Triumph Winter 2004

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PEACE “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2:14

Removing Pressures

Persistent Prayer




Salvation Prayer


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Dear Friend,

We are looking forward to the new year with great anticipation. God has given this ministry a vision to share the message of Jesus Christ to even wider audiences. We are moving forward prayerfully, seeking the Lord with every decision to ensure we are fulfilling His will for this ministry. God bless you for your support for the outreaches of Triumph in Christ. Because of your obedience to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, we can now be heard on five radio stations and we can be seen on three television stations. With every monthly partner pledge and every offering, you are helping us to reach more hurting people with the gospel message of salvation, peace, healing, prosperity, power and deliverance. God bless you! We encourage you to look forward to the new year with a resolve to be committed to do the will of God no matter what. We encourage you to be faithful, no matter what. We encourage you to be determined, no matter what. You can do it! You see, when you are committed to do the will of God, satan will try to use circumstances and pressures to discourage you and cause you to give up. However, you can remain committed, faithful, determined, and full of peace, even when pressures come against you. In the article, “Removing Pressures,” we provide insight on how you can keep from being “under pressure.” As you prepare for 2005, we want to encourage you to remain faithful in your prayer life. Do not give up on God simply because you have not received an answer to prayer in “microwave” fashion. Rev. Krystal Patrick has written an insightful article on the importance of persistent prayer. Using several biblical examples, Reverend Patrick explains the principle and rewards of praying with persistence in the article entitled, “The Power of Persistent Prayer.” In this issue we also explain how our words set the course of our life. As you prepare to enter 2005, we encourage you to allow your faith-filled words to serve as the rudder to set the course of your future. Faith-filled words will outlast any storm and cause you to receive the good future that God has planned for you. These principles are described in the article entitled, “Set the Course for Your Future.” May this issue encourage and equip you. Read, be blessed, and arise and thrive in 2005!

If you have never received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, we invite you to take that vital step right now. Your salvation is very important to God so much so that He gave His only Son to die for your sins (John 3:16). God isn’t willing that any should perish, and that includes you (II Peter 3:9). So please pray this prayer aloud from your heart:

Heavenly Father, I thank You for sending Jesus into the world. I realize that I need a Savior. Your Word says, “...whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:2). I am calling on You, Jesus, to come into my heart and be Lord over my life. Forgive me of all my sins and wash me clean. According to Your Word in Romans 10:9-10, I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord, and I believe with my heart that God raised Him from the dead. Therefore, I am saved, and I thank you for giving me eternal life. If you have just made Jesus your Lord and Savior, please find a good church that will teach you the Word of God. We also invite you to contact us. We would love to encourage you and provide you with materials to help in your new walk with Jesus!


Rev. Janice Davis Steele

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I thank God that

He ALWAYS causes

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us to TRIUMPH in Christ! The shed

blood of Jesus has already declared

our victory in Him! Believing His Word secures our freedom! By Janice Davis Steele


here may be those reading this article who right now are facing pressures where there does not appear to be a simple solution. The circumstances may be so difficult, so challenging, that you are tempted to try a less than favorable solution. Maybe you are considering handing in your resignation. Maybe you are considering taking out a second mortgage. Maybe you are considering declaring bankruptcy. Maybe you are considering ending your marriage. Maybe you are considering moving to another state to get away from the pressure. Maybe you are considering becoming distant with your children, who seem to not want to obey you. If this is speaking to your situation, read on!

Pressures can weaken you and divert your attention and devotion from your position of faith in Jesus Christ and the Word of God. When you respond to pressures by doing the first thing that comes to mind you will more than likely respond based on natural instinct. That is an example of using the arm of flesh. Using the arm of flesh as a solution diverts your attention from God and promises certain failure! Jesus told us in Mark 4:19 that when the cares of the world enter in, they will choke the Word and cause it to become unfruitful. Jeremiah 17:5 tells us that the person who relies upon the arm of flesh will turn aside his heart and mind from the Lord. When you turn aside to rely on the arm of flesh, YOU WON’T EVEN SEE WHEN GOOD COMES! God can be sending you the answer, and you will miss it because your heart and mind will not be looking in the direction of the God-sent solution. What, then, are you to do when pressure approaches? Listed below are a few suggestions. This list is hardly exhaustive, but it will give you a foundation upon which to build. Make an irreversible decision to believe in, trust in, and rely on the Lord your God.

