August 2016 Parent Newsletter

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ParentNewsletter The La Salle


Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead

Hello! I would like to begin my first Principal Ideas by saying how very happy and proud I am to be here at La Salle High School and working with all of you, your students, and our talented faculty and staff this year. As the new principal and the first female one at La Salle, I know I have a big job and I am excited to jump in and get going with it. During these first few days here at La Salle, my goal has been, and will continue to be, to get to know La Salle – its history, tradition, and people – so that I can serve the school in the best way possible. I am honored to be here and look forward to working with you in this important educational venture called Catholic Lasallian Education.

2016-2017 School Packet On July 20, we mailed a packet of information home for each student. Please read carefully the contents and be sure to complete the online information process with School Admin by the new due date of August 15. Meeting this deadline is important to making sure the school year gets off to a good start and that we have the important information about your student should we need it in an emergency. Thank you in advance for your cooperation on this matter.

School Schedule The start of the school year for NEW students (9th grade and transfers) is Tuesday, August 16. The day will include an orientation program from 9:00am to 2:00pm that will be directed by students and adults from our Student Life Team. Students may come in free dress and do not need to bring any textbooks; lunch will be provided. That same evening, we will also host a Principal Ideas Continued on page 2

More About The De La Salle Christian Brothers Saint John Baptist de La Salle (1651-1719) taught and exemplified in a way no one before him had done. Education was a spiritual undertaking and teachers had a spiritual vocation. He guided into being a community of teachers devoted to living out that truth.




Principal Ideas Continued from page 1

very informative New Parent Orientation Program beginning at 6:00pm in the Dining Hall. I would strongly encourage the parents of our new students to attend this activity. As you know, the transition to high school is a big one; the goal of this evening is to give you as parents the tools and information to help your student navigate that change successfully. In anticipation of our meeting, you can access our New Parent Survival Guide at www. under the PARENTS tab.

Principal's Reception and Student Information Day Prior to the New Parent Orientation, there will be a “Meet the Principal” reception open to all parents at 5:00 p.m. I hope to see many of you there. THE NEW YEAR IS ALMOST HERE

On the next day, August 17, we will have our Student Information Day. All students will be on campus this day by grade level, and we will be addressing many issues and practical concerns. It is a Dress Uniform Day for all students. The day will include: verification of online forms, finance office clearance, class meetings, ID pictures and cards, and distribution of the Student Handbook. Please see the letter that was sent on July 20 for reporting times.

buying your textbooks soon. The Textbook List was mailed out with the July 20 mailing and is also available on our website under the ACADEMICS tab.

Lancer Armory The new Lancer Armory, under the auspices of the Parent Association, is available for approved school locks, PE clothing and school ties. In addition, the Armory contains other La Salle apparel for you to cheer on our Lancers throughout the year. Check schedules and website for hours of operation.

Excited About the Possibilities As the summer wanes and we look forward to the beginning of another school year, I hope that you and your students are as excited as I am for the possibilities that the year holds. The beauty of the cyclical nature of school is that we get to start with a fresh slate every year. This is truly a new start for me as your new principal, but for each of your children as well, the new year is a new chance to learn, grow, and strive to reach their maximum potential. The faculty and staff at La Salle are here to help them do just that and I will do my best to assure that they are ready, willing and able to work with your son/daughter in nurturing them to young adulthood. Enjoy the rest of your summer and I look forward to meeting you during the course of this year.

Thursday, August 18 is our official first day of school. The entire student body will gather for its first day of classes beginning at 8:00am – textbooks and full uniforms are required. This day will be a 12:20pm dismissal day, with students attending all seven class periods. If you have not Mrs. Courtney R. Kassakhian already done so, I recommend that you begin Principal




