Triumph Fall 2003

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THE PATH Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts

To Restoration and Recovery Mercy: God’s Gift






Salvation Prayer


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Dear Friend,

We are pleased to bring you the Good News of Jesus Christ each quarter through TRIUMPH! magazine. We pray that it will encourage your faith, just as it does ours, with Holy Spirit-inspired teachings and the testimonies of believers who have exercised faith in the Word of God and experienced His triumph in their everyday lives. In this issue, we provide sound, biblical teaching on how God can recover and restore things lost or stolen. So many people have experienced losses of one type or another. People have lost jobs, homes, marriages, health, esteem, respect, and so on. Whether the loss or theft involves something tangible, like a car or money, or something intangible, like one’s dignity, joy or self-respect, our Father is ready, willing, and more than able to restore to wholeness anyone who will believe on Him and trust in Jesus. This is addressed in the article entitled, "The Path to Restoration and Recovery." We are also delighted to share another insightful article from Reverend Krystal Patrick, an anointed teacher of the Word of God. Reverend Patrick has taught at the Oral Roberts University School of Divinity in Tulsa, OK, and at the World Missions Ministries Bible College and Seminary in Arlington, VA. Her article, entitled, "Mercy: The Demonstration of God’s Gift of Love," is sure to bring help, healing and deliverance to believers who tend to beat themselves up whenever they make a mistake. Sister Gail Robinson Monk’s Healthy Living segment has proven to be a blessing to many. We have received many follow up email and telephone messages from people desiring to learn more about spiritual discipline and healthy eating. Sister Monk continues to minister under that anointing in this issue. Our prison ministry director, Sister June F. Jackson, reports on the activities Triumph in Christ has undertaken to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to those behind prison walls. We pray that this issue will feed your faith and propel you to a new level in your walk with Jesus. We pray that you will experience the mercy of God, and be restored to wholeness in every area of your life: spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Read and be blessed!

If you have never received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, we invite you to take that vital step right now. Your salvation is very important to God so much so that He gave His only Son to die for your sins (John 3:16). God isn’t willing that any should perish, and that includes you (II Peter 3:9). So please pray this prayer aloud from your heart:

Heavenly Father, I thank You for sending Jesus into the world. I realize that I need a Savior. Your Word says, “...whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:2). I am calling on You, Jesus, to come into my heart and be Lord over my life. Forgive me of all my sins and wash me clean. According to Your Word in Romans 10:9-10, I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord, and I believe with my heart that God raised Him from the dead. Therefore, I am saved, and I thank you for giving me eternal life. If you have just made Jesus your Lord and Savior, please find a good church that will teach you the Word of God. We also invite you to contact us. We would love to encourage you and provide you with materials to help in your new walk with Jesus!


Rev. Janice Davis Steele . . . . . . . . . ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRIUMPH! Volume 2 Issue 3 Fall 2003. TRIUMPH! is published quarterly by Triumph in Christ/JDS Ministries, a nonprofit corporation, Washington, DC ©

2003 Triumph in Christ, Inc. All rights reserved. TRIUMPH! has no subscription price; printing and distribution costs are paid for by donations from TIC Partners and Friends. All gifts to this ministry are tax deductible. Printed in the United States of America. For a free subscription, write to Triumph In Christ, PO Box 66385, Washington, DC 20035 or sign up online at Publishers Eric and Janice Steele Executive Editor Tolu Adeniji Print Coordinator Susan Henderson Product Manager William A. Paterson, III Testimony Coordinator June F. Jackson Graphic Designers Greg Lane, Larry Smith


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To Restoration and Recovery Rev. Janice Davis Steele

Have you ever lost anything valuable? It can be frustrating trying to locate something you’ve lost. You tear up the house searching for it. You try to recall where you were when you saw it last.You wonder if someone may have taken it from you. The more valuable or sentimental the item, the more frustrating and painful the loss seems. Perhaps you never lost any material item of value. You may have lost something non-material, but valuable nonetheless. Have you and your spouse lost the love you once shared? Have you lost confidence? Have you lost your good reputation? Have you lost respect? Have you lost your good G.P.A.? Have you lost touch with your children or relatives? Have you lost your laughter, your smile? Have you lost your job? Have you lost the level of health you once enjoyed? Have you lost sight of your God-given dreams and visions? If you can relate to one or more of the scenarios presented above, then you need to know that God is ready, willing and able to facilitate the total restoration of things lost or stolen. God does not want us deprived of any of His blessings, and He has given us instructions from His Word – the recorded voice of God – to let us know how things lost or stolen can be recovered and restored.




END THE BLAME GAME Sometimes, we are tempted to blame circumstances or others for our losses. We blame the economy for the loss of a job. We blame our spouse for the disintegration of a marriage. We blame our professor for losing our good G.P.A. We blame our parents for not giving us the kind of upbringing that would have enabled us to live a more prosperous life. We need to remember that the path to restoration and recovery is not paved with blame. Actually, when we blame circumstances and others we are doing little more than offering excuses and creating justifications for staying where we are, in a loss position. As long as we seek to justify or blame others for where we are, we will never be challenged to come out of those circumstances and receive restoration. The Bible records a time when King David and all his men lost their wives, their children, and all their possessions. Their entire city had been burned to the ground. David and his men cried until they could cry no more. I Samuel 30:4. The Scripture also reveals in I Samuel 30:6: And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.

