning and have sent countless lifetime customers there over the last quarter century. I will encourage those same lifetime customers to boycott until the memorabilia is returned. Part of the charm of Village Pizza was Steve, Nancy, their kids and the family of staff. You hurt Steve, you hurt us all.

Jaywalking to be legal

The state of California re cently passed the “Freedom to Walk” act. Effective Jan. 1, it makes it legal to cross a street

outside a designated intersec tion — essentially legalizing jaywalking. As often happens, I think this law, which hasn’t even taken effect yet, is al ready having unintended consequences.

Driving around the city of Los Angeles is hazardous enough as it is for a host of reasons, but since the passing of this law was announced, I swear I’ve seen a noticeable increase in people randomly

(Please turn to page 9)

Write us at letters@larch Include your name, contact informa tion and where you live. We reserve the right to edit for space and grammar.

Celebration at Bergin’s

In the November issue’s sto ry, “Miracle Mile and Carthay Circle celebrate at Bergin’s,” the photo caption misidenti fied Carole Howard as Carol Steinberg, and we apologize, Ms. Howard.

Third Street principal

The name of Third Street Ele mentary School’s outgoing principal is Daniel Kim, not David Kim, as was stated in November’s issue.

Michelin star

Collin Leaver of the Hollywood Food Coalition has worked at Michelin-starred restaurants; he is not a Michelin-starred chef, as we incorrectly report ed in “Kitchen Sink raises funds for HoFoCo’s nightly meals,” Nov. 2022.

‘Workshop’ on La Brea Workshop Kitchen & Bar is at 127 S. La Brea Ave., 323-4132255, not on Melrose Avenue as was reported inaccurately in “Alien space pods land on La Brea for fine, tasty dining,” Nov. 2022.

holiday open house
‘What is at the top of your holiday wishlist?’
That’s the question inquiring photographer Casey Russell asked locals.
“Peace on Earth!”
Dan Hsieh with Nico Brookside
“I want Nintendo game cards.”
“I want a blue airplane.”
Landon and Connor Brel Windsor Village
“I don’t need anything. I just want to see my family!”
Loren Dunsworth Brookside
“For Christmas, I really need more accessories and clothes for my baby Rose. And I want a fish.” “The top of my holiday list is books, books and more books.”
Ruby and Olive Clancy Windsor Village
Thanks; now get to work! Editorial
Larchmont Chronicle Founded in 1963 by Jane Gilman and Dawne P. Goodwin Publisher and Editor John H. Welborne Managing Editor Suzan Filipek Contributing Editor Jane Gilman Staff Writers Talia Abrahamson Casey Russell Helene Seifer Advertising Director Pam Rudy Advertising Sales including Classifieds Caroline Tracy Art Director Tom Hofer Circulation Manager Nona Sue Friedman Accounting Jill Miyamoto 606 N. Larchmont Blvd., #103 Los Angeles, CA 90004 323-462-2241


For years, the Larchmont Family Fair (LFF) has been a source of merriment for children of all ages. However, with most of our time there spent wrangling toddlers in ride lines, some of us may dis agree with the “merriment for all ages” sentiment.

However, for adults (weary parents included), the 2022 LFF was different. For the first time, a beer garden, where the 21-plus crowd could relax and mingle, was featured. With M. Special beer on tap and proceeds directed to the Larchmont Boulevard Association (LBA), all on Oct. 30 actually had fun.

Betsy Malloy, longtime Larchmont real estate agent and LFF organizer, told us about the impetus for, and co ordination of, the beer garden this year.


“I’ve suggested a beer garden for a while, and I think the timing was finally right for it,” shared Malloy. “This year was the Fair’s comeback (from the pandemic), and I think the [LBA] board knew we had to make it extra special.”

Malloy’s sons, Bren dan and Emmet Malloy, who are involved with Goleta brewery M. Spe cial, were instrumental in acquiring the six kegs of beer (roughly 165 servings each) to provision the garden. They featured a cit rus-y pale ale, a hoppy IPA and more (includ ing wine they procured for the event).

LBA president John Win ther, who worked on securing the required government per

‘Cheers’ to Larchmont

their neighbors and acquaintances, and it was always crowded. No plan ning was necessary to meet people — just show up. This felt like a familiar neighborhood gath ering spot, with everyone welcome.”

more. I also bumped into friends from my kids’ early days at the Plymouth School and from their new school, Larchmont Charter. It was great to catch up with all of these folks from each stage of our family’s rooting in the Hancock Park area.

mits, said of this grown-up addition to the Family Fair: “The beer garden gave a place for the adults to mingle with

This reporter was lucky to be able to experience the beer garden for herself (after purchasing enough snow cones and ride tickets to keep my 9- and 11-year-olds busy). I sipped on M. Spe cial’s IPA offering while chatting with friends from the neighborhood who, unfortu nately, I don’t see on Third Street Elementary School drop-off or pick-up runs any

When I spoke with Malloy about her time at the Fair, she shared that it “felt like a reunion.” She also indicated that there is great interest for future neighborhood fund raisers featuring a beer garden.

Although I wanted to speak with Brendan Malloy, who put a lot of volunteer effort into the event (not the least of which included hauling kegs), he — as a TV and movie director — was away “on lo cation.” However, his mother did recall him saying, “It was the best party no one had to throw.”

Larchmont Chronicle DECEMBER 2022 SECTION ONE 3
FAMILY FAIR additions in 2022 included a Beer Garden patronized by many neighbors.


(Continued from page 1)

Fair’s return. It took place on its traditional Sunday pre ceding Halloween (this year, October 30).

Sponsored as always by the Larchmont Boulevard Asso ciation (LBA) to help raise funds for community proj ects, the Fair’s theme this year was appropriate — “Togeth erness.” Being together again

was something clearly wel comed by the thousands of local adults and children in attendance.

The togetherness was felt everywhere on the complete ly-closed-to-traffic street

between First and Beverly. Neighbors were wandering among tightly-packed school and other nonprofit organi zation tents, mingling with friends over a beer at the newthis-year Beer Garden (see story on Page 3), queuing with children or grandchildren for various slides and rides, and enjoying song and dance at a children’s stage overseen by Snooknuk’s creator Cheri Moon or on a larger stage that hosted a concert of movie music presented at the end of the day by composer and film producer Stephen Endelman.

The Beer Garden and the professional concert were innovations this year by long time Family Fair organizer and local real estate agent Betsy Malloy.

As LBA president John Win ther said of the overall event, the Fair “reinforces what a community Larchmont is.”

“I did, and it was definitely welcome, since it has been canceled for [the past two] years. It was good to see peo ple out and about. My kids loved it. My son particularly liked the bubble where you run in the water. It was nice to see all the schools and tents distributing informa tion. It was great energy.”

“It was won derful. We had a lot more chil dren under the age of 5, and they were having a good time.

Neighbors who hadn’t seen each oth er in a while got to talk. It reinforces what a community Larchmont is.”

“ I’ve lived in the neighbor hood and have seen



the past 40 years. The thing I missed most was the Korean barbecue, but I found that the overall layout was wonderful and engaging and it worked well. I thought it was a good event that was wonderful for the community. My grand daughter loved it.”

Leipzig, Germany since 1853 Concert, Recording, Home Rentals Henle Editions Helga Kasimoff LA’s oldest family piano store

N. LARCHMONT BL. • HOLLYWOOD, CA 90004 323-466-7707

BLUTHNER/LARCHMONT 4X2.5.qxp_BLUTHNER/LARCHMONT 4X2.5 8/22/16 11:04 4 SECTION ONE DECEMBER 2022 Larchmont Chronicle
SLIDES AND RIDES filled the middle portion of the Boule vard and the surface parking lot. Bubble rollers were espe cially popular, and like many of the rides, had long, long lines. CONCERT STAGE at the south end of the Boulevard provided a late afternoon, early evening venue for a professional concert featuring favorite music and songs from the movies. CHILDREN’S STAGE at the north end of the Boulevard entertained youngsters and their parents for hours. TOGETHERNESS was notable as Fair-goers visited with nonprofit organization mem bers at their tents.
‘Did you go to this year’s Larchmont Family Fair?’
That’s another question inquiring photographer Casey Russell asked locals.
these for


VelvetbyGrahamandSpencerSichuanKitchenetteTheScentRoomBobatheGreatTopdrawerMidland CredoBeautyFlannel


(Continued from page 1)

The Scent Room, a luxu ry perfumery and fragrance shop;

Boba the Great, offering the popular tapioca-pearl based tea;

Topdrawer , a nation al homeware and stationery brand;

Midland, “a quality goods, textural aesthetics, and intentional sustainability homeware store;”

Credo Beauty, a social stew ard of clean beauty products;

Flannel , an international women’s designer clothing store;

Skin Laundry, a skincare company that specializes in laser treatments;

Hidden Jeans, a Los Ange les-based denim brand; and

Hing Wa Lee Jewelers, an authorized dealer for Rolex,

Cartier and other luxury offerings.

Hing Wa Lee Jewelers is the newest lessee and has claimed the southern three of the 14 storefronts originally avail able. If memory serves, there was a large vault in one, going back to the Julius La Bonte days in the 1920s. Maybe it still works!

Across the street, Pola, the vintage boutique that opened at 129 N. Larchmont Blvd. in early May of 2022, closed in November. According to an employee, the owner of the store decided to move home to Atlanta and is planning to reopen the store there. Until then, Pola will contin ue with its online presence at As of this writing, no new tenant has signed a lease to take over Pola’s spot on the Boulevard.

Nearby, long-awaited Bacio di Latte, at 141 1/2 N. Larch mont Blvd., has replaced the tempting photos of gelato that had lined its windows with a wooden construc tion barrier also covered in photos — while interior construction is underway. A source at the gelateria told us they plan to launch in the first quarter of 2023 and can’t wait to open.


(Continued from page 1) hopes to have old and new staff back on board soon, with the goal of reopening as ear ly as February. The 11th of that month was the date that her parents originally opened Lucy’s in 1964.

Lucy’s El Adobe closed in 2019, pursuant to a court order in connection with the dispute between Patricia and her brother, who had been operating the restaurant sub sequent to their mother’s death in 2017. James Casado died on May 27, 2022.

His passing brought the legal drama to an end, Patricia told the Larchmont Chron icle. She said she long has sought to reopen Lucy’s El Adobe to restore the legacy of her parents. It initially will be a smaller operation, and the Chronicle will share further details in January.

Karen & Albert Chou
The Larchmont Boulevard Association thanks our 2022 Family Fair sponsors.
LUCY’S EL ADOBE on Mel rose Avenue plans to reopen in February.
Larchmont Chronicle DECEMBER 2022 SECTION ONE 5 148 146 144 1421/2 142 140 138 136 134 132 130 126
HISTORIC VAULT in the for mer La Bonte, now Larch mont Mercantile, building on the east side of the Boulevard.
Larchmont Mercantile, 2023
LARCHMONT MERCANTILE STOREFRONTS ALL LEASED; some shops open already. (Illustration showing North Larchmont Boulevard addresses.)

Silvertip trees set to arrive at Larchmont Rotary tree lot

The sweet smell of pine takes over the Wilshire Rotary Club tree lot at 568 N. Larch mont Blvd. this month. This year, the Rotary has acquired the hard-to-get and highly sought-after silvertip fir. The silvertips come from a high er elevation in Oregon. Their needles are blue-green while new growth is silvery. The tree lot also sells the popular Douglas and noble firs, gar lands and wreaths. It’s open every day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. through Fri., Dec. 23. Buying a tree here fills your house with holiday spirit and

supports local organizations. Van Ness Elementary School is one of the local groups the Rotary supports with pro ceeds from the sale of their trees. So go out and get your holiday cheer on!

Every year, the Rotary invites the visually impaired children from Van Ness Ele

mentary to wander around the lot. According to Wendy Clifford, a Rotarian in charge of the lot, “The students love the feeling and smell of the trees.” Clifford also said that the teachers look forward to these visits every year. The students also walk over to visit the pumpkins in October.

Santa to make a stop in Brookside

Fill out those holiday wish lists and head over to Brookside.

Santa will be coming to town on Sun., Dec. 4, at 6 p.m. at the Dunsworth’s, 835 S. Tremaine Ave. The evening

of merriment includes hol iday caroling, refreshments and a horse-drawn carriage (starting at 7 p.m.)!

The event is sponsored by the Brookside Homeowners Association.

Opportunities to share with others abound this holiday season

As the holiday season swings into gear, many area families look for opportunities to share with others. This December, while deciding where to put donation items or dollars, there is a plethora of places from which to choose.

The Los Angeles Region al Food Bank always appre ciates people donating food items, but emphasizes that cash donations allow the food bank to help more people and distribute healthier food. Ac cording to the website, a $100 donation translates into 400 meals. To make a monetary donation, visit lafoodbank. org. To donate food items, call the product acquisition de partment at 323-647-7161.

Hopenet, an organization benefitted by the Taste of Larchmont, is hoping to re

ceive a total of 60 turkeys for the 12 pantries in its network. Help make holiday meals spe cial for people facing food in security by contacting Brandy Muñiz at 213-389-9949 or to co ordinate details and drop-offs.

The Midnight Mission is collecting toys to distrib ute to nearly 2,000 homeless and near-homeless children on Christmas morning. The Mission is committed to giv ing each child a high-quality, brand-name toy in addition to a stuffed animal or ball, an edu cational item (book/art kit) and a stocking stuffer. Toys will be collected through Thurs., Dec. 22. Hygiene kits for our home less neighbors are always being collected to fill the ongoing need. Items may be dropped off at 601 S. San Pedro St. For ad ditional information, visit mid

Uplift Family Services, now known as Pacific Clinics, is collecting donations of toys and clothes for their annual holiday giving drive. The lo cal Hollygrove site provides support for housing, employ ment services and mental and behavioral health support to community members in need. New or gently used items can be dropped off at 815 N. El Centro Blvd., weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Donations can also be made online at

Alexandria House is hoping for help making dreams come true for more than 100 fami lies this holiday season. Visit to see the wish list items. Gift cards in the amount of $25 are appreciated and will be distributed to families. Mul

ticultural, inclusive toys that defy gender norms and don’t promote violence are being collected for kids. Gifts can be dropped off through Dec. 16 at 426 S. Alexandria Ave.

Big Sunday, a nonprofit that organizes ways for people to help our community, is do ing a toy drive for kids of all ages. Gift cards for teens are also needed. Visit bigsunday. org and press “Donate Now” to make donations. Simply specify “toys” in the “Tribute Details.” Big Sunday also is working to ensure Santa vis its shelters, group homes and other places that could use extra cheer. A $250 donation pays the big guy’s sleigh fees. Additionally, donations of new bikes and helmets for vets and their kids are being collected. To help, send an email to ber

The Jewish Federation of Los Angeles is running its Festival of Lights Toy & Book Drive through Fri., Dec. 9. Interested donors can choose one of 13 organizations to di rectly access an Amazon Wish List and donate by visiting

Aviva Family and Children’s Services is looking for donors to sponsor a family or child this holiday season. Every family is given a list on which to mark its needed items. Completed lists, along with a brief description of how the child or family came to Aviva, are given to sponsor families. Through Wed., Dec. 7, donors can be matched with families or children. Visit avivaholi for holiday sponsorship. To help in addi tional ways, contact Michelle Huerta at

Covenant House California, a nonprofit youth shelter sup porting young people ages 1824, has a wish list for this hol iday season. To donate, visit

Korean American Family Services is collecting mone tary donations that will go to ward buying gifts from their foster children’s wish lists through Fri., Dec. 16. Dona

tions for wish list items can be made online at donate.

LACER, an after-school pro gram providing award-win

skin deep

Q: I’m finding I no longer want to wear clothing that reveals my chest. What can I do?

A: I’ve long said, “Treat the skin on your neck and decol letage like extensions of your face.” It’s common to be vigi lant about protecting our facial skin and less so other areas. Now what to do about it?

You’ve heard of micronee dling and perhaps radiofre quency energy as well? Add to these innovations greater practitioner control and enter Lutronic Genius. The “genius” feature of adjustable depths means we can address texture, scars and laxity on the face, as well as more areas than ever before - including arms, stretch marks, and of course your neck and chest. When we remodel collagen at varying levels we achieve greater lifting and tightening. I’m talking the kind of results that make the before and after photos elicit, “Oh. My. God,” responses! We recommend two to three treatments for optimal results. Expect to begin to see changes in as few as three weeks. And did we mention only about 24 hours of downtime?

Contact our office to schedule your consultation and get ready to welcome a more uniform youthful appearance –head to toe.

Dr. Rebecca Fitzgerald is a Board Certi fied Dermatologist located in Larchmont Village with a special focus on anti-aging technology. She is a member of the Bo tox Cosmetic National Education Faculty and is an international Training Physician for Dermik, the makers of the injectable Sculptra. She is also among a select group of physicians chosen to teach proper injec tion techniques for Radiesse, the volumiz ing filler, around the world. Dr. Fitzgerald is an assistant clinical professor at UCLA. Visit online at www.RebeccaFitzgeraldMD. com or call (323) 464-8046 to schedule an appointment.

6 SECTION ONE DECEMBER 2022 Larchmont Chronicle
(Please turn to page
VISUALLY IMPAIRED students from Van Ness Elementary en joy the sled in the Wilshire Rotary Club tree lot. Photo by Wendy Clifford

With more than 3,600 healthy babies delivered annually, CHA Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center has established Southern California's leading maternity care center over the past 100 years. Now, in exclusive partnership with the neonatal team from Children's Hospital Los Angeles Medical Group and our innovative new fetal surgery facilities, we offer the highest level of care for you and your newborn family.
Rest assured you've made the best choice for your nevVborn child at CHA Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center
Larchmont Chronicle DECEMBER 2022 SECTION ONE 7


(Continued from page 1)

The campaigning included a lot of activity in  Larchmont Chronicle readership areas. There were dueling blue and red campaign buses

that stopped in Koreatown (Rick Caruso) and Wilshire Park (Karen Bass). Candidate Caruso and his dog, Hudson, walked Larchmont Boule vard. Caruso was a long time barbershop customer of the late Jerry Cottone.

Also campaign-related in the ’hood, the former Fire stone tire dealership on La Brea Avenue (now All Season Brewing), was the scene of the election night party for the ultimate victor in the race to represent the Fifth Dis

8 SECTION ONE DECEMBER 2022 Larchmont Chronicle
HUGO SOTO-MARTINEZ will now represent CD 13 constit uents. CANDIDATE Caruso on Larch mont with son Alex at right. ALL SEASON BREWING on La Brea Avenue was host to the election night celebration for 5th District Councilmember-elect Katy Young Yaroslavsky, shown here with other late-evening celebrants, from left, front row: Leslie Friedman-Johnson, Allen Zipper, Young Yaroslavsky, Jocelyn Tabata and, back row: Zev Yaroslavsky, John Fairbank, Andrew DeBlock and Nathan Shapiro. MITCH O’FARRELL election night attendees included, from left: O’Farrell, Kevin McClellan, Brian Curran, and Mayor Eric Garcetti.
Rick Chavez Zbur Adam B. Schiff Lindsey P. Horvath Katy Young Yaroslavsky Hydee Feldstein Soto Lola Smallwood-Cuevas State Assembly Member — District 51 U.S. Representative— District 30 County Supervisor District 3 City Council District 5 City Attorney Mayor State Senate — District 28 State Assembly Member — District 55 U.S. Representative — District 34 County Sheriff City Council District 13 City Controller Isaac G. Bryan Jimmy Gomez Robert Luna Hugo Soto-Martinez Kenneth Mejia Karen Bass * Official results will be confirmed December 5 Newly Elected Local Officials trict, Katy Young Yaroslavsky. At another local city council election night party, for CD 13, lots of neighbors were in attendance to support incum bent Mitch O’Farrell including — from Windsor Square — Mayor Eric Garcetti, Brian Curran and Kevin McClellan. As the vote count continued in the days following, O’Far rell conceded his defeat to new CD 13 councilmember Hugo Soto-Martinez.
CARUSO campaign bus stopped in Koreatown. BASS bus was in Wilshire Park.

Holiday season in full swing at The Grove

An iconic harbinger of the holiday season returned to The Grove late last month as a 100-foot-tall Christmas tree was lighted by Santa Claus during a taping for television.

The Grove’s 24th Annual “A Home for the Holidays” production featured Glo ria Estefan as host of the show that included stories of adoption from foster care and featured performanc es by Andy Grammer, Little Big Town, David Foster and Kat McPhee. Estefan was accompanied in song by her daughter Emily and grandson


(Continued from page 2)

crossing the street mid-block, with no concern for the flow of at-speed-limit traffic, almost daring cars to run them over.

I doubt this was the intent of the law. Police officers can still hand out tickets if they think pedestrians are creat ing a hazard, but a number of pedestrians are already ex ploring the limits of what’s considered hazardous (and again, this law hasn’t even taken effect yet!).

Like a lot of things, this

Sasha, both very talented! The event will be broadcast Fri., Dec. 23, on CBS and streamed on Paramount+.

Now that the tree is shin ing brightly, Santa himself is welcoming guests at his Grove workshop. Visitors can revel in holiday cheer and get great photos with the big guy through Sat., Dec. 24. Res ervations are encouraged (at, but walk-ins are welcome.

The festive holiday hub will be partnering with Village Synagogue and Rabbi Fogel man for The Grove’s Menorah (Please turn to page 10)

all could have been handled with common sense. Don’t ticket the person crossing a sleepy street with no traf fic in sight, but also, please don’t walk out onto Santa Monica Boulevard in front of cars traveling 35 mph, dar ing them to keep you safe.

New City Controller

Kenny is all about transpar ency yet won’t give a true accounting of his employment history. [“Mejia versus Koretz: disrupter or stalwart for City

Right: CAFÉ LIGHTS cross the 100 and 200 North blocks of Larch mont Boulevard. Installed last month, the official celebration of their coming to Larchmont will take place on the day of the Holiday Open House on Dec. 3. The event is planned for approximately 4:30 p.m. The ceremony will take place adjacent to Tailwaggers at 147 N. Larchmont Blvd.

Open House

(Continued from page 1)

Larchmont businesses will be offering discounts and promotions and live mu sic will be performed on the Boulevard throughout the day. The event is sponsored by the Larchmont Boulevard Association.

Controller?” Oct. 2022]. He erased his LinkedIn employ ment so no one would know his true job history. He claims to have 11 years of Certified Public Accountant (CPA) experience, but he doesn’t. He had low level accounting posi tions. He left Ernst & Young in 2014, not 2016. He renewed his CPA license so the LA Times would endorse him, but he hasn’t used his license. He’s like a Realtor with a real estate license who has never sold a property.

