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Abo u t u s Jeanne-Jo is a freshman, although many people think when t h e y f i r s t m e e t h e r t h a t s h e ’s a c t u a l l y a g r a d e o r t wo h i g h e r. S h e i s u s u a l l y m o r e s e r i o u s t h a n t h e p e o p l e a r o u n d h e r, b u t d o e s n ’t m i n d g o o f i n g o f f e ve r y o n c e i n a w h i l e . S h e e n j o y s r e a d i n g m o r e t h a n a n y t h i n g , e x c e p t m a y b e l i s t e n i n g t o m usic, and can spend more than six hours at a bookstore and s t i l l e n j o y i t . J e a n n e - J o i s r e a l l y i n t o t h e s c i e n c e s , b u t l o ve s f a n t a s i z i n g a b o u t m a n y t h i n g s i n h e r s p a r e t i m e . S h e ’s b e e n t o A s i a , C a n a d a , M o r d o r, N a r n i a , A n c i e n t C h i n a , t h e U nd e r wo r l d a n d e ve n H o g wa r t s m a n y t i m e s o ve r. S h e l i k e s t o hang out with her friends she picks up around these places from time to time, or just fly around the city at night. She t h i n k s c l o u d y d a y s a r e p e a c e f u l , a n d l i ve s i n A u s t i n , Te x a s w i t h h e r t wo yo u n g e r b r o t h e r s , m o t h e r, a n d f a t h e r.

M c K e nzie is a freshman who has man y i n t e r e s t s . S h e h a s m a n y nick-names such as moose, or sa k a n a - c h a n . S h e a l s o h a s a red pen. She loves all things rela t e d t o t h e o u t d o o r s , w h i c h includes the sport of lacrosse, w h i c h s h e p l a y s . S h e l o ve s to read, and learn new things. G e n e r a l l y s h e i s ve r y c a l m and collected, but at times she ca n b e c r a z y a n d a n i m a t e d , which includes constantly talki n g w i t h h e r h a n d s . W h e n a friend needs her help she is a l wa y s t h e r e t o h e l p them.

Eric a i s a F r e s h m a n h e r e a t L A S A H i g h S c h o o l . S h e l o ve s t o read t h e Tw i l i g h t S e r i e s . A n d n o w s h e h a s a n e w r e a s o n t o read i t , j u s t t o a n n o y M c K e n z i e . S h e l o ve s t o w r i t e p o e t r y. Espe c i a l l y l o ve p o e m s . S h e c a n ’t g e t e n o u g h o f w r i t i n g p o etry. S h e a l s o l o ve s t o d r a w t h o u g h s h e h a s t a k e n a b r e a k a n d stop p e d . B u t o n l y f o r a f e w m o n t h s s o s h e c a n b e i n s p i r e d a n d so sh e c a n w r i t e m o r e p o e m s b e c a u s e d r a w i n g wa s g e t t i n g i n the wa y. A n d o f c o u r s e s h e a l s o l o ve s t o r e a d b o o k s a n y t h i n g that h a s t o d o w i t h va m p i r e s , we r e wo l ve s o r s ha d o w h u n t e r s .

1 M i cr o s c o p e Spring 2010 2

Letter from the Editors Welcome to the first, an d p o s s i b l y l a s t , i s s u e o f M i c r o s c o p e m a gazine. At first glance ou r m a g a z i n e w o u l d s e e m t o b e a r a nd o me mixture of topics, and i t s t i l l l o o k s t h a t w a y w h e n y o u d i g d e e per. That’s because it pro b a b l y i s . T h e r e a l r e a s o n w e w e r e p u t together as a group wasn ’t j u s t b e c a u s e w e w e r e f r i e n d s, o r h a d the same preferences fo r a m a g a z i n e t h e m e . N o , s a d l y o u r g r o up was created as a resul t o f u s n o t c h o o s i n g t h e s a m e t h e m e t o begin with.Mrs. Young co u l d n ’t d e c i d e w h e r e t o p u t u s a t f i r st, so we were smushed to g e t h e r a s a l a s t r e s o r t . We c o u l d n ’t d e c ide on a definite theme, s o w e j u s t p u t a l l t h r e e t o g e t h e r a n d i t s omehow worked out.

