June/July 2012 Parent Newsletter

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ParentNewsletter The La Salle


Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead

During our recent Founder’s Day Liturgy, we honored four students for their unique contributions to Saint La Salle’s spirit of service for those in need within our greater community: Taylor Brennan, Emma Martinez, Christina Weisbruch, and Sheyda Pejoumand (See photos on page 2). We also honored three other members of our school community with the "Well Done!" Award for service to our school community: Tim Stanton, maintenance and engineering, and seniors Matthew Seidner and Kimberlyn Kelly. Saint La Salle, ove r 3 0 0 ye a r s a g o , founded the educational ministr y that would eventually form our own Lasallian Community in Pasadena. We are still animated today by the wisdom and spirit of Saint La Salle and by the zeal of the Christian Brothers and the lay partners who, in association, follow in Saint La Salle’s path. At the core of the legacy of Saint La Salle is the firm commitment to service for the poor and those most in need within our local and greater communities. These students honored for their service inspire all of us by their faithfulness to the spirit and legacy of Saint La Salle. I also deeply thank our full student

body, the faculty and staff who together performed thousands of hours of service at various venues all over the County during our Founder’s Week service days. La Salle High School is at its very best when we witness our commitment to the values of service and caring.

Textbook “Swap Meet” I remind parents and students that the used textbook “swap meet” will take place on June 22 from 3:00pm to 6:00pm in the Dining Hall. An updated listing of all textbooks being used for next year, with their accompanying ISBN numbers, will be available on the school’s website prior to June 22. Please review this list carefully so that you do not end up with a book that is not approved for use next year. It is important to note that you will also find on our website the listing of the books that are assigned to be read by students over the summer.

Fond Farewells

Two of our current teachers will not be Continued on page 2

The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers

“Christian Decorum is that wise and regulated conduct which governs all we say and do..” Rules of Decorum Saint John Baptist de La Salle




Principal Ideas Continued from page 1


returning next year. Dr. Herb Fulmer is retiring after more than 28 years in education both here and at other high schools and colleges. We will miss Dr. Fulmer’s dedication to academic excellence, his humor, spirit and wisdom. Mr. Saul Barrientos is also not retuning next year. This decision was made some months ago and sadly, due to recent surgery, Mr. Barrientos was not able to finish the school year with us. I also want to thank Mrs. Vicky Benitez for her 24 years of service and dedication as a member of our support staff. Mrs. Benitez is retiring to enjoy her time with her family and grandchildren. She has held numerous support staff positions over these years and we will miss her unique and enjoyable spirit.

Above, Principal Bonacci, Christina Weisbruch, Emma Martinez, and Taylor Brennan. Sheyda Pejoumand, not pictured.

La Salle Never Closes As we move into our end-of-the-school-year mode, know that the school never closes down – so do not hesitate to contact us at anytime during the summer weeks. Academic classes for our Summer Institute begin in the middle of this month and there will be ongoing athletic events and athletic camps throughout the summer. If you have not yet signed up for one of the summer offerings – you need to do so as soon as possible. Some courses PAGE 2

and camps may already be filled. You can find the information on the school’s website.

Class of 2012 Graduates The 53rd Commencement Exercises were held on May 25 and, as is always the case, the Church of Nazarene was filled with over 1700 guests who were present to honor our newest La Salle High School graduates. On a personal note, I must admit that throughout the ceremony, while I was shaking hands and awarding diplomas to the graduates, the thought crossed my mind that this was my last Commencement Ceremony as principal. Over my years as principal, I have made it a practice to say a prayer for each graduate as I sign their diploma; it was more than a bit unsettling to know that as I signed them this year, it would be my last time. For me, the good news is that I will still have an ongoing opportunity, both in the classroom and in other capacities, to have direct contact with current and future students. For that opportunity I thank Dr. Gray and you parents for entrusting the care of your students to our care. Br. Christopher Brady, FSC will be moving into his office and beginning his principalship in July. I have no doubt that he will immediately come to know, appreciate and feel the spirit and pride that is La Salle High School. He is an exceptional administrator and a faith-filled Brother of the Christian Schools. Be assured that between Br. Chris, Dr. Gray and the current administrators and faculty, the educational and spiritual welfare of our students is in the best possible hands. Have a Blessed Summer!

