ParentNewsletter The La Salle
La Salle Matters Henry David Thoreau captured, I think, the significance of how transitions work in our lives when he wrote in his journal:
“We must walk consciously only part way toward our goal, and then leap in the dark to our success.” Whether it is a transition from high school to college, one job to another or one location to another, there is always an element of the unknown that shrouds the process by which we move our lives forward. And, while we are often the agents of a transition, we aren’t necessarily its manager. Old patterns of behavior become irrelevant, new people enter our lives and unfamiliar expectations emerge. While we think we know what lies on the other side of a transition, we really don’t. At some point in the transition process, we must, as Thoreau so adroitly notes, “leap in the dark.” La Salle is in the midst of “leaping in the dark” as we search for a new principal. But that transition must be placed within the context of an extraordinarily exciting and challenging year. At the very same time that the School is looking for a new principal, we are also in the midst of pursuing public approval for our Campus Master Plan and have successfully concluded the WCEA/WASC accreditation and Strategic Planning processes. All four moments – together - represent a significant transition in the wonderful story of La Salle High School. We are faced with hiring a principal who will, more than likely, preside over a school that – for the first time in its 60 year history – has no Christian Brother present, we are also charting the course of the next ten years through the creation of a Strategic Plan and the implementation of an Educational Improvement Plan (EIP) which is validated by the WCEA/WASC accreditation process (cf. last month’s La Salle Matters in the ParentNewsletter on our website).
La Salle Matters Continued on page 2
More About The De La Salle Christian Brothers Saint La Salle is identified with the "Simultaneous Method" of teaching. By the "Simultaneous Method" the pupils are graded according to their capacity, putting those of equal attainments in the same class, giving them the same text-books, and requiring them to follow the same lesson under one and the same teacher. This method has stood the test of time and experience, and is that which the Brothers of the Christian Schools employ in all grades of instruction even to the present day.
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La Salle Matters Continued from page 1
pursue your passion
These initiatives require La Salle to “walk consciously…toward our goal” of providing a diversity of opportunities both in and out of the classroom that is unparalleled among its peers (cf. Value Proposition in the Summer 2015 ParentNewsletter). To accomplish this ambitious goal, we must put the intellectual, financial and physical resources in place which will attract college-preparatory ready, Mission-appropriate, students who represent the economic and demographic characteristics of the San Gabriel Valley. La Salle enjoys a proud history of doing exactly that; but as the “Baby Boom Bust” continues to produce fewer school-age children, we cannot assume that they will find us attractive simply because of what we have done in the past. Rather, we must provide clear evidence to teenagers (and their parents) that they can successfully pursue their passion – whatever it is – here at La Salle. La Salle is known, for example, for its robust four-year Visual and Performing Arts program which annually draws more than 200 students who are able to, essentially, “major” in one of five artistic disciplines (including our award-winning film and digital media program). Less visible is the four-year Honors program which results in outstanding “pass rates” in over 17 Advanced Placement courses. And, as interscholastic athletics becomes increasingly more competitive in Southern California, we know that our commitment to provide the resources necessary to build a successful sports program at La Salle will produce the kind of success that gets reported in the Pasadena Star-News (cf. the terrific coverage of our Boys Basketball journey to the State Tournament). I am fond of referring to these elements of the School’s Mission as a “three-legged stool.” The stool (La Salle) cannot remain upright without ensuring that each leg is as strong as the other ones. Nevertheless, it will be for the next principal to act as “conductor” of the La Salle “orchestra,” and to support the “leap into the dark of our success.” It will be up to him – or her – to take advantage of the recommendations found in the highly salutary report of the WCEA/WASC Visiting Committee (stay tuned – next month’s ParentNewsletter will feature a précis of their report). He – or she – will need to assure current and future families entrusted to our care that their children will not only thrive but succeed at La Salle – so much so that there can be little doubt about what college they should attend after graduation. Yes, it’s a daunting challenge – one that was characterized by a member of the Search Committee as “looking for Jesus with an MBA!” That having been said, I am pleased to report that, of the nearly 30 candidates who have expressed interest in the position, eleven fit the profile of the next principal of La Salle (cf. to read the job description). Consequently, I look forward to the deliberations of the Search Committee and am confident that I will be reporting good news regarding the appointment of the next principal before the end of the school year. Because we are “walking consciously toward our goal,” I do not fear the necessary “leap into the dark of our success.” Rather, I welcome this transition to the next chapter of La Salle’s story.
