ParentNewsletter The La Salle
Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead
It was a delight to see and speak with so many of you at last month’s Back-to-School Night and Parent Meeting. I am sure that Dr. Gray’s announcement that Brother Christopher Brady, FSC had accepted the invitation to be the next principal was one of the reasons that so many parents chose to attend the spring meeting. I want to again reiterate my congratulations to the members of the Principal’s Search Committee for initiating and completing a successful process that moved such excellent candidates forward for Dr. Gray’s discernment. I have had the personal and professional pleasure of knowing Brother Chris for more than 20 years and I can tell you without hesitation that he is the best choice to lead La Salle into the future. I look forward to working for Brother Chris and for the ongoing opportunity to remain a full-time member of our school community.
Class of 2012 Graduation I also want to thank the parents of our seniors for joining me at last month’s meeting. We were able to cover all of the important information regarding the rapidly approaching graduation of
the Class of 2012. For all to know, we did find it necessary to move the time of the Baccalaureate Mass to 5:30pm – so please adjust your school calendars for May 24 to this corrected time. I will be sending a follow-up letter to all parents of seniors next month that will include updates and forms regarding the various graduation events which we spoke about at the January senior parent meeting.
Academic Awards Congratulations to all of the students who received honors certificates at the Academic Award Ceremony. These awards indicate a strong determination and dedication to academic excellence by our students and excellent teachers. At this ceremony, we also acknowledged Kathryn Melendez as this year’s recipient of the Robert Alcorn Scholarship for the Humanities, which is awarded to the most outstanding junior in English, Foreign Language, and Social Studies. Robert Hulbert is the recipient of the Bob Thomas Scholarship, awarded to the top junior in Science and Mathematics. I congratulate both of these students for their consistent commitment to academic excellence. Continued on page 2
The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle
“The teacher must not be too harsh or too weak, so as to be firm in attaining the end and gentle in the means of attaining it, and to show great charity accompanied by zeal .” Conduct p. 164 - ca 1708 Saint John Baptist de La Salle
Principal Ideas Continued from page 1
Head Football Coach Announced
Mrs. Marie Pedersen
As I am sure most of you know, we introduced Coach Russell Gordon to our students and parents last month. I selected Coach Gordon as La Salle High School’s next Head Football Coach from a superb and deep list of very qualified candidates. He and his coaching staff have already begun the Spring training sessions with our football athletes and I am very confident that Coach Gordon will build upon the legacy of excellence that Antoine Petersen left. I am also most pleased that “Coach P” will continue as a valuable member of our teaching faculty for next year.
During our Christmas vacation many faculty, staff and alumni attended the funeral of Marie Pedersen. Marie retired three years ago as my Administrative Assistant after serving four other principals in that capacity going back nearly 30 years. She was also the parent of three sons who graduated from La Salle and one grandson. Marie’s death was a huge loss for me and for others from our community. As it was stated by so many people during her service, Marie never spoke a harsh word about anyone, and she daily took care of the needs of our students, staff, and faculty with the love of a caring parent. Her unique spirit is missed by all of us. On behalf of La Salle’s Community, I offered Marie’s husband and family our deepest condolences, love and prayers.
Your Information Change
I normally remind you at the beginning of the Second Semester to notify our Registrar, Mrs. Kathy Medlock, if you have a change in home address, home or emergency phone number, or email address. You can contact her at 626.696. 4309 or at In particular, it appears that email addresses are often changed Patrick Bonacci, AFSC without notification being given to us. As you Principal know, one of the ways we communicate with you is through our automated (PACE) phone and email communication system. For this important system to function efficiently, we must have accurate and updated data. Cell phone numbers are very important to update, as was shown during the recent wind storms where, in some cases, cell phones were the only means of contact. Please send us your cell number as well as the cell number of your spouse. These numbers will remain private and will only be used for emergency communications.
Please Join us for or the San Miguel Gifts from the Heart party to be held on Sunday, February 12, 2012 at the beautiful home of Hope and Dino Clarizio '75. We hope to see you there. PAGE 2
From the Parent Association
Celebrating Our Role as Parents For us, it seems hard to believe that we are already half-way through the school year, knowing full-well that many of you share the same feeling. For freshmen parents, the transition to high school life is all but complete with the days of parent orientation nothing more than a distant memory. Sophomore and junior parents are well-entrenched in life at La Salle and, understandably, senior parents now have an eye on May 25th when we will join the ranks of other alumni parents when our sons and daughters graduate. Even though our focus has now changed from the one we held at our first Back-to-School Night, the perspective that we share on our role as parents remains the same. If you recall, back in September, our theme for the Parent Association was “Celebrate the La Salle Experience.” Given the endless stream of opportunities at our children’s fingertips, we embraced the concept of allowing them to develop their own unique talents into a world filled with infinite possibilities. As parents, we spoke of our ability to take part and share in this experience with them. Now that we are entering a new semester, we believe it is appropriate to shift our focus and refine our theme to “Celebrating our Role as Parents.” As parents, our involvement with La Salle does not change with regard to the class year of our children, or what today’s focus may bring. Notwithstanding the many volunteer efforts and activities that we are involved with, we will always be parents and will continually look for ways to strengthen the bond with our children. We marvel in their accomplishments, offer compassion and support during their times of struggle, and share with them the many experiences of their high school life. No matter what the occasion, we will always take advantage of any opportunity to enhance our role as parents with them.