From the Parent Association

Welcome to the New Year CHECK As the summer days start to draw shorter, I am always conflicted. I love the laziness of summer and the longer days that make me feel like there are more hours in the day to get things done, but the OUR structure of the school year schedule calls to me. WEBSITE We welcome many new things to the beginning of the school year. Welcome to our new freshman. FOR Welcome to our new seniors who take their place as the school leaders; we know you will make us proud. SCHOOL We also have the honor of welcoming our new Principal, Courtney Kassakhian. With that, we have to AND say farewell to Brother Christopher. I remember when Brother Christopher started here my older son PARENT was very hesitant and skeptical. When my son returned this spring from his freshman year at college to EVENTS hear Brother Christopher was leaving, he was so sad because he had grown to love and respect him. The students will feel the same hesitation until they have the opportunity to get to know Mrs. Kassakhian. But let us remember, “We are Lancers”. We welcome her with open, loving and supportive arms. We all have come to La Salle from different paths. When my children were in elementary school, I would drive by every morning on my way to Holy Angels in Arcadia. I always took note at how happy the kids looked. Along with a strong educational experience, I wanted our kids to be happy. We have found that they are happy and know we are very blessed. Parent Association As you enter this new school year, become involved, participate and Meeting be present. It makes our lives better and makes our children better people. The transition to high school is always difficult. Leaving the elementary school September 13, 2016 environment to navigate high school can be overwhelming for both students 6:30pm and parents. We have many volunteer and social opportunities to help you Blakeslee Library land in a comfortable place. Parent Association meetings are where you will get informed with what is happening at school. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday, September 13, at 6:30pm in the library. Our focus for this meeting will be to introduce you to our new principal. After the general meeting, there will be breakout meetings for our booster groups - Arts, Academics and Athletics. Freshman and transfer parents please join us for “New Parent Orientation” Tuesday, August 16. Check-in is at 6:00pm and the meeting will begin at 6:30pm. Our PALS (Parents at La Salle) organization will guide you as you enter your new school year. Please join us for our first home football game Friday, September 2 at 7:00pm. This is a great way to spend a Friday night. Bring the entire family, have dinner and cheer on our Lancers. This is one of our favorite activities. It is fun to see new and old friends and great for school spirit. Back to School night will be on Thursday, September 1 at 6:30pm. Senior parents will have a mandatory meeting at this time. Lastly, we are happy to announce the opening of the "Lancer Armory." This is our student store located on the first floor just south of the library. We carry sweatshirts, ties, locks, P.E. wear and an array of other items. It will be open every Tuesday and Thursday throughout the school year and open early every dress up day to accommodate those who need a last minute tie or knee socks!

Blessings to all of you for a wonderful 2016-2017 school year.

Jacky Samartin P'15,'19 Parent Association President




La Salle Matters



At long last our proposed Master Plan is headed towards review by Pasadena’s City Council. This milestone – nearly 10 years in the making – is made possible by a unanimous vote of the members of the Planning Commission present for their review of the Master Plan on July 13th. That review included 98 conditions of permissible use of the campus as proposed by the Planning Department staff. Many of these conditions – such as acceptable uses of Kohorst Field – were carried over from previously approved Conditional Use Permits. There were, of course, new conditions designed to address the anticipated construction of new facilities as well as to ensure that “third party” uses of our campus would be consistent with the Mission of La Salle as well as in harmony with our role as a neighborhood resource. Concerns over noise, outdoor use of the campus, time of day in which campus activities may occur, the frequency with which campus facilities may be used by outside groups, as well as traffic and parking issues were addressed in the detailed Staff Report. That report – and its 98 conditions – was based on a series of environmental studies (air quality, noise levels, traffic patterns, parking conditions, landscaping issues as well as forecasting potential construction impacts, going forward) which La Salle was asked to commission in order to determine whether our proposed Master Plan would be consistent with the City’s General Plan as well as its Specific Plan for East Pasadena. Happily, the Planning Commission accepted the Staff’s recommended “Mitigated Negative Declaration,” meaning that any anticipated impacts (such as disturbing archeological artifacts discovered during the course of construction) could be mitigated to acceptable levels. Needless to say, this research took several years to compile and analyze. Often I would be asked why the Master Plan process is taking so long. My response was and continues to be, we want to be good neighbors and good citizens. By cooperating with the City, providing them with whatever data they needed to evaluate our project, compromising where appropriate and staying focused on the big picture (i.e. to ensure that all future facilities serve the students entrusted to our care first and foremost), we have positioned La Salle to continue to serve as a valuable community resource now and in the future. Parents new to La Salle might not be familiar with the exciting projects we plan for future campus development. These construction projects are anticipated to occur in three phases: Phase I – a practice gymnasium, fitness and aquatics center, renovation and expansion of the third floor Phase II – a Visual & Performing Arts facility Phase III – Fieldhouse All three phases are designed to ensure that we provide excellent facilities in support of excellent programs. With the arrival of an exciting new principal, Mrs. Courtney Kassakhian (please join me in welcoming her on August 16th in the Atrium at 5:00pm), we have a fresh set of eyes to rely on as she reviews all of our programs; particularly with respect to my cherished image of La Salle as a “three-legged stool” (Academics, Arts and Athletics). Because we are fully committed to our Lasallian and Catholic identity, I know that the rich and nurturing environment provided by our Religious Studies and Student Life


