LEARN•SERVE•LEAD LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL Admissions Calendar 2012-2013 Sunday, November 11, 2012 Open House — 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm Tour the campus and meet teachers and students, visit departmental and activities displays.
Friday, January 18, 2013 3:00 pm Priority filing date for applications. (Applications received after 3:00 pm on this date may be placed on the waiting list.) Saturday, January 26, 2013 8:00 am ENTRANCE EXAMS (STS/HSPT) 10:30 am – 12:30 pm ADMISSIONS INTERVIEWS Saturday, February 2, 2013 8:00 am ENTRANCE EXAMS (STS/HSPT) 10:30 am – 12:30 pm ADMISSIONS INTERVIEWS
Monday, February 4, 2013 Financial Aid Applications Due Friday, February 15, 2013 Deadline for transcripts, test scores and recommendations Friday, March 1, 2013 Notification Letters mailed Saturday, March 9, 2013 Freshman Class of 2017 Registration
LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL 3880 East Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91107-1996 Telephone: 626.696.4310 Fax: 626.696.4411 www.lasallehs.org
We Nurture the talents of each student We Inspire in our students a sense of responsibility for others We Challenge our students to embrace diversity We Motivate our students to respond compassionately to the needs of others, especially the poor Distinguished by an insistence on educational excellence: La Salle High School is a Roman Catholic educational community inspired by the traditions of Saint John Baptist de La Salle. Our college preparatory program enables diverse and academically capable students to become extraordinary people.
Centuries-Old Heritage The Legacy of the Christian Brothers
a Salle High School was founded in 1956 as a Catholic school for boys. Today, La Salle functions as a private Catholic, college preparatory high school serving young men and women from across the San Gabriel Valley. We are a Lasallian school; an educational institution that draws its philosophy and inspiration from the Christian Brothers whose reputation for excellence in education extends back to 1680. Our philosophy, as set forth by our founder Saint John Baptist de La Salle, is to give a human and Christian education to the young, especially the poor, according to the ministry which the Church has entrusted to the Christian Brothers. Our college preparatory program enables diverse and academically capable students to become extraordinary people. Our Mission is distinguished by an insistence on educational excellence through which:
We nurture the talents of each student. We inspire in our students a sense of responsibility for others. We challenge our students to embrace diversity. We motivate our students to respond compassionately to the needs of others, especially the poor. La Salle offers an ethnically and culturally-rich environment that respects and celebrates
Student Ethnicity 2012-13
individual differences and reflects the geographic area we serve. Our students come from 50 different schools, from surrounding cities including Altadena, Arcadia, Duarte, Monrovia, Pasadena, Sierra Madre and Temple City. The sense of community, the strong blend of academics, arts, athletics and spirituality, and the deep commitment of faculty and staff to the La Salle Mission explain why our school is so highly regarded in the San Gabriel Valley. x Student Ethnicity 2012-13 African American 5%
Asian & Pacific Islander 14% European Descent 45%
learn 2
Multiracial/Other 14%
Latino 22%
Catholic Values Community and Compassion
hile firmly rooted in the traditions of the Catholic Church, La Salle honors a wide range of religious beliefs. We teach the value of belonging to a spiritual community and the importance of service to others. Families who seek a La Salle education for their children are committed to a valuesbased preparation for college that flows from a commitment to religious principles. All students and parents are members of the larger La Salle family – a community of persons deeply conscious of their responsibilities to each other and the larger community whose lives exemplify faith in action.