David’s army blamed David for their predicament. It was so bad that they wanted to stone David to death. But stoning David would not have changed their predicament. They still

would have been crying in the midst of burnt rubble. In fact, it would have been worse because they would have been feeling the guilt of killing God’s anointed and their king.

NEVER CURSE THE KING! Sometimes believers get so frustrated that they make the mistake of blaming God, the King of kings, for their predicament. They want to curse God, when God holds the key to their deliverance, recovery, and restoration. Don’t ever do that! Do you realize that speaking against God has the effect of inviting the enemy to oppress you further? Ecclesiastes 10:20 sheds some light on this: Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter.

When you first read this, it seems to be saying that if you speak ill against someone in authority, somehow the word will get back to that person. Yet, there is a deeper revelation here. The "king" in this passage can also be a reference to Jesus, the King of kings. Because God is omnipresent, He does not need for an angel, a bird, or any other instrumentality to tell Him what anyone says. God knows our thoughts afar off and He hears every word we speak. Psalm 139:2. Satan, however, is not omnipresent. He relies on fallen angels and unclean, wicked spirits for information. These cohorts take information back to satan. In this passage, the bird of the air is not simply an allegorical reference from which we get the phrase




"a little bird told me." No, it is far deeper than that. It is also a reference to the fowls of the air. In the parable of the sower and the seed, we find that the fowls of the air refer to "the wicked one" (Matthew 13:19), "Satan" (Mark 4:15), and "the devil" (Luke 8:12). You see, when you speak against the King of kings, the devil’s cohorts take those words and inform the devil and his gang that you are a target for enemy oppression. Get a mental picture of sitting on a park bench throwing popcorn on the ground. Initially, one or two birds may come by and swoop up the popcorn. However, it is not long before hordes of birds swoop down to partake of the feast. When other birds see a bird with popcorn, they are immediately alerted to the fact that there is a feast nearby! In a similar way, when the devil’s cohorts carry the voice of the one who speaks against the King of kings, the devil and his cohorts are quickly alerted that the door has been opened for them to invade your life. The hungry hordes of hell will then swoop down and try to devour you. (I Peter 5:8). When you are tempted to blame God for your loss, pause and think about the spiritual popcorn you will be providing the fowls of the air. Don’t give permission to the fowls of the air to swoop down upon your life. Don’t blame God. Don’t curse the King of kings.

ASK GOD “WHAT’S GOING ON HERE?” Engaging in the blame game never solves anything. It takes you far off the path toward restoration and recovery and it can cause circumstances to worsen, particularly if the devil’s cohorts are coming against you. You must end the blame

Take time to go before God and ask, "What is going on here?" When we take the time to get into the presence of God, He will reveal to us the source of the problem, and He will instruct us on what to do about it. It may be that we have let something slip. It may be that we allowed doubt, unbelief, or pride to creep in. It may be that we have neglected to use our spiritual weapons (the Word of God, the Name of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus, prayer, fasting, etc.). It may be that we have ex-perienced a major attack from hell. Whatever it is, the Lord, by His Spirit will reveal it to you. Take the time to get into the presence of God.

BE RESTORATION-MINDED That is exactly what David did. He refused to blame anyone for his predicament. He refused to blame God. In fact, the Scripture tells us, "David encouraged himself in the Lord his God." I Samuel 30:6b. While others were cursing David, David was restoration minded. Those who are restoration minded seek the wisdom of God on the matter. Look at what David did. In I Samuel 30:8, the Scripture reads:

And David enquired at the Lord, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? Shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.

Notice that David did not immediately take matters into his own hands. Oh, no! He asked God whether he should even pursue after the enemy invaders. Imagine that! The enemy had taken everything he owned and yet David asked God whether he should even pursue after them! Restoration and recovery are available to everyone, but only on God’s terms.

OBEDIENCE FACILITATES RESTORATION AND RECOVERY David asked God, and God answered Him. As David moved with the instruction from God, God went before him. When we follow the instructions from God, God will lead us in the path toward restoration and recovery. "All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth." Psalm 25:10. As they moved in accordance with God’s instruction, David’s men came across an Egyptian who worked for the enemy. Rather than kill him, David showed mercy and fed him well. That same enemy took David and his men right to the enemy’s camp. You must understand that God is in the business of recovery and restoration, but He does so on His terms. If you try to take matters into your own hands, you will go off the path to restoration and recovery. The enemy may work through someone and the Lord will instruct you to show kindness and mercy to that person. When you are restoration minded, you develop sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Your obedience to His voice will lead you in the path of restoration and recovery.

