Triumph Winter 2003

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A Year Crowned with Goodness





Salvation Prayer


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Dear Friend,

We are looking forward to the months ahead with great anticipation. We believe 2004 will be one of the greatest years our friends and partners have ever experienced. We believe God to cause our friends and partners to soar in 2004! We will witness greater anointing, greater power, and a greater move of the Holy Spirit. Our Heavenly Father has said that He crowns the year with His goodness, and His paths drop fatness. Psalm 65:11. Our Heavenly Father does not simply want His children to read about His goodness and the increase, or fatness, He has prepared for them. God desires His children to experience His goodness and the limitless supply of His power and provision. Those who move in the paths the Lord has prepared for them will experience fatness, increase, and productivity. However, to experience this level of fullness and fulfillment will require us to be uncompromisingly faithful and obedient to God’s instructions and commands. I address this subject in the article, "A Year Crowned with Goodness for Those Who Are Ready." Rev. Krystal Patrick returns with excellent instruction on how we can pray effectively for the salvation of unbelievers. This is an exceptional resource, something you will want to refer to again and again. My faith is stretched and I am convinced that multitudes will come into the knowledge of Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Lord and personal Savior as readers implement the practical, Bible-based instruction contained in Rev. Patrick’s article entitled, "New Testament Intercession for the Salvation of Unbelievers." In this issue, we share a teensy sampling of the prayer requests and praise reports that come through our Intercessory Prayer Team. We thank God for those who are willing to stand in the gap and pray fervently on behalf of others. We are also delighted to share reports coming from the prisons as a result of our prison ministry outreach. We want you to see how your support of this ministry is impacting lives. We see time intersecting with destiny. As you walk in God’s paths, we see you moving into the goodness and the fatness He has prepared for you. We see you praying unbelievers into the Kingdom of God, and we see them benefiting as their lives are transformed. May this issue encourage and equip you. Read, be blessed, and soar in 2004!

If you have never received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, we invite you to take that vital step right now. Your salvation is very important to God so much so that He gave His only Son to die for your sins (John 3:16). God isn’t willing that any should perish, and that includes you (II Peter 3:9). So please pray this prayer aloud from your heart:

Heavenly Father, I thank You for sending Jesus into the world. I realize that I need a Savior. Your Word says, “...whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:2). I am calling on You, Jesus, to come into my heart and be Lord over my life. Forgive me of all my sins and wash me clean. According to Your Word in Romans 10:9-10, I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord, and I believe with my heart that God raised Him from the dead. Therefore, I am saved, and I thank you for giving me eternal life. If you have just made Jesus your Lord and Savior, please find a good church that will teach you the Word of God. We also invite you to contact us. We would love to encourage you and provide you with materials to help in your new walk with Jesus!


Rev. Janice Davis Steele . . . . . . . . .................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRIUMPH! Volume 2 Issue 4 Winter 2003. TRIUMPH! is published quarterly by Triumph in Christ/JDS Ministries, a nonprofit corporation, Washington, DC © 2003 Triumph in Christ, Inc. All rights reserved. TRIUMPH! has no subscription price; printing and distribution costs are paid for by donations from TIC Partners and Friends. All gifts to this ministry are tax deductible. Printed in the United States of America. For a free subscription, write to Triumph In Christ, PO Box 66385, Washington, DC 20035 or sign up online at Publishers Eric and Janice Steele Executive Editor Tolu Adeniji Print Coordinator Susan Henderson Product Manager William A. Paterson, III Testimony Coordinator Doreen Hardie Graphic Designer Larry Smith


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AYear with Crowned Goodness For Those Who Are Ready Rev. Janice Davis Steele

CONFLICT AND CONTRAST You see the year 2004 will be characterized by conflict and contrast. Those who know their God will be strong and do exploits (Daniel 11:32). Those who know their God will successfully navigate through any turbulence and make tremendous advancements for the kingdom of God. By contrast, the situation will be quite different

for those who do not know the Lord. They will face uncertainty, confusion, and darkness. Actually, the first six verses of Isaiah 60 address such a scenario:

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The year 2004 holds boundless possibilities for those who are uncompromisingly faithful and obedient to the instructions and commands of God. Those who are ready to hear and do what the Lord instructs will be part of a mighty move of God that will advance forward in 2004 by great leaps and bounds. Year 2004 will mark the year when Mary’s admonition, "Whatever He tells you to do, do it" will take on heightened significance. Psalm 65:11 captures the essence of what we can expect in year 2004: "Thou crownest the year with thy goodness, and thy paths drop fatness." Those who move in the paths the Lord has prepared for them will find fatness. "Fatness" speaks of increase, productivity, and progress. But understand: such increase, productivity and progress is reserved ONLY for those who are willing to remain uncompromisingly faithful and obedient to God’s instructions and commands.


