Table Of Contents 05 07
Editor’s Page Back to the Past and Into the Future by Jasmin Real
How to Disconnect to Connect
Professional Gaming
by Jasmin Real
by Alexis Beltran
Who Uses the Most Technology and What For by Alexis Beltran
3 | The Future Is Here
Manufactoring and Engineering New Technology by Angel Martinez
23 25
Samsung vs Apple by Angel Martinez
How Technology Affects Our Lives by Aaron Rodriguez
29 How We Use Smartphones by Aaron Rodriguez
The Biggest Electronic Company In The World by Dat Nguyen
The Evolution of Communication by Dat Nguyen
The Future Is Here | 4
Meet The Editors
Jasmin Real Age: 14 Favorite Food: Whataburger Height: 5’4” Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Electronic: Air-Pods Type of Phone: iPhone 7+ Favorite School Subject: Science
5 | The Future Is Here
Alexis Beltran Age: 14 Food: Chicken Wings Height: 6’ Favorite Color: Red Favorite Electronic: XBOX Type of Phone: iPhone Xs Favorite School Subject: Math
Dat Nguyen Age: 13 Food: Asian Food Height: 5’4” Favorite Color: Green Favorite Electronic: Phones Type of Phone: Samsung Galaxy S8 Favorite School Subject: Math
Angel Martinez
Aaron Rodriquez Age: 14 Food: Pizza Height: 5’6” Favorite Color: Red Favorite Electronic: PC Type of Phone: iPhone 6+ Favorite School Subject: Math
Age: 14 Food: Enchiladas Height: 5’4” Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Electronic: PS4 Type of Phone: Samsung AMP prime 2 Favorite School Subject: Math
Letter From The Editors Dear Readers, Welcome to the technology magazine. You are going to read about the Generation, the progress, and the excitement of technology. We hope you enjoy reading our magazine because we worked very hard on it. Technology is a big part of society and without it we wouldn’t have much. As you read our magazine we hope you understand the innovation and the history. Thank you from Jasmin, Alexis, Dat, Angel, and Aaron
The Future Is Here | 6
back to the Past and into the Future A Look Into Today’s Trending Technology By : Jasmin Real
This is the Apple products Niko uses to help her be more successful in her daily basis. Image by Niko Alaezi
The Future Is Here | 8
There are more than 682 million iPhones across the globe. There are about 7.2 billion electronics in the whole world and there is about 7.53 billion people on the planet! Technology is crazy popular ever since the World Wide Web was invented in 1991. Every new invention that gets released is more advanced than the last one and they’re all different in their own way. No matter what, most people cannot live without the Internet, Wi-Fi, phones, TV’s, music and etc. The stone age were very different from the time that we live in now. Back in the stone age,3,500 B.C. , the wheel was invented. It was known as caveman level technology. Nowadays, the new phones, flat screen with the best display, and many more things like electric cars are what people consider needs. Different types of technology help in different ways. Erick Belman currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia. He is an employer at Domino’s pizza but before that, he was a future gamer.. He was all about gaming and gaming and more and more gaming. He explained how he wanted to become a professional gamer or get paid to help people get to where he was before he had to leave it behind. Since gaming is both entertaining and fun he has his preferences on what type of technology its best used on. “I have a lot of favorite types of technology that I prefer, But mostly it’s anything to do with entertainment,” Belman said. “Like gaming consoles, or, you know, 9 | The Future Is Here
Image courtesy from 9TO5Mac
buying DVDs, or just like things of that nature, TV. ” Television did not have color, remote, and the size wasn’t always big and wide. In 1927, the first television was made. Now, the bigger the TV, the higher the price. Rosalba Belman is a mother of four kids. She has experience on knowing what’s best for kids. She thinks that technology is very dependable because having four daughters in all different schools, you need communication. She also added that television is very important because her youngest child is three years old and she needs something to keep her occupied so Rosalba can get things done.
