ParentNewsletter The La Salle
Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead
Mid-term grades went home last month and many students are continuing to perform admirably. I am always happy to applaud and congratulate academic success. On the other hand, some of the grades indicated the presence of academic concerns, maybe even some laziness. Let me remind all that the school year is not over and that academic diligence must be maintained. I encourage parents to maintain their vigilance by a regular review process of grades through our on-line PowerSchool protocol. As I indicated in my recent letter to the parents of seniors, this is an especially important time for senior parents to stay alert and watchful as Commencement ceremonies are less than two months away and participation in graduation events and the receiving of a diploma must be earned.
Class of 2019 On a beautiful Saturday morning in early March, we welcomed our incoming Class of 2019 and their families to our community. As of this ParentNewsletter, these new Lasallians will be receiving all of the normal communications that we send to our current families, so, I also welcome the parents of the Class of 2019 to our monthly Newsletter community. It is always a pleasure to greet those young men and women who wish to be a part of this school community. I look forward to our time together knowing that it will move quickly. I am pleased to note that mothers, fathers and families are still willing to sacrifice economically in order that their children may receive a Catholic Lasallian education. My thanks to all within our community who were involved in the Admissions process for their diligence and thoughtful work.
Continued on page 2
The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers "Take Saint Paul's advice, 'Quit now the old self...that wasted its aim in false dreams' and ask God that you may 'be clothed in a new self'" Saint John Baptist de La Salle c.1703
APRIL 2015
Principal Ideas Continued from page 1
Archdiocesan Christian Service Award On behalf of our school community, I congratulate seniors Riley Worley and Alexander Tuason for meriting the Los Angeles Archdiocesan High School Christian Service Award. They were presented this award in mid-March by his Excellency, Archbishop Jose Gomez, at a special liturgy held at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles. At a school such as La Salle High School, that encourages students to participate in various service opportunities, it was especially difficult to select recipients for this annual award. Our Student Life Team selected Riley and Alex after consulting with the senior class. The providing of active and consistent service to and for those in need is at the very core of our Lasallian traditions as well as being at the very core of the Gospels.
Junior Senior PROM GUIDE
Junior / Senior Prom All parents of students attending our Junior/Senior Prom on Friday, April 24 need to take particular care regarding pre and post-prom parties. The school is continuing its long-standing practice of mandating that all prom attendees must travel on school chaperoned chartered buses. I also remind all prom parents that students may neither arrive nor depart from school in limousines of any kind. My years of experience with proms and similar events has made it clear to me that it is unwise to believe that limousine drivers will regulate or monitor the use of alcohol or other substances by students. Proms are an important aspect of the high school experience and I strongly encourage all students to attend their prom. An enjoyable and memorable time can be had by all if wise and prudent choices are made.
Wishing You a Blessed and Enjoyable Easter With today being April 1 (Yes, no fooling!), our Easter Break began after classes today. Many have been waiting for today. I have always believed that the time well spent with rest and relaxation are parts of our lives that are far too short! This vacation period is a commemoration of our first Easter over 2000 years ago. As a Catholic school community, we are an Easter people believing in the Risen Lord and his presence among us. On behalf of the school community, I wish all of our families a most blessed and enjoyable Easter and a safe and relaxing vacation period. See you on April 13 with bright shining faces!
Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal
APRIL 2015
From the Parent Association
Spring Has Sprung! Spring has Sprung, or WOW – it’s April, so soon! April 2015 is another busy month at La Salle with Easter Break and Spring Sports in full swing We have a Parent Association General Meeting on Tuesday April 21st, starting at 6:30pm in the Library. Be sure to attend for one Service Hour. We will have our Year-End Wrap-Up, discuss some upcoming events such as prom, graduation, etc. Food and drinks will be served as we say good-bye and thank you to many of our great parents that night. Note - The Junior/Senior Prom is on Friday April 24th, and school is out at 12:00pm. Parent Association Remember to buy your ticket to the Crystal Ball to be held Friday, May Meeting 8th at the Langham Hotel. Please support the biggest fundraiser of the entire Tuesday, April 21 school year! If you do not, Ellen or Lisa may be calling you. Remember, if you st buy a ticket by March 31 , you can log 10 of your volunteer hours! 6:30pm It is important for each family to review and log their Parent Volunteer Blakeslee Library Hours in the Parent section of the La Salle website. Please check soon if you still need to get those hours completed. We do not want to send out invoices for incomplete hours, so be sure to log your hours by June 5th. We have many events that can help you with your (10 or 20) family hours, so please take a look at what is coming up on the Parent Volunteer website. Monday, April 13 is the first day back to school after the break. Do not forget to come out and support our many great spring sports teams.