ARISE, SHINE; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His goodness shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. Lift up your eyes all around, and see: They all gather together, they come to you; Your sons shall come from afar, And your daughters shall be nursed at your side. Then you shall see and become radiant, And your heart shall swell with joy; Because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you, The wealth of the Gentiles shall come to you. The multitude of camels shall cover your land, the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah; All those from Sheba shall come; They shall bring gold and incense, And they shall proclaim the praises of the Lord.

This passage illustrates the conflict: while gross darkness covers the earth, those who know the Lord will rise to a new level. Those

DO NOT TRIFLE WITH GOD ALMIGHTY This is serious business, friend. We cannot afford to treat lightly, or trifle with God’s instructions. Delayed obedience, and other forms of disobedience, will leave you exposed to gross darkness. When the Lord speaks to you, through His Word, through a sermon, through a radio broadcast, or through what-

ever means, the purpose of that communication is not to provide you with a topic to share with your prayer partner. The purpose is not to enable you to write down the substance of that revelation in a journal only to have it collect dust. God has an agenda and you are part of it. If you are willing to move with God’s agenda, the paths of your life will drop with fatness. Jesus said, "He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, by shall have the light of life." John 8:12. If you choose to treat lightly the instructions of Almighty God, particularly in 2004, the consequences of that choice will cause you to walk in darkness. That type of walk can be quite disturbing. Consider Saul’s failure to obey Samuel’s instruction. It cost him his crown. Consider Ananias and Sapphira. Their decision to lie to the Holy Spirit cost them their lives. This year, do not try to "get around to it;" this year, make certain that you "get to it." Starting right now, make the decision to follow God’s instructions and your year will be crowned with God’s goodness.

BE READY! The Lord wants us to be ready and quick to obey. The Lord wants us to "be ready to do every good work." Titus 3:1. The Lord wants us to "be ready to distribute and willing to communicate." I Timothy 6:18. We also need to be ready to minister salvation. In fact, the Bible instructs us to "be ready to speak plainly," Isaiah 32:4, and to "be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear." I Peter 3:15. Expect the unsaved to come to you for help. Do not be surprised if people you invite to your home for a completely unrelated reason end up sharing their personal problems with you. They will sense the peace of God and start asking questions. Appliance repairpersons, painters, plumbers, etc., may enter for one reason and leave saved! This is not something you will have to force. This will not

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GLORY: GOODNESS PERSONIFIED What exactly will the Gentiles see? What is the light to which they will be drawn? What exactly is the glory that will be seen upon the uncompromisingly faithful and obedient? The glory that will be visible to the Gentiles is the goodness of God in operation. They will see the physical, tangible evidence of God’s goodness personified in the lives of believers. When Moses asked God to show him His glory, the Lord said, "I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim My name, THE LORD, before you; for I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy and lovingkindness on whom I will show mercy and lovingkindness." Exodus 3:19. Moses asked to see God’s glory, and God caused His goodness to pass before Moses. Goodness is manifested glory. Glory is goodness in manifestation. This is further supported by Psalm 84:11: "The Lord God is a sun and shield, He gives grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly." The manifestation of God’s glory is evidenced by His releasing good things into the lives of those who walk uprightly. He gives grace and glory and He does so by releasing good things. Glory and goodness are inextricably linked together. God desires to crown 2004 with His glory – His goodness in manifestation – for those who will follow Him fully.


who know the Lord will be radiant with His glory. In fact, they will be so radiant that the Gentiles (i.e., those who do not know the Lord) will observe the glory, the radiance upon the lives of the believers, and the Gentiles will come to the believers. They will come to be saved; they will come to find solutions to perplexing problems; they will come needing help; they will come to find out how you are able to experience prosperity, peace, increase and enlargement in the midst of gross darkness.

