Triumph Summer 2004

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Light TO

Getting Through a Tough Season





Salvation Prayer


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Dear Friend,

The primary goal of this ministry is to introduce Jesus to the multitudes; “To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith in Me.” (Acts 26:18.) We want everyone to experience the victory Jesus wrought at Calvary and the power unleashed at Pentecost. When faced with trying situations it is sometimes challenging to appreciate Christ’s victory. In this issue, we address how believers can walk in the light of Christ, the power of Christ’s victory, and in the fullness of their inheritance even in the midst of particularly difficult circumstances. We provide Bible-based strategies for overcoming difficult life trials in the article, “Getting Through a Tough Season.” I am elated to share with you a portion of what I receive on a consistent basis from my wonderful husband, Eric. Eric is the Chairman of the Board of Directors for Triumph in Christ. He is a personal source of encouragement, inspiration, understanding and support. He is also full of wisdom. Eric has written a very witty and insightful article, entitled “Root for the Right Team,” explaining the importance of speaking things that are right. If ever there was a time in our lives for unity in the Body of Christ, it is today. Divisive demonic influences have crept into the Body of Christ intending to dull the brightness of the light of our witness to the world. Reverend Krystal Patrick’s article, “The Corporate Anointing,” reveals the power and unity of the corporate anointing. The corporate anointing results in a release of power and brilliance so spectacular that it can transform not only individuals but also nations. We pray this issue will cause you to walk in the brilliance of the light of Christ. We pray you out of all forms of darkness – including sickness, emotional distress, strife, and division - into His marvelous light. We pray that the light of your witness will draw others to Jesus. Read and be blessed! Love,

If you have never received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, we invite you to take that vital step right now. Your salvation is very important to God so much so that He gave His only Son to die for your sins (John 3:16). God isn’t willing that any should perish, and that includes you (II Peter 3:9). So please pray this prayer aloud from your heart:

Heavenly Father, I thank You for sending Jesus into the world. I realize that I need a Savior. Your Word says, “...whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:2). I am calling on You, Jesus, to come into my heart and be Lord over my life. Forgive me of all my sins and wash me clean. According to Your Word in Romans 10:9-10, I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord, and I believe with my heart that God raised Him from the dead. Therefore, I am saved, and I thank you for giving me eternal life. If you have just made Jesus your Lord and Savior, please find a good church that will teach you the Word of God. We also invite you to contact us. We would love to encourage you and provide you with materials to help in your new walk with Jesus!

Rev. Janice Davis Steele

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DC © 2004 Triumph in Christ, Inc. All rights reserved. TRIUMPH! has no subscription price; printing and distribution costs are paid for by donations from TIC Partners and Friends. All gifts to this ministry are tax deductible. Printed in the United States of America. For a free subscription, write to Triumph In Christ, PO Box 66385, Washington, DC 20035 or sign up online at Publishers Eric and Janice Steele Executive Editor Cecilia Peachey Print Coordinator Susan Henderson Product Manager William A. Paterson, III Testimony Coordinator Doreen Hardie Graphic Designer Larry Smith


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R EC E I V E YO U R M I R AC L E READY TO SOAR IN 2004! July 17, 2004

9am to 1pm

Free conference with Rev. Janice Davis Steele Continental breakfast served (9-9:30) Anointed praise and worship! Special gift for each one who brings one! Seating limited! Register now at or call 1.877.560.1344. Best Western Potomac View 6400 Oxon Hill Road Oxon Hill, MD

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VIRGINIA FAMILY CONFERENCE October 10, 2004 11:00am service Christ Deliverance Tabernacle Ministries 413 Pender Street East Wilson, North Carolina 27893 For more information call 252.237.7475


restoration .......................................

commit to GO D . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .

Tough Season



Rev. Janice Davis Steele

Let’s face it: sometimes life’s paths can be incredibly hard to traverse. Portions of life’s paths may be laden with hurt, pain, tough choices, embarrassment and shame. They may be strewn with unfair and extraordinarily trying circumstances. You should know that tough situations never catch God off guard. Jesus said, “In this world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.” John 16:33. The scripture further reminds us, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” Psalm 34:19. Your Heavenly Father is not taken by surprise by the tough seasons in your life. Better yet, He has already prepared a way for you to come through unscathed. Remember, God told us: When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned or scorched, nor will the flame kindle upon you. Isaiah 43:2 [NKJ].

