April 2016 Eleonore

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eléonore APRIL 2016


eléonore APRIL 2016

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Prom By Elizabeth Ayala

When I was in the seventh grade I remember watching my favorite T.V. show at the time, Glee, during what is known as prom season. I remember my reaction after seeing all of the beautiful dresses that all of the stunning actresses that I had grown to love were wearing. I was utterly stunned, and extremely excited towards the fact that one day I would get my chance to have a moment like Quinn Fabray, one of the most notorious characters on the show. I dreamt of a moment where I would wear a beautiful dress that not only looked beautiful, but ultimately a dress that I felt beautiful wearing. I yearned to have a moment where I would walk down a staircase and take pictures with someone that I loved and that would dance the night away with me. Fast forward four years and yours truly was finally eligible to go to the upperclassmen prom. I was giddy with excitement that my junior prom was finally arriving. Of course, I went through the customary procedures of looking at what the trends on the red carpet had been so that my entire look would be one for the books. Luckily, I found a dress that I said yes to, and I created a look for myself that I loved. In terms of my date I was lucky enough to spend my prom night not with the person that I loved, but with the people that I loved. Yeah, okay, I did not go to prom with my quarter-back boyfriend like Quinn Fabray did, and I was not the prom quart like her, but I did get to spend an amazing night dancing and laughing with some of my very best friends. Prom is a celebration of life! It reminds all of us upperclassmen that we are at the homestretch of becoming adults, and that we should savor every single moment of being carefree, happy, melodious kids. My prom experience was not in the least bit anything like Quinn Fabray’s, but that’s okay because my prom night exceeded any preconceived expectations that I had before entering my amazing night in the Enchanted Forest. “If you can’t be the prom queen, be at least the dancing queen. Young, sweet, and only seventeen!”

April 2016 Volume 1 Number 3 Published by students of La Salle High School, Pasadena, California www.lasallehs.org Copyright 2016 All rights reserved

april 03

Let’s Talk About Prom By Rebecca Whitehead

Everyone looked absolutely stunning at this year’s prom! In this article, we will be discussing the trends of La Salle High School’s Prom, 2016. Out of all the ladies on the dance floor, I noticed the most popular color of prom dress was blue. I learned from my acting class that people are more likely to be cast if they wear blue to an audition because it is a very attractive color; everyone looks great in it. I was not surprised when navy and royal blue were the two most worn colors I was pleasantly surprised and somewhat shocked at the amount of short prom dresses. I’ve always felt there’s been an unspoken rule that winter formal is for short dresses and prom is for long dresses. So when I broke this rule by wearing a short dress, I was so excited to see other girls sporting above-the-knee dresses as well! In the next few years, I predict short dresses will be on the upswing. When my brother went to La Salle’s Prom in 2006 and 2007, almost every girl wore a short dress. Conversely, when my sister went to La Salle’s Prom in 2010 and 2011, the majority of the young ladies wore long dresses. Now that it’s been a couple of years with the long prom dress, fashion trends will repeat itself and short prom dresses will make a comeback. Additionally, couples did not stress over being matchy-matchy this year. Back when my siblings went to prom, dates put in a lot of effort into matching their bow ties and dresses with the same shade of color. Everything had to be perfect. This year in 2016, couples just wore whatever they wanted. I guess now the biggest

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concern is probably to look good instead of exactly matching your date. Now let’s talk about hair, nails, and makeup! I asked many girls what their preparation plans were for prom, and if they were getting dolled up by professionals or themselves. Almost every girl I asked said they were getting their nails done at a nail salon and majority got a color on their nails instead of a typical french manicure.