be a work of the flesh. The Gentiles will come to your light. We must be ready not only to receive instructions but also to overcome all challenges the enemy sends our way. Ecclesiastes 5:1 instructs us to "be more ready to hear when you go to the house of God." Expect increased revelation from pastors who truly follow God. They will receive specific, timely revelation to help you navigate through any turbulence. However, you must be more ready to hear that word. That means you must not be more ready to see what people are wearing. You must not be fixated on who has what position. You must not be more ready to gossip. You must be more ready to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit when you attend church. Esther 8:13 instructs us to "be ready against that day to avenge yourselves on your enemies." This means the day may come when enemies come against you. On that day, you must be ready to overcome anything seeking to hinder or stop you. Recognize that God has equipped you with divine enablements to overcome any work of darkness. You have the name of Jesus and the authority to invoke the name of Jesus. You have all types of prayer. You have fasting. You have the Word of God. You have the Holy Spirit. You have the blood of Jesus. You have the whole armor of God. You have other believers (one will chase 1000; two will chase 10,000). God has given you whatever it takes to avenge yourself against any work of darkness. However, you must be ready to use your weapons.

This year 2004 will be a year crowned with goodness for those who remain uncompromisingly faithful and obedient to the Lord. Resolve to be faithful and obedient and enjoy a year crowned with goodness!


Prayer and Intercession We here at Triumph in Christ take the privilege of prayer and intercession seriously. The Word of God states in Isaiah 59:16 "And he [God] saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor…." It is a wonder to God that there are not more intercessors, particularly since intercession works to: provide protection and covering; disrupt and dismantle devilish devices; and even ward off judgment that could otherwise be exacted against others (see Acts Chapter 12; Numbers 14:11-20; Job 42:7-10). In this issue, we decided to share a very small sampling of the many prayer requests and praise reports our Intercessory Prayer Team has received. Remember, we are available to diligently pray over your prayer requests and needs. Please call us

1.877.560.1344 email us or write to us

P.O. Box 66385, Washington, DC 20035


TESTIMONIES Prayer request: Please rally up the Saints to pray for me. I have been falsely accused of a horrible offense here at work. A client flat-out lied on me and accused me of something I did not do. It seemed as if my boss believed him. I went around to my boss’ office and told her to call the client back on the speakerphone. I wanted him to say what he'd told her I said so that I could defend myself with him right on the phone. She said that he is such a major client that we did not want to offend him in any way. She said that she believed me but I don't know. She is not speaking to me and I don't know what she believes. We have a wonderful working relationship and for her to believe I'd disrespect a client like this is beyond me. Please pray for the truth to be revealed and for the enemy to be defeated in his attempts to cause strife and confusion. Praise report [received within two hours of the prayer request]: I truly do appreciate your interceding on my behalf. I just want you all to know that my attorney just told me that the client has somewhat recanted his previous statement and told her that the only thing that happened was we got disconnected. Since he did not identify himself before we were disconnected, I was unable to call him back. They were all working on a deadline and I guess he felt that falsifying his story would get him through to my boss quicker, but little did he know he was mes-sing with a child of THE MOST HIGH GOD! AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE!!! HALLELUJAH!!! Thank you all for your prayers! The truth will ALWAYS prevail! Prayer request: A sister in the Lord mistakenly took the wrong dosage of her medicine this morning and is now in the hospital. This medicine causes here to be despondent after she takes one pill. She took six. The reason is that she is on several medications and she got them mixed up. This sister has been

Partner Response

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“Now thanks be unto God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ” 2 Corinthians 2:14





Prayer request/Praise report: A while ago, we prayed for a well-known pastor in [the Washington Metro area] who was going through health challenges, specifically, colon cancer. Well praise God; the pastor returned to the pulpit this past Sunday in a motorized scooter. Then on New Years Eve, the pastor got out of the scooter, and proceeded to the pulpit using a walker. The pastor walked away from the pulpit and sat down without using the walker after preaching. This pastor knows that the effectual fervent prayers kept him alive. Hallelujah! This pastor was delivered from colon cancer. The doctors could not believe that the cancer had not spread. The doctors said that there was something like a fist inside the pastor's colon blocking the cancer from spreading. Hallelujah! Prayer request/Praise report: Last year, I received a terrible report. I was diagnosed with breast cancer. When I initially received the news, I was so shaken and scared. I was so afraid. I contacted the Triumph in Christ prayer team and submitted my prayer request. I also started attending the Triumph in Christ Bible studies and seminars. The prayers and teachings really helped to increase my faith. I kept playing the taped teachings over and over. By the time I went for surgery, I was no longer fearful. I believed God would deliver me and I was confident the surgery would be a success. The surgery was successful! A few

