26 - A Different Sequence

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d e C b AB h Dj E fg iI J a REIGNITE


F GHm N l KL M n O q k





U V vW kLarry yZ k Xx YSmith AUDIFFE



ISBN - 9781793387400 Copyright Š 2019 by Larry Smith All rights reserved. Printed by KindleDirectPublishing. www.kdp.amazon.com Also available from Amazon.com and other retail outlets. www.facebook.com/26differentsequence-2127066620682830/

Photo credits: iStock, Shutterstock, Smith Family archives. Book design and montages by Larry Smith.


To my Dad, who did not live long enough to witness my return to God. To my Mom, who did.


d e C b AB h D E j fg iI J a


F GHm KLl M Nn O q k


R Q ST r



U V vW k X x YyZ k U




The English alphabet consists of only 26 letters. The musical scale consists of only eight notes. Thoughts morph to letters... to syllables... to words... to sentences... to paragraphs... to stories... to books. Letters, like musical notes, are used over and over. The sequence defines the uniqueness. The Spirit sent me these articles over a period of eight years or so. I am not a writer. I did not sit down with intention of generating these thoughts or considerations. As I read over them after so many years, I can easily admit, it’s as though someone else wrote them. I sincerely hope at least one or two inspire you in some way to pursue a relationship with Jesus, with God, if you have not already done so. And for those who have, perhaps they will recharge your batteries and stoke your fires. Remember what your first encounter with God was like and how you couldn’t tell enough folks about it? Time to rediscover that space.


26 | A Different Sequence


But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. Matthew 12.36-37




the mocker 12 bananas and bread 14 ancestors 16 all the glory 18 barnacles 20 be a wind chime 22 trigger happy 24 believing is seeing 26 big ears, small ears 30 bleed your brakes 32 comfort zone 34 fasting 36 feathers and tracks 40 follow the sun 42 from the heart 44 god is not for sale 46 god’s breath 48 going postal 50 hearing without seeing 54 hiding truth 56


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be joyful in all things 62 memorial day 65 no xcuses 67 no matter how small 70 submit to God 73 power in the word 76 spiritual warfare 79 prayer and ego 83 persistence - press on 86 prevailing winds 88 seeing without seeing 91 speak like a child 93 speak out your faith 96 take a bite 99 the allowance 101 the bumblebee 102 the carpet 104 the circle 106 eclipse 110 obedience 112




the grip 116 the nose knows 118 the reflection 122 the ringer 124 the roof 126 the sequence 129 the shower 131 Stockholm syndrome 132 the stroll 135 the tailor 137 war zone 140 the weapon 142 treasure hunting 144 truth 145 turning their back 147 return to sender 149 set apart 152 1+1=1 155 in his image 157 blocked at the net 160


d e C b AB h D E j fg iI J a


F GHm KLl M Nn O q k


R Q ST r



U V vW k X x YyZ k U






26 | A Different Sequence

The Mocker It can mimic up to 200 songs, sometimes including insect, amphibian and even mechanical sounds. As I dwelt on it, I realized the mockingbird, by it’s very nature, would not have a song of it’s own. It “mocks” other bird songs. The irony being, as it sings other bird songs, they become it’s OWN song. So, in effect, it’s songs are a collective, an album, a CD of it’s fellow artists. I wonder if it is selective of the other bird songs. Does it pick only the best ones? Only cardinals or bluebirds? Is it totally impartial? How would we know? Does it matter that we know? I doubt it. But you can bet some scientist somewhere is working on it. Perhaps each mockingbird echoes only the songs in it’s territory. This would indicate mockers would sound differently in different locations. Then it’s possible you could have mockers mocking other mockers. EEEGADS... where does it end? Yes I do have work to do. These things come upon me at times. I cannot push away these bits of whimsy, which can sometimes gateway to profound spiritual revelations. We must pay attention.


If I get anything from this observation, it’s to repeat other ministry messages. Perhaps, like the mocker, I search for the best messages. We must stay in the position God gives us. If we move out of it, we can miss God’s blessings. We may not know the reason for it, but it’s for God’s purpose, not necessarily our own desire. This requires prayer and answers to confirm such position. God will not position us in misery or failure. Suppose the mockingbird could bark like a dog. Can you imagine a kennel perched in the nearest tree? What if dogs chirped? Yet... we have folks everyday who are birds trying to bark and dogs trying to chirp. Being out of position is not good. Be who and where God intends you to be. It’s for His purpose. Scripture says “Seek ye first the Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things shall be given unto you”. Matthew 6:33 Obedience is above sacrifice. 1 Samuel 15:22-24; Jeremiah 7:21-23


26 | A Different Sequence

Bananas and


unning low on funds this month and one apple left, yesterday I stuck a $10 bill in my pocket and walked to nearest grocery for exercise. After a couple items which were more important than apples, I looked at the apple bin anyway attempting to guess the cost of two or three. They were $1.99/lb normally $1.69. I decided against the apples. At checkout, as I suspected, I did not have enough for the apples. Today, mailing a letter at the post office near the grocery, I parked between the two. As I left the post office, I noticed this quite elderly, frail lady, moving in half steps with crutch in one hand, folded umbrella as a crutch in the other, hermetically sealed in old garments and hoodie tied tightly around her head with a cap over it as though anticipating the worst and carrying a large handbag on her crutch arm. I suspected homeless. I have to be mentally aware around folks like her because my empathy can be too strong. I surmised she was headed toward the grocery as well. Before I was 30 feet away, I thought of Todd White. He does what I have longed for... healing the unsuspecting. As I slowly approached, I’m waiting for any sign or signal from the Spirit as guidance. I felt nothing. So I silently prayed her life be restored along with any health issues. As I approached her side, keeping a respectably safe zone as though not to frighten her, I turned and said “Great weather for a change” (being near 80 degrees) not really expecting any response. To my surprise, she stopped and slightly nodding, saying in a quiet voice, “Yes it is”. I asked if she was going to the grocery. She hesitated and said she would but had no money. Automatically, with no regard to my dilemma, I asked her what she needed. I’m thinking she will not go hungry after crossing my path.


She hesitated as though surveying her pantry and said “Well I could use a loaf of bread. You know, the 100% whole wheat bread.” Then I asked if she needed anything else. She said “Well three bananas, slightly green, would be good.” I asked again. She said she didn’t want more than she could carry. I asked her to wait for me at the door, that I would be out shortly. I was only going back for the apples I missed yesterday. After getting the bananas, I walked over to the apples. Overnight, they had been MARKED DOWN HALF PRICE. $.99/lb THEN I walked around to the bread isle. The BEST 12-grain, 100% whole wheat normally $3.99 a loaf was... you guessed it... ON SALE. Two for $4.00. I got her two. Even though stressed financially, God will give us opportunities to go beyond our own conditions for the sake of others in greater need. God says they will always be among us. Matthew 26.11 I could have easily walked past this elderly lady, but something, the Spirit,inspired me to simply speak to her. Sometimes that’s all it takes... just to speak an innocent word to someone. I think you would be shocked how many folks are facing a “word drought”. We absolutely have no way of knowing what folks like her have been through, the pains and joys of life... how and why she has made it this far... under what conditions. Is she asking herself “How did I get to this point?” Does anyone care. Does she have any family left... does she have anyone. My hope is at least the bread and bananas will get her by until she meets the next me. Who knows perhaps she has a stash of peanut butter and jelly to go with the bananas.



26 | A Different Sequence


just viewed for the second time Amistad... a historical account of the African slave trade. The lead figure, Cinque had been ripped from his village and family in Africa by fellow tribesmen commanded by Portugese slave traders. Once he arrived in the colonies, he had no idea of his fate. The second viewing was as impressive as the first one. Only this time, one particular scene struck me so powerfully unlike the first time. The prosecutors from the lower court had appealed their loss (wanting to convict the captured slaves from the Amistad) to the Supreme Court. Ex-President Adams had been called in by Cinque’s lawyers to lend his great statesmanship and lawyer skills. Cinque (the slave) is in prehearing conference in Adams’ chambers discussing his immediate future. Adams wants to be sure Cinque understands (through an interpreter) all he will be facing. Adams, in finishing, commented to Cinque he felt badly that Cinque had no friends or family to stand with him during this trying time. In one of the most powerful moments of the story, Cinque remarked... “I have my ancestors to call on. It has been for all they have gone through that I am here now. I know they will stand by me”. At this point, my spirit erupted into a gush of tears. Not for Cinque (well... that too) but... for me. My spirit screamed out... WHO WILL FORGIVE ME? W H O W I L L F O R G IV E M E ? Of all my tribe, Dad having three brothers carrying the family name, I was the only male. I’ve considered all this before but not quite like this time. Like Cinque, my ancestors have blazed the trail leading up to me... and I have failed. Nothing against marriage, but for some reason, I did not evolve into my own family. So I’m the end of the line. The male carries the blood line. Some have offered comforting words and other views in this regard. It’s sort of like kissing through a screen door... not quite satisfying. No resolution.


I truly realize there are many out there in the same position. Being young adults, they probably don’t see it. It will creep up on them especially if they don’t feel a special calling for marriage or family. Not all feel it. It can remain subconscious for years. For any finding themselves snared in this issue, I would strongly suggest asking God for guidance for your life. Read Paul’s accounts and concerns of such matters of single life in the New Testament. I actually heard a minister once say, unless we go forth and multiply (as scripture tells us) we will not be successful. At first, I couldn’t believe my ears. I tried all angles to understand this reasoning. Would this be to say that of all the hundreds of millions of unmarried folks on the planet since creation, not one was successful? Of course one could define success as worldly or spiritual. I simply cannot imagine God would turn His back on those whose lives, for one reason or another, just didn’t evolve into a family. I don’t care who you are or how your life has unfolded, God has a purpose for you. Don’t feel guilty. Don’t live in the past. Repent when necessary and move forward. As God works with and through you, He will bring your spirit to a place of peace, anointing and encouragement. Others will benefit from this increase in your life. Still... consider Abraham and Sarah... with God ALL things are possible.


26 | A Different Sequence

Ever met a know-it-all? I certainly have. I mean one of those self-centered, self-made, self-serving, self-whatever folks who feel they are the ground spring of wisdom and knowledge. To a degree, I was like this for many years. It’s like any other sin of omission, in that, we may not realize it. We’re in the eye of the hurricane – calm to us, but outsiders see the turbulence.

“The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.” 1 Corinthians 2:14 I’ve heard many sermons and teachings on God-gets-the-glory. But as with most, the entirety of the lesson doesn’t come all at once. I could accept God gets glory. However, I still had reservations.

“For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 Hold on a minute, I would think. I’m intelligent, smart, perhaps not the brightest, but substantial. I was raised to be independent, self sufficient... all those traits would be a good thing… right?... hopefully lacking in pride, ego and arrogance.

“This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic.” James 3:15


The world actually encourages wisdom, knowledge, smarts. Unfortunately that’s where it ends... leaving many to think THEY’VE achieved all this and God had nothing to do with it. This is a major problem. Consider the issue of taking prayer and God out of the schools.

“These are the ones who cause divisions, worldlyminded, devoid of the Spirit.” Jude 1:19 This phenomenon applies not only individually, but also across cultural and philosophical boundaries. It’s like group think. Once two or three start a trend, the lemmings follow. I spent most of my life to finally realize I have no thoughts of my own. I either hear from God or satan. No in between. I must choose. God made every cell in ALL of us. We are receivers, not generators. We receive power from God. We don’t generate our own power. This is why God gets ALL the glory. No matter how much I want to believe that idea or invention was MINE, it ALL comes from God.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.” Romans 11:36 So yes… we may be perceived by others as bright, smart and intelligent. Don’t allow the flattery to stain your spirit. Accept it and by all means, always give God the glory. His rewards are beyond your dreams.

“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Hebrews 11:16


26 | A Different Sequence

B ar n a cl e s prophetic word was spoken over me a few months ago at our Friday night prayer meeting. This is not unusual in that attendants are occasionally spoken over as God determines. By now, some of that word has unfolded in astounding ways. And only last night, another piece became clear. My spirit is urging this piece to be spoken. Part of the word over me was concerning issues I was still holding from God. God requested I hand those over so He could move in an expedient manner bringing gifts and freedom into persistent, struggling areas of my life. I was told to pray and fast. I always pray everyday and occasionally fast, but this was a more focused situation. The financial struggles were becoming eminent. Even though some financial issues were being resolved, others persisted. I was praying God (and using authority over satan) to lift and break off any hindrances to my freedom, yet something still lurked in the fog. Something unclear, yet there... out of reach. Last night, as I was watching a spiritual message. A simple word, a phrase, came forth concerning doubt and hindrances. I had always realized, in my spiritual walk, forgiveness is absolutely huge. We MUST forgive others and ourselves. Matthew 6.15; 18.21-22 God essentially tells us this HAS to be done. Unforgiveness is like preparing a poisonous potion for our enemy, then WE drink it.

Forgiveness is not the same as avoiding justice. That’s another discussion. As far as I could tell, I had long since forgiven anyone of any issues. THEN IT HIT ME! Even though I had thought of this before, it hit me in a way I had not seen. I, on a daily basis, ask God to forgive my sins. We can go through the spiritual motions, but do we REALLY hand over to Him what He wants?


I suddenly realized I had not REALLY given God my feelings about my financial recovery. I had always harped to others my OWN understanding of how impossible it was for me to produce work, even 24/7, and still be unable to recover. I saw no hope. It was simply, rationally impossible. I had read all the scriptures concerning this situation... “nothing’s impossible with God”, “lean not on our own understanding” etc, heard all the messages and teaching, prayed about it, worked as much as possible avoiding stress (another story). That was well and good. But last night, that speaker’s word really hit the nail. In desperate tears, I asked God for FORGIVENESS for my ATTITUDE concerning my recovery. Not trusting Him. In essence, my spirit was robbing the Holy Spirit, standing in His way, of doing what He wants to do elevating me to the highest place. At that very moment I felt a lifting, a freedom, a clarity, a renewal, an ‘outta my hands’, sensation. We must understand this: DISOBEDIENCE, satan and other circumstances can block and prevent us from moving forward. In the same manner, we can also block God from freeing us. You may say “God can do anything. How could we block Him?” Scripture explains this. We are here on this planet for God to work THROUGH us. If we persist in blocking Him, yet He finds us worthy, He may take measures to open our eyes because He knows we have potential. God’s ways and thoughts are not ours. Isaiah 55.8-9 He doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called... Moses probably being the greatest example. If you know anything about ships, you know barnacles are not a good thing. They collect on a vessel’s underside as they move through the water. Ships can be in dry dock for days and weeks cleaning barnacles, resurfacing. Barnacles slow down the efficiency of ships moving through water and can corrode the surface. You’re probably ahead of me by now... and you would be right. If you are dry docked, purge those barnacles (God will reveal them to you) and move out into open water. Vessels are meant to move, not sit. Realize the freedom God meant for us. Feel it... the smell of clean air, the glistening turquoise water, the open sea breeze against your skin, the blue sky, the sun, the Son, seagulls gliding, dolphins jumpin’, fish leapin’, whales rollin’. What a glorious place God has waiting for you. SAIL INTO IT.


26 | A Different Sequence

Be a



i m n h Wi C

Wind chimes come in a torrent of shapes, colors, sizes and sounds... just like people.

Back in the 80’s, I gave my parents a nice wind chime, uniquely designed and hand built by an artisan in New York. They were advertised on the radio. www.oberlin.edu/alummag/summer2003/feat_chimes.html This site has a gallery of his chimes along with his sound philosophy. The one I’m speaking of here is the next to the last chime set in the gallery. You can actually click and hear the sound. How cool is that. Very nice harmonic sound based on an ancient Greek pentatonic scale. A few years ago a severe wind screamed through my mom’s carport. She heard the wind chime in hyper calamity and went out to investigate. The 12” aluminum tubes were almost horizontal from their normal vertical positions as if to say, “Get us out of here before we beat each other up”. Unable to remove it from the hook, Mom reached up, grabbed and yanked the chimes. The tubes came apart and ripped all the nylon string... purely out of reaction, but with good intention. That is a message all to itself. How many times have we acted with good intention only to bring disaster. A major chunk of my life was affected by such a maneuver. Always ask God first. During a recent visit to mom in NC, she reminded me if I would repair the chimes. I’ll admit I acted in a bit of a scolding manner indicating the pain of repair and by saying she may have done more damage than the wind would have. She was very apologetic and of course I apologized. This, after all, is the nature of relationships... isn’t it. The repairs went more smoothly than expected and the chimes were back in their position, on the job within the hour. But... as God would have it, this was no accident and there was purpose here. If the catastrophe must come, so then must the lesson.


We are like wind chimes. If we are in the right position, people will hear and benefit from our beautiful sound. The chimes alone cannot create sound. The wind flowing through the chimes generates the music. Chimes without wind are dead. Remember Jesus’ parable of the fig tree he cursed. Mark 11 What of the Laodicean church in Revelation which was lukewarm? Revelation 3:14-22 Neither were bearing fruit. If you feel lifeless and do not feel the flow of the Holy Spirit, then reposition yourself. Ask God for direction. As He positions you, the wind of God’s Word will move through you blessing others with wondrous music.


26 | A Different Sequence

Trigger Happy Have you volunteered for God’s army? Sound a little radical? It is! I’m not talking worldly, religious, indoctrinated, human bomb, 70 virgins, cowardly... radical. I’m talking Living God, God of Eternal Life, God of Restoration, the Alpha Omega God, God of Salvation... radical. Consider this. Scripture tells us plainly: the battle is not in might or power, but in the Spirit. We are soldiers for Christ. Put on the full armor. Paul tells us plainly in Ephesians 6... “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” When it comes to warfare, we CANNOT be wimpish against satan. Gender is not an issue here folks. Get that out of your mind. The first rule of warfare... KNOW YOUR ENEMY! How many times have you passed folks in peril... needing help of some sort, but they were physically out of range. A motorist on the side of the road, a passing


ambulance... all these situations indicate someone needs help. Judgment is not an issue here. THEY NEED HELP. Plain and simple. Think of catastrophes around the planet. Always... always... somewhere, someone is in peril and in need of spiritual warfare. When the Spirit commands you to go into your prayer language... never hesitate. Don’t be afraid to pull your “weapon” against satan. Use your authority. That very moment someone you will possibly never meet is benefiting from your obedience. And guess what? God rewards obedience. God considers obedience higher than sacrifice. 1 Samuel 15.22 It comes back to you. Only one loser... and we know who that is. I know because this has happened to me. In my case however, I came to know the prayer recipient. A couple months ago, the Spirit urged me to pray, not knowing for who or what purpose. This is why prayer language is so critical. In this manner we can still pray even though we know not the purpose or reason. Only God knows. Even the enemy does not know. I got a call later that night mom had gone to the emergency room. But turned out she was fine. Many of you have had this prayer experience. This is giving satan an outright stompin’. It’s a preemptive strike. Stop the damage before it happens. You can very well be sure others have done this very act for you. And you never knew it. As Covenant believers of the most powerful being in all of human understanding, we need NEVER live our lives set back on our heels... off balance. God does not give us a spirit of fear. That comes ONLY from the enemy. 2 Timothy 1.7



26 | A Different Sequence



? ich is it h W . g n i v ie ng is bel i e e s rrect. r o ... ich is co u know wh

ipture yo believing study scr ntended, i u o l y tation. l e f w i y Well g manifes o man n o i T l a e ) h 1 . f 1 o 1 ng short (Hebrews are falli s n a i t s i Chr ften is? t’s too o i y he seen, l Why is th e t a n That of t fortu n . U s e . c h n t e i i a ever. per ve f seen, for in two ex n We may ha u e v , i t l i r e i W ed. and of the sp misdirect and that dark room y a d o o b t n , i l ked . You tempora ou’ve wal d thought y n o s c e e m s i t a all the without oncerned Think of ere you c ht switch w g i r l o n e h h t c t n light swi flicked o tion the s ty. e i u c q i r t t ’ c n did g ele n i d n a t s r e about und

Herein lies the rub. Why do believers have such difficulty placing that same blind faith into our Spirit as we do the light switch? I submit to you we are not seeing with our spiritual eyes. The essence of faith is seeing through spiritual vision.


