2009 - 06 Larchmont Chronicle

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Larchmont Chronicle




JUNE 2009



GWNC passes motion to ban marijuana sites Melrose site ordered to close

SCOUTS cook.


SWING at Historical Society meeting. 8 TOY DRIVE sparks Larchmont Charter youth. 10 GRADUATES' college picks.


HANCOCK PARK— the novel—by local teen. 20 SOCCER buff heads to camp. 26 PATTY HILL covers the party front. 34


By Chris H. Sieroty Contributing Writer The recent opening of a Melrose Ave. marijuana dispensary near Fremont Library prompted the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council to pass a motion last month directing the City Council to order its immediate closure. The motion, approved May 13 at a meeting at the Ebell, applied to the Bull Dog Café and any dispensary not in compliance of the city’s Interim Control Ordinance or without a hardship exemption. The GWNC also wants the City Council to prevent the over-concentration of marijuana dispensaries near schools, youth centers, public libraries and religious institutions. “This is nothing short of shameful,” Jane Usher, an atlarge member of the GWNC board of directors, said of the proliferation of dispensaries. About 300 have opened in the L.A. area. Operators of the Bulldog Café, 6105 Melrose Ave., atSee Marijuana, p. 18

Home & Garden

City administrator hears BRE plans for development At Wilshire/LaBrea



CURBSIDE COLOR on Beachwood. 8 CONDOMINIUMS sell. See Real Estate sales. 12

For Information on Advertising Rates, Please Call Pam Rudy 323-462-2241, x 11

By Jane Gilman BRE Properties outlined its request for zoning changes for its block-long development at a hearing on May 27 before Maya Zaitzevsky, city Zoning Administrator. The firm is also seeking a plan amendment and variance for its multi-story, 562unit apartment complex at Wilshire Blvd. and La Brea Ave., adjacent townhomes and ground floor commercial/ retail space. Residents of Sycamore Square and Miracle Mile spoke at the hearing about their issues with the project at 5200 Wilshire Blvd. “Our concerns,” said Liz Fuller, Sycamore Square resident, “are traffic, density and See BRE Properties p. 7

VOLUNTEERS made paper mache flower pots at Wilshire Crest School for local nursing home residents as part of Big Sunday, a two-day community service event. Story page 33

Western facelift on agenda Crime, marijuana also discussed by LVNA By Laura Eversz Crime, including a recent spate of graffiti incidents, medical marijuana dispensaries and a facelift for Western Ave. were on the agenda of the Larchmont Village Neighborhood Association’s semi-annual meeting in May at Van Ness Avenue Elementary School. L.A.P.D. Olympic Division Senior Lead Officer Joe Pelayo and two gang detail officers updated residents on a rash of graffiti in the northeast corner

of the neighborhood. Vandals from STA 13 and MS 13 gangs have been arrested, Pelayo said. Residents were encouraged to report graffiti to 311 for paint-outs, and to call 911 if they witness a crime in progress, noting descriptions of perpetrators, vehicles and license plates. Pelayo told residents there were no unusual levels of crime surrounding registered medical marijuana dispensaSee LVNA, p. 5

Special edition celebrates 75 years of Farmers Market Farmer Market’s 75th anniversary events, its history, and its merchants are the subject of a special issue out Thurs., July 2. Added circulation will bring distribution to 60,000 families. For information on advertising, call Pam Rudy, 323-462-2241 x 11.

On the Boulevard Glimpses by Jane

COUNSEL GENERAL Bob Peirce and “Austin Powers” mingle at the British Consul General’s residence in Hancock Park during the launch of BritWeek 2009. See story page 18

Dozens of reasons are bringing shoppers to the boulevard… graduations, new babies, showers, weddings and Father’s Day. Another incentive: the sales tax hike, goes into effect July 1. *** Speaking of new babies, we met Jennifer Becker and her daughter Elisabeth, eight months old, on their way to Peet’s Coffee. *** Longwood Avenue residents joined forces to host a goodbye dinner for Martha and Bill Harmon (41-year residents) and Samantha Colbert who See BLVD., p. 5

www.larchmontchronicle.com ~ Entire Issue Online!


June 2009


Community Platform

Larchmont Chronicle

Scene on Larchmont by Marty Murphy

By Jane Gilman

It’s out of control

Los Angeles budget problems could be solved if we took a lesson from our neighbors to the north. Since voters approved the sale of medical marijuana, our city has more than 300 dispensaries and applications for 300 more. We do not charge applicants to open these stores. Oakland charges $30,000 in fees; San Francisco, which has 22 such shops, $8,400. More to the point, why do we have so many of these stores? Why are there six dispensaries within a two-block area on Melrose Ave.? Why are they illegally operating near schools, libraries, playgrounds and places of religious worship? An Interim Control Ordinance is in effect until Sept. 9, 2009 that puts a temporary moratorium on the opening of the stores. It hasn’t stopped dispensaries from selling, claiming they have a hardship exemption even though the city’s Planning and Land Use Committee of City Council hasn’t heard a hardship exemption case since 2007. A KCET report said our city has more marijuana shops than Starbucks. The report quotes Councilman Dennis Zine saying, “It’s out of control.” The City Attorney's office is proposing new regulation and perhaps Carmen Trutanich, who will be taking that office in July, will make it a priority, and start instituting fees. Somebody has to.

That's the question inquiring photographer Laura Eversz asked people along Larchmont Blvd.

"... Thanks for the new car, dad... Now could you teach me how to drive ... "

Police Beat

Furnished by Senior Lead Officer Joseph Pelayo

The multi year drought continues in the State of California and water supplies are becoming scarce. To address this shortage the Department of Water and Power and the City of Los Angeles have announced the details of the Water Conservation Ordinance which is effective June 1, 2009. The restrictions include: 1. Use of irrigation sprinklers is limited to Monday and Thursday outside of the hours of 9AM through 4PM 2. Sprinkler station run times are limited to 10 minutes. 3. Any other landscape watering is prohibited between 9AM and 4PM each day. 4. No irrigation shall result in continuous runoff or water flow onto adjoining sidewalks, driveways, streets or gutters. 5. Washing of pavement, hard surfaces, and driveways is prohibited. 6. Water cannot be used to clean, fill or maintain ponds, fountains unless equipped with a re-circulating system 7. Washing of cars using a hose without a shut-off valve is prohibited. The first violation results in a written notice, with subsequent violations being charged at $100 increments. The fifth violation results in the restriction of available water service. In addition rates for water usage for being raised. There are two tiers, with Tier 1 being less expensive and based on a formula including type of customer (single family, multi-family, commercial, industrial or governmental), and size of property. The DWP is lowering Tier 1 by 15% and any usage over that falls into Tier 2 pricing which is much more costly. To determine how much water you use and whether your usage rises above Tier 1 and for any other questions visit the DWP website at: www.ladwp.com


If you haven’t paid your dues, please do so, so you can vote in the elections and show your support for the Association. If you have a question or concern please visit our website: www. hancockpark.org or write the Association at 137 N. Larchmont Blvd., Los Angeles, 90004. For security questions or concerns please contact Craig Gering (cgering@caa.com). The Graffiti Committee asks that graffiti sightings be reported both to the City by calling 311 or at website: http://www. lacity.org/bpw/ocs/grsr.htm Also, report graffiti sightings to Graffiti Committee Co-Chairs Pam Newhouse at 323-3567856; email address new140@aol.com or Serena Apfel, 323936-4928; email address sjapfel@hotmail.com. Other public funded Graffiti removal services are: Operation Clean Sweep, 800-611-2489 or Hollywood Beautification, 323-463-5180.

"Yes, I think legalizing marijuana is a fantastic idea. The bigger question is 'why isn't it legal?'" Harry Victor Miracle Mile

Robbery by police impersonators OLYMPIC DIVISION

New water rules Help la save water

"Do you think marijuana should be legalized?"

Olympic Division ROBBERY: Two suspects impersonating police officers took jewelry, a cell phone and other property from an apartment on the 300 block of S. Van Ness Ave. on May 5 at 6:45 p.m. The suspects intimidated the victim into guiding them into the apartment. The victim was forced to sit on the couch while the suspects removed the property. BURGLARY: Money totaling $350 was taken from an

Larchmont Chronicle Founded in 1963

Publishers Jane and Irwin Gilman Editor Jane Gilman Associate Editor Suzan Filipek Assistant Editor Laura Eversz Editorial Assistant Alicia Doyle Advertising Director Pam Rudy Classified Manager Geri Freer Art Director Andrew Taylor Circulation Manager Rachel Olivier Production Assistant Nancy MacCoon Accounting Yvonne Auerbach 542 1/2 N. Larchmont Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90004 323-462-2241

WILSHIRE DIVISION Furnished by Senior Lead Officer Dave Cordova apartment on the 100 block of S. Manhattan Pl. between 7:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on May 7. The suspect gained entry by prying the door jam off the front door and chipping around the door lock. GRAND THEFT AUTO: A 1975 Ford truck was taken from the 500 block of N. Norton Ave. between 4 p.m.

"It's a good idea. I don't think prohibition has ever worked. The war on drugs is a failure. Just look at the cost of locking people up in prison. I think it's harmful, but so are cigarettes." Dennis Hartigan Koreatown

(Please turn to page 4)

Senior lead officers

Wilshire Dave Cordova 213-793-0650 Olympic Joseph Pelayo 213-793-0709

Community Calendar Tues., June 9: Mid City West Community Council board meeting, National Council of Jewish Women office, 543 N. Fairfax Ave., 7 p.m. Sun., June 14: Flag Day. Sun., June 14: Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast, Bank of America parking lot, 100 N. Larchmont Blvd., 8 to 11 a.m. Sun., June 21: Father’s Day. Sun., June 28: Annual meeting of the Windsor SquareHancock Park Historical Society, 2 p.m., Farmers Insurance Building, 4680 Wilshire Blvd. Thurs., July 2: Neighborhood delivery of the Larchmont Chronicle. Sat., July 4: Independence Day.

"Sure, I'm all for legalizing everything. It would make for less crime." John Lowery June St.

"That would be fine with me. I

don't think it's as dangerous as alcohol, and studies have shown it doesn't lead to hard drugs." Mary Burdick Rossmore Ave.

June 2009

Larchmont Chronicle

Letter to the editor

INSIDE Go Burroughs!

Section one CAMPS






AROUND THE TOWN 34 ENTERTAINMENT 37 Theater Review - 37 At the Movies - 38

SAVE YOUR LIFE pack. Sect. 1, 14

Section two REAL ESTATE Real Estate Sales - 12 HOME & GARDEN










Do you live in Larchmont, Hancock Park or near The Grove and send your children to private school? If you do, I’m writing to tell you about a remarkable resource that you may be missing out on: John Burroughs Middle School. We have two children, ages eight years apart. Our older daughter attended Westwood Charter School, then Wonderland Gifted Magnet, then the IHP Program at Walter Reed Middle School and Harvard/Westlake High School. We are savvy about

Beer, wine and gas

READING right. Section 1, 19

As we went to press, we learned of a hearing June 18 to permit sale of wine and beer at the Western Ave./Beverly Blvd. all night gas station. Go to larchmontchronicle.com.

Notes From the

By John Winther

Wow! The annual Spring Fling sponsored by the Larchmont Boulevard Association was an amazing event that was held on May 14 at the Wilshire Country Club. Everyone had a sensational time and all this was done for a worthy cause. The LBA works hard every day to preserve and protect the charm, character and the experience of the Boulevard. The singers from the Hollywood High Performing Arts Center were so gifted and talented in their performance; the band seduced the audience with their enticing melodies and our honorary Chairman Councilman Tom LaBonge hit a high point for the evening. That evening was Tom and his wife Brigid’s anniversary, Tom sang a song to her from the stage. Many prizes were donated by local merchants, businesses and friends of the Boulevard. We thank them all for their generosity and affection for the community and village. Edie Frere from Landis stationery and Peggy Bartenetti from Coldwell Banker served as wonderful co-chairpersons for this LBA event. The LBA honored very deserving organizations and individuals including Wilshire Rotary Club, the Munger Family YMCA (Hollywood Wilshire YMCA), and Raul Rodriguez our local famous Rose Parade Designer. Accepting for Wilshire Rotary was Elsa Gillham, President; Scot Clifford, board member of the Hollywood Wilshire YMCA, and Raul Rodriguez. A community benefits greatly from the support of everyone who goes beyond the everyday to give and give so generously to the community. These organizations and people exemplify the meaning of giving. Please visit the LBA at www.Larchmont.com. Adv.

what makes a great public school and are also familiar with the benefits of a private education. Our daughter is currently a junior at Oxford University in England. Our son attends seventh grade in the Gifted Magnet at John Burroughs Middle School. What I notice most about his experience is the absence of neighborhood kids. Years ago, when my daughter was in nursery school, and I was concerned about using LAUSD schools, a university professor inspired me to evaluate schools based on my own observations and intuition and not be guided by popular misconceptions. Our son is not only receiving a good education and having a good time at JB, but he is actually receiving a great education. Teachers at the school rival the best teach-

ers our daughter experienced at Harvard/Westlake. I would challenge any middle school across the U.S. to rival Mr. Mitchell in math, Ms. Wi in science or Ms. Heath and her extraordinary drama program. But the school is rich in culture. Our son’s ear is now attuned to accents from around the world, his friends have names I can’t easily pronounce, and he has begun to request foods I’ve never heard of. He has a sense of himself as a piece of the fabric of the world, not as the center of it, and we believe this is a phenomenally enriching aspect to his education that few private schools could replicate. I would personally like to urge every single reader with children of middle school age to look at the school. Ms. Helena Yoon, the phe(Please turn to page 20)

Neighborhood Council Thinking green for Spring


Spring has sprung, and that means your friendly neighborhood Windsor Square Association has gotten busy sprucing up the place. That includes funding improvements for the fence at Robert Burns Park (at the corner of Beverly and Van Ness, for those of you who don’t regularly visit with the kids), and continuing maintenance of the landscaping in the Larchmont Blvd. median, where the 28 Jacaranda trees have grown considerably since their initial planting and are thriving beautifully.

The Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council hosted Captain Eric Davis of the LAPD Wilshire station and Captain Matt Blake of the new LAPD Olympic station at our May 13, 2009 meeting. Captain Davis stated that motor vehicle burglaries are the primary crime in the Wilshire station boundary area. He recommended not leaving valuable items in vehicles, placing personal items in the trunk and locking your car. If possible try to park your car in a garage or driveway. Residential burglaries are called the “crime of opportunity” and he recommended locking doors and windows and installing sensor lighting around the perimeter of your property. Barking dogs also help to deter a burglar also. The LAPD Wilshire Station is responsible for policing west of Plymouth Boulevard within the Greater Wilshire boundaries.

The WSA also continues to advocate for general improvements in the neighborhood, including lobbying the city to move forward on the proposed addition of new street lights on major east-west streets in Windsor Square. You may have noticed additional trees sprouting curbside as well— Windsor Square Canopy planted another 19 trees in March, and is continuing to make progress on its goal of restoring Windsor Square’s original parkway forest, with more than 900 trees planted to date.

Captain Matt Blake of the new LAPD Olympic station spoke about the current response time which is less than 5 minutes when called. The Olympic Station is located at 1130 South Vermont Avenue and it polices from Plymouth Boulevard eastward within the Greater Wilshire boundaries. Senior Lead Officer Joseph Pelayo stated that the Olympic station is now number 2 in Los Angeles for violent crime reductions. Recently the vice unit of the Olympic station has been very aggressive in its area with prostitution arrests. Key contact information for the Olympic station is: Emergencies 911 Olympic station Front Desk 213-382-9102 Olympic Senior Lead Officer Joe Pelayo 213-793-0709

Board President Mike Genewick also attended the bi-monthly meeting of the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council to weigh in on zoning and security issues for the area in general. There’s been another change in Board membership: John Carpenter has resigned to relocate to the East Coast and will be sorely missed. However, we are delighted to announce that Vince Chieffo is taking his place. Mr. Chieffo is an entertainment and media litigator with Greenberg Taurig, and lives on Beachwood Drive with his wife Karen Pope.

As always, please visit our website at windsorsquare.org for regular updates. The Windsor Square Association, an all-volunteer group of residents from 1100 households between Beverly and Wilshire and Van Ness and Arden, works to preserve and enhance our beautiful neighborhood. Join with us! Drop us a line at 157 N. Larchmont Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90004, or visit our website at windsorsquare.org. ADV.

Both Captains recommended residents sign up for e-policing to obtain real-time neighborhood specific crime alerts and information. Sign up today at www.lapdepolicing.org Or call 213-473-0200 for further information.

© LC 0609



Please email info@greaterwilshire.org or visit our website at greaterwilshire.org for more information on community police information. We want to hear from you and learn of your interests and concerns.




June 2009


Forum speakers predict transit, sustainability future By Chris H. Sieroty Contributing Writer Service to Fairfax Ave. and Wilshire Blvd. could begin within the next decade, a Metro official briefed members of the Miracle Mile Chamber of Commerce at its fourth annual Wilshire Corridor Forum in May. The transportation agency has completed its scoping period and is releasing information gathered from its public meetings for comment. “Within the next two to three months we will begin exploratory drilling throughout the area at about 70 locations,” Jody Litvack, Metro’s community relations manager, told Larchmont Chronicle in an interview before the meeting. “We’ll be working during the day, and spend two to three days at any one location. The soil samples will be taken to a lab for further study as we begin to determine where the tunnels and (subway) portals will be built.” Litvack said the options for the Westside Subway Extension had been narrowed over a two-year process from 17 mass transit projects to two, a 12-mile line from Western to the sea or a 16-mile line with a spur through West Holly-

Metro drills for soil samples in area Metro will be assessing results from soil samples taken from four locations in the area in late May. Drill rigs drew the samples on Wilshire Blvd. between Fairfax and Burnside avenues. The work is being done to assess conditions below the ground to prepare for a Draft Environmental Impact report on the proposed Metro’s westside subway extension.

SOIL SAMPLES drawn by drill rigs will be used to assess conditions below the ground.

wood. “We are in a rare period for public transportation in Los Angeles,” she said. “Three things have come together. They are: public support, political support and now a secure funding source in Measure R to build the subway extension. We have never had all three together at one time before. Ten years from now, we could have a subway running to Fairfax. It all depends on how soon funding is available.” The Wilshire-only extension will cost $6.5 billion, add-

Landis’ Labyrinth


ing the West Hollywood line increases the total cost to $9 billion. Measure R was expected to generate roughly $4 billion for the subway extension. Litvack said by 2010 Metro staff will recommend a Locally Preferred Alternative which will identify the project to be built, its length, phasing and timing. To address the issues surrounding the creation of a sustainable environment within the region, the Wilshire Corridor Forum on May 14 also hosted several panel discussions featuring architects, real estate brokers and city officials. “We have embraced the concept of sustainability,” said Gary Russell, executive director of the Wilshire Center Business Improvement District. “Our business improvement district has created a cool district to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050.” The cool district is approx(Please turn to page 17)

As you meander through the summer, Family trips can be a bummer.

now open

So, stock up on games & toys for the beach. Legos, Crayons & books that teach.

Larchmont Chronicle


(Continued from page 2) on May 14 and 7:30 p.m. on May 17.

Auto crimes alert

There has been a recent increase in vehicle theft and theft from motor vehicles in the area, according to the LAPD Olympic Division. The most common stolen vehicles are Hondas and Toyotas, and the most common items being stolen include GPS systems, iPods, cell phones, cameras, purses, wallets and packages. BURGLARY FROM VEHICLE: Clothing and oth-

er property were taken from a car in an underground structure on the 400 block of S. Van Ness Ave. between 12:45 and 8:40 a.m. on May 17. The suspect smashed the vehicle window to gain entry. PREVENTION TIP: Do NOT leave valuables in your vehicle, especially in plain view. Park where there is a high concentration of pedestrians; park in well-lit areas at night. Wilshire Division From May 3 through May 16 the following crimes occurred: One burglary, four thefts, four burglary thefts from vehicles and one grand theft auto.



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JUNE 2009

Western Ave., marijuana, crime on LVNA agenda (Continued from page 1) ries on Melrose and Western avenues. Nikki Ezhari, field deputy to Councilmember Tom LaBonge, addressed questions regarding street resurfacing and issues pertaining to Western Ave., including crime and enforcement of signage codes. She informed residents that LaBonge lost the battle to restore individual parking meters on the boulevard that were replaced by a Park and Pay system. Bike racks will be put in their place. The councilman fostered a recent effort on Western Ave. to enforce building codes in regard to signs, banners and flags on businesses. The field deputy said the mayor’s office and the Community Redevelopment Agency will work on facelifts for buildings on Western Ave. LaBonge has secured more

than 200 trees for a 12-block stretch. Ezhari encouraged residents to support fundraising efforts of the Larchmont Blvd. Association, which pays for trash collection in the Village. Sharyn Romano reviewed Hollywood Beautification Team activities, including graffiti removal and the Million Trees LA tree-planting project. She welcomed residents to request parkway and yard trees by calling the HBT office at 323-962-2163. Larchmont Grill owners told residents of their request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for later hours, and a liquor license at the Melrose Ave. restaurant. Neighbors on Melrose Ave. and Lucerne Blvd. have been supportive of the request. Residents were urged to stay informed about this and other issues by enrolling at LVNA90004@yahoogroups.com.

Trutanich wins; Koretz ahead in Fifth District Council race Sign ordinance pending review New restrictions on digital billboards and “supergraphic” advertising will be among L.A. City Attorney-elect Carmen Trutanich’s first order of business. The City Council delayed a vote last month for the proposed sign ordinance to allow Trutanich time to review the measure; he takes office July 1. Jane Usher, Windsor Square, will be the transition’s executive director. She is the former president of the city planning commission. If passed, the law would allow areas in special sign dis-

tricts to be eligible to apply. The 21 proposed districts include the Miracle Mile, on Wilshire Blvd., between San Vicente Blvd. to La Brea Avenue. Trutanich won his seat in a runoff last month against former City Councilman Jack Weiss. Results won’t be in until June 15 for the Fifth Council District seat, according to a spokesman for the registrar’s office. Paul Koretz and David Vahedi were separated by 335 votes in last month’s election for Weiss’ seat.

Ritz Cleaners


Larchmont goers will get whiffs of sausage and eggs when Boy Scout Troop 621 host its 43rd annual Pancake Breakfast on Sun., June 14. Pancakes, sausage, juice and coffee will be served in the Bank of America, 100 N. Larchmont Blvd., parking lot from 8 to 11 a.m. “at the low low rate of $2,” says scout master Steve Heaney. “The Troop’s primary fundraising event of the year includes the boys being responsible for selling the tickets, setting up the event and cooking the pancakes,” he added. Funds will help pay for a host of events, including a fishing trip this month. The final event of the summer will take place in August when a group of the boys and three adult leaders head to Alaska for two weeks of hiking, rafting and kayaking.

A PANCAKE BREAKFAST will greet boulevard goers.

ON THE BLVD. (Continued from page 1) are moving out of the ‘hood, we heard from party organizer Sherry Bonanno. *** During her recent trip to New York City, Edie Frere took in the Picasso exhibit. She also visited designer Joe Nye at the annual Kip’s Bay Showcase House that benefits the Boys & Girls Club. The two rooms he designed were outstanding, Edie told us at Le Petit Greek.


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© LC 0609

Larchmont Chronicle

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June 2009


Larchmont Chronicle

Third Street School Olympics benefits kids Speakers, celebrated Third Street Elementary venues for senior graduates School, in partnership with

Loyola High School’s Community Service Program was honored by the L.A. Regional Council of the Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC) at a reception held in April at Blessed Sacrament Church in Hollywood. Jesuit Father Peter Filice, superior of the Jesuit community at Loyola, received the award for the school. Also honored was Tom Zeko, director of the Community Service Program, for his outstanding commitment to its success. Each year, the IVC honors individuals and programs that reflect the Ignatian values of direct service to the poor. “Over the last 30 years, Loyola’s CSP has provided the opportunity for thousands of Loyola students to become engaged in the world in a new way, to actively participate in the Gospel’s call to service,” said Anne Hansen, regional director for IVC L.A. “Loyola students have touched and enriched the lives of tens of thousands of individuals who are poor or marginalized in Los Angeles.”

Dr. Perez to head principal’s union Hancock Park Elementary School principal Dr. Judith Perez will leave her post June 30 to head the Principal’s Union. “We will miss her tremendously,” said Tracy Balsz, president of the Hancock Park School Booster Club. “But she is moving on to accomplish significant change in these tumultuous times within the state’s public school system.” Perez has had a 38-year career with the Los Angeles Unified School District. She taught for 19 years in preschool through middle school prior to becoming a bilingual coordinator, adviser and administrator.

Sweets For Those We Love

MORE THAN 1,200 backpacks filled with school supplies were donated by Third Street School students.

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The Grove, recently hosted the second annual Olympic Games at its S. June St. campus. Students grades kindergarten through five participated in athletic events including obstacle courses, relay and sacek races and tug of war. They gained admission to the games by donating backpacks filled with new school supplies that are to be distributed to homeless children throughout the city. “The Grove is proud and privileged to support the students at Third Street Elementary as they learn both the satisfaction and value of putting the needs of others first,” said Rick Lemmo, senior vice president of community relations at The Grove. In addition to The Grove’s support, the Tiger Woods Foundation awarded the school a $2,500 grant to help students meet their fundraising backpack goal as well as $12,000 for school programs.


Loyola is honored by Volunteer Corps for service to poor

speaker was Immaculate alumnus Katherine Kantardjieff, Ph.D., director of the center for molecular structure at Cal State Fullerton. Among graduates still set to throw their hats in the air are from HarvardWestlake on Fri., June 5, Loyola on Sat., June 6 and Campbell Hall on Mon., June 8. Philanthropist Victoria Seaver Dean will address Pilgrim School’s 50th graduating class June 8. The ceremony, which is part of the school’s year-long golden anniversary festivities, will honor the Seaver family and Institute; the family name heads one of the school’s two buildings, at 540 S. Commonwealth Ave. Housch Football Field will set the stage for Los Angeles High’s Fri., June 26 commencement, while Pacific Hills graduates will get their diplomas at the Wilshire Ebell Theater on Fri., June 12. Congratulations graduates!

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Seniors from several area schools graduated in May, while others are set to attend their commencement ceremonies this month. Marymount High seniors, who graduated May 23, heard keynote speaker Nancy Lublin, founder of Dress for Success and CEO of the charitable organization Do Something. Marlborough’s class of 2009 graduated May 28, and Immaculate Heart students got their diplomas June 2 at the Hollywood Bowl. Their keynote

June 2009

Larchmont Chronicle

Fluxus opens flagship boutique on Larchmont Fluxus, a clothing line formerly available online and at department stores, has opened a flagship boutique at 202 N. Larchmont Blvd. Inspired by the radical Fluxus art movement of the 60s, the line is “basics with a twist,” said store manager Brandon Rafferty. “Popular among young celebrities, the comfortable and layerable clothing is for anyone from 14 to 99,” he added. The loft-like boutique is in the space occupied for 35 years by My Favorite Place, which earlier this year merged with Landis General Store at 142 Larchmont Blvd. “We feel like Larchmont is the right place for us,” said Rafferty. “There’s so much foot traffic, and the community, the people, the shopability all fit together with our line.”