You must never deviate from that decision. The Lord promises to completely satisfy and more than sustain the one who places his or her hope and confidence in Him. Don’t say you cannot do it, because you can! Just as your physical body has a hand that can


Thus says the Lord: Cursed [with great evil] is the strong man who trusts in and relies on frail man, making weak [human] flesh his arm, and whose mind and heart turn aside from the Lord. For he shall be like a shrub or a person naked and destitute in the desert; and he shall not see any good come, but shall dwell in the parched places in the wilderness, in an uninhabited salt land. [Most] blessed is the man who believes in, trusts in, and relies on the Lord, and whose hope and confidence the Lord is. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters that spreads out its roots by the river; and it shall not see and fear when heat comes; but its leaf shall be green. It shall not be anxious and full of care in the year of drought, nor shall it cease yielding fruit. take hold of things in this material world, so also your spirit being has a hand of faith that take hold of the things of God. The Word of God instructs us to “hold fast.” We can hold fast “the faithful word” (Titus 1:9), “the confidence and rejoicing of the hope” (Hebrews 3:6), “the profession of our faith” (Hebrews 10:23), and “that which is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). You can do it! By faith, make the decision to believe in, trust in, and rely on the Lord no matter what is going on in your life! God’s Word assures us that even if the pressure is so severe that it is like a yearlong drought, the believer does not have to fear or dread. The Lord will work in your life to cause you to not even feel the heat! What’s more, the leaves on your tree will remain green! The Lord will cause you to flourish with fruit even in the midst of a drought. Hallelujah! When you maintain steadfast faith and confidence in the Lord, YOU WILL SEE WHEN GOOD COMES!

Get the Word in you. Remember Psalm 1. The one who meditates day and night in the Word of God, “shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” Psalm 1:3. Now is the time to be more faithful to the Word of God than to the circumstances, the so-called friends, the news reports, and the naysayers who are speaking to you. 5


Many times we will be tempted to try a carnal, flesh-driven solution to rid ourselves of the pressures and challenges we face. However, only the hand of God secures true victory! Read Jeremiah 17:5-9 [Amplified Version] very carefully:

BELIEVE AS THE SCRIPTURE HAS SAID. John 7:38 says, “He that believeth on me, AS THE SCRIPTURE HATH SAID, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” The next verse tells us that Jesus was speaking of the Holy Spirit: “But this spake he of the Holy Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive….” John 7:39. You see, the one who meditates day and night on the Word of God will be like a tree planted by the rivers of living water. Yet, as you meditate day and night in the Word of God, it is important that you receive and believe on Jesus, who is The Word of God (John 1:1,14), just the way He is revealed in the Scripture. You must believe that God will do exactly what the Word says, in exactly the way the Word says. When you do, the Holy Spirit will gush forth in your spirit like rivers of living water. He will operate in, on, and through you to cause the Word on which you are meditating to become your living experience. He will lead you, guide you, and remove hindrances, burdens, and yokes! Just think of the rapids, like those found in the Colorado River. Now, that’s just one river. Try multiplying those rapids by 10,000! Well, the scripture says rivers (plural), not river (singular)! What can stand against the power of that force? The Holy Spirit will move to cause things to change and manifest in your life as you believe the Word on which you meditate, just as the Scripture says. This means that it is not enough to generally “believe God.” It is not enough to merely know about God. It is not enough for you to live your life the way you want to and then ask God to bless your life. It means that you cannot treat aspects of God’s Word as if they are unrealistic. You cannot have the mindset that although the Word declares that we are healed by the stripes of Jesus, it is unrealistic to expect God to heal you com-pletely of cancer, arthritis, diabetes, fibro- myalgia, lupus, AIDS, etc. You cannot main-tain the mindset that it is unrealistic for you to live completely debt free. You cannot maintain the mindset that you are unable to hear from God. When you harbor such thoughts and entertain such reservations, you absolutely quench and dwindle the flow of the rivers of living water out of your belly. Instead of living waters, you will plant your tree in parched places. Don’t let that posture of unbelief find a place to lodge in you! No! Believe on Jesus JUST AS THE SCRIPTURE HAS SAID, and allow the Spirit of Truth/the Holy Spirit/the rivers of living water, to fully flow, working with the Word of God to bring that Word into manifestation!

Resist the devil. Remember that all the evil that comes against you emanates from the devil, either directly or indirectly. James 4:7 says, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” God placed this instruction in His Word and He expects us to follow it. 1 Peter 5:9 tells us that we are to be steadfast in resisting the devil. Never think that any attack in your spirit, your mind, or your body can remain. Never think that pressures are permanent. God’s Word tells us that when the devil is resisted, he is compelled to flee from us. Any grip of evil cannot continue to lay hold on you once you have submitted yourself to God and resisted the devil.

