Diplomatic Connections Summer 2009

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Unique Coverage of Events Worldwide

Germany Celebrates 20 Years of



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COVER PHOTO Left inset - United States President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel; Right inset - United States Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton and German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier; Background - Inside the Dome of the Reichstag, or German Parliament building in Berlin, Germany; INSIDE FRONT COVER Peninsula Hotels ~ Chicago and New York; INSIDE BACK COVER Qatar Airways US; BACK COVER Saudi Arabian Airlines

ADC 36 Amtrak 48 Armed Forces, Embassy of Canada 46 Autoluxe Transportation - Chauffeured Service 59 Belgium, Embassy of 58 British Embassy - HRH Prince Harry 64 British Embassy - Sir David Frost 25 British School of Washington 65 California Pizza Kitchen 51 Canada, Embassy - Forces Day 46 Capitol Polo Club 66 Clinton, former President - ADC 36 Commonwealth’s Women’s Association 60 Cort Furniture 17 Cousteau, Philippe - Polo 66 Darfur, Saudi Arabia’s donation 39 Dentistry - Grove Dental Clinic 54 & 62 Diplomatic Connections Annual Trade Show 96 Events - Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center 34 & 35 Fairfax Hotel at Embassy Row 67 & 70, 71 Four Seasons Hotel Washington 75 France, Bloomberg/Vanity Fair White House After Party 88 George Washington University Hospital 52 Germany, Ambassador Scharioth 18 Germany, A Strong U.S. Ally 6 Germany, Freedom Without Walls 18 Germany, Tourism 55 Grove Dental Clinic 54 & 62 Harry Winston Jewelers 1 & 80 Interior Design - Roger Christopher 61 International Medicine 4 Italy, Embassy - National Day 40 Jewelers, Harry Winston 1 & 80 Jumeirah Essex House Hotel - New York 79 Metro Montessori School 44, 45 & 63 Netherlands, Royal Embassy of 63 New York Palace 26, 27 & 30 Oakar, Honorable Mary Rose - former Congresswoman 36 Park Hyatt Chicago Hotel 39 Pelosi, House Speaker Nancy - Embassy of Italy 40 Peninsula Chicago Hotel 84 - 87 Polo - Green Cup - Capitol Polo Club 66 Roger Christopher - Interior Design 61 Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center 34 & 35 Roomstore Furniture 59 Saudi Arabia, Ambassador Al-Jubeir 28 Saudi Arabia, Darfur 39 Saudi Arabia, Royal Wedding 72 Schools - British School of Washington 65 Schools - Metro Montessori 44, 45 & 63 Sofitel Chicago Water Tower 15, 92 & 93 The Temptations 25 Volkswagen Group 11 White House After Party 88 White House, Chancellor Merkel meets President Obama 12 White House, Saudi Ambassador Al-Jubeir 31 Wings Private Jets 38


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DIPLOMATIC CONNECTIONS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dawn Parker DIRECTOR OF SALES Washington, DC, JoAnn Pomeroy DIRECTOR OF SALES New York, Neil Collins ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Hiam Awad, Paula Morrison and Jacob Resch ART DIRECTOR Larry Smith MARKETING Traci Allen To contact an advertising executive CALL: 202.536.4810 FAX: 202.370.6882 EMAIL: dparker@diplomaticconnections.com Diplomatic Connections Website Design & Development IMS (Inquiry Management Systems) 304 Park Avenue South, 11th Floor New York, NY 10010 TOLL FREE: 877.467.8721 X701 Website: www.ims.com Marc Highbloom, Vice President marc@ims.ca Laura West, Project Manager lwest@ims.ca Reflections Photography 631 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20003 202.204.6700 x202 www.Reflections-Photo.com Joanne Amos, President Steve Amos, Vice-President Reflections Photography Contributing photographers for Diplomatic Connections Gustavo Gargallo Franmarie Metzler, Erin Granzow To order photos from the events go to: www.diplomaticconnections.com Send any name or address changes in writing to: Diplomatic Connections 4410 Massachusetts Avenue / Suite 200 Washington, DC 20016 Diplomatic Connections Quarterly Business is published Quarterly Diplomatic Connections does not endorse any of the goods and services offered herein this publication. Copyright 2008 by Diplomatic Connections All rights reserved. Cover photos: Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany

Dear Readers, This Summer publication of Diplomatic Connections is a “Special Edition” because we have covered some very exciting and unique events in the last three months. Several of the photos published in this issue are exclusive “unpublished” pictures and will not be seen in any other magazine. Here are some highlights ~ It’s the 20th year celebration of the “Fall of the Berlin Wall” and the Summer edition features the activities during President Obama’s visit to Germany as well as Chancellor Merkel’s recent visit to the United States. Diplomatic Connections had a rare interview with H.E. Adel Al-Jubeir, Saudi Ambassador to the US. Ambassador Al-Jubeir explains in detail the significance of the intrinsically valuable and very important alliance maintained between the United States and Saudi Arabia. Sir David Frost, OBE, spoke at The Benjamin Franklin House Gala held at the Newseum in Washington, DC where British Ambassador Sheinwald was the guest of honor. Former President Clinton was the Keynote Speaker at the annual ADC conference held in Washington, DC expressing and affirming the vital role the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee plays in the identity of politics. Advocating “for the safety and welfare of the people in Darfur” stated by Saudi Ambassador Al-Jubeir, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has recently signed an agreement with Sudan to donate more than $18 million for humanitarian and developmental projects in Darfur. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi attended the Italian National Day event hosted by Italy’s Ambassador Castellaneta emphasizing the “deep ties” between Italy and the United States. British Royalty, HRH Prince Harry, visited the US in recent months and the city of New York welcomed him as he planted a Magnolia Elizabeth in the Garden at Hanover Square on behalf of the British Memorial Garden Trust to honor the British victims of September 11th. Commander of Canadian Defence Liaison Staff, Major General Douglas Langton of the Embassy of Canada recently spoke and acknowledged the “continued committment” of the military worldwide in bringing “peace and promoting stability throughout the world” during an annual Armed Forces event attended by military attaches from around the globe. Ambassador Renee Jones-Bos and Defence Attache Air Commodore Tom de Bok of the Royal Netherlands Embassy led a Remembrance Day Ceremony celebrating 400 years of friendship between the Netherlands and the United States. Philippe Cousteau, son of Philippe Cousteau and the grand-son of Jacques Cousteau played in the Green Cup of Polo at the Capitol Polo Club in Poolesville, Maryland in support of raising awareness on environmental issues. Hollywood celebrities by the dozens visited Washington, DC this year in honor of the new Obama administration by attending the White House Correspondents Dinner - After Parties, one being hosted by French Ambassador Vimont at his residence. Saudi Royalty, HRH Prince Abdulaziz bin Talal (nephew to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia) personally invited me to attend his recent wedding and allowed Diplomatic Connections exclusive coverage. Diplomatic Connections will be hosting our fourth Diplomatic Reception/Trade Show/Business Networking Event this year at an Embassy on Wednesday, October 14th, 2009 from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm. We invite you to ask the companies your Embassy does day-to-day business with to call Diplomatic Connections to learn more about how to be represented and showcase their trade, product and/or services to the Diplomatic / International Community. Diplomatic Connections now has Online Classifieds! Go to: www.diplomaticconnections.com to post your classifieds! Generally, every four (4) years a diplomat changes posts. Realizing that there is a great need for an Online Classifieds site because of this, we’ve made it simple and easy for the Diplomat and Staff Representatives to either buy and/or sell directly on the Diplomatic Connections website. Also, visit our website www.diplomaticconnections.com for online-subscriptions to receive future copies of our Quarterly magazine! Your opinion matters to us; thus, we are looking to you for the type of articles and advertisments your Embassy would like to see featured and to read about. Diplomatic Connections is continuously seeking your professional recommendations for advertisements from your domestic and international business partners. Therefore, any business introductions to further pursue future funding of the magazine would be greatly appreciated. We welcome and encourage you to contact us with your submissions and ideas to: dparker@diplomaticconnections.com Sincerely, Dawn Parker Founder & Publisher

Sherry Cooper (right), Personal Assistant to the Saudi Ambassador and myself at an authentic Saudi Souk (Arabic word for market) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This photo was taken in front of a shop that sells a variety of beautifully embroidered Abayas (an essential part of a woman’s daily attire, a lightweight black cloak worn over one’s every day clothing).

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Germany a Strong US Ally at the Heart of Europe Germany is celebrating two major anniversaries in 2009. A democratic constitution, or Basic Law, introduced 60 years ago gave birth to the modern Federal Republic of Germany. The fall of the Berlin Wall 20 years ago, in November 1989, signaled the end of the artificial Cold War era division of an entire nation. Germany was reunified in 1990, a joyous occasion annually observed on October 3, the Day of German Unity.

US President Barack Obama visits Dresden’s famous Frauenkirche, or Church of Our Lady, on June 5, 2009, with (from left to right) German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Jochen Bohl, Bishop of the Evangelical-Lutheran State Church of Saxony, and Stanislaw Tillich, Minister President of the State of Saxony

Allies Dedicated to Peace The United States and Germany are strong political, economic and military allies dedicated to preserving peace

By the German Embassy

and security around the world. Together, both countries strive

Photos: Press and Information Office of the Federal Government of Germany (BPA)

to address today’s toughest global challenges – from climate protection to creating a functional international financial architecture to nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

President Barack Obama visited Germany in June 2009 for the second time since taking office. His trip included stopovers in Dresden, Buchenwald and Landstuhl. Obama arrived in Dresden on Thursday, June 4, where he spent the night at the famous Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski in the historic city center, a five-star hotel situated in a baroque palace built in 1706. The next morning, on Friday, June 5, President Obama met German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the Dresden Castle to discuss the transatlantic agenda. “It is so important that the American President, Barack Obama, makes his first stop here in Dresden. This is a highly symbolic city. It is a city that was almost completely destroyed during the Second World War, and was then rebuilt after German unification,” Chancellor Merkel declared at the joint press conference that followed the meeting. “It has again turned out to be a jewel of German culture and civilization. The people here are so glad that you’ve come to see them because it shows that you also pay tribute to the tremendous efforts made in those 20 years after the fall of the Wall,” she said. Beautiful Dresden “It is wonderful to be in the beautiful city of Dresden, which obviously is steeped in history and has overcome great tragedies and is now this beautiful city full of hope. So I’m very grateful to not only Chancellor Merkel but to the German people for their hospitality,” President Obama responded. “Germany is a close friend and a critical partner to the United States, and I believe that friendship is going to be essential not only for our two countries but for the world if we are to make progress on some of the critical issues that we face, whether it’s national security issues or economic issues or issues that affect the globe like climate change,” Obama stated. Following his speech Obama moved on to visit the famous Frauenkirche – Church of Our Lady – which was almost entirely destroyed by heavy bombing in the wartime air raids