Shelly Skaug

Downtown Los Angeles

Larchmont Chronicle DECEMBER 2022 SECTION ONE 9
BLACK STAR BARBERS 740 Vine Street, 90038 at RA Nails 323.761.9661 Book Online: HH
at Larchmont Barber Shop
Calls available! @Larchmontbarber

325 N. Larchmont Boulevard, #158 Los Angeles, California 90004

157 N. Larchmont Boulevard

Scores Turn Out for Town Hall

Nearly three-score Windsor Square Association members and guests met on November 17th for the Association’s annual “Town Hall” meeting. Attendees convivially socialized before the meeting, held in person at The Ebell after two prior years of virtual Zoom meetings.

Longtime WSA president Larry Guzin called the meeting to order and introduced the Association’s directors and then recounted WSA’s accomplishments during 2022. These included continuing involvement with the City of Los Angeles RYLAN (“Ready Your LA Neighborhood”) program, the Association’s sponsorship of three virtual candidate forums for Council District 13 candidates, the Association’s outreach to Windsor Square residents through its monthly Newsletter and the WSA’s recent financial contribution to newly installed “café lights” over the street in the Larchmont Village block between First and Beverly.

The meeting’s program included presentations by City of Los Angeles RYLAN emergency management coordinator Crisanta Gonzalez and WSA directors Gary Gilbert and Steve Kazanjian concerning the Association’s pilot project to prepare Windsor Square for the crucial first hours after any catastrophic disaster.

LAPD Olympic Division commanding officer Captain Aaron Ponce spoke about crime statistics and the value of communication between police and the community to “harden the target.” The revitalization of WSA’s model Block Captain Network was addressed by Block Captain chair Angie Szentgyorgyi, who encouraged residents to volunteer to serve as Block Captains.

The Park Mile Specific Plan and Larchmont Village issues were the subject of WSA vice president John Welborne’s land use presentation. The annual Squeaky Wheel Award was announced as going to resident Louis Fantasia for his successful efforts in “Obtaining Safety Improvements on and Adjoining Sixth Street.”

Junior League hosts 23rd Harvest Boutique on December 4

The Junior League of Los Angeles [JLLA] will be hold ing its 23rd Annual Harvest Boutique Sun., Dec. 4, at the Skirball Cultural Center from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.

More than 500 guests are expected to attend the fund raiser, which will feature a silent auction, a luncheon, and shopping with vendors such as Lele Sadoughi, Borrowed Bling and Atelier Saucier.

The JLLA is a women’s or ganization committed to promoting voluntarism, de veloping the potential of women and improving the

The Grove

(Continued from page 9)

Lighting Ceremony on Tues., Dec. 20 at 6:30 p.m. Nissim Black, a musician and spiritual motivator, will open a pre-lighting show at 5:50 p.m.

The Grove delights visitors every year with its nightly holiday snowfall. This year’s sprinkles from the sky will take place from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. and will continue through Christmas Day.

community, according to its website. Founded in Los Angeles in 1926, its current headquarters is right on Larchmont Boulevard.

The Harvest Boutique’s proceeds will be used to sup port the JLLA’s mission and its current areas of focus — empowering foster youth and providing educational op portunities for underserved students. Proceeds will also go to supporting the League’s community proj ects — Happy Trails, Harvest Home, United Friends of the Children and Friends of the Children-Los Angeles.

“This will be another great Junior League of Los Angeles event,” said Joy C. Williams, president of JLLA’s board of directors.

Admission cost is $125 (general) and $200 (VIP) and can be purchased online at or by calling 323-9574280. For table sponsorship packages and Host Commit tee opportunities, contact:

Christ the King School’s Sapphire Gala a success!

Approximately 250 people attended the Sapphire Gala, celebrating Christ the King School’s 65th anniversary on Nov. 5th. The event was coordinated by fourth-grade teacher Susan Alcantara. The schools’ principal, Ruth Anderson, thanks all who attended and donated.

The meeting concluded with the election of WSA directors for 2023 and an opportunity for residents to discuss issues of concern with individual directors and guests such as LAPD Captain Ponce, Senior Lead Officers present and representatives of ADT Security Services and SSA Security Group. ©LC1222

Whether you want to do a little holiday shopping or are simply looking for a fes tive atmosphere in which to be out-and-about with loved ones, The Grove is a great place to feel the magic of the season and create some holi day memories.

CHRISTMAS TREE at The Grove has been shining bright since the late November tap ing of the CBS TV show with Gloria Estefan and more — to broadcast and stream on December 23.

The Windsor Square Association, an all-volunteer group of residents from 1100 households between Beverly and Wilshire and Van Ness and Arden, works to preserve and enhance our beautiful neighborhood. Join with us! Drop us a line at 325 N. Larchmont Blvd., #158, Los Angeles, CA 90004, or visit our website at

10 SECTION ONE DECEMBER 2022 Larchmont Chronicle
FATHER JUAN OCHOA , Susan Alcantara, Principal Ruth Anderson and William Anderson at Christ the King School’s Sapphire Gala.

Looking back on three terms as a Councilman

This Thanksgiving will be somewhat bittersweet as I near the final weeks of my third, and final, term as Councilmember of the Fifth District of Los Angeles. With gratitude, I shall reflect on the relationships we have formed with communities made up of residents, business owners, young people looking toward the future and our senior cit izens who remind us of how our communities developed, endured, thrived and changed over the years. I have had the pleasure of serving along side you as we rolled up our sleeves striving to make a healthier, safer, stronger Los Angeles for all.

Over just the past five years working with Melrose Action, we have installed camer as and license plate readers to provide increased secu rity. We worked with our District’s faith-based insti tutions to increase security infrastructure and training in our places of worship and in community centers. With Melrose Business Improve ment District and Mid City West Neighborhood Council, we worked to improve the Fairfax/Melrose corridors and adjacent Neighborhood com munities, including sidewalk widening, updated pedestri an crossing signals to make pedestrians more visible to oncoming traffic and a wide variety of tree and beautifi cation factors. Coordinating with Wilshire Division, LA DOT and the Bureau of Street Services, we increased patrol by car, foot and even by mounted police. Coupled with parking enforcement and increased clean up, we reduced crime along the Mel rose corridor by as much as 70 percent. From Pan Pacific Park to Poinsettia Park, we coordinated COVID testing and vaccinating, held com munity clean ups, extended swimming hours, movies in the park and National Night Out events to get to know your local city agencies.

To all of our community partners, my staff and I would like to thank you for your generous work whether you serve on an HOA or Neighbor hood Council, send comment letters or show up at commit tee meetings, volunteer time at a nonprofit, chamber of commerce or help at a school. I hope that each and every one of you takes a moment to remember that your time and service represent the best of



our society. This is how we heal our world — through the good work of selfless devotion, community service, grassroots volunteerism and activism. Thank you all for your service, partnerships and some very meaningful friendships along the way. We couldn’t do it without you.

Finally, I hope you will join me in welcoming Councilmember-elect Katy Yaroslavsky as she hires her new staff and rolls up her sleeves to work with our won derful historic Fifth District. With gratitude, Paul Koretz.

Signing-off — with gratitude

Serving the 13th District and the residents of the Great er Wilshire area has been the privilege of a lifetime.

My roots in your commu nity are deep. More than 30 years ago, I managed gymnas tics at the old Wilshire YMCA, and some of my earliest apart ments in Los Angeles were in this area. Eventually, my local activism and volunteer ism in my neighborhood of Glassell Park led me to serve two terms on the Los Angeles City Council.

My approach to being an elected official is the same today as it was when I started: public service, not politics.

And, in only a year, our office and parts of Great er Wilshire have done a lot together: new public parking wayfinding signs on Larch mont Boulevard; numerous public works projects includ ing sidewalk repair, new curbs, street slurry and new


crosswalks; multiple beautifi cation projects coordinated by my team in partnership with the Los Angeles Conservation Corps; distributing more than five dozen free trees at the Wilshire Branch library in partnership with the Koreatown Youth and Community Center; sponsoring communi ty events including the annual “Taste of Larchmont” festival; and approving the funding for new speed tables on Sixth Street, which will improve safety on a busy corridor.

The City of Los Angeles faces great challenges and significant transition at City Hall. Now, more than ever, we

need public servants who will selflessly serve, setting poli tics and ideology aside, and work tirelessly to restore faith and trust in local government. Though my time in office is coming to an end, I hope that some of the “good gover nance” reform measures I’ve championed — including my charter reform initiative that would expand representation on the City Council — will continue to move forward.

Greater Wilshire includes some very special places in the City of Los Angeles. My team and I have always strived to serve you with grace, com passion and responsiveness. I encourage you to continue the thoughtful stewardship of your neighborhoods — a tra dition that runs deep in the fabric of this area. It’s been a privilege and joy to serve you, and I wish you the very best in the coming months and years.

Larchmont Chronicle DECEMBER 2022 SECTION ONE 11


Since I last wrote, a lot of action-packed things have taken place at Hollywood Schoolhouse. For example, my class and I finished our Shark Tank assignment. We worked on a Google slide presentation,

and we present ed our business ideas. Now, we will be working on the items we are selling at our annual Winter Fest.

We just had our weekly speak er series, and my mind was blown when I heard that our

guest speaker was going to be NBA player Tristan Thompson. He told us what being in the NBA was like, and also told us about his journey to get there. Afterwards, we went outside and he and I had a free throw contest. The end results were outstanding! I beat him!

Another guest speaker that we had was Gail Lerner. She talked to

us about her new book, “The Big Dreams of Small Creatures,” and what it’s like to be in the televi sion business. So far, the speaker series has been a huge success, and I can only imagine who the upcoming speakers will be.

Something that the entire school is excited about is Grand parents and Special Friends Day! The day before Thanks giving break, we got to bring in anyone that we know to partic ipate in fun activities and enjoy our half-day.

We are super-lucky and grate ful and I am so glad that I am a


The Willows Community School had their annual Bookfair Nov. 12! Host ed on campus and run by Wil lows staff and students, the Bookfair is always super fun for everybody involved. Weeks in advance, the library is decorated, and books are put on display for students’ wish lists. This year, the 8th-grade class had the pleasure of bringing our developmental kindergarten (DK) book buddies to the library and helping them make lists of books they wanted to buy. It’s


November was very excit ing at Melrose Magnet. We had kid-led parent/teach er conferences during which students told their parents what they were doing well at in school and what they needed to improve upon. I think is an amazing and educational thing for the school to do.

Since the pandemic, our book fair has been at Chevalier’s


Hello my Larchmont neighbors! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that your clothes aren’t too tight after all of that delicious food! The month of November seemed to go by quickly as we near the end of our second term with many of our students work ing hard to finish up their Explore Our World projects and other end-of-term assignments. But, it was not “all work and no play.”

On Nov. 17, we were finally able to come together again in person for our annual Mexican Dinner, Silent Basket Auction and Movie Night. Each class put together a lovely basket that was auctioned off. Immediately fol

part of this HSH family. To me, gratitude means being thankful. Because we live in the United States, we have access to a lot of amazing things. We have cars, phones, books and more.

One of the things that we Americans tend to take for grant ed is school. I am so grateful for my education. In some places, people don’t have access to this. I try to be grateful as much as I can. From my mindset while walking into school, to what I am thinking when I open a book, I have learned you can never be too grateful.

always a treat to spend time with our buddies, doing fun activities and games. This can be especially nostalgic for the former DK stu dents, who can fondly remember doing the same thing with our 8th grade buddies.

The fair had food trucks, a stu dent-run bake sale, lawn games run by student volunteers and a story time where students could sign up to read to anyone who wanted to be read to. One of the highlights of the afternoon was the middle school production of “Free To Be You And Me,” an early ‘70s musical touching on gender roles and stereotypes. Alumni and prospective families were also invited as a chance to get back on campus. We can’t wait for next year!!

Bookstore and our family night takes place at Burger Lounge and Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream! Now, I know that it doesn’t sound that exciting, but every one loved it! And, to be fair, who wouldn’t? You get to buy cool books and eat burgers and ice cream with your friends and family. It’s just plain fun!

Coming up this month is our annual spelling bee, winter show and international pot luck. Also, the 5th grade has Genius Hour presentations where we show case inventions, videos, websites and Google slides. I will present my production of “Titanic the New Musical.”

lowing the Basket Auction, we snuggled up in our blankets and sleeping bags to watch “Sing 2” on our big outdoor screen.

Right before Thanksgiving Week break, on Nov. 18, we had our annual Thanksgiving Potluck Feast, with tradition al Thanksgiving turkey and sides along with delicacies from around the world reflecting our students’ diverse backgrounds.

The fun and the hard work won’t stop this month. Our stu dent council will be busy with fundraising, while our entire student body will be rehears ing and finalizing preparations for our Holiday Show on Fri., Dec. 9. There will be more feast ing and Secret Santa gifts for our holiday parties on Thur., Dec. 22, and report cards will go home as we begin the holiday break. Wishing you all the best for this holiday season. May it be merry, happy and bright!

Coed • Grades 7-12 • @flintridgeprep • Applications: January 9, 2023 Financial Assistance Applications: January 10, 2023 and just imagine what we can do Upcoming Deadlines 12 SECTION ONE DECEMBER 2022 Larchmont Chronicle

More ‘presence,’ fewer presents this holiday season

The holidays are upon us. Carols accompany customers as we stroll through shops and wheel our carts through area grocery stores. Festive lights and decorations are beginning to foster that warm feeling this time of year magi cally bestows.

Parents’ minds may be thinking of the gifts that will light our kids’ faces as Hanuk kah presents are opened and Christmas morning arrives. But, as we prepare for the festivities this month brings, let’s take a moment to think about what we remember from our childhoods.

This time of year in my childhood memories was filled with holiday preparation. We decorated our home, made cookies, wrote and sent cards. We visited extended fami ly and gathered to celebrate together. I sat with my dad and looked at the lights on our tree late at night. I made hol iday wreaths and picked the perfect one for our front door. We played games, listened to music and had a fire going in the hearth. I remember making or choosing one gift to give each person — some thing I believed would mean something to him or her. I recall the feeling of peace and

Tips on Parenting

togetherness of our candle light service Christmas Eve. What I don’t remember, these decades later, is what I received each year. I have vague recollections. I know I got turtle figurines for my collection, and I remember one particularly awesome art set. But the presents are not what made the season special. The activities we did togeth er as a family, the time in a cozy home with people I loved really being with each other — these are the things that shape my holiday memories.

Regardless of what religion or traditions spark our holi day customs, I think it’s good to think about what really “sticks” as we go about our celebration preparations.

Does my daughter need six new stuffed animals, a slime kit, play binoculars and an iPad of her own? No. Will most of the things she opens on Christmas morning be buried in her not-so-orga nized bedroom by New Year’s

Eve? Yes. Will she remember, when she’s writing the thankyou notes I will make sure she writes, what everyone gave her? Probably not.

Yes, it’s awesome to see pres ents under the tree. Gift giving has become part of many win ter holiday traditions. But, when it comes down to it, our kids do not need a plethora of presents. Would they love to tear through a ton of wrap ping paper opening gift after gift? Sure! Do they need to? No. Is it good for them? Prob ably not.

What our kids need most from us is our time — our focused attention. They need us to turn off the television, put down our phones and play a game with them. They need us to say, “Want to bake some cookies?” They need us to put on some soothing holi day music, cuddle up on the couch with them and look at the candles and lights.

Instead of putting our ener gy into buying more things this holiday season,  let’s put our energy into spending time together and making some memories that will last.

In the early dark days of December, we can go for fami ly walks after dinner and enjoy the neighborhood decor. We can take our kids holiday

shopping so they can pick out something for a child in need. We can pull out the holiday books and read some aloud. We can sew the dog a Christ mas stocking together or get a candle-making kit to make candles for the menorah.

I’m not suggesting that we not take the time to buy some thing special for our kids. A longed-for special some thing will be appreciated and remembered. But, sometimes

less is more. And, with less “stuff,” the focus can return to what will truly remain in our kids’ hearts: the feeling that will come this holiday season from being present with each other rather than receiving presents from each other.

For more parenting tips, check out my book, “The Handbook for Life With Little Ones: Information, ideas and tips for birth to age five,” on Amazon.

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Larchmont Chronicle DECEMBER 2022 SECTION ONE 13
THE KANIMERAKALA family (L-R, Krishna, Ria and Tanvi) spending quality time together at home. Casey Russell


Pilgrim School had an amaz ing October, finishing off with Spirit Week and Hal loween! For Halloween, there was a special sched ule. We started the day off with everyone going to the field and helping the young ones with the Pilgrim tradition of pumpkin rolling. Then there was a Hal loween parade for kids to show off their amazing costumes. Next, students had the option of trick-or-treating from the trunks of 60 decorated car trunks that parents had decorated, hanging out in the library or watching Halloween movies. Everyone had a blast. We also invited the resi dents of the Alexandria House, a shelter for women and children.

The secondary school had its fall play “She Kills Monsters.” It

was such a great show. The boys’ middle school flag football and girls’ volleyball won the champi onship!

November marked a historic day in the Pilgrim Community as we said goodbye to our old mascot, the Patriots! Over the past six months we have been in the process of rebranding Pil grim, and part of that campaign involved choosing a new mas cot that better represents who we are. The students, faculty and staff all participated in the selection of this new mascot in the form of a school-wide vote. It was important to us that the entire community was a part of this process. We are now the Pil grim Panthers.

At our parent/teacher confer ences, parents had an opportunity to talk about what things their kids are doing great at and what they need to improve upon.

Right before the Thanksgiv ing break, we had Grandparents and Special Friends’ Day for pre school and elementary school. We had hundreds of people on

campus and everyone had a won derful time.


One of the core values at The Center for Early Educa tion is caring. Throughout the year, we have different drives to help people in our commu nity. In October, CEE hosts an annual costume drive for kids. The costumes that were col lected this year were donated to Good Shepherd, Big Sunday and the Jenesee Center. Over 250 costumes were distributed to these organizations, which meant over 250 children had costumes to wear for Hallow een! Students at The Center also donated candy and we collected two carloads of candy to share!

In November, students brought in non-perishable foods

to share with Alexandria House, Big Sunday, the Blind Children’s Center and Wellnest so every one could have food to share on Thanksgiving. Students also painted the boxes the food was donated in, so they’d look festive.

This month, The Heritage Family and Community Ser vice committee asks students to bring in toys and gifts for all ages. It feels good to know that I’m part of a school that gives back to the community. Caring really is sharing!


The past cou ple of weeks at ESLA have been filled with hol iday spirit and school pride.

For Halloween, students were invited to wear their costumes to school. During lunch, there was a celebratory costume walk for all those who wanted to partici pate. Red and White events have been hosted so that students and faculty can rack up points for their respective teams. Just the other day, a musical chairs game became a competitive and fun atmosphere to embrace team spirit. Additionally, the annual Red and White volleyball game was hosted for upper and middle school students to play and win points for their team. Now, the entire ESLA community is look ing forward to our fire-and-ice themed Homecoming!

While their season was unde feated, the girls’ volleyball team unfortunately lost their playoff game. We are so proud of our team for making it all the way and are looking forward to the next season. In other news, the boys’ and girls’ basketball teams are beginning their practices for the upcoming season and ESLA cannot wait to see where they go!


The Oaks School has always creat ed a language arts curriculum that inspires lots of thinking and teaches the fundamentals.

Right now, 6th graders are working on thesis-driven essays based on “Same Sun Here” by

Neela Vaswani and Silas House. Writing thesis statements was new to us, but we are all proud to say we have completed our first drafts.

Fifth grade students are work ing in their book club groups to make character webs for books by Indigenous authors and are researching the native nations in their books.

Third and 4th graders are learning about the types of sen tences used and how to create what we call a stoplight para graph. Fourth grade is also researching the Chumash nation’s lifestyle before colonists arrived.

Second grade is reading the book “Mommy’s Khimar” to explore diversity and identity.

First grade is learning about short vowels, the silent ‘e,’ and word families.

Our Mighty K class is going to illustrate a picture book with out words about something that happened to them.


Last month, NCA K-8 stu dents had the opportunity to receive a com plimentary vision screen ing by an NCA parent optometrist.  Some young readers got new glasses.

Every Thanksgiving NCA hosts a canned food drive. Items are donated to local shelters and those in need. For two weeks, students line up in the morn ings to donate funds for foods, cans of soup, green beans, Spam and other goods. In addition, this year, students were able to donate electronics for under privileged students to use.

Following the weeks of giving, our school hosted the tradition al Thanksgiving luncheon for all NCA students and teachers. From student performances to a meaningful message about the season, it was, and always is, a memorable event.

Adding to these events, NCA hosted a Parent vs. Student basketball game. From family members to staff, adults com peted against our boys’ team in hopes of bragging rights. This month, on Sat., Dec. 10, the annual Charity Golf tournament will take place and parents will be able to connect and share a quick game to support the school.

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Happy Holidays! Make music this Holiday Season! Call us at 323-522-4888 215 N. Larchmont Blvd. Unit C Save $80 when you enroll by January 15! Larchmont Chronicle DECEMBER 2022 SECTION ONE 15

Third Street School celebrates 65th anniversary of library

This year marks the 65th anniversary of Third Street Elementary School’s library.

The K-5 school, founded in 1915, first acquired a library in 1957, and the current rendition is truly something of which the school can be


A grant from the nonprofit “Wonder of Reading” orga nization funded the library being enlarged to its current size. Now the size of two classrooms, the library fea tures a large circulation desk, many public library-esque

rows of shelved books, a cozy reading nook and a quaint, carpeted riser area for classes to enjoy read-alouds.

Mary Kate Joy Dela Cruz is the new head of the library She replaced Francine DellaCatena, who is now heading the library at Wilshire Park


Dela Cruz is passionate about putting books in stu dents’ hands. Said Dela Cruz, “I want the students to have a love of reading. I think it’s important to read and to understand the world through books. That’s what I learned from being in the library. And I’ve always believed in real ly touching the books. I do appreciate technology. But I believe in kids really seeing the book, looking at the copy right, knowing who makes the book possible.”

Dela Cruz plans to mark the 65th anniversary by holding some sort of reading contest, especially for the older stu dents. But she’s very excited about a program that’s been going on for several years called Read Around the World.

Read Around the World Started with the help of the Parent Teacher Associa tion (PTA), which assists in purchasing the program’s tomes, this year’s Read Around the World is helmed by Kate Sartore, who assists in the library each afternoon. As usual, selections include autobiographies, biographies, folktales, fiction and nonfic tion works.

Because the optional pro gram is open to first- through fifth-grade students, it took a group of teachers about a year to select the 105 works eventually chosen to ush er kids through their yearly adventure around the world. Educators want participants to read different books each

year that they sign up for the challenge.

Students who participate in the program this year will read 21 titles — three books from, or representing, each of the seven continents. “When you read one of the books, you’re transported to a dif ferent country, and you learn about that country,” said Dela Cruz.

After reading the book, students are responsible for answering a worksheet of questions about the book. Once all three books from continent number one are read, kids get a stamp and move on to reading titles from continent two, and so on.