Get quiet! The Word of God instructs us to “study to be quiet” (1 Thessalonians 3:11). A tranquil spirit can more easily hear from God than a spirit that is agitated. After spending time with God through prayer and through reading and meditating on His Word, spend some time simply in silence. Don’t engage in any activity. This will help to calm your spirit and enable you to more readily hear from God.

Expect the Lord to guide you! As you reject every negative voice and embrace the voice of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, you will discern the true voice of God! The Word of God enables you to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit. Take time daily to hear God’s written Word speak to your heart. You can hear with the ears of your spirit God’s recorded voice as you read the Word of God. As you read the Word of God, you will recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit and that voice will guide you. The Word of God promises, “And your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, This is the way, walk in it, when you turn to the right hand, and when you turn to the left.” Isaiah 30:21.


A major type of fear is that somehow you are going to lose everything. That type of fear causes people to react out of their flesh. You must exercise faith in the power of the Lord Jesus Christ to take care of you no matter what! You and your seed will not beg for bread! You will live and not die! You are not going down, you are coming up!


Refuse to fear!

No matter how pressed you may be feeling right now, I encourage you to read and re-read this article. Read the scriptures referenced. Meditate on them. Reject any thing that opposes the Word of God. Exercise faith in the Word of God just as the scripture says, and allow the full power of the Holy Spirit to operate in your situation. Submit yourself to God and steadfastly resist the devil. Get quiet before God and hear from Him. When you do these things, you won’t even feel the heat. You won’t feel the pressure. You will not cease to produce good things! Things will turn around right in the very midst of the circumstances! The doctors will be amazed! Your employer will be amazed! The naysayers will be amazed! God will cause you to triumph! Hallelujah!

Bio Triumphant KEYS TO LIVING

Rev. Janice Davis Steele

Rev. Janice Davis Steele accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and personal savior at age 13 and received the baptism with the Holy Spirit at age nineteen. Shortly thereafter, she was healed of an arthritic condition known as osteo-arthritis. While in college, Janice accepted the call of God on her life to teach the Word with clarity and simplicity. She taught a weekly Bible study as a member of Campus Crusade for Christ, and continued to teach while in law school. After Janice moved to Washington, DC to practice law, her teaching ministry continued. In 1996, Janice started teaching a weekly noon Bible study at the Agape Bookstore in downtown Washington, DC. By 1999, the teaching ministry had outgrown the capacity of the bookstore, and was moved to the International Monetary Fund. That same year, Janice began receiving requests to minister at churches, conferences, and retreats, both in and outside the Washington metropolitan area. She was ordained through World Missions Ministries Bible College in Arlington, VA. She joined the Bible College faculty in year 2000 and teaches two courses. In 2001, Janice published a book entitled, “It’s Time to Stretch: Moving Into Full Faith in God”. A gifted speaker, she ministers in the Washington metropolitan area as well as nationally. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and Administration & Management Science from Carnegie-Mellon University and a J. D. degree from the University of Michigan Law School. She is happily married and has two precious children.

How to Keep From Being Moved 2-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $10 #A02-A016

Sharpen the Edge

4-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $20 #A04-0012

O R D E R TO DAY ! To order in the U.S. call toll free 1.877.560.1344 12pm - 5pm. ET Monday - Friday Charge card orders only please. VISA and MasterCard accepted. Send mail orders to: PO Box 66385, Washington, DC 20035. Order online at

Merr Christmas and a Blessed NewYear! Somehow saying "thank you" to our partners seems inadequate when compared to the impact your support has had on the lives of so many. Because of you, many have: found Jesus, rededicated their lives to Jesus, experienced the presence of God, received their healing, received deliverance, obtained jobs, come out of debt, etc. The list is endless. We believe you will reap significant harvests as a result of your partnership with this ministry. We just want you to know that we are grateful to God for all of you. From Eric and Janice and the staff of Triumph in Christ/JDS Ministries




“Peter therefore was kept in prison, but prayer was made

Persistent Prayer



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without ceasing of the church unto God for him”.



