December 2011/January 2012 Parent Newsletter

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ParentNewsletter The La Salle


Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead

It is amazing and also a bit startling to write an end-of-the-semester and an end-of-the-calendaryear article. Where did the opening weeks of the school year go? It is normal that life gets hectic during this time of the year; but I certainly want to urge parents to be mindful of the upcoming semester finals. Also, it is imperative that students turn in any final assignments by the assigned due dates. In most cases, late work will not be accepted.

Student Success You will find articles in this newsletter highlighting the achievements of teams, athletes and performers for their outstanding efforts this semester. We should always be mindful to sincerely thank our students for their co-curricular achievements as well as for their academic achievements. I want to mention a few student groups that may often fly under the radar when it comes to recognition. The work of the Mock Trail students was superb – I enjoyed the opportunity to again see them in action at the Los Angeles Courts. The efforts and achievements of our Robotics Team were fantastic. Our student

production of 12th Night was amazing and I was overwhelmed by the talent of our student actors and our dancers preformed to an overflowing audience. The student art that was displayed last month was brilliant and a wonder to see. Our talented and enthusiastic Girl’s Golf Team earned First Place League honors for their play this season. Junior Daniel De La Torre was our League’s number one Cross Country runner and Daniel went on to earn the CIF-SS Division 4 Boys Individual Championship Title - and finished third in the State Championships in Clovis. He has also been invited to run in the prestigious National Cross Countr y Championship Race in Portland – well done Daniel!. The Girl’s Volleyball Team was undefeated in League play for the second year in a row and they moved through the playoff schedule all the way to the CIF Finals before they lost to the defending champions. Our team’s exciting play earned them a CIF Divisional Runner-Up banner that will proudly be placed in the Duffy Lewis Gymnasium. I also want Continued on page 2

The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle

“The Son of God has come to earth and wishes to come into our hearts to make us sharers in his nature.” Meditations 85.3 - ca 1708

Saint John Baptist de La Salle




Principal Ideas Continued from page 1


to congratulate the families and the strong student support base that followed the girls throughout their playoff games. The girls and their fans represented themselves and the school in an exemplary manner. As I submit this article, the Volleyball team finished the season with an outstanding set of matches in the second round of the State Championship playoffs. Congratulations Ladies! It is important to also thank all of the Fall athletes for their outstanding efforts, personal as well as team achievements, and for the dedication that they demonstrated throughout the season. And, my thanks also goes to our award winning cheer squad and to our wonderful pep band and drum line for their electrifying spirit.

Our Commitment to Excellence On a negative note, however. We ended the football season with an on-field fight between our team and their opponent that occurred after the game ended. This is the first time in my 26 years here that such an outrageous event has ever happened with one of our athletic teams. There is certainly much to be disappointed in from both our players and those from the other team. I was on the field and I can tell you in all candor that one would be making a big mistake to place blame on the players from the other team. Our players equally share in the blame for this tragedy. It is true that one or two adults from the other side crossed all acceptable adult boundaries with their actions and currently one person is most appropriately facing the weight of the legal system. That being said, as a school that holds itself to a high moral standard, we must re-double our own efforts to maintain these standards on a regular basis. There is no place in any part of our athletic program for students who do not share our Christian/Lasallian values, nor is there any place in our parent and greater adult community for those who feel that derogatory and crude comments to game officials and to opponents is an acceptable part of high school sports. Athletic Director Harris will be reinforcing our commitment to excellence, sportsmanship and integrity with all our student athletes, student fans, coaches, and with adults and parents involved with our athletic program. He has my full support and I expect he will PAGE 2

receive the full support of our whole community in these efforts.

A Wonderful Open House My thanks to all of the student and parent volunteers who assisted with last month’s Open House. They, along with our faculty and support staff, did an outstanding job in welcoming our guests to the event. We had a larger turn out than last year with over 600 families spending the day with us. We easily had over 2000 guests on site and from all reports and comments given to me by many of these guests, they were blown away by our hospitality, our displays and by the quality of the conversations they had with faculty, coaches and volunteers alike.

Back-to-School Night Looking to the second semester, I encourage you to attend our General Parent Meeting and Backto-School Night on January 5 at 6:15pm. There will be a special senior parent meeting that will take place immediately following the general meeting. The purpose of this senior parent meeting is to go over various items related to our goal of creating a most successful and meaningful final semester for our senior class. At least one parent of each senior is asked to attend. As in the past, your student will bring home to you a special schedule to follow for the classroom/teacher visits that will occur. I look forward to seeing you at this event. On behalf of the administration, faculty and staff of La Salle High School, I wish you and your families a safe and a most Blessed Christmas!

Patrick Bonacci, AFSC Principal



From the Parent Association

The Priceless Experience of La Salle A number of years ago, there was a TV commercial for MasterCard that you might remember. It is the one that typically began with a congenial setting with parents and kids actively engaged in some sort of family activity. It begins to describe various items that could be purchased, along with how much they cost, and it goes on from there… you know the one we are talking about, right? Even though there were a number of different versions of the commercial, the fundamental message that it delivered was always the same. While it spoke to us of things that can be acquired, it also addressed the intangible benefit of what can be realized from what could be easily viewed as a rather nominal or inconsequential purchase. For a moment, we would like to jump back a few years and present a different spin on that very same commercial, and it goes something like this…