We may encounter flash floods – quickly rising troubles that catch us off guard. We may encounter rivers of water – seasons of difficulty that want to overwhelm us. We may experience fiery


Sometimes we experience unbelievably difficult, heart-wrenching seasons in life.


trials – situations that absolutely want to destroy us emotionally, physically, financially, and in other ways. But God says that every such difficulty is seasonal, not permanent! God has ordained that you pass through tough seasons. God never ordained for any covenant child to live with or cope with never-ending difficulties, problems, and struggles. No! Instead, God promises to take you through and totally deliver you from tough seasons without scars, without bruises, without drowning, and without first, second, or third degree burns. If you are in the midst of a tough situation, refuse to accept it as a permanent state. Expect God to deliver you from it. How do you make it through such difficult places? Thank God for His Word, because the Word of God provides helpful insight into how to make it through when it seems that life is simply coming apart at the seams. JESUS’ EXAMPLE: COMMIT YOURSELF TO GOD Certainly, Jesus faced an excruciatingly difficult time as He endured the agony of the cross. Jesus’ final words from the cross speak a hidden wisdom and provide sage instruction for how we

Jesus committed His very life to God as He hung on the cross and died. When He did, God raised Jesus from the grave and caused Jesus to triumph over the devil (Phil. 2:8-11; Col. 2:14-15). The outcome of Jesus’ commitment of Himself to God was His glorious resurrection and triumph by the Grace of God. Jesus was raised by the Spirit of God (Romans 8:11), and the Spirit of God is called the Spirit of Grace (Hebrews 10:29). By committing everything to God, Jesus allowed the Spirit of Grace to enter in full demonstration of resurrection power. Our committing everything to God is the prerequisite for our deliverance from every tough place. It is the prerequisite for inner healing, peace of mind, and the complete turnaround of a bad situation. God promised to be with us in the midst of the trial, but we must also be with Him. We must desire to be delivered by committing ourselves to God during that trial. In so doing we allow His Presence and the Spirit of Grace to cause every mountain, river, fire, and other hindrance to bow.

COMMIT OTHERS TO GOD Sometimes, we find ourselves enduring oppresive situations that we did not create. Someone may have spread malicious rumors about you. Employers may have tried to diminish you and your contributions to the organization by firing you or forcing you to resign. You may have done all you know to do yet your child seems to be intent on living a lifestyle of rebellion. While you may be able to commit yourself to God, you may find it hard to even mention the names of those who hurt you, much less pray for them. Yet, the Word of God contains divine wisdom and deep revelation where others are concerned. Look at Acts 20:32 [NKJ]: So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.

How powerful! We have just seen how Jesus committed Himself to God and experienced the resurrection power of the Spirit of Grace. Here, the apostle Paul committed the brethren to God and to the Word of His Grace. This shows us that we can commit others to God. The key is to entrust others entirely to God’s care and protection. Doing so serves as an invitation for God Himself to take over. This is good news, friend! You may not know how to reach those who hurt you, but God does. You may not know what to say to your siblings, your relatives, or your children, but God does. You may be dealing with a situation you never thought you’d see. You may have never seen anything like it. But God has seen it all. In fact, He has seen the end from the




must respond in painful circumstances. Jesus said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” Luke 23:46 [AMP]. Jesus’ final words contain sound counsel: commit everything entirely into the hands of God and leave it there. Entrust your life into the hands of God. Entrust every issue into the hands of God. In his final twelve hours on earth, Jesus’ emotions spanned from “Father, why have You forsaken me?” – to the complete surrender of his life to the Father. He went from feeling utterly abandoned to openly declaring His confidence in the Father. His last words provide the strategy for getting through the torturous trials of life. We may feel as if God has abandoned us. We may not always understand why a certain trial has come. The trial you’ve been enduring may be particularly unfair. Perhaps you have been wrongfully accused. Perhaps you have faced heart sickening betrayal. Perhaps you have discovered that your spouse has contracted a sexually transmitted disease. Perhaps you are enduring the pain and bewilderment associated with the death of a loved one. Perhaps you are facing a fierce battle for your child’s salvation and life. Jesus’ example shows us that committing ourselves to God, placing ourselves totally into His hands, provides the key that unlocks the door to the healing, restoration, and resurrection of any difficult situation.

beginning. Friend, commit them to God and allow His Grace and His Presence to enter. THE ROLE OF GOD’S GRACE IN SURRENDER This passage of scripture further reveals that God’s Grace has the ability to build you and others up and give you and them an inheritance right along with other believers. In fact, the term “build up” in the Greek is “epoikodomeo.” The phrase used in Acts 20:32 suggests the renewal of a life in ruins. It suggests someone that is a wreck spiritually, emotionally, and physically. The Word of God’s Grace is able to take someone whose life is in ruins and make that person new again as the habitation of God by His Spirit. By committing someone or yourself to God and His Grace, you are asking God to take a wrecked life, a wrecked body, wrecked finances, wrecked relationships, wrecked businesses, harsh circumstances, etc., and totally restore, resurrect, and make those wrecked and damaged areas new. You are inviting God to move by His Grace to cause pain to become passion, messes to become mes-sages, tests to become testimonies, and tragedies to become triumphs! GRACE TO OUTLAST CHALLENGING TIMES One truth you should be aware of is the fact that God’s Grace performs a function beyond unmerited favor. His Grace does more than deliver from sin. His Grace does more than supply supernatural power. While all these functions of Grace are in themselves tremendous, there is an ad-


dual can and should be reached. Whether or not the individual heeds the instruction coming from the Spirit of Grace depends on the individual. However, when you commit the individual to God by faith, the Spirit of Grace will move, causing the individual to receive instruction, so that the individual will have no excuse. In addition to teaching those you commit to God, the Spirit of Grace will also teach you. You can come through a trial better than you were when it began regardless of how others respond to the move of the Spirit of Grace in their lives. Whether others repent or not, whether others change or not, God will uphold you! You will outlast the trial. You will withstand the difficulty. God’s Grace will guide you