Happy Easter from the Parent Association.
Tony Delgatto P’12, ’15 President Parent Association
From the Blakeslee Library
Volunteer Opportunities
The Blakeslee Library is in need of after-school monitor volunteers each school day afternoon from 3:00-5:00pm. This is a good way to fulfill your Parent Volunteer Hours obligation. Also, donations of snacks and drinks are appreciated for the Café Bibliothèque events in the Library. The final Café Bibliothèque will take place on April 23. Please call Delia Swanner at 626.696.4313 or Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332 to volunteer or sign up.
APRIL 2015
La Salle Matters Registration Day for the incoming Class of 2019(!) took place only two weeks ago, but the time since has been so hectic that it feels like it was yesterday. It is a stressful time for private high schools because the admission and enrollment process is increasingly taking on the look and feel of what has been happening for years at the college and university level: multiple applications are sent to a variety of schools in the hopes of landing on one’s “Plan A or B” college/university. Here are some startling statistics: the National Association of College Admission Counselors reports that, although the number of high school graduates has begun to decline (and will continue to do so until 2020), growth in the number of applications per student has increased. NACAC reports that 87% of fall 2010 freshmen submitted three or more applications, and 25% submitted seven or more applications. In addition, a large majority of colleges (73%) reported increased application volume for fall 2010 compared to fall 2009. With few exceptions, approximately three-quarters of colleges have reported increases each year for the past decade. Unhappily, a similar dynamic is unfolding at the secondary school level; particularly here in the Pasadena area. As the number of school-age children continues to shrink (students going on to high school next fall will be 50% fewer than students graduating from Pasadena-area high schools in May and June), family angst around private high school placements increases. For example, even though La Salle is the largest private high school in the Pasadena area and we received over 400 applications for the Class of 2019, these students were applying, on average, to three other private high schools; meaning that at least a third of those students would end up enrolling at another school. Happily, the Class of 2019 frustrated the statistical prediction inherent in the data: the incoming freshman class is a mere 9% smaller in number than the senior class who will be graduating in May. And, equally happily, the characteristics of the incoming class are consistent with their older counterparts: male/female ratio is 47%/53% 29/40 applicants who qualified for Regents Merit Scholarships (scoring at or above the 96th percentile on the Entrance Exam) enrolled 29% of enrolled students received need-based financial aid (12 students on full tuitionassistance; 11 students on 50% tuition assistance; 24 students on partial tuitionassistance) The Class of 2019 came from 50 elementary schools (the largest number of schools in ten years) with 53% coming from 10 schools (7 were private/Catholic schools) 40% of schools sending students to La Salle are Catholic For the first time, three of the top ten “feeder” schools were public middle schools 54% of students identify as Catholic 60% of the Class of 2019 identify as other than European descent The freshman parent pledge program was wildly successful; bringing in well over $131,000 - the second largest outcome in four out of the last five years Equally exciting is that the average gift from parents of the Class of 2019 was just shy of $1,000 - the best performance in nine years PAGE 4
These statistics boldly proclaim that La Salle is doing just fine in the often chaotic scramble parents endure in achieving their objective of finding the “right” school for their child; which causes me to revisit an interesting finding of the NACAC study. The researchers note that: Technology also makes it easier for students to apply to multiple colleges, complicating the job of both secondary school counselors and admission officers. The ease of applying to multiple colleges creates disincentives for students to spend time evaluating the “fit” of their college options. And the increased application volume that results makes it more difficult for institutions to predict yield. So, while the greater Pasadena area continues to experience college-like dynamics in managing their recruitment and enrollment processes and, La Salle, like its private high school counterparts, is increasingly reliant upon technology to facilitate the application process; I am pleased to report that, based on the overwhelming pleasure parents of the Class of 2019 expressed throughout registration day, our School continues to enjoy a home/school dynamic which clearly illustrates that our newest families understand why we are the right “fit” for them. I guess the stress of the last two weeks was worth it…
APRIL 2015
La Salle High School
3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated
Richard Gray, Ph.D President
© 2015
• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email: jblackstock @ lasallehs . org
Transforming Lives Since 1680
APRIL 2015
The One, the Only, Official, Original MORE PHOTOS IN THE LA SALLE FLICKR GALLERY
Cardboard Regatta It's think or swim time for the Lancers
La Salle’s sixth annual Cardboard Regatta took place on March 31 at the Sierra Madre Aquatic Center. It was a beautiful, warm day - a great day to set sail. Dozens of teams of physics and honors geometry students proudly brought their cardboard creations to the Sierra Madre Aquatic Center. Constructed with only standard or appliance grade cardboard and clear packaging tape, the teams were charged to design seaworthy boats that would hold three of their team members and then paddle the length of the Olympic size Sierra Madre pool and back. The teachers involved were quite proud of their students who were able to apply the physics and geometry that they learned in class to a real-life situations.