New styles are on the floor every week including dresses, T-shirts, bias wraps, jumpers, capris and a French terry line with jackets, trench coats, blazers, said Rafferty. “We pride ourselves on our

price point,” he added. “We want our customers to look good, be fashion forward, and not pay an arm and a leg.” Fluxus, 202 N. Larchmont Blvd., fluxuswear.com, 323465-9339

bre plans for development (Continued from page 1)

green space.” Representatives of the Miracle Mile Residential Association and Miracle Mile Chamber of Commerce also expressed concerns about density at the hearing. Renee Weitzer, deputy for Councilman Tom LaBonge, said transcripts of the testimony at the hearing will be forwarded to the city Planning Commission. She expects the first public hearing to be in

July. “Our office will continue to work on traffic and other mitigations of concern to the community,” she said. Dale Goldsmith, attorney for BRE, presented the firm’s requests for the mixed-use project. BRE Properties, based in San Francisco, owns and operates 72 apartment communities totaling 21,196 units in California, Arizona and Washington.


Larchmont Blvd. business offers designer apparel Archive Agency, specializing in personal shopping and designer and vintage clothing liquidation, will host a launch party and open house shopping event on Sat., July 18 at 530 N. Larchmont Blvd., Suite 3. The appointment-based company, owned by fashion veteran Jenn Ripley, sells new merchandise at discounts up to 85 percent from designers such as Marc Jacobs, Stella McCartney, Alexander McQueen and Moschino. Items are typically off-season, cancelled or overstock styles, and in many case vintage or from movie sets. In addition, bi-monthly sales will be open to the public. For an appointment, call 404-574-9098. For more in-

formation, go to www.archiveagency.net.

Learn to cook at Larchmont Larder A series of cooking classes at the Larchmont Larder, 626 N. Larchmont Blvd., will show you how to make the most of summer’s bounty. Learn to make a variety of salads using seasonal produce on Thurs., June 11. A baking class covers crisps, cobblers pies and tarts on Thurs., July 16. Tomatoes are the topic on Thurs., Aug. 13. Classes, led by Chef Michael Beglinger, are at 7 p.m. Cost is $75 per session. For more information, call 323-962-9900.

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JUNE 2009


Marijuana center open illegally, councilman says The Bull Dog Café may soon be up in smoke. The owner of the medical marijuana dispensary was denied a request for a hardship exemption by Councilman Tom LaBonge last month. “It’s within a block of a public library that is used frequently by school children, and it’s on a street with very limited parking,” LaBonge said in an e-mail to the Chronicle. “They’ve been cited and the enforcement process has begun,” he added. The exemption would have allowed the Bull Dog at 6105 Melrose Ave. to operate pending an interim control ordinance. The owner of the shop claims he has a right to the location, and was registered with a Cahuenga location prior to moving recently to Melrose. But city officials disagree.

“The ICO (interim control ordinance) clearly states you cannot move from one location to another,” said Renee Weitzer, chief of staff for LaBonge. Weitzer compared the practice to a restaurant selling alcohol while waiting for its liquor license. “It doesn’t work that way.” The Bull Dog's is among hundreds of requests for hardship exemptions before the city Planning and Land Use Management Committee. The committee will consider striking the hardship exemptions by Tues., June 9, and consider a draft ordinance, according to Monica Reyes, spokesman for Ed Reyes, chair of PLUM. The final ordinance, set to have stricter regulations for the centers, will go before the Council for approval.

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Larchmont Chronicle

Big Band stars to speak at Historical Society event Chuck Cecil, known as “The King of Big Band Radio,” will reminisce on the era of popular swing music at the Windsor Square-Hancock Park Historical Society meeting on Sun., June 28 at 2 p.m. at Farmers Insurance Group, 4680 Wilshire Blvd. Johnny Vana, drummer with the Glenn Miller and Jimmy Dorsey bands, will cover highlights of his career. The meeting will also feature installation of officers and awards to owners of historic buildings and homes. Farmers will be one of the buildings to receive a Landmark Award for its sixstory office headquarters on Wilshire Blvd., said Suzanne Bank, event chairman. The Palladium will also get an award. The scene of many big band performances, it recently reopened in Hollywood. Officers to be installed at the meeting include Fluff McLean, president; Richard Battaglia, first vice president. More are Ernie Marjoram, second vice president; Rita Bazeley, third vice president; Caroline Labiner Moser, secretary, and June Bilgore, treasurer. Members will hear a report on the Garden Tour & Party held in April, and on projects the Society is supporting. Reservations are required by Mon., June 22. Members are $10, non-members $15. Call 213-243-8182.

TAKING THE GAVEL at the Sun., June 28 meeting will be president Fluff McLean.

CHUCK CECIL, “The King of Big Band Radio,” shown in earlier years.

Save the Date Monday August 24th 6 to 9 p.m.

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Larchmont Chronicle

June 2009



Reduce Your Water Use

Know the Law

Southern California’s current water shortage has created the need for serious conservation now. Beginning June 1, LADWP will apply shortage year water rates to customers as a means of encouraging conservation. Under shortage year rates, the amount of water allotted to single family residential customers at the lowest price - called Tier 1 - will be reduced by 15%. Commercial, apartment and condo customers also must reduce their water use but are subject to a different conservation formula. Customers who stay within the new allotment will not be affected while customers who exceed their Tier 1 allotment will pay more for each gallon they use over their limit.

On June 1 watering with sprinklers will be restricted to Mondays and Thursdays before 9:00 a.m. and after 4:00 p.m. - only. Violators are subject to fines. The City has other prohibited uses of water which are also being enforced. Are you obeying the law?

To learn more visit www.ladwp.com or call 1-800-DIAL DWP. Start conserving water now.



June 2009


Larchmont Chronicle

Event features summer activities for youth at Park La Brea The answer to “What to do with the kids this summer?” was answered at the Park La Brea Youth Day in May at Alandele Circle. The event included a jump house and climbing tree, and refreshments were furnished by Whole Foods market. Booths highlighted information on summer camps and the police Explorer program. Sylvie Brousseau, Park La Brea activities director, said the event was designed to introduce neighborhood residents to the programs that are available for the kids during the summer. Youngsters ages 13 to 18 who enroll in the police Explorers program will be trained by the Los Angeles Police Department and will be part of the patrol at Park La Brea, said Glenn Beem, secu-

rity director at the 4,400-unit apartment complex. CHAMPIONS USA will conduct a summer camp at Hancock Park Elementary School which is adjacent to the property. The camp, for youngsters ages four to 13, will begin on Mon., June 22. Activities include weekly trips to the Los Angeles Zoo, Dodger Stadium and the Discovery Science Center. ALL-DAY ACTIVITIES for youngsters at Park La Brea Youth Dayl, top right, included debut of the new police T-3 patrol unit. Officer Yolanda Flores demonstrated the new vehicle to Explorer Scouts and youth at the Park La Breasponsored event on May 23 at Alandele Circle. Far right, youngsters scale a tree.


Cabinet. In addition, the Toy Loan Honor Code was established to teach honesty, responsibility, courtesy, and integrity. Donations may be dropped off at Flicka, 204 N. Larchmont Blvd., The Little Seed, 219 N. Larchmont Blvd. or the Koreatown Youth & Community Center, 680 S. Wilton Pl. For more information go to www.ladpss.org/dpss/toyloan/

Seven-year-olds at The children are graded on Larchmont Charter School the care of their borrowed toy, are encouraging their peers receiving a satisfactory mark to donate toys to needy youths for returning their toy on time throughout the city. and in good condition. Local parents Lindsay After 20 good marks, the child Sturman and Michele attains the status of “Honor Montgomery of Beachwood Borrower,” which entitles the Dr. are helping the chil- child to a gift from the Honor dren reap donations for Toy Loan Libraries, a program Douglas Meyer architect run by county social services that started during the Great Architecture Planning Interiors Depression. Architecture Interiors Simply put, the Toy Loan Planning Program is a free service which allows children to borA Windsor Square – row toys from a Toy Loan Center in the same manner Hancock Park in which they borrow books Neighborhood Specialist from the public library. “The need for toys is up 30 percent,” Montgomery said. Expertise in: “School will be out for sumHistorical Preservation mer break soon, and for so Second Story Additions many kids in L.A. whose parents have lost their jobs, it will Complete Renovation be a very long summer.” Toy donations may be made at Larchmont Charter School, 1265 North Fairfax Ave. Windsor Square - Hancock Park The first Toy LoanACenter opened on May 6, 1935 in Neighborhood a Specialist garage near Manchester Park, and basic ground rules were (323) 939-0033 developed. Toys are loaned on PHONE 323-939-0033 www.dmeyerarchitect.com a weekly basis, and a record is kept of every toy borrowed. www.DMeyerArchitect.com



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June 2009

Larchmont Chronicle



WILSHIRE ROTARY CLUB honored public school educators at its annual Teachers Recognition Day in May. Elsa Gillham, club president, at left, is shown with, left to right, Alexandra Dia, teacher at Wilshire Park School with principal Enrique Franco and student Jasmine Lee; event chairman Margie Christoffersen, teacher Charles Pallos III with Dr. Mary Hall, Queen Anne Place principal and student Ruth Cruz; Lloyd Houske, principal, Cahuenga School, with teacher Jun Chang and student Mary Jane Quintana.

Concert celebrates grand opening of Fairfax auditorium A free concert at Fairfax High by the Gay Men’s Chorus of L.A. will celebrate the grand opening of the school’s renovated auditorium at 7850 Melrose Ave. The concert on Thurs., June 11 at 6:30 p.m., also features an introduction by the Fairfax High School orchestra, conducted by Ray Vizcarra. Los Angeles Unified School District funded the refurbishment of the historic auditorium’s 1,000 seats, wood floors and carpet. The school is partnering with the City of West Hollywood and the Gay Men’s Chorus to fund a new sound system and repair house lights Coffee and dessert will be served in the auditorium rotunda following the show. Donations will be accepted to

support the completion of the refurbishment project.

City Volunteer Corps seeks volunteers The Mayor’s Volunteer Corps is looking for docents to lead tours at City Hall. Volunteers will also provide information to visitors about governmental agencies, as well as assist during special events. Docents must have good people skills and telephone etiquette, be 16 years of age or older, and enjoy working with young children. A one-year commitment of three-to-four hours a week is required. For more information, call Lidia Manzanares at 213-9780645, or e-mail at lidia.manzanares@lacity.org

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June 2009


Larchmont Chronicle

Vintage trucks stars of Gilmore Heritage Show Council office keeping an The annual Gilmore Auto Show will celeye on traffic improvements Heritage ebrate the Farmers Market’s tique, Seaver, even donated a percentage of proceeds to this project. Construction should begin within a year. Kudos all around.

Councilman Report by

Tom LaBonge Miracle Mile Traffic Plans The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) vacated Ogden Ave. between 6th St. and Wilshire Blvd. to build the wonderful new Broad Contemporary Art Museum, which opened last year. BCAM has been a tremendous addition to Museum Row. I particularly like Chris Burden’s piece "Urban Light" at the entrance. I was concerned that diverted traffic might affect the quiet Miracle Mile neighborhoods south of Wilshire Blvd. I required LACMA to place $100,000 in a transportation fund for traffic calming measures once the museum was up and running. My staff worked with residents on this, and they requested that 8th St. be re-striped with a center turning lane so that they

75th anniversary with a tribute to the vehicles that launched the L.A. landmark—trucks. “When the Market first opened in 1934, there wasn’t a structure of any kind,” said marketing manager Ilysha Buss. “There was an empty lot, and the original 18 merchants, including a dozen farmers, parked their pick-ups on that lot and sold goods from the beds of their trucks.” Among those featured will be several built in the same year can make left turns at each intersection between LaBrea and Fairfax avenues. They also wanted speed humps for most of the residential streets. The speed humps will require petitioning on each block, but the re-striping project will be completed soon. Join Brigid LaBonge On Sat., June 6 at 8 a.m., I hope you’ll support the Griffith Park Communities “Relay for Life” at the Mulholland Fountain (corner of Los Feliz Blvd. and Riverside Dr.). My wife Brigid, who is a cancer survivor, is leading a walking team at this 24-hour relay. There will be food, games and music, and plenty of information about fighting and surviving this terrible disease. For more information on joining or supporting the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, visit: www.relayforlife. org/griffitparkca.

THIS BEAUTY is one of 20 trucks that will be on display.

the Market opened. A Ford Woody and a Roadster, as well as a Chevrolet four-door master coupe will be on display, as well as a 1933 Willy’s sedan delivery truck and a Ford pickup and delivery wagon built in 1929. In addition there will be an array of more than 80 cars, from Corvettes, convertibles and modified hot rods to restored classics and a 1922

Ahrens Fox Model V fire truck. The vehicles will be on display from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in and around the Farmers Market Plaza at Third St. and Fairfax Ave. At the close of the show, owners will fire up their hot rods, roadsters and cruisers for a spin. For more information, call 323-933-9211 or go to www. farmersmarketla.com

© LC 0506

My message this month is simple: I am listening to what you want. Here are a few updates on the work that my staff and I have been doing on your behalf. I have long admired the Wilton National Historic District, which was established in 1979. Residents have worked hard to restore the 1920s Craftsman and Colonial homes, which is a great contribution to the city as a whole. Since I was elected in 2001, I have tried to secure funding to build landscaped traffic triangles at 1st and 2nd streets to slow traffic along this residential corridor. Good news! The Community Redevelopment Agency board voted last month to fund the landscaping features as well as stamped, decorative crosswalks for these two intersections. We expect to begin meeting with neighbors to develop preliminary designs for these beautification features soon. Community support for this project has been overwhelming. The Ridgewood Wilton Neighborhood Association has thrown fundraisers; the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council and Windsor Square-Hancock Park Historical Society have contributed funds; a local bou-

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June 2009

Larchmont Chronicle



Marlborough gets gift from former student, employee

Explorer of the Year Jose Melgar received a plaque at Spring Salute 2009. Also pictured, from left, are Wilshire Community Police Council board president T.C. Kim, Capt. Eric Davis, commanding officer, L.A.P.D. Wilshire Division, and West Bureau Deputy Chief Terry Hara.

Event saluted police, raised funds for youth programs Police officers and members of the community were honored at “Spring Salute 2009” held in April at Maggiano’s Little Italy at The Grove.


deep by Dr. Rebecca Fitzgerald

SilkPeel Dermal Infusion New Twist in Microdermabrasion Old-style microdermabrasion meant “sandblasting” your skin with aluminum oxide crystals. It did exfoliate congested skin cells, but anyone with sensitive skin usually concluded it wasn’t the best idea. Enter the diamond tipped wands. No more sandblasting and no more aluminum particles in your hair, up your nose or the air. It was a huge leap. People loved the way their skin felt and the improvements this newer accelerated exfoliation made in how their skin looked and behaved. Now a “super-system” has been developed that uses the idea of the diamond tips and adds in problem-specific solutions that actually improve chronic conditions such as acne, discoloration and brown patches and the California common problem of dehydrated skin. SilkPeel uses a gentle two-tier technology that exfoliates surface skin cells and immediately bathes the fresh surface with pressurized infusion of skin repair products. It’s aptly named SilkPeel because anyone who has a treatment comments on just how silky their skin feels. Adding a post-peel hyperbaric oxygen enriched serum facial (O2 Intraceuticals) elevates skin repair to a new level. Are SilkPeel and the O2 Intraceuticals Oxygen Facial winners? In our experience, absolutely!

Dr. Rebecca Fitzgerald is a Board Certified Dermatologist located in Larchmont Village with a special focus on anti-aging technology. She is an injection training physician for the better known dermal fillers such as Juvederm, Radiesse and the new Evolence as well as a physician trainer for Botox. Dr. Fitzgerald is an assistant clinical professor at UCLA and an international Sculptra trainer for Dermik Laboratories. Visit online at www.RebeccaFitzgeraldMD.com. Telephone (323) 464-8046 Adv.

The event, which featured an auction, dinner and awards presentation, raised more than $8,000 for the Wilshire Community Police Council, said board member and Spring Salute chairman Suzanne Bank. Award recipients of the year honored at the Wilshire Community Police Council (WCPC) event were: Officer, Armondo Hoyos; Detective, Luis Corona; Senior Lead Officer, Spiro Roditis. Supervisor, Rudy Hernandez; Civilian Employee, Martha Militello; Investigator, Arturo Ramos. Reserve Officer, Alton Jones; Explorer, Jose Melgar and Community Member, Robert Reeves; Businessperson, Young H. Sim. The WCPC is a non-profit volunteer group that funds youth programs at the Wilshire Community Police Station. The Police Explorer and Deputy Auxiliary Police programs mentor youth and encourage their participation in the community.

Starlight Ink & More in former Plotke location

Ink and laser toner cartridges, printer ribbons and copy paper are among office products at Starlight Ink & More, 523 N. Larchmont Blvd. The store offers up to 50 percent discounts compared to big-name competitors, said Peaches Bautista, co-owner with Francisco Borja and Anthony Flaminiano. Other products include cdr's, cd cases, storage media laptops and desktop accessories for home and business use. Opened in February, the site is the former home of Plotke Plumbing, which moved after 48 years to larger quarters on W. Temple St. Parking is on the site, or shop online at starlightinkandmore.com

A bequest in excess of $2 million to the Leadership in Learning Campaign is the largest gift from an alumna in Marlborough School’s history. The gift was from the estate of Nancy Omohundro Long, class of ’54, who served as a member of the Alumnae Council, and supported the Angel Project, a program that supplements financial aid. In addition, she served for 22 years as assistant to the head of school. “Nancy Long was an extraordinary alumna, colleague and friend to many members

of the Marlborough community,’ said Barbara Wagner, head of school. “She loved Marlborough, and it is inspiring to know that her generous bequest will enrich the lives of our faculty and students in

perpetuity.” The gift was designated as an endowment fund to support financial aid for qualified students as well as the Teaching Fund to enhance faculty compensation.




sun., june 21

‘Children of the Night’ marks 30th anniversary

It was 30 years ago this year that Lois Lee abandoned a scholarly career and embarked on an ambitious plan to rescue children nationwide from prostitution. Her action has led to Children of the Night, a Van Nuys-based, 24-bed facility where she serves as president. To date, she has helped more than 10,000, 11 to 17-year olds, many of whom were abused or sold for drugs by their families. The non-profit has been featured on “Dr. Phil” and “60 Minutes”. Lee, who has worked with the surgeon general and homicide detectives has been awarded the President’s Volunteer Action Award from President Reagan in 1984. Visit childrenofthenight.org

Baccarat’s King Snoopy in crystal with a gold-plated crown. 73⁄4" H., $250.



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June 2009


Larchmont Chronicle

Pack can help you save your family in a disaster camping products, tools and general everyday necessities than other portable products, says Close. And it’s packed into a single-strap bag that can be slung onto your back or chest, leaving your hands free. “You can even drive with it on your chest,” the 30-something Larchmont Village resident pointed out. A peak inside the pack shows that Close thought of just about everything you’d need in case of an emergency. There’s the requisite, and essential, First-Aid kit, as well as a 251-page First Aid book. In addition are sealed water packets and 3,600-calorie survival bars that will last a week, a hypothermia blanket, fluorescent safety lights, breathing masks and a five-in-one waterproof case that includes a mirror, flint for lighting waterproof matches and a whistle. Also included are a pair of leather-denim gloves, poncho and bandana, signal mirror, a roll of duct tape and survival

NOT JUST A DISASTER BAG, Save Your Fanny is a survival pack with everything you need in an emergency, said Alex Close.

scissors that can do everything from scale a fish to open a bottle. Close even thought to enclose a notebook, pencils and pencil sharpener and waterproof document holder. Hygiene products include hand sanitizer, deodorant, a fold-up brush, three-in-one body wash/shampoo/shaving gel, pill container, sunscreen

ATTENTION: Denture Sufferers...

TarFest seeks art, film submissions

Mon., June 15. TarFest 2009 will be held Fri., Sept. 25 through Sun., Sept. 27. For submission information, go on the Internet at www.tarfest.com.

“FREE Report Reveals The Shocking

Truth About How To Stop Being A Victim To Wearing Those Agonizing Dentures Once And For All! A local doctor’s shocking new FREE report reveals the real truth about ill-fitting, irritating dentures that pop-up, gag you, fly out or get stuck when you are eating. If you’ve been told that you do not have any options and you are stuck with those dentures and using gobs of adhesive your entire life, then you must find out the 3 dangers that denture wearers face, and the new revolutionary alternatives that are changing peoples lives daily! Readers of the recent special report have discovered that they can now have better fitting,

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Art and film submissions are being accepted for TarFest, a yearly event in Miracle Mile that showcases independent films, emerging musical performers and visual artists. Submission deadline is

sachets, moist towelettes and “brush-ups” for teeth. Specialized packs for men contain condoms and razors; women’s bags include feminine hygiene products. “In a disaster, being able to take care of your body will help you take care of you mind,” Close says. The pack is $64.95. Go to saveyourfannypack.com.

The Counsel General of Australia was among more than 60 people at the Junior League of Los Angeles’ Rainey House for a reception aimed at helping to end human trafficking. “Human Trafficking: Slavery in Our Midst” also included members of the International Visitors Council of Los Angeles and the Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking as well as visitors from the Republic of Kazakhstan. “The reception was not only an opportunity to raise awareness around the tragedy that is human trafficking,” said Michelle Kezirian, president of the Junior League, “but also to build and strengthen relationships in the community and educate people about what it is that the Junior League does.” L.A. is one of the top three points of entry into America for victims of slavery and trafficking, she said.


By Laura Eversz Alex Close was shopping for a pre-packed disaster preparedness bag when inspiration struck. “The guy at the store who sold it to me was pointing out everything I needed to add to the bag,” she recalls. “And I was thinking ‘well, why doesn’t it come with all of that?’” Her conclusion: “I just felt like I could build a better one.” Research showed Close that disaster kits mostly contained products for trauma. Her pack, however, holds all the necessities you need to carry on with life after a disaster strikes. “Many people find themselves displaced for a period of time after a major catastrophe. What if you’re pulled from your home because of an earthquake or fire, and you have to live in a school auditorium for a week?” she asks. The Save Your Fanny Pack contains more hygiene and

League reception aimed to combat human trafficking

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June 2009

Larchmont Chronicle


High school grads reveal their choices for college Sloane Fowkes was working as a junior ambassador at Campbell Hall when she first heard of Pennsylvania’s Dickinson College. “That’s when college reps give presentations about their schools. I was taking notes for

She hopes to study abroad in either Argentina or Spain her junior year. In the meantime, Sloane says she’s a little nervous about leaving home. “I know I’ll be homesick. But I’m excited because it’ll give me the opportunity to grow.” Her parents, Flo and Richard, Plymouth Blvd., will be sad to see her go. “But they’re very happy I get to attend the school I want.”


students who were unable to attend.” When Sloane heard the vice president of admissions talk about Dickinson’s study abroad program and about how they intermix classes, “I fell in love with the school.” An overnight stay at the campus in the Fall sealed the deal, and she was accepted after applying early decision.


Lauren Elsner was so sure she wanted to go to Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York, she didn’t apply anywhere else. “I applied early decision. So if I didn’t get in, I could sub-

mit other applications I had ready,” said the Campbell Hall graduate. Lauren credits working with a college counselor and visiting more than 20 schools for helping her find exactly what she was looking for. “I’d advise younger students to do the same. It really eliminated a lot of stress.” With plans to minor in dance and major in psychology or arts management, the Windsor Square resident says she’s “very, very excited to leave home. I’ve wanted to go to the east coast all my life, and I’m ready to be independent.” As for her parents, Jeff and Margy Hudson, Lauren, the youngest of three, says, "I think they will be delighted and very happy to have the house to themselves.” *** Among schools Marlborough senior Ashley Lyles was accepted into were the University of Richmond, Howard University, St. Mary’s and Santa Clara colleges. Trying to decide which to attend wasn’t easy, she said. “I really liked Santa Clara and Howard. And St. Mary’s had a very pretty campus in the Bay area, they were really welcoming and I got a good

ASHLEY LYLES sense of community and family there.” In addition, the avid basketball player knew some girls on the St. Mary’s team. In the end, her decision was made easier when St. Mary’s offered her a scholarship. And her mom, Chutima, Elmwood Ave., is glad she won’t be too far from home.” “If she misses me, she can drive up and see me.” Ashley plans to major in biology, with a minor in Spanish or business. “I hope to become a pediatrician some day.” For now, she’s sad about the thought of leaving everyone behind. “But I’m really excited to be on my own and to meet new people.”


Human Rights Series held at Marlborough Marlborough juniors and seniors heard of a child’s forced enlistment in the militia to becoming an advocate to the U.N. as part of a Human Rights Speaker Series. The former child soldier from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Madeleine (last name was withheld) was on the Rossmore Ave. campus as part of the series, organized by history department head Cathy Atwell, Hancock Park. “This year’s Speaker Series has enriched students’ understanding of topics that usually ‘fly below the radar’ in the traditional high school curriculum...” said Atwell. Madeleine was joined by Bukeni Waruzi, executive director of Ajedi-Ka, aimed at demobilizing the reintegrating child soldiers in the DRC. Banafsheh Akhlaghi, western regional director of Amnesty International, met with students on April 15 to discuss transnational conflicts and crime. Government officials and journalists were among a nine-member panel from Kazakhstan to address students on human trafficking on May 15, concluding the series.


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JUNE 2009


Larchmont Chronicle

Creativity, back to basics offered at Hands-On 3rd By Laura Eversz Renee Ridgeley yearned to do something creative. With two small children at home, acting wasn’t an option for the Hancock Park thespian. So she and pal Kyle Hollingsworth, a painter, jewelry designer and graphic artist, cooked up the idea for Hands-On 3rd, a community focused, creative space offering back-to-basics classes in just about anything you can make with your hands. An interesting array of workshops feature everything from terrarium construction to hat making, sewing to green living, jewelry design to drawing and painting. “People can walk in and learn a skill, then walk away with knowledge they can use at home and share with friends,” said Ridgeley. “That’s what we offer, skills.”

PROPRIETORS Renee Ridgeley (left) and Kyle Hollingsworth at their new store, Hands-On 3rd.

Maybe the economy has something to do with the fact that business is already good at the store that opened recently at 8377 W. Third St. “People aren’t buying products as much as service,” Ridgeley says. “They want

Literary Agent WANTED Retired award-winning advertising Creative Director seeks adventurous literary agent to represent a series of eight humorous mysteries, featuring a 25-year-old preppy P.I. still living at home with his parents in suburban Darien, CT.

Dance Arts Academy

Chandler to sign new book June 27


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to learn to do things themselves. So rather than buying that $400 dress, they can come here and learn to make it themselves.” Sewing classes are popular with both men and women, who can learn to mend or create something from scratch. Each month Hands-On has an artist in residence. “This month, it’s a milliner,” said Ridgeley. “A lot of guys have signed up for that class. It’s great, because you learn to make it once, then you can go home and make it on your own.” Kids’ workshops, which cater to the seven and up crowd, have also been well-attended. Class sizes are small—usually only six to eight people. “And we’ll still hold the class

In the book “Dreamers in Dream City” author Harry Brant Chandler blends vintage and contemporary photos of 54 men and women who have made their mark on Los Angeles. The Hancock Park resident will be signing his new book at Chevalier’s, 126 N. Larchmont Blvd., on Sat., June 27, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. A former media executive, he is a descendant of two pioneer Los Angeles families. Angel City Press published the hardcover book. Cost is $35.

even if we only get a couple of people to sign up,” Ridgeley says. The partners are absolutely open to ideas from customers, she adds, “as long as it’s handson… no computers, low-tech, back to basics.” A sign in the store asks, “Do you do something creative?” Ridgeley and Hollingsworth recently talked to both an upholsterer and a woodworker about potential workshops, as well as someone who wants to teach a shoe-making class using recycled tires and hemp. Hands-On offers a lounge with free tea bar, a reference library, community posts and handmade retail. The space is also available for special events. Memberships, which allow free use of the workspace and offer discounts on workshops, are available for both individual and families. “Our goal is to create a warm, inviting and energetic space for learning and sharing creativity and skills,” said Ridgeley. “It’s about community.” Hands-On 3rd, 8377 W. Third St., 323-655-0515, www. handsonthird.com

New art galleries at Huntington

The Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens in San Marino opened its 16,379-square-foot Virginia Steele Scott Galleries of American Art in May. The new space is said to be one of the largest presentations in Southern California of American art from the Colonial period through the mid-20th century. The space comprises 15 galleries redesigned from the Virginia Steele Scott Gallery and the Lois and Robert F. Erburu Gallery, which formerly displayed European works. Permanent and temporary exhibitions will feature thematic groupings of works selected from The Huntington’s more than 9,400 American art pieces. These include paintings by Benjamin West, silver tableware by Tiffany and Co., and Zenobia in Chains, a sculpture by Harriet Hosmer, that will be on public view for the first time in nearly a century. One wall will be devoted to George Washington, anchored by a portrait by Gilbert Stuart. Free audio guides will be available. For more information go to www.huntington.org.