For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope, and glorious appearing of our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ.

through the trouble and teach you invaluable lessons in the process. Whatever the trial, whatever the difficulty, the Spirit of Grace will teach you how to get through it. The Spirit of Grace will teach you how to keep from losing it in the midst of the most burdensome trial. The Spirit of Grace will teach you how to maintain your stance of righteousness in harrowing circumstances. The Spirit of Grace will teach you how to live right when you are going through a tough place. Grace will teach you and Grace will empower you not only to get through but also to come through better than you were when that season of difficulty began. You will come through intact, unscathed, without emotional bondage, scars, or wounds. The Spirit of Grace will take that which should have done you in and turn it around into complete deliverance! ON A PERSONAL NOTE I recently came through a season of indescribable difficulty in my own life, when my beautiful sister, Darlene, passed away at the beginning of this year. I can recall having to press by faith past the pain to spend time in the presence of the Lord. Even though she was saved, her passing caused me to experience a hurt and a depth of pain so piercing -- I honestly, never knew it was humanly possible to experience such agony. I had never felt such a void before. I had never felt so helpless. I was deeply hurt and quite furious at a number of people. It really was too much for me to bear. I could not handle her passing on my own. My sense of rage certainly was not Christ-like. I was so deflated; I was simply a shell of myself. I knew I could not stay in that state, but I needed help to get out. As I prayed to God, the Lord brought His words back to me: “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” He revealed to me what I have shared about committing yourself and others to God and to the word of His Grace. Though irate, distressed, hurt, and suffering profoundly, I prayed, committing myself and everyone else into God’s hands. I opened my mouth and spoke it out in prayer. As the days ensued, I faced many opportunities to blame others, give people a piece of my mind, lash out in anger, and question God. But the Word of the Lord sustained me, and the Holy Spirit reminded me that I had chosen to commit everything and everyone to God. I found myself saying, “That’s yours, Lord. Father, 6


These scriptures reveal something very significant: in addition to empowering us to do what we cannot do on our own, Grace teaches us. Grace trains us. In fact, this passage of scripture reveals that Grace teaches us seven powerful lessons: 1. To reject/renounce ungodliness; 2. To reject/renounce worldly lusts; 3. To live soberly (sensibly, self-controlled; taking life seriously); 4. To live righteously; 5. To live godly; 6. To live right in this life; and 7. To look for the rapture and the second coming of Jesus Christ. In addition to empowering, Grace teaches. This Grace, the scripture reveals, appears to all mankind. When you commit someone to God, God’s Grace will appear to that person and teach that person in the seven areas outlined above. Grace will teach that person in a way the person can understand. The Spirit of Grace knows far more about the individual than you do. The Spirit of Grace knows how the indivi-


ditional work of Grace. Look at Titus 2:1113 [NKJ]:

I believe you will work this out. Father, I need Your wisdom and grace to know what to do about this issue. Lord, I place this person in Your hands and I refuse to take the burden of what he/she just said.” The challenges seemed endless, yet God supplied wisdom, insight, comfort, compassion, and peace. He absolutely enabled me to pass through that season and emerge from it better than before. I received the revelation that God, His Word, and His Spirit were more powerful than my rage and my pain. I realized that the tripartite God could completely heal every hurt and mend every broken condition. In addition, the same God could permit others affected by the situation to receive their God-given inheritance. I certainly did not want to forfeit my inheritance – the blessing of Abraham – just because I was hurt and enraged. So, I chose to commit it all to God. I found the key, received it, and unlocked the door for my deliverance and the deliverance of others impacted by that jolting loss. I tell you, it works. The rage ceased, the pain lessened, my understanding has deepened, I am far more empathetic, and I have learned what it means to be carried by God. I have discovered new depths of peace and comfort that I had never known. Others impacted by the loss have been delivered as well. Isn’t it time for you to commit yourself and others to God and the word of His Grace? Isn’t it time for you to build up the broken-down places of your life? Isn’t it time for you to receive the fullness of your inheritance? Don’t let your life unravel! You may be in a season of difficulty, but it is time for your season to change! I commit you, friend, to God, and to the Word of God’s Grace, which is able to build you up and give you your inheritance. Let God’s Grace teach and empower you. Respond to and agree with the teaching of the Spirit of Grace. Be renewed and restored, and receive your inheritance! God is earnestly waiting to deliver you out of any tough season of your life better than you were before that season began. Let Him do it.