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Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.


game. First, wipe the slate clean by repenting before God. I John 1:9. Second, apply the blood of Jesus to the doorpost of your heart. Hebrews 9 and 10. The destroyer will have no option but to pass over you! Third, command the enemy to flee in the name of Jesus. James 4:7. Fourth, take a tip from David who said in Psalm 139:23-24:

BE SURE TO RECOVER ALL When the Lord is securing our restoration and recovery, we may be tempted to become content with partial progress. If your marriage has hit the skids, you may become content when your spouse agrees to go to marriage counseling and church. If you lost money on the stock market, you may be content if you recover half of what you lost. You might even be tempted to think that because the country is in a recession you are doing quite well, relatively speaking. If you have lost some portion of your health, to the point where you experienced excruciating pain in your body, you might be content with a dull ache, thinking that it is far less severe than that excruciating pain. Never be content with partial progress, when God promises full restoration and recovery. In fact, where God’s restoration and recovery are concerned, He never simply balances things out – He makes certain that He outdoes whatever the enemy tried to do! In David’s case, he did more than recover what was taken: And David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away: and David rescued his two wives. And there was nothing lacking to them, neither small nor great, neither sons nor daughters, neither spoil, nor any thing that they had taken to them: David recovered all. And David took all the flocks and the herds, which they drave before those other cattle, and said, This is David’s spoil.

I Samuel 30:18-20. David not only recovered what the Amalekites took, but he also took what the Amalekites had. He had spoil on top of recovery! Hallelujah! That is the picture of what the Lord desires to do in our lives. God does not get even – He gets over and above! That is why the Word of God tells us, "For your shame you shall have double!" Isaiah 61:7. That is why the Word of God tells us that a thief, when caught, must restore seven times what he stole. Proverbs 6:31. God does not get even – He gets over and above! Hallelujah! Don’t put up with losses in your life! Put an end to the blame game. Stop blam-ing God and put an end to the enemy invasion. Repent, apply the blood of Jesus, and get restoration minded. Seek the wisdom of God like never before. God is waiting, not to simply facilitate the restoration and recovery of things you’ve lost, but to do far more than you could ever ask or think!


The response to the previous article recommending a fruits-only breakfast was overwhelming! Many called and emailed thanking us for making this information available. Others asked additional questions. As a result, I will expound further on the benefits of a fruits-only breakfast and identify top rated fruits that are well known for their power packed nutrients. You should know that all fresh fruits are good; some are just better than others. The better fruits are those that consist of approximately 80 percent water. Fruits in this category, when consumed properly, perform three vital functions. First, they contain nutrients, called phytonutrients (phyto means plant), that aid in detoxifying your body. The phytonutrients cleanse the inside of your body by washing out toxic wastes. Second, these fruits enable your body to absorb the nutrients they need rapidly. You see, like these fruits the human body contains approximately 80 percent water. As a result, your body quickly utilizes and benefits from the vitamins, minerals and nutrients contained in the fruits. Third, the rapid absorption properties of these fruits aid in freeing up energy, which allows your body to function more effectively. Since most of the energy these fruits provide is not needed to digest the fruit, the energy can go directly to other parts of the body. As a result, you are less likely to feel lethargic or run down. Instead, you will feel more alert and energetic. In addition, volumes of studies have been published by major medical research institutions like the National Institutes of Health suggesting that vitamin C,

carotenoids, and antioxidants aid in fighting off diseases such as cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Many fruits consisting of 80 percent water are also rich in vitamin C, carotenoids, and other antioxidants. For instance, one-fourth of a cantaloupe alone contains more than 40 percent of the daily value of carotenoids and vitamin C. Other fruits at the top of the list include watermelon, pink or red grapefruit, guava, kiwi, papaya, apricots, oranges, strawberries, peaches, blackberries, raspberries, tangerines, persimmons, mangos, honeydew melons, and star fruit. Now that you are armed with information about the benefits of a fruits-only breakfast, let’s move on to implementation. Being convinced that a fruits-only breakfast is good for you is not enough You must implement what you know. Many of us face jam-packed morning schedules that challenge our ability to plan wisely and eat sensibly. We try to spend some time with the Lord before packing school lunches, getting children off to school, rushing to carpools, buses, or the subway, or just dealing with morning traffic. These activities leave precious little time for breakfast. Then there is the lure of the inexpensive and convenient fast food breakfasts. Although these fast foods are quick, convenient and relatively cheap, they are laden with fat, sugar, and artery clogging agents. When faced with the lure of fast food, remember that God has set before us life and death and He suggests that we choose life (Deut.30:19). We really are able to discipline our body and bring it into subjection (I Cor.9:27a). We do not have to have confidence in the flesh and do whatever the flesh dictates (Phil.3:36). Instead, we can transform our eating 7

