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Larry Goodell

duende makings open words open pictures open voice Š 2013 larry goodell po box 571 placitas, new mexico 87043 larrygood@comcast.net

N. E. W. S. 1985 North East West South

written for Lindsay Mayo and performed with dancers 1985

Written in December 1985 for Inside Moves an Evening of Dance commisioned by Lindsay Mayo & Company Santa Fe, New Mexico

ut of the sadness merely warping the record on the rack of skulls playing playing, as hemlines go up go down, disappear altogether –


the giant turntable of the skies with golden cartridge glowing diamond needle furrowing time through sounds-the music soars to duplicate the Eagle's foggy vision as the tone arm ascends thru the shining hole of the compact disk shedding rainbow auras off the mountain of sound viewed from an eye off the side of the Mastercard hologram-rainbows meet rainbows in heaven, light dispersion as the sound God of news replicates its endless DNA function rising from the towers of noise that make new music, into the electronic purity bouncing down from the President of Sony's listening room ceiling– voice God, satellite purity reflecting an exact count of dead bodies of a chartered DC-8 that killed 248 US soldiers of the fortune of loss —


I am the god of news no nose only news noise and a little help from friends stuffing Phyllis Schlafly's kit for the Contras Freedom Fighters Friendship Kits parading America's brand names Ivory Crest Wrigglies Anacin Lifesavers Mentholatum in a little ditty bag with bilingual Bible. Read this and create a society that buys all the time. Schlafly: "The Russians are probably supplying the Sandinistas with even better kits." and in the news the chortled news I open mouth & eyes of high tech god all satellite ears 1.2 Billion Dollar Orbiting Telescope Will Strip Cosmos of Its Secrets! Mr. Smith of Western Swing says "Hats cause fights. One guy with a cowboy hat gets in a fight, and everyone else wearing one comes to his aid." Marcos Embarrased by Female Opponent The racks of tiers of digital mania rick rack to the stars who are blinking news back


Woman, 73, chases down man who snatched purse "He picked the wrong old lady– I pulled the chopsticks out of my hair to stab him– I must have looked like a witch but I got superpower from somewhere I could have cold-cocked him with my fist right into his jaw"– He jumped from two stories and was taken away to emergency— Intersplicings news is views no news is good news lose the news, no news no views stocks whizzing up to gold standards as the economy sink's up & down ripples like Earth toppling hotels malls the earth-shake taking folding rubble toil bodies lifted muddy across topling TV screens I eat out, egg on, buzz on vibrate everything– Nuclear Power's Risk Overrated Sandia Study Says as watermelons fall out of the mountain tracing roots in South African commando raids killing 6 in Maséra 3

the news is abuse the news we're opposed and you're against we're in favor and you insist You say no and We why not I guess not I told you so we never do agree you're one strand and me another on our DNA way like a lamp cord to a lamp and there we meet light again head-on collision seeing stars 60 cycles every second. General Electric has gobbled up RCA a whole family of big brothers appears to be at hand Philip Morris gobbled General Foods, Proctor & Gamble gobbled Vicks, Oil of Olay, Vidal Sassoon "It's cheaper to buy products than start from scratch" News swims in twos confuses loses who' s in the news all every universal any pan thorough multi-lateral 4

pervasive I stand noisom news-all everyone’s in the news or should be should shut-up be sorry you're not newsworthy enough to be news about no you must kill a president have an accident show up on 10 o'clock 7, or 4, a dead number on 13 you must do something dying different stick your head out have it bit off by a circus lion lose your balance fall from a ledge amidst the shoppers a roseola of death bouncing satellite dreams getting lost on the cutting room floor erased as new news crowds thru the revolving doors of NBC now ABC, CBC, BBC CBS monitors ferreted out thru worldwide intergalactic channels the comet like a giant sperm


shows up in everyone's TV room in color on crystal pocket cameo the glowing sperm of science projected screen, dissected, recorded for later affable viewing with brie-flavored popcorn and cherry seltzer look in Time look in Look in Newsweek in Life in U.S. News & World Report the New York World pros & cons on Rajneshpuram faith of money, money matters (Natalia) Yurchenko yoyo bouncing left & right! Dutch protesters set fire to an effigy of John Paul the Second a flame is the Symbol now concrete reality of Europe's young estranged from an archaic Pope. "You're editorilizing taking sides get back on the electric fence my monitor boss tells me — I am video present video shmideo visited again the high-tech parlor of the filthy rich 6

