Finding the best credit cards for no credit

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The Way to Find the Best Credit Cards for people with no credit Having no credit or having bad credit can make getting a credit card hard. But when you are in these sort of situations, you can’t just apply for any credit card offered. There is a method behind finding the best credit cards for no credit. The truth is building a good credit score can be easy if you start off right. Very few individuals have perfect credit, and age is much less significant than other criteria in deciding whether a person will be granted a specific card. Things to do before applying for your first credit card There are some things that you ought to consider before applying for one of the best credit cards. First, do you have no credit or bad credit? Have you pulled a recent credit report? Make sure you get all 3 credit reports because each one will have a different score and show different things. This is important if you have some credit but not sure how its being reported. This will also help you to figure out which cards you qualify for. If you have no credit, then that step isn’t as important as it is for people with bad credit. Overcoming hurdles to building credit One of the biggest hurdles you will need to overcome is that most credit card offers require that you have some credit history. In fact most of the reward credit cards and the ones with insane great rewards and points require that you have at least 3 years of credit history. And that credit history better be good with no history of late payments. If you have bad credit your history of late payments will bar you from being able to qualify for these cards. When we say history. We mean re-occurring. 1 or 2 late payments over a 3 year span won’t stop you from getting these cards. But if you are late several times a year. Then you need to start rebuilding credit and practicing good credit habits. How to use our list of best credit cards for no credit We choose 5 credit cards that are great credit building credit cards. We also diversified the list by having a option for a consumer loan, secured credit and even a way for you to use your rent as a way to build credit. You want to diversify your credit profile to show lenders that no only can you manage revolving debt, but you have been trusted with an unsecured loan and you have a steady payment history with your rent. These same cards are also great for people with bad credit to start building positive tradelines. Its important that lenders see that you not only have new credit, but you are paying on time and you are no longer a high risk consumer.

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