compassion to the needs of others, especially the poor • use critical thinking and research skills to analyze, interpret, and communicate ideas • have completed an academic program that exceeds University of California admissions requirements • understand the value of maintaining physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being • are ready to lead and serve
We mirror the values of our Founder by guiding every La Salle student on a spiritual journey that starts with classroom education and continues through service opportunities in school and in the community. It is our goal that our graduates will be people of faith who: • understand Catholic teaching and practice • respect and appreciate people of different backgrounds, talents, cultures, religions, and genders • practice Christian values by recognizing and responding with
Religious Studies Introduction to Scripture Old Testament New Testament Church Sacraments Christian Morality Christian Life and Service Senior Religious Studies
Co-Educational College Preparatory Opening the Door to Higher Education
a Salle enrolls young men and women who are ready to accept a challenging academic program and are committed to the pursuit of post-secondary education. One hundred percent of our graduates enter college immediately after graduation. Our curriculum achieves a balance between college preparatory courses, religious
education, enrichment opportunities (academic, cultural and athletic) and service learning. Graduation requirements meet or exceed the University of California minimum subject requirements for freshman admission, with more than 85 courses currently UC窶田ertified or approved. Students must acquire 275 units for graduation of which 245 units are required courses.
La Salle offers 15 Advanced Placement (AP) courses, in addition to 15 Honors courses in English, Social Studies, Science, Math, Spanish, and Visual Arts. Enrollment in AP and Honors courses is restricted to those who qualify through placement tests and teacher recommendations. All students enrolled in AP courses are required to take the corresponding exams. Approximately 175 students take the AP exams each year, with a 70 percent pass rate in the last three years.x AP Literature & Composition AP Language & Composition AP European History AP United States History AP Government & Politics AP Microeconomics AP Macroeconomics AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Physics AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Spanish Language AP Spanish Literature AP Studio Art English 9 Honors English 10 Honors English 11 Honors English 12 Honors Ancient Cultures Honors U.S. History Honors Biology Honors Chemistry Honors Physics Honors Algebra I Honors Geometry Honors Algebra II Honors Precalculus Honors Spanish II Honors Spanish III Honors
Academic Departments
ith nine academic departments offering over 110 courses, including information technology and web applications, our students are sure to discover the programs that are relevant to their interests and that engage them to develop their individual talents. ENGLISH English 9, 10, 11, 12 Creative Writing Fiction Into Film Journalism Yearbook SCIENCE Biology Chemistry Physics or Conceptual Physics Human Anatomy Environmental Science Genetics & Biotechnology MATHEMATICS Algebra 1, 2 Geometry Trigonometry / Statistics Precalculus Calculus AB
WORLD LANGUAGES French 1, 2, 3, 4 Spanish 1, 2, 3 Pre AP Spanish Language Pre AP Spanish Literature SOCIAL STUDIES Ancient Cultures Rise of Nations / 20th Century United States History Civics Economics Introduction to Psychology California History COMPUTER EDUCATION Introduction to Data Processing & the Computer Computers & Information Technology Audio & Video Production Robotics Architectural Design PHYSICAL EDUCATION PE / Health 1, 2 Physical Fitness Training & Conditioning for the Athlete Group Fitness Sports Classes ACADEMIC COMPETITIONS Mock Trial
Religious Studies Classes are listed on page 3. Honors and AP Classes are listed on page 4. Visual and Performing Arts Classes are listed on page 7.
SERVE La Salle High School is accredited by the Western Catholic Education Association and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.
Relevance for the Real World Unlocking Personal Potential
a Salle High School is a leader in studentcentered technology-based instruction in the San Gabriel Valley. We provide our students and faculty with the latest in educational technology and the training to use that technology wisely, to seize its ability to enhance teaching and learning, to create understanding, and to unlock every student’s potential.
Highlights of our technology program include:
• Lancer TV – our student-driven closed circuit television network
• SMARTBoard technology in every classroom • 5 Senteo Interactive Response Systems • Technology-friendly desks in every classroom • 39 computer workstations in the library for student and teacher use • Computers in each science laboratory • 2 Norris computer labs • 3 document readers • Our school website featuring PowerSchool and Moodle applications
At La Salle, students are taught to think critically, to discover and analyze, and to communicate knowledge and understanding to others. Our rigorous yet nurturing program reaches beyond academics to incorporate the arts, athletics and service in a technology-based environment that challenges students to learn through doing, improve through reflection, serve with compassion, and achieve personal excellence in every endeavor as they prepare for college and the world beyond the La Salle community. x
Visual and Performing  Arts
a Salle is known throughout the San Gabriel Valley for having one of the most comprehensive Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) programs available to high school students. Our arts curriculum enables students of varied backgrounds and abilities to learn a broad array of artistic techniques through individualized instruction and personal dedication. All students take a minimum of 15 units of VPA in the following disciplines: Band, Chorus, Dance, Art, Theatre or Digital Media. They are challenged and supported as they discover and develop their unique talents.
