ParentNewsletter The La Salle
Principal Ideas Welcome to mid-July. We have reached our summer mid-point and that means that our summer break is half over! I hope that you and your family have been able to find some time for enjoyable rest and relaxation. If not, you still have a few weeks to relax. I know that the summer
Summer Information Packet On July 16, we mailed a packet of information home for each student. It may have arrived or will be arriving shortly. Please carefully read the contents and be sure to complete the online information process with InfoSnap by the due date of August 10. Meeting this deadline will hopefully avoid any potentially embarrassing moments at the time school starts. THANK YOU in advance for your cooperation on this matter.
New Student Orientation Program
months can sometimes be even busier than the normal school year, but it is a wonderful time to enjoy the change of pace and the opportunities to do something a bit different.
The start of the school year for NEW (9th grade and transfer) students is Tuesday, August 18. The day will include an orientation program from 9:00am to 2:00pm that will be directed by students and adults from our Student Life Team. A complimentary welcome lunch will be provided and there will be neither need for textbooks nor to be in school uniform. That same evening, August 18, we will host a very informative New Parent Orientation Program beginning at 6:00pm in the Dining Hall. I strongly encourage the parents of our new students to attend this activity as it is a most informative experience. Continued on page 2
The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers "Teach them the rules of a Christian Life and the means by which they might secure eternal salvation. It is for this end that God called you to your present vocation." Saint John Baptist de La Salle Patron Saint of Teachers, c.1703 Meditations for Sundays 87.2
Principal Ideas Continued from page 1
Student Information and Planning Day
On Wednesday, August 19, with students on campus by grade level, we will be addressing many issues and practical concerns. It is a Dress Uniform Day for all students. Some of the issues and concerns are: verification of online forms, finance office clearance, class meetings, ID pictures and cards, distribution of Handbook and Planner. Please see the letter that was sent on July 16 for reporting times. On the next day, August 20, the ENTIRE student body will gather for its first day of classes beginning at 8:00am and concluding at approximately 12:30pm. All classes will meet on this day – electronic devices and complete regular uniforms are required. I recommend that you begin buying any hardbound textbooks soon, to assure their arrival by the start of school in August. Our authorized online bookstore, ESCO, can be accessed from our school’s website and is now available to receive your orders. We regularly update the ISBN code in order to avoid textbook version confusion. Purchase correctly as refunds are not always easy to obtain and/or may come with a restocking charge.
Lancer Armory The Lancer Armory is open for purchase of approved school locks, PE clothing and school ties. In addition, the Armory contains other La
Salle apparel that are suitable for most school occasions. For your convenience, the Lancer Armory will be open on August 18 from 8:00am to 9:30am and again from 5:15pm to 6:30pm.
School Classroom Upgrade Our process for getting ready for the return of students to our regular program is well underway. In our continuing efforts to provide an attractive and enjoyable school setting, some classrooms have been newly carpeted and painted.
Our Lasallian Learning Community As with the start of a new school year, it is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to pledge our support and recommit our effort as a Lasallian Catholic learning community. We all have a vital role to play in this school. The young men and women who attend La Salle are the recipients of a tradition that has grown and become stronger each year since 1956. May they do their part by attentively attending to their academic responsibilities and engaging fully in the co-curricular life of this School. See you in a few weeks!
Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal
From the Parent Association
Welcome New Parents Dear La Salle Community, I just finished writing an e-mail and realized that summer, sadly, is already half-over. On the other hand, happily, we still have half the summer left to go! Regardless, the days fly by and as our daughter enters her senior year, both Matt and I feel the pull of the calendar. We are blessed to have been involved in the La Salle Community, and suddenly, we’re in our final year. Our elders were right: high school, for parents at least, goes by in a flash. So, if you’re considering the many volunteer opportunities at La Salle, don’t wait to get started. Offer your gifts of time, talent and treasure to the school while your student is here. You won’t regret it; it only makes the time you spend at La Salle even more rewarding. Go ahead; get involved! Answer the call; say “Yes!” Incoming parents: to help you create your own great La Salle experience, we invite you to our Freshman Parent and New Parent Orientation evening. This event will be held Tuesday, August 18.. Check-in is at 6:00pm and the program begins at 6:30pm, in the Dining Hall. It follows your child’s orientation earlier that day and is a great way to familiarize yourself with the school community. Parent Association Through a variety of information sessions, from both parent and student perspectives, you’ll Meeting learn all about life at La Salle. You will also have the chance to explore many organizations September 15 and opportunities for involvement that may be of interest to both you and your child. We encourage all parents to attend Back to School Night on Thursday, August 27, at 6:30pm. Whether you are a parent of a new freshman, or a soon to be graduating senior, the importance of attending this event can not be overstated. It is the perfect time to learn about your child’s classes and meet teachers and college counselors.
