2 minute read
Letter from the Editor (EN)
When I was a young girl, I waited patiently for summer every year. It usually meant that school was over and that my family had some vacation planned with my cousins and grandparents. It meant getting up later and playing all day. I really don’t know why I wished to grow up. I had it easy!
Now, this Summer of 2023, I can say that I feel that same excitement! We are so proud to launch our first issue in the Greater Los Angeles area!
I can’t believe how time flies when you love what you are doing. This issue has been a true team effort. We had challenges and doubled the work when creating this issue, but we could not wait any longer to be part of LA, the largest city with binational communities.
In this issue, as we were putting the articles together, it reminded me of how important summer is. There are so many things to celebrate! Days are longer, and sunsets (especially here in California/ Baja California) are magical.
Los Angeles has so many things going on! If you have the time to drive to San Diego, Comic-Con will be waiting for you. We are also celebrating our Dads, Pride Month, and countries celebrating their independence during this season. Baseball season is peaking, as well as summer camps all over the country.
Thank you to all our friends, sponsors, clients, and family who have been why this magazine is becoming all we had imagined. We like Los Angeles a lot. I hope LA likes us, too!
Lots of Love, Gina Dewar