LOOK AT GOD I desperately needed someone to talk to. My husband and I were transitioning between ministries. Our pastor of that time had released us to pursue the pastoral call of GOD on our lives. Another pastor who lives in another state had welcomed us into his ministry. Yet, when we responded to his invitation by agreeing to join him, he never replied. Additionally, we tried to contact our spiritual father who also lives in another state, but he was "out of reach" at the time. I searched my heart and my mind and asked the Lord who I could talk to that wouldn’t give me a bogus word or an erroneous prophecy. Then one day while at work, I called Rev. Janice Davis Steele. I asked her if she could meet with me because I needed to talk with someone. To my amazement, she agreed to meet with me THAT DAY. Upon arriving at her office, I was a little weary, afraid, and unsure of what to expect. Nonetheless, I had prepared my heart and my hearing for what I would receive. I had also prepared an offering (which Rev. Steele was NOT expecting). I KNEW that the LORD would give her words to say that were of HIM and NOT OF HERSELF. I shared with her the challenges my husband and I were experiencing and how we were patiently waiting for GOD to move us INTO HIS WILL, not ours. We were (and still are) certain that GOD called us both into the ministry. Now remember, we were released from one ministry and were waiting to hear from the pastor who welcomed/invited us into his ministry, so at the time we were not members of any assembly. One of the lasting, penetrating comments that Rev. Steele said to me was that we needed to have a spiritual father right HERE, where we live. She was not taking anything away from our spiritual father who lives in another state. However, there was much emphasis on having a spiritual father "HERE". Shortly after meeting with Rev. Steele, my husband and I were invited by Bishop Larry H. Jordan to attend services at The Believer's Worship Center in Forestville, MD. Before we left that service, Bishop Jordan summoned us to the altar and said that THE LORD had placed on his heart to help us with the area of ministry that GOD had called us to! My husband and I were both ordained as pastors on April 27, 2003 and will be pastoring a church - given to us by Bishop Jordan - in the year 2005! Not only has Bishop Jordan released to us a church building, but also EVERYTHING IN IT as well! We discovered through our transition that our spiritual father – the one destined to position us to further the gospel of Jesus Christ – was HERE all along. God has truly given us a father in the faith! Thank You SO VERY MUCH, REV. STEELE for your time, your counsel, and your receiving of THAT offering. Rev. Crystal French




TO GOD BE THE GLORY I have been a partner with Triumph In Christ since August 2001. Rev. Janice Davis Steele has been most inspiring to me. She is truly an anointed woman of God and a chosen vessel. I am 59 years old and have never been married. In March of last year, I was introduced to the man who is now my husband. His daughter and my daughter are friends. We talked on the phone for two weeks prior to actually seeing each other. We were sent on a blind dinner date. By the time we went on our first date we felt as if we were old friends. During that time Reverend Steele had been teaching that just as God gives the owls and vultures their mates, God has mates for us as well (Isaiah 34:15). She also ministered that our breakthroughs were coming soon. I received those teachings. Exactly eleven weeks after our first date, we became engaged. It was Fathers Day, which was significant for me because I adored my father who is now deceased and it was also my Mother’s birthday. Shortly thereafter we scheduled our wedding for May 1, 2004. We remained celibate during our courtship (it IS possible) and were married on May 1, 2004 at 11:00 a.m., at our church. My husband presented me with a new Ford Explorer SUV (which I needed). In conclusion, I admonish you to wait on the Lord and seek Him for He has everything we stand in the need of. One of my favorite scriptures is Proverbs 3:1-6. I can truly say this is “A year crowned with Goodness.” Yours In Christ, Mrs. Betty A. Cooper

Francis W. and Betty A. Cooper

Deathand life are in the power of the tongue


ROOT for the TEAM With our words, we should consistently root for God's Team.

ast Labor Day weekend, our family visited New York City. As a native New Yorker, I’ve come to take the spectacular sites in "the City" for granted. On this occasion, though, we made a conscious choice for our eleven year old son, Little Eric, and seven year old daughter, Kendall -- “native Washingtonians” -- to enjoy some of the tourist attractions. The Empire State Building, Ellis Island and Liberty Island were among the landmarks we visited on this trip. Unexpectedly, Little Eric's "experience" at Liberty Island planted the seed for this article. For those not familiar with the City, the Statue of Liberty sits on Liberty Island, a small island in New York Bay. The National Park Service operates a concession store and a large outdoor cafe at the base of the Statue. As we walked through the café to the store, I was amazed to notice the throngs of diners seated outside and the flocks of birds in the immediate area. With all of the crumbs and other food inevitably falling from the lunch tables, the sea gulls and other birds enjoyed a continuous feast! At that point, Little Eric began to fret about the birds overhead "pooping" on him. I told him not to worry. After all, hundreds of people were outside enjoying their food, unmolested by the