• Cost of tuition at La Salle ….a bunch of cash • Cost of building the projects included in La Salle’s new master plan ….a bigger bunch of cash • Watching your kids savor the experience at La Salle….PRICELESS! Over the past few months, we have been fortunate to take part in a number of school events that made us proud to be part of the La Salle family and of our Lancer heritage. But more importantly, it is also been a time for us to look beyond the cost of tuition and the proposed multi-million dollar master plan and come to understand the experience that we as a greater Lasallian community provide to our children. To share in the excitement during La Salles’ victorious Homecoming football game and in seeing our kids running out on to the

field afterwards was heart-stopping. To witness the school spirit demonstrated by our children as they cheered the girls’ volleyball team into CIF and State playoffs was unforgettable. To enjoy the theatrical performance of the fall production’s rendition of Shakespeare, and to observe the accomplishments of our Robotics team in action kept us asking for more. And lest we not forget, the numerous individual honors that many of our students have earned ranging from various academic, artistic and athletic accolades to selection NEXT as participants in the 2012 Tournament Parent Association of Roses Parade. Whatever the event or Meeting: Tuesday, occasion, we have been left with a feeling January 10, 7:45pm of satisfaction and well-being that every parent in attendance undeniably shared… Blakeslee Library we all knew that what we were witnessing was good, and that as a parent, it was a fulfilling experience to say the least. For our children though, it was a defining moment that they will remember long after their high school days are over; as a parent, we could not have been happier for the chance to share in these wonderful times with them. At La Salle, this is what the La Salle Difference is all about and what we as parents continually strive to do… and that is to share with our children the priceless experiences that high school has to offer, experiences that will be with them forever. Before you know it, the Christmas Holidays will be here and we would like to remind all parents to log in to the service hour website and record your hours before everyone’s thoughts turn to sugarplums, Santa and his eight tiny reindeer. Notwithstanding the Christmas Break, our dedicated Service Hour Committee will be updating all of its reports and will be notifying those parents who have not yet met their annual service hour requirement for their need to jump onto the volunteer bandwagon. We are planning to have update notices go out in mid-January. Continued on page 6 PAGE 3




If you are like me, answering a ringing telephone at 7:00am produces a groggy and fairly befuddled response. Fortunately for me, the originator of the call was a computer featuring the recorded voice of our Principal, Pat Bonacci, AFSC (and therefore not requiring me to speak in complete sentences) alerting us to the fact that school had been cancelled for the day because of the enormous damage inflicted by a particularly violent arrival of Santa Ana winds. It turned out that all Pasadena schools closed that day and, as I drove to school that morning, I could see why: mature magnolias completely uprooted, roads blocked by mountains of debris and, at La Salle, a batting cage split in half by a limb of the overgrown liquid ambers that we keep beseeching the City to prune on a regular basis (these trees are between the sidewalk and the street, making them Pasadena’s problem, not La Salle’s). It was then that it suddenly hit me: by the time I arrived on campus, our Principal, Pat Bonacci, AFSC had everything well in hand and, together with Director of Operations, Elena Gallud, was intent upon making certain that La Salle would be ready to receive students - as usual - the next day. This insight is not particularly clever - we all know this is what Pat does. But it was unusual for me to dwell on it from this perspective: as we search for a new principal; will Pat’s successor take as good care of us as this admirable man has done for the

last 26 years? Of course, it’s a rhetorical question that does not admit of a glib answer - but it is an important one - after all, the great strength of La Salle is its sense of community in which we all aspire to nurture, challenge, inspire and motivate (to paraphrase our Mission Statement) the people entrusted to our care. Pat has been the role model and cheerleader-in-chief for this essential element which highlights the “La Salle Difference.” In one sense, it’s an unfair question - no one should be measured by the standard of the person they succeed. Still, we are human and we like to know where our comfort zone lies. By the time you read this, we will have completed the search for the next principal of La Salle High School and expect to announce the appointment in early January. So, these ruminations are particularly poignant for me as I wrestle with the inescapable reality that the most important contribution I will make to La Salle is the appointment of the successor to Pat Bonacci, AFSC. I am extremely pleased with the individuals who agreed to serve on the Search Committee; especially, Dr. Vera Vignes, its Chair. We have representatives of the School’s faculty and administration, alumni, parents of alumni, Trustees, area elementary principals, representatives from the Archdiocesan Catholic Schools Office, and the Christian Brothers. They have taken their charge extraordinarily seriously. From 50 initial inquiries, they identified six candidates for a preliminary round of interviews. From the pool of six, three candidates were brought in for a second round of interviews with the Search Committee and a round of on-campus interviews with focus groups representing: administration, faculty, students and parents. These focus groups were asked to email their feedback to the Committee, which was then reviewed and assembled as support for their recommendations regarding the three finalists. Then, it was time for me to be put on the hotspot: I had to select one of these candidates to be the next principal of La Salle High School. Continued on page 5





Continued from page 4

I think you can see, therefore, why Pat’s “Johnny on the spot” performance on the day the Santa Anas brought Pasadena to its knees is of particular concern to me as I contemplate who should succeed him. Each of the three finalists brings outstanding - and different - attractive qualities to the position. Two are skilled in particular areas: curriculum and instruction for one and guidance and counseling for the other. The third is a generalist, a seasoned “pro” that has helmed more than one Catholic high school over the last 20 years. More than one teacher who sat in on a focus group interview echoed my own sentiments by saying to me: “Can’t we just merge all of these characteristics into one person? (Where is that picture of Dorian Grey when you need it?). I suspect you get the point of this dilemma: in the grand scheme of things, we do not get to insist on the “one” way to perfection. The process of becoming better is always messy and unpredictable. What we do get to do is to say; given our imperfect knowledge of the present (and especially, the future) this seems to be the way to go. I have been extraordinarily impressed with the seriousness with which my colleagues, students and parents have approached this challenging task. I know they all care deeply about the future of La Salle and I am fairly confident that they realize that no one person can shoulder the burden of our varied expectations. Pray that I may benefit from the Lord’s wisdom as we begin the next chapter of the marvelous story of the La Salle Difference. Pray, also, that the next principal of La Salle will take as good care of us as the current one has so wonderfully done.

