April 2013 Parent Newsletter

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ParentNewsletter The La Salle


Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead

On a beautiful Saturday morning in early March, we welcomed our new incoming Class of ’17 and their families to our community. As of this issue of the ParentNewsletter, these new Lasallians will be receiving all of the normal communications that we send to our current school families, so I

it will move quickly. Given the difficult economic times that many within our community are facing, I am most pleased to note that mothers, fathers and families are still willing to sacrifice economically in order that their children may receive a Catholic Lasallian education. My thanks to all within our community who were involved in the Admissions process for their diligence and thoughtful work.

Christian Service Awards

also welcome the parents of the Class of ’17 to our monthly Newsletter community. It is always a pleasure to greet those young men and women who wish to be a part of this school community. I look forward to our time together knowing that

On behalf of our school community, I congratulate seniors Andrew Torrijos and Julia Jacques for meriting the Los Angeles Archdiocesan High School Christian Service Award. They were presented this award in mid-March by his Excellency, Archbishop Jose Gomez, at a special liturgy held at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels (Please see page 29). At a school such as La Salle High School that encourages students to willingly participate in various service opportunities, it was especially difficult to select a recipient for this annual award. Our Student Life Team selected Andrew and Julia from a large number of outstanding seniors and the Administration was pleased and honored to accept their choice. As a first time observer of this event, I enjoyed attending and witnessing other students from all of the high schools within the Archdiocese around the central theme of honoring service. The providing of active and consistent service to and for those in need is at the very core of our Lasallian traditions as well as being at the Continued on page 2

The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers “The more faithfully you adhere to God when you have the occasion to suffer, the more God will pour his graces and blessings on you in the exercise of your ministry.”

Saint John Baptist de La Salle c.1703 Meditations for Sundays 155.3



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Principal Ideas Continued from page 1


very core of the “Good News” we received directly from Jesus.

Academic Success Mid-term grades went home last month and many students are continuing to perform admirably. I am always happy to applaud and congratulate academic success. On the other hand, some of the grades indicated the presence of academic difficulties. Let me remind all that the school year is far from over and academic diligence must be maintained. I encourage parents to maintain their academic vigilance by a regular review process of grades through our on-line PowerSchool protocol. As I indicated in my recent letter to the parents of seniors, this is especially an important time for senior parents to stay alert and watchful – Commencement ceremonies are less than two months away and participation in graduation events and the receiving of a diploma must be earned.

Notes for the Prom All parents of students attending our Junior / Senior Prom on April 19 need to take particular care regarding pre and post-prom parties. The school is continuing its longstanding practice of mandating that all prom attendees must travel on school chaperoned chartered buses. I also remind all prom parents that students may neither arrive nor depart from school in limousines of any kind. My years of experience with proms


and similar events has made it clear to me that it is unwise to believe that limousine drivers will regulate or monitor the use of alcohol or other substances by students. Proms are an important aspect of the high school experience and I strongly encourage all students to attend their prom. An enjoyable and memorable time can be had by all if wise and prudent choices are made.

The Wonder of Easter

The ParentNewsletter, is being sent just as we prepare to close school for our Easter Break. I have always believed that rest and relaxation are parts of our life that are far too short! At the same time, we get this vacation period as a result of events that happened over 2000 years ago. This Sunday morning we will again commemorate the first Easter when Jesus rose from the dead – such is our belief –such is our Faith. We are an Easter people believing in the Risen Lord and his presence among us. On behalf of the school community, I wish all of our families a most enjoyable Easter Sunday and a safe and relaxing spring break. May all of us realize that on April 8 we return to school knowing that this academic semester is quickly coming to an end. Happy Easter!

Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal


APRIL 2013

From the Parent Association

Exceeding the Mission I had the privilege this past week of participating in the school’s annual Mission Effectiveness Workshop, at which various representatives of the school community weigh-in on how well the school is meeting its objectives relative to its mission and how we can continue to improve. In my opinion, it’s the best example of a “living” strategic planning workshop I’ve seen in action. Indeed, how many of us in our professional lives have taken part in drafting a Strategic Plan, only to see the completed work shoved into a drawer never again to see the light of day? Not at La Salle! This annual exercise ensures we’re regularly reviewing where we’ve been and taking bearings to where we’re going relative to the mission as established by La Salle’s founder, Saint John Baptist De La Salle, “to give a human and Christian education to the young, especially the poor.” In looking back at all the data that was reviewed and the comments that were evaluated, several reactions came to mind. Most importantly was a redoubling of a personal sense I have that La Salle High School is “the Everyman School of the San Gabriel Valley.” In terms of Academics, our students and alumni alike overwhelmingly agree “La Salle High School prepared me well for college”. The empirical data supports their assessment as standardized test scores in general continue to improve and college admissions are

routinely placing our students into top colleges both in California and out of state. I know the two Snodgrass graduates certainly agree, and I personally can’t recall a year when there weren’t La Salle graduates with acceptances to either a service academy or an ivy-league school. Within the academic curriculum, we can take special pride in our Visual and Performing Arts program. Several students – including those with exceptional focus in NEXT both academics and athletics – emphasized their thankfulness Parent Association that La Salle integrates the AP Meeting: Tuesday, Arts program within the daily April 9, 7:45pm schedule. Otherwise, if arts were Blakeslee Library left to compete after school with “Senior Parent athletics or other extracurricular activities, students would have Recognition and had to prioritize and likely not End-of-Year be able to participate in all their Celebration” clubs and sports, in addition to their visual and performing arts. Moreover, the awards which our students accumulate in visual and performing arts are further objective evidence of La Salle exceeding its educational goals. The notoriety our school is receiving in terms of Athletic success was clearly a point of pride among our current students. The achievements of Continued on page 7

Library Volunteer Opportunities The Blakeslee Library is in need of after-school monitor volunteers each school day afternoon from 3:00-5:00pm. This is a good way to fulfill your Parent Volunteer Hours obligation. Donations of snacks and drinks will be accepted for the Café Bibliothèque events in the library. The final event is April 25. Please call Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332 or Delia Swanner at 626.696.4313 if you can help.



APRIL 2013

La Salle Matters Papa del Popolo For the first time in a long time, it feels good to be Catholic. The troubles that have beset the Church here in the US and across the globe have been, at times, overwhelming for the average person in the pew (myself included). So, to have the opportunity to watch the presentation of our new Pope live on TV (I played hooky from my weekly Rotary meeting), was an enormous spiritual shot in the arm. Then, to learn that he is the first pope from the Americas and that he would be taking the name, Francis, symbolizing his long-standing commitment to the poor and marginalized, enabled this discouraged Catholic to hope that his papacy would move in a fresh direction; one which would rescue a Church mired in scandal, ecclesiastical intrigue and the loss of Church-going members on a massive scale. To highlight the importance of that last issue: the National Opinion Research Center reports that only 7% of Americans identify as “strong” Catholics. In Italy, the most “Catholic” country in the world, that number is a mere 22% and in Brazil, home to the greatest number of Catholics on the globe, only 20% attend Mass on a regular basis.