APRIL 2015
APRIL 2015
From Guidance and Counseling
Our Seniors Move Forward By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling
Our senior class will graduate next month, and we have accepted our incoming freshman class. Seniors continue to receive letters of acceptance from the colleges to which they applied. They are vulnerable and need your support as they receive their college application results. Acceptance to college provides the opportunity for your students to learn that it will be their efforts and work, wherever they attend college, that will result in a good education. That is an important fact for parents to keep in mind as college acceptances arrive. Your senior students have probably already begun the process of separating emotionally from their families and friends in ways that help prepare them for leaving home for college. What the process of separating looks like depends on the personality, experiences and needs of your student and the birth order of your student in your family. Your family configuration will change when your children leave home. Siblings may be asked to assume new or increased responsibilities. The need to be independent may conflict with uncertainty about how your student will cope as they face new independence and responsibility. Mixed feelings about moving forward and leaving their families and friends is normal. Their moods may seem to change more often. Others may be impatient to finish high school and move on to college. School work and assignments may become a chore as the end of high school is in sight. If a student is leaving a family where a parent has been in ill health or there has been recent death or crisis, your student may be reluctant to leave home. Those students need reassurance that the family will be all right after they leave. When your child leaves for college, you will have an opportunity to reassess your goals and interests as an individual and as a couple. If you or your student needs some extra support during this time, please call me at 626-696-4390.
Miles to Go Drug Program Last month, Mr. Jonathan Scott of the Miles to Go Drug Prevention Education Program met with our freshman, sophomore and senior students on March 17, 18 or 19. We hope that your student was present during the time that she or he was scheduled to attend the program. As usual, the information was updated for all of the presentations and students participated in some question and answer opportunities during Mr. Scott’s talks. Next year, we will be able to include your junior students although the format of the presentations may change to larger groups, all students will be included in the progressive set of grade appropriate presentations. As parents of La Salle High School, please access the website for this program for updates on topics of interest to adolescent parents, as well as those parent who may also have elementary school or middle school students. The website is Happy Easter!
APRIL 2015
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Class Ring Orders April 29 and 30 Attention Sophomore and Junior Parents: Class ring order opportunity is coming soon. Jostens will be on campus Thursday and Friday, April 29 and 30 at lunch to take orders for rings. Sophomores will receive order packets on April 20. If you have any questions, contact Ed O'Connor, Director of Student Life at 626.696.4329 or PAGE 9
APRIL 2015
From the Athletic Boosters
When you receive this ParentNewsletter we will have a little over a month of school left. I know for parents in all grades, a certain amount of panic has begun to set in. For freshmen - the realization that the year went by so fast. Sophomores are now going to be Juniors and are really thinking about grades and starting their college search. Juniors have been busy visiting colleges and completing applications. Seniors are waiting for college acceptance letters and trying to absorb the last days at school. I know from my own experience that these are both happy and sad times. Students looking to their future and parents having to let go. All I can tell you is to embrace it and enjoy it. Take in as much as you can of these last interesting, eventful and exciting months at La Salle. The middle of March is La Salle's Registration Day for our incoming ninth graders. On March 14th we hosted all the new parents as they all faced the registration gauntlet with smiles. I enjoy this day because I get to see the new Lancers that are so excited about coming to La Salle. Their parents are excited as well. It never gets old for me, especially with my last son who is a freshman this year. As the year ends, I want to thank Gil and Stephanie Dominguez our Merchandise Managers and Athletics Booster Board members for all their great work. We have been on the Boosters Board together for five years and they are now "graduating." Shaya Akobian, our Vice President, has always been there to push the La Salle brand and make people feel welcome. As he also "graduates," we say thank you and well done! Another milestone took place this month as our baseball Head Coach, Harry Agajanian, won his 200th game as a varsity head coach at La Salle, defeating Alhambra High School. This is a pretty big event, so you should congratulate him when you see him and be sure to take in a Lancer baseball game if you have not done so yet this season. All our teams are doing well in the spring and I will give you a complete update in the May ParentNewsletter. Until next time, be safe and get out to some baseball or softball games and check out the volleyball, tennis or golf matches. Also, do not forget our track meets. Above all, have fun! God Bless,