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dealing with depression and was not concentrating on what she was doing. Praise report [received the same day]: The sister was released from the hospital that same day and was at home sleeping. Hallelujah!

months after the breast cancer surgery, the doctor thought the cancer had gone to my foot because my toes were discolored. By that time, I had built up my faith level, and I was not fearful. I believed God for complete healing. I also submitted my prayer request. I’m here to tell you that the biopsy was negative. I am cancer free! Hallelujah! Prayer request/Praise report: On November 20, A. K., 85 years old, went into surgery to remove HER ENTIRE COLON. We prayed for her, God heard our prayers, and the doctors removed only 8 inches of her colon. They then reattached the colon. HER COLON IS NOW WORKING FINE. Her recovery has been so fast that the DOCTORS STAY AMAZED! Last week they moved her into a rehab facility because of her back. They had her in a wheelchair and she needed assistance to get to the bathroom. She has recovered so rapidly at the rehab facility that they are removing her from the wheelchair and giving her a walker today. They plan to send her home tomorrow. She is overjoyed and is telling everyone that we are praying for her. God Be Praised!!! Prayer request: I am asking for prayer for my friend N.G. She has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and has missed a year of school because she's repeatedly been hospitalized for suicide attempts etc. It's nothing but satan, but he is beneath our feet, so let's put him in his place! Praise report: I have learned that not only is N.G. out of the hospital (she had gotten mildly sick again), but she is off ALL her bipolar medications. She is back in classes doing well! HALLELUJAH! I'm still in shock.





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NewTestamentI ntercession


I John 5:14, 15 says, "And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask any thing according to His will, He heareth us: and if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him." John 17:3 says, "And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent." John 1:11-13 says, "He came not to His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of [the will] of God."


Rev. Krystal Patrick


Our Heavenly Father has clearly revealed that He has a plan of salvation for every man, woman, boy and girl. Salvation involves the Holy Spirit revealing Jesus Christ as God and Savior to every person, and giving people the opportunity to receive eternal life through Jesus Christ. This personal experience with Christ transforms each person, who accepts Christ by faith, into a new creation in Christ Jesus (Jn.3:16-17; Eph.2:8-10; 2 Cor.5:17). One of the responsibilities that God has given all of us who are Christian believers is to intercede for those who do not know Christ to come into the knowledge of Christ and His grace. To intercede in prayer means to stand in that person’s place before God and pray for Him to release His mercy and grace to help them in their time of need (Gal.4:19; Heb.4:16). The New Testament is a rich source of Scriptures for praying for the Christian conversion of unbelievers. The Holy Scriptures - God’s word - is the same as His will. As we pray His word for unbelievers, He will perform all of His good pleasure toward them by saving them from an eternity in hell (Acts 2:1-47; Lk.18:1; 1 Cor.3:9; Rev.4:11). When Jesus gave Apostle Paul his mission on the road to Damascus, He instructed Paul, "to open their eyes, and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God,

of this world blinds the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of salvation. We have been given authority to bind the devil in Jesus’ name. There are times when the devil has such influence over the mind that he affects the person’s will. The power of and authority of Christ are key to that person’s deliverance and freedom of choice. Once the person is free from the manipulation of the devil, the Holy Spirit has greater liberty to bring him to Christ (2 Cor.4:3-6; Mt.18:18, 28:18; Lk.10:19; 2 Tm.2:26). 2. Pray for repentance from dead works and faith toward God. The first step toward

relationship with God is the recognition of our sinful nature, that we are going in the wrong direction and that we need God. When a sinner repents, he is turning from the works of unrighteousness and turning toward God in faith. Repentance is a place of truth, honesty and humility. God has promised to receive those who submit themselves to Him to receive cleansing and forgiveness (2 Tm.2:25; 2 Pet.3:9; 2 Cor.7:10a). 3. Pray for God to open their understanding about salvation, heaven and hell. Those