Richard Gray, Ph.D President
PS…for the first time in 17 years, my column appears on the front page of the ParentNewsletter. Please don’t assume I’ve elbowed Brother Christopher out of the way – he is home, recuperating from successful surgery and will reappear here in the May ParentNewsletter.
APRIL 2016
From the Parent Association
Walking the Walk: A High School Parent Observes Lasallian Values in Action We talk a lot about the five core principles that comprise our Lasallian values, the system which governs every aspect of school life; but is it all just talk? Is La Salle really any different from any other high school? Are these principles just another “branding strategy”? If not, how are they being lived out in the actions of our students and faculty? Can four years at La Salle really make that much of a difference in a student’s life? I would like to say, with emphasis, yes! And I would like to share some snapshots from my experiences during the past week to illustrate what I mean:
Concern for the Poor and Social Justice “We are in solidarity with the poor and advocate for those suffering from injustices.”
Parent Association Meeting April 12, 2016 6:30pm Blakeslee Library
At the Parent Association meeting this past week, we were treated to four local alumni who had graduated from La Salle in the last few years. Interviewed by Dr. Gray, they answered questions like, “How did La Salle prepare you for college?” and “What kind of activities, outside of the academic arena, were you involved with while you were students at La Salle?” Their answers were impressive and inspiring. Answers from Alexa Tango, a freshman at Azusa Pacific University, and Kelly Sanchez a sophomore at USC, about how they chose their majors, were particularly inspiring. Both noted that the service learning that was integrated into their curriculum at La Salle inspired their choice of majors and life paths. Alexa, a pre-med student, chose her major not for the financial rewards of medicine, but as a way to better humanity. Kelly is a double major in business and non-profit, and plans to follow her career path where those areas of study will take her. How wise are those so young!
Faith in the Presence of God “We believe in the living presence of God in our students, our community and our world.” My daughter has been involved with the four-year arts program at La Salle, and the students are in the middle of their three week run of “Nice Work If You Can Get It.” It’s a frothy, funny musical, set in the 1920s era of Prohibition. The challenge the cast and crew faced during this production was working around their director’s planned absence for major surgery, just two weeks before their opening night. Dr. Lucas had the students prepared well, but their concern for her and their apprehension at continuing without her was palpable at her announcement. It was an opportunity to let down, or worse, give up. To everyone’s delight, the students met the challenge magnificently. With God’s love, strength and faith in each other, and support and love from their families, Dr. Rynerson and the other adults aiding the production, these young thespians succeeded in putting together a fantastic show.
Quality Education “We engage in quality education together as students, staff and faculty by thinking critically and examining our world in light of faith.” Values Continued on page 4
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Continued from page 3
KNOW The Five Lasallian Core Values
The week of March 7th was a busy one for the faculty, staff and parents, and there was Glenda Smith, Director of Instrumental Music, in the middle of it all. On Wednesday, she had double duty, supervising the musicians playing for the Ice Cream Social, then leading the pep band at the basketball game later that evening. Thursday through Sunday (that’s five shows!), she was playing trumpet in the pit orchestra (having also played two shows the weekend before) for the musical. Saturday morning, she also helped with New Family Registration, identifying and welcoming incoming music students in particular. Glenda, like so many faculty and staff members, goes above and beyond the normal workday, making her commitment to the school and to her students. The quality of education at La Salle goes way beyond the school day, and it’s visible in the respect and commitment demonstrated by students and adults throughout our school community. Respect for all Persons “We honor and respect the dignity of all individuals.” On one of the happiest days of a family’s life, is high school registration at La Salle. My husband Matt and I were honored to speak with these new student's parents about making a financial commitment to the School above and beyond tuition, without which La Salle would be unable to support the programs that make La Salle such a rich experience. It’s a challenging subject for many people, and we do our best to put people at ease and illuminate a path toward giving without judgment or pressure. Our work on Saturday was made much easier with the caring assistance of Tara Milton, who works with Jon Keates, our director of Institutional Advancement. People’s lives are complicated, and Tara helped a number of incoming parents work out ways to participate in the Parent Gift Program. Her “no worries,” can-do attitude put people at ease with a difficult subject, and I saw Tara doing God’s work time after time throughout the morning. Inclusive Community “We celebrate diversity and welcome all members of our community.” I scooped ice cream at the New Student Ice Cream Social held on Wednesday, March 9th in anticipation of New Student registration on Saturday, the 12th. I loved watching the fresh, young faces mingling with expectant parents, faculty, staff and current students. What an amazing array of people I saw looking up from my container of strawberry ice cream. How happy, how excited, how real! The student body, parents, faculty and staff, truly reflect the diversity of our surrounding community, and we are blessed to be a part of it. As parents, we expend a lot of physical and mental effort caring for our children. And, truthfully, much of our energy is spent worrying: about their safety, their grades, their friends, and their college plans. I’m the first to admit that those are legitimate things for parents to worry about. But there are equally serious issues we must all address: Is my child dependable? Kind to others? Compassionate? Thoughtful? Helpful? How do they see themselves in relation to the world around them? Are they young men and women of faith? Even more than grades or college connections, the answers seem, to me, to determine the course of a successful, fulfilling life. I am grateful that La Salle asks these questions and answers them by example, not just at a yearly assembly, but daily.