La Salle High School

3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated

© 2011

• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications

Richard Gray, Ph.D. President

Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email:




Parent Association Continued from page 3

And speaking of the Christmas Season, please remember to register (if you have not already done so) and take advantage of the many opportunities to make your holiday purchases under the school’s eScrip program. Not only can La Salle benefit from purchases made at any number of grocery stores, but many restaurants, local and online merchants also participate. Be sure to check out what is available at for additional information about the many other ways that you can help support La Salle through eScrip. If you have any questions, please contact eScrip Chair, Craig Snodgrass, at For our January 2012 general Parent Association meeting, we will be featuring Ms. Cynthia Louie '12, La Salle’s most recent addition to the 2012 Tournament of Roses Rose Court. Princess Cynthia and her parents will recount the events

leading up to her selection as one of the seven finalists of one of the world’s most famous pageants. Please come prepared to enjoy and share in Cynthia’s extraordinary experience with the Tournament of Roses and learn what it is all about from the perspective of this very special young lady! With the Christmas holidays now upon us, we wish for every La Salle family a time of celebration with loved ones and friends always remembering the special time of year that it is. We pray that God gives His blessings to all. With best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Carol and Brad Wright '73 Co-Presidents Parent Association

Golf Tournament Thank You PLEASE JOIN US NEXT YEAR


On October 14, the Annual Lancer Golf Tournament was played under perfect skies at the Industry Hills Golf Club at Pacific Palms. This is easily one of the most enjoyable events sponsored by the La Salle Community each year! A grateful thank-you to the 108 golfers who played in the tournament, all the volunteers who worked all day long, and our generous corporate and underwriting sponsors: The Mareina Family; Dr. and Mrs. John K. Waken; Campbell Family Foundation; Kohorst/Allen Family; Adam Konrad ’87 (Pacific Homeworks); Wells Fargo Capital Finance; David Lam (Mediverse International, Inc.); Steve Paradis; Dennis Jebbia; Terry and Susie Fitch (Coca Cola); Matt Denny’s Ale House & Restaurant; John Delaney & Family and Steve Jones (Leading Edge Glass & Mirror). Special thanks to Steve Jones P’05, Chair, for his leadership in this event for the past 10 years! Other committee members included: John Caulfield ’03; Jason Dineros ’05; Kristin Donahue P’13; Dean Griffith ’00; Pete Griffith P’00,’03; Jeannette Feeney Hauk P’06,’08,’09,’11; Dennis Jebbia; Matt Jones ’05; Adam Konrad ’87 P’15,’15, Steve Paradis P’03, who has served for twelve years on this committee; Irene Santucci P’95; Kristen Schultz ’98; Marianne Siberell P’14; Pamela Jacques Raimondi P’13; Tom Raimondi P’13 and Erik Wahl. We are indebted to each of you for your contribution to La Salle and hope to see each of you at next year’s event.



The Lancer Royal Court

Homecoming Royal Court, from left Miles Brenninkmeijer, Josette Maskin, Matt Godshall, Kimberlyn Kelly, Sophie Nelson, Nick Sonnenburg, Kelly Ikeda, Connor Jenkins, Madison Worley and Christian Regalado. Right, 2011 Homecoming King and Queen, Connor Jenkins and Kelly Ikeda.

Homecoming 2011: Broadway Meets Hollywood By Kyle Brumm '12.

This year, our students had the opportunity to experience entertainment both on and off the Kohorst Field for Homecoming Week. The Student Life team worked throughout the summer to bring the magic of Hollywood and Broadway to campus for the students. This magic culminated into an array of themed days based on Hollywood and Broadway classics. Students dressed up as True Grit and Oklahoma characters on Western Day; could be seen adorned in leis and sarongs in homage to South Pacific the next day. The Student Life team also worked on lunchtime activities, which included Quidditch – from Harry Potter – and movie trivia. The Homecoming Court found themselves stars in the rally before the big game. In accordance with the theme, the Court members performed numbers from movies and plays including Wicked, High School Musical, and Grease. The performances included not only the Court members, but also the band, cheerleaders, and boys basketball team.

The band, under the direction of Megan Foley, greatly enhanced the rally skits and was electrifying during the Homecoming game. Watching the school come together at the rally further motivated the student body to come watch the Lancer football team compete that night against Mary Star of the Sea High School. At the football game, Kelly Ikeda ’12 and Connor Jenkins ’12 were crowned Homecoming Queen and King. With their families by their sides, the King and Queen wore their crowns in front of the crowd and cheered the Lancers on during the second half. And like a movie ending, the Lancers ended their search for a win by defeating the Stars 49-20! After an exciting game and dance put on by the Junior Class Council, Homecoming 2011 was a wrap! PAGE 7



Top, Judah Lacy '13. Middle, Brittany Alvarez '14, Alyssa Breda '12. Lower middle, Sabrina O'Reily '14, Tesia Meza '13 and Shay Baluyot '12.


The Crystal Ball Christmas Gift Gathering Party was held at the lovely home of Titus and Wendy Brenninkmeijer P'07, '09,'12, in Pasadena on Sunday, December 4th. Everyone enjoyed the beautiful holiday sounds of the La Salle Chamber Choir, the delicious food and drink all mixed in with wonderful holiday spirit. From left, Tomas Daken '12, Cheyenne Williams '13, Patrick Barmann '13, Tesia Meza '13 and Jordan Rogers '12.




