February 2015 Parent Newsletter

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ParentNewsletter THE LA SALLE


Principal Ideas As I write this article, the City of Sierra Madre has placed electronic signage on Michillinda Avenue informing the public of intended street disruptions for the month of February. The plans call for the partial closure of Michillinda Avenue between Orange Grove Avenue/Greenhill Road and E. Sierra Madre Boulevard. The northbound traffic (uphill) lane is being excavated and replaced over a period of approximately three weeks (we hope!). This means only downhill traffic will be allowed on Michillinda during the construction period. They say, “For warned is for armed.” Anticipate delays and inconvenience as adjacent streets are going to be impacted by the rerouted traffic. Morning drop-offs and afternoon pick-ups are going to be disrupted. This will be a great time to practice patience with yourself and others! A smile can work wonders.


Back-to-School Night Report As some of you may remember, I was unable to be present at Back-to-School Night on January 8 as I was tending to my health. For those present, thank you for being in attendance for the few hours as teachers outlined their academic expectations and requirements. I also want to thank the parents of our seniors for meeting with Mrs. Jenné Hakanen (Senior Class Moderator) who was able to cover all of the important information regarding the rapidly approaching graduation activities for the Class of 2015. Later this semester, I will be sending a follow-up letter to all parents of seniors that will include updates and forms regarding the various graduation events that were spoken about at the senior parent meeting. I am privileged to have an experienced group of faculty and staff who will coordinate the ceremonies and help prepare our seniors for these events. Continued on page 2

The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers "You must strive to attain a perfect knowledge of the truths or religion by study, because ignorance in such matters would be criminal since it would cause ignorance in those whom you instruct" Saint John Baptist de La Salle Meditations for Sundays c.1703 PAGE 1



Principal Ideas Continued from page 1

Had I been present at our Back-to-School Night Parent Meeting, I would have shared with you some of the statistics of our Fall Semester grades. Eighty-two percent of all semester grades were A’s and B’s. Believe it or not, this was identical to last year at the same time. On February 12, we will hold our Honors Assembly in which we will acknowledge outstanding academic success for the past semester. This is a wonderful event where we celebrate our student's outstanding achievement in academic work.

Student Health Concerns ACADEMIC AWARDS FEBRUARY 12

Currently, our daily attendance is fluctuating as a result of student health – the arrival of colds and the flu. Since the flu season is far from over, I would ask you to keep your son/daughter at home if they are exhibiting any symptoms associated with the flu: fever; severe aches and pains in the joints and muscles and around the eyes; generalized weakness; ill appearance with warm, flushed skin and red, watery eyes; headache; vomiting; dry cough, sore throat and watery discharge from the nose. The best place to battle the flu is in the privacy of your home and not on a school campus with 660 other young folks plus adults. Additionally, we will be most grateful that they will not contaminate the rest of us. Here’s to good health!

Keep Your Record Current With the second semester clearly underway, it is appropriate to remind you to please notify our Registrar, Mrs. Kathy Medlock, if you have a change in home address, home or emergency phone number or email addresses. You can contact her at 626-696-4309 or at kmedlock@lasallehs.org. In particular, it appears that email addresses are often changed without notification being given to us. As you know, one of the ways we communicate with you is through our automated (SchoolReach) phone and email communication system. For this important system to function efficiently, we must have your accurate and updated information.

Catholic Schools Week As a Catholic school in the Lasallian tradition, we are just concluding National Catholic Schools Week, which is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. It starts the last Sunday in January and runs all week. Through various events, schools focus on the value Catholic education provides to young people and its contributions to our Church, our communities and our nation. During this week at La Salle, our students (by class level) were given various choices and opportunities to serve others. In collaboration with nine different service sites we strive to educate our young men and women in the importance and duty of helping others. As we often see and hear, Enter to Learn and Leave to Serve! With the month of February upon us, may you always have a favorite Valentine memory and the good fortune to be able to share your love with many.

Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal




From the Parent Association

Winter PA Report The Semester is already moving fast and it’s only February! December was a busy month at La Salle with the Christmas Tree sales, the Adopt-a-Family event, and the Snowball Dance, all organized and produced by the Student Life team. A huge “Thank You” to Jackie Samartin for taking care of the Adopt-a-Family meal! It was a big deal for the 200+ attendees. The Second Crystal Ball Gift Gathering Party was held on December 6th and was great fun with over 140 people in attendence. Parent Association We continue to have more than 100 parents at the monthly PA Meeting meetings on the second Tuesday night of each month. Remember, each Tuesday, February 10 parent receives one volunteer hour for attending. Volunteers are needed for a few upcoming events: We need three 6:30pm to five parents to help us with our Grandparents Day event on Wednesday, Blakeslee Library April 1. Please contact Stephanie LaPorte or me to volunteer. We also need three to four parents of freshman, sophomore, or juniors to help at a special event on Wednesday, February 25, from 4:00 to 7:00pm at the Dining Hall. Contact Deacon Steve Marsh or me for more information. The Crystal Ball Committee will sponsor the third Gift Gathering Party on Sunday, February 8, from 5:00 to 8:00pm. The party benefits the San Miguel Scholarship Program at La Salle. More details can be found on the website. Please mark your calendars. The Parents Association is very thankful for ALL of our volunteer parents who have helped us so far this year as dance chaperones, providing food and gifts for Teacher Appreciation Day, hospitality and more. Thank you and Happy Valentine’s Day from the Parent Association.

