February 2020 Parent Newsletter

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La Salle Parent Newsletter For Parents and Friends of La Salle College Preparatory • Pasadena • California February 2020

Principal Ideas Hello! We have already finished one full month of the year and are headed into February.

Courtney R. Kassakhian Principal

The new year and new semester got off to a very eventful start here at La Salle. Winter sports were in full throttle in January with our boys and girls basketball, boys and girls soccer and girls water polo teams all entering league play. Our speech and debate team participated in five tournaments over three weekends and robotics competed in one. We also hosted our annual junior high speech and debate tournament and held our first senior retreat. And all that is just a part of what was keeping our students, faculty, and staff busy this past month. On January 21 we had our Academic Awards Assembly where we honored 211 students for achieving a first semester GPA of 4.0 or higher and acknowledged 31 students with the Academic Achievement Awards in recognition of their improving their GPA by 0.5 from the previous semester. We also inducted 47 students into the National Honor Society and 43 students into the California Scholarship Federation.

Reflection Prayer St. John Baptist de La Salle

"Inspire and lead others by encouraging them. - St. John Baptist de La Salle on Teaching

The Awards Assembly was also our opportunity to present the Bob Alcorn Scholarship in Humanities and the Bob Thomas Scholarship in Math and Science. Named after highly regarded members of the La Salle faculty during the decade of the sixties, these awards are presented each year to junior students and include a $1,000 scholarship to be applied to their senior year tuition. This year the Bob Alcorn Scholarship in Humanities was awarded to Ailani Sato-Lim and the Bob Thomas Scholarship in Math and Science was awarded to William Liu. Congratulations to these two outstanding students on their achievements. We ended the month celebrating Catholic Schools Week. The national theme for the week was “Learn. Serve.


February 2020 Lead. Succeed.� Sounds very familiar to us Lasallians. Per our tradition at La Salle, all of our students, faculty and staff participated in one of four service days throughout the week at 12 different service sites across the Pasadena and Los Angeles. Organizing service sites and transportation to and from service sites for over 700 people over four days is an incredible undertaking, so I definitely want to shout out Ms. Frisina, our service coordinator, and the students on the student life service team for all of the work they put into organizing this week. I truly believe our approach to service sets us apart from any other school in the area and I am so proud that serving others is how we celebrate Catholic Schools Week. As I said, February will be busy here at La Salle, and part of that busy-ness will center around the course scheduling process. The 2020-2021 course catalogue has been published on our website; you can find it under the Academics tab. The course catalogue has all the information you and your student need in order to select courses for the upcoming school year, including prerequisites for honors and AP classes. These prerequisites are in place with the intention of setting students up for success. Additionally, some courses do require placement tests. Students will be informed of dates and times for placement exams via daily announcements. Information will also go out in the weekly emails to parents. I encourage you to look through the course catalogue carefully and especially pay attention to new course offerings. This year new courses include Advanced Photography, AP Music Theory, Exploring Social Justice Issues through Cinema, and Technical Drafting Using AutoCAD. As always, courses that actually run will depend on student interest, so it is important students think seriously of not only their first choices, but also their second choices as they fill out course request forms. In order to demystify the course selection process to parents new or newer to La Salle, we will have a Freshman and Sophomore parent meeting on February 5th at 6:30 p.m.in the Dining Hall. Thank you to the many parents of Juniors and Seniors who attended the January meetings discussing topics of importance for those grade levels. The meetings were packed! We hope to have a similar turnout from our freshman and sophomore parents on February 5. As far as the students receiving information about the scheduling process, juniors will receive their course request forms on February 4; sophomores and freshmen will receive them on February 6. They should use these forms to help prepare them to input their course requests into PowerSchool Unified Classroom by February 28. Each student will meet with their academic advisor individually to review their course selections and make sure they are meeting all college and graduation requirements. Lastly, although we have just begun the second semester, we are well into planning the 2020-2021 school year. Our summer advancement and remediation classes will be June 8 – July 17. The first day of school for the 2020-2021 school year will be Monday, August


