6 minute read
Hotline Bling
from Today in Tech
by LASA Ezine
By Travis Huynh
Smartphone Breakdown
Phone’s importance and comparing brands
DynaTAC 8000, made in 1983. It measures 13 inches in height and 1.75 lbs You wake up to an alarm from your smartphone. Groggily, you get up to grab it, lying in bed a bit longer to go through your social media. During the ride to school, you listen to music while playing games or scroll through your feed to pass time. Throughout the day, youcheckyournotifications center, looking for something new. If you see a beautiful view, you snap a shot. Need to call someone? Ring them up. Phones bring a lot to our daily lives.

FromtheDynaTAC8000x(left) totheiPhone13ProMax, mobile phones have come a long way. Between the two of these phones, there is a 1.25lbdifferenceandthe iPhone13ProMaxishalfof DynaTAC’s height. Evolving in both software and hardware, smartphones will continue to innovate and improve. In the modern-day, there are many companies like Apple and Samsung to select our phones from. There are a variety of thoughts on these companies, with each having its advantages and disadvantages. Learning about these things will help youfindthephonesuitedto your needs.
been made over the years, setting the foundation for future models and versions. These little additions and advancements are passed down from generation and improved upon. A phone like the iPhone 1 created a large impact on the industry, as it introduced the App Store and combined many applications into one. These contributions are building blocks, constructingthecomplex structure we have now and will further enhance.

IinterviewedAlexisMartin, themanageratuBreakiFix,a phone repair shop in Austin. Computers and phones are the same, “they all have a screen, they all have a CPU, they all have RAM, they all have hard drives.It’sjustadifferentform factor” says Mr. Martin. Phones are becoming more powerful, with the only thing setting them being convenience. The phone in our pockets today encompasses an abundance of qualities. One of the core functions is the ability to communicate with others. Whether it be calling or messaging, phones were designed to provide accessibility to contact people. Linda, a college student says, “I think phones are a great way to interact with other people, especially during the pandemic,” as the pandemic limits in-person interactions.
Of course, smartphones have evolved from the basic communication device, bringing together many applications and abilities to create a more convenient and helpful version. The current models aim to have many additional core functions. “It’s better, way better, to have a nicer camera system built into the phone,” says Daniel Hadad, an NXP employee. Cameras are an important part of phones, allowing people to sometimes forgo bringing or buying a separate camera.
Other key factors include a reliablebattery(andcharger), speakers, Bluetooth, browser, and a store for downloads. Without some of these things, the device wouldn’t be able to provide as much to the user.
Innovative ideas are also being tried out, with the new foldable phone from Samsung. In more recent years, phones have been changing material, such as the glass back. Having glass makes the phone sleeker and improve wireless charging (comparedtometal),but this brings durability issues. Peopleoftenfindthemselves dropping their phones and having an easily breakable surface doesn’t pair well. Mr. Hadad works in his yard and needs his phone to be durable, supplementing it with a rugged case.
On the topic of durability, the new foldable phones may have trouble with this. Incorporating
a fold in the screen will bring issues, increasing the risk for damage. Mr. Martin says, “there’s a lot of mechanisms thatareexpectedfromapiece of glass.” However, the design holds potential, allowing the phonetoexpandintonear tablet size or shrink the phone for accessibility.
The less popular phones were said to have lowerquality parts, such as LG or Motorola when compared to the mainstream names. This supports the fact that those phones tend to sell for a lower price as well. A deciding factor for many buyers is the price and the deals they come with. “I only get a new phone if there is a better deal or if it’s time,” said Linda Miller, a college student. Miller prioritizes hardware durability and aesthetics over operating systems. The other two sources said they prefer Android phones over the others, based ontheirownexperienceand many factors, such as the OS, price, and material.
Android phones were described as customizable, modular,flexible(intermsof software),andadvanced.“ Samsung and Google are a lot ahead of Apple,” says Mr. Martin as well as Mr. Hadad. Both sources see Android phones like Samsung and Google as more advanced than Apple, with Apple releasing the same features but later.
So the Android has its advantages, being more advanced with coming out with innovations and improvements, as well as flexibilitywithapplications and customization, allowing for the implementation of bigger storage. But it doesn’t come without cons. Samsung tends to have “lower battery life, just because they’re so energy-oriented”explainedMr. Martin, as well as its phones being more fragile. Google phones are well connected with many Google applications such as Gmail, Google Maps, Google Voice, etc. but they have manufacturing problems, asAlexissays,“Weseehereall the time in the shop, getting warranty claims through Google.”
Apple also comes with its strengths, bringing its ecosystem into play. There are devices like the Apple Watch, iPad, iPhone, and MacBook that create a whole line of interconnected products often called the “Walled Garden”. This could prove unappealing to some, Mr. Hadad said ”I didn’t want to get sucked into the whole Apple ecosystem.” Many, however, enjoy the other parts of the phones and Linda personally prefers the Apple products. “It’s a good selling point for me,” she says about the aesthetics of the devices. They also have signature features such as FaceTime, FaceID, and high app compatibility in the App Store.

Apple’s disadvantages include their storage, especially being unabletoaddmoreexternal storage(iCloudisanonline service).Appleisalsosaid to have lower resolutions. In general, it is depicted as behind when it comes to new additions, releasing their version later. The phones also have glass on the back, leaving them vulnerable to damage.
The sources were asked to describe their ideal phone,
their desired features, or any improvements they would liketosee.Alexiscombined the strengths of many brands into one. “Google cameras or software, Samsung’s screen resolution quality, high refresh rate, and Apple’s app compatibility or optimization.” Mr. Hadad says he wants to see more durable material be used in phones, with most of them utilizing glass over metal, effectivelybringingupthe price. Overall, when it comes to deciding which phones to buy, “it’s up to you to choose what takespriority,”saysAlexis. Companies are able to stay competitive and relevant because of their strengths. This story covered the comparison of each brand, and phones’ evolution as well as their consequences. Whether it be because of aesthetics or deals, thechoiceisuptoyoutofind what you are looking for in the device you use daily.
“It’s up
to you to choose
what takes