Faculty will continue to provide the supportive context within which we focus our energy on providing cutting edge programs (the “three-legged stool”) supported by cutting edge facilities. However, while the end is in sight – we are not there yet. By the time you read this column, we will be a little over a month away from City Council review of our Master Plan application (September 19th). And, while we take great comfort in the knowledge that it is being forwarded to the Council backed by a unanimous recommendation of the Planning Commission, we also know that part of being a good citizen is to fully participate in the public approval process so that Council members who might not be as familiar with La Salle can hear from those who value our educational approach (cf. Our Value Proposition in the June/July ParentNewsletter). Of course, we will have our experts testifying to the validity of our proposed Master Plan, but it will be City residents who will be able to offer the most compelling case for preserving La Salle’s future success as a good neighbor and a good citizen. If you want to play a role in support of this exciting opportunity to chart the future of La Salle, please contact my office. In the meantime, welcome to the start of La Salle’s 60th year of Making a Difference in the San Gabriel Valley!

Richard Gray, Ph.D. President


La Salle High School

3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated

© 2016

• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email: jblackstock @ lasallehs . org

Transforming Lives Since 1680




Brother DeSales 1937-2016

St. John Baptist De La Salle Pray For US 2005

On June 25, 2016, we lost a wonderful person and long-time member of the La Salle community - Brother DeSales is now where he has longed to be, with his loving God. Our community will never be the same without him, but his spirit will be with us always. He was 79 years old. Brother DeSales taught Spanish, Latin and religion at La Salle in the 1980s and again from the late 1990s to 2016. There will be a memorial "celebration of life" for Brother DeSales at the first liturgy of the School year on August 24, 2016.






Your prayers are requested for the repose of the soul of BROTHER DESALES BENNING, FSC (James Joyce Benning) Brother was born March 20, 1937 in Jamaica, New York. He entered the Novitiate on June 18, 1955 and received the religious habit that same day. He made final vows on October 24, 1976, in Los Angeles, California.


ASSIGNMENTS: 1956 Elkins Park, Philadelphia, PA, Scholastic 1959 Withdrew to enter Brothers of St. Francis of the Poor 07-1975 Re-entered Christian Brothers, San Francisco District 07-1975 Cathedral HS, Los Angeles, Novice/Teacher 07-1976 Cathedral HS, Los Angeles, Teacher 09-1977 Cathedral HS, Los Angeles, Sub-Director, Teacher 07-1979 Cathedral HS, Los Angeles, Director, Teacher 07-1982 La Salle HS, Pasadena, Director, Teacher 07- 1994 University of Arizona, Studies 07- 1997 San Joaquin Memorial HS, Fresno, Teacher 07- 1998 La Salle HS, Pasadena, Director, Teacher 07-2000 Cathedral HS Community, Los Angeles (in residence); Teacher La Salle HS, Pasadena LIVE JESUS IN OUR HEARTS FOREVER







City of Pasadena and La Salle Parking Laws The following rules and guidelines have been established by the administration and the Pasadena Police Department for the safety of your children.


Parents may drop off students in front of the gym and school in the designated curb side "drop off" lane. They may also drive into the school parking lot on Sierra Madre Boulevard entering the parking lot using the second gate west of the gym and then exit as indicated. There is no parking in front of the Sierra Madre Boulevard school parking lot from 7:00am to 4:00pm on school days. There is a 2 hour parking area in front of the gym and school from 9:00am to 9:00pm.The City has provided an additional drop-off zone going south on Michillinda Avenue, just north of the School’s driveway. This is for immediate drop-off only and is indicated as such. Both La Salle and the City are very concerned by the ongoing double, (and at times, triple) parking by parents during drop-off on Sierra Madre Boulevard. This is not only illegal, but extremely unsafe. The City will continue to enforce a no-left-turn policy for northbound Michillinda Avenue traffic onto Canfield Road and Landfair Road, as well as a no-right-turn policy for southbound traffic on Michillinda Avenue onto Canfield and Landfair. This policy is in effect from 7:00am to 8:00am, Monday through Friday. Parents are also reminded that there is absolutely no student drop-off in the lower faculty parking lot. Pulling into this lot creates a very dangerous back-up of cars in the oncoming traffic lanes. The School also reminds our driving students that there is additional parking in the Sierra Madre United Methodist Church parking lot as they should not park their cars on residential streets such as Canfield Road. The School will continue to work with the City in providing a process for safe and efficient drop-off of students. Parents should make use of the Sierra Madre Boulevard lot to pick up students at the end of the school day. We expect our parents and students to adhere to these policies and regulations. They will be enforced by the Pasadena Police Department. Contact Mr. Brandon Birr, Dean of Students at 626.696.4360 if you have any concerns about these procedures.