Some students began par ticipating as early as Oct. 3, but interested kids can sign up anytime, as long as they com plete the challenge by Fri., May 5. The program has been very popular this year. So far, 140 of the approximately 550 Third Street students able to participate have signed up, and Dela Cruz expects many more to sign on to the chal lenge.

When each student finishes the challenge, he or she gets a little prize. After the pro gram ends, participants who complete the challenge will be awarded a certificate and will be invited to attend an ice cream social or another special celebratory event.

Said Dela Cruz, “Third Street students really have a love of reading with the help of this program.”

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READ AROUND THE WORLD posters keep track of each stu dent’s literary travels. LIBRARY HEAD DELA CRUZ in Third Street Elementary School’s library.

Cathedral Chapel to celebrate its 95th anniversary

Cathedral Chapel of St. Vib iana is celebrating its 95th year of service to the com munity with a fundraiser and gala on Sat., Dec. 17, at the Wilshire Country Club, 301 N. Rossmore Ave. Doors will open at 5 p.m. for the gala, which will include music, dancing, cocktails and din ner. Details of the event can be found at cathedralchapel. org/2022christmas.

The church at 923 S. La Brea Ave. was built in 1927 in anticipation of the arriv al of a much larger cathe dral planned for an entire block on Wilshire Boulevard between Hudson and Keniston Avenues in Brookside. That church was intended to replace Downtown’s Cathedral of St. Vibiana, built in 1876. A move

west finally took place (and then, only six blocks) with the 2002 opening of architect José Rafael Moneo’s Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels on Bunker Hill.

Fr. Doan The Pham is Cathedral Chapel’s newly installed pastor.

Cathedral Chapel School

At this year’s 95th anni versary gala, the parish is honoring School Principal Tina Katherine Kipp with a Parish Lifetime Achievement Award for her service to Cath olic education and the church.

Kipp has served as principal of Cathedral Chapel School since 2003. Donielle Mitchell, who was vice principal last year and has been serving as co-principal with Kipp during this 2022-2023 school year, will become the principal of the K-8 school as of the 20232024 school year.

Since Cathedral Chapel’s 1927 opening, the church has been through multiple renovations. Early on, the

World Fair and bake sale return to Larchmont Charter

More than 15 countries will be represented when Larch mont Charter School’s (LCS) annual World Fair returns for the first full-scale fair since the pandemic. The World Fair takes place Sat., Dec. 10, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This day of family fun is open to the community and is a true cele bration of the school’s diverse cultures.

This year’s family-led com munity event will feature games, prizes, a bouncy slide, photo booth, a DJ, delicious home-cooked food, drinks and crafts, as well as various cultural performances.

Take a trip around the world without leaving the city at Larchmont Char ter’s Hollygrove campus at the corner of Waring Avenue and Vine Street, just north of Melrose Avenue (815 N. El Centro Ave.). Tickets are


8th Grade Students at Christ the King School have been involved in many activ ities through out the month of November.

We began the month with All Saints’ Day. Students dressed up as saints and participated in a school Mass and parade. To cel ebrate the school’s 65th anniver sary, Christ the King organized a Sapphire Gala on Nov. 5. The event was a great success, and all

available online at tinyurl. com/48e643xd and will also be sold at the event.

Bake Sale

Additionally, LCS is holding its annual bake sale, with not just sweets, but main dishes, appetizers, soups, stews, pas ta sauces, pies and more. The delicious items, made by the LCS community, are listed on Larchmont Charter’s online menu at larchmontcharter. org/bakesale.

Sign up to reserve some sweet or savory items to stock your holiday kitchen. Don’t delay, as this sale is very popular and has a cult-type following.

Purchases can be picked up at the World Fair.

If you’d like to make a dif ference in the life of an LCS child without attending the fair, visit larchmontcharter. org/give to donate and sup port the school.

the guests had a great evening.

Our first trimester ended on Nov. 10 and parent/teacher con ferences took place. Our volley ball and football seasons just ended, and students are now looking forward to playing bas ketball and competing in games.

Students participated in a Thanksgiving food drive and generously donated many food items to needy families in our local community and to Blessed Sacrament food pantry.

All students are looking for ward to the Thanksgiving holi day and Christ the King School is doing its best to spread the spirit of thankfulness to the community.

interior was modernized with artis tic religious symbols, including a wood-carved design over the main altar, which was sent from Italy. In 1935, the church spent some time on jacks while the ground beneath it was excavated to make La Brea a through street. Later, stainedglass windows designed and created by artist Isabel Piczek were installed, and a stateof-the-art pipe organ was added. Only a decade ago, an extensive renovation was done which included a new altar and baptismal font and the installation of Jerusalem stone and Carrara marble floors.

student Ellah Shaphir pies her fellow student, Lazar John son, during the Oct. 28 Halloween Fair at the Lafayette Park campus. The pieing of an incoming grade representative by an outgoing grade representative is an unofficial tradition and is the high light of the annual event organized by the Larchmont Charter High School’s student leadership. DONIELLE MITCHELL TINA KIPP
Larchmont Chronicle DECEMBER 2022 SECTION ONE 17 Middle School Open House Coffee with Head of School Saturday, December 3, 9:00 AMWednesday, December 7, 9:30 AM Visit our website for admissions event information A DK-8 independent school serving greater Los Angeles 8509 Higuera Street • Culver City, CA 90232 • 310.815.0411 •


Hello and Happy Holi days!  We had an eventful November at St. James’. The results of our election came in and we officially have our first all-female 6th-grade cabi net!  We all enjoyed an In-N-Out lunch to help kick off Thanks giving break, and now we’re back with a lot of fun ahead of us in December.

First off, the “Scenes & Son nets” production moved to Tues., Dec. 6.  Students in grades four through six have been devising their own play since September and are so excited to perform!  We’ll also be getting in the holi day spirit when Will & Company brings its interactive version of “A Christmas Carol” to our December Commons.

The St. James’ Holiday Market


(Continued from page 1)

hamburgers and cigarettes?

Takes a team

Ending homelessness for just one person or family takes a team of volunteers and professionals, an enormous amount of money, adequate housing options and an un limited number of hours in the day. One can’t pluck someone off a bus bench and fix every thing by handing him or her a key to an apartment, assuming housing is even available.


December is always such a fun and exciting time at Larchmont Hollygrove. We are so hyped up for our winter-themed morning sing, decorations and festivities. We can already feel the excite ment for the holidays!

The first event of the month

returns on Wed., Dec. 14, from 2 to 7 p.m.  All are welcome to stop by to pick up some gifts, jewelry and delicious crepes. On Thurs., Dec. 15, we have two per formances of our one-of-a-kind Christmas Pageant. I’m person ally excited that 6th graders have the opportunity to sing a beau tiful Korean song and have our first handbell choir performance.

We look forward to spending time with our families over a long winter break and return ing to the wonderful community that is St. James’ in the New Year.

Homelessness was on the ballot in November’s mid term elections, and virtually every candidate, no matter the office sought, pointed to solving homelessness as the biggest challenge we face. Given that the 2022 Los Angeles County Home less Count found 69,144 unhoused people in Los An geles County and 41,980 in the City of Los Angeles alone, it’s no wonder that politicos and voters alike want to fix what has become a crisis in our midst.

will be the Larchmont Charter World’s Fair on Sat., Dec. 10. This has been a favorite tradition and is finally making its return after the pandemic. We are so excited to play carnival games,


is one of the more calm yet nerve-wrack ing months at Oakwood. As seniors await the early deci sion/action notification from colleges, the rest of the school gears up for more winter festiv ities in January. Nevertheless, on Mon., Dec. 12, the elemen

Housing vs. services

Almost everyone points to building more housing as step one: new supportive housing, large shelters, adapted ship ping containers as homes, affordable housing as a per centage of new developments, converting hotels, filling un used hotel rooms with those in need, tiny home villages, dividing single-family prop erty into multiple-family parcels, increasing density near transit hubs. The biggest differences among proposals is how many units they prom

eat delicious food from different cultures and see friends and fam ily! It’ll be a BLAST!

Another December event is the book fair, which will take place from Mon., Dec. 12, through Thurs., Dec. 15.

Morning Sing on Fri., Dec. 16, will feature songs like “Frosty The Snowman.” Since families celebrate different holidays there will be a variety of music. “We want nobody to feel left out, so

tary school students will arrive at the secondary campus for an all-school assembly. Along with a few musical performances from Jazz Band and Orchestra to open the event, the school year’s theme is likely to be announced. In the past, “Better Together” and “Embrace the Moment” have been themes that further unite the school and remind students of the importance of bonding together.

Before a well-deserved winter break, Oakwood faculty mem bers will begin to plan for the

ise to construct, how quickly they can build them and for how much money.

Marilyn Wells, founder of Stories from the Frontline and guest columnist writing “The NIMBY Diaries” in 2021 for the Larchmont Chronicle, firmly believes the essential first step is for a community to commit to rectifying our severe short age of affordable housing, explaining, “Anytime there is a shortage, demand increases, and many of our neighbors, such as essential workers and seniors on fixed incomes, can’t afford rent increases. It is that simple for a large part of our homeless population.”

According to Wells, organi zations working on homeless outreach have concluded that 30 percent of homeless indi viduals have mental health or addiction problems. Other estimates are far higher.

Matthew Byrne, the Super vising District Attorney in the Hollywood Mental Health Court, thinks the actual num ber is closer to 75 percent, since the lower number is based on self-reporting. “Do you think you have a men tal illness?” might not be the most accurate means of as certaining the percentage of the homeless population that need mental health treatment.

Although Byrne agrees that “We need more beds,” he’s equally concerned about getting medical and men tal health treatment to all in need. He notes the use of 18-wheel trucks or vans in some cities that deliver street psychiatry and medical care to those who are unhoused. However, he is especially troubled by the widespread use of methamphetamines on the streets. He questions whether treatment for meth

we will do both Christmas and Hanukkah songs so we all feel equal,” Mr. Malcolm, our music teacher said. We want everyone to feel included at LCS! As some of us might remember, he might not be invited, but the Grinch will maybe appear in Morning Sing.

We hope you have a fun time with your family and friends! We cannot wait to drink hot choco late with creamy marshmallows!

annual Immersion program. As one of my favorite couple weeks at Oakwood, Immersion allows students to explore more topics that are unconventional in a classroom or to dive deeper into a certain subject. Past Immer sions have been: Animal Rights Activism, California Land and Sea, and Roller Coasters: Phys ics In Action, just to name a few. I have always had a great experience with my Immer sion classes, and I’m excited to learn more about what’s in store when it begins.

addiction or psychosis can be effective for someone whose bed is the sidewalk.

Housing vs. autonomy

It is a bit of a miracle when a homeless individual gets the help needed to leave the streets, but even when that process is successful, there’s much more work to be done — and that work is very, very difficult to navigate.

Back to Franco Franco Iervolino is one of the lucky ones.

At least, many of us assume he is lucky to have been tak en off the street, diagnosed, treated, assigned a conserva tor and placed in a senior care facility in the Fairfax area.

However, there are those who argue that it is griev ously wrong to take away a person’s right to choose his or her own path, even if that choice is to struggle on the street without a steady source of food, shelter and mental health or drug addic tion help. Others maintain the contrary position — that it’s cruel not to do everything possible to help those who cannot help themselves.

From his experience in the Hollywood Mental Health Court, where treatment and supervision decisions, including Franco’s, are adju dicated, supervising district attorney Matthew Byrne con cludes that it’s a matter of balancing rights: “Whether to force treatment or let them die with their rights on.”

With CARE Courts (Com munity Assistance, Recovery and Empowerment Courts) approved for implementation beginning in some California counties in January 2023, it will be even easier for rela tives and concerned parties (Please turn to page 22)

18 SECTION ONE DECEMBER 2022 Larchmont Chronicle

Rams visit Third Street School in a spirit of kindness

The Los Angeles Rams paid a visit to Third Street Ele mentary School, helping to kick off the Making Caring Common initiative, a pilot program created by Harvard University that attempts to foster caring and kindness at schools.

After observing unkind be havior at the kindergarten level, Third Street parent Joc elyn Minton approached then Principal Daniel Kim about incorporating kindness into the school curriculum. En couraged by Principal Kim, Minton’s research led her to the Harvard Graduate School of Education Making Caring Common program.

She contacted the Los Angeles Unified School Dis trict (LAUSD), who green-lit the program at Third Street with the hope of eventu ally expanding it to all of LAUSD. Minton then reached out to the Los Angeles Rams, knowing that their involve ment would help build momentum, awareness and excitement across the com munity and at LAUSD.

The Rams were quick to commit to the initiative, which culminated in a pep rally at Third Street attended

by Quentin Lake (safety), AJ Arcuri (offensive tackle), Zach VanValkenburg (defensive lineman), and cheerleaders Aria Terango and Jose Ca petillo, with Rams mascot Rampage also joining in on the fun. Rams team members encouraged Third Street kids to participate in acts of kind ness, not only to each other, but to their teachers, parents and the community at large.

“We’re excited to help launch LAUSD’s Making Car ing Common in partnership with Third Street Elementary School and Harvard Univer sity,” said Zach Kinkeade, Rams senior manager of community affairs and en

gagement. “To see the enthusiasm the students have around this program is priceless. Our goal is always to promote positivity in our communities and, with the help of the school, the district and the parents, we are able to make this all possible.”

Recently appointed Prin cipal Helen Lee remains committed to the program, stating, “The Making Caring Common initiative is not only promoting kindness, but also promoting positive relation ships among our learning community. Our students, teachers, staff and the par ent community are truly working together to make a

meaningful change on the Third Street campus and in their community, which has been a wonderful journey for each one of us.”

The initiative, which includes monthly teach er trainings as part of its lesson plan and collabo ration from an appointed student council, is particu larly relevant following the inevitable impacts of the pandemic, which include social emotional loss and fewer opportunities for con nections among children.

Minton is hopeful that the program will expand to all of LAUSD and become national, adding, “I think every school

district in the United States needs to incorporate kindness into its curriculum.” RAMS MASCOT Rampage with students. FOOTBALL PLAYERS, back row, AJ Arcuri, Zach VanValken burg and Quentin Lake. At left, cheerleaders Aria Terango and Jose Capetillo with students.
Larchmont Chronicle DECEMBER 2022 SECTION ONE 19 THE SCHOOLS OF THE SCHOOLS OF WILSHIRE BOULEVARD TEMPLE WILSHIRE BOULEVARD TEMPLE Follow us on Instagram to find out more! TOUR TODAY DISCOVER YOUR PLACE TO LEARN AND GROW This school celebrates uniqueness and honors each child. It is inviting with a warm community and a spectacular facility! - ECC Parent Brawerman East promotes innovative and creative thinking and most importantly teaches core values and how to give back to the community.
CHEERLEADER Aria Terango with Third Street Elementary students at the pep rally.
Parent 3663 WILSHIRE BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90010 Developmental, child-centered preschool Full Day program available beginning at 18 months Baby & Me Classes EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER WBTECC.ORG (213)835-2125 BRAWERMAN.ORG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL K-6 (213)835-2170 Multiage learning villages Culture of purposeful and authentic study Promoting responsible citizenship through a Jewish lens
- Brawerman

Treat the kids’ feet sweet for the holidays

Remember when nothing could top a pair of Keds or P.F. Flyers? My own childhood narrowly predated those two sneaker brands’ popularity.

For my friends and me, Red Ball Jets were the pinnacle of footwear. That iconic red ball logo on the sneakers’ heels was a mark of pride for any one lucky enough to own a pair.

My son is 14 years old and, last month, surpassed my size 12s. It’s a good thing shoes aren’t sold by weight. He skateboards and plays bas ketball, so keeping him in footwear gets pricey. He’ll be receiving shoes under the tree this year.

Pre-owned beauties Some sneakers can cost more than an iPod — not most — but they’re out there. Shu Watanabe will show you a pair of $12,000 Nikes. He works at Sole Revival (505 N. Fairfax Ave.). The store specializes in high-end, preowned athletic shoes, but it also has a large inventory of new. Sole Revival takes up two storefronts and can feel over whelming upon entrance, but the staff is friendly and willing to answer questions.

“We try to offer good deals for the students from Fair fax High School across the street,” said Watanabe.

At Sole Revival, it’s all about the shoes. They feature most brands, but specialize in Nike and Adidas. There are hun dreds of shoes displayed on the walls, but my son’s favor

ite area is the $95-and-under grotto. This is a separate chamber, severely lighted, and loaded with affordable pre-owned beauties.

New is not always necessary when buying shoes as gifts. Some kids prefer the collect ables. One misconception regarding pre-owned shoes is that they’ve been worn, and are … worn. Not the case at Sole Revival. Sure, some of the pre-owned have tasted blacktop, but those are in ex cellent shape.

Concept 1

It’s become common, and expected, to see students at their high school proms wearing sneakers — design er or brand-name — with their suits and prom dress es. My niece was married in September, and her husband sported Vans classic slip-on skate shoes with his tuxedo during their wedding vows.

He’s never been on a skate board in his life.

For more upscale and de signer athletic footwear, nothing tops the APL store at The Grove. The space itself is impressive. The ceiling tow ers and the display walls seem like something from the set of Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A

Space Odyssey.” The store was designed by Belgian architect Bernard DuBois and is dra matic but serene, which is a perfect description for APL’s footwear.

“These shoes enhance style, comfort, and performance,” said assistant manager Sloane Cummings.

APL gained notoriety when the NBA banned its Concept 1 basketball shoe. The Concept 1 contained a Load ‘N Launch technology that had eight coils — or springs — built into the soles. The NBA ruled that the technology gave play ers wearing the shoe an unfair advantage. That ban was the


Hello Larch mont Chronicle readers! The Los Angeles Rams football team paid a vis it to our school to help launch the Making Caring Common program. This program teaches us to be more kind to our fellow students, teachers and everyone around us.

While the Rams were at Third Street, I interviewed team member AJ Arcuri (offensive tackle) about why he likes shar ing kindness to schools. He said, “I think it’s awesome to come into communities and give back. Kindness is everything, includ ing respecting others, and also

best marketing APL could have imagined. They still of fer the shoe. Sizing begins as low as men’s 5 and women’s 5, so these would be great gifts for most ages. The styles are inspired, and the colors elec trifying.


Can’t leave anybody out. Tailwaggers, at 147 N. Larch mont Blvd., has everything for the family dog’s gift needs, including footwear. Their Al cott hiking boots are sized XS to L, and a set of four costs $53.99.

“I don’t know where to send you for socks, though,” laughed store manager Tiffa

about being generous and treat ing others the way you want to be treated.”

As part of the Making Caring Common program, two repre sentatives from each 4th and 5th grade class will help organize the program as part of a Student Council. They will meet with the administration and program leaders every month to talk about caring and kindness at school.

The annual book fair is sched uled to be back on campus in the library Tues., Dec. 6 (every one is welcome to attend). Win ter Family Night will also be returning to school Thurs., Dec. 15. Winter break is Dec. 19 through Jan. 6. See you in 2023!!


ny Parra. Maybe Santa can take care of that.

of the first semester and our cumulative assessment period.

We just completed a busy month. November began with the Junior Emmaus Retreat, allowing juniors to grow closer to each other and find peace within themselves. The Gene sians also staged their fall pro duction of “Newsies” with four excellent shows. And Immac ulate Heart’s Cross-Coun try Team competed in the CIF Prelims. Meanwhile, our soc cer and basketball teams began their pre-season this past month while swimmers started their training for spring.

Students will continue to be busy in the final weeks of 2022, but before our break we will enjoy our traditional Christmas program together, followed by our winter formal. Immaculate Heart will also open its doors to prospective students and their families during our Open House Weekend. The Middle School will welcome visitors at 1 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 3, while the high school’s open house will begin at 1 p.m. on Sun., Dec. 4. Both events will offer prospective students a chance to meet our teachers and tour our campus.

Happy December from Immaculate Heart! Students are looking forward to the holidays and our much-an ticipated break from classes, but first we need to survive the end
©LC1022 • Preschool program for children 2 to 5½. • Creative activities to encourage cognitive & social development including art, music, movement & play • Experienced teachers devoted to fostering self-esteem in a safe nurturing environment • Over 45 years serving the neighborhood The Plymouth School 315 S. Oxford Ave. • 213-387-7381 NOW ENROLLING • Safely Opened for the 2022-2023 School Year! 20 SECTION ONE DECEMBER 2022 Larchmont Chronicle
APL assistant manager Sloane Cummings and the high-tech Concept 1. Youth Sports by Jim Kalin

Larchmont Charter School wins multiple sports titles

Larchmont Charter’s high school at LaFayette Park (LFP) has claimed two city championships this year. The girls’ volleyball team was vic torious and is ecstatic!

In addition to a city champi onship, the end of the season also brought Divisional Play er of the Year award for LFP teammate Chaya Clemons. Their coach, Kevin Flores, was named Coach of the Year for their city division.

The team started practic ing in the spring, with Coach Flores taking the helm for his seventh year. It lost only one game in its league for the entire season.

When Flores was asked what made this team a champion, he responded, “It was the team’s chemistry. Everyone grew bet ter together as one unit, and they were very coachable.”

The girls made it to the sec ond round of state champions before being defeated.

Cross-country is another titlist sport at LFP. The boys’ team — league champions — moved onto city finals. The girls placed second in their league and qualified to partic ipate in the city finals. At city, many runners had their best times of the season.

Van Ness movie night was a great success

Van Ness Elementary movie night, hosted by PAVE (Par ents at Van Ness Elementary), raised $2,142. Organizers say they greatly appreciate those who donated supplies and time for the Nov. 4 event, and that they are pleased so many people attended and enjoyed “Sonic the Hedgehog 2” under the stars.


Saint Bren dan School had a great month of November. Third grade students cele brated National Native Amer ican Heritage Month. They researched, made amazing

We also had parent-teacher conferences where parents had the opportunity to meet with teachers to talk about their chil dren’s performance so far. For the upper grades, the students participate in the conferences with their parents.

It is also the time of year that 8th graders have started working on their high school applications, which is exciting.

posters, and gave presentations on the tribes of California. St. Brendan celebrat ed All Saints and All Souls days with an all-school mass. CITY CHAMPIONS for girls volleyball are, top row, left to right: Coach Kevin Flores, Asst. Coach Jessica Macatangay, Ashley Lee, Stephanie Zarate, Jiselle Bowie, Magdalena Castro, Alisa Khomutetsky, Ella Shaphir, Payton Clemons, Assistant Principal Lori Lausche; bottom row, left to right: Chaya Clemons, Sasha Khomutetsky, Avery Hipolito, Holly Jung. BOYS CROSS-COUNTRY team starting a race.
Larchmont Chronicle DECEMBER 2022 SECTION ONE 21
COLLAPSING on the grass after a cross-country race are winners Avery Owen-Lara of Windsor Square (2nd place), left, and Rose Matheu (1st place), right.

