May 2017 Parent Newsletter

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ParentNewsletter THE LA SALLE


Principal Ideas Hello. I hope you and your children all enjoyed a blessed Easter and were able to rest and rejuvenate over the Easter break.


Just prior to break, we held our annual Grandparents Day event. It was truly a fantastic event during which our visual and performing arts students were able to display their talents, and many of our students had the opportunity to spend some special time with their grandparents. Two hundred twenty grandparents came to spend the day with over 134 of our students. As I said that day, one of my greatest joys as a parent is seeing the relationship my son has with his grandparents, so I am happy that here at La Salle we are able to create an opportunity for the grandparents who are able to have a special morning with their grandchildren.

May is full of Special Events Our Grandparents Day was on our last day of school prior to the Easter Break and since coming back we have been in high gear here at La Salle. The last week of April brought the final LEAP event of the year and Prom. As we begin May, our final full month of school for the 2016-2017 school year, we also begin AP exams. Beginning on Monday, May 1 and continuing to May 12, many of our students will be involved in Advanced Placement exams through the College Board Program. These college level exams determine whether or not the individual student is eligible to receive college credit, so I wish all of our students the best as they go into this culminating event. We will continue our practice of allowing students who have taken a morning AP exam to leave for the day after they have completed the exam. Should a student choose to leave for the day after an exam, they are still responsible for the classroom work they miss.

Showdown IV Many end-of-the-year events and activities will occur in the next few weeks, including our annual Showdown. As a first year principal here at La Salle, I am very excited about Principal Ideas Continued on page 2

In the Words of Saint John Baptist de La Salle "You ought to have great care and affection for the students entrusted to you and guard them from whatever may interfere with their education." Saint John Baptist de La Salle Patron Saint of Teachers, c1705 Meditations for Sundays 110


MAY 2017

Principal Ideas Continued from page 1

attending my first Showdown and seeing an incredible demonstration of Lancer pride. One event that took place in April as part of the lead-in to Showdown was our annual Race for Change. This year the fundraiser was renamed "Riley’s Race 4 Change" in honor of Fred Riley, our esteemed track coach, who recently passed away. As a school community we raised nearly $10,000 to benefit our twinned school, Mont La Salle College in Naka, Nigeria, a junior high and high school serving boys and girls. The race was the first competition between the classes for this year’s showdown. Our senior class (and reigning champion) is currently in first place. We will see who comes out on top at the end of Showdown on Friday, May 12. In May we also have our AP Art Show, Band, Choir and Strings concert, Founder’s Day Liturgy, Jazz concert, cheer tryouts and end of the year Sports Awards. Although the days left of the school year may be short, they are filled with excitement and celebration of a successful year.


Graduation of the Class of 2017 And of course, the most exciting event of all in May is commencement. Seniors begin their final high school semester examinations on the afternoon of Friday, May 19 and they conclude on Wednesday, May 24. These tests do affect their final grade and transcript. We all hope they continue to do their academic best until the very end. After their last exam, on May 24, seniors will be able to go home and get ready for the Baccalaureate Mass. On May 25, we will be celebrating their successful completion of studies at La Salle High School with the senior breakfast and then the senior presentation, during which all of our underclassmen can honor their achievements and wish them well. The next day will be the Graduation at PazNaz, where the families of all of our seniors can celebrate their accomplishments. And it certainly is an accomplishment. It is not easy to complete course studies at La Salle High School: the courses are challenging and the expectations high. Their success indicates their great potential for success in college and beyond, and I look forward to hearing all about those successes in years to come.

Thank you to our Fantastic Parents Students do not make it to graduation without the help and support of many people, most notably their parents. Our Graduation ceremony therefore is also a testament to our parents who have sacrificed and been a steady influence in the life of their son or daughter. Every student at La Salle completes their journey at this school because of the care and support parents provide on a daily basis. So thank you to the parents of our graduating seniors for your evident commitment and love in the raising of your soon-to-be college bound offspring.

Final Exams On Friday, June 2 all of our underclassmen will begin their final examinations for the Spring Semester. The process of testing will conclude on June 7. In preparation for finals we will be having extended Academic Support times. Please encourage your student to take advantage of these times to prepare for the exams and make sure they end the semester well. The teachers at this school are willing to offer that special help to each student upon request. All the student needs to do is ask! I hope you all have a wonderful May!