Attendance Hotline 626.696.4406


A parent or guardian must call before 8:00am the day of the absence to notify the School if a student will be absent or tardy, or if the student needs to leave school early for an appointment. Please state student's name, date, time, and reason for the absence. On return to School, the student must stop by the reception desk prior to 8:00am with a note from the parents or guardians stating the reason for the absence. Notification of any planned absences, (college visits, etc.), must be in writing prior to the absence, given to the attendance office and approved by Mr. Brandon Birr, Dean of Students.



Lancers Take on the World

500 Scholars competed from 30 Countries From left, Noah Sisson ’16, Bettina Lee ’16, Zach Damir ’16, Japhet Quitzon ’16 and Christian Billings ’16 with Simon Lindinger ’18 of Switzerland.

In July, five La Salle Lancers competed in the World Scholar’s Global Round held in the beautiful city of Prague in the Czech Republic. Zach Damir ’16, Bettina Lee ’16 and Japhet Quitzon ’16 comprised team #1 and Christian Billings ’16 and Noah Sisson ’16 were paired with Simon Lindinger ’18 from the GEMS school in Geneva, Switzerland to complete team #2. The theme of this year’s Global Round was “An Imperfect World” with over 500 students competing, representing 30 countries. Both teams spent months preparing for the Global Round which tested their knowledge in Crime and Justice, History, Science, Literature, the Arts and Social Studies. Our La Salle teams stepped up to the challenge and were awarded numerous team trophies and individual medals. Most notable is that Team #1 placed 2nd overall and team #2 placed 19th, both qualifying for the Tournament of Champions to be held at Yale University in November 2016. Team #1 won the Scholars Cup and Bettina, Japhet, Noah and Zach were named Champion Scholars. Bettina was named as La Salle’s top scholar. Congratulations to these amazing Lancers!




Grooming & Appearance Clothing items not specifically mentioned in this section are not part of the uniform, and therefore may not be worn. Polo shirts bearing the older interlocked “LS” are not permitted.

MEN Dress Uniform


Pants • CKW or Dockers beige khaki pants that are not tight-fitting, baggy, jeans-like, or rolled at the ankle

Belt • Solid black or brown

Shorts • CKW or Dockers beige khaki shorts that are not baggy

Shirt • White long sleeve oxford shirt and must be tucked in at all times • Undershirts, if worn, must be white with short sleeves La Salle Tie • Must be worn properly all day and not loosely around the neck Outerwear • Restricted to the following on Dress Uniform Days: La Salle Vest, La Salle V-Neck Sweater or La Salle Varsity Cardigan Shoes • Brown or black leather dress shoes not extending above the ankle (Boat shoes, such as Sperry Topsiders may not be worn) Socks • Brown, Black, or white socks


Regular Uniform

Pants • CKW or Dockers beige khaki pants that are not tight-fitting, baggy, jeans-like, or rolled at the ankle

Belt • Solid black or brown Shirt • La Salle issued polos • Must be tucked in at all times • Undershirts, if worn, must be white with short sleeves Outerwear • La Salle issued outerwear only (Sweaters, Sweatshirts, Hoodies, Jackets) Shoes • Must be closed back and toe and cut at or near the ankle (Boots, slippers, or moccasins may not be worn) Socks • White socks not extending beyond the lower calf with minimal logos



Grooming & Appearance Clothing items not specifically mentioned in this section are not part of the uniform and therefore may not be worn. Polo shirts bearing the older interlocked “LS” are not permitted.

WOMEN Dress Uniform

Regular Uniform

Skirt • CKW Red plaid only skirt (Not shorter than 1 inch below the fingertips when held straight alongside the skirt)

Skirt • CKW Red plaid or khaki skirt (Not shorter than 1 inch below the fingertips when held straight alongside the skirt)

Shirt • La Salle white short-sleeve overblouse which may be left untucked • Only top button may be left unbuttoned Outerwear • Restricted to the following on Dress Uniform Days: La Salle Vest, La Salle V-Neck Sweater or La Salle Varsity Cardigan Shoes • Brown or black leather loafers, brown or black flats, or saddle shoes in brown, black or white Socks • White dress knee socks shall not extend over the kneecap

Pants • CKW or Dockers beige khaki pants that are not tight-fitting, baggy, jeans-like, or rolled at the ankle Shirts • La Salle issued polos


• La Salle white short-sleeve overblouse (Polos must be tucked in, while overblouses may be left untucked with only top button unbuttoned) Outerwear • La Salle issued outerwear only (Sweaters, Sweatshirts, Hoodies, Jackets) Shoes • Must be closed back and toe and cut at or near the ankle with flat heels (UGGS, boots, slippers, moccasins may not be worn) Socks/Tights • White socks not extending above the lower part of the knee with minimal logos • Solid black or solid navy tights that cover the entire foot