Tess Crabtree P'12,'13, Johnny Buzzertio and Tanya Edmonds P'15. Top right, Titus and Wendy Brenninkmeijer P'08, '09,'12 with Dr. Richard Gray, President.


From left, Mark and Daina Shuster P'11,'12,'15, Danelle and Peter Kisich P'11 and Mark and Jennifer Montoya P'13.

From left, Peter Williams P'04,'06, Thanh Hoang, Walt Williams P'04, Jay Crabtree P'12, P'14, and Pete Griffith P'00, '03.




From Guidance and Counseling

The Christmas Paradox By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling


Once again, we are approaching a time of reflection and gratitude in the midst of what can appear to be a world that is characterized by conflict. Financial instability has impacted our lives and is reflected in the increase in stress and anxiety that many families and their children are experiencing. This distress is also experienced in our global community. It can function like a boomerang, moving away to impact others and then returning to impact our individual lives. In contrast, the Christmas season celebrates the birth of Hope that we Catholic Christians name as Jesus the Christ. This is a paradox and presents us with a choice. The choice is to believe that in our individual daily lives we can make a difference through decisions that will signal hope to others during these difficult times. Hope requires a leap of faith, especially when current life situations change in uncertain directions. People experience apprehension or fear of the unknown. Hope and faith can be sorely tested. This Christmas season has the power to call us back to the basics through our Advent and Christmas liturgies. We can experience comfort in our religious rituals, prayers, customs and music during this time of uncertainty. Make the time to participate in the services and family customs with which you celebrate Christmas. Music, like art, can be a powerful source of inspiration and comfort. Once again, I will remind you of a contemporary choral work, created by Eric Whitacre, which celebrates the mystery of Christmas. It is a beautiful and haunting piece called Lux Aurumque, (Light and Gold). The composition is accompanied by a haunting melody which evokes a sense of awe for the true Gift of Christmas. If you enjoy the many types of Christmas music as an opportunity to celebrate and remember this Holy Day, you can listen to Whitacre’s composition on YouTube. The Latin and the English translation are as follows:

Lux Aurumque (Light and Gold) Light, Lux, warm and heavy as pure gold calida gravisque pura velut aurum and the angels sing softly et canunt angeli mollieter to the new-born baby modo natum. . Please remember in your thoughts and prayers those families who will celebrate this Christmas with an empty seat and heavy heart at their Christmas dinner tables. The faculty and staff of La Salle High School wish you and your students peace and rest during your Christmas break




GOODIES FOR GRADUATES MAC members, from left, are Carol Wright P'07,'12, Evangelina Mora P'12, Jane Marks P'12,'15, Liz Kwong P'12,'14, Tammy Jutsum P'02,'05 and Jean Ward P'99.

MAC Sends Care Packages The Mothers of Alumni Council (MAC) has partnered with the Alumni Association in November to send “care packages” to La Salle graduates attending their first year of college and who are preparing for their first semester finals. The care packages consisted of plenty of snacks and hot cocoa mix and an Alumni Association white board that can be used in the Class of 2011’s dorm rooms. Our hope with this project is to let our youngest graduates know that their Alma Mater is thinking about them and to wish them well. This Care Package Project was funded through donations from our MAC members and current parent, Leely Brumm P’12, ‘14, who works at the corporate headquarters for Trader Joe’s. Many thanks to the Mothers of the Class of 2012 who helped put all the packages together at our assembling party! It is our hope to make this an annual tradition and something our most recent graduates look forward to receiving. `A special thank you to our Class of 2012 Mother Volunteers: Ann Baluyot P'12,'13, Wendy Brenninkmeijer P'07,'09,'12, Giuliana Gharehptian P'12, Leigh Jackson P'12, Debbie Jenkins P'12, Liz Kwong P'12,'14, Jane Marks P'12,'15, Evangelina Mora P'12, Alba Pino P'12, Elsa Vierne P'12, and Carol Wright

Above left are MAC members preparing packages. From left are Elsa Vierne, P'12, Anne Marie Baluyot P'12, P'13 and Alba Pino'12. Above right are Maria Lara P'05,'06,'09 and MAC President Yolanda Valadez, P'08.




Happy Holidays from the Crystal Ball Committee! The Crystal Ball Committee wishes you a blessed holiday season. We are excited about the 13th Annual Crystal Ball and hope that you plan to join us. The “Bootleggers Ball” will be held on Friday, April 27, 2012. “It’s gunna be a mob scene” and we want you to be a part of the crew! GIFTS FROM THE HEART FEBRUARY 12

Save the Date for the San Miguel Gifts from the Heart party to be held on Sunday, February 12, 2012 at the beautiful home of Hope and Dino Clarizio '75. Invitations arrive in January!

We Love Christmas Baskets As a reminder, many of you will receive fabulous gift baskets this holiday season and will find yourself wondering what to do with the baskets once you have enjoyed their contents. Well, wonder no more! The Crystal Ball Committee would love to put your baskets (preferably medium size or larger) to good use. If you would be interested in donating empty baskets to the auction committee, please call Patti Jameson at 626.403.2963 to arrange for pick up. PAGE 12


ParentNewsletter From the Academic Boosters

PARENTS: Thank you to all who have signed up for volunteer hours on the website! For those who have not, here is how to do it: Go to the La Salle Website. Click on “Parents” at the top of the screen. Click on “PA volunteer website” on the left side of the screen. Click on “member log in.” Enter your user name, this is your firstname_lastname (lower case). Your password is your last name (lower case). Once you are in the La Salle Parent website you can click on the «calendar» at the top of the screen. Now you can look through the calendar year and click on the events that you are interested in volunteering for. Please check to see how many volunteers are needed and how many have already signed up.