“ They have better resolution, sound and effect. Larger televisions are better in my experience for entertainment,” Belman said. These are the type of reasons people buy this kind of technology. In the 2000’s, the first iPhone was
made by Apple. Apple is very successful. Apple has produced Macs, iPods, iPhones, iPads, Airpods and much more. In December 13, 2016, air-pods were released. Air-pods are about $159 but by what people say on them, they are probably worth buying but it comes with responsibility. Niko Alaezi is a graduate at the Florida university. She studied nursing. She is an employee at NICU (Neurological Intensive Care Unit). For her free time, she enjoys to take runs or just exercise. “ I work out a lot, so it’s very useful. But there are also very easy to lose,” Alaezi said. “There really expensive, but I think people just buy them because there by Apple. I think that the wires were better but wireless is better when I don’t have time to untangle them and plug it in. So it’s better to just take out the pods and turn on, turn on your bluetooth then just connect and your on your way. Computers are the most helpful electronic devices and also have a feature makes them even more
useful, besides the basic things we can already do on one. “I have my PlayStation set up on my big TV. So I can play that if I want to. It helps me have less stress and the television and the features really make me feel like the game is real and I’m in it.” Erick said. Alejandra Belman is a family member with both Erick and Rosalba Belman. Alejandra has 4 kids and was an employee at Walmart and worked in mainly all the parts of the store but i mentioned that she had four kids; two in High school, one in middle school graduating and the youngest in elementary. For her communication is important. “I was able to keep in contact with my managers, supervisors, or coworkers, whenever something came up. With location, when I want to know my daughter’s location, I just searched where she’s at on an app I have, and it’ll tell me what location she’s in. So I’m able to do a lot with the technology now in regards to communicating and work and
outside work.” Alejandra said. “I think technology is good. I think the only way it could be bad is depending on how the person uses it. But I think most people are using technology to improve their everyday lives not to hurt other people.” Niko said. In some cases, technology can be good. “Pertaining to the ones that I was talking about, like video games they can help with, hand eye coordination, they can help with a bunch of different brain problems that you might have. They can help ease brain functions depending on what kind of disease or problem you have. Parkinson’s is a pretty good example. They can use a lot of memorizing games. Parkinsons is when you forget things/ memory loss.” Belman added.
Image courtesy fr o
m Amazo
Image by Jasmin
Technology has progressed and so has our life-style. Everything is even more possible with the technology we have today!
This is the of the This is the generation of generation computers. computers in a picture timeline.
Image courtesy by Google.
Courtesy image by Google images.
The Future Is Here | 10
How to... disConnect
To connect Technology can bring negative impact as well as positive so sometimes, it’s necessary to disconnect and maybe connect with other. This helps people be open and more productive.
1. First, turn off
any electronics or technology and put it away.
(Above) This shows the different type of sports and the colors symbolize the feeling and emotion it brings to people. Photo courtesy of Google Images
2. Second,
go somewhere where a lot of activities are being done like a park for example. 11 | The Future Is Here
(Above) This image shows a group of different kids who join together as one because there all just great friends. Photo courtesy of Google Images
3. Participate in any
activities that interest you like sports.
4. Communicate with others. It helps you make friends and experience new things .
(above) These are examples of some sports some people play in their free time. Image courtesy of Alamy
5. Be active and limit your usage of technology including television.
tips and advice Tips :
1. Try to limit yourself to time on your phone or any other tech piece like TV’s too! 2. Go old school, like your parents probably spent less time on tech and more outside or doing other things like reading or playing with other kids. 3. Bring a book with you if you ever have free time. 4. Go on a digital-diet meaning limiting screen time like time limiting.
I also spend most of my hours just on my phone even at school. I tried to limit myself but I’m just too “addicted” to my phone. I asked my friend how she is fine without her phone and she gave me a few pointers on how to disconnect to connect with others. She said limit your screen time and delete apps that will consume your attention. I tried it and deleted about 10 game apps and muted texts from friends. After a second, I hated it but it actually felt even better after a while. It improved my self esteem and my socializing problem. The following day, I made more friends and opened up to others.
The Future Is Here | 12
ProfeSSional Gaming A Look inside By: Alexis Beltran
Explore why gaming is the hottest thing right now in our community.
Image of people holding PS4 controllers. Image courtesy of Psychreg
13 | The Future Is Here
The majority of people nowadays
are into gaming. The people in the society are now starting to play video games and some starting to get addicted. There is also a part of gaming that is in the pro gamer level and that’s one of the reasons why they are so addicted. Why is the reason that people are so addicted to video games and what are video games?