Tony Delgatto P’12, P’15 President Parent Association

From the Blakeslee Library

Volunteer Opportunities

The Blakeslee Library is in need of after-school monitor volunteers each school day afternoon from 3:00-5:00pm. This is a good way to fulfill your Parent Volunteer Hours obligation. Also, donations of snacks and drinks are appreciated for the Café Bibliothèque events in the Library. Café Bibliothèque will take place on February 19, March 26, and April 23. Please call Delia Swanner at 626.696.4313 or Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332 to volunteer or sign up.





For the past few years, I have been looking forward to the annual occurrence of the Super Bowl, but not for the usual reasons - which team is the superior one, how will the quarterbacks perform against each other, how wide will the point spread be? Rather, I now await the Super Bowl to see what fresh scandal will hit the NFL and to what degree will it manage the aftermath with more or less competence than the prior year? Last year, at this point, you may remember, Seahawks Cornerback Richard Sherman was in the news because of a tantrum he pitched in front of the cameras at the conclusion of their successful contest against the 49ers. Back then, I commented on the disproportionate and negative reaction of the news media to an incident that lasted exactly 34 seconds and which led to an Internet feeding frenzy (see my Blog entry at: http://lasallehs.blogspot.com/2014/02/why-weneed-black-history-month.html). Now, we have the question of who deflated eleven of the twelve footballs supplied by the Patriots for their 45-7 victory over the Colts in the AFC Championship game. The NFL, always quick to overreact and slow to anticipate the inevitable consequences of its own myopia (see Matthew Kory on Forbes’ Blog: Deflate-gate Is The Dumbest Sports Controversy Ever) in which he reminds football fans that, ironically, it was the Patriots’ Tom Brady and the Colts’ Peyton Manning who encouraged the NFL to modify its requirement that the league maintain possession of all footballs used during the season), launched an investigation. Really? This, from an NFL that can not police the behavior of its bad-boy players and their often corrupt owners? To wit:  2007  2007  2009  2013  2013  2014  2014


Patriots Spygate incident Falcons quarterback Michael Vick’s dog fighting ring New Orleans Saints bounty scheme Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez murder case Dolphins offensive linemen Ritchie Incognito bullying teammate Jonathan Martin Ravens running back Ray Rice dragging his then, fiancée, from an elevator Vikings running back Adrian Peterson whipping his child

I have to ask: what is the significance of a deflated football in a game - which concluded with a lopsided score - when viewed against the context of horrendous player (and team) behavior on and off the field? Where are the NFL’s priorities? Please don't get me wrong; as an educator, I abhor cheating of any kind. Yet, I wonder how the NFL can assume such a high-profile presence regarding a minor violation of its game-day rules and continue to fail to establish and enforce policies governing player-behavior on and off the field - especially when it leads to an arrest? NFL Vice-President Troy Vincent said the league is serious about the deflated football allegations because the integrity of the game is at stake. PAGE 4



Really? Then, is the integrity of the game not at stake when bad boy players beat up their future wives, or abuse dogs, or murder another football player? Where are the league’s priorities? If we accept the notion that, because of their popularity, major league athletes - like it or not - present themselves as role models to young people, then shouldn’t the NFL - which happily accepts the revenue generated by fans - young and old - pay at least as much attention­ to the performance of its players off the field as it does on? What happens to athletes between the halcyon days of JV football and the world Michael Vick occupies? I do not have answers to these questions; but I do know they form the context within which the La Salle family seeks to inculcate in the students entrusted to our care, a righteous understanding of what it means to protect the “integrity of the game,” and I am pretty sure it does not look like what the NFL sees as its responsibility. I guess I will just have to wait until next year…

La Salle High School

3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 www.lasallehs.org • The La Salle ParentNewsletter

Richard Gray, Ph.D President

is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated

© 2015

• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email: jblackstock @ lasallehs . org

Transforming Lives Since 1680




Lasallians Reflect During Catholic Schools Week National Catholic Schools Week (January 25 – 31, 2015) is an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States dating back to 1974. This year’s theme is Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service. During Catholic Schools Week, educators, staff and students in Lasallian schools are pausing to reflect on how being a part of a Lasallian, Catholic experience has impacted them. Saint John Baptist de La Salle, founder of the Lasallian mission, is the patron saint of teachers. La Salle sent students, faculty and staff to nine locations that have a sole purpose to serve our community especially the poor. These organizations cannot fulfill their service obligations without volunteer assistance. During Catholic Schools week, thousands of hours of service were performed by our Lasallian community. Ms. Michelle Grima, Service Coordinator, and Student Life organized this worthwhile and rewarding week.