Patrick Bonacci, AFSC Principal



From the Parent Association

The Experience of a Lifetime The Experience…that’s what it’s all about. While there may be some particularly influential moments in our lifetime that we specifically recall, the memories leaving the most impression typically come from a collection of events or series of activities. As it relates to our own Lasallian Experience, the relevance of what that common denominator is stems from our understanding of the La Salle Difference and what it really means to each one of us. That was the crux of the messages delivered to the Class of 2012 at the Senior Presentation Ceremony and again at Graduation. These two different, but extremely similar messages were very clear and quite to the point…look not to the specifics of each memory but rather to the overall experience that you’ve been able to realize while at La Salle. Through the gifts that God has given to us, the sum of these individual moments of your high school life are collectively much greater, which is something that will ultimately prove to be a defining influence throughout your life. It’s all about the experience that you take with you and how it can be shared with others by embracing a lifestyle committed to service. As our tenure as Parent Association Co-Presidents comes to a close, Carol and I look to the responsibilities that we had been charged with not so much in the form of an obligation or duty, but more in line with a desire to share our Lasallian experiences and parent perspective with you. There has been an unconditional commitment on our part that we as an organization provide parents with the means to become active participants in the daily lives of their children. It is an experience that we have so thoroughly enjoyed and hope that every parent has had the opportunity to realize. Our wish has been for everyone who considers him or herself a part of the La Salle family to be able to savor the La Salle Experience, share it with their children and become part of the La Salle Difference that we so often speak of. There is no comparable experience…there is no greater reward.

The La Salle Difference is REAL

We wish to thank Dr. Gray, Mr. Bonacci, the faculty and staff of the school for their friendship and continued support of the entire Parent Association program. But more importantly, Carol and I wish to especially thank the parents and students of La Salle for providing us with the opportunity to be of service to you and the greater La Salle Community for the past nine years. It has truly been an experience that we will hold close to our hearts and long remember. In conjunction with the graduation of our son, Stephen, and our final ParentNewsletter article, we can’t help but once again reflect on what the School represents. As an alumnus, and also as parents, Carol and I have come to realize that it’s the promise of a world filled with unlimited potential for the sons and daughters of La Salle. We are grateful for what the years have brought to our family and continue to encourage all parents to explore the opportunities that abound, share the experience with your children and those within the La Salle Community, and celebrate the infinite possibilities that the future holds for us all! With unending gratitude for all of God’s blessings,

Carol and Brad Wright '73, P '06,'12 Co-Presidents PAGE 3



La Salle Matters


On April 18th of this year a Vatican agency, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) issued a statement calling for a “Doctrinal Assessment of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR).” LCWR is a Vatican-recognized umbrella organization representing the issues and concerns of the 57,000 Sisters (women religious) living and working in the United States. This Vatican initiative is intended to assess the degree to which LCWR is fulfilling its role as an authentic representative of US nuns and sisters as they relate to the American Bishops and the authorities in Rome. I will not bore you with the details of this situation - other than to note that for Roman Catholics knowledgeable about the relationship between the Church here in the US and the Vatican, this is an extraordinarily controversial initiative that is quickly drawing sides between “traditional” Catholics who support the authority of the Vatican to engage in activities like the Doctrinal Assessment and “progressive” Catholics who argue for greater flexibility in how the Church functions at the local level. I want to focus on this challenging situation because of the parallels that can be drawn between the current controversies raging around Health-care Reform (a.k.a. “Obamacare”). No sooner was the ink dry on the President’s signature of the Congressional legislation than right-of-center political groups immediately began calling for its repeal and targeting politicians who had supported the initiative. Here’s an example from recent Florida news Blog:

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce announced Wednesday it is pumping big bucks into Florida with its first multimillion-dollar ad blitz of the 2012 cycle, aimed at (Senator Bill) Nelson and a pair of Democrats running for the U.S. House: former Rep. Alan Grayson and longtime state and local politician Lois Frankel. The complaint: each had voted in favor of Health-care Reform. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am a firm supporter of elections representing the will of the voters; and if a majority of voters are opposed to Health-care Reform, than their will should he heard and implemented. My issue with the Chamber of Commerce is that it is targeting three politicians over a single-issue. While the media may convince us that the only issue is Health-care Reform, we know that every federal, state and local politician must address myriad issues of concern to their constituents. Targeting politicians for a single vote suggests that political orthodoxy - not the complexity of issues and, certainly not the need to compromise in order to balance competing interests - forms the basis of the electoral system. Any High School Junior studying James Madison’s The Federalist Papers will be able cite his famous warning against the development of a “party spirit” in opposition to this approach. La Salle Matters PAGE 4