6:30pm Blakeslee Library
Tuesday, September 15th, marks the start of our monthly Parent Association and Booster meetings. (They will be held on the second Tuesday of each month through the rest of the year). We invite all parents to attend the general Parent Association meeting at 6:30pm, in the Blakeslee Library. Arrive 15 or 20 minutes early for light refreshments and conversation. The program features presentations from La Salle President, Dr. Richard Gray and Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, our Principal. In addition, we feature a student highlight, a Special Guest Presentation, and disseminate information about upcoming school events. Each parent attending earns one hour of volunteer time. The general meeting is followed by individual Booster meetings at 7:30pm. During your time here, you will hear about “The La Salle Difference,” and wonder what it is. The answer is simple: it’s you, it’s me, it’s everyone who pitches-in to make La Salle the School that helps your child build the kind of future you have always dreamed of for them. Thank you in advance for being “The La Salle Difference.”
Marianne K. Wright P'16 President, Parent Association PAGE 3
La Salle Matters Dr. Michael Porter, a member of the faculty of the Harvard School of Business, once observed:
Strategy is about making choices, trade-offs; it’s about deliberately choosing to be different. I used this quote in my opening remarks at last February’s Strategic Planning Retreat. At that event, I offered my view of the world La Salle occupies in the greater Pasadena area. It is a world only now emerging from the pernicious effects of the Great Recession. It is a world in which the “Baby Boom” has gone “bust” and fewer middle income families can afford private education without the support of financial aid. It is a world in which excellent private secondary schools are increasingly competing for the same students and it is a world in which programs and facilities occupy an outsized role in how families choose a high school. It is this latter challenge that, in Southern California, means attracting Mission-appropriate students cannot be limited to the classroom; but must account for the fact that families choose private high schools in and around the greater Pasadena area based on the perception that their sons and daughters will be well taken care of from the moment they arrive on campus until the moment they leave (which, I might point out, is virtually impossible to predict, since I am convinced that La Salle is the “city that never sleeps”). This means, however, that in the first part of the 21st Century, there are three legs to the stool which must shape La Salle’s approach to the recruitment of Missionappropriate students
Academics • Arts • Athletics And, like a three-legged stool, kick one out from under and the whole thing collapses. Our ability, therefore, to attract and retain Missionappropriate students is dependent upon the degree to which La Salle offers superior programs in Academics, Arts and Athletics…which brings me back to Michael Porter who offered this justification for the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to the educational process:
I teach in the Medical School, the School of Public Health, the Kennedy School of Government, and the Business School. And it’s the best perch... because most of my work crosses boundaries. I believe that Porter’s preference for interdisciplinary engagement is exactly what La Salle does best. Why shouldn’t we choose “the best perch” when searching for the Truth? We know that the answer will be found in the Christian Brothers’ 300 year mission to promote
A human and Christian education of the young, especially the poor. And, how we do this at La Salle relies on a three-legged stool comprising academics, arts and athletics. In support of this approach, the Strategic Planning Committee articulated this value proposition to PAGE 4
characterize the unique elements that differentiate La Salle from other private secondary schools in the area:
As the only Catholic, co-educational high school in the Pasadena area and rooted in its Mission to nurture, inspire, challenge and motivate the students entrusted to our care, La Salle High School of Pasadena is committed to the delivery of an excellent college preparatory education in which students are encouraged to Learn • Serve • Lead. What distinguishes La Salle from other college-preparatory high schools in the greater Pasadena area is the opportunity for students to nurture their individual passion in academics, the arts, athletics and/or the spiritual life. Because it is the largest private high school in Pasadena, La Salle is able to offer a diversity of opportunities both in and out of the classroom that is unparalleled among its peers. With this value proposition as the basis for their deliberations, the Strategic Planning Retreat set to work on developing strategies to ensure that La Salle will continue to offer excellent programs in academics, the arts and athletics (more on that next month). This, I believe, is what Porter meant when he noted that strategy is “about deliberately choosing to be different.” With this issue of the ParentNewsletter , we welcome the incoming Class of 2019. They are a talented group and offer great potential for taking advantage of our academic, arts and athletic programs. I look forward to the next four years as they benefit from the strategic initiatives that we are beginning to put into place to ensure that our value proposition (La Salle is able to offer a diversity of opportunities both in and out of the classroom that is unparalleled among its peers) continues to differentiate us from other high school options.