February 2020 17. The first semester will end on Friday, December 18 and the second semester will begin on Tuesday, January 5. The last day of school for all students will be Thursday, May 27 and graduation will take place on May 28. Please keep these dates in mind as you plan any vacations or trips for the upcoming year. Additionally, if you have any younger children, we are giving our summer enrichment programs a makeover for summer 2020 and are excited about the programs we will have on campus for students entering grades 1-8. Please check out www.lasallehs. org/summer2020 for information about La Salle’s Summer STEAM Academy, Youth Sports Camp and Junior High Athletic Clinics. I hope all of you have a wonderful February. Sincerely, Courtney Kassakhian

Save the Date! GRANDPARENT'S DAY APRIL 8,2020


February 2020

La Salle Matters

Patrick Bonacci, AFSC, P'94,'97 Acting President


Our second semester is already well underway for both our students and faculty. It always amazes me how little time it takes for everyone to get back to the routine and rigor of one’s normal academic and co-curricular activities following the Christmas Break. Our seniors are talking about college choices and the beginning of a new normal, one that does not include high school and possibly does not include living at home. Over the next few months, the eagerness for that new normal for them is an exciting and highly anticipated event; but as I have seen year after year, come April and May, it becomes less eagerness and more trepidation. So, parents of seniors, I warn you to holdon-for-your-life for your senior parent roller-coaster ride is far from over and I urge you to buckle up for the ride. My good news for you is - you will survive it! In early Fall, I wrote and told you that I would provide you with more details regarding the search process for La Salle’s permanent President. Beginning in late December, the members of the Search Committee began receiving applicant’s resumes and profiles from our search firm, Education Directions. In mid-January, the Search Committee came together and from these exceptional resumes, selected six applicants to move to the semi-finalist stage of the search process. These six candidates subsequently arrived in Pasadena and met in person with the Committee during the third week of January. Each one of these candidates more than met all of the pre-determined requirements and possessed the professional experience, background, proven skill sets, leadership skills and Catholic faith requirements that we, as a school community, indicated we wanted in our next President. If you wish to review the prospective that our community developed those months ago, I encourage you to go to our website where you can review the various documents and statements that we have been posting in the President Search section. The document you received in the Fall that listed the members of the Search Committee is also in that section. We are now, praise God, in the home stretch of this process. The Search Committee in late January selected three candidates as “Finalists”. These three very talented Catholic

February 2020

educators will be individually presented to our full school community during the first two weeks of February. At the January Parent Association meeting, I gave out the schedule for the opportunities for our parent community to meet each of these finalist, and I am including it at the end of this article for your use. I sincerely urge you to attend a session with each of these finalist. In that way you can make your own informed determination regarding which candidate is the best fit for our Community. The name of each finalist will be made know to you prior to the meeting day. Moreover, following your personal assessment of each candidate, you can submit your thoughts and choice to the Search Committee members via a confidential online survey. You will receive the login information for this survey in February. Students, faculty, staff and Board members will also be meeting and interviewing each of the candidates and they will submit their comments via the same online survey. Following a very thorough and complete review of the survey comments and a detailed review of all references and credentials, the Search Committee will select one finalist to recommend to the Board of Trustees by mid-February. It is the members of the Board of Trustees who have the vital and crucial responsibility, as granted to them under the provisions of the school’s Bylaws, to make the final determination regarding which candidate to submit to the members of the Lasallian Education Corporation (LEC) to approve. As you know, La Salle College Preparatory is a Lasallian School under the authority and guidance of the De La Salle Christian Brother’s District of San Francisco New Orleans. The person our Board selects to be the President of La Salle must receive final approval from LEC. It is my hope that a public announcement regarding the individual selected to be the President will occur by early March 2020. Thank you for taking an active and conscientious role by providing direction and guidance to those tasked with leading this search process. Below is the schedule of the February interview days/times for you to meet the three finalists: Finalist #1: Monday, February 3, 2020 at 6:30pm in the Blakeslee Learning Commons Finalist #2: Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 6:30pm in the Blakeslee Learning Commons Finalist #3: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 6:30pm in the Blakeslee Learning Commons (Note: On February 11, the monthly Parent Association Meeting will be held from 6:00pm to 6:30pm and the monthly Booster Group Meetings will begin at 7:30pm following the interview time with Finalist #3)


