1 minute read
The Perfect Blend
By Savanna h Rae Alvarado
Busiest Times for a Cafe
Popu la r Food & Drinks at a Cafe
The busiest times at a cafe a re fro m 7:30-10a m a nd 12-3p m on weekdays, when people need c offee for breakfast a nd lu nch. The afternoon hours a re when people need coffee for lu nch a nd ca r drives hom e. According to Redit, a nd a 9th g rade student.
The busiest hours for a cafe on the weekend are between 9 a nd 11 a.m. a nd 2 a nd 5 p.m., with people co m ing for breakfast a nd/or bru nch in the morning a nd studying in the even ing. According to Redit, a nd a 9th g rade student.
The most popula r drink items at cafes a re coffee, ca ppuccinos, am ericanos, lattes, a nd cold brews, wh ile the most popular foods ordered a re donuts, cro issa nts, bagels, a nd sa ndwiches. At som e places, there are drinks a nd foods that you ca n on ly get there,but these are the most co mmon. According to Austin 9th gra der, be-you r-own-barista.co m, a nd bra ndmycafe.com
Graph ics by Savanna h Rae