In his resignation statement, Pope Benedict XVI spoke of the Church facing a world of “rapid changes” whose faith has been “shaken”. Our new Pope is faced with a bewildering array of challenges that are unique to this century. With Catholics abandoning the pews in droves, vocations to the priesthood and religious life in free fall and the very credibility of the Church itself in question, Pope Francis will shoulder burdens that would fell lesser individuals. His every move will be analyzed, critiqued and criticized. Fellow Jesuit, Commentator Thomas Reese, SJ succinctly characterized the ideal qualities of the next pope as “Jesus Christ with an MBA.” Fortunately, we appear to have a Pope who is keenly aware of the power of symbolic behavior to shape minds and change hearts - beginning with the name he has chosen - which has never been selected by any previous pope. And, because he is a Jesuit, he quickly made certain that everyone knew he was referring to Saint Francis of Assisi and not Saint Francis Xavier, one of the co-founders of his religious order. Furthermore, our new Pope, on exiting the Conclave, eschewed the papal limousine to ride in the same bus as the Cardinals who elected him. Perhaps my favorite symbolic behavior of this Pope took place on the loggia overlooking Saint Peter’s Square just after his election had been announced. Before imparting the usual blessing of a new pope on the crowd gathered in front of him, Francis asked the crowd to pray for him. He bent forward in prayer and immediately the crowd of thousands in the Square grew silent with their own prayer. I would like to think there was an additional explanation for the Holy Father’s selection of the name Francis; which lies in the founding story of the Saint from Assisi. While praying in La Porciúncula - a small chapel which had fallen into disrepair - he encountered Jesus in a vision, asking Francis to



APRIL 2013

“rebuild my church”. It was only later, when Francis had gathered the small group of men who formed what would become the world-wide Order of Franciscans, that the Saint realized the Lord wanted him to address the spiritual and philosophical decay of the Catholic Church, not a small chapel located beyond the gates of Assisi. Perhaps the Lord is calling Pope Francis to “rebuild his Church.” Perhaps we have a pope who understands that actions matter more than words. Perhaps “sign and symbol” will become the hallmark of his papacy and serve to fulfill the dream of the last two popes to create a “new evangelization” which will bring Catholics together in ways that weren’t possible in the recent past. Saint Francis encouraged his friars to preach the Gospel at all times and, when necessary, use words. I think this pope gets that instruction right.

La Salle High School

3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 www.lasallehs.org • The La Salle ParentNewsletter

Richard Gray, Ph.D President

is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated

© 2013

• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email: jblackstock@lasallehs.org

Transforming Lives Since 1680

Best Private High School PAGE 5


APRIL 2013

Parent Association Continued from page 3


of our league champion boys football team and CIF champion girls volleyball, team offering highly visible team successes this school year. This complemented by an individual state championship in cross-country, together evidence that La Salle emphasizes educating the whole person – in body as well as in mind. I was particularly impressed with the responses our students and alumni had to prompts regarding spiritual and service experience at La Salle. What pleased me was the absence of any “revelation” or “spiritual awakening” as recounted by our students – which I would suspect as counterfeit had I heard such from the teenagers I know – but far from appearing indifferent, these students appear to have absorbed their Christian education as naturally as their English or Geometry. Indeed, when asked if they are continuing their tradition of service in their post-La Salle lives, nearly all of our alumni agree they are continuing that wonderful tradition as a normal routine. Together, these successes point to a school that is unquestionably exceeding its educational mission. And the word is getting out: this past week at freshman registration, I had never seen so many registrants from such academically-oriented feeder schools as High Point, Chandler, and Mayfield Junior School. The value this school represents – not only in terms of what it offers in academics, arts, athletics, and spirituality – but also in what

Lenten Prayer Service La Salle gathered for the Lenten Prayer Service on Wednesday, March 20. Meditating on the Stations of the Cross, students also prepared themselves to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation later in the day. Five local priests were on campus to hear Confessions for most of the day. At right, students illustrate the 12th Station of the Cross. PAGE 6

we are as a community, representing ALL walks of life, those with means as well as those without, put the exclamation point on our overall mission effectiveness. With April being our last general Parent Association meeting of the school year, it’s time to give thanks and special recognition to a group of parents who will be “graduating” in May along with their children. These parents, in particular, have provided outstanding support and volunteer service to the school, above and beyond the call of duty during their time at La Salle. We look to honor these dedicated individuals as they move on to join the ranks of alumni parents. To add to the celebration, please join us afterward for a festive, end-of-year party hosted by Dr. Gray and the Parent Association. Refreshments and hors d’ oeuvres will be served. We hope to see all of you there! With much thanks for all of God’s blessings and unconditional gratitude for the entire La Salle Parent Community, Kathi and I wish the best for all.

Craig Snodgrass, P’09, ’12, ’14 Parent Association President


APRIL 2013

CirQue De La Salle - Rêvez Grand LAST CALL… Have you made your reservations yet?

Please come join us for a magical evening of entertainment, dinner, dancing, cocktails, as well as live and silent auctions, a prize-filled opportunity drawing, and a special award presentation honoring Cristi and Steve Seidner P’09,’12, who have been selected as this year’s recipient of the 2013 Lasallian Volunteer Award.

Thank you to everyone who has already generously donated to the Crystal Ball. We still need your help and there are many ways that you can still participate. For additional information regarding the Crystal Ball, please visit the La Salle website and click on the Crystal Ball link on the "Parents" page, or feel free to contact the Event Chair, Pamela Jacques at jacquespamela@gmail.com or Irene Santucci at isantucci@lasallehs.org.

Crystal Ball Drawing

It is not too late to purchase tickets for this year’s 2013 Crystal Ball Drawing. You can have multiple chances to win and you do NOT have to

be present to be the lucky winner! Every ticket that you purchase gives you an opportunity to win one of the following fabulous prizes: • Disney Family 4-Pack Hopper Passes • An iPad • A Fabulous Maui Getaway for Two Your Pleasant Holidays Vacation for two to Maui includes 8 days - 7 nights at the Royal Lahaina Resort with round trip airfare and $500 credit to selected resort restaurants. This Maui vacation is made possible by a grant from the William H. Hannon Foundation. Please visit the La Salle website and click on the 2013 Crystal Ball link on the “Parents” page to purchase your tickets today.