For makeup, most girls did it themselves or had a beauty expert friend apply it for them. However, it is very popular to get a free makeover at Sephora with a $50 or more purchase. If you want to do this next year, make sure to schedule the day you want to get your makeup done at Sephora because they fill up quickly during prom season. Getting their hair styled by a professional

or not, was split pretty evenly in half by all the ladies. Up-dos were not very popular this year as the majority of girls opted for loose curls. Overall, most girls went for a more natural look instead of full on glam. Make sure you attend next year’s prom, you will not want to miss out!

march = 05

Red Carpet Now I know not everyone goes to prom with a date. And don’t get me wrong, going stag

isn’t any less fun than going with a date. (Especially if you run onto the dance floor right when Single Ladies by Beyoncé starts playing.) But I think it’s only right that we show some love to 5 of our favorite Sam &Spencer: Ultimate OTP I apologize in advance, but I had to at least say this once during this article. Goals. Okay, there I said it, I promise not to say it again. Goooaaals! I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist. These two have been everybody’s OTP since the moment they got together. Congratulations to Sam for getting into USC and to Spencer for getting into UCLA. Even though they might be rivals, our love for them will never be divided.

06 eléonore

Kolby & Leo: Stylish Sidekicks Everybody at Prom was dressed to the nines, though Kolby and Leo looked especially classy as a pair. These two cuties looked both fierce and fresh. Not to mention, their dancing styles were in-sync. You could barely pull them away from the music. .

Jennifer & Tyrese: Athletic Amour If you got a chance to Tyrese at this year’s S have seen their dedica ability pay off. While in every aspect of the are a force to be recko can all agree that whet court or off, we love th


couples who attended Prom together this year. I mean who doesn’t want to have a La Salle OTP so that you can live vicariously through their relationship?

catch Jennifer & Showdown you will ation and athletic they are each strong game, together they oned with. I think we ther they’re on the hese two

Emily & Owen: Instagram Infatuation If you are looking for a cute couple to follow on instagram, look no further. Emily & Owen post the best pictures of their relationship together. What better way to showcase a relationship than by capturing each moment for the world to admire to put it simply, they are a match made in Instagram heaven. (@emilywasson & @owen.hart)

Miriam & Carlos: Dancing Queen & King First off we need to talk about how great these two looked together at Prom. Miriam’s dress lit up the room, Carlos matched that energy, and together they looked like royalty. That night they danced the night away. If there were to have been a spotlight at prom, Carlos and Miriam would have stolen it.

april 07

Everyone is Pretty in Pink By Katerina Esquivel


hhh Prom, a night everyone has been looking forward to ever since they saw the “Can I Have This Dance” scene in High School Musical 3. There is a lot that goes into planning prom night, and I mean a lot. This isn’t just some random night, this is Prom Night we are talking about people. It happens only once a year which means you only have 364 days to figure it all out. Okay I guess it’s not as serious or dramatic as that, but still, it’s a process. There’s hair, makeup, dress, date, pictures, picture location, pre prom, after prom (a.k.a. stuffing your face with pancakes at midnight), etc. etc.. The first thing on my mind was finding a dress. No, scratch that. Not just any dress, the dress. I think that if you feel beautiful in what you are wear-

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ing, nothing else really matters. That was the feeling I was looking for, that was the dress I wanted to find. I started looking for my dress a couple months in advance. You never know what the universe could throw at you, especially if you are planning on ordering online. Which is exactly what I was going to do. I have ordered from some pretty sketchy websites before and everything turned out okay, but okay was not gonna cut it this time. First, I looked for inspiration pictures. I had some idea of what I wanted in the back of my mind, but I didn’t know if I would be able to find the dress I had dreamed up. From the start I was sort of channeling Andie from Pretty in Pink. I don’t exactly remember the first time I watched that movie, but I do

remember falling in love with it. I mean, what’s not to love? From Iona’s eyeliner to Duckie’s famous shoes, that movie was an '80s dream. Not to mention, Andie wore the color pink in basically every scene. Even if I wasn’t going to take as many risks as Andie did with her “volcanic ensemble”, that wasn’t going to stop me from living out my Pretty in Pink dreams. I ordered my dress on Etsy, which might not seem like the usual place to order a prom dress, though I ended up being extremely happy with what I ordered. Of course, I picked out a pink prom dress, how else was I going to stay true to the movie? (Don’t worry I didn’t go crazy and die my hair red, recruit someone to play duckie, or anything like that. I didn’t want to become Andie, I was just going for a Pretty in Pink aesthetic). Though I wasn’t going for a crazy color, I