Hope Gardens

Project Angel Food

LA Food Bank PAGE 6



Catholic Schools Week Liturgy

St. Francis Center

Dodger Day, Project Angel Food

Dodger Day, Project Angel Food

Ability First

St. Francis Center PAGE 7




Dr. Richard Gray, President and the Board of Trustees of La Salle High School invite you to the annual

Gifts from the Heart

San Miguel Scholarship Social

Sunday, February 8, 2015 5:00pm - 8:00pm in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Clarizio ’75, P’06 1412 Orlando Drive, Arcadia, CA 91006 Wines provided by Wines of Galicia, Tony Exposito ’73 Music provided by Cheryl Barnes & Dr. Phillip Cabasso RSVP by February 4, 2015 To RSVP and for more information contact: Irene Santucci 626.696.4312 san2c@lasallehs.org




Brother Timothy's Limited 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon Available Now A very limited supply of Brother Timothy Mont La Salle Vineyard 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon is available exclusively for the La Salle community. Only 10 barrels of Brother Timothy’s wine are produced each year and sold to benefit the education of students in Lasallian schools who are living below the poverty line. This wine was created under the highest quality standards and is available exclusively for this sole purpose. Ten cases of this specially vinted and rare wine Brother Timothy Diener, FSC have been made available to the La Salle community to fund the San Miguel scholarships. This Cabernet Sauvignon is available at a price of $75 a bottle or $800 a case. Brother Timothy Mont La Salle Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon is a complex and harmonious blend of reserve-quality wine in a unique special edition collector's bottle. This highly desired wine is crafted by The Hess Collection Winery from a tiny, single vineyard on the Mont La Salle Vineyard estate. The grapes are grown at the site of the original Christian Brothers winery where the late Brother Timothy worked as cellar master for more than 50 years. This Cabernet Sauvignon, created in honor of Brother Timothy, is truly "a message in a bottle" - a message of hope for Lasallian disadvantaged youth. Such efforts are part of the Christian Brothers' 300 year tradition of offering education that is both loving and practical. Please keep in mind that the wine has been donated by the vineyard, so 100% of the proceeds go directly into the La Salle High School San Miguel Student Scholarship Fund. Contact Tara Milton in the Institutional Advancement Office at 626.696.4381 or tmilton@ lasallehs.org to make your much appreciated and important purchase.


The Crystal Ball Still Needs Baskets!

Are you not sure what to do with that empty gift basket you received this holiday season? The Crystal Ball Committee would like to help you put those empty baskets to good use. We need medium to large baskets for our auction. You can drop them off to Irene Santucci in the Institutional Advancement Office or contact Jane Marks at 626.298.2818 to arrange for a pick up. We hope to see you at the 16th Annual Crystal Ball, “Disco Fever,” to be held Friday, May 8, 2015. Be sure to save the date!




From the Athletic Boosters

Winter Sports Report Winter League play has begun for La Salle’s athletes. Most of our teams are adjusting to new leagues or new members in our existing league. The Lancers continue to strive for athletic excellence while maintaining the rigorous academic standards. La Salle hosted two basketball tournaments over the Christmas Break and Martin Luther King Day holiday; the house was rocking with over 20 different schools and hundreds of people enjoying the games. Check the Lancer Athletic website for schedules and results for all of our winter teams. Be sure to take in a La Salle sporting event. You will be glad you did. I am pleased to announce the appointment of Shaya Akobian as our new Athletic Booster Vice President. Shaya has been very involved with La Salle's Academic Boosters and now is moving over to help us at Athletics. The board and I are very glad to have her onboard. We are still looking for a parent or parents to take over next year for our merchandise crew. Gil and Stephanie Dominguez are graduating this year after six years of service to the board, so if you have any interest, please contact me.


I mentioned our seniors and their parents in our last newsletters. I have had two sons graduate from La Salle so I know the feeling of parents watching their childs high school years come to a close. I know most are focused on what college their child will attend, but I do encourage you to participate in and enjoy the last months of school. Attend some sporting events, volunteer to work with us or just spend some time with parents. of younger students. Enjoy this last semester with your son and/or daughter at La Salle. Our next booster meeting will be in the Band Room next to the gym on February 10th after the Parent Association meeting. We will have one of our coaches speaking to the group about their team. We are always looking for people who want to become more involved in the La Salle Athletic Boosters, so please do not hesitate to contact me for more information about how you can help at jdcina@sbcglobal.net.

John Cina P’13,14,18 President, Athletic Boosters




Summer Physicals The Athletic Department is looking for parent volunteers to help with the 2015 summer physicals. We are in need of the following parent volunteers: nurses, optometrists, doctors and general volunteers. Without the volunteers' help this event would not be possible. Join us and help support Lancer Athletics and earn parent volunteer hours. Please contact the athletic trainer, Tim Rasmussen' if interested in volunteering. Email: trasmussen@lasallehs.org

Evidence Based Nutrition Presented by: Tim Rasmussen ATC; CSCS On February 19, La Salle High School will be hosting a nutrition seminar for our students and families of the La Salle community. The presentation will examine the proper ways to fuel the body for athletic events as well as how to properly gain or lose weight. We will examine some myths about diets and discuss the trends of supplementation. The seminar will begin at 6:00pm in the Dining Hall and will conclude around 7:00pm. This event is free and all students or active individuals are encouraged to attend.