February 2020


February 2020

Crystal Ball Holiday Party On Friday, December 6, 2019, La Salle College Preparatory parents and members of the school staff gathered at the home of Jason and Heather Young, P'14, '17, '21 for a fun holiday party. This get together is one of three gift gathering parties that lead up to the annual Crystal Ball, La Salle's largest fundraising event that will be held on May 8.


February 2020

Parent Association Report

Jacky Samartin, P'15,'19,'21 Parent Association President

I wanted to get this out before the holidays, but so much time got away from me. First off, I want to thank all of our parents who stepped up and volunteered first semester. I have never been more impressed in the 10 years I have been at La Salle with the amount and quality of volunteer spirit. I have a heartfelt “Thank You” . You make all of our jobs easier. It was amazing that every event was covered and the food you brought in was amazing. The last week before Christmas break, we had Faculty Appreciation and Adopt-A-Family. I could not believe all of the food that came in for Faculty Appreciation! A big thank you to Angela Bohamec for organizing in the midst of caring for her mother. She held my hand and carried me every step of the way. So very grateful for all of her dedication. We had wonderful parent volunteers that day and the faculty and staff were so grateful for everything. Saturday the 14th of December we had around 165 children and parents come for Adopt-A-Family. This is one of my favorite events that we do here at our school. It is a collaboration between the Student Council, Alumni Association, and the Parent Association. It went off without a hitch. I love every year seeing our students so graciously navigate the day of crafts, lunch, dance program, bingo, and gift giving. We have such amazing students. Many thanks to Itchelle Mata for doing an amazing job chairing and all of our parent volunteers. So many people ask me why I volunteer so much. I partly do this willingly because I am forever grateful for this wonderful school we send our children to. The other part is very deeply personal but it is time for me to come out of the dark. About 20 years ago, I went temporarily blind in my right eye and was diagnosed with MS. It has been a very scary time for me, but I always push forward. It changed my life but did not change my heart. I don’t

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February 2020

know how long I will feel good so I push forward and work hard while I can. All I do know is that my children will never say I didn’t always try. At La Salle, we teach our students to “Learn, serve, and lead” They can only learn from the example we show them through our actions. With this being said, we are starting to form our Parent Board and committees for next year. We have many opportunities for you to get involved as much or as little as you can, but please get involved. We are also forming an exploratory committee to start a La Salle Mother’s Guild. We currently have the Mothers of Alumni, but I have found many inquiring why we have to wait until graduation to be together as a group. Please email me if you are interested in participating in this. We also are forming Ambassador families. These 20 families will work together with our PALS organization in stewarding our Freshman and transfer families throughout yearly school activities. We are hoping to make each family’s transition to our La Salle family easier and more welcoming. Again, if your family is interested, please contact me via email. Our February Parent Association meeting will be focusing on the President’s search. We will have the honored opportunity to have one of the final candidates at our meeting for a presentation and Q&A session. Like last month, we are moving our meeting up to 6pm to allow enough time. A lite dinner will be served and at 7:30 all three booster groups will meet. Please plan to join us Tuesday, February 11 at 6pm in the BLC. As I finish writing this today on the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, I am reminded by his quote “Everybody can be great… because anybody can serve... you only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” Happy New Year my friends and all of God’s blessings to you and your families. Jacky Samartin P’15, P’19, P’21 2019-2020 Parent Association President