of us who are Christians tend to accept the plan of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ easily, though none of us were living during the time that Christ was ministering on the earth. It takes spiritual understanding to accept the work of Jesus Christ. True spiritual understanding comes from the Holy Spirit who is the only one able to bring our thinking into harmony with the higher thoughts of the living God. Pray for the Holy Spirit to clearly reveal that salvation, heaven and hell are real (Rom.8:6; Lk.24:32, 45; Isa.55:8,9). 4. Pray for the Heavenly Father draw the person to Christ. Jesus taught the disciples

about the necessity of the Father drawing each person to Christ. No one can come to Christ unless the Father draws him (Jn.6:44). 5. Pray the Blood of Christ. The Blood of Christ has the power to completely cleanse the conscience from sin and all of its darkness, guilt and shame. Through

Christ’s blood, our Heavenly Father can be approached. The blood of Christ embodies the fullness of Christ’s sinless life sacrificed for all mankind (Mt.26:28; Eph.2:13; Heb.9:14). 6. Pray for the preaching of the gospel to arrest and birth that person into the Body of Christ. The gospel is the good news

about Jesus Christ’s virgin birth, sinless life, death, burial, resurrection, ascension and present day ministry on behalf of all mankind for cleansing from sin and new birth into God’s family, the Body of Christ. The preaching of the gospel has the power to convert unbelievers into new believers in Christ Jesus (Mt.24:14; 1 Cor.1:17-25; 4:15; Heb.7:25). 7. Pray for the Holy Spirit to reprove of sin, righteousness and judgment, and to sanctify and to transform. The Holy Spirit

is truth and He knows the truth about every one and every thing. Now that Jesus is in heaven at the right hand of God, the Holy Spirit has the ministry of convicting man of sin unto true repentance. The Spirit also separates man from sin unto God and transforms him into the image of Christ. The Holy Spirit is a vital agent of salvation (Jn.16:7-11; 1 Cor.6:11; 2 Cor.3:17-18; 1 Jn.5:6). 8. Pray that customs and culture give place to the gospel. All human beings have

a set of core values that are shaped in part by their customs and cultural upbringing. Some of these customs may hinder the salvation process. Jesus called these customs and culture traditions of men. Jesus explained that the traditions of men can quench the power of His word. Through prayer the Holy Spirit is given license to

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1. Bind the devil in Jesus’ name and command him to take his hands off the person and their mind. 2 Cor.4:4 says that the god

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that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in Me" (Acts 26:18). Salvation is a process that takes place in the heart and mind so there are several areas to cover in prayer in cooperation with the Holy Spirit:

open eyes, ears, hearts and minds to receive and obey His word above customs and culture (Mt.15:3,6; Col.2:8). 9. Pray for laborers to minister the gospel.

Jesus taught the disciples to pray for laborers to go into God’s harvest, the harvest of souls. It is important for unbelievers to come into contact with believers who are equipped to share the good news about Jesus Christ. Effectively equipped believers are those who operate in God’s love, who know God’s rightly divided word of truth and are able to share the word in ways that can be easily understood; these believers are also endued with the power of the Holy Spirit and are effective in prayer (Mt.9:38; Lk.10:2; Acts 1:4, 5, 8). 10. Pray in the Holy Spirit. Prayer in the Holy Spirit, also known as praying in other tongues, allows believers to pray the will of God even when they are not aware of the specific details of someone’s life. Praying the Scriptures combined with praying in the Holy Spirit is a powerful, faith releasing act that sets angels in motion and creates the necessary circumstances for answered prayer. Prayer in the Holy Spirit also assists with stopping evil spirits and increasing the manifestation of the life that is in the blood of Christ (Acts 2:14,41; 1 Cor.14:2,14,15, 22; Rom.8:26-27). 11. Thank God for the Work of Salvation.

Every time we pray we are to thank God for hearing us and answering us even though we may not see the answer right now. Thanksgiving with our request is an act of faith toward God. It is faith that pleases God and thanksgiving lets God know we are grateful toward Him (Philp.4:6; Col.3:17; Heb.11:6).