As parents, however, the influence of our role doesn’t stop with our children, but reaches out towards the greater Lasallian Community of parents as well. The La Salle Parent Association is not just about driving volunteer hours or raising money. It is also about building relationships…not only fostering those between a parent and child or with the faculty and staff of the school, but it is also about building relationships with other parents. It is about a sense of community and caring for those around you; it is a sense of sharing and belonging. It is the kind of friendship and camaraderie among parents that we believe the La Salle Parent Association is all about and how NEXT it is such a part of what we call Parent Association the “La Salle Difference.” Meeting: Tuesday,
February 7, 7:45pm
The program that the Blakeslee Library Parent Association has developed for the spring semester embodies our new theme of “Celebrating our Role as Parents” and includes a number of events that serve to reinforce our involvement in the La Salle parent community. For our February 2012 general Parent Association meeting, we are featuring members from La Salle’s Mission Support Committee. In their presentation, parents in attendance will learn more about the Committee and its annual Mission Effectiveness Workshop which will be held in late March. Key mission objectives will be discussed and parents will have the opportunity to provide valuable input regarding a number of topical issues that the Committee will be addressing at the workshop. Needless to say, this meeting is an outstanding opportunity for parents to share their views of life at La Salle. Parents Continued on page 9
La Salle Matters
I was pleased to introduce the next Principal of La Salle, Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, at our recent Back-to-School Night. His appointment concludes a process that began last spring when internal and external constituents were surveyed regarding their perceptions of the strengths and challenges La Salle brings to the next decade. That feedback was analyzed and used to shape a revised job-description for the next principal. The Search Committee, chaired by former Trustee, Dr. Vera Vignes, included representatives from each of the School’s constituencies (administrators, teachers, alums, Trustees, current and past parents and a representative from one of our “feeder schools”) as well as from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Position announcements were sent to all (arch) dioceses on the West Coast as well as to the Christian Brothers Conference. West Coast colleges and universities with schools of education received the announcement as well. National journals, Education Week and Independent School Management, published the position and it was listed with the national consulting firm, CarneySandoe & Associates. Over 60 inquiries were generated. The Search Committee narrowed the list to ten and then again to three. The three semi-finalists (including Brother Chris) were brought on campus to meet with focus groups representing administration, faculty/staff, parents and students. The Search Committee moved Brother Chris and one other finalist forward for my consideration. Both were extraordinarily accomplished and had stellar recommendations…albeit with very
different administrative characteristics and years of experience. Quite frankly, it would have been easier choosing between two similar candidates than with what the Committee presented. In a sense, however, it was a good thing that the two finalists were as different; as it forced me to look at them through the lens of La Salle’s short and long term needs; and, after spending a substantial portion of a day with each of the finalists, I was pleased to offer the position to Brother Chris. In a sense, Brother Chris is coming “home” as La Salle, Pasadena was his first teaching assignment after college. I want to express my profound gratitude to the Search Committee, especially Dr. Vera Vignes, its chair, for their professional dedication and commitment to maintaining the integrity of the process. By way of tribute to their effort, both finalists, who were not offered the position, voluntarily told me how impressed they were with the process and the respect for La Salle that was engendered in them as participants in the search. A critical concern for me was the perpetuation of the caring culture that Pat Bonacci, AFSC has nurtured for more than two decades. When I looked at Brother Chris through this lens, I recognized that his background in student services, his exposure to the challenges of significantly larger schools than La Salle, and his incredible commitment - as a Brother - to Lasallian values; it made sense for me to take advantage of his availability in a world woefully devoid of Brothers in ministry. But that was not the only reason I asked Brother Chris to take the position. It is precisely because of his deep background in ministry to Continued on page 5
Continued from page 4
students that our students, teachers and parents will be well cared for under the leadership of the next principal. I am confident that the culture of care and concern that is a result of the leadership of Pat Bonacci, AFSC will continue to characterize life at La Salle. And I want Brother Chris to be in a position, which will enable him to work with our dedicated faculty, to consistently address the implications of the uncertain future facing educational institutions in California and which must be met with highly visible strategies that imbue confidence in those who are considering La Salle for their children. We know that a robust high school environment that emphasizes consistently excellent instruction and the delivery of a challenging college-preparatory curriculum will ensure that La Salle will weather the current economic storm as well as position itself as “the school of choice in the San Gabriel Valley.” Because you will soon see the amazing ability Brother Chris has to nurture those entrusted to his care; he will have the freedom he needs to attend to the essential obligation to reinforce the “purchase decision” of our parents, colleagues, students and alums; without sacrificing the special world I like to call the “La Salle Difference.” I am confident that his dedication to the Christian Brothers, his commitment to an educational process that can transform hearts and his passion for improving the lives of the students entrusted to his care will enable Brother Chris to make a significant impact on the next chapter in the history of La Salle High School.
La Salle High School
3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated
© 2012
• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications
Richard Gray, Ph.D. President
Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email:
La Salle “Adopts” 139 Children for Annual Christmas Party HOLIDAY GOOD DEEDS
Student Life members joined with Maryvale and Hillsides Services for its 17th Annual Adopt-a-Family program. On Saturday, December 10, hundreds of students, parents, children and families enjoyed games, attacking the Grinch, face painting, Christmas Carols, bingo and a delicious lunch at the Adopt-A-Family Christmas party. Santa and his elves arrived to visit with the children at the party and help distribute Christmas presents. During the week preceding the party, students wrapped hundreds of gifts for 76 foster and needy children from Hillsides and 56 orphaned girls from Maryvale. “It is a wonderful and generous way for our students and alumni to start the Christmas Season,” said Michelle Grima, Student Life Service Coordinator. “Everyone truly has a great time!”
Left, Kimberlyn Kelly and Emily Rail with Santa. Below, Patrick Sullivan and Claudia Vazquez show off a hand-made gift from an orphaned girl.
Students prepare to deliver gifts at the 17th Annual Adopt-a-Family Christmas Party. From left, Ali Roth, Jessica Blue, Nicolette Swayne, Katrina Dela Cruz, Erica Duell, Jessica Legaspi and Evan Baranich. Opposite top, La Students prepare to deliver gifts at the 17th Annual Adopt-a-Family Christmas Party. From left, Jennifer Torres, Kristie Simone, Allysa Rojas, Mike Novell and Clara McCarthy.