Marianne K. Wright P'16 President, Parent Association
Parking Alert for all Students and Parents The City of Pasadena will be changing the street parking conditions on Sierra Madre Boulevard in front of La Salle. This work is tentatively scheduled to begin between March 24th and April 3rd. Most of the Sierra Madre Boulevard street parking will be eliminated (no parking red curbs from 7:00am to 4:00pm) from the upper senior lot exit driveway west to the end of the senior parking lot. The bus street parking at the west end of the upper parking lot will then become unrestricted parking. Immediately in front of the School will become green 2 hour parking, eliminating the current limited use 15 minute green parking. Be alert when returning to school after Easter Vacation as the actual date of these new curb restrictions going into force is tentative.
APRIL 2016
La Salle High School
3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated
© 2016
• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email: jblackstock @ lasallehs . org
Grandparents Day
March 23
Go to La Salle's Flickr Gallery to see photos after March 24, 2016.
Transforming Lives Since 1680
APRIL 2016
The Cardboard Regatta Sails Again La Salle’s seventh annual Cardboard Regatta took place on March 14 at the Sierra Madre Aquatic Center. With clouds threatening early in the day dozens of teams of physics and honors geometry students proudly brought their cardboard creations to the Sierra Madre Aquatic Center as the
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sun broke through for a glorious day on the water. Constructed with only standard or appliance grade cardboard and clear packaging tape, the teams were charged to design seaworthy boats that would hold three of their team members and then paddle the length of the Olympic sized Sierra Madre pool and back. The teachers involved were quite proud of their students who were able to apply the physics and geometry that they learned in class to a real-life situations.
APRIL 2016
The Crystal Ball
Opportunity Drawing Opportunity Drawing tickets are on sale now! The prizes are as follows: A Pleasant Holidays Vacation for 2 to Maui* 8 days, 7 nights at the Royal Lahaina Resort Includes round-trip airfare from LAX $300 food and beverage credit at select resort restaurants Plus two complimentary Luau tickets
• Apple iPad
• Disneyland Family Park Hopper 4-pack Opportunity Drawing takes place on May 6, 2016 during the Crystal Ball For tickets, contact Robyn Tapert at 626.357.3588
or *Maui Vacation made possible by a grant from the William H. Hannon Foundation
APRIL 2016
A Delicious Good Time at The Taste of La Salle The La Salle Alumni Association hosted the return of the much anticipated Taste of La Salle on March 19th in the Dining Hall and Atrium Over 350 guests made up of alumni, current parents, alumni parents, friends and community members tempted their taste buds with delicious food and drink from the 36 participating restaurants and beverage vendors. The Opportunity Drawing drew much interest with 10 delicious prizes up for grabs. Lonna McCartney won the Cozy Night- In basket, Brian Hubbard ’03 won Tortilla Chips for a Year, Rafael Mirasol ’80, P’17,’18 won the Vino & Van Gogh package, Joe Reid ’00 won the Grocery Goodies basket, Lee Wilson P’15,’17 won the Flight Night Package, Denise Paniagua P’02,’06 won the Staycation, Adam Waggoner P’17 won the Dine Like A Star Certificate, Janet Frangie P’02 won the Work It Off Fitness basket valued at over $1,700.00, Michelle Day P’18 won the “Stock Your Bar” package featuring 19 bottles of premium wine and spirits, and Ash Rizk won the highly coveted “Eat Out For a Year” basket which included more than $2,500 worth of gift cards to local eateries. The event raised over $24,000 for the Alumni Association Scholarship Fund which benefits graduating seniors and incoming freshmen. Thank you to all who supported this event! The next Taste of La Salle will be held in 2018...and is sure to be even tastier!