John Cina P’13,14,18 President, Athletic Boosters
APRIL2015 2015 APRIL
Sirios Earns Gold Award Senior, Natalie Sirois, recently completed her Gold Award project for Girl Scouts. Natalie is a senior scout and is a member of the Girl Scout Troop #5321 in Pasadena; the troop she has been with since she was in kindergarten. The Gold Award is the highest achievement in a Girl Scout’s career, requiring a minimum of 80 hours of work for a non-profit organization. The project must also be sustainable well after the work is completed. Natalie has always had a passion for animals and art, and wanted to incorporate both into her project. Having this in mind, she completed her project at a local non-profit animal shelter, the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society. One of the main points she emphasized throughout her project was the need for volunteers at non-profit organizations, especially animal shelters. With low funds, nonprofit animal shelters can only afford to care for their animals—neglecting tasks such as improvements on their facilities. Natalie felt strongly that the workers, volunteers, and animals all deserved better. Through her involvement at San Gabriel Valley Humane Society, she was able to provide the funds and services of improving their facilities. By exercising her talent in art, she painted a mural in the main area of the shelter and renovated their office, making the shelter a welcoming and inviting place for the staff, volunteers, and prospective families of San Gabriel Valley Humane Society. She also donated various items with extra funds from her project and spent numerous hours helping care for the animals. As Natalie recounted her project, she said the most memorable moment was when she was putting the final touches on her mural and a volunteer came up with tears in his eyes saying, “Thank you so much for bringing this place back to life.” At that very moment, Natalie said she realized what she had accomplished, which is substantially more than just the physical improvements to the shelter: she had drawn upon her passion for animals and art to encourage employees and volunteers to continue their difficult work at a non-kill shelter. Natalie still continues to visit and volunteer at the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society and encourages others to do so as well. After much hard work, she will be receiving her award at the 2015 Girl Scout Gold Award ceremony on June 6th.
APRIL 2015
The Passion of Christ On March 30th, the Spiritual Life team, under Mrs. Monique Kirchoffer’s '03 direction, provided the school community with the Living Stations of the Cross. The Way of the Cross has been practiced by Roman Catholics for many centuries. In this Holy Week prayer service, faculty and students gathered together as actors and prayer leaders to
Prayer leders were: Mr. Tom O'Connor, Max DoVale '16, Jennifer Rodriquez '16, Maddy Melicdem '16 and Brandon Nguyen '16.
display the fourteen stations through tableaus in which each station was shown as a striking visual scene of the Way of the Cross. Emari McClellan ’16 took on the challenging role of Christ on the way to Calvary. (Illustrated here in a watercolor style by Mr. John Blackstock '67). Erin McFaul ’16, and Mr. Scott DoVale led the community through the stations with a dramatic narration.
APRIL 2015
Soup & Substance During the season of Lent, approximately 25-35 students and 8-10 faculty members gathered on Thursdays at lunch in the Brother Celestine Conference Room to share a simple soup and bread meal as well as break open the Gospel reading of the day. I was very impressed with the number of people who gathered each week to share in this meal and discuss the Gospel. It was energizing to sit with students and faculty as they shared various insights. Some students and faculty came and just listened, and that was fine. What was important is that we had over 40 members of our Lasallian community gathered to break bread and listen to the Word. It was so successful, that we plan to gather weekly after Easter vacation to continue to break bread and share the Gospel of the day. Thanks to Mrs. Kirchoffer for organizing this gathering.