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By Eric Steele


birds. I assured him that the prospect of a bird "bombing" him seemed quite remote. However, these assurances did not mollify Eric. He persisted in openly worrying about the birds getting him. Well, you guessed it! Within a moment or two of his last confession, a bird did, in fact, "dump" on him. Mind you, we’d been in the café for less than 30 seconds. By contrast, the birds did not seem to "attack" any of the diners who were leisurely enjoying their food. Indeed, the only person who appeared to be hit was the person giving voice to his fear of being hit. After helping him clean up, I realized that Eric's reaction to the birds mirrored how certain sports fans appear to root for their favorite teams. For instance, there are no more passionate baseball fans than those of the Boston Red Sox. Ironically, however, while Red Sox fans ardently cheer for their team, many, if not most of them also embrace "the Curse of the Bambino" as the rationale for the Sox's failure to win a World Series since 1918! (After winning the 1918 World Series, the Red Sox traded the Bambino, Babe Ruth, to the New York Yankees. Subsequently, Ruth established himself as the best baseball player over the next two decades and the Yankees won twenty-six championships in the 20th Century, more than any other American professional

Unquestionably, Elijah knew that the Lord Jehovah was far greater than "the gods" relied upon by Jezebel. Remember, just before receiving her threat Elijah had relied on God Almighty to consume the Mount Carmel sacrifice with fire from the sky, lead the Israelites to execute the 450 Baal Prophets, and end the drought (I Kings 18:37-38, 40-46). Indeed, Elijah had just mocked these Baal Prophets as they spent fruitless hours calling on Jezebel's gods (demons actually) at Mount Carmel (I Kings 18:25-27). Moreover, Elijah had faithfully called on the power of God to perform several other notable miracles (I Kings 17: 1-24). However, Elijah's knowledge of the true God alone was not enough. As soon as he’d internalized this threat from Jezebel he fled the country, abandoned his servant, and thought about committing suicide. Think about it! If not for God's compassion and grace in sending angels to sustain him

supernaturally (undoubtedly prompted in part by Elijah’s past faithfulness), he might have killed himself! How did Elijah find himself in this predicament? God did not change. Elijah changed! He still possessed the same supernatural anointing which sparked the destruction of Baalism and a spiritual revival in Israel. However, after being threatened by Jezebel he became despondent and panicked, speaking death into his life. In this disillusioned state, we do not find records of God performing miracles through Elijah. Only when he resumed operating in faith and speaking God's Word do we observe Elijah returning to greatness. Indeed, it is the triumphant Elijah who subsequently "went up by a whirlwind into heaven" and may very well prophesy the Gospel of Jesus Christ along with Enoch during the Great Tribulation (Genesis 5:24; II Kings 2: 11-12; Revelation 11:1-12). Elijah's momentary lapse of faith and positive confession contrasts with Elisha’s response to the siege by the Aramean army. Elisha had prophetically advised the king of Israel of the Arameans war plans (II Kings 6:8-9). Because he heeded Elisha’s advice, the king of Israel repeatedly frustrated those plans (II Kings 6:10). Upon learning that the “intelligence” provided by Elisha contributed to his army’s defeats, the king of Aram sent a “strong force” of chariots at night to surround Elisha’s hometown and to capture him (II Kings 6:12-14). His response to that threat was as follows: And when the servant of the man of God arose early and went out, there was an army surrounding the city with horses and chariots. And his servant said to him, "Alas, my master, what shall we do?" So he answered, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them." And Elisha prayed, and said, "Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And be9


And Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, also how he had executed all the prophets with the sword. Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah saying, "So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time." And when he saw that, he arose and ran for his life, and went to Beersheba, which belongs to Judah, and left his servant there. But he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a broom tree. And he prayed that he might die, and said, "It is enough! No, Lord take my life, for I am no better than my fathers!" I Kings 19:1-4 (NKJV).


sports team.) Apparently without recognizing their inconsistency, these fans ardently dream of an end to the team's championship drought while simultaneously believing trading Ruth forever doomed their prospects. I then realized that these curious natural reactions reflect a profound spiritual reality. Proverbs 18:21 explains, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, [a]nd those who love it will eat its fruit" (New King James Version). As Christians, we do have the authority to speak death or life into our lives. With our words, we should consistently root for God's Team, not Satan's. In the Holy Bible, the lives of Elijah, Elisha, and Jairus illustrate how words can either help or hinder the speaker’s cause. For example, immediately after leading both the miraculous victory over the Prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel and the end of the water drought in Israel (I Kings 18:20-46), Elijah was threatened by the very wicked queen Jezebel. The Holy Bible recounts:

hold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. So when the [Aramean troops] came down to him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, and said, "Strike this people, I pray with blindness." And He struck them with blindness according to the word of Elisha. II Kings 6:15-18 (NKJV).