Gaming has been one of the biggest hobbies in the world, but the community of gamers has been growing and growing each year as more people start playing
The Future Is Here | 14
video games. One of the reasons why gaming has become such a big thing in the world is because every year more game creators make very amazing and interesting games that get everyone’s attention and then once you know it everyone wants to play it. For example the game franchise of Call of Duty has been one of the most popular games since they started and that’s were most people start.
The gaming team Faze is in a gaming tournament. Image courtesy of ESPN.
15 | The Future Is Here
You can see through the statistics that every year they’re community grows bigger once they release a new game. This goes for every game. Another example can be Fortnite, one of the biggest games out there and to this day still growing. Fortnite is a battle royale game that has been setting records in numbers of current players and Esports records of how many competitive players there is, Money is also given to the winners of the competitions. A part from the gamers there is pro players. Pro players are
people that play competitive gaming and make money out of the game. There is a lot of money to be made from playing as a pro player for example. Anthony Sosa has been playing video games since he was 11 “I’ve been playing competitive matches since when I was 11, so I would say roughly like 3,000 dollars made from playing Call of Duty tournaments and now Fortnite,” Sosa said. Many games have a pro group of people and teams that can be big or small it all just depends on how good all the players are at that game. Anthony also said this about how his experience in competitive gaming “For me relatively I can perform in most of them I’m pretty good at the games I’ve always been good at games my whole life ever since I’ve played Xbox 360 live started a grasp for games,” Sosa said. This can be the case for many people but sometimes many pro players have problems competing due to the players being way to good. Competitive gaming is just a very big thing in the community that many people try to get involved in. One of the biggest factors of gaming is the community. The group of gaming can be very toxic but sometimes very supportive. Demetrius Gonzales, a gamer that post his game clips on Instagram and has over 1000 followers and he had this to say about the community “I’ve met a lot of people that are extremely toxic
and like that doesn’t affect me that much if they 1v1 and they win or whatever but then like there is other people who are actually good and support you or whatever.” Gonzales said. Many more content creators like Demetrius experience this from the community everyday. But there is always a bright side to things. The community can sometimes be the best ever by having people that support each other and be positive about everything. Another thing people take into place is how much does the gaming setup cost. Everyone has their preference in what they like and what they think is the best and how much they want to spend on their gaming setup. Most people usually spend 500-1,000 dollars in gaming. For example Demetrius said this about his gaming setup “I would say 600-700 dollars.” Gonzales said. Miguel Martinez, a competitive Fortnite player that is located in Austin, TX has a very common gaming setup. “[It] depends on what you want to play. [For] me personally I play on console so it was like 500 dollars with the console and headset and the games.” Martinez said. Some people spend from 1,00010,000 dollars on getting a very good game setup. An example could be Anthony who said this about his gaming setup “My setup, if I count the PC I’m
A professional gaming setup that a gamer uses. Image courtesy of a.list using, I would say around 1600 dollars.” Sosa said. People usually spend this much on gaming to have a very good and easy gaming setup and because they usually play as pros. For example people buy PCs because of the specs they have and because of how much smoother and better the game runs. This is just the game setup though it’s not counting all the money you might spend on buying the game you want and buying items in game. Gaming can sometimes be expensive but if you only want to have fun and not go for pro then you can just get a normal gaming setup that isn’t a crazy amount. Many people are starting to get addicted to video games, everyday more and more people join the gaming community. This happens because of the games that come out and because our technology is growing very fast.
Before game creators try to release a game every year to try to get a bigger community but sometimes they make the games last more than 1 year but add a lot to the game and keep working on the game so that it grows naturally and so that the fans of the game tell everyone else to go to that game. For example, GTA5 and Minecraft has been around for years and they are still some of the most played games in the world. There are many pros of gaming. For example you can make money from it, you can be in a community that grows, and just make it a hobby. It’s not bad playing video games like many parents say and gaming is actually helpful sometimes. Gaming can be a very expensive hobby or have people in the community but there are many other benefits of gaming that overpass the cons of this very big thing called gaming. The Future Is Here | 16
Who uses the most
technology And for What? By: Alexis Beltran
Image Courtesy of Apple
Apples newest iPhone featured above.
