table of contents
travel trends
p20 p14
p20 p18
fly high traveling on a tanzanian safari the culture of traveling
a brief history of transportation
Farrah Kleeman is a freshman at LASA High School. Her favorite things to do are play volleyball, write, and backpack. She shares a true love for road trips, and she even designed her E-Zine article to share her affection for road tripping so others can try some of their own! After high school she would like to take a gap year to travel the world with some friends. She would like to go into the medical field and become a dermatologist. She loves to use her mind and figure out problems in math, and is a foodie who will eat almost anything. Even though her favorite way to travel is by car, she has taken trips far away to Hawaii and even Paris!
Farrah Kleeman auden
Auden Sandvig is a freshman at LASA High School. ticle about what it’s like to move long distances people who have to pack up and move a lot. In enjoys working out and reading manga. At school, he enjoys the most is Science. In fact, after he graduates school, he wants to go to college and get a degree and start a business. One of his favorite places traveled to is Belize, and it’s memorable because the country! His dream vacation would be to visit see how different it is from Texas!
JadeJade Friedman is a 9th grade student at LASA High School. In her free time she enjoys listening to music and spending time with friends. At school, math is her favorite subject, and she would like to go into private equity after college. For the E-zine, Jade wants to write about less commonly known travel destinations and bring more attention to them. Her favorite place she’s traveled to is Italy because of the European culture, food, and energy. Because her parents are into languages, she was taught ASL and Italian when she was little. Jade would like to travel to Japan someday to experience the
Meet The Editors
IZNA LAdhani
School. He wants to share in an arfor a job, and tell about In his free time, he school, the subject graduates high degree in biology, that he has it was out of visit Alaska, and
Izna Ladhani is a freshman at LASA High School. She is writing an article on different people whose jobs are based on traveling. Some of her hobbies would include traveling and art. After she graduates high school, she might go into an art or science field. An interesting fact about her would be she's been to 5 out of the 7 continents. One of her favorite places she's been to is South Africa because of how beautiful it was and the unique culture. Her dream vacation would be a world tour because she aspires to travel the world!
Brooklyn Bloom is a freshman at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy in Austin, Texas. “For E-Zine, I want to make an article showing the underrated cuisine and food of unappreciated countries across the world.” Her hobbies include: competitive cheerleading, art, and visiting the beach with her friend and family. She enjoys cheer because she meets many new people and it helps her to try new things and expand her comfort zone. An interesting fact about Brooklyn is that she has visited every state in New England. She wishes to one day travel to the Maldives due to her ever growing love for the beach.
Sandwiched between two strangers, with a baby crying behind you, and a mother stifling her coughs. Stress becomes overwhelming along with the prices, and all you can do is hope you’ll be landing soon. This is the case for many who travel by plane, as the airline system becomes more crowded and cramped. People endure the traveling portion of their trip, waiting for the real vacation to begin. Many types of transportation when traveling make people feel this way. With scenery rushing by, too fast to see, how can one stop to enjoy the ride? Half the beauty of traveling to a place is the journey to get there, so why not slow down and find the beauty of the world, in more than just the destination? Stopping to enjoy the ride is only one of the amazing things that can be accomplished on a simple road trip.
ry, even starting with a horse and a carriage. According to an article published in 2015 by Time Magazine, “A few hardy souls set off upon far-reaching expeditions between 1900 and 1910,” while others “simply sought an escape” from the busy city life. But since then, this trend has only grown in the number of people exploring by car/RV.
The United States, which offers a variety of landscapes, discovering the 4 corners is a challenge many take on. Traveling on the road has been ingrained in every American’s histo-
Road trips are said to have a number of benefits and are enjoyed by a wide variety of people, young and old. In an international survey conducted by RV rental company Outdoorsy, “80% of travelers said that, compared to other types of vacations they’d taken in the past, their RV trip helped them feel more mentally rejuvenated and refreshed.” This only proves the fact that road-tripping can absolutely change a person’s life for the better, connecting them with nature, and helping them grow as individuals.
Outdoorsy was founded in 2015 by Jeff Cavins, and his Co-founder, Jen Young. They too had realized the
benefits of traveling on the road, and getting away from a busy and stressful life. So, to do this, they packed up their lives and set out to learn more about travel needs on the road. “That was our entire life in four duffel bagsIt was like being in high school again,” Cavins recalls. As they traveled the U.S. by RV, they gained the inspiration needed to start their own business, not to coop people up in their homes, but to get people out into nature and experience true adventure. Since then, Outdoorsy has proven to be the fastest-growing RV rental company in
That was our entire life in four duffel bags- It was like being in high school again.
the world.