VISUAL ARTS Introduction to Art Studio Art Advanced Drawing & Painting Photography – Art Making & Digital Media Sculpture
Dedicated Arts Study For those students who wish to study a discipline in more depth, La Salle offers a unique four-year Arts Program where students choose and study their area of interest, yet also participate in other areas of the Arts, and have the option to participate in other school activities.x
THEATRE ARTS Acting Drama Theatre Arts Theatre Production PERFORMING ARTS Introduction to Dance Dance 1, 2 Movement for the Athlete Introduction to Instrumental Music Advanced Band Jazz Ensemble Chorus Introduction to Music Theory History of Western Music Digital Media Lancer Film & Television Production
Lancer Athletics
a Salle’s philosophy insists that some of the best lessons in life are learned on the playing field with the help of a dedicated coach. Lancer athletic programs encourage cooperation through teamwork, respect for self and others, hard work and determination, commitment to community, and the development of leadership
skills. From the first day of practice to the last minute in a championship game, La Salle athletes pursue a common goal of excellence in character, competition, compassion and achievement. We can proudly state that more than 16 alumni have returned to coach at La Salle, helping to maintain our tradition of leadership on and off the field.
Lancer Athletics focus on student participation, cooperation and leadership. We offer a wide array of athletic opportunities through 22 varsity teams and 21 junior varsity and freshman teams. The Lancers boast 13 CIF Championships, 17 CIF RunnerUp titles and 164 varsity League Championships! x
FALL Cross Country (Boys) Cross Country (Girls) Football Golf (Girls) Tennis (Girls) Volleyball (Girls) Water Polo (Boys) WINTER Basketball (Boys) Basketball (Girls) Soccer (Boys) Soccer (Girls) Water Polo (Girls) SPRING Baseball Golf (Boys) Softball Swimming (Boys) Swimming (Girls) Tennis (Boys) Track & Field (Boys) Track & Field (Girls) Volleyball (Boys) NON-CIF Cheerleading 8
Service to Others – Learning to Serve
nspired by the teachings of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, we seek to instill a sense of personal responsibility through action in our students through our Service Learning Program - a curriculum-based community service program that integrates classroom instruction with community-based activities. Students study real-world issues, and link established learning objectives with genuine community needs. La Salle students lead the process, with teachers as partners, applying critical thinking and problemsolving skills to concerns such as hunger, homelessness and respect for diversity.
Founders Week, a four-day service project conducted schoolwide every May, celebrates the life of Saint John Baptist de La Salle by placing all 710 students and 88 faculty and staff at several service sites across the San Gabriel Valley and Los Angeles area. Immersion trips are also offered to New Orleans and the Salinas Valley. A “Christian Life and Service” course is taken by all senior students so that they may explore a values-based lifestyle that combines their spiritual journey with practical service to the community. Each student researches and selects a community agency where they will serve regularly throughout
the year. Work is recorded in student journals and evaluated through teacher observation and supervisor assessment.x COMMUNITY SERVICE PARTNERS Ability First A Place Called Home Cardinal Manning Center Club 21 Resource Center Dolores Mission School City of Hope Door of Hope Downtown Women’s Center Elliot Middle School Field Elementary School Foothill Unity Center Fred Jordan Mission Hillsides School and Learning Center Holy Family Food Pantry Huntington Hospital, Pediatric Unit Longfellow Elementary School Los Angeles Regional Food Bank Madison Elementary School Maryvale Midnight Mission Monte Vista Grove Senior Center Mont La Salle, Nigeria Mother of Sorrows Elementary School Nativity Elementary School Norma Coombs Elementary School Pasadena AIDS Service Center Project Angel Food Ronald McDonald House, Pasadena Santa Teresita Elementary School St. Columbkille Elementary School St. Francis Center St. Vincent de Paul Society The Salvation Army Union Station, Pasadena Villa Esperanza
Learning to Lead Nurturing
