Mike Todd and Around the World in 80 Days

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Mike Todd and Around the World in 80 Days “Many people have lost a horse race,” Mike Todd said. “I lost an entire racetrack." At one point in his life, Todd bought the Del Mar racetrack near San Diego. He got a hot tip on a horse, bet the value of the track, and lost it. Todd produced 17 Broadway shows, perfected Cinerama, then produced his own 70mm filming process that he named Todd-AO. After that, with no movie experience, using all of his money and what he could raise, he produced Around the World in 80 Days. Mike Todd said; "During the many business risks I’ve taken, I’ve been broke many times. But I’ve never been poor.” At the Academy Awards, his movie was up for Best Picture against, The 10 Commandments, Friendly Persuasion, Giant, & The King and I. Sitting next to his bride of six weeks, Elizabeth Taylor (age 24), Mike (47) heard his movie announced as the winner. Is Todd’s movie the best film? Maybe not, but for sure it’s the largest and most unique production. It ran for 15 months to full houses at reserved seat performances in large cities, before its general release. It cost 6 million dollars to produce and made 16 million. More than 40 famous actors make cameo appearances in the movie. Today’s audiences won’t know most of them. But in 1956 audiences

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