“One of the things that Outdoorsy tries to help people do is put [electronics] down for a moment and restore our relationship with nature,” Cavins resumed. They do this by creating a more affordable way to get an RV, which, overall, makes gaining that connection with nature more reachable.
Taking in the beauty of hilly countryside, a ghost town, or a mountainous scenery, road trips clear the way for people to sit back, relax, and truly go on a vacation. Apart from admiring the beauty of one’s own country, people choose road trips over other methods of travel for several reasons. One of the biggest ones being mental health and coping with even the biggest stresses of life . When placed in a world free of judgment, it’s easy for a person to carefully analyze themselves and come out as a better person. Road tripping has changed Youtuber Bryce Jurgensmeier’s life by helping him “[be] more open to opportunities.”
Bryce and his wife, Nellie Jurgensmeier, have been running a Youtube channel/blog called The Jurgys since August of 2015. They were inspired to start traveling in an RV around the United States when they had a scare that Nellie had a cancerous lump in her chest.
Enjoying the ride is big for the Jurgys, especially when it comes to running a family. Sometimes it feels like you just need to “get through [your] flights, the layovers, the delays, until [you’re there], and [then you] can be happy,” Bryce reveals. But when on a road trip, everything gets to be on your own terms. You don’t have to have a specific plan, and you can take care of problems as they arise, and then plan around them.
Instead of this fearful event holding them back, it actually “committed [them] to do something every week that [they] would not have normally done.” This gave them the motivation to discover this new beautiful realm of road trips, and grow by overcoming their fears and stepping outside their comfort zone.
Now living the life of parenting two children, the Jurgensmeier family knows the way of the road. In fact, travel by car is one of the most popular types of travel with children. While some may want to pack up and hit the road simply to avoid the stress of bringing their kids to the airport, others have an alternate reason. When a family is brought together in a space free for reflection and the beauty of the outdoors, it can heal tension, reunite families who have grown apart, and even just be a place for memories to be made together. “We had a lot of
You learn to welcome at the moment and embrace it, and that brings more joy.
“ ”Rocks by a road in Utah. Image by Adam Derewecki from Pixabay.
things that we couldn’t have planned, that you learn to welcome at the moment and embrace it, and that brings more joy,” Bryce recalls.
And, of course, the aspect of cost always goes through people’s heads when it comes to travel. “You watch all these cool, exotic travel things like Bali, but not
everybody can just get on a plane and go, so we wanted to show in all 50 states that there’s adventure right in your backyard,” Nellie noted. On a road trip, the only expenses necessary would be gas and the food you bring along, with the addition of the expense of renting an RV/van.
relax on an adventure, while finding hidden gems and meeting new people.
For bloggers Carrie and Shawn Barrett, road trips are a way to reset and
The importance of road trips for mental health and gaining inspiration was one thing that Carrie is very passionate about. “It has reaffirmed my faith in humanity, many times,” Carrie recalls, “and it has inspired me to just appreciate the natural pace of life because we’ve gotten away from that.” This is something that many people can relate to. Whether at school or at work, staring at computer screens, it is hard to put time aside for the outdoors. But not only is it good for the emotional aspect of life, but also the social aspect. “We have had really great interactions with people at various campgrounds that I know we don’t agree with politically, but we can sit and have coffee with, and you realize, Oh, we’re all human,” Carrie explains. By being brought together by a common interest, people can forget their differences which usually set them apart and just decide to be sympathetic and be kind to each other. In a world
It’s really simple things I think that have made the most impression.
“ ”An RV sits in a field in Montana with a sunrise. Courtesy of Jeff Cavins from Outdoorsy.
where society is almost split into two, interactions like these are crucial to the building of a good person. It’s little moments like this that make the experiences of a road trip worth every hour. On a road trip, what you remember most may not even be the events you planned far ahead, but a hidden gem along the way. You might be able to “just pull up next to a lake, hang out and have lunch, even if it’s just an hour-long picnic,” Shawn adds. “It’s really simple things I think that have made the most impression,” Carrie agrees. When a person can get out of a rushed society and come to terms with nature, it hits them hard how beautiful their country really is, outside of all of the commotion. You can finally realize that you don’t need to “hop on planes and go to Rome or Paris, when there’s so much beauty [going] unnoticed [while] people are worried about seeing everything else,” Carrie points out. Shawn and Carrie know, just like many others who are willing to try the freedom of the outdoors, that happiness in life most definitely comes from the little things.