Crystal Ball Volunteers Needed

We still need volunteers to work the day and night of the event, April 12, 2013. This is a great way to earn service hours as some of the positions and shifts offer double or even triple hours of parent volunteer credit! For additional information, please contact Becky Bickel at ibifurcate@verizon.net.



APRIL 2013

From the Crystal Ball Committe

Rêvez Grand Auction Heaven in Hawaii

Spend a blissful week on the island of Maui at Marriot’s Maui Ocean Club Resort. The oceanfront villa, located on Ka’anapali Beach, includes a kitchen, dining area, sitting area and has a king bed, plus pull-out sofa (sleeps four). The room features a balcony with spectacular views of Maui. Available May 26 to June 2, 2013.

I Dreamed of Africa Photo Safari

Enjoy six nights for two in luxurious Hemingway-style tents at the Heritage Safari Lodge, Nyati/Ndlouv Lodges or Zulu Nyala Game Lodge based on availability. Includes six nights accommodations, three meals per day and two daily open Land Rover game drives with guides. Enjoy a tantalizing taste of the wild in the heart of Africa’s richest conservation regions situated in the Hluhlue, Southern Maputaland in Zululand, South Africa. Experience elephants, rhinos, leopards, hippos, zebras and more up close and personal!


Jimmy Kimmel Live

You and three friends will enjoy a VIP experience watching Jimmy Kimmel and Guillermo in the “Green Room.” You will meet the guests for the show! Your guests must be 21 years of age or older to enjoy the beer and wine served in the "Green Room." After the taping enjoy a dinner with a $100 Yard House gift card.

Ring in the New Year

Ring in 2014 with a VIP Private Tour of the parade floats and head off to four seats in the lower section of the grandstands, right where all the action and cameras are to view the 125th Rose Parade. These seats are not available to the public. Finally, proceed to a VIP Private Tailgate Party to watch your favorite team play in the 100th Rose Bowl Game. This package includes all-day parking.



APRIL 2013

Student VIPS

• Reserved front row seats for 13 guests at the 2013 Graduation Ceremony • VIP Parking Spot in the lower lot for the 2013-2014 school year • Student lunch for a year with Fast-Pass

Staples Luxury Suite

Select a Lakers, Clippers or Kings 2013 - 2014 season home game. You will enjoy a VIP evening for 12 people including food, wine, beer, soft drinks and the famous dessert cart in a luxury suite. A private party bus will pick up your group at a pre-determined Pasadena/Arcadia location and will take you to Staples Center and return your group to the original location after the game!

Bask in the Laguna Beach Sun

Enjoy a week of sun and surf at this fabulous beach house in Laguna Beach. Relax for five nights in this beautiful two bedroom two and a half bathroom house (sleeps up to six). Walk to the one of the finest beaches in the world at Crescent Bay, or into town to explore the galleries, shops and restaurants. At the end of a fun filled day, sit on the second floor lanai sipping a margarita while watching the sunset over Catalina Island. Available between October 1 and April 1, 2014.


USC Trojans vs. Boston College Eagles

Four-Tickets for October 14, 2013 Watch La Salle's former quarterback, Chase Rettig lead the Eagles as they take on the Trojans. Package includes complete all day tailgate party in the center of the USC campus. Full lunch, beverages and snacks featuring the ever popular taco cart. Satellite TV all day to enjoy other games. Includes the USC Trojan Marching Band pre-game concert.

Other Fabulous Destinations!

• Weekend at The Langham Hotel which includes a Rusnak Jaguar Car Rental • One Week Summer Getaway in Mammoth • Palm Springs Weekend Getaway • Twin Peaks Weekend Getaway...and more.

Other Great Goodies to Bid on!

• $2,500 Norman’s Nursery Yard Makeover • Gift certificates for your favorite restaurants, spas, shopping, and so much more!

Other Great Events!

• Intimate Dinner with La Salle's President Dr. Richard Gray and Principal Brother Christopher Brady, FSC on September 7, 2013 • Private Four-Course Dinner, Wine Tour and Tasting Event at San Antonio Winery • 2014 Masters Golf Tournament Package • Private Chef, Dinner Party in your home • Interactive Cooking Class for eight



APRIL 2013

From the College Counseling Center

College Center News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors

Senior News This month, seniors have been instructed to enter their college acceptances into Naviance. To simplify this process, we created a survey called “Senior Graduation Survey” on Naviance where your student can enter his/her college acceptances and scholarship awards. Parents, please remind your students to communicate with the colleges to which they have been accepted. The colleges need to know if an accepted student is not planning to attend the college. If a student is sure he/she will not be attending a particular college, they should let the college know by letter as soon as possible.


Junior News Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou have met with almost every junior who has turned in their Junior College Planning Survey. If your student has not met with one of us, this is most likely because we have not received a completed survey from your student. The survey helps Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou learn more about the student and their plans after high school. Please note the better we get to know your student, the better we can help. Please complete your Parent Survey as well. The next SAT test dates are May 4 (April 5 is last day to register without a late fee) and June 1. The next ACT test date is June 8. The exams are not offered over the summer and the next SAT or ACT test dates are in September. Students also interested in applying to a UC campus are strongly recommended to take the SAT Subject test, also scheduled for May 4 and June 1. The College Center will again be offering a three-day seminar for rising seniors. The purpose of this course is to provide hands-on interaction with students who need additional help with their college planning and application process. At the completion of this course, students will have created an organizational system, completed two


college essays and learned in depth about college visitations, interviews, recommendations, financial aid, and developed a much better understanding of the colleges’ selection process. The cost of Camp College is $200. The complete summary of the course can also be found in the Summer Academic Institute brochure or online at www.lasallehs.org. Two sessions are available for students to choose from: Session 1: Monday to Wednesday, June 10 to June 12, 8:00am to 12:00pm (Revised date). Session 2: Monday to Wednesday, August 12 to August 14, 8:00am to 12:00pm. Please contact Ms. Baldonado or Mr. Hou if you have any questions.

Sophomore News Since Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou are now winding down with junior meetings, we will be able to meet with any sophomore students who are ready to discuss their college plans. Students whose last names begin with A-K can meet with Mr. Hou, while students whose last names begin with L-Z can meet with Ms. Baldonado. Please contact your college counselor if you would like to set up a meeting.

All Students College Forum – Wednesday, April 10 Our largest college-planning event of the year will take place on Wednesday, April 10 at 6:00pm. This year, 15 different programs are planned for 9th, 10th and 11th grade students and parents including a session on Students with Learning Differences. Even if you are very familiar with the college-planning process, there should still be programs that interest you. We are currently confirming the final speakers and will have the full program available before Easter Break. Please contact either Ms. Baldonado or Mr. Hou if you have any questions.