definitely wanted to make sure I wouldn’t look like I had been drenched in pepto bismol. Not every color is going to suite everyone, so what you really have to look for is the right shade in the color you want. When you are looking for a dress, you should keep in mind what colors you like to wear and what colors you feel go best with your skintone. I think what is so great about picking out your prom dress is the decision itself. In Pretty in Pink, Andie was able to design a one-of-a-kind, avant garde dress. She made it her own and exuded so much confidence in it. We as young women, are often constrained to look, be, or act a certain way because of what we wear and how society views us. I think the small act of picking out a dress we truly feel good in should and does empower us, or at the very least it empowers me.

april 09

I think it’s important to channel women like Andie from Pretty in Pink. Although they are fictional characters, it does not make them any less strong or noteworthy. I love everything about Andie; from the sideways glance she gives Steff, her unruly red ringlets, and even to her glasses that almost take up her whole face. I especially love the fact that she didn’t let anyone or anything ruin her night. When attending events like prom, it can be easy to get stressed out or to focus on every little thing that goes wrong. Some-

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times I just have to remember that it’s all part of the experience. Everything we go through shapes us and determines how we will approach points in your life. The anticipation and the actual event are what really make the memories. When I look back on it later, if I can remember making a fool of myself dancing with my friends, and devouring pancakes at Denny’s at midnight, then the search for that dress and every part of the night will have paid off. Not to mention, I’ll have some pretty great pictures to laugh at.

april 11

Annabel Annabel Genton on inspiration: Inspiration is everywhere. I find inspiration in my everyday life when I am exposed to nature or other people. When I am outside, usually walking to my next destination, I often find myself focused on the things growing around me. I repeat the colors and shapes from the plants around me in my artwork. Â The paintings and drawings I produce are based solely on an idea. In order to have an idea that is strong enough to carry an entire piece, I need to find complete inspiration. I turn to nature for the colors and shapes, but to the people around me for the emotion behind my artwork. I am emotionally inspired by other people who are different than myself. I am fascinated by the way each person lives their life in a different way. I enjoy getting to know people unlike myself and learning new things that can add value to my life. To me, being inspired means evolving what you once thought or saw into something new.

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14 elĂŠonore

My First Prom By Hannah Alviso and Gino Valarao

Hannah: thoughts on her first prom For girls, prom planning begins weeks before

the night of prom, sometimes even years before prom. There are people who have daydreamed about this night since their high school experience started and some people who didn’t think about going to prom until tickets went on sale. I know for me, I didn’t daydream about prom that often, but I always knew I wanted to go. I began my search for a dress around a month and a half before tickets went on sale. I didn’t really know what type of dress to get, but I knew what color to get. (Do you see the pattern going on here?). I wanted to get a red dress, not because it was the “in” color, but because it was Gino’s (my date's) favorite color, and I, a junior, made a promise to myself to make his senior prom the best. We had been dating for a while before prom, so it’s not like we went together for the sake of having a date to prom. I found the dress I wanted, it was a two piece dress with silver detailing on Amazon and had no reviews, so I took the risk of ordering it. When it arrived, it was not the dress pictured in the previews but it still looked somewhat similar and had an okay quality, but

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me being only 5' 1", the dress was too long. Everything fit correctly so I just got it tailored to my height with 5 inch heels. The week of prom started off pretty hectic for me, along with the other 50+ juniors who went on retreat. Prom was a good way to end this hectic week, well, for me at least. Getting ready for prom was not as stressful as I expected it to be because we got out at noon and I had four hours to get ready. Being a girl, it would not have been possiuble to get ready in time without the help of my friend Elizabeth Ayala. Once we walked through the doors of the California Science Center, everything melted away. Not just the stress from school, but time also seemed to stop. There were moments in this night that seemed to last forever, but it was still not enough time to process everything. I remember wanting to start this article while the experience was still fresh in my mind, but when I woke up the next morning, it felt like none of it was real. It was like having the best dream then waking up with a smile on your face.