Right here, some believers will say... I’ve heard this thousands of times in countless sermons and classes. That may be so, but hearing is one thing... applying is quite another. I was as guilty as any not confessing healing. Most of my life, when someone asked how I was doing, if I had any issues, I would briefly recount them under the guise of truth. I felt it necessary to convey truth. Well, in the temporal world, that may be well and good. We are raised to be truthful. However, there comes a time of revelation if we are fortunate. I have finally come to realize, when someone poses that same question, I no longer respond in the same manner. It becomes a matter of transferring truth. There’s worldly fact, then there’s Spiritual truth. When the Spirit says you are healed, regardless of what you may be feeling, then you are healed. It becomes a matter of time before it is manifested. It becomes imperative to maintain this agreement with the Spirit. Speak it out loud. Let satan know you don’t agree with him. More on this below. I had to make the mental leap from worldly fact into Spiritual truth. This is the very essence many believers are not realizing. As we speak Spiritual truth, say about healing, we are actually realizing and lining up with God’s desire for our lives... to be healed and whole. (1 Corinthians 6.19; John 16.23-30; 3 John 1.2) GOD DOES NOT BRING DISEASE AND SICKNESS We live in a INTO OUR LIVE fallen, sinful S! world. Any il experience is lness we either becaus e of satan’s infirmity or spirits of of wrong choi ces we make.. be overcome. . both of whic Believers have h can the same auth as Jesus did. ority over ev The Great Comm il ission tells 28.16-20) We us this. (Mat must use it. thew (Luke 13.10-13 Repent of wron ; Mark 6.12-1 g decisions an 3) d ask for abun (James 1.5) dance of wisd om. I can tell yo u right now, as long as yo insane, insidi u allow all th ous TV commer ese cials about va and diseases, rious illnesse pills and poti s on room, you are s, to permeate inviting spir your living its of infirm ity into your


26 | A Different Sequence life. You may not realize it but you are allowing these sales and marketing ploys into your mind and spirit. If they lined up outside your door knocking to let them in... would you? Through the wonder of that magic box, they are ALREADY inside your house. MUTE THEM OUT! There’s clean air, then there’s CLEAN air. As long as we speak worldly fact about our conditions, we are agreeing and allowing, ALLOWING, ungodly situations to rule our lives. God places desires into our hearts. (Psalm 37.4) Certainly a desire we can all agree on is to be healthy and whole. Scripture tells us outright, satan is the ruler of the air. (Ephesians 2.1-5) Why in the world would we want to speak agreement with satan into his own kingdom?! In your prayer time, are you replacing your mind with your heart? God sees the heart. This is the process of renewing our minds... allowing the Spirit to come through our minds directly into our hearts.

God. Minds e your heart from ad ic rr ba nd mi ur not cast Don’t let yo ve. Intellect does lo e ar ts ar He t. are intellec John 4.18) sts out fear. (1 out fear. Love ca on the same focus is point, we are When we get to th t on God’s focus, IS love. As we ge area of as God. Love. God manifested in any is g in al He . ge an our lives ch . emotional, mental pain... physical, experience. When testing, time and , shapes, This may require rld, we saw colors wo e th in ed ar pe at we saw. we first ap t make sense of wh no d ul co We t. gh in our dark and li s were meaningful ce an ar pe ap e es th Nonetheless understanding. ed us beyond our lives. They affect

h t i fa 28

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As we matured, we ga ined more perception of our vision. We developed a trust in our vision. It’s the same in the Spirit world, only we come to trust what we can’t see. Prayer is the ke y to this kingdom of Spirit. Believe first, then see. If you have to see before you believe, where’s the need for faith? However, some will ex perience healing inst antly. This is God’s sovereign de termination. God sees our future and knows the purpos e. The world is quite po werful to us because we experience and react through ou r physical vision. We place faith in pi lls, surgery, doctor s, therapists frequently without qu estion. Believers ne ed to place that same searing fa ith in the Spirit. We have physical (mec hanical) injury. We have disease (biological) injury. I urge you to Google for scriptures on pr ayer, healing and faith. Pr ay for the Spirit to guide you to scripture just for yo u. Your results will yield far more information than I can include in this article. Be encouraged and fi lled with peace, joy, liberty and freedom!


26 | A Different Sequence

Big Ears

Small Ears

We need to have BIG ears for God! When God gives me a testimony, I want people to know about it. I don’t have to be told by scripture to do this. It’s automatic... like breathing. I don’t have to even think about... should I tell this? I’M EXCITED ABOUT IT!!! It’s a wondrous and stupendous event! I feel on fire right now just recalling some of my testimonies. I write them down as though carved in stone for the ages... like the monuments God told Joshua to build... milestones to remember. These are events given to only me. People’s testimonies are like finger prints and irises. No two are alike. We need... we MUST speak out our testimonies for this very reason. Each one is unique in some way. Each has a powerful message for someone. The blessing goes both ways... for the speaker and the listener. The first time or two we speak, it may not reach that certain person meant to hear it. We must continue to speak as the Spirit urges. I find, as I reach down with my torch to spark the dry sagebrush, not everyone, sometimes not even believers, are ready to really hear the words... to feel the fire... to let the miraculous engulf them. They may say, “Yes I want to hear it but can you give me the short version?” They don’t care to savor God’s blessing on others but rather to get that quick fix drive-thru. What is it about today that we cannot give God this time? After all, isn’t it truly the Spirit who speaks that demonstration of God’s power through that person? We think it’s the person. No... it’s the Spirit in that person screaming to let the world know I have survived yet another onslaught from the enemy. We give God two to three hours on Sunday... a few hours during the week. But we can’t give that testimony 15 minutes of our ears? Me... I love storytelling. I love to hear folks relive those special moments. If you will allow yourself, you can almost relive it with them. After all, who benefits


from testimonies? The teller has already had the experience. It must be for the listener. Testimonies serve as a Balm of Gilead... encouragement... uplift... increasing faith. In the days before high speed technology, television, fast this... fast that, folks listened to radio (often as a family)... that distant land of the unseen... the storytellers painting their pictures of the mind. Living rooms, kitchen tables, back yards, under fragrant trees, cracklin’ campfires with their unique fossil aroma wafting across our nostrils... all became places to encounter that special gateway to the spirit. Oh yes, folks went to Sunday meetin’ way back then. I dare say they received far more from those fire-laced words than many do today who are distracted the minute they walk out the sanctuary doors. Some don’t even make it to the doors before checking cell phones moving from one mind scape to the next in a matter of nanoseconds. Don’t think this is what God had in mind. We must learn or relearn how to savor our food. Jesus said we do not live by bread alone. Well... does that mean you’re going to fast food Jesus just like you do your meals? THINK about this folks. Think about what you’re doing. Remember, as believers, we are IN the world, not OF the world. John 15.19; 17.14-16; Romans 12.1-2; 1John 2.15-17 If ANYTHING, the world needs to conform to the Kingdom, not vice-versa. I fully appreciate technology like anyone else. However it DOES have it’s place. Technology is an idol to many. Don’t let it become one for you. Take the time to let folks tell their testimony the way they need to tell it. If this time isn’t quite available, let them know you are delirious to hear it. Make that moment available. Don’t let their spirit drift into a dim reluctance. Let them know what God has done in their lives will not fall on SMALL ears.


d e e l B r

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s e k a Br

Want to stop satan in his tracks? Bleed your brakes. Mom took her car in for repair because her brakes weren’t functioning properly. The mechanic suggested various possibilities. I suggested she may simply need to bleed the brake lines and proceeded to explain the process. The next morning as I recalled our dialog, it hit me what I had actually said. We must realize when we endure long suffering and our prayers appear unanswered, bondages and hindrances never broken... it’s time to bleed our brakes. For those unfamiliar... bleeding brake lines removes air bubbles or pockets which develop in the brake lines. Ideally, the lines running from the cylinder, at the engine, to the wheels should be completely full of fluid... no air. This assures the best results of the hydraulic pressure applied when we brake.


Imagine driving along and you apply the brakes. If brakes are mushy or fail, the car becomes a problem. It’s out of control. Even though you know what to do, you can’t stop it because your means of preventing the problem has failed... rendered useless. Your reliable brakes have become faulty because an element which doesn’t belong... air... has invaded the mechanism. You didn’t intend for it to happen, didn’t expect it, perhaps didn’t even know there was such a thing. Nevertheless, it happened. What do you do? As my mom did... take it to the fixer... the mechanic... the one who has the answer. I submit this to you: Jesus’ blood is the fluid in your spiritual brake lines. When air (illness, unforgiveness, poverty, depression, hatred) develops in that blood flow and interrupts it’s purpose, you need to bleed the lines. The act of prayer and repentance is bleeding your blood lines of air bubbles... problems... satanic attacks. Restore power to your authority. Your brakes (prayers) apply BLOOD pressure to satan... stopping your problems. When your spirit is out of control due to faulty brakes, get in prayer and restore the blood lines. 33

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one Z


Especially if you’re a believer in Christ, studying His word, receiving teachings and listening to anointed ministers, you will be familiar with phrases like comfort zone. God does not want us to get locked into our ‘zones’ of comfort. This would be synonymous with becoming comfortable in worldly ways, which are contradictory to God’s desire for our spirit. His Word tells us to be IN the world, not OF the world. -----------“Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world — the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does — comes not from the Father, but from the world. The world and it’s desires pass away but the man who does the will of God lives forever.” 1John 2:15-17 ------------

This would be a struggle for most of us because most folks are creatures of habit and refuse to change... even if the change is obviously for the better. Think about that one for a minute... the power and bondage of habit. Yet, there are some (speaking from experience here) who have lived OUT of spiritual/mental/emotional comfort zones for so long, they forgot what comfort is. So it would be a glorious thing for those folks to finally get INTO a comfort zone. So now... this brings a different context to the term... comfort zone.


Comfort zones had become totally foreign until God brought me back into the church. Let me quickly say, before my “pit” time, I WAS in a comfort zone for many years... thinking my life was fine. Then a moment arrives which shreds that old comfort zone... not from God... from satan. The Word tells us he prowls about looking to kill, steal and destroy... to devour. John 10:10; 1Peter 5:8 Worldly comfort zones are deceptive. Godly comfort zones are not. God wants us to be secure in our pursuit of His revelations. He wants us to be joyful... to have liberty. Joy and liberty come from that comfort zone of our relationship with the Holy Spirit. Yet, as stated in the beginning, God does not want that comfort to become stagnant. He says He is doing a new thing. This may mean shifting, improving... glory to glory as scripture says. We must allow growth within our spiritual comfort zone. This growth is manifested through greater faith, confidence, love, obedience... all of which bring about greater joy and liberty in life, as James tells us in Chapter One. You could say God’s comfort zones are always in flux, if we allow it. Whereas, worldly comfort zones become stale. In God’s kingdom, we to the extraordinary, the not always knowing or a comfort zone of wholeness, covenant here.

need to become accustomed supernatural, the mystery of understanding. It brings about exuberance, vitality, anticipation, assurance. We’re talking BLOOD Nothing stale about that!


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fast again. The to e m ti ’s It . go e this Okay... here w iritual leader says sp ry ve E . so ys sa . church year. I MUST FAST e th r fo st fa to e is the tim cynical tone here. You may detect a I will freely admit I was not looking forward to my first real spiritual fast directed by our church. This was a corporate fast a few years ago. I just couldn’t go that long without food. I didn’t fully understand the flexibility of fasting. As I soon discovered, some folks sacrifice more than others. It’s a personal tolerance. The point is to sacrifice... to sacrifice food our body craves or expects in a normal course of time. Does fasting afford an opportunity for you to temporarily relinquish foods you don’t need to eat in the first place? What’s THAT? God, I know I shouldn’t eat all this sugar, but I’ll sacrifice it for the fasting. I’ll go back to poisoning my body after fasting. What rationale is THAT? Don’t stash all the Twinkies, moon pies and honey buns in a sack pushed back in the pantry, only to retrieve later. Oops... pinging those toes? I’ve done it myself. This twisted reasoning is one of the effects of excessive sugar in the first place. Among other things, it warps and fogs 36

reasoning and spiritual interaction. I’m using sugar as an example because it’s so prevalent. Obviously other “accepted” foods are toxic to our temple... OUR TEMPLE. There’s a reason why Jesus tells us to fast. Otherwise He wouldn’t make a point of it. Folks throughout scripture fasted inspiring powerful moves of God. Matthew 17.21 Where is your head when it comes to fasting? Do you fast because you HAVE to... because it’s biblical... I must be obedient because I’m TOLD this is best for me? We need to fast because we WANT to fast... because we recognize and look forward to the results of fasting. This is not fasting for health benefits, although those will follow. This fasting is for spiritual increase... for answered prayers. And it will happen. On my very first 21 day, corporate fast with the church, I had the most powerful spiritual encounter. I’ll never forget it. Nearing the end of the fast in early February, I walked to a nearby wetlands park. Snow covered everything. As I walked out onto the ice covered boardwalk 37

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overlook of the lake, I paused for several minutes just taking in the scenery. A couple of trailing Canadian geese glided by, apparently failing the metal detector missing their flight south. I saw no one else in the park. At the moment I turned to continue my walk, I felt an undeniable presence fall over me I have never felt before or since. No special effects, no buzzing, no light, no heat, no smoke, no sparks... just the most overwhelming sense of peace and wellness. I was so astonished by it, I didn’t want to move for fear of losing it. At that moment I felt I had absolute health and complete freedom of any concern whatsoever in the world. Complete and total alignment with the Spirit. I couldn’t speak. I didn’t want to speak. After a few minutes I began to slowly take a step hoping it would stay with me. Was this a new direction in life? With each measured pace I felt it begin to lift. Another 10 feet or so and it was gone. Perhaps I should have remained. The snow was cold. Perhaps I was like Peter stepping out of the boat... once he realized he was on water, he began to sink. And therein lies the issue.


Scripture tells us the Comforter is always with us as believers. I firmly realize fasting casts off that veil which can smother encounters with the Spirit. That encounter was confirmed by a believer friend who dreamed, two weeks before, I would have this moment. She didn’t have the clarity, but described the place and the reverence. Even though we may have first hand encounters with the Spirit, our minds will still fight the sacrifice needed for those exquisite moments. Many benefits result from fasting both spiritually and biologically. We can also fast from entertainment and other worldly “needs”. Suffice to say... fasting is living sacrifice. I ENCOURAGE you to fast. It’s a form of first fruits. Sacrifice can become a way of life... both worldly and spiritually. This is God’s desire for us to dump the junk which pulls us down. Toss the bilge overboard. Burn the destructive traditions. Proclaim a new level. Jump on that eagle’s wing and soar to new heights. Let satan know you have severed the bonds. Find a comfortable area and shout... “I AM BLOOD BOUGHT AND SANCTIFIED. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER!!!”


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Feathers a

I have angel feathers in my living room. Reminders. I have felt their wisp, like the breath from a bird song, across my brow... across my spirit.

These feathers bring great tears of joy for God’s grace and restoration in certain areas of my life. Some folks have tears of joy others have laughter. I don’t know why it’s different. Perhaps tears overcome pain and laughter overcomes sadness. I have lion tracks in my living room. Reminders. I feel the brush of fur against my legs... against my spirit. After all God has brought me through since (and before) my pit days, finances are still my weakest and most painful endurance. I’m not an irresponsible person. Pit time will rob you of many things. Consider this. In the very first verses of Job, the angels come to meet with God and satan shows up. God asks him, “Why are you here?” Satan replies he is going about doing his business. God replies, “Have you considered my servant Job?” God says to satan, you can throw everything at him, but you cannot take his life. If you’re going through struggles... serious, debilitating struggles... ask yourself this question. Is God saying to satan, have you considered my servant Larry (your name)? Are you willing to consider your struggle may be a means of proving God’s strength and power to someone else? Through God’s reward as a result of Job’s perseverance, Job prospered far greater after his torment. God doubled Job’s fortune and he lived about 140 years. The stupidity of satan is he didn’t realize he was giving Job the greatest testimony of his life. How can we not realize victory over such a moronic foe? Satan may appear to be smart and powerful... but that’s just the



d n a

point... he APPEARS to be so. I urgently recommend, no matter the pain of your struggle, study the Book of Job. It WILL change your life. Scripture tells us satan prowls about like a lion looking for those whom he will devour... to kill, steal and destroy. John 10:10; 1 Peter 5:8 He knows our weakest areas. No matter how hard we try to recover and strengthen these areas, he will pounce when the time is right... doing his best to convince us of God’s abandonment. Satan’s SOLE reason for existence is to put distance between us and God. In the physical, an injury is weak until it is restored. Imagine someone coming by every now and then and pounding that injury during the healing process. This is the nature of satan. This is happening to me. Even though the healing is slowly progressing... well, you see my point. Even if you’re flat on your back, you can still look up. As life unfolds, we as believers can sometimes wonder if we’re praying to the same God we prayed to last month, or last year... whenever that last time He brought you through something apparently impossible. Scripture reminds us... God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13.8 So why does He “appear” to react differently to different problems we face... especially in the timing? It is preached... so only God can get the glory. Isaiah 42.8; Psalm 115. Scripture tells us God will work in such a way man will not understand, therefore man cannot boast of his own works. Ephesians 2.9 Don’t give satan the satisfaction of keeping you on your heels. Scripture says WE are the HEAD and not the tail... who can be against us when God is for us?! Deuteronomy 28.13. Wherever you go, imagine yourself connected to a Holy Spirit IV drip... that constant flow of God fire flowing into your blood stream. Praise, worship and glory to His name.


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You may recall an earlier hit of the Beatles called Follow the Sun. It’s a secular song with secular meaning and lyrics. However, the melody is very nice and soothing. Consider the simplicity and power of the message from plants and flowers. Have you ever noticed those long stemmed, roadside tiger and day lilies? You can spot assemblies of worshipers along the George Washington Parkway toward Mt. Vernon. Notice how they lean into the sun as it moves across the sky... morning to evening. It’s as though they can’t take their eyes off their maker. They strain to reach Him. I’m quite sure, when we aren’t looking, some yank themselves out by the root and go galloping down the bike path into the sunset. Sun, where do you go when the dark chases you away? Or do you chase the dark away? It’s the cosmic chicken and egg thing. How is it you, who are so bright and full of energy, can leave the sky so dark for a time. It would seem you could light the entire sea of your kin who sparkle in your absence. But then again, perhaps that’s


why you go... so that I may delight in the trail of diamonds you leave as witness, as a footprint that you were here. Oh Father, how we need your warmth. Please illuminate us again that we might stretch another inch... our colors vivid for yet another day... inviting others. They make no bones about it, aren’t embarrassed, don’t care what other flowers think. They all have the same need anyway. Some just show it more than others. All are in rhythm with their Creator. They can’t avoid it. Their Creator made them that way... to worship Him. Isaiah 43:21; John 4:23 Their Creator is life to them. When the Pharisees told Jesus to silence His disciples, He said if they keep quiet, even the stones will cry out. Luke 19:39-41 My God. How has it come to the point where even objects we consider dead... rocks... would even cry out to their maker? Yet WE, who we see as most alive on the planet, hesitate to worship... even deny our maker. This is the reason... rocks, even flowers, weren’t given freedom of choice. They didn’t need it. Which choice are you making? Are you leaning into your Creator?