Coach Russ Gordon Introduced to La Salle By John Blackstock ’67, Director of Communications
La Salle’s Athletic Director, Anthony Harris, announced the selection of Russell Gordon as the Lancers’ new football coach during a packed Athletics Boosters meeting Tuesday, January 10. Coach Gordon comes to La Salle from Campbell Hall where he has been for the last 15 years. In his eight years as Head Coach, he has compiled a 51-37 overall record. Gordon has taken his teams to the post season four of his eight years, including a trip to the CIF finals. Gordon was named CIF Coach of the Year in 2005 and is the recent victorious Head Coach for the East in the 2012 Daily News All-Star game. Gordon has been successful in preparing his athletes for the next level and has placed 17 of his former players on Division I and IAA college football teams. “I have had great success not only with a winning percentage, but also in making sure that student athletes learn to be accountable for their actions while learning lifelong lessons that they can implement into their daily living,” commented Gordon. “We are very excited and pleased with taking our program to the next level,” said Harris. “Gordon was very impressive in the search process, but more importantly, he is the best fit for La Salle football as we move forward.”
When asked why he applied for the coaching position, Gordon said, there is a tremendous amount of talent and passion at La Salle. “I was on campus for the homecoming game when this team was 0-8 and I couldn’t believe what I saw. The stands were filled, the community really came out for La Salle and that was an 0-8 team. From then on, I really wanted to be a part of this program and I’m happy I was able to join Anthony.” “I’m really proud of this gentleman,” said Harris of Gordon, who will also be the Assistant Athletic Director. “I hired him 15 years ago at Campbell Hall and I’m really proud of the man he’s turned into and the coach that he’s become.” “Campbell Hall has been great to me and it’s a great school,” Gordon said. “But, I’m ready for a new challenge in my life. Plus, I look forward to professional growth and to be an Assistant Athletic Director means a lot to me.” Gordon’s application was one of over 70 submitted that were eventually reduced to 10 immensely qualified candidates. “The interview process was pretty grueling because there were great candidates and a lot of stuff to go through, but his (Gordon’s) package was exceptionally well thought out and prepared,” Harris said. Gordon was the unanimous choice among the selection committee, according to the committee chair. Gordon, who is the school’s fifth football Head Coach, and says he will bring most of his staff to La Salle, replaces Coach Antoine Peterson, who remains part of the La Salle faculty.
Continued from page 3
On Wednesday, February 1st, La Salle will once again sponsor Teen Issues Day; an all-day student forum dedicated to addressing issues that confront today’s teenage population. This year’s theme is “Searching for Something to Believe In”, which will address areas of caring, faith, initiative and perspective. At a special presentation of the Parent Education Series that same evening, parents will have the chance to hear from one of the keynote speakers, Mike Patin, and his message “…AND THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER.” Being the parent of a teenager can sometimes make us wonder if that statement is true— can we live happily ever after?---or is it a fairy tale? For all the challenges of the teen years, there are some principles and habits that can help us survive. Come enjoy and take a humorous and refreshing look at parenting teens on February 1st at 7:00pm in the dining hall.
These are just a few of the many events that we have on this semester’s schedule and we look forward to sharing with you details in upcoming ParentNewsletters. Once again, we invite you to come explore the opportunities that abound, share the experience with your children and those within the La Salle parent community, and “Celebrate Our Role as Parents.” With thanks for God’s many blessings,
Carol and Brad Wright '73 Co-Presidents Parent Association
Café Bibliothèque Service Hours One Thursday a month, the Library hosts Café Bibliothèque where students gather to listen to storytellers, authors, performers or learn a craft. Service hours are given for donations of snacks such as vegetables, fruit, cheese, brownies, pretzels and soft drinks. These events will take place, February 16, March 29, and April 26. Please contact Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332 to volunteer. PAGE 9
From the Athletic Boosters
A New Year and a Great Start for La Salle Athletics By the time you read this January will almost be over and La Salle Winter Sports will be in full swing. I would, however, like to take care of a little holiday business.
La Salle, in association with Temple City High School, hosts a basketball tournament every Christmas. The tournament requires a great effort to make sure everyone who attends is welcomed and our school is well represented. I would like to thank Dana Jones and all her volunteers who put in many hours to show all our guests what La Salle is about - dedication to our kids and dedication to our School. Again, I would like to thank Dana and crew.
competition against Maranatha. The day of sports included Boys Varsity and JV Soccer, Girls Varsity and JV Soccer, Girls Varsity and JV Basketball and last but not least, Boys Varsity, JV and freshman Basketball. The event was no easy task to pull off, but it was accomplished. The best news of the day was that all our teams walked away with a victory in every sport on every level. Yes, that is correct. La Salle went 9 and 0 against Maranatha making this a truly special day. In addition, everyone who watched the sporting events in the gym were able to see our newly refinished floor featuring the new
The La Salle sports teams have been performing at a high level in non-league games and I am happy to report that almost all of our teams have winning records. The current sports in season are Boys and Girls Basketball, Boys and Girls Soccer and Girls Water Polo. I would encourage you to visit La Salle’s Athletic website for the dates and times of our league games. The La Salle Cheer program has a new coach, Gianna Henke (La Salle Alum) and in her debut season our Varsity Cheer won first place in their division at the Sharp Regional Competition, and also walked away with the MANDATORY MEETING FOR sportsmanship award. And not ALL PARENTS OF ATHLETES to be outdone, our JV team won Parent Like A Champion Today first place in their division as well. Clinic - Wednesday March 14, Our entire cheer team received the Guest Speaker: Oscar McBride overall first place trophy for High (Former Notre Dame Fighting Irish School Cheer Squads. football player) Our Athletic Director, Anthony Harris, has been very busy over the last two months and is beginning to make his mark on La Salle Athletics. The first new program set up was an all day athletic PAGE 10
La Salle “LS” Logo and wordmark. Your generouds efforts through the Athletic Boosters helped fund a portion of this work Anthony Harris introduced our new Varsity Football Head Coach at the Athletic Boosters Club meeting in January where approximately 100 people were in attendance. Russell Gordon was named the new Football coach after a rigorous search process. Coach Gordon comes to us from Campbell Hall High School. He introduced his experienced staff tto the audience. Coach Gordon was very impressive in his presentation to the group and
Sweet Victory
Above are photos from the January 9 victory night over Maranatha. It was a "Clean Sweep" as we won all the Frosh, JV and Varsity games in girls and boys soccer and basketball. fielded questions immediately after his talk. Coach Gordon is set on turning La Salle into a powerhouse and we wish him well.(Please see John Blackstock’s article on page 8). A special note: Coach Gordon coached the East team in the Daily News All-Star game and came away with a 31 to 7 victory. Let us hope this is a preview of what is to come for La Salle Football. Please check out the La Salle Athletic website at for more information on Coach Gordon as well as game schedules for all the winter sports.