Heavenly Father, I come before You by the same blood that Jesus shed for me on Calvary. I come before you looking to Your mercy, Your great grace, Your love and Your truth. By the power of Your Spirit, I bind the god of this world and command him to take his hands off person’s name and person’s

mind in the name of Jesus. God of this world, you will no longer blind this person’s heart and mind from the glorious light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus, I pray that the Holy Spirit reprove person’s

name of their sins, God’s righteousness and the final judgment and that He bring him or her to godly sorrow unto repentance from dead works and turn him or her in pure faith toward the living God. I pray that the gospel and Your Holy Spirit open person’s name eyes and turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto the living God, that he or she receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them that are sanctified by faith that is in Christ Jesus, and I pray that the gospel birth him or her into the Body of Christ. Father, I pray that you open person’s name understanding to the reality and the truth about heaven, hell and salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Let him or her know with full assurance that heaven and hell are real and that salvation in Christ is necessary. Heavenly Father, I ask You to draw person’s name to You. Father, I pray that the blood of Christ purge person’s name conscience from dead works to serve you living God. I pray that His


PRAYER OF INTERCESSION FOR UNBELIEVERS blood make person’s name nigh unto You. I pray that You fill and clothe him or her with the fullness of the efficacy of the blood of Jesus to affect and protect him or her while your Spirit is doing the work. In the name of Jesus, I pray that the Holy Spirit sanctify him or her unto God and transform him or her into the image of Christ. Father, I ask that their customs and culture bow before You and the gospel of salvation, and I ask that the Holy Spirit open their eyes, ears, heart, mind and understanding to see the reality and truth of gospel, your commandments and their life giving power above and beyond all customs, culture and the traditions of men. I ask You to send effectively, equipped Christian laborers to

person’s name who hold forth the word of life and who are led by Your Spirit unto his or her salvation.

(Now begin to pray in the Holy Spirit. With salvation you may pray for this person several times before the manifestation happens. Remember this is a work in progress and do not be weary in your well doing. At some point, the Holy Spirit may lead your to pray until the person is birthed into the kingdom of God. Praying in the Holy Spirit will give you an advantage when birthing someone into Christ because the Spirit can touch key areas related to that person’s salvation - areas of which you may not be aware. Prayer helps the person choose Christ based on their own free will.) Now, Father I thank you for person’s name salvation and I call I call him or her saved and a new member of the Body of Christ. I believe that I receive the answer right now as done and I thank You for it. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


God Is Faithful— Keep Sowing

Faith & Fasting to Usher in The Miraculous

If you think you’ve already learned everything there is to learn about sowing, think again! In this powerful audio series, you’ll discover: The importance of sowing in the place the Lord chooses How to sow in rivers of living water How God’s voice upon the waters causes things to happen How to reap mercy through righteous sowing How the power of praise will cause your field to yield its increase How to sow to reap your Rehoboth And More! Learn how to sow God’s way, and reap glorious harvests!

Is your miracle worth sacrificing a meal? By fasting a single meal, a widow woman received miraculous provision that sustained her household and a houseguest for three years! Faithful fasting looses the bands of wickedness, frees the oppressed, and breaks every yoke! In this enlightening series, Rev. Janice Davis Steele examines how to fast God’s way and describes the miracles that can occur when people faithfully fast God’s way. Learn how to faithfully fast and experience the miraculous!

God is Faithful – Keep Sowing! 4-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $20 (U.S.) # A04-0025

Faith & Fasting to Usher in the Miraculous 2-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $10 (U.S.) # A02-0009

Barrier-Breaking Faith God never intended for you to be hindered in any way! In this eye-opening audio series, you will learn how to overcome every barrier that taunts you, tries to frighten you, seeks to hold you bound, and tries to dispossess you of what you know God has promised you. You will learn how to: Overcome satanically constructed barriers Break through sound barriers – voices of individuals that tell you what you cannot do or become Break through gravity barriers – things that tempt you to yield to the lower, worldly desires Use barriers as a backdrop to display the power of God With this teaching, you will begin to run through every troop and leap over every wall! No barrier will hinder you!

Barrier Breaking Faith 2-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $10 (U.S.) # A02-0016




I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me

e t a d MINISTRY Up

Matthew 25:26

You areBlessed! Do you know you are blessed? No, I mean it. Do you know you are blessed? Do you realize that exercising faith in God places you in the category of those who are blessed? You see when you exercise faith by confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believing with your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you become saved. Romans 10:9-10. Faith is the key that opens the door and enables you to become a child of God and enter into a new relationship with Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:8 says, "By grace are you saved through faith..."