The US is Germany’s principal trading partner outside the European Union and Germany is the US’s most important trading partner in Europe. The United States is the main investment destination for German companies, and the secondlargest foreign investor in Germany, after the Netherlands, is the United States.

on Dresden in 1945 and restored between 1994 and 2005 through private contributions, including from the United States. In the prayer book of the Frauenkirche, President Obama wrote: “My best wishes to the congregation and the people of Dresden for symbolizing the possibility of reconciliation, reconstruction and hope. God bless.” In addition, the president visited the Dresden Zwinger Palace, a baroque structure with world-famous museum collections. The southeastern German city of Dresden, nestled within the Elbe River valley, was part of the former East Germany. After the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, the separated western and eastern halves of Germany were reunified in 1990. continued on page 10

© picture-alliance/dpa

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, shake hands after giving a joint press conference on February 3, 2009 in Washington

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City of Dresden with Church of Our Lady

President Obama and Chancellor Merkel en route in Dresden Barack and Michelle Obama greet the assembled crowd eager to meet them in Baden-Baden

President Obama with Günther Oettinger, Minister President of the southern German state of Baden-Württemberg in front of Baden-Baden’s town hall President Obama and Chancellor Merkel greet the crowd

American First Lady Michelle Obama enters the Sommergarten restaurant in Baden-Baden with French First Lady Carla Bruni

Obama and Merkel discuss the transatlantic agenda in Dresden Castle’s famous “Grünes Gewölbe” (Green Vault)


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Obama and Merkel stroll through Dresden Castle’s famous “Grünes Gewölbe” (Green Vault) © picture-alliance/dpa

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier greets Obama in front of the Federal Foreign Ministry in Berlin

Dresden is nestled along the Elbe River © picture-alliance/dpa

Steinmeier and Clinton on February 3 in Washington © picture-alliance/dpa

Presidential candidate Obama met with Steinmeier in Berlin on July 24, 2008 Michelle Obama US President Barack Obama, with wife Michelle Obama, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, with husband Joachim Sauer

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Cultural Exchange, Diversity, Ancestry Today, some 46 million Americans, roughly one sixth of the population, are of German descent. Cultural and educational exchanges between the two countries abound. German is the most commonly spoken language in the European Union and the second-most commonly used scientific language. From the Black Forest to Berlin, Germany boasts astonishing diversity in a compact country at the heart of Europe. A single visit to Germany might include experiencing high culture in a European metropolis, a romantic journey back in time, and a great outdoor adventure or relaxing spa retreat.

Paying Tribute Later that same day, on the afternoon of Friday, June 5, the president visited the National Buchenwald Memorial, the site of a former Nazi concentration camp near the historic eastern German city of Weimar. “I will not forget what I’ve seen here today,” Obama said after touring the camp with Chancellor Merkel, Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel - who was imprisoned there as a child and whose father perished in the barracks - and survivor Bertrand Herz. “These sites have not lost their horror with the passage of time,” Obama said. “This place teaches us that we must be ever vigilant about the spread of evil in our times ... We have to guard against cruelty in ourselves.” The international community has an obligation “even when it’s inconvenient, to act when genocide is occurring,” he added, citing his administration’s active efforts to address the situation in Darfur. The visit had personal significance for the president: Shortly after the bombing of Dresden, Obama’s great-uncle, Charlie Payne, who served in the US army, participated in the liberation of a forced labor camp that was a part of Buchenwald.


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Honoring American Heroes As the third phase of his stay in Germany, President Obama flew to the Ramstein US air base to conclude his visit with a trip to the US military hospital at Landstuhl, where US soldiers injured in Afghanistan and Iraq, among other regions, are treated. Ramstein Air Base serves as headquarters for US Air Forces in Europe and is also a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) installation. Following his visit to Germany, President Obama traveled on to France, where he joined French President Nicolas Sarkozy to participate in the ceremonies marking the 65th anniversary of the landing of the Allies in Normandy during World War II. NATO 60th Anniversary Summit The Obama visit was highly anticipated in Germany. It was his third trip to the country. As a presidential candidate he spoke in July, 2008, more than 200,000 cheering people at Berlin’s landmark Victory Column, an event which generated massive media attention at the time. In April 2009, President Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama, traveled to the southern German resort town of Baden-Baden for a summit of heads of state and government marking NATO’s 60th anniversary, which also took place in Kehl,Germany and Strasbourg, France. “This alliance is the most successful alliance in modern history,” Obama said in Baden-Baden, adding that it has a vision and takes a long-term view. “And now we must use this vision to help us meet the challenges of the 21st century.” A lot of work lies ahead for Germany and the United States, Chancellor Merkel stressed after the NATO gathering, but Germany is more than willing to play its part, “and the American President is very, very welcome here.”

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Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Barack Obama met at the White House on June 26 for a discussion in the Oval Office followed by a working lunch in their first bilateral meeting in the USA. In a joint press conference in the East Room, both leaders emphasized the longstanding bonds of friendship between Germany and the United States and stressed that no country alone can meet the challenges of the 21st century. “Today we reaffirmed that the United States and Germany, one of our closest allies and an indispensable partner, will continue to play a leadership role across the range of challenges,” President Obama said. He called Merkel’s visit the latest chapter in the longstanding German-US partnership and said the bonds of friendship and trust between the two peoples are unbreakable. Chancellor Merkel told President Obama that the German people have fond memories of his recent trip to Germany, in which he visited Dresden and the concentration camp Buchenwald. In a year in which the Federal Republic of Germany is celebrating its 60th anniversary, Merkel said, “we’re more than aware of the fact

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Barack Obama 12

Chancellor Merkel spoke at the Library of Congress in accepting the Atlantik-Brücke’s Eric M. Warburg Award on June 25, 2009

that Germany would not stand as it stands today had not our American friends and partners helped us after the end of the Second World War.” The White House meeting was the leaders’ fourth bilateral meeting. Merkel and Obama met for the first time in July 2008 in Berlin before Obama was elected. They then met in Baden-Baden in April before the NATO summit and in Dresden and Buchenwald in June. Their discussion in Washington included a number of topics, including the current situation in Iran, the Iranian nuclear program, relations with Russia, Afghanistan, the peace process in the Middle East, preparations for the upcoming summits of the G-8 and G-20 and the international economic and financial crisis, and climate protection.

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Meeting with House Speaker Pelosi Before her meeting with Obama, Chancellor Merkel met with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Capitol Hill in the morning, where the upcoming vote on energy legislation in the House was a topic. Speaker Pelosi invited Chancellor Merkel to speak at a joint session of Congress when she returns to Washington. Award for strengthening transatlantic relations The day before her meeting with Obama, Chancellor Merkel was honored by the Berlin-based Atlantik-Brücke for her work in strengthening transatlantic relations. In a ceremony at the Library of Congress, Chancellor Merkel received the organization’s Eric M. Warburg Award.

Multifaceted Partnership

USE President Obama and Chancellor Merkel during their joint press conference in the East Room of the White House

Chancellor Merkel is greeted by Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives

President Obama and Chancellor Merkel with, L to R: Finance Minister Timothy Geithner; US Defense Minister Robert Gates; Christoph Heusgen, Foreign Policy Advisor to the Chancellor, German Ambassador to the United States Klaus Scharioth, and German Government Spokesperson Ulrich Wilhelm

Germany and the United States of America are bound by a robust friendship founded on shared experiences, values and interests. Politics, economics, culture and military cooperation are all facets that make up German-US relations. Federal Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier visited the US in early February, immediately after the new administration took office. He was pleased with the remarkable level of openness and agreement he discovered during his talks on key foreign policy issues. During an in-depth exchange of views with Steinmeier in Washington on February 3, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton praised Germany as one of the United States’ closest partners. Both Steinmeier and Clinton stressed the importance of an even closer cooperation. Among the range of issues to be addressed more intensively than before by the transatlantic partnership, Steinmeier especially named climate protection, energy and food security, as well as disarmament and arms control. Germany owes much to the United States. In the period after World War II the United States initially provided political support and economic assistance under the Marshall Plan to West Germany. Without the United States as guarantor of freedom in the decades of the Cold War, Germany would not have been able to regain its national unity as a free nation. As leading examples, both countries embody the principles of individual, inviolable freedom on the one hand and the rule of law and participation on the other. In associations such as the United Nations, both pursue freedom, democracy and human rights – but also free trade, prosperity and sustainable development for all the world’s peoples. There is intensive cooperation between Germany and the US in the fight against international terrorism. Together with its allies, Germany is assisting in conflict management, for instance in Afghanistan, the Balkans or the Middle East, through both military engagement and civilian assistance, such as support in building up police forces and development aid. In connection with Iraq, Germany is providing humanitarian assistance and is prepared, in cooperation with the United Nations, to support civilian and economic reconstruction and the training of Iraqi security forces. The good professional contacts between government agencies on both sides – underlined by regular visits to the United States by the German Chancellor and regular visits to Germany by the US President – and the lively exchange of views between German and American parliamentarians are important elements of bilateral relations. The sensitive relationship with Jewish Americans is a special facet of these bilateral relations. The German government and parliament maintain active contacts and dialogue with Jewish-American organizations to foster mutual understanding. Germany and the United States also enjoy vibrant cultural relations. Every year hundreds of thousands of people travel across the Atlantic – as tourists, participants in exchange programs or as artists, performers, scientists, academics and students.

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Chancellor Merkel and President Obama during their joint press conference in the East Room of the White House

Chancellor Merkel during her meeting with Congresswoman and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, with German Ambassador Klaus Scharioth in the background

President Obama and Chancellor Merkel met in the Oval Office with top representaties of both governments, including (L to R): Christoph Heusgen, Foreign Policy Advisor to the Chancellor, German Ambassador to the United States Klaus Scharioth, German Government Spokesperson Ulrich Wilhelm, US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and US Finance Minister Timothy Geithner

Obama met as a presidential candidate during a July 2008 visit to Berlin with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmaier Left to right: Holocaust survivor Bertrand Herz, President of the International Committee Buchenwald - Dora and Commandos; Chancellor Merkel; President Obama; Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel, who was imprisoned at Buchenwald as a child and whose father perished there in the barracks

US President Obama speaking in Baden-Baden, Germany View of the ceiling Dome of the famous Frauenkirche, or Church of Our Lady, in Dresden, Germany

Chancellor Merkel places white roses on the ground upon a plaque commemorating the victims of Buchenwald

President Obama arriving in Dresden

Chancellor Merkel and Elie Wiesel bidding each other farewell

US President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel inside Dresden Castle’s famous “Grünes Gewölbe” (Green Vault) D i p l o m a t i c c o n n e c t i o n s B U SINE s S Q U A R TE R LY | S U MME R 2 0 0 9




H.E. Klaus Scharioth, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United States


Twenty years ago, on November 9, 1989, the world watched in amazement as jubilant crowds gathered on both sides of the Berlin Wall around midnight to celebrate the opening of the border crossings between the eastern and western parts of the city. A peaceful revolution in East Germany had finally cracked this grim symbol of Cold War and political oppression. It signaled the beginning of the end of Germany’s postwar division and national unity came less than a year later on October 3, 1990. Erected on August 13, 1961 by the communist regime in East Ger-

Celebrating 20 Years Since the Fall of the Berlin Wall The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the beginning of a

many, the Wall divided Berlin and thus the two parts of Germany for 28

new era in history. It was

years. It cut right through the heart of the city, amputating vital traffic

the end of the Cold War, the

links and separating families and friends. Minefields and border police

beginning of a fully united

with shoot-to-kill orders thwarted any further attempts by East Germans

Europe and proof that

to look for a better future in the West. While the communists tightened their grip on people’s lives in East Berlin, the western part of the city became a walled-in outpost of freedom and democracy. Today, Berlin is once again Germany’s vibrant capital. The wounds of history are healing. Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, its vestiges remind us that freedom is precious. Freedom would not have prevailed and reunification would not have been achieved, in Berlin, in Germany as a whole, and also in all of Europe without the steadfast and unfaltering support of our American friends. We celebrate the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall in a spirit of deep gratitude and with a desire to share our experience – the vision of hope, of unity, and of freedom without walls. Klaus Scharioth, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United States

peaceful change is possible, even in the moments when it seems most unlikely.