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Fro m t h e


We've all heard the comment.... Well, I'm sure you meant what you said, but was it from the heart? It would appear obvious to any who ponder this process. Our heart is not a brain, doesn't have a little brain of its own, soooo... anything I say about ANYTHING is from my brain, which processes thought, right?... not my heart. One could say they understand the underlying meaning and intent of "is it from the heart?"... kind of an euphemism for the source of truth and sincerity. Anyone who has basic knowledge of human anatomy will realize that, at death, the body weight is less than it was in life. When the body is reduced to ashes for chemical analysis, the weight is less than the complete body. Where does the weight go? What was lost? Science tells us we cannot destroy energy. It merely transfers into various forms from one place to another. Jesus demonstrated this. Luke 8:26-37 I am currently reading a book Power of the Blood by Maxwell Whyte. He reminded me that blood carries the life force in all of us. Without this force we would cease to exist. Of course we realize this force is the Spirit of our creator, God. (If you're not aware of the power of the blood of Jesus, this book will reveal the access you need through understanding scripture. Nothing like it.) Let's continue this thought progression. We know the body functions completely on the signals sent from the brain.... Grand Central Station of


our nervous system. Nerves control muscle movement etc... even the heart, which is a muscle. Yet... yet... YET... the brain cannot function without... blood. Where does the blood come from? It is pumped to the brain by the... heart. Martial arts teaches air suffocation (choking the airways in the neck) and blood suffocation (choking blood flow in the neck to the brain). This is much faster than air choking. It cuts off blood flow to the brain and kills in seconds. This is a powerful indicator of blood/brain connection. Even in Genesis, after Cain slew Abel, God asked Cain, "Where is your brother, Abel?" God said, "... Listen! Your brother's blood cries out from the ground..." Genesis 4.10 Here's an ironic twist of the heart function. The heart pumps blood to the body regardless of the body condition, because the body always needs blood. Even if the body is wounded to the point of dying because of loss of blood, the heart keeps pumping. The heart doesn't say I'd better slow down or stop for a few minutes or this body will die... it keeps on pumping. In this manner the heart is killing itself. Something has to step in and rescue it... stop the bleeding... seal the wound. This is the manner of repentance and forgiveness. Stop the bleeding in your life or you will die before you die. All this is to say the TRUE power (Spirit) is in the blood, not the brain. Your car will not move an inch without fuel. So next time someone asks you "but was it from the heart?", you will know the difference. Because if it's from the heart, it's from God... the Spirit who dwells in the blood. 1Samuel 16.7


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God Not for

S a le

You cannot buy Him with your works. Ephesians 2.9 God loves you this day the same He always has and always will. Hebrews 13.8 You cannot increase His love for you. Why? Because God IS love. 1 John 4.8 God does not go back on His word. Isaiah 55.11 Because of Christ’s sacrifice, we are now under Grace. Romans 6.4 Grace is FREE. It’s like a waterfall. It never ends. You can always be restored. Romans 3.24; Ephesians 1.6 If you don’t have a personal relationship with God, give yourself the greatest favor you will ever give. John 15.15; James 2.23


Answer His knock at your door and begin a conversation with Him. Revelation 3.20 Speak from your heart... not what you think you’re supposed to say. Confess yourself. Ask questions. Ask for answers. You cannot be afraid. God knows who you are and what you’re about to say. He wants to hear you say it. By doing this, you let God know you recognize Him and are willing to at least open the door. How do you recognize the knock? When, in your heart, you realize something is not right, that’s the knock. Through this door will come understanding and solutions.


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Energy or spirit cannot be destroyed... only transformed. As Jesus cast out demons from possessed man at cemetery into pigs... demons asked where they could go... why did Jesus simply not destroy them? Matthew 8.28-34 God breathed life into Adam. Genesis 2.7 That same breath of life has come down through every single human born since Adam, whereas we are his descendants. God’s breath is our spirit. No place in scripture says that spirit is destroyed (except perhaps Revelation)... especially relating to satan. Even the spirit of satan has been defeated, not destroyed. Revelation 20.10 The Holy Spirit Paul in Acts 19.2-3 is not the same default spirit all of us have as descendants of Adam in Genesis. The Holy Spirit (Comforter) is made available to us through Jesus, the second Adam only in the New Covenant. 1Corinthians 15.22, 45 As we repent and submit (hunger for God), we open the door for the Holy Spirit. I personally have felt the true nature of the Holy Spirit only four times in my adult life and only within the past seven years. Each time was exactly the same experience... a feeling of complete and total well being. In my experience, the duration varies and is undeniable. Once we receive the Holy Spirit, He, being a person, is always with us. John 14.16 This is beyond simply being saved. No substance


or power on earth or below the earth can generate this feeling. This infilling at once encourages, uplifts, heals and makes whole. Satan, the great counterfeiter, may replicate this sensation through substance or power for a short duration, but the result is destruction. Destruction not only to the victim but to those around that person. John 8.44 I declare this feeling of the Holy Spirit indwelling is the closest we will come to God this side of paradise. We can do nothing to earn it. This is God’s gift to us because we hunger after Him. That hunger is the desire to follow His Word... to eat of it every day... spiritual nourishment. Folks may realize their starvation. But don’t know the path to restoration. They fall for the worldly feedbag of solutions and false religions. But their spirit is telling them something. The warning light is flashing. This is what scripture is all about. God is saying His sacrificed son is the ONLY way through which we will save our eternal spirits. John 14.6 God wants to complete the circle. His original breath into Adam, through lineage, into you and I, then back into eternity. We come from God and return to God. Please make the right choice. God says “choose life”. Deuteronomy 30.19


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G ing

l a t s o P is an euphemism we’ve all heard... synonymous with violence in the workplace.

This is unfortunate and the forthcoming testimony speaks to the issue this society sadly embraces which is speaking cliches without realizing the meaning of their words. We cannot allow insidious, warped phrases to distort entire groups of people. My neighbors had been having periodic issues with mail delivery. Not receiving their own but someone else’s... that sort of thing. Couple years ago, I was on a trip for couple weeks. After perusing my “hold” mail, I noticed pieces belonging to the next building. Those folks had been missing their mail for two weeks. Could have been checks, bills, important correspondence with due dates, love letters. On second thought, I doubt seriously folks still write love letters... you mean on real paper with real ink and a pen??? Oh My Gosh!!! God forbid! More recently, a bill was not delivered to me. I only noticed this after receiving a bill for the following month indicating missed payment with a late fee of $40. Needless to express my reaction. 50

Having had this happen before with a utility bill, the utility confirmed this, since the bill was returned to them... even with same exact address they have always used for my billing for years. That was resolved quite easily. No late fee. NOW, with this latest non-delivery and explanation of mail issues, the creditor graciously deferred half the late fee, still leaving me with half which was still not my fault. I don’t know about you, but ineptness from professionals rattles me. I can benefit-of-the-doubt the first couple times, but when it continues, somebody’s missing the teaching. Which brings me to the post office. Now I have to invest time and energy to resolve this. I go to the local branch which I frequent for stamps etc. I ask to speak to the manager. I have come to realize the managers recycle every few months or so. Perhaps too much stress. Yvette comes out to the counter and we begin dialog. No arguments, no madness or upheaval. Very civil. Keeping my voice low to normal not to draw attention of those waiting in line couple feet behind me, I show her a paper trail as I explain to her all the issues my building has had and more recently, my late fee. She is quite calm. Our eyes focused but not sinister, not blaming. I ask her how can I address the postal system, through


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a policy or such, to get payment for my late fee since it was their failure to deliver the mail. This will freak you out.... She leaned in closer across the counter, with slightly lower voice, taking my hand and saying she was very sorry this had happened and that no USPS policy channel existed for refunding this sort of missed payment. She continued, saying, because I had been so courteous with my situation, she was going to pay my $20 out of HER OWN POCKET. Of course I refused. It was not her fault either. But she insisted, implying she represented the postal institution. Now THAT’S professionalism. She went on to say I would not believe the foul language and angry attitudes people throw at her every day because of mail issues. Apparently my presentation was a welcome salve for her daily routine. Being near closing on Friday, she told me to come back the following week. Now here’s the kicker... I could not make it to post office for next TWO weeks because of a deadline project. She probably thought I had forgotten about it. Finally a few days ago, I went to market for couple items. Total was less than $5. I only had a $20 bill and two ones. Had to use the $20. As I inserted it into machine and change was returning, to my amazement, I thought I saw an extra $20 bill flash through the slot. When I was sorting the bills, sure enough... an extra $20. I have used automated checkouts for years and NEVER has this happened. I mean... come on. This is a ROBOT. A computer. A machine. Steel, plastic and grease. They do not make mistakes. Robots ALWAYS tell us “It’s human error!”


Now my dilemma was whether to report this to the info desk. With my ears sagging, small black cloud over my head, I managed to shuffle out the door with bill in hand. As I got into the car, IMMEDIATELY, I felt the Spirit tell me,now the postal manager doesn’t have to pay you. Let’s hear it for compassionate robots! Don’t you just love the irony. This is the joy... the fun of the Holy Spirit in action. I returned same day to tell Yvette of the thoughtful robot paying for her kindness. We shared a brief praise time. Once again she took my hand and said if I had any second thoughts, to come back and she would reimburse me.



Going Postal


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hearing without


seeing As I listen to the radio, I realize I’m hearing the music without seeing the instruments. I hear the violins, the piano, the brass.... yet, I can’t see them. If I had never seen the instruments or didn’t know what they were, I would still hear the music. I would not know if the violin sound is coming from the trumpet or the harp from the piccolo.Yet the music works. It soothes, stimulates and fills a void. I have faith an instrument is generating that sound. We have not seen God, yet we hear His Word. Whether with music or scripture, we can receive true clarity of the note or Word we hear. Do we have to see the instrument to receive the effect of it’s sound?..... No. This is the nature of the Holy Spirit. Scripture tells us no person can see God and live. Exodus 33.20 Our only option is to listen, to read, to receive. It’s FREE!


g n i d Hi

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Truth Shortly after beginning attendance at my church, an elder, whom I only met a couple of times, told me this observation. He looked me squarely in the face with intent and stated he saw truth all over me... like an aura or something. I had never been told this nor had any reason to assume such a thing. However I was aware I cherished understanding, which would be truth. Just never saw it the way he described it. Mom and I shared enjoyable, numerous, sometimes lengthy conversations over the years... that is... up until the last year of her life. As she slipped into attacks of short term memory loss, repetitiveness and minor degrees of dementia, our conversations occasionally deteriorated. She was really not aware of her condition. She had not really heard of these conditions. Otherwise, she was her normal, beautiful spirit. Everyone had a good word about her.


In the course of that last year, I would come to learn a painful truth. Which is... don’t try convincing someone in her condition of truth. She would have her own version of certain events which were typically, completely wrong. But she would stand by it often accusing others of siding against her who also tried their best to politely correct her into truth. I had never had an experience with someone in this condition before, much less my own parent. She had become a different person which also momentarily altered me. Can you imagine talking with someone with whom you had always enjoyed truthful conversation, only to have that connection dissolve within a matter of months? I cannot adequately describe the pain this would sometimes bring to both of us. I became extremely angry at myself for allowing my attitude and emotions to control me. I prayed over her, over us, pleaded the blood, we took communion, asked prayer warriors to join in... you name it. Doctors treated her albeit with limited success. At 89, her health was otherwise pretty good.



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On good days, the faith smile was ever present.

Finally, thankfully, the Spirit revealed articles of immeasurable guidance concerning these conditions in the elderly. The articles were quite explicit describing how to engage with them. It was a totally new learning curve for me. If she and I had not engaged in truth over the years, this may not have developed as it did. I was now having to allow mom to believe her version of truth even though it was false. A conundrum? Most definitely! I was essentially forced to allow someone closest to me to live with her own truth. Look at it this way. You are a horse running full speed in one direction and the rider yanks the reins, jerking your neck, almost breaking it, in the opposite direction. The irony of all this is, because of mom’s short term memory condition, she would not remember most of the previous day’s argument and we could start over as though it never happened... which was good for her, but my memory was still in tact. As a result, I was basically in continual prayer asking God for forgiveness. God says he does forgive, and even throws it into the sea, no matter how dark the sin. Micah 7.19 I’ve managed to arrive at a point of accepting this truth and now experience peace as a result. John 8.27-36 explains how we are affected by knowing God’s truth. Acknowledging God’s forgiveness is knowing His truth. His truth gives us freedom, liberty, peace and joy. 2 Corinthians 3.17 58

You must get this awareness into your spirit if you are dealing with an issue similar to mine. There are earthly facts and spiritual truths. They are often not the same. Yes it can be true no one really moved mom’s mailbox, even though she may have thought someone did. This is an earthly fact. This earthly fact is of no significance when compared to spiritual truth which tells us, in a much broader fashion, how to treat others. Nonetheless, these situations can be extremely commanding of us displacing earthly facts with spiritual truths. So then it becomes a matter of not hiding truth, rather, replacing one fact with a higher truth.


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26 | A Different Sequence

Be Joyful in


How can this possibly be?! Consider the dimensions of strife in the human experience. I urge you to read James 1:1-8. You may need to read it a few times for these words to really sink in. Sure, it’s easy to be joyful hearing the bird songs, feeling the sun, seeing the starlight, smelling the honeysuckle, receiving an inheritance, losing excess weight, people being filled with the Holy Spirit. But how about when the bills and rent money aren’t there at the end of the month?.... When you feel pain in your body even though you know Jesus has already healed you?.... When a relationship is disintegrating?.... When you have car repairs, need medicines and food you can’t afford? James says be joyful in ALL things. This doesn’t mean we have to enjoy strife. However, with God, we can have joy THROUGH strife.


If you’ve ever weight trained or exercised, you know full well my point. Perhaps you have a strenuous, physically demanding job... it’s the same thing. You are putting your body through strife. Some folks actually look forward to it, as with weights and exercise. Why? Because they know from EXPERIENCE the benefits of being stronger and healthier in body and attitude. They not only benefit, but also others around them. James tells us, in effect, it’s the same in the Spirit. I once asked a minister a strange question. I began by stating, since we in the natural need resistance to gain strength, don’t we then, in effect, need evil to grow stronger? Scripture (Paul) tells us to resist temptation. Psalm 119.11; Galatians 5.16 Why does he tell us this? Because it makes us stronger. The more we give in, the weaker we become. So it’s not that we need evil... evil is with us anyway. This resistance became a part of our lives the instant Adam and Eve accepted the fruit. They DISOBEYED God’s instruction, not advice... but instruction. Contrary to popular belief, man’s demise was not the result of Eve and the serpent. God gave responsibility to Adam before Eve existed. Genesis 2:16-18. Paul tells us he embraces strife. Why? Because he knows, one, that marks the end of the last season and two, each new strife brings him into a greater level of glory and strength against the enemy. Athletes don’t keep lifting the same weights hoping to become stronger. They have to add weight as they achieve levels of strength. Athletes may or may not look forward to training. However, they all know they need it for the coming challenges. Training gives you mental authority. When you see and feel the results of your training, you KNOW you will have authority over your adversary. This is EXACTLY the same understanding


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God wants to impart into our spirits. You might say... well, my adversaries train to have authority over me, just like in sports or warfare. This is true. The answer to this concern... satan was defeated at the cross. We are in conflict with a defeated foe. We MUST receive and grasp this truth. Defeated does not mean dead. The defeated will attempt to rise up again and again. This is God’s word. Each new generation MUST realize this most crucial truth. That’s why satan does not let up. Scripture tells us God laughs at satan’s efforts. Psalm 37.12-14 We, as Covenant believing children of God, need to do the same. I don’t care how bad things look, God will bring you through it. The next time you see walking or crawling skeletons in India or Africa, ask yourself if they can have joy in their suffering. We cannot sugar coat the Word of God. It applies to EVERY situation. In situations like these, we must take God’s word to them. We must take them the seeds of nourishment for body and spirit. "Faith without works is dead." James 2.14-26 By delivering these things, we bring God’s love and hope into those situations. Scripture tells us "to whom much is given, much is required." Luke 12.48 God is not starving these people. It’s OUR responsibility. God has given US dominion. God has given US the resources. Are we praying for the wisdom to manage them?!




Imagine yourself a young draftee entering WWII. Good with tools and construction so you end up with the Engineers. Driving 20-penny nails in broad daylight in your backyard requires skill. Transferred overseas, you are now driving 20-penny nails into bridge supports at midnight... under German sniper fire. In the days to come the memory of this Memorial holiday will fade as usual. Some gorged themselves with fast food, beer and extraneous celebration only for the sake of it. Just another holiday away from the office. The charcoal ashes from the rinsed grills will be flowing downstream.... much like the blood of wounded and dying freedom warriors... who sacrificed the ultimate just so those who could care less...


26 | A Different Sequence have the freedom and liberty to celebrate without remembering. I plead with you never forget who we are and how we got here... TOTALLY by God’s grace and mercy... because this country was founded on His principles. The enemy of today’s freedom warriors is the same one it’s always been... Evil. Only today... global terrorists wear no uniform and use sacrificial tactics. The enemy of today’s freedom warrior wants to annihilate anyone not of their own. By this very definition, this enemy wants to destroy the work of God. God says His word will not return void. Isaiah 55.11 This enemy is already defeated. So as you walk the aisles of the stores, wash with warm water, worship freely, and sleep soundly... Remember this holiday and those who made this all possible... That engineer was my dad.




I’m bugged when folks offer excuses for God. When things aren’t meeting their expectations or prayers, have you ever heard someone say “Well maybe God is doing this or that or whatever?". This implies God is either incapable of or unwilling to answer prayers or bring a needed solution. I’ve done this myself, so I know folks do it. It’s wrong. To my mind it’s actually insulting God. I know unanswered prayers generate this feeling. I have prayers continuing for years which need resolutions. These are not prayers of wish or want. These are desperate prayers of necessity. I know faithful, obedient believers who have been struggling in health or finances for years. How could this be? It certainly brings easy criticism for the unbeliever to point and say, see... it doesn’t work. My answer to that is... they’re not realizing the experiences God has provided in their own lives to show them His power and how He loves them. They either cannot or refuse to see His love for them. These are moments of transition. We live in a dynamic existence. God made it so. Transition never stops, even though it may appear so at times. In fact, God will answer prayers that were never prayed. How can that be? Because He saw needs in your life even you weren’t aware of and didn’t know how to pray for them. Never, never allow your arrogance and pride to supersede God’s grace and mercy over your life. It was God’s choice you’re here, not yours. 67

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This is the very need for receiving the indwelling of the Holy Spirit or as Paul says it, "speaking in other tongues" 1 Corinthians 14. This is a gift. We can do nothing to deserve it. When we have a prayer language, we speak prayers and needs only God can hear. Paul says we know not how to pray or ask. Have you considered whether you have the faith to contain an answered prayer? What will you do with all that prosperity once it arrives? Will you stay with God asking Him to direct all that prosperity? Or will you become self-righteous turning your back on your deliverer? Perhaps this is why God has delayed. He needs to bring you to a place He can trust you once the manifestations arrive in abundance as scripture says it will... overflowing, pressed down and more than we can contain Luke 6:38... that’s God’s word. Now some will say... sounds like an excuse for God to me. It’s not. The more we study the Word, the more we understand how God works, His motives and intentions. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God - Romans 10.17.It’s easy to praise God in good times. Can you, like Job, praise and thank Him when you think He’s abandoned you? Don’t let your tongue destroy what God has for you. I have been dangerously close to this one myself. I intellectualize my way through a situation with others (ministers and saints) looking for answers, opinions and direction. God’s Word actually advises this. However there comes a time we can receive only from God. Even all the ministers don’t know you like God does. This is the personal relationship which church doctrine and tradition, unfortunately, will destroy -1John 4.10. I personally know churches which strongly encourage this relationship without allowing doctrine and tradition to interfere. Don’t ever think God has given up on you. The question is, have you given up on God? In effect, we might say... God has not seen it our way yet. So we maintain prayer with that false perception. The question is... have you seen it God’s way yet? 68

When you accept the realization that satan’s ONLY job is to destroy your life... it is then you will have the sanity to ask God, “What can I do to knock this jerk out?... Show me what to do.. how to do it.” I can tell you without hesitation, God WILL show you. He will direct you. Because you now have a hunger for His direction. When He sees that hunger, He will work in your life in ways you never thought possible. God tells us, without faith, we cannot please Him - Hebrews 11.6. God is omnipotent. I’ve heard many ministers say (and I believe this to be true), God has done all that’s necessary for us. There will not be a second Bible, Jesus will not die again for our sins, we will not come back for a second chance (reincarnation - as some beliefs indicate). Since He’s done all that’s necessary, where does that leave us in our unanswered and yet to be manifested prayers? I’ve heard testimonies of long forgotten prayers answered. This speaks to time and maturity on our part. Nothing pleases a father more than his wisdom returning to him from his children. This indicates learning... maturity. When fathers are pleased, they will do anything for their children. This is Jesus’ truth to us Luke 6:38. I know He has not forsaken me. Why? Because He says so. He also says He is not a liar and His Word will not return void - Isaiah 55:11. This is indelible and irreversible. It cannot be undone. Imagine someone in your life you love unconditionally. What would you not do for them? Difficult to imagine. As soon as you get this into your spirit, you will know the nature of God. God is love. Please receive this. God DOES NOT need excuses. Don’t be embarrassed for God. He knows EXACTLY what He’s doing all the time. He is not weak nor indecisive. He tells us in His word He’s the same yesterday, today and forever - Hebrews 13:8. He is not one to lie. Numbers 23.19 His Word is always sovereign.