February 2020

Passion for the Program Boys Basketball Coach Mike Lynch won his 600th game on Saturday, January 25, 2020, when the Lancers claimed their victory against Bellflower (90-50). With over 25 years of experience, five of which are at La Salle, Coach Lynch has taken the sport and turned it into a program that encourages student-athletes to reach their full potential. “600 wins is a personal victory, but it is the exceptional young men and their eagerness and passion to play that got me here,” noted Coach Lynch. “This milestone belongs to La Salle and the Lancer community.” Coach Lynch’s formula for success relies heavily on love and faith. He asks that his athletes be selfless on the court and work together as one unit. Establishing trust between coach and player is an important piece to this. To create that, Lynch has made himself present on campus during the school day, saying hi to students in the hallways and fist bumping them when they do a job well done. He wants them to know that he is there for them and will do what it takes to help them achieve their dreams - beyond high school and basketball. However, they also have to be willing to do the hard work that gets them there. In his time at La Salle, Lynch has put in the work to build a phenomenal basketball program from the ground up. The student-athletes are asked to participate in an exhibition rather than a tryout in order to showcase their talents and be placed on the proper team. This small change in culture allows them the ability to grow and really harness their skills so that if they do not make the varsity team this season, there can be an opportunity to do that in the future. As a result, Lynch has seen growth in numbers of those interested in playing, as well as passion and dedication to the sport. In the past five years, this program has enabled eight student-athletes to play college basketball, and of them, four received full athletic scholarships. These eight young men include Christian Little ’16, Tomas Auruskevicius ’17, Jaice Gardner ’17, Tyrese Lee ’17, Darius Henderson ’18, Ethan Henry ’18, Daniel Gonzalez ’19, and Kenneth Franklin, Jr. ’19. Lynch has high hopes for the future of La Salle’s basketball program. Most importantly, he hopes to continue helping student-athletes discover their passions and achieve their goals.


February 2020

Baseball Retires Garcia's 23 On January 4, the La Salle Baseball team started off the New Year at Arcadia County Park for the annual Alumni Game. Prior to the first pitch, Baseball Coach, Harry Agajanian, made a special presentation to former player Ryan Garcia '16 and retired his jersey number. Ryan was a three year Varsity Baseball player at La Salle and signed to play for the UCLA Bruins. During his career at UCLA, he posted a 20-2 record, 2.11 ERA, and 206 strikeouts over 183 innings and had the seventh-best career ERA in program history (2.11). Ryan was selected in the second round (No. 50 overall) of the 2019 MLB First Year Player Draft by the Texas Rangers.

Lasallian Connections CJ Rettig ’19 attends William Penn University and plays Volleyball. In a game against Graceland University, CJ met Matt Romero, who attended Cathedral High School, a Lasallian school in our district.



February 2020

College Center News College Counselors Tam Ly, Owen Hou '90, P'21, Marcia Yu P'21

Seniors – Class of 2020 Transcripts with first semester senior grades were submitted to colleges on the Common Application. Other colleges may contact students requesting their 1st semester senior grades. If so, please contact your college counselor and we will send your transcripts as requested.

Coffee with Counselors is on February 20.

Admissions Results Students, please update Naviance / My Colleges with your application results (acceptances, waitlists, and denials) as soon as you receive them. Scholarship Applications If you are interested in applying for private scholarships, this is the time to do so. Numerous private organizations (Elks, Kiwanis, Rotary, etc.) and companies (Target, Wal-Mart, JC Penney, Edison, Best Buy, etc.) offer scholarships. Please check your email regularly for scholarship opportunities and also the bulletin board outside the college center. Colleges you apply to may automatically consider you for some scholarships but for others, you will need to apply directly so check the scholarship section in their websites. You may also check Naviance under ‘Scholarship List’, www.fastweb. com, and other scholarship websites. Please note that there are plenty of scholarship scams out there. Do not pay any money, provide banking information, or disclose your social security number. Juniors - Class of 2021 Thank you to the students who have completed the College Planning Survey for Juniors on Naviance by the January 31st deadline. These students have already met or will soon meet with their college counselors. In that meeting, students receive an Initial College Planning Report, which includes a list of prospective colleges they can start researching. Those who have not submitted the survey yet, please do so as soon as possible. Appointments are scheduled in the order that the survey is received and the sooner we meet with students the better.