National Letter of Intent Signing Day La Salle Gym Noon February 4


Girls Basketball Teacher Appreciation Night Thursday February 5




Brady Jameson Awarded Eagle Scout THE HIGHEST AWARD IN SCOUTING


Senior Brady Jameson was recently awarded the Boy Scouts of America’s highest honor of Eagle Scout. Only four out of every 100 scouts achieve the distinguished rank of Eagle. Brady is a member of Troop 5 based at Polytechnic School in Pasadena, where his father, Bill Jameson, was also an Eagle Scout. Brady began his scouting experience as a cub scout in Pack 5 at Poly where he earned cub scouting’s highest honor - the Arrow of Light Award. He then joined Troop 5 in May of 2008. The Boy Scouts of America emphasize service to others, leadership development and personal growth. During his seven years as a scout, Brady completed 26 merit badges, 46 nights of camping, and more than 60 hours of community service. He also served as a Den Chief to Pack 107 at Barnhart School and as quartermaster and swim instructor to his own troop. During the summer of his sophomore year at La Salle, Brady completed a 65-mile hike with Troop 5 at the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. His years of scouting culminated with his Eagle Scout Project in July 2014. For Brady’s project, he renovated and improved the Bradford Trail into the lower Arroyo Seco. This included cleaning and grading the trail, removing graffiti, disposing of rocks and other debris near the path, establishing river rock borders to better mark the route and installing a sign at the base of the trail to help hikers identify the path. At La Salle, Brady has been active on the varsity swim and water polo teams, and can be seen each day raising and lowering the School’s flag.



Shop at Amazon for Gifts? Buy Groceries at Vons or Ralphs? Use your Target RedCard? EARN A SERVICE HOUR and make $$$$ for La Salle at NO COST to you!


Go to the “No Cost Fundraisers” link

(where you launched the parent newsletter)

for more detailed information.

Thank you for your support of all the students at La Salle




La Salle High School Annual Global Education Program Explore the world with your La Salle friends!* Europe: History and Culture** Easter 2016 – London, Paris, Munich Alps, Palaces and Fairy-tale Castles Costa Rica: Language and Culture June 2015 – Samara Beach Surf, Kayak and Zipline atop the Rainforest Canopy June 2016 – Samara Beach Dominican Republic: Science and the Healthy Reef Project June 2016 – Reef Check Foundation Snorkeling, Exploration and Restoration of the Coral Reef Washington, DC: Politics and Current Events** Easter 2016 – Our Nation’s Capital See Congress and the Supreme Court in Action Please join us for our next parent/student information night on:

February 11, 2015 at 6:30pm, Room 320

*These trips are sponsored and organized by Education First, ACIS, and The Close Up Foundation. La Salle High School teachers will chaperone the trips, but all legal liabilities rest solely with the tour providers. **These trips may conflict with the East Coast College Trip sponsored by the College Counseling Office, and/or the Jazz Ensemble trip sponsored by the V&PA/Music Department.





The Crystal Ball

Opportunity Drawing Opportunity Drawing tickets are on sale now! The prizes are: A Pleasant Holidays Vacation for 2 to Maui* 8 days, 7 nights at the Royal Lahaina Resort including round-trip airfare from LAX $300 food and beverage credit to restaurants, room service and more. Plus two tickets to Myths of Maui Luau. • Apple iPad • Disneyland Family 4-pack Opportunity Drawing takes place on May 8, 2015 during the Crystal Ball For tickets, contact Robyn Tapert at 626.357.3588 or thetaperts@gmail.com or go online at bidpal.net/cb2015 *Maui Vacation is made possible by a grant from the William H. Hannon Foundation




Presidents' Weekend Charity Baseball Tournament February 14 - 16

GREAT BASEBALL FUN The La Salle Lancer Baseball program proudly announces its first Presidents' Weekend “All In” Baseball Tournament on February 14,15,16, 2015. The Tournament will benefit Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Twenty-four high school teams will be playing in the inaugural tournament with host sites including La Salle's home field at Arcadia County Park, Pasadena High School, Monrovia High School, and Bosco Tech High School. Lancers Baseball hopes to make this initial event a huge success for the children that need our help to make their hospital stay a little brighter. Shortly following the tournament, a representative student-athlete from each school will meet at La Salle and travel to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, in their respective jerseys, to deliver a check to the hospital and sign baseballs for the children. CBS News is scheduled to cover this event. If you wish to be a sponsor, please contact Coach Harry Agajanian at hagajanian@lasallehs.org for more information. For tournament information please check the La Salle website. www.leaguelineup.com/lshsprestourney PAGE 16




Disco Fever is Coming! Join the fun on May 8, 2015 at the Langham Huntington, Pasadena when the Disco Ball spins at the 16th Annual Crystal Ball

Enjoy a fabulous evening with family, friends, fine food, wine and entertainment while bidding on spectacular auction items at the new fast and easy “paperless” auction. This is La Salle’s biggest fundraising event. We urge everyone to attend and support our school. New this year, ticket prices are reduced from $175.00 per person to $125.00 per person if purchased by March 31, 2015. Current families will also receive 10 parent service hours per family with the purchase of one ticket. So please put your groove on, dust off your old platform shoes, watch “Saturday Night Fever” and plan on joining us at the Crystal Ball to re-live and experience this iconic time in our culture. Invitations will be mailed in March, but tickets are available online now at bidpal.net/cb2015. For more information, contact Irene Santucci at 626.696.4312 or san2c@lasallehs.org.




From the College Counseling Center

College Center News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors

Seniors – Class of 2015 Transcripts with first semester senior grades were submitted to colleges on the Common Application at the end of January. Other colleges may contact students requesting their first semester senior grades. If so, please contact your college counselor or our registrar, Mrs. Medlock, and we will send your transcripts as requested. Students: Please update Naviance – My Colleges with your application decisions. Parents: For those of you who will be applying for financial aid, you must send in the FAFSA as soon as possible. FAFSA worksheets are available in the College Center or you can download it at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Also, many of you have had questions regarding filling out the GPA verification form for the Cal Grant and the Middle Class Scholarship (MCS) program. La Salle has already submitted the GPA Verification forms electronically for the entire senior class. Therefore, you will not be required to send in the individual form. Please disregard the GPA Verification form. To be eligible for the Cal Grant, students MUST submit the FAFSA.