After more than 10 years of sleeping al fresco, Franco now shares a room and bath room with one roommate, is served three meals a day, can choose to listen to entertain ment every Friday afternoon (he never does) and receives medication to treat his 10 or so different ailments that went unchecked for years. A government program pays for his board and care. He is left with $100/month for incidentals, which doesn’t go far.

Sometimes Franco is grateful for the roof over his head, but he insists he was picked up illegally, and he complains about the quality of the meals and the fact that in some instances he’s told what to do, such as take his medicine at a certain time or take a shower. He is used to making his own decisions on his own timetable (and doing neither of the above, appar ently).

It is the perception of lack of autonomy that sometimes

dooms a placement. Rob Eshman, in the Oct. 17, 2022 issue of Zócalo Public Square, reports on a study completed by the Santa Monica-based A-Mark Foundation, where Eshman is CEO. The writers surveyed Skid Row residents to prioritize such things as healthcare, safety and hous ing, and 92 percent chose housing, and yet the study found numerous reasons that shelter was rejected when offered. Women, for ex ample, “avoided shelters that broke up families. Just 14 percent of the shelter units in Los Angeles serve families. … Men said curfews made shelters feel like prison, and prohibitions against dogs kept them away.”

Eshman also quoted RAND Corporation researchers who found, “If shelters or transitional housing require sharing rooms, have curfews and other rules, or reduce people’s sense of self-deter mination … these won’t be an effective approach to re ducing street homelessness.”

Franco is clearly frustrat ed with his placement. He doesn’t understand why he is told to be patient every time he asks about getting the bus pass he was promised or

when someone will arrange for him to speak to his son who was located months ago (his other son hasn’t been found) or how long he must wait to receive Social Securi ty benefits.

Franco has received one important new document, and I asked to see it. We were in his sparsely furnished room. He sat on his twin bed; I sat across the room on his absent roommate’s bed. Franco rummaged through his pile of plastic bags that serve as his closet and dress er, although his actual closet and dresser remain empty.

He eventually found the correct envelope from the correct bag and trium phantly held out his only identifying possession: a California senior citizen identification card.

Delays, ordeals

Franco left the county mental health facility four months ago, and he has lived at this senior care place that long. That’s also the time it took for him to receive this critical identification doc ument. For one thing, he was unsure of why he need ed identification. (“It’s for opening a bank account and I don’t have any money,” he’d

explain.) Twice he turned down opportunities to be driven to the Depart ment of Motor Vehicles to be fingerprinted and photographed for the card. The third time was the charm.

In fact, he’ll need to show his official ID to apply for such things as Social Securi ty benefits and to renew or re place his green card. (He is from Italy, re member.)

Franco has a care team that includes a conservator, a psy chiatrist and a social worker, not to mention those who work at the senior care fa cility. Yet his understanding is inadequate regarding his guaranteed entitlements, the steps to receive those enti tlements, who initiates each step and the time it will take to go through the process.

Everything feels like an or deal to him. Even his mobility is an issue. Franco’s chronic back pain has caused him to be severely stooped, and he needs support to walk. His shopping cart gave him that


(Continued from page 6)

ning, free classes in Los An geles, is holding a year-end campaign to raise $80,000 by Dec. 31. All proceeds will go directly to students in the way of costumes for perfor mances, personalized sports jerseys, new color printers for each of LACER’s eight school sites, and water coolers so kids have access to fresh, clean water. Visit lacerafter to donate.

Karsh Center, which pro vides critical and accessible social services to improve the lives of underserved people in our area, is doing its third annual holiday toy distribu tion on Thurs., Dec. 15. New, unused toys will be collected from Dec. 1 to 13. The goal is to provide 500 children in the Koreatown community with holiday toys this year. New toys can be sent to 606 S. Ho

stability. With it, he would walk miles every day, getting to know the streets around Larchmont Boulevard, taking delight in particularly beau tiful homes. His cart is long gone, replaced with a walker, which is harder to manipu late and causes him to hunch over even more. The furthest he has walked since moving to the senior care facility is two blocks to the 7-Eleven.

Once, when Franco was looking out the car window as I drove him for coffee and conversation over to Larch mont Boulevard, a place he (Please turn to page 23)

bart Blvd., Los Angeles 90005, or donors can schedule ap pointments to drop items off at the Karsh Family Social Service Center at 3750 W. 6th St. by calling 213-401-4656.

Imagine LA is collecting donations through Sat., Dec. 10, for its Winter Wonderland event. Help the organization provide each of the families it supports with a high-quality household appliance. More ideas for item donations can be found on Imagine LA’s wish list at:

The Los Angeles Mission is collecting toys for kids zero18 and food for its Race to Feed program through Sun., Dec. 18. Items can be dropped off at 351 S. Anderson St., Los Angeles 90033 or at 316 Win ston St., Los Angeles 90013 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Visit the mis sion’s website at losangele for details.

321 N Larchmont Blvd., Suite 1020 . Los Angeles . CA . 90004 . Neville Anderson, MD, FAAP Amaka Priest, MD Courtney Mannino, MD, FAAP Board-Certified Pediatricians • We care for children 0-21 years old • Most PPO Insurance plans accepted • Complimentary “meet the doctor” appointments available Call Today! 323.960.8500 The Joy of Learning Where It All Begins … Joy Arenson Paul Learning Specialist 489 South Robertson Blvd. Suite 101 Beverly Hills, California 90211
343-0046 Cell:
Email: Early Literacy Individualized Educational Plans Academic Assessment Reading Comprehension Creative Writing Math Strategies Examination Preparation Social/Emotional Skills Student/Teacher Ratio 1:1 Ages 3 to 103 22 SECTION ONE DECEMBER 2022 Larchmont Chronicle
Office: (424)
(310) 487-1535
to initiate action to place
FRANCO, in his senior care facility bedroom, shows his new State ID.
Homeless (Continued from page 18)
someone in county care.
Transition from homeless to



“Look!” he said wistfully “A shopping cart.”

I worry the freedom of the streets will call to him again.

Complacency vs. self-advocacy

Whenever Franco goes on a rant about all the things he needs and isn’t getting, he ends with a mantra: “Pa tience, patience. One step at a time.”

But Franco isn’t one to stay patient for very long. He’s known for leaving messages for his conservator, his psy chiatrist, his social worker, everyone on his care team, trying to get answers. Ac cording to him, answers are always vague, which is why he tries to advocate for himself.

“Helene!” Franco yelled with obvious glee when I an swered my phone the other day. “Helene, every day I do something important! Every day I achieve things!”

Franco had placed some calls and was happy with the results. He called the Social Security office, and someone there discussed

the application process with him and recommend ed he come in person to fill out the form. He asked me to take him, but then he changed his mind. Part of him expects his team to walk him through the steps. He also was excited because he called the social worker who helped him when he was in the mental health hospi tal, who explained to Franco how the conservator program worked. He told Franco that, in March 2023, he would go before the judge who would decide — with input from Franco, his public defend er, his psychiatrist and his conservator — whether the conservatorship should re main in place or if Franco is capable of being moved to supportive housing. If Franco is denied the last option, he still has the right to appeal.

Matthew Byrne explains it well, stating that the role of the judge at the mental health court is to assess and decide what is best for the client going forward. The goal is to select the lowest level of care possible, with the greatest amount of freedom. That’s how Franco was assigned to this senior care facility — an “open” placement where he

may come and go as he pleas es, until curfew. Revisiting his situation in March could re sult in a different outcome. Franco often has mentioned how complacent other res idents of his home seem. He describes those who sit and watch television in the com mon room for hours on end and have no ambition to leave for a better situation. He men tions one man who only has one functioning leg and who has lived in the facility for five years. That astounds Franco. He asked his friend if he ever tried to get transferred to an apartment. “No,” the man an

swered. “Why should I? This is better than living on the street.”

“I feel sorry for him,” Fran co states. “I feel sorry for all of them.”

Living with regret

One of the few items worth salvaging from Franco’s shopping cart was his family photo album. When I asked if he would show it to me, he was reluctant at first, then dug through his bags to find it. As he showed me the pho tographs, his obvious pride in his family shone through.

“Here are my parents. This nephew became a judge. This

brother was a marine and traveled everywhere with gas and oil supplies.” “You were in the navy,” I reminded him. “But you didn’t like it.”

“They asked me to stay on af ter my time was up. They said with my education I could get officer’s training, but I wasn’t interested.” He pauses. “That was a mistake. That was a big mistake.”

Franco closes the album and buries it at the bottom of one of his plastic bags. “That was a hard thing you had me do, Helene,” he says, tears in his eyes. “I don’t always want to look at my family.”

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Larchmont Chronicle DECEMBER 2022 SECTION ONE 23
FORMER GIORGIO and his shopping cart on Larchmont Bou levard, January 2021.
from page 22) still considers home, he saw a shopping cart abandoned by the side of the road.
24 SECTION ONE DECEMBER 2022 Larchmont Chronicle 3361 W. EIGHTH ST., LOS ANGELES • (213) 382-8449 Dinner 4 -10 p.m. ~ TUESDAY - SUNDAY FULL BAR • VALET PARKING Celebrating Our 69th Anniversary “This is an upscale steak house with prices half those of its competitors. Taylor’s doesn’t have competitors. It’s achieved the status of legend.” -Merrill Shindler, KLSX Radio Wishing You & Your Family A Safe, Healthy and Happy Holiday Season Wishing You & Your Family A Safe, Healthy and Happy Holiday Season L.A.’S FINEST SINCE 1953!


Holocaust survivor celebrates his 100th by telling his message of hope. Page 8
SHAKERS Beautiful,
simple; revisiting the Shakers and their
Page 2
©2022 Coldwell Banker. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker logos are trademarks of Coldwell Banker R eal Estate LLC. The Coldwell Banker® System is comprised of company owned offices which are owned by a subsidiary of Realogy Brokerage Group LLC and franchised offices which are independently owned and operated. The Coldwell Banker System ful ly supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. CalRE #00616212 COLDWELLBANKERHOMES.COM Hancock Park 323.464.9272 | 251 N Larchmont Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90004 206 N. Lucerne Blvd. | Hancock Park | $3,303,000 SOLD. Traditional exterior and beautiful modern interior w/4 bds, 4.5 bas, open flr plan & Pool. Rick Llanos 323.810.0828 CalRE #01123101 N. Oakhurst Dr. | Beverly Hills | $12,000/MO Stunning condo with open floor plan 3Bd / 3.5 baths, 2 balconies w/great views. 24hr concierge. Furnished. Cecille Cohen 213.810.9949 CalRE #00884530 3 bedrooms, 2 bath townhouse with shared gardens & parking. Close to trendy shops and dining. Rick Llanos 323.810.0828 CalRE #01123101 327 S. La Jolla| Miracle Mile| $5,750/MO 913 S. Mullen Ave. | Hancock Park | $2,995,000 Erik Flexner 323.383.3950 CalRE #01352476 JUST LISTED. Spanish. The arching entrance opens to a huge open liv area, curved ceilings & arched doorways. 445 S. Rossmore Ave.| Hancock Park| $3,999,000 IN ESCROW. Over asking multiple offers. Mediterranean estate w/new guest house on over half an acre! Lisa Hutchins 323.216.6938 CalRE #01018644 Ready to move in. Lovely remodeled Spanish home with 2 beds & 2 baths, ADU office and garage. Barbara Allen 323.610.1781 CalRE #01487763 582 N. Bronson Ave. | Hancock Park | $1,695,000 651 Wilcox Ave. #3F | Hancock Park | $955,000 SOLD. Top floor unit in gated Hancock Park terrace. 2 beds + 2.5 baths. Pool, spa + 24hr guard. Loveland Carr Group 323.460.7606 CalRE #01467820, 0888374 624 1/2 Wilcox Ave. | Hancock Park | $995,000 Rick Llanos 323.810.0828 CalRE #01123101 Charming 2 bedrooms, 2.5 baths remodeled townhouse with private patios and gardens. 145 S. Hudson Ave. | Hancock Park | $25,000/MO Stately English on one of the finest blocks in Hancock Park. 6 bedrooms + 5.5 baths, pool w/ spa. Rick Llanos 323.810.0828 CalRE #01123101 long term. 5 beds, 5.5 bas including guest hse & pool. Rick Llanos 323.810.0828 CalRE #01123101 160 N. McCadden Pl. | Hancock Park | $18,000/MO 5015 W. 8th St. | Hancock Park | $12,500/MO LEASED. Completely renovated 4 bed + 4.5 bath Mid Century on a triple lot along the brook. Loveland Carr Group 323.460.7606 CalRE #01467820, 0888374 2415 Creston Dr. | Hollywood Hills | $10,500/MO Art Deco gem with city, hillside and ocean views. Hollywood. 3 bedrooms, 4 baths, den. Rick Llanos 323.810.0828 CalRE #01123101 Ginger Lincoln 323.252.6612 CalRE #01884677 365 N. Wilton Pl. | Hancock Park | $1,888,000 Authentic Craftsman's Gem. Home exudes bespoke character and charm 5 Beds, 3 Baths. Otto Vargas 213.309.4106 CalRE #02179368 1121 W. 6th St. | Los Angeles | $849,000 Recently remodeled side by side attached duplex. 3 Bd / 2 bas each, spacious liv rm, dining/brkfst area. Maria Gomez 323.460.7614 CalRE #01206447 Bright corner unit w/ city lights & mountain views. Maria Gomez 323.460.7614 CalRE #01206447 VIEW Real estate MuseuMs, libRaRies HoMe & GaRden Section 2 LARCHMONT CHRONICLE DECEMBER 2022
DEVELOPMENT Major multi-story project is scaled back at Rossmore apartment building. Page 7

It’s Christmas!: A recipe from a Shaker Cookbook

The Sabbath Day Lake Shaker Community in New Gloucester, Maine, (24 miles north of Portland) was founded in 1782. It grew to 1900 acres and 26 distinc tive, large buildings by 1850. A blacksmith complex and woodturning shop, as well as a mill and farm, enabled the community to prosper, pro ducing food and other goods including beautiful baskets, boxes and furniture, elegant in their simplicity, to sell to “the World” — that is, to peo ple outside.

Sabbath Day Lake has been open to tourists since 1926. I took my young daughter in 1991 when she was 7. Today, the last two Shakers in the world still live there.

Ann Lee, a Shaker leader in England, led a group of fol lowers in 1776 to establish a church northwest of Albany, New York, where Mother Ann, as she was known, held forth until her death in 1784.

There were eventually 20 Shaker communities in the western and mid-western U.S. Some were short-lived; not so their influence on American design and architecture. Re cently, fashion designer Tory Burch curated an exhibition at Hancock Shaker Village in Massachusetts; a new Shaker

museum will open in 2023 in Mount Lebanon, New York.

Shakers lived communally, were pacifists, and believed in gender and racial equal ity. They were celibate and adopted orphans and other children. Their early mode of worship suggested their name: they danced.

Shakers, like other utopian societies, worked to make a more perfect life. The Shak ers made this life with their hands.

Mother Ann taught them to “Put your hands to work and your hearts to God.”

This idea was applicable to everyone — to the brothers and sisters in the fields and in the basket-weaving shops, to the furniture-making broth ers, the sewing sisters and the skilled sister-cooks.

Early Shaker furniture was utilitarian, but in the 1820s, there was a freshness in the designs and manufacturing. This was the golden age of Shaker design, which last

ed until just after Civil War, an era of beautiful objects in wood and metal, but also in graphic design, resulting in spiritual or inspirational drawings. For the Shakers, these drawings were not “art,” but gifts from the spiri tual realm.

It was also the period of Shaker spiritual songs. I have a cassette tape, “Early Shak er Spirituals,” sung by Sister Mildred Barker and others, recorded from 1963 to 1976.

More recently in Maine, I bought a first-edition (1953) copy of “The Shaker Cook Book: Not by Bread Alone,” by Caroline B. Piercy, who makes clear the provenance of some of the recipes. Her mother grew up within a mile of a Shaker village, North Union

in Ohio.

The recipes in this book came in part from a handwrit ten manuscript recorded by Piercy’s mother.

Only two recipes in Piercy’s book refer to Christmas — “Shaker Christmas Pudding” and “Christmas Bread Pud ding.” (The latter contains this instruction: “Spread with a layer of strawberry jam, not too thin, for remember it’s Christmas!”) But I am choos ing a recipe from North Union to pass along:

Amelia’s Quince Pudding

6 large ripe quinces 1 cup sugar 1 cup heavy cream 1/4 cup rosewater 6 egg yolks, beaten 6 egg whites, beaten stiff

Rub fuzz off quinces; pare (peel) and quarter them. Grate quinces to a pulp; add sugar and cream and mince well. Add rosewater and beat en egg yolks. Fold in stiff egg whites. Turn into a well-but tered baking dish and bake 45 minutes at 350 degrees F.

My adult daughter remem bers the beautiful baskets. “Bentwood,” she told me last week, “and tiny nails.” She thinks she can remember a circle of people. Perhaps her hair was in pigtails. If I could have the holiday gift of my dreams, it would be that day in Maine, her small hand in mine.

2 SECTION TWO DECEMBER 2022 Larchmont Chronicle
SHAKER-STYLE cherry wood box. Collection of the author. MONOGRAPH on Shaker Traditions in Maine (Bowdoin College, 1969). Collection of the author. Home Ground by Paula Panich

Windsor Village, Windsor Square, Larchmont Village neighborhoods meet

Neighborhood meetings gathered locals in late No vember. Two took place in Windsor Village (Wilshire to Olympic; Crenshaw [west side] to Lucerne) because the annual “Town Hall” meeting of the Windsor Square Asso ciation (Wilshire to Beverly; Arden to Van Ness) was held at the historic Ebell Club. The third was for the Larchmont Village Neighborhood Associ ation, which covers the area north of Beverly Boulevard to Melrose Avenue, between Arden Boulevard and Wilton Place.

Windsor Village

The Windsor Village Associ ation (WVA) had its monthly meeting Nov. 20, just hours before the group hosted a movie at Harold Henry Park — one of the many events put on by the WVA to bring joy to the community while giving neighbors an opportunity to come together.

Top on the November monthly meeting’s agenda was the re-election of board members Heather Brel, Jeff Estow, Chris Urner, Barbara Pflaumer and Andrew Lo. Half of the members were up for re-election this year; the oth er half, including Julie Kim,

Ginger Tanner, Stephanie Shim, Marilyn Batchelor and Bruce Beiderwell, will be up for reelection in 2023.

The meeting, sparsely attended due to the Thanks giving holiday, touched on many matters the WVA champions, including park clean-ups (Harold Henry Park being a neighborhood centerpiece), movie nights, neighborhood pot lucks, an nual meetings with police and city council leaders, signage to distinguish the neighbor hood, and working to get speed bumps installed on Lu cerne Boulevard.

At the meeting, board president Barbara Pflaumer emphasized the need for the neighborhood to focus on emergency preparedness. In the past, the WVA has offered emergency preparedness training, and Pflaumer said this will be a big focus for the board in 2023.

Windsor Square

The Nov. 17 annual “Town Hall” meeting of the Wind sor Square Association (WSA) also featured a focus on emer gency preparedness. Crisanta Gonzalez, City of Los Ange les emergency management coordinator for the RYLAN (“Ready Your LA Neighbor hood”) program spoke, as

did LAPD Olympic Division commanding officer Captain Aaron Ponce.

Elected as members of the WSA board of directors for the coming year were June Bilgore, Jeryl Bowers, Brian Curran, Amy Forbes, Gary Gilbert, Jason Greenman, Larry Guzin, Steve Kazanji an, Angie Szentgyorgi, Steve Tator, Jane Usher and John Welborne.

The WSA annually pres ents its Squeaky Wheel Award for protecting or improving the quality of life in Windsor Square. This year’s award ee was Louis Fantasia (also a  Chronicle  columnist!) “for obtaining safety improve ments on and adjoining Sixth Street,” specifically in the stretch between Wilton Place and the Getty House on Irving Boulevard.

Larchmont Village

A few days before, on Nov 15, the Larchmont Village Neighborhood Association (LVNA) semi-annual meet ing took place. After crime, land use issues were among the chief concerns raised by residents. City and state ef forts to build more housing are jeopardizing single-family neighborhoods, according to LVNA members.

“Our entire community is at

risk,” said LVNA resident Sam Uretsky. “The north side of Beverly and Larchmont Bou levard North is all TOC.” The city’s Transit Oriented Com munities (TOC) law grants developers “bonuses,” things such as more density and greater height, for multi-fam ily residential projects within a half-mile (2,640 feet) of a “qualified major transit stop,” which can simply be a street intersection where two or more bus routes meet or cross and where passengers can transfer.

Uretsky asserted that the TOC law is “part of the state-mandated effort to de stroy, either deliberately, or not, single-family R-1 neigh borhoods.”

(Please turn to page 4)

WINDSOR SQUARE president Larry Guzin speaks at the association’s annual “Town Hall” meeting, held in person at The Ebell on November 17. Resting on the podium’s low er shelf is the Squeaky Wheel Award and its 2022 certificate.
Larchmont Chronicle DECEMBER 2022 SECTION TWO 3
EBELL LIVING ROOM was the setting for the 2022 annual meeting of the Windsor Square Association.

Small business owners may apply for a legacy grant

The Los Angeles Conser vancy has launched a  Legacy Business Grant Program to support eligible small busi nesses that have operated and contributed to their commu nity’s history and/or identity for at least 20 years.

Up to 10 longtime small businesses within Los Angeles


(Continued from page 3)

Resident and architect Chris Shanley concurred, warning of current city and state pol icies to build at all costs. “We need to fight back, and hope fully we’ll get the attention of the new mayor, and devel

County will be awarded $5,000 grants, thanks to funding from Wells Fargo.

Application for the first round of funding for five grants closes Wed., Dec. 7. The second round opens on Wed., Feb. 8 and closes Wed., March 8. Visit grant for more information.

opers will build where there is actual transportation and in commercial corridors and not in single-family neighbor hoods,” he said.

Crime, security and safe ty were high on the agenda. For a full report on the crime discussion, turn to Page 13 of this Section 2.

Get ready for

2022’s final CicLAvia, Dec. 4

The last CicLAvia of 2022 will be closing streets in South Los Angeles on Sun., Dec. 4 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This free event gives participants the opportunity to bike, jog, skate, scooter or walk along Martin Luther King Boule vard, starting at Vermont Avenue, and then down Cen tral Avenue to 103rd Street. Both streets will be off-limits to motorized vehicles during the event.

There are multiple hubs along the route with free bike repair, water and CicLAvia swag. For more information visit

SOLD: The home at 206 N. Lucerne Blvd. in Windsor Square was sold for $3,303,000 in October 2022.