Bryce points out. There will always be fun and sometimes unexpected adventures along the way. Jeff Cavins also mentions Yellowstone as one of his favorite national parks. In fact, he explains that he “could get lost in Yellowstone and never come out,” just because of the pull of its beauty. You never know what’s going to happen on a road trip, what kinds of sights you are going to see, or people you are going to meet.
While traveling by car or RV, there is always the opportunity to have free adventures by discovering the “hidden gems” of this country. Some of the Jurgys go-to places are hikes and national parks. “In Utah, there are five national parks- and then there’s Yellowstone, Tetons, and Glacier National Park, which are some of the biggest,”
Road trips have much to offer, and happiness to bring, as long as you have 4 wheels and a seat to take, you are set for one of the best adventures of your life, with the United States at your fingertips. From
the mountainous Montana to the scorching beaches of Florida, and all the way to the rocky roads of Utah, the US really is a beautiful place. Moreover, it’s what is in the middle of these gorgeous destinations that is what truly matters the most.
We wanted to show in all 50 states that there’s adventure right in your backyard.
“ ”
Packing Advice
Fall 2022 Farrah Kleeman
This packing guide has your back! Feel prepared for your next adventure across the globe as you check off items on a hand-picked list created by travel professionals and youtubers. These items may even be tips to pack that you’ve never even heard of before.
“You basically need like three pairs of underwear, two shirts, and a pair of leggings and like you’re set for life.”
- Carrie Barrett
Are you ever unsure of what to pack when you travel?
“Look for the things that balance or help you feel rejuvenated.”
- Bryce Jurgensmeier
How Different Aspects of travelling Can Impact Your Knowledge On culture, and Expand Your Horizons.
The aurora of delicious and newly recognized foods enters your system and expands your horizons to new scents. Getting off the plane, you are ready to explore new landscapes, cultures and cities as well as meet new people who have lived their life completely different than you have. This gives you the opportunity to learn how to express yourself in different ways based on society norms in select places. All of these things are experiences you can have when and if traveling.
People have been traveling for as long as humans can recall. Romans are known to be the first to travel in the early BC, however since then traveling has evolved extraordinarily, as most of us know. Back then it was rare, many people had to have a large amount of money to travel, or it was too much of an inconvenience. Only royalty had the liberty to travel whenever they pleased. Nowadays, we’ve created numerous inventions that significantly benefit everyone’s travel needs. These are things such as jet airplanes, electric cars, and high speed trains. Recent generations have been gifted with high technology and such knowledge needed to help evolve our society’s transportation which is a helpful asset to have for many people. I’m sure all of you are aware of the different types of cars people use to travel...well what if i told you that people used to travel by horses driving carriages! The evolution of traveling is extrodinary and one to never forget. Now in the 21st century, you can ask a random person on the side of the road if they’ve traveled and they would most likely say yes. However, if it was the 19th century; we’d probably get a different answer. more about new cultures and open their palette to new experiences.
Jemimah Mwanghi is an amazing example for many things. She is from Kenya, a country in Africa, and is a part of the Kikuyu tribe. She explains how all the different tribes in Africa have their own specialty food, and norms, even though they’re all located in the same general area.
This plays into the aspect of how each individual place is different and unique. Even different tribes all apart of Africa are distinctive because of how special they are. Travelling is a big part of learning about different cultures, and without it we wouldn’t have the knowledge of the world that we have now. Without learning about crucial things associated with the development of the world, we would be so far behind. Even now, with all the information we have about the world,there is still so much more to uncover.
Traveling has normalized itself over the years and it truly is an amazing thing. It’s helped countless individuals learn more about themselves, as well as taking an ordinary person and helping them learn more as well.
re required.
As people continue traveling, evidence shows that it can change how you act, or how you might change when exposed to things you are not familiar with.
“My tribe ties in with my country and I believe that it’s sculpted who I am today as a person.” Jemimah states.
The Kikuyu tribe of Africa is the largest ethnic group in Kenya, and is very well known. When tourists visit however, they normally have no idea who the Kikuyu are or even what a tribe really is. Travelling is a privilege, as well as an advantage. You have the opportunity to learn about the customs and specifics of somewhere new.