FAFSA Workshop

6:00 PM



Junior College Night

5:30 PM



Entrance Exams & Interviews

7:30 AM



Entrance Exams & Interviews

7:30 AM



Registration & Freshman Pledge

7:30 AM



College Night

6:00 PM



Academic Awards Night

5:30 PM



Baccalaureate Mass & Reception

5:00 PM


Commencement Exercises

6:00 PM





*Start time and number of service hours is approximate. Volunteers will be advised of exact start time prior to the event. Credit will be based on actual hours served.

Janet Klich

Volunteer Coordinators: Ellen Hoffman

Diane Taylor

Cookies are needed for most of these events. Earn one service hour for each two dozen HOME-BAKED cookies. Please sign up on the calendar where you see “Cookie Club,” or contact Elena Tran at




From the Athletic Boosters

Fall Sports Finish and Winter Sports Begin We begin the Christmas season with our Fall sports coming to and end and our Winter sports season beginning. December always brings a time for reflection, maybe because of the holiday, or because it is the precurser to the end of the year. Christmas is also a time of giving and thanking the people in your life for what they mean and have meant to you during the year. So, with that being said, I would like to thank the following:


I want to thank all the young men and women athletes at La Salle for the hours of enjoyment you have brought to your parents and fellow students. The hours you dedicate, aside from your studies amazes me constantly. For all our seniors who ended their last fall season, a special thank you for your time, effort and being there for your school. Words alone can not express the gratitude we have for you, so God bless as you move on through the rest of your senior year. I want to thank all the parent volunteers who help run all the sporting events at La Salle. You are the gift that keeps giving time, in and time out. How much can you say about our parents who make sure their children are where they are supposed to be, for sports and school, who never fail to step up and help the School programs when asked; without you it does not work. I want to thank all the coaches for the hours they dedicate to our children, coaching, mentoring and helping them try to fulfill their dreams. It is not always easy, but you hang in there to give the passion you have for the sport to our kids and for this, we shall be eternally grateful. I want to thank the administration and our new AD for trying to find the best people they can to guide and protect our kids and help them realize their potential.

Fall Highlights Some highlights from our Fall sports teams this year are: Daniel De La Torre, winning the Division 4 title in cross country with a time of 15:24. Amazing! He qualified for the State championships for the second consecutive year. Girls Volleyball had an exciting year just missing a championship in CIF play. They did a fantastic job as a team with their new coach. The La Salle Girls Volleyball team finished in the second round of State playoffs. . I also wanted to mention what a great homecoming we had this year. It was great to see some familiar faces from the past, both our football teams had commanding wins and it all ending with the rushing of the field by the student body. The evening was very enjoyable. Winter sports are beginning. Basketball, soccer and Girls Water Polo are underway, so try and make it a point to get out and support the teams. Please do not forget to check the Athletic Department website for upcoming events, game schedules and news related to La Salle Athletics. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the La Salle Athletic Boosters. We'll see you in 2012! God Bless, John D. Cina Athletic Boosters President PAGE 14




Championship Lancers Volleyball Team

Support Your LANCERS


Once you register, that is it for the whole year! If every Parent registered their market cards, the school could make tons of money…so register those cards today and get all your friends and family to register too! Be sure you are signed up at Vons, Ralphs and Albertsons. (As well as credit cards ~ Macy’s no longer is a participant). • To register for VONS, go to • To register Ralphs Rewards cards, go to • To register at Albertsons go to


Our School ID is: 139428998 or type in La Salle High School. If you need help please email Craig Snodgrass at or call him at 626.688.6523 PAGE 15



From the College Counseling Center

College & Counseling News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors


College Applications

Financial Aid

College visits are now over and the seniors are deep into the application process. All University of California applications are completed and submitted, as are the Cal State applications. Parents, please remind your seniors to contact the College Board / The ACT to send official SAT / ACT scores to the schools where they are applying. Students must add the colleges they are applying to and request transcripts on Naviance.

La Salle’s College Center will host a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) workshop presented by Tamara Collins, Senior Financial Aid Administrator at the University of La Verne on Wednesday, December 7, at 7:00pm. in the Blakeslee Library. Ms. Collins will go over the FAFSA form that must be filed with the government by all families applying for financial aid. She will go through the FAFSA line by line and answer any questions parents may have regarding the financial aid process. Please note that all college admission and financial aid officers strongly advise that all students submit the FAFSA. Access the FAFSA online at The 2012-13 FAFSA form will be available January 1st. Financial aid offices advise students to electronically submit the form as soon as possible after January 1st. Parents and students can go online before January 1st to select a PIN number.

Letters of Recommendation: COUNSELOR: All seniors should have turned in their “Recommendation Form” to their College Counselor in November. If your student applies to another college not on the list, they must submit any school/counselor report forms to Mr. Hou or Ms. Baldonado by Friday 12/9. The college counselors must complete forms/letters of recommendation to colleges before holiday break to meet most deadlines. Mr. Hou and Ms. Baldonado will not be able to write letters of recommendation or fill out school/counselor reports over the Christmas break. Please plan ahead! TEACHER: All seniors should have asked teachers to write their letters of recommendation in November. All forms & envelopes (if needed) must be given to the teachers by Friday 12/9. The teachers must complete forms/letters of recommendation to colleges before holiday break to meet most deadlines. They need time to write good letters of recommendation, and the best letters will not be written over vacation. Give the teachers any forms they need, together with stamped envelopes addressed to the Admissions Offices of the colleges. When seniors find out about their college acceptances (and denials), they should share their news with Ms. Baldonado or Mr. Hou and enter the results in Naviance.