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Gail Robinson Monk

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LOSINGWEIGHT by the Anointing of God habits by renewing our minds to appreciate a fruits-only breakfast (Rom. 12:2). The truth is we really do not have to struggle to eat sensibly. The problem arises when we try to accomplish these objectives in our own strength. Some of us have grown up in households where eating a breakfast full of sugar and fat was the norm. We have lived that way for decades. Switching to a new way of living is possible, and it can happen with greater ease and guaranteed success when we rely upon the strength and power of God. We can and must look to God for strength and empowerment. The Lord says that it is not by our might, nor by our power, but His Spirit that we can do these things (Zech. 4:6). What God expects us to do is faithfully exercise our will to connect with His power. We need to appreciate the power of what God has deposited on the inside of us. We need to appreciate the power of the Holy Spirit. He empowers us to do what we are not able to do in our own strength. I encourage you to add action to your faith. After reading this article, pray to God and ask Him for the strength to enable you to change. Pick up a few of the listed fruits and begin tomorrow morning to implement a fruits-only breakfast. The Spirit of God will help you.* *Note: I am not a doctor. I am only sharing what I received from the Spirit of God. Please consult your physician before embarking on any diet program.

In April, I was laid off from my job. With my background, education and experience, I really thought I would not have any trouble finding another job. That, however, was not the case. Months went by, and although I received many interviews, none of them panned out. My family’s finances were really starting to suffer. I emailed Reverend Steele on July 8 and asked her to pray for me. I received a response on July 9, saying that my need had been placed on the ministry’s prayer list and that they had already begun praying. That same day I received a call from a company asking me if I might be interested in a Project Manager position. They asked me to send my resume and additional information, which I did. That Friday (July 11), they called saying they wanted to interview me. I went to the interview the following Tuesday. I learned two days later, on July 17, that I had been selected. The job pays $25,000 more than I was making before. I have a big window office on the executive suite! I thank God for your prayers and for the ministry of Triumph in Christ.

Doreen Hardie Maryland Praise The Lord! For almost a year and one-half, I simply was not feeling like myself. After much prayer, reading every scripture on healing and having my faith reinforced by the teachings by Rev. Steele to believe on the Name of Jesus as Jeho-vah Rapha (The Lord who heals), I finally decided to go to the doctor. I trusted God to use the doctor and asked God to allow the doctor to confirm my healing. Based on his initial tests, the doctor suspected that I had a problem with my thyroid. In June, he ran a battery of tests, principally on the thyroid, but he also did a complete blood workup and MRI for everything else. On June 26, 2003, following the Thursday Bible study at the IMF, I asked Rev. Steele to pray for me as I was going to the doctor to get results of those tests. During the prayer God gave Rev. Steele a word of knowledge. She said "God said it is broken. It is broken." Well, Praise the Lord, I returned on July 2nd for the results and the doctor said, "Your blood tests are negative. The MRI is negative. You do not have a thyroid problem. Your kidney is fine. Your liver is fine. Your sugar level is fine. Your blood pressure is fine. There is nothing wrong with you." PRAISE THE LORD! I do not call this a coincidence. I call it "Answer to Prayers."

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T.D. Virginia

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TESTIMONIES Ms. Williams Virginia I joined the World Bank Group as a temporary contract employee about 4 years ago. I tried to get a permanent job within the organization during that time, but nothing came through. I kept receiving term extensions as a temporary contract employee. This year, Reverend Steele taught on the Uncommon Grace of God, and I believed to see God’s grace manifest in my life. Finally, it appeared that I had received a breakthrough. I interviewed for two different permanent positions. I was so certain I’d get one job that I withdrew my application from the other. I received the offer, but two days before my start date I got a call from the Human Resources department stating that the offer the division head made to me was not valid. I was down but not out. I called the other department from which I had withdrawn my application only to learn they had already offered the job to someone else. Then, that same department informed me that the candidate they selected decided to take another job offer. I interviewed with the department and received a permanent job offer the next day! I just keep giving God the glory. I also received an 8.5% increase (far more than the job I was going to settle for). This is definitely the "Uncommon Grace of God." I have grown from a crawling Christian to a walking Christian. I thank God for the bible study classes and other opportunities to fellowship with other believers.

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“Now thanks be unto God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ” 2 Corinthians 2:14





The Demonstration of God’s Gift of Love Psalm 86:5 For thou, Lord, [art] good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.

One of the greatest opportunities for every believer to grow in Christ and be blessed is to learn to trust in God’s mercy. God’s mercy flows from His love. God is love and His thoughts, ways, character and nature reflect this love (1 Jn.4:16; Eph.2:4, 5). Through God’s mercy we are brought close to Him in spite of how we feel about ourselves or what we think of ourselves. No matter what we have done, God and His mercy are still more than enough to safely bring us through each situation. Experiencing God’s mercy deepens our relationship with Him and strengthens our confidence in Him. God does not require that we never make mistakes; He asked us to be perfect which means to mature and grow in His grace. This growth is dependent upon learning God’s ways, which includes trusting in His mercy. After we believe on Christ for salvation, there will be times when we make mistakes,

commit sins and fall short of the glory of God. Our understanding of and response to God’s mercy when we sin is key to successfully overcoming, growing, and walking as children of light. It is this same mercy that helps us reach Christian maturity (Mt.5:48; Eph.4:13-16; 2 Tim.3:17; Heb.13:21; Jas.3:2; Eph.5:8). Rom.5:12 says, Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: Rom.6:23 says, For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

All Christians deserved the death penalty and condemnation to hell with Satan and his fallen angels but God chose to transfer them to a new location seated with Christ in heavenly places and to transform them into new creatures in Christ the day they accepted Jesus as Savior. God’s mercy sent Jesus Christ to die in our place for our sins so that we could freely receive His gift of mercy, love, freedom and life. Christ purchased mercy for us because 9


Rev. Krystal Patrick


Psa.103:17; Psa.108:4; Psa.106:1

He knew we could never afford it or partake of it without Him (1 Pet.2:10; Gal.4:22-31; Eph.2:6; Col.1:13; 2 Cor.5:17). Tit.3:4,5 says, But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; (Eph.2:8,9).