When you travel to a different country or place, you are prone to not being experienced with their way of life. This is normal, and in a way, a good thing. You should be able to experience new things around the world no matter where you come from.For example, visitors from completely different nations when it comes to normality, would probably have a fascinating and thrilling time learning about the cultures of various nations by engaging in activities that expose them to things that are different from what they are used to back home.
If you happen to be visiting Kenya anytime soon, you may end up trying and liking Githeri. It’s a well known dish for locals, but might be unheard of to visitors. Githeri is a “taste of home” for Jemimah, and you should experience it too. Everything made in it, such as local grown spices and herbs is nothing but authentic to Kenya, and has a wide palette of flavors that are indescribable. It’s a food that is rarely eaten by visitors, and is more common for locals, and that is why Jemimah recommends it. It’s a taste of Africa’s culture in the way she explained it.
Jenny Yi, has a lot to say as well. She was born in Seoul, South Korea and traveling has always been important to her throughout her entire life. As an individual, she’s learned a lot about different regions and cultures by traveling and was happy to share her own personal experiences with the world and how they’ve impacted her in her own individual ways.
“I think that learning the foods of a particular region gives you an insight of what it’s like to live there and their culture as well.”
-Jenny YiPhoto of street downtown in Korea. No attribution required Photo of the dish, Githeri. No attribution required.
She has firsthand experience with the feeling of change when it comes to one’s location because she moved when she was a young teenager. Just by being here, she has already learnt a great deal about America, and it has altered her completely.
“I asked some local islanders what the finest dishes to sample while visiting were when I went to Saint Thomas, an island I visited a few years ago, and I tried new dishes that I never would’ve learned of or tried if I hadn’t asked them.” What Jenny said is a great example of what exactly you need to do when you travel somewhere new. Research unique foods that are only in that country to make the best out of your experience. It can benefit you as a traveler to ask the locals the history of where you are, learn more about the place you’re visiting, try ethnic foods, and visit landmarks.
“The beautiful black sand and the clear water. It’s such a great and breathtaking experience that everyone should have the chance to experience. Take it from a local, these things might be here for a while; but you never know when you’re going to see them again.”
McCormick also recommends trying native foods when you visit, like Ahi tuna, and the amazing sashimi that is created from it. Spending time fishing with her family is something she enjoys most, and she also says it would be fun for people visiting as well.
“Personally, I believe that everyone should try
Why visit somewhere if you don’t really know the place you’re visiting? Make it a fun experience that you can always think about. Proudly say you’ve learned the history of where you’ve traveled to. It doesnt take much, and it really makes a difference in the end. Travelling with a tiny ounce of knowledge can make the biggest difference.
Ivy McCormick, a young teen who knows a lot about culture, shares her insights on this topic as well. Having lived in Hawaii most of her life, she knows the great foods associated with Hawaii. She knows great places to visit, and even recommends the Waianapanapa State Park.
She gives a great example of a specialty thing from her country that might not be available in others, such as Hawaii’s special beaches.
new things to learn more about themselves because I’ve done it, and if I can, other people can too. It’s exciting, and helps make memories that will last a lifetime.”
With all of this freshly in your mind, consider what you could do to discover the history of your current location the next time you travel. Try new foods, try to go to new locations and expose yourself to novel experiences.This can be as easy as reaching out to locals who can assist you if you want to attempt new activities. In the end, when you travel, try to think about learning more than you think you can, learning more about the world and sharing it with others, and most importantly, have fun. Take advantage of the authority and privelage we have to travel, and make the best out of your experience.
Imagine an era when private jets and electric cars did not exist. You wanted to travel, but cars hadn’t yet been built. From log boats, to driverless cars in the time span of 10,000 years. Below is a timeline that shows the evolution of transportation!
exploring for a living
by Izna LadhaniBusy commuters hurry past, eager to catch their flights. Excited chatter and rolling suitcases echo in the air, with the occasional announcement over the intercom. At last, you reach your gate, board your planet, and take off, exhilaration filling your body. You just can’t wait to finally catch a break and spend hours laying back and relaxing on a warm, sandy beach. Travel is growing more and more popular by the day, with the
flourishing influence of social media and increase in travel after COVID lessened. But not all travel is for leisure and relaxation. Hundreds of millions of people travel for business purposes annually. There are many people whose jobs are based on travel; it’s part of their jobs, their daily lives. From photographers and YouTubers to authors and consultants, these adventurers make a living off of their passion to explore.