Real Estate Sales*

Single-family homes

616 N. Martel Ave. $4,752,000 542 N. Vista St. $4,750,000 206 N. Lucerne Blvd. $3,303,000 823 S. Hudson Ave. $3,025,000 102 S. Wilton Pl. $2,950,000 160 N. Poinsettia Pl. $2,915,000 683 S. McCadden Pl. $2,650,000 201 S. Larchmont Blvd. $2,626,937 226 N. Arden Blvd. $2,430,000 802 S. Genesee Ave. $2,275,000 542 N. McCadden Pl. $2,270,000 110 N. Gardner St. $2,200,000 329 N. Windsor Blvd. $2,000,000


4595 Wilshire Blvd., #303 $1,200,000 5019 Maplewood Ave., #103 $1,060,000 901 S. Gramercy Dr., #406 $930,000 860 S. Lucerne Blvd., #206 $900,000 4477 Wilshire Blvd., #112 $862,000 957 S. Wilton Pl., #5 $808,000 637 Wilcox Ave., #1F $740,000 901 S. Gramercy Dr., #204 $711,000 444 S. Gramercy Pl., #16 $612,000 532 N. Rossmore Ave., #213 $511,500 620 S. Gramercy Pl., #307 $400,000

*Sale prices for October 2022.

4 SECTION TWO DECEMBER 2022 Larchmont Chronicle
Larchmont Chronicle DECEMBER 2022 SECTION TWO 5

Brookside and the varied, winding paths to preservation

n Second in a series

Last month, we began a re port on the possible creation of additional historic districts in the Greater Wilshire area — [“Room to Grow?: Pre serving not-yet-designated historic districts”].

Let us begin our exploration of the undesignated historic districts of Greater Wilshire with a closer look at what Sur veyLA refers to as the Wilshire Crest - Mullen Park Residen tial Historic District, a place we know better as Brookside. Nestled between Olympic Boulevard to the south and the Park Mile section of Wilshire Boulevard to the north, and between both sides of High land Avenue to the west and both sides of Muirfield Road to the east, this district is signif icant not only for its historic architecture but its distinc tive landscape feature, El Rio del Jardin de las Flores, which sets it apart from other local undesignated historic neigh borhoods on our list.

Notable buildings

The neighborhood is home to a handful of important ar chitectural sites, including the famed Chateau Le Moine (the Monk’s Castle) at 846 S. Long wood Ave. by Earl LeMoine; the

Farmer’s Insurance Building, 4680 Wilshire Blvd. by Claude Beelman; 4922 W. Eighth St. by Ralph C. Flewelling; and other residences by prolif ic California architects John Byers and Edwin C. Thorne. The district also is home to the famous Brookledge Theater, 929 S. Longwood Ave., the pre cursor to the Magic Castle.

Brookside also has the rem nant of one of Los Angeles’ great lost architectural en sembles, the Memorial Branch Library by John C. Austin (architect of the Griffith Ob servatory), with its adjoining Los Angeles High School Me morial Park to honor the high school’s students who served in World War 1. The library and park sit opposite the now lost Elizabethan palace building of Los Angeles High School.

Early history

Brookside traces its roots to the Rancho Las Cienegas and its illustrious owner, Don Francisco Jose Avila, whose

youngest daughter Francisca married a German immigrant, Theodore Rimpau. The Rim pau family, besides being instrumental in the develop ment of Anaheim and Orange County, also established the Rimpau Estate Company which — as the city of Los Angeles expanded — sold off portions of the Rancho Las Cienegas for development. In 1921, this included what be came Wilshire Crest, as it was situated on the highest eleva tion along Wilshire Boulevard. (An entire block at this highest point on Wilshire Boulevard was sold to the Roman Catho lic Archdiocese as the site for a

new cathedral. See the story in Section 1, Page 17.)

Wilshire Crest joined Wind sor Square and Fremont Place, and, later, Hancock Park, in developers’ rush to attract families migrating from West Adams and other rapidly com mercializing neighborhoods closer to Downtown. Wilshire Crest was subdivided into lots of varied sizes, with larg er more luxurious lots for two-story homes on the west, and smaller lots, generally built upon with one-story bun galows, on the east.

The brook

But Wilshire Crest had an amenity that its neighbors

could not offer, a brook, El Rio del Jardin de las Flores, itself a tributary of Ballo na Creek which originates in springs in the Hollywood Hills. According to the Wind sor Square - Hancock Park Historical Society, Wilshire Crest’s planners laid out Longwood Avenue so that the brook snaked from one side of the street to the other “pre serving some of the natural arroyos, barrancas and hills of the original tract — still there to this day.” At the time of the 1978 creation of the Wilshire Homeowners’ Alliance, Wilshire Crest was denom inated South Brookside in honor of its famous brook, soon to be shortened to Brookside, as the neighbor hood is known today.

2015 Survey LA

SurveyLA evaluated the area in 2015, awarding it the rather clunky name, the Wilshire Crest - Mullen Park Residential Historic District. Surveyors found that, out of 396 properties surveyed, 326 were considered contributors to the historic district. This official survey proved in a definitive way the historic sig nificance of the community.

While previous attempts (Please turn to page 7)

6 SECTION TWO DECEMBER 2022 Larchmont Chronicle
Compass is a real estate broker licensed by the State of California and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. License Numbe r 01991628. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only and is compiled from sources de emed reliable but has not been verified. Changes in price, cond ition, sale or withdrawal may be made without notice. No statement is made as to accuracy of any description. All measurements and square footages are approximate. Ali Jack Windsor Square Native & Marlborough Alumna DRE 01952539 213.507.3959 @thealijack DESIGN DRIVEN REAL ESTATE In Escrow | 2424 W Silver Lake Drive Mid Century Gem 3 Bed | 2 Bath | 2095 sq ft | Pool Representing Buyers | Won in Multiples | $2,095,000 Just Sold | 2861 N Beachwood Drive Beachwood Canyon Updated Traditional 2 Bed | 2 Bath | 1507 sq ft Represented Buyers | $2,000,006 Just Listed | 301 Lorraine Blvd Windsor Square Compound 5 Bed | 6 Bath | 3623 sq ft | Guest Studio + Pool $3,995,000 Just Sold | 329 N Windsor Blvd Larchmont Village Bungalow 3 Bed | 3 Bath | 1788 sq ft | Guest House Respresented Buyer | Won in Multiples | $2,000,000 On
BROOKSIDE is nestled between Olympic and Wilshire boule vards and both sides of Highland Avenue and Muirfield Road.
by Brian Curran

Smaller-scale plan moves forward for 410 N. Rossmore

Final design and color choices are being made for a more modest remodel than previously planned for the five-story apartment building at 410 N. Rossmore Ave.

The 1930s building, which was finished in the 1940s, had been poised for a seven-story addition. But the economic tide has shifted — changing with it the remodeling plans.

Instead of a major redo, “We are planning to preserve the historic charm with a subtle deco touch,” Greg Po

On Preservation

(Continued from page 6)

had been made to create a Brookside Historic Preserva tion Overlay Zone (HPOZ) — I participated in one in 2009 — the survey plus the appearance of new McMansions, (also known as “BWB” — big white boxes) subsequently has gal vanized the community.

Brooksiders were not unan imous in their desire for an HPOZ in 2009. Some argued that the process was too long and expensive to be able to quickly address the tear-down issue. Others feared that the HPOZ would “historicize” Brookside and prevent such

tikyan, new asset manager for co-owner ESI Ventures, told us. Potikyan came on board after the shelving of the seven-story addition with sun decks and swimming pools.

Preliminary construction staging for the new design was expected to start late last month. Completion is expect ed in the third quarter of 2023.

While 15 tenants still live at the site, 41 previous ten ants accepted buy-out offers after Atlanta-based Domos Co-Living and ESI Ventures of Beverly Hills purchased the

innovative modern designs as Linda Pollari and Robert So mol’s Off Use House at 950 S. Highland Ave. and Dan Brunn Architecture’s Bridge House at 750 S. Longwood Ave. In October 2015, Councilman David Ryu of CD4 spearhead ed the passing of an Interim Control Ordinance (ICO) halt ing demolition for two years, while — after considerable debate — a new R-1 sub-zone for Brookside was established. This new zone, R1V3-RG, dic tates the size and lot coverage of new construction and re quires garages to be in the rear of the property.

While this recent fine-tun ing of the zoning does

Just Listed

property in January 2020.

Those offers were made in anticipation of the more am bitious remodel and addition, where the number of units was to increase from 78 to 87.

The rent-controlled building of studios and one-bedroom apartments was also to be morphed into a co-living de velopment. But those plans were also scrapped. “Con struction costs increased significantly during the last three years due to inflation, so the partners decided not to

maintain the scale of structures within the neigh borhood, it lacks the breadth of protection provided by HPOZs, as it does not pre vent demolition of historic properties nor provide de tailed design guidelines for new structures.

Future protection?

Nonetheless, the new zon ing and the enduring strength of the Brookside Homeowners Association have reinforced the fact that Brookside is an historic neighborhood to be handled with care. Case in point, the soon-to-be-under way successful evolution of the landmark Farmer’s Insur ance Building and its vacant

parking lots into housing completely consistent with the restrictions of the city’s Park Mile Specific Plan.

I will always retain a soft spot for Brookside, as it was where I owned my first home and participated in commu nity groups and advocacy, including one of the attempts to create an HPOZ.

And while I have every confidence in the residents’ ability to protect their neigh borhood, I am still convinced that Brookside requires some formal recognition of its his toric significance with some level of individual project re view, however meager. Too much has been lost or eroded

away in bad alterations that could have been prevent ed. Perhaps the listing of a Brookside Historic District on the National Register of His toric Places?

This designation has served well the Wilton Historic District further to the east — allowing the City of Los Angeles Office of Historic Re sources to weigh in on issues and provide guidance.

Brookside’s path to pres ervation has not been a conventional one, but I, for one, hope to see it one day take its proper place where it belongs among HPOZs and historic districts of Greater Wilshire.

Stunning Mediterranean Estate

including a primary suite with a marble bath, a private balcony, and large custom closet. Step outside to a very private and verdant garden, with ample room for pool/spa. Additional 2 rooms with a bathroom and kitchenette, and a garage with gated driveway. Deena Blau 323.533.2212 CalRE#: 01320286 9000 Sunset Blvd. WH 90069

Naomi Hartman & Leah Brenner 323.860.4259 / 4245 CalRE #: 00769979 | 00917665 251 N. Larchmont Blvd. LA 90004 ©2022 Coldwell Banker. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker logos are trademarks of Coldwell Banker R eal Estate LLC. The Coldwell Banker® System is comprised of company owned offices which are owned by a subsidiary of Realogy Brokerage Group LLC and franchised offices which are independently owned and operated. The Coldwell Banker System ful ly supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. CalRE #00616212.
breathtaking estate takes you back to the Golden Age Hollywood
modern appeal.
fabulous property
situated on one of Hancock Park
beautiful and prestigious streets.
home boasts a magnificent 2 story foyer with a grand crystal chandelier and a wide circular staircase. An open layout with splendid entertaining rooms, consisting of an enormous living room with an elegant fireplace, family room with garden views, dining room with exquisite and original rich wood paneling and ornate ceiling moldings, a de lightful sunroom and a formal study. The state of the art remodeled chef's kitchen with center island and separate breakfast room is equipped with high end appliances and offers abundant storage. There are 5 sun filled bedrooms and 4 bathrooms,
Larchmont Chronicle DECEMBER 2022 SECTION TWO 7
ARMY ENGINEERS revised the original grand design and com pleted the building in 1944 with only five stories in an effort to ease a housing crisis during World War II. The El Royale stands behind.
(Please turn to page 15)

Big Sunday headquarters moves east on Melrose Avenue

After 13 years, Big Sunday — the local nonprofit that believes everyone can help someone — has moved a few miles east to Melrose Avenue at Heliotrope Drive.

It’s temporary until a per manent home can be found, Executive Director David Levinson wrote us in an email.

Of the new headquarters, Levinson wrote it is in “a nice building that looks like the corner drug store in ‘It’s a Wonderful Life,’ (if it were across the street from a tattoo parlor).”

The nonprofit’s former land lord of the one-story building at 6111 Melrose Ave. “has been nothing but nice and accommodating,” Levinson adds. The move was prompted after that building was slated to be replaced by a four-story mixed-use development.

Ironically, Big Sunday’s new home will also be razed. When that happens, in a year or more, “We’ll move to our permanent place. (But we’re not telling anyone where it is, because otherwise it might get torn down, too!)” Levinson quipped.

Regardless of where it is

based, the volunteer-powered organization isn’t missing a beat in organizing its more than 2,000 annual ways to help at schools, pet rescues, senior and transitional hous ing and other places.

The annual Holiday Singalong & Toy Drive is Sun., Dec. 11, and plans already are in the works for the MLK Day Clothing Drive & Community Breakfast in January.

Looking back

Packing has been a bit of a walk down memory lane for Levinson, who shared his thoughts in an email blast:

Wherever it goes, Levinson said, Big Sunday will contin ue to “try to see the best in everyone. And rest assured: That feeling, and that goal, will be true in whatever build ing we call home.”

Survivor tells of hope at 100th

It’s official. November 20 is Joe Alexander Day in the City of Los Angeles. Alexander is a Holocaust survivor who just turned 100. He is a bright and beloved speaker at Holocaust

Museum LA. At the recent celebration, the local resident received multiple certificates from city, county and state of fices honoring his service.

Beverly Hills Mayor Lili

turn to page 9)

MELROSE HILL HOME – HISTORIC CULTURAL MONUMENT 4940 W. Melrose, Los Angeles, CA 90029 This beautiful 5 bed, 3 bath Craftsman home is located on a flat cul-de-sac with a lovely private yard. Enter the living room & for mal dining room via the large porch. Flexible floor plan features three separate bedroom suites or flex/work live spaces. Second floor contains the primary suite, second bedroom, library & large bath. Available partially furnished at the same price. For more photos visit Lease $9,000/mo Barbara Palmer (310) 713-1992 DRE#00428644 Sold in 2022 H ei d iDa v i s5@ g m ai l. co m // 2 13 .8 1 9 1 2 8 9 w w w s im p ly h ei d i da vi s. co m // d r e # 0 1 8 3 1 9 2 4 HEIDI B DAVIS Y our N eighborhood Real tor Sold 110 S Martel Avenue* Stunning Estate Property w/Guest House & Pool Listed 930 N Wetherly Drive #304 www.930NorthWetherly com Be well, Heidi BDavis Wherever your journey takes you in 2023, I wish you an abundance of joy, peace & fulfillment in all that you do. Guiding you with your real estate needs is truly my honor. From my family to yoursHAPPIEST of HOLIDAYS! Heidi BDavis / / 213.819.1289 / / dre# 01831924 ©LC1222 1519 S. Orange Dr., 90019 117 S. Windsor Blvd., 90004 1820 S. Orange Dr., 90019 2513 Verbena Dr., 90068 5814 Eaton St., 90042 12327 Stanwood Dr., 90066 1734 S. Westgate Ave. #12, 90025 1968 Taft Ave., 90068 138 Wilton Dr., 90004 3482 Knoll Crest Ave., 90043 2671 La Cuesta Dr., 90046 6324 Grape Pl., 90068 6607 Moore Dr., 90048 3611 Potomac Ave., 90016 117 S. Windsor Blvd., LA 90004 1964 Taft Ave., LA 90068 1519 S. Orange Dr., LA 90019 138 Wilton Dr., LA 90004 8 SECTION TWO DECEMBER 2022 Larchmont Chronicle
“We’ve had so, so many people come through these rickety doors — including you — from unhoused peo ple to CEOs and movie stars, all asking the same question, ‘How can I help?’”
(Please TEMPORARY NEW HOME for Big Sunday. JOE ALEXANDER celebrates his 100th birthday. Photo by Alan Wolovitch

Holocaust Museum LA’s Beth Kean joins state council

In spite of a rise in antisem itism, Holocaust Museum LA (HMLA) CEO Beth Kean is hopeful that positive change is coming.

“The timing couldn’t be better,” Kean said last month after being selected to join the governor-appointed Council on Holocaust and Genocide Education.

Launched last year, the Council is tasked with pro viding tools to recognize and respond to bigotry and discrimination on school campuses, including dis

turbing images such as swastikas and hateful re marks and slogans.

While Holocaust ed ucation is mandated in California schools, it lacks standards. Teach ers can choose from a 30-minute outline to weeklong instruction on the Holocaust, Kean ex plained. Kean hopes the outcome of the Council’s work will serve as a mod el for schools around the country. (Only 15 states have mandatory Holocaust education in schools.)

“The Holocaust is not a Jew ish story. It’s a human story,” Kean adds.

Bosse, a daughter of Holo caust survivors, presented Alexander with a certificate and told him, “You are a gift to all of us. You are our sunshine and our guardian angel.”

Alexander believes telling his story — including meeting Dr. Mengele (aka Dr. Death) three times — especially to middle and high school kids, is his most important mis sion. When asked how he stayed so positive during World War II, he responds, “I never lost hope because I always said today could be bad but tomorrow will be better.”

The local museum, HMLA, is about more than teaching about the horrors of Nazi Germany. “We’re about fight ing hate … to stand up to all forms of hate, and, … We need to learn from our mistakes.”

Recently named to the Council were Kean and eight other academics and advocates, including Joyce Newstat, former chair of the Jewish Family and Children’s Services Holocaust Center, and Kori Street, deputy ex ecutive director of the USC Shoah Foundation. They join Assemblymem

“I’m so excited. I’m eager to get started, and I’m eager to make a difference,” Kean said, adding that the governor has provided needed funding for this and similar programs.

The Newsom administra tion has funded more than $150 million to support an ti-hate programs and has designated another $115 mil lion for the State Nonprofit Security Grant Program.

“An attack on any of our communities is an attack against all Californians, and

our state will not stand by as the forces of hate instigate acts of violent extrem ism that put lives at risk,” Newsom said in an Oct. 31 release.

The Coun cil is co-chaired by state Sen. Henry Stern, At torney General Rob Bonta, state Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond and Anita Fried man, executive director of Jewish Family and Children’s Services, Northern California.

“I applaud Governor Newsom for not just con demning antisemitism when it’s broadcast across our freeways and social media channels, but for re sponding with substantive lasting solutions and the funds to realize those solu tions,” said co-Chair Stern. “Whether you’re a Califor nian whose family suffered the death squads of El Sal vador, the killing fields of Cambodia or the gas cham bers of Auschwitz, students and teachers across our state share a common bond

of resilience in the face of trauma.”

HMLA Expansion

HMLA recently commemo rated its 60th anniversary by announcing expansion plans for its facility within Pan Pacific Park. (The muse um opened there in October 2010.)

The new Jona Goldrich Campus, designed by award-winning architect Hagy Belzberg, who designed the current museum, will al most double the existing site from 28,000 square feet to 50,000 square feet. Addition ally, it allows for doubling the 60,000 annual visitor capacity (pre-COVID).

While much of the existing museum is partially under ground with a sloping roof to blend into the park, the new adjacent site along The Grove Drive will be 100 percent abo veground with high ceilings and natural light.

The expansion also will display an authentic railroad boxcar that transported Jews and others to death camps. The boxcar came from near the Majdanek concentration camp in Poland.

HMLA construction is scheduled to begin next year and be completed at the end of 2024, Kean said.

Survivor (Continued from page 8)
Larchmont Chronicle DECEMBER 2022 SECTION TWO 9 4460 Wilshire Blvd. #501 | For Sale $1,550,000 or Lease $5,000/MO Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2023!!! June Ahn International President ’s Elite Cell: 323.855.5558 | CalRE #01188513 Hancock Park 251 N. Larchmont Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90004 ©2022 Coldwell Banker. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker logos are trademarks of Coldwell Banker R eal Estate LLC. The Coldwell Banker® System is comprised of company owned offices which are owned by a subsidiary of Realogy Brokerage Group LLC and franchised offices which are independently owned and operated. The Coldwell Banker System fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. CalRE #00616212 The Wilshire Fremont South Facing 2 huge bedrooms & 2.5 bath condo w/separate office. Enter to a formal foyer that leads to an open great room consisting of an oversized living room w/fireplace, dining area, and wet bar. The kitchen has newer stainless steel appliances with tons of st
HOLOCAUST MUSEUM LA CEO Beth Kean was named to the Council on Holocaust and Genocide Education.
bers Adrin Nazarian, Jose Medina, James Ramos and Re becca Bauer-Kahan, and state Sens. Scott Wiener, Connie Leyva and Susan Rubio.

“Fantastic weather, great homes and homeowners, enthusiastic attendees, new members, diligent docents, an abundant silent auction, good food, Douglas Fairbanks and, most importantly, pink pro secco.”

That’s how Richard Batt aglia, the president of the Windsor Square-Hancock Park Historical Society, de scribed the recent tour of century-old houses on one of Hancock Park’s premier streets, Rimpau Boulevard.

The homes on the Nov. 5 tour were designed by ear ly-20th-century architects Roland E. Coate and Gordon B. Kaufmann.

“We had a great time. The weather was certainly with us. I want to thank all of our volunteers too numerous to mention by name here,” Batt aglia continued.

In an email to members, he did thank the many partici pants at the Sunday afternoon event, from the homeowners who opened their doors to all the other volunteers who

helped make it a success. Five new members were added to the membership at the event.

As to Douglas Fairbanks, one of the hosts at the three homes on the tour is a silent film expert with a focus on the swashbuckling star, an ex pertise that is reflected in her home’s decor, Battaglia told us.

The annual event was a welcome sight to its 270+ attendees after a two-year hiatus because of the pan demic.

Next up is the WSHPHS’ annual Holiday Party, Sun., Dec. 11, from 1 to 5 p.m. at the wonderfully at mospheric Scottish pub and restaurant, The Tam O’Shanter. Visit windsor

Florann “Fluff” McLean, an acknowledged “mover and a shaker for our area,” was remembered by friends and family after her recent pass ing.

“Life won’t be the same without her!  I know my family will sorely miss her,” McLean’s friend Laura Brad ley-Small told us. “It’s a big loss for us all.”

A longtime resident of Plymouth Boulevard in New Windsor Square, McLean and her late husband, San dy, seemed to be involved in every charitable and neigh borhood group around.

She was honored posthu mously at the annual Windsor Square-Hancock Park His torical Society (WSHPHS) home tour last month, having served as the Society homes tour chairman and as a past president.

She was a fixture in the neighborhood, WSHPHS President Richard Battaglia said of Fluff in a video the pair hosted on the history of Han cock Park.

“I’ve been president of al most everything I’ve ever joined,” Fluff said in the 2011 video.

Before the internet, she “would take groups of people interested in doing research on their own homes as well as select homes for the home tour to the lower depths of the hall of records in Down town Los Angeles and look through large old dusty books for names and dates for the home,” her niece Lynda Jutronich told us.