La Salle High School Student Calendar 2016 – 2017



August 17 (Wednesday) Student Information and Planning Day (All Students)

January 16 (Monday) Martin Luther King, Jr. – Holiday

August 16 (Tuesday) New Student Welcome


August 18 (Thursday) First Day of Classes (All classes meet / Dismissal 12:20) September 5 (Monday) Labor Day – Holiday October 10 (Monday) Columbus Day – Holiday October 17 (Monday) Faith Formation Day November 11(Friday) Veteran’s Day Observed – Holiday November 23 – 27 (Wed – Sun) Thanksgiving Break December 13 – 16 (Tues – Fri) Fall Semester Examinations December 17 – January 8, 2017 Christmas Break


January 9 (Monday) Second Semester Begins

February 6 (Monday) Faculty In-service - Student Holiday February 20 (Monday) Presidents’ Day – Holiday March 6 (Monday) Faculty In-Service - Student Holiday March 27 (Monday) School Holiday April 13 – 23 Easter Break May 24 (Wednesday) Baccalaureate May 26 (Friday) Graduation - Student Holiday May 29 (Monday) Memorial Day – Holiday June 2 – 7 (Fri – Wed) Spring Semester Examinations




Samples Earns Eagle Rank

In May 2016, Tommy Samples '17 was awarded the Boy Scouts of America’s highest honor of Eagle Scout. Only four out of every 100 scouts achieve the distinguished rank of Eagle. Tommy is an active member of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (ABVM) Troop 31 in Pasadena and has been a scout for 11 years which began as a Tiger Scout with Pack 31 while in first grade. He earned Cub Scouting’s highest award – The Arrow of Light, a Catholic scouting religious award - Parvuli Dei and a World Conservation Award. As a Boy Scout, he rose through the ranks and held leadership positions including Senior Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Assistant Troop Leader and Den Chief. While a Boy Scout, Tommy earned 31 merit badges which included over 30 camping nights and numerous hikes. He volunteered with 100+ hours for seven eagle scout service projects that included forest/river cleanup, Painting Villa Esperanza, Malibu community center clean up, Carmelite painting of patio, Women’s Century Club fence and sprinkler project, AMBV Pre-K playhouse and Ronald McDonald House. He volunteered three years in a row for both Rose Parade

Parking, Troop 31’s biggest fundraiser and Pack 31’s Pinewood Derby. To achieve the coveted Eagle Scout rank, it is important for the scout to live the Scout Oath and Scout Law and apply character, citizenship, and scouting values in their daily lives. One of the rank requirements is to plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, school, or community. Through this requirement, Scouts practice what they have learned and gain valuable project management and leadership experience while serving others. Tommy hosted a two-day basketball camp held at ABVM as his Eagle Scout Leadership Project. He recruited his basketball teammates AJ Akobian '17, Spencer Schoenbaum '16, JD Ramirez '16, Jason Oliai '18, Kevin Lui '16 and Dylan Thai '17 as well as his former ABVM basketball teammates as coaches. Varsity head coach Mike Lynch made a special appearance and gave an inspirational speech to the campers about the importance of education, goals and giving back to the community. The camp was held to teach kids the fundamentals of basketball. It was meant to motivate them to be physically active, get outdoors with hopes of wanting to play any kind of sport. Tommy wanted to reach out to kids who would other wise never have the opportunity to have someone teach them the sport due to financial limitations. Some of the participants had never played and wanted to give it a try since it was free. There were several basic stations for shooting, dribbling, and defense. Each station was run by volunteers who contributed their expert skills and advice. There were scrimmages and contests among the participants to show off their newly learned skills.


Continued on page 21




From the Athletic Boosters

Summer/Fall Sports Report It has been a busy and exciting summer for Lancer Athletics! Our new weight room was used quite extensively as our football team has been working out all summer with early morning weights and conditioning practices to assure that our Lancers are stronger, faster, and more athletically conditioned than our opponents this year. NOTE THE NEW ARMORY HOURS ONLINE and Page 20

Lancers took 1st place at the Antelope Valley College Lineman competition and in 100 degree heat, played in the semi-finals of the passing tournament last week. Congratulations, Lancers! Athletic Boosters are focused on the Football Operations for the upcoming season. Our first home Football game is on September 2, 2016 against Monrovia High School. It will be a RED OUT so wear your Lancer “red” T-shirts and come out to support our team! Big changes for La Salle merchandise! -- Athletics has a new partnership with Nike and BSN Sports to supply La Salle Athletic fan gear and select merchandise will now be available in the Armory starting this fall and online. We will continue to sell Fan Gear at the Football games but this will make Lancer fan gear more available to our parents and students throughout the year. We are also developing the new marketing and media campaigns for the fall program and will send out information on ad sponsorships in the next few weeks. The Boosters will be holding operations planning meetings for our fall 2016 sports programs over the next few weeks if you would like to participate in a booster committee or volunteer for service hours at home games, please contact the boosters at Respectfully,