Elisha was not crushed by those seemingly impossible circumstances. Instead, he immediately consoled his servant, called for him to gain the spiritual vision to see the angels ("horses and chariots of fire") protecting them, and prayed for the attacking Arameans to be struck with blindness. Elisha responded and spoke in faith! In sum, his speech corresponded with his belief in God's Word. When faced with adversity, we may need to hold our tongues in order to strengthen our faith. We see a great example of this in Jairus, an esteemed synagogue leader: And behold, there came a man named Jairus, and he was a ruler of the synagogue. And he fell down at Jesus' feet and begged Him to come to his house, for he had an only daughter about twelve years of age, and she was dying. But as He went, the multitudes thronged Him. While [Jesus was still speaking to the Woman with the Issue of Blood], someone came from the ruler of the synagogue's house, saying to him, "Your daughter is dead.

diculed for his faith by his "mourning" relatives. He demonstrated faith in "the Teacher" by throwing all of them out of his house. (Imagine for a moment throwing out your mother-in-law under such circumstances!) Yet after Jesus encouraged him, Jairus remained steadfast. He did not utter one word that could potentially hinder or undermine his prayer for his daughter's healing. So how does all of this relate to us today? On one level, it certainly seems amusing to hear about rational people believing in the curse associated with a long dead baseball player. How amusing, though, is it for believers to engage in similar speech with far more deleterious consequences than who wins the World Series? How many "ticket punched/going to Heaven" Christians say, "I'm broke." "My feet are killing me." "My grandmother had arthritis; my mother had arthritis; and I will have arthritis too." "I'm afraid I will never get a husband." “I will never get ahead at my job." "My son won't stop using drugs." "My wife keeps messing around." "He makes me sick." "I'm dead." Not very funny, is it? To my knowledge, there is no Biblical record of anyone verbally renouncing their faith while at the same time experiencing God’s life-changing miracles (compare II Kings 6:24-29; 7:1-2, 10-20 with II Kings 4:8-37). Because the Scriptures serve as our “Owner's Manual”, we cannot expect

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Jairus clearly jeopardized his social and political standing as a ruler in the synagogue by openly asking Jesus to heal his twelve year old daughter. (Most of the synagogue rulers vehemently opposed Jesus and His Ministry.) Surprisingly, after agreeing to go to Jairus' house, Jesus proceeded at a relatively slow pace. In addition to being deterred by the crowd, Jesus took the time to heal a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years. Surely Jairus wanted to rebuke this woman and the rest of the crowd (Mark 10:13-16, 46-52)! His dying daughter needed immediate healing (John 4:46-50)! Wouldn't any father whose daughter was near death think that these people could and should wait? However, Jairus held his tongue, walked in faith, and waited patiently on Jesus to do His work. When he heard of his daughter’s demise, Jairus probably thought, "Lord, if you had been [there], my [daughter] would not have died (John 11:21 (NKJV). In addition to hearing the tragic news, Jairus was ri-

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Do not trouble the Teacher." But when Jesus heard it, He answered him, saying, "Do not be afraid; only believe, and she will be made well." When He came into the house, He permitted no one to go in except Peter, James and John and the father and the mother of the girl. Now all wept and mourned for her, but He said, "Do not weep; she is not dead, but sleeping." And they ridiculed Him, knowing that she was dead. But He put them all outside, took her by the hand and called, saying, "Little girl, arise." Then her spirit returned, and she arose immediately. And he commanded that she be given something to eat. Luke 8:41-42, 49-55 (NKJV).

to live victorious Christian lives when we consistently contradict God’s Word by speaking words of doubt and unbelief. Blessedly, the converse is also true. We should expect to experience victory in Christ when we persist in speaking faithful confessions grounded in the Word. Even when, like Jairus, we encounter negative reports from “reliable” sources we must stand on the eternal Word of God and not on the temporal circumstances. For example, a respected physician may report that your daughter, loved one, friend or even you is dead or dying. Or a trusted adviser may counsel you that your business, career, or education is doomed. Or your loved ones or valued possessions may be subject to demonic attack. Will you respond like Jairus? He had the wisdom to “fear not (and) believe only”, to faithfully follow Jesus, and to line up his words with God’s promises (Luke 8:50 KJV). As a result, his faithful response served as the conduit for his daughter’s miraculous resurrection. As children of God under the New Covenant, should we do or expect anything less when we receive a “death” report? With all due respect to "Red Sox fans," true fans never concede defeat while the game is still on. True fans faithfully cheer for their heroes, knowing that their team can overcome great odds. They rattle off numerous instances of "miracles" experienced by their teams (e.g., 1969 New York Mets; 1970 New York Jets; 1980 U.S. Olympic Hockey Team). In conclusion, we don’t need to depend upon sports-related miracles for encouragement. God's clear Promises in His (Logos and Rhema) Word constitute the foundation of our faith. Like Elisha and Jairus, we need to make positive confessions aligned with our Bible-based faith. Sometimes, like Elijah or Little Eric, when faced with adversity we may veer off course. Through God's mercy, though, we can quickly get back on track.When we consistently remain on God’s team by believing God’s Word and making positive Biblical confessions, our Heavenly Father remains well able and inclined to cause His Promises and our blessings to manifest and overflow in our lives.