There is nothing we can do to make ourselves good enough to receive God’s mercy. There is nothing we can do to de-serve His mercy. It was God’s choice to provide us with salvation by grace and it is still His choice to extend His rich and gracious mercy to us. God created and chose us according to all of His good pleasure (Jn.15:16, 19; Rev. 4:11). Now that we have accepted His gift of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ, we also have a choice to receive mercy instead of the wrath that we know we deserve. God will not force us to accept His mercy but if we want it, it is ours for the asking. God prefers to give us mercy instead of letting us suffer in defeat but the choice to receive it is ours (Neh.9:31; Lam.3:22).

1 Jn.3:20 says, For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things (Rom.8:33, 34).

The Holy Spirit, the Holy Scriptures and our own hearts convict us when we sin and our Heavenly Father chastises us with His word (Jn.16:7, 8; 2 Tim.3:16; Heb.12:6). There are also times when there are earthly consequences for what we have done wrong. If we humble ourselves under His mighty hand He

lovingly pours out His mercy on us and our situation, turns around what the devil intended to use to destroy us, and brings us out of the test exceeding abundantly above what we had expected. At that point, we are compelled to sing His praises and tell of all His goodness and love. When we see His mercy manifested, we truly love much because we know from our own experience with God and His word that we have been forgiven much (Luk.7:40-47; Psalm 126). Psa.34:18 says, The LORD [is] nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit (Isa.66:2; Psa.51:17; Isa.57:15).

It takes humility to receive and walk in the benefits of the mercy of God. Our Heavenly Father has promised to forgive us and cleanse us from all of our sins and unrighteousness if we come to Him and admit that we are wrong. When we con-tinue to condemn ourselves for sinning instead of asking for God’s mercy and forgiveness, we are rejecting Christ’s virgin birth by the Holy Spirit, sinless life on earth, ministry to earliest pre-Christian disciples, death, burial, resurrection, ascension into heaven and present day ministry. It is the only, true and living Christ and His finished work that are able to bring us into fellowship with our Heavenly Father. It takes humility to admit to ourselves and to God that we are wrong and to ask our Loving Father for mercy and forgiveness.

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As the faithful and compassionate High Priest, Jesus sees Himself in our place, walks in our shoes and feels what we feel. These "bowels of mercy" compel Him to manifest the mercy we need keep us from drowning in the midst of adverse circumstances. God’s mercy steps in to rescue, recover and restore us from our adversaries, our situations and sometimes even ourselves. When we hurt, God hurts. His heart is moved when He sees us begin the downward spiral into destruction and despair even though there are times when we are responsible for creating the adverse circumstances that we face. We must re-member that God’s desire for things to go well with us is greater than our own desire for good success. God’s mercy sends us forward in spite of our circumstances and ourselves. (Psa. 16:6).

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Heb.4:15 says, For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as [we are, yet] without sin.

God has promised to be close to and dwell with the person whose heart, mind and disposition are humble and repentant before Him. He will reach out to help the one who reverences Him with a meek and sincere heart. God’s eyes are on the person who fears (holy respect and awe) Him and submits to His word. When God’s eyes are on you, you have His favor, support and blessing. The Scriptures say that a broken spirit (humble) and a contrite heart (penitent) are acceptable sacrifices in God’s sight. Before we go to God to offer the sacrifices of praise, He wants us to first offer up ourselves to Him in an attitude of humility and repentance. Our Heavenly Father’s merciful acceptance of us is another revelation of His love. He wants us in right standing with Him (righteousness) so that He may abundantly and lavishly bless us with every blessing. He also promised to revive, exalt and lift up the one who seeks His mercy from that place of humility and repentance (Jas.4:10; 1 Pet.5:6; Isa.57:15). APPLICATION: MOSES’ CALL TO SERVICE When God called Moses to deliver the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and when God was ready for Moses to go before the Pharaoh, Moses immediately began to tell God all of the reasons why he was not qualified for that mission. Moses knew that he had committed murder although more than 40 years had passed; he stuttered when he spoke, he was tending flocks for his father-in-law and he was living with His wife’s family (Ex.3:1-22; 4:1-22). Moses felt guilty, ashamed and unworthy. He was afraid of God and did not want to face the Pharaoh or the

s te p s i n t o R ESC U E Y C , RE ER CO M VE ’s d Ra o G nd , our SITU S E R EST I R A S A OR E us from R T E I O V D NS rA a






es eve n O U R S E



away from Egypt when he committed murder. However, the time to run to God and cry out for His mercy is when we know we have failed Him, our loved ones and ourselves. Through this mercy we find God’s acceptance. Our first priority is to be accepted by God and have favor with Him. When we have favor with God, God will see to it that we have favor with man (Prov.16:7; 3:4; Luk.2:52). Lam.3:22, 23 says, [It is of] the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. [They are] new every morning: great [is] thy faithfulness.