Mrs. Courtney R. Kassakhian Principal


MAY 2017

From the Parent Association

We're in the Home Stretch I can’t believe we are almost through another year! Things are abuzz trying to wind everything down for the year. I hope that everyone had a restful Easter break. We had a wonderful Grandparents Day on the Wednesday before break. Four hundred grandparents and students came together in the dining hall for amazing performances and a delicious lunch. It was bittersweet for me because there was an empty chair next to my daughter. The Saturday before my Father lost his battle with lung cancer and was taken to be with our Savior. My Father enjoyed five wonderful Grandparents Days here at LaSalle and loved the school. He went to all of the kid's games and activities and really embraced the La Salle family. We will miss him forever. A huge "thank you" to all who chaired and worked Grandparents day and to Jude Lucas and the Arts staff for giving us what I believe was our best Grandparents Day performances yet. It was a wonderful start to the Easter break. The good and the bad about having an Easter break this late in the year is Parent Association that it is a long wait from Christmas, but not too much time now on the back end. There is a lot still happening though. We will have our last Parent Association meeting Meeting Tuesday, May 2 in the Blakeslee Library with hospitality at 6:00pm,our general meeting MAY 2, 2017 at 6:30pm and all of the booster meetings at 7:30pm. Please join us to thank the senior 6:30pm parents who are graduating and have been involved with Parent Association. Blakeslee Library We will also have a video slide show from Ed O’Conner highlighting “A year in service” that is an overview of our students' involvement. In addition, Principal Kassakhian will speak briefly about the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why. It is the most watched series for the year and many of our students have or are watching it. It is about teen suicide and we feel it is important to see it before we break for summer. As always, we will have wonderful hospitality to finish the year. This Friday, May 5 is our annual Crystal Ball and we are already sold out! It should prove to be another fantastic event. Thank you to our chairs, Suzy Rettig and Cheryl Allen. We still have a few volunteer spots available for you to pick up your hours before the school year ends. Call Trish Costa at 626.429.3540 to volunteer. If you are not attending, you can still register online for BidPal and bid on auction items. Refer to the La Salle website for information. Lastly, my deepest gratitude to everyone for a wonderful year. I have had an amazing Parent Association Board who has worked very hard. One of our greatest successes was opening the Lancer Armory student store. The kids love it and it has proved to be a profitable entity for the school. Emily Vaughn Henry will be taking over as Parent Association President next year. I know she will do a great job. Thank you for all of your support.

Jacky Samartin P'15,'19, '21 Parent Association President



MAY 2017

La Salle Matters “Alleluia! Alleluia!”


For decades, I have loved the repetition of this word. Liturgically, it only occurs during the period between Easter Sunday and Pentecost. The point of repeating the word “Alleluia” is to remind Christian believers that the Easter event – Christ’s resurrection – is such an overwhelming moment (i.e. because He rose from the dead, we have the opportunity to enter Heaven) that our joy should be impossible to explain without repeating “Praise the Lord” (a rough English translation of the Hebrew term). At the same time, I also wonder why this expression of joy shouldn’t be repeated throughout the year. I suppose it’s the flip side of my difficulty with the 40 days of Lent – I simply don’t like the obligation to refrain from eating meat on Fridays. Yes, I understand the purpose of the practice – to remind me of the importance of Christ’s journey to Calvary – and the subsequent joy I should experience at His resurrection; but I find myself becoming impatient with a liturgical period which requires that I have to wait for the better part of six weeks before I can celebrate something every Christian takes for granted. In a sense, I realize that the whole point of the liturgical cycle of the Church is to remind us of the need to stay faithful to Gospel imperatives – and I certainly recognize that I need reminding – but I struggle with the notion that penitential practices (like not eating meat on Fridays) will get me closer to the achievement of this ideal. So, imagine my surprise, when I came across a column by Jesuit, John Conley, in the most recent issue of America Magazine ( in which he offers an outstanding defense of the role politeness should play in the social arena. Okay – wait for it – how does this line up with my annual gripe about Lent and Easter? Here’s the thing – we repeat the word “Alleluia” because we believe that the Easter event transformed the world we experience… but the world we experience consistently disappoints us…leading to the obvious question – how do we reconcile the excitement of Easter with the facts of what we will face tomorrow? Father Conley’s column helps me to face that conundrum. Here’s his take on the day-to-day dilemma we all confront:

Behind all the gestures of politeness lies a fundamental respect for the dignity of other persons. A mature moral agent does not use language or gestures that insult another person. One can vigorously disagree with another person’s positions. One cannot demean the person himself or herself.


And that’s my problem with the world we – and the students entrusted to our care – occupy. Disagreements no longer represent differing views of the world. They have become fundamental road blocks to how we talk to others who don’t share our perspective. It has taken me a long time to get to the point, but the philosopher, Stephen Hayner said it best (for me):

“I believe in objective truth, but I hold lightly to our ability to perceive truth.”


MAY 2017

There can be no question for an educator – or a parent – that the search for objective truth must be paramount; but I challenge each of us to define the concept in advance. At La Salle, we expect students to suspend disbelief in the search for Truth. More importantly, we expect them to recognize that the search for Truth is an ongoing experience that will take the rest of their lives. And, for me, that’s the point of repeating “Alleluia.” Christians rejoice because the Easter event made Hope possible. Yes, we are struggling through a difficult time…but when was it the case that we haven’t? We are all on a journey to Calvary – but we won’t experience the Easter event until after our time here comes to an end…which helps me to appreciate Father Conley’s wisdom:

Politeness… respects the debt one owes to other persons for one’s own happiness and achievements. It is striking how many current television programs specialize in the glamorization of resentment. A procession of angry people unleash their criticism of their parents, their teachers or their doctors in front of a cajoling host. Where are the programs where we thank that patient parent or devoted teacher? Without gratitude, our soul shrivels and our civic life deteriorates into mutual recrimination. Authentic politeness springs from the gratitude we acknowledge for the gifts given us by other persons.

And for that, I say “Alleluia, Alleluia.”