But our magazine is mu c h m o r e t h a n j u s t a j u m b l e d u p m e s s o f articles. When we put the t h r e e t h e m e s o f o u t d o o r s , e n t e r t a i nm e nt/media and science tog e t h e r w e w e r e r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e w i d e r a n ge of interests here at LA S A . I t g a v e u s t h e a b i l i t y t o c ov e r a wide range of topics and m a k e o u r m a g a z i n e m o r e i n t e r e s t i n g , w h ich is what we wanted to d o . L i k e t h e y s a y, t h r e e t o p i c s a r e b e t ter than one. So thanks for taking th e t i m e t o s i t d o w n a n d r e a d o u r c o mp l e ted masterpiece. We prom i s e i t ’s n o t a s c o m p l i c a t e d a n d c o nf u s ing as it may seem. We a r e s u r e y o u d i d n ’t o p e n t h e c o v e r t o spend time reading this, s o w i t h o u t f u r t h e r a d o w e w i l l l e a v e y o u to flip and turn the page s t o y o u r h e a r t ’s c o n t e n t . E n j o y t h e r e mainder of our magazine. Sprin g 2 0 1 0 2 3


Tabl e o f c o n t e n t s . .. Tw i l i g h t : t h e A n g e l b e h i n d t h e D e m on

pg. 7

AND Tw i l i g h t : t h e D e m o n b e h i n d t h e A n gel

pg. 9

M a k i n g a L u n a r H o m e : C o l o n i z a t i o n of the m o o n a n d w h y i t s h o u l d b e d o n e pg. 11 1 . H o w L A S A is Going Green

pg. 15

2 . Wa y s t o g o green

pg. 18

3 . T h e S e a r c h for Spock

pg. 19

4 . To p 4 b o o k s of LASA

pg. 23

5 . Po e m w i t h no name

pg. 24

6. Riddles

pg. 25

7 . F a vo r i t e s o ngs

pg. 29

8 . ‘ S c o p i n g o ut LASA

pg. 30

9 . G r e e n Pa g e

pg. 31

1 0 . A n s we r p age

pg. 33

1 2 . H o w t o Make a Houou

pg. 34

13. Games

pg. 37 Spri n g 2 0 1 0 4

Edward Cullen: Sin

nner or Saint


Twilight: The Angel Behind the Demon


felt like I was trapped in one of those terrifying nightmares, the one where you have to run, run till your lungs burst, but you can’t make your body move fast enough.� This is a quote from one of the books in the twilight series. It really draws you into the story. It makes you want to read the rest of the book. It makes you wonder what is going to happen. The whole series is like this. It just draws you and makes you wonder what will happen next. I think this series is really great. I would really recommend it to everyone who has not read the series and I would give it a very positive review. The whole 7 Microscope Spring 2010

series is just very enjoyable. When you start reading it you can’t put the book down and there are many people that have read the book that can agree with that. Everyone enjoys books that are very visual which means that you can see the whole story in your mind. I think the series is really good. The love story is very romantic yet filled with a lot of obstacles. The way that the characters have to go through a lot of suffering and danger just to be able to be together in the end. The story is very believable. The only parts that are not believable is the whole point that there are vampires in the story. In real life more there can be a love triangle. To me the whole plot is very believable.

The twilight series is still very popular, according to a website that I have seen. These books are so popular because the story is about a girl named Bella Swan who is 17 years old and she falls in love with a boy named Edward (who is a vampire) and they have to go through a lot of things to just be together. They have to go through vampires that are trying to kill Bella and through Edward’s leave. These books are just filled with a lot of excitement and fun. This website is just filled with information about the books and filled with teenagers, kids and adults that are totally head over heels over twilight. And they talk a lot about the series and how much they love it. They also get really crazy when the movies or other things about the series are being released. And I know that from first hand experience. They go totally wild for instance there was this kid that actually wasted over 500 dollars renting a lime to go see New Moon when it came out. I don’t think it can get any crazier than that. The reason people like this series is because he story really draws you in. You can picture the whole story in your mind. You just can’t wait to see what will happen next. You can’t put the book down. And I mean it. It took me 5 days just to read the whole series. About a book a day; it was just that good. I have a friend that read the series in 3 days. She said “The books were so good that it was as if they were glued to my hand. My mother even got mad about me reading the books because even when it was time to eat I would not put the book down.”

There are arguments against the series; there is one that says that these books are promoting teen pregnancy. My answer to that would be that it does not promote teen pregnancy in my opinion it promotes more of the idea that you should not have sex until after you are married. Some people think that there is no plot to the story. But I would say otherwise I think that the story does have a plot. The plot is there is a normal girl who falls in love with a guy who is out of this world (a vampire to be exact). Their love for each other is really dangerous and they go through a lot of obstacles to be together. But in the end they get through all their obstacles and they live happily ever after. Some people think that the book promotes the Mormon religion. And I happen to be a Mormon but I do not think that this book really promotes this religion. I mean the only way that Stephenie Meyer would promote this religion was if she made one of the characters a Mormon and the influence of this character would be a very big deal for the story. In conclusion I would like to say that these books are a very fun to read and they are very emotional. I’ve seen people cry and as well as smile and be very happy while reading these books. I really recommend the series to people who love romance, vampires and werewolves. This series has a really good mixture of all three. This series is so good that there are more than 300,000 members if its website saying that these twilight fans are crazy about the series. And they will read it again and again until they get tired of it but they doubt that would ever happen.g