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A FUN NIGHT to Support La Salle
17th Annual Crystal Ball
Honoring Brother Christopher Brady, FSC
The Noor in Pasadena May 6, 6:30 to 11:30pm Silent and Live Auction • Dinner and Dancing
For more information and sponsorships please call Irene Santucci at 626.696.4312
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La Salle High School Student Calendar* 2016 – 2017 August 16 (Tuesday) New Student Welcome
January 9 (Monday) Second Semester Begins
August 17 (Wednesday) Student Information and Planning Day (All Students)
January 16 (Monday) Martin Luther King, Jr. – Holiday
August 18 (Thursday) First Day of Classes (All classes meet / Dismissal 12:20) September 5 (Monday) Labor Day – Holiday
February 6 (Monday) Faculty In-service February 20 (Monday) Presidents’ Day – Holiday March 6 (Monday) Faculty In-Service
October 7 (Friday) Faculty In-service
March 20 (Monday) School Holiday
October 10 (Monday) Columbus Day – Holiday October 19 Tentative (Wednesday) Faith Formation Day (To be determined by Archdiocese)
April 13 – 23 Easter Break May 24 (Wednesday) Baccalaureatte
November 11(Friday) Veteran’s Day Observed – Holiday
May 26 (Friday) School Holiday - Graduation
November 23 – 27 (Wed – Sun) Thanksgiving Break
May 29 (Monday) Memorial Day – Holiday
December 13 – 16 (Tues – Fri) Fall Semester Examinations December 17 – January 8, Christmas Break
June 2 – 7 (Fri – Wed) Spring Semester Examinations
*Tentative Calendar. All dates subject to change 2017
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APRIL 2016
A Punny Pi Day Mouse Trap Yacht Races
APRIL 2016
In conjunction with the Cardboard Regatta on March 14, (Pi Day, 3.14) the Mouse Trap Powered Boat Races took place. The construction of a mouse trap powered boat is part of a project that invites students to design and build a functional water craft powered by mouse trap springs. The boat must follow a set of guidelines, which include the use of one to twelve mouse traps to power the boat’s movement through the water. The students are scored on the boat’s ability to travel at least three meters through the water. Prizes are awarded for the boat that travels the absolute farthest, Phillip Krings, (below left) as well as the boat that has the most creative pirelated boat name. Clever Pi names: Pi-tanic Octi-Pi Pi-rates Chicken Pot Pi Life of Pi Pi Napple
APRIL 2016
From the College Counseling Center
College Center News
By Owen Hou ’90, Tina Bonacci '94 and Marcia Yu, College Counselors
Senior News Ms. Bonacci and Mr. Hou would first like to thank those parents who have been communicating with us regarding their students’ college acceptances and scholarship awards. This month, seniors will be formally instructed to enter their college acceptances into Naviance. To simplify this process, we created a survey called "Senior Graduation Survey" on Naviance where your student can enter his/her college acceptances and scholarship awards. Parents, please remind your students to communicate with the colleges to which they have been accepted. The colleges need to know if an accepted student is not planning to attend their college. If a student is sure he/she will not be attending a particular college, they should let the college know by letter as soon as possible.
Ms. Bonacci, Mrs. Yu and Mr. Hou have met with most of their juniors who have completed their College Planning Survey for Juniors. If your student has not met with one of us, it is likely we have not received a completed survey from your student. The survey helps your students' College Counselor learn more about the student and his/her plans after La Salle High School. Please note the better we get to know your student, the better we can help. It would also be beneficial if you complete your Parent Survey that can be accessed from your own Naviance login.
SAT and ACT Test Dates The next SAT test dates are May 7 (April 8 is last day to register without a late fee) and June 4. The next ACT test date is June 11. The exams are not offered over the summer and the next ACT test date is in September and the next SAT test date will not occur until October. Students also interested in applying to a UC campus are strongly recommended to take the SAT Subject Test, also scheduled for May 7 and June 4.