La Salle High School

3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated

© 2017

• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications

Richard Gray, Ph.D. President

Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email: jblackstock @ lasallehs . org

Transforming Lives Since 1680 1956 - 2016


EVEN ParentNewsletter

MAY 2017

Grand Grandparents Day! La Salle hosted our annual Grandparents Day celebration on April 12th. Grandparents enjoyed time with their grandchildren, a delicious brunch, and great performances by the Visual and Performing Arts Department. Be sure to go to our Flickr Gallery to see the wonderful photos from that day. We thank all the parent volunteers who made the day so special. In particular, kudos to the Committee and Grandparents Day Chairs: Gayle Reyes-Campos P’18, Jenny Synold P’14,’17 and Jose Barrios P’18 with Jacky Samartin P’15,’19, PA President. Their leadership of this event is typical of the close working relationship between parents, students and teachers at La Salle.

President, Richard Gray with Jacky Samartin, Gayle Reyes-Campos and Jose Barrios.



MAY 2017

Some members of the cast of "My Favorite Year."



MAY 2017


Harry Agajanian, far right, with members of some of the participating teams, present the Tournament check to Children's Hospital LA. Lancer Baseball Head Coach, Mike Parisi, is at left.

All-In Baseball Tourney Nets $6,000 for Children's Hospital


Three years ago, former Lancer Baseball coach, Harry Agajanian, created the "All-In" baseball tournament with net profits going to CHLA. The first tournament had 24 schools and now, the tournament boasts 51 teams, including three from South Korea. Each team plays three games over the President’s Day weekend, and then Agajanian and some of the players travel to CHLA and present the donation and visit children in the hospital. The tournament raised $6,100 this year, despite mother nature not cooperating with heavy rains. Money is raised from registration fees and donations. Agajanian’s charity has delivered over $21,000 to children in need over the past three years. “It is a great feeling to be able to make a difference in a child’s life,” Agajanian said. “We are really happy with the participation and we hope to run this for many years to come.” Agajanian spent 20 seasons in the Arcadia, Bosco Tech and La Salle dugouts; the last 10 of those with the Lancers. “We’re trying to help make a brighter day for the children in the hospital, not only with a donation, but I also invite ballplayers from each school to attend the hospital for a tour and visit, which is a way for our student-athletes to learn to give back to the community,” he said. Excerpts from Brian Reed-Baiotto, Sports Editor, Pasadena Now


Lavendar Dendrobium Lei

MAY 2017

All Seniors and their families are invited to purchase a for the Graduation Ceremony.

Sponsored by the La Salle Junior Class

Only $20 each

Only $20 each


Seniors will be given their Leis by La Salle staff while standing in line before they walk in to the church for the Commencement Exercises.

Last day to purchase a lei is May 18 at 3:00pm!

Graduating Senior's Name Number of Leis x $20 = $

Please print and fill out this order form and return it to the Alumni Office with a check payable to La Salle High School. In the memo line, please write the senior's name. All order forms and checks must be received at La Salle by May 18th.

Alumni Office • La Salle High School • 3880 East Sierra Madre Boulevard • Pasadena, CA 91107



MAY 2017



18th Annual Crystal Ball Friday, May 5th, 2017 • Noor, Pasadena Honoring Dennis Jebbia, Esq.

An evening spent enjoying friends and families of La Salle while dining, socializing, and being swept-up in the excitement of our live and silent auctions. You can now buy or bid on BidPal. Go to our home page and click Crystal Ball in the top banner.



Bid online. Winner need not be present to bid or win To volunteer please call Trish Costa at 626.429.3540 For more information contact Suzy Rettig, Chair, at


MAY 2017 MAY 2017

The Crystal Ball

Opportunity Drawing Opportunity Drawing tickets are on sale now! Here are our great prizes: A Pleasant Holidays Vacation for 2 to Maui* 8 days, 7 nights at the Royal Lahaina Resort Includes round-trip airfare from LAX $300 food and beverage credit at select resort restaurants Plus two complimentary Luau tickets

• Apple iPad


Disneyland Family Park Hopper 4-pack Opportunity Drawing takes place on May 5, 2017 during the Crystal Ball Contact Suzy Rettig for more information at *Maui Vacation made possible by a grant from the William H. Hannon Foundation



MAY 2017

MAY 2017

From the College Counseling Center

College Center News By Owen Hou ’90, Tina Bonacci '94 and Marcia Yu, College Counselors

Advanced Placement Exams

Junior News

Advanced Placement (AP) testing will take place May 1 – May 12. The AP exam calendar is posted on the College Center bulletin board indicating the date, time and location of each AP exam.

Ms. Bonacci, Mrs. Yu and Mr. Hou have met with almost all of their juniors who have completed his/her ‘College Planning Survey for Juniors.’ We will meet with all students regardless of them completing the survey or not; however, the survey helps your student’s College Counselor learn more about the student and his/her plans after La Salle. Thank you for encouraging your son/ daughter to complete the survey. Once your junior has met with his/her college counselor, parents are welcome to make appointments with us.

Students should plan to arrive at the exam site by 7:45am for morning exams check-in and at 11:45am for afternoon exams check-in. Exams are scheduled to start promptly at 8:00am and at noon, respectively. If you have an emergency on the day of the exam, please call 626.379.6024. CHECK DATES FOR AP EXAMS

Students are not required to attend school on the day of their exam(s). If they choose not to attend school, a parent is required to call the school and reports what block(s) their student will be absent from. An attendance roster will be published by the school. Please contact Mrs. Yu at 626.696.4387 for more information regarding the AP exams.