Spring 2010 8


T w i l i g h t :T h e D e m o n B e h i n d the Angel By: McKenzie Stribling


he room is dark, the time close to midnight. the real world he could get charged for breaking into A 17-year-old girl is asleep in bed, occasionher house, which could give him at least two years of ally mumbling words under her breath. A jail time the first time he did it and at least four years quiet rustling noise comes from the corner of for every time after that. the room. A young man stands in the shadows of the And in New Moon Edward leaves and Bella completecorner of her room, watching her sleep. No, this is not ly stops functioning. She is a complete wreck. When he a lunatic stalker. This is a typical night for the moody first leaves all she wants to do is sit around crying. And vampire, Edward Cullen, and the human he is in love then she pretends to be fine for her friends and family with, Bella Swan. I don’t care how romantic Stephanie and goes to the movies with a couple of friends. While Meyer makes Edward watchshe is in town she runs into some guys ing Bella sleep seem. Edward who seem kind of suspicious, and she Cullen is a creepy stalker! hears Edwards voice. She finds out that Twilight and the series as when she does something dangerous a whole are appalling, and she can hear his voice without being teach young people, and sad. So she crashes motorcycles and even adults, the wrong mesjumps of cliffs into the freezing water sages about life. below just to hear his voice perfectly. First of all, Twilight has no This shows her unhealthy level of plot. The whole point to obsession for him. Most people would this story is Bella trying to get sent to some kind of rehab for that. convince Edward that they And it’s not just the story and characcan be together. Admittedly ters that makes these books so horrific. they do eventually meet up Stephanie Meyer has filled the books with another clan of vamup with adjectives, especially about pires and have a conflict, Edward. “His skin, white despite the but that whole part of the flush…sparkled like thousands of tiny story seems too rushed and diamonds...” “…his sculpted, incanOriginal photo by fanpop.com/ unimportant compared to descent chest, his scintillating arms Image by McKenzie S. Bella getting with Edward, bare.” “…his smooth iridescent palm.” especially because even while they are running from These are just some of the times Bella talks about Edtheir enemies Edward and Bella are still arguing about ward’s skin. And that’s not all; she describes his teeth, their relationship. his eyes, his ‘smoldering’ gaze, his smell, and even his And then you have the relationship itself. People have breath. How long does it take before someone cracks praised the twilight series for showing young people from reading so many adjective jam-packed into single how to have a teenage relationship without having sex. paragraphs and sentences? But in Eclipse Bella keeps trying to get Edward to sleep So to sum it up in three words, Twilight is dreadful. It with her, and the only reason he doesn’t is because he teaches kids the wrong things about life, and healthy doesn’t want to hurt her. Then in Breaking Dawn they relationships. It makes the bad relationship between do it, and guess what?! Bella ends up pregnant. In my Edward and Bella look like the type of relationship that opinion this is definitely not teaching kids how to have everyone should have. And then, as if to add insult a meaningful relationship without sex like they claim it to injury, it floods their minds with horrible writing. does. And this is not the only bad point in their relaSo if you ever get the choice between reading it and tionship. Edward likes to sneak into Bella’s room and not reading it, don’t read Twilight or any of the other watch her sleep. He seems to think that if he gives Bella books.g much more than a few hours alone he will be unable to resist her smell and drain her of her blood. If this were

Spring 2010 6 9 Microscope



Making a Lunar Home By Jeanne-Jo Gregory. Photo of base by NASA, photo of rocket courtesy of Carleson Bailie


t’s time to water the plants. You suit up and put on your weighted boots, then step outside. The boots prevent you from careening aimlessly through the air as you take a step towards the underground greenhouse. The weights on your arms and legs keep your muscles well built and prevent you from getting too used to the moon’s gravity. You’re low on plant feed, but you won’t be able to get any more until the next spaceship brings in supplies of food and liquid. That’s going to take about one lunar week. You look up and peer through the huge glass dome that covers your home. This is the fantasy of a typical day in the life of a moon colonist. And the step that NASA scientists plan to take in order to make that fantasy real is lunar colonization.