Christine Marez P'14,'18 President



Crystal Ball Tailgate Gift Gathering Party

Saturday, October 8, 2016 6:00pm to 10:00pm



Join us for a grand tailgate party in La Salle's Dining Hall. Wear Your Favorite Athletic Team Attire

$30 per person donation. Adult admission includes all food, beverages and alcohol drinks Two service hours per family will be given for attendance! Crystal Ball donations include gift cards to your favorite stores and restaurants, tickets to plays, concerts and sporting events and, of course, cash, checks and credit card donations are always accepted and needed.

RSVP Jacky Samartin 626.379.4723





From the College Counseling Center

College Center News By Owen Hou ’90, Tina Bonacci '94 and Marcia Yu, College Counselors


Camp College – Second Offering

News for Seniors and their Parents

For those who missed the first Camp College session in June, the College Center will be offering another section of this course from Monday, August 8 to Wednesday, August 10.

Remember to utilize Family Connection from Naviance. Family Connection is a webbased application that enables our counseling office to offer a comprehensive website that you and your student can use to help in making decisions about colleges and careers. Family Connection is linked with Naviance, which we use in our office to track and analyze data about college and career plans, so it provides up-to-date information that is specific to La Salle

The purpose of this three-day seminar is to provide students with an overview of the college admissions process and provide hands-on instruction regarding organizational systems, the application process, and the college essays. Most students will have one essay completed and have drafts of a second and a third essay by the end of the course. Registration forms are available in the College Center. Non-La Salle students are welcome to attend. Please contact Mr. Hou at 626.696.4314, if you have any questions.

College Tours Visiting college campuses is a wonderful opportunity for our students to see a variety of campuses before they begin the college admissions process. This school year we will be offering the following tours: Los Angeles Area College Tour Friday, October 7, 2016 Locations TBD Bay Area College Tour Monday and Tuesday, February 6-7, 2017 Locations TBD Orange County College Tour Monday, March 6, 2017 Locations TBD


East Coast College Tour During the Easter Holiday, April 17-22, itinerary and colleges to be determined

Family Connection will allow your student to: • Keep track of the process – Build a resume, complete on-line surveys, and manage timelines and deadlines for making decisions about colleges and careers • Research colleges – Compare GPA, SAT scores, and other statistics to actual historical data from our school for students who have applied and been admitted in the past • Sign up for college visits – Find out which colleges are visiting our school and sign up to attend those sessions Senior students can access the ‘Senior College Planning Survey’ on Naviance. The survey is to be completed and submitted by September 2. The individual senior college meeting will be scheduled according to the receipt date of the ‘Senior College Planning Survey’. In other words, first come-first served. Senior parents/guardians still have an opportunity to complete the Parent/Guardian College Planning Survey on Naviance if you have not done so. We would appreciate your help by setting aside a few minutes to take this survey. We ask you to please complete the survey by Friday, September 2.

ParentNewsletter Reminder: at least one parent /guardian must register on Naviance. The college counseling office uses your registered email address to communicate important college admissions information/deadlines via Naviance Please contact your student’s college counselor if you need assistance registering on Naviance. Please mark your calendars for Thursday, September 1 to attend the College Night for Senior Parents at 7:00 pm. in the Dining Hall (parents only). The meeting will follow the Back-to-School Night General Meeting (6:30pm). Senior College Night Schedule 7:00pm Welcome Senior Parents (Dining Hall) 7:15pm Overview of the college application process/cycle 7:50pm The Application Essay 8:20pm Questions & Answers 8:30pm Adjournment Senior students will receive formal instruction on the college admission application process in their Mentor Period.

Standardized Testing

Registration is open for the Fall SAT and ACT. If your student would like to take these standardized test(s) and has not registered yet, please do so as soon as possible. We encourage your student to register online, for the SAT at www., and for the ACT at www.act. org. Please note the registration for the September ACT is just around the corner. SAT Test Date (Register By) October 1, 2016 (September 1) November 5, 2016 (October 7) December 3, 2016 (November 3) ACT Test Date (Register By) September 10, 2016 (August 5) October 22, 2016 (September 16) December 10, 2016 (November 4)


Fall SAT Prep Course

The information for test preparation vendors is listed on our Naviance website

News for Freshman, Sophomore and Junior Parents

The following standardized tests will be administered on Wednesday, October 19: Freshmen and sophomores will be taking the PreACT and the Juniors will be taking the PSAT.