There are times when we only need a little mercy and there are other times

When we have favor with God, God will see to it that we have favor with man. Prov.16:7; 3:4; Luke 2:52

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people of Israel. It was God’s mercy that encouraged Moses to go forward and do what God knew he was able to do. God helped Moses and the people every step of the way - from Moses’ and Aaron’s requests to the Pharaoh for the people to leave Egypt, the deliverance through the Red Sea and the Wilderness experiences. The "Great I AM" manifested Himself time and time again until His people were free from Egypt and in covenant with Him by the demonstration of His miracles, power and love. God revealed Himself as a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire, and sent His mighty angel to protect and provide for His people. We have a new and better covenant based on better promises, how much more will God’s mercy move on our behalf (Ex.1:1 through Ex. 40:1-38; Heb.8:6). Moses never walked in God’s best for his life until He was able to accept God’s mercy. God came looking for Moses just like He comes looking for us. The Scriptures say that Moses was the meekest man on earth (Num.12:3). Through this meekness, he humbled himself and received God’s mercy and forgiveness. Moses’ restored place of fellowship with God made him able to accomplish all of the things that he knew he could never do on his own. When believers need His mercy the most, they are often tempted to run away from God the same way Moses ran

when we need a lot. Thank God that the rich supply of His mercy abounds to us everyday. It is always available so we never have to fear. God has an endless supply of mercy and love waiting for each one of us. Psa. 27:7 says, Hear, O LORD, [when] I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me. Psa.34:6 says, This poor man cried, and the LORD heard [him], and saved him out of all his troubles.

King David was determined to keep himself in God’s hands and under God’s mercy even when he made a mistake. Though he faced many challenges in his life, he consistently clung to God to sustain and bless Him. God called David a man after His own heart (2 Sam.24:14; 1 Sam.13:14; Act.13:22). All we need to do is cry out to our Heavenly Father for this mercy when we find ourselves in trouble. He is faithful and happy to give us mercy without condemning us. It is this great mercy that also compels us to serve Him and follow His ways of doing things. Mercy is the place of growth, fellowship and blessing that our Heavenly Father, our Lord Jesus Christ and our Sweet Holy Spirit desire for us. God knows that this place of mercy and fellowship is where we find safety, rest, peace and true satisfaction. Even when we fail, God’s mercies never fail us.

Bio Triumphant Rev. Janice Davis Steele

Rev. Janice Davis Steele accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and personal savior at age 13 and received the baptism with the Holy Spirit at age nineteen. Shortly thereafter, she was healed of an arthritic condition known as osteo-arthritis. While in college, Janice accepted the call of God on her life to teach the Word with clarity and simplicity. She taught a weekly Bible study as a member of Campus Crusade for Christ, and continued to teach while in law school. After Janice moved to Washington, DC to practice law, her teaching ministry continued. In 1996, Janice started teaching a weekly noon Bible study at the Agape Bookstore in downtown Washington, DC. By 1999, the teaching ministry had outgrown the capacity of the bookstore, and was moved to the International Monetary Fund. That same year, Janice began receiving requests to minister at churches, conferences, and retreats, both in and outside the Washington metropolitan area. She was ordained through World Missions Ministries Bible College in Arlington, VA. She joined the Bible College faculty in year 2000 and teaches two courses. In 2001, Janice published a book entitled, “It’s Time to Stretch: Moving Into Full Faith in God”. Being a gifted speaker, she ministers in the Washington metropolitan area as well as nationally. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and Administration & Management Science from Carnegie-Mellon University and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Michigan Law School. She is married and has two children.


How to Keep From Being Moved 2-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $10 #A02-A016

Sharpen the Edge

4-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $20 #A04-0012


To order in the U.S. call toll free 1.877.560.1344 12pm - 5pm. ET Monday - Friday Charge card orders only please. VISA and MasterCard accepted. Send mail orders to: PO Box 66385, Washington, DC 20035. Order online at

God Is Faithful— Keep Sowing

Faith & Fasting to Usher in The Miraculous

If you think you’ve already learned everything there is to learn about sowing, think again! In this powerful audio series, you’ll discover: The importance of sowing in the place the Lord chooses How to sow in rivers of living water How God’s voice upon the waters causes things to happen How to reap mercy through righteous sowing How the power of praise will cause your field to yield its increase How to sow to reap your Rehoboth And More! Learn how to sow God’s way, and reap glorious harvests!