11 Microscope Spring 2010



olonization of the moon is a huge project and our next step towards space. It’s a dream of many humans, including mine, to one day be able to live upon the moon and be able to stand in the Earth-light. But many are wary about lunar colonization. There are many problems with living on the moon and some are unwilling to take such a risk. Many of the public believe that this project will be just a ton of money and time going to waste, and there is no point and no need to colonize the moon. I agree that there will be difficulties, but I also believe that they can be overcome. With time and technology, anything can be accomplished. As for whether this project is worth our time and money, I believe that this is one project that definitely is, every second and penny. Colonization of the moon will be a huge accomplishment for the human race, because we will be taking our first steps on living on an alien world. Even though the moon is the closest non-terrestrial satellite we have, it is still off-world enough to provide excitement to those who will travel there. It may also provide us with the experience and the proof we need that we can spread to other planets. If we are able to accomplish a task such as the one presented before us, it may mean we are able to go out to other planets and set up homes there as well. Many believe that there will come a time that we will leave earth to go live on other planets, like Mars, for instance. Colonization of the moon is just the first step in a test to see if we can live on another planet. There have been hints that after the moon, Mars is going to be next on the colonizing list. Precautions have been taken to ensure that the project is safe enough to go through and that the colonists will not be harmed. NASA has been inventing and adjusting prototypes of the lunar bases in which the colonists will reside, making sure they are roomy enough and tough enough to stand against the moon’s hazards. Plans have been made to ensure the safety of the colonists, like the location of the lunar base. NASA has considered placing the bases at the poles of the moon, where the sun’s rays are not as strong. If the surface is too hazardous, then a DebatePedia article ‘Is colonizing the moon a good idea’ suggests building the colonies in recently-found underground caves and tunnels to shield themselves from solar winds, temperature extremes and space radiation, as well as the typical space rock falling from the sky. And then there is the problem of the moon’s gravity. Since it is much lower than the earth’s, astronauts who become too used to the moon’s gravity will grow weaker muscles and perhaps damage their body on the return trip to earth. However, this problem is an easy fix. To combat the moon’s low gravity, technology for artificial gravity has already begun to develop, and will continue to advance over the years. There is also the simple matter of attaching weights to space suits as colonists walk around. As reassurance, NASA scientists are not going to let anyone go out into space until they are absolutely sure that the trip is completely safe.

Ilmenite chunk. Areas rich in ilmenite have been found around the moon. Oxygen trapped inside the rocks can be extracted for use in a moon base. Photo courtesy of Sebastian Socha

A model of a prototype inflatable base to house astronauts while living on the moon. Photo by NASA.

Spring 2010 12

Resources will not be too bad a problem, especially once we have been able to extract and make use of the resources on the moon. One CNN article, ‘NASA finds ‘significant’ water on moon’, says that a project by NASA to launch a rocket at the moon in an effort to find water recently went underway, and reported back a success. About “A dozen, two gallon bucketfuls” of water was found in the crater of the moon. As well as hydrogen, oxygen has been known to be trapped within the rocks. According to a National Geographic article, ‘Oxygen-Rich Moon Minerals May Help Astronauts Breath’, “The Hubble Space Telescope has detected oxygen-rich minerals on the moon.” This mineral is called ilmenite, and it contains oxygen that is relatively easy to extract. The oxygen will come as a breathing source and the hydrogen can fuel the rockets as well as support the bases. There has also been some debate on whether or not the Earth will be destroyed by a gigantic asteroid, and that colonization of the moon is our only hope of survival. Those who do believe that the Earth’s end is near will be able to sleep soundly in bed at the reassurance of this planetary back-up plan. Another question has been frequently asked, Why not try Mars instead? Mars clearly has more resources than that dead rock orbiting our planet. Why shouldn’t we go to Mars instead of the moon? The answer is simple: It’s too far. We are just now preparing ourselves to go to the moon, which is a large enough task. As it has been said in one opinion article on this very debate, a trip to the moon would cost “$240 million per flight instead of $5 billion per flight” to Mars. And although $5 billion is quite a bit of money to spend, it is still much less than the Mars trip, which we are much less prepared for than lunar colonization. The Mars flight would also use much more fuel than a trip to the moon. Let’s not bite off more than we can chew, now. The moon is the first tentative step out towards space and testing our abilities photo of the moon courtesy of Oxford University, rocket to handle that cold, dark universe. Once we have proven that and Earth courtesy of Google we can handle the moon, we can focus on visiting other planets such as Mars. Why should we colonize the moon? Well, to quote one respectable LASA student, “Because we can. Because it is there.” This is the chance for the human race to step away from our home planet and spread out towards the stars. I believe that we should take that chance without hesitation. Lunar colonization is a project that should definitely be supported, whether just as an approval of the idea or an actual contribution to the project itself. g

13 Microscope Spring 2010

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How LASA is Going Green .