If you and your student are interested in applying for private scholarships, this is the time to do so. Numerous private organizations (Elks, Kiwanis, Rotary, etc.) and companies (Target, Wal-Mart, JC Penney, Edison, Best Buy, etc.) offer scholarships. Some send applications to the college counseling office. Information on scholarships can be found on Naviance under ‘Scholarship List.’ Many more can be found at www.fastweb.com and other scholarship websites. Check out the ‘Money for College’ link on Naviance. Please note that there are plenty of scholarship scams out there. Beware of having to pay any money to qualify for a scholarship.

Juniors - Class of 2016 We would like to thank all the students and parents for coming out to last month’s College Planning Night for Juniors. Your feedback is valuable, please let us know what we can do to improve this event for next year. Many Junior students have completed their Planning for College Survey (for Juniors) on Naviance and have scheduled an appointment to meet with their College Counselor. Those who have not, please take a few moments to complete the Junior. Survey as soon as possible. Mr. Hou and Ms. Baldonado want to make sure we meet with all Juniors before Spring Break. Juniors will be given an “Initial College Planning Meeting” form at the end of their individual meeting. Students are asked to share the form with their parents as it will have notes regarding the college admissions process. The College Counselor will then post colleges on the student’s Naviance account to research. Students should research the list of colleges using the web (check out Naviance ‘Resources’ for a list of websites), college guide books (i.e. Fiske Guide to Colleges and many others available at all bookstores and libraries) and most importantly, visit colleges in person. Student holidays in February and March are great times to make plans to visit colleges or travel to colleges over spring break (April 4 to April 12). You can find local college tour information in the junior packet. PAGE 18



Summer Programs While there are still quite a few months until summer, it will be here before you know it. Now is the time to start thinking about possible summer programs because some have application deadlines. Many college representatives speak about the importance of attending a summer program where a student can learn more about an area of interest or learn more about a major for college. A student who attends a summer program stands out to an admissions officer as one who has foresight and one who is committed to their education. The Westridge School Summer Opportunities Fair (on Saturday, February 7) and www. enrichmentalley.com are two good places to start your research. Please check Naviance –Summer & Gap Year link for additional details to the Summer Opportunities Fair and other summer program presentations.

College Tours We will be visiting the San Diego colleges (UC San Diego, San Diego State, and University of San Diego) on Monday, March 16. This one-day trip is a great opportunity for sophomores and juniors to see a variety of campuses as they begin their research and build their college list. The tour costs $95 per student and spaces are still available. Itinerary and registration forms can be found on the online School Calendar (click on the event and the forms are linked there). Meanwhile, all junior families should have received information for the East Coast College Tour, to be held over Easter Break (April 6-11, 2015). Please contact Mr. Hou if you are interested but have not registered.

SAT Test Preparation SAT Fundamental Course, February 14 to March 12 (Course ID: 196926 - 3:00 to 6:00pm and Course ID 196927 - 6:00 to 9:00pm). This 24-hour course prepares students for the March 14 SAT. There are eight class sessions and four practice tests. Class will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with practice tests on Saturdays. This course teaches students knowledge, content, and test-taking strategies for the SAT. In this class, students will review specific math, grammar, reading concepts tested on the test. Students will also learn how to write an essay specifically for the SAT. In addition, every student will have access to Princeton Review’s Online Student Center. This Online Student Center is its own course that is used to supplement the live instruction with drills, vocabulary, and additional content.


The class size will be no more than 25 Students per instructor and the course tuition will be discounted for La Salle students at $599 per student with promo code “HS100”. This includes all materials, instruction and refresher courses. The best way to enroll is via www.princetonreview.com. Select the test you want to prepare for (SAT) and enter your zip code. The La Salle course should then pop up. Juniors and their parents should review the PSAT and PLAN (from last year) results to decide if a prep course is necessary. La Salle High School does not specifically recommend test prep courses or endorse specific test preparation companies, but we try to make the information and services available for those who want to utilize them. Test preparation courses can help alleviate test anxiety and can help PAGE 19




students learn test-taking techniques. They cannot replace the learning, the homework or the instruction that should have taken place during the past twelve years of formal schooling. You may learn more about Princeton Review at www.princetonreview.com.


Reminder: assigned school homework will not decrease during the Princeton Review course schedule. Homework will continue to be the student’s first priority. Other options for test prep: test prep is available online for the ACT – www.actstudent.org and for the SAT – www.collegeboard.com; test prep books are available at your local bookstore.

February 7 ACT for all Juniors Reminder: All Juniors are required and registered to take the ACT on Saturday, February 8 at La Salle. All juniors MUST bring the following: 1. Bring Registration Ticket and a picture ID to the February 7 ACT. (Your student’s registration ticket was mailed via postal service to your home directly from ACT.) 2. #2 pencils 3. calculator 4. snack (almonds are considered brain food!) Remind your student to have plenty of sleep prior to the test and eat breakfast the morning of the test to give them energy for the 4-hour exam.