La Salle High School
3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated
© 2015
• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email: jblackstock @ lasallehs . org
Richard Gray, Ph.D President
See my December/January ParentNewsletter column for more information about the Strategic Planning Process.
Transforming Lives Since 1680
From the Athletic Boosters
Summer's Hot for the Lancers Summer is almost half over and the boosters have been busy getting ready for our fall sports program. We have a lot of information for you so let's get to it. First order of business: I would like to introduce the new Athletic Booster Vice President and soon to be President in January, Mrs. Christine Marez P'14,'18. Christine is not a stranger to the board as she is going on her second year. Christine is an accomplished businesswoman who has been involved with PALS as well as the boosters. Christine's eldest daughter has graduated and her youngest daughter is a sophomore, both being outstanding Lancer softball players. In the several years that I have known Christine, I have seen her at almost all of the La Salle sporting events as a fan, parent, or volunteer. She is a great supporter of La Salle and we look forward to her presidency. The Lancer fall sports teams are gearing up for a great year, so check the Lancer Athletic website for information on practice and game schedules for Cross Country, Boys Water Polo, Girls Golf, Tennis and Volleyball.
Football Games: Please see the athletic website for the complete schedule, however here are the home game dates and what we plan: Athletic Boosters plans to sponsor tailgate parties and after game tailgates at the Old School Eatery in the old Albertson's Shopping Center. Boosters will receive a portion of the proceeds from Old School Eatery. We want parents to come together to celebrate our victories with our coaching staff and other fans after each game, so plan to join us. More information to follow.
Lancer Football Home Schedule: 1. August 28, 2015 Scrimmage, El Camino Real High School, 7:00pm. 2. September 4, 2015 Blair High School. Grandparents Night. Grandparents get free parking in the upper parking lot and free admission. This is our Red Out Night! Red Out means everyone wears red and boosters will supply red towels to wave in support of our Lancers. 3. September 18, 2015 Temple City High School. Junior High Night and our Blue Out Night same program as the Red Out night. 4. October 30, 2015 Salesian High School, Homecoming. Theme to be announced. 5. November 6, 2015 St. Francis High School. Senior Night. We will bring back the Red Out night with additional props to make our presence known. Athletic Boosters meet every month, after the Parent Association meeting, in the Band Room. The Athletic Boosters are looking for people who want to be more involved in La Salle, so please do not hesitate to contact me for more information at God Bless,
John Cina P’13,14,18 President, Athletic Boosters PAGE 6
Lancers Football Packages Season Home Game Packages The Athletic Boosters offer special packages for parents to enjoy the games and make it easier to gain access, parking and meals through our special packages: The Platinum Package: $700.00 Includes: 2 field passes, 2 meals, parking for 1 car, 2 stadium chairs, 2 shirts and 2 hats. The package is valid for all home games. (CIF playoffs not included for admissions).
The Gold Package: $550.00 Includes: 2 passes reserved seating, parking for 1 car, 2 meals, 2 stadium chairs, 2 shirts and 2 hats. The package is valid for all home games. (CIF playoffs not included for admissions) The Silver Package: $450.00 Includes: 2 passes reserved seating, parking for 1 car. The package is valid for all home games. (CIF playoffs not included for admissions). The Field Package: $400.00 Includes: 1 field pass, parking for 1 car. The package is valid for all home games. (CIF playoffs not included for admissions). If you are interested in any of these you can contact me at or see the Lancer Athletics website for information. The fall sports Media Guide also offers sponsorship opportunities to support our programs with advertising and/or field banner purchases. Please visit our Athletic website for specific information.
Grooming & Appearance Clothing items not specifically mentioned in this section are not part of the uniform, and therefore may not be worn. Polo shirts bearing the older interlocked “LS” are not permitted.