The PreACT helps us track how our students perform over time and helps them prepare for the ACT (one of the college admission exams along with the SAT). Meanwhile, the PSAT (preliminary SAT) provides firsthand practice for the SAT. All juniors will be required to take the ACT this coming spring on Saturday, February 11, 2017. La Salle High School is an ACT test center for this date.

NHS, CSF and Science NHS Registration

If your junior and senior student is eligible for membership in the National Honor Society (NHS), the California Scholarship Federation (CSF), and/or the Science National Honor Society (SNHS) please remind him or her to register. The deadline to apply for CSF, NHS and SNHS is September 2.


Please note, in order to wear the CSF cord for graduation, the student must be a member of CSF for four or more semesters, with at least one of the semesters during the senior year. In order to wear the NHS cord, the student must be an active member of NHS for three semesters, at least one in the senior year. The requirement for wearing the SNHS cord is more complicated as it is determined by how many Honors and AP Science courses the student has taken and the grades earned in those classes.




NEW NO COST Fundraisers Ralphs, Amazon Smile, eScrip and Benefit Cards. Download the eflyer with this newsletter for more details YES MORE DATES TO SAVE

SAVE THE DATES The thoughtful support of alumni, parents, grandparents and friends has helped sustain La Salle High School’s margin of excellence since 1956. The School acknowledges this generosity in a number of important ways. The premier annual giving society is the President’s Circle, established in 2011 which includes New Parent Giving Pledges and all cash deductible gifts of $2,500 or more per fiscal year (July 1 thru June30). The President’s Circle succeeds the Crystal Circle (New Parents Parent Giving Pledges and all cash deductible gifts between $1,000 and $2,499) as La Salle’s preeminent annual gift society. President’s Circle and Crystal Circle members are recognized on a donor wall in prominent display at the School and in the Annual Report. A reception will be held for each group in the fall:

Crystal Circle Reception Sunday, September 25, 2016


President’s Circle Reception Sunday, October 30, 2016

At whatever level you choose to support La Salle on an annual basis, your support is most warmly welcome.



Eagle Stephen Burkhart Stephen Alan Burkhart '19 was born on May 28, 2000 to Warren and Melinda Burkhart. He attended Mayfield Junior School and Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic School in Pasadena and his scouting journey began there with Packs 314, 87, and 31. As a Cub Scout, he earned the Light of Christ and Parvuli Dei religious awards. He bridged into Assumption’s Troop 31 in 2012. Stephen quickly got involved in the many outings and opportunities offered by Troop 31 including attending summer camps at Whitsett, Circle X, Holcombe, and Cherry Valley. Favorite outings were camp outs at Leo Carrillo, Point Magu, and Mc Loughlin Ranch. Stephen held several positions during his time in the troop including Quartermaster, Patrol Leader, and Troop Guide. He was also the “Taps” player closing many a meeting on his clarinet. Stephen earned his Ad Altare Dei religious emblem and outside of scouting, served as an altar server for Assumption of the BVM Church. In addition to scouting, Stephen enjoys being part of the Lancer Digital Media crew as well as playing defense on the varsity soccer team. He also plays soccer with FC Golden State. If he is not at school or on the pitch, you can find him volunteering his time at Verdugo Hills Hospital. For his Eagle Rank Leadership Service Project, Stephen wanted to honor the experience and education scouting has given him learning and working in nature. With that in mind, he partnered with Los Angeles Unified School District Clear Creek Outdoor Educational Center. Following his fundraising events, he built benches to enhance a learning space for students from LAUSD, many of whom come from lower income circumstances and who may be experiencing this type of contact with nature for the first time. Clear Creek averages 80 elementary students for a week long outdoor program and 60 junior high and high school students for weekend workshops. Stephen planned and coordinated a task force of scouts, friends, and family to clear a path leading to the outdoor education area that was also cleared of debris. Stephen and his crew placed the eight benches constructed off-site into the wooded grove. The newly furbished outdoor classroom was used by an elementary group the following week after the project’s completion. Stephen is grateful for the help others have given him in his progress toward his Eagle Rank. He would like to recognize the many adults from scout leaders to teachers who have mentored him along the way. To his brother, David, also an Eagle Scout and La Salle graduate, he gives his thanks for being an excellent role model and guide.





MASTER PLAN - SAVE THE DATE After successfully securing a unanimous recommendation from the Pasadena Planning Commission in support of our proposed Master Plan, La Salle now heads to the City Council for final review and (ideally) approval. City Council wants to hear from Pasadena residents regarding the merits of the Master Plan. Current La Salle families who reside in Pasadena are encouraged to attend the hearing, scheduled for:


. More information to come...