Camp College The College Center will again be offering a three-day seminar for rising seniors (Class of 2017). The purpose of this course is to provide hands-on interaction with students who need additional help with their college planning and application process. At the completion of this course, students will have created an organizational system, completed two college essays and learned in depth about college visitations, interviews, recommendations, financial aid, and developed a much better understanding of the colleges’ selection process. The cost of Camp College is $200. The complete summary of the course can also be found in the Summer Academic Institute brochure or online at and click on "Summer Programs" at the top.
Two sessions are available for students to choose from: Session 1: Wednesday to Friday, June 8 to June 10, 8:00am to 12:00pm Session 2: Monday to Wednesday, August 10 to August 12, 8:00am to 12:00pm Please contact Ms. Bonacci, Mrs. Yu or Mr. Hou if you have any questions.
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Sophomore News Since our meetings with juniors are winding down, we will be able to meet with any sophomore students who are ready to discuss their college plans. Students whose last names begin with A-G meet with Mr. Hou, students whose last names begin with H-N meet with Mrs. Yu, and students whose last names begin with O-Z meet with Mr. Bonacci. Please contact your college counselor if you would like to set up a meeting.
All Students NACAC College Fair The NACAC College Fair will be held at the Pasadena Convention Center: Thursday, April 28 from 6:00 to 9:00pm. Juniors should plan to attend this college fair as this is the largest event in Southern California with over 300 colleges and universities represented. Brochures and other information can be obtained at the fair and many of your questions can be answered at that time. This is also a great time to make a good first impression on the college representatives. Parents are encouraged to attend the college fair with their student.
In order to get the most out of your time, we strongly recommend students to preregister at In addition, please also plan to carpool or park at a neighboring lot as parking at the Pasadena Center now costs $12. Advanced Placement (AP) exams (5/2-5/13) All students currently scheduled in AP courses are required to take the AP exam. Each exam is $92 and the total was billed to the student’s La Salle High School account and reflected on the March Statement. Students are not required to attend school on the day of the exam(s). If they choose not to attend school, one of the parents are still required to call the School to excuse the student from the block(s) he or she will be absent. An attendance roster will be published for the school prior to and after the exam. The AP exams will be administered on the following dates: (all dates are printed in the school calendar): Monday, May 2 - Chemistry Tuesday, May 3 – Spanish Language Wednesday, May 4 - English Literature Thursday, May 5 - Calculus AB & BC Friday, May 6 - U.S. History, European History Monday, May 9 - Biology, Physics C Tuesday, May 10 - Government & Politics Wednesday, May 11- English Language, Macroeconomics Thursday, May 12 – Statistics Friday, May 13 – Microeconomics For additional information, please contact Mrs. Yu, AP Coordinator, at 626.696.4387.
See Next Page for College Forum Information
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APRIL 2016
College Forum – April, 7 Our largest college-planning event of the year will take place on Thursday, April 7 at 6:00pm. We will be offering the following presentations for 9th, 10th and 11th grade students and parents: COLLEGE FORUM APRIL 7
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Dollars & Sense Understanding UC Admission Studying the Physical Sciences and Engineering The Arts: Application Process, Auditions & Portfolios Considering College Out-of-State, Creating Options in Your College Search WUE and Other Scholarships Will Your Student Bring Diversity to Campus? Enrollment Management 101 Getting a Liberal Arts Education on a State School Budget Life as a Collegiate Student-Athlete SAT Subject Test Scoreback Getting In: Tips for Admission to Highly Selective Colleges Parent Forum Navigating Naviance: Family Connection, Admission Stats, and More Successful Transition to College for Students with Learning Differences Preparing for Health Related Careers The NCAA, the Student Athlete and Admission
We look forward to seeing you and your student there. Please feel free to contact any of the College Counselors if you have any questions.
The Crystal Ball Needs Baskets! If you are not sure what to do with those empty baskets you received this Easter or received at Christmas, then we can help. The Crystal Ball Committee would like to put those empty baskets to good use. We need medium to large baskets for our auction. If you have baskets to donate, you can drop them off to Irene Santucci in the Institutional Advancement Office, room 340. We hope to see you at the 17th Annual Crystal Ball, to be held Friday, May 6, 2016.
Be sure to save the date: May 6!