Senior News Students who applied to a wide range of schools, both in-state and out-of-state, were happy with their college choices. By now all of our seniors have deposited with the colleges that they plan to attend, and they have notified the colleges they will not be attending. Ms. Bonacci, Mr. Hou, and Mrs. Yu wish the class of 2017 all the best in their college careers.


We are now in the process of collecting application results and scholarship award information for our graduation program and our ad in the Pasadena Star-News. Please strongly encourage your senior to complete the “Senior Graduation” and the “Senior Involvement” surveys on Naviance (under the “About Me” tab), if he or she has not already done so.

ACT & SAT All juniors took the ACT in February. They may have taken or have registered for the SAT and possibly for the SAT Subject Tests this spring. If your junior is interested in taking the SAT or SAT Subject Tests June 4, they must register by May 9. The ACT will take place on June 10; students must register by May 5. The June SAT and the June ACT are extremely popular and they usually fill up well before the late registration deadlines. All colleges accept both ACT and SAT scores. To save time and money, students are advised to invest their time and money in one of the standardized tests, either ACT or SAT. Note, the College Board has added a new SAT date for August. There is no testing during the summer. For those of you who like to plan ahead, here are the testing dates for Fall 2017. Most colleges will accept test scores through December of the student’s senior year. SAT Reasoning AND Subject Tests June 3 August 26 October 7 November 4 December 2

ParentNewsletter ACT June 10 September 9 October 28 December 9 Remember that the registration deadlines are usually about five weeks before the test dates. Register early! Juniors should remember to keep their grades up. The Cumulative GPA that will go on their college applications will include the one they earn at the end of this semester. Some colleges will look at senior year grades, too.

Sophomore News For planning purposes, please be aware that sophomore students will be working with the following College Counselors. Students whose last names begin with A-F will work with Mr. Hou, students whose last names begin with G-P will work with Mrs. Yu, and students whose last names begin with Q-Z will work with Ms. Bonacci. Please contact your college counselor if you would like to begin to discuss your college plans.

New Seniors (Class of 2018) College planning Survey The Class of 2018 will receive the next steps to plan for college by email in the summer, which will include an announcement to access and complete the Sr. College Planning Survey on Naviance. Members of the Class of 2018 will have time to think about the questions and their answers over summer break. We would like the students of the Class of 2018 to submit their survey electronically by the first week of school.

College Night for New Seniors (Class 2018) The next college information meeting for parents and students will take place early fall of 2017. Attendance at this meeting is mandatory. In addition to handing out transcripts and other information, we plan to bring in a speaker to discuss relevant aspects of the college application process. The meeting is usually held the same day as Back-to-School Night. Check the 2017-18 calendar (published in July) for the scheduled date and time.

MAY 2017

Camp College The College Center will be offering a three-day seminar for rising seniors. The purpose of this course is to provide hands-on interaction with students who need additional help with their college planning and application process. At the completion of this course, students will have created an organizational system, completed two college essays and learned in depth about college visits, interviews, recommendations, financial aid, and developed a much better understanding of the colleges’ selection process. The cost of Camp College is $200. The complete summary of the course can also be found in the Summer Academic Institute brochure or online at and click on ‘Summer Programs.’ Two sessions are available for students to choose: June 13-15, 8:00am to 12:00pm. August 7-9, 8:00am to 12:00pm. Please contact Mr. Hou, Mrs. Yu or Ms. Bonacci should you need more information on Camp College.


College Tours We have tentatively planned the following tours for the 2017-2018 School Year: Ventura County College Tour Fall 2017 Cal State Channel Islands, Cal Lutheran, UCSB Bay Area College Tour March 2018 Schools visited TBD ​​ Diego College Tour​ San Spring 2018 USD, UCSD, SDSU

Standardize Testing Standardized testing for the 2017-2018 school year will take place on Wednesday, October 11, 2017. Freshman and Sophomore students will take the PreACT, and Junior students will take the PSAT. Seniors will not be tested in October, but this is a great day to for seniors to visit some local colleges. You will get more information about testing in future newsletters.



MAY 2017

Why We Celebrate Founder's Day By John Blackstock ’67, Director of Communications


Saint John Baptist de La Salle was an innovative educator who initiated so many teaching methodologies that we take for granted today. Teaching more than one student at a time, teaching in the language of the country, simultaneous instruction of wealthy and poor students together, he consistently reminded his early teachers that it was always about the individual student’s abilities and needs. He broke the mode of having the economically well off be segregated from the poor in his classrooms. Like our school, students of all backgrounds are welcomed and celebrated. Our Lasallian education is for all, not the privileged. Also, part of our Lasallian traditions is that we celebrate service as an essential partner to a quality education. Our motto, seen around school and in many publications, Learn, Serve, Lead, is a testament to our Lasallian ideals and education. De La Salle was canonized a saint of the Catholic Church on May 24, 1900 and proclaimed patron of all teachers of youth by Pope Pius XII on May 15, 1950. Lasallians celebrate May 15 as Founder’s Day. On that day, Pope Pius XII proclaimed: “John Baptist de La Salle, a man of great holiness and natural gifts, not only educated young people himself, but continues to do so through the excellent principles and practices