Yet, here I am, a week later, and I still believe that prom was just a dream. Prom, itself, was way too beautiful of an experience to recall perfectly or even to put into words that convey the beauty of this night. I wish it lasted just a little bit longer. We spent the night eating, dancing, and making several trips to the garden and photo booth. Yes, I would call it a good night. Even though the chicken wasn’t the best, and the music was a little bit dated, and my dress didn’t look like how it looked in the previews, I don’t think I could have daydreamed this night any more beautiful than it was. I have to thank the people I spent the night with for that, but there’s one person I owe a major “thank you” to and that person is Gino. I spent a big portion of the night with him and is the reason why my night was so beautiful. I hope his experience was just as beautiful as mine. I would try to share some of these special moments with you, but some moments are better left between you and the person present in that moment.

march 17

Gino: thoughts on prom as a senior

This year’s prom was something else. If I had one word to describe my experience at prom it would be a “blur.” With graduation being only a few weeks away, Senior Prom seems to hold more importance than any other school dance I’ve had in high school and so naturally there was a lot of excitement and nerves. With that being said, it was hard to take in everything – the friends I’ve known since freshman year all dressed up, the photos, the dancing, the venue – it all seemed surreal. All of these things happened so fast and I just got lost trying to take it all in. Although I don’t remember much from prom,here are my top four favorites: 1. Music and dancing. The music and dancing was pretty good from what I remember and my friends and I danced really hard to “Uptown Funk” despite it being way overplayed on the radio last year. 2. The food. If you saw Hannah and me on La Salle’s Flickr page, Mr. Blackstock took pictures of us twice next to the dessert bar, which definitely says something about the dessert (or my addiction to sweets). The dinner itself wasn’t that bad considering they gave us deep dish plates which I used to pile on extra mashed potatoes. 3. The venue. The Annenberg Building hands down has to be the greatest place to have prom. It was definitely a step up from last year’s small venue at Cicada Club. Maybe just the sheer

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size of the place gave it a different feel from all of the other dances I’ve been to. The balcony overlooking the dance floor was my favorite area of the venue because it was a place where you could just relax and take it all in. 4. Hannah. As I said before, prom was a blur to me and everything just flew by. It seems like that’s how it is nowadays where these precious moments life gives us just fly by and we’re left in its dust trying to grasp what just happened. But on April 22, 2016, something magical happened when I walked through the door of the Adams’ house. Life didn’t seem to move so fast once Hannah walked into the living room. And at the moment, it felt like time had stopped and it was like she was the only person in the room. All of the nerves faded away and I just got lost in all of her beauty. For me, the greatest part about prom isn’t the music and dancing, or the food or the venue – it’s about the company. Whether it’s with a date or with a group of friends, the people you choose to surround yourself with at prom are the ones that are going to shape the night into what it is. Luckily, I spent the night with an amazing group of individuals and I couldn’t have been more blessed to share such an experience with them. So for next year, I hope that you surround yourself with amazing people and are lucky enough to have moments during prom that seem to last for an eternity.

Prom Perfect Nails for Any Special Occasion By Michelle Encinas

Need the perfect nails to go with your gorgeous dress for any unforgettable night? Here are the perfect DIY nails that are easy and can work with any dress. 1. First, prep your nails to your own liking: cut filed and cleaned. 2. Second, apply your red (or color preferred for your dress), and one nail of sparkle as shown in the picture. 3. One your nails are almost dry, apply gems with glue to the nails of your liking. 4. Lastly, apply the clear coat and you have completed your perfect prom nails! These nails have the little bit of bling for any special occasion and they are not too overwhelming. I love these nails for special occasions because they add a little glitz to my outfit. They are so simple yet everyone will think that you had your nails professionally done.