ParentNewsletter Mock SAT Subject Tests The La Salle parent boosters will be offering practice SAT Subject Tests on April 27. This is a good opportunity for students to become more familiar with these standardized tests and to see whether they are ready for the real thing in June. Mock SAT Subject Test(s) – Saturday, April, 27 at 9:00am, Room 301. The price for the mock SAT Subject Tests is $10 per test or $25 for three subject tests. The fee includes a follow-up workshop offered to both parents and students to review the test and answer any test-related questions on Wednesday, May 1 at 6:00pm. It will be held in Blakeslee Library. To register, please submit a check to the College Center, made payable to La Salle High School.

NACAC College Fair The NACAC College Fair will be held at the Pasadena Convention Center: Thursday, April 25 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm (correct your calendar). Juniors, plan to attend this college fair as this is the largest event in Southern California. At least 220 universities and colleges will be represented. Brochures and applications can be obtained at the fair and many of your questions can be answered at this time. This is also a great time to make a good impression on the college representatives. Parents are encouraged to attend the college fair with their student. We encourage families to carpool as it costs $7 to park at the Pasadena Center and parking is limited.

Advanced Placement (AP) Exams May 6 through the 17 All students currently scheduled in AP courses are required to take the AP exam. Each exam is $89 and the total will be billed to the student’s La Salle High School account and reflected on the April Statement. The fee(s) will be processed according to your current payment plan selected (ACH, Credit Card or Check).

APRIL 2013

The AP exams will be administered on the following dates (all dates are printed in the school calendar): Monday, May 6 – Chemistry Tuesday, May 7 – Spanish Language Wednesday, May 8 – Calculus AB & BC Thursday,May 9 – English Literature, Studio Art Friday, May 10 – English Language Monday, May 13 – Biology, Physics C Tuesday, May 14 – Government & Politics: U.S. Wednesday,May 15–U.S. History, European History Thursday, May 16 – Macro/Micro Economics Friday, May 17 – Spanish Literature


For additional information, please contact Ms. Baldonado, AP Coordinator, at 626.696.4311.

From the Learning Specialist La Salle is changing the documentation standards for accommodations to fit the guidelines required by the College Board (SAT) and the American College Testing (ACT) services. If you need more information regarding the documentation requirements for students with disabilities or learning challenges, please contact Mrs. Sinnette-Baird at 626.696.4340 or dsinnettebaird@lasallehs.org.

Spring Cleaning If your student does not want to wait in line to resell their used uniforms on the last day of school, you can still clear that closet and donate their uniforms which will then be resold to La Salle students during the summer. Just place good quality polo or dress shirts, pants, skirts, sweatshirts, or PE shorts in the Used Uniform box in the La Salle Reception Lobby starting April 8, 2013. The Used Uniform Sale is a project of the Academic Boosters and all proceeds fund the wish lists of La Salle’s teachers. Questions? Please call Chris Lynch at 626.914.4828.


34 TEAMS COMPETED FOR Pi Above, Ashton Holmes '14, Abby Marich '16 an Joe Acapente '14 fight the waves.

It Was a Fine Day for Pi

La Salle’s fourth annual Cardboard Regatta took place on March 14th, at the Sierra Madre Aquatic Center. It was a beautiful, warm day to set sail. This year, we held the regatta on Pi day (3-14). Thirty-four teams of physics and honors geometry students proudly brought their cardboard creations to the Sierra Madre Aquatic Center. The faculty decided to play up the fact that the event happened to be scheduled on Pi day this year. The students had the opportunity to create a theme around Pi. There were boats named “Life of Pi,” as well as “Pi-rates,” and “American Pi.” “Monty Pi-thon,” “John 3:14,” “Pi-o-neers,” and “Pi-neapple” boats were all great themed boats as well. Constructed with only standard or appliance grade cardboard and clear packaging tape, the teams were charged to design seaworthy boats that would hold three of their team members and then paddle the length of the Sierra Madre pool and back. This year the robotics team joined in the fun and created two robot-powered cardboard boats of their own. The teachers involved were quite proud of their students who were able to apply the physics and geometry that they learned in class to a real life situation.


Above, Monty Pi-Thons sails to victory with Maddy Salazar'14 aft, Zack Rose '14 amidships and an unidentified swabby in the bow.

APRIL2013 2013 APRIL

IT IS ROW FAST ROW HARD OR SINK Above, Chen Raymundo' 14, Nadia C '14, and Jana Ramerez '16 are followed by Mr. Rynerson with his underwater camera. Center right, finds Amir Evins '13, Alex Cross '14 and Cameron Jones '16 heading for the deep.

Above, Franchessia Burch '14, Sean Kelly'16 and Solina Beringer thank the Home Depot.

Above, the Pi Salesman's Ship is on the way down with Conor Williams '14, Graden McNakeny '14 and Joaquin Barlow '14. Inset, is the Robotics students' entry No. 2.



APRIL 2013

From the Athletic Boosters

La Salle Sports are Bloomin' March 10th was registration day for our new Freshman.We all remember the sense of excitement of being accepted to La Salle and putting the tense process of applying to schools behind us. I had several parents from my previous elementary school quizzing me all year on what to do, what not to do, etc. They really wanted to attend La Salle and only advice I could offer was keep grades up, test well and relax. I am glad to say everyone who wanted La Salle got in and I thank the very dedicated, hard working teachers from their elementary schools who helped all the students achieve their goal.


As always, the Atheltic Boosters had a table set up to sell merchandise and talk with parents about getting involved. I always like this day because it brings back the time when I was just like them - moving on from a familiar school to a whole new venue. My second child is at La Salle and sometimes I get jaded by being here for six years, but when I come to registration and I see the young faces so happy and excited with their relieved parents, it makes it new for me again. So all you veterans, do not forget to make our new La Salle families feel welcome when you see them, just like it was done for you and me. I am spending a little time on the subject of volunteering because I know how fast time fies during these four years. I have mentioned a few times that high school goes by in a flash. Some people believe it and jump in, others wade in slowly, while some never join in at all. I just hope whichever category you are in, that you get the most out of your experience here at La Salle.Get involved whether its in sports, theater or arts; it does not

matter. What matters is enjoying your child’s time here because it is over way too soon. The teams have just started league play so it is too early to say how they are doing, but we will report their progress in the next newsletter. The sports in season are Baseball, Tennis, Softball, Boys Volleyball, Boys Golf, Boys and Girls Track and Boys and Girls Swimming. Check the athletic website for dates and times of games.