“Fluff was a force to be reckoned with. She was ca pable, confident, generous and quick-witted,” she con tinued. “Throughout her life, she excelled both in the arts — as a brilliant pianist and an amateur actress — and in business, working in finance for many years before devot

606 N. Larchmont Blvd., L.A. 90004 5312 Valley Blvd., L.A. 90032 INSURED LIC.# 481793 323-469-2395 “Your Neighborhood Plumbers” LIPSON Plumbing, Inc. Celebrating 46 Years on Larchmont ©LC0122 ©LC0122 Family-Run Over 50 years Custom Area Rugs to Custom Installations Carpet • Linoleum • Hardwood • Vinyl 323 • 934 • 7282 • 7815 Beverly Blvd. • Staff Experts Provide Personal Service Selecting Your Ideal Flooring Announcing the Arrival of a New Shipment of Beautiful Sisal and Seagrass Rolls • Ready for Installation or Custom Rugs • Custom-made area rugs made to fit your lifestyle & space! 10 SECTION TWO DECEMBER 2022 Larchmont Chronicle
a swashbuckling success Fluff McLean, ‘a lover of public service’
tour was
turn to page 11)
AMONG THE MEMBERS who volunteered as docents at the event were, left to right: Ivy Haskins, Geri Kimbrough, Cecile Keshishian and Joann Clark. FLUFF MCLEAN

Debuts at Los Angeles Auto Show are electric-centric

Apparently, if you’re an au tomotive giant like Toyota and exhibiting at the Los An geles Auto Show, you present concept cars and pretend you also have EVs.

Slow to adapt to the EV parade, Toyota exhibited EV concept models that may not be available for a year or two.

However, Toyota did debut the new Prius, which has been redesigned with a beautiful low-slung shape packed with more pep and pizzazz.

The annual L.A. Auto Show, famous for its debuts, even featured EV “Cars of the Year” from the once laughed-at Hyundai and Kia carmakers from South Korea. To catch up with its Asian rivals, Hon da has partnered with GM.

Fluff McLean

(Continued from page 10)

ing her time and skills to myr iad charitable and historical causes.”

Her skills were appreci ated also at the Assistance League of Los Angeles and its children’s theater (the Nine O’Clock Players), at the Wilshire Rotary Club and its yearly holiday tree fundraiser, and by the Junior Philhar monic.

Honda is competing with EV believers Hyundai and sis ter Kia, which debuted their second-generation electrics.

Nissan added a hot-looking Arriya EV and silently reduced the prices of its bland Leaf EVs, which have been around

A native of Montana, Fluff, 85, was a collector, her friend Juanita Kempe told us. “Fluff liked to cook and had a huge collection of cookbooks.”

She was a collector of antiques and had many oneof-a-kind children’s tea sets, which will be donated to a lo cal museum, Jutronich added.

“Fluff was a lady, a leader, a lover of public service and of making things more beauti ful everywhere she went. She was brilliantly creative and ar

since 2011.

From the other side of the planet, Germany’s VW expanded its EV product line and exhibited several available electrics as well as a new EV minibus based on the now legendary VW bus

tistic,” added another friend, Lyn MacEwen Cohen.

During the holidays, she set up tours of Windsor Square neighbor Raul Rodriguez’s floats featured in the New Year’s parade.

She gave fundraisers for lo cal fire departments, and she hosted breakfasts in her yard when early Los Angeles Mara thon routes passed homes on Third Street.

She and her husband, whom she married in 1974 — the

es of the 1960s.

Surprisingly, Porsche, which makes one of the priciest and fastest EVs, the Taycan, debuted the gas pow ered Dakar, an off-roading 911, lifted slightly to avoid rocks in its path, while add

couple lived in the home he grew up in — hosted Christ mas parties wearing Sandy McLean’s Scottish family tar tan, and they played Mr. and Mrs. Claus at The Ebell of Los Angeles’ children’s Christmas parties for many years.

Fluff also was a past pres ident of The Ebell of Los Angeles and was a 1993 Larchmont Chronicle Woman of Larchmont.

Her husband Sandy passed away almost one year before

ing a rally package sporting a “look-at-me” paint job so everyone will know that you are driving your $222,000 Porsche to your favorite offroad camping spot.

One American manufac

her own passing on Sept. 29.

“They were dear neighbors who contributed much to our community over the 40 years they lived here,” The Ebell wrote in an online memoriam on her.

A celebration of life for her and Sandy will be held in 2023. Friends and family may also visit their final resting place at Hollywood Forever.  Fluff is survived by several nieces, nephews, grandnieces and grandnephews.

PORSCHE 911 DAKAR is gas-powered and designed for off-roading (but with a $222,000 price tag).
Larchmont Chronicle DECEMBER 2022 SECTION TWO 11 Replace your lawn with sustainable landscaping. $5/sq. ft. Rebate Increased
1915 DETROIT ELECTRIC shown at the 2022 Auto Show is from a U.S. company that manufactured EVs continuously from 1906 to 1939.
page 12)
(Please turn to

Create holiday gifts, listen to live music at libraries



Adult literacy: Walk-in tutoring sessions are back!

Come in to get questions an swered about English spelling, pronunciation and conversa tion. First come, first served Mondays from 3 to 4:30 p.m.



& Toddlers

Story time: Come to the li brary Wednesdays, Dec. 7 and 14, at 10:30 a.m. to hear sto ries and sing songs with your friends.

All ages

Holiday book sale: Get some incredible stocking stuffers at this blowout sale Fri., Dec. 2, and Sat., Dec. 3, from noon to 4 p.m.


Story time in the park: Drop in to listen to stories and sing songs in Memorial Park

MAKE AN ADORABLE snowperson for the holidays at Wilshire library.

adjoining the library every Wednesday in December from 10:30 to 11 a.m.

Reading to the rescue: Children can read aloud to an adorable rescue dog on Wed., Dec. 14, from 4 to 5 p.m.

Kid’s craft: School’s out! Come to the library for a win

ter craft on Mon., Dec. 19, from 4 to 5 p.m.

Kids & Teens

Drop-in tutoring with Steve: Stop by Thursdays this month from 3 to 5 p.m. for one-on-one assistance with any subject or drop in to make a future appointment.


First Friday book club: Dis cuss “How to Be Eaten” by Maria Adelmann on Fri., Dec. 2, at 1 p.m.

Art class: Color or paint with peers every Wednesday from 3 to 5 p.m.

All ages

Theremin: Ed Sussman will demonstrate the only instru ment that’s played without touching on Mon., Dec. 5, at 3:30 p.m.

Stargazing with sidewalk astronomers: View stars and



161 S. Gardner St. 323-936-6191

JOHN C. FREMONT 6121 Melrose Ave. 323-962-3521

MEMORIAL 4625 W. Olympic Blvd. 323-938-2732

WILSHIRE 149 N. St. Andrews Pl. 323-957-4550


Mon. and Wed., 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Tues. and Thurs., noon to 8 p.m., Fri. and Sat., 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Limited hours from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sat., Dec. 24 for Christmas Eve. Closed Mon., Dec. 26, for Christmas and Mon., Jan. 2, for New Year’s Day.

craters on the moon through a telescope Mon., Dec. 5, at 6 p.m., weather permitting.

WILSHIRE LIBRARY Babies, Kids & Teens Story telling and reading (STAR): Beloved STAR vol unteer Frances will be at the library to read to you or to be read to on Wednesdays

Auto show

(Continued from page 11)

turer, Dodge, now owned by Italian manufacturer Stellan tis, showed off a highly styled Dodge Charger. Derived from its 1978 Charger design suc cess, this new model sported smooth flowing sheet metal wrapped around race-compet itive EV power.

The Auto Show also had on display, courtesy of our local Petersen Automotive Muse um, a 1915 all-electric car from Detroit Electric, a U.S. company that manufactured EVs continuously from 1906 to 1939.

Many of today’s top U.S. manufacturers like Cadillac and Buick were no-shows. Coincidentally, they’re also late to the EV game. Some of Europe’s most prestigious vehicles from Audi and Mer

Dec. 3, 10 and 17 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Kids & Teens

Make a sock snowperson: Add holiday cheer to your home by creating an adorable no sew, bean bag-like snowperson from white and colored socks Sat., Dec. 17, from 2 to 3:30 p.m.

cedes were also missing. Other no-shows included In finiti, Acura, BMW and Tesla. EV charging companies like Electrify America, owned by VW, and EVGO in partnership with General Motors, present ed their latest quick-charge technologies.

According to these charging station companies, the latest innovations make it possible to add 65 miles to your trip in about five minutes.

Most offer 80 percent of maximum charge in 30 min utes. We also got a glimpse of the future with hydro gen-powered vehicles from Toyota and Hyundai.

The 2022 Auto Show was at the Convention Center from Nov. 18 to 27, and it was elec trifying to be sure, but it felt incomplete because popu lar vehicles from around the world remained at home.


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Crime, safety are top concerns at neighborhood meeting

Rising crime in the neigh borhood took center stage at the semi-annual meeting last month of the Larchmont Vil lage Neighborhood Association.

“Security and crime have been a major concern in the neighborhood as vandalism and crime have seemed to have an upsurge,” President Charles D’Atri said at the onset of the Nov. 15 Zoom meeting.

LAPD Olympic Division Se nior Lead Officer (SLO) Joe Pelayo reported that there was a series of residential bur glaries in the last six months, with no apprehensions.

“They’re still out there,” he cautioned. One of the suspects was a teen on a skateboard who robbed an elderly couple at gunpoint of their wedding rings and wallet while they were walking on Beverly Bou levard and Van Ness Avenue. “That guy is out in the world as well,” Pelayo said.

He cautioned the 30-plus in attendance, “If you’re going to walk to the Village at night, don’t walk alone. Walk where it’s well lit. If someone’s fol lowing you, don’t go home.”

He suggested heading to the LAPD Hollywood Station, 1358 Wilcox Ave.

“Numbers don’t lie,” added Senior Lead Officer Dave Cor

dova, who covers the Wilshire Division.

While crime was down the last few years, “The newest stats [show] crime is up 31 per cent,” which is about 20 crimes more than this time last year.

The increase is in robberies, while burglaries are down. A significant rise is in car break ins and personal theft.

In general, crime “is up citywide,” Cordova said, stressing for residents to be extra vigilant and aware of their surroundings. “We need to continue reporting crime, and lock your residence.”

Many incidents are crimes of opportunity. Suspects will sometimes knock on the front door, and if there’s no answer, they’ll go around to the back and break in.

The officers advised against keeping large sums of cash at home and to either put it in the bank or, if it’s in a safe, bolt the safe to the ground. “Some will just take the safe right out,” Cordova said.

On the upside, perhaps be cause of the recent change to daylight savings and the cold er weather, crime has been quieter lately.

Several residents remarked the beauty of the neighbor hood is its pedestrian-friendly streets and easy walk to Larch

mont Village.

One suggested if more peo ple were out and about and sitting on their porches, it would serve as a deterrent.

Another asked if walking with a large dog added protection.

“A big dog can definitely be a deterrent… It will definite ly make someone think twice before approaching,” said the officers.

“We don’t want people to be in fear, but we are concerned. If you are going to walk, walk in groups,” Cordova said.

And, “Don’t just be on your cell phone, and don’t wear expensive jewelry,” added the SLO.

When asked about the large

incidence of catalytic con verter thefts, largely from Toyota Prius vehicles for their precious metals, Pelayo ex plained that a new law that restricts their sale in the state may help curb the problem. Questions about firearms were also brought up.

“Everyone’s more brazen to pull them out. There are more ghost guns on the street,” said Cordova.

Officer Pelayo also said the division plans to be more proactive in discouraging prostitution on Western Av enue and darker side streets.

Local police plan to join ef forts with the LAPD West Bureau vice unit to add more

motorcycle officers, imple ment parking restrictions and change traffic patterns.

Terry Segraves of SSA Secu rity Group, a private security firm that hires former police officers, was invited to talk about its services, which pro vides three patrol cars in the Mid-Wilshire area: one each in Larchmont Village, Windsor Square and Hancock Park.

“The problem is that you live in an affluent community They know there’s going to be something in there they can use to sell… Some of them use this to buy their drugs, alcohol.

“Breaking into cars, that’s (Please turn to page 15)

Larchmont Chronicle DECEMBER 2022 SECTION TWO 13

Car accident ends with a handgun, bike stolen from balcony POLICE BEAT


ROBBERIES: While a 26-year-old man was in his second story apartment on the 400 block of South Man hattan Place, on Nov. 1 at 9:30 p.m., he heard a noise coming from the balcony. He confronted a Hispanic male in his early 30s stand ing on the balcony trying to steal his bicycle. There was a physical altercation between the two men. The victim left to call the police. The sus pect managed to take the bicycle off the balcony, and was later seen riding the bicycle eastbound on Fourth Street.

Nov. 4 at 1 a.m., near Sev enth Street and Manhattan Place, while stopped at a traffic light, one of three sus

pects asked the victim to pull over, accusing the victim of colliding with the sus pects’ car. After the victim, a 37-year-old Black man, pulled over to the curb, one of the suspects told the vic tim to look at the rear of his vehicle. Once the victim got there, one of the two other suspects pointed a handgun at him and demanded his money. In addition to mon ey, the suspects stole his telephone, credit cards and items from the trunk of his car. The victim was ordered to turn around while the suspects took off in their car.

BURGLARIES: Some one smashed a glass door on the side of a home on the 900 block of South Bron son Avenue. After entering,


Furnished by Senior Lead Officer

Joseph Pelayo

213-793-0709 Twitter: @lapdolympic

the suspect ransacked the residence and left with jew elry and money on Nov. 14 between 9:15 and 11 a.m.

Two men climbed over a driveway gate to gain access to the backyard of a home on the 100 block of North Ridge wood Place on Nov. 14 at 1 p.m. The suspects attempted to enter the residence but were unsuccessful.



Furnished by Senior Lead Officer

Dave Cordova

213-793-0650 Twitter: @lapdwilshire

A 25-year-old female was standing near Eighth Street and Manhattan Place when a Black male rode by on a scooter and took her phone out of her hands on Nov. 4 at 2:30 p.m.

GRAND THEFTS AUTO: A gray Honda Accord was sto len from the street near Fifth Street and Gramercy Place between 2:30 p.m. on Nov. 7 and 7:15 a.m. on Nov. 8. The 800 block of South Manhattan Place was where a gray Chevy Astro van was stolen at 7 a.m. on Nov. 8.


BURGLARIES: The rear window of a home on the 200 block of South Rossmore Avenue was smashed on Nov. 7 at 8:15 p.m. The family was upstairs. The male suspect fled in a blue Toyota Corolla. Two male suspects broke the glass front door of Café Grat itude on Nov. 7 at 3 a.m. The suspects entered the restau rant, broke into a locked safe and fled with money.

A male suspect shattered the rear window of a home on the 100 block of North McCadden Place between Nov. 7 and 14. After entering, the suspect pulled two alarm systems out of the wall and fled the location without tak ing any property.

Black prescription eye glasses were removed from an apartment on the 600 block of North Rossmore Avenue on Nov. 9 between 8 a.m. and 5:15 p.m.

A suspect used a metal rod to break a window while a person was home on Nov. 7 on the 600 South block of Hudson Avenue. The suspect took a purse, ransacked the home and fled in an unknown direction.

BURGLARIES FROM VEHICLES: Credit cards and documents were taken from a black Land Rover between Nov. 8 at 8:30 p.m. and Nov. 9 at 8:30 a.m. on the 100 block of North Citrus Avenue.

A catalytic converter was stolen from a white Toyo ta Tundra on the 400 block of South Citrus Avenue. The incident occurred between 5 p.m. on Nov. 8 and 7:45 a.m. on Nov. 9.

The 400 block of North Mansfield Avenue was where another catalytic converter was stolen from a Toyota Pri us between 11 a.m. on Nov. 9 and 9 a.m. on Nov. 10.

A catalytic converter was stolen from a Toyota Prius parked on the street near the intersection of Rossmore Ave nue and Clinton Street. This occurred between 10 p.m. on Nov. 9 and 8:30 a.m on Nov. 10.

Yet another catalytic con verter was stolen from the 300 block of North Lucerne Boulevard between 9 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on Nov. 11.

GRAND THEFT AUTO: A grey Lexus R35 was stolen from the street at 11:15 a.m. on Nov. 10 on the 100 block of North Arden Boulevard.

MBG Painting & Remodeling Handyman Services LIC Class “B” 934284 • Painting LIC #C33 Bonded & Insured 310.430.1808 B Gaddy ElEctric since 1978. Residential • CommeRCial Call Bill 323-462-1023 Local References Service & Repairs Licensed & Insured LIC #700914 • Upgrades • Landscape • Pool Lights • Phone & Computer Lines • Security & Emergency Lighting ©LC1010 ©0822 1551 E. 25th St., LA 90011 SERVING THE LARCHMONT AREA FOR OVER 60 YEARS! SERVING THE LARCHMONT AREA FOR OVER 60 YEARS! Lynn Shirley (323) 463-9201 FAX (323) 463-1259 Since1959 • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL License #768437 PLOTKE Plumbing Inc. 14 SECTION TWO DECEMBER 2022 Larchmont Chronicle

Consider the number 10 — an even, natural number, elegant in its simplicity, nes tled neatly between nine and 11. Ten is the first double-dig it number you’ll encounter when counting upward from zero. It is the exact number of fingers and toes humans can hope to possess (20 in total, to be clear), the amount of cents in a dime and the basis for the metric system. It’s the atomic number of neon in the periodic table of the elements,

the only numeral card that counts as much as the face cards in blackjack, and argu ably the most efficient way to get from Santa Monica to Downtown (depending on the time of day).

The number 10 also has much to do with the month now upon us — December.

From the Latin decem , or “ten,” joined with mensris , meaning “month,” the nam ing of December originates with the 10-month Roman

Burglars caught in the act

Thanksgiving, 2022: Family members returning to their Windsor Square home about 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day heard noises in their house and called authorities. Offi cers arrived as three burglars, who previously had knocked on the front door and then entered the house through the rear, were running out of a side yard carrying a safe that they had removed from the

410 N. Rossmore

(Continued from page 7)

pursue the co-living model,” Potikyan said.

Instead, the remaining tenants will be relocated to topfloor units while work begins below on plumbing, electrical and other upgrades, as well as painting and new flooring and appliances, Potikyan said.

When the rehab work is complete on their former apartments, the 15 tenants will return to those units.

Five other residents who live on the site through a monthto-month lease agreement with the nonprofit Oasis orga nization will move out by Dec. 4. They were asked to leave in October, but they requested more time, which the owners

home’s basement with crow bars.

Two suspects escaped on foot, but one was apprehend ed, along with a cell phone dropped on the ground and the burglars’ white Tes la. Authorities believe these suspects may be part of the burglary ring operating in the neighborhood in recent weeks. More information, including video, is at: tinyurl. com/42766f8a.

granted, said Potikyan.

The five tenants were ex pected to be relocated to Alexandria House, a transi tional center for women and children in the neighborhood.

Among the tenants still in residence is David Weidman. He refused the $120,000 buyout bid and the $150,000 before that. “In this day and age, that would not get me very far, after I pay taxes and insurance,” said the retired pastry chef. He pays $997 a month for his unit.


calendar in which each year began in March and end ed in what was at that time the 10th month, December. This same ancient system of organizing days supplies the names for November (from the Latin word for “nine”), October (from the word octo , meaning “eight”) and September (after the Latin word for “seven”). August,

LVNA crime

(Continued from page 13)

the biggest crime problem in the United States. These are [largely] left unlocked, stuff they can see from the outside, so they’ll go in, and

which was originally called “Sextilis” in keeping with this same naming conven tion, was renamed in 8 B.C. to honor the first Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus (who, perhaps confusingly, was also known as “Octavi an”). The months January and February were added to the Roman calendar around 700 B.C., at first following December, and were later moved to the beginning of the year preceding March.

The number 10 influenced several other ancient Ro man conventions. It was the governing arithmetic in a particularly barbaric form of capital punishment: the pen

these people are quicker than the catalytic converter thieves…

“Our guys will do random patrol and pick up on things, just like we did when we were on the job,” Segraves con cluded.

alty for cowardice or mutiny was the killing of one-tenth of soldiers, or one-tenth of the able-bodied men in a vil lage, the latter of which was intended to cause a labor shortage that could end in mass starvation. This meth od of retribution was called decimare, or “the removal or destruction of one-tenth,” from which we obtain the word “decimate.” The Roman numeral system itself is a dec imal system based in powers of 10, or “X” — a character comprised of two mirrored glyphs of the Roman numeral 5 or “V,” a contour which itself is based on the shape found in the negative space between our thumb and forefinger.

So as we revel in this month that we once called our 10th, take a day off from your de cathlon training, decimate any treats you see fit, toast to a new year (though not yet a new decade) and party like it’s 1999 — B.C.

ADT Security Services Let us be your 1st Responder. • Response • Patrol • Alarm • Monitoring Four decades serving Mid-Wilshire Los Angeles ©LC1218 Please call now for a special offer for new customers who sign up for patrol or response services. For more details, contact Mike Ball 818-435-3179 Lic. # PPO 120288 ALAKAZAM COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL • Every Style: Sofas, Chairs, Slipcovers • Replace Weather-proof Lining • Broad Selection of Fabrics • Draperies & Roman Shades Call Rosie for FREE Estimates 310-491-8409 UPHOLSTERY & DRAPERY HIGHEST QUALITY WORKSMANSHIP Affordable Prices ©LC0720 Let’s
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Larchmont Chronicle DECEMBER 2022 SECTION TWO 15
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16 SECTION TWO DECEMBER 2022 Larchmont Chronicle

Holidays and Museums

Larchmont Chronicle

Add a little art, fun and culture to your holiday shopping

This year, make holiday shopping fun and easy by browsing in person or on line at any one — or all — of the five specialized museum shops on Museum Row. Here’s a sampling of what’s available. Get in the holiday spirit with the Corleone family at the Academy Museum of Mo tion Pictures, where there’s a wide collection of gifts com plementing the new exhibit, “The Art of Moviemaking: The Godfather.”

A limited edition of the 50th anniversary poster of “The Godfather” is $80; the “Corleone Family Cookbook” features “Leave the gun” can noli and more recipes that no one can refuse.

Other film-related merchan dise is available for all ages and includes clothing and jewelry. Children can learn about mar tial artist and Hollywood movie

star Bruce Lee in a hardback from the Little People, Big Dreams series ($14.39).

Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, 6607 Wilshire Blvd., ooo

Craft Contemporary kicks off the season with a Holiday Marketplace preview brunch Sat., Dec. 3, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Mingle with the city’s crafty crowd, enjoy a compli mentary cocktail and visit the colorful gift-wrapping station; for tickets, visit craftcontem

The marketplace, which fea tures one-of-a-kind designs by Los Angeles-based artists, con

STYLISHLY SUSTAINABLE, this Kantha Orb hand-carved necklace (made of wood scraps) is at the Craft Contem porary ($55).