5 Favorite


By: Elizabeth Ayala

There is no doubt that every single girl at prom looked absolutely stunning from head to toe this year at prom. Everyone looked so amazing that it was extremely challenging to find five girls that summed up Prom 2016 with their looks of the night. I saw dresses from poofy bubblegum pink to the classic red and all the way to sophisticated black. In reality, there is no best dressed list. Every single girl at prom looked like a queen ready to take on the world. It made me so happy to see so many resilient smiles on girls faces as they entered prom with confidence as their main accessory. With that said, please enjoy five of the many looks (in no particular order) that made everyones head turn more than twice while we were in The Enchanted Forest. Jocelyn Flores 1 This stunning dress fits Jocelyn like a glove! This Barbie pink mermaid styled dress with a sweetheart neckline hugged Jocelyn in all of the right places. Jocelyn was one of the few girls that I saw on prom night that fiercely wore a fun, lively color that is not often seen. She most definitely stood out in the crowd in her one of a kind dress that she found in the LA downtown Fashion District. Eden Elizalde 2 This classic, lovely black dress sort of makes Eden look as if she were heading straight for the Oscars. This dress just so happened to go to the Oscars back in 2008 and was worn by Eden’s mother. The square neckline, ruching, and open slit looks amazing on Eden’s figure. A classic never dies and Eden absolutely worked this dress. Alex Mandigo 3 The dress is simply beautiful. This simple, yet elegant gown is the epitome of dresses that were worn at Prom 2016. Many girls, like Alex, decided to play their effortlessly beautiful card. This high neck navy blue floor length gown compliments Alex’s figure beyond belief. She looks stunning and paired the dress perfectly with a silver, metallic necklace

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april 21


Alyson Hartman 4 Little black dress just walked into the room and she’s making heads turn with that halter neckline and left leg slit. I absolutely love how beautiful Aly looked in this simple floor length dress. She did not need any flashy accessories because of the fierceness and confidence that she carries with her at all times. Aly easily made this dress look like one of Vera Wang’s simple bridesmaid dresses.

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Skylar Kusama 5 Simply put, she nailed it. This elegant floor length gown is absolutely exquisite on Skylar. Where do I even begin? The cut out in the back that accentuates her figure? The striking red color of the dress that makes her pop? The red lips and effortless curls? I think that we can all agree that Skylar killed it.


Expectations vs Reality

Christian Joseph and Anna Biosca, 2016 Prom King and Queen

april 23

Prom: Expectations vs Reality By Kaitlyn Gibson

Expectation When I think of Prom, I picture my date and I dancing in an elegant ballroom, looking into each other’s eyes and thinking about how this is the best night of our lives; feeling like we are the only two people in the room. All the while “A Thousand Years” by Chistina Peri is playing in the background. LOL just kidding, but I am definitely expecting prom to be a fun and memorable night. I’m not expecting it to be how every Hollywood movie ever portrays it to be, but there are certain expectations. Prom is something I have been looking forward to since freshman year, and now that it is quickly approaching, I could not be more excited. If you ask any of my friends, they will probably tell you that Prom is all I have been talking about lately, but I can’t help it! I love thinking about what color dress I want, how to style my hair, what makeup I should go for, the food, the pictures, and, most importantly, how I am going to dance like no one is watching all night. I am not in denial about the fact that I am the definition of a horrible dancer and basically embody the basic, white girl dancing stereotype; however, this has not and will not stop me from dancing (and singing) the night away. I will continue pretending I know how to whip and dab even as my friends and date will inevitably turn away in shame. Without a doubt I will be going all out during the Cupid Shuffle and Cha Cha Slide. Of course before I can have the chance to embarrass those around me, the process of getting ready will take over my life for the five and a half hours I have between school and getting on the bus to head to the California Science Center. I

