My Computer

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My Computer

larry goodell


a duende digital broadside Š 2012 larry goodell

My Computer

I Live for My Computer (2012, from Rain Drain)

Computer (written at Bernalillo High School 1982 while in the Poetry In The Schools program)

Computer Illiterates of the Stone Age Speak Up (1991, from Fugitive ABC’s)

I Live For My Computer I live for my computer and my computer lives for me! but my computer’s name is not Gertrude, or Rosy-bottom, although it is red and has been known to repeat itself my computer’s name is Guts – Oh wait, that’s too close to Gus and everyone around here knows that Gus had a way about taking over I’m not about to let a box of metal & odd parts which takes all too long to warm up take over and tell me what to do although, increasingly I ask it to do just that and should there be a name for a machine that has crashed given me days of agony problems too many to mention with programs that wouldn’t work operating system that’s incompatible with what I need to do start-up failures deletes that could cause a heart attack crashes, blank screens, evil dialog boxes and error messages with numbers you can’t find out what’s the matter when the whole thing’s frozen, but mostly

I depend on it most of my day and much of the night as I happily send messages off to the cloud cloud one, cloud two, cloud three or shall it be cloud four today while something in that evil tomorrow says “I could pull the plug anytime just the right solar flare an earth devastation, just a government with nerds employed to kill you not only spy and send you to prison but jam your ones and zeros” So how can I name something that might do me in or be the tool that takes every cent I have saved to some asshole somewhere and there goes what little ease I have left in life – ugh. why do I use this thing, oh, I forgot, I live for my computer and, supposedly, it is for me but the one thing it doesn’t have, as I look above are nine dancing women, one of whom speaks to me.

COMPUTER computer astuter fast duty a tutor Rasputin hard tutor mass tutor horn tooter past tooter corn pewter fast tooter past tooter past pewter fine pewter con pewter con tutor corn tucker come pewter con tutor comb tutor

comb tucker can tucker cone tutor cone tucker comb pewter comb pucker Tom pucker Tom Tucker pom cuter pom toot her calm toot her calm boot her bomb toot her bomb boot ‘er palm cuter bomb cuter bum tooter bum beater come titter compute her come sitter consider bum titter computer

some titter some pewter come titter computer come pitter comb patter comb tutor computer compute her computer bum tutor computer bum tutor.

Computer Illiterates of the Stone Age Speak Up "I dont like spending so much time in front of that sky bone thing and my fingers dont work on its little finger pads it's purty but it has a foreign look and if it tells me what to do I'll beat it to smitherines. I got bones, I got rocks: its it's sky-lightning big eye that's always changing I don't trust, we'll put it in the back of a cave with it's eye out to wait for tomorrow: I got things to do."

Larry Goodell was born in Roswell, New Mexico — where crossing cattle trails meet the Pecos River and outer space visitors. He lives with his wife Lenore, photographer and phenologist, on the northern edge of the Sandia Mountains in Placitas Village. a duende digital broadside for 2012

COLOPHON Set in MS Reference Sans Serif, based on the Verdana fonts created by Matthew Carter who with Mike Parker set up Bitstream Inc. in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the first independent American company to manufacture digital type.

My Computer

larry goodell

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