he established in the Society [of Brothers] he founded. Not only that, but in order to prepare teachers for so important a mission in remote rural districts, he established training colleges. Teacher training colleges are now to be found everywhere, but their origin must be attributed to De La Salle. This illustrious educational pioneer had such a high regard for the work of teaching that he would not allow his Brothers to become priests lest they be drawn away from their principle mission. He was convinced that their calling could lead them to authentic holiness. Hence... Saint John Baptist de La Salle be marked... as heavenly patron of all teachers, men and women alike.” Saint La Salle’s untiring faith and zeal inspired a modest revolution in Christian education in his day and continue to stir the hearts of educators everywhere. During De La Salle’s time, few people lived in luxury, instead, most were extremely poor. Very few could afford to send their children to school. In his pursuit of providing a practical, Christian education to the young, especially the poor, De La Salle left his home, gave up his wealth, renounced his position as a Canon, and moved in with teachers, who formed the Brothers of the Christian Schools. De La Salle’s tuition-free schools welcomed all students, regardless of social standing. He provided free education as a way to liberate the poor, embrace the Lord and give them hope for the future. Founded in 1680, the De La Salle Christian Brothers are members of a worldwide order with over 950 educational institutions within which 1,700 Brothers and 85,000 Lasallian Partners teach nearly 1,000,000 students in 84 countries. With over 50 Lasallian secondary schools in the United States and Canada and over 900 elementary and secondary schools with 60 colleges and universities worldwide, it is truly an educational institution without borders. These schools serve nearly every ethnic group and religion around the world. In addition to providing strong academics, each Lasallian school creates a community of persons deeply conscious of their responsibilities to each other, which is central to their success. Saint La Salle was born April 30, 1651 and died April 7, 1719. The Catholic Church celebrates the feast of St. La Salle on the anniversary of his death. On May 12 we will commemorate Saint John Baptist de La Salle’s life with a day-long celebration of fun, food and exciting class competitions for the student body, and then a special liturgy on Founder's Day, Monday, May 15. La Salle High School of Pasadena will join in harmony with our fellow Lasallian classmates, teachers, administrators and partners to honor the life of a man who so profoundly affected so many men and women in his lifetime. We are proud to be part of the single greatest religious order dedicated entirely to education in the world. Today, he still touches millions of lives around the world as we Learn, Serve, and Lead.

MAY 2017



MAY 2017


MAY 2017

From Institutional Advancement

Leaving a Legacy for La Salle


The end of the academic year is upon us, as hard as that is to believe. The proud members of the class of 2017 will soon be commencing a new chapter in their lives. Like the thousands of alums who have preceded them, this group of young men and women are about to move on to the next chapter of their lives with a strong Lasallian education and background being an integral part of their future. So what will La Salle High School be like in the future as the class of 2017 and other alums revisit our campus? How will our School keep pace in the academic, spiritual, athletic and theater and performing arts ventures and programs? How will the advancements in the STEAM program enhance the Lasallian experience? The recently established Speech & Debate program has made great strides, and it will continue to affect the experience of our students. Will students in the future have available to them the same quality of or better resources that current and past students have experienced? One of the most enduring strengths of our School is that administrators and educators do not sit by idly accepting kudos for a job well done. These groups of remarkable professionals are driven to keep moving forward to provide an even better experience for students in the near and long term future. The history of our School and that of the Christian Brothers show that we have continually maintained the high level of quality in the areas of importance for the students entrusted to our care. A significant component in achieving these resources and opportunities at our School is the financial support provided through our School’s Planned Giving program. Planned Giving is a method of support of La Salle High School that enables both a donor and our School to establish and maintain a program to achieve certain financial goals that are beneficial to both the donor and La Salle High School. A planned gift is a major gift that can be made during the lifetime of the donor or at death as part of the donor’s overall estate and/or financial plan. Conversely, annual gifts are typically made from the donor’s discretionary income and are a part of one’s annual budget. One of the pillars of sound, long term financial support of our School is Planned Giving. Generic strategies of a planned gift include: • A planned gift can utilize appreciated assets (stocks, other securities, real estate) instead of cash.

• •

A planned gift can provide benefits to the donor such as a stream of income during one’s lifetime, a reduction in taxes that might be due on appreciated assets at sale, a reduction in estate taxes, or a reduction in one’s annual income tax liability. A planned gift including La Salle High School as a beneficiary of one’s retirement account and/or life insurance policy can be an effective estate tax planning strategy while providing considerable support to our School.

As we congratulate the class of 2017 and send them off with our best wishes, let us be very proud of what we have at our School. We should bear in mind the importance of maintaining, nurturing and advancing the foundation of our School and providing an environment to enhance it for the students of the future. Consideration of a Planned Gift is a great way to be a part of this worthy effort. Please review the Planned Giving articles in future publications of both the Parent Newsletter and Lancer Magazine for ongoing updates in the Planned Giving Program.


In Summary La Salle High School can provide more information, both generically and specifically, regarding the benefits available through Planned Giving. For more information, please contact Jon Keates, the Director of Institutional Advancement at 626.696.4344.