-Ed O’Connor
APRIL 2015
The Crystal Ball
Opportunity Drawing Opportunity Drawing tickets are on sale now! The prizes are: • A Pleasant Holidays Vacation for 2 to Maui* 8 days, 7 nights at the Royal Lahaina Resort including round-trip airfare from LAX $300 food and beverage credit to restaurants, room service and more. Plus two tickets to Myths of Maui Luau. • iPad • Disneyland Family 4-pack Opportunity Drawing takes place on May 8, 2015 during the Crystal Ball For tickets, contact Robyn Tapert at 626.357.3588 or or go online at *Maui Vacation is made possible by a grant from the William H. Hannon Foundation
APRIL 2015
Brother Timothy's Limited 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon Now Available A very limited supply of Brother Timothy Mont La Salle Vineyard 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon is available exclusively for the La Salle community. Only 10 barrels of Brother Timothy’s wine are produced each year and sold to benefit the education of students in Lasallian schools who are living below the poverty line. This wine was created under the highest quality standards and is available exclusively for this sole purpose. Ten cases of this specially vinted and rare wine have been made available to the La Salle community to fund the San Miguel scholarships. This Cabernet Sauvignon is available at a price of $75 a bottle or $800 a case. Brother Timothy Mont La Salle Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon is a complex and harmonious blend of reserve-quality wine in a unique special edition collector's bottle. This highly desired wine is crafted by The Hess Collection Winery from a tiny, single vineyard on the Mont La Salle Vineyard estate. The grapes are grown at the site of the original Christian Brothers winery where the late Brother Timothy worked as cellar master for more than 50 years. This Cabernet Sauvignon, created in honor of Brother Timothy, is truly "a message in a bottle" - a message of hope for Lasallian disadvantaged youth. Such efforts are part of the Christian Brothers' 300 year tradition of offering Brother Timothy Diener, FSC education that is both loving and practical. Please keep in mind that the wine has been donated by the vineyard, so 100% of the proceeds go directly into the La Salle High School San Miguel Student Scholarship Fund. Contact Tara Milton in the Institutional Advancement Office at 626.696.4381 or tmilton@ to make your much appreciated and important purchase.
Matching Gifts If you are an employee of a matching gift company, we would love to work with you. This is an easy way to raise funds for La Salle. If you are not sure if your company participates you can ask your employer or contact Tara Milton at: or call 626.696.4381.
MATCHING GIFTS ARE an Easy way to help la salle
APRIL 2015
16th Annual Crystal Ball may 8
Disco Fever is Coming! Join the fun on May 8, 2015 at the Langham Huntington, Pasadena when the Disco Ball spins at the 16th Annual Crystal Ball
Enjoy a fabulous evening with family, friends, fine food, wine and entertainment while bidding on spectacular auction items at the new fast and easy “paperless” auction. This is La Salle’s biggest fundraising event. We urge everyone to attend and support our school. New this year, ticket prices are reduced from $175.00 per person to $125.00 per person if purchased by March 31, 2015. Current families will also receive 10 parent service hours per family with the purchase of one ticket. So please put your groove on, dust off your old platform shoes, watch “Saturday Night Fever” and plan on joining us at the Crystal Ball to re-live and experience this iconic time in our culture. Invitations will be mailed in March, but tickets are available online now at For more information, contact Irene Santucci at 626.696.4312 or
APRIL 2015
Justin Zumel Awarded Rank of Eagle Scout Justin Zumel, senior class 2015 was recently awarded the Boy Scouts of America’s highest honor of Eagle Scout. Only four out of every 100 scouts achieve the distinguished rank of Eagle. Justin is a member of Troop 491 based in Glendora, California. He began his scouting journey as a Tiger Scout with Pack 491 while in first grade at St. Dorothy School and where he earned Cub Scouting’s highest award – The Arrow of Light Award. Justin crossed-over to Boy Scout Troop 491 where he rose through the ranks and held a number of leadership positions including Patrol Leader, Assistant Troop Leader, Troop Guide, Den Chief, and Troop Instructor. During his 11 years in scouting, Justin earned 30 merit badges and participated in over 100 hours of community service which included the Adopt-A-Family at the L.A. Cathedral, homeless shelter, Scouting for Hunger, conservation of the Azusa Canyon River, clearing of hiking trails and building a retaining rock wall at the Glendora Equestrian Center, among others. He continues to serve the community as a regular altar server at St. Dorothy’s Church. To achieve the coveted Eagle Scout rank, it is important for the scout to live the Scout Oath and Scout Law and apply character, citizenship, and scouting values in their daily lives. One of the rank requirements is to plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, school, or community. Through this requirement, Scouts practice what they have learned and gain valuable project management and leadership experience while serving others. Justin’s Eagle Leadership Project was the Renovation of the Big Dalton Canyon Day Camp in the city of Glendora. This day camp has