igh School is one of the most critical times in the life of a young person. Lifelong friendships are formed; patterns of study and behavior are developed; moral decision-making is fostered; and the challenging transition from child to adult is negotiated. All this is happening at a time when young people need to be nurtured and allowed progressive freedom to mature as unique and responsible individuals in a demanding society. Student Life Council is responsible for rallies, dances, daily prayer and more. The council has several subcommittees that plan and implement the various school activities. Spiritual Life Team plans all liturgies, prayer services, and the daily Morning Prayer, creating new and original ways to experience prayer and worship. The Commissioners of Activities plan lunchtime activities. The Service Team encourages other students to participate in activities such as Christmas Adopt-AFamily and preparing and serving meals at Union Station to show that religion is more than prayer. The Spirit Team is involved in rallies and in energizing the student body.x
HONOR AND SERVICE SOCIETIES Alpha Delta Mu Arts Society California Scholarship Federation Junior Classical League LEAP (Lasallian Educational Advantage Program) National Honor Society Pi Alpha Chi Service Society Science National Honor Society Senior Senate Student Ambassadors STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Centurion Yearbook Cygnet Literary Magazine The Lance Newspaper Lancer Television STUDENT CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS Anime Club Aquinas Club Astronomy Club Chess Club Cultural Awareness Club Drum Line Film & Theatre Club Free Lancers Habitat for Humanity Helping Humanity Hip Hop Dance Club Junior State of America Mock Trial Model United Nations Music for the Masses Music Production Origami Robotics Science Outreach Spanish Club Support Our Troops
Tools of Discovery Growth Through Responsibility
ndividual responsibility is reinforced through our study program. At La Salle, teachers recognize that they are not the only instrument of learning; our students are equally responsible for their development. In our classrooms, imagination takes precedence over rote memory, discussion over lecture and student participation over teacher demonstration. Through the La Salle Mentoring Program each student is connected to a faculty member who maintains an ongoing, supportive relationship that
promotes the welfare of the whole person – academic, social, spiritual, and emotional – where teachers serve as big brothers and big sisters to the students entrusted to their care. Mentors challenge students to pursue academic excellence, to be persons of service, to make wise decisions, to follow school policy, and to engage fully in student life at La Salle High School. The program models the development and appreciation of self and others that is the first step in learning to serve and lead. x
LEARN•SERVE•LEAD LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL Admissions Calendar 2012-2013 Sunday, November 11, 2012 Open House — 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm Tour the campus and meet teachers and students, visit departmental and activities displays.
Friday, January 18, 2013 3:00 pm Priority filing date for applications. (Applications received after 3:00 pm on this date may be placed on the waiting list.) Friday, January 18, 2013 Financial Aid Applications Due Saturday, January 26, 2013 8:00 am ENTRANCE EXAMS (STS/HSPT) 10:30 am – 12:30 pm ADMISSIONS INTERVIEWS
Saturday, February 2, 2013 8:00 am ENTRANCE EXAMS (STS/HSPT) 10:30 am – 12:30 pm ADMISSIONS INTERVIEWS Friday, February 15, 2013 Deadline for transcripts, test scores and recommendations Friday, March 1, 2013 Notification Letters mailed Saturday, March 9, 2013 Freshman Class of 2017 Registration
LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL 3880 East Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91107-1996 Telephone: 626.696.4310 Fax: 626.696.4411 www.lasallehs.org
We Nurture the talents of each student We Inspire in our students a sense of responsibility for others We Challenge our students to embrace diversity We Motivate our students to respond compassionately to the needs of others, especially the poor Distinguished by an insistence on educational excellence: La Salle High School is a Roman Catholic educational community inspired by the traditions of Saint John Baptist de La Salle. Our college preparatory program enables diverse and academically capable students to become extraordinary people.