One job that is common among travelers is being a travel influencer. Jordan and Chloé Egbert, known online as Counting Countries, are travel influencers with over 48k subscribers on YouTube and almost 50k followers on Instagram. Originally, Chloé Egbert and her husband both loved to travel. When Jordan’s job based in Europe didn’t work out, the couple decided they wanted to do something different.
“We just didn’t want people to control our lives anymore. We wanted to travel on our own terms, so we did whatever we could to make that possible,” Chloé recalled. On February 22, 2019, the couple posted their First YouTube video, announcing their goal oF breaking a Guinness world record For the “Fastest Time to Visit All 196
Sovereign Countries’’.
“I just believe that if you are doing something that a lot of other people are doing, you kind of need to have a unique edge on it. You have to understand how to portray yourself as different. And setting the world record was doing that.” Since then, they have traveled to 105 countries and posted nearly 150 videos.
Your life doesn’t have to drastically change when you become a travel influencer. The Egberts maintain a typical routine everywhere they go. “Some people will, I don’t know, maybe go on a bike ride or go to a park. We do those things, just in different countries. So maybe we’ll go to the Trevi fountain that day, or maybe we’ll explore the Eiffel Tower. But we are very normal in the sense that we still have routine everywhere we go.” Chloé says.
anybody anymore and think that they’re the same as me, I always assume that they’re different and that they have different lives and different problems and travel troubles and struggles and successes.”
Though being a travel influencer can change your life for the better, there are some difficulties that the Egberts have come across. While other types of internet lifestyle influencers have a friends and family to turn to at home, travelers are always moving from place to place and can lack a stable community at times. “You end up relying a lot on your community online,” Chloé adds.
There are many ways a full-time traveler’s life differs from an ordinary person’s life. One way travel has changed Chloé’s mentality is by allowing her to become more open-minded. Encountering new cultures in each destination she visits and interacting with new people broadened her horizons and made her appreciate the diverse world around her more. “I don’t see
Of the 105 countries she has visited thus far, Chloé reveals that one of her favorites is Slovenia. Chloé and Jordan stayed with a local who showed them around the country, letting them dive into what life is like in Slovenia. “... there’s a place called Lake Bled, and it is just absolutely beautiful. There’s also Velika Planina which has a shepherd’s village where you take a ski lift up and over a hill… And it was just the most beautiful and stunning scenery I’d ever come across.”
The experiences you have as a full-time travel influencer as well as the lessons you learn can change the way you view things in your life. When you’re traveling, it’s important to remember to maintain travel etiquette to
sure you and the people around you have an enjoyable experience. Something Chloé suggests to keep in mind is that “you are a visitor to that place and you should be on your best behavior…[Some tourists] have these expectations that they should be treated a certain way, or that [the people they meet] should know English…I just think that we need to be more kind and understanding, and we should be the ones apologizing for not knowing, not the other way
I just believe that if you are doing something that a lot of other people are doing, you kind of need to have a unique edge on it.
“ “
Travel photography, another career blended with travel, also exposes you to endless new experiences.
Duarte Dellarole, a travel photographer and videographer whose work has been featured on the covers of the Lonely Planet Guide for Belize and The Ultimate Belize Bucket List, notes, “My favorite thing is to be able to discover places and go on adventures that I would most likely not be able to
if it wasn’t for my work. I get to … explore unique locations where only a few people will ever go so I do feel very grateful for that.” Whether he’s hard at work on an early scuba diving trip to capture beautiful marine life or in a kitchen filming a chef cooking, each day in his life can be very different depending on where he is in the world. He spends about 5 months each year traveling and edits and plans content when he’s not on a trip. “The good thing is that I can schedule my own time,” Dellarole adds.
Dellarole describes the start oF his career as a happy accident. Having just completed his Ecotourism degree, he began to contact hotels in Costa Rica and Belize in search oF an internship. He received a response From Bocawina RainForest Resort, the only
umentary film project about this newly established national park because he has always been interested in videography but had never worked professionally in the field before. After buying the required equipment, he set off to Belize and started his career in travel photography.