1989-2009 Celebrating 20 Years

The famous crossing point from West to East Berlin at the USoperated “Checkpoint Charlie� in the American sector in December, 1961, just a few months after the Berlin Wall was first built

People photograph and hunt for souvenir pieces of the Berlin Wall near the Brandenburg Gate in November 1989

Joyous Germans clambored atop the Wall near the Brandenburg Gate in the days immediately after the East-West border was opened in November 1989

Since the Fall of the Berlin Wall US President Ronald Reagan, addressing Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev from the West Berlin side of the Brandenburg Gate on June 12, 1987, famously demanded “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

A cyclist rides past the Berlin Wall, which was covered in graffiti on the western side, in March 1984

East Germans are cheered on by West Germans as they drive from East to West Berlin on November 11, 1989

The Brandenburg Gate at the heart of Berlin at the end of World War II in 1945, when the German capital lay in ruins

One of the many watchtowers on the eastern, no-man’s-land death strip on the communist side of the wall intended to thwart any attempt at escape by East German citizens

East Berliners stream en masse into West Berlin at a newly open border crossing point after the fall of the wall

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On November 9, 1989, the former German Democratic Repbulic (GDR), or East Germany, opened its borders to West Berlin and the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), or West Germany - the Berlin Wall fell 28 years after its construction. East and West Germans are seen here clamboring and cheering atop the Berlin Wall in front of the iconic Brandenburg Gate, located at the heart of the city on the former eastern side right behind the wall. The two separate halves of Germany were reunified again in 1990, and today the Brandenburg Gate is once again an open crossing point at the center of Germany’s bustling capital city.


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US President John F. Kennedy. June, 1963: “Ich bin ein Berliner!” (“I am a Berliner!”)

1945 – World War II ends: The Allied Powers split Germany into four occupation zones, and its capital Berlin into four sectors.

1963 – June 26: President John F. Kennedy visits Berlin, reaffirming US support for this outpost of freedom with his famous “Ich bin ein Berliner!” (“I am a Berliner!”) speech.

1949 – Cold War: The Federal Republic of Germany emerges out of the US, British and French zones in the West. The Soviet Union establishes the communist German Democratic Republic (GDR) in their eastern zone, but cannot push the three western powers out of Berlin.

1987 – June 12: President Ronald Reagan delivers a speech in front of Berlin’s iconic Brandenburg Gate in which he memorably demands: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

1950s: Economic success of West Germany, fueled by the US Marshall Plan, and increased political repression at home swell the numbers of East Germans looking for a better life in the West. The GDR seals off the inner German border, leaving Berlin as the last loophole to the West. 1953 - June 17: More than a million people in Berlin and other cities in eastern Germany take to the streets to express their discontent with the regime, but GDR security forces - with the help of Soviet tanks - prevail after a few days. 1961 – August 13: All crossing points between the East and West Berlin are closed by GDR forces. Construction of the Berlin Walls begins. 1961 – August 22: The Wall claims its first of several hundred victims, when Ida Siekman falls to her death while trying to escape to the West by jumping out of her apartment at Bernauer Strasse. The exact number of Wall victims remains unknown.


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1989: Amidst increasing economic failure of the communist regime, the first protesters gather in Leipzig with calls for democratic reforms and individual rights. Their movement quickly spreads to all major cities in the GDR. 1989 – November 9: Unable to suppress this peaceful revoltion and hoping to buy time, the GDR leadership lifts all previous travel restrictions to the West. Shortly before midnight, tens of thousands flock to the Berlin Wall. The border guards cannot hold them back. On the other side, jubilant crowds greet the first arrivals. 1990 – October 3: After the Wall falls, Germany is reunited after just 11 months. In the first (and last) free elections to East Germany’s Volkskammer (parliament) on March 18, 1990 the East German electorate votes by an overwhelming majority for those parties that demand swift accession to West Germany. In summer 1990 a treaty to this effect is negotiated by the two Germanies, and on September 12 the “2+4 Agreement” between the two parts of Germany, the United States, Soviet Union, Great Britain, and France follows. East Germany accedes to West Germany on October 3, 1990, which has since been celebrated as the Day of German Unity and is an official holiday in Germany..

Newseum Gala

Benjamin Franklin House Left to right: Sir David Frost, H.E. Sir Nigel Sheinwald, British Ambassador to the United States and his wife, Lady Julia Sheinwald

In early June, The Benjamin Franklin House World of Possibilities Gala was held at the Newseum in Washington, D.C.. The gala was part of an endowment campaign which was launched to ensure the long-term sustainability of the Benjamin Franklin House museum and educational facility in London. The Event was attended by friends and supporters of the Benjamin Franklin House and the Benjamin Franklin House Foundation. Ambassador Nigel Sheinwald, who co-chairs the World of Possibilities endowment campaign, served as the guest of honor for the evening. The event featured Sir David Frost as the guest speaker. In his introductory remarks, Ambassador Sheinwald praised Sir David Frost as a man who is, “not only a pioneer in television…[but also] a pioneer in globalization. The ambassador also paid tribute to the many accomplishments of Sir David’s journalism career by stating that, “anyone who is anyone Sir David Frost, OBE wants to be interviewed by Sir David Frost.” The Ambassador’s remarks were followed by an address from Sir David Frost. In addition to sharing stories from his many years as a journalist, Sir David also praised the work of the Benjamin Franklin House, calling it, “a great example of AngloAmerican co-production.” The Benjamin Franklin House has welcomed over 25,000 guests since first opening its doors in 2006 and continues to provide educational opportunities for visitors. For more information about the Benjamin Franklin House, please visit www.BenjaminFranklinHouse.org

A t t h e K e nn e d y C e n t e r

Temptations THE

Ambassadors of Music and Goodwill

For three consecutive nights in May, The Temptations, with The National Symphony Orchestra, Marvin Hamlisch, Guest Conductor performed to jam packed enthusiastic audiences at The Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.. From opening night, The Temptations were a tour de force and held the audiences spellbound as they performed hit after hit, “The Way You Do The Things You Do” - “Just My Imagination” - “My Girl” and more. The audiences were dancing in their seats at the usually austere Kennedy Center. Although they regularly perform in Europe - the U.K. France, Germany, Sweden and The Netherlands - The Temptations are now interested in conquering the emerging markets of Africa and the Middle East. The dignitaries on the various nights included, Tarik Allagany, Cultural Attache, Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia; Ambassador Amina Salum Ali, The African Union; Ambassador Welile Nhlapo, Embassy of South Africa; Ambassador David Rantekoa, Embasy of Lestho; Ambassador Roble Olhaye, Embassy of Dijibouti and Chairman of The African Diplomatic Corps and his wife. The Temptations’ song “Get Ready” was used in a major campaign, “Get Ready for Digital TV” by Comcast, The Federal Communications Commission and Digital TV, to urge everyone in the United States to switch from analog to digital television by June 12, 2009, which changed the way America looks at television. For Africa and Middle East reservations and bookings or just for further information, contact Ed Hines, Ed Hines & Associates at: 301.350.6316 or email: edwhines@yahoo.com Tarik Allagany (center), Cultural Attache, Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia with The Temptations

Left to right: Joe Herndon; H. E. David Rantekoa, Ambassador of Lesotho to the U.S.; Carolyn Felder, EA, Ed Hines & Associates; Professor Michael Mwanze, Howard University; H.E. Amina Salum Ali, Ambassador of The African Union to the U.S., Kyndle Felder; Rohulamin Quander; Otis Williams; Adian Healy; H.E. Welile Nhlapo, Ambassador of South Africa to the U.S.; Bruce Williamson; Helena Healy; Tavon Pugh; Terry Weeks; Terence Healy; Brendan Healy and Ron Tyson

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Prosperity An Interview with Saudi Ambassador Al-Jubeir

Interview by Diplomatic Connections


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Photo provided by Saudi Information Office

In his third year as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to the United States, His Excellency Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir is at home straddling the line between two worlds—Saudi Arabia and the United States. The American educated diplomat and former Advisor at the Royal Court was appointed as Ambassador to the U.S. by King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz on January 29, 2007. Ambassador Al-Jubeir was, however, very familiar with the inner workings of Washington, DC, the Saudi Embassy and diplomatic life long before that. When Ambassador Al-Jubeir officially presented his credentials to President George W. Bush on February 27, 2007, he had already received an M.A. in International Relations from Georgetown University, spent 12 years as a Saudi diplomat in Washington and served as Director of the Saudi Information and Congressional Affairs Office. He was instrumental in helping communicate the Kingdom’s point of view during the Gulf War in the early 1990s and participated in numerous international conferences and U.N. meetings. Ambassador Al-Jubeir was named Foreign Affairs Advisor in the Crown Prince’s Court in the fall of 2000 and served as the public face of the Kingdom after September 11, 2001. With this foundation of experience, Ambassador Al-Jubeir has been very active in maintaining strong ties between Saudi Arabia and the U.S., which exist on multiple levels. To obtain an understanding of the depth and breadth of Saudi-U.S. relationship in the new millennia, we interviewed Ambassador Al-Jubeir.

H.E. Adel Al-Jubeir, Saudi Ambassador to the United States

White House Photo Office Ambassador Al-Jubeir with President Obama at the White House

Has the election of a new American President had an impact on Saudi-U.S. relations and what do you envision the focus of that relationship being under President Obama? Saudi Arabia has maintained a positive and close relationship with every American President since the meeting between the founder of the modern Saudi state, King Abdulaziz ibn Saud and President Franklin Roosevelt in 1945. That close relationship continues today with President Obama, who met with King Abdullah at the G-20 Summit in London in April and again during his visit to the Kingdom in June, ahead of his historic speech to the Muslim world in Cairo. In fact, Saudi-U.S. relations are very strong today. Our relationship was founded on mutual commercial interests – as American oilmen helped explore and develop the Kingdom’s natural resources in the 1930s – but grew on a strategic, government-to-government level during the Cold War. Today, Saudi Arabia and the U.S. share a common agenda for peace and prosperity; and on all current issues of priority – Middle East peace, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, combating piracy and terrorism and dealing with the global economy – our nations’ interests intersect.