MAY 2017

La Salle Summer Programs June 20-July 21

Summer Athletic Physicals The Athletic department will hold its annual summer physicals and is currently looking for parent volunteers to help with the process. Physicians and registered nurses to aide in the physical exams are needed, as well as parents to check in students. Parent volunteer hours will be awarded for your service. The physical dates are June 17th and July 8th and run from 9:00am to 1:00pm. If interested, please contact Tim Rasmussen via email: Remember this event is only possible with your help. Thank you.

•Academics •Athletics

•Enrichment Grades Four Through Twelve Call for Catalog 626.351.8951 Register Online



MAY 2017

Student Life Council 2017-2018 President

Service Team

Will Dalgarn

Co-Commissioners of Service: Isabella Marez and Ashley Mayo Assistant Commissioners: Jeffery Daley Katie Lowery Phoebe Nabua

Activities Team Commissioner of Activities: Katrina Yuzefpolsky Assistant Commissioners: Sarah Day Tess Gauthier Ethan Luu

Gabby Lanyi Katerina Lingenfelser Josh Ng Paula Velosa

Commissioner of Spirit: Gabriela Rico Assistant Commissioners: Brianna Antillon Candice Bragg Caterina Burch Noelle Shimazu

Rallies Team

Spiritual Life Team

Co-Commissioners of Rallies: Samantha Nieto and Sophie Woodman Assistant Commissioners: Travis Beringer Alyssa Cortes Olivia Hilsendager

Commissioner of Spiritual Life: Giovanna Martinez Assistant Commissioners: Victoria Barrios Mary Harmon Sophia Kedjidjian Michael Malicdem Meredith Moreno Audrey Sirois


Spirit Team

D and F Grade Warnings


In order to remain strong candidates for college and university admission, all students should be aware that “D” grades are not college qualifying. Therefore, any student earning “D” grades at the end of any semester (especially in math, science, English and world language) who hopes to qualify for a four year college, must make up these grades before continuing to the next school year. Of course, all “F” grades are unacceptable. Students who fail to make up any “F” grades in an approved summer course will jeopardize their re-admittance into La Salle. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Edgar Salmingo, Alyson Hartman and Tyrese Lee. Associate Principal for Academic Life.


MAY 2017

Student Life Update

Riley’s Race 4 Change; Showdown IV and Founder’s Day For the past several years, La Salle High School has participated with all the Lasallian Schools in the United States to raise money for our brother schools in Africa and Asia. Our school, along with four others, is partnered with Mount La Salle College in Naka, Nigeria. Mount La Salle is not really a college but a boarding school for junior high and high school students. This year, to honor Mr. Fred Riley, as he was a generous donor to this cause for the past several years, the students renamed the event Riley’s Race 4 Change. This event takes place during the season of Lent and is a way for the school to do almsgiving. We also mark this as the first event of the upcoming Showdown. We are proud to say that the school raised $9500 for Mount La Salle. We think Coach Riley would be proud of the efforts put in by the students. It should also be noted that the seniors edged out the sophomores for 1st place, followed by the juniors in 3rd and the freshmen in last place. However, the real winner for this event is Mount La Salle. Thank you, La Salle, for your generosity.

The Showdown is coming! The Showdown is coming! On Friday, May 12, La Salle students will gather for Showdown IV and battle in various class competitions to claim the Showdown Cup. At 5:00pm students may gather on the "baseball" outfield for a free BBQ dinner, inflatable games, face painting and class pump-up as they get ready to compete in the gym. At 7:00pm, the students will head to the gym to compete in events such as Hungry, Hungry Hippo, Last Person Standing, Towel Tug and, of course, the Balloon Pop and many more. Parents and families are welcome to join us in Duffy Lewis Gymnasium at 7:00pm to watch these crazy events. Don’t miss out on this crazy, high spirited, laugh filled event. Founder’s Day Liturgy: On Monday, May 15 we celebrate the founding of our school and our Founder St. John Baptist de La Salle with a school-wide liturgy. We are excited to have Father Greg Boyle, SJ, founder of Homeboy Industries celebrate mass with us as well as talk after the liturgy about the work that Homeboy Industries does.



MAY 2017

Memorial Prayer Service • Coach Fred Riley h LIVE JESUS IN OUR HEARTS

Sunday, May 7th, 1:00pm La Salle High School • Dining Hall Reception to follow in the Atrium

h For more information, please contact Kristen Schultz ’98 in the Alumni Office at 626.696.4362 or RSVP online at Attendees will be invited to make a donation to the Fred Riley Memorial Fund for Track & Cross Country. If you are not able to attend, you may make your gift online at


Fred Riley Memorial Fund for Track & Cross Country


La Salle is establishing the Fred Riley Memorial Fund for Track & Cross Country to provide professional development for Track and Cross Country coaches now and in the future. Coach Riley’s former athletes and assistant coaches Chris Ring ’01 and Kjersti (Housman) Holyfield ’04 have been named the new Head Coaches of Track and Cross Country respectively. They have big shoes to fill as they carry on the legacy of their coach, mentor and friend - Fred Riley. This fund will allow Coach Ring, Coach Holyfield and future track and cross country coaches to attend conferences and professional development opportunities to improve their respective programs to ensure Coach Riley’s legacy is preserved. This fund will also allow for the purchase of new equipment and supplies as needed by the teams that Coach Riley loved so much.


