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Table of Contents

TITLES AND PAGES Letter from the Editors..............6 Decade by Decade....................................8 Imported Eras of Fashion.........................12 Fashion and Society........................14 Anatomy of an Outfit.....................18 The Race to Save Fashion............................20 Where Can I Shop Sustianably in Austin...24 50 Shades of Fashion............................26 The Color Wheel and Fashion.......30 Our Ezine Class Fashion..........................32

Letter from the Editors Lucas Castillo-West Lucas Castillo-West is a freshman at Liberal Arts and Science Adademy. They were born in Austin and has lived their all of their life. Lucas enjoys drawing and shopping for clothes.They have been interested in fashion all of their lives and recently learned the horrors of the fast fashion. Because of this, Lucas chose to write a story that would allow them to spread awareness about the causes and impacts of fast fashion.

Anita Sosa

Anita Sosa is a freshman at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy (LASA). She enjoy playing the flute and being in the debate club. Anita was born in Austin, but has lived in California and New York. After coming across an article on how a historical movement changed fashion, she was inspired to learn more about that phenomenon, which culminated in her feature story.

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Amalia Arellano Amalia Arellano is a freshman attending the Liberal Arts and Science Academy (LASA). They live and were born here in Austin. Amalia enjoys drawing, painting their nails, writing, and picking outfits to wear that dont look too bad. They aso enjoy history, therefore they decided to incorperate their love for history and fashion together to make a story on the history of fashion.

Shahar Yaacob Shahar Yaacob is s freshman at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy. She plays guitar and is a competetive figure skater. They were born in Israel and moved to Austin when the were 3 years old. She is interested fashion and color theory and combined those two interests to write their article. She also incorporated a little bit of science in the artice by talking about how we see colors.

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Important Eras for Fashion Throughout Hisotry Important eras that changed fashion. By Amalia Arellano

French Revolution 1789During the French Revolution people wore clothing items such as hats and pins to declare their political standing. Along with the clothing items there were also colors, the colors blue, white, and red were deemd as revolutionary colors and could be used to identify a revolutionary from a counterrevolutionary

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1900’s London rebellion eraDuring this era, the punk fashion was created out of rebellion and protest. Staples of this fashion were the homemade torn up aspect, thrifted clothing, and a generally outspoken style.

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By Anita Sosa

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Regan Vercruysse

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Regan Vercruysse

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The Color Wheel In Fashion By Shahar Yaacob

A color scheme or color palette is the set of colors that are used in an outfit. We can look at patterns on the color wheel to determine colors that will go well together Complementary - colors opposite of each other on the color wheel

Monocramatic - different shades of the same color Traidic - three colors evenly spaced on the color wheel

There are other patterns on the color wheel as wheel but these are some of the basic and most common ones Analogous - adjacent colors on the color wheel 30 Mode




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Our Ezine Cl

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lass Fashion

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