Of the issues of importance to Saudi Arabia and the U.S. that you mention, Middle East stability has become a priority of the Obama administration; however, there is a slate of issues involved with this. Which do you believe is most important? For Saudi Arabia, there is perhaps no goal more important than achieving an equitable solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which affects a number of other problems in the region and the world. When he spoke directly to the Muslim world, President Obama took a bold and positive step. Saudi Arabia looks forward to working with the U.S. to help seek solutions to the problems affecting our region and the world. In 2002, at the Arab Summit in Beirut, then-Crown Prince, now King Abdullah, introduced the Arab Peace Initiative that was adopted by all Arab countries. The initiative was reaffirmed by the Arab League at the Riyadh Summit in 2007 and it remains on the table. The proposal offers Israel peace and full, normal relations with all Arab countries in exchange for its withdrawal from the territories occupied in 1967, including Jerusalem, and a just solution to the Palestinian refugee problem. It provides a realistic approach to implementing the vision of the two-state solution.

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As you mentioned, President Obama conferred with King Abdullah before he delivered the Cairo speech in which he spoke directly to the Muslim world—clearly recognizing Saudi Arabia as the birthplace of Islam. How does this fact influence the Kingdom’s worldview? As the birthplace of Islam and home to the two Holy Mosques – in Makkah and Medina – Saudi Arabia has a duty to foster tolerance, trust and shared values, not only among Muslims, but also throughout the world in accordance with the true message of our faith. We seek to bring the people of different cultures and faiths closer and to confront extremism and terrorism. President Obama’s efforts to speak to the Muslim world are important and welcome. For its part, Saudi Arabia is undertaking a number of initiatives to bring people together. King Abdullah, in fact, has been very active in the promotion of peace and religious tolerance throughout the world. A good example is the International Interfaith Dialogue, which has brought people together of all faiths to discuss our common values and ways to use these values to solve the problems we all face. To initiate the dialogue, King Abdullah convened the International Islamic Conference for Dialogue in Makkah in

King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud with Ambassador Al-Jubeir at a reception during the King’s visit to New York for a UN high-level meeting on Interfaith Dialogue - November, 2008.

June 2008. This conference brought together over 600 Muslim scholars from all over the world. The Makkah Conference was followed by the World Conference on Dialogue in Madrid in July 2008, which brought together over 200 representatives of all faiths. This was followed by the convening, at King Abdullah’s request, of a United Nations High-Level Meeting on Interfaith Dialogue attended by more than 60 world leaders. King Abdullah’s Interfaith Dialogue Initiative is an important step aimed at increasing tolerance and understanding among people and nations of all faiths.

General David H. Petraeus, Commander, CENTCOM and Ambassador Al-Jubeir at the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Information Office

Other examples of King Abdullah’s efforts to promote peace over the years include, among others, attempts to mediate in Sudan, Somalia, among the Palestinian factions and in Lebanon. You’ve discussed the positive nature of government-togovernment relations between the Kingdom and the U.S., but how have you maintained the people-to-people relations that initiated the relationship seven decades ago? Maintaining positive and mutually beneficial relationships between the Saudi and American people is fundamental to the overall partnership of our countries. Over the years, hundreds of thousands of Saudis have traveled to the United States for education or healthcare, to conduct business or simply to visit. In turn, many American have also come to the Kingdom. This has made all the difference in building bridges between our people and countries. We have in place several initiatives to promote increased understanding, interaction and exchange between Saudis and Americans. One of the most important is the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, Scholarship Program. So far, more than 60,000 Saudi students are studying abroad on scholarships, with almost 20,000 studying in the United States. On the economic front, Saudi investment in the U.S. and American investment in the Kingdom are at all-time highs. Two-way trade is at record levels. Interactions and visits between officials in our two governments are very robust. Official visits, trade delegations, visits by mayors, student groups, or civic groups in both directions are routine and will help further broaden and deepen the historic ties between our two nations. Thank you, Ambassador Al-Jubeir

Saudi Information Office Ambassador Al-Jubeir greets Saudi Students at the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Information Office Ambassador Al-Jubeir hosted a luncheon for leaders of the Saudi Arabian Boy Scouts Association at the Embassy in Washington. The Saudi delegation was in the United States as part of the Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program.

© ImageLinkPhoto.com

Ambassador Al-Jubeir speaking at a press conference

United Nations ©

Ambassador Al-Jubeir and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the United Nations


Ambassador Al-Jubeir and Saudi Foreign Minister, HRH Prince Saud Al-Faisal, International Conference on Peace in the Middle East, Annapolis, Maryland

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Your Gateway

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As DC’s “global main street,” the International Trade Center fosters cooperation, collaboration and commerce.

Director of the ITC’s Office For Trade Promotions, Andrew Gelfuso

A capacity audience gathers in the ballroom for a compelling keynote speaker. Nearby, small groups assemble for incisive round-table discussions. In the Atrium, under a glass-enclosed ceiling soaring 125-feet overhead, attendees stroll through a sun-washed space examining the products and services offered by more than 110 exhibitors. Welcome to the 2009 International Aid & Trade (IAT), where governments, corporations, and aid agencies convene to forge relationships, share knowledge, collaborate and conduct business. Unseen, however, by the 1600 attendees flowing throughout the workshops, pavilions, and general sessions is a highly synchronized team of event planners, audio-visual technicians and culinary experts hustling behind the scenes to ensure every detail of the IAT is handled with precision. Welcome to the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center (RRB/ITC), America’s showcase to the world featuring a premier conference center, contemporary office space, a 625-seat amphitheater, retail outlets, restaurants, a workout facility and, most notably, a coalition of public and private-sector resources devoted to promoting international commerce. Traditionally, the IAT is held in a major European city but in an unprecedented move, the 2009 planning team uprooted their annual event and brought it to the United States. The committee selected

DC to serve as the host city and then began a search for the perfect venue. After visiting monuments, museums, hotels and conference facilities, the IAT selected the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. According to Shantal Naidoo, marketing and accounts manager for International Aid & Trade, “the venue was an ideal match for a few reasons: First, the building offers everything the IAT needed—over 89,000 square feet of event space, world-class catering, and extensive planning and support services. Second, the building houses several agencies that participate in the IAT event, including USAID and the Department of Commerce.” The deal was sealed, however, when the International Trade Center staff offered to promote the event using targeted email blasts, prominent placement on the itcdc.com website, flyer distribution, e-bulletins, and media outreach. And the Center’s contributions didn’t stop there.

heralded as the most successful show to date. This is no surprise to Andrew Gelfuso. ”I think what really sets us apart from other conference venues is our focus on international trade and our outreach capabilities,” he says. “Like other venues, we provide the basics like space, catering, and logistical support. Our unique value stems from our partnerships with the DC trade and diplomatic communities, as well as our membership with the World Trade Center Association.” According to Gelfuso, these affiliations provide fruitful outlets for promoting events and, by extension, increasing attendance on behalf of the ITC’s clients.

With its granite statues and manicured greenery, Woodrow Wilson Plaza served as the ideal outdoor setting for IAT’s networking reception.

Leveraging ITC’s position as the official World The International Trade Center, managed by the Trade Center Washington, DC, the ITC staff was US General Services Administration, occupies able to connect Naidoo and her 500,000 (of the 3.1 million) square ”...what really sets feet in the Ronald Reagan Building. colleagues to a valuable resource. “The World Trade Center AssociaOriginating from an unprecedented us apart...is our tion is headquartered in New York consolidation of federal trade focus on City. So when I learned the IAT agencies with private-sector export needed a contact there I referred international trade service providers, the ITC is a platform them to an associate of mine,” says and our outreach for promoting global trade, commerce Andrew Gelfuso, director of the and cultural exchanges. The ITC staff capabilities” ITC’s office for trade promotions. collaborates with their counterparts at This referral assisted the IAT’s outreach efforts US government agencies, embassies, and prominent and enabled them to invite a wider network of international associations to plan and publicize events; New York-based NGO’s to their DC event. these events range in size and scope from high-profile economic summits, multi-day conferences, and blackIn terms of crowd size, attendee quality, tie galas to informal cultural exchanges, networking workshop content and feedback from particiluncheons, and educational workshops. These events pants, the 2009 IAT at the RRB/ITC is being serve to promote access to—and a better understanding of—an increasingly fast-moving, complex, and competitive global marketplace. IAT attendees explore the exhibits set up in the Atrium

Recent events hosted by the ITC include: the US-China Strategic Economic Summit; “Game Changers in the Supply Chain Infrastructure,” a seminal event co-sponsored by the U.S. Departments of Treasury and Commerce; the WITA 2009 Congressional Trade Agenda; and the Oracle Group’s “In the Café with Mocha," a literary television show featuring author Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia. Since its inception in 1998, the International Trade Center has hosted approximately 600 marquee trade events.

For a complete list of upcoming trade events, or to learn more about the International Gateway, please contact Program Manager Hosai Rashid at 888.376.2063

By helping IAT attract a record-breaking crowd to the 2009 event, the International Trade Center proves, once again, that it truly is “Your Gateway to a World of Opportunities.”

www.itcdc.com A Project of the US General Services Administration

Change for our Future

Grassroots Nation’s Capitol to the

Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee hosted its annual National Convention this Summer, the premiere policy event on issues of concern to the Arab-American community. With over 2,000 participants, this year’s Convention was a stunning success.