The story of two students who are helping our planet. By: McKenzie S.

“Wait a minute! Don’t throw that away in the trash, it can be recycled,” LASA freshman Jeanne-Jo G. says to her younger brother. She reaches into the trash and pulls out the stack of papers that her brother has just thrown away. Jeanne-Jo is all about recycling. “What if I could stop this, what if I could make it better,” she says. Jeanne-Jo loves nature. Part of why she takes care of the Earth is because she can’t stand the way trash befouls our planet. Callie S. is another student who feels the same way, “The Earth is an awesome planet, and there is no other planet like it in the universe, and we have no other place to live,” she says. These students also want to help the planet because they think that global warming is a threat to it. “I can say that I am alarmed by what global warming has done to the environment,” Jeanne-Jo says. There are many ways these students help the environment. Callie likes to turn off all lights and electronics that she is not using at the moment. She also unplugs them to keep them from drawing power, even when they are off. But to both Callie and Jeanne-Jo recycling is the biggest way they help the environment. “Well, I make sure I always recycle absolutely everything I can,” Callie says. These students aren’t the only ones who do their part to save our planet. The National Honor Society (NHS) are in charge of the recycling here at LASA, and have been for the last four years. Neil Loewenstern, the faculty sponsor for the NHS, says “It just seemed like a good opportunity to make sure that it was getting done.” He also wanted to give students and opportunity to get some of the community service hours they need for NHS. 13 Microscope Spring 2010

Callie S. (left) and Jeanne-Jo G. (right) lean up against a tree infront of LASA highschool. Photo by McKenzie S.

Both Jeanne-Jo and Callie enjoy helping the environment. Callie thinks that there are some things that can be fun but also there are things you just do habitually. She says that she once did a creek clean up with a group of her friends and thought that that was a fun way to help the environment. But she also thinks that things like recycling are part of her everyday routine. Jeanne-Jo enjoys the feeling she gets from helping the Earth. “I enjoy doing what I can to make things beautiful,” she says. However, the girls do have different levels of alarm for the Earth. Callie says that she thinks the Earth is not in a “critical, near death state” yet, but it could become bad in the near future if we do not do something soon. Jeanne-Jo says it is both bad and not bad. She says that she used to love swimming in lakes, but now, due to the pollution of the Earth, is afraid to swim in them now, because she doesn’t know what might be in them. But she also says “I don’t humans have the capacity to entirely destroy the Earth.” Both students were inspired in the same way. Jeanne-Jo says that what she saw going on “just appalled” her. She saw some places around her neighborhood that were choked with garbage. When she learned about things like recycling she just put it into her routine. Callie says that she sees trash laying every where and has been hearing about global warming and does not like it. “I see things that I know are

15 Microscope Spring 2010

definitely not good for the environment, and it just bugs me, and I want to try and fix that,” she says. When it comes to what needs to be done both girls know what needs to happen. Both say that each person needs to focus on the little things, like always recycling, using both sides of a piece of paper, and turning out the lights, that we all need to take on more responsibility. Callie also thinks that “we need to focus on what we can do as a nation and as an entire planet to cut back on green house gases, cut back on using fossil fuels, what we can do to make our selves more energy efficient.” Jeanne-Jo and Callie are just two of the people I see that do their part for the Earth. Some scientists are saying that we are too late, that there is nothing we can do to save our home. But according to Jeanne-Jo we can. She says “We have the potential to do more, but we’re not showing it.” g Jeanne-Jo G. tosses a used piece of paper into a recycling bin. Photo by McKenzie S.

5 Ways to go Green By: McKenzie S.

1 picture courtesy of publicdomainpictures.net



Recycling is a great way to help the environment. It is something that is easy to do, and has a big impact. When you recycle you reduce the trash that is polluting the Earth, and the resources are being reused so more destruction of the Earth is not happening.

Turning off electronics

When electronics are plugged in the draw power, even if they are off. So when you are not using something, like a phone charger, you should unplug it. This can also save you money.

photo of lamp and trash on grass courtesy of Planet Green


picture courtesy of NACD

Turn off the water

Don’t waste water. When you are brushing your teeth turn off the sink. Don’t water your yard constantly. And there is no need to waste water on cleaning your car.



When you are going places with friends or classmates/teammates go together. This reduces the amount of car exauhst being put out into the atmosphere. Also, don’t run your car when it is not needed. Don’t sit in the car with it on while you wait for someone to run into the store or something.