Shortly after Dellarole’s first project, other hotels became interested in his work and he realized that travel photography was something he could make a living out of. Over time, he obtained better photo-video gear and gained more and more clients. Soon enough, he was traveling all over Central America and the Caribbean, working on projects for numerous different companies!
Of the many projects Dellarole has been involved in, one that stood out to him was a documentary film he shot for International Zoological Expeditions in Belize. He captured field stations in the rainforest and on a tropical island with outdoor classrooms for marine biology education.
“It’s a dream for anyone that loves biology and ecology!” While most
...Capture the essence of the place you are traveling to. You don’t need to have the best camera to capture beautiful content.
“ “Drone captured image of Hobie Cat sailboat at sunset. Courtesy of Duarte Dellarole.
adventures he has been on have been entertaining and positive, as an artist he has to record distressing events as well. The most difficult thing Dellarole has attempted to capture in photography was the impacts of climate change in the Caribbean in a project sponsored by the European Union. He shares, “... it was quite worrying to visit some places where you can already see these impacts. Both in the environment and in people.”
If travel and photography are both hobbies that interest you, it’s not difficult to commit to them and start a career. As an aspiring travel photographer, it’s beneficial to practice every chance you get and develop a portfolio to present to potential clients. When you go on vacation, take your camera and try to create beautiful photos that capture the essence of the place you are traveling to. You don’t need to have the best camera to capture beautiful content,’’ advises Dellarole. It’s important to constantly search for new project opportunities and to effectively schedule shoots when you gain more clients.
There are many occupations that combine work and travel that allow people to welcome new skills, opportunities, and experiences into their lives. While traveling can be a relaxing break from everyday life for some people, for others, travel is their everyday life.
What do professional photographers pack when traveling?
traveled to their destinations by plane. 80% took some sort of road trip.
50% planned to travel alone
visited a destination near the water this summer.
travel trends
Travel trends change popular destinations, vacation preferences can what these statistics looked during
was the most travel destination this
traveled during off-season times.
travel trends
by Izna Ladhanichange every year. The most tourist tendencies, and can vary. Here is a peek into looked like in American adults during 2022!
most popular destination this year
wanted to travel to immerse themselves into local culture.
were interested in exploring the great outdoors.
Zadar, Croatia
Hidden Gems
A collection of hidden and overlooked places around the world.
There are many places around the world that are either overlooked or outshined compared to other vacation destinations, and deserve to be in the spotlight. After interviewing several travel enthusiasts, here’s a list of 6 must see places that you might not have heard of. Sayulita, Casole, Telluride, Copenhagen, Croatia, Montreal. Places that may not be as well known as the Bahamas, or Hawaii, Mexico, or New York, but are more than worthwhile to visit and plan trips around.
Sayulita, a small beach town located in Mexico along the Pacific Ocean. What lacks in size makes up for quality. “Sayulita may be one of the most welcoming and fun places I’ve traveled to.” Dennise Bradley, an avid traveler, expresses her love of this small town and the people who live in it. She also says how “If i hadn’t met my friend, I would have never know of these bautiful places.” this goes to show how not everyone has the recourced and knowledge to elxplore places that aren’t on their radar
“One of my favorite places was one
and that they have never heard before. This town is known for its spectacular surfing and food. There are exotic activities that many tourists may have never seen. For example, Dennise describes her experience as she walked past a nail salon with a station with fish tanks in which you put your feet in for the fish to clean them. She says she has never seen a place even similar to it.
Telluride, a town hidden in the mountains of Colorado in Mountain Village. Although hard to get to, the views, the skiing, the mountain biking, and the food are worth it. During bigger hoidays, it gets busier, such as spring and
Christmas break, but during work months and the rest of the year, Telluride is a small town that is welcoming, has excellent food, is amicable and welcoming to all it’svisitors, and has unique shops along its streets. With stands along the street selling fresh crepes and grilled cheese, this town is extremely affable.
Montreal, located in Canada, is different from the rest of its country. While many other parts of Canada are under more modern influence, Montreal is heavily under french influence. There are many parts to Montreal that make it different from the rest of Canada. The old part of Montreal has a more European feel, whereas the newer part is much more like New York, or any other big city. There are underground malls which can even strech up to a mile! Montreal also hosted the first ever olympics in 1976.