The New Lancer Armory GOOD STUFF TO KNOW

The Lancer Armory is your one-stop shop for all your La Salle merchandise. You can find our Lancer Armory window near the library next to the amphitheater. Below you will find the days and hours of operation when you can purchase Lancer gear during the school year. On dress uniform days we will be open before school, so if your son or daughter forgets a tie or socks, they will be able to purchase what they need. Before the first week of school you can stop in on Mondays starting August 1, from 11:00am to 3:00pm to get ties, locks, and sweatshirts. We have close-out deals and some uniform items at discounted prices. PE outfits and large/extra large sweatshirts will be available for purchase the first week of school. Please contact Theresa Elmslie-Britt, Karen Gelinas, Jacky Samartin, or Robyn Tapert at if you have any questions.

First Week of School Hours


New Student Orientation New Parent Orientation Dress Uniform Day First Day of School

August 16th August 16th August 17th August 18th

Regular Store Hours Tuesdays and Thursdays Regular Schedule (Day A) Regular Schedule (Day B) Dress Uniform Days and Special Schedules

12:15pm - 1:15pm 11:15am - 12:15pm 7:00am - 8:15am

8:00am - 3:00pm 5:00pm - 8:30pm 7:00am - 1:30pm 7:00am - 1:30pm




Continued from page 13

Tommy wanted to instill life lessons of learning how to be a team player, taking initiative, and being a leader which can be applied to any goals one is passionate about. Tommy has taken his leadership skills and commitment to serve others beyond the troop boundaries. Tommy volunteered as an assistant coach for the Pasadena American Little League during Spring and Fall of 2014. At La Salle, he was the co-captain of the JV Boys basketball team. He is a current varsity player for the Lancers Basketball team where the team volunteered for Ability First and Hastings Ranch hanging of Christmas Lights. He played for the Lancers Baseball team for two years. He is a current member of the National Honor Society and California Scholarship Federation and has a 4.3 GPA. Though the journey to attain the rank of Eagle Scout was a long and challenging trek, the values and experiences he gained contributed to making him the young man he is today. He is confident he will be a compassionate contributor to society by genuinely living according to the Scout Oath and Scout Law.


Student Fashion Magazine for August / Back to School issue, will be online at / Student Life on August 19, 2016


25th Annual Lancer Golf Classic Save the Date October 10, 2016 San Gabriel Country Club 11:00am Shotgun Start


ParentNewsletter 222222


Check your School calendar for event times and dates






August 10 School Ambassador Workshop 8:30am - 3:00pm Blakeslee Library August 12 Faculty/ Staff Retreat 9:00am Campus August 15 All student Forms and

Electronic Signature Forms are Due

August 16 Special Schedule New Student Welcome and Orientation Casual Dress 9:00am - 2:00pm Lunch Provided Lancer Armory Open New Principal's Reception 5:00pm Atrium New Parents’ Orientation 6:00- 8:00pm Dining Hall Lancer Armory Open August 17 Special Schedule Student Information and Planning Day Dress Uniforms (with Ties) Yearbook and Student ID Photographs 8:00am to 1:00pm

August 18 Special Schedule First Day of Classes Regular Uniform Seven Period Schedule 8:00am to 12:20pm August 22-26 CSF, NHS, SNHS Applications Available (See President's Office, Principal's Office and Science Department) August 24 Liturgy Schedule Dress Uniforms No Late Start Mass of the Holy Spirit Dining Hall 9:15am August 27 Saturday Welcome Back Dance 7:30 - 10:30pm Dining Hall August 29 CSF Applications Due Senior Parent and Student College Survey Due

September 1 Back-to-School Night and Senior Parent College Night and General Parent Meeting 6:30pm Campus

September 2 FOOTBALL vs Monrovia High School Varsity 7:00pm Kohorst Field September 5 Labor Day School Holiday September 9 Saturday FOOTBALL @ Bishop Diego High School Varsity 7:00pm Bishop Diego Field September 6 Assembly Schedule Club Day 9:15am Dining Hall September 8 Assembly Schedule Spring Academic Awards 9:15am Dining Hall September 13 Parent Association Meeting 6:30pm Blakeslee Library Parent Boosters Meetings 7:30pm Campus Locations Dining Hall September 16 FOOTBALL vs Muir High School Varsity 7:00pm Kohorst Field

For specific Lancer game dates, times and locations: log on to or Athletics. Please visit the La Salle Athletics Boosters page at under Boosters for volunteer opportunities.

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