Current Records: Baseball Tennis Softball Boys Volleyball Boys Golf Boys Swim Girls Swim Boys Track Girls Track

4-0 1-4 2–2 6–1 5–0 2–1 1–2 0–1 1–0

For Specific Game Dates, Times and Locations Log on to Lasallelancers.org or lasallehs.org Athletics. Please visit the La Salle Athletics page at www.lasallelancers.org under Boosters for volunteer opportunities. PAGE 14


APRIL 2013

CIF Volleyball Rings The CIF Division IA Champions show off their championship rings. From left, standing they are: Haley DeSales, Olivia Bin, Coach, Tiare Tuitame, Carolyn Knop, Katrina Palffy, Renaissance Forester, Jessica Kennedy, Reilly Spriestersbach, Jaya Banks and Sierra Bononi. Kneeling, Katie Smither, Cheri Raymundo, Jewels Tavera, Katrina Leek and Maddie Pefferle. The presentation took place before the Boys volleyball victory over Salesian High School on March 12. Sports Continued from page 14

We have additional athletes going on to play Sports in College, and I would like to acknowledge them. Josh Valmonte: Football at Menlo College Kyle Lewis: Football at Cal Lutheran Congratulations to both of these boys. Next month we will be discussing our volunteer opportunities and what exciting new activities we have planned for the balance of this year and for the fall, so stay tuned. Feel free to contact me at jdcina@sbcglobal. net. You can also find out more on the banners for sale, as well as schedules and results of our games at www.lasallelancers.org.

Finally, the La Salle Atheletic Boosters Board is looking for volunteers to help with our year end activities. Please contact me if youy wish to get more involved. I hope to see you the second Tuesday of each month in the Band room at 6:30pm for our Booster meeting. Go Lancers!

God Bless, John D. Cina P'13, '14 Athletic Boosters President PAGE 15


APRIL 2013

New Tennis Courts Open

From left, Ryan Wright, City of Arcadia Recreation Department, Anthony Harris, La Salle Athletic Director, Bob Harbicht, Mayor of Arcadia, Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, Principal, Dr. Richard Gray, Prersident and Tim Pawley, La Salle Tennis Coach.



· On March 6, Athletic Director Anthony Harris, presided over the ribbon cutting ceremony for La Salle's newly resurfaced tennis courts. In his opening comments he said, "Today is a special day in the La Salle tennis program as it serves as the celebration of our new courts here at Orange Grove Park." The history of the La Salle tennis program began in the 1960’s when Brother Wilfred, FSC served as coach. Because La Salle does not have on-campus courts, the program developed a variety of relationships over the years with neighboring tennis facilities, with the last two being Live Oak Park and Whittier Narrows. "When I began my position as AD here at La Salle in January of 2011," Harris continued, "I had discussions with our current tennis coach, Tim Pawley (our boys and girls tennis coach of 10 years), about securing a more permanent location for Lancer Tennis. The fruit of that meeting places us here today." Harris went on to thank Arcadia Mayor, Bob Harbicht, who, along with the city council was instrumental in getting the project approved. Harris said he greatly appreciated the help of Ryan Wright and Sara Somagyi from the City of Arcadia, who "pointed me in the right direction" while helping us through the permit and construction process. Harris thanked Mark Mitchell, the father of Christine Mitchell, a former girls tennis player who made a significant donation toward the completion of the project. He also thanked the La Salle Athletic Boosters, "the backbone of the La Salle athletic department. They donated $5,000 toward the completion of the project. They are just some of special people that we need to thank as this project would not have been possible without them."


APRIL 2013

Baseball Marches On By Harry Agajanian, Varsity Baseball Head Coach

The La Salle Lancer Baseball team embarked on our second trip to the Camp Pendleton Marine Base for the Camp Goalz retreat. At the camp and under the "guidence" of the United Stares Marine Corps, the team learned responsibility, accountability and team unity. This being our second tour, some thought it would be an easier task, but the Marines had a couple of surprises in store for us. The initial three mile hike (carrying 10 pound. rocks and 25 pound. backpacks) turned into six miles. The hill climbing was steeper, the questions were tougher, and the intimidation factor was much greater. However, our rest time was much more appreciated. Some new turns were introduced during instruction on teamwork. Aside from the obstacle course, that the Marines run through in 90 seconds (our fastest time was 5 minutes), the Lancers were given a private tour at the dog training facility. Watching our

military dogs in action with their handlers was an amazing sight. Dog and Handler worked in unison, as if they knew what each other was thinking. The boys were then surreptitiously introduced to two Marine snipers. They were pointed in the snipers general direction, but they were impossible to see until they emerged from the brush. Our players also learned that anything can be accomplished after one of the snipers showed us his prosthetic leg. This extraordinary Marine is still on active duty. In general, the experience of attending Camp Goalz was amazing. To watch our players go there and see the adjustments they made from the start of the camp to the end was incredible. Watching their teamwork, leadership, and communication skills get tested put everything into perspective for our athletes. The way the camp encouraged physical and mental strength by making these athletes push not only themselves, but their teammates is the building block we use to move in the right direction. As well as instilling moving

with a purpose, the camp taught the Lancers how to maintain an unyielding focus, resulting in helping us accomplish our goals. Camp Goalz is definitely what the La Salle Baseball program is about, not only preparing our athletes for baseball, but for their future as well. Camp Goalz outings have become an important part of our journey toward conditioning our bodies and our minds. We are proud to wear the Lancer uniform. We are truly one team with one effort. PAGE 17


APRIL 2013


La Salle Grand Band European Tour 2014 In the Spring of 2014 a group of musically inclined students will embark upon one of the most ambitious trips in the history of LaSalle’s music program. The eleven-day tour includes performances in Salzburg, Vienna, and Prague, and features many other music-related stops along the way. The trip is open to members of Advanced Band, String Ensemble, and Choir, and truly represents the chance of a lifetime for these young musicians. Our students will follow in the footsteps of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert, plus a whole slew of Strausses and (of course) Falco. A series of fundraisers will be held throughout the next year to help defray the estimated $3000 per student costs. Parents considering accompanying the group should contact the Arts Boosters Newsletter liaison for a list of “bloody marvelous watering holes” along the route.



APRIL 2013

From the Office of Institutional Advancement

The Campaign for the Arts Continues With only three months left before the Board of Regents Campaign for the Arts ends, now is the time to consider your gift to this important initiative, if you have not yet contributed. This campaign aims to raise at least $300,000 to add to the strengths of the Visual and Performing Arts program at La Salle. The campaign will endow a scholarship in the Arts, and includes the refurbishment of the Linda M. Grinstead Theater, the Mareina Dance Studio, the band room and LTV video production studio.