MAY 2017

La Salle's No-Cost Fundraisers Free to you, La Salle makes money, and you earn a service hour! Register ON OR AFTER SEPTEMBER 1st by signing onto your account and selecting La Salle High School (81179) under “Account Summary” and “Community Rewards.” Ralphs gives back a percentage to La Salle on each purchase! Please ask family, friends and neighbors to participate.

1) Register your Credit/Debit/Grocery cards for shopping in stores, restaurants and on line at Use the registered cards and eScrip gives money directly to La Salle! 2) For on line shopping, please download the Forget Me Not Toolbar or shop directly at to find hundreds of vendors. The tool bar will alert you if it’s a participating vendor, you shop and La Salle gets money! Virtual gift cards are purchased and delivered within seconds to the mobile app for immediate in-store redemption. While shopping at stores like Wal-mart, Home Depot, Target or Whole Foods, you can download a gift card to your phone and use it at check out. La Salle gets a percentage of the sale at no cost to you! You can also send gift cards directly from your phone to family and friends! Download the Benefit App, select La Salle High School, enter your payment method and start shopping!


When you shop directly at and designate La Salle High School as your charitable organization, Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchases to La Salle. Bookmark, shop and help La Salle at no cost to you!

La Salle has earned over $150,000 through current and past programs! With no cost to families and friends, sign up today and support La Salle. Please visit the La Salle website under “Support LSHS” and “No Cost Fundraisers.” Any questions? Please email: Michele Hardy or Kari Helgeson khelgeson2002@




MAY 2017

Freedom McCullough, Girls Basketball Coach of the Year



Freedom McCullough has been named Pasadena Sports Now Girls Basketball Coach of the Year. McCullough arguably made the most dramatic changes in a program that was struggling when he took over. McCullough led the Lancers through exciting victories and ultimately to the CIF-SS semi-finals game. La Salle athletic director Anthony Harris said “Coach McCullough did a masterful job this season with a very fragile group of young ladies. His ability to get the girls in top shape while teaching them numerous sets and situational plays in a short period of time was most impressive. His demeanor and coaching skill set is a perfect fit for our community. His sheer presence and immediate success with the girls' program this season has set high expectations for the programs’ future. We are proud to have such a seasoned and professional coach join our team!” La Salle junior Alyssa Arroyo on McCullough:“Coach McCullough came to a broken team and glued us back

together. He could feel the flow of the game and knew when we were struggling in the last couple minutes of a game. He knew when to call a time-out and it gave a much-needed mental and physical break, and during that time, he’d reassure us what we needed to do to close out a game. He expected us to grow and improve at every practice and game and was always encouraging.” La Salle sophomore Nicole Ortiz on McCullough:“At the beginning of the season, I wasn’t even considering playing basketball until I met Coach Freedom. His enthusiasm and excitement for the new team and upcoming season made me change my mind. He conditioned us all season and taught us how to work as a team. He gave me my confidence about playing my position and helped me with my understanding of the game. He made me believe I could contribute to the team and most importantly, he showed me how to enjoy the game again.”

MAY 2017

Julie Macabuhay, Pasadena Player of the Year By Brian Reed-Baiotto, Pasadena Now Sports Editor

It can always be argued that one player is better than another. It doesn’t matter the sport or gender. The same is true with the Pasadena area’s best girls basketball player in the 2016-17 season. But it would be hard to argue that any player carried more weight on her shoulders to lead a program to their eventual deep CIF playoff run like La Salle junior Julia Macabuhay. The 5-foot-5 point guard was nothing short of sensational in leading La Salle to 22 wins in a year their coach was hired just 35 days before the season began. The Lancers, behind their incredible junior, also finished second in the Santa Fe League and made it to the CIF-SS Division 3-A semifinals, before losing to Lancaster, 53-47. Macabuhay led La Salle in scoring in 31 of their 32 games and averaged 24 points per game. Macabuhay also dished out seven assists per game, grabbed five rebounds and three steals each night, all while running the offense and leading the defensive charge. Her high-score of the season was 39 points and she had 25 games in which she scored at least 20 points or more. If all of her other numbers weren’t impressive enough, Macabuhay had a higher free-throw percentage (95%) than any boy or girl in the area or section. “She is one of the best players I have ever coached, boy or girl,” La Salle coach Freedom McCullough said. “Her skill set is ridiculous, and I personally think she’s one of the best players in Southern California. Once she gets a little stronger and develops her pull-out jump shot, it’s a wrap. No one will be able to guard her. She also makes her entire team better around her.” Macabuhay started playing basketball at five years old in a park league. “I never thought Macabuhay Continued on page 25