Dress Uniform
Pants • CKW, Mills, or Dockers beige khaki pants that are not tight-fitting, baggy, jeans-like, or rolled at the ankle
Belt • Solid black or brown
Shorts • CKW, Mills, or Dockers beige khaki shorts that are not baggy
Shirt • White long sleeve oxford shirt and must be tucked in at all times • Undershirts, if worn, must be white with short sleeves La Salle Tie • Must be worn properly all day and not loosely around the neck Outerwear • Restricted to the following on Dress Uniform Days: La Salle Vest, La Salle V-Neck Sweater or La Salle Varsity Cardigan Shoes • Brown or black leather dress shoes not extending above the ankle. (Boat shoes, such as Sperry Topsiders may not be worn) Socks • Brown, Black, or white socks
Regular Uniform
Pants • CKW, Mills, Dockers beige khaki pants that are not tight-fitting, baggy, jeans-like, or rolled at the ankle
Belt • Solid black or brown Shirt • La Salle issued polos • Must be tucked in at all times • Undershirts, if worn, must be white with short sleeves Outerwear • La Salle issued outerwear only (Sweaters, Sweatshirts, Hoodies, Jackets) Shoes • Must be closed back and toe and cut at or near the ankle (Boots, slippers, or moccasins may not be worn) Socks • White socks not extending beyond the lower calf with minimal logos
Grooming & Appearance Clothing items not specifically mentioned in this section are not part of the uniform, and therefore may not be worn. Polo shirts bearing the older interlocked “LS” are not permitted.
WOMEN Dress Uniform
Regular Uniform
Skirt • Red plaid only (Not shorter than 1 inch below the fingertips when held straight alongside the skirt)
Skirt • Red plaid or Khaki (Not shorter than 1 inch below the fingertips when held straight alongside the skirt)
Shirt • La Salle white short-sleeve overblouse which may be left untucked • Only top button may be left unbuttoned Outerwear • Restricted to the following on Dress Uniform Days: La Salle Vest, La Salle V-Neck Sweater or La Salle Varsity Cardigan Shoes • Brown or black leather loafers, brown or black flats, or saddle shoes in brown, black or white Socks • White dress knee socks shall not extend over the kneecap
Pants • CKW, Mills, or Dockers beige khaki pants that are not tight-fitting, baggy, jeans-like, or rolled at the ankle Shirts • La Salle issued polos • La Salle white short-sleeve overblouse (Polos must be tucked in, while overblouses may be left untucked with only top button unbuttoned) Outerwear • La Salle issued outerwear only (Sweaters, Sweatshirts, Hoodies, Jackets) Shoes • Must be closed back and toe and cut at or near the ankle with flat heels (UGGS, boots, slippers, moccasins may not be worn) Socks/Tights • White socks not extending above the lower part of the knee with minimal logos • Solid black or solid navy tights that cover the entire foot
City of Pasadena and La Salle Parking Laws The following rules and guidelines have been established by the administration and the Pasadena Police Department for the safety of your children. Parents may drop off students in front of school and by driving into the school parking lot on Sierra Madre Boulevard. Enter the parking lot using the second gate west of the gym and exit as indicated. The City has provided an additional drop-off zone going south on Michillinda Avenue, just north of the School’s driveway. This is for immediate drop-off only and is indicated as such. Both La Salle and the City are very concerned by the ongoing double, (and at times, triple) parking by parents during drop-off on Sierra Madre Boulevard. This is not only illegal, but extremely unsafe. The City will continue to enforce a no-left-turn policy for northbound Michillinda Avenue traffic onto Canfield Road and Landfair Road, as well as a no-right-turn policy for southbound traffic on Michillinda Avenue onto Canfield and Landfair. This policy is in effect from 7:00am to 8:00am, Monday through Friday.
Parents are also reminded that there is absolutely no student drop-off in the lower faculty parking lot. This creates a very dangerous back-up of cars in the oncoming traffic lanes. The School also reminds our driving students that they should not park their cars on residential streets such as Canfield Road. The School will continue to work with the City in providing a process for safe and efficient drop-off of students. Parents should make use of the Sierra Madre Boulevard lot to pick up students at the end of the school day. We expect our parents and students to adhere to these policies and regulations. They will be enforced by the Pasadena Police Department. Contact Mr. Brandon Birr, Dean of Students at 626.696.4360 if you have any concerns about these procedures.