NO MATTER 26 | A Different Sequence

HOWSMALL Concerning prayer.

I’m convinced small and large are equal to God. They are simply one in the same... a need. As with healing, dis-ease is dis-ease... whether it’s the most deadly or the most benign. Both are easy for God. Scripture says He laughs at satan with his futile efforts - Psalm 37.12-14. Case in point. With my prayers this morning, I included a request to find hubcaps. Ridiculous? You may think so, but check this out. Yesterday, as I was washing my car, I noticed two of the little hubcaps in the center of the rim had popped out. I already had one missing since the day I bought the car used a few years ago. It didn’t bug me. Other body imperfections were such that one little missing part was hardly noticeable. My first thought was vandalism. Then I thought, who would want something so insignificant from a ‘92 Honda. Then I recalled a recent pothole encounter. With my desire to keep the car at some modicum of appearance, I prayed for replacement hubs. Two sources came to mind. A very nearby Hubcap Haven store and a distant junkyard 10 miles away and it is rush hour traffic. I called. Both had old hub selections. I knew the junkyard would be 70

cheaper. But it was probably a trade off in gas and time used to get there versus the price of the nearby store. I need to mention here, I ALWAYS pray for supernatural favor with folks I meet and work with. This has proven itself over and over. So I go to the nearby store first, half mile away. I pop one of the existing hubs out for size. I walk in and right on the counter were at least 15 boxes of nothing but new and used hubcaps. Unfortunately all were manufacturers brand name parts. My car being older would not be represented. However the dude at the counter came right over, very nicely, asked to help. Handed him my hubcap requesting a replacement. He went to only one box which was the only box containing all custom and generic hubcaps... about 20 or so. As he rattled through them he said I don’t have any that match. I said that’s not an issue. I just want something to plug the hole. He found two that matched and actually looked better than my old one. We went outside to try them. Badda-bing badda-boom... they worked... and fit much better than the old one. I asked him if he might have two more to make a full four rim set. Highly unlikely in such a small selection. Back to the box and sure enough, found two more, exact same match. I asked him what I owed... he said very easily... no charge. Folks... in the larger cosmic picture, hubcaps are a spec on a gnat’s butt. But this was favor nonetheless. This was prayer answered in less than one hour. 71

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In God’s timing, some prayers aren’t as intricate as others. We have to accept this. Just because some things may take longer doesn’t mean they’re ignored. Some answers come instantly... some take years. In this case, only three things were required... my willingness to pursue... a friendly clerk... and a small box of used hubcaps. Besides, God already knew I would be searching for hubs. They had probably been waiting there for days. In some instances, several people’s actions are involved, circumstances have to be altered... God has to work on people’s spirits. All these things may require some supernatural shifting before we receive the results. Plus... we have to be ready for the answers. God may have the answer waiting, but He’s waiting for our capacity to receive and ability to handle it. His word even tells us He has gifts and rewards waiting for us. God’s word tells us plainly... delay is not denial. Psalm 104.24; Luke 18.1; Ephesians 1.11; 2 Peter 3.9. I don’t care the size of your need. Under God’s will, our obedience and expectancy... it is already resolved.





GOD When you submit, your life WILL change.

Prayer is not a mind thing, but a heart... a spirit thing. Do not humanize God. When you do this you box Him in. Scripture says My (God’s) thoughts are not your thoughts... My (God’s) ways are not your ways - Isaiah 55.8-9. Banish the ego, the self righteousness, the pride. Humble yourself, bend those knees and submit yourself to the Alpha and Omega of eternity. Other than God, no one or no thing deserves this respect and worship. No one or no thing can or will respond to you as God will. God is a jealous God. He wants no other idols before Him. Exodus 20:5; Numbers 25:13; Deuteronomy 4:24; Joshua 24:19 What idols do you serve?... gambling, alcohol, pornography, drugs? Those are obvious. What about TV, video games, music, eating, work, sports and others? These may be fine within moderation, however some folks allow (and the term is “allow”) these idols to control their lives. They worship these idols. You may not attend church or pay tithes, but you can know, if you worship anything other than God you STILL pay tithes to that idol. The difference being, tithes to God come back.


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We have control over our lives. If you feel you do not have control over them, then the power of prayers to God and authority over satan will break these bondages and yokes. He’s done it for me. As God says, He is no respecter of persons - Romans 2.11. He will do it for you. God does not want this control over your life either. God gives us life. He then gives us the choice... the CHOICE to give it back to Him. Put yourself in His place for a moment. Imagine giving your closest friend the most precious gift they could ever have along with the choice to keep it or throw it away. How would you feel if they threw it away? Some would say “Who cares?” That’s exactly my point. GOD CARES! He not only cares, He has given us a “Better Choice” manual. Sorry to deflect from my original direction. Submitting to God will change your life. Following is a manifestation and testimony of this point. As I was preparing for my trip last month to NC, I realized I needed unexpected car repair. This trip had been “planned” for several months. Finally I was determined this time to go. My trusted mechanic for over 20 years, gave me an estimate of $670. My spirit sank since I’m still under financial strain. The mechanic had allowed me to make payments in the past so I felt this time would be no exception. Obviously I prayed over this situation. I had, back in June, received a TOTALLY unsolicited, unexpected gift of $1000 from a friend to help with car repair. That’s another BLOW-YOUR-MIND testimony. So this time, I’m saying to God, I cannot continue expecting others to help me in these situations. I need to pay these bills myself. I need financial increase. In effect, I’m boxing God in here without realizing it. So I go in to pick up my car. The mechanic, knowing I was leaving the next day for NC told me to go ahead and take the car. I offered some payment at that time, but he repeated, saying


go ahead and take the car. I was appreciative and said I would initiate payments soon as I returned. All during my trip I was intermittently concerned over my car repair... I’m already paying a small fortune in gas. However, the Holy Spirit doused this concern on many occasions by telling me not to worry... “The money will be there”. I didn’t realize God was telling me “Don’t box me in. I will do things MY way”. This happened very strongly several times. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. There was no detail, just a general statement. As I returned from the trip and called the mechanic to make pay arrangements, he said something which, to say the very least, both stunned and startled me. He said “THE CAR HAS BEEN PAID FOR”. I have just entered the twilight zone. For a few minutes my mind was empty... stopped in my tracks... like the Road Runner zipping down the road and coming to an immediate halt on a dime. Basically the car repair was paid for BEFORE I picked it up. That’s why he told me to go ahead and take the car. He already knew it was paid for. I don’t typically tell people where I get my car repaired, much less the cost. More mystery. He said the Samaritan requested anonymity. Can you imagine someone paying the price for your repair when it WASN’T EVEN ASKED FOR, NOT EXPECTED... yet the debt was TOTALLY paid. Take a moment and let this sink in. This is exactly what Jesus did for ALL of us. His price was unexpected, not asked for, yet He paid the entire bill for our salvation into eternity. That’s more than a long time folks. To give thanks, praise and worship is the absolutely least thing we can do. We need to go beyond expressing our thanks by living and doing God’s Word. Let others know their repairs have been paid.


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in the

WORD You may not believe this.

There are Christian churches today preaching and teaching that miracles and spiritual, supernatural healing no longer exist. They were for a time... in the Bible’s past. How ludicrous! I myself and countless others have experienced God’s grace and mercy in undeniable fashion with witnesses. I have seen demons cast out. If you simply allow scripture to lead you, God will reveal glory to you. He is no respecter of persons. Acts 10.34; Romans 2.11-16. This is available to anyone. If you doubt God’s power to do these works, you may want to check out the following: www.assistnews.net/Stories/2007/s07070094.htm http://chaunceycrandallmd.com/default.aspx http://video.aol.com/video-detail/raised-from-the-dead-drchauncey-crandall/2150209188 www.healthgrades.com/directory_search/physician/profiles/drmd-reports/Dr-Chauncey-Crandall-IV-MD-0281AAB3.cfm I saw Dr. Crandall’s TV interview sharing this and other testimonies. Once you see the power of God in your life and hear the testimonies of others, it becomes extremely difficult to understand why ANYONE would feel they can get through life under their own strength. Prayer is the ONLY mechanism


which brings the power of the Holy Spirit into this earth realm for our benefit. Prayer is SPEAKING OUT with bold expectations. In Malachi 3, God said Try Me. Jesus did not come to earth to create denominations. He laid out no variety of game plans. He did not say you go there with that doctrine and you go here with this doctrine. It’s personal relationship and following the Word of God and Jesus... not contrived tenets of puffed up spirituality. We need to forget calling ourselves Baptists, Methodists, Mormons, Catholics, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Pentecostals... it’s endless. The original followers were called the Way. They understood a new Way of life. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, the Life... No man cometh to the Father but through me. John 14:5-14 This cannot be more plainly stated. Truly astonishing how we have complicated that simple directive from God. If someone were to ask your belief, your response would be... Christian... not Mennonite, Jehovah’s Witness, Episcopalian or some other splinter group doing scripture their way. Can you imagine the power of God demonstrated and manifested on this earth if all believers were of one mind? Christians have become divided and diluted by saying WE have the better system... no, WE have the best understanding... no, WE have the most favor with God. Imagine one giant lens focusing sunlight, the Holy Spirit, onto dry bones rather than dispersed efforts with Zippos, flints, matchsticks, twigs and string. Eliminate confusion by being a single light into the darkness. These various attempts to define God create only fertile soil for unbelievers to point and say, which one is right? Are they all wrong? The natural mind may logically assume this. Isn’t a Christian a Christian? Or perhaps there’s God, then there’s God. This is why satan has such a stronghold over so many. As long as believers puff themselves a little larger than the next church, that causes doubt, compromise and hesitation


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in unbelievers. It may not be spoken, but it’s in the air. This is EXACTLY what satan is looking for. DISTRACTION from God. When you display a hunger to God for His revelation, He will show up. Hebrews 11.6 That’s His word to us. He waits for us. He knocks at the door. Revelation 3.20 This message is knocking at someone’s door right now. Don’t be ashamed, reluctant or embarrassed. It’s your eternity. No one can choose it for you. Pray for wisdom and discernment of spirit. www.prayingdoctors.com www.wcdn.org/wcdn_eng/intro_e.htm www.soulchoiceministries.org

Revelation 20:15 The choice is yours. Hell was created by God... NOT FOR US... but for satan who was cast out for his rebellion. Matthew 25.41 The time is coming when satan himself will be cast into the Lake of Fire. Don’t let him take you with him. The earth is not God’s dominion, it is our dominion. Satan is ruler of the air. That is his kingdom. Ephesians 2.1-2 Satan is supernatural. If you are a believer of Jesus and that He died for your sins and you have repented, then you have authority through Jesus’ blood over all that satan can bring against you. Matthew 28.18; Luke 10.19 Wherever the sole of your foot treads belongs to you. Deuteronomy 11.24; Joshua 1.3-6 These are not contrived words brow beating you into submission. This is scripture. God has given US the CHOICE of our eternal destination. God says, CHOOSE LIFE. Deuteronomy 30.15-20


Spiritual WARFARE Do you find it difficult to praise God under fire... or adverse circumstances?

I certainly admit I do. And I can tell you why we have this reaction under difficulties, speaking for myself. When I’m under attack, I have a strong tendency to fight back, not cower or run. By destroying the aggressor, I prevent more attacks, at least from that source. Perhaps it’s male hard-wiring, but I, although not the outward aggressive male stereotype, want to strike back... lash out at satan when he attacks. Here’s the kicker. We’re dealing with spiritual forces which manifest as physical world issues. So to lash out at the source of the problem, an invisible satanic spirit, seems fruitless... implausible... absurd. It becomes a what-you-can't-see-you-can't-grab issue. Men, at least myself, like to have hands on when it comes to talking out problems. It generates a sense of accomplishment. A sense of you-don't-do-that-tome-and-get-away-with-it attitude. Of course not all problems need be taken personally. I’m speaking of life issues under attack, not repairing the lawn mower.


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I feel this is a prime reason why so many men have difficulty coming to God with their lives. Men, in general, feel like they’re giving up control and a fix-it-myself attitude when yielding to God... that it is somehow wimpish. Let me destroy that view now. If anything, by avoiding God you become weak and have no strength to defend satan. This is the very egotistical, prideful, flesh-eating logic satan is looking for. Once anyone bites on this logic, satan has hooked them. We must remember satan is supernatural. We are not. To fight the supernatural you have to use the supernatural... different arsenal... not of this world. Through the portals of sermons, teachings and reading the Word, we realize God is our weapon. Revenge is His, not ours. Deuteronomy 32.35; Romans 12.19 However, I will add this perspective. This is my own and have never heard a minister actually make this specific point. I firmly believe God intended for us to realize a sort of “revenge” against satan by giving us, as believers, authority over satan. I certainly feel that way when I’m in authority or using prayer language. I’ve seen it work. When satan takes a swipe at you, let him know what you think about disrespecting a child of God. Don’t fear satan. Why fear him when he fears God? Satan fears truth. He is the father of lies. John 8.44 God created all of us... men included. Some women out there may feel otherwise. You know the whole Mars-Venus thing. That’s only an attempt by authors to emphasize differences rather than similarities. God says both are equal in His eyes. Genesis 1.27; Galatians 3.28 That alone is reason for us to accept no less. (While I’m on this point, discussing differences can certainly be beneficial and edifying. And can be enjoyable if done constructively and positively. Of course some men have to start opening their mouths and discuss issues. Ladies, I’m trying to help you out here.)


If satan is sitting on you so hard you don’t feel like praying, or feel if you did it would do no good... I can tell you now, from experience, this is a lie from satan himself. Remember, God tells us satan is the great deceiver and distracter. 2 John 1.7; Revelation 12.9 PRAY ANYWAY. God hears us. He tells us He is closest when we are in pain. Psalm 34.18 I was unable to view praise and worship as weapons. Rather, as methods of communicating with God as He asks us to do. We are created to worship our creator. Genesis 1.26; Psalm 86.12; Isaiah 43.7 It’s a natural immutable spiritual law when you think of it. Put it this way. Worship unto itself is so compelling a force, by not worshiping THE God, you are worshiping another god... be it music, food, drugs, alcohol, gambling, religion (consider all the false statues of glass, wood and metal), pornography, sports, politics, violence, shopping (I know that hit a nerve)... all of these and more become idols of worship. What is your golden calf? Psalm 31.6; 106.36. Scripture contains over 170 verses concerning idols. As I write this, I remind myself praise, worship and prayer are also weapons... spiritual weapons. Within the past six to seven years of coming back to God in an intense rush of hunger, I’ve come to realize I have to be careful how I hear and interpret His Word. Even God himself tells us this. Deuteronomy 4.2,12.32; Ecclesiastes 3.14; Proverbs 14.12; 30.6; 2 Corinthians 11.2-4; Galatians 1.6-10; Matthew 24.23-24; John 14; Acts 4.1112; 1 Timothy 2.3-6; 2 Timothy 3.12-17; Revelation 22 Women, not being as testosterone laden as men, may feel this sense of lashing back at satan differently. However I know women of God do realize that we all, as believers, are in spiritual warfare. 2 Corinthians 10:4 His Word tell us this. Some folks tend to believe, as I did for years, praise, worship and belief in God were more in the wimpy category, whereas it was difficult to ever see any direct manifestations of belief, prayer and worship.


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Therefore I was under the notion I always had to do everything myself, could only rely on myself. How many times have you heard that negative said. Well... if you want anything done right, you have to do it yourself. Under certain conditions this may be true, however, it’s not mutually exclusive that we omit God from this formula. By doing it yourself, you still need to bring God into the endeavor. He also tells us “Lean not to your own understanding”. Proverbs 3:5 One of our most powerful weapons, as believers, is our God given authority over satan. Luke 10.18-20; John 14.12-14 Best of all... satan knows it. Mark 5.1-8 tells us satan knew he had to flee at the sight or command of Jesus. Maintain your arsenal. Satan takes shots at us every day. It’s time you returned fire... and do it knowing you are using the authority of the creator of the universe... God himself... the Alpha and Omega.


Prayer and

A college friend’s mom died today. He and I knew each other through church during high school years. Since we lived a fair distance apart, our families connected only through church. Our families were loyal church attendees at every function, it seemed... a small rural Baptist church with tight knit community friends. Marie’s family always wore smiles. Not like they HAD to, but as though they had no choice... as though the family was on a demerit system. No smile... another two bits into the pickle jar. Always in good spirits. Somewhat amazing. My mom called a few days before Marie passed alerting me she had been hospitalized and doctors didn’t know the cause. A few days later, she called again saying Marie had slipped into a comalike state and things didn’t look good. Mom and I were discussing the spiritual aspects of this situation... prayer and such. At this point in time, I was a bit out of sorts, dealing with ongoing financial issues and didn’t really have the heart I normally have to pray about anything. Regardless, this was special. Marie’s report was not good and I knew I HAD to pray. Obviously I knew many others were praying for her and her family. But we can’t say to ourselves, “that should be enough, why should I bother”.


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Corporate prayer can be viewed in at least a couple of ways. One... it’s like water buffalo turning to stand their ground against charging lions... to pull down the enemy. Another... is like combining efforts to lift a drowning victim from the raging flood. We don’t know exactly how God works with prayers... how He decides which ones to accept. Is a larger number of weaker believers just as worthy as a fewer number of stronger believers? Scripture tell us even one person, like Daniel, can change a multitude through prayer. So it’s possible God might say, if I had just one more prayer over this situation, I will see it through. God agreed with Abraham, asking if he could find 50, 45, 40, 30, 20 down to 10 righteous to save Sodom. For this reason alone, we MUST add our prayers whether we think they are needed or not. WE CANNOT TAKE THE RISK. So I’m pushing myself out of my lethargy over my own circumstance, to prayer for Marie. At first I didn’t know if it would be effective because of my attitude. But just a few words into the prayer and the Spirit charged in. I was overwhelmed. I suggested to God if I had any rewards due me for whatever reason, I’m cashing them in for Marie’s recovery. I was speaking against fear over the family and all that. The Spirit was so strong, I could hardly speak. I finally got through it and felt quite relieved from the obedience. Surely, I thought, this powerful experience would have SOME effect on her dilemma. I felt the need to pray couple more times that night. I was really looking forward to a supernatural demonstration. Mom called today saying Marie had passed. I felt moments of, not anger, but disappointment. Mainly because I’m wanting to be more active in God’s plan. To be, as He tells us, more of a doer and not just a hearer of the Word - James 1.22-25. As I hashed it through, I came to realize I was a tinge egotistical through my prayer attitude. I wanted to see Marie recover and to realize I... that I had some part in it. Most of us feel this way at times, I’m sure. But of course, we can’t see the big picture, the big


plan. God has a purpose for every move. It’s for this very reason, we MUST continue to pray. It’s ludicrous to avoid it whether we FEEL like it or not. Scripture tells us to avoid basing decisions on emotions or feelings. Jeremiah 17.9; Proverbs 14.12, 16.25; Matthew 7.21-23; Mark 7.9 So that brings us to another conclusion we must examine. When praying for others, those prayers are as much for us as for them. The content may be for them, but the action is for us. God is taking notes concerning our behavior toward situations. Otherwise there would be no need for Judgment Day... and we will all face it. Will God need time to read your Book of Life or will He simply thumb through blank pages?