MAY 2017

Academic Decathlon Scores Big

The Team: Cameron Agapito Mark Camarena Chloe Chuong Aaron Escamilla



Lizette Gallegos Samantha Grijalva Elijah Griffin Joe Hernandez Phillip Krings

Max Lau Kevin Liu Sebastian Moeller Joshua Ng John Paris

Jennifer Payne Nicholas Reyes-Campos Gwyneth Schoenbaum Abby Siracusa Kevin Tian

Danny Valdez Liam Zanteson Mr. J. Erb Mrs. E. Serhan Mr. Edgar Salmingo

Over Easter vacation, La Salle participated in and hosted the World Scholar’s Cup, an international academic competition. In the Los Angeles regional round, all of our students won multiple medals and qualified for the global rounds in either Hanoi, Cape Town, or Athens this summer. La Salle sent a delegation of 21 students (above) who were split into seven teams of three. The team of Elijah Griffin, Phillip Krings, and Gwyneth Schoenbaum (below) finished third place overall. Phillip Krings deserves special mention, as he finished third overall amongst all participants. Two of our teams placed in the top 10 and all scored over 20,000 points, the minimum required to qualify for the next step in the competition, the global rounds. This year’s theme was "An Unlikely World;" scholars were tested in areas such as Modern Mythologies, Moonshots, and Predicting the Future. After studying these topics throughout the year, they competed in four events that included a collaborative essay, 90-question multiple choice test, 3-round team debate and a team quiz bowl. Over 45 countries and over 1500 schools compete worldwide in 100 regional World Scholar’s Cup competitions (and we got to host one of them!). The top 10 teams at each regional competition move on to the Global Round. Select high-achieving teams at the Global Round will then qualify for the annual Tournament of Champions at Yale University. See website for more photos and complete team roster.

ParentNewsletter Macabuhay Continued from page 23

about playing basketball at the next level, but there was something about the sport that kept me there,” she said. “I always had a ball in my hand, I dribbled the ball inside, and people started to tell my parents they should bring me to a club team and how much better that would make me.” Macabuhay credits her parents Carlo and Jasmin Macabuhay and brother Jon Carlo for inspiring her to be the best basketball player, but more importantly the best student and person she can be.

Nicole Ortiz

“I see my parents work hard every day for me and my brother,” she said. “Working hard in the classroom and on the court is the very least I can do for them.” Alyssa Arroyo But Macabuhay’s praise doesn’t stop at home. She’s also very thankful to her coach. “Coach Freedom McCullough and his staff took over late and yet expected the very best from each of us. They took us out of our comfort zone daily and made us better. All our coaches did something in a small amount of time that we didn’t think was possible.” Macabuhay is the star of the team and the ‘quarterback’ of the La Salle offense, but both she and McCullough deflected praise for their individual awards and said none of it could have been done without all of the other players and coaches that made this such a remarkable season. Macabuhay returns next season with fellow juniors Alyssa Arroyo and Nicole Ortiz, who were also All-Area First team. Macabuhay continued, “Going into the season, the only goal I had in mind was to go as far in the playoffs as possible. I wanted to do anything I could to make myself and my teammates better and do everything I could to help us win games. Knowing that my teammates and I made school history for the basketball program was amazing, and earning (individual accolades) is just the cherry on top. My junior season is one I’ll always remember.”

The Lancer Armory Regular Armory Hours Tuesdays and Thursdays

Regular Schedule (Day A) Regular Schedule (Day B) Special Schedules

12:15pm - 1:15pm

11:15am - 12:15pm 7:00am - 8:15am


ParentNewsletter MAY 2017





MAY 2017

Check your School calendar for event times and dates

May Highlights

May 2 Parent Association Meeting 6:30pm Blakeslee Library Booster Meetings 7:30pm Campus

May 13 Jazz Band Concert 7:00pm Grinstead Theatre

May 5 Seniors College Sweatshirt Day Class Photo 9:30am Amphitheatre Improv Club Performance 3:00pm Grinstead Theatre Crystal Ball 6:00 - 11:00pm The Noor, Pasadena

May 15 Dress Uniforms Founder's Day Liturgy 9:15am Dining Hall

May 6 Saturday AP Art Show 4:00 - 6:00pm Porticos Art Space* Band, Choir and Strings Concert 7:00pm Dining Hall May 7 Sunday Memorial Prayer Service for Fred Riley 1:00pm Dining Hall May 8-12 AP Exams Begin Check AP Schedule


May 12 Founder's Day Showdown IV 5:00pm Lancer Field 7:00pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium

May 25 continued Senior Presentation and Alumni Association Induction 9:00am Duffy Lewis Gymnasium

May 14 Sunday Mother's Day

May 16 Arts Hall of Fame 6:00pm Dining Hall

Alumni Golden Diploma Class of 1967 Presentation and Luncheon 9:00am - 12:00pm Blakeslee Library

May 17 Athletic Awards Reception 6:00pm Dining Hall

May 22 Underclassmen Academic Awards 7:00pm Dining Hall May 24 Alumni Legacy Reception 4:00pm Blakeslee Library Baccalaureate Mass 6:30 - 8:00pm Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church Pasadena May 25 Dress Uniforms Special Schedule Senior Breakfast 8:00am Dining Hall

Grad Day at Disneyland Busses Depart 11:30am 12:30pm to Thursday 1:00am May 26 School Holiday 59th Commencement Exercises 7:00pm Church of the Nazarene Pasadena May 29 School Holiday Memorial Day June 2 - 6 Semester Exams Dismissal 11:20am June 7 Semester Exams Dismissal 9:30am June 8 Faculty In-Service June 17 Athletic Physicals 9:00am -1:00pm Band Room June 19 Summer Program Begins

Look for amazing Prom pictures in the Lancer Flickr Gallery * Porticos Art Space, 2033 East Washington Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91104

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