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JUNE 2009

Larchmont Chronicle

FORUM SPEAKERS PREDICT (Continued from page 4) imately two square miles between Third and Eighth streets from Wilton Place to Hoover St., and is home to 1,000 businesses and more than 50,000 residents. The organization is looking at retrofitting existing buildings with energy-saving technologies such as better insulation, window films, and cool roofs and planting trees inside buildings to capture and sequester carbon emissions before they get outside, creating an indoor bioreactor. “Existing buildings are the problem,� he said. “We need to look at reducing their carbon emissions if we are to achieve our goals.� Russell explained that the overall vision for the BID is to create a sustainable environment where residents will rely on biking, walking or public transportation to commute

from home to work, especially if the region can create a live/ work environment. “Is (sustainability) a trend? No,� said Heather Rosenberg director of CTG Energetics Inc. “The reason this is happening is that sustainability has a lot of benefits for employers and employees, from creating healthier work environments to saving employers on energy costs.� Steve Dunn, an architect and principal with ARUP, agreed, saying, legislation being approved in Sacramento is pushing sustainability to the forefront. “With stimulus money available, a bad economy and government incentives, this has become a booming industry,� he said. “Sustainable building wasn’t cost effective two years ago, but it is now.� Claire De Briere, chief operating officer of Ratkovich Co.,

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Jean’s Accents shop owner, 87

Youth volunteer Mike Chambers

Evelyn Jean, who owned Jean’s Accents on Larchmont Blvd. for more than 42 years, has died. Born in Dallas, Texas in 1922, she came to Los Angeles on her wedding day. She was a resident of S. Larchmont Blvd. Her antiques shop drew customers from all over the county, particularly for the vintage dolls she carried. Her husband Ralph died in 2004. She is survived by her daughter, Sandra Jean, grandson Darren Purdy and eight great-grandchildren.

William Michael “Mike� Chambers died April 29 from complications of Parkinson’s disease. He was 77. Born in Norfolk, Neb., he earned a business degree from Creighton University. Following graduation, Chambers was accepted into the U.S. Naval Officer’s Candidate School. When his service ended, he went to work for IBM. A 39-year resident of Hancock Park, he was active in Junior Achievement of So.

which owns and operates 5900 Wilshire, said when her company bought the building, it put in the most energy efficient equipment it could purchase. De Briere said, “with the new equipment, the building’s energy bill remains $60,000 a month.� Without the retrofit, the building’s energy consumption with all the old systems working would have cost $150,000 a month. Jeff Pion, a broker with CB Richard Ellis, said the real estate company has over two billion square feet of property in its portfolio and has been pushing its clients to embrace green technologies. “Something as simple as changing incandescent light bulbs to more energy efficient bulbs can have a huge impact,� he said.

Calif. and managed the Urban League of L.A.’s youth and education programs. He also served as Scout Master for Boy Scout Troops 175 and 10. His wife Margaret died in 2008. Chambers is survived by children Ann Brunner, Thomas and David Chambers; eight grandchildren; sister Jane Openshaw; sister-in-law Sarann Ryan Slattery, and his many nieces and nephews. Memorial tributes may be made to the Boy Scout Summer Camp Scholarship Fund, Troop 10 BSA, c/o Neil Martin, 336 S. Irving Blvd., 90020.



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June 2009

Brits invaded Hancock Park to launch BritWeek BritWeek 2009 arrived with a flourish celebrating all things British that are in Los Angeles. The third-annual event was launched recently with a champagne reception at the British Consul General’s residence in Hancock Park. “BritWeek was even bigger and better this year,” said British Consul General Bob Peirce and chair of BritWeek. PHOTO PAGE 1

“It has grown fast in just three years because there is so much to celebrate in the British relationship with Southern California.” Joining him was "International Man of Mystery," Austin Powers, also known as actor Mike Myers. BritWeek, which is actually a month-long series of events ending in mid May, included a gala dinner honoring former British prime minister Tony Blair and benefiting Malaria No More at the Beverly Wilshire. Other highlights were an L.A. Galaxy game, which featured soccer player Ed Westwick. Sharon Osbourne hosted the

British Academy of Film and Television Arts L.A. Comedy Awards, where Russell Brand was named British Comedian of the Year. Tracey Ullman received the Charlie Chapman Lifetime Achievement Award.

Olympia appoints disability advocate to hospital board Olympia Medical Center has named Betty R. Wilson, director of community affairs with the city Dept. of Disability, to the hospital’s board of directors. Wilson is an advocate and pioneer for the delivery of services to people with mental and physical disabilities. “I am extremely proud of the board’s decision to elect Ms. Wilson,” said John Calderone, CEO of Olympia Medical Center. “We look forward to incorporating Ms. Wilson’s programs and policies into our daily operations.” Wilson is responsible for the establishment of the first Dept. on Disability at any municipal government level.


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motion TO CLOSE pot centers

(Continued from page 1) tended the meeting, seeking the council’s support for its hardship exemption, which is pending before the City Council. In response to Usher and other questions from the GWNC’s board of directors, Matthew Healy denied he was operating illegally, and said he was forced to move from 5656 N. Cahuenga Blvd. Healy said his business held all the required permits and was in good standing with its neighbors. He admitted that the permits were for the store’s previous location, but argued he should be able to operate while his hardship exemption is before the city council. “We affect the community in a positive way,” he said. “We help about 500 patients, a vast majority are our neighbors who use medical marijuana to eleviate their pain.” Despite his pleas, the GWNC’s board voted unanimously to deny his request to support Bulldog Cafe’s request for a hardship exemption. Usher said the exemption was irrelevant because the business doesn’t belong at its current location. She urged Healy to find another location for the Bull Dog Café. Los Angeles police Capt. Eric Davis, commander of the Wilshire Division, assured GWNC board members that when his department receives a complaint about a medical marijuana business, his officers investigate it. “We are struggling with this,” Davis said. “Within the last 30 days, 14 new clinics have opened in our division. There are now a total of 33 clinics in our area.” When asked if there had been an increase in crime surrounding medical marijuana stores, Davis said his officers had investigated three burglaries, two robberies and one homicide. Many have opened during the ICO moratorium recently approved by the City Council. While the final regulations are drafted and should be introduced in September, owners of medical marijuana stores have been able to open or continue operating by filing a hardship exemption to the Interim Control Ordinance with the city of Los Angeles. THE COUNCIL also received requests for support from several businesses. These ranged from Larchmont Grill seeking a liquor license and extended business hours to Mozza to Go’s plans to sell liquor at its new take-out and expand parking availability.

Larchmont Chronicle

Kim named a top woman litigator by Daily Journal Helen B. Kim, a partner in Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP, has been named to the Daily Journal’s list of the Top 100 Women Litigators in California. This is the second year in a row that Kim has been selected to the list. She is also immediate past president of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association. She is a member of the L.A. County Bar Association’s board of governors and serves on its Judicial Appointments Committee. Kim is presidentelect of the Women Lawyers Association of L.A. She is coeditor of the ABA Litigation Section’s Securities Litigation Journal, and is on the ABA’s Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Profession. She is also a member of Katten’s Committee on


Racial and Ethnic Diversity. Kim lives in Hancock Park with her husband, Richard Nathan, and children Rebecca and Joshua.

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VOL. 45, NO. 10 • DELIVE RED

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Larchm ont




goes to the Fair








Preservat approved ion Plan Windsor for Square Five-mem board to ber HPOZ revie be appo w inted


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June 2009

Larchmont Chronicle


Dixson tells of success at Read Right conference By Suzan Filipek When sixth-grader Foster Dixson isn’t playing on a local Little League, basketball or football team, he’s often reading about sports. He also peruses essays about animals—he has a boxer/Lab, Hurley—as well as reads biographies and about biology and ecology since his reading skills shot up threeand-a-half grade levels since last summer. “He went from not wanting to read at all and feeling stupid and angry about it to vol- BESIDES BEING AN AVID READER unteering in class and Foster Dixson is a sports enthusiast. reading on his own all before 250 attendees at the the time. It was a 180,” group’s annual conference last says his mom. Parents Sarah Jennings and month in Seattle. Gregory Dixson, of N. Lucerne "Foster and I got a standing Blvd., attribute their son’s suc- ovation. It was a wonderful excess to the national Read Right perience," she added. Systems tutorial program. Educators, parents and corNever one to be shy, Jennings said her out-going son spoke Ebell L.A. gives

porate executives listened to him describe his journey from struggling to understand the written word to being named among the best students in the program of 2009. He was among those who “went the furthest and the fastest,” said his proud mom.

“is the antithesis of Phoenics,” the method favored by the L.A. Unified School District, said He also met his tutor for the Jennings. first time, who flew in to the She is hoping to instill conference from Ohio. The the private program into the pair speak twice weekly on the LAUSD, to help other students phone, and the results have like her son. For more information about been amazing, says Jennings. The program—based on the program, visit readright. reading for comprehension— com


responding to the needs of the whole person

$175,000 to Scholarships given women in need

The Rest Cottage Association of the Ebell of Los Angeles has given more than $175,000 to 11 L.A. area organizations that serve women in need. A luncheon held in May honored the recipients. Among them were the Downtown Women’s Center, Haven House, Kingsley Care Program, Alexandria House and St. Anne’s. The 115-year-old club—one of the nation’s oldest women’s organizations—maintains a clubhouse, library, theatre and art collection. The Ebell began building its philanthropic endowment in 1917. The name “Rest Association,” comes from the organization’s turn-of-thecentury convalescent center.

Five seniors in Pacific Hills’ graduating class of 33 have been awarded scholarships to play college basketball. Briahna “Bree” Richardson will become a Gaucho for UC Santa Barbara, and Ariel Dale signed with Fordham University in New York. Joanna Miller will compete for the University of North Carolina Central, while Alexander Osborne will play for Loyola Marymount Derick Flowers, who was named CIF Division V-AA Player of the Year and 2007 John Wooden Award winner, will attend UC Irvine in the fall.

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June 2009


‘Hancock Park’ is work of local teenage novelist By Jane Gilman

Isabel Kaplan had the idea for her book when she was 12. At 16 she had an interested agent, and now, at 19, she is a published author. The book, “Hancock Park,” was completed during her junior and senior years at Marlborough School. “When I was 16, my mom was having a book party, and I told her friend (the agent) Judith Regan about my book,” recalls the brunette, a freshman at Harvard University. “Judith looked at the first 12 pages and gave me a contract.” The hardcover book debuts June 30. When your mother is Susan Estrich, former chairman of the Michael Dukakis for President campaign and television commentator, and your father is Marty Kaplan, com-

AUTHOR used neighborhood as background for her story.

munications professor at USC, you are bound to inherit creative genes. “My parents have always encouraged me to go after whatever I wanted. They have been my role models,” says the


FOR FATHERS Make cards; trains at Farmers Market

OF LOS ANGELES www.WilshireRotary.org

Make cards for dads at the Farmers Market, Third St. and Fairfax Ave. on Sun., June 14 from noon to 3 p.m. Einstein Brown’s Calypso Kids Show and the gang from Radio Disney will entertain. Trains will be celebrated with a variety of activities on Sun., June 28, noon to 3 p.m. Kids are encouraged to come in "train" costumes.

Design ties at area museums


“Wilshire Rotary supports Congratulations to all recipients. local schools in a variety of ways Internationally, members of from our dictionary distribuWilshire Rotary look forward to tions, to members reading to elean upcoming trip to the Rotary mentary age children, sponsorInternational Convention in ships of Rotary clubs at the high Birmingham, England to hear more school and college level, as well about Rotary’s efforts to end polio, as through our annual foster world peace and Teachers Awards. This understanding, and proyear we invited the vide clean drinking water four awardees and globally. their principals as our Lastly and specially I guests for lunch and would like to thank everypresented them with one on this year’s board plaques and gift cerfor their time and deditificates to honor cation. The excellent job them for their conthey did in their directortinued dedication to President Elsa Gillham ship has definitely made a our youth. LA High’s difference in our local and Mr. Mendez chose to honor global community. It was an honor Julio Colon, Dr. Mary Hall honand a pleasure serving as the 77th ored Charles Pallos III of Queen President of Wilshire Rotary. Anne Place Elementary, Principal Please join us for lunch and a Lloyd Houske of Cahuenga honprogram any Wednesday at noon ored Jun Chang and Alexandra at the Ebell Club, 743 S. Lucerne Dia of Wilshire Park School was Blvd. and find out more about honored by Principal Franco. Wilshire Rotary. Adv.

young author. Isabel grew up in Hancock Park. Her parents separated when she was 10 and brother, James, was six. Kaplan continues to live in Hancock Park while Estrich resides in Santa Monica. She commutes between the two. The book jacket hypes the novel, revealing the characters. Becky, the book’s narrator, tells of her sparring parent, a grandmother who is man-crazy and a younger brother Jack who answers only to J-zizzy. “No,” states the author, “it is not a book about my family.” The book’s publicist calls the novel “a delicious read for the “Gossip Girl’ and “Mean Girls” crowd and soon to be the hot book of the summer.” “I’m really excited about the book,” said Isabel. “It’s like releasing my first child.” And, the savvy teenager has another book “in the germination stage.”

Design ties for dad at the Zimmer Children’s Museum on Sun., June 21 from 2 to 4 p.m., at 6505 Wilshire Blvd. At the Craft and Folk Art Museum, 5814 Wilshire Blvd., sculptures, frames and cards can be fashioned at Found Treasures, a workshop Sat., June 20, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Recommended for families with children ages 3-12. RSVP at 323-937-4230 x50 or email: workshops@cafam.org

Larchmont Chronicle

Cal Poly Pomona alumni, Andrews brothers awarded

Two brothers, who grew up in the neighborhood and are leaders in agriculture in the state, were recently honored at the 49th annual Distinguished Alumni Awards by the Cal Poly Pomona Alumni Association. Daniel Andrews, class of ’90, owns fruit and vegetable growing and shipping company Dan Andrews Farms. He played with the L.A. Dodgers for two seasons before he became a produce sales manager for his father, Robert Andrews. He started his own company in 2007. John Andrews, class of ’92, also graduated in food marketing and agribusiness management from Cal Poly. He owns Trinity Farms, and he is office manager of the family farm in the San Joaquin Valley—a major grower, packer Ebell June AD:Ebell AD and shipper of 2009 produce.


FASHION SHOW hosted by Assistance League of So. Calif.’s Anne Banning Auxiliary Professionals was at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills in April. Operation School Bell for underprivileged children benefited from the fundraiser. Auxiliary members Suzanne Kahane, left, and Sylvia Marjoram. 5/22/2009 6:08 PM Page 1

THE EBELL OF LOS ANGELES JUNE 2009 EVENTS Scholarship Breakfast - Saturday, June 6, 2009

Music, Arts and Letters - Monday, June 8, 2009 Dr. Keith Black, MD - Brain Surgeon 11:30 a.m. Social hour; 12 noon Luncheon; 12:45 Program

Assembly Dinner - Friday, June 12, 2009 EBELL “The Early Years” 1894-1949 A Light-hearted History in Rhythm and Rhyme! 6:30 p.m. Cocktails; 7:15 Program begins; 8p.m. Dinner $45 per person

Women in Leadership - Monday, June 15, 2009 Wendy Greuel - Los Angeles City Controller - Elect 11:30 a.m. Social hour; 12 noon Luncheon; 12:45 Program

Monday Luncheons: $20 member/$30 non-member For tickets, please call 323-931-1277 ext.131 or email: tickets@ebellla.com Cancellations must be received 24 hours prior to an event to avoid billing.

BROTHERS COLLATERAL Family Owned and Operated


(Continued from page 3) nomenal, dynamic assistant principal would be delighted to hear from neighborhood parents and will gladly set up a tour or conversation about your needs. I urge you to contact her @ 323-549-5006 or hjy3574@lausd.net So many things have changed this year: our government, our economy, our environmental footprint. Why not change the way you view your local, public education too? You’ll use a lot less gas and, by the way, it’s free. Rachel Feldman Martel Ave.







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June 2009

Larchmont Chronicle






Loyola High School Jesuit College Preparatory

Marlborough School has been preparing young women for leadership and contribution since 1889.

Class of 2009 College Choices

Class of 2009 graduates will be attending the following colleges and universities across the nation:


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• 1 9 0 1 V e n i c e B o u l e Va r d • l o s a n g e l e s

Amherst College Boston University (3) Brown University (2) Bucknell University Carleton College Colgate University Columbia University (6) Cornell University Duke University (4) Emerson College (2) Emory University George Washington University (2) Georgetown University Harvard University (2) Johns Hopkins University (2) Kenyon College (4) Lewis and Clark College Macalester College New York University (2) Northwestern University (3) Oberlin College Pratt Institute Reed College (2) Saint Mary’s College Smith College Southern Methodist University

Spelman College Stanford University (3) Tufts University (2) University of Chicago University of Delaware University of Denver University of Michigan University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania (4) University of San Diego University of San Francisco University of Southern California (11) University of California at: Berkeley (3) Irvine Los Angeles (2) Merced Santa Barbara (3) Santa Cruz Vanderbilt University Vassar College (3) Washington University in St. Louis (2) Wesleyan University Williams College Yale University (2)



June 2009



Larchmont Chronicle





Graduating Class of 2009! We salute our eighth graders! Janellyn Adraneda

Emily Eva Johnson

Sarah Jisun No

Kathy Amiliategui

Joseph Kang

Cristian Ramirez

Jasmine Crystal Barruga

Agnes Youn

Alison Paulina Sarreal

Anthony James Cardinal

Harold Hong Kim

Sandra Shim

Katrina Mae Chavez

Stephanie Kim

Ryan Toledo

Donald Cheong

Justin Ko

Aidan Valdez

Divya George

Lucero Marleny Lopez

Ernesto Velasco

Gi Sebastienne Gonzales

Gabrielle May Magpantay Krystal von Seyfried

Jamie Vanessa Gonzalez

Carlos Morales

Jocelyn Zavala

CoNGRATuLATioNS To ouR STuDENTS who were admitted to the following Catholic High Schools: Bellarmine Jefferson, Bishop Conaty-our Lady of Loretto, Cathedral, immaculate Heart, Loyola, Notre Dame Academy, Notre Dame High School, Providence, Salesian High School and St. Genevieve.

617 North ArdeN Blvd. l.A. 90004 (at Melrose Vine) 617 N&ORTH

(323) 462-4753 A RDEN B LVD . • (323) 462-4753

Echo Horizon School The Faculty & Staff

Congratulate the Class of 2009 Caspian Alavi-Flint Lilia Aronoff-Aspaturian Christian Bailey Emma Bernstein Andre Bianic Emily Brooks Charles (Chunny) Cohen Natasha Coleman Margaret Combs Marat Daukayev Jenny Davis Spencer Fields Andrew Friedman Adam Glaser Megan Guefen Maddox Kay Samuel Klebanow

James Lennon Nicole Lipman Maximo Macchi Gavin Michaels Aimee Misaki Grace Palmer Lucas Parisot Charlie Paulin Brooke Perry Sophia Rogg Rebecca Rosenzweig Sophie Sinclair Lily Szabo John Tatro Jamie Wayne Benny Weisman Nicholas Yatroussis

3430 McManus Ave., Culver City • 310-838-2442


2008 Archdiocesan Academic Junior High Decathlon Champions

Congratulations to the 2009 Graduating Class! Carlos Bax Jennifer Chae Christina Cho Michael Davis Cheyenne Drake Justin Elder Jocelyn Everett Robert Floyd Quinn Forrer Stephanie Garcia Justice Guy Gage Guyer Anna Hanasz Felix Hernandez Angela Hwang Cecilia Inofuentes Robert Jackson Samantha Juarez Erin Keeton Chris Ki Beverly Kim John Kim Marian Kim Sean Kim Durant Lee Edward Lee Nickolas Leguizamon Bryson Negri Gozie Ojini Nanichi Oliva Edmund Park Sam Park Christopher Robinson Kathleen Ruther Yohanes Shimelis Tyler Vicknair

St. Genevieve High School Beverly Hills High School Beverly Hills High School St. Monica High School Holy Family High School St. Monica High School St. Monica High School Fairfax High School Beverly Hills High School Bishop Conaty-Our Lady of Loretto Holy Family High School Hollywood High School Bishop Conaty-Our Lady of Loretto St. Genevieve High School Notre Dame Academy Holy Family High School Notre Dame High School Immaculate Heart High School Holy Family High School Loyola High School Beverly Hills High School Loyola High School Notre Dame Academy Providence High School Providence High School Providence High School Cathedral High School St. Monica High School St. Monica High School Bishop Conaty-Our Lady of Loretto Fairfax High School Loyola High School Harvard-Westlake High School Bishop Conaty-Our Lady of Loretto LACES High School Notre Dame Academy

755 S. Cochran Ave • 323-938-9976

More Than Just a School…a Family!

Congratulations Congratulations Class of 2009!

High School High School

Congratulations to our graduates on their acceptances to the following colleges and universities: Adelphi University Arizona State University California Lutheran University California State Universities - All Campuses

High School

High School

Concordia University Chapman University George Fox University Gonzaga University Hofstra University Hunter College Lewis & Clark College Loyola Marymount University Manhattan College Northern Arizona University

North Carolina Central University Occidental College Pepperdine University San Francisco State St. John’s University U.S. Military Academy at Westpoint University of California - All Campuses

University of San Diego University of Oregon University of San Francisco University of Southern California Whittier College Willamette University

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June 2009

Larchmont Chronicle







IMMACULATE H EART HIGH SCHOOL Congratulates the 2009 Graduating Class Emily Abbott Christina Aceves Shana Aframian Arielle Aguirre Lace Alexander Frances Amiliategui Chelsey Arabia Veronica Arellano Mary Balzer Allison Bautista Adriana Beesley Laura Brintnall Stephanie Busby Giannina Campos Lucille Capul Melinda Catala Francesca Cavalli Ashley Chang Claire Cho Katherina Chua Annabel Coe Abby Gayle Comes Alexandra Cooper Laarni Cordero Camille Cregan Shelby Crutcher Ryane Daniels Erin Davis Melissa Dickson Christine Doh Samantha Dominguez Angela Faissal Jessica Fein Mekaleya Fekade

Michelle Ferraro Sonia Flores Jillian Fong Laurel Galanter Carolina Galarza Jessalie Gargantos Carolyn Geoghegan Celine Gomez Taylor Hanson Monique-Denise Herrera Victoria Hohman Julie Huning Flannery Huntoon Katrina-Elise Isip Jessica Jimenez Christine Jorvina Mary Juárez Raven Kalicki Eurie Kim Tracey Kim Alice Kim Donna Komenkul Judy Lee Amaris Lim Tessa Lloyd Heather Logan Valerie Ann Lopez Adrienne Maeweather Erika Malle Kaylin Marino Lorena Martinez Camille Massey Sarah McDonnell Lenore Ann Melo

Molly Memel Katrina Mendoza Myra Mendoza Arezo Momenzadeh Amber Montgomery Bella Nelson Clare O'Brien Kirstie Okura Marianna Olesijuk Raquel Padilla Estella Park Judy Park Ellen Park Heidi Pineda Gabriela Quintanilla Andrea Ramírez Natasha Riesgo Alexandra Safavi Megan Salas Elizabeth Sarley Victoria Seno Christina Shin Katherine Soldevilla Liana Sposto Camille Stennis Annie Taylor Monica Thomas Lauren Thomas Christina Tractenberg Galia Tully Alexandra Urias-Ramirez Megan Willoughby Briana Young

5515 Franklin Avenue, Los Angeles • (323) 461-3651

Graduation ad:Layout 1 5/22/09 1:40 PM Page 1


Educating Young Women To Make a Difference

Marymount HighSchool School Marymount High Marymount High School     High   Marymount School                 

Congratulations Our 2009 Graduates! CongratulationsTo ToOur Our 2009 2009 Graduates! Congratulations To Graduates! Congratulations To 2009 Graduates! American University*

Pace University, New York City

University of California

American University* Pace Parsons University, New York Cityat Los University of California Bard College School of Design, Angeles Barnard College New School University BardAmerican College Parsons School of at ofLos American University* PaceUniversity, University, NewDesign, York University ofCalifornia California University* Pace New YorkCity City University University ofAngeles California Boston University* Pomona College at Santa Barbara* Barnard College New School University of California College Parsons SchoolUniversity of Design, atatLos Angeles BardBard College Parsons Design, Los Bucknell University Rice School University University ofAngeles California Boston University* Pomona College at Santa Barbara* Barnard College New School University University of California California State University, San Diego State University at Santa Cruz* Barnard College New School University University of California Northridge* San Francisco ofBarbara* Colorado Bucknell University Rice University University of California Boston University* Pomona CollegeState University University atatSanta Boston University* Pomona Santa Barbara* Clemson University SantaCollege Clara University* at Boulder* California State University, San Diego State University at Santa Cruz* Bucknell University Rice University University of California Colgate University Lawrence College University of Connecticut* Bucknell University Rice Sarah University University of California Northridge* San State UniversityUniversity University Cornell University* Skidmore College ofCruz* Denverof Colorado California State University, SanFrancisco Diego State State University atatSanta California State University, San Diego University Santa Cruz* DePaul University University* University at Manoa* Clemson University Santa Clara Methodist University* at ofBoulder* Northridge* SanSouthern Francisco State University University ofHawaii Colorado Northridge* San Francisco University University University of Colorado Emerson College The George State Washington Dame of Notre Colgate Clemson University College Sarah Lawrence University of University Santa Clara University* at Boulder* Eugene Lang College The New University* University of Oregon Connecticut* Clemson University SantaThe Clara University* atUniversity Boulder* School for Liberal Arts Skidmore University of Arizona* University ofof San Diego Cornell Colgate University* College of Denver University College Sarah Lawrence University Connecticut* Colgate University College Sarah Lawrence University ofFrancisco* Connecticut* Franklin College SwitzerlandSouthern The University of Iowa University ofof San DePaul University Methodist University* University of Hawaii at Manoa* Cornell University* Skidmore College University Denver Georgetown University The University of North University of Southern Cornell University* Skidmore College University of Denver DePaul University Southern Methodist University of Hawaii at Manoa* Emerson College The George Washington Dame University of Notre Harvard University Carolina at ChapelUniversity* Hill California* DePaul University Southern Methodist University* University of Hawaii at Manoa* ofof Washington High PointThe University University of Texas, Austin* University Emerson College TheThe George Washington University Notre Eugene Lang College New University* University ofDame Oregon of Wisconsin, Ithaca Tulane Emerson TheUniversity* GeorgeUniversity Washington Dame University of Notre Eugene LangCollege College University of Oregon School for College Liberal Arts The New The University of Arizona* University University of Madison San Diego Villanova University* Loyola Marymount University* University of California Eugene Lang College The New The University* University of Oregon School for Liberal ArtsChicago The University University of San Diego Franklin College Switzerland University ofArizona* Iowa University of San Francisco* at Berkeley* of Loyola University * indicates more than one student University of California New York University* School for Liberal Arts The University ofofIowa Arizona* University oftheSan Diego Franklin College Switzerland The TheUniversity University University of San Francisco* Georgetown University North University of Southern will be attending college/ Northwestern University at Irvine university in of the Southern fall Georgetown University TheUniversity University University Franklin College Switzerland The of North IowaHill University of San Francisco* Harvard University Carolina at Chapel California* Harvard University at Chapel Hill Austin*California* of Washington HighGeorgetown Point University The University Texas, University University TheCarolina University ofofNorth University of Southern of Washington HighUniversity Point University The University of Texas, University of Wisconsin, Madison Ithaca College Tulane University Harvard Carolina at Chapel HillAustin* University California* of Wisconsin, Madison Ithaca Tulane University Villanova of California University* Loyola University* University of Washington HighMarymount PointCollege University The University of Texas, Austin* University University Villanova University of California University* Loyola Marymount University* Tulane at Berkeley* Loyola University Chicago University of Wisconsin, Madison Ithaca College University * indicates more than one student at Berkeley* Loyola UniversityUniversity* Chicago University of California California NewLoyola York University* willmore beUniversity* attending the college/ * indicates than one student Villanova University of Marymount  Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles, CA  University of California New York University* Northwestern University at attending the in college/ the fall -- www.mhs-la.org will beuniversity at Irvine Berkeley* Loyola University Chicago *university indicatesinmore than one student Northwestern University PreparingatYoung IrvineWomen to Make a Better World the fall University of California New York University* will be attending the college/ Northwestern University at Irvine university in the fall

 Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles, CA   Sunset Boulevard www.mhs-la.org Los Angeles, CA  -- -- www.mhs-la.org Preparing Young Women to Make a Better World  Sunset Boulevard Angeles, Preparing Young Women Los to Make a Better CA World

-- www.mhs-la.org Preparing Young Women to Make a Better World

Campbell Hall

2851 Overland Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90064 (310) 839-5289 CONGRATULATIONS 2009 GRADUATES Joanne Absher • Nicole Aguinaldo • Kiara Althaus • April Araneta • Chelsea Arsenault • April Bang • Amanda Benavides • Katie Brennan • Katherine Bradshaw • Shelby Brito • Megan Buckles • Nicole Calsbeek • Ashley Carino • Monique Caruso • Jasmine Casillas • Shawna Chagoury • Danielle Chang • Elaine Cheung • Sarah Chistolini • Anne Cho • Alexandra Conner • Teresa Conrad • Ana Cuellar • Carleen Curry • Chantal Daley • Nicole DesForges • Jasmin Dial • Cailin Doherty • Nicole Engler • Breyana Esparza • Suzanne Evans • Kirsten Fitz • Ashley Fischler • Maddie Friess • Crystal Garcia • Danielle Germain • Chloe Good • Colleen Grant • Colleen Greenhalgh • Erika Guzman • Emily Hales • Deborah Han • Devon Henry • Bridget Harding • Erin Hechinger • Molly Heutmaker • Gabrielle Ibarrolo • Mycah Ines • Amanda Johannson • Nina Kiefer • Amanda Klasila • Valerie Koskovich • Jennifer Lalli • Grace Lee • Samantha Lee • Lupita Lerma • Allison Li • Jenny Liu • Delaney Lonergan • Lucy Longo • Rachel Lowe • Madison Lowery • Shannon McCormick • Veronica Machuca • Jessica Mahon • Jessica Mallari • Alejandra Martinez • Veronica Matini • Lauren Moniz • Myranda Mora • Emily Nash • Kristen Nugent • Jenny Oh • Melissa Ortiz • Allison Ozurovich • Nellie Paik • Sarah Paik • Elizabeth Palomar • Elizabeth Panich • Katherine Panich • Marissa Paterson • Laurel Petti • Bella Quijano • Paige Ramsey • Eva Recinos • Claudia Reyes • Savanna Reyes • Rachel Rodriguez • Laura Rojas • Pilar Romero • June Renee Santiano • Breanna Serafin • Heather Sison • Anastasia Smotrys • Christine Stafford • Madeline Stone • Victoria Tam • Victoria Tapia • Angela Tawfilis • Taylor Thomas • Kirsten Thompson • Liberty Tilman • Alysha Tseng • Nicole Valdez • Crystal Villanueva • Catherine Weiler • Amy Wissel • Emma Woo • Nicole Yap • Carlyn Yarosh • Kristin Yinger • Olivia Zecchini

2009 POSTSECONDARY ADMISSIONS OFFERS American University (2) • Arizona State University (3) • Boston College (2) • Boston University (6) • Brown University (1) • California Lutheran University (3) • California Polytechnic University at: Pomona (6) San Luis Obispo (7) • California State University at: Channel Islands (2) Dominguez Hills (1) Fullerton (12) Hayward (1) Long Beach (10) Los Angeles (5) Monterey Bay (5) Northridge (22) Sacramento (5) San Marcos (6) • Carleton College (1) • Case Western University (1) • Chaminade (2) • Chapman University (1) • Chico State University (4) • College of the Holy Cross (1) • College of Wooster (1) • Colorado State University Fort Collins (1) • Columbia University (1) • Cornell University (1) • Creighton University (2) • Dominican University of California (1) • Drexel University (2) • El Camino Community College (1) • Emerson College (2) • Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising (1) • Fordham University (7) • Georgetown University (3) • George Washington University (2) • Gonzaga University (9) • Hampshire College (1) • Hawaii Pacific University (1) • Hofstra University (3) • Humboldt State University (3) • Johns Hopkins University (1) • King’s College (1) • La Salle University (1) • Loyola Marymount University (35) • Loyola of Chicago (4) • Mount St. Mary’s College (2) • New Mexico State University (1) • New York University (6) • Northeastern University (2) • Northern Arizona University (5) • Occidental College (6) • Ohio State University (1) • Oregon State University (1) • Pepperdine University (5) • Quinnipiac University (1) • San Diego State University (2) • San Francisco State University (11) • San Jose State University (4) • Santa Clara University (24) • Santa Monica City College (6) • Scripps College (1) • Seattle University (5) • Sonoma State University (11) • St Bonaventure (1) • St. John’s University (2) • St. Kate’s (1) • St. Louis University (1) • St Mary’s College of California (1) • Stanford University (1) • Syracuse University (1) • United States Naval Academy (1) • University of Alabama (1) • University of Arizona (3) • University of California: Berkeley (8) Davis (15) Irvine (25) Los Angeles (8) Merced (14) Riverside (28) San Diego (20) Santa Barbara (21) Santa Cruz (8) • University of Chicago (1) • University of Colorado Boulder (3) • University of Connecticut (2) • University of Dayton (2) • University of Hawaii: Hilo (1) Manoa (1) • University of the Incarnate Word (1) • University of Kansas (1) • University of Michigan (2) • University of Missouri (1) • University of North Carolina: Charlotte (1) Greensboro (1) • University of Notre Dame (3) • University of Oregon (3) • University of Portland (3) • University of Puget Sound (1) • University of Redlands (1) • University of San Diego (15) • University of San Francisco (12) • University of Southern California (15) • University of South Carolina (1) • University of the Pacific (4) • University of Texas Austin (1) • University of Washington (5) • Villanova (4) • Washington University St Louis (1) • Wellesley College (1)

Congratulations to the Class of 2009

American University The University of Arizona The Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University Bennington College Bentley University Berklee College of Music Boston University University of California at Berkeley University of California at Los Angeles University of California at Riverside University of California at San Diego University of California at Santa Barbara University of California at Santa Cruz California State Polytechnic University, Pomona California State University, Fullerton California State University, Northridge Chapman University University of Colorado at Boulder Columbia University Dickinson College Eckerd College Emerson College Emory University Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts European School of Economics London Fordham University Franklin and Marshall College The George Washington University

Georgetown University Hampshire College Middlebury College New York University University of Oregon Pace University, New York City University of the Pacific Pepperdine University Portland State University University of Puget Sound Purchase College University of Redlands Reed College Rice University Rochester Institute of Technology San Diego State University Santa Monica College Sarah Lawrence College Skidmore College University of Southern California Southern Methodist University Spelman College Stanford University Syracuse University The University of Texas, Austin Tufts University Tulane University Vassar College Wheaton College Whitman College

4533 Laurel Canyon Blvd., N. Hollywood • (818) 980-7280



June 2009



Larchmont Chronicle




St. Brendan School Congratulations Class! Congratulations to the 2009 2006 Graduating Graduating Class! Kenneth An................................ Notre Dame High School Adeline Black ............................. Marymount High School Paul Calfo .................................. Loyola High School Vincent Carolan-Foster ............... Loyola High School Phylizia Carrillo ......................... Notre Dame High School Diane Crosson ........................... Mayfield Senior School Christian Cruz ........................... Bellarmine-Jefferson High School William Debreu .......................... Polytechnic Raquel Di Nieri .......................... Notre Dame High School Emily Fuller .............................. Notre Dame High School Jacob Han .................................. Loyola High School Dylan Hardy ............................... Wildwood Mary Hernandez ......................... Notre Dame High School Matthew Higashiyama ................ St. Francis High School Sean Holahan............................. Campbell Hall Alexander Kerekes...................... Notre Dame High School Micah Kuch-Smith ..................... Birmingham Magnet High School Erica Lee ................................... Brentwood Academy John Lee .................................... Loyola High School Nathaniel Matthews .................... Loyola High School Paul Morales .............................. Hamilton Daniel Ordonia........................... Loyola High School Rachel Park ............................... Immaculate Heart High School James Rhee................................ St. Monica’s Sean Robinson ........................... St. Monica’s Grant Rutter .............................. Loyola High School Michael Sapunor ........................ Loyola High School Weiler Shafer ............................. Midland College Preparatory Areany Tolentino ........................ Marymount High School Tyler Wade ................................. Pilgrim

St. James’ Episcopal School Congratulates the Class of 2009 Karalyn Ahmanson Kathryn Ahmanson Gilbert Anwar Stella Banderas Zachary Carlson Amara Clark Mackenzie Cregan Jackson Crites Cory Gipson Matthew Gooden Kennedy Green Alexander Gruszynski Jenny Ha Terry Ha Christopher Han Nicole Han Max Hazzard Mae Humphreville Joseph Hunt Samara Kannike

Anne Kim Danica Kim Rohgene Kim Kevin Ko Henry Kyoung Henry La Soya Samantha Lane Bryanna Lee Jacob Lee Rebecca Lee Ryan Lee Jackson Leipzig Morgan Martin Kylie Ann McManus Madeleine Miller Daniel Nam Chelsea Robinson Jake Thompson Blaine Williams Sloane Zucker

625 S. St. Andrews Place Los Angeles, CA 90005 www.sjsla.org

238 S. Manhattan Place, Los Angeles • 213-382-7401

Page Private Schools 1908

Celebrating 101 Years


John Burroughs John Burroughs MIDDLE SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL Class of 2009 Motto


We are Leaders in the Making and the Future is Ours to Shape.

9 Graduating Class of 2006! We congratulate you & wish you all success!

Our 8th grade graduates were accepted tO the fOllOwing schOOls:

Brentwood High School Buckley School Cathedral Chapel High School Campbell Hall Crossroads Immaculate Heart High School Milken Community High School Oakwood School St. Monica High School Wildwood

Hancock Park

Age 2 1/2 thru grade 8 565 N. Larchmont Blvd. 6:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. (323) 463-5118

Beverly Hills

Age 2 1/2 thru grade 6 419 S. Robertson Blvd. 6:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. (323) 272-3429

We wish them well as they take their college-bound outlook and broad We wish them well as they take their broad academic training academic training high school programs throughout Los Angeles. from JB to HightoSchool programs all across Los Angeles .... Bravo Medical Magnet Los Angeles Center ClevelandStudies Magnet for Enriched Fairfax HS and Visual Hamilton Academy ArtsMusic Magnet & Humanities Magnet Hamilton HS and Fairfax High Humanities Magnet Visual Arts Magnet

Hollywood HS Hollywood High School Los Angeles HS for Advanced Studies, and Performing Arts Magnet Marshall HS HS Math, SanUniversity Pedro Marine Science, & Technology Magnet

The parents of John Burroughs Marlborough School Parent Teachers Organization Magnet wouldBravo like toMedical thank the dedicated teachers forBeverly inspiring ourHigh children every day! Hills Daniel Murphy

UPCOMING EVENTS! • June 4 - Incoming 6th grade Parent Meeting for Summer NowProgram accepting Transition applications • June 19th - 8th Grade Graduation ourJuly SAS th thru 31stGifted - Transitions • July 6for Resident Programth Summer Program for 6 Grade Sponsored by John Burroughs Parent Teachers Organization

Sponsored by FOJB

Sponsored by FOJB

6 0 0 S McCADDEN PLACE, LOS ANGELES, CA 9 0 0 0 5 • 323-549-5000 323-938-9146 6 0 0 S McCADDEN PLACE, LOS ANGELES, CA 9 0 0 0 5 • 3 2 3 - 9 3 8 - 9 1 4 6






Temple Israel of Hollywood day scHool


Graduating Class of 2009 Mazel tov to our Day School! These outstanding young people have made us proud for seven Temple Israel of Hollywood Day School wonderful years. We know their light will continue to shine this fall at their new schools. Graduating Class of 2009 Mazel tov to our Day School! These outstanding young people have made Our graDuaTeS Were accepTeD aT: us proud for seven wonderful years. We know their light will continue to

Turning Point proudly announces its seventh Graduating 8th Grade Class Griffin Deary Darian Epherson Lexi Fadel Nina Ferguson Avery House Ethan Huron Katrien Konkol Sepora Makabeh Amelia Martin-Resnick

Archer forschools. Girls, Buckley, Campbell shine this fall atSchool their new Our graduates were Hall, accepted at: Crossroads, Westlake, Immaculate Heart, Milken, Archer School forHarvard Girls, Buckley, Campbell Hall, Crossroads, HarvardWestlake, Immaculate Heart, Milken, Oakwood, Pacific Hills, Oakwood, Pacific Hills, Pressman Academy, Renaissance Pressman Academy, Renaissance Arts Academy, Arts Academy, Westmark School and Wildwood. Westmark School and Wildwood. Wewish wishthem themluck luckand & know We knowthey theywill willcontinue continue to to make make us usproud. proud.

Niki Masoomi Christian May-Suzuki Grace McGrade Joshua Moody Hayley Myles Allen Nikka Samantha Osborne Marques-Anthony Peeler

Lauryn Reese

Tara Seewack Maxwell Siderman Anthony Soeharto Jeremy Soeharto Julia Stevens Andrew Stogel Natalie Toppino Jason Welsh Gil Young

These talented students will be attending the following Upper Schools next year: Arts High ~ The Buckley School (2) ~ Brentwood ~ Campbell Hall (3) Crossroads (4) ~ Harvard-Westlake (6) ~ Immaculate Heart ~ Milken Community High School (3) ~ Marymount ~ Vistamar (4) ~ Wildwood ~ Windward

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School 8509 HIGUERA STREET, CULVER CITY, CALIFORNIA 90232 310.815.0411 FAX 310.815.0425 www.thewillows.org

needs and respectful of individual differences,

An educational program attentive to students’

founded on principles of experiential learning



Willows Community School

Prospective Parents are invited to attend

Page 1

• Junipero Serra High School • Los Angeles County


High School for the Performing Arts

• Pacific Hills School

Michael Kellman Center for Early Education

Adam Lenarsky

Sean Holahan St. Brendan

Yavneh Hebrew Academy

Sixth Grade Class St. James'

• Vistamar School

• Westmark School • Wildwood School

• Windward School

Kim Morales John Severino Precious Blood

Zoe Lesser Temple Emanuel Vera Drymon Third Street

Veronica Hawley Marlborough

Ian Green Turning Point

Kaila Exford John Burroughs

Adaline Boettcher Audrey Noble Marymount

Joy Kim Wilshire

John Sapunor Loyola

Connie Varela Page

Tom Wagner Campbell Hall

Ryan Heaney Pacific Hills

Lisa Lim Immaculate Heart

• Santa Monica High School

8509 HIGUERA STREET, CULVER CITY 310.815.0411 • www.thewillows.org

Gavin Somes Pilgrim

Arianna Cooper Hancock Park

• Polytechnic School

• Harvard-Westlake

• Oakwood School • Pilgrim School

Humanities Magnet

• Kiski School

• Notre Dame High School


• Hamilton High

• Culver City High School

built on social values

• Crossroads School

Min-ji Yi Fairfax High School

Maya Klapper Benny Weisman Echo Horizon

• Milken Community High School • New Roads School

Noella Park Cathedral Chapel

Stephanie Kim Christ the King

• Marymount High School

*Saturday, October 11, 2003 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Middle School Grades 6-8 *R.S.V.P. (310) 815-0411

• Campbell Hall

arts program

• The Buckley School

• Marlborough School

Thursday, October 16, 2003 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. velopmental Kindergarten-Grade 5

• Brentwood School

• Loyola High School

• Beverly Hills High School

• The Archer School for Girls

and thematic instruction

A developmentally structured curriculum

Excellent academic curriculum/outstanding

Providing a balanced approach to education in an environment that fosters character, nurtures connection, and values content

The Willows’ 48 eighth graders are looking forward to beginning high school in the fall. Students will be attending public and private schools across the city. We congratulate our graduates-to-be, who received acceptances this spring to the following schools:

11:45 AM


ad b

June 2009

Larchmont Chronicle

Zelma Beltran Wilshire Crest Larchmont Charter Students



June 2009


Larchmont Chronicle

SUMMER CAMPS & PROGRAMS English coaches teach at AYSO soccer camp

Young scientists, vintage sci-fi and Pavilion of Wings

FUTURE SOCCER STAR? Colin Kruse at AYSO camp.

Kruse family lived in London for two years, and Colin took

soccer lessons at the Chelsea Football Club. Colin will be playing in the AYSO league next fall, putting his skills to good use. AYSO officials said the organization groups all players by age and ability to ensure a balance of fun, challenge and skill development.

Nature camp is at Arboretum

Events abound this summer served basis. For more informaat the Natural History Museum, tion, please call 213-763-3230. Vintage sci-fi and horror 900 Exposition Blvd. flicks screen through Three- to fiveout the summer. Visit year olds meet live www.nhm.org for a list butterflies and of showtimes. frogs, sing songs More than 30 species and hear a tadpole of butterflies—includstory during Critter ing giant swallowtails, Club’s Marvelous monarchs and American Metamorphosis on Painted Lady—can be Sat., June 13 at 10:15 and 11:15 a.m. BUTTERFLIES of seen in Pavilion of Wings Junior Scientist: all kinds are at the exhibit through Sept. 7. The Pavilion is located E x t r a o r d i n a r y Natural History. outside the Museum, Ecology, for 6 to 9 year-olds, meets Sat., June 27 at near the south doors. Separate 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Events admission ticketing applies; available on a first-come, first- members are always free.

Prime Time SPorTS CamP Right Here in Hancock Park!

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Children can experience the wonders of nature through outdoor, hands-on experiences at Summer Nature Camp at the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Gardens, 301 N. Baldwin Ave. in Arcadia. Campers will explore plants and animals from around the world while hiking the Arboretum’s 127-acre grounds. Other activities include gardening, cooking with fresh, organic vegetables from the garden and creating nature crafts. To register, or for more information, call 626-821-4623.

4 Exciting Locations Beverly Hills Hancock Park at John Burroughs Ms West Los angeles Pacific Palisades


Colin Kruse, 10, is a veteran soccer player. He has been playing soccer since he was five years old. A third grader at St. Brendan School, he will be sharpening his skills at the week-long AYSO Soccer Camp at Fairfax High School playground this summer. It’s his second year at the camp. “Last summer our team won the scrimmages, and I got a certificate,” Colin said. “We went to a regional tournament in Culver City and I scored a goal.” Coaches come over from England to instruct the boys and girls at the AYSO (American Youth Soccer Organization) camp. Colin’s mom Jackie said the

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JUNE 2009

Larchmont Chronicle



SUMMER CAMPS & PROGRAMS Play like an athlete, ride horses, hip hop, be a writer through eight engage in activities that emphasize the fundamentals of the game and offers instruction in the same skills utilized by top college and professional players. Camp runs from Mon., July 27 through Fri., July 31 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., with early drop-off and late pick-up from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. In addition, a five-week camp

for players between grades five and eight that combines with Loyola’s summer school program runs from Mon., June 22 through Fri., July 24. Hollywood Wilshire YMCA 225 S. Oxford Ave. 323-855-9326 Games, arts and crafts and field trips to museums and amusement parks highlight the YMCA’s summer day camp

program for kindergarten through third graders, and fourth through 10th grades. Camp meets at Charles H. Kim Elementary School, 2225 S. Oxford Ave. Camp runs from Mon., June 22 through Fri., Sept. 4, 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Autry National Center 4700 Heritage Way 323-667-2000 www.autrynationalcenter.org Learn about life in the Old (Please turn to page 28)

YOUNG CAMPERS will get a kick out of “Aloha Day” at Segev & Sara’s Super Duper Arts Camp.

Youngsters can relive the Old West, go on a snow trip, enjoy magic and participate in sports or science experiments at day camps this summer. LA-Sports Kidz Third St. Elementary School 201 S. June St. 818-763-0304 www.LA-Sportskidz.com Music, dance, sports science, gymnastics, arts & crafts and more will be offered at Rookie Camp for ages four and five and All-Star Camp for kids six to 12 through LA-Sports Kidz Camp. Special activities include Snow in July, Olympic Sports Day and presentations by a magician and a mad scientist. Sessions run Mon., June 22 through Fri., Aug. 21, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Extended hours are available. Fit for Kids 1106 N. La Cienega #105 310-360-6282 www.fitforkids.org Children three to six years old can participate in gymnastics, sports, obstacle courses,

music, story time and arts and crafts. There is a 10-class minimum, and parents and children can pick their days based on their personal scheduling needs. Camp runs through August, Monday through Friday from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Tumbleweed 310-472-7474 tumbleweedcamp.com Swimming, horseback riding, rock climbing, arts and crafts are among activities offered in the beauty of the Santa Monica Mountains. Programs are designed for children four to 13 years old. The summer session runs from Mon., June 22 through Fri., Aug. 28, with morning pick-up and evening dropoff available at Third Street School, 201 S. June St. Big Blue Soccer Camp Loyola High School 1901 Venice Blvd. 323-687-6360 bigbluesoccercamp.com Students in grades one

Hollywood Wilshire YMCA Summer Camps Day Camps ► Residence Camps ► Leadership Camp

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JUNE 2009


Larchmont Chronicle

SUMMER CAMPS & PROGRAMS CAMP DIRECTORY (Continued from page 28) West, act out plays, create puppets and more at Autry Adventures Summer Camps for kids age five to seven and eight to 12. One-week sessions run Mon., June 22 through Fri., Aug. 7. Themes include puppetry and storytelling, Americans of the West, Stage-Theater Camp and Animals of the West. Half-day programs are from 9 a.m. to noon; full-day from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. One-day craft workshops in beading, weaving and cowboy cookery are offered Mon., July 27 through Wed., July 29. Pre- and post- camp care is available.

Dr. B.’s Science Destinations 818-981-3473 www.sciencedestinations.org Local trips and travel to international locations inspire students ages nine to 14 to discover the world of science. Campers visit research sites, and work with scientists on current issues and problems affecting planet Earth. Sessions run Mon., June 22 through Fri., Aug. 14. Parents and siblings can enroll in international trips to Costa Rica and the Galapagos Islands. Zimmer Children’s Museum 6505 Wilshire Blvd. #100 323-761-8984 www.zimmermuseum.org

At Wonderful Wednesdays at the Zimmer, kids will participate in book readings, art projects, game day and food-as-art projects from July 8 through Aug. 19 at 2:30 p.m. Youngsters can experience the joy of music with special guest Rhythm Child on July 22 and Aug. 19. Pan Pacific Park 7600 Beverly Blvd. 323-939-8874

Swimming, crafts, sports and field trips are offered at an affordable price for kids five to 12 at Pan Pacific Park. The L.A. City Dept. of Recreation and Parks camp runs from Mon., June 22 through Fri., Aug. 21. Hours are 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with free extended care. Segev & Sara’s Super Duper Arts Camp 5870 W. Olympic Blvd.

310-351-1377 superduperartscamp.com It’s all about fun and creativity at the Super Duper Arts Camp held at the Westside Jewish Community Center. Campers ages four to 12 can take part in a wide array of activities, including theater and dance, cooking, yoga, circus arts, jewelry making scavenger hunts and more. Runs Mon., June 29 through Fri., Sept. 4.

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P-B  P-P T  R S C B  D A A,  . L B A. (S.  W) G’  B’  •     ..


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• Directed by the Immaculate Heart Community and Lay Associates. • Located in the Los Feliz Hills Since 1906.

JUNE 2009

Larchmont Chronicle



SUMMER CAMPS & PROGRAMS By Min-Ji Yi 10th Grade Fairfax High School has had a long history with the Greenway Court Theater, a drama theater located on campus that hosts many of Fairfax’s shows and events. Annually, a student-written play is produced there. Following this tradition, 12th grader Way Spurr-Chen wrote his own production, “Lover’s Library” as the play for this year. The production was directed by Mercy Vasquez, and was acted out by Fairfax students. As May drew to an end, so did the Advanced Placement testing season. Since high scores on the AP exams exempts a student from taking the corresponding courses in college, many ambitious students were found taking these exams.



Rowe. He and parents, Trent Cooper and Ben Zoldan, headed the event. Prime Time Sports ran all the events from the obstacle course to the hoop shootouts. Disney stars Sterling Knight and Monique Coleman donated their time to really make it extra special. The event not only helped our community but we also raised an additional $12,000 for our own school through sponsors like The Grove and the Tiger Woods Foundation, and Whole Foods fed everyone!

By Noella Park 7th Grade S t u d e n t Council was able to raise more than $600 at the Student Council penny Wars, a competition among the classes to bring in the most pennies.. During National Teacher’s Appreciation week, we had a Religion Bee for grades K - 8 and our annual jogathon to raise funds for the school’s technology. The 7th and 8th graders attended their annual retreat at St. Joseph’s retreat center in Montebello. Our annual May Procession was held to honor Mary. Spirit Week was filled with special events like the Student Council healthy food

By Vera Drymon 5th Grade At our annual Third Street Olympics, 550 students came ready to compete. We didn’t do it all for just fun. Kids brought new backpacks that were donated by GNC and Jansport filled with all new school supplies for homeless kids in Los Angeles. “This year we donated 1,200 backpacks worth about $60,000,” said parent Brad

sale and our Spirit Day Mass prepared by the kindergartners. We also had our annual Talent Show and had fun at Pan Pacific Park on Spirit Day!

DR. B.’s

ScIENcE DESTINaTIONS Year-Round Science Programs for Children, Teachers & Families Affordable Summer-Winter-Spring-Weekend Science Programs Local one-day programs to international travel that inspire, engage and empower participants to observe, explore, and discover the world of science.


Students, ages 9 - 14, visit unique research sites, challenge and work with local and international scientists on current issues and problems of planet Earth. Parents & siblings can also participate in 2009 by enrolling in The Costa Rica, The Galapagos Islands Sessions (last year available) and more...