College Forum (9-11th grade parents and students) Save the date to attend our College Forum on Thursday, March 26, at 6:00pm. College admission representatives from many colleges will present important information to our families (see tentative sessions below). The College Forum is a great opportunity for students to learn about the College admission process and learn how to research and identify the right college for them. So highlight the College Forum on your calendar.


Tentative Presentations: Words of Advice from Veteran Parents How to Pay for College Tips for Admission to Highly Selective Colleges The Visual Arts: The Application Process and Portfolios College Quickstart for Freshman and Sophomore Families The NCAA, the Student Athlete & Admission Studying the Sciences and Engineering Searching for the Best Opportunity: Parents’ Advice to Out-of-State Colleges Understand Need and Merit Based Discounting Studying Business Studying Nursing and the Health Sciences Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program and other scholarships





Mock SAT

The La Salle parent boosters will be offering a practice SAT exam with SAT Strategy Session. This is a good opportunity for sophomores and juniors to become more familiar with the standardized test. Mock SAT – Saturday, 2/28 at 9:00am The price for the Mock SAT test is $25. The fee includes a follow-up SAT Strategy Session workshop offered to both parents and students to review the test and answer any test-related questions. The workshop will be held Thursday, March 5 at 7:00pm, Blakeslee Library.

To register, please submit a check to the College Center, made payable to La Salle High School.

Sophomores – Class of 2017

We are planning Career Days for March 10 and 12 during Mentor Period. The College Counselors work with the Alumni Office to secure 9-10 La Salle alumni speakers each day. On February 17, Sophomore students will complete a survey to identify the Career presentations they want to attend.


College Scholarship Class of 2016 Application and Information www.lancernetwork.com/AlumniScholar All members of the Class of 2016 are invited to apply for the Alumni College Scholarship sponsored by the La Salle High School Alumni Association. Application deadline is

Monday, February 23 at 5:00pm Questions about the Alumni Scholarship should be directed to the Alumni Office at 626.696.4362 or alumni@lasallehs.org.





From Guidance and Counseling

Original art, self portrait, "I'm Stressed" 2013, by Aubil Schuler '15

Strategies for Stress Management By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling

Parents are concerned about how to identify and help their students cope with stress. The article that is discussed below contains information that is helpful to our La Salle High School parents and to the community of teachers and staff who care for your student in the classrooms and offices during their high school years. The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter, Gregory K. Fritz, M.D., Editor, (2014 Wiley Periodicals Inc.), featured an article written to help parents to manage stress in their teen and adolescent students. The article explains that stress is a health issue, “marked by rapid changes-physical, cognitive and emotional (including) peer relationships, new demands at school, family tensions and safety issues in their community.” In other words, these changes and this time of growth can impact PAGE 22

your student’s health. These “rapid changes” can be confusing and challenging. We have all experienced what is referred to as ‘good’ stress. This is associated with a challenge or life situation can motivate us to makes changes or pursue a goal and does not exceed our coping skills. The article was written to help parents to recognize some signs of negative stress in their students and offers guidance to help parents to provide coping skills and support for your students during these times. Some causes of stress that are identified by the article are: School pressures; getting into trouble at school; peer conflicts; career decisions; after school or summer jobs (balancing academics while working to support financial needs or extras); dating and friendships; schedules that are so filled which require your student to balance academics,

ParentNewsletter sports, extracurricular activities and family obligations with no ‘down time’; pressures to experiment with drugs, alcohol or sex; body image pressures; changes in physical and cognitive abilities that are related to being an adolescent, (puberty, e.g., hormonal changes); family distress; parent discord; loss of employment; physical or emotional health problems and the expenses incurred by those losses; death of a family member; separation or divorce; being marginalized or bullied because of perceived differences, including gender identification and preference; witnessing or experiencing violence and sexual harassment. Some Signs of Stress: Increased physical complaints: headaches; stomach aches; muscle pain, fatigue; school avoidance; withdrawal from peers and family; decline or ceasing their usual activities, including participation in once enjoyable activities; a noticeable increase in irritability and anger seems to be beyond their ‘usual’ reactions to situations with other people when annoyed or frustrated; frequent crying and/or appearing to be teary-eyed; expressions of hopelessness, (e.g., it will never change; I just can not do the work, no matter how hard I try; I give up; I will never understand this subject, homework, making friends; conflict with peer) persistent anxiety that interferes with focus; feeling on edge all the time; noticeable changes in eating habits; continuing sleep disruption (persistent problems falling asleep, awakening throughout the night; difficulty returning to sleep, early morning awakening, e.g., 3:00am, 4:00am, 5:00am, and unable to sleep when fatigued). This causes fatigue and difficulty focusing in class, which can be difficult for many adolescents first thing in the morning under ‘normal’ circumstances; experimenting with alcohol or drugs. Persistent stresses such as these few can cause students to feel emotionally drained and sometimes result in a low grade depression. Some Strategies for coping with stress for students that parents can encourage and model in their own lives: Model healthy coping skills for your student. Your adolescent will learn that to communicate with their friends, parent, teacher or counselor is helpful. However, if they observe that a parent copes with stress only by using alcohol or drugs that is how they will learn to cope with distress. Model self-care; teach your student to use deep breathing to relax. Deep breathing is a slow