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Former President Clinton, Hon. Mary Rose Oakar, former Congresswoman and President and Founder of ADC


t the invitation of former Congresswoman Mary Rose Oakar, President and Founder of ADC, the Convention was headlined by former President, and Keynote Speaker, Bill Clinton. The President addressed a capacity crowd of over 1,000 and spoke about the importance of the work of ADC and the role of identity in politics. In a 35 minute address, President Clinton was interrupted by applause on numerous occasions and was greeted with a standing ovation upon conclusion of his speech. The President was awarded ADC’s highest award for leadership, the Global Leadership Award. This year’s convention theme: “From the Grassroots to the Nation’s Capitol: Change for our Furture,” focused on mulitiple foreign and domestic policy issues of concern to Arab-Americans. At the Annual Civil Rights Luncheon, keynote remarks were delivered by Department of Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Jane Holl Lute. The Deputy Secretary committed to continue working with the Arab-American community, led by ADC, to ensure that DHS is not only protecting individuals, but is also safeguarding their civil and human rights. Among other awardees were Congressman John Dingell (D-MI), who received the ADC Lifetime Legislative Achievement Award, Anna Baltzer, who received the Rachel Corrie Award. Other Awardees included Yale Law School’s Human Rights Clinic and National Litigation Project for their work in exposing Operation Frontline, a sweeping round-up of Muslim American immigrants on the eve of the 2004 presidential elections. The revered Helen Thomas was given the Lifetime Excellence in Journalism Award and dedicated a scholarship in her honor to the Department of Journalism at her Alma Mater, Wayne State University. The Sunday Palestine lunch opened with Congressman Brian Baird (D-WA) showing a video from his recent trip to Gaza. He was followed by the Archbishop of Jerusalem, Hilarion Capucci, who delivered an emotional speech about the Palestinian issue and his lifelong commitment to serving the people of Palestine and their pressing needs. The Archbishop was subsequently presented with the ADC Global Humanitarian Award. Next year ADC looks forward to celebrating their 30th year in dedication to defending civil and human rights at the 2010 Annual National Convention. Additional photos on next page

Hon. Mary Rose Oakar, former Congresswoman and President & Founder of ADC and former President Clinton

Helen Thomas, White House Press Correspondent and Hon. Mary Rose Oakar

Maen Areikat, Director General of the PLO Negotiations Affairs Department H.E. Adel Al-Jubeir, Saudi Ambassador to the United States and President Clinton

Dr. Talal M. Nsouli, M.D. and Mrs. Nsouli HRH Prince Abdulaziz bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud; Sherry Cooper, Personal Assistant to the Saudi Ambassador; Dawn Parker, Diplomatic Connections sitting with family members of the Hon. Mary Rose Oakar

Left to right: Dr. Safa Rifka, Chairman of ADC’s Board of Directors; H.E. Houda Nonoo, Ambassador of Bahrain to the United States; Mrs. Debbie Dingell, wife of Cong. Dingell; Congressman John Dingell (D-MI) and H.E. Adel Al-Jubeir, Saudi Ambassador to the United States


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Ralph Nader was signing his autograph in his latest book at the same hotel where the ADC event took place




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Saudi Arabia Provides Developmental Aid for Darfur On July 23, 2009, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia signed an agreement with Sudan to donate more than $18 million for developmental and humanitarian projects in Darfur. Announcing the arrangement on July 21, Deputy President of the Saudi Red Crescent Society Fayez Al-Ahmadi said the

UN Photo/David Manyua

George Clooney (center back), actor and appointed United Nations Messenger of Peace, in a group photo with children in the El Sheriff Internally Displaced Persons Camp (IDP). Location: Darfur, Sudan

Saudi Ambassador Adel Al-Jubeir (L) and King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia (R)

money will be used to establish 21 water stations and 21 health units in Darfur. The aid will also fund nine health centers and provide emergency food support. “This latest agreement continues Saudi Arabia’s advocacy for the safety and welfare of the people in Darfur,” said Saudi Ambassador to the United States Adel Al-Jubeir. The Kingdom has been active in resolving the issue in Darfur. At the sideline of the Arab Summit in Riyadh in 2007, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz convened a special meeting of the concerned parties to discuss resolving the issue in Darfur.

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Italian National Day at the Embassy of Italy

Remembrance of the Victims of l’Aquila Earthquake with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

His Excellency Giovanni Castellaneta, Ambassador of Italy to the United States

With Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

This year on June 2nd, the Embassy of Italy in Washington, D.C., celebrated the National Day of the Republic of Italy, with an emotional event dedicated to the victims of the recent earthquake in L’Aquila (Abruzzo) and the reconstruction plans initiated by the Italian Government.

REUTERS/Chris Helgren

By the Embassy of Italy

Mrs. Leila Castellaneta, Ambassador’s wife; Ambassador Castellaneta (far right) and House Speaker Pelosi

The event was featured by the presence of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, members of the U.S. Congress and Administration, as well as leaders of Italian American associations in the United States. Speaker Pelosi’s attendance highlighted, once again, the deep ties between Italy and the United States and the valuable collaboration U.S. public and private entities have offered following the quake. After a brief introduction by Italy’s Ambassador to the United States, Mr. Giovanni Castellaneta, and remarks by Speaker Pelosi, Mr. Mario Resca, Special Adviser to the Italian Minister of Cultural Activities, unveiled a 15 century triptych by the Maestro del Trittico di Beffi from the collection of the Museo Nazionale dell’Abruzzo which survived the earthquake. The piece, depicting the Virgin Mary with Child, is on exhibition at the Embassy. A video from the Protezione Civile (the Italian Federal Emergency Management Agency) about the earthquake and the reconstruction, as well as a performance by 9-year-old star pianist Daklen Di Fato followed. The choirs of the Duke Ellington School of the Arts and Cornerstone Schools concluded the event.

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Mario Resca, Special Adviser to the Italian Minister of Cultural Activities unveiled a 15th century triptych that survived the earthquake

Massimiliano Mazzanti, Counselor, Embassy of Italy and Marco S. Vicenzino, President, Global Strategy Project

Ambassador Castellaneta and his wife, Leila

Mrs. Castellaneta with pianist, Daklen Di Fato

Choir of Duke Ellington School of the Arts and Cornerstone Schools Speaker Pelosi shaking hands with pianist, Daklen Di Fato - far right Mrs. Leila Castellaneta

Ambassador Castellaneta and Silvia Limoncini, Counselor, Cultural Affairs, Embassy of Italy Daklen Di Fato, 9 year old star pianist 42

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Lorenzo Ravano, Counselor, Embassy of the Principality of Monaco and Peter Hickman, National Press Club

Michele Giacalone, Embassy of Italy; Daklen Di Fato, pianist; Mr. Daniele Di Fato (father) and Mrs. Teresa Di Fato (Mother)

Dr. Raffaella Daniore, Dr. Borjank Oljaca-Leiboff and Dr. Roy Leiboff with their daughter

H.E. Ichiro Fujisaki, Ambassador of Japan to the United States and his wife, Mrs. Yoriko Fujisaki

Ambassador Castellaneta with 9 year old pianist, Daklen Di Fato

Fabrizio Bucci and Niccolo Fontana, both with the Congressional & Press Office, Embassy of Italy

Left to right: Consul Michel Schaffhauser, Embassy of France; Karin Peeters-Mlotek, European Union and Lawrence Dunham, Nyumbani.org - former U.S. Department of State

Italian Ambassador’s wife, Mrs. Leila Castellaneta; H.E. Said Tayeb Jawad, Ambassador of Afghanistan to the United States and his wife, Mrs. Shamim Jawad (center)

Greg McCarthy, Embassy of Australia and George H. Lauder, U.S. Department of Justice

Lori and Marisa Leasure, HSBC; Dr. Roberto Renna, Head of Administration and Giannicola Sinisi, both with the Embassy of Italy

Mr. and Mrs. Cannonito with Patricia Violante, Ambassador’s Office, Embassy of Italy

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Canada The Canadian Forces Ceremonial Guard

Major General Douglas Langton, the Defence AttachĂŠ and Commander of Canadian Defence Liaison Staff (Washington)

Atop the sixth floor of the elegant balcony of the Canadian Embassy in Washington, D.C., as dusk enveloped the evening and a light patter of rain began to fall from the darkening sky, the eerie glow of four sets of drum sticks could be seen while tapping out a steady beat under black lights. The sticks lifted and fell in unison, a precision of sight and sound.


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a Left to right: Col David T. Erickson, CD, Embassy of Canada; Col J.M. Duhamel, CD, Embassy of Canada; Mrs. Christine Bray-Duhamel; H.E. Michael Wilson, Ambassador of Canada to the United States; Louise Darbyshire and Lt Col Brook Bangsboll

By Jessica Cunha Embassy of Canada The Canadian Forces (CF) Ceremonial Guard, resplendent in their full dress of bearskin hats and scarlet jackets, performed a drum line routine to entertain scores of international guests this Summer. This was preceded by a musical interlude executed by the marching band and drill team in the courtyard of the 20-year-old building, in honour of Canadian Forces Day, a celebration of the country’s military services, their heritage and their personnel. The Ceremonial Guard is comprised of more than 400 Regular and Reserve Force members from units across Canada. It primarily performs at the world famous Changing of the Guard ceremony on Parliament Hill, in Ottawa and during official functions around Canada’s National Capital Region, which include sentry duty at the National War Memorial and guard duty at Rideau Hall, home of Canada’s Governor General. However, a smaller section of the Guard was in Washington for various performances and events took place for an entire week. Thirty-nine nations were represented at the Embassy, paying tribute to the men and women of the Canadian Forces and paying respect to Canada’s fallen troops serving in Afghanistan. It was also an opportunity for Canada to thank the nations for their solidarity and continued support of Canada’s contribution to global security.

“Our values and principles are what unite us as Canadians and members of the International Community,” said Major General Douglas Langton, the Defence Attaché and Commander of Canadian Defence Liaison Staff (Washington). “It’s not only those who serve with the military who should be honoured, but the families of those serving as well. I wish to express my sincere appreciation to all members of the Canadian Forces for their continued commitment, and to pay tribute to the families who, in their own way, are also called upon to serve their countries as part of the greater military family,” he said. “We celebrate this special day to remember the men and women of our Canadian Forces, for their unwavering courage and dedication, as they represent Canada in helping to bring peace and promote stability in operations throughout the world,” said MGen Langton. “We also, and above all, pay tribute to our fallen comrades.”

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Left to right: Col H.-Olaf Jessen, Embassy of Germany; Jill Mueller, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of the U.S. Army and Mrs. Christine Jessen, Embassy of Germany

Left to right: Gar Yin HOR and Kenneth QUEK, Defense Technology Office (USA), Embassy of Singapore with Major Luc Hamel, Office of the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Joint IED Defeat Organization


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Jeff Wieringa and Dr. Jennifer Stewart, Embassy of Canada Left to right: Col Bengt Svensson, Embassy of Sweden and Mrs. Svensson with Col Minjoulat-Rey, Embassy of France and Mrs. Minjoulat-Rey

Wing Cmdr Pete Griffin and Mrs. Silena Griffin, Embassy of New Zealand

Left to right: Lt Col Bergeron, Embassy of Canada and Mrs. Bergeron with Mrs. Diane Steele and Col Don Steele, Head of Defense Intelligence Liaison Staff, North America, British Embassy

Jessica A. Cunha and Captain Richard Langlois, CD, both with Embassy of Canada

Left to right: BGen Ilias Leontaris, Defense Attache, Embassy of Greece; Lt Col Martine DIERCKX, Asst. Defense Attache, Embassy of Belgium and Col Andriy V. Yakovliev, Military Attache, Embassy of Ukraine

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Left to right: Air Vice-Marshal Kym Osley, AM, CSC, Head Australian Defence Staff, Embassy of Australia and Mrs. Osley with Jenny Easton, Embassy of New Zealand and Commodore David Anson, Embassy of New Zealand

Stf Col Waleed Mohamed Abdulla AlShamsi, Defense Attache, Embassy of the United Arab Emirates