Attendance Hotline 626.696.4406
A parent or guardian must call before 8:00am the day of the absence to notify the School if a student will be absent or tardy, or if the student needs to leave school early for an appointment. Please state student's name, date, time, and reason for the absence. On return to School, the student must stop by the reception desk prior to 8:00am with a note from the parents or guardians stating the reason for the absence. Notification of any planned absences, (college visits, etc.), must be in writing prior to the absence, given to the attendance office and approved by Mr. Brandon Birr, Dean of Students. PAGE 10
Brother Timothy's Limited 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon Now Available A very limited supply of Brother Timothy Mont La Salle Vineyard 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon is available exclusively for the La Salle community. Only 10 barrels of Brother Timothy’s wine are produced each year and sold to benefit the education of students in Lasallian schools who are living below the poverty line. This wine was created under the highest quality standards and is available exclusively for this sole purpose. Ten cases of this specially vinted and rare wine have been made available to the La Salle community to fund the San Miguel scholarships. This Cabernet Sauvignon is available at a price of $75 a bottle or $800 a case. Brother Timothy Mont La Salle Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon is a complex and harmonious blend of reserve-quality wine in a unique special edition collector's bottle. This highly desired wine is crafted by The Hess Collection Winery from a tiny, single vineyard on the Mont La Salle Vineyard estate. The grapes are grown at the site of the original Christian Brothers winery where the late Brother Timothy worked as cellar master for more than 50 years. This Cabernet Sauvignon, created in honor of Brother Timothy, is truly "a message in a bottle" - a message of hope for Lasallian disadvantaged youth. Such efforts are part of the Christian Brothers' 300 year tradition of offering Brother Timothy Diener, FSC education that is both loving and practical. Please keep in mind that the wine has been donated by the vineyard, so 100% of the proceeds go directly into the La Salle High School San Miguel Student Scholarship Fund. Contact Tara Milton in the Institutional Advancement Office at 626.696.4381 or tmilton@ to make your much appreciated and important purchase.
Matching Gifts If you are an employee of a matching gift company, we would love to work with you. This is an easy way to raise funds for La Salle. If you are not sure if your company participates you can ask your employer or contact Tara Milton at: or call 626.696.4381.
MATCHING GIFTS ARE an Easy way to help la salle
From the Athletic Director
Two New Head Coaches Join the Lancers Jesse Mendez Lancer Softball Head Coach
Page 12
La Salle High School announced on July 22 that Jesse Mendez has accepted the position of varsity softball coach for the La Salle Lancers. Mendez was the varsity softball coach at West Covina High School in 2014 and 2015 where he led the Bulldogs to two successful seasons. From 2008 to 2013 he was the Head Coach at Bishop Amat Memorial High School in La Puente where he coached the softball team to four 20-win seasons and four league championships, six consecutive CIF playoffs appearances, two CIF semifinals appearances in 2011 and 2012, and one CIF finals appearance in 2008. He was the 2011 San Gabriel Valley Coach of the Year. He was 49-7 in the Del Rey League. Mendez’s overall record is 158-78 after eight years as a head coach. Mendez was the Assistant Varsity Softball Coach at South Hills High School in West Covina from 2000 to 2004. In addition, Mendez runs the San Gabriel Valley All-Star Softball Games held at the University of La Verne in late spring each year. Lancer Athletic Director, Anthony Harris, said, “Jesse is a proven head coach with a record that speaks for itself. He will be an added veteran to the dynamic coaching staff we have put together at La Salle.”
Mike Parisi Lancer Baseball Head Coach La Salle High School recently announced that Michael Parisi has accepted the position of boys varsity baseball coach for the Lancers. La Salle’s Principal, Brother Christopher Brady, FSC said, “Michael is a great addition to La Salle. He is a proven leader and a very successful coach in developing exceptional student-athletes.” Michael Parisi is leaving Pasadena High School where he lead the Bulldogs to seven CIF play-off appearances from 2009 to 2015 and finished the 2015 season at 17-11 placing third in the Pacific League. Mike was the Pacific League Coach of the Year in 2012 and coached a record 20win season with the Bulldogs in 2013. Mike had a 117-101 record during his eight-year tenure at Pasadena. Coach Parisi was also the Head Varsity Baseball Coach at Arcadia High School from 1999-2003 (87-21) leading the Apache’s to Pacific League Championship titles four consecutive years. In 2000, he was recognized as Pacific League Coach of the Year. In 2002, he was named the Pasadena Star-News Coach of the Year. Parisi graduated from Arcadia High School in 1991 where he earned all CIF Honors in both basketball and baseball his senior year. At California State University, Fullerton, Parisi was the starting pitcher for the Titans from 1992-1994 where they played in the College World Series in 1992 and 1994. He was “All Big West Conference” in 1993 and 1994. In 1994, he was also recognized as a “Collegiate Baseball All-American.” Parisi was drafted by the Angels in the 30th round in 1991 after his senior year at Arcadia and in 1994 he was drafted by the Florida Marlins in the 6th Round of the Major League Baseball Draft. He played four minor league seasons with the Florida Marlins reaching Double A in 1997. In 1998, he played for Sonoma County Crushers Independent League where they won the championship. Lancer Athletic Director, Anthony Harris, said, “Mike is a quality coach and continues to “raise the bar” for coaching at La Salle. We look forward to a great season for the Lancers.” Coach Parisi is a member of ABCA (American Baseball Coaches Association), and BCA (Baseball Coaches Association) as well as the CCA (California Coaches Association). He received his BA in Communications from Cal State Fullerton in December 1997 and received his MBA in July 2000 and earned his single subject credential in Physical Education in 2005 from Azusa Pacific University.