Don’t litter

Don’t throw your trash on the ground. Put it in the trash. Littering can pollute water supplies, or hurt animals that live in the area. Spring 2010 16


The Search for Spock

Article by Jeanne-Jo G. Spock picture courtesy of NetFlix

The freshmen file in, talking excitedly, and sit down in their preferred places in the cool, dark theater. Mr. Scaccia, a well-known freshman English teacher at LASA high school, walks up to the podium and the theater quiets immediately. With a flourish, Mr. Scaccia pulls out an award and grips his microphone dramatically. “This award has been named the Spock Award…” Tension fills the air as he prepares the audience for the moment of the naming. “And this year’s Spock award goes to…” He pauses for the effect. Someone coughs. Then he speaks. “Allan S.” Gasps of disbelief mingle with claps and murmurs of appreciation as Allan walks up to receive his award. After taking the framed placard, he turns towards the audience, silent, his eyes flicking over the sea of heads, and promptly rushes off the stage and gives the award to Peter H., a.k.a Spock, before sitting back down without a second thought. Some would probably wonder why Allan chose to give up his award so willingly. Many others are probably glad he did. But it all depends on who they think of as Spock. “[I think] Peter [is more like Spock],” says freshman Walker R., “because he always thinks and pauses, and tries to say the most logical thing.” “Allan,” says freshman Will W., “because his overall demeanor is logical. Everyone has their own specific reasons. For those who know him, either personally or by reputation, the primary reason usually is that

his nickname, given to him by teacher Alison Earnhart, is Spock. Peter’s nickname was received by him on the first day of school after Ms. Earnhart heard him speak his opinions about the definition of ‘natural’. “I come on in, and Ms. Earnhart starts talking during the lecture-info thing, and I start spouting random scientific babble and I am instantly dubbed ‘Spock’,” Peter says, a grin splayed across his face. He believes that part of what earned him his nickname was not what he was talking about, but how annoying he was. “You sort of give nicknames to people who you don’t really identify [with] any other way,” he says. Peter has gotten used to being called Spock nowadays. “It sort of makes me chuckle now,” he says. Spock seems to be getting into some parts of Peter’s daily lifestyle as well. He has changed his g-mail name to Spock, and has a picture of Spock on his e-mail account doing the ‘Live Long and Prosper’ sign. To Peter, Spock is something of a role model. “The character Spock is always composed, he’s always saying intelligent things, and he’s always trying to make the right decisions despite how other people are feeling, which is really something I try to do,” he says. However, Peter does not always attempt to act this way in a serious manner. Despite the technical and expressionless mood he seems to show most of the time, there is a rather mischievous side to why Peter acts the way he does. For him, annoying others would appear to be an amusing hobby.

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“I sort of get a kick out of bothering people, which is probably not [such a] good thing to get a kick out of,” he smiles. “People are bothered whenever they hear someone smarter than them, someone who knows something they don’t.”He says it’s good for things to make sense, which is what logic does for him, and makes things seem more cohesive. “And plus, it bothers people,” he adds playfully. Peter is usually defined as Spock by those around him saying that he is a ‘logical’ person. Sometimes it’s what he says, sometimes it’s what he does in general. For Peter, acting logical is just his way of “getting his ideas across to other people.” “Trying to speak logically and convey my ideas in a logical manner is really just a way to help me communicate with other people,” he says. Perhaps acting in such a serious and ‘logical’ manner is what convinced most people that Peter was more deserving of the Spock Award, which was awarded at the recent Forum Award Ceremony earlier in the school year.

Peter H. Picture taken by Jeanne-Jo G.

“Trying to speak logically and convey my ideas in a logical manner is really just a way to help me communicate with other people” -Peter H. Peter himself, upon first hearing the title of the award, felt that it was rather strange to have an award named after his nickname. However, contrary to most of the expectations of the freshmen students, it was Allan S. who won the Spock Award. It was a shock to many, including Peter. “I felt a little cheated, because there was this award named after my nickname that a bunch of freshmen know me by and somebody else gets it. I was sort of indignant,” he says. But this feeling didn’t last very long after Allan gave the award to Peter, who held onto it for half the day before giving it back to Allan. Allan agrees that Peter is probably more deserving of the award than himself. “He deserved the award simply because it was called the Spock Award,” Allan says without hesitation.


Microscope Spring 2010

Allan S. Picture taken by Jeanne-Jo G.