The Athletic Boosters Club supports all athletic teams at La Salle, so no matter what sport your child competes in or even if they do not, we always need your help at events, so please check in and volunteer. Thanks to everyone for your support. Now get out there and check out a game or two. God Bless, John D. Cina Athletic Boosters President
Psst...Pass it on…
Spread the Word About the “Bootleggers Ball”
Put on your best pinstriped suit or flapper dress and join us for an evening of song, dance, dinner and fun….perhaps even a little bathtub gin! Come as a couple or make it a “mob” night out with some friends. The “Bootleggers Ball” will be held at the Langham, Huntington Hotel and Spa in Pasadena on Friday, April 27th. The evening will also include live and silent auctions, an Opportunity Drawing for a romantic Hawaiian vacation for two and a very special presentation honoring Pat Bonacci, AFSC who will be the recipient of the 2012 Lasallian Volunteer Award. All proceeds from this event will benefit La Salle High School Academic, Arts, Athletic, and Financial Aid programs. Thank you to everyone who has so generously donated to the auction already. We still need your help and would greatly appreciate donations for the silent, super silent and live auctions! Please submit your donation, along with an “Auction Donation Form” (mailed to you over the holidays) to Irene Santucci in the Office of Institutional Advancement. Donations received by March 26 will be rcognized in the auction program. If you have any questions, or have an auction item that needs to be picked up, please contact Pamela Jacques, Auction Chair at 626.821.1601 or jacquespamela@gmail. com. If you are interested in donating airline miles, please see the information contained in the December 2011/January 2012 ParentNewsletter. In addition to auction donations, there are also opportunities available to fund portions of the event. The “Sponsorship/Underwriting Opportunities Form” describes the various options. Please complete and submit this form to Irene Santucci by March 26 to be included in the auction program.
A Special Tribute to Our Very Special Honoree, Patrick Bonacci, AFSC As you all know, after 15 years as Principal, Pat Bonacci, AFSC will be transitioning to his new role as Vice President for Mission at the end of the 2011-2012 academic year. To celebrate 15 years of leadership and a quarter century of service to La Salle, Pat will be this year’s Crystal Ball Honoree. As part of that celebration, in conjunction with the School, the Crystal Ball committee will assemble a special Tribute Program. Staff, Alumni, current and former La Salle families are all warmly encouraged to purchase an ad (please include a family picture!) in the tribute book. Please consider sharing a special memory or sentiment in honor of a very special man. To submit a tribute to Pat, please complete the “Advertising Opportunity Form” that accompanies this newsletter. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Hilary Scofield at To find the “Tribute Advertising Form” please visit our website at, click DOWNLOAD THE PAT BONACCI TRIBUTE FORMS FROM THE FLYERS SECTION ATTACHED TO THIS NEWSLETTER on the “Pat Bonacci Tribute” link in the left hand column of the home page
We Still Love Christmas Baskets Many of you received fabulous gift baskets this past holiday season and will find yourself wondering what to do with the baskets once you have enjoyed their contents. Well, wonder no more! The Crystal Ball Committee would love to put your baskets (preferably medium size or larger) to good use. If you are interested in donating empty baskets to the auction committee, please call Patti Jameson at 626.403.2963 and she will arrange for a pick up.
Continued on page 14
From the Crystal Ball Auction Committee
“I Dreamed of Africa”
South Africa Photo Safari For Two Enjoy six nights and seven days on Safari in South Africa! Stay in your choice of the Luxury Hemingway-style tents, the Heritage Safari Lodge, the Nyati/Ndlovu Lodges, or Zulu Nyala Game Lodge. Trip includes 3 meals per day and 2 daily open Land Rover Game Drives with guides. Get a tantalizing taste of the wild in the heart of Africa’s richest conservation regions situated in the Hluhluwe, Southern Maputaland in Zululand, South Africa. Experience elephant, rhino, leopard, giraffe, hippo, zebra and so much more. Bid April 27 at the "Ball."
Experience the Crystal Ball as a Volunteer We need volunteers to work the day and night of the event. This is a great way to earn service hours as some of the positions and shifts offer double or even triple hours credit! For additional volunteer information, please contact Becky Bickel at 626.355.4005 or
From the Office of Institutional Advancement
Great Opportunities for the “Bootleggers Ball” With a little over three months to go, we would like to share these wonderful opportunities which will guarantee our biggest success ever. The “buzz” of the Crystal Ball is growing fast and we are expecting a crowd of about 400 guests. On behalf of La Salle High School, thank you to all the parents, alumni, grandparents and friends who have already contributed /supported this year’s event. We invite you to review the sponsorship opportunities and see if you are able to support this year’s Crystal Ball, an event which benefits ALL the students at La Salle. If you have any questions, please contact Irene Santucci at 626.696.4312 or We appreciate your support and generosity as we make final preparations for “Bootleggers Ball.”
Sponsorship Opportunities The Boss - $15,000
Two dinner tables (16 to 20 quests), premier seating, $50 in Opportunity Drawing tickets, full page ad plus recognition in the program, membership in the Crystal Circle and special recognition at the Crystal Ball.
Bootlegger - $10,000
Two dinner tables (16 quests), premier seating, $50 in Opportunity Drawing tickets, full page ad plus recognition in the program, membership in the Crystal Circle and special recognition at the Crystal Ball.