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PERSIST PressOn! Talent cannot replace it... Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.

Genius cannot replace it... Neglected genius is almost a proverb. Education cannot replace it... The world is full of educated derelicts. (Vice-President Calvin Coolidge)

(Jesus speaking) Then He said to them “Suppose one of you has a friend and he goes to him at midnight and says, ‘Friend lend me three loaves of bread because a friend of mine on a journey has come to me and I have nothing to set before him.’

Then the one inside answers, ‘Don’t bother me the door is already locked and my children are with me in bed. I can’t get up and give you anything.’ I tell you though he will not get up and give him the bread because he is his friend, yet because of the man’s persistence he will get up and give him as much as he needs. 86

TENCE So I say to you: Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Which of you fathers if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” Luke 11:5-13 (Paul speaking) “But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when His righteous judgment will be revealed. God will give to each person according to what he has done.

To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, He will give eternal life. But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil.” Romans 2:5-9


revailing P inds W

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High pressures Low pressures Cold fronts Warm fronts

All are ingredients for storms... both physical and spiritual. When these opposites meet, the action begins. And it can be fierce. No more blue skies. No more sunny days. No joy. No laughter. No more friends. Living by the week, the day, perhaps the hour. Always struggling. Your smile is upside down. Time to move to Australia (take a few moments for that one). Ever heard the meteorologist mention the term depression when these fronts collide? A perfect storm could be eminent. Events so precise they push you to the edge of extinction. Have you been there? Allow me to describe it. It’s dark... you’re hanging over the edge suspended only by the strength of your big toe snarled in a tree root, upside down... flailing... total fear... anger... anxiety... despair... depression... completely and totally helpless. The root could snap at any moment sending you into total free fall. Based on national statistics, the edge is crowded.


Prayer doesn’t work, God has abandoned you. No cell phones. No GPS. No flares. I’m talking zero. ABSOLUTE ZERO! MINUS ZERO! Imagine strapped to the bottom of a boat as the skipper sails through a coral reef. No one can hear your screams. These are silent screams which can come through normal words. No one pays attention, unless you’re fortunate to have a couple of close friends who listen. You probably know someone right now who is screaming... try to listen for it. I’ve known a homeless Vietnam vet for several years. No one heard his screams. He’s been on the street for over 20 years. At this point, some folks seek out the nearest bridge to perform that last swan dive, to squeeze the last trigger or pills for that sleep into forever. Me? I think of my ancestors. They brought me to this moment. I can never repay them. Finally at some point in time... in the midst of the void... the twilight zone... appears a glimmer.... a sliver... a particle... a glint of perceptible light... like a fledgling sunbeam careening off a distant dew drop at near dawn. Thank God for my parents taking me to church as a kid, I begin to remember faintly, syllables and fragments of the Lord’s Prayer... shadow of death - yes, know that.... fear no evil - not quite there yet... thou art with me - don’t feel it yet... Goodness and Mercy shall follow you all the days of your life - I could use friends like that right about now.


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But this was the pivotal time, although I wouldn’t realize it for several years. Now that I’m mostly recovered thanks to God’s grace and mercy, my finances are still over the edge. They didn’t come back with me. I could only focus on survival and recovery. I’ve done my best considering my circumstances... to no avail. Scripture tells us to “hand it over to God”. Scripture tells us to “take authority and move our own mountains”. Which is it? I struggled with verses like this for quite some time. It’s both. They’re not mutually exclusive. When you have a hunger for God, He will lead you to ministers who know the answers. As God brings us through near death experiences, His Word for those times will be emblazoned in your spirit. It then becomes our duty and commandment to pass this on to others. Testimonies... I thrive on them. I love seeing amazement on faces after testimonies. It indicates encouragement... a closeness to the supernatural. If you feel a storm brewing or are in the midst of one, check out these shelters... Psalm 34.18; Psalm 91; Mark 11:22-25 and James 1:2-18. There are more.





I just had a profoundly simple experience. I’m sure most of you have had this experience but perhaps did not apply the lesson. I’m preparing a quick meal. Haven’t eaten all day. I’m looking in my cupboard for a jar of pickled beets... quite an obvious container. Beets are on the label. They’re in a clear glass jar so I can see the beets in the jar, unlike a can. There were other items on the shelves... boxes, jars, bottles most at eye level, I will add. I didn’t see the beets. Where are the beets? I KNEW I had just bought them a few days ago. I had just emptied my existing bottle. So I KNEW I had not opened the next bottle without remembering. I went to the refrigerator. Nope. Not in there. As George Carlin once said, when you can’t find something, the last place you look is in the refrigerator. So sometimes, I look there first.


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Went back to the cupboard again looking behind cans and jars. Still didn’t see it. I KNOW I’m not losing it. I go back to my meal preparing. Then I go back to the cupboard for another item. INSTANTLY... I see the beets sitting right there in plain sight on a box of noodles. HOW could I have missed it?! Here’s the blast. Sometimes we can look too hard for God. How often do we look for God in places we absolutely KNOW He will be... only to miss Him and wonder what happened. Where is He? He’s there all along... right in front of us. We just don’t see Him because we’re looking where we THOUGHT He was supposed to be. As often as not, I’ve found God shows up where and when I least expect Him. We have to realize this is a demonstration of His love for us... for these surprises ALWAYS bring joy and amazement. Try surprising someone with a gift just to see the joy sweep across their face. Once, while home visiting mom, we were eating in a restaurant, I spied two elderly ladies at a table. For some reason, I surmised perhaps they were widowed or friends on a tight budget sharing lunch. The Spirit told me... buy their meals. I thought... God, I’m straining here. Well... it wasn’t an expensive restaurant, so I was able to manage. As I walked by their table, I quietly drew their attention and asked for their receipts. They were shocked, confused and pleased... an interesting combination. I didn’t introduce myself nor asked their names. Wasn’t important. The purpose was joy unexpectedly. Kind of a pay-it-forward thing. Giving forward, not in return. We can all use more of that. Scripture tells us God never changes. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13.8 So if we saw Him once and not the next time, has God moved... or have we? Spirit by it’s very nature is not static. Don’t misinterpret this scripture as God never moving. God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. Covers it all. We must be in position to see God.


Speak Like aChild

Any Herbie Hancock fans out there?

If Mom has told this story once, she’s told it a thousand times. You know moms - telling relatives and folks about proud moments of their kids. Mine was no exception. One of her stories goes something like this: When I was a little whipper snapper (my embellishment)... pausing here for a moment.... I’m not altogether sure what a whipper snapper is. Haven’t heard that term in years. Probably means a smarty pants. It brings a vision of a shaky grandpa in a creaky porch swing, puffing the old corn cob, recalling his days of youth. As a kid, I always wanted to be a pilot and fly jets. I had jet models. Mom says of all the drawings I did as a kid, one stood out. The drawing was of two jet fighters flying toward each other. They were firing bullets at each other. But the bullets were going around the 'friendly' jet. I also drew a man up in the sky over one of the jets. Apparently he was over the friendly jet shooting at the bad guys. Someone seeing the drawing, asked me who was the man in the sky. I replied... Jesus. Surmising my intention, they asked if the man in the sky was going to stop the enemy’s bullets. No, I replied. He would not stop the bullets, but he would not allow them to hit the friendly plane. 93

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This is the mind of a child, maybe a whipper snapper, who doesn’t know the rules yet. Doesn’t know the world’s rules. Where do children come from? Well... we know where the child’s spirit comes from... God. I presume this would be heaven... not some sort of anteroom of heaven. God says He knew us before the womb. Isaiah 44.24, 49:15; Psalm 71.6; Jeremiah 1.5; Galatians 1.15 This would explain those moments you have when you pause and realize, this world truly is insane in many ways. Well, the reason for that could be we remember our true origins... heaven... the Kingdom. This would be why sometimes people make us sick to our stomach with their delirious behavior. The world (satan) has robbed them of their heavenly memories. God speaks of this. He tells us to be IN the world, not OF the world. John 17.14-16 That’s like saying we are US citizens visiting China, but just because we’re IN China, we are not FROM China. We are only visiting. What can we learn... what MUST we learn from our trip? We come to learn what we already know. Jesus says... “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3 As adults, we’re not to crawl on our hands and knees, rather to maintain the attitude that anything is possible, while being fearless. God tells us, with Him nothing is impossible. Luke 1.37 Even though we are born into sin (scripture says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God - Romans 3.23), children speak truth. They have no motives, no agenda, nothing to lose. They are fearless. They are uncluttered, innocent and carry no baggage.


In a real sense, children are born into a realm of existence of which they have no clue and didn’t ask to be here. So what do they rely on until grownups teach them the “rules” of this new place?... the spirit that came with them. By following God’s Word, we assure ourselves His spirit will never leave us. (Although I have suspicion our spirits in heaven achieve a boldness to ask God... ok I’m ready... send me. Send me into that somewhere between heaven and hell. I want to learn and mature into a powerful servant of God, reclaim lost spirits and return to wear my crown of victory.) Consider this: God’s Word never speaks of spirit being young or old. Spirit is. It’s our shell who is young, then old. The spirit remains constant. It’s only through our human mind, by hearing God’s Word, our spirit becomes edified. Not older... but edified... mature. As returning believers, we become the prodigal sons and daughters returning to our Father. By learning God’s Word the best we know how, we need not fear judgment. The more we mature by the world’s “rules”, the further we drift from Jesus’ example. Our child vision diminishes. Children have no fear because they don’t know the “rules”. Ironically, once we learn worldly rules, fear follows. God’s Word says He does not give us a spirit of fear. So we know where fear comes from. 2 Timothy 1.7 "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4.18


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we cannot please Him without it. Hebrews 11.6 Faith comes by hearing the Word and the Word comes through Christ. Romans 10.17 Four words God does not want to hear from his followers... 'Yes, but what if'. God places obedience above sacrifice. God will not give you a mission without the means to accomplish it. 1 Corinthians 10.13 Consider this sequence... letters to words to sentences to paragraphs to books and so on. English is a goulash of mainly French, Latin and Germanic origins. Our numbers have a Hindu-Arabic origin. Everything that is written in the English language is made up of any particular sequence of only 26 letters, 10 numbers and an assortment of punctuation marks. Quite stunning when you think of it. The arrangement of these elements makes all the difference. It’s the same with music.


The written word is a graphic depiction of thought... a method of communicating. The written word requires no sound. The written word is powerful. Major documents throughout time hold power because of the written word. The written word requires learning to produce it. It serves no purpose, however, unless someone else has learned how to read it. Ahh... but the spoken word. Eleven times in the first chapter of Genesis, God SPEAKS creation. This is power. This is demonstration. Scripture tells us life and death are in the power of the tongue. Proverbs 18.21 Thought converted into sound. Sound which can create or destroy. Sound which also has to be learned. 'My people suffer for lack of knowledge.' Hosea 4.6 If you are willing to open your heart and mind, the Holy Spirit will bring truth into your life. You don’t have to buy tickets, make reservations or wait in line. You can receive it just for the asking... RIGHT NOW... where you stand. It’s free, free, free. FREE! Scripture says the Holy Spirit will bring us into all truth. John 16.13


26 | A Different Sequence God states, 'Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach. It is not in heaven... nor is it beyond the sea... No, the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it... See, I set before you this day life and prosperity, death and destruction.'

'For I command you this day to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways and to keep His commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.' 'But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to bow down to other gods and worship them, I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed... This day I call forth heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set forth before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now CHOOSE LIFE, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to His voice and hold fast to Him. For the Lord is your life and He will give many years in the land He swore to your fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.' Deuteronomy 30:11-20


e a k Ta e t i B Drink what you chew and chew what you drink.

A cool axiom from my macrobiotic days. When you are chowing down, ever notice, not only what you eat, but how you eat? Do you take the time to chew properly, allowing the function of saliva, enzymes and attitude (yes... attitude) to break down the food for optimum absorption? Or do you wolf it down, like a beast ripping the latest road kill, forcing your stomach to do all the work? Attitude is critical. Our bodies are chemical factories. Attitude is the control panel for a majority of these chemicals. When you eat under stress, rather than joy or happiness, your body is not receiving the best results from the food. In fact, stress can bring conflict between food and body. Heartburn anyone? Sorry ‘bout that. The proper food, unto itself, is benign. It’s how we chew and digest that renders it beneficial for us. Do you allow the flavors and aromas to enrich the nourishment and pleasure of the food? God gave us taste buds for a purpose... to both enjoy the food and to warn us of toxins. We have an early warning system alerting us to any substance which may bring harm to the rest of the body. Our bodies need to give thanks to those taste buds every day. 99

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I must toss in a side note here. Consider the downside of living in this land of plenty... which is... we can always get more. Eat and drink like there’s no tomorrow. Why not... there’s always more. This attitude defies frugality and responsibility, sidestepping a disciplined lifestyle. Overeating promotes overweight, promotes disease, promotes anxiety, promotes overeating. Then we all pay for it through our healthcare premiums. We need to eat out of respect for our abundance. Globally, starving folks are in pain.... gluttonous folks are in pain. Two extremes, same result. As we take in sustenance, we need to do it properly for maximum effect. Some of you are already ahead of me on this one. It’s the same in the spirit. If you leave God’s Word lying on a table as an ornament or false advertising, collecting dust, it does no one any good. I’m quite sure God would rather see the gold trim worn off those pages, than looking shiny and new for display. For maximum nourishment, study God’s Word with intent. Don’t rush. Savor the aromas, the flavors. God says His Word is living waters to our spirit. Chew on it until you can drink it. Nothing like a cool drink to quench the savage beast.


The Allo


e m Ti rcy Me e Grac


I was just recalling when my folks gave me allowances... a little jingle-jingle. You know... bits of change, bread, greenbacks... to do with as you wish (or as they taught you... not being foolish with it). Buying moon pies, RC colas, bubble gum... that’s not being foolish... is it? Ah yes! Nothing beat pouring peanuts into an RC cola. You mean they stopped makin’ RC’s? I better hush my mouth. In effect, they allowed you to have something valuable that was part of them. They thought it so valuable, they wanted you to have it. Freedom. Choice. They weren’t just giving you moola, it was love. You may think so, but those days are not over. God has always given us allowances. Time. Mercy. Grace. He’s given you breath this day... this hour... this very minute... this second. What are you doing with it? Spending it wisely? Throwing it away? We all will be asked one day to account for our spending habits. Scripture says EVERY knee shall bow. Romans 14:11 I don’t care if you believe in God or not, your knee WILL bow. At that moment, will you be in debt, or will you have a savings account? Our treasures are stored up in heaven. Matthew 6:20 To your folks, you had shown obedience and willingness to be taught. They chose to reward you. This is love. Love is not finite. There is always more. Oh... you may turn the valve off now and then, but love will always flow when given a chance. Love is like water... like electricity. It takes the path of least resistance. Don’t resist. Take what God offers you. It’s free. BE FREE.


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Go beyond FACT and get into TRUTH.

Th e


e b l e be

We go to kindergarten, grade school, high school, college, post-graduate... all these phases of learning are helpful to increase in the world. Yet, we really never finish school. Life is learning. School within school. School beyond school. Yet some may feel, since my physical body has reached it’s mature size, so has my mind. I’ve learned all I need to get by. Why strain myself for needless information. Get beyond “just enough to get by”. God says... My people suffer for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4.6 Realize, much info we get is erroneous, spun, warped, adulterated and filtered. We live our lives based on “facts”, hearsay and half truths. We need to continually be open to updated information. Things change. Science is continually updating itself... new theories, new elements, directions. Fact is not truth. Doctors will tell you... the fact is, you can expect this or that because of conditions and prognosis.

God tells us... the truth is, you can expect your healing because I sent my Son to die for it. By His stripes you were healed and bore all your diseases. Isaiah 53. 4-6; 1 Peter 2.24


Science and physics tell us a bumblebee cannot fly. It’s design is wrong. It’s engineering is flawed. Body is too chunky and wings are too short. But don't tell that to the bumblebee. It doesn’t know it’s too chunky with stubby wings. It simply does what God designed it to do. God made the bumblebee to fly. It will fly. Go beyond fact and get into truth. This will change your life. This is a learning process. Living in faith and truth is not worldly, it’s spiritual. The enemy is god of this world. 2 Corinthians 4:4 The battle is not in the flesh, but in the Spirit. Ephesians 6.12 Don’t live in the world, but in the Spirit. Don’t let the world control you. The world will mislead and distract. Scripture tells us God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13.8 The truth, not the world, will make you free. John 8.32


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e th

God does not judge on a curve.


matter how adept, adroit, sharp, suave, slick, cool, brazen, radical or stupefying you are at rationalizing. You may fool others. You may even fool yourself. You don’t fool God. When it comes to sin and disobedience there’s only one way out. Repent. Luke 13.3 We can sin and know it, we can sin and not know it. There is no excuse. Romans 10.14-21 Blow that foul stench of pride and ego out of your nostrils and ask for forgiveness from your heart. It doesn’t matter how big or small. We commit them everyday one way or another. Just accept it and respectfully humble yourself EVERYDAY before your creator. 104

He has freely given us Grace and Mercy which we can never repay. These cannot be earned by ANYTHING we do. Ephesians 2.8 That would be a reward. God is UNCONDITIONAL love... poured out on all of us. So much so He sent his ONLY son as a blood sacrifice, paying for our mistakes. John 3.16 Religions, doctrines, traditions and deceptive beliefs offer deceptions. I speak from experience. Don’t buy into them. We are ALL born into sin. Psalm 51.5 We had no choice. But we can do something about it. We are ALL God’s creation. Even the worst of us... and He has given us CHOICE. Galatians 5.13 Consider what I’m saying here! Your creator, my creator... after sacrificing His ONLY son for us... after ALL THAT... STILL gives us choice. Now THAT’S a God I want to serve. God wants absolutely none of us to spend eternity in the lake of fire. NONE OF US. 2 Peter 3.8-10 God says when we ask for forgiveness of sins, it’s as though they are cast into the sea. Micah 7.19 Even God forgets them. I’m not just blowing Holy Spirit confetti here. This is all in scripture. Do you sweep your sins under the carpet? One day your creator is going to lift that carpet. What will He find?


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le i rc

The Circle


CIR e h T T he C

The most exquisite and eternal of shapes.

Although, the spiral would rate a close second. After all it, too, is everywhere in nature... sunflowers (seed pattern), galaxies, hair growth, seashells (nautilus), storms, snail shells, broccoli. But there’s something unique about the circle. Bubbles, balls, planets, sun, moon, eyes, wheels, dandelions, hula hoops... considered to be the most successful toy ever made. What a beautiful shape with endless symbolisms. It’s the “contains everything” shape. An old song asks, “Will the Circle Be Unbroken?”... an old favorite of mine... timeless. The circle embodies, philosophically, all we’ve come to sense about cosmic, intellectual thinking. No beginning, no end. Some


may see it’s shape as a symbol of completeness or wholeness... without imperfection... without wavering... solid. A believer’s existence is circular. Our spirit came from God and it returns for judgment. Our body came from dust and it returns to dust. You may have heard the term “circular reasoning”. It is an attempt to support a statement by simply repeating the statement in different or stronger terms. It is supporting a premise with that same premise rather than a conclusion. Wikipedia gives this example (paraphrasing): “Bush is the best president this nation has known because he’s the most successful president in our history”. Or perhaps this version: Suppose Paula is not lying when she speaks. Paula is speaking. Therefore, Paula is telling the truth. These statements are logical, but they do nothing to convince one of the truthfulness of the speaker. The problem is that in seeking to prove Paula’s truthfulness, the speaker asks the audience to assume that Paula is telling the truth, so this actually proves “If Paula is not lying, then Paula is telling the truth.” Sound like politics? Check this out... Have you ever had the experience of thinking your way through a situation... searching the solution to a problem... only to realize, when you discuss that solution with someone or begin to manifest it in the physical, it falls apart? There was an unseen loose thread. What happened? What happened to that fantastic solution you had all mapped out in your cranial closet... in that marvelous private ivory tower of intellect?... that tower you built all on your on without asking God? Well I submit this to you. God gave us a mouth to speak, ears to hear and so on. He did NOT intend for us to rely solely on just one of these portals as a solution. We are created to use them all.