SuMMER ScIENcE 2009 PROgRaMS: Session I Session II Session III Session IV Session V Session VI

June 22 - 26 June 29 - July 2 July 3 - 9 July 13 - 17 July 20 - 23 July 24 - Aug. 3

Session VII

Aug. 10 - 14

Local one-day trips Local one-day trips Costa Rica Families & siblings invited Rocketry-local Local one-day trips Galapagos Islands Families & siblings invited

This is the last year this trip will be offered

Northern California

Teachers of science can participate in Summer Field Enrichment Programs earn university course credit in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Earth Science exploring beautiful and scientifically rich locations across the globe. You can accrue university credit that can be applied to NCLB “highly qualified” teacher certification.

Write or call Richard A. Boolootian, P.h.D. 3576 Woodcliff Road, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5045 818-981-3473 Fax 818-501-7855 Visit www.sciencedestinations.org for general info. & current programs.

Fit for Kids, Inc. Summer Camp Call For More Info

Gym Classes for Children 6 Months to 7 Years Old Saturday & Sunday Birthday Parties Summer Camp - 3-6 yr.

Call for a free trial class or to book a birthday party

310-360-6282 • www.fitforkids.org 1106 North La Cienega Blvd., Suite 105 W. Hollywood (1 blk. N. of Santa Monica Blvd.)

Our summer school program is expanding! From June 22nd to July 24th, Pilgrim will offer a 5-week summer session for PK-12th grade students.* Here are a few of the innovative courses offered for 2009: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Kindergarten Sneak Peak 1st Grade Sneak Peak Playwriting & Drama High School Math Preview/ Review Middle School Math Preview/Review Intensive Spanish Ready, Set, Sew Mastering the Essay Make Your Own Music Video Adventures in Reading The Magic of Numbers Digital Photography



By Ariana Cooper 5th Grade The Family Fun Day Carnival had game booths, inflatables, a cakewalk, a raffle, and crazy hair (hair paint). There were Korean barbeque, hot dogs, pizza, ice cream, snow cones and fresh fruit. For the first time this year there was a talent show run by Hancock Park’s very own student council. We made many posters to advertise the event. Next, we had auditions to make sure the performances were in the time range and were organized. Kids of all ages showed up for the auditions. At the talent show, students were singing, dancing, skateboarding, doing comedy shows and much more. The show was about showing talent; it was not competitive.


© LC 0409


By Jackson Crites 6th Grade Each year the California Math League holds a contest that challenges the minds of students in grade 4 and up. This year St. James’ placed second out of the 64 schools in the Los Angeles area. The best parts of May at St. James’ were the two talent shows. In the first, students showed off their musical talents. At the second show were funny skits, dance performances and rock bands. The art show showed many of the students' drawings, paintings and sculptures. Lastly, 4th graders flew to Sacramento for a field trip. They stayed at a camp called Coloma. They went on a hike, explored gold mines and got to pan for gold in trays.

• Gymastics • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory • Techno Kids • Private Guitar, Violin, Piano, and Drum Lessons • Elementary Science and Math • Ceramics • Dance • Art and Music • Creative Writing • Afternoon Athletics

*We will also offer day-camp opportunities in mid-June and all of August.

Register Online Register online today at www.pilgrim-school.org/ summerschool or contact Annie Kuo at akuo@pilgrimschool.org Register a student for five classes and receive a full rebate for the lowest price class... a value of over $300!

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Pilgrim School 540 S. Commonwealth Avenue Los Angeles 90020 (213) 385-7351 www.pilgrim-school.org


June 2009


Larchmont Chronicle

school news PAGE


By Connie Varela 8th Grade Our last month consists of graduation and preparations for the event. The 8th grade class is currently writing our farewell speeches, and we are confident the class of 2010 will lead the school in the right direction. Our school picnic really brought us together, and it made the graduating class even more sad that we have to leave. All of the friends we have made here will stay life-long, and our memories will be unforgettable. We are all very prepared for high school, and our year was full of excitement and fun.

By John Sapunor 11th Grade Loyola students continued to work hard as the school year began to wind down during May. Many sophomores, juniors and seniors took AP tests to earn college credit for their classes. The lacrosse team made it to the CIF championship for the first time, but lost to Foothill High School. The swim team finished second place in the Division 1 CIF Championship. Loyola’s Hannon Theatre Company performed “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum.� Frank Kozakowski, who has worked for Loyola since 1978, was selected as principal and will take office at the start of next school year.

x4000 x5000 x4005

Precious Blood school

By Stephanie Kim 8th Grade The month of May was bustling with many activities at our school. Our annual International Festival, which was held on the first weekend of the month was a great success. All classes performed dances to the music of the 50s. There were also games to play, art activities, face-painting and a great variety of foods from different countries. Our 4th grade class enjoyed a field trip to the San Gabriel Mission which they had studied as part of the their social studies curriculum. The 8th grade

JOHN BURROUGHS By Andrew Ok 8th Grade We have many exciting events unfolding at John Burroughs Middle School. The spring musical, “Alice in Wonderland, will be filled with wild characters and fun class, dressed in their graduation gowns, led the school in the May Procession. Eighth graders are now looking forward to their end-of-year retreat that will be held in St. Andrew’s Abbey in Valyermo at the end of the month.

By Lisa Lim 10th Grade Finals are now over, and the students are finally able to enjoy summer. But before we head off, there is one more school tradition to celebrate, Class Day, dedicated to our seniors to say our final goodbyes. It is an emotional day for the seniors who have their last roll call as high school students. Graduation day follows soon thereafter at the Hollywood Bowl, where 100 seniors will grace the stage as family and friends cheer them on. Instead of the traditional cap and gown, students wear long white dresses and hold a dozen red roses. We congratulate our seniors and wish them well next year as they start their college education at universities across the country.

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tunes from the original film. The play’s director, drama teacher Ms. Heath, says “’Alice in Wonderland’ is the JB drama program’s most ambitious undertaking yet!" We were fortunate to have Holocaust survivor Eva Brown at our school. Eighth grade students are reading literature about the Holocaust, and having her visit was a wonderful idea. Learning about the Holocaust at a young age helps us better understand tolerance and others’ points of view. Finally, we had the long anticipated California Standards Tests, which pushed all students to their limit. Knowing students from John Burroughs, we all did just fine on the test.




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JUNE 2009

Larchmont Chronicle








The theme of Intergenerational Day was “Foot Prints.” The show kicked off with 6th graders singing “The Secret of Life” by James Taylor. Kindergartners then sang about the footprints they would be making, First graders sang songs about recycling and the environment, 2nd grade sang and danced about dinosaurs. Third grade sang about being stuck in the middle of the rest of the school and about how they are half way to graduation. The 4th grade dance troop did a fantastic job. Fifth graders were proving points by singing about changing the world. Sixth grade brought us back in the moment when they sang songs like “I Feel Good,” “The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy)” and “Anticipation.”

By Veronica Hawley 7th Grade Our spring sports teams, including water polo, track and field, softball and golf, are in the middle of exciting seasons. Varsity softball started out with eight straight wins! Congratulations also go to middle school debaters Evan Leigniac, Clara Collier and Yasi Emamiam for getting a first place win at the Pacific League finals and qualifying for nationals. Also, upper school debaters Julie Huh, Amanda Chan and Rebecca Pottash have qualified for the state debate finals. In just one day, students wrote, directed, and acted in the plays at the 24-Hour Play Festival. Students also enjoyed Marlborough’s Art Walk. Our middle school play is titled “The Secret Life of Trees.”

By Maya Klapper, 5th grade Benny Weisman, 6th grade Sixth graders graduate this month, and they will leave with a bang, or in our case with a “BAMmeD,” which stands for the Beat, the Art, the Music and the Drama. The theme for this year was “Falling Into Dreams.” Sixth graders also shared a social studies project about Ancient Greece. It was called “The Wax Museum” because students prepared monologues to deliver when “museum visitors” pressed imaginary buttons on their bodies. At the annual Lip Sync Show, 5th and 6th graders chose the theme, then recommended songs they would like to perform. To demonstrate their knowledge of physics, 5th graders made model roller coasters.

By Zelma Beltran 5th Grade The orchestra performed songs like “Clapping Polka,” “Skip to My Lou,” and “London Bridge Duet” at the spring concert. At a multicultural celebration each class will perform a song or a dance from countries all around the world. The 5th grade students will go to Rustic Canyon to have a picnic. At a luncheon, students will sign each other’s autograph books, and eat pizza and ice cream. Lastly, we have the 5th grade culmination on the last day of school. The girls will be wearing dresses and the boys will be wearing nice suits or something very fancy. Our principal, Mrs. McConico will say a short speech about what we will do in the future.

By Gavin Somes 7th Grade We have had an amazing year at Pilgrim School, celebrating our 50th anniversary. Danica McKellar visited the school and spoke about how to keep interested in math. She signed copies of her book for students. Athletic news for middle school is great, our baseball team was undefeated! Good news in the art department, too. Our high school jazz band gave a great concert. Everyone enjoyed the production of “Annie,” which included kids from junior kindergarten through high school. The Pilgrim literary journal, dance class, and rock & roll club had a huge concert. We also had a huge arts festival with student work.

By Zoe Lesser 6th Grade

LARCHMONT CHARTER By Sarah Eun’s 2nd/3rd Grade All of our learning communities worked hard to prepare for our May testing event: reviewing, discussing, and practicing good test-taking strategies. Practice makes perfect! The 2/3rd graders are finishing up our solar system unit and on our way to matter and energy. We got to

write reports as well as do presentations on our topic of choice. The 4th graders are exploring all kinds of exciting topics like Greek myths, Native American people, the Gold Rush, and geometry as well as circuits and electricity. The 5th graders are working on biographies and studying about the Revolutionary War.

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June 2009


Larchmont Chronicle

school news Marymount By Audrey Noble 11th Grade Seniors and juniors enjoyed a 1920s-inspired soiree for prom at the Skirball Center. At the Spring Arts Festival, the visual and performing arts students showcased their finest art pieces, dances and performances. Students partnered with the Rotary Club of Santa Monica to hold a car wash. Through the generosity of a matching gift promise by the Rotary, $3,000 was raised for our sister school in Zambia. The funds will help pay for a computer and two years of internet service to start a school newspaper. We welcomed the class of 2013 at our freshman orientation. The new students came to campus and were treated to a fashion show showcasing our very stylish uniform and met the Marymount community.

TURNING POINT By Ian Green 6th Grade Middle school students went on a school trip after spring break. The 6th graders went to Boston and New York City. The



By Michael Kellman 5th Grade C.E.E. has just had the art fair, in which every kid chooses one of his/ her art projects from the whole year and features it in the multipurpose room. It was part of Open House, in which every classroom features a few of the children’s accomplishments and projects. Next, we had step up day! Every kid went to the class they will be in next year. The teachers told them about some of the rules and projects they will be doing. Lastly, on the next to last day of school every kid will enjoy the end of the school year carnival! There will be many games like wack a mole, skeeball and many others. The prize will be Mardi Gras beads. The whole event is quite fun.

By Adam Lenarsky 8th Grade Yavneh students have had a busy month. The 8th grade organized a silent auction to raise money for their Israel trip this month. Thank you to all the local businesses that donated products and services. The Jewish community recalled the Holocaust on Holocaust Remembrance Day. Eva Brown, an 82-year-old survivor, told us about how hard she worked and nearly starved in 13 different concentration camps. We were all moved by her stories of strength and survival. At our annual scholarship banquet, three teachers were honored for their many great years at the school. The banquet was held in the gymnasium where several students and administrators spoke, and the Yavneh choir performed.

highlights for me were seeing the patriotic sites all over Boston and Times Square in N.Y. We also saw a Broadway show: “Mary Poppins.” The 7th graders took a camping trip to Santa Cruz and the 8th graders went to Washington D.C. and Philadelphia. They took a tour of the White House. At our annual Hoop-A-Thon, students took turns taking shots

Pacific Hills By Ryan Heaney 11th Grade After several weeks of awards banquets, performing arts nights, AP testing, prom, the 8th grade trip, “A Streetcar Named Desire” theatre perfor-

mances, our silent auction fundraiser and a student/staff softball game, we now begin final exams. Graduation ceremonies will take place at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre on Fri., June 12. Congratulations to our graduates! We will have a few days to rest before summer school, which provides students the opportunity to brush up on classes during summer vacation, begins.

to raise money for the athletics department. We participated in Big Sunday by donating items, painting and repairing. The 4th through 8th graders performed in a jazz concert on the lawn. Families brought picnic dinners and were treated to a “California Dreamin” theme.

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June 2009

Larchmont Chronicle



Religious news

Big Sunday 2009 deemed the biggest, best ever less shelter residents, folded donated clothing, while others played bingo with disabled veterans. “The most exciting thing to me was seeing the tons of people doing dozens of Big Sunday projects at the historic Farmers Market. This is the neighborhood where Big Sunday began, and it was great to see so many familiar faces, and to meet so many new ones,” said Levinson.

banks. Multiple activities took place at the Farmers Market, a Big Sunday hub for the first time this year. Instruments were collected for the Harmony Project. Tons of clothing, shoes, luggage, diapers, eyeglasses, books and canned food were also collected, and later delivered by a fleet of trucks to shelters, food banks and nonprofit organizations across the Southland. Volunteers, including home-

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THE FARMERS MARKET served as a Big Sunday hub.

Rose window under repair

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Blvd., on Sat., June 6 at 7:30 p.m. and Sun., June 7 at 7 p.m. The L.A. Regional Foodbank serves nearly 900 charitable agencies in Los Angeles County. Tickets are $25 for adults; $22 for seniors and $17 for children ages five to 12. Call 310-943-9231 or go to www.angelcitychorale.org

VOLUNTEERS mulched beds at Wilshire Crest School.

Wilshire Presbyterian ChurCh EvEry Sunday

Angel City Chorale’s spring concert series, “One World, Many Voices,” featuring rhythms and sounds from around the world, will benefit the L.A. Regional Foodbank. The musical event, featuring choral arrangements from Africa, Russia, Ireland, Israel, Spain and Sri Lanka, is at the Wilshire United Methodist Church, 711 S. Plymouth


From landscaping playgrounds to collecting food for the hungry, volunteers came out in droves to serve the community through a range of philanthropic events on Big Sunday. The 11th annual event during the first weekend in May drew more than 50,000 participants who joined together to lend a hand at more than 500 projects that helped 300 nonprofits. “This was the best year ever,” said David Levinson, Big Sunday executive director. “So many people from so many places came and helped out in so many ways.” In one of many local efforts, 200 volunteers of all ages gathered at Wilshire Crest School where they painted hallway walls and playground benches, and weeded, planted and mulched gardens. Approximately 20,000 pounds of food was collected at 40 supermarkets, including Pavilions on Vine St., where volunteers handed shoppers a list of items needed by food

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June 2009


Larchmont Chronicle

Award lunch greases Wheels; Mannequins model many eras By Patty Hill It takes a city of Angels to keep those St. Vincent Meals on Wheels rolling, and our city was magnificently represented at the Angel Award Luncheon at the California Club on May 13. “Desperate Housewives” Doug Savant welcomed guests. Director/producer Taylor Hackford introduced a special video narrated by his wife, Helen Mirren. She described the extraordinary effort to prepare and deliver 4,300 hot meals to the homebound 365 days a year. Singer/songwriter Jan Daley sang an original work about St. Vincent Meals on Wheels. Foundation executive Daryl Twerdahl presented awards to husband and wife team Bob Kerslake and Laurie LeShelle in honor of their long-time support. Accepting the honor for the Gas Company was vice president of customer solutions, Hal Snyder, who added personal gratitude on behalf of

Around the Town with

Patty Hill his aunt who received daily nutrition from Meals on Wheels. Sister Mary Alice Quinn, founder and executive director of St. Vincent Meals on Wheels, gave a touching tribute to the volunteers that prepare and deliver to those who need it most. Among the 330 plus attendees were Suzanne Buhai, Janet Fourticq, Bea Wallace, Kathleen Losey, Peggy Bartenetti, Bill Pistey, Carol Fondevilla, Mahlon and Dick Lawton, Missy Crahan, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Birthistle, Cheryl Baker, Ann McKinley,

BEBE FLYNN receives thanks from Daryl Twerdahl, right, for her chocolates donation at Meals event.

Mike Enright, Barbara Wagner, Laura Hotchkiss, Ann Mehren, Ned Hawley and Bebe Flynn. *** The Mannequins Auxiliary of the Assistance League of Southern California presented its annual “Afternoon with Eve” on May 14th at the Beverly Hills Hotel. After shopping and bidding on a treasure trove of opulence, 350 guests settled in for luncheon and a live auction led by NBC weatherman Fritz Coleman who quipped, “When I ask for your help, don’t treat me like Bernie Madoff,” before garnering $28,000 for a Tuscan villa vacation. Among the three Eve Award recipients, chosen for outstanding philanthropic leadership, were Larchmont’s own Mary Toolen Roskam. She graciously thanked the organization with a heartfelt, “this is a real life memento, better than any dream.” Then came a fashion extravaganza which opened with a Roaring Twenties number. Auxiliary Mannequins modeled haute couture from celebrated designer Ali Rahimi of Mon Atelier which reinter-

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preted 30’s glam evening wear, 40’s day suits, 50’s cocktail attire and 60’s evening dresses. “It’s like rediscovering a lost art,” noted style patron Bob Spencer. Special moments on the runway: Mannequins president Donna Econn in a deep

LEEZA GIBBONS, right, with Areva Martin at Special Needs Network event at the Montage Hotel.

blue satin gown and Jackie Kruse in a strapless gown adorned with roses. Among the cheering guests







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were: Mannequins co-chair Katie Osterloh, Gordon Roskam, Kelley Nelson, Regis (Please turn to page 35)



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June 2009

Larchmont Chronicle

FASHIONS ON PARADE. Mannequins president Donna Econn, center, chats with Amanda Mansour, left, and Jane Hawley. Shown below, Kelley Nelson with designer Ali Rahimi; Jackie Kruse with Bob Spencer.

Jimmy Choo shoes. The Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Maxine Waters for her advocacy on behalf on innovative programs for children with autism. Leesa Gibbons was honorary host. SNN raises public awareness of developmental disabilities related to autism and provides education and resources to families, adults and children. Among the pink-heeled crowd were: Special Needs Network co-founder and president Areva Martin with husband Ernest, Karen Hudson, Francis Quino, Bonnie Berrie Lamon, Sonjia White and


Hot rods to classic cars at Concourse show June 7 The fourth annual Los Angeles Councours d’Elegance is on Sun., June 7 at the Rose Bowl and adjacent Brookside Golf Course in Pasadena. The fundraiser for the Assistance League of Southern Shirlee Taylor Haizlip. Proceeds go to the Special Needs Network Parent Training and the Joe Patton Advanced Academy for Youth. And that’s the chat!

California will showcase 350 cars including horseless carriages from 1904, European and American classics from the 20s, 30s and 40s and muscle cars of the 50s and 60s. European sports cars and exotic cars—including Ferraris, hot rods and race cars—as well as British rides including Rolls Royces, Aston Martins and Bentleys, will also be displayed. For more information, call 323-469-1973.

Patty Hill

(Continued from page 34) Warsoe, Jane Hawley, Amanda Mansour, Stephanie Sourapas, Patricia Ward Kelly, Shar Penfold, Fluff McLean and JoAnn Clark. And just in case you thought it was all cherries and feathers, this year’s proceeds are going to the Family Service Agency. *** The merriment was contagious at Larchmont Boulevard Association’s Spring Fling on May 14 at Wilshire Country Club. Edie Frere, chairman, enlisted her brother Jerry Dunn to perform magic. Councilman Tom LaBonge, in a brief stop with wife Brigid, sang to her while the George Gibbs band played “Love Me Tender.” Honorees were the Hollywood Wilshire YMCA and its soon-to-be Munger Family YMCA, (Scot Clifford accepting), the Wilshire Rotary Club, (Elsa Gillham accepting) and Raul Rodriguez, LBA’s banner designer, Larchmont Family


Fair costume parade judge and all-around good guy. Chronicle publisher Jane Gilman and Peggy Bartenetti handled the auction and raffle duties, while LBA president John Winther presided with a velvet glove. Enjoying it all, John and Gail Miron, Jim and Meg Wolf, Gloria Staudt doing a mean cha cha cha, Sue Carr and Janet Loveland who held a bidding war, Annie and Tom Goepel, Joane and Wiley Pickett, Hans Fiebig and many many more. *** On May 17, the Special Needs Network hosted its first annual “Pink Pump Affair” with women donning pink pumps for high tea at the Montage Hotel in Beverly Hills. Entertainment News’ Tanya Hart served as mistress of ceremonies. The fashion show featured designs by Trina Turk, Edward Lowell’s of Beverly Hills and

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June 2009


Larchmont Chronicle

Loyola moms, star-studded tables shine

Dressed in colorful silk saris, the Hancock Park contingent of the Loyola Mothers’ Guild looked to Bollywood for inspiration for the Spring Luncheon April 25 at the Xavier Center at the high school campus. The 75th annual event showcased the mothers’ creativity and raised resources for the Guild’s annual gift to the faculty endowment. Nearly 600 attended the festive event, where the decorations, centerpieces and costumes were coordinated to match the 28 tables’ themes, such as “Loyola Mia! I Love Mamma,” “Cubs Save the Rainforest,” and “A Cub’s Odyssey: 2009 Leagues under 901590A the Sea.” Angeles, CA A preview night was added to spaperaccommodate Ad a record 1,200 onlookers. “The Spring Luncheon is a very special, one-of-akind event that helps cement

APPLE FARM was the setting of Novak wedding.

Natasha Gabrovsky, Sean Novak wed

FELD ENTERTAINMENT 3.875” x 10” Adare Size: AT THE BOLLYWOOD table moms Angela Greene, Michele McKesson, Karla Ahmanson, Janet Clayton, Helen Faust, Arsine ENTERTAINMENT Section: Phillips and Kerry Rock. friendships among mothers as they spend months preparing the tables as well as helping

to raise funds for our very deserving faculty,” said co-chair Stacey McGarry.

Natasha Grobrovsky and Sean Novak were married in December at the Apple Farm in San Luis Obispo. The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Peter Gabrovsky of Hancock Park. She attended St. Brendan’s, Immaculate Heart High School and the Hamilton Music Academy. She

is currently a nursing student at Cal State, Los Angeles. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Novak of San Diego. He earned a bachelor’s degree from U.C. Santa Barbara, and is a second year medical student at U.C.L.A. The couple resides in Los Angeles.

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June 2009

Larchmont Chronicle




‘Big’ works on small stage, ghosts haunt ‘Bengal Tiger’ who finds all the kid mannerisms and makes them real on his adult size body. The rest of the kid performers are talented, and considering several of them double in adult roles,

Theater Review by

Patricia Foster Rye very versatile. Plays through June 28. El Centro Theatre, 800 N. El Centro Ave., 323-460-4443. 4 Stars *** Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo, by Rajiv Joseph is fascinating, thought provoking, evocative and highly entertaining. It’s a rich, multi-layered piece of theater that explores war and its aftermath. The

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time is 2003, the setting, the war in Iraq. The play opens as a caged tiger (a crusty Kevin Tighe) bemoans his confined state. American soldiers Kev (Brad Fleischer) and Tom (Glenn Davis) are assigned to protect the zoo animals. The tiger is shot dead, but he’s not gone. He becomes a very active ghost, the first of many in this purgatory-like landscape. New ghosts gather, including Uday Hussein, a chilling performance by Hrach Titizian, and the afterlife is explored. Mr. Joseph finds humor in all the insanity. Director Moises Kaufman masterfully keeps the action intense and unrelenting. The scenic design by Derek McLane is stunning. This award–winning play is very much worth seeing. Through June 7. Kirk Douglas Theatre, 9820 Washington Blvd., Culver City, 213-628-2772. 4 Stars *** El Ogrito (The Ogreling), by Suzanne Lebeau (adapted from the original French text) is part fairy tale, all fable and fascinating theater. The play chronicles the struggles of a young boy born to a human mother and an ogre father as he tries to overcome his animal instincts and find his place in human society. El Ogrito is played by Gabriel Romero in a tour-de-force performance. His mother (a wonderful Julieta Ortiz) tries to protect him from the inevitable. The play is performed in Spanish with English supertitles. Plays through June 21, 24th Street Theater, 1117 W. 24th St. 213-745-6516.

Larchmont Deli and Market

*** Set Up and Punch, a world premiere play by Mark Saltzman, centers on songwriting team Vanya (Hedy Burress) and Brian (Andrew



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Here’s What’s Happening at

Since 1983

Monday thru Saturday • 8am - 5pm

4 Stars

The Casado Family

~ Artists & brothers, Ed and Paul Ruscha having an early lunch of enchiladas rancheras, while pooch Woody, relaxed in Buddha garden. ~ Celebrating Cinco de Mayo, Lyle Lovett, John Welborne Tom, Brigid, Mary-Cate & Charles LaBonge, financier Llew Werner meeting with Doug Steckler, Kit, Rosemary & Catherine Wilkins. ~ Veterinarian Nancy Scanlan meeting with architect Robert Ringstrom; Linda Ronstadt with Marcela Davison Aviles meeting to discuss the 2009 San Jose Mariachi and Latin Music Festival; ~ Debbi Gold surpising her neice Heather Berkowitz with a 21st Birthday party in the garden with family & friends. ~ Joyce Manning hosting a screening/cocktail party for writer/director Kai Blackwood’s short film ‘Cupcake’among the cast & crew, co-producer Christina Mauro, Amy Blackwood, Cambria Stephens, Stacy Jorgensen, Sally Shephard, Rex Ruiz & Conner Mattison & Bo Lorentzen; ~ Enjoying a late family lunch on the patio, Ruve & Neal McDonough with daughter Catherine & son Morgan, Matthew Settle (Gossip Girl) with wife Naama Nativ and 2 month old daughter Aven and Tia Carrere with husband Simon Wakelin and daughter Bianca.