Junior College Night Believe it or not, Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou will begin the formal college counseling process for juniors in January. We will meet with juniors and their parents on Wednesday, January 18, at 6:30pm. in the Dining Hall. Junior students will receive a packet of information that includes material explaining the college application process. After the meeting, junior students will be able to access the Jr. College Planning Survey, online via Naviance. The completion of the online survey will start the one-on-one college counseling process for juniors. Attendance is mandatory for Junior students. We strongly suggest at least one parent attend too. Schedule for January 18 6:30 – 6:50pm: Opening Speaker, Chris Krzak, Dean of Admission - University of La Verne 6:50 – 7:00pm: UC & Cal State Admission Requirements



7:00 – 7:25pm: College Planning Process 7:25 – 8:00pm: Utilizing Naviance 8:00pm: Question & Answer Period

The early registration deadline is Friday, December 16. Itinerary and registration forms can be found as attachments to this newsletter.

College Forum for Freshman, Sophomore and Junior Families

Meanwhile, all junior families should also have received information to the East Coast College Tour, to be held over Easter Break (April 9-14, 2012). Please contact Mr. Hou if you are interested but have not registered.

La Salle’s College Forum will be held on Wednesday, March 21, at 7:00pm. As in the past, college admission representatives from many colleges will present important information to our families (see tentative sessions below). The College Forum is a great opportunity for students to learn about the College admission process and learn how to research and identify the right college for them. So highlight the College Forum on your calendar. Last Year’s Presentations • Tips for Admission to Highly Selective Colleges • The Visual Arts: The Application Process and Portfolios •Navigating Naviance: Family Connection, Admission Stats, and More •Studying the Sciences and Engineering •Understanding UC Admission •Standardized Testing, SAT, ACT and Subject Tests • Successful Transition to College for Students with Learning Differences • Making the Moment Count: College Visits! •Pursuing STEM at a Liberal Arts College •ROTC and Service Academies • College Search for African-American Students •Understanding Need and Merit-Based Financial Aid •The NCAA, the Student Athlete & Admission •Health-Related Majors and Special Programs More detailed information will be published in the February ParentNewsletter.

College Tours We will be having our annual San Diego College Tour on Friday, March 2, and will be visiting UC San Diego, San Diego State, and University of San Diego. This is a great opportunity for sophomores and juniors to see a variety of campuses before they begin their college application process. The cost for this tour is $95 per student.

Standardized Testing You may recall that all freshman, sophomore and junior students took standardized tests in October. During December 6th Mentor period, Freshman and Sophomore students will receive and review their Explore and PLAN results and Junior students will receive and review their PSAT results. Please do not hesitate to contact your College Counselor (Mr. Hou-last names A-K; Ms. Baldonado-last names L-Z) if you have any questions about test results.


SAT/ACT Test Preparation This Spring, La Salle’s College Center will host the Princeton Review on our campus for a SAT test preparation course. Students taking this course should register for the March 10, 2012 SAT exam. Princeton Review Courses: This course IS six weeks long, meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00 to 9:00pm with practice tests on Saturdays. Both the classes and practice tests will be held at La Salle. It begins on Saturday, February 4. Information for the course was sent to families via email in November and it will also be given to students when PSAT results are distributed in December during Mentor period. Juniors and their parents should review the PSAT and PLAN (from last year) results to decide if a prep course is necessary. La Salle High School does not specifically recommend test prep courses or endorse specific test preparation companies, but we try to make the information and services available for those who want to utilize them. Test preparation courses can help alleviate test anxiety and can help students learn test-taking techniques. They cannot replace the learning, the homework Continued on page 18 PAGE 17



College Counseling Continued from page 17


or the instruction that should have taken place during the past twelve years of formal schooling. You may learn more about the Princeton Review at (Note: Assigned homework will not decrease during the Princeton Review course schedule. Homework will continue to be the student’s first priority).

February 11 ACT for all Juniors Reminder: All Juniors are required and registered to take the February 11th ACT at La Salle. You should have received a confirmation via postal mail. If you have not received your confirmation, please contact ACT directly at 800.553.6244. Please have your student go online to create an ACT account and to link it with their February ACT registration. You can also change the test location and/or to a later test date if necessary. Please note La Salle has already paid for this test and there is no expense on your part. Should your student decide not to take ACT this academic year, then we will have to bill the cost back to you. Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou wish you a very Merry Christmas and a fun but safe New Year!


$300,000 MATCH

Andrew and Keri Crowell, parents of Thomas ’14, recently made a $100,000 matching grant to La Salle High School to support hardware upgrades, enhance our technology infrastructure, and support the Lancer Robotics program. The Crowells have offered a 2:1 dollar match; that is, for every two dollars La Salle raises between now and June 30, 2012 to build and improve upon its technologic platform, the Crowells will in turn provide a matching dollar. Here is your chance to have your donation make an even bigger difference to La Salle. The threshold gift is $1,000 and the maximum gift to be matched is $50,000. In other words, your gift of $1,000 will trigger an additional $500 in matching funds from the Crowells; a $5,000 gift will generate $2,500 in matching funds, resulting in a $7,500 gift to La Salle; and a gift of $10,000 will result in a $15,000 gift to improve La Salle’s technologic base and to keep us at the leading edge of learning technologies. Your corporate matching gift will also count toward the match. The goal of the Crowell Family Match is to raise at least $300,000 to build upon the excellence of a La Salle education through technologic improvements and innovation. To make your gift to the Crowell Family Match, please go to