Mike Parisi, right, with retiring Lancer Head Coach, Harry Agajanian.
The thoughtful support of alumni, parents, grandparents and friends has helped sustain La Salle High School’s margin of excellence since 1956. The School acknowledges this generosity in a number of important ways. The premier annual giving society is the President’s Circle, established in 2011, and which includes gifts of $2,500 or more per fiscal year (July 1 thru June 30). The President’s Circle succeeds the Crystal Circle (gifts between $1,000 and $2,499) as La Salle’s preeminent annual gift society. President’s Circle and Crystal Circle members are recognized on a donor wall in prominent display at the School and in the Annual Report. A reception will be held for each group in the fall:
Crystal Circle Reception Sunday, September 20, 2015
President’s Circle Reception Sunday, November 15, 2015
At whatever level you choose to support La Salle on an annual basis, your support is most warmly welcome.
Shop at Amazon for Gifts? Buy Groceries at Vons or Ralphs? Use your Target RedCard? EARN A SERVICE HOUR and make $$$$ for La Salle at NO COST to you! Go to the “No Cost Fundraisers” link (where you launched the parent newsletter) for more detailed information. Thank you for your support of all the students at La Salle PAGE 14
23rd Annual Lancer Golf Classic and Banquet Monday, October 12, 2015 Beautifully Renovated Glendora Country Club • Four-Person Scramble • 11:00am Shotgun Start • Auction and Opportunity Drawing
All-Play Golfer's Package Includes:
Green Fee and Cart, Range Balls, Bag Tag, Putting Contest, Hole-In-One Prize, Lancer Classic Golf Gift, Lunch on the Course, Complimentary Beverages on the Course (Beer, Soda, Water), Foursome Picture, Delicious Banquet Dinner and more.
ALL LEVELS WELCOME Calloway Scoring System Special Young Alumni (’01-’15) Discount For more information, please contact: Tara Milton 626-696-4381 or
Proceeds to benefit La Salle’s Academic, Arts, Athletic and Financial Aid Programs PAGE 15
From the College Counseling Center
College Center News By Owen Hou ’90 College Counselor
Camp College – Second Offering
For those who missed the first Camp College session in June, the College Center will be offering another section of this course from Monday, August 10 to Wednesday, August 12. The purpose of this three-day seminar is to provide students with an overview of the college admissions process and provide hands-on instruction regarding organizational systems, the application process, and the college essays. Most students will have one essay completed and have drafts of a second and a third essay by the end of the course. Registration forms are available in the College Center. Non-La Salle students are welcome to attend. Please contact Mr. Hou at 626.696.4314, if you have any questions.
College Tours Visiting college campuses is a wonderful opportunity for our students to see a variety of campuses before they begin the college admissions process. This school year we will be offering the following tours: Santa Barbara College Tour Friday, October 9, 2015 UC Santa Barbara, Cal Lutheran University and Cal State Northridge UCSB Bay Area College Tour Friday and Saturday, February 12-13, 2016 U C B e rke l e y ( C a l ) , Santa Clara University, UC Santa Cruz, Saint Mary’s College, Stanford University, and University of San Francisco.
San Diego College Tour Monday, April 25, 2016 UC San Diego, University of San Diego and San Diego State University.
East Coast College Tour During the Easter Holiday, April 3-9, itinerary and colleges to be determined
College-related Events of Interest Colleges That Change Lives Fair - Sunday, July 26, 11:00am and 3:00pm at the Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City Hotel. The 40 colleges featured in Loren Pope’s book Colleges That Change Lives (CTCL) will offer two information sessions and college fairs for prospective students and parents on the same day. All students and parents who are interested in learning more about these liberal arts colleges and universities and interested in hearing more about the CTCL philosophy – namely that there are great college options for every student (not just for the strongest students) and that the college search should focus on finding the best match for each student – are invited to attend. There is no cost to attend and pre-registration is not required. Please read Loren Pope’s book or go to www.ctcl. com for additional information on the colleges in the CTCL group. Additional information to these and other events can be found under the “Area College Events” section on our Naviance page.