Know and understand that it is [really] the people [who live] by faith who are the true sons of Abraham. And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify (declare righteous, put in right standing with Himself) the Gentiles in consequence of faith, proclaimed the Gospel [foretelling the glad tidings of a Savior long beforehand] to Abraham in the promise saying, ‘In you shall all the nations [of the earth] be blessed.’ So then, those who are people of faith are blessed and made happy and favored by God [as partners in fellowship] with the believing and trusting Abraham.

From this passage, we see that those who live by faith are blessed just as much as Abraham was blessed. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE BLESSED? A search through Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Hendrickson Publishers) provides numerous definitions

for the term "blessed" used in the Bible. The definitions include: to be straight, level, right, honest; to be favored, well off, supremely blessed; to congratulate; to prosper; to relieve; to confer a benefit; to count happy; to speak well; and to pronounce fortunate." (See pages 18 and 24 in the Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary, under entry numbers 833, 835, 1288, 1289, and 1293, and pages 29, 33, and 46 in the Greek Dictionary of the New Testament under entry numbers 1757, 2127, 2128, 3106, and 3107.) Certainly, Abraham satisfied these definitions. The Bible tells us that Abraham was very rich in silver, gold, and cattle (Genesis 13:2, 5). Abraham’s servant said, "And the Lord hath blessed my master greatly; and he is become great: and he hath given him flocks, and herds, and silver, and gold, and menservants, and maidservants, and camels, and asses" (Genesis 24:35). He was supremely blessed and favored. We’ve learned from Galatians 3:9 that those who live by faith are blessed right along with faithful Abraham. The degree to which you live your life exercising faith 13


Faith not only secures your salvation, but it also secures your position as one who is blessed of God! Galatians 3:7-9 (Amplified Version) states:


Rev. Janice Davis Steele

in God determines the extent to which you can experience the totality of what it means to be "blessed." Your enemy, the devil, wants to make certain that you never experience the fullness of what it means to be blessed. He tries to invade your thought life to keep you from reaping the benefits of your blessed position. WHAT GOD HAS BLESSED NO ONE CAN CURSE! Even though you are blessed, the devil will try to make you think that you have some defect that precludes you from experiencing blessings. For instance, you may be tempted to believe that negative patterns (marital, physical, mental, social, financial, etc.) that have formed in your family over generations must follow you and form the fabric of your life. You must understand that when you make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, He places you in the position of being blessed. He puts you there. In that blessed position, you have a covering from God that is greater than anything in this world and more po-

Lord hath not defied?" Numbers 23:8. He also said, "God is not a man that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it." Numbers 23:19-20. It does not matter where a curse is coming from or who is directing it. God Almighty is above all curses and all evil. In Christ you stand delivered from every curse. Once God has declared you blessed, you cannot be cursed! MAINTAIN YOUR BLESSED POSITION! The blessed position insulates you from the effects of curses. The blessed position is a place of protection and provision. Balaam knew he was absolutely powerless to use any instrumentality against the Israelites directly. Consequently, Balaam told the Moabite king that he knew a sure way to cause the Israelites to stumble and remove themselves from their blessed position. Balaam told the Moabite king that if he wanted to get the upper hand over the Israelites, let them open the door for their own oppression. How did he do this? First, Balaam instructed the king to entice the Israelite men to sin against God and their own bodies by sleeping with the women of Moab. That was a sure fire way to cause the Israelites to remove themselves from

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werful than any curse or enemy that may come against you. No person or instrumentality can effectively curse whom God has blessed. Do you remember the biblical account of Balaam? Balaam was a prophet of God. The king of Moab bribed Balaam to get him to use his power to curse the Israelites. The king of Moab enticed Balaam by offering him a lot of money as well as a high position and prestige. Balaam tried to get permission from God to curse the Israelites, but God refused. God said," You shall not curse the people: for they are blessed." Numbers 22:12(b) (Amplified Version). Even though God refused, Balaam tried to curse the Israelites anyway. Balaam went up on a mountain to curse Israel, but when he opened his mouth to speak a curse, only blessings would come out of his mouth. The Moabite king was furious! Here he was, paying Balaam to curse the Israelites, and all Balaam could do was bless them! Balaam even suggested that they try another mountain. They climbed another mountain, but the same thing happened. Balaam tried to curse the Israelites from the north. He went to a mountain facing south. He went to a mountain facing east. He went finally to the west. On this fourth attempt, Balaam blessed the Israelites more than ever! Balaam had to explain to the Moabite king, "How shall I curse, whom God hath not cursed? Or how shall I defy, whom the