Lt Cmdr Mark Koost, RAN, Embassy of Australia and Mrs. Sandra Koost

Left to right: Lt Col Luis Munoz, Embassy of Spain and Cmdr Srg Maj Giovanni Moretti, Embassy of Canada


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Left to right: BGen Abdulrahman Al-Hemaidi, Qatar Defense Attache; Col Larry Russell, Canadian Forces Air Attaché; Cmdr Stew Thomson, Asst Canadian Forces Naval Attaché; Lt Col Darrel Zientek, Commanding Officer of Canadian Defence Liaison Staff (Washington)

Left to right: CWO Tom Urbanowski, Marine Major John Krause and Lt Col Heather Raney, Embassy of Canada

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Grove Dental Clinic Our friendly staff is our greatest asset. They are excited about dentistry, have high standards for quality and integrity, and are motivated to achieve the best result for our family of patients. We pride ourselves on patient communication. Feedback from our patients about an experience in our office is always welcome. Our dedicated staff has one primary goal - your utmost comfort! They are all able to answer any questions regarding the latest in dental care. Please feel free to contact them at any time. Dr. Maqsood A. Chaudhry DDS Maqsood A. Chaudhry, D.D.S. is highly experienced and qualified in the fields of general and family dentistry. His eclectic abilities range from surgical placement of implants and restorative procedures to installing modernized ways of teeth straightening such as Invisalign and Ceramic Braces. With over ten years of practice in cosmetic dentistry, Dr. Chaudhry is exceptional in the implantations of porcelain veneers, metal free bridges, ceramic crowns, inlays and on lays, composite veneer, belly glass, and instant straightening of the teeth with bonding. He is well experienced in treatment and prevention of periodontal diseases, tempomandibular joint disorder, bad breath, snoring maladies, oral lesions (brush biopsy), and surgical management of gum disease. Using state of the art endodontic techniques and instruments allows Dr. Chaudhry to complete delicate surgical procedures such as wisdom teeth extractions. Combining technology, acuity, and meticulous handling, Dr. Chaudhry ensures comfort for his patients during anesthetic administration or nitric oxide sedation.



Invisalign® – Invisalign aligners are favored by many adults because they are both removable and invisible to onlookers. Invisalign® aligners are clear trays, and should be worn for the recommended amount of time each day for the quickest results. Invisalign® aligners are more comfortable and less obtrusive than traditional braces, but also tend to be more costly. Not all patients are candidates for Invisalign®. Reasons for aligners: * Reduction in general tooth decay * Decreased likelihood of developing periodontal disease * Decreased likelihood of tooth injury * Reduction in digestive disorders Fortunately, orthodontic braces have been adapted and modified to make them more convenient for adults. There are now a wide range of fixed and removable orthodontic devices available, depending on the precise classification of the malocclusion.

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Implants Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth and also provide a fixed solution to having removable partial or complete dentures. Implants provide excellent support and stability for these dental appliances. Dental implants are artificial roots and teeth (usually titanium) that are surgically placed into the upper or lower jaw bone by a dentist or Periodontist - a specialist of the gums and supporting bone. The teeth attached to implants are very natural looking and often enhance or restore a patient’s smile! Dental implants are very strong, stable, and durable and will last many years, but on occasion, they will have to be re-tightened or replaced due to normal wear. Reasons for dental implants: * Replace one or more missing teeth with out affecting adjacent teeth. * Resolve joint pain or bite problems caused by teeth shifting into missing tooth space. * Restore a patient’s confident smile. * Restore chewing, speech, and digestion. * Restore or enhance facial tissues. * Support a bridge or denture, making them more secure and comfortable.

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Modern Metropolis and Creative Capital

From historic powerhouse to avantgarde cultural metropolis to microcosm of Cold War division to modern national capital, Berlin has never been boring. By Karen Carstens for the German Embassy Photos: German National Tourist Board (GNTB)

Today’s Berlin combines the past and present at the crossroads of East and West in dazzling, manifold layers of diverse architecture; international diplomacy; world-class cultural venues; lively contemporary art, film and fashion scenes; vibrant festivals and nightlife; vast public transit networks; and cuttingedge technology. The upshot: Germany’s capital city is a very livable and lovable place that attracts movers and shakers from the fields of politics, media and science, as well as young people and artists embracing a liberal lifestyle and a modern zeitgeist. City of Change “Berlin is the place to be ... Berlin is a political decisionmaking center in Europe, a cosmopolitan cultural center, a magnet for the creative scene and a modern technology location,” says Berlin Governing Mayor Klaus Wowereit. “We’re the city of change. Berlin’s program consists of development, progress, change. The city is international, exciting, continued on page 56 Inside the dome of the Reichstag, or German parliament, building in Berlin © BPA

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Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit © Klaus Wowereit

Berlin is both Germany’s capital city and one of its 16 states. With a population of 3.4 million, it is also Germany’s largest city. And it is the center of the wider northeastern Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan area, comprising of 5 million people from over 190 nations. First documented in the 13th century, Berlin has served as a German capital since 1701. After World War II, the city was divided: East Berlin became the capital of East Germany, while West Berlin became a western exclave, with the Berlin Wall artificially cutting the city in half from 1961 to 1989. Following German reunification in 1990, the city regained in 1999 from Bonn its status as the capital of a united Germany hosting more than 145 foreign embassies. Berlin’s largely service sector oriented economy includes creative industries, media corporations, environmental services, and convention venues, as well as logistics, IT, medical, and biotech industries. The city serves as a major transport hub and is a popular tourist destination. Berlin’s cultural program is amazing: The city boasts three opera houses, over 150 theaters and playhouses, over 170 museums and collections and over 200 private galleries. In addition, the capital plays host to numerous top acts, artists and bands - every day nearly 1,500 events are on Berlin’s cultural calendar.

tolerant, open-minded and always new – you should definitely come to Berlin,” Wowereit adds in an interview with Deutschland Magazine, available at www. magazine-deutschland.de. And Berlin certainly is the place to be in 2009 to relive heart-stopping history: The overnight fall of the Berlin Wall from November 9-10, 1989 was an event of global significance that signaled the end of the Cold War era spawned by peaceful protests across eastern Europe. Traces of the Wall A ‘red information box’ at Berlin’s Potsdamer Platz, rebuilt as a postmodern city within a city since German unification in 1990, serves as a drop-in center to start a tour of the locations that played a part in the 28-year history of the wall. History also comes alive at an open-air exhibition located at Alexanderplatz, site of the strapping TV tower that dominates the central Berlin cityscape, and at the legendary Checkpoint Charlie, once a heavily guarded border crossing point within the city’s postwar American Sector. Visitors to Berlin can also retrace the path of the wall with a handy audio guide and discover its few remnants, for instance at the East Side Gallery, where artists could for the first time ever paint the hitherto uniformly gray eastern side of the Wall (the western side, by contrast, was always covered in graffiti!). The Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus, a German parliament building opened in 2003 in Berlin’s government quarter along the Spree River

Nightlife at the historic Hackesche Höfe complex of courtyards in Berlin’s central Mitte district

Visit Berlin online at www.berlin.de/international/index.en.php Winter scene along the former Berlin Wall


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Freedom Without Walls To find out more about the fall of the Berlin Wall, including related exhibitions, cultural events and where to see pieces of the wall in the United States, please visit www.Germany.info/withoutwalls

German Historical Museum, I.M. Pei Building, inaugurated in 2003

Alongside these Berlin sites, other historical locations in Germany, such as St. Nicholas’ Church in Leipzig - a spiritual gathering place for East German citizens who boldly took part in peaceful protests against a repressive communist regime - and several political history museums in the picturesque eastern state of Thuringia, are also staging special exhibitions, tours, events and celebrations relating to the fall of the wall. Day of the Dominoes Berliners will mark this major anniversary with guests from around the globe, eyewitnesses and public figures at a massive Festival of Freedom from November 7 to 9 culminating in the toppling of one thousand giant dominoes that will line the former location of the Berlin Wall. The eight-foot high Styrofoam dominoes will fall on November 9 to symbolize the 1989 destruction of the wall.

Reaching American Students The German Embassy in Washington is reaching out to students at over 20 universities across the United States in 2009 with the Freedom Without Walls program. Sponsored by the Embassy’s German Information Center USA, it aims to remind young people about the fall of the Berlin Wall 20 years ago. Ambassador Klaus Scharioth says this is critical if the memory of the fall of the wall is to be preserved: “Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the memory of the wall reminds us that freedom is precious. We are proud to support a new generation of future leaders in their effort to discover and to share what the fall of the wall means to them.” As part of a targeted fall program of events and workshops, students will for instance create their own Wall Art. They will also make academic presentations about what this unique moment in history means to them – with a view to winning a free trip to Germany!

The new Potsdamer Platz with segments of the former Berlin Wall on display

The Domino Project, headed by the non-profit KulturProjekte Berlin, aims to “encourage young people to reflect on what the fall of the wall meant,” explains Mayor Wowereit. “We want to knock over the wall once again.” Each of the dominoes will be decorated by young local residents, with 20 of the slabs embellished overseas in countries where “aggressive divisions and separating walls have left an impact,” he adds. Freedom Without Walls “Berlin is an island of culture,” says one young Berlin-based musician in a new documentary film about the city sponsored by the German Embassy in Washington. “It’s great that the wall is now gone and everything is open. Every day, we now live in this freedom – it is truly a freedom without walls.” Berlin is Germany’s city that never sleeps

Belgian Ambassador Fêtes King Baudouin Prize Winner Indonesian Radio News Agency KBR68H Residence of the Belgian Ambassador

In early June, Belgian Ambassador Jan Matthysen hosted a reception at his residence in honor of the Indonesian radio news agency KBR68H, winner of the King Baudouin International Development Prize 2008-2009. KBR68H was represented by its founder and managing director, journalist Santoso. In 1978, the Brussels-based King Baudouin Foundation created the King Baudouin International Development Prize to acknowledge the work of persons or organizations which have made a substantial contribution to the development of countries in the southern hemisphere or to solidarity between industrialized nations and developing nations. The Foundation wants to underscore the idea that problems of development are even more acute today than when they emerged in the collective consciousness of nations in the aftermath of World War II. Every two years a King Baudouin Development Prize winner is selected from among numerous candidates. The KBR68H news agency and radio network was chosen, according to the Foundation, “for its contribution to sustainable

development based on the strengthening of democracy, tolerance and citizen participation, by producing and disseminating qualitative information through a network of local radio stations and by promoting professional ethics in the media world.” In addition to a substantial cash award, the King Baudouin Foundation also provides the opportunity to the winner to visit New York and Washington in order to build contacts with international development agencies. During his visit to Washington, DC, Mr. Santoso was received at the World Bank, USAID and the State Department and was keynote speaker at an event held at the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) on “Independent Voices: Radio’s role in Democracy and Development,” an initiative of the National Endowment for Democracy. Mr. Santoso was accompanied in Washington, DC by Ms. Tessa Piper, Program Director for Indonesia for the Media Development Loan Fund (MDLF) who nominated KBR68H for the King Baudouin Prize, and by Mr. Jean-Paul Warmoes, representative of the King Baudouin Foundation in the United States.