ParentNewsletter News for Seniors and their Parents Remember to utilize Family Connection from Naviance. Family Connection is a web-based application that enables our counseling office to offer a comprehensive website that you and your student can use to help in making decisions about colleges and careers. Family Connection is linked with Naviance, which we use in our office to track and analyze data about college and career plans, so it provides up-to-date information that is specific to La Salle Family Connection will allow your student to: • Keep track of the process – Build a resume, complete on-line surveys, and manage timelines and deadlines for making decisions about colleges and careers • Research colleges – Compare GPA, SAT scores, and other statistics to actual historical data from our school for students who have applied and been admitted in the past • Sign up for college visits – Find out which colleges are visiting our school and sign up to attend those sessions Senior students can access the ‘Senior College Planning Survey’ on Naviance. The survey is to be completed and submitted by August 28. The individual senior college meeting will be scheduled according to the receipt date of the ‘Senior College Planning Survey’. In other words, first come-first served. Senior parents/guardians still have an opportunity to complete the Parent/Guardian College Planning Survey on Naviance if you have not done so. We would appreciate your help by setting aside a few minutes to answer this survey. Please complete the survey by Friday, August 28. Reminder: at least one parent /guardian must register on Naviance. The college counseling office uses your registered email address to communicate important college admissions information/deadlines via Naviance. Please contact your student’s college counselor if you need assistance registering on Naviance.
Senior College Night Please mark your calendars for Thursday, August 27 to attend the College Night for Senior Parents at 7:00pm. in the Dining Hall (parents only). The meeting will follow the Back-to-School Night General Meeting (6:00pm).
Senior College Night Schedule 7:00pm 7:15pm
Welcome Senior Parents (Dining Hall) Overview of the college application process/cycle 7:50pm The Application Essay 8:20pm Questions & Answers 8:30pm Adjournment
Senior students will receive formal instruction on the college admission application process in their Mentor Period.
Standardized Testing Registration is open for the fall SAT and ACT. If your student would like to take these standardized test(s) and has not registered yet, please do so as soon as possible. We encourage your student to register online, for the SAT at www., and for the ACT at Please note the registration for the September ACT is just around the corner. SAT Test Date (Register By) October 3, 2015 (September 3) November 7, 2015 (October 9) December 5, 2015 (November 5) ACT Test Date (Register By) September 12, 2015 (August 7) October 24, 2015 (September 18) December 12, 2015 (November 6) Fall SAT Prep Course We are proud to again partner with the Princeton Review for this upcoming school year. They will be offering two SAT prep courses a year, in the Fall for the current SAT format and one in the Spring for the “revised” March 2016 SAT. In addition, they will also be offering an ACT bootCollege Counseling Continued on page 16 PAGE 17
ParentNewsletter College Counseling Continued from page 15
-camp during the Christmas Holiday. The fall course prepares students for the October 3 SAT. It starts with a practice test on Saturday, August 29 and runs to Tuesday, September 29. Classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with practice tests on Saturdays. Additional information, including a full course schedule and cost can be found on the Princeton Review website at, first click on ‘SAT’ and then the link next to ‘Classroom Courses’. While their Classroom Course is usually 18 hours long, we were able to get the Princeton Review to add an additional 6 hours for no cost. Families can also receive a $100 discount from the $699 price with the promocode: LaSalle2015.
News for Freshman, Sophomore and Junior Parents The following standardized tests will be administered on Wednesday, October 14: Freshmen and Sophomores will be taking the ACT Aspire and the Juniors will be taking the PSAT. The ACT Aspire helps us track how our students perform over time and helps them prepare for the ACT (one of the college admission exams along with the SAT).Meanwhile, the PSAT (preliminary SAT) provides firsthand practice for the SAT.
At right is our graduates college bound banner created by the class of 2015 and displayed at the Alumni Welcome Brunch on May 21, 2015.
All juniors will be required to take the ACT this coming spring on Saturday, February 6, 2016. La Salle is an ACT test center for this date.
NHS, CSF and Science NHS Registration If your junior and senior student is eligible for membership in the National Honor Society (NHS), the California Scholarship Federation (CSF), and/or the Science National Honor Society (SNHS) please remind him or her to register. The deadline to register for CSF and NHS is August 28, while it is September 3 for SNHS. Please note, in order to wear the CSF cord for graduation, the student must be a member of CSF for four or more semesters, with at least one of the semesters during the senior year. In order to wear the NHS cord, the student must be an active member of NHS for at least two years (to be determined by the NHS moderator). The requirement for wearing the SNHS cord is more complicated as it is determined by how many Honors and AP Science courses the student has taken and the grades earned in those classes.