intake of breath (keep your shoulders down) into the nose, pause, hold the breath briefly (maybe count to two when you first do this) and then release it slowly through your mouth as if you were blowing through a straw. This calms the part of your nervous system that is related to the ‘fight or flight’ response that is associated with anxiety; regular meals; exercise; break homework or projects into parts that are more manageable or do not seem to be daunting or impossible to finish. Parents: Pay attention to your student’s behaviors and emotions. Build trust and be available to listen when your student discusses a problem or challenge. Teach your student to problem solve and model it. Remind your adolescent that she or he can cope with difficulties with the support of family and friends. Consider counseling if the stress symptoms persist: that models self-care. Encourage and model expression of feelings: asking what your student thinks about a situation can be followed by a question about how your student felt during that situation. Try to listen without judging or trying to change what your student tells you they are feeling. A dialogue is more likely to follow that opening, sooner or later, if you can maintain that initial stance. If your student makes any kind of statement that indicates that they may have considered or do think about doing harm to themselves or others, get mental health support for your student. That type of statement should be understood as an indication that your student needs mental health support to be evaluated by a mental health professional. Establish curfews with the understanding that you are available by phone. Know your student’s friends and parents, as well as their values. Set a time for lights out and phone off and enforce it if necessary. Be aware of the movies, use of internet sites and social media in which they engage. While many of you may be aware of the information and some of the suggestions that are given in the article, it is sometimes surprising how many parenting tips can help you to further identify and support your students as they negotiate the challenges of high school. If it is possible to remember the acronym COAL, be Curious, Open, Accepting and Loving, for which I do not take credit, but consider to be helpful. I suggest that you and your student will surely benefit.






Disco Inferno Lights up the Stage on March 13 The classic tale of the soul-selling Faust is set to theOPENING greatest disco hits of the 1970s OPENING NIGHT MARCH 13



If you love the 1970s, then you will love this riotous trip back to the decade that brought FEBRUARY us flared trousers, platform shoes and glitter. In Disco Inferno the classic German legend of Faust is brought 13 to life in an explosion of hit songs, high energy dance routines and glitter-ball spinning action. Disco Inferno is inspired by the classic German legend of Faust. In the legend, Faust sells his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge and power. In Disco Inferno, Jack Green sells his soul in exchange for becoming a famous singer. The music draws from the canon of disco music, popular in the 1970s. Three words to describe this stylized musical would be “Faust with Flare.” Grabbing that jive old story and injecting it with groove, Disco Inferno is chock-full of the songs that defined a generation. Disco Inferno features a number of hit songs, such as: “Celebration,” “All Out of Love,” “Crocodile Rock,” “Hot Stuff,” “Instant Replay,” “Ballroom Blitz,” “I Love The Nightlife,” “Spirit in the Sky,” and “Play That Funky Music, White Boy." With its retro setting, Disco Inferno oozes nostalgia and inspires smiles to hustle its way onto audience members’ faces. This sublime, more-than-just-a-jukebox musical boasts over 40 La Salle students in the cast and crew. Seniors in the production include: Nate Chandler, Sinclair Daniel, Max Behrens, Tommy Moreno, Adrian Sanchez, Kennedy Gordon, Kayla Rix. Katie Sparks, Natalie Sirois, Melody Munson, Alyssa Villavicenzio, Lani Nugent, Jack Freiberger and Tom Usle. Disco Inferno was first performed in 1999 by Stage One Theatre Company in England and has been performed by hundreds of theatre companies and schools in the United States. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, China, Norway, Zimbabwe, Jamaica, Germany, Hong Kong and Singapore. Disco Inferno is slated to open on Friday, March 13th, at Porticos Art Space, 2033 East Washington Boulevard in Pasadena. A fitting date for a devilish good time. Call 626.696.4415 for further information and reservations.



NSTA Science Presentations La Salle Science faculty, Chija Bauer, Anthony Fernandes, Kjersti Holyfield '04, Elizabeth Mullen and Brian Miller '79 travelled to Long Beach to join over 2600 science educators at the National Science Teacher Association (NSTA)

regional conference in conjunction with the California Science Teachers Association (CSTA) California Science Conference, December 4 through 6. The focus of the conference centered upon the implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards and the general shift from

content driven curriculum to a process based, outcome based science curriculum. The conference included opportunities to attend 15 field courses, 53 short courses and over 300 workshops. Workshops focused on Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM), Technology, Student Assessment, Science Literacy and Classroom Pedagogy. Anthony Fernandes, Kjersti Holyfield and Brian Miller combined their collective knowledge and experience to present three workshops over the three day conference. During the first session, Anthony and Brian presented an encore performance of their very successful workshop from the previous two CSTA conferences, “Roadmap to Stoichimetry�. This workshop focused on using manipulative and formula models to guide students through the process of stoichiometric conversions for chemistry. More than 75 teachers attended this workshop. Additional presentations were made by the La Salle faculty during the rest of the conference. Look for an in-depth article in the

College Scholarship

iModules is the leading online Constituent Engagement Management provider for educational institutions, and is the basis for La Salle's website. Their interconnected suite of modules transforms how we create relevant community experiences and achieve fundraising success through web content management, marketing communications, online giving, event management, ecommerce, and social media integration. iModules is currently accepting applications for their scholarships. Please see attached eflyer for more information. The application deadline is April 1, 2015. PAGE 25