Have you ever asked yourself, “What is everyone doing on their phone all the time?� In this section we will be talking about who uses the most technology, Adults or Teens.
Who uses the most technology? Image Courtesy of US news Mom and daughter using the laptop.
On all the research I have made I came to the conclusion that adults lead with the most technology use. In a article by cardinal times they explain how adults lead the pack of being more addicted to their phone than any other group. There are many different reasons why people use electronics. Some of the reasons could be because everyone wants to have a source 17 | The Future Is Here
of know, another reason could be because of work they have to do and their work makes them use their electronics. Electronics are just a very big thing in the community and we have to think of how it has evolved and how more and more people are starting to use electronics. Communication with everyone they
All the teens are on a phone.
All the adults are on a cell phone
Image Credit to Garfield County PREP
Image Credit to TectoGizmo
Adults 1. Adults are usually working on electronics because their job requires them.
1. Teens usually use electronics just to be on social media.
2. Teens sometimes do school work on electronics, for example homework or a school work that is on the computer.
Courtesy of Snapchat
Courtesy of PayPal
2. Adults usually use cell phones to buy things and get payed trough there.
Similarities 1. Adults and teens use their phones to call and text. 2. Adults and teens use their electronics as stress relives sometimes. Adult on his phone texting. Image Credit to iPhone life
The Future Is Here | 20
Manufacturing and Engineering the new technology HOW MANUFACTURING AND ENGINEERING HAS CHANGED By Angel Martinez-Martinez
Courtesy of TyRex
You stand there in a line next to your co-workers
having to put things together for eight hours or more until the line stops. You can not stop working people depend on you making and finish these products. The next day you repeat. TyRex is a manufacturing company that used to work on making computers. TyRex has now started to use 3D printing to manufacture products or clients. National instruments is a space agency. Andrew Cooper is the CEO of TyRex, a manufacturing company that uses 3D printing that has been around for 25 years. “What’s the biggest thing that’s occurred in manufacturing? The biggest thing is change.” Cooper said. Since 1798, when Eli Whitney created interchangeable parts, manufacturing companies in the United States have been using assembly lines. Today, many manufacturing companies have started to use 3D printing. Eugenio Justo is the 3D printing manager of TyRex. Justo develops solidworks design and 3D printing and test cases. “Well, it is mainly based on different things we don’t use 3D only because everyone is using it, but also due to the fact that many of the products we use today are printed on 3D and thus improve the type of economy,” Justo said. Business depends on having to be able to stay with the times and to stay with what the market needs not what it needed to improve the economy. “We discovered that by printing 3D parts we could not only modify them but also save money while saving time not having to ask for them, it is to say buy them on websites and bring them here and take shipping time apart from all that,” Justo said. Having 3D printing has been very useful when wanting to finish a project without having to wait for parts to be shipped to TyRex. The Future Is Here | 20
“Technology is consuming itself,” Cooper said. “Technology is eating technology faster than it ever did before. So whatever the 3D printing technology is that we have today, it’ll be obsolete in the next couple of years.” RIGHT: Andrew Cooper, CEO of TyRex Courtesy of TyRex
Jennifer Saucedo was hired by National Instruments, an engineering company who is currently one of the many companies who are working in the next Mars Rover. “The new technology has developed so much that now it’s easy to do pretty much anything,” Saucedo said. “For example, like when someone wants to become vegan. There is technology to make fake meat tastes like real meat and things like that. That’s just one example of how technology has become advanced, you can do pretty much anything,” Saucedo said.
fantastic partner I could have ever asked to have met, because he understands the financial equation, he understands the strategic business acumen, he’s always looking out and understanding what we need to do to change and stay with the times,” Cooper said. “So that’s probably one of the biggest challenges.”
Using 3D printing saves money then when manufacturing or buying
Cooper also mentions about how hard these challenges are and things that TyRex needs to do in order to change and to walk away from bad business.
Having new technology is not only just about having new things help and affects us and how we can improve it.