urGod is excellent. He is excellent in majesty, glory, power, might . . . in every way! When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, He sends the Holy Spirit, who is excellent, to indwell you. For that reason, God calls His covenant children “the excellent ones.� Psalm 16:3. In this dynamic 6-tape series, Janice explains how you can: Tap into the excellent Spirit within Operate in excellence

A Foundation for Excellence 6-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $30 #A06-0020

Eliminate the barriers to living an excellent, over and above life You can excel in every place and in everything God has called you to be and do. Learn how in this essential series.

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We here at Triumph in Christ take the privilege of prayer and intercession seriously. We realize that you can and should go to God directly on your own. Yet, we also realize that there are times when it is good to have other saints praying as well. James 5:16 instructs us to “Pray for one another, that you may be healed.” Matthew 18:19 says, “Again I say to you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it will be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.” Isaiah 59:16 says, “And He [God] saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor….” Galatians 6:2 says, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” We are willing to fervently pray for you. We are willing to intercede on your behalf. We are willing to touch and agree with you in prayer. If you would like someone to pray with you or for you, contact us by phone, fax, email or regular mail. We’re here for you!

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PRAYER INTERCESSION PROTECTION “And He [God] saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor….”




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Psalm 133:1-3 says, “Behold, how good and how pleasant [it is] for brethren to dwell together in unity! [It is] like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, [even] Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; As the dew of Hermon, [and as the dew] that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, [even] life for evermore.”

Unity and the Power of the

Corporate Anointing The Ancient Israelites were first unified as one people, with one land and one God on Mt. Sinai when Moses gave them the law. The unity of the faith in Yahweh was critical because when Moses led the people out of Egypt (The Exodus) there was a mixed multitude of people who had many cultural and religious influences from Egypt and its neighboring countries. The Exodus is significant because it meant leaving the old ways of life behind and embracing a new standard for living – the Law. The giving of the Law covered every aspect of life – worship, business, marriage, family, social, health, financial, etc. The Ancient Israelites understood the importance of being a part of the covenant community. No one was allowed to buy, to sell or even to marry without first being a member in good standing within the covenant community. Each person depended on the covenant community for strength, support, and a good quality of life. As the law and its system of sacrifices established a permanent relationship between the Living God and Israel, likewise, the new and living way of Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit established a permanent relationship between the Heavenly Father and the members of the Body of Christ. The Old Covenant and its system of sacrifices paved the way for the New Covenant, based on a better sacrifice – Jesus Christ – and based on better promises –


Rev. Krystal Patrick


the Word made flesh. These promises are better because Jesus Christ rose from the dead and is alive as the Administrator of these promises. Just as the Old Testament’s covenant community gave its members their life, how much more is life available to New Testament believers through the renewing activity of the Body of Christ. Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some [is]; but exhorting [one another]: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” (Heb. 10: 21-25; Eze.11:19,20; Mal 3:16, 17.)

Our Heavenly Father has instructed all of us who call on the name of Christ to spend time with one another so that we can exhort, edify, strengthen and love one another. While it is of key importance for every Christian to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, it is equally important for the members of the Body of Christ to understand the value of the corporate anointing that becomes available when we assemble ourselves in the unity of the Holy Spirit. While many of us know Christians who are effective intercessors and prayer warriors as part of their individual prayer lives, it is equally important for believers to understand and fulfill our role

(Acts 4:23-35; Philp.2:1-4; Psa.133:1-3.) The New Testament recounts that Peter and John were incarcerated and threatened for preaching Christ. After the chief priests and rulers let them go, they returned to their Christian brothers and sisters and reported all that had happened. The assembly of worshipers immediately “lifted up their voice to God with one accord.” One accord meant that they came before God with the one mind, one heart, one spirit and one unified purpose, to see the will of God fulfilled. As a result of their united prayer before the living God, they received a supernatural outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit, tremendous power to preach the gospel, the immediate birthing of many new souls in to Christ and their material needs were completely satisfied. (Acts 4:135.) According to Acts 12:1-25, when King Herod executed James, he also had Peter arrested with the intention of killing him too. Peter was guarded by at least 4 soldiers 24 hours a day. Acts 12:5 says, “But prayer


go, they went to their own company, and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said unto them. And when they heard that, they lifted up their voice to God with one accord, and said, Lord, thou [art] God, which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is . . . And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.”