Is your miracle worth sacrificing a meal? By fasting a single meal, a widow woman received miraculous provision that sustained her household and a houseguest for three years! Faithful fasting looses the bands of wickedness, frees the oppressed, and breaks every yoke! In this enlightening series, Rev. Janice Davis Steele examines how to fast God’s way and describes the miracles that can occur when people faithfully fast God’s way. Learn how to faithfully fast and experience the miraculous!

God is Faithful – Keep Sowing! 4-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $20 (U.S.) # A04-0025

Faith & Fasting to Usher in the Miraculous 2-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $10 (U.S.) # A02-0009

Barrier-Breaking Faith God never intended for you to be hindered in any way! In this eye-opening audio series, you will learn how to overcome every barrier that taunts you, tries to frighten you, seeks to hold you bound, and tries to dispossess you of what you know God has promised you. You will learn how to: Overcome satanically constructed barriers Break through sound barriers – voices of individuals that tell you what you cannot do or become Break through gravity barriers – things that tempt you to yield to the lower, worldly desires Use barriers as a backdrop to display the power of God With this teaching, you will begin to run through every troop and leap over every wall! No barrier will hinder you!

Barrier Breaking Faith 2-tape series by Rev. Janice Davis Steele $10 (U.S.) # A02-0016



PRISON e t a d Up

I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me


Matthew 25:26

June Jackson

state prisons. We know that souls are being saved, restoration is taking place and people are receiving the necessary instructions to live triumphantly, even behind prison walls. We have already begun receiving letters from inmates thanking Triumph in Christ for the radio teachings. In addition, in July, during our first Orlando area crusade, God opened up the door for us to pray for the inmates and their families live on the air! God is truly Good!!!! We have submitted our application for the Arlington County Detention Center and are awaiting to proceed to the next step for that facility. We are looking forward to ministering the Word of God to those housed in that facility. Triumph in Christ study materials are also in the federal prison systems. An inmate received a copy of our magazine and shared it with the Chaplain at the Federal Correctional Institution - Allenwood Facility in White Deer, Pennsylvania. Upon review, 13


We praise God for the opportunities that He has provided for us to minister to His people within the prison facilities. Our prayers go out to the inmates and their families during this difficult period in their lives. We know that the love of Christ is able to heal, comfort and encourage in all circumstances. Although Triumph in Christ cannot possibly visit every prisoner in every cell in every hamlet on the face of the earth, through our tapes, literature, magazine, and through the airwaves, we have been able to minister throughout the United States. Since the end of 2002 we have been afforded the opportunity to partner with Sparrow Ministries and enter into Waxter Youth Center in Laurel, Maryland. Waxter Youth Center is a correctional facility for juvenile females. Every fourth Sunday of the month, the Triumph in Christ/JDS Ministries prison ministry members pray for, comfort and reach out to the hurting young ladies at Waxter. We are blessed to see lives transformed by the Spirit of the living God. Triumph in Christ is also reaching out to state prisons in Florida through the radio station WKFL.The powerful, anointed teaching of Rev. Janice Davis Steele is being heard throughout all the state prisons in Florida seven days a


Director, Prison Ministry

that we were able to bless the facility with tapes, materials, and magazines containing the uncompromised Word of God. It is not easy for prison inmates to find encouragement behind prison doors. Without question, the situation can sometimes look bleak, if not impossible. Many inmates feel discouraged and hopeless. We are grateful for the opportunity to reach out to the inmates with the life changing power of God. We share the Good News that God can totally transform them from the inside out and give their lives meaning and purpose. With the financial support and faith-filled prayers of our partners and friends, we are helping to transform lives from behind prison doors!


Windows Arrows arrows frequently represent words spoken. See Psalm 64:3; Prov.25:18. The arrows of destiny were being directed into the spirit realm. Jehoash’s hand had to submit to the move of God and the Word of God. When you reach out and take the Word of God, God’s hand will be upon you in power. Elisha next told Jehoash to open the east window. The sun rises from the east, signaling the coming forth of a new day. Whatever may have happened in the past is over. It is a new day! Even if you have been under siege for decades, God will cause a new day to dawn for you! Allow Jesus, the Day Star, to arise in your heart and usher in the dawn of a new day. II Peter 1:19. The King had to open the window before the arrow could be shot. This lets us know that timing is very important. He had the arrows but the window remained shut. The opening of the window speaks of a new season of opportunity; something new that God is releasing at a particular time for a particular time. God has created a window of opportunity for you! We must strive to optimize every opportunity in a timely manner for at least two reasons. First, opportunities have time periods attached to them. The daily manifestation of manna and quail, for instance, blessed God’s people for a single solitary day. See Exodus16:11:20. Monday’s provisions did them no good on Tuesday. Second, certain opportunities occur only once in our lifetimes. For example, the Israelites over twenty years old had a single opportunity to follow Joshua and Caleb in seizing the Promised Land. Numbers 13:17-31; 14:5-24. Through their faithlessness and disobedience, these Israelites forfeited their opportunities of a lifetime. Numbers 14:36-45. Since neither (1) the lifetime of your opportunity nor (2) the opportunity of your lifetime will necessarily be apparent, it remains absolutely crucial for you to exhaust the lifetime of every opportunity by obeying God completely. 14