“It is hard to change,” Cooper said. “We all get set in our own ways. And the older we get, the more set we get. So it’s really important to stay flexible, and to walk away from bad business,”
John Bosch has been a helpful partner to Andrew Cooper for 25 years. Cooper talks about how helpful Bosch has been since Cooper worked for TyRex. “John Bosch, has been the most
Being able to adapt to new times and technology is important for businesses, especially when you are putting things out there for people to buy, that is why it’s important to stay trending.
21 | The Future Is Here
“More companies have gone out of business these days, because they can’t change, they only know how to do one thing,” Cooper said. And they don’t have the flexibility to adapt to new technologies.
Eugenio Justo additive manager on 3D printing of TyRex Courtesy of TyRex
Courtesy of TyRex
3D printer in the process of printing dog bones for testing.
a part online and being shipped to a company. It is also good for business when customers want to modify their 3D print. In manufacturing companies they have to be able to make the best quality products for the best price. When making a company is not just to see how much money you can make its about helping out your customers and your community Cooper said. “We are printing in 3D that not only the price is very cheap but is that we can do as many configurations as we want and at the same time they are lighter, that is to say, the grace that sometimes the furniture from one place to another is a heavy commodity. On the contrary, they are being lighter and customers love it. We can put the logos of the clients above we can do what they understand necessary without having to go to another level of more complicated,”Justo said.
Being able to have a good community is not only good for them but also for the company. You are able to stay as whole and support each other. “In 3D printing they can make the modifications and the cost is going to be practically the same as it would be for part without having to spend on tools based on that we started to work with filament printers, very cheaply we are talking about 100, 150, 200 dollars,”Justo said. Saucedo mentions as well, that technology not only has changed in some ways as well as price. “In some ways, it’s been cheaper because they found cheaper ways to get different materials. But in some ways, some of the technology that is new, since it’s so rare and new, it is more expensive,” Saucedo said. The new technology that we have
now is more expensive than it would normally be in the past and that is because of how advanced the new technology is. “Having new technology means we’re inventing new products and that means we have more jobs to fill. And so with more jobs to fill that definitely include increases the money flow throughout the country and throughout the world.”Saucedo said. Inventing new things is not only about how much money one person can make but how much is distributed through the people and workers. Technology has not stopped evolving and it never will as long as there is someone who is willing to change it and make it better, technology is consuming itself faster than it ever did before, we are not able to keep up with it, this is just the beginning. The Future Is Here | 22
By Angel Martinez Martinez
Have you ever wondered which phone brand is better than the other? Is it Apple or is it Samsung?
Graph showing shipments of both Samsung and Apple shipments since 2011 to 2018. Graph by
BUDGET Finding a low price for a smartphone is one if not the most hard things to find when shopping for a phone they always turn out to be expensive especially if they are more new and smarter models.
Samsung Galaxy S10: iPhone XS:
23 | The Future Is Here
Photo of Samsung Galaxy S10 next to iPhone XS Photo by EverythingApplePro
WHAT IT OFFERS When it comes to Google Play Store it has so many choices of games in which some cases most are fake versions of each other and that can be a threat of who ever installs that fake app.
iPhone 6 plus and Samsung Galaxy s10 illustrations created by Angel Martinez
WHAT IT OFFERS When it comes to the Apple App Store it is strict yes but without it being strict it would not have a good system to protect its users from apps that are scams.
When an iPhone is not working they can fix it at the Apple store.
When a Samsung is not working, the store it was purchased from wont always be able to help since they do not have a specialist for every different model of phone.
Having a Google assistant can do almost anything involving your phone because it uses you Google activity.
Samsungs have longer battery capacity but sometimes they end up having to be bigger wider.
Samsung does not focus much on its social medias apps therefore their social media apps are not the best.
Having Siri is helpful but she has her limits of what it can and cant do.
Nowadays, iPhones can go days with out having to recharge them but they still have a limit.
Social media apps is one of the things apple is very good at. The way social media operates in apple products its very different and better from Samsung.
Photo courtesy of TechHive 25 | The Future Is Here
How technology affects our lives Technology and its effects on our day-to-day life. By: Aaron Rodriguez As you leave your house for a walk in the busy streets of a giant city, you start to see things you take for granted, how did we get to the point of constructing huge buildings in a relatively short amount of time and at the same time make it safe? How does technology make life easier?