Casole, a town in Tuscany, Italy, with less than 500 people living in it. Although this may sound unappealing and lacking in life and activity, this is far from the truth. Every year, Casole D’Elsa Hosts a traditional horse race that brings together hundreds of thou-
I had never heard of”
Montreal, Canada
sands of people. Although this tradition is carried out through all of the towns throughout italy, in Casole, it is less chaotic as it would be in a bigger town like Sienna.
The horse race takes place in August, and is a competition between teams. Many are confused as to which team to route for, but there is a simple answer. The teams are based on which part of the town you live in. This town also has some of the best food, wine, and ice cream people have tasted in all their travels.
Copenhagen, located in Denmark is a city surrounded by water. The architectural feeling of this place is different from many, and especially from the United States. All the homes and buildings are right next to each other, causing what could be miles of interesting colored and intricate buildings. There are also many water channels that run through the city that have boat homes along with tour boats to visit all around the city. “Copenhagen is very interesting and developed, and has a subtle yet interecate culture.”
~ Tom Early. There are more than enough excellent hikes and sightseeing over the water.
Croatia, a charming ocean town in southeast Europe on the Adriatic coastline. This place
can have a very small town feel, but also feel very big and have an open-city feeling at times. The streets are paved with stone, along with many other structures and homes made of a rustic material such as brick or different types of rock. The homes look unanimous and uniform, and are generally spaced closely together in clusters. There are stunning views from towers and boulders high above the town, attracting many different people to come and visit. A fun faxt about Croatia is home to the biggest truffle in the world, which explains their amazing quisine.
“I couldnt believe what a fantastic experience I had!”
~ Alice Yemington
Opposite Seasons
Opposite Seasons
If you’re considering traveling to a certain country, you have to make sure you are bringing the right materials for your trip, or you might be met with an unpleasent surprise and come to find that the seasons are different from what you may have expected.
The prime time to visit the Northern lights in Iceland is September through March. This is because at this time of year the nights are at their longest and you can see them for longer, and brighter.
The perfect time to go surfing in Hawaii is in the winter, anywhere between October and March. Although this may sound contradicting to a common stereotype that the summer season is for beaching and surfing, this is simply incorrect and doesn’t apply in Hawaii.
The best time to go skiing in Colorado is anywhere from January to Februrary. At this time of year, the base depth of the snow on the mountains is at its deepest, providing an abundance of powder and snow to ski
Above The Equator Below The Equator
Above the Equator, months and seasons are as they seem to be, and are the same for the majority of the world. Spring is from March to May, Summer is from June to August, Fall is from September to November, and Winter is from December to Februrary.
Below the Equator, months and seasons are a little different from the Northern hemisphere. Spring is from September to November, Summer is in December trhough Februrary, Fall is in March, and Winter is from June to August.
Traveling can be hard but whats it like traveling proffesionaly?
Imagine traveling almost every day, whether that be changing several thousand feet in altitude daily or traversing through dense jungle on a small boat in the amazon rainforest to get that one picture, or crossing oceans and experiencing the world.
Traveling professionally can be very interesting but at the same time very demanding even if you don’t have a job that revolves around travel. A good example would be a flight attendant. They are required to travel from one place to another, then they stay there for a period of time. They might be staying in a different country with a different time zone and different language.
Being a diplomat is one of the most interesting jobs when it comes to travel and just in general is pretty interesting. Becoming a diplomat is very difficult because there are a lot of people that want to become one and there are not enough places and things to do. The application process is pretty easy. You would state what college you’re from and any experience you have with traveling and diplomacy.
The next step is telling the government what you want to do and why you should be able to do it. For example, if you want to help new restaurants get better footage in a specific country, then you would tell the government that’s what you want to do, you would also tell them what qualifications you have
to be able to do this. If the government approves then you have a job, if they don’t then you don’t have a job but you can still apply as many times as you want.
Once you get the job you go to the country you want to go to and find government-provided housing. The government-provided housing is a hit or miss; it could be a cottage in the woods or it could be a government hotel with other diplomates. But the government will provide some kind of housing. you’re also given a government-provided vacation so you could rent a house in Colorado and the government will pay for it for a certain amount of time.
by:Before going to the country you have to research the culture and language. The language courses are government provided but you still have to research the culture which is very important as a diplomat you wouldn’t want to upset anyone without knowing because you could lose your job.
One of the hardest parts about it is traveling, you have to travel every 4 or so years which means completely remaking all your friend’s groups and it’s hard moving away because you have to break off with all your friends and once you move you don’t have anyone to support you when moving.