Changes As some of you may already know, Mrs. Teresa Baldonado has recently left La Salle to take a position at another high school. We are currently in the process of hiring a replacement and expect to have this person on campus by the start of school. I would like to thank Mrs. Baldonado for all her years of service and wish her the best in her new position.
The Obsequious Observer By John Blackstock, The Editor
Boys Swimming and Diving First Team: James Torrez, Ethan Chong, Justin Zumel, Brady Jameson, Aleksander Thomas-Chaffin, Hunter Xue, Wyatt Luman, David Magluyan and AlexTuason. Note: James Torrez placed second in the CIF-SS Division IV finals.
Congratulations to our outstanding spring athletes and their selections to CIF, All-Area and AllLeague teams.
CIF Champions: Track & Field: CIF-SS Division IV Triple Jump Champion, India Hines. Girls Swimming and Diving: Jacqueline Torrez captured two gold medals at the CIFSouthern Section Division IV Finals. She won the 100-yard breaststroke and 200-yard individual medley. Boys Track & Field All-Area: Shot put, Sebastian Schiff. Boys Golf All-Area First Team: Tyler Anastasia. Second Team: Jessie Toribio. Honorable Mention: Ryan Konrad. Girls Swimming and Diving First Team: Jacqueline Torrez, Isabel Garcia, Raquel Ruiz, Madison Lanyi and Karina Haieblian.
Boys Golf All-League:* First team: Tyler Anastasia, Jesse Toribio, Cosmo Konrad, Noah Gohrick and Ryan Konrad. Second team: Zach Christopher. Sean Kelly received the Most Valuable Player award. *Perfect 18-0 record. Track & Field All-League Girls: First Team: India Hines, Jane Zanteson. Second Team: Eleni Daughters. All-League Boys: Ryan Sparks, Harvey Situ. Softball All-League First Team: Kinsley Washington, Vanessa Dwyer Second Team: Michelle Encinas, Paula Damas, Kolby Deziel. Baseball All-League First Team: Ryan Garcia. Second Team: Joel Brown, Brett Wheat, Kyle Cuellar and Cameron Henderson. Baseball All-CIF Second Team: Ryan Garcia. Boys Tennis All-League Doubles First Team: Riley Wallis and Jad Nachabe. Second Team: Ryan Monninger and Leo Amatullo. Boys Volleyball All-League First Team: Jack Samartin. Second Team David Prada.
Excellence in all we do Chase a dream that will make you break a sweat, not your spirit. PAGE 19
Check your School calendar for event times and dates
August Highlights July 23 Summer Program Concludes
July 24 Summer Program Grades Mailed Home August 10 All student Forms and Electronic Signature Forms are Due August 12 Fall Sports Parents / Team Meeting 6:00 - 7:30pm Dining Hall August 18 Special Schedule New Student Welcome and Orientation Casual Dress 8:00am - 2:00pm Lunch Provided Lancer Armory Open New Student Parents’ Orientation 6:30pm Dining Hall Lancer Armory Open August 19 Special Schedule Student Information and Planning Day Dress Uniforms (with Ties) Yearbook and Student ID Photographs 8:00am to 12:20pm August 20 Special Schedule First Day of Classes Regular Uniform Seven Period Schedule 8:00am to 12:20pm
August 26 Liturgy Schedule Dress Uniforms No Late Start Mass of the Holy Spirit Dress Uniform 9:20am August 24-28 CSF, NHS, SNHS Applications Available (See President's Office, Principal's Office and Science Department) August 27 Back-to-School Night and Senior Parent College Night and General Parent Meeting 6:15pm Campus August 28 CSF Applications Due Senior Parent and Student College Survey Due FOOTBALL vs El Camino Real High School Varsity 7:00pm Kohorst Field August 29 Saturday Princeton Review SAT Prep Course Practice Test #1 9:00am to 1:30pm Campus Lancer Welcome Dance 8:00-11:00pm Dining Hall September 4 Rally Schedule FOOTBALL vs Blair High School Varsity 7:00pm Kohorst Field
September 7 Labor Day School Holiday September 12 Saturday FOOTBALL @ Bishop Diego High School Varsity 7:00pm Bishop Diego Field September 15 Assembly Schedule Fall Academic Awards 9:30am Dining Hall Parent Association Meeting 6:30pm Blakeslee Library Parent Boosters Meetings 7:30pm Campus Locations Dining Hall September 18 FOOTBALL vs Temple City High School Varsity 7:00pm Kohorst Field
Save the Date Crystal Ball Welcome Back Gift Gathering Party October 3