The Future Is Here | 26
An insulin pump is a device that delivers insulin and is used by some people with diabetes Photo courtesy of EndocrineWeb
Technology is everywhere, from you getting home and hopping on and play video games, to the invention of the defibrillator, it is the process of making our lives more practical and safer. Cristian Villalobos is the Associate Director at Breakthrough, a non-profit organization that helps students go to college. He said we have more expectations to communicate than there ever was. “We spend most of our time communicating remotely instead of face-to-face,” Villalobos said. Carlynn Hickenbotham is a substitute teacher for AISD and constantly uses technology in a classroom setting. She said that the Internet affects us in many ways. 27 | The Future Is Here
“We would probably have a lot of closer relationships with people around us,” Hickenbotham said.“But at the same time I think that it’d be really hard for different countries and or people, to really ever meet or understand each other” Stevie Martinez used to work as a document translator. She believes technology has made our lives easier in many ways. “Due to the rise in popularity of technology and the accessibility to technology, it has facilitated a lot of classrooms and made learning easier for different learning styles as well as keeping up with communication.” Martinez said. Martinez also said new technology could take other people’s jobs.
“It could take away many different jobs that were more manually produced, so people aren’t really necessary in certain jobs that maybe a robot could do.” Villalobos said that technology is constantly collecting personal information for non-major purposes, but that could change in the future. “My home has an Alexa, we use it and it’s very convenient.” Villalobos said. ”I do think it invades your privacy, however I do not believe that the way it invades your privacy is a very serious issue now at this point. But I’m worried that it could be quickly used to invade your privacy in a more dangerous way” Villalobos said.“Right now they’re basically just sending me ads, It’s a little creepy but it’s not really a big deal. However, that information
could be used to change democracy and make decisions for me.” Some people have dangerous jobs and Hickenbotham thinks newer technology could be a major step into a more safe working environment, but she also feels in some occasions technology can’t really replace some jobs “There are some jobs that will get replaced because of technology, but I think that can be good in some situations, because I feel some people do very dangerous jobs that can involve accidental injuries or even deaths.” Hickenbotham said. “But I feel like there will always be some jobs that technology can’t really replace.” Martinez thinks new technology has played a huge role in communicating and says it has made connecting with our families and friends a lot easier and less time-consuming. She said there is also way more options now than there was before. “With the evolution of technology we are able to Facetime call instead of having to travel to another country,” Martinez said. “When you don’t see your family and friends that often, it’s always nice to check up on them, see them through a video call and see how they’re doing.” Hickenbotham doesn’t think technology is always good, especially when exposed to children. In her opinion it can cause them to grow up too fast when not supervised. “I think technology can kind of force my kids to grow up a little too fast because they’ll see things that
they probably shouldn’t have been exposed to at a very young age.” Hickenbotham said. “I feel like it also makes some people like really lazy because this technology can do it for you, people communicating online is one thing, but also human communication is really important. Technology can take away from that sometimes, and that’s not a good thing.” Technology has been crucial in human evolution”Tragic events would have happened without it.” Villalobos said. “Without Medical advancement, my son would be dead, he had cancer.”Villalobos said”.“I had two hernias that required surgery when I was in my 20s. My wife would probably be dead, she had something gross removed from her uterus when she was in her 30s,” said Villalobos.“All those things may have killed me, my wife or my son without human understanding of the ability to fix it.”
her insulin levels. If her blood sugar drops too low or rises too high, it alerts her and her mother’s phone, so that she doesn’t go into a diabetic coma. I personally very much believe that technology has saved a lot of people like in the case of my best friend, that insulin pump will notify her if she needs any medical attention or needs to go see the emergency room. Hickenbotham agreed that technology is pretty much essential to our day to day life and doesn’t see humans go back to when access was limited. “Now that usually everyone has a phone or a tablet, they can just go to the library and get on the Internet. I just feel like it’s pretty essential for everyday life now and I don’t see us being able to going back to like when we can’t use technology as much.” “As long as there are problems, I feel like people are going to try to use some invention or
Martinez stated that technology has saved many people’s lives. She stated it has helped her friend know when she needs medical attention and even notifies significant others in case of emergency.
technology to try to solve it,” said Hickenbotham.