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Otherwise we would have only a mouth, only an ear and so on. Each portal adds different input of the same issue into our brain... into our spirit. Recently, a saintly friend was discussing the prospect of folks who think without speaking. This dredged up some old thoughts I had on the subject. I had long since been curious of this phenomenon. Why is it our thoughts can impact us differently when we hear the audible version? Why would that be? This truly is bizarre when you think about it. The scripture does remind us to think before we speak. Don’t blurt out garbage, then pay the price. Herein is the circle from a different drummer. God wants and desires His Spirit to guide us. Galatians 5:25 We must let the “flesh” die, as Paul says plainly. Galatians 7 In so doing... when we allow His Spirit to generate thoughts... which we then speak out... which we then hear... which then affects our thoughts... which then affects out Spirit... Can you see the circle? In effect, God is reflecting Himself to Himself through us. God is THE CIRCLE... the beginning and the end... the wholeness... the completeness. We are God’s prism. Through us, God’s Word, white light, is directed. It’s up to us to disperse it into glorious color. Jesus says He knocks at the door Revelation 3.20. He’s asking for our permission. Consider the Alpha and Omega of the known and unknown... asking OUR permission. Now I don’t care which part of the forest you live in... THAT’s heavy duty. Herewith are verses relating to speaking: Psalm 103.20, Romans 10.9-10, 2 Corinthians 4.13, Ezekiel 3.17-19; 33.7-9 (may be one of the most powerful reasons to speak out). Why must we speak out? What is it about sending vibrations into the air... disturbing the air?


God SPOKE creation into existence. Genesis 1 Paul explains: “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.” Ephesians 2.1-5 When we speak out boldly in authority (given to us as blood bought believers in Jesus), we bring the power of God into satan’s kingdom... the air. You can pray, worship, praise, sing, preach, teach, play music... all these are methods of raining on satan’s playground. All this is to say... don’t feel you can simply THINK your relationship with God and get the best results. We need to SPEAK out our prayers, our expectations, our repentance... our love. We may not fully understand it. So what. Living with God is a faith thing. When you study His Word, try reading it out loud. Notice the difference. And consider every spoken word from scripture is giving any evil spirit floating around a good ding on the noggin’. As Paul tells us, the battle is in the spirit, not the flesh. Galatians 5.17



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Of the solar and lunar eclipses, the solar is by far the most dramatic in several ways. As we know, an eclipse is the passing of the moon between earth and the sun. Almost as though the moon feels ignored. So it moves in front of the light saying Here am I... Look at me! First of all, consider this. Of all the vastness between objects in outer space, the space between our earth, moon and the sun is EXACTLY the precise distance to produce a solar eclipse. Not only that, the moon and sun must have precise diameters for the perfect overlap. We see in God’s Word time and again, referrals to nature. Many of Jesus’ parables reference nature. Since God created nature and humans to occupy nature, it would follow we are made to interact with nature. If we pay attention to nature, we learn powerful, dynamic lessons. Jesus obviously saw the importance of this. Not only that, Jesus said when you hear me speak, you hear the words of my Father in heaven. John 12.49 Studying God’s Word, we realize the nature of God and satan. It’s very important to know the distinctions... a discernment of spirit. This can save your life both now and eternally. 110

During our time on earth, we can realize repeatedly the attempts of satan to separate us from God. That is his singular purpose to exist... to separate, distract... to kill, steal and destroy. John 8.44; John10.10 Satan brings undeniable darkness. However, like an eclipse, it’s only temporary. Make no mistake. A sustained eclipse would change the earth dramatically. Earth needs light to exist. Photosynthesis and life would not exist without light. Past cultures believed eclipses were evil signs. Modern science brings understanding. However, perhaps those folks were onto something spiritually they didn’t fully realize. Perhaps they were unconsciously observing something in the heavens they saw in themselves... darkness. If they perceived their personal darkness as evil, it would follow, that same darkness in the heavens, an eclipse, was also evil. Eclipses today have become quite the opposite. More a glorious, anticipated event rather than a fearful encounter. They create totally unique glimpses into another of God’s wonders. We now perceive the sun as never before... Bailey’s Beads and other amazements. It’s seeing the darkness as opportunity, not as a problem. We have a grand moment to study the light behind the dark... the solution behind the interference. Don’t let satan become all you see. Turn satan into an opportunity to learn more about God. Resistance generates strength. James 1.2-3 I would offer you this challenge. Turn the next eclipse in your life into an opportunity to study the nature of God... the true and everlasting light of eternity. You will be rewarded for it. God’s word guarantees as much. “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” Hebrews 11.6


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It affects not only us, but also those around us. I could never have imagined it. One of my most impressive testimonies is this one concerning God's provision. Several years ago I was introduced to Brian. Our mutual friend, of whom I had lost contact years ago, called to see if my phone was still valid. We had much to catch up with, one being my plunge into understanding God's Word. As it turns out, she was renting Brian's basement. She invited me to one of Brian's bible classes he had been teaching in his home for nearly 30 years. I was impressed and began attendance. Most of the class had been with him from the beginning. The classes were enjoyable combining snacks with learning the Word. Two meals in one you might say. After about two years, Brian and his wife decided to move back to San Antonio. We exchanged contacts. Occasionally we exchanged emails with the normal updates of life. At that time my life was seriously financially stressed. At one point he asked how I was doing. I had a couple small projects in and a car repair coming up I really could not afford at that time. That was all I said about the repair.


We never sent postal correspondence, only emails. Then one day, as I was leaving for errands, I checked my mailbox and saw an envelope from Brian. My immediate thought was something urgent must have happened in his family. As I was rushing to the post office, I jumped into the car with his letter unopened. After arriving at the parking lot, on a sunny, warm afternoon, I sat in my car without closing the door and opened his envelope. As I removed a single sheet of folded paper, another smaller piece of paper fell out upside down onto my passenger seat. As I unfolded his letter, it only had a single line... "Larry, the Holy Spirit told me to send this to you." As I reached over to pick up the piece of paper, I flipped it over. It was a check for $1,000. To put it mildly, I was in shock. Not only because he had bothered to send me a check, but it was almost to the dime, the cost of my car repair, which I never told him. I memorized more scripture. Nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1.37 God is my provider in all things. Philippians 4:19 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 What can I say folks. God is no respecter of persons. Acts 10.34 What He has done for me, He will do for anyone. Brian was obedient. I have no doubt it blessed him, but it also blessed me and my mechanic. God puts obedience above sacrifice. 1 Samuel 15:22 This is huge when you think of it. This is the importance of remaining in fellowship with true believers who study the Word. Thank you Brian!


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GRIP Realize the strength, cunning and power of an alligator. It’s one of the few remaining creatures virtually unchanged over eons.

It can almost clear the river as it leaps out of the water to an overhanging tree limb for food... an unwary fowl. It can snap necks like twigs and swallow victims whole. God has given this reptile all it needs to survive in the worst of times. That’s another message right there. With all that, consider this. An alligator’s chomp is one of the fiercest in nature. Yet it’s mouth can be held shut with one hand. Couple of months ago I was going through intermittent bouts of return depression from past stress experience with finances. I had just seen one of those wild life shows with alligator hunters. I began to see the situation as a wrestling match with satan. He’s like an alligator trying to destroy me. But then God revealed to me the REAL image here. Yes, an alligator was involved, but it wasn’t satan... IT WAS ME! I was the alligator. As with alligators, it’s very, VERY easy for satan to hold our mouths shut with a small amount of pressure... of distraction... of lure. We may not want to accept this, especially as believers, but it’s true. Satan, like God, is supernatural and that’s where it ends. Satan cannot create, only mimic. He cannot force us to do anything. As believers in the blood of Jesus, we have complete authority over him. Luke 10.19 It’s only our choice, our invitation, that opens the door to satan.


Yes, there can be those blindside attack moments, but with God, there’s no reason to stay down. He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world. 1 John 4.4 We are the head and not the tail. Deuteronomy 28.13 Put on the full armor of God. It’s full blown spiritual warfare out there folks and it’s getting worse. Rip the word “apathy” out of your lexicon. Time to move. Be a DOER of the Word. So now that I’m the alligator, what’s the rub? The rub is... satan cringes at the sound of praise and worship. 2 Chronicles 20.1-25 The last thing Lucifer, being in charge of worship before he was cast out, wants to hear is... you guessed it... praise and worship. This was his job, his duty, his leadership role in heaven... his position designated by God. So now... since he couldn’t have his way in heaven, he wants his way in earth. And he’s taking it out on... US! Satan full well realizes as he loses his grip on my mouth... on your mouth, with the power of an alligator and by the blood of Jesus, he is in BIG trouble. I will wreak havoc on HIM. I will seize the death grip around his neck and slam him, like a rag doll, against river banks without mercy... water churning and foaming... left bank... slam, right bank... slam, rocks, jagged tree roots... whatever is available. Give him a serious plunge in the water and hold him under for a while. You know what the water is don’t you... of course... the Word of God. As he regains consciousness, make him wonder why he even bothered to show up. Get this image of satan. A whipped, soaked, yelping dog running away from a fight with his tail between his legs. Next time you’re in a struggle and you see this image, you’ll know victory and liberty are at hand. Hallelujah and glory to the name above all names... King Jesus!


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ver had an odor in your house and could not find the source? Boy, this can be a real stinker. You knew I would use that line sooner or later. So I may as well get it over with.

I recently encountered one such offensive, olfactory obstacle. What an absolute pain. A few nights ago I was minding my own business at the computer and noticed an intermittent odor almost of dead fish... something rotting. I was sure it was emanating from my small kitchen. I have the routine refrigerator, sink disposal, stove and trash receptacle in the food pantry. First thought was the frig. The odor would come and go. Difficult to track down. I sniffed out the frig. Nope, not there. I sniffed out the disposal. Nope, nothing there. Sniffed out the trash can... nope. I go back to my computer a bit exasperated with my failed mission. 118

Few minutes later... another sour waft of air taunting my nostrils. Almost with that sneering “Bet you can’t find me. nehneh-neh-neh-neh... sing song voice. It’s moments like this I can take on serious intensity, if you get my drift. One Irishman described this moment very succinctly... “If you’re wanting to pick a fight, let’s get to it. We’re a day late.” Back into the kitchen... laid down the same sniff pattern. Newspapers around the frig. Newspapers IN the frig. Saucers of air freshener in the frig (poured out of the bottle). Baking soda... of course I wouldn’t forget baking soda in the frig... and down the disposal. Lemon juice. Double checked the trash can. Cleaned out the disposal. Cleaned out the frig. Found traces of some old stuff, green meat, fuzzy cheese and thought AH-HAH. That had to be it. I was satisfied my victory was at hand. Back to my computer. Few minutes later... YET ANOTHER sour waft of air taunting my nostrils. I’m thinking Arnold the Terminator here. The enemy that keeps on giving. Keeps coming back. I eject myself out of my chair and march BACK into the kitchen, my helmet and all my war medals on. I WILL NOT LEAVE THIS KITCHEN UNTIL THIS ENEMY IS DEFEATED. My arsenal is running low. At this point I’m thinkin’ bloodhounds, ghost busters... whatever works here. I’m really on the edge of sanity here. Surely the unthinkable... some varmint... some unlucky critter trapped behind the frig, perhaps a claw snagged in the outlet, died and I’m going to have to DRAG that frig out from the wall. A real pain. I’ve got things to do. I don’t need this. Finally I do something to bring in the supernatural which I didn’t think necessary before. After all, this was within MY powers to overcome a small aggravation. Borderline angry, teeth clamped, I shout to God... “Why don’t you help me find this smell?” (simultaneously thinking why can’t I do this myself). 119

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As I lay down one more sniff pattern, I detect a strong presence toward the opposite corner where a small table stood with various food items like ginger, garlic, onion, stacks of papers... and three, small, red potatoes. AH-HAH... I’m onto something. As though searching for the key to Fort Knox, I lean in, carefully sniffing each item. As I passed within an inch of the potatoes, I recoiled as though a rattler had shot from under a rock. BINGO !!! Such a truly apt word for these situations. Gotcha is a good second choice. But I’m still puzzled. The potatoes look perfectly normal. I cautiously rolled one over as though poking a dead animal, Nothing. Then the next. Nothing. As I rolled the third one... let me put it this way... if my nose were eyes, they would have popped out of their sockets. This potato, although still normal in appearance, was leaking some clear fluid onto the table... previously UNDETECTED visually. Must have been the early stages of decay. An exterminator once told me, decaying blood and flesh are the worst of smells. This had to be number three. I searched online for the proper disposal of nuclear waste. This incident presents several levels of teaching. You may see more through your own experiences. I just want to touch a couple here. The first one is obvious. No problem is too small for God. It was only after consulting with God that I found the problem. Another... generally we fail through our own understandings... and if we succeed, it’s usually the hardest path. There will ALWAYS be times when satan will bring a foul stench into our lives. For the most part, we tend to allow it at first. In the instance presented above, it may sometimes be thrust upon us totally unexpected... blind sided. NOT TO WORRY. God’s


own Word says He’s got our backs. As repentant believers, He protects us from issues we may never know about. God may allow a stench to come into your life provoking you to clean up other messes you didn’t realize existed as He leads you to restoration. Stench may come from totally unsuspected sources... I mean totally. Everything becomes suspect. Satan is the great deceiver. John 8.44 Issues can go unnoticed until one day... one day... satan overplays his hand. Just when you are on your heels, you must realize, as God’s Word tells us, He laughs at satan’s efforts. Psalm 37.13 However, we must realize not to rejoice in victory over spirits. Luke 10.20 As Spirit filled believers, we carry with us the very same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. Romans 8.11 Scripture does not indicate the Spirit appearing in varying degrees to different folks. It’s the same power wherever it is. When God says He laughs at satan, what does that tell us? He know the futility of satan's efforts. God says where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. This is not small potatoes.


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I once had a girl friend... yes... even lil’ ole me. Of all her wonderful traits, one thing bugged me... she always took that quick little head turn when passing a mirror, hanging picture, window... anything reflective.

She was attractive enough... why did she have to continually remind herself? She certainly didn’t project any arrogance. Contrarily, she was quite humble. Folks were drawn to her. Was it lack of confidence? Over confidence? I never bothered to ask. What is it about us that we have to take that glance at every available moment? Some folks go out of their way to catch a glimpse. They’ll pass a store front window, stop, back up to that “just right position”, then appear to look at the merchandise... when they’re really looking at themselves. Perhaps a disguised ego trip. When you go on a trip, do you pack a lot of stuff or do you travel light? Based on ego trips I’ve seen, some folks are packin’ everything they own. Nothing wrong with having self-awareness and appearance of selfrespect. This influences others as to how we feel about ourselves. As Christians, our actions need to cause folks to ask... What is it you have? I want some of that. The issue I have with reflection is this.


When you make that glance or perhaps more intentional stare into the looking glass, how often do you look beyond yourself and search for Christ? Two buddies you want to throw overboard are ego and pride. Two buddies you want to welcome aboard are goodness and mercy. We think only vampires can’t see their reflections, as movies would have us believe. Any spirit has no real reflection... because it’s spirit. Our body requires a spirit. It cannot live without one. Truly, only two basic spirits exist. Did you choose the right one? God made it very simple. There’s still time. That reflection you’re seeing is only temporary. It’s what you don’t see that’s eternal. “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:18 What is faith? “Faith is being sure of what we hoped for and certain of what we do not see. Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” Hebrews 11


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I was praying last night for my 85 year old mom, who was in for some routine tests, a particularly crystallized moment darted from my memory banks. Someone must have left the vault door cracked and one escaped. As it ricocheted around my neurons, I could see myself, in my childhood home, descending the unfinished wooden steps into our basement with concrete floor... like it was ten minutes ago. Kind of a gloomy place to me, small, no windows. At that young age, I remember seeing, across the twilight grass, fireflies floating waist high as a canopy of constellations for the crickets who cry out into the darkness with their leg songs for that special chirper. I’m searching for an empty mayonnaise jar. Dad had a shop smith, tools for woodworking. And he was excellent at it. He taught me much. How to follow the grain. So many life lessons in woodworking. Wish I could have realized them then. Think of all the insights we could have shared. Scriptures say Jesus was a carpenter. Other interpretations say stone mason. I would like to think carpenter. He must have savored the smell of fresh lumber. Truly one of nature’s aromatic delights. Ironic that He was nailed to the very material he worked as a youth. Perhaps He had flashes of his future as he planed and carved. Dwell with me for a moment on this eternal truth: wood plus iron plus His blood and flesh equals salvation. Specifically, it’s the Blood.


As I clear the stairs, I see directly in front of me our ringer washing machine with galvanized tubs on either side. The electric washer with an agitator. The cleaning process always requires agitation. Are you with me? As the clothes were washed, mom would lift each piece out of the water, guiding them being careful of fingers, through the two rollers activated by a hand crank on the side, down into the tubs for rinsing. As I’m seeing this, I’m wondering why God brought this to memory in the midst of prayer. At that moment, I saw my heart going through the ringer. How’s that for an end run just for a cliche? At some point, we all feel like we’ve been through that ringer washer. Some of us have been bleached, soaked, stained and Arm and Hammered. But after it all, we get Tide-ed and Cheer-ed up. I couldn’t resist. Job certainly had his “ringer” moments. Job is a hero. In my deepest pit, God directed me to the Book of Job. I could relate to this man... pieces of life, almost life itself shredded. As I read it, I felt the Spirit as I have never felt before. It would be a taste of the future. Regardless of our pit, any of us can look at Job and say, at least mine wasn’t THAT bad. And look what God did for Job, because Job NEVER denied God. Remember, Job did not have a Book of Job to read for inspiration... for encouragement. He was the original. God is no respecter of persons. Acts 10.34 What He did for Job, what He’s doing for me, He can do for you. It’s a Covenant promise. We must believe.



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Do you want healing badly enough to roof ? go through the That’s EXACTLY the event in Mark 2. A crowd, by their jubilance to see him, had blocked every access to Jesus. The house was packed. A paralytic, by his very condition was unable to approach Jesus. His friends... his FRIENDS... cared enough to assist him toward Jesus... toward his healing. It was his friends who had the faith. It was his friends who, not being able to push through the crowds, were persistent... out of the box radical... radical for results. Radical enough to punch a hole through the roof and lower the paralytic on his mat. 126

Scripture reveals nothing concerning the paralytic’s faith or feeling of his condition. For all we know he may have given up.... I’ll be this way the rest of my life. Or... he may have had great expectation to meet Jesus and his friends’ compassion became his legs. I believe fervent, effectual prayer of radical, righteous friends will heal a person even if that person’s faith is weak. James 5.16 A point of interest here is Jesus, seeing the paralytic, told him his sins were forgiven. He didn’t tell him he was healed. Teachers in the crowd then accused Jesus of blasphemy declaring only God can forgive sins. Jesus, knowing their minds, said to them “Which is easier to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven’, or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk’ ? But so you know my authority on earth is to forgive sins,” he told the paralytic “I tell you get up, take your mat and go home”. Luke 5.17-26; John 5.1-18 It’s as though Jesus was saying to the teachers... if you don’t like the simple version, I’ll go beyond that to prove my point. Jesus is saying to know your sins are forgiven can be enough to heal you. Folks I have to tell you... when you feel your access is denied... is hindered... is blocked in any way... you HAVE to get radical... dare I say delirious to get to the healer. Don’t let anything get in your way... not people, not thoughts, nor any form of unbelief or doubt. I AM HEALED! As a matter of truth, both Old (Isaiah 53) and New (1 Peter 2:24) Testaments tell us we are ALREADY healed by His stripes. To reject this is to deny the very gift we RECEIVE from His torture. Check this... carefully. Many if not most believers, I feel, gloss over this. Mark 11:24. As Jesus explains His cursing of the fig tree, He ends by saying, “Therefore I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have RECEIVED it and it will be yours.” Forgive others so that God may forgive you.