Many believers have been attacked with battles, problems, and perplexing difficulties. People have been struggling with health, family relationships, employment, finances, depression, self-esteem, business, ministry, addictions, and sinful habits. These battles have caused so many of us to live beneath our potential and to embrace complacency. We settle for; we put up with; we just deal with; we accommodate; we try to cope. Well, the days of living under, settling for, putting up with, accommodating, and coping with are over! God is moving to disarm the enemy and put a stop to the war the enemy has been waging in our lives. God compels us to work with Him to allow Him to deliver us and reclaim territory the enemy has taken. He trains our hands for war and our fingers to fight. Psalm 144:1. God uses these enemy attacks as opportunities to take us to a place of increase and prosperity. The Bible says tribulation worketh patience. Rom. 5:3. God can cause enemy attacks to work for you! When God moves in this manner, it is essential that we work with Him. Chapter 13 of II Kings recounts an instance when God desired to move to deliver the nation of Israel from the oppression of the Syrians. The Syrians held Israel under siege for decades. God chose Jehoash, the king of Israel, as His instrument to deliver the country. Jehoash visited Elisha, who was very sick at the time. Elisha sensed in his spirit that God was providing a tremendous window of opportunity for the king to be used to allow God to deliver Israel. Elisha told Jehoash to take up his bow and arrows. The king put his hand on the bow. Then, the prophet put his hands over the king’s hands. In so doing, the prophet was letting the king know that this undertaking was different This was going to be a shared undertaking. The hand of God would be upon Jehoash to accomplish this work. The bow and arrows represent the working of the Word of God. In scripture,


Rev. Janice Davis Steele

When you do, you will experience major breakthrough and deliverance. Elisha instructed Jehoash to shoot the arrow. The king did, and the prophet gave the interpretation of that action: "The arrow of the Lord’s deliverance, and the arrow of deliverance from Syria: for thou shalt smite the Syrians in Aphek, till thou have consumed them." II Kings 13:17. "Shooting the arrow" signifies speaking the Word of God. Jehoash was to smite the enemy and not stop until they were completely annihilated. Elisha then instructed Jehoash to take the arrows and strike the ground. The king obeyed, but halfheartedly, striking only three times. The prophet was disgusted! He told the king he should have struck the ground five or six times to ensure the enemy’s defeat. Since the king only struck the ground three times, they would only win three battles against the Syrians! Every window of opportunity requires complete obedience to God’s instructions. Sometimes God will ask us to do things in the spiritual realm that we don’t quite understand. We want a complete picture, a detailed explanation, or a thorough blueprint before we respond. Don’t let disobedience deprive you of your deliverance. Don’t let your response be limited by your vision, past experiences, or your desire for a blueprint. What if the king had known beforehand the spiritual significance of striking the ground? Do you think he would have stopped at three strikes? Of course not! The king did not appreciate the power of what he held in his hands. You must appreciate the power of the Word that you hold in your hands and hide in your heart. Appreciate the power of your God-given faith. Shoot your arrows! Keep striking your ground by completely obeying God’s instructions! Use this window of opportunity to secure breakthrough and break the grip of every enemy stronghold in your life!


September 28-29, 2003 6pm Sunday & 7:30pm Monday

New Life Family Fellowship 8512 Allentown Road Fort Washington, MD For more information call the church at 301.248.0049

MARYLAND W O R K P L AC E R E V I VA L ! November 5, 2003

Noon to 1pm

U.S. General Services Administration GSA Auditorium 1800 F Street, NW Washington, DC

W A S H I N G TO N , D C SET F R EE I N 2003! November 8, 2003

9am to 1pm

Free conference with Rev. Janice Davis Steele Continental breakfast served (9-9:30) Anointed praise and worship! Special gift for each one who brings one! Seating limited! Register now at or call 1.877.560.1344. Best Western Potomac View 6400 Oxon Hill Road Oxon Hill, MD


J o i n u s i n Tr i u m p h a t w w w. j d s m i n i s t r i e s . o r g


B R OA D C A ST S Listen to the Triumph in Christ radio ministries: DC Metro area WYCB 1340AM 1:30pm Sundays Florida (St. Petersburg/Orlando/Ocala) WKFL 1170AM 9:00am Daily


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L U N C H T I M E B I B L E ST U DY Mondays PEPCO Corner 9th & G Sts, NW Washington, DC 1:00 - 2:00pm Contact: Ms Stephanie Scott 202.331.6402

Thursdays IMF 700 19th St, NW Washington, DC Noon - 1:00pm Contact: Mrs.Afi Apaloo 202.623.4996

Come and receive sound, practical Biblical instruction in the middle of your work day! Let the Word of God make a difference in your life!

For placement on our Events mailing list, please send us an email including your name, telephone and address. Email to: 1.877.560.1344 phone/fax.

“Now thanks be unto God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ” 2 Corinthians 2:14

JDS Ministries PO Box 66385 Washington, DC 20035

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