5536 MELROSE AVE. AT PLYMOUTH BLVD. • 323-462-9421

© LC 0505

Big—The Musical, book by John Weidman, music by David Shire, lyrics by Richard Maltby, is based on the 1988 film. The plot adheres closely to the movie’s time period, even though the interesting score consists of some current rap and hip-hop music. The story centers on Josh (LJ Benet), who’s about to turn 13 and wants to be grown up. With the help of the mechanical carnival wizard, Zoltar, Josh’s wish is granted. He is now an inner child in a very adult body. What follows are all the iconic moments of the movie. Director Richard Israel manages this large cast on limited stage space remarkably well, and mines some small theatrical moments that make the adult and kid cast more real than the material. The cast is excellent especially Will Collyer as Older Josh

Leeds). They tentatively try to re-establish their relationship and discover why they split. What seems to have gone wrong is the insertion of Jan, a rocker dude (P.J. Griffith) who has been assigned to them in hopes of a successful collabo(Please turn to page 39)


June 2009


Larchmont Chronicle


‘Revanche’ deepens; ‘Star Trek’ iconic cast returns Revanche (8/10): This film that is in no hurry to tell its story is not for everyone, as it starts out with Irina Potapenko, a prostitute, making graphic love with her boyfriend, Johannes Krisch. There is a substantial amount of nudity in the first 15 minutes, causing a few people at my showing (not a screening) to walk out. That was their loss, because as this film progresses, it gets deeper and deeper. Writer-director Götz Spielmann doesn’t hit you over the head with what he’s trying to say. Instead, you have

to pay attention and grasp the nuance. (In German and Russian). Terminator Salvation (8/10): This is a slam-bang, action packed, high tension, albeit extremely loud, film set in a post-apocalyptic California, circa 2018. Loaded with special effects and filmed with a background of treeless desolation, this is the type of film I generally abhor. But director McG tells such a high-paced story that it kept me in thrall throughout its almost twohour runtime. Even though Christian Bale is the prime

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©LC 0406

Restaurant Hours: Mon. - Tues. 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Wed. - Sat. 11 a.m. to midnight Sun. 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Bar Open till 1:00 a.m. Mon.-Thurs. ~ 1:30 a.m. Fri., & Sat.

mover, he’s joined by a new character, heartthrob Sam Worthington, who could make lots of female hearts flutter. Star Trek (7/10): The judgment on this prequel isn’t based on the storyline; it depends on how well the new

At the Movies

and he can laugh all the way to the bank on this one. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (0/10): Matthew McConaughey, who has made a string of bombs longer than Laker center Pau Gasol’s arm, pulls talented director Mark Waters, who made the brilliant “Freaky Friday” and “Mean Girls,” down to his level with this vacuous, unfunny deba-


cle. I would say that this was a complete and utter waste of time and talent, but, except for Emma Stone who gives a captivating performance as the ghost of girlfriend past, I didn’t see any talent. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (0/10): What’s the mega-gifted Amy Adams doing in this soporific, dumbed-down ineptitude? Read full reviews at www. tonymedley.com.

contemporary crafts market

Tony Medley


June 5 – 7, 2009

young stars portray their predecessors, who have become iconic. So let’s cut to the chase. Chris Pine gives an outstanding performance as the young Captain James Kirk. You can easily see how he could seamlessly evolve into the Kirk of William Shatner. He’s got good looks, charm, smarts and cunning. But Zachary Quinto completely misses the boat as Spock. While the look is close, the personality isn’t. Whereas Nimoy played the putative-emotionless Spock with a glint in his eye, almost laughing at himself, Quinto is squarely humorless, playing Spock as an arrogant effete. Counterbalancing Quinto, standing out among the others are Simon Pegg as Scotty and Karl Urban as Bones, who live up to their memorable originals, James Doohan and DeForest Kelley, respectively. Angels & Demons (5/10): The advertising campaign proclaims that it’s “better than ‘The Da Vinci Code’.” That’s like saying that your blind date is better looking than Quasimodo. After a tedious first hour, the film mostly consists of Tom Hanks, Ewan McGregor, and Ayelet Zurer running through one narrow alley and tunnel in Rome after another trying to find a bomb. Oh, well; one thing director Ron Howard has learned is that a film doesn’t need quality (or suspense; I identified the bad guy instantly) to make money,

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Larchmont Chronicle

JUNE 2009



ENTERTAINMENT Gershwin, jazz, classical music at the Bowl The Hollywood Bowl’s 88th season features Gershwin to ABBA, classical, jazz and fireworks shows. Garth Brooks and John Williams host opening night on Fri., June 19 at 8:30 p.m. Josh Groban and Dame Kiri Te Kanawa will be inducted into the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra’s 10th anniversary of the Hall of Fame. Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin returns to the Bowl after 35 years on Fri., June 26. ABBA, with members of the original Swedish group, is featured on Sat., June 27, and the KCRW World Festival kicks off Sun., June 28 at 7 p.m. with Grammy winner Adele and Etta James and the Roots. John Fogerty sings rock ‘n roll, and American orchestral favorites are featured with Fourth of July fireworks on Thurs., July 2, Fri., July 3 and Fri., July 4 at 7:30 p.m. An all-Prokofiev program is on July 7 at 8 p.m. complete with fireworks. Pianist Vladimir Felstman performs. For a full schedule visit hollywoodbowl.com or call 323-850-2000.

‘Squared Away’ at Lawrence Asher

New Lunch Menu & Expanded Hours A Culinary Odyssey in Traditional Greek Dining

FULL BAR • LIVE MUSIC BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER In the Farmers Market • 3rd and Fairfax 323-939-9728 • ulyssesvoyage.com Mon-Sat. 11am-11pm • Sun 9am - 11pm

This summer, celebrate 75 years of great food, drink and music at the Original Farmers Market.

ummer Music Series

Contest at Market seeks karaoke ‘idol’ “American Idol” has nothing on Farmers Market’s bars. E. B.’s Bar is holding a karaoke contest beginning Wed., June 17 at 7 p.m. on the west patio. Three winners will be chosen each week, and the grand finale is on Wed., July 15. Gary Twin, manager, said there are prizes for all contestants, and a grand prize for the karaoke “Idol.”

Thursday Night Jazz Series 5/28 6/4 6/11 6/18 6/25 7/2 7/9 7/16 7/23 7/30 8/6 8/13 8/20 8/27 9/3 9/10

Orquesta Charangoa Ron Kobayashi Frank Cano and Latin Groove Elliot Caine Dakota Sam Graham Trio David Zasloff and the Whole Band Eddie Baytos & The Nervis Bros Nutty Otis Hayes Karen Hernandez Alberto De Almar Dana Bronson Bill Watrous with Rob Stoneback Michael LeVan Catte Adams

Friday Night Music Series 5/29 6/5 6/12 6/19 6/26 7/3 7/10 7/17 7/24 7/31 8/7 8/14 8/21 8/28 9/4 9/11


(Continued from page 37) ration. Interspersed are scenes from their collaborative lives together highlighted by original songs by Berton Averre and Rob Meurer. Hedy Burress hits the right note as the quirky Vanya and Andrew Leeds gives us some moving moments of confused angst as Brian. P.J. Griffiths is wonderful as Jan the rocker. Director Daniel Henning, strikes the right dramatic tone to illuminate this play. Through June 21. The Blank’s Second Stage Theatre, 6500 Santa Monica Blvd., 323661-9827. 3 Stars For more on these shows, visit www.patryereviews.com.

Ulysses Voyage

"Squared Away,” featuring new works by Chicago painter Tim Anderson, and “Spring Back, Fall Ahead” by Kevork Cholakian opened in May at the Lawrence Asher Gallery. Anderson, has exhibited since 1978 in Chicago and internationally. He employs metaphor and nautical reference in his WAKA, by painter Tim Anderson. series of paintings paintings by vertical bars of on the lessons and color. richness of life’s travels. The show runs through Sat., Cholakian’s contemporary still-lifes provide the essence June 27 at Lawrence Asher of color through the clarity of Gallery, 5820 Wilshire Blvd. For more information, go light. The four seasons are rep- to call 323-935-9100 or go to resented in the collection of www.lawrenceasher.com

FREE ADMISSION West Patio • 7-9 pm

Front Porch Band Katia Moraes & Sambaguru Doo Wah Riders Esperanto International Music Floyd & The Fly Boys Flattop Tom and His Jumpcats Bobby Matos The Lucky Stars Tony Galla with Janelle Sadler Atomic Sherpas Rudy Regalado Jumpin Joz Bonebrake Syncopators 50 Cent Haircut Inca Saucy Monky

6333 W. Third St. Los Angeles • For more info call (323) 933-9211 or visit us at farmersmarketla.com

© LC 0409



June 2009


Larchmont Chronicle

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A craftsman designed by architects Greene & Greene will be featured on West Adams tour June 6.

Page 2

Larchmont Chronicle’s



Fundaiser helped pay for gardens and a sunflower partition at Frances Blend School.

Contemporary works from South Korea are coming to LACMA.

Page 3


Page 18

Real Estate, Home & Garden Museums



JUNE 2009

hancock park • windsor square • fremont place • larchmont village • wilshire center • park labrea • miracle mile





Walled & gated on nearly an acre w/sculpted gardens. 2 sty entry, LR w/paneled ceilings, English pub & billiard rm. Gourmet kitchen, breakfast room, wine tasting room. 6 beds, 4 bas. Tennis court, 6-car gar, pool & gsthse w/kitch. 2 ba.

6 bed Mediterranean estate. Large entry leads to library w/fpl & generous living & dining rms, patios, yard, pool & course. Cntr-isle kitchen, media room. 4 beds/3 bas up incl huge master. 1 bd/1 ba/2 powder rms down; guest rm & ba.

Betsy Malloy

Lisa Hutchins

Coldwell Banker Hancock Park South




Coldwell Banker Hancock Park North




LIght-filled, spacious liv, din, & fam rms w/crown moldings & hrdwd flrs. Remodeled baths and kitch.. Guest or maid’s rm & ba.next to kit. Large mstr bdrm ste w/ sitting rm & 3 addit’l bds up. Backyard w/pool + guest house above gar.

Center hall floor plan w/formal LR & DR. Large kitchen, breakfast rm & family w/ Batchelder fireplace. 5 beds, 3 bas. 2nd floor sundeck. Hardwood floors. Sep. guest rm w/bath. Large yard. 2 car garage. Many upgrades. 3rd St. School.

Sandy Boeck


Loveland*Carr Properties Coldwell Banker Hancock Park S.



Coldwell Banker Hancock Park South




Formal living room w/ fireplace, dining room, gourmet kitchen and breakfast room. 3 bedrooms +2 baths + office/den. Back patio accessible from kitchen and master suite. Professionally landscaped large lot w/ 2 car garage.

Many orig. details reflected in windows, hardwood floors and Batchelder fpl. 2 bdrms with sitting room off master and 2 baths. Cozy den/office with built-in desk, shelves. Top of line kitchen appliances. Custom fencing, lush landscaping.

Loveland*Carr Properties Coldwell Banker Hancock Park N

Kathy Gless


Coldwell Banker Hancock Park North



June 2009


tion of designated landmarks and historic districts in the city with at least 125 individual monuments. Other properties to be showcased on the self-guided, driving tour include a 1908 Victorian/Craftsman mansion, a Queen Anne Victorian cottage built in 1893, and an 1887 farmhouse, currently

Larchmont Chronicle

undergoing restoration. Guests can also tour St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral, an Italian Romanesque church built in 1925 and both a local and national landmark. Cost is $20 for WAHA members; $30 for non-members. Check in and will call tickets are at 4325 Victoria Park Dr.; access off Pico west of


Crenshaw. Visitors will receive tickets, brochure and map at check-in. Bicycling is encouraged, and special bike route/map will be available. The last ticket will be sold at 1 p.m. For more information or to confirm reservations, call 323-732-4223 or visit www.WestAdamsHeritage. org


GREENE & GREENE house will be open to the public for the first time on the WAHA tour.

West Adams Tour to visit Greene & Greene home Celebrating a quarter century of preservation, the West Adams Heritage Association (WAHA) will showcase seven of the area’s historic treasures on Sat., June 6 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Among them is the Lucy Wheeler House, former home of restoration architect Martin Eli Weil. The tour marks the

first time the home, designed in 1905 by architects Greene & Greene, will be open to the public. One of the oldest neighborhoods in Los Angeles, West Adams was once known for its grand homes and bustling development. Today, the neighborhood boasts the largest concentra-

to use. Instead of showing By Rachel Olivier Metro is replacing its col- my pass to the bus driver, I orful paper bus passes with “tapped” my card right where Transit Access Pass (TAP) it says “TAP” on the fare box. cards. These blue plastic cards There is a sensor that regisare expected to improve com- ters my card and records my muting on buses and trains boarding fare. and decrease fare evasion on One of the benefits of the TAP card is that a lost or stolen the rail lines. As a transit commuter, I card has “balance protection,” have adapted from tokens unlike paper passes. Having and transfers to all manner of lost my share of bus passes, I appreciate that daily, weekly, and I can order a remonthly, passes. placement card Would this TAP intact with the card be more of balance of my the same? Better? fare. Or worse? Metro will also Similar to be using data colfare systems in lected from the other metropolicards to further tan areas, TAP is improve the trana “smart card” sit system, which tapped against seems to me to a fare validator be a much more (a machine that accurate method registers the fare) than depending whenever a comon harried bus muter boards drivers, angry a bus or train. TAP CARD being The card is reus- “tapped” on fare validator. commuters, and the occasional able and can be refilled online, at Metro cus- Metro employee sitting on the tomer service centers, vend- bus and handing out surveys. ing machines and third-party Reduced-rate passes will also locations such as Ralph’s, be offered on the TAP system. Seniors 62 and older qualify Pavilions, and Vons. To purchase my TAP card, I for a Senior TAP ID Card, but went online to Metro.net and must supply a full-face photo clicked through to the tapto- as well as valid California ID. go.net website. It was easy to Metro plans presentations at order (free with purchase of senior community centers to pass), though receiving it took help ease the transition to the a couple of weeks. According new system by the end of May. to the website, once I have a For more information, go card I can refill it at any loca- to www.metro.net and click tion and it will be credited to on the TAP cards link, or go to www.taptogo.net, or call my card instantly. The TAP card was simple 1-866-tap-togo (827-8646).


Metro rolls out new TAP card system for commuters

1133 GEORGINA AVENUE • LIST PRICE $5,995,000 Elegant Country French custom home. Grand foyer entry, 5 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, huge family room, gourmet kitchen, office, playroom and gym. Pool and spa in back with over 6000 square feet of house on an extra large lot! State of the art “Smart House”


sandy boeck: in brookside & beyond brookside beauty

lisnew tin g

834 tremaine ave. $1,990,000

Brookside Beauty featuring spacious living, dining, and family rooms. Great flow for gracious entertaining! Remodeled kitchen and baths. Guest or maid’s room with bath next to kitchen. Large master bedroom suite and three additional bedrooms upstairs. Expansive private backyard with pool plus guest quarters above the garage.

english cottage in brookside

lisnew tin g

908 tremaine ave. $1,249,000

Wonderful English cottage in Brookside. Living room with decorative tile fireplace, formal dining room, eat-in kitchen. Three bedrooms & two baths downstairs. Central air/heat. Private back yard for relaxation and outdoor dining on the covered patio. Upstairs master bedroom suite with den or 5th bedroom. Ample attic space for storage. Co-listed.

english cottage in brookside

le as e

826 S. muirfield rd. $5,200/mo.



©2008 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and Operated by NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker does not guarantee the accuracy of square footage, lot size or other information concerning the condition or features of property provided by the seller or obtained from public records or other sources, and the buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy of that information through personal inspection and with appropriate professionals.

Renovated with exquisite attention to every detail. Large living room, formal dining room, eat-in kitchen. Beautiful and private backyard.

June 2009

Larchmont Chronicle



Jewelry, textiles to furniture at Crafts Market More than 250 jury-selected artists will sell their creations at the Contemporary Crafts Market from Fri., June 5 through Sun., June 7 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium, 1855 Main St. The 24th annual event will

PERENNIAL SUNFLOWERS. Myrna Gintel created the idea for the colorful fence, and Wilshire Lions Club paid for the “sunflowers," which also help separate Frances Blend from Van Ness Elementary School next door.

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r yE

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Grand re-built home. 6BD, 5.5BA, pool and spa.

d cE u d rE

Thanks to community, flowers in bloom at Frances Blend In a few short weeks the garden has taken off at Frances Blend School for the Visually Impaired, 5210 Clinton St. “It looks beautiful and the children are out in it everyday watering and learning about growing and plants,” says Myrna Gintel, co-chair of the Windsor Square-Hancock Park Historical Society Garden Party. The annual fundraiser, which included a tour of six area home gardens on April 19, benefited the $200,000 outdoor garden project. Funds helped pay for 30 planters—one for each classroom. A row of planters line

the Norton Ave. side of the school. “It is really wonderful to see the students having lunch and enjoying and learning in the garden on a daily basis,” Gintel said. A sunflower design was also added to a fence, top photo, to separate the school from Van Ness Elementary, next door, said Garden Party co-chair Laura Cohen. Wilshire Lions Club paid for the “sunflowers," after a design by Gintel. To volunteer or join the new Friends of Frances Blend School, or for more information, e-mail uggsplus@yahoo. com.

Music is free at Farmers Market Farmers Market at Third St. and Fairfax Ave. offers two nights of free entertainment each week this summer. Thursday Night Jazz features Cuban Charanga to New Orleans jazz, while Friday Night Music offers rock, swing, country/western and R&B. In addition, music series favorites will entertain nightly during the week of July 13 as part of the Market’s 75th anniversary bash. The Thursday Night Jazz series features Frank Cano & Latin Groove on June 11. Nutty Jetsetter Jazz entertains on June 18, and Dakota performs jazz standards on June 25. The Sam Graham Trio brings straight ahead jazz

to the Market on July 2. The Friday Night Music series features Bad Haggis with Eric Rigler, who bring a Celtic/ world beat sound on June 5. The Doo Wah Riders croon country/western tunes on June 12. World music by Esperanto International Music fills the air on June 19. Floyd & The Fly Boys sing the blues on June 26. All performances take place on the West Patio from 7 to 9 p.m. Food is available from Market merchants, and beer and wine can be purchased from the Market’s two bars. Parking is free for two hours with validation from a Market merchant.

& LeaH BreNNer u LdING b o SSENT

117 POINsettIa PL Offered at $1,795,000

BOXED GARDENS line the Norton Ave. side of Frances Blend School. Funds raised at the Windsor Square-Hancock Park Historical Society Garden Party helped pay for 30 planters—one for each classroom.

States,” said Roy Helms, market founder. “This year will be no exception.” Admission is $7; children 12 and under are free. For more information, call 310-285-3655 or go on the Internet at www.CraftSource. org.

showcase jewelry, glassware, ceramics, hand-painted textiles, custom furniture and mixed-media creations. “Each year, the Contemporary Crafts market provides shoppers and collectors with some of the finest craft pieces from across the United


409 N. juNe street Offered at $3,699,000

256-258 s. OraNge dr. Offered at $1,950,000 Dramatic Mediterranean. Designer perfect.

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r fo

415 N. edINburgh Offered at $899,000

Beautiful Mediterranean, renovated to perfection.

Fixer. Amazing potential.


154 s. hudsON ave. Offered at $13,500/mO. Majestic Mediterranean. Palatial 2-story entry.





©2008 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and Operated by NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker does not guarantee the accuracy of square footage, lot size or other information concerning the condition or features of property provided by the seller or obtained from public records or other sources, and the buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy of that information through personal inspection and with appropriate professionals.

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June 2009


Larchmont Chronicle

Sapphire Drive, Encino Hills Labiner Moser tapped as volunteer 3825 head of SurveyLA

Her interest in the history of owners as well as direct future Los Angeles is a key reason why growth and streamline environmental review Caroline Labiner processes, accordMoser volunteered ing to city officials. to be the coordina Labiner Moser tor for SurveyLA. is volunteering Labiner Moser two days a week at is overseeing the the city’s Office of work of more than Historic Resources. 200 volunteers in She brings surveying the 11 her volunteer exareas that have perience as a past been selected for board member the pilot study, said of the Children’s the Windsor Square TOP VOLUNTEER Caroline Labiner Museum, Barnsdall resident. Art Park Foundation Its findings of Moser. and Association of L.A.’s built heritage will help policymakers, devel- Women in Architecture. opers, planners and property Volunteers do the ground-

work, identifying resources and interviewing community members. Then, using this information, the surveys will be undertaken by historic preservation professionals. Termed the Los Angeles Historic Resources Survey

Project, it is the first-ever inventory of the city’s buildings, homes, trees, lampposts and even rocks, said Labiner Moser. The survey is funded by the J. Paul Getty Trust and the city of Los Angeles. There are an estimated


3825 Sapphire Encino Ave. Hills 224 S.Drive, Highland $1,699,000 $1,149,000 Stunning Ibizian 2 bed/3 bath

414 N. Kilkea Drive, Miracle Mile

$2,295,000 Immaculate remodeled 4 bed/3 room. bath home plus den/media Chef’s kitchen with Viking stove 5BR/4BA/den. Extensively 1-story home set on private half acre knoll and carrera marble counter while kitchen maintaining in primeremodeled Encino. Granite with tops. Sound system throughout itssteel original luster. stainless appliances and Dramatic breakfast for entertaining and relaxing. Lushly landscaped backyard bar opening to theentry family with room. circular Expan2-story with a pool/spa and recreation sive professionally-landscaped yard with staircase. Living room w/ room/cabana, bonus! pool. Coveted Lanai School District. beamed ceilings, fireplace. Formal dining room w/wet bar. Gourmet

eat-in kitchen w/

center island, high-end appli-

414 N. Kilkea Drive, Miracle Mile ances. Master suite w/walk-in $1,699,000 closet/spa tub/steam shower/

Stunning Ibizian 2 bed/3 bath home

Information contained herein deemed reliable although not guaranteed. Keller Williams does not guarantee the accuracy of provided by the seller or obtained from public records or other sources.


heated floors. Landscaped plus den/media room. Chef’s kitchen

yard,stove pool/spa basketball with Viking and and carrera marble Bonussystem Office.throughout Systems counter court. tops. Sound upgraded,and dual zone, bolted. for entertaining relaxing. Lushly 3rd Street School landscaped backyard withdistrict. a pool/spa and recreation room/cabana, bonus! Information contained herein deemed reliable although not guaranteed. Keller Williams does not guarantee the accuracy of provided by the seller or obtained from public records or other sources.


S P P 84 Fremont Place

S O L D !

Glass bottles. Clean plastic containers numbered 1-7 (see triangle on package for the number). In general, most non-industrial plastics are recyclable, including plastic drink and household goods containers.) Plastic bags. Styrofoam. What not to recycle Paper contaminated by food, liquid, or oil. Coated-cardboard milk cartons. Rubber Wood Electric or battery-operated toys. Plastic medical and hygienic items. Cloth/ fabric. Electrical cords. Appliances. Mini blinds. Kitchen utensils. Construction materials (asphalt and concrete). Hazardous materials such as: syringes, aerosol cans, fluids and chemicals, batteries, paint. For more information about recycling or make service requests, call the city’s 3-1-1 line.

Immaculate 4 bed/3 searched remodeled and documented. bath 1-story home set on private Volunteers will perform prehalf acre knoll in prime Encino. liminary work in the survey Granite withthe stainless areas tokitchen develop proper steel appliances and breakfast tools and methods to assist bar opening to the family room. the professionals. Expansive professionally For more information, conlandscaped yard with pool. tact Labiner Moser at www. Coveted Lanai School District.


‘Ambassador’ explains the do’s and don’ts of recycling

Old Hollywood charm in prime location. Two-Story entry with stained glass windows and impressive staircase. Domed ceiling in the living room with French doors leading out onto terrace and swimming pool. Four bedrooms and 3 baths with many original features.

Local green scene at Natural History A family-friendly finale to the Sustainable Sundays series at the Natural History Museum is on Sun., June 14 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ecos World troupe blends theater, music and games, while promoting the “green” cause. Shows are at noon, 2 p.m., and 3 p.m. in the North American Mammal Hall, Level 1. The National Park Service’s Christy Bingham discusses sustainable practices to use at home and the recreational opportunities available in the Santa Monica Mountains at 12:30 p.m. Learn more at www. nhm.org/sustainablesundays.

317-319 N. Mansfield • $1,499,000

Duplex. Private entry with fabulous staircase 3 bedroom / 2 baths plus bonus. Appx. 5,156 sq.ft. Formal living & dining rms, large kitchen & breakfast area, huge fireplace in living rooms, garage parking for four. Large walk-in closet space. Well maintained with spacious floor plan.

Close to Larchmont • $1,695,000

Wonderfully renovated with designer flair. Beautifully appointed living room with fireplace; dining room. Open gourmet kitchen and family room with French doors leading out to covered deck. Ideal for entertaining. 3 beds/2 baths up. Master has vaulted ceiling with private bath. Meticulously landscaped garden with garage at rear. Co-listed.

Shar Penfold 323.860.4258 323.462.0867

www.sharpenfold.com © LC0609

Each time you recycle, you’re part of something huge that makes a real difference. That’s the opinion of Frank Briscoe, “Recycling Ambassador” for the City Dept. of Public Works, Bureau of Sanitation, Solid Resources Collection. According to Briscoe, Los Angeles is among the nation’s leaders in recycling. Each year the city collects more than 240,000 tons of recyclables and 480,000 tons of yard trimmings from more than 750,000 homes Avoid contamination In addition to putting the right things in the blue bins, it is important not to contaminate the blue bins with moisture. Approximately one third of recyclables end up contaminated by moisture from liquids, food waste, or green waste and can no longer be recycled. A single 12 ounce bottle of water can contaminate three square feet of recyclable materials. Rinse out liquids from containers and then dry them before recycling. “We put red tags on the bins to tell citizens what they shouldn’t be putting in the blue recycling bin and a blue tag to inform them what they should,” said Briscoe How to do your part If everyone does his part, we can save millions of dollars a year and reduce landfill use right here in Los Angeles. • Recycle the right stuff. • Don’t ruin your recycling by putting “the big three” in the blue bins: food waste, green waste, or liquids. These are our biggest problems. (Food waste includes everything from pickle juice to table scraps.) What to recycle All clean dry paper including mail, telephone books, cardboard, newspapers and magazines; Metal, including drink and pet food containers (rinsed).

$1,149,000 880,000 entities to be re-

Coldwell Banker Hancock Park South 119 N. Larchmont Blvd.

JUNE 2009

Larchmont Chronicle



Woodward Real Estate Team

Available Now! 460 South June Street s $3,300,000 Exquisite English home has perfect floor plan, high ceilings, and elegant details. 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 4 fireplaces, tiled pool, separate guest quarters, and a cook’s kitchen.

! d e c u Red

! A L n i e u Best Val

314 Rimpau s $4,950,000 True Old World charm graces this home with a center hall plan, 5 bedrooms & 4.5 bathrooms. Expansive lot with beautiful pool & guest house.

oF r Lease

610 Wilcox s $750,000 2-story townhouse. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms & 3 patios! 228 North plymouth $4,500/month Charming home with 3 bedrooms & 2 baths. Walk to Larchmont Village!

4460 Wilshire #705 $1,098,000 3300 + square foot, 2-story penthouse with city views! 2 bedrooms & 2.5 bathrooms.

John, Mary & Andrew

Let Us Put “Sold” On Your Home! Andrew E. Woodward 323.860.4251

John A. Woodward IV Mary C. Woodward 323.860.4265

E-mail Us: WoodwardTeam@aol.com



June 2009


Larchmont Chronicle

‘Cabaret’ comes to Los Angeles Theatre

Superb View Location in Hollywood Hills $1,495,000

FOR LEASE: Bougainvillea Views in Beachwood Canyon $2000 Sunshine and Light in West Hollywood $2250 Deco Delight in St. Andrews Square $1150 Hollywoodland Realty Co 554 N. Larchmont Blvd 2700 N. Beachwood Dr* 213 268-3171 - 323 469-3171

*In 1923, when the original Hollywoodland Tract was developed, there were two sales offices....Our original office at 2700 N. Beachwood Dr and an office located in the 100 Block of Larchmont Blvd. We are still on Larchmont Blvd, just up the street a bit; as well as in our original Beachwood office location, the first building to be built in Hollywoodland.

‘STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE’ stars Marlon Brando, Vivien Leigh.

S pr i N g i N tO S uM M e r r o F

l Sa


ACADEMY AWARD winning ‘Cabaret’, with Liza Minnelli and Joel Grey.

laconservancy.org or call the Conservancy’s event hotline at 213-430-4219.

Movie locations on walking tour Want to see where “Mission Impossible” was filmed? Red Line Tours, the city’s daily operating walking tour company will take attendees through the world’s largest movie set in downtown L.A. The new “Hollywood onLocation” tour will take participants to locations where “Transformers,” “Mission Impossible,” “Dreamgirls,” “Benjamin Button,” “Fast & the Furious,” and thousands more movies were filmed. Using Red Line’s “LiveAudio” head-set listening system, participants will hear the movie soundtracks as they experience the living sets—such as the Bradbury Building which was featured in “Bladerunner,” and the Theatre District, which appeared in “Transformers,” as well as history and insider facts from the Red Line guides. The “Hollywood on-Location” tour departs daily at 2 p.m. from the Bradbury Building. Group tours of 20 or more can be scheduled at any


Minutes to Beachwood Village - Close to Larchmont Village Enjoy the small town feeling of these two very special communities. 3 Bedrooms - 3 1/2 Baths - Family Room - Home Office or In Law Suite with deck and private entrance. Wonderful Attention to Detail - Custom Work throughout including: Cabinets, Box Beam Ceilings, Hardwood Floors, Iron Railings, and Woodwork.

time for all Red Line excursions. For more information, go to www.redlinetours.com.