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Acts 12:5

By Rev. Krystal Patrick


ave you ever prayed and God answered your prayer in a nanosecond? Have you also ever prayed and it seemed like God was taking a very long nap? Sometimes when we don’t get “instant messaging” from God, we get concerned and confused. If I approach God again is that a lack of faith? Christians must understand that it is possible to pray more than once about the same situation and still be in faith. (Mark.11:2324; John.16:23; Philippians.4:6; James 5:13-18)

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During the evil reign of Ahab, King of Israel, God’s prophet Elijah warned Ahab and the Israelites of a forthcoming drought as a result of their idolatry. After three and one-half years of deadly drought and famine, Elijah returned to King Ahab, this time to inform him of a pending deluge of rain. (1 Kings.16:33-34; 17:11; 18:1) Realize that after more than three years of scorching drought, the physical conditions that normally produced rainwater

were no longer in place. Elijah knew that he would have to pray for God’s divine intervention to reset the scientific rainproducing laws into motion. Elijah prayed earnestly, fervently, and incessantly to God, Creator of all things. In fact, he relentlessly prayed seven times before the first miniscule cloud appeared. However, even though that cloud was merely the size of a man’s fist, God’s awesome power produced a torrential downpour. (I Kings 18:42-44) Although it took more than one prayer to produce drenching rain, Elijah knew that God would fulfill on His promise to send it. However, rain didn’t fall immediately because the laws of nature had been temporarily disrupted and the forces of darkness were opposing the will of God, fiercely battling against Elijah’s prayers. Elijah determinedly prayed until every Godly angel and circumstance was in harmony with the thoughts, will and purpose of God and every opposing evil spirit and circumstance was bound. (James.4:6-10; James.5:16b-18; 1 Peter. 5:5-6) “Then said he [the angel, Gabriel] unto me, fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God,


“ Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain, and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.” James 5:17-18


Many of our prayer requests – petitions for which we desire God’s answer – are simple prayers in which we ask our Heavenly Father for what we want in Jesus’ name. We believe that we receive His answers, thank Him for hearing and answering our prayers, and await the desired results. However, sometimes serious life issues and grave circumstances require different combinations of prayers. In other words, we may need to pray more than once before we see God’s answer manifest in our lives. Be encouraged by believers in both the Old and New Testaments whose lives reflect the power of persistent prayer.

thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. But the prince of Persia withstood me one and twenty days.” Daniel 10:12-13a

Daniel customarily prayed three times daily. During King Darius’s reign, Daniel prayed and fasted for three weeks to receive a specific answer from God. The Holy Spirit directed Daniel’s prayers of repentance, worship, fasting, faith and seeking God, setting the stage for the Lord to fight his battles and to respond to Daniel’s need for wisdom. Although God answered him the first time that he prayed, Daniel did not immediately see God’s response. He unrelentingly prayed and fasted for twenty-one days before the angel Gabriel brought his answer. In fact, Gabriel came because of Daniel’s incessant prayers. However, God’s chief angel, Michael, had to first defeat demonic spirits that were hindering Gabriel’s arrival. Not only did God miraculously answer Daniel’s prayer; He also rewarded Daniel’s faithfulness with renewed strength. (Isaiah.65:24; Daniel.6:13; 9:23; 10:2, 12-13, 18, 19; Ephesians.6:12; Matthew.12:28; 18:18)

Men ought always to pray and not to faint. Luke18:1

“But prayer was made without ceasing unto God for him [Peter] Acts 12:5b.

Soon after the birth of the early Church, its leaders were severely persecuted. Apostle Peter was the Church’s most prominent leader; originally selected and trained by Christ Himself. During the feast of unleavened bread, Herod Agrippa I arrested Peter, intending to kill him. Knowing that the Jews opposed executions occurring during the feast, Herod, in his desire to please them strategically planned for the execution to take place after the feast ended. When the members of the Church heard that Peter had been arrested, they gathered for prayer immediately, knowing that the feast would conclude in just seven days. They prayed fervently both night and day until Peter was set free. Because of their ardent, heartfelt prayers, God sent

angels to deliver him from prison. Those angels supernaturally opened the prison gates in the presence of several prison guards. Peter first thought he was dreaming when he walked out of the prison. Even the people who were praying for Peter thought that the woman who opened the door for him was insane when she announced Peter’s arrival. They thought she was merely seeing his angel. Even though they had prayed powerful Holy Spirit-filled prayers, God’s liberating response amazed them. They received exceeding abundantly above what they expected. Additionally, Herod and the others who had orchestrated

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The Lord Jesus explained the principle of persistent prayer to his disciples based on the Parable of the Unjust Judge. That judge eventually avenged the woman of her adversaries knowing that if he didn’t, she would pester him relentlessly until the issues were resolved to her satisfaction. Until she received her intended outcome, the woman had no guarantee of a satisfactory answer from the judge. However, she begged until her objective was achieved. Unlike her, we don’t need to beg our loving Heavenly Father to satisfy our deepest needs. He already knows what we need before we make our requests known to him. We as His children have a guarantee that He not only will listen, but He also will move on our behalf when we persevere in Holy Spirit-filled prayer until the answer manifests and our joy is full.