becomes the antechamber of the world news moguls Clinic Bombs Fail to Lower Abortion Rates "bombing gave the whole anti-abortion movement a black eye"— 19 hundred and 48 have been killed involved with chartered aircraft 1985 I am the subcarrier frequency the news nobody hears Santa Claus was hijacked by Kadafi when purchasing power was up revolving credit, loans as Muammar Kadafi took the reigns and headed all for Libya the sky a comet trail of reindeer droppings in a giant U people with credit cards burning holes in pockets without the dancing circus from the North to forget their troubles till the canters & unsung pagans from paradise blew back Santa's beard & whacked ole Kadafi out of the giant, super, mega-store sleigh turn back just in time Sometimes I hear thru my universal ears my microchips flaring my monitors warm & pulsing 7

that help comes in odd ways oh the warmth of Earth's first stones is the news the buzzing between rocks that meets the ears oh come out come out "truth" nobody knows, no more there's so much evidence everything in crystal clarity reveals nothing— "how now, Dow Chemical" pulling wool over your media ad's eyes improving your image thru fakery becomes news the hype of face — Yuppie Featured in Newsweek Wanted to Grow Beard, Hide "Our marriages seem like mergers– our divorces, divestitures” my rising sky costs to keep my equipment alive picks up ad rates as you eat & see the latest fruit from my news tree– Texas Board of Health Ok's Quarantine Power in AIDS headlines 8

hardlines Man Sentenced for Rape of Nun Knowing Perfume Makes good Scents animalic oriental floral fruity pure aroma chemicals scents in the news information stories– Man awaits historic six-organ transplant says it's worth the gamble— Herb Seal's tired of "spending all his time attached to a catheter & pouches of intravenous solutions, tethered to a 3 foot cord.” Behind Clogged Doors the issues speak Nobody know what the government knows because the government knows what nobody knows. There is nothing worth becoming but God says Sri Chinmoy who completed 16,000 paintings in a single day & wrote 200 songs in a 4 hour recital & composed 843 poems in another day.


Farms Run by Women on the Rise as BBC follows Buddy Holly Trail to Clovis My monitors on my sky-high basement-oriented media manor – are on it Soap Firm Campaigns to kill Rumor it has links with the Devil– Proctor & Gambol says about its corporate symbol "the 13 stars represent the 13 colonies and the man in the moon is equivalent to the 1970's happy face" — Innocent by Reason of Insanity Multi-millianaire Maguire freed on charges of sexually molesting an 8 year old Utah girl Man lifeless for 10 minutes says he saw dead brother "you can't come here there's no room"– he pushed me back on the table. Postcards not only dirty items in France the French wash with half the amount of soap used by the English half the amount of toothpaste & deodorant as Americans– only one out of three French have a toothbrush 10

& it lasts 2 years but French perfume is up in industry 15 percent. Followers of Guru Dance as his book burns– B-29 Gunner helped open the atomic age– City hopes to Censor X-rated Chocolates– News is twinkle toes in twos so many people killed in blues in red hues they didn't pay their dues they somehow got caught up in the flues & choked to death lightning struck them when they were changing the fuse they all died & so their family sues suffering the buffering of many reasons through many seasons they won the lottery and now theyre in the news although they didnt choose same everybody knows their name they got caught in the alley with more than their pants down and it's not rays! I but boo's! the rack of skulls is a ladder of hi-tech up to the moon & stars & down to the earth again beamed


I am the news all the news that isnt meant to fit the print the subordinate news that sings down with the rain to come again another time instantaneous wit in headlines on the grave dead as it is new North East West South stands for the NEWS old world beaming ear to ear vibrating racks of digital mania without me you wouldn't have the under chord fine vibrations of exact what when & where how come gone yesterday's newspaper in the Lion's Club dump– what will be fresh and high fidelity to get up before the sun The Clarion the Beacon the Chronicle the Today Show up today always today today show up tonight is today.


poem and collage by larry goodell

N. E. W. S. 1985 North East West South

duende makings open words open pictures open voice Š 2013 larry goodell po box 571 placitas, new mexico 87043 larrygood@comcast.net


Larry Goodell

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