their blessed position. Balaam also taught the king to entice the Israelites to pursue idols. Let them spend their waking hours pursuing icons, images, and stimulants. Let those things take priority over their relationship with God. They would then be unprotected and easy prey for the enemy (see Numbers 25:2, 31:16; 2 Peter 2:15). There is a very clear principle here. You can remove yourself from your blessed position by giving in to temptations designed to cause you to become unfaithful and breach your covenant with God. Think about it. The enemy is utterly powerless to curse those whom God has blessed. Therefore, the enemy sends allurements and enticements, designed to get believers to be unfaithful to God and move out from under their covering. When that happens the believer is uncovered, exposed, and vulnerable. Don’t fall for it! Resolve to be faithful to God. Decide now how you will respond in a moment of crisis or temptation. Maintain your position despite the pressure and your enemy will flee from you (James 4:7). If you have moved from your blessed position, repent quickly, turn from that activity, attach yourself to God, and restore your covering (I John 1:9; Psalm 91). You need to know that you are blessed!

Bio Triumphant KEYS TO LIVING

Rev. Janice Davis Steele

Rev. Janice Davis Steele accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and personal savior at age 13 and received the baptism with the Holy Spirit at age nineteen. Shortly thereafter, she was healed of an arthritic condition known as osteo-arthritis. While in college, Janice accepted the call of God on her life to teach the Word with clarity and simplicity. She taught a weekly Bible study as a member of Campus Crusade for Christ, and continued to teach while in law school. After Janice moved to Washington, DC to practice law, her teaching ministry continued. In 1996, Janice started teaching a weekly noon Bible study at the Agape Bookstore in downtown Washington, DC. By 1999, the teaching ministry had outgrown the capacity of the bookstore, and was moved to the International Monetary Fund. That same year, Janice began receiving requests to minister at churches, conferences, and retreats, both in and outside the Washington metropolitan area. She was ordained through World Missions Ministries Bible College in Arlington, VA. She joined the Bible College faculty in year 2000 and teaches two courses. In 2001, Janice published a book entitled, “It’s Time to Stretch: Moving Into Full Faith in God”. Being a gifted speaker, she ministers in the Washington metropolitan area as well as nationally. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and Administration & Management Science from Carnegie-Mellon University and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Michigan Law School. She is married and has two children.

How to Keep From Being Moved 2-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $10 #A02-A016

Sharpen the Edge

4-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $20 #A04-0012

O R D E R TO DAY ! To order in the U.S. call toll free 1.877.560.1344 12pm - 5pm. ET Monday - Friday Charge card orders only please. VISA and MasterCard accepted. Send mail orders to: PO Box 66385, Washington, DC 20035. Order online at

R EC E I V E YO U R M I R AC L E READY TO SOAR IN 2004! March 27, 2004

9am to 1pm

Free conference with Rev. Janice Davis Steele Continental breakfast served (9-9:30) Anointed praise and worship! Special gift for each one who brings one! Seating limited! Register now at or call 1.877.560.1344. Best Western Potomac View 6400 Oxon Hill Road Oxon Hill, MD

MARYLAND WOM EN ’S R ETR EAT April 21-23, 2004 (Rev. Steele ministers April 23 at 9am) Sandy Cove Christian Conference Center 60 Sandy Cove Road Northeast, MD 21901 Sponsored by: Long Reach Church of God For more information call 410.997.2088

MARYLAND 22nd ANNUAL WOMEN’S CONVENTION May 15, 2004 9am breakfast speaker First Pentecostal Churches of Deliverance Hosted by Christian Outreach Center Best Western 5910 Princess Garden Parkway Lanham, MD 20706 For more information call 301.927.1684


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L U N C H T I M E B I B L E ST U DY Mondays PEPCO Corner 9th & G Sts, NW Washington, DC 1:00 - 2:00pm Contact: Ms. Stephanie Scott 202.331.6402

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“Now thanks be unto God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ” 2 Corinthians 2:14

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