From the Arts Boosters

Drama Students Advance to Festival Semifinals From a field of 2,000 Southern California Methodist Church, 2033 E. Washington Bouledrama students, four La Salle theatre students vard, in Pasadena. The use of the off-site facility became semi-finalists at the Fall Festival of the will allow Arts Boosters extra time to prepare the Drama Teachers Association of Southern Cali- site for the performance by the Advanced Band fornia. The competition was held on October and the choir. The concert is scheduled to begin at 29th at the Ramon C. Cortines School of Visual 6:00pm. Admission is free, so come and recharge and Performing Arts in downtown Los Angeles. your holiday spirit with the sounds of music of the It featured students from 67 Southland schools season. performing before judges from top universities and professional theatre groups. It was the first time in Jazz Band and Chamber Choir Concert four years that La Salle participated in the festival. Due to the stormy weather last week, the Jazz Band Concert has been scheduled for Decem Amelia Garrison, Roger “Eric” Braun, ber 9, the date of the Chamber Choir Concert. Amber Garcia and Kayla Rix not only got a taste of what it is like to go on a large audition, they Both ensembles will be performing in the Linda also got to talk to other high school students who M. Grinstead Theatre at 7:00pm on Friday, Delove acting as much as they do. Eric, Amber and cember 9. Admission is $12.00 per person, which Kayla performed a scene from the play “Dark of includes food and beverage, and resthe Moon” which having been written in 1945 ervations are highly recommended. thankfully has nothing to do with the Twilight Please call the Box Office at saga. Amelia performed a monologue from John 626.696.4415 for information and Webster’s 1612 play “The Duchess of Malfi” as her reservations. “pre-1920 drama, and then switched gears for her post-1920 comedy monologue from Neil Simon’s 1971 romantic comedy “The Star-Spangled Girl.” For our students, who are used to performing in the safe environment of the Linda M. Grinstead Theatre to an audience of friends and family, acting to a panel of judges they have never met was both a shocker and an adrenaline rush. It was also educational, as the students went home with notes from the judges detailing their strengths and areas needing improvement. “It was just a wonderful experience,” said Amelia. “It was great watching the other people perform. There were some really, really talented kids.”

Band and Choir Concert This winter our Band and Choir Concert will be held on December 10 at St. James United

Arts Boosters Drum Up Concert At their last meeting of 2011, the Arts Boosters approved funding for costumes and choir support for the upcoming “Bollywood” concert. They have also ordered a drum kit, drumline equipment and sweatshirts for the marching band. An important addition to the AB lineup is the new Marketing Committee, who will be developing the website and social media, in addition to their work at Open House. The next meeting will be at 6:30pm on January 10 in the Linda Grinstead Theatre. PAGE 19



Above, Ian Quinn '13 carries a purchase to the holding area.

Lancers Assist Assistance League with Windfall Sale HELPING HELP HELPERS HELP

Page 20

The Assistance League of Pasadena hosted a Windfall Sale on November 18th and 19th at their Pasadena Carft Fair Gift Store. Proceeds from the Windfall Sale will support many of the philanthropic projects of the ALP. Through Operation School Bell, the Assistance League provides school uniforms, jackets, shoes, socks, backpacks and school supplies for more than 1,300 Pasadena Unified students each year. ALP also honors P.U.S.D. students each semester for their academic success through the Very Important Performers program. The Assistance League also assists women and children who are victims of assault, abuse or domestic violence are through the Assault Survivor Kit and Bear Hugs programs. La Salle Student Ambassadors provided assistance at the Windfall Sale both Friday night and all day Saturday. Students acted as inventory and sales runners, assisted ALP members with packaging goods and helped shoppers carry purchases to their cars.



Top left, Michael Anastasia '13 and Meagan Reed '13 package purchases. Top right, Katrina DeLaCruz '12 assists ALP members to pack purchases for a shopper.

From left, Lynn Mehl ALP Chapter President, Michael Anastasia '13, Katrina DeLaCruz '12, Ian Quinn '13, Garrett Stone '13, Meagan Reed '13, Irene Miller P '03, ALP Board Member and Lorraine Schield P '00, ALP Board Member.




His new Class Ring and her Leadership stone are displayed by Kimberly Kyle Chavarria and William Gifford while Madeline Pefferle and Kara Donahue show of their rings.

Juniors Ring True at Leadership Ceremony WE ROCK TOO


One hundred and twenty one members of the class of 2013, the current junior class at La Salle High School, were honored at the Junior Leadership Ceremony on November 21. This annual event is a time for the faculty and administration of La Salle to recognize the growing role in leadership the juniors are entering into. “While some embrace it willingly, and some come into it unknowingly, all of the students at La Salle are challenged and encouraged to embrace roles of leadership and embrace the School motto, Learn, Serve, Lead,” said class moderator Tom O’Connor. As the juniors enter into the next few years of their lives, leadership roles will take a more prominent place at La Salle, in their church, in their clubs, and at their jobs. After the rings and stones were blessed by Father Edward Dover, pastor of Holy Redeemer Church in Montrose and St. James Church in La Cresenta, members of the class received La Salle Class Rings and Leadership Stones with words of inspiration the students have chosen, such as, Wisdom, Vision, Faith, Courage, to symbolize their hopes for the future. Band Director, Megan Foley was chosen by the class as the keynote speaker. At La Salle, we embrace service to the community. Service happens when someone sees a need for change, and change occurs when a person, or several people, take a leadership role. This class, as all classes do, contains some of the future leaders of our community, our country and our world. That is what we embraced and celebrated.



Look for More Leadership Photos at

From left, Patrick Sullivan, Michael Anastasia and Jon Ajamian.

From left, Erica Stanislawski, Kimberly Kyle Chavarria and William Gifford.

From left, Ian Quinn, Hannah Diedrich, Michael Gordon and Victoria Mandigo.