not been maintained in the last few years and it required repainting the external building structure, the removal and replacement of deteriorated wood shutters that covered the windows, removal of chipped paint on the doors, and replacement of wood on a broken bench. To successfully complete the project, Justin had to plan the tasks and oversee a team of 27 volunteers consisting of scouts from Troop 491, family members, friends, and teammates totaling 149 man-hours worked. Justin’s Eagle Project was completed in September 2014. Doing the project not only taught him life lessons that he will take with him for the rest of his life. He learned to find ways to raise money to help fund the project, such as recycling cans and plastic bottles. Most significantly, he learned throughout his Eagle project how to rise through adversity by utilizing all the skills and knowledge he learned in scouting. Justin has taken his leadership skills and commitment to serve others beyond the troop boundaries. At La Salle, he is the team captain for both the water polo and swim teams. He was awarded the Del Rey League First Team All – League award for Swim in 2012 and Second Team All-League award for Water Polo in 2014, Most Valuable Player in 2013 and Most Offensive Player in 2014. Justin is also a member of Phi Alpha Chi and LEAP – a service program where he goes to Los Angeles inner city schools to teach elementary students. Though the journey to attain the rank of Eagle Scout was not easy, the values and experiences contributed to the person he is today, hoping to be a positive contributor to society by genuinely living according to the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
APRIL 2015
From the College Counseling Center
College Center News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors
Senior News This month, seniors have been instructed to enter their college acceptances into Naviance. To simplify this process, we created a survey called “Senior Graduation Survey” on Naviance where your student can enter his/her college acceptances and scholarship awards. Parents, please remind your students to communicate with the colleges to which they have been accepted. The colleges need to know if an accepted student is not planning to attend the college. If a student is sure he/she will not be attending a particular college, they should let the college know by letter as soon as possible.
Junior News Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou have met with almost every junior who has turned in their ‘Planning for College Survey.’ If your student has not met with one of us, this is most likely because we have not received a completed survey from your student. The survey helps Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou learn more about the student and their plans after La Salle High School. Please note the better we get to know your student, the better we can help. The next SAT test dates are May 2 (April 6 is last day to register without a late fee) and June 6. The next ACT test date is June 13. The exams are not offered over the summer and the next SAT or ACT test dates are in September. Students also interested in applying to a UC campus are strongly recommended to take the SAT Subject test, also scheduled for May 2 and June 6. The College Center will again be offering a three-day seminar for rising seniors (Class of 2016). The purpose of this course is to provide hands-on interaction with students who need additional help with their college planning and application process. At the completion of this course, students will have created an organizational system, completed two
college essays and learned in depth about college visitations, interviews, recommendations, financial aid, and developed a much better understanding of the colleges’ selection process. The cost of Camp College is $200. The complete summary of the course can also be found in the Summer Academic Institute brochure or online at and click on ‘Summer Programs’ at the top. Two sessions are available for students to choose from: Session 1: Monday to Wednesday, June 8 to June 10, 8:00am to 12:00pm Session 2: Monday to Wednesday, August 10 to August 12, 8:00am to 12:00pm Please contact Ms. Baldonado or Mr. Hou if you have any questions.
Sophomore News Since Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou are now winding down with our junior meetings, we will be able to meet with any sophomore students who are ready to discuss their college plans. Students whose last names begin with A-K can meet with Mr. Hou, while students whose last names begin with L-Z can meet with Ms. Baldonado. Please contact your college counselor if you would like to set up a meeting.
All Students NACAC College Fair The NACAC College Fair will be held at the Pasadena Convention Center: Thursday, April 30 from 6 p.m. to 9p.m. Juniors, plan to attend this college fair as this is the largest event in Southern California with over 300 colleges & universities represented. Brochures and other information can be obtained at the fair and many of your questions
APRIL 2015
can be answered at that time. This is also a great time to make a good first impression on the college representatives. Parents are encouraged to attend the college fair with their student. In order to get the most out of your time, we strongly recommend students to preregister at In addition, please also plan to carpool as parking at the Pasadena Center is now $10.
