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How to Spice your Rice
An infographic on the essential spices and ingredients, to perfect your Biriyani
by Krishna Palaniswamy
If you want to save time, you can get premade Biriyani mixes at your local Indian store, or at an ecomerence retailer like Amazon.
The Spices that go into your Biriryani, are the components that bring out the flavour in your rice. While diffrerent biriyani will have different styles of preperation, the fundamental spices will stay the same throught all styles. A popular type of Biriryani is Adawhi Biriyani which is Northern Indian dish. This type of Biriyani uses both Green and Black Cardamum, Mace, Bay leaf, Cinamon, peppercorn, and cloves, the spices unlike other Biriyanis are used whole in the rice, unlike otehrs which uses a ground spice Mix like Hyderbadi Biririyani. Hyderbadhi biriyani is made with a ground spice mix , using spices like corriander seeds, black pepper(seed), nutmeg, cardamom(green or black), cinnanon stick, bay leaf, star anise, clover, and a few other spices mild flavour, crunchy texture, properly, to and
Saffron has a very rich flavour when mixed with Biriyani, also giving the unique orange, as well as the aroma color seen in Biriyani rice.
Cauliflower has a very mild but has a juicy and crunchy if baked and seasoned properly, cauliflower can be added to Biriryani dish.
Can be used by itself, Potatoes(usually baby or white), adds a soft tetxure to your rice. Historically, potatoes could be used as a cheaper meat substitute as it cost less.
Cut carrot slices, can be used in both veg and non-veg Biriryanis, it can add a variety in consistency to your Biriyani.
Eggs can be added in restraunts not only to enhcance the flavour but to look nice as well, usually at home people dont add hard boiled eggs