APRIL 2016
From Institutional Advancement
Help Yourself and La Salle Achieve long Term Financial Goals Planned Giving is a method of support of La Salle High School that enables both a donor and our School to establish and maintain a program to achieve certain financial goals that are beneficial to both the donor and La Salle High School. A planned gift is a major gift that can be made during the lifetime of the donor or at death as part of the donor’s overall estate and/or financial plan. Conversely, annual gifts are typically made from the donor’s discretionary income and are a part of one’s annual budget. While both types of gifts are of tremendous benefit to our School, a planned gift can offer a wider variety of benefit to the donor while enabling La Salle to support its long term goals in support of it’s Mission.
Generic strategies of a planned gift include:
• A planned gift can utilize appreciated assets (stocks, other securities, real estate) instead of cash • A planned gift can provide benefits to the donor such as a stream of income during one’s lifetime, a reduction in taxes that might be due on appreciated assets at sale, a reduction in estate taxes, or a reduction in one’s annual income tax liability • A planned gift of including La Salle High School as a beneficiary of one’s retirement account and/or life insurance policy can be an effective estate tax planning strategy While annual gifts are very beneficial for short term financial goals of our School and provide a tax deduction to the donor, a properly considered and executed planned gift will support the long term goals and Mission of our School while making available a variety of financial and tax benefits to the donor. These are some of the opportunities available in the world of Planned Giving. Determining what type of Planned Gift is appropriate for you depends on your personal financial goals and the circumstances that encompass your personal situation. Please review the Planned Giving articles in future publications of both the Parent Newsletter and Lancer Magazine for ongoing updates in the Planned Giving Program.
In Summary La Salle High School can provide more information, both generically and specifically, regarding the benefits available through Planned Giving. For more information, please contact Jon Keates, the Director of Institutional Advancement at 626.696.4344.
APRIL 2016
Lancer Summer Physicals The Athletic Department is looking for parent volunteers to help with the 2016 summer physicals. We are in need of the following parent volunteers: nurses, optometrists, doctors and general volunteers. Without the volunteers’ help this event would not be possible. Join us and help support Lancer Athletics and earn parent volunteer hours. Please contact the athletic trainer, Tim Rasmussen if interested in volunteering. Email:
For speciďŹ c Lancer game dates, times and locations log on to or Athletics. Please visit the La Salle Athletics Boosters page at under Boosters for volunteer opportunities.
APRIL 2016
Matching Gifts
All canned goods can be delivered to La Salle before Friday April 29th or can be delivered directly to Church of the Latter Day Saints on Saturday, April 30 from 9:00am-noon. The church is located at 770 N. Sierra Madre Villa. La Salle students who donate food on Friday, April 22 may wear non-uniform dress on that day. If you have any questions, please contact Ed O’Connor, Director of Student Life at 626-696-4329 or
If you are an employee of a matching gift company, we would love to work with you. This is an easy way to raise funds for La Salle. If you are not sure if your company participates, you can ask your employer or contact Tara Milton at: or call 626.696.4381.
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Check your School calendar for event times and dates
April Highlights March 22 Regular Dress Lenten Prayer Service 9:15am Dining Hall
March 23 Dress Uniforms Grandparents Day Friday Schedule 9:00am Dining Hall and Gymnasium March 24 - April 4 Easter Break April 4 Student Holiday Faculty In-Service 8:00am Dining Hall April 5 Tuesday Classes Resume 8:00am April 7 College Forum 6:00pm Dining Hall April 12 Parent Association Meeting 6:30pm Blakeslee Library Parent Boosters Meetings 7:30pm Campus Locations
April 22 Noon Dismissal Faculty InService 12:45pm Dining Hall Junior Senior Prom 4:45pm Prom Pictures 5:45pm Busses Depart 11:30pm Busses Return April 23 Choir Concert 4:00 - 5:00pm Grinstead Theatre April 26 Huntington Hospital Blood Drive Sponsored by Student Life 7:00am - 2:00pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium April 29 Dress Uniforms Founder's Day Liturgy 9:15am Dining Hall Founder's Day Showdown III 6:00pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium May 6 Crystal Ball 6:30 - 11:30pm The Noor, Pasadena
April 11-13 Student Life Council Campaign Week April 14 Student Life Council Speeches and Elections
April 15 School-wide Art Show 4:00 - 5:30pm Blakeslee Library
elĂŠonore Student
Fashion Magazine for March is now online at / Student Life