Advanced Placement (AP) Exams (5/45/15) All students currently scheduled in AP courses are required to take the AP exam. Each exam is $91 and the total will be billed to the student’s La Salle High School account and reflected on the April Statement. The fee(s) will be processed according to your current payment plan selected (ACH, Credit Card or Check). Attendance for students taking AP exams: students taking a morning AP exam will be excused for the remainder of the day; students taking an afternoon AP exam will be excused from their morning classes. The AP exams will be administered by La Salle High School at Sierra Madre United Methodist Church.on the following dates (all dates are printed in the school calendar): Monday, May 4 - Chemistry Tuesday, May 5 – Calculus AB & BC Wednesday, May 6 - English Literature Thursday, May 7 - Spanish Language, Studio Art Friday, May 8 - U.S. History, European History Monday, May 11 - Biology, Physics C Tuesday, May 12 - Government & Politics: U.S., Spanish Literature Wednesday, May 13- English Language Thursday, May 14 – Macroeconomics Friday, May 15 – Microeconmics For additional information, please contact Ms. Baldonado, AP Coordinator, at 626.696.4311.
Lancer Baseball Tourney Benefits CHLA The first annual Presidents’ weekend “ALL IN” baseball tournament hosted by Lancer Baseball was a huge success. This, being a working tournament which had no championship game, meant most teams were able to workout their teams to make final cuts, finalize rosters, and get those last scrimmages in before the start of baseball season.
The real champions are the kids at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. A total of 24 high school baseball teams used four locations to complete the 36 games over the February 14 three-day weekend. Every coach agreed that the tournament was a “win win” for everyone involved and all schools have committed to sign up again next year with hopes to add more schools and sites. In mid-March, a representative from each school visited CHLA. They delivered their share of the weekend’s proceeds ($9,110) and signed baseballs for the children.
APRIL 2015
It was SRO at the Spring Musical - Disco Inferno DOUBLE CAST DOUBLED THE FUN
APRIL 2015
Go to the lancer FLICKR gallery for more photos
APRIL 2015
APRIL 2015
St. Baldrick's Day
Anne Datingaling '16
Student Life celebrated St. Baldrick’s day on March 18. La Salle hosted the event to raise money for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. This is a volunteer-driven charity that uses donations to fund research for childhood cancers. St Baldrick’s Day raises awareness of the people suffering, or that have suffered from cancer. Go to for more information.
Ryan Adams '15 From left, Samantha Hardy '16, Jackson Rakavitch '16, Elijah Griffin '16 and NoelRozario '16.
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APRIL 2015
2015-2016 School Calendar TENTATIVE: SUBJECT TO CHANGE
August 18 (Tuesday) New Student Welcome
January 6 (Wednesday) Second Semester Begins
August 19 (Wednesday) Student Information and Planning Day (All Students)
January 18 (Monday) Martin Luther King, Jr. – Holiday
August 20 (Thursday) First Day of Classes (All Classes Meet / Dismissal 12:20) September 7 (Monday) Labor Day – Holiday September 28 (Monday) Tentative Faculty In-Service October 9 (Friday) Faculty In-service October 12 (Monday) Columbus Day – Holiday November 9 (Monday) Veteran’s Day Observed – Holiday November 25 – 29 Thanksgiving Break (Wednesday to Sunday) December 15 – 18 Fall Semester Examinations (Tuesday to Friday) December 19 – January 5 Christmas Break
February 12 (Friday) Faculty In-service February 15 (Monday) Presidents’ Day – Holiday March 4 (Friday) School Holiday – WCEA/WASC
March 24 – April 3 Easter Break April 25 (Monday) School Holiday May 27 (Friday) Graduation School Holiday May 30 (Monday) Memorial Day – Holiday May 31 – June 3 Spring Semester Examinations (Tuesday to Friday) Note: For the 2015-2016 school year, uniform polos bearing the older block "LS", as well as the wearing of boat shoes (top-siders) on DressUp Days will no longer be permitted. PAGE 23
APRIL 2015
The Wicked Tinkers
Pioneers of the growing Tribal Celtic (KELtick) movement, The Tinkers have been playing haunting, heart-pounding bagpipes and irresistible, tribal drums as a professional touring band since 1995. The La Salle student body was treated to an amazing concert by these musicians that was arranged by La Salle's librarian Delia Swanner. The March 27th show featured Celtic music from Scotland and Ireland. This was not the Piobaireachd (pronounced pee-brock) classical music of Scotland, but the party music that invites one to grin and clap along to the pulsating rhythms. The show began with “Caber Feidh” - (“stag’s horn” in Gaelic)a tune from the 1600s for bagpipes and drums. After introducing themselves and their instruments, the group plays “Hugh Ross,” a modern tune. They explained the difference between a jig and a reel and teach the students an easy way to tell which is which. A student is invited to demonstrate how the nine yards of heavy cloth in a ‘great kilt’ are worn. “Pumpkin Fancy” is an Irish horn pipe tune and “Fiollaigeann” is a Gaelic song that starts out slowly and changes into session is followed by “Scotland the Brave” and the program concludes with “Black Bear,” another traditional melody. Founder Aaron Shaw has been playing the Scottish Bagpipes for over 25 years. He is a much loved and well-respected teacher, both in the LA area and at the California summer school put on by the College of Piping in Glasgow, Scotland where he is the only American on staff. His music on can be heard on TVshows, as well as in several big-budget films.