Christian Service Awards Seniors Andrew Torrijos and Julia Jacques pose with Archbishop Jose Gomez after receiving the Archdiocesan Christian Service Award. The award is given to one or two seniors from each of the 51 high schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Some of the work that Andrew did to receive the award was volunteering on Skid Row with his family, as well as going on a service immersion trip to Ghana. He still has a relationship with the people he met. Julia received the award for her longtime work with assistees and volunteers throughout the area. She has also helped plan and implement the St. Baldrick’s event at La Salle the past two years as well as motivate the school to participate in service projects in her role as Commissioner of Service.

There will be an event celebrating the Studio Arts at that home of Craig and D’Arcy Sloane, in Altadena, on April 28, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Enjoy good friends, food and wine at this exhibit highlighting the awardwinning Studio Arts at La Salle. All parents, grandparents or students interested in seeing the work of the talented Studio Arts students, both past and present, are warmly welcome to attend. Please direct any questions to Kristin Donahue at 626.696.4381.


On May 11, 2013, alumnus Frank Ferrante ’81 will be presenting his stage show, “An Evening with Groucho” in the La Salle Dining Hall. An awardwinning actor/director/playwright, Ferrante recreates his PBS, New York and London acclaimed portrayal of legendary comedian Groucho Marx in this fast paced 90 minutes of hilarity. A show perfect for all ages! Tickets for this event can be purchased through brownpapertickets.com. For more information, visit the La Salle website at www.lasallehs.org. Gifts to the RCA can be made through the La Salle website or go directly to the gift site at www.lasallehs.org/ ArtsCampaign.



APRIL 2013

And the Award Goes to...


the La Salle filmmakers


Awards have been raining down on our La Salle filmmakers who have won national, regional and local honors. Some of their films have been selected to be shown at student film festivals, including the Los Angeles Student Media Festival and the Arizona International Film Festival. As a school-based film program, La Salle’s Lancer Television (LTV) filmmakers won three honorable mentions at the Student Television Network (STN) Conference in downtown Los Angeles. A group of 33 LTV students attended the four-day event held at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in March. The students won honorable mention awards in the categories: Convention Recap, 60-second Silent Movie, and Movie Trailer. Enjoy the Movie Trailer entry, which was directed by Stephen Boyer '14 and produced by fellow Lancers at https://vimeo. com/61504497, and Joaquin Barlow '14 who won an honorable mention for his 60-second Silent movie. Here is the link vimeo.com/61662759. Individually, several of our film students have been racking up the awards and invitations to film festivals. Two films by Malone Lumarda ’14 -- “The Farm” and “Escaping the Island” -- have been selected to be screened at three different film festivals. He was also part of the Lancer team that filmed the Convention Recap at STN. “The Farm” has been selected to be shown at the 16th Green Mountain Film Festival High School Filmmaker Showcase in St. Johnsbury, Vermont, on April 12-14, and as part of Indie Youth at the 22nd Arizona International Film Festival in Tucson, Arizona, (April 12-28). “Escaping the Island” will also be screened at the Green Mountain Film Festival and it will be shown at the 10th Other Venice Film Festival in the Youth Film Competition in Venice, California, October 11-13. Malone shot “The Farm” at his grandfa-

ther’s farm in Pennsylvania over Christmas vacation. The snow-covered corn, soybean and wheat fields inspired the 17-year-old to pick up his camera and capture the beauty, not knowing where the isolation of the place would take his imagination. You can see his films by following these links: “The Farm” at http://vimeo.com/58593694 and “Escaping the Island” http://vimeo. com/58645664. Nationally, Stephanie Delazeri '13 has won two national awards in the Scholastic Arts and Writing competition. She has won the National Silver Medal award in the category of Art Portfolio for her film “Things That Annoy People” and a National Silver Medal award in Comic Art for “What Annoys Me Most.” The awards will be presented during a ceremony at Carnegie Hall in New York City from May 30 to June 1. Futhermore, Stephanie is among the 33 finalists from 13 Los Angeles County high schools for the 2013 Los Angeles Student Media Festival. She has two films in contention: “The Horror” and “In the Home.” As an example of her work, “In the Home” is animated on paper and then inked and colored in Photoshop. It is a short film -- about six minutes -- about a ghost who haunts a house by mostly being a couch potato. All of the films of finalists in the 2013 Los Angeles Student Media Festival were screened on March 30 at the El Portal Theatre in North Hollywood. You can enjoy Stephanie’s films on the following two links http://vimeo.com/54415553) and http://vimeo.com/47137002. Last year, Stephanie won the national Gold Key Award for her animated film, “Ballmation.” Stephanie is no stranger to winning awards for her animation. Her animated films “The Right to Happiness” and “Everything Makes Sense” also won regional Honorable Mention awards in the 2012 Scholastic Arts and Writing Awards. In 2011, her film “Walking Birds,” received a regional Filmmakers


Continued on page 23


APRIL 2013

The Academic Boosters Say

“Thank You”

to all who have helped with our events to date, and all who have signed up to help in the coming months.

We still need volunteers!

Please check the calendar for our May, June and July events, then sign up! HERE IS HOW TO SIGN UP FOR HOURS:

Go to the La Salle Website. Click on “Parents” at the top of the screen. Click on “PA volunteer website” on the left side of the screen. Click on “member log in.”


Enter your user name, this is your firstname_lastname (lower case). Your password is your last name (lower case). Once you are in the La Salle Parent website you can click on the calendar at the top of the screen. Now you can look through the calendar year and click on the events that you are interested in.

Please check to see how many volunteers are needed, and how many have already signed up.





5/14/13 5/23/13 5/23/13 5/24/13 6/5/13 7/11/13

Academic Awards Night Senior Uniform Buyback Baccalaureate Mass Commencement Exercises Used Uniform Buyback Used Uniform Sale Set-Up

5:30 PM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 AM TBA

4 3 4 3 3


Used Uniform Sale

11:00 AM


*Start time and number of service hours is approximate. Volunteers will be advised of exact start time prior to the event. Credit will be based on actual hours served.