Photo courtesy of Haldo Longwidget

It was also the question of some as to why Peter gave back the award to Allan instead of accepting it and keeping it. Peter has a simple answer ready for any who ask. “Well, it had his name on it,” he says matter-of-factly. He says that it would be “kind of awkward” to bring home an award that had somebody else’s name on it. Peter himself does not feel any jealousy or hard feelings of any sort towards Allan for winning the award. He has known Allan since the second grade, and feels no rivalry towards him. It is the same vice versa. Allan sees Peter simply as an acquaintance and someone he shares certain things in life with. “Basically, we’re on different ends of this one circle,” Allan says. Peter can also say with confidence that Allan is an overall more logical person than he is. “He does things that make more sense than I do,” Peter says, his expression unreadable. Some may agree with him. Some students say that Allan does seem to speak more logic sense than Peter. Allan himself has a theory on how he assumes he has won the award. “I suppose that the reason I got that award was because I happen to talk about math, science, and stuff a lot. I occasionally use big words, and that’s also a hallmark of Spock,” he says simply. Each freshman has their own opinions and reasons for why they think either Peter or Allan is more like Spock. It may be the look; it may be the way they talk. For Peter and Allan, being like Spock is just normal high school life. Besides, being logical can give its pleasures in life. Peter still enjoys his playful teasing and annoying. “There’s nothing wrong with a few annoying people on campus,” he grins. Who is the real Spock? That’s for you to decide.g

“Basically, we’re on different ends of this one circle” -Allan S.

Spring 2010 22

Most Read Books at LASA By: McKenzie S.


T h e Hunger Games

This series is by Suzanne Co l l i n s . I n the trilogy there are 13 citie s l e f t i n t h e world. Every year one boy and o n e g i r l a r e picked from each city a n d are brought to fight e a ch other and the two f r om the other cities to t h e death. The two main c h aracters are Katniss and Pe eta from district 12.


There are lots of great books out in the world. It’s hard to know were to stat looking for your next adven ture into the unknown. Check out the top four favorite books read by LASA students just like you.


Harry Potter

Th i s s e r i e s i s a b o u t a n o r p h a n e d b o y n a m e d H a r r y Po t t e r. O n h i s 1 1 t h b i r t h d a y h e i s t o l d t h a t h e i s a w i za r d , a n d g o e s t o H o g wa r t s , a s c h o o l f o r w i t c h e s a n d w i z a r d s . D u r i n g h i s s e ve n ye a r s h e a n d h i s f r i e n d s m u s t f i g h t i n a wa r a g a i n s t t h e evil Lord Vo l d e m o r t .

Tw i li g h t

The two main charactors i n t h i s series are Bella Swan, a clum s y 1 6 ye ar old girl, and Edward Cullens, a n u n d ead vampire. These books are abo u t t h e r e lationship that the two form, as we l l a s the dangers they face together. T h e s e i n clude an enemy vampire clan, a n d a n a g ry pack of werewolves.


20 2 3 M i c r o s c o p e S p r i n g 2010

A r t by M i c h i D.

Percy Jackson

This series is about demi-gods, sons and daughters of Greek gods. The main charactors are Percy, the son of poseidon, Annabeth, the daughtor of Athena, and Grover, a satire. Each book is the s tory of a differant quest that the three go on, sometimes including other demi-gods. These books are s et in modern day America.

Poem With No Name By Erica G.

Entertainment can be.... It can be very funny It can be very loud music It can be about celebrities It can be just plain out there But it’s still entertaining It can just be something somebody wants Something that is found in every corner But of course so much can be found Entertainment is what makes our world go round Music of which we can hear from car windows But is sometimes not heard by widows Jokes of which many people laugh Though some of then sound like horselaughs But I will not judge ‘Cause I don’t want anyone to hold a grudge We are always listening for celebrity news Or just listening to movie reviews But what ever we do we are always entertained Its what keeps the whole world unchained.

Spring 2010 24

The more I am clever,the The more, as a rule, I am m


The Page of Riddles By Jeanne-Jo G.

Only one color, but not one size


Stuck on the ground, yet easily flies From the beginning of Eternity Present in the sun, but not in rain To the end of Time and Space

Doing no harm, and feeling no pain

To the beginning of every End And the end of every Place


A hoard of rings am I But no fit gift for a bride I await a sword’s kiss

Microscope Spring 2010 21 Microscope 2 25Microscope 5/10/10 4/30/10


If you break me I do not stop working If you touch me, I may be snared If you lose me Nothing will matter

more I am good. misunderstood. Answers on pg.33


Pronounced as one letter And written with three Two letters there are And two only in me I’m double, I’m single I’m black, blue and gray I’m read from both ends And the same either way


A wonder on the wave Water becomes bone


Oak and Hazel are my aunts


though I am not their kin

My cousin grows in pod on vine

I often have a twin

If you like pretty gems that sparkle and shine My shape is like the sands of time I invite you to dig in my virtual mine My first is purple fit for a king Contained within a glass My second is green where Dorthy did her thing My third is red, July’s birthstone as well I have no legs, instead a shell My fourth is seen in strings and found inside a shell My fifth is hard, pure Carbon and expensive to buy I dwell beneath the grass My sixth is Crocodolite, striped like the big cat’s eye Seventh is two words, a man-made fake of April’s stone Eigth is very dark and found at Lightning Ridge alone Now take from each gem, one letter in its turn And you will find the stuff for which even the god’s yearn Spring 2010 26


I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest man can’t hold me for much more than a minute



Black within, Red without And four corners ‘round about


What goes all the way around the world but stays in a corner?