Pollution, Islamic history featured in ALOUD series Author Mike Davis will talk with Uruguayan journalist Eduardo Galeano during the ALOUD Library Foundation series on Thurs., June 11. Harry Chandler and Kevin Starr will speak on “Dreamers in Dream City: A Journey through Portraits” on Thurs, June 18. Other programs in the June series will cover a history of pollution in Los Angeles, a history of the world through Islamic eyes and Hollywood in the Great Depression. The series, at the Central Library, Mark Taper Auditorium, Fifth & Flower streets, begin at 7 p.m. For more information call 213-228-7025 or visit www. aloudla.com.

170 S Martel Ave. (3+2) • $1,299,000

NEW LISITING - Warm & inviting traditional! Elegant & functional living & dining rooms, bright & updated kitchen w/ center island. A lush & expansive back yard ripe w/ blooming lavender & mature trees. Detached guest house w/ large bedroom & separate bath. Loads of original character & details galore.



a le



347 S. Highland (4+4.5) $6000/MO

Fabulous & totally remodeled home w/ incredible designer details throughout. Large & sunny in prestigious Hancock Park neighborhood. Private & hedged lawn in front w/ a sparkling pool in back! Brand new appliances, fixtures, and double paned windows throughout. A gem! Available for immediate move-in.

e rl



634 N. Highland (3+2.5) $6000/MO

Fab & fully furnished 2-story home w/ many wonderful upgrades! Elegant step-down lvg rm w/ baby grand piano & frplc. Chef’s kitchen w/ subzero fridge/freezer, Wolf oven/range & griddle. Sleek marble carrera white counter tops. Family rm w/ bar opens to pool. Upstairs master suite has walk-out patio. Private & gated w/ lush landscaping. Close to studios, shopping, & dining. Available for immediate move-in.

“For a free home evaluation, don’t hesitate to call!”

Deena Blau continues to specialize in your neighborhood and gives the time and quality that each client deserves!

Deena Blau

323-533-2212 - Cell homesBuydeena@yahoo.Com

9696 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly hills

© LC0609

“Cabaret” co-star Michael York will host the screening of the film at the lavish Los Angeles Theatre, 615 S. Broadway, on Wed., June 10. Built in 1931, the French Baroque-style theater is in downtown Los Angeles’ Broadway Historic Theatre District, the setting for Last Remaining Seats 2009 season. The classic movie series, sponsored by the Los Angeles Conservancy, continues with the Brazilian 1969 classic “Macunaíma” at the Million Dollar Theatre, 307 S. Broadway, on Wed., June 17. Sergio Mielniczenko, host of the Brazilian Hour on Global Village radio shows, is host; DJ Mochilla spins samba and bossa nova tunes. “A Streetcar Named Desire,” starring Marlon Brando and Vivien Leigh, is at the Los Angeles Theatre Wed., June 24. Author Leigh Adams, Warner Bros. corporate archivist, hosts. Silent film star Louise Brooks stars in “Pandora’s Box” Wed., July 1 at the Orpheum Theatre. Live accompaniment will be heard on the Orpheum’s original Mighty Wurlitzer organ. Built in 1926, the Orpheum, at 842 S. Broadway, was the final home of the Orpheum vaudeville circuit. The Beaux Arts interior has gold-leaf decoration, silk wall panels and marble pilasters. Hugh Munro Neely, film historian and director, is host. Show times are at 8 p.m. Tickets are $20 ($16 for Conservancy members). Some films are already sold out. Visit

June 2009

Larchmont Chronicle




103 For more listings and information, visit us online at:


ON THE GOLF COURSE $6,490,000 Magnificent 3-sty mansion located on a double lot in prestigious Hancock Park. Cohen 323-464-9272

NEW CONSTRUCTION! $5,500,000 Extraordinary Estates. 24 hrs security guarded, appx 5,900sq.ft., 19,209 lot. June Ahn 323-462-0867

MAGNIFICENT MEDITERRANEAN $5,075,000 5beds/5.5 gorgeous new baths.French drs to yard, pool, cabana & gsthse. A/C,sec. Hutchins 323-464-9272

ARCHITECTURAL JEWEL! $3,999,000 House has just under 9,000 sq ft (per assessor). Incredible details thruout. McGinty 323-464-9272

EXQUISITE ENGLISH HOME! $3,300,000 4bd/3.5 bas, step-dn liv rm, sunrm, frml din rm & mds rm w/bath. Gated & Prvate. The Woodwards 323-462-0867

CLASSIC WINDSOR SQ. TUDOR $3,180,000 6Bd/4.5 baths, gourmet kit w/granite cntr tops. Brkfst area, orig crown mldngs. Bob Day/Cookie Day 323-462-0867

GOLF COURSE ESTATE $2,595,000 Romantic & remodeled golf course estate. Move in condition w/spectacular views! Hutchins 323-464-9272

ELEGANT & SPACIOUS $2,300,000 4Bd / 3.75 bas, liv rm, frml din rm, fam rm & den w/wet bar. Nice yard, det GH. Ben Shapiro 323-462-0867

BROOKSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD $2,199,000 Music rm, wine rm, 3/4ba, brkfst rm & DR dn. 3bds & 2ba up. Tree top vus. Pool. The Woodwards 323-462-0867

LOCATION! LOCATION! $1,995,000 4 Bds, 3 baths, formal entry, liv & din rm, library, gst rm w/ba, fam rm, yard. Knox 323-464-9272

CHARMING CRAFTSMAN $1,895,000 LR w/fpl, Fr drs to patio, FDR, restored kit, brkfst area.4+2 up. Master w/balc. Loveland Carr 323-464-9272

DESIGNER PERFECT $1,775,000 Tastefully remodeled & updated thruout. 3bds/2bas up, grassy yard & gardens. Hutchins/Penfold

HISTORIC COUNTRY CLUB PARK $1,595,000 Beautiful gated & restored 3/2 home on a quiet cul-de-sac in desirable area. Llanos 323-464-9272

SOUTHERN COLONIAL HOME $1,579,000 2 Beds, porch, liv/din, office, fam/bonus rm, eat-in kitch, pool, spa & gsthse. Knox 323-464-9272

BEUTIFUL MEDITERRANEAN HOME $1,499,000 5 Bedrms / 3.5 bas, new gas/wood fpl, central heat & air, grmt kit, pool. June Ahn 323-462-0867

LARGE DUPLEX $1,499,000 Private entry w/fabulous staircase 3 bd / 2 bas plus bonus. Appx. 5,156 sq. Ft. Penfold 323-462-0867

ELEGANT SPANISH JEWEL $1,429,000 3 lrg bdrms up - the newly built master ste w/office & AC - maid’s dwn.3 baths. Hadley/ Hutchison 323-464-9272

GORGEOUS 1920’S SPANISH $1,399,000 Redone 3/2 home, patio, new gourmet kit w/fam rm. Yard w/pool, firepit & garage. Llanos 323-464-9272

CHARMING CAPE COD! $1,299,000 Decorated w/impeccable taste. Come see & fall in love. Central A/C, hwd flrs. Burrell 323-464-9272

FABULOUS OUTDOOR OASIS $1,295,000 Renovated home w/3beds, den, 2 3/4 baths + 1 bedrm gsthse w/cabana/exercise rm. Cohen 323-464-9272

SPARKLING SPANISH HOME! $1,225,000 3bds+2 bas. Master has gleaming en suite bath. Det office/gst w/heat A/C & bath. Loveland*Carr 323-462-0867

ADORABLE ENGLISH TUDOR HOME $1,049,000 3 Bd/ 1.75 baths + bonus studio & sunrm, frml liv rm w/coved ciling & fpl. Hartman/Brenner 323-462-0867

ADORABLE 1920’S BUNGALOW $925,000 2 Bedrooms, 1.5 Baths + master suite w/an office. Side porch, spacious backyard. Gomez 323-464-9272

FIXER NEAR TRENDY MELROSE $799,000 LR w/fpl, hwd flrs, big master w/ba.Lots of closets. Enclosed yard. 2 car gar. Cohen 323-464-9272

INVESTOR OPPORTUNITY! $799,000 Great open parking lot w/2 spaces per unit. Upgraded kitchens on 2 of the units. James Song 323-462-0867

PERFECT TOWNHOUSE $750,000 3Bd/2.5 bas, 3 private patios, plenty of closet & storage space. Pool & rec rm. Peggy Bartenetti 323-462-0867

ADORABLE STEINKAMP SPANISH $679,000 2Bd / 1 bath, LR w/hi-beamed ceilings, leaded stained glass window. A real gem! Anne Austin 323-462-0867

FIRST TIME ON MARKET! $675,000 2 bds - 2 bas + powder rm. Foyer entry into large living room. 9’ ceilings. Ruth Gillespie 323-462-0867

TOP FLOOR PENTHOUSE $642,000 This 1bed, 1bath + den has pool & hillside views & shares only 1 common wall. Libowsky 323-464-9272

SPACIOUS UNIT W/VIEWS $549,000 1Bd / 1.5 baths, high ceilings, full service building. 24 HR doorman, valet. Christopher Calimbas 323-462-0867

EXCELLENT LOCATION $355,000 2Bd/2.5bas, New hrdwd flr on the main flr. Situated at back part of the complex. Bob Day/Cookie Day 323-462-0867

WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY $285,000 2Bd / 1 bath, natural light, open liv & dining area, remodeled kitchen. Ben Shapiro 323-462-0867

Hancock Park South 323-462-0867 119 N Larchmont Blvd (Larchmont & First)

Hancock Park North 323-464-9272 251 N Larchmont Blvd (Larchmont & Beverly Blvd)

Tony Svoboda 323.993.0740 ©2009 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and Operated by NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker does not guarantee the accuracy of square footage, lot size or other information concerning the condition or features of property provided by the seller or obtained from public records or other sources, and the buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy of that information through personal inspection and with appropriate professionals.


June 2009


Larchmont Chronicle

O’Day’s front, back garden in full bloom on Beachwood By Suzan Filipek Former flight attendant Lita O’Day is still walking down aisles. Only now she stops to prune and water flowers and vines that seem to grow in every corner of her N. Beachwood Dr. garden. When she looks to the sky and sees a jumbo jet fly overhead, she is as amazed as ever at its ability to defy gravity. But more often she’s filling the hummingbird feeder with sugar water and trimming plants as the sole gardener at her Spanish-style home. “After I retired my energy and passion went into the gardens,” she says, sitting under a camellia tree, surrounded by pots and pots of orchids. “They’re easy to grow… Just put them under a tree and water.” Their blooms will soon be coming to an end along with the spring flowers, making

NEIGHBORS often stop to admire Lita O’Day’s Hong Kong orchid tree, front page photo. Top, succulents fill her parkway.

way for summer blooms. When passersby stop to admire the sprawling lavender Hong Kong orchid tree, O’Day proudly hands out seedlings. When she’s hidden in the shade, strangers walking by help themselves to the fruits of the tangerine and orange

tree, she adds. The parkway is a collage of colorful succulents and young cherry blossom trees. Guava, apricot, pear and persimmon trees grow amid bird of paradise, loquat and angels’ trumpet in the backyard. To keep watering to a minimum, she

Simple steps can help conserve vital resource Americans use an average of more than 350 million gallons of water each day—much of which is wasted due to carelessness. The International Arid Lands Consortium offers the following outdoor water saving tips to conserve this vital natural resource: • Water your lawn early in the morning or at night to avoid excess evaporation. Similarly, do not water your lawn on windy days. • Don’t follow a fixed watering schedule. Water when the grass or plants show signs of needing it. Over-watering is bad for plants and lawns. It promotes shallow root growth, making your lawn less hardy. To determine if your lawn needs to be watered, simply walk across the grass. If you leave footprints, it’s time to water. • Use a broom rather than a hose to clean sidewalks or driveways. • Install efficient irrigation devices that can be adjusted according to seasonal irrigation needs. Install moisture sensors in each irrigation zone (sunny, shady, etc.) to better determine irrigation needs. • Do not leave sprinklers or hoses on unattended; they can leak and cause over-watering. • Maintain a lawn height of 2 1/2 to 3 inches to help protect the roots from heat stress and reduce the loss of moisture to evaporation. Allowing the grass to grow slightly taller reduces water loss by providing more ground shade for the roots and by promoting water retention in the soil.

• Watering in several short sessions rather than one long one allows the lawn to better absorb water. • Check sprinkler system valves periodically for leaks and keep the heads in good repair. • Make sure your sprinkler is placed so it only waters the lawn, not the pavement. • Avoid sprinklers that spray a fine mist, which increases evaporation. • Wash your car with a bucket of soapy water and use a nozzle to stop the flow of water from the hose between rinsing. • Consider xeriscape landscaping. Because grass lawns consume an inordinate amount of water, particularly in hot, dry climates to which they are not native, xeriscaping is an option that allows water conservation. This includes growing plants that are indigenous to the area and appropriate maintenance to reduce water use.

Art Deco Society meets in station

A café in a former railway station is the destination of the Art Deco Society of Los Angeles on Fri., June 19 at 6 p.m. La Grande Orange Cafe, 
260 S. Raymond Ave.,
Pasadena, is housed in the 1935 Del Mar station and listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The event is part of the Cocktails in Historic Places series offered by the Society. For more information go to artdecola@sbcglobal.net.

had the grass removed and replaced with brick. Her husband, a UCLA researcher, died at the age of 54 in 1999, just shy of the couple’s 25th anniversary and a planned cruise. “The lesson is do it now, what you can, because you don’t know what the future holds,” O’Day says. After 9-11, she retired. And with her daughter grown— she recently graduated from law school—O’Day’s constant companion is her orange cat, Simba. With benefits as a 34-year international flight attendant for Pan Am and United, she can pick up and go almost anywhere. But, she finds it more comforting amid the sound of the chirping birds, and she wouldn’t want to miss the flowers’ first bloom. “I sweat over this garden. I love this garden.”

Fundraiser offers sneak peak of new HBT facility Get a sneak preview of Hollywood/Los Angeles Beautification’s new facilities at its annual fundraiser on Wed., June 17 at 1737 N. Cherokee Ave. The event begins at 5:30 p.m. with a cocktail and silent auction hour, with dinner and program to follow. H/LABT provides vocational job training and develops green programs for the community. The organization has adopted over 110 public schools, hired 2,500 youth and created 250 mural walls. Each year, HBT plants 2,000 trees, paints out more than two million square feet of graffiti and removes more than 30 tons of trash from city streets. Tickets are $100 per person. For reservations call 323-9622163 or e-mail habteam@ earthlink.net.

Hancock Park

601 N. McCadden Pl.

665 McCadden Pl.

Stylish 4 br, 3 ba 1920s charmer on fabulous street. High ceilings & beautiful light throughout. Co-listed w/ Jenna Cooper, Nourmand & Assoc. 323.467.6262

Charming traditional w/ grand scale living room, double height open beam ceiling & stunning fireplace. 3 br, 2 ba up & maids w/ ba down.





163 S. Plymouth Blvd.

223 S. Orange Dr.

Fabulous 3 br, 3 ba English Brick w/formal living rm w/ wood burning fireplace, Gourmet kit w/ breakfast rm, stunning pool, terrace & yard.

Beautiful renovated home in 3rd St. School District. Includes 6 br, 4 ba all newly remodeled, living rm, dining rm, fam rm & new gourmet kit.





ja m e s s i m p s o n 4 24 . 2 02 . 3 2 1 4 james.simpson@telesproperties.com b e v e r ly h i l l s | b r e n t w o o d | t e l e s p r o p e r t i e s . c o m

June 2009

Larchmont Chronicle


New neighbors Metro celebrates Solair completion

Coldwell Banker Hancock Park offices during the

National Real Estate Conference held in Washington, D.C.

New residents in Fremont Place are Dr. Luke Yoon, a urologist and Dr. Janet Kim, a pediatrician. They have three girls; Amanda, 18, a senior at Marlborough; Samantha, 9 and Elizabeth, 7, attend Third Street School. Shar Penfold of Coldwell Banker Hancock Park South represented the buyer and seller.

Tickets for Cal Phil at Walt Disney Concert Hall are through ticketmaster.com. Prices start at $35.

120 S. Irving Blvd. $2,250,000

Visit museum, see planes land at LAX

Watch airplanes take off and land as you listen to air traffic controllers in the tower on an OASIS sponsored day trip on Thurs., July 30. Visitors to the new Flight Path Learning Center and Museum located at the LAX Imperial Terminal will see model airplanes, photographs, airline uniforms and other memorabilia. Cost is $63. For more information, call 310-475-4911 ext. 2200.

subway station. Located near Koreatown and Wilshire Center, Solair is hoped to bring urban, transitoriented living to the MidWilshire Koreatown area. The development comprises 40,000 square feet of retail space and 186 condominium units. The building features a rooftop pool, gym and lounge.

Classic Tudor in Windsor Square

Cal Phil's ‘By George!’ plays at the Arboretum, Disney Hall Works by three composers will be featured in California Philharmonic’s “By George!” on Sat., June 27 at 7:30 p.m. at The Arboretum, and Sun., June 28 at 2 p.m. at Walt Disney Concert Hall, 111 S. Grand Ave. Works by George Gershwin, George Handel and George M. Cohan will be sung by guest artists soprano Henrietta Davis and bass baritone Cedric Berry. The Cal Phil Festival on the Green at The Arboretum begins at 5:30 p.m. for picnic goers with live jazz performed prior to the concert. Tickets start at $20; visit wwww.calphil.org. The Arboretum is located at 301 N. Bardwin Ave. in Arcadia.

A grand opening in May celebrated the completion of the Solair Wilshire, the 22-story mixed use high rise at the northeast corner of Wilshire Blvd. and Western Ave. Metro officials and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa were on hand to mark the opening of the transit-oriented development at Metro’s purple line

4 bedrooms + 3.5 baths Center Hall Design, Beautifully Maintained.


SENATOR DIANNE FEINSTEIN met with Ronna Brand, president of the Beverly Hills Greater Los Anglees Association of Realtors and John Winther, Association president-elect and manager,


Bob Day 323-860-4221

A Trusted Name in Los Angeles since 1878


J une A hn

Featured Listings for the Month of June by

4460 Wilshire Boulevard #202 $1,050,000

24-hour security guarded, 2,456 living sq.ft., 2 bedroom plus den 2.5 baths. Beautiful gourmet kitchen, natural sunlight throughout, leads to a huge patio with step-down swimming pool & spa, feels like a home. Beautiful trees throughout, high-ceilings, hardwood floors. Extra, extra closet spaces in master bedroom. Two car parking, storage. Building has an Earthquake, fire insurance.

414 N. Lucerne Boulevard $3,100/month

Adorable traditional home located in the Larchmont village, Hancock Park area. Just one block from Larchmont Blvd.. 3 br and 2 bath. Hardwood floor, living room with fireplace. Good size of back yard with one car garage, storage. Please call L.A. for showings & more information.

June Ahn

International Diamond Society

323.860.4284 cell: 323.855.5558 juneahn@aol.com

Hancock Park South Office 119 N. Larchmont Blvd. ©2009. Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and Operated by NRT, LLC. Coldwell Banker does not guarantee the accuracy of square footage, lot size or other information concerning the condition or features of property provided by the seller or obtained from public records or other sources, and the buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy of that information through personal inspection and with appropriate professionals.


June 2009


Pilgrim students raise funds for solar panels


5600 Wilshire honored for being ‘green’

BRE Properties, Inc. 5600 Wilshire is the first multifamily property in Southern California to receive two recognitions for being environmentally friendly: the LEED-NC v2.2 Silver from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and GreenPoint Rated certification by Build It Green. The certificates “represent our vision for energy-efficient, environmentally conscious multifamily development,” said Stephen Dominiak, BRE’s chief investment officer. San Francisco-based BRE and Van Tilburg, Banvard & Soderbergh Architects considered energy use, lighting, water, air quality and material use in the design of the 284unit building, he said. The LEED and GreenPoint certifications were based on a number of features, including: Access to public transportation and bicycle storage; Water efficient landscaping and water-use reduction; High-performance thermal windows; Energy efficiency; Recycled content in construction materials; Low-emitting paints, coatings and carpets; and Innovation in building design. The building’s style is a modern twist on Art Deco design in a nod to its past. Coulter’s Department Store, a Streamline Moderne-style building, opened on the site in 1938. It was later bought by Broadway department stores and eventually demolished in 1980. Amenities of the new building include a pool, Jacuzzi, fitness room and Wi-Ficonnected business center as well as outdoor fireplace and canopy shade. A white roof helps reflect heat, palms and other native plants dot the landscape, and pebbles and stones are in lieu of water-gulping grass. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is the USGBC’s rating system for designing and constructing green, energy- efficient and high-performing buildings. GreenPoint Rated is a pointbased system that evaluates energy efficiency, resource conservation, indoor air quality, water conservation and community.

Larchmont Chronicle

Pilgrim School is one step closer to being solar powered, thanks to help from its 350 kindergarten through 12thgrade students at the campus at 540 S. Commonwealth Ave. They raised $3,000 selling carrier bags filled with boxes of bio-degradable bags to their friends and family, said parent Michelle Marks. The New York-based Perf Go Green bags were purchased at a discount. Additionally, Whole Foods Market on Third St. and Fairfax Ave. also aided in the effort, including donating the carrier bags, said Linda Daniels, of Perf Go Green. The funds will be put towards the purchase of solar panels for the school’s new art center. “This fundraiser showed what can happen when young people are given the right tools to help the environment," said

GOING SOLAR with sales of biodegradable bags.

head of Pilgrim School, Dr. Mark Brooks. "If the passion of these students and these envi-

ronmentally conscious companies is any indication, we have great reason for hope.”

Green plastics biodegrade; will not clog landfills

A new generation of biodegradable plastics can be used conventionally, but when disposed they decompose to water and carbon dioxide by the action of microorganisms that commonly exist in nature. Taken from plants such as corn, the plastics are produced by tapping into the carbon stored in plant starches, which are then broken down into natural plant sugars. During a process of fermentation and separation, the carbon and other elements in the sugars are then used to make plastic, called polylactide or PLA. When PLA is discarded, it decomposes to water and carbon dioxide. The manufacturing of PLA uses 20 to 50 percent less fossil fuel than petroleum-based plastics.

Prices reduced Prices reduced up to $70k Prices reduced up to $70k Prices reduced up to $70k Immediate Occupancy

uni units unitsstarting startingatat$429,000 $479,000

units unitsstarting startingatat$479,000 $479,000



$8,000 F **


Up to $18,000 in tax credits


*Purchaser to independently verify their own eligibility for potential tax credits

Agents Agents Agents Claudia Hipolito Claudia Hipolito Claudia Hipolito James Song James Song James Song 323.906.2424 323.906.2424 323.906.2424


42 spacious, 2 bed + 2+bath Spanish-Revival 42 spacious, 2 bed 2 bath Spanish-Revival 42 spacious, 2 bed + 2 bath Spanish-Revival condos with designer finishes andand stainless condos designer condos with with designer finishesfinishes and stainlessstainless steel appliances, within walking distance appliances, all within walking distance steelsteel appliances, all all within walking distance to Larchmont Village. 1,200-1,450 SQFT to Larchmont Village. 1,200-1,450 . . to Larchmont Village. 1,200-1,450 SQFT. SQFT

FOR 2009 HO

42 5037 spacious, 2 bedave+ W. rosewood ave. 5037 W.rosewood rosewoodave. 5037 W. Los Angeles, CAAngeles, 90004 CA 9000 Los Loswith Angeles, CAVillage) 90004 Tues, Thurs – Sun, 12noon-5pm (Larchmont Village)design condos Tues, Thurs – Sun, 12noon-5pm (Larchmont Tues, Thurs – Sun, 12noon-5pm (Larchmont Village) steel appliances, all to Larchmont Villag

sales offi cecece sales offi sales offi


Help with trees

Claudia Hipolito James w Song w w.5037rosewood.c om w w w.5037rosewo od.c om 323.906.2424 w w w.5037rosewood.c om Tues, Thurs – Su

sales offi

TreePeople is seeking volun­ teers to plant trees in neighborhoods, provide tree care, build shelving and more. To volunteer or for more information, call 818-623-4843.

20% down financing, 30-year fi xed loan. P&I only. Other terms and conditions may apply. Independent purchaser verification of eligibility 20% down financing, 30-year fi xed loan. P&I only. is required. *


Other terms and conditions may apply. Independent purchaser verification of eligibility 20% down financing, 30-year fixed loan. P&I only. is required. **



©2008 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker® is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned And Operated By NRT LLC. Broker does not guarantee the accuracy of square footage, lot size or other information concerning the condition or features of property provided by seller or obtained from public records or other sources, and the buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy of that information through personal inspection and with appropriate professionals. Price subject to change without prior Coldwell Bankerlisted Real for Estate Banker® is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity notice. If©2008 your property is currently sale, LLC. this is Coldwell not intended as a solicitation.

Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned And Operated By NRT LLC. Broker does not guarantee the accuracy of square footage, lot size or other information concerning the condition or features of property provided by seller or obtained from public records or other sources, and the buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy of that information through personal inspection and with appropriate professionals. Price subject to change without prior ©2008 notice. Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker® a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity If your property is currently listed for sale, this isisnot intended as a solicitation.

June 2009

Larchmont Chronicle


Pastime from the 1920s is making a comeback CEO of the hiking company. The one-year-old tour group is reviving interest in an attraction that has been lost to the public since the late 1920s, when waterfall hiking was the biggest outdoor attraction in the state, she added. “We are trying to spread our love of the outdoors to the many na-

Several waterfalls cascade in mountain areas less than an hour from downtown Los Angeles, ranging anywhere from 42 to 171 feet tall, according to Expand Your L.A. Most locations are spring-fed requiring no rain, which makes these destinations a year-round treat, according to Leah Rimeris,


ture lovers in Los Angeles who have no idea that these locations exist.” Guided hikes include roundtrip transportation, and private “staycations,” with maps and information provided, start at $12.50. The hikes are also available as waterfall clinics at REI stores and several area hotels. Larchmont Chronicle readers will get $15 off a guided-hike price when mentioning this article. Go to www. expandyourla.com or call 310837-0305.

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Primers work hard to block stains. If you try to cover a stain with a fresh coat of paint, the stain will probably bleed through—no matter how many coats of paint you apply. Quality primers seal in stains and prevent them from ruining your paint job. Primers prevent common paint problems. Because primers are formulated to prevent problems such as cracking, peeling and blistering, they’ll make any painted surface more durable and washable— and last much longer! For more helpful tips go on the Internet at www.zinsser. com.

S Fairfax Ave

Springtime is the perfect time to update your home with a fresh coat of paint. You can get professional results without the expense of hiring a professional. It’s easy when you know their secrets. They know that if you prime first, then paint, your paint job will look better and last longer. Here’s why: Primers hide previous colors—even the darkest blues and deepest reds—far better than paint alone and prevent them from showing through or changing the color of the top coat. They’ll make your new paint job look more vibrant and even.

Pricing is based on availability and lease term, please call for today’s pricing.