in corporate prayer as we harmonize in Holy Spirit-infused thanksgiving, praise, worship, prayer and fellowship with one another. The Holy Spirit has blessed the Body of Christ with a myriad of gifts, talents, knowledge, skills and abilities that are both spiritual and natural. The Holy Spirit and the Holy Scriptures are the standard and medium by which we are able to unify these gifts to the glory of God and to our fullness of joy. (Jhn.16:24; Rom.12:4-13; 1 Cor.12: 12-27; Gal.3:28; Eph.4:10-16; 1Pet.1:22, 3:8; 1 Jhn.1:4.) The Book of Acts provides excellent examples of the how the unity within the Body of Christ released the corporate anointing and its full manifestation. Their fervent worship and prayers, loving fellowship and committed service proved to be a powerful force against every enemy both spiritual and natural. (Acts 1:3-5,12-14; 2:1-47; 5:12,41-42; 8:5-8; 15:25.) Acts 4:23, 24, 31 says, “And being let

was made without ceasing of the church unto God for [Peter].” As the saints prayed

an angel went inside the prison and let Peter go. When Peter arrived at the house, the Christians were praying so intensely that they did not hear him knocking on the door. At first they thought Peter was a ghost. It took a few moments for them to realize that God had answered their requests even faster than they had expected. (Acts 12:1-25; Mt. 18:19-20; Lev.26:8; Psa.91:15; Isa.65:24.) As the early Church sought the Lord in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God showed Himself strong on their behalf time and time again. We also will witness the mighty manifestation of His corporate anointing that will loose the bands of wickedness, undo the heavy burdens, free the oppressed and destroy every yoke, as we whole heartedly seek the Lord with the same spirit of oneness in Christ and His Holy Spirit. (Isa.58:6.)

Bio Triumphant KEYS TO LIVING

Rev. Janice Davis Steele

Rev. Janice Davis Steele accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and personal savior at age 13 and received the baptism with the Holy Spirit at age nineteen. Shortly thereafter, she was healed of an arthritic condition known as osteo-arthritis. While in college, Janice accepted the call of God on her life to teach the Word with clarity and simplicity. She taught a weekly Bible study as a member of Campus Crusade for Christ, and continued to teach while in law school. After Janice moved to Washington, DC to practice law, her teaching ministry continued. In 1996, Janice started teaching a weekly noon Bible study at the Agape Bookstore in downtown Washington, DC. By 1999, the teaching ministry had outgrown the capacity of the bookstore, and was moved to the International Monetary Fund. That same year, Janice began receiving requests to minister at churches, conferences, and retreats, both in and outside the Washington metropolitan area. She was ordained through World Missions Ministries Bible College in Arlington, VA. She joined the Bible College faculty in year 2000 and teaches two courses. In 2001, Janice published a book entitled, “It’s Time to Stretch: Moving Into Full Faith in God”. Being a gifted speaker, she ministers in the Washington metropolitan area as well as nationally. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and Administration & Management Science from Carnegie-Mellon University and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Michigan Law School. She is married and has two children.

How to Keep From Being Moved 2-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $10 #A02-A016

Sharpen the Edge

4-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $20 #A04-0012

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God Is Faithful— Keep Sowing

Faith & Fasting to Usher in The Miraculous

If you think you’ve already learned everything there is to learn about sowing, think again! In this powerful audio series, you’ll discover: The importance of sowing in the place the Lord chooses How to sow in rivers of living water How God’s voice upon the waters causes things to happen How to reap mercy through righteous sowing How the power of praise will cause your field to yield its increase How to sow to reap your Rehoboth And More! Learn how to sow God’s way, and reap glorious harvests!

Is your miracle worth sacrificing a meal? By fasting a single meal, a widow woman received miraculous provision that sustained her household and a houseguest for three years! Faithful fasting looses the bands of wickedness, frees the oppressed, and breaks every yoke! In this enlightening series, Rev. Janice Davis Steele examines how to fast God’s way and describes the miracles that can occur when people faithfully fast God’s way. Learn how to faithfully fast and experience the miraculous!

God is Faithful – Keep Sowing! 4-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $20 (U.S.) # A04-0025

Faith & Fasting to Usher in the Miraculous 2-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $10 (U.S.) # A02-0009

Barrier-Breaking Faith God never intended for you to be hindered in any way! In this eye-opening audio series, you will learn how to overcome every barrier that taunts you, tries to frighten you, seeks to hold you bound, and tries to dispossess you of what you know God has promised you. You will learn how to: Overcome satanically constructed barriers Break through sound barriers – voices of individuals that tell you what you cannot do or become Break through gravity barriers – things that tempt you to yield to the lower, worldly desires Use barriers as a backdrop to display the power of God With this teaching, you will begin to run through every troop and leap over every wall! No barrier will hinder you!

Barrier Breaking Faith 2-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $10 (U.S.) # A02-0016

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“Now thanks be unto God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ” 2 Corinthians 2:14

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