Rum-Runner - $5,000
One dinner table (10 quests), premier seating, $50 in Opportunity Drawing tickets, full page ad plus recognition in the program, membership in the Crystal Circle.
Jazz Man - $2,500
Six Crystal Ball tickets, premier seating, $50 in Opportunity Drawing tickets, half-page ad plus recognition in the program, membership in the Crystal Circle.
Flapper - $1,000
Four Crystal Ball tickets and business card ad plus recognition in the program. PAGE 15
From the College Counseling Center
College Counseling News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors
Seniors – Class of 2012 Transcripts with 1st semester senior grades will be submitted to colleges on the Common Application by the end of January. Other colleges may contact the student requesting their 1st semester senior grades. If so, please contact your college counselor or our registrar, Mrs. Medlock and we will send your transcripts as requested.
Students: Please update Naviance – My Colleges with your application decisions. Parents: For those of you who will be applying for financial aid, you must send in the FAFSA as soon as possible. FAFSA worksheets are available in the College Center or you can download it at www.fafsa. Also, many of you have had questions regarding filling out the GPA verification form for the Cal Grants. The GPA Verification form is submitted electronically from La Salle for the entire senior class. Therefore, you will not be required to send in the individual form. Please disregard the GPA Verification form. To be eligible for the Cal Grant, students MUST submit the FAFSA. If you and your student are interested in applying for private scholarships, this is the time to do so. Numerous private organizations (Elks, Kiwanis, Rotary, etc.) and companies (Target, Wal-Mart, JC Penney, Edison, Best Buy, etc.) offer scholarships. Some send applications to the college counseling office. Information on scholarships can be found on Naviance under ‘Scholarship List.’ Many more can be found at and other scholarship websites. Check out the ‘Money for College’ link on Naviance. Please note that there are plenty of scholarship scams out there. Beware of having to pay any money to qualify for a scholarship. Please call if you have any questions.
Summer Programs While there are still quite a few months until summer, it will be here before you know it. Now is the time to start thinking about possible summer programs because some have application deadlines. Many college representatives speak about the importance of attending a summer program where a student can learn more about an area of interest or learn more about a major for college. A student who attends a summer program stands out to an admissions officer as one who has foresight and one who is committed to their education. The Westridge School Summer Opportunities Fair (on Saturday, 2/4) and are two good places to start your research. Please check Naviance – ‘Summer & Gap Year’ link for additional details to the Summer Opportunities Fair and other summer program presentations.
Juniors – Class of 2013 We would like to thank all the students and parents for coming out to the Junior Student & Parent College Information Night last month. Your feedback is valuable, please let us know what we can do to improve this event for next year. PAGE 16
Many Junior students have completed their Junior College Planning Survey on Naviance and have scheduled an appointment to meet with their College Counselor. Those who have not, please take a few moments to complete the Jr. Survey as soon as possible. Mr. Hou and Ms. Baldonado want to make sure we meet with all Juniors before Spring Break. Juniors will be given an “Initial College Planning Meeting” form at the end of their individual meeting. Students are asked to share the form with their parents as it will have a list of colleges to research and notes regarding the college admissions process. Students should research the list of colleges using the web (check out Naviance ‘Resources’ for a list of websites), college guide books (i.e. Fiske Guide to Colleges and many others available at all bookstores and libraries) and most importantly, visit colleges in person. Student holidays in February and March are great times to make plans to visit colleges or travel to colleges over spring break (4/5 - 4/15). You can find local college tour information in the junior packet.
College Forum 9-11th grade parents and students – Save the date to attend our College Forum on Wednesday, March 21, at 6:00pm. (Please note this is revised from 7:00pm on the School Calendar). College admission representatives from many colleges will present important information to our families (see tentative sessions below). The College Forum is a great opportunity for students to learn about the College admission process and learn how to research and identify the right college for them. So highlight the College Forum on your calendar.
Tentative Presentations: Words of Advice from Veteran Parents How to Pay for College Tips for Admission to Highly Selective Colleges The Visual Arts: The Application Process and Portfolios Navigating Naviance: Family Connection, Admission Stats, and More The NCAA, the Student Athlete & Admission Studying the Sciences and Engineering Searching for the Best Opportunity: Parents’ Advice to Out-of-State Colleges Understand Need and Merit Based Discounting Studying Business Studying Nursing and the Health Sciences Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program and other scholarships
Mock SAT The La Salle parent boosters will be offering a practice SAT exam with SAT Strategy Session. This is a good opportunity for sophomores and juniors to become more familiar with the standardized test. Mock SAT – Saturday, February 25 at 9:00am The price for the Mock SAT test is $25. The fee includes a follow-up SAT Strategy Session workshop offered to both parents and students to review the test and answer any test-related questions. SAT follow-up is on February 28 at 6:00pm, Blakeslee Library. To register, please submit a check to the College Center, made payable to La Salle High School. PAGE 17
From the Arts Boosters
Arts Boosters Hatch Easter Egg Promotion Easter falls on April 8th this year. Avoid the sugar rush at the stores - order your Easter Eggs and other See’s Candies through the Arts Boosters in March. Order forms are available at http:// All orders are due by March 16th, and will be available for pick up March 31st. As always, you will earn one service hour per $100 worth of candies ordered. Make checks payable to La Salle High School.
Questions? Contact Susan Buchanan at 626.796.0133 or
La Salle Film Festival–Take Seven!
The seventh annual LTV Film Festival will take place on Saturday March 17 at 6:00pm in the Linda M. Grinstead Theatre. It promises to be another fun evening showcasing the work of La Salle students competing for the coveted “Sally” award, with judging by industry professionals. Short films, whether shot at home or at school, can be turned into Ms. Lucas or Mr. Rynerson up to two weeks before the competition. Entry forms are available in the LTV lab. Food and drinks will be available at the event – sign up on the volunteer website if you want to help out.