February 2020

Advanced Placement (AP) Exams The AP exams will take place during the period of May 4th to May 15th. Students taking AP courses have the opportunity to demonstrate their readiness for college level work. They may also earn college credits for AP courses successfully completed in high school. As noted in the La Salle Catalog, students enrolled in AP courses are required to take the AP Exam at the end of the semester. The exam fee is $94.00 per course and will be added to the student’s tuition in March. Detailed information will be provided to the students during classroom visits. If you have any questions after reviewing all the information, please contact Ms. Collette Salvatierra, AP Coordinator. Summer Programs While there are still quite a few months until summer, it will be here before you know it. Now is the time to start thinking about possible summer programs because many have application deadlines in the next few weeks. Many college representatives speak about the importance of attending a summer program where a student can learn more about an area of interest or an academic discipline. Working or attending an internship are also very good ways to demonstrate initiative. The Westridge School Summer Opportunities Fair (on Saturday, February 1st, from 10:00 to 3:00PM). The Summer Program Finder ( http://summerprogramfinder.com) and Teen Life (www. teenlife.com) are three good places to start your research. San Diego College Tour On February 21st we will be visiting UC San Diego, University of San Diego and the San Diego State University. Please make sure that your registered student arrives at La Salle at 6:00 AM for a prompt departure. This tour is already fully booked. Bay Area College Tour The Bay Area College Tour registration is now closed as all the spots have been filled. For those registered for the tour, please save the date on your calendar for the mandatory pre-departure meeting on February 26th from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the Dining Hall at La Salle, where we will cover all the relevant information about the trip and finalize rooming assignments. All students attending the tour are required to attend the meeting with at least one parent/guardian. For those who placed a $180.00 deposit, the balance of $180.00 is also due on February 26th. February 8th ACT for all Juniors Reminder: All juniors are required and registered to take the ACT on Saturday, February 9 at La Salle. All juniors MUST bring the following: 1. Registration Ticket (students print out their ACT Registration Ticket from their actstudent.org account). 2. Student ID or Driver’s Licence 3. #2 pencils


February 2020 4. Approved calculator (their Calculator Policy can be found at http://www.act.org/content/dam/act/ unsecured/documents/ACT-calculator-policy.pdf) 5. Snack (almonds are considered brain food!) Students are expected to finish around 1:30pm and students with extended time are expected to finish around 2:30pm. Please remind your student to get plenty of sleep prior to the test and eat breakfast the morning of the test, to give them energy for the 4+ hour exam.

All Juniors will be taking the ACT on February 8.

SAVE the DATE – College Fair & Forum for Freshman, Sophomore & Junior Families La Salle’s College Fair & Forum will be held on Wednesday, April 1st, from 5:30 to 8:00pm. This is our largest college-planning event of the year for 9th to 11th grade students and their parents. Over 25 colleges will be represented in our College Fair. Additionally, representatives from over a dozen colleges/organizations will be speaking on various college-related topics. The College Forum is a great opportunity for students to learn about the college admission process and how to research and identify the right fit college for them. The following were the presentation topics from the 2019 College Fair & Forum. While a majority of presentations will stay the same, some presentations will be different. Please advise if there are any specific topics you would like to see presented. • Getting In: Tips for Admission to Highly Selective Colleges • Dollars & Sense: Understanding Need and Merit-based Financial Aid • Getting a Liberal Arts Education on a State School Budget • Studying the Physical Sciences and Engineering • Parent Panel: Advice from Veteran Parents • Making the Moment Count: College Visits! • From Stress to Success: Finding the Perfect College and How to Pay for It! • Understanding the Business Major • Getting a Liberal Arts Education on a State School Budget • ROTC and Service Academies • Western Undergraduate Program (WUE) and Other Scholarships • Understanding UC and Cal State Admissions