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have accepted that despite the fact that classes get out at noon, it will probably feel like the longest school day ever next to the day before spring break and summer vacation. As soon as school is out, the stress of getting ready will set in. I do not think I have ever been on time, let alone early, to a school dance in my life and, in all honesty, I am not expecting prom to be any different. Especially since prom is the biggest dance of the year, I will be busy with appointments for my hair, nails, and makeup, and, despite what boys think, yes, it does take more than two hours get all three of these things done. Once done, most of the stress will wear off, and I will be able to enjoy taking pictures with my friends and the prom itself. The fact that it doesn’t take place at school is exciting because one of my favorite parts of the Prom will take place before the dance even begins. My date and I, along with four other couples, are going to Memorial Park and the Congressional Church in Sierra Madre to take pictures. It is basically a requirement to take the typical prom pose, but I am also hoping for pictures of me and my date doing more uncommon, cute pictures. It is also a must to take an all-girls picture (including one where we pick up our dresses to show that we powered through the night in our painful heels) as well as a group picture. My favorite picture, however cliché and cheesy picture, would be a candid picture of my date and I either exchanging corsage and boutonniere, or when we are looking at each other, smiling, and laughing; just enjoying the moment that other people will look at and say “oh my gosh,

how cute is that?" #goals. But I’m a realistic person, and I know that cute pictures are NOT my forte. My photogenic expertise come in the weird face department. I never fail to take embarrassingly horrendous pictures with faces that resemble snapchat face warp filters. I have even been told by others that I can make faces they did not even know to be possible. I have absolutely no shame with my appalling face photos, and actually enjoy sharing my works of art with all my loved ones who can never resist the urge to screenshot. In all seriousness, I love pictures, no matter how silly the face, because they possess the power to bring

out feelings we experienced during whatever the picture was taken from. The good times and memories made are captured in that moment are made accessible for the rest of time. I know prom is going to be one of the highlights of my high school life, and I want to have several pictures of prom so I can treasure the memories I make that night when I look at these pictures in the coming years. I want pictures to look at that make me smile and laugh when I remember what a wonderful night my junior prom was.

Reality Prom had to be one of the worst nights of my life! What a waste of time and money. Once again, just kidding! Prom was actually quite the opposite. No, prom was not what I had entirely imagined, but that made it so much better. Through my life I have learned that sometimes the beauty of things is found in their ability to defy and contradict expectations; meaning that the fun and excitement in almost everything can be found in the spontaneity of whatever it is. And prom was definitely no exception. As I predicted, classes seemed to go extra slow the day of prom despite the fact that it was a noon dismissal. In all three of my classes, a group of four girls and myself were ranting about how five hours was simply not enough time to get ready. By the time the last class came around, I could not sit still. I was extremely anxious and had butterflies in my stomach. The minutes felt like hours, and, as much as I love physics, I wanted nothing more than to get out of my seat and leave. When the bell finally did ring, my friend and I bolted to our cars to grab a quick bite to eat before I had to get to the mall for my makeup appointment at

Mac. I scarfed down a salmon and rice bowl and got a Jamba Juice to go on may way to my 12:45pm.appointment, arriving with just one minute to spare. In all honesty, I do like some makeup, but going to get my makeup done professionally always makes be nervous because I feel like I inevitably end up looking like a cake-faced clown. By the time my makeup was done, I was not completely shocked which was new for me. It definitely took some time for me to get used to it, but in the hour and a half I spent looking at myself doing my hair, I not only got used the look, but actually came to like it. My hair was another story. I had picked out the hairstyle I had wanted to do a couple weeks before prom, and completed it once with satisfaction. The only problem was the wand I used I had bought the night before at 9:00pm, and had never used in my life. I figured it’s a wand, and it is the same brand I always use so it should be fine, right? WRONG! The barrel was three-quarters of an inch thicker than the wand I already own, so my curls did not hold as well as I had hoped. Thankfully, they held