Cameron Henderson '15 dressed in nine yards of plaid.
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APRIL 2015
EARN A SERVICE HOUR It just takes minutes and it’s NO COST to you! $
Shop at Amazon and other online stores? Shop at Ralphs? Shop at Vons? Use credit or debit cards at restaurants? Own a Target Redcard? $
Sign up for La Salle’s No Cost Fundraisers… they do not cost you a dime and they make money for La Salle.
Please see the flyer attached to find out how you can earn an hour for only minutes of your time and earn money for La Salle
APRIL 2015
APRIL 2015
The Obsequious Observer By John Blackstock, The Editor
Sophomores Isabel Sandford, left, and Kathleen Brady, asked to be in the ParentNewsletter. I said yes, and... As the professional basball season begins, Student Life President Riley Worley prsented Brother Christopher with a Dodgers sweatshirt. Much to his chagrin, his office was also festooned with Dodgers caps, beach blankets and souveniers. After many years as Principal of two Bay Area Christian Brothers' schools, he is now a die-hard Giants fan. So sad. Go Big Blue!
Excellence in all we do "Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.'' Unknown
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APRIL 2015
APRIL 2015
Class of 2015 Senior Class Gift
Water Bottle Filling Station The Class of 2015 is raising money to replace at least one water fountain with a “no touch” water bottle filling station, so students can get clean, cold water and help eliminate use of disposable water bottles. This will encourage Lancers to do their part to help the environment. The “no touch” sensor will allow students to easily fill their water bottle, even if they are carrying books. Any additional money will go to adding our motto “Learn * Serve * Lead” in brass letters to the wooden podium that is used for La Salle speaking events. Donations at any level are appreciated and help the class reach their goal of 100% participation. Those that give $20.15 or more receive a Class of 2015 Alumni T-Shirt which can be worn in lieu of the uniform polo between now and graduation. Those that participate by May 8th will be recognized in the graduation program. Forms and money are due to Ms. Schultz in the Alumni Office (Room #348) by May 21st.
JUST $20.15 for Senior gift
Showdown II
The Return of the Showdown: Wednesday, April 29, 5:00-8:30PM Showdown II Food Trucks on Baseball Field from 5:00-7:00PM Bring your family and enjoy:
• The Grilled Cheese Truck • Slammin' Sliders • Paradise Cookies • Tacos from King Taco • Maui Wowi Smoothies The big games start in the gym at 7:15pm See page 9 for more details. PAGE 27
APRIL 2015
Check your School calendar for event times and dates
April 1 Wednesday Friday Schedule - No Late Start Grandparents Day 8:00am -1:00pm Dining Hall and Gymnasium April 2-10 Easter Break April 5 Sunday Easter
April 13 Classes Resume April 21 Parents Association Meeting 6:30pm Blakeslee Library Boosters Board Meetings 7:30pm Campus April 23 Café Bibliothèque 2:30pm Blakeslee Library
April 24 Short Schedule Noon Dismissal Junior/Senior prom 8:00pm -11:00pm Los Angeles
May 8 Friday Crystal Ball 7:00 - 11:00pm Langham Hotel & Spa
April 27 Monday Short Schedule Noon Dismissal April 29 Liturgy The Showdown II 5:00 - 8:30pm Baseball Field Gymnasium April 30 Liturgy Schedule Dress up Day Founder's Day Liturgy 9:20am Dining Hall May 4-8 AP Exams Sierra Madre United Methodist Church Check School Calendar for test times and dates
The Athletic Department is looking for parent volunteers to help with the 2015 summer physicals. We are in need of the following parent volunteers: nurses, optometrists, doctors and general volunteers. Without the volunteers' help, this event would not be possible. The Physicals will take place at La salle on June 6, and July 11, from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Join us and help support Lancer Athletics and earn parent volunteer hours. Please contact the athletic trainer, Tim Rasmussen if interested in volunteering. Email: PAGE 28