February 2020 • • • • • • • • •

The NCAA, the Student Athlete, and Admission Preparing for Health Related Careers The Arts: Application Process, Auditions and Portfolios College Quickstart: Naviance Overview The “Undecided” Major Enrollment Management 101 College Admissions from the Colleges’ Point of View Standardized Testing Overview Successful Transition to College for Students with Learning Differences

More detailed information will be published in the March newsletter. Mock SAT Revolution Prep is hosting a SAT Practice Test on campus: February 29 Time: 9 am to 1 pm Cost: $20 What to bring: Calculator, pencils, water, and a snack Students can score their exams before they leave with the Revolution Prep phone app, so do have them bring a smartphone if possible. To register: Use this link - https://www.revolutionprep.com/partners/2/ Questions or to schedule a free score report review, contact Jean Stroud, Revolution Prep Academic Advisor, at 818-217-0951 or jean.stroud@revolutionprep.com. Note: The practice tests are intended for juniors to prepare for upcoming official ACT/SAT exams but are open to interested sophomores. Coffee with the Counselors All parents/guardians are invited to attend our quarterly Coffee with the Counselors taking place in the Blakeslee Learning Commons (BLC) on Thursday, February 20th from 7:45 to 8:30 am. This is an informal gathering over coffee and light refreshments. Counselors will be there to provide updates with what is happening at each grade level, provide information on various topics, and answer any questions you may have. Feel free to drop in and say hello. Parking is available in the upper lot or the Sierra Madre Methodist parking lot. We look forward to seeing you there!


February 2020

Catholic School's Week This year, Catholic School's Week took place during the last week of January. Every day throughout the week, each grade went out to a different service site in the greater Los Angeles area. On campus, students rocked different themed attire, such as cozy clothes and athletic apparel. At lunch, student life put together various activities. The week wrapped up with a short prayer service and reflection of the past week. For more photos, visit our Flickr page!


February 2020


February 2020


February 2020

Planned Giving and Income Tax Season Through the Planned Giving program at La Salle College Preparatory, donors and supporters can contribute to the School’s endowment through one of many Planned Giving Instruments. The start of the new year brings with it the oft-dreaded tax return filing season. But this also provides an opportunity to consider one’s financial support of our School. A year ago we were faced with major changes in the federal tax legislation and uncertainties as to how the new tax structure would affect us and our overall financial position. One thing that we took away from these changes is that the tax and financial benefits of philanthropy were maintained and enhanced despite some early concerns to the contrary. There are still many ways to support our School financially in a tax favored manner to the donor. Remember that tax planning and financially supporting La Salle is not restricted to end of year transactions. In fact, such support can be more effective and strategic at this time of year when we spend extra time addressing tax and financial matters. Planned Gifts that are the most common in the work of Planned Giving include the following. The donation of appreciated securities (held over a year) (1) avoids capital gains tax, and (2) creates a tax deduction for the full value of the securities donated. These strategies have not changed under the new tax law. And though this is typically an end of year strategy, the continued gains in the stock market make it an opportune time to consider such a gift. This same strategy applies to appreciated real estate held over one year. Donor’s over 70 ½ can directly transfer up to $100,000 of one’s IRA to La Salle. Under the 2017 legislation, many taxpayers will no longer be itemizing deductions, and this strategy allows the donor to avoid all income tax on the IRA withdrawal while still supporting our School. Naming La Salle as a beneficiary of one’s will, trust, estate, and/or life insurance policy allows the maintenance of his or her assets during life (in case of unexpected costs) and still provide support to our School. Consultation with one’s tax and financial advisor(s) is suggested as part of the consideration of a Planned Gift, particularly with the continued impact of the federal tax legislation that has been in effect for only slightly over two years. These are some of the common examples of a Planned Gift to be considered. Evaluating these at a time when finances and taxes are being addressed with one’s advisor(s) can lead to more effective giving. Please review the Planned Giving articles in future publications of both the Parent Newsletter and Lancer Magazine for ongoing updates in the Planned Giving Program. IN SUMMARY La Salle College Preparatory can provide more information, both generically and specifically, regarding the benefits available through Planned Giving. For more information, please contact Jon Keates, the Major Gifts Consultant at (626) 696-4344.