ICE AGE mammals, such as this three-toed sloth, can still be found at the La Brea Tar Pits.

and faux tiger rugs are also among gift options.

Craft Contemporary, 5814 Wilshire Blvd., craftcontem


Creatures from the Ice Age, from sloths and mammoths to saber-toothed cats and more, are among finds at the store at the La Brea Tar Pits

An adorable plush three-toed sloth is $25. The Mini Building Blocks Sabre-tooth is a chal lenge with 336 little blocks, $15, and a woolly mammoth wood ornament is $12.

“The Ugly Sweater Holiday Cards” ($25) read “Holiday cheer never goes extinct.” In deed.

Free shipping on orders more than $50. La Brea Tar Pits, 5801 Wilshire Blvd., tar and


tinues through Sun., Dec. 4. Holiday ornaments include a modern take on a tradi tional Polish style, and there is a wide array of ornaments portraying personalities from Queen Elizabeth and Kobe Bryant to the Dalai Lama. Stylish and ethical jewelry (Please turn to page 4)

Salute the iconic installa tion on Wilshire Boulevard of 202 street lamps by artist Chris Burden with an Urban Light Pin. Made of cloisonné enamel with a silver finish, it sells for $10 at the LAC MA Store at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art

The Afro-Atlantic Histories book includes more than 400 works and documents by more than 200 artists from the 16th to the 21st centuries ($69.95).

Bauer beehive mugs, made right here in Southern Cal ifornia and styled after the company’s vintage style, come in several colors ($32).

LACMA, 5905 Wilshire Blvd.,

THE GODFATHER turns 50. A limited edition of the anni versary poster at the Academy Museum features artwork by Sean Phillips. ORNAMENTS at the Craft Contemporary Shop include a modern update on a traditional Polish style.
A CLOISONNÉ PIN after “Urban Lights,” the Wilshire Boulevard art installation, is at the LACMA Store.
Net proceeds from the Christmas Tree Lot go to the Rotary International Foundation and the Wilshire Rotary Foundation to benefit Rotary Service Projects in our community and around the world. For more information visit or Premium-Grade Douglas, Noble & Silvertip Trees Wreaths & Garlands Delivery Available • 323-464-1935 568 N. Larchmont Blvd.(Between Beverly & Melrose) ©LC1222 • Open Daily & Weekends Thru December 23 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. • Larchmont Chronicle HOLIDAYS & MUSEUMS - DECEMBER 2022 SECTION THREE 3

1987 RUF CTR “Yellowbird,” the fastest production car in the world when it was intro duced, can be yours (in 1:64 scale) on sale for $16.99. More models, T-shirts and posters are in the store.

You also can pick up a pair of multifunction pliers in red and black, $4.99 on sale.

Petersen Automotive Mu seum, 6060 Wilshire Blvd.,

at a gallery and retail

Freehand, a combination fine crafts gallery and retail store, has developed a reputa tion for exquisite artisan-made jewelry, glassware, ceramics, woodwork and textile art. Here one might select from plati num and diamond earrings, hand-hewn cutting boards, cast resin bangles and boldly patterned blown glass goblets.

Opened in 1980 by Carol Sauvion, herself an accom plished potter, Freehand showcases and celebrates craft artists from across the nation.

Passionate about the art of craft, Sauvion decided to spread the handmade gospel beyond the store’s walls.

In 2007, she premiered “Craft in America,” a Peabody Award-winning PBS television series. Its 27 episodes thus far delve into the lives and pro cesses of gifted and dedicated craft artists, many of whom have items for sale at Free hand. Adjacent to the store is an outgrowth of the television series, the Craft in America Center, which is dedicated to

exhibits, events and education al opportunities that elucidate the contribution of this art form to American culture.

Sauvion and her knowledge able staff can explain each artist’s oeuvre and help find the perfect present from the hundreds on hand.

Freehand is at 8413 W. 3rd St., 323-655-2607. Fine craft items are also available online at


©LC1222 The Holiday Superstore Vine American Party Store Party Paper Goods • Room Decorations • Centerpieces • Banners • Garlands 20% OFF All Merchandise in the store with this ad (Except printing, already discounted goods, balloons and balloon delivery) 5969 Melrose Ave. (corner of Wilcox) • 323-467-7124 New Year’s Eve Party Assortments Hats • Horns • Blowouts • Confetti Balloons • Serpentines • Metal Noisemakers Sold by the box or individually
exquisite gifts
By Nona Sue Friedman Walt Disney’s fascination with European art and archi is featured in a new exhibit at the Huntington
(Please turn to page 10)
“LE CHATEAU DE LA BELLE au Bois Dormant, Disneyland Paris,” by Frank Armitage, is on exhibit at The Huntington. Courtesy of Walt Disney Imagineering Collection FREEHAND’S HANDCRAFT ED WARES are displayed on Third Street and are perfect for holiday giving.
THE BOOK “AFRO-ATLAN TIC HISTORIES” is available at the LACMA Store.
Photo courtesy Madison Metro
was at one time the fastest production
and a
now is available
THESE multifunction pliers at the Petersen Museum just might have it all. 4 SECTION THREE HOLIDAYS & MUSEUMS - DECEMBER 2022 Larchmont Chronicle Museum shopping (Continued from page 2) ooo Exclusive Tesla merchan dise is featured at the Petersen Automotive Museum for its newest exhibit, “Inside Tesla: Supercharging the Electric Revolution.” Also, a limited edition of the Cat & Fiddle Pub and Restaurant 742 N. Highland 323.468.3800
YELLOWBIRD 742 N. Highland 323.468.3800 car in the world ©LC1222 model Disney’s inspirations on view at the Huntington Library at the Petersen Automotive Museum.

Wintertime camps have playtime and fun for kids

A break from school gives kids the chance to explore new interests or just run around with friends after sitting so long in school. Following is a list of some camps in the area. Spots fill up quickly, so don’t hesitate to register if there’s interest.


Do you have an aspiring shutterbug? Atwater Photo Camp (APC) at 3015 Glendale Blvd. is the place for your child. APC empowers kids by teaching them how to “see” a picture and not just take a picture. During each four-day session, your child will learn location photography by wan dering the neighborhood and going on a field trip, and stu dio photography using on-site facilities. Each session culmi nates with an art exhibition for parents to view.

All skill levels are welcome.

Session One is from Mon., Dec. 19, to Thurs., Dec. 22, and Session Two is Tues., Jan. 3, to Fri., Jan. 6. Days run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for kids 8 to 16. A session costs $600.

Register online at atwater

Natural History Museum

Let your kindergartenthrough-fifth-grader explore

behind the scenes at the Nat ural History Museum of Los Angeles County at 900 Exposi tion Blvd. The “Adventures in Nature: Secrets of the Muse um” camp takes place Thurs., Dec. 22, and Fri., Dec. 23, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Camp ers will see what it’s like to be a real museum scientist by visiting the dino lab to meet a fossil preparator, seeing the mineral scientist use a special microscope to inspect gems, and exploring the 35-mil lion specimens housed in the museum.

The cost is $135 for members and $150 for non-members. Register at


Pan Pacific Park Recreation Center hosts “The best camp!” according to Floyd Thweatt, program coordinator. With more than 100 games in its arsenal, there’s never a dull moment. Days are filled from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. with games, arts and crafts, food projects and sports. This winter camp includes a field trip each week. Pan Pacific has been rebuild ing its community since the summer, and lots of kids from the neighborhood participate in its programs. Don’t be sur prised to see some forgotten but familiar faces.

Kids 5 to 13 will have a blast here from Mon., Dec. 19, through Fri., Dec. 23, Tues., Dec. 27, through Fri., Dec. 30, and Tues., Jan. 3, through Fri., Jan. 6. The first week is $155, and the latter two weeks are $135 per week. Register online at or do

it the old-fashioned way by walking in at 7600 Beverly Blvd. They love seeing people in person.

Got Game Camp (GGC) is turning Third Street Elemen tary, 201 S. June St., and Hancock Park Elementary, 408 S. Fairfax Ave., into camp

havens for winter break. Each campus provides the same program of active and cre ative scheduling. Everyone is welcome — it’s not necessary to be a student of the school. Campers ages 4 to 12 create their own days by choosing (Please turn to page 10)

©LC1121 7313-7321 Beverly Blvd | 323.297.0070 7313 – 7317 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, 90036 | 323.297.0070 Open for Breakfast – Lunch – Dinner – Catering Mention this ad for a special treat! We are available to cater your weddings, showers, holiday parties and all other types of events. Ask about our private dining spaces & off-site catering options! Call us at 323.297.0070 ext 27 or e-mail Enjoy our World Famous House Margaritas. We wish a happy holiday season to all our friends and neighbors! 7312 Beverly Blvd. 323-939-2255 ©LC1221
Larchmont Chronicle HOLIDAYS & MUSEUMS - DECEMBER 2022 SECTION THREE 5 ©LC1222 127 North Larchmont Boulevard We’re Open for Dinner Tuesday to Sunday and Lunch Friday to Sunday Reservations Recommended 323-464-5160 A Taste of Greece
A DINOSAUR VISITS with campers at the Natural History Mu seum camp. Courtesy of NHM

‘Gateway to Ice Age’ is designated a global geological site

The site of the sticky oil bubbling to the surface in our own back yard has made inter national headlines recently as being among one of the most significant geological sites in the world.

The La Brea Tar Pits, which is part of the Natural Histo ry Museums of Los Angeles County (NHMLAC), was listed among The First 100 Geo logical Heritage Sites by the International Union of Geo logical Sciences (IUGS). The group includes geoscientists from more than 120 coun tries.

The only listing in an urban area, the La Brea Tar Pits is identified as the richest Pleis tocene (Ice Age) fossil site on earth, and it has helped shape our understanding of climate change, according to the IUGS.

Dr. Lori Bettison-Varga, president and director of the NHMLAC, said “This desig nation is especially timely considering our upcoming museum reimagining and renovation, which will help our organization better share the site’s critical research with the public.”

The Reimagine La Brea Tar Pits project is currently in the

Environmental Impact Re port (EIR) phase. A draft EIR is expected to be completed in early 2023; a public review will follow.

Bettison-Varga attended the IUGS’ 60th anniversary conference held in Zumaia, Basque Coast, Spain, at the UNESCO Global Geopark, where the list was announced.

She presented information at the conference on Oct. 27 about the geology, paleontol ogy and archaeology at the La Brea site, as well as its gifts to science and the work of its paleontologists and volun teers during the past 100-plus years.

Master Plan

To house the extensive col lections, the George C. Page Museum was established on the grounds in 1977. The reimagining project for the entire 13-acre campus on Wilshire Boulevard has been in the works since 2019. New York-based architecture firm Weiss/Manfredi was selected to create a master plan to im prove research facilities and collections space, expand ex hibits and unify the site — the Lake Pit, the tar pits, the lawn and the museum.

“The plan to reimagine La Brea Tar Pits aims to demy stify the science and seize this opportunity to educate visitors about the impacts of climate change, in the past and now,” Dr. Bettison-Varga said.

The site was created over thousands of years by crude oil seeping to the surface, as it continues to do at the still ac tive site. The sticky oil lodges in shallow pools, entrapping unsuspecting animals passing by; about 4,000 dire wolves lead the pack found in the asphalt, with saber-toothed cats and coyotes following in number. Small mammals, birds, insects and plants were also captured and add to the

treasure trove of fossils at the museum from the last 50,000 years.

The site is, literally, a gate way to the Ice Age. The La


decks its Victorian halls

Indulge in the holiday spirit in an 1898 Victorian home that is decked out for Christmas. The Grier Musser Museum, a Los Angeles historic cultural monument at 403 S. Bonnie Brae St., is having its annual celebration on Sun., Dec. 4, from 1 to 4 p.m. Guided tours are at 1 and 2:30 p.m. Res ervations are necessary; call 213-413-1814. Tickets are $15 for adults; kids are $6.

HOLIDAY CHEER welcomes visitors to Grier Musser Muse um. Photo: Raymond Tejada VIEW OF SCULPTURES of Ice Age-era mammoths in Lake Pit. Images courtesy of NHMLAC
ASPHALT being poured at the La Brea Tar Pits. Brea Tar Pits is among eight IUGS sites selected in the United States including the Grand Canyon and Yellow stone. Visit

New works channel timeless works by legendary playwrights

Henry James, Thornton Wilder and Victor Sardou. Pay attention, there may be a quiz!

2:22 A Ghost Story, at the Ahmanson through Dec. 4, written and directed by Brits Danny Robins and Matthew Dunster, respectively, aspires to be a psychological ghost story in the vein of Henry James’ “Turn of the Screw.”

Nice middle-class people con front their hidden terrors in a house that may or may not be haunted. Jenny and Sam (Constance Wu and Finn Wittrock) are gentrifying an old house, have a baby sleep ing upstairs, and invite Sam’s ex-girlfriend and her work ing-class boyfriend (Anna Camp and Adam Rothenberg) to dinner. Scary enough!

What should be a recipe for Jamesian tension is dissipated first by the Ahmanson’s enor mous stage (somebody could

have pushed walls in a little), the sitcom-level acting, and a script that mashes a yup pie “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf” and wannabe Noel Coward repartee for young alcoholics into a “ghost story” more suited for the remake of the “Twilight Zone” than the theater. The shocks come from blaring sound effects and blasting lights, not from the other world, where, I as sume James is spinning in his grave.

Music Center, tickets@ctg, or 213-628-2772.


No playwright is so gently American as Thornton Wilder, but author Jim Leonard (“The Diviners”) gives it a shot with his Anatomy of Gray, having its Los Angeles premiere with the Open Fist Theater Com pany to January 21. The play, which is a regional and col lege theater staple, tells the

story (in an “Our Town”-like way) of how a plague comes to the heartland and brings out the best and worst in the locals. Who survives, who dies, who moves on to tell the story, etc., runs dangerously close to a Hallmark Chan nel movie, but Ben Martin’s sharp-eyed direction and a committed and talented cast (there are two casts to share performances) keep the show honest and never maudlin. Mr. Leonard is no Thornton Wilder, but he tells his tale simply and effectively. It may be too sweet for us cynical Angelenos, but if you’ve had

your own experience with loss (in the last three years espe cially), the play will resonate with you.

Atwater Village Theater, 3269 Casitas Ave., 323-8826912, or


Nineteenth-century French playwright Victorien Sardou, along with his mentor Eugene Scribe, was the master (if not inventor) of “the well-made play,” the kind of boulevard fluff that grabs the audience, holds it tight for 90 minutes, and then lets it go for dinner feeling completely reward ed and totally undisturbed. Despite her Pulitzers, Tony Awards and Genius grants, I’ve always felt that Lynne Nottage, whose Clyde’s is at the Mark Taper to December 18, is a master manipulator of audience emotions. In such plays as “Sweat,” Intimate Ap parel” and “Clyde’s” she gets

us to believe that there are real issues at hand, but by the time we get to the parking lot, we can’t quite remember what they were or why we cared.

“Clyde’s” is a sandwich shop run by an ex-con, Clyde, (Tam berla Perry) and staffed by ex-cons who make the sand wiches. Clyde is as oppressive to her staff as a white boss might be. The staff (Kevin Kernely, Reza Salazar, Nedra Snipes, Garrett Young) want fulfillment in their work and love in the food they make. Each sandwich is a matter of principle (usually followed by a confessional monologue). The conflict is obvious: will the former convicts allow themselves to be their best selves, even at the risk of los ing their jobs? The answer is — surprise! — yes. Ms. Not tage, like Sardou, is a master of dramatically having your cake (or in this case, sand wich) and eating it, too. We get issues, laughs, touching moments and triumphs. The program even provides a list of sandwich shops to try later. Nothing in the play will spoil our appetites.

Music Center, tickets@ctg, or 213-628-2772.

Okay, no quiz! It’s the holi days. Enjoy them and be safe!

Windsor Square residents’ art loans enhance exhibits

Two current museum ex hibits are enhanced by the loan of art pieces from the personal collection of Wind sor Square residents Steve and Lizzie Blatt.

For the Museum of Contem porary Art’s (MOCA) recently opened “Henry Taylor: B Side,” a 30-year retrospective of the Los Angeles portraitist Henry Taylor, the Blatts loaned an oil portrait of Khalil Joseph, who, with his late brother, founded the now closed Underground Museum.

In the Skirball Cultural Center’s “Fabric of a Nation: American Quilt Stories,” the Blatts provided a 2019 quiltcum-sculpture named “Fool’s Gamble” by Sanford Biggers.

The work is made from an antique quilt, birch plywood and gold leaf.

PAINTING of Khalil Joseph is on loan at MOCA.
© Henry Taylor. Courtesy of the artist and Hauser & Wirth Theater Review by Louis Fantasia

Winter camps

(Continued from page 5)

activities of interest including basketball, flag football, kara te, dance, theater, arts and crafts and games unique to GGC. There is something for everyone.

The day runs from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with after care available for an additional fee. Sessions are weekdays, Mon., Dec. 19, through Fri., Jan. 6. The cost is $425 weekly or $95 daily. Register at got

Art Art camp at a real art muse um?! Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) at 5905 Wilshire Blvd. welcomes children to immerse them selves in art for a week. Kids 6 to 8 will draw inspiration for mixed-media projects by wan dering to different exhibits

in the museum and walking around the grounds. Kids 9 to 12 will explore storytelling through artwork at the “Afro Atlantic Histories” exhib it. After viewing the exhibit, they will create their own

multimedia pieces. The camp runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. from Mon., Jan. 2, to Fri., Jan. 6. Each session is $375 for members and $425 for non-members, and all sup plies are provided.


There is a virtual camp option as well, Mon., Dec. 26, through Fri., Dec. 30. Check LACMA’s web site to register for all camps at

Robertson Art Zone at 1046 S. Robert son Blvd. is all about creating thoughtfully inspired art — and lots of it.

Each week’s theme is curat ed by owner Yael Lichaa, who finds a meaningful book, hol iday or saying to relate to the week’s work. Days are jam-packed with a plethora of imaginative fun in many media. Kids ages 5 to 12 work with magic clay, tie-dye, paint, beads and so much more.

Come to this camp week days Mon., Dec. 19, through Fri., Jan 6, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Four-day sessions cost $460 with the option to add a fifth day for $120. Register at


(Continued from page 4)

Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens (The Hun tington) at 1151 Oxford Rd. in San Marino.

“Inspiring Walt Disney: The Animation of French Decorative Arts,” correlates with his company’s numer ous films and theme parks.

The international exhibit was organized with the Metropol itan Museum of Art in New York and the Wallace Col lection in London. It is on display from Sat., Dec. 10 to Mon., March 27.

Approximately 50 works of 18-century European art, many taken from The


Perhaps horses are piquing your child’s interest. Winter break at Traditional Equitation School at 480 W. Riverside Dr. in Burbank is the place to go. There are three one-week ses sions, Mon., Dec. 19, to Fri., Jan. 6, where your child, aged 5 to 12, will groom, feed, learn to care for and ride a horse. The camp day also includes arts and crafts, water activities and a group game.

Each week is $625 and runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with extended care for an addition al fee. Register at


JAG Gym, at 8640 Hayden Pl., is one of the premier gym nastic studios in Los Angeles. Activity options include tra ditional gymnastics on the floor, bars, beam and rings, and Ninja-style gymnastics (an obstacle course-inspired sport). There’s also a bounce house and arts and crafts. Your child will be busy! The daily fee for ages 5 and up is $198. Camp hours are 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Visit to register.

Huntington’s collection, are included along with numer ous hand-drawn specimens of production art from the Walt Disney Company.

The exhibit brings to light the many ways Walt Disney was influenced by his stint as an ambulance driver follow ing World War I and then his ensuing trips to Europe. On view are porcelain figurines and Rococo paintings that influenced many of Disney’s creations.

There is a fully illustrated catalog about the exhibit for sale that would be a welcome gift for any Disney fan on your gift list.

Purchase tickets in advance at

from Leisha Willis, CPCU, Agent Insurance License #OH76832 500 N. Larchmont Blvd 323 785 4080 Providing Insurance and Financial Services ©LC1222 JoyandPeaceToAll!
GETTING PHYSICAL during flag football at Got Game Camp. Courtesy of Got Game Camp
LARCHMONT PEDIATRICS 321 N. Larchmont Blvd., Ste. 1020 • 323-960-8500 Dr. Samuel J. Porter, M.D. Obstetrics & Gynecology Larchmont Medical Bldg. Suite 618 (323) 469-7133 Holiday Greetings and Best Wishes to Everyone from GRACE WONG Electrolysis 444 N. Larchmont Blvd., Ste. 205 (323) 460-6111 Wishing Happy Holidays to All Dr. Maria Georgitsis Auerbach & Staff 317 N. Larchmont 323-465-9682 Santa “Sees” You! Miyamoto & Associates CPA 444 N. Larchmont Blvd., Ste. 208 323-462-4845 Wishing you Peace, Love & Joy from all of us at PAGE ACADEMY 565 N. Larchmont Blvd. (323) 463-5118 Larchmont Animal Clinic 316 N. Larchmont Blvd. (323) 463-4889 The Barking Lot 336 N. Larchmont Blvd. (323) 464-3031 Leipzig, Germany Since 1853 Viva la Musica! Rejoice with Song! KASIMOFF-BLUTHNER PIANO CO. Oldest Piano Co. in L.A. Helga Kasimoff & Sons 337 N. Larchmont Blvd. (323) 466-7707 Sending Peace & Joy from Our Family to Yours Leisha Willis, CPCU, Agent/Owner 500 N. Larchmont Blvd. • 323-785-4080 HAPPY HOLIDAYS! WILSHIRE ESCROWCOMPANY The Shewfelt Family 4270 Wilshire Blvd. (323) 935-3530 Wishing Everyone A Happy Holiday Season From All of Us At 414 N. Larchmont Blvd. (323) 461-7876 RHODES SCHOOL OF MUSIC 215 N. Larchmont Blvd. Cell (323) 246-1266 • Studio (323) 464-1154 David Rhodes We Hope You Have a Happy and Fun Holiday Season! Ristorante 6001 Melrose Ave. (323) 466-8812 Happy Holidays from the Marino family. Wishing you a fabulous 2023! Season’sGreetings 12 SECTION THREE HOLIDAYS & MUSEUMS - DECEMBER 2022 Larchmont
Chronicle HOLIDAYS & MUSEUMS - DECEMBER 2022 SECTION THREE 13 WARM HOLIDAY WISHES from DIANE PEARSON at WEST COAST ESCROW 622 N. Larchmont Blvd. 323-461-3080 Since 1942 Warmest Wishes for the Holiday Season Customer satisfaction will bring you back to our FULL SERVICE COMPANY. 323-469-2981 1015 N. Gower Street 90038 Residential & Commercial HAPPY HOLIDAYS Ed Lee Jr. CPA 606 N. Larchmont Blvd., Ste. 210 (323) 469-7203 Happy Holidays RACHEL V. OLIVIER Putt Putt Productions Writing, Proofreading, Copy Editing, Developmental Editing 323-856-9501 HOLLYWOODLAND REALTY and Patricia Carroll Wish You a Joyous Holiday Season 584 N. Larchmont 323-469-3171 Happy Holidays! Thank you for your support. 127 N. Larchmont Blvd. 323 464 5160 LARCHMONT PHYSICAL THERAPY Kathy Whooley & Staff 321 N. Larchmont Blvd. #825 (323) 464-4458 Larchmont Village Wine & Cheese 223 N. Larchmont Blvd. (323) 856-8699 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year HappyHolidays! Wilshire Rotary of Los Angeles Larchmont Beauty Center 208 N. Larchmont Blvd. 323.461-0162 Happy Holidays PLOTKE PLUMBING, INC. 3121 West Temple St. • 323-463-9201 Best Wishes & Happy New Year Pacific Trust Group Mortgage Lending Vivian, Keith, Michael & Rob 606 N. Larchmont Blvd. (323) 461-2840 Peace on Earth & Goodwill to All ZAVALA ELECTRIC Bernie Zavala • (818) 500-7778 Season’sGreetings

The holidays wouldn’t be complete without a visit from the sugar plum fairy and her promenading cakes in “The Nutcracker,” would it? Although you can see the traditional bal let version of this story all over town, Bob Baker Marionette Theater, at 4949 York Blvd. in Highland Park, has been per forming its rendition for more than 50 years. People who saw the show as children are now taking their kids.