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“And he (Jesus) spake a parable unto them (to this end): men ought always to pray and not to faint.” Luke 18:1

Peter’s imprisonment were destroyed. (Matthew.18:19-20; Acts 12:1-25; Romans.1:9; 2 Timothy.1:3) We are so blessed to have these and many other examples throughout the Holy Scriptures supporting God’s principle of persistent prayer. Elijah, Daniel, and members of the early church lived a lifestyle of worship, prayer, faith, and obedience to God that yielded remarkable results – results that astonished even the most seasoned believers of their day. Prayer was a normal part of life. They were grateful that God always heard and answered their fervent, persistent prayers without fail. (John 16:13, Romans 8:26,27 I John 2:20,27). Know that we also have the same Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. We too can go forward with the attitude and mindset of our biblical examples, led by the Holy Spirit, praying without ceasing. How much more will our Father move on our behalf when we put the power of persistent prayer into action? As we continue to exercise our faith in God and gain experience in prayer, the Holy Spirit is better enabled to direct our prayers. He gives us grace and encouragement to persevere until the victory is won. May we also through persistent prayer consistently experience God’s miraculous power in our lives that Christ died for us to have.


urGod is excellent. He is excellent in majesty, glory, power, might . . . in every way! When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, He sends the Holy Spirit, who is excellent, to indwell you. For that reason, God calls His covenant children “the excellent ones.� Psalm 16:3. In this dynamic 6-tape series, Janice explains how you can: Tap into the excellent Spirit within Operate in excellence

A Foundation for Excellence 6-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $30 #A06-0020

Eliminate the barriers to living an excellent, over and above life You can excel in every place and in everything God has called you to be and do. Learn how in this essential series.

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We here at Triumph in Christ take the privilege of prayer and intercession seriously. We realize that you can and should go to God directly on your own. Yet, we also realize that there are times when it is good to have other saints praying as well. James 5:16 instructs us to “Pray for one another, that you may be healed.” Matthew 18:19 says, “Again I say to you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it will be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.” Isaiah 59:16 says, “And He [God] saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor….” Galatians 6:2 says, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” We are willing to fervently pray for you. We are willing to intercede on your behalf. We are willing to touch and agree with you in prayer. If you would like someone to pray with you or for you, contact us by phone, fax, email or regular mail. We’re here for you!

or write to us

P.O. Box 66385 Washington, DC 20035

PRAYER INTERCESSION PROTECTION “And He [God] saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor….”




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Set the

Course Future you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” The plan of God is contained in His Word. The key to victory in life is obeying the plan of God. The key to obedience is meditation. The key to meditation is the Word of God. To meditate means to ponder, mutter, study, speak, think about, muse, commune, and converse with oneself. Joshua 1:8 tells us that we need to KNOW the word of God in order to MEDITATE on the Word of God in order to DO the Word of God. You implement God’s Word by what you say and what you do (Mark 11:22-26). We must speak it, and we must do it. The words from your mouth operate like the rudder on a ship. The rudder directs the course of the ship. Our words set the course of our life. This is why the Word of God says, “Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires. Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles!” James 3:4-5 (NKJV). In Mark 4:35, Jesus said, “Let us cross over to the other side.” When Jesus made that statement, He set the ship’s course. Even though satan sent a tempestuous storm to try to divert Jesus from His course, Jesus had already set the course through His words. Consequently, satan was powerless to cause the ship to capsize. In like manner, as we consistently confess God’s Word, our words will control 13