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I realize most of you have heard this story before. Have you received your healing? If not, why not? When do we go beyond hearing and begin doing?... begin receiving? Jesus frequently instructed after a healing, “Go and sin no more”. What exactly does this mean? He must know we live in a fallen world... that we are sinful by nature... that we can never be perfect. We know from scripture sin brings calamity. I believe His words carry at least a two fold message. First... that we do not repeat the sin which brought that particular condition. Healed of blood sugar?... then change your diet. Second... that we have a choice... His way or destruction. You would be AMAZED how many folks, even some believers, claim their sin is just their way... they have no control over it... they were born that way... my ancestors had it. So not only is the sin controlling their body, but also their mind to believe they must live with it. A sinister loop of evil thinking. This is NOT God’s plan. With God there is joy, peace, liberty and freedom to name a few. Jesus did not die for partial healing. There is no degree to the Holy Spirit... the Great Comforter. Scripture tells us the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in us as believers. Romans 8:11 Since that Spirit can raise the dead, can it not heal you? Scripture is replete with healing ministry. Read it daily to affect your healing. And repeat this in your prayers..... I take Jesus the healer into every cell of my body and soul. If you came in through the roof, why not go out the front door on your own two feet?



Sequence THE

Music and language bring order from chaos.

The sequence of notes in music or letters on a page determine a specific meaning which translates into thought, then action. The alphabet unto itself conveys nothing. It’s the arrangement of the letters which produce communication... the words on this page. Of the English language, four letters out of the 26... E O L V may be arranged in various sequences. Only one sequence conveys the most powerful truth known to mankind... L O V E. The same can be said of this word in any language regardless of spelling. Genesis 1.26 indicates we were created in God’s image. Who is God? What is God?

God is LOVE... (that is to say God IS love. Not act like or feel love, God IS love) Whoever lives in love lives in God and God in him. 1 John 4.16 God even commands us to love Him in return. Deuteronomy 6.4-5; Mark 12.28-31


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God’s love is unconditional. Daniel 9.4; Romans 5.8, 8.36; Luke 15.11-32 Well, you might say, except for... no... unconditional. Why then, would you suppose, virtually every other book, song, movie, poem or gift is about love? Could it be, because we are made in His image which is love, WE are then love as well? Our very spirits are designed, created, to exist on love... just as our bodies must have air and water. Paul says it like this... 1 Corinthians 13.1-3 Because many of us choose not to pursue God... or know Him, or His message for us, then we struggle to receive the true love He has for us and continue in this struggle with others. Romans 13.8-10 You cannot give what you don’t possess. Again... Paul concerning love... 1 Corinthians13.4-8, 13 I challenge anyone to find in any literature a greater description of love than this. For those who say they love God, yet hate their brother... 1 John 4.19-21




warm August night 2am wandering clouds


Perseids piercing head tilted neck straining eyes glancing to and fro



c e l e s t i a l f i r e f l i e s z i n g i n g t h r o u g h h e a v e n ’s f l o o r peaceful and quiet writing under keychain light crickets rehearsing sof t breeze waf ting across my cheek from where does it come who sent it where does it go does it bless another cheek closing my eyes to feel it... to absorb it t h e C r e a t o r ’s g i f t . . . m i r a c u l o u s l i f e He tells us to choose life 131



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“If Jesus (God) didn’t do another thing for me the rest of my life, I would be satisfied with what He’s done.”

I contend these are hazardous words. I have even said them myself. We know what scripture says about the power of words. http://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Bible-Verses-About-Powerof-Words/ Yes, without doubt we need to always be thankful for undeserved grace and mercy over our lives. But why limit the blessings? God does not limit blessings. Then why do we?! Psalm 86.5; Psalm 103.10; Ephesians 2.4 God does not give us a portion and when that portion runs out... too bad... you’re on your own. This admonition essentially implies God is limited. Scripture tells me that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13.8 God does NOT tell us He will cover us to a certain point, then abandon us, even if we granted Him that thought. Deuteronomy 31.6 132

Why on earth would you want to even hint that God’s blessings for you have expired?! Scripture is replete with God’s desire to fulfill the desires of our hearts... for us to live in abundance... to enjoy overflow. It’s a matter of faith and obedience. Matthew 6.33; Matthew 7.11; Psalm 20.4; Psalm 37.4; Hebrews 11.6; Luke 6.38 The Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them. These hostages may even “progress” to the point of thanking their captors for easing their abuse. They think only their captor has the power to relieve pain. When a hostage believes the same values as the aggressor, they no longer become a threat. Some folks get to this point with their own personal bondages and illnesses. They get “comfortable” with their pain. How ridiculous is that. This is actually an insult to both the power of the blood authority believers have and the agony, death and resurrection of Christ. Luke 10.19; John 10.10 This is NOT what God is about. God did NOT send Jesus to this earth to die for PARTIAL healing, PARTIAL restoration or PARTIAL peace, joy, liberty and freedom... which is to also infer partial bondage and captivity, which satan wants you to believe. I challenge you... DO NOT fall for this deception! DO NOT buy into this sales pitch! DO NOT listen to the facts of the world over the TRUTHS of the Spirit. John 14.17; John 16.13 Your struggle may appear to be enduring. It is only temporary. Psalm 16.11; Psalm 30.5; Romans 14.17; Romans 15.13; James 1.2 133

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Maintain a strong praise and prayer life. As often as possible, find yourself an isolated place like a walk through the trees, God’s natural cathedral, perhaps a long beach and shout repeatedly at the top of your lungs “JESUS IS LORD! JESUS IS LORD!” Shout the birds off their branches. Wake up the rocks. Leave a path of destruction over the enemy. Romans 8.2; Galatians 5.1; 1 Corinthians 10.13; Ephesians 1.19-23; 1 John 4.4 You will be stunned at the rejuvenation of your spirit. As believers, we MUST maintain an expectancy of impending wholeness and supernatural, irreversible restoration... to the point of being even greater than ever before. We MUST open our minds and spirits to the searing, purifying, laser light of the eternal Creator who WANTS victory for us over our enemies. Matthew 17.20; Luke 10.19 THIS IS the power of God! THIS IS the power of the Holy Spirit!




Have you ever taken a walk through an apparently friendly neighborhood, perhaps for the first time?

It’s a nice day... pleasingly warm... light breeze brushing the trees... just enough to waft the blossom scents past your nose... sunbeams blasting quietly through shadows... whirring of a lawnmower... your mind may be drifting, ears stretching for bird songs... a distant KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK of a determined woodpecker. The next house you approach has a white picket fence. From out of nowhere... without warning... totally unexpected... a postman’s worst nightmare... a screaming, raging pit bull with fully charged batteries... paws churning the dirt avoiding a crash into the fence... darting for a weak slat to make his escape and rip your throat out. Your adrenal glands in overload... like the old locomotive stokers pouring on the coals... pumping emergency adrenaline to fight if necessary followed by cortisol for sense of calm and control. Heart racing... cold sweat... instant fear. Never been here before. What do I do? Your mind is locked for a split second... frozen. You try not to over react, feeling like an idiot, in case someone is watching how you handle this terror. You are, in an instant, jerked from serenity to panic. God does not give us a spirit of fear.


26 | A Different Sequence This can sometimes be the nature of satan. He will do anything to steal our joy... to steal those moments of sunbeams, bird songs, swaying trees. That’s his purpose. He’s angry because God threw him out. He refuses to realize his wrong choice... no repentance, no remorse. He can’t reach God. Like a madman in flames picking up a melting snowball, he throws his torment at us hoping it doesn’t melt before reaching the target. As you walk along that fence, would you open the gate allowing the dog to attack? Seems ridiculous? Yet that’s precisely what folks do. Satan (sin) attacks when we allow it. As Covenant, believing children of the most high God, we are given authority over these attacks. Even when satan approaches subtly, camouflaged, scripture says God gives us a way out. 1 Corinthians 10.13 The times will come when we can’t call the minister or deacon at 2am to intercede for us and loved ones. Scripture instructs us of our authority over such moments. We, WE, as believers in Christ are the white picket fence. We throw up the barrier, the Blood of Jesus, repelling the attacker. My experiences, along with endless others, give testimony to these situations. We are meant for greatness. No matter how small you think you are in your position, God will work for and through you to affect your surroundings like no other person on the face of this planet. Of the six billion plus folks, you are unique. You can reach folks who may not like Billy Graham, but they like you. God has given you favor with those people. Someone said, you’re not really saved until you realize others have to be saved. Don’t judge. Rather, be a blessing to someone. Let Jesus come through you. Sooner or later, they will thank you.




Most all of us have some thorn from the past which seems indelible.

Perhaps we think we have rid ourselves of it and it resurfaces. We don’t like it, but the effort to deal with it is distracting. One particular reason for this is some of us think we’re intelligent enough (keyword here is intelligent) to overcome these thorns ourselves. This is the mistake. Scripture tells us we, ourselves, can do nothing. We absolutely must call on God for all our endeavors. John 15.5 Once you feel you’ve overcome and it regurgitates, you need to take it to God. Nothing is beyond God. Luke 1.37 If you have a consistently revolving sin you’re dealing with, ask yourself when did it first appear. Give yourself some quiet time and space. Ask God to reveal it to you. Search back. Rewind the tape. Was it five years ago, 10... perhaps 30 years ago? Dredge up the memory, perhaps the moment that particular sin first occurred. Ask yourself who or what caused that moment of transition... of turning. Was it peer pressure, environmental (marketing, media etc), was it your own sense of freedom of choice (self-righteousness) or ignorance of scripture? This exercise of recognizing the problem and your weakness precipitates avoidance in the future. 137

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As we begin to rip off the mask satan has painted on us, tear off the clothes with which he has adorned us, then we can replace those rags with robes of glory and righteousness. If a tailor ask you to try on a new suit he has made for you, wouldn’t it be ridiculous to put the new suit over the old raggedy clothes? It’s the old and new wineskin. You don’t pour new wine into an old wineskin. Matthew 9:16-17 It’s the caterpillar and the butterfly. A butterfly will not go back into a cocoon, it has no choice. It’s about repenting (turning) and receiving (accepting). Once you know God and His glorious benefits, why go back to spiritual poverty? Yet... believe it or not, God has given us that choice. God has already warned us if we choose the path of man, it will lead to death. Matthew 7:13-14 I’m not talking just physical death. The path we choose is totally up to us. There are only two choices. It’s not that difficult. You made a turn once... in the wrong direction under misleading circumstances. Sin is the nature of humans. It comes easily. Romans 7-8 The nature of satan... deception and camouflage. To bring yourself back to that moment of wrong decision makes it easier to return to the right direction. Sort of like reverse engineering. When you’re in a fog about what happened, the struggle can be more difficult. When you can’t see where you entered the jungle, it’s hard to find your way out. Then you’re going in circles. Lost. This is where prayer is most powerful. Prayer will clear the fog. Don’t punish yourself. Don’t carry guilt. These are further satanic attacks to keep you down. He wants to steal your joy and rob you of all God wants for you in this life. Scripture says the thief comes but to kill, steal and destroy. John 10.10


It’s not entirely about waiting until the hereafter for heavenly mansions. However, He wants us to live in abundant blessing on this earth as well. Luke 6:37-38 Otherwise the purpose of Jesus’ life would be meaningless. He came not only to offer eternal life with Him, but also for joy, peace and victory in this life. As our spirit comes into this world, we are essentially cast into a quagmire of human and spiritual suffering. Adam and Eve assured that dilemma. Yes, saints and angels are also here. However, scripture reminds us this worldly kingdom is ruled by the Prince of Darkness... satan. 2 Corinthians 4:4 He was cast out of God’s Kingdom and this is his playground. He didn’t like where he was, got greedy, made a wrong choice and paid the price. He’s taking his mistake out on us. And now he wants us to share his pain. Do you want to share satan’s pain? If you have any neurons aligned in the right direction, the answer would be... NO. As we walk through his playground, we must, as Paul stated, protect ourselves by putting on the full armor of God. Ephesians 6:11-12 This playground is in the spirit, as Paul mentioned above... very explicitly. The battle is in the spirit. Ask the Great Tailor to give you a make over... size you up. This is His greatest desire... to see us as Kingdom ambassadors. The fitting room is waiting... the door is open. A new you is waiting.



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F R E E D O M ... A word and existence cherished by ALL peoples who respect life.

A friend recently related her story of freedom. Her friend, of a few years who entertained demonic beliefs, was bi-polar in their relationship. That is to say, her friend could build her up and encourage her at one moment, and the next, barrage her with slamming criticism. This continued for a couple years. My friend continued this relationship in part because her friend held an important position and brought favor at times to my friend’s business. All above board. My friend eventually came into great conflict because the stress of her friend’s relentless bi-polar attacks was becoming unbearable. My friend, being a believer, continually prayed over this situation, seemingly with no results. She even brought me into the struggle asking for my prayers, which I gladly discussed and offered. As my friend related the story, the Spirit immediately reminded me of Daniel’s predicament. Daniel 10.1-10 This is Daniel’s famous 21 day fast and prayer relating to the King Belteshazzar. To briefly recount: Daniel did not set out to fast/pray for 21 days. As scripture plainly tells us, the delay of the angel’s arrival was due to spiritual warfare with... of all spirits... the Prince of Persia... the Enemy... the Evil One. 140

So much so was the struggle, that the angel Michael showed up to assist. It was the STRUGGLE... the warfare which took 21 days. The angel told Daniel his prayer was actually heard the first time... on the FIRST day. Dispatch was on the way immediately. Then interference shows up in the form of... guess who... you got it. The one who roams like a lion looking for opportunity to swipe at us. John 10.10 Delay is not denial. John 11 (Lazarus) We CANNOT give up. Angels are in warfare for us in the heavenlies. Paul says the battle is in the spirit, not flesh and blood. Ephesians 6.12 Prayer summons angels. One puts a thousand to flight, two, ten thousand. Joshua 23.10; Deuteronomy 32.30 Recently my friend called to say she was now FREE of this contentious spirit attack. It is ALL important that we know evil spirits can and do operate in and through those who may be close to us... sometimes without even them realizing it. Therefore we cannot hold these attacks against them per se. Pray for God to give you a spirit of discernment. As a believer, use your God given authority to speak against these evil attacks. Mark 16.15-18 God created and loves ALL of us. He wants NONE of us to perish. Because of our prayers, the Spirit intervened in her friend’s life to neutralize this behavior and conflict. You could hear it in my friend’s voice. She said all her friends had made the same comment. They clearly saw and heard the difference in her spirit and demeanor... one of peace, joy, liberty and freedom. Imagine the angelic legions at our command. Hebrews 1.14; Psalm 103.21 It’s like radioing back to headquarters for air support. Our spirits HAVE to and MUST realize and take God at His Word. He will never leave nor forsake us. Deuteronomy 31.6


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Everyone carries one with them every day, wherever they go.


WEAPON A weapon capable of being both offensive and defensive. It can be your friend or your enemy. It can protect or destroy your life. No one can take it from you and you can’t give it away. Following is a true life display of this weapon’s power. You may have seen this story in the news recently. Even though this situation, for the most part, was not actually spoken, but electronic... our mind still perceives words as though they were spoken. Often times words like these are spoken out. The media spews it out everyday. Nonetheless you get my drift. A vulnerable, sensitive teenager (as most are), I’ll call her Mary, had an unknown enemy... in camouflage. Mary received an email or began chats with (not sure of the origin, chat room etc) someone named Josh. Over time Josh fueled an online relationship with Mary. Getting to know her online, he became a close friend encouraging and complimenting her for being such a wonderful person. Mary was impressed with someone who appreciated her in a way apparently no other friend did. All of a sudden, Josh rejects Mary telling her how he hates her, how unwanted she was, poor excuse for a person... all this toxic stuff... these negative words. I don’t recall the story well enough to know how long this continued. Regardless, this bombardment destroyed Mary’s spirit. It impacted Mary so intensely, she hung herself in her own room. 142

Turns out Josh didn’t even exist. Josh was a figment in the mind of the mother of a jealous teenage friend of Mary, who lived just a few houses down the street. Mary was hung by a figment of someone’s imagination. Mary’s jealous friend’s mother decided to stand up for her daughter by creating this insidious plan of revenge. The news didn’t say why her friend was jealous or how this evolved, nor does it really matter. The mother most likely had no idea it would come to this. And that’s another mistake. We can never truly know the breaking point of another. The weapon of choice was... the tongue. Scripture contains over 120 verses concerning the tongue. Of these, I consider this one the most powerful. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” Proverbs 18:20-22 There are many issues coming out of this story, all of which are addressed in God’s word. Love your neighbor, don’t judge others, pray for your enemies, don’t let the sun set on your wrath, revenge is mine saith the Lord, forgiveness... there’s more. In this instance, satan took a broad swath right down the middle of Mary’s spirit. Studying God’s word teaches us how to deflect these attacks... not necessarily how to avoid them. Because His word also tells us... they will come. Jesus himself tells us, as they persecuted me, they will also persecute you (his followers). John 15.18-25 Scripture says the battle is in the spirit. James 3 really covers it. The tongue is like a ship’s rudder... small but controls the whole ship. We praise God with it and curse man. Can a spring bring forth both fresh and salt water? We must guard this weapon carefully. Master it. Use it to edify, to encourage, to teach, to preach, to sing, to praise, to worship... and of course... to eat. It’s a gift from God!


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HuntinG One thing life brings as we mature is... paperwork... mounds and mounds of paperwork... documents, forms, policies, approvals, rejections, loans, invoices, receipts, faxes, memberships, military, registrations, investments and taxes... did I mention taxes. And all the responsibilities and ownership that comes with paperwork. Pondering this brought me to the days of my youth. A time when a most important goal of a pleasant, Carolina summer afternoon was to find a four leaf clover... just one. It was a mission. If daylight permitted, perhaps more. Like panning for gold. Patience, desire, persistence and expectation of reward. Perhaps the rare waft of honeysuckle in the breeze causing you to take the deepest breath not knowing if that was the last exhale of the blossom. We cannot, we must not, allow the world to drag us away from God’s treasures. 144

TRUTH CAN BE OFFENSIVE. If we respond honestly with a truthful answer to a personal question, this offends some folks. This may be the case even within our own selves. We may offend ourselves when our spirit confronts truth and we refuse to accept it. This may come through changes in eating habits, relationships, finances, repentance and such. Jesus said to his disciples,“ I have to go away but I will send the Comforter�... the Holy Spirit. John 14 What does comforter mean? A comforter makes us feel safer, more secure, better than we were... a companion unlike any other. Jesus says the Holy Spirit will lead us into ALL truth. John 16:13 And the truth will make us free. John 8:31 Comforter equals truth... comforter equals well being... truth equals well being. Fundamental logic. No smoke and mirrors... no crystals, stones or chicken feet. If need be, we must allow ourselves to be offended by truth. Truth encourages, cleanses, strengthens, makes whole. God says He corrects those He cares for. Job 5:17; Proverbs 3:11; Hebrews 12:5; Revelation 3:19 If you feel offended by God... by truth... consider you may be offending God. 145

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Before revealing teachings, Jesus told his disciples and others, “I tell you the truth...”. Truth does not equal fact. A doctor may give you facts about a certain condition. The truth is... God’s Word tells us Jesus’ pain and suffering has already healed us. Truth will replace fact if we receive it. Picture truth as an impervious statue of pure gold. Regardless the manner of grime, spit, slander, spin or torture... the gold remains. Truth remains constant. There is no degree or version of truth. Truth is absolute. Truth is like a gemstone lying on the surface easy to see or buried deeply waiting to be revealed. God says when we have a hunger for Him, for truth, he will show up. Hebrews 11:6 Historical accounts, traditions, religions all give truth their best shot rarely hitting the target. Truth is often manipulated for their agendas. Jesus came to break us free of religion and tradition. Truth survives time. Truth is eternal. Regardless of abuse, truth remains. Sometimes truth is like a proprietor’s shingle swinging over the front door of society... swinging in the wind of sinful nature. According to Jesus in His Great Commission Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-18, we have been instructed to spread the infallible truth of the gospel, the good news, the Balm of Gilead, the Comforter. For the one who rules the world... the Prince of Persia, the Prince of Darkness, the Counterfeiter who appears as light... will do everything in his power to stop truth. Do not kid yourself. This Prince is supernatural... BUT he is defeated already. Luke 10:18-20; John 16:33



Hey Larry, I don’t want to offend you but please don’t send me these religious emails, I do appreciate the sentiment but it is not my beliefs.