February 2020

Senior Tribute Ads Senior Parents You should have recently received a packet in the mail with the Centurion 2020 Senior Tribute layouts and order form. If you cannot locate this packet please see the La Salle website. A senior Tribute is a wonderful way to add to the memories of La Salle and honor your student. Please send your information to yearbook moderator, John Blackstock at jblackstock@lasallehs.org.

Lancer Armory The Lancer Armory is your one stop shop for Lancer Gear! Fully stocked with La Salle t-shirts, mugs, tumblers, sweatpants, polos, and hoodies - you'll be sure to find what you need! Questions? Contact Sonya Froio at sfroio@lasallehs.org or call 626.696.4336


Amazon Wishlist Plans for the 2020 Crystal Ball are well underway! The Crystal Ball committee is working on every detail to make this an event to remember! With that said, we know it doesn't happen without team work and we need your help! You can contribute by donating items from our Amazon Wish List and earn credit toward your parent hours at the same time. It's quick, easy and fun! To see our 2020 Crystal Ball Wish, please visit www.lasallehs.org/crystalball

February 2020




Altadena Town & Country • Craft Beer Cellar Eagle Rock • Dinastia Real Tequila Domenico’s Italian Restaurant • Dulce Amagura Tequila • Dulce Vida Tequila El Cholo Pasadena • El Portal • Elements Restaurant at DoubleTree Monrovia Fantasy Frostings • Fosselman’s Ice Cream Co. • Johansing Farms • Jones Coffee Roaster Kieu Hoang Winery • Mt. Lowe Brewery • Nothing Bundt Cakes Pasadena Sandwich Company • Patticakes Bakery & Coffee House • RT Rogers Brewing Co. San Antonio Winery • Sierra Fusion • Sierra Madre Provisions • The Derby Wooler Brands Inc. • Ginny’s Gin and Howler Head Banana Bourbon • AND MANY MORE! Sponsorships, Underwriting Opportunities and Event Tickets are available online at

www.LancerNetwork.com/Taste2020 Buy your Opportunity Drawing tickets NOW for a chance to win a fabulous prize like “Eat Out for a Year” featuring Gift Cards to local eateries • Pampering

Stays at the Langham Huntington Hotel & Spa • “Stock Your Bar” featuring premium libations • Work it Off Fitness Package • Trader Joe’s Ultimate Gift Basket • Weekend Getaways and Local Staycations • AND MANY MORE! Opportunity Drawing tickets are discounted between now and February 29 - 2 for $10, 10 for $25, 25 for $50, 60 for $100. Winners will be drawn at the event and do not need to be present to win.



February 2020

February Highlights February 3 Current/Alumni Parents & Alumni Meeting with President Finalist 1 6:30-7:30pm Blakeslee Learning Commons February 5 Freshmen/Sophomore Parent Reception 6:30-8:00pm Dining Hall February 6 Current/Alumni Parents & Alumni Meeting with President Finalist 2 6:30-7:30pm Blakeslee Learning Commons February 9 Gifts from the Heart San Miguel Scholarship Social 6:00-8:00pm Arcadia February 10 Late Start Schedule February 11 Parent Association Meeting 6:00-6:30pm Blakeslee Learning Commons

February 11 (Continued) Current/Alumni Parents & Alumni Meeting with President Finalist 3 6:30-7:30pm Blakeslee Learning Commons Parent Boosters 7:30-8:30pm Campus Locations February 14 Valentine's Day February 17 President's Day - No School February 19 Assembly Schedule Blood Drive 8:00am-3:00pm Duffy Lewis Gymnasium February 21 12:30pm Dismissal February 26 Liturgy Schedule Ash Wednesday



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