Winter Play Underway
La Salle Drama students are busy preparing for the winter play, "A Night in Elsinore" scheduled to open the last week of February and run into March. The Arts Boosters will need support in providing snack and dinners for the winter play cast and crew. We will need the following over the two-week period just before the opening weekend. Bagels and cream cheese, breakfast/power bars, string cheese and pre-packaged snacks. Visit the Parent Volunteer website or contact Barbara Yelinek to sign-up.
Arts Boosters Welcome New President
At the January 10th Arts Boosters meeting Esmeralda Garcia took over the reins as President. She thanked her predecessor, Raina Fulton, for all of her hard work. Raina will stay on as Acting Vice– President until a new candidate is selected. There is no word as to whether a Dancing Vice-President, Singing Vice-President, or Directing Vice-President are also being sought. PAGE 18
From Guidance and Counseling
Say the Important Words This Valentine's Day By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling
The holiday vacation is ended and your students have returned to their studies. They will resume the academic discipline and time management routines that are necessary to complete their coursework. Please encourage your students to speak with their teachers if they begin to struggle with understanding the class materials. We celebrate Valentine’s Day in a few weeks. It is important to communicate our gratitude and caring for family and friends. It can be an opportunity to affirm the people in our lives who enrich us with their caring and presence. Our work can be extremely time consuming. If we allow work to become the major focus of our lives, it will reduce the time we take to focus on relationships that are important to us. Perhaps we do not spend as much time as we could with our families and friends because our lives have become "too busy." Important relationships can stagnate if we neglect them. Allow Valentine’s Day to be a reminder that it is important to say the words, "I love you," or, "you are important to me." Your students need to hear those words, often, even if they do not seem to acknowledge them at the time. One quote from the poet George Elliot says this very succinctly:
“I like not only to be loved, but to be told that I am loved; the realm of silence is large enough beyond the grave.”
Happy Valentine’s Day.
Attendance Hotline 626.696.4406
A parent or guardian must call before 9:00am the day of the absence to notify the School if a student will be absent or tardy, or if the student needs to leave school early for an appointment. Please state the date, time, and reason for the absence. On return to School, the student must stop by the reception desk prior to 8:00am with a note from the parent or guardian stating the reason for the absence. Notification of any planned absences, (college visits, etc.), must be in writing prior to the absence, given to the attendance office and approved by a Dean. The Dean for grades 9 and 11 is Mr. Johnston, and for grades 10 and 12 is Dr. Ruggles. PAGE 19
Melendez and Hulbert Win Scholarships, Soltis Honored
Page 20
Principal Patrick Bonacci, AFSC, presided over the Winter Academic Awards Ceremony on January 26, and presented scholarships to two juniors with these words, "It is my pleasure to honor two most deserving students with special recognition this morning. At this ceremony we annually award two juniors, academic scholarships that will be applied to their senior year. The Robert Alcorn Scholarship for the Humanities is given to the junior who is seen as the top student – from Social Studies, English, and the World Languages and is given to Kathryn Melendez. The Bob Thomas Scholarship for Science and Mathematics is given to the junior who is seen as the top student in the Science and Mathematics Department. This year the award is given to Robert Hulbert. Huge congratulations and 'well done' to both Kathryn and Robert!" Mr. Bonacci continured, "I am pleased to share with you that 60% of our student body will receive an academic honors award today – which means that 60% of our student body merited a GPA of 3.3 and above. 145 students are receiving their Gold certificates for meriting a 4.0+ - that is an increase of 15 students from last year; 119 First Honors – meaning 3.7 minimum and 170 have merited Honors of 3.3. Also, 58 (+20) students worked hard to raise their GPA by at least a .5. This is not an easy task. To all of these students and to the new members of the NHS and CSF, on behalf of the faculty, I congratulate you. I know that at times it is hard to keep yourself on task and focused on your academic progress. There are many activities that often seem to get in your way, athletics, performing arts, student life activities, work, social and family commitments and much, much more. I know that it is often not easy to stay focused. I know that it is, at times,
simply overwhelming. I know and appreciate this, so I am very pleased by the overall academic progress so many of you have made this semester. The reality is that this academic work ethic you are now forming will pay off big-time in college and in life in general. Good habits of any type – be they academic habits, spiritual habits or lifestyle habits, need to be nourished and frequently practiced. So, my hope is that each of you take the needed time to discern for yourself the answer to the question, are you using these high school years appropriately so that you will be in the best position possible to deal with all that life will throw at you down the road? Honestly, I know for a fact that many of you are preparing yourself and making the best use possible of these high school years. My prayer is that all of you will do so. Know that there are dedicated faculty, advisors and administrators that are very able and most willing to assist you at any time."
