Death of a Reagan Yuppie - 20th Century Jerk - a poem by Larry Goodell

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Death of a Reagan Yuppie 20th Century Jerk

larry goodell - 1984

potato prints by bobbie creeley -bobbie louise hawkingsin NB 3 -1967 -lg a duende free glimpse production 2018

Death of a Reagan Yuppie 20th Century Jerk

larry goodell

I've got my Sansui multi-chord vibrator in the stultified position breaking mountains of mole hills with Vulcan Nebuchanezzor palace pillages rock-hard construction of ancient stone noises EP nuevo wacko reggae post-nude women transistorized screws crystallized vomit for everyone's snow room. Sun in the magic mirror of who rules 45. Yoga in terrible positions – terrible conditions 'for a yoga teacher teaching monkeys to screw while jacking off barbarian scientists designing bombs and ulterior weapons by day avoiding the subject over expensive barbecues in the evening– wailing me no, me no nothing me no nothing no more but expensive no good robot having to learn how to high dive into bedtime with Ronnie my mother fuckin yuppie God oh Ronnie yuppie god god loves yuppies in the classroom out on the streets making their no-mind money learning how to screw all over again having lost life –


it's a Simplicity pattern, certainly Vogue, certainly a well-known lapel, a label that means more than the cloth Welcome to Yuppie Land – Yippie, Flippie, Yappy Yuppie. Yup! I live here and there's nothing in my head because God designed it that way– He gave me gold in my coins to take away, he gave me a Bible for my bathtub table of expensive pretend marble. My bank, Dean Witter, Schwabb & Merrill Lynch – With Reagan in the White House Gawd on his mind Fascists in fashion we can do anything! we're young & progressively pro-country pro-defense pro-bizzness anti-abortion, anti-menstruation anti-imagination nothing to sidetrack us from the monotrack of money


Hitler wasn’t such a bad act to follow we've cleaned it up smile & follow us to the grave ah-ah! follow us to rave Wall Street reviews I dedicate everything I've ever known to all I don’t know which I don’t need to know I got my rocket in my pocket got my weapon flippin! got my two eyes close together focused on the ball winner takes all got the right club developer-itis! pinched by a cinch bug the Ronnie's Raygun bite of success I'm bitten all over with it– life's every dream come true 100,000 dollar home my RX-7 roam wagon expensive by stars that fall on my path because I place them there – jacuzzi, hot tub, sand-mobile pontoon transistor power race boat computer-heart-run multi-celled poison (whisper last word) dream home with cubicles for kids that blink


ET, Tyrant Rock, red white & blue measles on my bass-akward black flag– I got ever thing I don’t need which is the rape and hope of life realized – multi-inter lineated remote control video mobile sans-syrup Michael plasma Jackson oiling the walls with cure-all-imitation saccharine – Novacaine under the nails & cocaine in the nostrils, I report for work the 20th Century Jerk, the slime falls off the weapon into star-rape systems every poison weapon known to man concentrated on thin earth from star-high galactic monsters that pay my check Hello I’m here and I ain’t queer but I’m naughtier than near-eer but don’t fear wife & kids on the skids got my cross and Jesus rot to justify the lot I hold up, bone up, have my niche a cockroach in heaven encrusted with gold the mold of diamonds are my best friend rain-forests & natural paths must twist


and die to aid my king-size water jerk-off bed prairies that were go into the hair on my “balls� and that ain't all without a killer in my blood to rape & screw for me and you my lovely wife who holds up life with her jazzercize instruction in rule ten: cancel the alphabet kids wouldn't be on motor cycles in the 3-car garage a motor twist of the earth maggot slick as good-looking bodies throb in meaningless(ness) together I've found my yuppie yip-yap yuppie one line to the pot of mold at the end of the drained bow untied, left to lie at my feet. The acid rain of my bank account accounts for the curious silence of my TV set all wet. The death of the ultimate (yes he was on earth) 20th Century jerk.


He died of a hard on which he couldn’t explain – he was so young so unbeautiful he was at the end of his wife’s rope – she killed him because she saw God and he was in the classroom and he asked her to lift her dress and caress the Bible which was an MX missile site and when Ronal Reagan's 84 year old missile supported by some oriental device entered her silo her husband the butt of her dreams died of a massive cardiac arrest while masturbating on his rowing machine.

larry goodell


13sep1984 placitas, new mexico from Death of a Reagan Yuppie & Other Poems - proposed - 1984

a duende free glimpse production 2018

Death of a Reagan Yuppie 20th Century Jerk

larry goodell - 1984

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