See the toys dance, watch the waltzing flowers and gig gle with the mice as intricate set pieces create the dreamy environment.

This popular show and yule tide tradition for many native

Angelenos sells out annually. Snag your seat for $25 at bob

The show runs now through Sun., Jan. 8.

is Dec. 4, 5 at All Saints’ Church

All Saints’ Church at 504 N. Camden Dr. in Beverly Hills will host two free music fes tivals this month. At “Advent Festival of Lessons & Carols,” on Sun., Dec. 4, at 5 p.m, you will be immersed in a dark ened church lit by candles while listening to readings interspersed with singing of hymns accompanied by live orchestral music. A reception will follow this approximately one-hour-long event.

A “Christmas Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols” on Sun., Dec. 18, at 5 p.m. is mod eled after one made famous at King’s College in Cambridge, England, on Christmas Eve in 1918 and really gets you in the holiday spirit.

Join the fun! Learn more at

Magic, repertoire ‘Shine’ on Dec. 9

Hancock Park’s resident magician, Bernie Shine, is set to return to the El Portal The atre on Fri., Dec. 9, following a recent sold-out performance at the same venue.

The veteran magician and raconteur mixes magic and

mentalism with an enter taining repertoire and lots of surprises.

The show is at the Monroe Forum at the El Portal The atre, 11206 Weddington St., in North Hollywood. For tick ets:

Giant koalas and flowers glow bright at Los Angeles Zoo

Looking for a kid-friendly activity over winter break?

Zoo Lights, 5333 Zoo Dr. in Griffith Park, is the place to visit. The creators have made what was already terrific into a fabulous immersive experi ence.

The newest addition to the illuminations are the larg er-than-life flora and fauna LED-light displays. More than 30 animals, coupled with blooming flowers and tower ing trees, glow throughout the zoo. See giant koalas, con dors, lemurs and orangutans.

Walk through a wisteria light tunnel while the real animals snooze nearby.

The exhibit runs through Sun., Jan. 22, from 6 to 10 p.m. Tickets start at $27 for children and $34 for adults. Visit to purchase tickets.

Com e Le t Us Ador e H im! Christmas at St. Brendan Church Mass Schedule Saturday, December 24, 2022 Christmas Eve 4:00pm 6:00pm 9:00pm Sunday, December 25, 2022 Christmas Day 8:00am 9:45am 11:30am 300 S. van Ness ave, los angeles, ca 90020 (323)936 4656 Marionettes take their turn in the ‘Nutcracker’ ‘Lessons
& Carols’ fest
TOYS LINED UP during a performance of the “Nutcracker” at Bob Baker Marionette Theater. Photo by BBMT SUGAR PLUM FAIRY sparkles during a show at Bob Baker Marionette Theater. Photo by Lisa Whiteman
DOGGONE great magic by Bernie Shine will be on stage Dec. 9.

After a two-year hiatus, enthusiasm is bubbling as the curtain is set to rise on the Marat Daukayev School of Ballet production of “The Nutcracker.”

This year’s production — the school’s 20th — will feature four performances on Dec. 10 and 11 with 96 stu dents from the school and guest Yui Masuda visiting from Tokyo to perform the role of the Prince.

“Yui spoke no English when he arrived, but the students found a way to welcome him

into their midst. His parents and grandparents are coming from Japan to see his perfor mances,” Pamela Daukayev told us.

Masuda shares the coveted role of the Prince with Zarek King, 15, who has studied with Marat since he was 11 years old and now is a student at Los Angeles County High School for the Arts (LACH SA).

Students come all the way from Santa Monica in the west and from Glendale in the east, many times a week, for classes and rehearsals, Pa

mela tells us. Dancing in this year’s production are eight students from Immaculate Heart, three from St. James’, 11 from Marlborough, two from John Thomas Dye, and others from International School of Los Angeles / Lycée International, Lycée Français, LACHSA and Harvard-West lake.

Grace Tankenson, who lives on Lucerne Boulevard, will dance Snow Queen and Dew Drop in this year’s produc tion. Local Lola Vernetti will perform Spanish and Arabian dances in the ballet.

“Audiences at Sunday’s per formances may be treated to a surprise appearance of a star — we can’t say if the visitor will be from the North Pole or perhaps a famous ballerina,” Pamela told us. She added, “Marat, who spent his career as a star of the Kirov, will re prise his role of Drosselmeyer with his students at all perfor

mances. The dancers cannot wait to perform for you!”     Performances will take place on Sat., Dec 10, at 2 and 7 p.m. and Sun., Dec 11, at 11:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The four performances will be at the Luckman Fine Arts Com plex at Cal State Los Angeles, 5151 State University Dr., just east of Downtown.

The longest-running “Nutcracker” production in Southern California returns to the Broad Stage in Santa Monica this month. The lav ish, traditional production by the Westside School of Ballet features more than 85 dancers, including three from local schools: Jenne Shim, 15, and Ava Bakhshandehpour, 15, both of Marlborough, and Lux Saevitz, 10, of St. James’.

The Broad Stage is at the Santa Monica College Per forming Arts Center, 1310 11th St., and performances are Sat., Dec. 3, and Sun., Dec. 4, at 1 and 5 p.m.

Tickets are $50. Visit west

Ebell celebrates holidays in style

The Ebell of Los Angeles Hol iday Luncheon & Boutique will dazzle with a panoply of artisanal gifts on Wed., Dec. 7, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The free shopping extravaganza will include jewelry, hand bags, soaps and fashion items.

Hark! Angelic voices of the Ebell Chorale will herald the holidays in a free program of traditional carols and sea

sonal music, “The Season of Chorale Concert & Tea,” on Thurs., Dec. 15, at 6 p.m.

“We are thrilled to open our doors to the communi ty for the holiday season,” states Ebell President Laurie Schechter. The Ebell of Los Angeles is located at 743 S. Lorraine Blvd., 323-931-1277. For information on these and other events, visit ebello

Ecclesia Gnostica Gnostic Christian Church Bishop Dr. Stephan Hoeller

Sunday Eucharist 11:00am Wednesday Eucharist 8:30pm Lectures • Fridays • 8pm 3363 Glendale Boulevard, Atwater, Los Angeles • 323-467-2685

Sunday Eucharist 11am Wednesday Eucharist 8pm Lectures • Fridays • 8pm 2560 N. Beachwood Dr., Hollywood • 323-467-2685

307 ©LC0421
1760 N. Gower Street, Hollywood | More info at SCAN TO PURCHASE TICKETS We invite you to join us this Christmas season Dec. 18 – Christmas Concert - 11am Dec. 21 – The Longest Night Service 7pm Dec. 24 – Christmas Eve Family Service 4pm, Candlelight Service with Lessons and Carols 7pm Dec. 25 – Christmas Day Service 11am And Dec. 2 – 17, don't mis s our joyful rendition of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol Friday - Sunday afternoons and evenings followed by carols, cider and fellowship
Westside Ballet twirls at Broad Stage, Dec. 3 & 4
‘Nutcracker’ features two princes and a surprise guest
THIS YEAR’S role of the Prince will be shared by Zarek King, (shown above as the Pirate in 2019’s “Nutcracker” production) and guest Yui Masuda. LOCAL DANCERS, left to right: Jenne Shim, Lux Saevitz and Ava Bakhshandehpour.
Photo: Daniel Chiswick
Larchmont Chronicle HOLIDAYS & MUSEUMS - DECEMBER 2022 SECTION THREE 17 Scandinavian Design and the United
1890–1980 See the first exhibition to examine the extensive design exchanges between the United States and the Nordic countries during the 20th century. October 9, 2022–February 5, 2023
Always free for members and Los Angeles county youth 17 and under ^ Los Angeles County Museum of Art 5905 Wilshire Boulevard, NEar Fairfax |323 857-6010
Finn Juhl for Baker Furniture, Inc., Armchair, model 400-1/2, designed 1951, Milwaukee Art Museum, bequest of Dr. Lucille Cohn, photo © Milwaukee Art Museum, by John R. Glembin; Jens H. Quistgaard for Dansk Designs, Købenstyle casseroles and pitcher, designed 1955, private collections, photo © Milwaukee Art Museum, by John R. Glembin; Kaj Franck for Nuutajärvi Glassworks, Goblets, model KF 486, designed 1968, these
examples c. 1970–71, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Decorative Arts and Design Council Fund and partial gift of Marc Treib, photo
Museum Associates/LACMA

A new Greek takeout and delivery place will have all of the farm-fresh food that Larchmont Boulevard’s Le Petit Greek is known for, be cause the new spot has the same co-owners at the helm.

The fast-casual Greek Eats at 8236 W. Third St. is ex pected to open in early 2023

pending city permits, Nora Houndalas told us.

Greek Eats’ menu will be similar to the one at the 34-year-old restaurant on Larchmont, with an empha sis on salads, kebabs and appetizers.

“It will be the same Greek food — fresh produce, pas ture-raised meats — that we

are known for.” “Everything is as clean and fresh as you can get,” she said.

Co-owner Dimitris Houn dalas grew up working in his parents’ restaurant in Greece, where he learned early on about farm-to-table cuisine before it was a trend. Farmers markets were the only mar kets, he says on the Le Petit

Greek website.

Coincidentally, Greek Eats’ Third Street location was the previous home of clothing store Wittmore, now lo cated on Larchmont just a few stores north of Le Petit’s longtime home on the Boulevard.

Petersen Museum’s Meyers Manx Cafe is open for breakfast, lunch

After years of sitting empty, the former Drago Ristorante space in the Petersen Auto motive Museum has been transformed into the Mey ers Manx Cafe. Designed as an homage to Bruce F. Mey ers, creator of the Meyers Manx original dune buggy, the space is decorated with surfboards and dune bug gy-related photographs and news clippings and has a chill California beach vibe.

Open for breakfast and

lunch, the menu features such fare as a $13 breakfast burrito, $14 crispy chicken sandwich, $15 burger and $6 kids’ cheese quesadilla. Plans are underway to expand to a still casual, but more sophis ticated, dinner menu.

“Manx Merch,” as it’s called, is for sale and includes sweat pants, T-shirts and a $50 Meyers Manx model car.

Meyers Manx Cafe, in the Petersen Automotive Muse um, 6060 Wilshire Blvd., 323-999-3242.

6333 West 3rd St. #350 (in Original Farmers Market) Order your Holiday Prime Rib … cut to order! TOMAHAWK STEAKS PORTERHOUSE FILET MIGNON WHOLE OR SPIRAL-CUT HAM TRI TIP DRY AGED STEAKS RIB EYE NEW YORK STEAKS 323-938-5383 ©LC1222 Greek Eats, a fast-casual spot, to open
Third Street
Right: GREEK EATS, a new, fast-casual place to open on Third Street at Harper Avenue.
Share the Holidays at Pink’s with Family & Friends! Our Famous Classic Chili Cheese Dog Experience Pink’s…Like No Other in the Country! We serve over 35 varieties of delicious, mouth-watering Hot Dogs and over 12 varieties of colossal Hamburgers HISTORIC LOCATION A Hollywood Legend Since 1939! @theofficialpinkshotdogs @pinkshotdogs #pinkshotdogs @ pinkshotdogs At Pink's Square — the corner of La Brea & Melrose Visit us at: WWW.PINKSHOLLYWOOD.COM Follow us! Dine on Pink’s Patio or Take it To Go! Sun – Thurs 9:30 am – Midnight • Fri & Sat 9:30 am – 2 am WE CATER! or (310) 741-5352 Still Owned & Operated by the Pink Family! Larchmont Chronicle HOLIDAYS & MUSEUMS - DECEMBER 2022 SECTION THREE 19

Shortstop knocked out in his best year; scandalous Murdaughs

War on the Diamond (9/10): 90 minutes. NR. Prime. This fascinating doc umentary tells the story of Cleveland Indians shortstop Ray Chapman, the only MLB player ever to die playing baseball, combined with a history of the rivalry between the Indians and the New York Yankees over the years. But the rivalry takes second place to the story of Chapman, who was a lovable, handsome, extremely popular player who had a storybook mar riage with a beautiful woman from a wealthy family. At the time he was hit in the head with a pitch from Yankee pitcher Carl Mays in 1920 he was batting .303 and in the midst of his best year, a pennant-winning and World Series-winning (over the Dodgers) one for the Indians.

Low Country: The Mur daugh Dynasty (9/10):

Three-part series of 50-min ute segments. TV-MA. HBO Max. On June 7, 2021, South Carolina attorney Alex Mur daugh called 911 to report the murders of his wife and son, Paul, in Islandton. Thus opened the scandalous story of the Murdaugh (pronounced Mur-dock) legal clan, expos ing the unfettered criminal activity that the powerful and arrogant Murdaughs had conducted for decades over three generations, running roughshod over the small community. It is not a failing of the legal profession that is limited to this situation, however; witness the kid gloves with which the Cal ifornia State Bar dealt with the apparently thoroughly corrupt Tom Girardi, who was held as a paragon in the Los Angeles legal profession for decades, despite continu ing complaints filed against

him. We need more of these exposés, and this is one not to be missed.

Immediate Family (9/10): 102 minutes. NR. Director Denny Tedesco’s follow up to “The Wrecking Crew” (2008), this tells of the session mu sicians of the ‘70s and later — four talented musicians who not only played backup on hit records, but also toured with artists like Linda Ronstadt and James Taylor. The fami ly consists of drummer Russ Kunkel, bassist Leland (Lee) Sklar, guitarist and producer Danny “Kooch” Kortchmar,

and guitarist Waddy Wachtel. They are all interviewed to gether and separately in depth and tell fascinating tales of their experiences.

But also interviewed are Ronstadt and Taylor and Car ole King and Don Henley and Stevie Nicks and Keith Richards and Lyle Lovett and others who uniformly sing their praises. For anyone in terested in the music of the last part of the 20th century, this is a must.

She Said (8/10): 129 min utes. R. Another “All the President’s Men”-type jour nalism story, this time about two reporters’ investigation into the disgraced Harvey Weinstein that launched the #MeToo movement. Excellent performances are by Carey Mulligan and Zoe Kazan as the intrepid New York Times journalists who continue to dig deep into the scandal de

spite the victims being bound by secrecy agreements. The pace keeps up throughout the more than two hours runtime.

The Vatican Girl (8/10): Four-part series. Netflix. On June 22, 1983, 15-year-old Emanuela Orlandi disap peared on her way to a flute lesson. The Orlandis were among the few families who worked and lived within the Vatican. This is a byzantine tale of puzzling intrigue with twists and turns involving the Vatican itself, a shocking implication of moral corrup tion in an institution that holds itself as the arbiter of morality.

I Am DB Cooper (7/10): 100 Minutes. NR. DB Cooper became one of the most fa mous fugitives in history after hijacking a plane and bailing out in the middle of Oregon. This is the story of two bounty hunters who find an old man, Rodney Bonnifield (played by himself), who claims to be DB Cooper, so they investi gate the man’s story. Told in flashbacks, the young Rodney (Ryan Cory, in an impressive performance) is shown as a troubled man with a lot of en ergy, but the old man’s claim is told with notable certitude. It’s an interesting tale.

The Menu (7/10): 117 min utes. R. This is a clever satire of celebrity chefs and cuisine snobs combined in a maca bre tale about a young couple which goes to a remote island to dine at an exclusive restau rant when things gradually take a terrible wrong turn. Highlighted by fine perfor mances by Anya Taylor-Joy as a guest and Ralph Fiennes as the chef, it’s a tense tale of claustrophobic dread.

Rivals (6/10): Quarterly TV series of two-hour segments. Bally Sports. I’ve only seen the first of this series, Michigan v. Ohio State. I was expect ing to see some of the great plays and great games from this rivalry with prominent participants commenting. Guess again. This is an intel lectual examination of what constitutes a “rivalry,” set ting specific parameters that a contest must satisfy before it can qualify. So, if you are hoping to see a lot of football, forget it. This is action-chal lenged. There is a lot of talk with some prominent partic ipants commenting about the competition, not the games themselves. There is little on the not-so-burning question, “Is this a rivalry?”

The Crown: I have only seen one episode of the new season of this heretofore exceptional series, but it is deeply marred by atrocious casting. Matt Smith and Tobias Menzies were remarkable in their sim

(Please turn to page 22)
At the Movies with Tony Medley

Head to the hills for dinners with spectacular views

Guests arrive for the holi days expecting entertainment and sustenance in equal mea sure. One option for keeping visitors wowed is to head to the hills for dinner with a spectacular view.

In the 1980s my husband and I used to occasionally ascend the Hollywood Hills to Yamashiro , the ersatz Japanese mansion with an outstanding view of urban Los Angeles.

Completed in 1914 for Asian art collector brothers Adolph and Eugene Bernheimer, the Yamashiro estate, accord ing to DiscoverLosAngeles. com, featured 30,000 vari eties of plants and trees, a private zoo, gold-lacquered rafters and an imported Jap anese pagoda, still there and thought to be the oldest structure in California. Over the years, Yamashiro changed hands several times and spent

time as a Hollywood celebrity club, an apartment building, a military school and possibly even a brothel. In the 1960s it became a restaurant. In 2012 it joined the National Register of Historic Places.

The property is impressive, but we were repeatedly disap pointed to find that the food was decidedly not.

Just prior to the pandem ic, Vallerie Castillo-Archer became Yamashiro’s first female and Filipina Ameri can chef, and she revamped the menu. Now, in a partially post-pandemic world, having a cocktail and dinner in a Hollywood fantasy version of Japan seemed promising, so I gathered some friends for a mid-week girls’ night out at Yamashiro.

Unfortunately, the food is still mediocre. We were there during DineLA week and found the $65, four-course menu dis

On the Menu by Helene Seifer

appointing. Beef or chicken yakitori (skewers) were too chewy, the Chilean sea bass lacked caramelization from the miso-mirin marinade. However, the shrimp and veg etable tempura was crispy and tasty. Chef Castillo-Archer started as a pastry chef and the dessert options were pretty but meh. Lemon biscuit cake with green tea ice cream and strawberry gazpacho felt like disparate elements in search of a whole taste; vanilla crème brûlée was stodgy.

Our waiter recommended ordering a $28 Chef Val roll, saying that “every bite is a

taste of the entire restaurant.”

Indeed, the roll had a little of everything: raw salmon, tuna, Hamachi, avocado, serrano peppers, truffle aioli, spicy mayo, eel sauce and crispy onions. It sounded dreadful, but we went for it anyway, and it was the best dish of the night. The fish was fresh, the assortment of seemingly ran dom sauces somehow worked well together.

Despite disappointments, holiday guests would relish a roll and a cocktail, miles of sparkly string lights and the breathtaking view.

Yamashiro, 1999 N. Syca more Ave., 323-466-5125.

Another hillside restaurant we used to frequent is the Bur bank institution Castaway . After a while we could no lon ger justify eating bad food as a trade-off for a gorgeous view, so we replaced our lofty ambi tions with earthbound ones,

finding delicious dinners in landscaped patios in the flats.

Then, in 2018, Castaway fin ished a $10 million renovation, shedding the vaguely tropical look and menu for a modern, more meat-centric presence with a dry-aging room, a com mitment to moderate pricing and a menu featuring some of the greatest hits from con temporary restaurants, such as $18 crispy Brussels sprouts, $19 salmon tartare and an eight-ounce Snake River Farms wagyu for $38.

We decided to give Cast away another chance. A long winding road through the Verdugo Hills brought us to the sprawling redone restau rant, and we were seated on the terrace with a clear view over the valley. Over cocktails (smoky mezcal with triple sec, rosemary and fruit, $22, for him; $16 vodka, pome granate liquor, Cointreau and citrus for me) and appetizers, we watched the sky turn pink and orange as the sun set over the San Fernando Valley.

The food, under Chef Ricky Reyes, has indeed greatly improved. Yellowtail aguachile with yuzu kosho, fresno pepper, cilantro and avocado mousse, $19, was refreshing and delicious. The $22 steak tartare with quail egg had very good quality prime beef. Tempura calamari presented a pile of breaded and fried squid rings for $22. They gilded the lily a bit with abundant squirts of citrus Buffalo aioli, but it made a nice nibble nonetheless.

All in all, with its combi nation of enjoyable food and spectacular view, Castaway is a real guest-pleaser Castaway, 1250 E. Harvard Rd., Burbank, 818-8486691.


(Continued from page 20)

ilarities to the dashing Prince Philip, but Jonathan Pryce completely misses the mark, playing him as an unat tractive old man. In the last two seasons, Josh O’Connor was spot-on as Prince Charles. Dominic West replaces him, and his movie star-handsome, manly appearance is jarring and not even close. But worst of all are the players for Di ana. Emma Corrin was, well, spectacular as the Princess, capturing her beauty and cha risma; it was hard to believe Corrin wasn’t the real Diana. Corrin’s replacement, Eliza beth Debicki, can’t even qualify as a pale imitation. I don’t un derstand why Corrin needed to be replaced. From what I’ve seen from this episode, it’s a good thing this series is winding down, after such im pressive first four seasons.

And next year please join us in celebrating creating memories for 100 years Timeless … Larchmont Chronicle HOLIDAYS & MUSEUMS - DECEMBER 2022 SECTION THREE 23

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