Introduction of David Soltis by Dr. Richard Gray (Presentation Text)
David Soltis ’90 was as quiet a student at La Salle as he is an energetic teacher of 11 years at his alma mater. He played baseball – but on a club team and he occasionally ran cross country – but not with the same passion he brought to coaching during his time as a teacher here. Having been accepted at UCLA and Oxy, David chose Cal Poly, Pomona because he had always wanted to be a teacher and, at Poly, he could craft his own course of study in pursuit of that career objective. Not surprisingly, he “fell in love” with composition and rhetoric (which, he says, he found fascinating) and was attracted to a double major in English as a Second Language because of its “emphasis on linguistics and its attention to how language works.” Mr. Soltis happily uses the language of his college years to describe his course work in English which, he claims, “blew his mind.” This comment came in response to the question, what professors had the greatest impact on you as a student? He cited three, one of whom he selected on multiple occasions, because of their intellectual curiosity and their ability to look at literature in mind expanding ways. The seminar format at Pomona was particularly conducive to his preferred way of learning the subject and, he notes, that he fell in love with Shakespeare as an undergraduate because of the faculty’s insistence on a close reading of the text. Mr. Soltis was so enamored of his
education at Cal Poly that he stayed on and completed his Masters in the same subjects. Mr. Soltis returned to La Salle, where he hoped to imitate teachers like Brother James Joost, who inspired him as a student. He admits that coming “home” to La Salle was a little awkward – there was that “first name” thing with those who had taught him just a few years earlier; but he found his niche and soon took on a variety of activities – coaching cross country track, moderating the Literary Magazine and Cultural Awareness – that he had sidestepped as a teenager. His skill in and out of the classroom earned him an invitation to serve on the School’s all-important Admissions Committee as well as a stint as See THE LISTS Chair of the English Faculty. OF ACADEMIC Mr. Soltis speaks with great AWARDSt That pride about his colleagues in the English Follow the Department – noting their emphasis on Newsletter writing and the “big picture” when it comes Online to student learning. He also acknowledges the most enjoyable part of teaching – for him – is making sure he is learning to stay ahead of the students – especially when it comes to the task of literary analysis. He is equally proud to describe the unchanging aspects of his alma mater: the attempt to be accessible to all students and its caring and compassionate environment. What does he see in today’s La Salle students? Teenagers who, despite their pretense otherwise, care about their school. When pressed to say what he hopes students see in him; Mr. Soltis turns red, looks away and almost whispers: that I care about them. Please join me in acknowledging this year’s well deserving recipient of the Brother T. Mel Anderson Alumni Award for Excellence in Academics. PAGE 21
From the Office of Institutional Advancement
Tax and Financial Issues for a New Year PLANNED GIFTS MAKE GOOD TAX SENSE
The holiday and college football seasons are now behind us, school is back in session, and 2012 arrives with ongoing uncertainty and concern about domestic and global economic and financial matters. This is also an election year, so there will be more than the usual banter about finances on a micro and macro level. The start of a new year also brings with it the onset of tax return preparation. Though there was not as much tax legislation passed in 2011 as in prior years, the feds and the state increased a lot of compliance issues for tax return disclosures. Suffice it to say that “tax simplification” has not yet taken effect.
Planned Giving Opportunities Meeting with one’s tax advisor is a great opportunity to address the advantages and propriety of a Planned Gift to a charity such as La Salle. A Planned Gift differs from a traditional cash gift in that there are potential benefits to the donor in addition to a tax deduction. Such benefits would include the avoidance of certain capital gains taxes, an income stream for life, a deferred interest in real estate, a conversion of taxable income to a combination of tax free and taxable income at rates higher than available through typical bank interest and CD rates. With interest rates at all time lows, a Charitable Gift Annuity offers a great opportunity to receive rates of return well in excess of prevailing CD rates as well as a tax favored payment to the donee. Naming La Salle High School in one’s will and/or trust is also an effective planned gift. It is likely that we will be in touch with our tax and financial advisors over the next few months. An effective planned gift requires input from one’s tax, financial and perhaps legal advisor. As such, addressing Planned Giving opportunities would be appropriate at this time of year.
In Summary The consideration of any charitable
donation or Planned Gift requires the input from one’s financial and tax advisor(s). This needs to be done in the context of one’s overall financial, estate and succession planning. La Salle High School can provide more information, both generically and specifically, regarding the benefits available through Planned Giving. For more information, please contact Jon Keates, Director of Institutional Advancement at 626.696.4344. PAGE 22
From the Academic Boosters
PARENTS: Thank you to all who have signed up for volunteer hours on the website! For those who have not, here is how to do it: Go to the La Salle Website. Click on “Parents” at the top of the screen. Click on “PA volunteer website” on the left side of the screen. Click on “member log in.” Enter your user name, this is your firstname_lastname (lower case). Your password is your last name (lower case). Once you are in the La Salle Parent website you can click on the «calendar» at the top of the screen. Now you can look through the calendar year and click on the events that you are interested in volunteering for. Please check to see how many volunteers are needed, and how many have already signed up.
DATE 3/10/12 3/21/12 5/15/12 5/24/12 5/25/12
Registration & Freshman Pledge College Night Academic Awards Night Baccalaureate Mass & Reception Commencement Exercises
7:30 AM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM
HOURS* 5 3 4 4 3
Check the next newsletter for dates, times and volunteers needed for Used Uniform Sales. *Start time and number of service hours is approximate. Volunteers will be advised of exact start time prior to the event. Credit will be based on actual hours served.
Janet Klich
Volunteer Coordinators: Ellen Hoffman
Diane Taylor
Cookies are needed for most of these events. Earn one service hour for each two dozen HOME-BAKED cookies. Please sign up on the calendar where you see “Cookie Club,” or contact Elena Tran at PAGE 23
ETASTY TASTY ParentNewsletter
A (Groucho) Marxist Parody of Hamlet
On the heels of their successful production Shakespeare’s comedy “Twelfth Night,” our students will, once again, enter Bard-inspired madcap territory, under the direction of Jude Lucas, chairperson of the Visual and Performing Arts Department. For the Winter drama production opening February 25th at 7:00pm, the students will perform Richard Nathan’s “A Night in Elsinore,” which is described as Hamlet played by the Marx Brothers, a hilarious send up in the style of early comedy films of the Marx Brothers, Three Stooges and Laurel and Hardy. Talk about suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous — mayhem and misfortune; “A Night in Elsinore” is a witty parody of Hamlet - full of puns and slapstick. "Most of the text and action of the play remains intact, but is considerably spiced up. This version may hold some people's attention better than the more serious version by Shakespeare,” said Director Lucas. Leading the cast, Adam Riancho will play the role of Hamlet to Nico Garcia Corona’s King, Alyssa Breda’s Queen, Chris Tse’s Polonius, and Patrick Lownes-Santos’ Laertes. Madison Corwin and Tesia Mesa will alternate in the role of Ophelia. Sophie Nelson’s Ghost will haunt the trio of guardsmen played by Brittney Alvarez as Bernardo, Luke Bolle as Francisco and Tomas Dakan as Horatio. Rosencranz and Guildenstern will be played by Connor Duffey and Johnny Consiglio. Liam Doyle, Maddie Pefferle and Angus McKay will portray the three players in the play-within-the-play. Join the students of the Theatre Department as they “By indirections find directions out.” Wm. Shakespeare, HAMLET, 2.1 Performance dates are February 25th at 8:00pm, February 26th at 2:00 and 7:00pm, March 2nd and 3rd at 7:00pm, and closing on March 4th at 2:00pm. Ticket prices are $9.00 for students and $12.00 general admission. Call the La Salle Box Office 626.696.4415 for reservations.