The Obsequious Observer By John Blackstock, The Editor

Names in the News Hannah Howard ’15 received Honorable Mention in the Pasadena Star-News All-Area Girls Cross-Country team. Senior Volleyball star, Jennifer Haderlein '15 joined a number of Pasadena area athletes who participated in the “Battle of the Bowl” flag-football games at the Rose Bowl. The 9th Annual event benefits Hathaway-Sycamores Child and Family Service. Randy Katz, La Salle’s Facilities Manager tells us an upcoming television commercial was shot on our campus in mid-December. The commercial was for Adidas basketball shoes and will air on a national level in the near future. So if it looks like La Salle’s gym on TV, then it probably is. The La Salle Lancer Baseball team hosted South Korea’s Duk Soo High School in a winter league baseball game on January 27 at La Salle’s home field at Arcadia County Park. This was our second year playing this friendship game. The Lancers held on to win 7-6. Duk Soo produces some very good athletes who go on to play major league baseball in South Korea. See more photos from the game on theLa Salle website.

Thank you from Hillsides In late December, we received the following: "Thank you to La Salle High School for throwing the Adopt-a-Family holiday party for the children of Hillsides on the school’s campus. This is the 19th year that La Salle has helped out Hillsides during the holidays. The children enjoyed lunch, dessert, face painting, other fun activities, and a chance to meet Santa. Thank you again to La Salle for spreading holiday cheer over the weekend and to all the volunteers who made the day such a happy one for the children! Also thank you for adopting families in need this holiday season as you have in previous years."

STEAM Hits Capitol Hill In this climate of economic uncertainty, America is once again turning to innovation as the way to ensure a prosperous future. Yet innovation remains tightly coupled with Science,Technology, Engineering and Math – the STEM subjects. Art + Design are poised to transform our economy in the 21st century just as science and technology did in the last century. Add Art + Design to the equation — to transform STEM into STEAM. STEM + Art = STEAM. Co-chaired by Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) and Congressman Aaron Schock (R-IL), the bipartisan caucus is dedicated to furthering the incorporation of art and design into STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). At the start of the 2013 Congressional session, House Resolution 51 was introduced which posits that “adding art and design” to STEM fields “encourages innovation and economic growth in the US.” See the article attached and view http://vimeo.com/60031427 for more.

Excellence in all we do

“We don’t get a chance to do that many things, and every one should be really excellent. Because this is our life.” - Steve Jobs PAGE 26



Lancers Earn Mock Trial Accolades

WOW I AM IMPRESSED La Salle’s Mock Trial team participated in the Los Angeles County competition, earning honorable mentions for witnesses Austen Hustler ’15, Lauren Chacon ’16, Japhet Quitzon ’16, and Noah Sisson ’16, as well as for lawyer Sarah Reynolds ’15. Lauren and Japhet were also given the “Most Valuable Participant” award by their opposition in recognition for their outstanding contribution to the trial. In the Courtroom Artist competition, Mariel Lo Guercio ’15 took first prize with her drawing of La Salle’s attorneys. This is an exceptionally difficult competition, requiring the artist to create a complete sketch of a trial moment and submit it for judging at the end of the proceedings. The illustration above depicts "attorneys," from left, Sarah Reynolds ’15, Riley Worley '15 and Max DoVale '17. This is the second year in a row that Mariel has won the top award. Ms. Jane Osick, English Department is the team moderator.

Matching Gifts If you are an employee of a matching gift company, we would love to work with you. This is an easy way to raise funds for La Salle. If you are not sure if your company participates you can ask your employer or contact Tara Milton at tmilton@lasallehs.org or call 626.696.4381.




Check your School calendar for event times and dates

February Highlights January 26 - 30 Catholic Schools Week


February 5 continued Parent /Teacher Conferences 12:45 to 2:30pm and 4:30 to 6:00pm Classrooms

January 30 Catholic Schools Week Liturgy 9:15am Dining Hall

Returning Students Financial Aid Applications Due to PSAS/LSHS

January 31 Saturday 9th Grade Entrance Exams 8:00am Campus 9th Grade Interviews 10:00-12:30pm Campus

February 7 Saturday ACT for Juniors 8:00am Campus February 8 Sunday San Miguel Gift Gathering Party: Gifts from the Heart 5:00 - 8:00pm Arcadia

February 3 American Math Competition 8:00am Campus February 4 National Letters of Intent Signing Day Noon Duffy Lewis Gymnasium Spring Sports Parents Meeting 6:00-7:30pm Dining Hall February 5 Special Schedule Noon Dismissal

February 10 Parent Association Meeting 6:30pm Blakeslee Library Parent Boosters Meetings 7:30pm Campus Locations February 11 Returning Students Financial Aid Applications Due to PSAS/LSHS

February 12 Academic Awards 9:30pm Dining Hall February 13 Student Holiday Bay Area College Tour begins February 14 Saturday La Salle CHLA Charity Baseball Tournament begins February 16 School Holiday Presidents’ Day February 18 Liturgy Schedule Dress up Day Ash Wednesday Liturgy 9:15am Dining Hall February 19 Café Bibliothèque 2:30pm Blakeslee Library February 23 -25 Senior Retreat February 27 Minimun Day Noon Dismissal


For Specific Game Dates, Times and Locations Log on to Lasallelancers.org or lasallehs.org Athletics. Please visit the La Salle Athletics page

at www.lasallelancers.org under Boosters for volunteer opportunities. PAGE 28

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