Ms. Tessa Piper; Mrs. Agnès Matthysen; Ambassador Jan Matthysen; Journalist Santoso and Ms. Isa Gartini (USAID)

Ambassador Matthysen (right) and Jean Paul Warmoes, Executive Secretary, King Baudouin Foundation, United States


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CWA Bridal Show for harity C A fund-raising Bridal Show for Charity was organized by the Committee of the Commonwealth Women’s Association: Josette Miceli, President; Mrs. Rokeya Kabir, Vice-

President; Mrs. Tam Pham, Treasurer; Mrs. Rubina Wajid,

Assistant Treasurer; Mrs. Leena Salim Moazzam; Mrs. Prem

Naidoo, Secretary; Mrs. Lorna Wong, Membership Secretary; Mrs. Eva Farrugia and Mrs. Dilruba Nasrin who compered the show. The bridal collection and luncheon was kindly hosted by Vice-President Mrs. Rokeya Kabir at The Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The stunning gowns from all over the world dated from the 1970s to-date and were loaned by some of the Association’s members and their relatives. The following Embassies participated: The People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Canada, Malaysia, Malta, Sri Lanka, The Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America as the hosting State.

Left to right: Natalie Von Seelen and Carla Harne representing the hosting state – USA; Saika Belal, Sharmin Hussain,Matuna Mostafa, Shaila Parveen – Bangladesh; Nina Ganjei modeling Tam Pham’ s gown – Canada; Rafizah Zahri – Malaysia; Sara Afrin Malek, Sunna Mahmood, Afshan Hussain – Pakistan; Morgan Hobbs – modeling Mimici Vassallo’s gown – Malta

The money raised from the event was donated to a worthy cause in Washington.

Left to right: Neelo – Pakistan, Dulani Sooriyabandara; Sonali Weerasinghe – Sri Lanka; Sara Gangei; Rachel Sunderland, Diane Steele – UK; Leanne Zammit – Malta 60

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Left to right: Benedicte Mahmood, Afshan Hussain and Neelo – Pakistan


Left to right: Diane Steele and Rachel Sunderland – UK

Left to right: Natalie von Seelen, Carla Harne – USA and Saika Belal – Bangladesh


ro g e rc h r i s t o p h e r. c o m | 7 0 3 . 5 2 8 . 1 3 9 7


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3400 Payne Street | Suite 101 | Falls Church, VA 22041 info@grovedentalclinic.com



I n v isible


Invisalign® – Invisalign aligners are favored by many adults because they are both removable and invisible to onlookers. Invisalign® aligners are clear trays, and should be worn for the recommended amount of time each day for the quickest results. Invisalign® aligners are more comfortable and less obtrusive than traditional braces, but also tend to be more costly. Not all patients are candidates for Invisalign®.

Maqsood A. Chaudhry, DDS Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth and also provide a fixed solution to having removable partial or complete dentures. Implants provide excellent support and stability for these dental appliances. Dental implants are artificial roots and teeth (usually titanium) that are surgically placed into the upper or lower jaw bone by a dentist or Periodontist - a specialist of the gums and supporting bone. The teeth attached to implants are very natural looking and often enhance or restore a patient’s smile! Dental implants are very strong, stable, and durable and will last many years, but on occasion, they will have to be re-tightened or replaced due to normal wear.

Invisalign (DDS) Certified Center Dental Diet System (DDS) Certified Center FREE IMPLANT & BRACES CONSULTATION

implants 62

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The Consumers’ Research Council of America recognized Dr. Maqsood Chaudhry as one of “America’s Top Dentists” in 2006 in the areas of cosmetics, implants, and family dentistry. A 1991 graduate from West Virginia University’s school of dentistry, Dr. Chaudhry also completed a 2-year training program in Orthodontics at the US Dental Institute, and a 1-year certificate program at Howard University in Implantology. Always looking to harness the latest and best in dental technologies for his patients, Dr. Chaudhry recently completed training in Sedation Dentistry. Grove Dental Clinic is staffed by five general dentists, one orthodontist, and one periodontist. A staff of three administrators makes sure patients are given the best experience a dentist offi ce can provide. With its multi-cultural staff, Grove Dental welcome speakers of Spanish, Urdu, Arabic, Farsi, Bosnian, and Russian.

Royal Netherlands Embassy Commemorates

Remembrance Day By: Carla Bundy Dutch Ambassador Renée Jones-Bos and Defense Attaché Air Commodore Tom de Bok led Remembrance Day Ceremony at the Netherlands Carillon

As the Netherlands and the United States celebrate 400 years of friendship this year, Ambassador Renée Jones-Bos and Defense Attaché Air Commodore Tom de Bok led the Royal Netherlands Embassy’s Remembrance Day Ceremony at the Netherlands Carillon recently. The people of the Netherlands commemorated Remembrance Day with ceremonies throughout the country to recognize all Dutch victims of armed conflicts and peacekeeping operations since World War II including those killed while serving in the Dutch mission in Afghanistan. A national ceremony was held in Amsterdam attended by Her Majesty the Queen and members of Parliament. In the Netherlands, the Dutch gathered at war memorials in Amsterdam and throughout the entire country to observe two minutes of silence and place wreaths in honor of the departed. To coincide with Remembrance Day Ceremonies in the Netherlands, members of the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Washington held a Remembrance Day Ceremony on the grounds of the Netherlands Carillon. The Netherlands Carillon, which is near Arlington Cemetery and the U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial, was presented to the United States in 1952 by Queen Juliana in gratitude for America’s assistance to the Dutch during and after World War II. Dutch Ambassador Jones-Bos remarked on this solemn occasion, “In many places around the world, there are Dutch men and women in uniform and civilian dress who are working together to make more stable and livable communities. Some have made the ultimate sacrifice in this duty and our thoughts go out to them and their families.” Ambassador Jones-Bos and Defense Attaché Air Commodore Tom de Bok placed a wreath at the Netherlands Carillon. Every person in attendance stood before the wreath for a moment of silence to pay their respect. Members of the Dutch military are serving in countries around the world. Since 2006, the Netherlands has been the lead nation in the southern province of Uruzgan with a contribution of between 1,650 and 2,000 troops.

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HRH Prince Henry of Wales is escorted by Camilla Hellman, MBE, President of the British Memorial Garden Trust to a reception at India House Club following the naming of the British Garden at Hanover Square

New York Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe officially names the British Garden at Hanover Square and presents Prince Harry with a plaque to commemorate the occasion


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Prince Harry plants a Magnolia Elizabeth on behalf of the Trust

HRH Prince Henry of Wales (also known as Prince Harry) made his first official visit to the United States this Summer to participate in the naming ceremony of the British Memorial Garden at Hanover Square in New York. The Garden is a gift from the British Community to the American people and is a beautiful symbol representing our valued alliance with the United Kingdom. It’s a tranquil haven right in the midst of the bustling streets of Lower Manhattan where one can go to relax and appreciate the serenity of nature. Originally created to assist in reestablishing vitality and contribute culturally to the city of New York by helping sustain free community programs who feature and support our nation’s British heritage, it has also become a place of reverence commemorating the British victims of September 11th. Prince Harry was invited and escorted by Camilla Hellman, President of the British Memorial Garden Trust, Inc., to plant a Magnolia Elizabeth in the Garden as part of the MillionTreesNYC project currently underway - an endeavor initiated by Mayor Bloomberg to plant, nourish and maintain one million new trees throughout New York City by the year 2017. Prince Harry expressed his gratitude to be part of this historical event holding such great significance.

Gresham Lang, Prince Harry and Camilla Hellman

Commissioners Brian Anderson, William T. Castro and Adrian Benepe meet Prince Harry

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Green Cup of Polo

Another Fabulously Successful Event to Raise Awareness on Climate Change and Environmental Issues For the third year in a row ‘green went glam’ at the Capitol Polo Club in Poolesville, MD, on July 18th,

2009 when Washingtonian’s, Diplomats, Environmentalists and Polo enthusiasts got together in support of enviornmental causes at the Green Cup of Polo.


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Philippe Cousteau (R), son of Philippe Cousteau and the grand-son of Jacques Cousteau and Charlie Muldoon (L), Capitol Polo Club Photos by: Francisco Jose Montero

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Carlos Mascias, Counsellor, Embassy of Argentina and his daughter

The Green Cup of Polo in Washington, D.C.’s premier “green” charity event creating a sporting and social venue where environmentalists, corporations, diplomats, Washingtonians and VIPs get together to network and demonstrate their commitment to protecting the environment and fight climate change. The event is proof that eco-friendly living has moved beyond the sterotypical beliefs that ‘green’ equals low quality. Support by some of the Nation’s best organic and sustainable restaurants and beverage companies such as Honest Tea, 360 Sustainable Vodka, Frey Vineyards, Coppi’s Organic and Whole Foods, made it possible for the Green Cup to offer all organic food and refreshments to its guests throughout the day. Every event-detail was meticulously “greened.” Event-goers were encouraged to use the official Green Cup of Polo transportation choices. Volunteer t-shirts were organic, all printed material done on 100% recycled paper with soy-based ink (through Doyle printing) and the strict waste system resulted in two-thirds of the event’s waste heading off to recycling facilities rather than landfills. “Because of the event’s strict environmental

Two-time super bowl champ Gary Clark, Ambassador Hafstrom and Event Chair Dr. Robert Do 68

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POL H.E. Jonas Hafstrom, Ambassador of Sweden to the United States, threw the first ball

principles, the Green Cup is the first certified green social event on the East Coast and one of the few in the nation” explained event coordinator Sara Trab Nielsen, “it is important for us that we show our guests that we not only raise awareness of environmental causes, but also minimize our own ecological footprint.” This occasion featured three action-packed polo matches, various equestrian demonstrations and an opening speech by environmentalist and EarthEcho CEO Philippe Cousteau who commended guests for “being part of the solution.” The hit of the day was no doubt the celebrity polo demonstration, which placed two-time super bowl champ Gary Clark, Philippe Cousteau and Ambassador of Afghanistan to the United States, H.E. Said T. Jawad on horses, facing off in a blast of a match. After two exhibition matches by the First Chukkers versus Sweet Green & ABSI versus Capitol Polo teams, under glorious and unusally cool weather, Ambassador of Sweden to the United States, H.E. Jonas Hafstrom tossed the first ball in the main Green Cup Pro Challenge match between the Solena and the Centauros Polo teams. Though Solena was leading at half-time, the game ended in a fair tie, with the teams sharing the Green Cup trophy. Over 1,000 polo and “green” fans took in the glory of the day with the ladies showing off their hats and the gentlemen donning their best spectator suits all the while sipping ecotinis in the VIP area and stomping divots during half time. CEO of the Solena Group, a global renewable energy company and Green Cup event Co-Chair (with Mr. Mike Rubin, EPIC), Dr. Robert T. Do stated, “The continuous success of the Green Cup demonstrates that the New Green Movement is finally here to stay in the United States. That we are willing to participate and help solve the climate


change issues with green & alternative clean energy as well as with a more sustainable lifestyle!” At the end of the day, the event raised approximately $50,000 between sponsors, ticket sales and product donations for green causes. The three main beneficiaries -- EarthEcho International, Equestrian Partners in Conservation (EPIC) and the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) --- represented local, national and international environmental protection efforts. “This particular kind of raising environmental awareness is very honorable and I am proud to be a part of it,” stated Ambassador Jawad. Special Guests: Ambassador Jawad; Ambassador Hafstrom; Philippe Cousteau; two-time super bowl champs Gary Clark, Clarence Vaughn and Rick “Doc” Walker; Solena Group CEO Robert T. Do; ACORE CEO Michael Eckhart; Pamela Sorenstam; Angie Goff; Hudson’s Alan Poposky; Stephanie Green; Miss DC 2008 - Kate Marie Grinold and 2009 Jen Corey; Polo Pros Marcos Bignoli Sr.; Marcos Bignoli Jr.; Charlie Muldoon and Matias Vial. ACOREs Tom Weirich , Event Coordinator Sara Trab Nielsen and Ambassador Said T. Jawad H.E. Said T. Jawad, Ambassador of Afghanistan to the United States

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oya R Sau auiW i Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

“I couldn’t believe the gorgeous landscape as we drove along the coast of the Red Sea. The sublime skyline gave way to the glistening shimmers of the ocean making the view colorfully picturesque and, indeed, a sight to behold.”