Volunteer Coordinators: Ellen Hoffman Diane Taylor ehoffman929@gmail.com dtaylorfamilyof5@gmail.com Cookies are needed for most of these events. Earn one service hour for each two dozen HOME-BAKED cookies. Please sign up on the calendar where you see “Cookie Club.” PAGE 21


APRIL 2013

From the Arts Boosters

Springtime: The Arts are in Bloom and Volunteer Opportunities Abound


Springtime is when all of the visual and performing arts at La Salle bloom. All families are encouraged to attend the various events and show their appreciation for the remarkable art being made by our talented students. And if you are in need of volunteer hours, the Arts Boosters have plenty of fun events that they are supporting, where your talent and time will be greatly appreciated. Follows is the schedule of events and the various volunteer opportunities. The school-wide Spring Art Show opens Saturday, April 13, in the Blakeslee Library with a reception from 3:00 to 5:00pm. The show remains on display through April 19. Volunteers are needed, starting April 9, to help the teachers hang the students’ art work and to make labels for all of the pieces. Donations of food and beverages are needed for the reception, as well as a three-to-six person crew to set up, serve and clean up. Contact: Esmeralda Garcia at Esmeralda_g_c@yahoo.com

The Spring Musical opens Saturday, April 20, off-campus at Porticos Art Space, 2033 E. Washington Blvd. in Pasadena. The musical, “Guys and Dolls,” will have eight performances: April 20 at 7:00pm, April 21 at 2:00pm and 6:00pm, April 25 "Middle School Matinee" at 3:00pm, April 26 at 7:00pm, April 27 at 2:00 and 7:00pm and April 28 at 2:00pm. Volunteers may donate food and beverages for intermission for each PAGE 22

of the performances. Also a crew of three volunteers is needed to work concessions at each performance. Contact: Lynell Messineo for further information at Lynell.Messineo@yahoo.com. The Regents Arts Intiative Studio Arts Reception will be held Sunday, April 28, from 4:00 to 6:00pm at the home of Craig and D’Arcy Sloane. Event will feature visual art – paintings, drawings, sculpture and photography. Volunteers are needed to set up exhibits of student art works and decorate performance spaces and help “backstage.” To RSVP to attend the event or to volunteer, contact Kristin Donahue, in the Office of Institutional Advancement, at 626.696.4381. Jazz Concert will be held on Thursday, May 2, at 7:00pm in the Linda M. Grinstead Theatre. Donations of wine, food and beverages are needed for an audience of at least 100. Crew is needed to help transform the theatre into a cabaret and to assist patrons with their food and beverage choices. This event also needs a Set-up and Clean-up crew of three. Contact: Esmeralda Garcia at Esmeralda_g_c@yahoo.com. Band & Choir Concert May 4 at 4:00pm. in the Dining Hall. Volunteers needed for decorating hall, donations of beverages and food, and crew to set-up, serve and clean-up. Contact: Sandra Sedlik at Sandra@sedlik.com. AP Art Show at 5:00pm in the Blakeslee Library after the concert Dance Concert May 4 at 7:00pm. and May 5 at 3:00pm and 6:00pm at Porticos Art Space, 2033 East Washington Blvd. Spring show features cast of 80 dancers. Volunteers needed backstage, and as concessions workers and dinner providers for 90 cast and crew members on May 5. Laundry helpers and set-up and clean up crews also needed. Contact: Pacita Franco at drfranco8@sbcglobal.net RCA Benefit Performance of “An Evening with Groucho” on May 11 at 7:00pm in the Dining

APRIL 2013

Uniform BuyBack Thursday, May 23 12:00pm to 2:00pm Dining Hall Atrium

Wednesday, June 5 9:00am to 11:00 am Dining Hall Atrium

Hall is the grand finale to one of the busiest years La Salle’s Visual and Performing Arts Department has produced. La Salle alum Frank Ferrante '81 stars in this hilarious one-man-show about Groucho Marx and his life and times in Hollywood. Ferrante, who has made a career out of interpreting the legendary comedian, makes his only Southern California appearance as Groucho Marx this year at La Salle. All proceeds will benefit the Regents Campaign for the Arts.Tickets are available online at http:// groucholshs.brownpapertickets.com and at the door. Tell your friends, family and co-workers about this wonderful evening of fun and irreverence. Filmmakers

Continued from page 21

Gold Key award. That film also went on to win an honorable mention for student films at the 2011 Ottawa Animated Film Festival. Speaking of Scholastic Arts and Writing awards, Nicky Keros '13 won a regional Silver Key for his film, “The Carpenter.” It is a short film about a day in the life of novelist J.D. Salinger after he separated himself from society. This film attempts to portray a typical day in his uneventful life with his wife who he chooses to ignore. His actions and the exclusion of his wife identifies with Holden Caulfield’s personality in Salinger’s masterpiece, “Catcher in the Rye.” Nicky’s grandparents, Jerry and Sharon Algeo, portray Salinger and his wife. View the film by at vimeo.com/54643989.

Academic Boosters Used Uniform Fundraiser It is time to clean out your student’s closet. The Academic Boosters will buy back used uniforms on May 23rd and June 5th. Receive cash for your used uniforms by bringing your Mills or CKW uniforms, PE shorts, sweatshirts, spirit shirts and polo shirts with a La Salle logo to the Dining Hall Atrium. Uniforms must be in new to good condition, freshly laundered and meet current standards.


The money from the Used Uniform Fundraiser enables the Academic Boosters to support the teaching and enrichment programs of our school curriculum by granting items on the “Wish Lists” of the faculty and staff. Parents please note. Used uniform donations are also gratefully accepted. A used uniform collection box will be available starting April 15th in the school lobby.



APRIL 2013

From Guidance and Counseling

Parent Education Series April 27 By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling

I hope that Easter vacation is a time of renewal for our Lasallian community. The Easter message is one of hope and renewal. And so, we begin again next month, to return to routines that we may have set aside for a few days. WHAT IS YOUR TEEN DOING ONLINE? APRIL 23

This month, the second part of the 2012-2013 Miles to Go program will return to La Salle High School. Please check your La Salle High School calendars to confirm the days that your freshman, sophomore or senior students will attend. If possible, please reschedule any non urgent appointments for your student on the day that she or he is scheduled to attend. A reminder that The Parent Education Series program is scheduled for Tuesday evening, April 23, at 7:00pm in the Blakeslee Library. Our speaker is Mr. John Sovec, who will discuss the online world of your adolescent. His workshop, “What’s Your Teen Really Doing Online”, promises to be informative. Mr. Sovec is a licensed Marriage and Family therapist who practices in Pasadena. He will speak with us in an interactive meeting in which he will clarify your student’s online world and answer your questions and concerns. Mr. Sovec will discuss 10 student behaviors that he believes may indicate that your student is having problems with electronic addiction. Volunteer hours are available for assistance with this program.

Page 24

APRIL 2013


APRIL 2013

"Home" Pool Opened

FULL SIZE POOL FOR SWIM AND WATER POLO Pictured left to right: Michael Jafari (Boys’ swim coach) Shari Baugh (Associate AD), Nicki Maichrowicz (Girls swim coach) David Ireland (Assistant swim coach), Anthony Harris (Director of Athletics).