enough to look decent for the pictures. I quickly changed into my dress and put on my jewelry before jumping into the car to head to Sierra Madre Congregational Church to take pictures. When we parked, I was not surprised to find that all the guys of the four couples were already there and waiting for the girls. My date and I did the corsage and boutonniere pictures first, and despite how wonderful they may look on Instagram, it did not go as smoothly as one might have hoped. When he was putting the corsage on my wrist, the band broke! For the next couple minutes we attempted to hold the band and make it look like he was still putting it on for the sake of the pictures. When my turn comes to put on the boutonniere, I told myself “okay Kaitlyn, you’re not going to screw up too. You can do this! It’s just a flower.” Again, WRONG! I spent the next several minutes determined to attach the stupid flower without stabbing him, but unfortunately to no avail. In my defense, this was my first time putting on a boutonniere. The whole experience reminded me of a rubix cube in the way that although you may get some of it

april 25

Expectations vs Reality right, the rest of it is still completely messed up and you’re never going to get it how it should be. Although it was not the typical flower experience, it is definitely something to look back on and laugh about. We took other couple pictures, and my mom got annoyed with me for repeatedly making ugly faces instead of smiling like a normal person. We took group shots, shots of just girls and just guys, and pictures without families. The hour or so we spent posing for pictures is a bit of a blur now, but the moments of laughter and happiness were captured in pictures I love to look at every day. Flash forward to getting to the California Science Center. The place was beautifully decorated, and a lot roomier

than I had expected. Our group found our table and got our diner as soon as we got there. In my personal opinion, the food was good, as I had expected it to be, but the. Mashed potatoes. Oh my lord, those were blessed mashed potatoes. Don’t get me wrong, potatoes are good pretty much any way they are prepared, but the creaminess and flavor of these mashed potatoes makes my mouth water thinking about them right now. While we were eating, the DJ was playing nice, slow music. At the exact moment I was thinking “wow, maybe prom will be like the movies where it is slow songs the entire time,” the DJ cut the song and started playing an upbeat song and I saw the migration of almost all the students from the tables to the dance floor. We quickly finished our food and jumped on the dance floor. We did not stop dancing for a very long time. Whether we knew the song or not, we got into the habit of forming our own choreography during the first chorus of each song, and then doing that same choreography together during the next chorus. We worked our way to the front of

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the stage and I distinctly remember during an Usher song, the lights were shining on my date and that seemed to bring about a kind of energy and liveliness I had never seen in him before in the three years that I’ve known him. And I loved it. I thought that he would be the one trying to keep up with my dancing but I was also wrong about that. My feet grew tired and I felt myself resorting to less spastic and high energyrequired dance moves. Once I saw this new energy in him; however, I was also filled with energy and had no desire to stop dancing for the rest of the night. Eventually though, my date asked if I wanted to get some water. I hesitantly agreed, because despite the fact that I did need water, I knew getting

water would mean taking an actual break. As we were walking to the water cups, I was already thinking of things to say to get him to dance again. To my surprise and delight, my date drank his water, took a breath, and said “okay, round two begins.� Then he grabbed my hand and led me straight back to the dance floor. This moment was when I knew there was absolutely no one I would have rather been at prom with, and it was by far my favorite moment of the whole night. We danced for the remainder of the night, even to the slow songs, and did not stop until the lights came on and they announced that the busses were there to take us back to school.

Prom was not how I expected it to be, but because of how it all worked out and all the memories I made, I could not have asked for a better night or a better date. As a whole, prom defied my expectations in ways I had not imagined. I had serious withdrawals the following week and I am already excited for my senior prom. From the broken crisage and boutonniere all the way to the three a.m. pancakes, prom was an absolutely unforgettable night that I will be thankful for and look back on for years to come. Thank you everyone, especially my friends and date, who made it such an unforgettable night. I hope you all enjoyed prom as much as I did.

april 27

Dancing through the

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Enchanted Forest


lĂŠonore magazine would like to thank the Senior Class Council, the chaperones and especially Ms. Kate Williams, senior class moderator, for planning something very special for all of us. It truely was a wonderful evening in The Enchanted Forest.

april 29


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