Billie Rude, Alicia Lownes Santos, Judah Lacy, Jennifer Robi and Angela Dionisio.

From left, Tracy Cresta and Rachel Albright

Above Richard Ayala. Far right, Kimberly Yelinek. PAGE 21

E ParentNewsletter


The Obsequious Observer By John Blackstock, The Editor

Names in the News Look for Cynthia Louie ’12, our princess, on the Queen’s Float on January 2nd in the Tournament of Roses Parade. Also, Miranda McCreary ’14 was chosen as a banner carrier* with the Girl Scouts for the parade. Daniel De La Torre '13 won the CIF championships and finished third in the State Cross Country meet. Shane Tierney '13, Lancer defensive tackle, was named the Pasadena Star-News Athlete of the week. He recorded 11 tackles and blocked a field goal in the homecoming game. Allie Shadian '12 gave us an inside look into the Murray/Jackson trial. More next issue.


Two issues of National Geographic are worth a look for parents at La Salle. The October issue cover story was about how teenagers are "wired." Beautiful Teenage Brains. Moody. Impulsive. Maddening. Why do teenagers act the way they do? Viewed through the eyes of evolution, their most exasperating traits may be the key to success as adults. I had four teenagers and I wish this article was written back then. The current issue cover story features The King James Bible. First printed 400 years ago, it molded the English language, buttressed the “powers that be”—one of its famous phrases—and yet enshrined a gospel of individual freedom. No other book has given more to the English-speaking world. Interesting historical insights. This article was not only fascinating, but I found it quite significant since the Catholic Church is revising its missal and introducing new translations of original Latin prayers said during Mass, some of which were originally translated from Latin or Greek into English for the King James Bible. The promo spot for the National Football League match-up on November 23 between the Ravens and the 49ers featuring the Harbaugh Brothers was filmed right here at La Salle. Apparently, Kohorst Field is a great backdrop for the NFL. Please look for an invitation in the mail for the opportunity to purchase a special tribute ad in this year' s Crystal Ball program honoring Pat Bonacci. For more information contact Hilary Scofield at

Piano Wanted

La Salle’s liturgical music group (“Music for the Masses”) is in need of a rehearsal piano. It must be a spinet, studio, or upright style and in good working order. If you have a piano that you are no longer using, our music ensemble will put it to good use! Please contact Pam Wagner at

Café Bibliothèque Service Hours

One Thursday a month, the Library hosts Café Bibliothèque where students gather to listen to storytellers, authors, performers or learn a craft. Service hours are given for donations of snacks such as vegetables, fruit, cheese, brownies, pretzels and soft drinks. These events will take place December 8, January 19, February 16, March 29, and April 26. Please contact Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332 to volunteer. PAGE 24

*See the November issue of the ParentNewsletter for more Lancers involved in the Tournament of Roses Parade.



Witness the Presidential Inauguration La Salle is organizing a student trip for this once-in-a-lifetime event in January 2013. A second information meeting for parents and students will be held on Thursday, January 19th at 7:00pm in the Blakeslee Library. If you missed the first meeting in November or you still have questions, you are welcome to attend. For more information contact Kristen Schultz ’98, Director of Alumni Relations and School Coordinator for this trip, at 626.696.4362 or


a ParentNewsletter



Check your School calendar for all event times and dates

December•January Highlights





December 7 FAFSA Parent Financial Aid Workshop Blakeslee Library 7:00pm December 8 Dress Up Day Feast of the Immaculate Conception Liturgy 9:15am Dining Hall December 9 Girls Soccer vs. La Canada 3:30, 5:00pm Kohorst Field December 10 Adopt-a-Family Christmas Party Dining Hall / Campus 11:00am to 2:00pm December 13-15 Special Schedule Semester Exams - Dismissal 11:20am December 16 Special Schedule Semester Exams - Dismissal 9:30am Snowball Dance 8:00 to 11:00pm Dining Hall December 19 to January 3 Christmas Vacation December 26 to 30 Boys Basketball La Salle /Temple City Basketball Classic Duffy Lewis Gymnasium 2012 January 4 Classes Resume No Late Start CSF Applications Available Room 346 NHS Applications Available Room 307 Girls Basketball vs Flintridge Prep 6:00pm Boys Basketball vs Flintridge Prep 7:30pm BOTH Duffy Lewis Gymnasium January 5 Rally Schedule Spirit Day Winter Sports Rally 1:30pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium

Back-to-School Night Senior End-of-Year Parent Meeting 6:15pm Dining Hall January 6 Girls Soccer vs. Maranatha 3:30pm Boys Soccer vs. Maranatha 5:00pm BOTH Kohorst Field Girls BASKETBALL vs. Maranatha 5:00pm Boys BASKETBALL vs. Maranatha 7:30pm BOTH Duffy Lewis Gymnasium January 10 Booster Meetings 6:30pm on Campus Parents Association Meeting 7:45pm Blakeslee Library January 11 Boys Basketball vs. Bishop Montgomery 7:00pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium January 16 School Holiday Martin Luther King, Jr. January 18 Junior College Night 6:30pm Dining Hall January 19 Liturgy Schedule Dress up Day New Year's Liturgy 9:15am Dining Hall January 20 Special Schedule Dismissal 12:15pm CLI Workshop Girls Water Polo vs Mayfield 3:30pm Sierra Madre Aquatic Center January 26 Special Schedule Dress-Up Day Academic Awards Ceremony 9:15am

Financial Aid Applications are available in the Finance Office December 1. Applications must be returned to both PSAS and the Finance Office by February 3, 2012 to be considered for Financial Aid for next year, 2012-2013. PAGE 26

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