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2.7 Summary and Conclusion
Figure 2.66 Transverse displacement at the end of A2001 using the NIST assumptions.
2.7 Summary and Conclusion
During our study, we examined local structural response of WTC 7 to fire loading at Floor 13. Table 2.3 shows a comparison of the steps we took in our modeling in order to accurately simulate the building’s behavior. The table attempts to illustrate the comprehensive methodology used versus that used in the NIST investigation. For example, the building had several different connections (seven different connections) between beams and girders, and girders and columns. These were carefully examined to ensure we modeled the connections to simulate how the building was built; NIST however only modeled some of the connections (see Table 2.3). We modeled the exterior framing by finding the stiffness of the connecting springs; NIST assumed under thermal loading that the exterior framing was rigid.