W 3rd St

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Hancock Park


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June 2009


Larchmont Chronicle

Your property may be eligible for reduced taxes County property owners can check on the County Assessor website to learn if their home or condominium is one of roughly 500,000 properties that are being reviewed for a potential decline in value. If so, this could automatically trigger a property tax reduction, County Supervisor Zev

are under review as far back as the year 2000. Property owners pay nothing and need file no forms; they’ll be notified by mail by the end of July as to the outcome.
 Yaroslavsky warns, “Don’t be taken in by aggressive scam artists trying to charge you up to $200 for a review.

Yaroslavsky said. 
By going to www.assessor. lacounty.gov and putting in a street address or Assessor Identification Number, owners can learn whether they’re on the list, which covers properties purchased between July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2008. Certain areas of the county

NEW LISITING SOLD: The home at 508 N. June Street was listed at $2,475,000.

Real estate sales* Single family homes

$2,475,000 2,195,000 1,755,000 1,595,000 1,550,000 1,395,000 1,299,000 1,300,000 1,175,000 799,900 634,900 389,900

516 No. Mansfield Ave. • $965,000


795,000 759,000 675,000 665,000 615,000 575,000 569,000 559,000 559,000 549,000 472,800 470,000 439,000 349,000 310,000 287,000 279,000 275,000 269,900

Coldwell Banker Hancock Park 251 N. Larchmont Blvd.

Kathy Gless


323-460-7622 © LC 0609

837 S. Crenshaw Blvd., #302 681 S. Norton Ave., #104 5057 W. Maplewood Ave., #105 837 S. Crenshaw Blvd., #102 837 S. Crenshaw Blvd., #202 837 S. Crenshaw Blvd., #103 5037 Rosewood Ave., #303 5037 Rosewood Ave., #205 5037 Rosewood Ave., #206 400 S. Norton Ave., #A 333 Westminster Ave., #101 4444 Wilshire Blvd., #204 835 S. Lucerne Blvd., #303 4830 Elmwood Ave., #304 525 N. Sycamore Ave., #217 433 S. Manhattan Pl., #309 525 N. Sycamore Ave., #232 320 S. Gramercy Pl., #306 433 S. Manhattan Pl., #211

Bougainvillea enhanced character Spanish. Many original details reflected in windows, hardwood floors and Batchelder fireplace. 2 bedrooms with sitting room off the master and 2 baths. Cozy den/office with built-in desk and shelves. Top of the line kitchen appliances. Custom fencing and lush landscaping provide privacy and a serene garden.

Executive Sales Director Previews Property Specialist

Dia, Ray & Chase Present... 301 N. Arden Blvd. • $969,000 Charming 1920’s vintage Spanish two blocks from Larchmont, features barrel vaulted ceiling, arched windows & fireplace in spacious living room. Large, formal dining room opens to private side patio for alfresco dining. Center hall to three bedrooms at rear. Kitchen has cozy breakfast nook. Great den, plus a utility room with laundry and sink. Walled grass yard. Hardwood floors throughout. 3 BR, 2 BA, 2056 sq/ft

* List prices for April

Zap! Pow! Bam! celebrates comic books at Skirball A telephone booth where kids can try on costumes and change into their favorite comic book characters is part of an exhibit that explores the golden age of comic books from 1938 to 1950 at the Skirball, 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd., through Sun., Aug. 9. Zap! Pow! Bam! The Superhero: The Golden Age of Comic Books, 1938-1950 explores the genesis of cultural icons such as Superman, Batman, Captain Marvel, and Wonder Woman. The exhibit features rare vintage artwork, books and 1940s Hollywood movie serials, as well as interactive displays such as a vintage Batmobile ride and a drawing studio.

Included with admission to Zap! Pow! Bam! is entrance into Lights, Camera Action: Comic Book Heroes of Film and Television, which examines the parallel development of the comic book and motion picture industries. Objects on view include an original of Action Comics #1 featuring the first appearance of Superman, the 1966 Batcycle from the Batman television series, and Christopher Reeve’s Superman costume. Tickets are $10; $7 for seniors and students and $5 for children two to 12. For more information, call the Skirball at 310-440-4500 or go on the Internet at www. skirball.org.

945 Keniston Ave. • $1,189,000 Picture-perfect Craftsman sited on a beautiful, treelined Brookside street. Period details provide the charm while well-executed updates provide the comfort. Formal living with Batchelder fireplace, formal dining room leads to sharply re-done kitchen with Viking stove, Bosch dishwasher, floor-to-ceiling custom cabinets and a breakfast bar. Gated rear yard has outdoor living and dining areas and a gorgeously landscaped lawn. Detached studio (approximately 500 sq/ ft) ideal for artist or guests. 3 BR, 2 BA, 1,551 sq/ft.

323-462-7200 Chaseahouse@yahoo.com larchmontliving.com

dia/ray deasy/penner&chase 323.462.7200 Home as art ®.com ©LC0609

508 N.June St. 110 S. Van Ness 226 N. Gower St. 917 S. Longwood Ave. 959 S. Longwood Ave. 507 N. Lucerne Blvd. 364 N. Highland Ave. 601 N. McCadden Pl. 363 N. Van Ness Ave. 336 N. Norton Ave. 738 S. Highland Ave. 536 N. Wilton Pl.

June 2009

Larchmont Chronicle

Sound bar is sleek, cheap and worthy of Star Wars If all we needed of the speaker is posito create the drama tioned to emit more reof the movie thealistic surround sound ater at home was than a competitor’s a dark room and 20+ speaker sound bar. a bag of Orville Some sound bars come Redenbacher Movie with a calibration tool Style popcorn, we’d to program the unit’s all claim to have a setting to the dimenhome theater. Even sions of your room. adding a big screen Like multi-speaker sysTV, 42 inches or tems, you can still plug larger, won’t satisfy. in an MP3 player for What’s missing? music only. Sound. A sound bar is a simple George Lucas, SOUND WAVES bounce off walls, simulate surround and inexpensive way to sound; system works in large rooms and small. the founder of significantly improve Skywalker Sound Like any electronic gear, your entertainment and winner of 17 Academy sound bar features vary. experience. Because a sound Awards for Best Sound and You’ll want to consider the bar relies on sound waves Best Sound Editing said, number of integrated speak- bouncing off the room’s walls “Sound is 50 percent of the ers and other components. at different angles to simulate movie-going experience.” Remember, more is not always surround sound, a sound bar Audiences are entertained and merrier. The Yamaha YSP-900 works well in smaller rooms moved by what they hear as Digital Sound Projector fea- like bedrooms as well as in much as the images they see tures a single-speaker system larger ones like family rooms. on the screen. Lucas’ theory and incorporates Yamaha’s Just think, you can have a for the big screen experience IntelliBeam technology. “home theater” in any room is just as useful at home. This means each component of your house. Microwave the Any home theater sound system, from the least expensive sound bar to the most expensive 7.1 surround sound system, will sound better than TV speakers, even those that claim “virtual surround sound.” And surround sound isn’t just for movies. Most HD content from



Woodstock revisited

“MAX SAID YES! The Woodstock Story” was presented in May at the Memorial Library by authors Abigail Yasgur and Joseph Lipner, left. Abigail, back right, is the cousin of Max Yasgur, on whose dairy farm the 1969 Woodstock Music Festival took place. The authors displayed memorabilia from the three-day festival as well as original artwork from the book.

popcorn, turn off the lights and enjoy Star Wars the way George Lucas intended. Article is by Leslie

Meredith, managing editor of TopTenReviews, which covers electronics, software and web services.

The Windsor House

“Sound is 50 percent of the movie-going experience.” George Lucas

local stations— sports, news, reality shows and other regular programming—is broadcast in surround sound. You can add a surround sound system with multiple speakers, connections and wires running around the room, or try a more economical and easier option: the sound bar. It’s one component with built-in technology to simulate the sound of multiple speakers in multiple locations by integrating speakers, a receiver and a woofer in one sleek package. In contrast to boxy speakers, the slim sound bar can be mounted on a wall or placed in a media center. Sound bars from big names like Sony, Sharp and Yamaha are available starting at under $300— some for as little as $100, far less than a 5.1 surround sound system. Installation is light years easier than the home theater system—one connection to the TV and that’s it.

Design conference

Restaurant design awards, classes and more will be at the 2009 MOBIUS awards and events conference, co-hosted by The American Institute of Architects L.A., Fri., June 26 through Sun., June 28 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. For more information visit www.aialosangeles.org

Spectacular Tennis Court Estate 606 South Plymouth Boulevard

This magnificent architectural Hancock Park estate, walled and gated, is situated on expansive grounds with perfectly sculpted gardens on nearly an acre of land. Gorgeous renovations done by L.A.’s top designers (LA Design House) brought this masterpiece up to today’s standards. Meticulously maintained, the main house has a dramatic two-story entry, stunning dining room, living room boasts paneled ceilings and adjoining English pub on one side and a billiard room on the other! Palatial gourmet eat-in kitchen, breakfast room, and wine tasting room complete the downstairs. Upstairs has 6 bedrooms and 4 baths including a master suite with elegant sitting room, bathroom equipped with steam shower, sauna and bath. The grounds include a lighted tennis court, 6 car-garage, built-in barbecue, in-door out-door pool leads into exquisite guest house, replete with kitchen, living room, bedroom, 2 bathrooms, and spa health retreat.

This estate has it all - Elegance, Perfection and Privacy. EXTRAORDINARY!! Shown by appointment only!

Offered at $4,795,000

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Joy Denton


Potatoes and beans make a perfect pair By Laura Eversz

FRESH GREEN BEANS can be quickly boiled until crisp and tender, or simmered until soft and silky.

BABY POTATOES are delicious no matter how you cook them.

No matter how you cook them, you really can't go wrong when pairing green beans and baby potatoes. Cooked until crisp and tender, and tossed with chopped shallots and parsley, and a tangy vinaigrette made of mustard, white wine and olive oil, they make a perfect side dish to grilled chicken. As a child, I never grew tired of the "Hillbilly Beans" my dad made throughout the summer using the never-ending supply of Blue Lake green beans from his garden. All it took for a complete meal was a pan of cornbread. Green Beans with New Potatoes 1 small onion, chopped 2 tablespoons bacon drippings 1 quart water 1 teaspoon brown sugar 2 ham hocks or 1 ham bone 3 to 4 pounds green beans, ends removed 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon pepper 10 to 12 unpeeled small new potatoes, washed and scrubbed In a medium saucepan, over medium heat, saute onion in bacon drippings. Add water, brown sugar and ham hocks. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 1 hour. Add green beans, cover pot, and simmer over low heat, approximately 30 to 40 minutes. Cook a shorter period of time for firmer beans. During last 20 minutes of cooking, add salt, pepper, and potatoes. Cook until potatoes are tender. Serve with cornbread to soak up broth.

Larchmont Chronicle


“The hardware STore” formerly “Larchmont Hardware”

It’s Bar-B-Que season & we have a great selection to choose from • 22½” smokers, too! • Knife sharpening by “Perfect Edge” every 2nd and 4th Friday. Bring knives, scissors, pruners, axes (standard, serrated, ceramic & japanese) restoration, broken tips, chips & nicks. • “Green” propane-powered grass trimmer.

• Thermos “intak” hydration bottle see Bertha in Housewares (former larchmont hardware manager). • Benjamin Moore paints including new “Ben”.

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June 2009


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June 2009

Larchmont Chronicle




Pirates invade summer reading; screenwriting, real estate workshops FAIRFAX LIBRARY Get Lit: teen poetry and drama troupe performs poetry and spoken word on Saturdays, June 6 and 13, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Mid-Wilshire Writers offer education and support to those at all levels, both published and aspiring. Club meets on Sat., June 6 from 3 to 5 p.m. Friends of the Library general meeting is Tues., June 9, 10 to noon. Everyone is welcome to help plan events and share ideas to support the Fairfax branch. Summer Reading Club kicks off with a show by Swazzle Puppet Theater featuring Goldilocks and the Three Buccaneers on Thurs., June 25 from 4 to 5 p.m. Ongoing Grandparents and Books: Volunteers read to children. Call branch for dates and times. Learn computer basics with hands-on training Tuesdays 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Used book sale: Interesting bargains every Wednesday from noon to 4 p.m.; Saturdays from noon to 5 p.m.

FREMONT LIBRARY Friends Book Sale: Fri., June 5 and Sat., June 6 from noon to 4:30 p.m. Screenwriting Workshop helps screenwriters and aspiring screenwriters with writer's block and the creative process Sat., June 20 at 10:30 a.m. Art of Henna is presented and demonstrated for teens wanting to learn about how to use henna on Fri., June 26, 3:30 to 5 p.m. Family Night presents Reading is Magic with magician Tony Daniels, Mon., June 22 at 6:30 p.m., and an Interactive Mime and Comedy show on Mon., June 29 at 6:30 p.m. Ongoing Grandparents and Books: Vollunteers read to children Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesday beginning at 2:30 p.m. Toddler Tuesdays: Storytime and singing beginning 11:30 a.m. Computer classes: Adult beginners learn how to use the computer on Wednesdays from 2 to 3 p.m. LACMA Art Classes: Artist teaches children hands-on art

on Thursdays 4 to 5 p.m. MEMORIAL LIBRARY First Friday presents "Mysterious California," a film and book discussion program. "Southland" by Nina Revoyr is the featured book on Fri., June 5, 2 p.m. Author talk: ""Freedom's Fight" author Gary Phillips talks about his story of black soldiers who were denied the right to fight in World War II on Mon., June 8 at 6:30 p.m. Coffee, conversation and book signing will follow. Teen volunteer orientation: Thurs., June 11 at 6:30 p.m. Silly Second Saturdays for kids features craft activities on Sat., June 13 at 3 p.m. Real estate workshop: Bring your questions, such as "Is this the time to buy? Sell? What about forclosures? What's a good investment?"on Mon.,


bring everyone down. Exotic animals including a herd of Asian elephants, Bengal tigers, and Arabian and Friesian horses, join forces with human performers. Performances continue Wed., July 8 through Sun., July 12. For more information call 877-234-8425 or visit www. ringling.com.

Grandparents and Books: Grandma Bobbie reads to children Wednesdays at 3 p.m. Grandma Sel reads to children Saturdays at 3:30 p.m. Toddler Story Time is on Fridays at 1 p.m. Knitting Circle meets Saturdays at 10 a.m. Friends of Library used book sale is every Saturday at 10 a.m. WILSHIRE LIBRARY Preschool storytime with children's librarian Laurie Reese meets on Wed., June 10 at 10:30 a.m. Craft making with Sherry is on Sat., June 27 at 1 p.m. "Pirates" Summer Reading Program kicks off on Mon., June 29 at 3:30 p.m. Ongoing Computer Comfort Class meets on Mondays at 1 p.m. All levels welcome.


SSA Security Group, Inc. Setting the Standard in Home Security Patrol

Circus adds magic to summer show Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey present “Zing Zang Zoom,” a circus spectacular where magic merges with traditional circus acts, beginning Wed., July 8 at the Staples Center. The show features Zingmaster Alex and his assistant Levitytia, who ward off a cynical Mr. Gravity and his team of heavies who try to

June 15 at 6:30 p.m. Teen advisory council meets on Wed., June 17 at 3:30 p.m. Lunch @ the Library: Memorial Old Time Picture Show screens "Life with Father" starring William Powel, Irene Dunne and Elizabeth Taylor on Thurs., June 25 at 12:30 p.m. Free. Bring a sack lunch; library will serve coffee and cookies. Family story time offers fun for young and old on Thurs., June 25 at 6 p.m. Origami craft-making for the family with Bennett Arnstein is on Sat., June 27 at 1 p.m. Ongoing Computer Comfort Class meets on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. All levels of computer experience welcome. Students may also follow the lessons online at: http://laplcomputerclass. blogspot.com/

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June 2009


Arboretum hosts daylily, fern shows, classes Learn gardening essentials and all about daylilies and ferns, then buy some to take home at the Arboretum of Los Angeles County, 301 N. Baldwin Ave. in Arcadia. View daylilies in shades of yellow, red, white, salmon and orange, as well as bi-colors at the Southern California Hemerocallis and Amaryllis Society's daylily show and sale on Sat., June 6 from 9 am. to 4 p.m. In addition to educational displays and demonstrations, society members will answer questions on cultural care. Bulbs will be available for purchase. More than 60 varieties of ferns plus over 70 varieties of other plants, rare species and collectibles will be on display at the Fern and Exotic Plant Show and Sale on Sat., June 13 and Sun., June 14 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Orchids, bromeliads, cacti, cycads, terrarium plants, begonias and tree ferns will be


PLANTS IN a variety of shades will be on display and bulbs available for purchase at the Daylily show and sale.

among the exotic plants featured. A series of free workshops and lectures will also be held each day. Admission to the shows is free. Arboretum admission fee is $7 for adults; $5 for seniors and students with I.D.; $2.50 for children ages five to 12. For more information, call 626-821-3222. Steve Gerischer will teach

Larchmont Chronicle

the essentials of gardening in tune with the seasons at “The Seasonal Gardener” on Sat., June 20 from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. The workshop will cover plants that thrive in the heat, watering/irrigation, and how to use a dwindling resource wisely, and shade and vegetable gardening, Pre-registration is required. Call 626-821-4623.

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Steve Morgan, curator at UC Riverside Botanic Gardens, will share his orchid expertise at the Los Angeles Garden Club’s monthly meeting on Mon., June 8 at 9:15 a.m. Morgan will discuss orchids that are familiar to all, as well as spectacular and bizarre varieties. The meeting is in the Griffith Park Visitor’s Center Auditorium, 4730 Crystal Springs Dr. The talk begins at 11 a.m., following coffee and refreshments, exhibits and displays, and a business meeting. Officers for 2009-2010 will be installed at the meeting. For more information, call Jim Schupp at 323-912-0652.

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Book features Chinese painting and calligraphy “Treasures through Six Generations” provides an indepth look at works in the Wan-Go H. C. Weng Collection of Chinese painting and calligraphy. Weng Tonghe, who gathered most of the collection, was a statesman and scholar of late Qing-dynasty China. His great-greatgrandson, Wan-Go H. C. Weng, who owns the collection, brought it to the U.S. for safekeeping in 1948. The works reproduced in the book, currently on exhibit at the Huntington, range from the 12th century to the 20th. Published by University of California Press, the book, is edited by T. June Li, curator of the Huntington’s Chinese Garden.

noon to 4:30 in Friends’ Hall. For more information, go online at www.huntington.org or call 626-405-2100.


SUCCULENTS, CACTUS will be for sale at the annual show at The Huntington June 27 and 28.

Find out what happens when the sun goes down or view hundreds of award-winning plants at The Huntington, 1151 Oxford Road in San Marino. Bring the family to meet some nocturnal animals and take a docent-led tour of the gardens in search of nightblooming plants on Sat., June 6 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Walking shoes and flashlights are recommended. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Cost is $20: $15 for members. To register, call 626-4052128. The centuries-old crafts of spinning, weaving and dyeing with natural plant dyes will be showcased at a program in the Herb Garden on Sat., June 13 and Sun., June 14 from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Craftspeople will demonstrate the tools and techniques for carding and combing fibers such as cotton and linen, spinning them into yarn or thread, weaving and knitting, and making dyes using herbs and other plant materials. Free with general admission. Cactus Society Hundreds of awardwinning plants will be on view—including specimens native to Chile, Argentina, Botswana, Madagascar and the Middle East—when the Cactus and Succulent Society of America presents its annual show and sale on Sat., June 27 and Sun., June 28 from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


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Larchmont Chronicle


June 2009


Larchmont Chronicle

MUSEUM ROW "The Art of Elizabeth Mann," a Hungarian native and concentration camp survivor, continues through July 3. Located at 6435 Wilshire Blvd., 323-651-3704; lamuseumoftheholocaust.org.

A+D ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN MUSEUM—Located at 5900 Wilshire Blvd., 323932-9393; aplusd.org ZIMMER CHILDREN'S MUSEUM—Novice detectives are invited to help recover a

missing bagel during A Blue Bagel Hunt Sun., June 14 from 2 to 4 p.m. Located at 6505 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 100; 323-7618984, www.zimmermuseum. org.

The Apartment Home Condominium THAT LIVES LIKE A


KOREAN ARTIST Kimsooja's meditative video works are in a new exhibit coming to LACMA.


Vinyl records; works by Korean artists to open


PETERSEN AUTOMO- from South Korea. TIVE MUSEUM—"Sounds of • "Pompeii and the Roman VilSpeed" includes 180 LPs, from la: Art and Culture around the "The Beach Boys" to the "Fast & Furious" soundtrack. Ends Nov. 8. • Make lace-up car key chains during the children's Discovery Day program Sat., June 6 from 1 to 4 p.m. Celebrities read books during Book FREE AS A BIRD, by Gail Greenfield PALS at 2:30 p.m. Located at 6060 Randall, 2007, shadow box at CAFAM. Wilshire Blvd., 323930-CARS; petersen. org. Bay of Naples." Ends Oct. 4. CRAFT AND FOLK ART Located at 5905 Wilshire MUSEUM—"Ancient Gods Blvd., 323-857-6000; lacma. and Modern Politics: Mithila org. Painting." Traditional Indian PAGE MUSEUM AT THE LA wall and floor paintings illus- BREA TAR PITS—A Columtrate modbian mammoth ern themes. recently found Ends Sept. is on display in 13. the Fish Bowl • "Celestial laboratory along Ash: Assemwith other area blies from fossil finds that Los Angeshow Ice Age life les." Ethe10,000 to 40,000 real shadow WORKSHOPS for children are years ago, when boxes by at the Zimmer on Sundays. saber-toothed LA.-rooted cats and giant artists as sloths also ruled inspired by Joseph Cornell. the Wilshire area. Ends Sept. 13. Located at 5801 Wilshire Blvd., Located at 5814 Wilshire 323-934-PAGE; tarpits.org Blvd., 323-937-4230; cafam. LOS ANGELES MUSEUM org. OF THE HOLO­CAUST— LOS ANGELES COUNTY MUSEUM OF ART— "Your Bright Future: 12 Contemporary Artists from Korea" opens Sun., June 28. Video art, computer a n i m a t i o n , FAST AND FURIOUS is among 180 vinyl records and sculpture on display at the Petersen Museum.


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June 2009

Larchmont Chronicle

How come the final anything is called a “swan song?” queries Joan Fagerholm? The common swan found in park ponds everywhere is also called the “mute” swan Professorbecause it rarely Knowmakes a sound It-All other than an occasional low grunt. An ancient European folk tale, however, has it that when a swan dies it gives forth a final, beautiful song to herald its journey into the afterlife. *** Why do we “page” someone? queries Terry Slaney. Page is from the Greek paidion or boy. In medieval times, a page was a youth of gentle birth who served as the personal attendant of a person of rank to run errands and act as a messenger. Later on, boys were employed by hotels to perform the same function and their vocal journeys through the lobby (i.e. “Call for Philip Morris”), also became the name for the call itself. *** Why is a papal proclamation called a “bull” and how is this different from an “encyclical?” wonders Nelson Alter. Actually a bull referred to any official document that had a lead seal affixed to the bot-

tom of it and comes from the Latin bulla (seal). Starting in the 12th century, a papal bull was a letter from the pope carrying a bulla that shows the heads of the apostles Peter and Paul. With the introduction of papal briefs in the 15th century, bulls were reserved for the highest of universal pronouncements, such as the canonization of saints or dogmatic revelations. *** How come a person who cleans tables in a restaurant is called a “busboy?” asks Tina Moore. Of course, the key here is bus, a conveyance for carrying passengers along a fixed route. This name also applies to the hand-pushed trolley cart which is used for carrying table settings in a restaurant, making it easier for a person (usually a boy) to clear dirty dishes, glasses, and silverware from tables and reset them for the next round of diners. Professor Know-It-All is the nom de plume of Bill Bentley, who invites readers to try and stump him. Send your questions to him at willbent@ prodigy.net.


Larchmont Blvd. on Sundays. Go to their web page to learn more about your local pet res-


cue: www.savinggracela.org, or call them at 323-871-8538. Donations always appreciated.

LOVES LONG WALKS. Lorenzo needs someone to love. LORENZO, a two-year Pekingese has a quirky personality and loves long walks. Please call Polly @ Savinggracela.org Several cats and kittens also are in need of homes, and on

Kittens, puppies need foster care

Volunteer foster parents are sought by L.A. Animal Services to help sustain the lives of the many puppies and kittens that are coming in every day. To sign up call Bottle Baby Coordinator Martha Nuno at 323-276-5845.

a dog walking service

Melanie Snodgrass licensed and bonded


emergency pet taxi and sitting services available



experienced veterinary technician



POSITION AVAILABLE Excellent opportunity with an established community newspaper. The Larchmont Chronicle is looking for a part time display advertising sales person.

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Swan’s departure preceded by a final, beautiful song


Larchmont Chronicle's

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Congrats Dads and Grads!


please note that all classified ads must be paid for before the paper goes to press each month


June 2009


Larchmont Chronicle








Hancock Park. 2-Story entrance, step-dn LR w/exquisite fpl mantel & music rm, huge DR. Fab state of the art kit w/granite cntrs & rotunda brkfst rm open to great FR. 7Bd / 8.5 baths, pool & spa.

Hancock Park. This A. C. Martin designed Dutch Colonial has been remodeled to perfection. chef ’s kit w/large center island, adjoining fam rm & opens to backyard & pool-perfect for entertaining!

Hancock Park. Stunning 5 bedroom, 3 bath Southern Colonial house in prime Larchmont Village! Chef ’s kitchen overlooking sparkling pool, guest quarters & family room w/French doors to garden.

B renner /H artman


L oveLand *C arr P roPerties


K nox /L a v ioLette








Hancock Park. Mediterranean in heart of Windsor Square, 3+2 up. Office/storage attached to garage. Maids/laundry rm. Fam rm w/ bar opens to outdoor liv area-island w/BBQ, fridge, FP & fountain.

Hancock Park. 3bed/2baths up incl amazing course-facing master suite w/fpl, office/nursery, lux bath & walk-in closet. Private bed/bath down+powder. Gourmet kit opens to fam rm. Gst studio w/ba.

Hancock Park. 2 sty center hall flr pln w/a sweeping staircase. Spacious LR extends front to back w/French drs to the patio. Windows galore. Wonderful moldings, great details thru-out.

L oveLand /G Less

L isa H utCHins

B oB d ay /C ooKie d ay








4460 WILSHIRE BLVD. #202


Miracle Mile. Large formal entertaining rms, updated kitchen with great storage space. Huge den with French drs overlooking private yard with pool & spa. 6 bedrooms & 4 baths up, maids down.

Hancock Park. Inviting center hall plan, sun-filled LR w/ decorative tile frpl & FDR. Bright upstairs master bedrm suite w/den or 5th bedrm. 3bds & 2bas dn. Cntrl AC/heat, crown molding, garage.

Hancock Park. 24hr security guarded, 2,456 sq.ft. liv 2BR + den 2.5 bas. Grmt kit, natural sunlight thru-out, leads to a huge patio to a few step-down swimming pool & spa, feels like a home.

H artman /B renner

B oeCK / a LLen

J une a Hn










Miracle Mile. Completely redone. Exquisite hardwood floors throughout, original details, tiles, crown moldings with modern amenities, central air, updated plumbing & electric. Move right in!

Larchmont Village. Unique living space in residential area. Lots of windows & French doors open to a lrg private wrap around garden w/wood decks & slate patio. Washer/dryer in unit. 2-car garage.

Hancock Park. Own a townhome in Hancock Park! 2 BR/2.5ba. Liv rm w/fpl, dining area & wet bar. Updated kitchen. Front & back patios + balcony off master. Pool & club room. 2 car parking.

L iBowsKy /i nesta

L oveLand C arr P roPerties

K atHLeen G Less


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