· March 5, 2013 marked the first official home swim meet for the La Salle Lancers in over 20 years. The history of the La Salle aquatics program began in 1964 where the Lancers all boys’ team would pair up with the Westridge all girls’ team. Later, La Salle developed a relationship with Sierra Madre Pool in the early 1970s for their aquatics programs. Over the years, the La Salle swim program has participated in the San Fernando Valley League, Prep League, Sunshine League, and now in the Del Rey League. In 2012, the Lancers captured their first ever CIF Division IV swimming championship. "That was accomplished by a group of six girls that proved quality is better than quantity. Two of those girls’ (Samantha Torrez and Maddi Lanyi) remain in the program today," Harris said. "I would like to thank Arcadia County Park for allowing us to be in partnership with them and this beautiful facility. Dr. Richard Gray and La Salle for allowing me the freedom as Athletic Director to go out and find a home for our program." Harris said he felt that it was only fitting to have our first and only CIF championship swim coach Nicki Maichrowicz cut the ceremonial ribbon. PAGE 25


APRIL 2013

St. Baldrick's Day


On the evening of March 21, La Salle High School hosted its Second Annual St. Baldrick’s Foundation fundraiser. The event, organized by senior Julia Jacques, raised money to fund research aimed at finding cures for childhood cancers. Sponsors donated money for participants who, on stage at the event, shaved their heads or cut their long hair. There were 54 participants total, including faculty shavees Ms. Pamela Wagner and Mr. Phil Velasco. The effort raised almost $8,000 forthe St. Baldrick’s Foundation. Thank you to all who participated and donated!

Top, many of the "Shavees" gathered for a photo in the amphitheatre. Above left, 2013 event chair, Julia Jaqcues '13 with 2012 event chair Kimberlyn Kelly '12. Above, Mr. Phil Velasco '07, LTV teacher, begins the "donation" process.



APRIL 2013

MORE st. baldrick's PHOTOS ARE on the La salle Website


Top, Mrs. Pam Wagner, Religious Studies teacher was a gallant "Shavee." Top right Katelyn Stone and Sebastian Schiff. Center from left, Cameron Kober, Austin Gewecke, Ruben Gonzales and Neelan Ganesan. Above left, Robby Snodgrass. Above center, Nick Espinosa. Far right, Kimberlyn Kelly donates her locks.


APRIL 2013


APRIL 2013

The Obsequious Observer By John Blackstock, The Editor

Names in the News GOOD STUFF TO KNOW

We have received the results for AMC (American Mathematics Competitions), and we are very excited to inform you that six of our students were acknowledged. Ms. Leah Rojhani, math teacher tells us that the number of the winners from our school has been increasing as well. Award winners were: AMC12 (11-12 grades): Grant Way, “AIME Qualifier and “Team Member Award, Liam Buchanan. Team Member Award, Andrew Lucas. Team Member Awards, AMC10 (9-10 grades): Katelyn Stone, Max Behrens, Alyson Chi. Grant Way has been qualified to move on to the next level which is AIME Competitions (Invitational Mathematics Examination) The AMC is a very difficult test and to be qualifying to AIEM is extremely hard. Qualification for AIME is by achieving an AMC 12-A score of 94.5 and an AMC 10-A score of 115.5. (Where in general, score of 80 is considered very high). Mrs. Rojani tells us that these students worked very hard for the test. They participated in math leagues, and studied math more intensely than they normally do in school. "We met every week during lunch time or after school, and worked through challenging math problems as the students shared their strategies with each other." Congratulations to all. Senior football player, Bryce Shaw, was honored on March 26, at the San Gabriel Chapters Annual Scholar Athlete Awards Banquet. Coach Russ Gordon and Principal Brother Christopher Brady, FSC were also in attendance. Rotary Leadership: The initial posting of the March ParentNewsletter did not list Yurika Watanabe as an attendee at the Rotary Youth Leadership Conference. The Rotary extends its apology.

Groucho on Campus My dear friend and alumnus, Frank Ferrante, from the class of 1981, will present his stage show, “An Evening with Groucho” on May 11. It is a delightful show and I guarantee you will enjoy the Hollywood history and hilarity. Tickets can be purchased through brownpapertickets.com. Check the School website for more.

Shantytown Report Science teacher and Shantytown coordinator Kjersti Holyfield '04, reports that the event was a great success. Students built their own cardboard "shantytown" in an effort to create awareness and to cultivate an understanding of what people all around the nation go through each night .A complete wrap up with photos is scheduled for the next issue of the ParentNewsletter.

SPARC The organization, Student Philanthropists Advancing Real Change (SPARC), met with freshmen and sophomores at an assembly on Wednesday, March 13. For more information about the program please visit: http://pisf.org/about/faqs-and-application. Page 28


APRIL 2013

Lancer Film Festival


At the Lancer Film Festival, sponsored by the Regents Campaign for the Arts, parents, teachers, students and friends watched student produced short films. These films included animation, experimental and music videos.. Audiences were situated around the home of Dennis Jebbia. Above, a group views one of the award winning films. Watch for more about this and other RCA events in the next issue of the ParentNewslettter.

CIF Volleyball Rings All-CIF Player of theYear, sophomore Hayley DeSales, and Del Rey League Coach of the Year, Tiare Tuitama, receive their rings. See page 15 for "Team with Rings" photo.

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APRIL 2013

APRIL 2013

Check your School calendar for all event times and dates

April Highlights March 28 - April 7 Easter Vacation



March 31 Sunday Easter April 8 Classes Resume Student Life Campaign Week April 9 Boosters Board Meetings 6:30pm Campus Parents Association Meeting 7:45pm Blakeslee Library April 10 College Forum 6:00pm Campuswide April 12 Spirit Day Crystal Ball and Auction 6:00-11:00pm Langham Hotel Pasadena

April 19 Junior - Senior Prom 7:30-11:30pm Los Angles, Vibiana's April 20 Saturday Spring Musical Opens See page 22 April 23 Parent Education Series 7:00pm Blakeslee Library April 25 NACAC College Fair 6:00 - 9:00pm Pasdena Convention Center April 28 Sunday RCA Studio Art Reception 4:00 to 6:00pm Pasadena May 1 Liturgy Schedule Marian Celebration Dress up day

Doctors and Nurses Needed

The La Salle Athletic Department is looking for Parent Volunteers to help with this year’s summer physicals. We are in need of physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and nurses to help with medical exams on June 8 (10:00am-2:00pm) and July 13 (9:00am-1:00pm). Parent volunteers are needed to help with check in and forms. Athletics wishes to have a minimum of six physicians staffed for each physical. Please contact Tim Rasmussen at trasmuss@lasallehs.org for more information. Thank you.

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