Having kids and traveling that much is extremely hard for obvious reasons like air pressure and jet lag. But more than that the kids also have to move every year which means switching between schools all the time which is just as hard on the kids. The government does pay for international schools so they won’t have any major gaps in their knowledge by going to local schools. Overall the job is incredibly difficult with a lot of risks.
It looks good on social media because you’re traveling all over the world and go to unique places. Being a cave cartographer is one of the coolest jobs out there. You get to not only travel all around the world to remote locations but you get to do that and go into caves, sometimes underwater caves.
The first thing you do is set up a company where organizations or governments hire you to go and map a cave. Once you get hired you go to the cave and travel to the country, simple right? But it’s not.
Travel is one of the more interesting things about doing the job. The company that hires you doesn’t always provide the best transport for the cave
and sometimes they are not entirely sure where it is just the general area so you end up using some unique methods of transportation. Like riding in the back of a dump truck for several days going through the jungle.
Common places to get hired to map caves are in Brazil and China because they have a lot of uncharted lands and people there care more. Once you’re in the cave with your team you begin mapping the cave.
There are 2 main reasons people will hire, either for tourism or search for resources. If they want you to search for resources you would have to bring extra tools to check that and if they hired for tourism it would mostly just be creating the map, possibly pointing out easily accessible or scenic routes and of course, pointing out anything that’s dangerous.
The places you often get to go are some of the most unique and scenic places that are untouched by humans,
by: Simo Räsänenespecially in foreign countries with different plant life and unique landscapes that are only found in that area of the world. It can provide an interesting experience. Unfortunately it’s not all adventures there’s still a lot of desk work.
Flight attendance is the most travel-oriented job here. Becoming a flight attendant is a pretty standard job application. You know what strengths you have and what degree you have that kinda stuff but if you want to fly internationally it would definitely help to know a second language. If you do know a second language you’ll probably want to apply to a plane company that flies internationally.
Once you get in they will assign you to the country based on what language for example if you know both Portuguese and French because more people speak French you’ll probably get assigned to countries that speak Portuguese but you might get assigned to countries that speak French sometimes.
On the flight, there’s a lot of crazy stuff that can happen especially on longer flights because people are more tired and stressed.
Some of the crazier events that have happened are when a man who was probably taking a drug of some sort to sleep on the plane got up and started peeing in the middle of the plane while asleep.
Another one is where a dog escaped the pet area and sat down on one of the back seats and just started out the window. This only scratches the surface of what can happen on the plane.
Once you land you’ll stay at a hotel which the company does pay for and you can stay there for up to a week which is a good way to experience a new country. On the flight, if they serve meals you’ll get the best meals for the best class which is good and you get break time and sometimes a break room where you can rest or sleep.
There are a lot of different problems and inconveniences that can arise when traveling. The first one is air pressure, which happens when you have a sudden altitude increase this happens on planes. This can make your head hurt because the air wants to expand. One of the ways to solve this is to yawn. If you travel enough you’ll eventually get used to this.
he next one is jet lag. This happens when you travel between time zones, your body needs time to adjust to the time change. There’s not really any solution to this
The next is food. If you’re traveling on a long flight they serve food. The problem is if you don’t pay for a high class flight it’s going to be bad food so the best solution is to eat before you get on the plane and to bring some food on the plane.
traveling on a tanzanian safari
a step by step guide
by: Auden SandvigPreparing
The most important thing you need is a passport, it should be valid for 6 months and have 3-4 pages for visa and immigration stamps. If you need something like medication you will need to take that. Another thing to know is you should probably go after the summer when aninimals are migrating.
traveling you will need to travel by plane to a tanzanian airport. If you are going near Mt. kilimanjaro you should go to the kilimanjaro international airport.
factoids nearly 30% of tanzania is national park or an official conservation area lake tanganyika which is the second largest lake in africa. Baobab trees can eas ily live to 1000 years. Tarangire is home to unique tree climbing lions
on the safari you can see various wildlife migrating like stampiding wildebeast or a blue balled monkey. When your on the safari your the one that decides where you want to go and for how long, so you have to tell your guide.
tanzania an conservation tanganyika africa. easyears. to climbing
finding a safari first you have to find the circut you like the most. there are 3 main one the northern, the southern, and the western circut. The northern one is the most popular with destination like the serengeti and ngorongoro crater. You can also go in a hot air ballon safari and see africa from the skies.