“My best friend has type one diabetes.” Martinez said.”She has an insulin pump that is connected to her, it regulates her blood sugar levels and
Technology has always been a part of human evolution, as long as there are problems, we are going to search for solutions.
Cristian Villalobos, the Associate Director at Breakthrough Central Texas
The Future Is Here | 28
How we use smartphones Information on ways we use our time using phones and how much time we spend in the process. By: Aaron Rodriguez
46% of smartphone owners said it is something you couldn’t live without
29 | The Future Is Here
Graph representing app usage in 2017 Graph credit by comScore
This graph is showing the percentage on app usage in 2017. Facebook is in the lead with 81%.
6 billion cell phone calls are made per day in the U.S.
According to CTIA, 6 billion SMS messages are sent every day
There are 2.7 billion smartphone users around the world
Made with the help of Angel Martinez
178 billion app downloads in 2017.The number is predicted to grow to 258 billion in 2022
Sources:: New-market group Nielsen, Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association, comScore, Pew Research Center
The Future Is Here | 30
The Biggest
Electronic Company in The World The Company That Will Forever Continue To Strive
By Dat Nguyen
31 | The Future Is Here
Apple opened their new $1 billion campus on December 13, 2018. This company has had a huge success. Selling over 216.5 million phones within one year and counting. Releasing new products every four months and a brand new product coming out in October 2019. They even have a huge competitor, who is trying to gain all of the fame by selling more products and releasing products even sooner. But, who is this company that has had a huge success in their lifetime? It is Apple. Apple is an electronic company that invented an electronic called the Apple 1 in 1976 and the company is still running today. Since then, Apple has invented new products including, the Apple TV, Apple Watch, multiple iPhones and so much more. There have been so many locations that Apple has opened, including the recently new campus in North Austin that expanded the operation greatly. Apple wants their customers to be satisfied with their products and
they have done more than make their customers satisfied. Vinh Dao has been an Apple accountant for Apple Music for two and a half years. During his time at Apple Incorporation, he saw great things and talked to amazing people who are there to help and guide him through every step. He talked about the environment and how it is calm to work at Apple. “I like working here because everyone is laid back,” Dao said. “Not like “laid back” laid back, but everyone is easy to work with. There is a very good environment and I don’t feel any stress every time I come to the campus.” Thien Pham has been working as an accountant for iPads and iPhones for Apple for over 10 years. He has had lots of experience working with his teammates and has been an accountant manager for the past four years.
Pham has collected a vast amount of Apple products from the Macbook to iPhone to the newest Apple TV and used the products frequently. “I don’t have to worry about installing anti-virus or antimalware,” Pham said. “The user interface is very intuitive, very easy to use and I can sync up all of the devices across each other.” Malcolm Prouty is a dedicated Apple customer and has bought many products of Apple that even his 3-year-old daughter has an iPad. Malcolm has an Apple TV, Macbook, iPhone, iPad, and different versions of these products for his family. There is a big argument about which mobile device is better or which company has more success, Apple or Samsung. However, most Apple customers, including Prouty and even Apple employees, including Dao aren’t The Future Is Here | 32
100 percent biased to Apple. They think both companies have gotten a massive success and both products are created very similar to each other. Dao is biased to Apple only because he works for Apple. “They’re both good in my opinion but when you work for Apple, you want to support them,” Dao said. “It’s not because Samsung is a bad product. Their competition between each other does not mean that they try to put one product above the other. They just want to make sure that their customers are happy with their product. But the reason I choose Apple products instead of Samsung is because I work for Apple, so I want to support Apple in general.” Prouty has the same feeling about both companies having a colossal success and that there should be no need for
competition but he’s concerned about both companies for having unreasonable prices on their latest mobile devices. “I see that both Apple and Samsung are having great successes right now with their phone product lines, but they’re both coming to a point of realization, especially with the new releases of the iPhone X for Apple, and Galaxy S10 for Samsung, that the price point on those new devices is starting to get unreasonable for the average consumer who wants to go after the new technology and I think they’ve got to be careful,” Prouty said. Prouty also explains how there has been a lot of technological improvements, which makes customers want to get the latest phone, but the price point is causing problems.