First think of the person who lives in disguise Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies Next tell me what’s always the last thing to mend The middle of middle and end of the end? Finally give me the sound often heard During the search for a hard-to-find word Now string them together, and answer me this Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss? We are little airy creatures All of different voice and features One of us in glass is set One of us you’ll find in a jet The other you may find in tin And the fouth a box within At the back of every igloo If the fifth you should pursue And the middle of every moon It can never fly from you Alwasy running around in loops you’l find me If you look inside the room


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I hav streets but no pavement I have cities but no buildings I have forests yet no trees I have rivers yet no water


I’m where yesterday follows today And tomorrow’s in the middle


A mile from end to end Yet as close to you as a friend A precious commodity, freely given Seen on the dead and on the living Found on the rich, poor, short and tall But shared among children most of all


Alive without breath As cold as death Never thirsty, ever drinking All in mail never clinking


It cannot be seen, it cannot be felt Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt It lies behind stars and under hills And empty holes it fills It comes first and follows after Ends life, kills laughter


Thousands lay gold within this house But no man made it Spears past counting guard this house But no man wards it

Spring 2010 28

ts n e d A Stu

S A L f eo s m g o n S o eS t i r o Fav


Jeanne-Jo Gregory

Things I’ll Never Say by Avril Lavigne is my favorite song because it has a nice catchy tune and is the kind of song I like to day dream to.


McKenzie Stribling

My Wish by Rascal Flats is my favorite song because what it talks about is real life and it’s all true.


Meredith Rials

Young Forever by Jay-Z is my favorite song because it has rap and slow music. It’s really catchy, so I can definetly dance.


Sierra Amaro

Alejandro by Lady Gaga is my favorite song because it’s really funt o dance to.



29 Microscope Spring 2010

‘Scoping Out LASA There are many interesting students and activities here at LASA high school. This page is dedicated to showing the differant s i d e s o f o u r d i ve r s e s c h o o l .

B y M c Kenzie S.

Freshmen J e a n n e - Jo G. ( l e f t ) a n d E r i c a G. ( r i g h t ) wo r k diligently on their E-zin e m a ga z i n e s. p h o t o by M c Ke n z i e S.

Mariah P. b r i n g i n g i n h e r a r t project. P h o t o by M c Ke n z i e S.

Fr e s h m a n Fra n k i e C. craddles the l a c ro s s e b a l l d u ring war m up at p ra c t i c e. P h o t o by McKenzie S.

Freshman Aron S. puts his foot behind his head. Photo by McKenzie S.

Students have fun while studing for a biology test in the halls before class star ts. Photo by McKenzie S.

Three freshmen discuss the odd This m ural o f Ja p a n e s e an i m e i s p a i n t e d o n a wa l l i n Japanese teac her publishing history of Lord of the David Shim i z u ’s ro o m . I t wa s p a i n t e d by L A S A s t u d e n t Monique N. Photo Rings. Photo by McKenzie S. by McKenz i e S.

Amber M. studies for her geometry class. Photo by McKenzie S.


Microscope Spring 2010 30

Green Page By Jeanne-Jo G.

31 Microscope Spring 2010

Spring 2010 32

Answers Title) A riddle 1) The letter e 2) A shadow 3) Chain mail 4) A heart 5) Eye 6) A peanut 7) Ice on a lake or sea 8) Ambrosia Gems, in order, are: amythyst, emerald, ruby, pearl, diamond, Tiger’s eye, Cubic Zirconium (Fake diamond), black opal. Take the first letter from the first gem, the second letter from the second gem, etc. 9) A breath 10) A chimney 11) A spider 12) A postage stamp 13) Vowels 14) oo 15) A fish 16) A map 17) Darkness 18) A dictionary 19) A beehive 20) A smile

33 Microscope Spring 2010


How to Make...

By Jeanne-Jo G.

Photo and instructions courtesy of origami-club.com

...a Houou (Japanese Phoenix) Spring 2010


back flaps

35 Microscope Spring 2010

Spring 2010



By McKenzie S. and Jeanne-Jo G.



37 Microscope Spring 2010



Spring 2010


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