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W ein From the Editor While covering King Abdullah’s visit to the United States in 2008, I had the pleasure of being introduced to his nephew, HRH Prince Abdulaziz bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud. In the following months, I also had the occasion to spend time and get acquainted with him during his stays in Washington and over the months friendship ensued. The Prince was to be married in late June and extended a kind invitation to attend as well as to cover this lovely event. The Royal Wedding took place in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Upon my arrival, I couldn’t believe the gorgeous landscape as we drove along the coast of the Red Sea. The sublime skyline gave way to the glistening shimmers of the ocean making the view colorfully picturesque and, indeed, a sight to behold. The hotel where the ceremony was to take place was situated directly on the beach. On the very day of the wedding, we enjoyed laughter and good conversation with Prince Abdulaziz right up until moments before the celebration. In Saudi Arabia, the ceremony consists of two weddings: one for men and one for women. The wedding began at 11 p.m. and didn’t conclude until 8 a.m. the next day as these events are often held in the evening to avoid the scalding hot sun.

Clockwise: HRH Prince Abdulaziz bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the groom; Dawn Parker, Diplomatic Connections; Sherry Cooper, Personal Assistant to Saudi Ambassador to the U.S. and Abdulrahman Al-Fehaid sitting next to the Red Sea just hours before the wedding.

Projectors placed beautiful floral designs on the wall exteriors of the hotel for decoration.

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Left and above: Beautifully decorated hallway entrances to the wedding

The guests started arriving at 11 p.m. and mingled as they anxiously waited for the ceremony to commence all the while busy wait staff served an intriguing array of decadent hors d’oeuvres, teas and juice drinks. As the time drew near for the bride and groom to make their much anticipated entrance, the atmosphere was filled with very unique and absolutely beautiful melodic Arabian music. At approximately 12:30 a.m., the groom, Prince Abdulaziz bin Talal accompanied by twelve other Princes entered the room and took their respective places on the platform where all the photos would be taken upon the Princess’ arrival. Once in position, the music changed creating a dramatic mood befitting nobility. All of the guests turned to watch a white boat transporting the beautiful bride make its way along the Red Sea to the pier. The Princess’ wedding journey had started on a private island and then crossed a small inlet. As her voyage was ending and the boat was approaching the dock, the vessel was encircled by twenty very inviting and welcoming stately water fountains. She looked breathtaking and brilliantly radiant as she was greeted by the expectant crowd. Everyone gasped at her refined and captivating beauty as she gracefully walked toward Prince Abdulaziz. With the elegant Arabian music drifting through the night air, I thought for a moment, “This is a reallife fairytale wedding, in all its magnificent grandeur, mesmerizing and memorable.” As I watched the ceremony unfold, I thought what an incredible honor to have the Prince invite me to such a rare, exclusive, prestigious and personal celebration.

The center piece actually turned and it had all sorts of unusual candies and cookies.

continued on page 82 Dawn Parker, Diplomatic Connections at the wedding waiting for the bride and groom to arrive. 74

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The table was beautifully set. Far left: The silverware was nestled in a delicate light bluesilver napkin encompassed by a beautiful pearl ring holder. Middle: Even the tea was presented with elegance. The silver clam shell decoration on the right side was actually holding a sugar cube wrapped in shimmering silver paper. A wonderful and noticeable detail. Far right: Water and juice glasses were very pretty. The glass on the left had a lace cloth with delicate pearls tassled on the sides to keep it properly covered until ready for use.

These were the most colorful ice cream sandwiches I’d ever seen. White gloves were worn by all the wait staff.

Just one of the candy dishes on the center piece.


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The Princess’ Wedding Bouquet

A full view of the light fixtures hanging from the ceiling; the lights were intertwined with floral arrangements.

Center: Little silver ornaments in the shape of their initials were placed on the soap in the restroom. They were meticulous in attention to every detail, nothing was overlooked.

The wedding gown

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Above: The boat carrying the Princess was welcomed with stately water fountains. Center right: The beautiful white boat the Princess arrived in. Center left: HRH Prince Abdulaziz bin Talal with his brother, HRH Prince Abdulrahman bin Talal Top center: Princes in the wedding party watching the Princess’ boat arrive (they departed after formally greeting her). Top far right: HRH Prince Abdulaziz bin Talal An overview of the dessert table


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Life size ice sculptures were throughout the dining room.

The Princess is giving the Prince an edible candied white rose. It was three times the size of a real flower and was made of a confection similar to fondant.

An overview of the grand buffet. Beautiful white flowers decorated the entire room.

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The Mirrored Towers filled the room with an elegance and sense of grandeur. This tower had a selection of caviar to choose from.

A shrimp cocktail sort of dish accompanied by an unusal and delicious avocado/tomato dipping sauce. Top right: This red fish was decorated with rosemary leaves and salmon was delicately presented in front of it. Bottom right: The premises in the daylight the next morning at 8 a.m.


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As if that weren’t enough, in the midst of the occasion, he made certain that I had complete access to capture all the photos I wished, as this wedding was not open to the press. Subsequent to the Princess making her formal, traditional bridal walk to the groom, the twelve Princes on either side of HRH Prince Abdulaziz formally greeted and congratulated the bride before they retreated to a private dinner arranged just for the men. Thereafter, the bride and groom went into a grand room filled with delicious food and pastries. I had never seen anything like this before. A sumptuous feast for all the senses, truly astoundingly and stunningly gorgeous. An exquisite array of luscious delicacies. The sheer splendor of the entire room in its presentation and all it encompassed was charmingly enchanting. The newlyweds left the festivities for a brief time to take a few more formal photos and the Princess returned shortly to celebrate with 250 of her closest female friends and family while the Prince joined the dinner being hosted for the men. For the following hours and up until 8 am, everyone danced, dined and continued to celebrate this wonderful union. I had the honor of sitting next to his beloved mother and her sister. I felt privileged to be amongst true Royalty.

21 Melons were carved into brilliant fish using cloves for the eyes.

One of the food towers offering a selection of different fruits, cheese and crackers.

The birthday cake being presented to the Princess.

On the same day they were married, the Princess turned 21 years old. The cake was made of a pink frosting like texture (similar to the white flower) and was encased in a beautifully decorated dish.

The Bridal Walkway (also served as a dance floor) leading up to the wedding platform the next day in the morning sun at 8 a.m.

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White House Washington, D.C. recently played host to some of Hollywood’s most recognizable constituents. With the new administration, Washingtonian political parties often meld together with media events. The annual White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner this past May was a huge success and many of the Hollywood celebrities who attended this yearly event went out to mingle afterwards in Washington.

French Ambassador Pierre Vimont hosted the Bloomberg/Vanity Fair White House After Party at the Residence.

Vanity Fair Editor Graydon Carter; New York Mayor Bloomberg and H.E. Pierre Vimont, Ambassador of France to the United States

Photography by: Bloomberg/Vanity Fair

David Axelrod, Senior Advisor to President Obama, Ms. J. Conan and Steve Kroft of 60 minutes on CBS News

Left: Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to President Obama and Jim Bell, Executive Producer of the NBC News show “Today”

Right: Katie Couric, CBS Evening News and Ms. D. Taylor 88

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Capt. Richard Phillips, Captain of the Maersk Alabama ship, held hostage by pirates and rescued by U.S Naval Forces off the coast of Somalia and Captain Chesley Sullenberger, who safely piloted a US Airways jet onto the Hudson River

New Jersey’s Governor Jon Corzine and singer, Jon Bon Jovi Jon Hamm, American actor and Tim Daly (R), best known for the two hit series - Wings and Private Practice

Donna Versace

Left to right: Natalie Portman, Claire Danes, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher

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French Ambassador’s residence

Actress Eva Longoria Parker, best known for the TV series - Desperate Housewives and Secretary Hilda Solis, Department of Labor

Dan Pfeiffer, President Obama’s Deputy Communications Director; Savannah Guthrie, NBC News and Eric Lesser, ground logistics coordinator for President Obama during the campaign

Ludacris, American singer and Ms. R. Shields


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Photography by: Bloomberg/Vanity Fair

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher

Ms. P. Harris and Patricia Duff, ex-wife of Ron Perelman

Ali Wentworth, actress & wife of ABC’s George Stephanopoulos - best known for her weekly appearance on Oprah’s “Friday Live” shows

HRH Prince Abdulaziz bin Talal (C); Hosai Rashid, Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center (L) and Teddy Kassa, Senior Vice President, American General Supplies (R)

John McLaughlin (right) and guest

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Greta Van Susteren, Fox News and Todd Palin, husband of Sarah Palin

Dule Hill, best known for his role in the TV series “The West Wing� and his spouse, Nicole Lyn, television actress

Todd Palin, husband of Sarah Palin

Meghan McCain, daughter of former presidential candidate, Senator John McCain Antonio R. Villaraigosa, Mayor of Los Angeles

Photography by: Paula Morrison


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Forest Whitaker

Mariska Hargitay, best known for her role in TV series, Law and Order with her husband, Peter Hermann

Amber Tymblyn, best known for her starring role in, “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants”

Matthew Settle, best known for his role in Gossip Girl

Christian Slater

Jason Wu, designer of the one-shoulder, floor-length white chiffon gown First Lady Michelle Obama wore to the Inaugural balls on the night of President Obama’s Inauguration D i p l o m a t i c c o n n e c t i o n s B U SINE s S Q U A R TE R LY | S U MME R 2 0 0 9


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