A reply to the Prayer and Ego article (Page 83)

This response was from a very intellectual, warm hearted, adult father, owned his own business, ‘religious’ individual who attended mass. Self-proclaimed stubborn in some areas. Believed in God but didn’t try to understand truly who God is. Didn’t study God’s Word. I worked with him on projects and have known him for over 20 years. In the recent past, he and I had discussed prayer and Holy Spirit power and authority over his business and family (both having issues). He was courteous to discuss, but would not allow me to pray with him over these issues. So I prayed over them on my own. He was attempting to resolve his life his way and not God’s way. Won’t happen. God’s own word says, without God we can do nothing. John 15.5 Even after giving him some of my unbelievable testimonies of God’s power, he still didn’t hear. I will say, having compassion for his plight, I was slightly disturbed by his remarks. However, that was brief because suddenly, the Spirit told me not to be concerned over his response. Why? Because God tells us... some plant, some water, the Spirit harvests. 1 Corinthians 3:6-9 It may not be my eye that sees his salvation. For now, he has heard God’s truth. It may sink in later. 147

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I’m confident many of you have had this experience of being compassionate for others’ plight of salvation, only to face rejection. They are standing in the middle of the tracks and you can’t seem to warn them of impending doom. The Spirit reminded me... Too many people have ALWAYS treated Me (Holy Spirit) in this manner. They establish their own versions of who they THINK I am. They don’t truly study My Word. Rather, My Word is fed to them through human fountains of tainted water... flowing lukewarm. Revelation 3:15-17 THIS is doctrine. THIS is religion. This is the Laodicean church Jesus spoke of in Revelation 3. This is satanic distraction to maintain warped attitudes toward and misunderstandings of God. Contrary to the opening response, praises and positive feedback have come forth from others. No doubt this is the intention of the Spirit through these spirit articles. Jesus told his disciples, when encountering resistance to God’s word, dust off your feet and move along. Matthew 10:14 This statement tells us others are eagerly awaiting His Word. For by receiving His salvation, their lives will be changed forever. Each of these articles I have sent forth have been inspired by the Holy Spirit. They do not propose or attempt to introduce any religious dogma. Any scriptural context is straight from God’s Word. Not spun by tradition or doctrine. God wants to use ALL of us through our individual anointing. We need to show God a hunger for that obedience, that desire, that inspiration, that revelation, that joy of seeing God’s unconditional love saturate our very brief existence on this planet.


Return toSender Have you ever questioned why a prayer wasn’t answered?

Of course you have. Allow me to relate my most recent experience with this usually mysterious and often unsettling event... which prompts... God, why did you let me down? Car inspection. It was due this month. Didn’t think much of it. My car, even though older, is in decent condition. When you have several items on your agenda, car inspection is a necessary bug-a-boo to deal with briefly and move on down the list. I went to the same station I’ve frequented for years with the same car. Always passed. Only THIS time, a new guy was inspecting. That is to say, this is the first time he had seen this vehicle. In breaking the ice, I commented to him how the station had always treated me kindly and that I knew of nothing wrong with the car. With clipboard in hand, toots horn, turn signals, doors open, hood up, I notice he is hovering over one headlight. I thought to myself, oh no. He’s going to question this loose headlight. Actually it functions properly. Just that one corner of the assembly is not anchored properly. It had always passed previous inspections at this very station. I didn’t say anything. He then called me over in a demonstrative, yet polite manner, “the light needs replacing”. I related to him, in like manner, it had always 149

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passed before and that it functioned properly. I’m thinking I don’t want to deal with this... possibly having to replace something which doesn’t REALLY need replacing... the extra expense. Even being an older car, headlight assemblies can be expensive. With that I walked back to the front of the bay while he continued and immediately went into prayer mode, praying in the Spirit and all spiritually I could bring to bear on this dilemma. No Doubt... I kept telling myself... you MUST pray without doubt. James 1.6; Mark 11.24; 1John 5.14-15 This is scripture. Faith without doubt. It was all I could do to sustain. It’s times like this we put that bible class into action. As the old ones used to say... be sure to hold your mouth right. As I heard the hood close, I turned as he approached, with the station owner (not a good sign), who proceeded to inform me inspection failed because the headlight needed replacing. There was no sense in arguing. It would be like jamming toothpaste back into the tube. He gave me repair estimates for which I reluctantly thanked him. I managed to reach my trusty mechanic the same day before he closed. After explaining and showing him the headlight, he said he could repair it the next day for roughly the same estimate. I thought this was great. At least I can resolve the whole issue quickly and pass inspection. Of course I’m still pondering the additional expense and why wasn’t the prayer at inspection answered? As I sat waiting for the headlight repair, the Spirit reminded me... the timing belt. I ask the mechanic, who replaced it last time (he would have all my past repair records), about the mileage mark for replacement.


After a pause checking my records, he peers over his computer and says with a quiet apocalyptic voice, “you’re over 60,000 miles”. As it turns out, the recommended time to replace this particular timing belt was... you guessed it... 60,000 miles. I then recalled he told me this after installing the new one years ago. Why was my inspection prayer unanswered? God saw the larger picture. Without replacing the headlight, I would not have realized the timing belt. His thoughts and ways are not ours. Isaiah 55.6-9 Friends... I MUST emphasize... we NEVER know the larger picture. The BEST we can do is trust God to do what He as already told us He would do if we only choose to follow Him. Trust and obey, for there’s no other way... as the old hymn goes. Psalms 23; 37.23-26; 41.2 The mechanic went on to tell me if this timing belt were to destruct while driving, with this particular engine, it could be disastrous. So needless to say I’m repairing the belt quickly. By spending extra now, I will save the entire engine. God is looking out for me... for us. Isaiah 52.12 We need to realize this and be in constant prayer, praise and thankfulness for His grace and mercy... which cannot be earned and are forever abundant. Ephesians 2.4-10; Hebrews 4.16; 2 Corinthians 12.9. When the prayer was not answered, the unforeseen need was answered. In effect, the answer came before the prayer that was never spoken. God knows the beginning from the end and things not yet done. Isaiah 46.10 I submit to you, especially as a believer, that EVERY diligent prayer from the heart, is answered. They are answered within God’s perfect will for our lives. It may not be within your understanding or time frame, but they are answered. Not only answered, but also bringing wisdom, joy, revelation and confirmation. Anytime God reminds me of who He is, I simultaneously consider all those who deny Him and all He represents. It is truly difficult to grasp why they are so blind. The forces of darkness can be very deceptive.


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What is the difference between Eastern philosophy and Christianity? I feel many have a misconception.

It is certainly the case many who meditate use misguided thought patterns, albeit seemingly good ones, to achieve inner peace by quoting mantras, dangling crystals, sitting before dead idols etc. I have had firsthand experience with such groups. I know their patterns. Make no mistake, one can achieve “peace” through such means... simply because one is taking time to relax and reduce stress, but it does not bring wholeness nor does it tap into the undeniable, incomparable power of the Holy Spirit. The lesson of the ten lepers: After Jesus healed them (as they walked away), one came back to thank him. Because he gave Jesus praise and worship, Jesus also made him WHOLE. There is a difference in healing and being made whole. Only Jesus can make you whole. Jesus said “I will send another Comforter”... the Holy Spirit. John 14.16 No other form of meditation, idol worship, crystals, incense, palm reading, cards, beads, bones or animals will give you the Holy Spirit. This is a FREE gift ONLY from God through His Son... FREE. Imagine that... free for us, but paid for by His Blood. 152

"You have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God, and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure." Deuteronomy 14:2; Romans 8:30-39; Hebrews 10:10-12

The Holy Spirit cannot be easily described. It has to be experienced. God says when we have a hunger for Him, He WILL show up. Matthew 5.6 With exception of excellent ministries I associate with, I rarely hear any message fully discerning dying in the flesh. This may lead some to completely discount flesh altogether... erroneously combining the physical mechanics with the soul (will, mind, emotions = flesh). There must be some truth here because statistics reveal, of major religions, Christians have worst health issues (exceptions of perhaps Amish, Mormons and others with healthy diets). This is a whole other message. Some treat their body with no responsibility. Their view of life is: they were born, at some point they become saved, then they “cruise” waiting (in some cases yearning) for God to take them home. So the body isn’t really important. I have news. Getting saved is just the beginning. God has a mission for all of us if we but search it out. He is no respecter of persons. Acts 10.34 In order to be more diligent in our mission, it behooves us to take care of our temple. So much so that Jesus’ death/resurrection healed us at that moment. 1 Peter 2.24 Why was this important? In God’s view, obviously a healthy, whole body is important. It’s His desire and will. It would be an insult to Him not to think so. 153

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Scriptures say, as believers, we must die to the flesh. It’s the essence of “we have to die to live... to be reborn of the Spirit”. Essentially this means, as Christians, we turn away from worldly human desires (self-centered thoughts, addictions, adultery, pride etc). God says be IN the world, not OF the world. We are ambassadors from God’s kingdom, not earth. Romans 8.5-13 I feel some may carry the dying of the flesh into the wrong territory. It doesn’t mean we overlook the glorious mechanism God has created, the human body and all it’s miraculous biological capabilities. Literally, God has given our bodies the AUTOMATIC drive to stay alive (homeostasis) whether we want to or not... regardless how badly we treat His temple, He constantly gives our body grace and mercy for second chances and far more. We need to pause at times and recognize, pay attention to, the wonder of who we are as Spirit operating in the body. Jesus said the Kingdom is all around us. He gave us eyes to see it, ears to hear it, mouth to taste it, breath to smell it, skin to feel it. We need to honor and appreciate the unmistakable uniqueness we have on this planet. God gave US dominion over the earth. We are in His likeness. We are not separate Spirit and body (flesh). We are one, operating in the same space. You can have a healthy, dead body without function. Why? No Spirit. It takes scriptural teaching and understanding to realize adequately why God has given us bodies/temples for His Spirit. That’s where the battle is, not the flesh. Ephesians 6.12 So yes, we must die to the flesh, but we don’t want to ignore the wondrous tool God has given us to accomplish His work... our body.


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This is God’s intention.

When man and woman are joined in marriage, they become one. When the word love is mentioned, we typically think of human love in one context or another. Without question, love is the most written about, sung about, dreamed about, talked about emotion of the human condition. So in the human context, what are some ways we may feel or express love? ✦ holding hands unnecessarily ✦ afraid you will die first, leaving your spouse alone ✦ afraid your spouse will die first, leaving you alone ✦ sacrifice without feeling it's sacrifice ✦ doing without waiting to be asked ✦ fearless protection of your family ✦ doing for others without expecting return Unfortunately, Spiritual love, God's love, isn't as ubiquitously expressed in our culture as physical love. In that regard, I put forth these words to consider of Spiritual love. Many more are contained in scripture. Galatians 5:22-23 God, speaking of His people, says many are one. Romans 12.4-21 First and foremost, we must know that God IS love. Not that God acts like love, He IS love. 155

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"Whoever does not love does not know God, because GOD IS LOVE. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. GOD IS LOVE. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. If anyone says, 'I love God', yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother." 1 John 4.8-21 For some, love brings jealousy to mind. God is a jealous God. Exodus 34.14; Deuteronomy 5.8-10; Joshua 24.19 He does not want His followers to worship idols and false gods... for they are made by man and being dead can do nothing. Habakkuk 2.18-20 God will not force himself on us. He stands at the door and knocks. Revelation 3.20 Therefore love will not force itself. Yet God says He will rebuke and discipline those He loves. Revelation 3.19 If He were indifferent, how would that be love? We are the clay, He's the potter. Isaiah 64.8 We are the silver, He is the fire. Psalm 66.10 Love disregards appearance. God is no respecter of persons. Acts 10.34 God's own Word tells us He loves, teaches, commands, disciplines, freely gives mercy and grace, protects, heals, offers peace, joy, liberty and freedom. Love can stare you right in the face and you may never see it. That's not love's fault.





God said “Let us make man in our image...� Genesis 1.26 Image connotes one that closely or exactly resembles another... to make or produce a likeness. Genesis doesn’t say He made us gods. Since we are made in His (their) image, we may, with our limited perception, imagine being like God. Take on the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2.16 To imagine being like God, being a father, we may imagine sending our only son to save all humanity, knowing the agony he would endure. Then imagine this act of unconditional love... of sacrificing your only son... being rejected by the very humans you desired to save from eternal torment. Since we have feelings and being of His (their) image, then God must have feelings.


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Throughout scripture we see evidence of this. “This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased”. Matthew 3.17 Others... 1 Corinthians 1.21; Hebrews 13.16; Colossians 1.27; 1 Peter 2.19... many more. “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God...” Ephesians 4.30. God is slow to anger. Exodus 34.6; Psalm 86.15 Do not provoke His anger... and many more. God is compassionate and gracious. Psalm 86.15 God is jealous. Deuteronomy 6.15; Exodus 20.3, 34.14; Zechariah 8.2; Nahum 1.2... and many more. As humans, we certainly understand disappointment. Realizing that God has feelings, why disappoint Him? Imagine turning toward a warm, gentle, summer breeze or the warmth of the sun... the warmth of the Son. Imagine that sensation as a healing breath from God engulfing your total being. Who doubts a summer breeze? Who runs from it? We don’t analyze a summer breeze... we accept it... we enjoy it! IT’S FREE! Why fight healing? Don’t analyze it. Don’t allow doctors’ bad reports to influence you. They are not the last word. They may be factual, they are not truth. Physicians speak facts. God is truth. We think of healing in the physical sense. When actually, healing may apply to any area of life which is in chaos. God says we cannot enter heaven unless we become as a child. Matthew 18.2


A child believes without doubt. A child trusts his father to tell him the truth. Our Father says by His (Jesus’) stripes, were are healed. Isaiah 53.5; 1 Peter 2.24 Therefore, since we are His children who believe without doubt, why reject healing? If you want to reject something in scripture, why not reject hell? Don’t let excuses hinder your healing. This is worldly thinking. Don’t disappoint God with excuses. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11.1 Be as a child. Accept God’s gift to you... freely given. We cannot earn healing. Simply receive it. This is God’s desire for us. “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” Luke 11 The Holy Spirit is our comforter... our healer. Jesus did not come to start a religion. Rather, God desires us to have a personal relationship with the Spirit. “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him”— but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.” 1 Corinthians 2


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“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.Therefore put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.� Ephesians 6:10-13 I love the game of volleyball. As with other sports, so many life lessons in team endeavors. Thanks to His grace and mercy, God has maintained my strength and will to play this game for the past 40 years. During a series of games I was playing, I saw something in the natural which so vividly and eloquently demonstrated the spiritual battles we face everyday. We were playing four on four pick up. The fewer players the more important their responsibilities and positions. One dude on our team... had never seen him before, consequently did not know his game, was playing quite well. Very good hustling and scrambling to get every ball. Decent approach and form at the net while spiking.


Only obvious problem, he would not swing away with authority at excellent sets even without a blocker challenging him. He simply, almost courteously, tapped the ball over. I used to be that way in my early days... not wanting to destroy players across the net... trying to be nice. I soon learned from my well trained teammates who saw my potential, if you want to win at this game, you cannot feel sorry for the opposing team... the enemy if you will. They are on the court to do the same as you... to win. And... depending on the competition... at all costs. 'By all costs' in volleyball is still within the rules. In spiritual warfare, there are no rules in the sense that satan knows no rules... save one. That rule or power is the authority we have through Christ's blood. Satan WILL flee from this power. Matthew 8:28 (one example). I have witnessed this many times in my life and from testimonies of others.


26 | A Different Sequence

As we were into the next match, an excellent set was given this same player who followed his same approach into the spike. Only this time, the enemy was waiting. From seemingly out of nowhere, a blocker appeared and stuffed his spike quite demonstrably. The opposing team, along with the blocker, was jumping and hollerin’ in jubilation. Needless to say the spiker on our team was bummed out. The very next play.... THE VERY NEXT PLAY.... that same spiker on our team got a great set as before. Only THIS time was different. Because of his bitter taste of opposition.... his spirit was such this would not happen to him again. This very next play he simply CRUSHED the ball. Now it was OUR team hoopin' and hollerin'. Being a new player, we had never seen his response to a threat. Immediately I walked over to him and told him it was a good thing he was blocked. Look what it did for you. Here's the thing.... that block was not only good for him, it was good for the team.... those around him.... those working with him. I told him it is unfortunate more folks don't learn this lesson in life and playing sports. This also becomes a lesson for satan to think twice before attacking those of us with strong spiritual beliefs in God. Even though he may come against us, evil will suffer even more because of it. This is what we as believers must know. Etch this in stone in your mind and spirit. "No weapon formed against you shall prosper." Isaiah 54:16-17


Note from author

My mom, being an insatiable student of God’s Word, wrote this Holy Spirit recognition list circa 1985 (on following page). I found it among her spirit collections while cleaning out their house. Several years after returning from WWII, dad and mom operated a Western Auto store together for 15 years. Upon retirement, a local newspaper wrote an article of their store popularity. To my surprise, I found the clipping also while cleaning out their house. Being in the church as long as I can remember, my folks were never ones to broadcast their faith. They lived it. Therefore my astonishment when I read dad’s quote as the reporter asked him to what did he attribute their success. He said he could not have done it without God. It’s good to honor our parents at every opportunity. I am eternally grateful and thankful for all they did, who they were and their example.


z circa 1941


26 | A Different Sequence

Holy Spirit recognition


A DIFFERENT SEQUENCE Larry Smith ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Born into a solid Christian home in rural North Carolina, I experienced an enjoyable upbringing including church, school, scouting, cousins, paper route, odd jobs, sports, learning responsibility and how to treat others through Christian principles. Mom sewed my grade school clothes and neighbors’ draperies. Dad was very good with construction and finished woodworking. Both parents were very supportive and corrected me when necessary. I remember, as a child, visiting my grandparents who raised chickens, lived in a three room house, heating and cooking by wood stoves, tin roof with tar brick siding, outhouse, and bucket-drawn water well. My parents’ generation enjoyed inventions such as electric stove, refrigerator, a/c and indoor plumbing. I was born again as an early teenager which stayed with me for a few years approaching college. I love folk music and sang with a folk group at end of high school for a few years. After college, then military, I began drifting away from church life. Feeling like the average ‘good guy’, I continued for several years with this mind set. I wasn’t studying or purposefully living scripture. Out of the military, I remained in the Washington, DC area and eventually became a freelance graphic designer and remained so to this day. A conflict arose in late 1970s which nearly wiped me out. I lived and breathed depression and fear. Fear of sleep for nearly a year. Subsequently, my attention was dynamically diverted to my early Christian beliefs. I began, for the first time, to see what God had done for me through all those years. Compelling tears of joy, grace and mercy resulted as the light became brighter. Establishing that personal relationship with God changes everything. As a result, God has given me numerous testimonies. One of the most stunning is how far God has brought me. I have visited embassies, shaken hands with foreign dignitaries, met and worked with worldwide charities and ministers, and have enjoyed unique opportunities to spread the Word of the Kingdom. A considerable distance within two generations from humble beginnings with ancestors who were the salt of the earth. I am an extremely fortunate person. Contact: icfives@yahoo.com


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