God has a good future planned for you. In Jeremiah 29:11, the Word of God says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Isaiah 14:24 says, “The Lord of hosts has sworn saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand:” Psalm 119:89 tells us, “Forever, Oh Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.” In the realm of heaven, God has already accomplished the good future He has planned for you. His purposes for your life are an accomplished fact in the realm of the spirit. By cooperating with God’s plan, we attain here on earth that which He has already accomplished in heaven. That is why Jesus, in the model prayer (also known as The Lord’s Prayer) instructed us to pray, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). While God has a good future planned for you, satan plans for your death (John 10:10). As you move through life, you find yourself coming to forks in the road – crossroads where you typically have only two ways to proceed: God’s way or satan’s way. One way will prevent God’s accomplished plan from being your living experience and cause you to experience a living hell (Proverbs 14:12; Proverbs 16:25). God’s way will cause His good plan to manifest in your life. In order to ensure that you are living in God’s plan, you need to know what that plan is. Joshua 1:8 provides insight for how we can receive and move in God’s plan for our lives: “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night that


for your

By Janice Davis Steele

the direction of our lives and ensure God’s plan for our lives is realized. No matter how severe the storms may be, we must consistently confess God’s Word. As we consistently confess the Word of God, Jesus, the High Priest of our confessions will see to it that the confessed Word will come to pass (Isaiah 55:11). The Word of God will demolish every devilish plot, scheme, and stratagem. Understand that our faith and our actions must be consistent with our confession; otherwise, our confession is useless. James 2:20 tells us that “faith without works is dead.” Galatians 6:9 tells us that we will reap if we do not lose heart.” Confessing the Word of God proves you believe it to be reliable. This is “faith with works,” and it produces life. Satan wants you to fold. He wants you to quit. He wants you to lose heart. He wants you to abandon your confession of faith. He wants to take your life off God’s course. He wants to abort God’s plans and purposes for your life. So don’t waver! Remain unmovable, steadfast, and unshakeable in your confession of the Word of God. You will triumph in every situation in life, despite the storms. Let your faith-filled words serve as the rudder to set the course of your life. They will outlast any storm and cause you to receive the good future that God has planned for you!

“He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.” Psalm 107:20. God is expanding the media ministry of Triumph in Christ to send His message of salvation, healing, wholeness and peace to multitudes. Tune in to a radio or television broadcast near you and receive the life-changing Word of God. Receive your deliverance from every form of destruction!




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God Is Faithful— Keep Sowing

Faith & Fasting to Usher in The Miraculous

If you think you’ve already learned everything there is to learn about sowing, think again! In this powerful audio series, you’ll discover: The importance of sowing in the place the Lord chooses How to sow in rivers of living water How God’s voice upon the waters causes things to happen How to reap mercy through righteous sowing How the power of praise will cause your field to yield its increase How to sow to reap your Rehoboth And More! Learn how to sow God’s way, and reap glorious harvests!

Is your miracle worth sacrificing a meal? By fasting a single meal, a widow woman received miraculous provision that sustained her household and a houseguest for three years! Faithful fasting looses the bands of wickedness, frees the oppressed, and breaks every yoke! In this enlightening series, Rev. Janice Davis Steele examines how to fast God’s way and describes the miracles that can occur when people faithfully fast God’s way. Learn how to faithfully fast and experience the miraculous!

God is Faithful – Keep Sowing! 4-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $20 (U.S.) # A04-0025

Faith & Fasting to Usher in the Miraculous 2-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $10 (U.S.) # A02-0009

Barrier-Breaking Faith God never intended for you to be hindered in any way! In this eye-opening audio series, you will learn how to overcome every barrier that taunts you, tries to frighten you, seeks to hold you bound, and tries to dispossess you of what you know God has promised you. You will learn how to: Overcome satanically constructed barriers Break through sound barriers – voices of individuals that tell you what you cannot do or become Break through gravity barriers – things that tempt you to yield to the lower, worldly desires Use barriers as a backdrop to display the power of God With this teaching, you will begin to run through every troop and leap over every wall! No barrier will hinder you!

Barrier Breaking Faith 2-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $10 (U.S.) # A02-0016

J o i n u s i n Tr i u m p h a t w w w. j d s m i n i s t r i e s . o r g


B R OA D C A ST S Listen to the Triumph in Christ radio ministries: DC Metro area WYCB 1340AM 1:30pm Sundays


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L U N C H T I M E B I B L E ST U DY Mondays PEPCO Corner 9th & G Sts, NW Washington, DC 1:00 - 2:00pm Contact: Ms. Stephanie Scott 202.331.6402

Thursdays IMF 700 19th St, NW Washington, DC Noon - 1:00pm Contact: Mrs. Afi Apaloo 202.623.4996

Come and receive sound, practical Biblical instruction in the middle of your work day! Let the Word of God make a difference in your life!

For placement on our Events mailing list, please send us an email including your name, telephone and address. Email to: 1.877.560.1344 phone/fax.

“Now thanks be unto God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ” 2 Corinthians 2:14

JDS Ministries PO Box 66385 Washington, DC 20035

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