Support Your LANCERS
If not Registered to Support La Salle PLEASE REGISTER NOW If every Parent registered their market cards, the School would make tons of money…so register today and get all your friends and family to register too! Be sure you are signed up at Vons, Ralphs and Albertsons. (As well as credit cards ~ Macy’s no longer is a participant). • To register for VONS, go to • To register Ralphs Rewards cards, go to • To register at Albertsons go to
Our School ID is: 139428998 or type in La Salle High School. If you need help please email Craig Snodgrass at or call him at 626.688.6523
Join La Salle’s
A current La Salle family recently made a $100,000 matching grant to La Salle High School to support hardware upgrades, enhance our technology infrastructure, and support the Lancer Robotics program. The family has offered a two for one dollar match; that is, for every two dollars La Salle raises between now and June 30, 2012 to build and improve upon its technologic platform, the family will in turn provide a matching dollar.
Here is your chance to have your gift make an even bigger difference to La Salle While the threshold for matching funds is $1,000, any gift you choose to make to the La Salle Technology Fund will be appreciated, and will help build digital literacy at our School. Remember, your corporate matching gift also counts toward the the La Salle Technology Match Campaign. The goal of the Technology Match Campaign is to raise at least $300,000 to build upon the excellence of a La Salle education through technologic improvement and innovation. PAGE 25
The Obsequious Observer By John Blackstock, The Editor
Names in the News
Goalie Cassidy Rey, has verbally committed to the University of Denver, to play Division 1 soccer. Lancer Baseball will be honoring Pat Bonacci at our League Opener on March 20 vs. St. Monica High School. Pat will throw out the first pitch. Kevin Chan '12 was selected as one of the 15 semifinalists in the classical instrumental category for the 2012 Music Center Spotlight Awards. As a semifinalist, Kevin will receive opportunities to attend special master classes with highly regarded professional artists etc. Last November, the Catholic Committee for Girl Scouts had their 53rd Marian Award Ceremony at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles. Sarah Andrea Veliz was awarded the highest honor given to a scout, The Spirit Alive, which took about a year to complete. Andie, as she is known to her friends, has been a Girl Scout for almost 12 years. (At right between classmates, Colleen McWilliams and Andrew Crabtree). During that time, she has earned several Catholic awards such as The Family of God (earned in the 2nd grade), I Live My Faith (4th grade), the Marian (8th grade), the Father Junipero Serra Award, as well as the Gold Award. After working on several service projects, Andie has not only helped her community, but also deepened her relationship with her faith. The leadership of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in the USA - Toronto Region has given its full support for the promotion and protection of the rights of children with the signing of a statement advocating and committing themselves to helping children achieve their full human dignity. The public signing was held on November 19, 2011 before a national gathering of over 250 Lasallian educators in Washington, DC. The signing is shown at left with Bro. Timothy Coldwell, Provincial, New OrleansSanta Fe District; Bro. Dennis Malloy, Provincial, District of Eastern North America; Bro. Larry Schatz, Provincial, Midwest District; and Bro. Robert Schieler, General Councilor. Not in the photo, Bro. Donald Johanson, Provincial, San Francisco District. The Defense of the Rights of Children has become a focus of the Lasallian Mission since the turn of the 21st century with the release of the Pastoral Letter from Superior General, Bro. John Johnston, FSC, to the Brothers and to all members of the Lasallian Family in 1999. A year later, the delegates to the 43rd General Chapter of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools overwhelming endorsed this initiative. Since that time, there have been educational and formation events promoting the Defense of the Rights of the Child in the United States-Toronto Region, culminating in the April 2010 Lasallian Convocation at the United Nations. See the signed document in the online Flyers attachment.
La Salle High School Alumni Association invites you to
Featuring Over
25 Eateries and Beverage Companies
Saturday, March 24, 2012 6:30pm-9:00pm
La Salle High School Dining Pavilion & Atrium Tickets are $30 in advance or $40 at the door Register online at or contact the Alumni Office at 626.696.4362 or
Check your School calendar for all event times and dates
February Highlights
January 30 -February 3 Catholic Schools Week
February 1 Special Schedule Teen Issues Day Parent Education Series 7:00pm Dining Hall February 3 Financial Aid Applications Due to PSAS/LSHS February 7 Boosters Board Meetings 6:30pm on Campus Parents Association Meeting 7:45pm Blakeslee Library February 8 Cultural Assembly Music of the Middle East 9:15pm Dining Hall February 12 Sunday San Miguel Gift Gathering Party Gifts from the Heart 4:00pm Arcadia (See page 2) February 13 Parents of Spring Athletes Meeting with Athletic Director 6:00pm Dining Hall February 14 Valentine’s Day
February 16 Special Schedule Dismissal 12:15pm Parent Teacher Conferences 12:30 - 2:00pm and 4:30 - 6:00pm February 20 No School Presidents’ Holiday February 22 Liturgy Schedule Ash Wednesday 9:15pm Dining Hall February 23 Café Bibliothèque 2:30pm Blakeslee Library
See ALL The Flyers that Follow the Newsletter Online
February 24 - March 3 Winter Drama weekends 2:00pm and 7:00pm (See pge 24) Linda M. Grinstead Theatre March 7 Rally Schedule Spring Sports 1:50pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium March 10 Saturday Registration for the Class of 2016 Various Campus Locations March 14 Mandatory Meeting for All Parents of La Salle Athletes Special Presentation and Guest Speaker. See Page 10 7:00pm Dining Hall March 16 Spring Dance
La Salle apparel for men, women and children is available for purchase online including reusable shopping bags, totes, sweatshirts, hoodies, polos, t-shirts, fleece, hats and more! Orders are available for delivery or pick up at La Salle.