Prices of the iPhone 7 to the iPhone XS Max. Photo Courtesy of Mac Rumors 33 | The Future Is Here
“There’s been so many technological improvements,” Prouty said. “All the new smartphones across all manufacturers, it’s really easy for consumers to want to switch and upgrade year after year. But, some of these newer technologies just have a higher price point, which causes a barrier to entry for the consumer and I think you’re going to start seeing slow down in the in the cell phone marketplace.” Prouty also explains how this is an unreasonable expectation for consumers to pay annually or on a 2-year basis. However, Pham is 100 percent biased to Apple, he thinks that Apple is the best company in the market and produces the best products. “Our products are so innovative, intuitive, and easy to use,” Pham said. “You can integrate them and
you can sync them up seamlessly. I think that’s just a strong point. Many people want those features. So, the market is going to buy the best and we are the best. So, I think that’s just a fact.” The Samsung vs. Apple argument has sparked online debate with its youngest customers. Most middle schoolers would have an Apple product instead of any other product only because they think it is better with no reason to prove that. In fact, some middle schoolers get picked on by their friends for having a Samsung product instead of an Apple product. Prouty thinks that this argument in middle school is nonsense and will not be necessary when you turn into an adult. “I suspect in the school age realm of using a Samsung vs. an Apple, it’s more about status symbols than about actual functionality,” Prouty said. “I’ve got to imagine that, students are viewing people with Apple products as having money and probably the opposite for people with Samsung products. But honestly, that doesn’t make any sense and that completely goes away when you enter the working
Samsung Galaxy S10 versus the iPhone X. Photo Courtesy of Trusted Reviews world where what matters is what we need to do. Luckily, this situation goes away with age and maturity.”
choice on what phone they want to have. Prouty stated that Samsung and Apple are doing an great job on satisfying their customers but both are dealing with a pricing Dao is also with Prouty on this problem on their latest device. situation. Dao thinks that one Pham, on the other hand, disagreed product would most likely have the with both Dao and Prouty and same feature as the other product stated that the market wants to buy and that phones work well for the best and Apple is the best. In whatever you prefer. the end, even Apple customers and employees can say that Samsung is “The bottom line is, you have a a great company and that they are phone, I have a phone, your phone doing their job well. can make a call, my phone can make a call,” said Dao. “Honestly, Apple continues to strive and if someone asked me why I think innovate with new technologies, Apple products are better than to expand their corporation Samsung, I would say no, they’re throughout the United States and both the same. They both work even across seas. With so many well for whatever you prefer, supporters and so many new whatever you like, not just because employees in North Austin on one works better than the other.” their side, there is nothing any competitor can do to stop them Everyone has different opinions from staying at the top. Apple’s about their thoughts on Samsung one of the biggest companies in the vs. Apple. Dao said every phone is world and they continue to grow. the same and that it is whoever’s Who knows what’s next for them? The Future Is Here | 34
Evolution of
Communication History of Long Distance Communication From the Past to the Present and Maybe the Future. By Dat Nguyen
AD Sultan Nur-ed-din built pigeon lofts and dovecotes, where pigeons were used to carry messages from Egypt to cities as far away as Baghdad in Iraq.
1100s 200 BC
Smoke signals used to send messages along the Great Wall of China. In 150 BC, Greek Historian Polybuis devised a system of smoke signals that were visual representations of the alphabet.
The telegraph is a communication system that transmitted electric signals over wires from location to location that translated into a message. Samuel Morse sent his first telegraph message, from Washington D.C. to Baltimore, Maryland.
Info Courtesy of Mashable
35 | The Future Is Here
Photo Courtesy of: Wikipedia, NicePNG, Pinterest, Star Tribune, Amazon
Dial Up Internet was the archaic was to connect to the World Wide Web. This was a very hard time because almost everything would be cut off.
1990 1950s
Most households had one landline and only one person could make a call at a time. Your privacy was dependent on how long your home-phone cord was, and the cost of calling a mobile phone was astronomical.
This is where technology starts becoming more advanced. We now have social media, SMS and we now even have new phones that have features nobody had 10 years ago.
The Future Is Here | 36