Continued on page 5



La Salle Matters Continued from page 4

How does this relate to the controversy swirling around the Vatican’s handling of LCWR? Well for starters, the organization refused to make a public comment regarding the April announcement and only this week (three months later) announced that its leadership team will travel to Rome to “discuss their concerns” with respect to the Vatican initiative. Then they will return to the US and conduct regional meetings to confer with their membership. In August, the annual meeting of the LCWR membership will convene to discuss a response to Rome. I recognize that it is quixotic to expect the rough and tumble nature of American politics to pursue a similar, measured approach; but the LCWR’s cautious response to this controversy raises important concerns about how toxic debate in the public square has become here in the US. Consider this public statement by Franciscan Friars living in the United States”

The rancor and incivility of public conversation in the United States at this time make the possibility of productive dialogue more difficult to achieve. We pray that the future conversation between LCWR and CDF might provide an example to the larger world of respectful, civil dialog. Such dialog will require a degree of mutuality, trust and honesty that is absent from much of our world. As a Catholic educator, I worry about the negative impact polarized politics is having on the students entrusted to our care. I worry about their ability to take advantage of the intellectual tools we have encouraged them to use when weighing opposing positions on the important issues of our time. I worry that they will be swayed by strident talking heads whose arguments are framed in “ad hominem” ways in order to encourage snap judgments on very complicated issues that rarely admit of easy solutions, much less ones that lend themselves to compromise. As has been the case for the over 200 years in which religious nuns and sisters have toiled in schools throughout the United States, we are being given an excellent example of how to engage in public dialogue without resorting to “sound bites” and slick slogans to persuade those who don’t agree. Reflecting their female counter-parts’ carefully constructed “big picture” response to the challenge posed by CDF, the Conference of Major Superiors of Men reinforced

La Salle High School

3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 www.lasallehs.org • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated

© 2012

• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email: jblackstock@lasallehs.org

La Salle Matters Continued on page 18





195 Lancers Graduate at 53rd Commencement La Salle High School graduated 195 seniors rd at its 53 Commencement on Friday evening, May 25. Commencement Exercises took place at the Church of the Nazarene, next-door to the School. Sheyda G. Pejoumand received the La Salle High School General Excellence Award and will attend the University of California, Berkeley in the fall. Sheyda also received the Excellence Award for Spanish. The General Merit Award went to George J. Pearman who will also attend the University of California, Berkeley. Claire C. McCarthy and Mathew Godshall received the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Christian Service Award. Chelsee J. Grover-Odom PAGE 6

was selected by her senior class peers to receive the Pro Deo et Patria Award. The De La Salle Service Award went to Vincent Delgatto and Manuel M. Sariano. Francisco Luna. Arolyn D. Basham received the Brother Celestine All Around Athlete Award. Meaghan E. Allen gave the Welcome Address and Katrina A. Dela Cruz was chosen by the Faculty Commencement Committee for the honor of delivering the Commencement Address. 100% of La Salle’s graduating class will attend college or post graduate academies next year, and 91% of the class will matriculate to four-year institutions. Katrina Dela Cruz



Dr. Gray and Principal Bonacci flank Carol and Brad Wright '73 P'06,'12. Lasallian Service Awardees. Above, Meaghan Allen.

Above, the Alma Mater is led by the Senior Class Commissioners. Middle right, Richard Gray with John Ring as he presents a framed commemorative wine label to Pat Bonacci.

Above, Brad Wright '73 congratulates his son, as part of the traditional Lancer Legacy Ceremony. PAGE 7



From the Athletic Boosters

Lancer Summer is Here


By the time you get this newsletter, summer will have started to settle in over La Salle. Now it is time for the Summer Academic Institute and sports camps. This summer the Athletic Boosters will begin to plan for the 2012 -2013 sports year and with your help, make it even better than last year. I would like to take a moment to look back at the end of the year sports banquet held on May 16th. Our new AD, Anthony Harris, brought a new way of producing our end-of-the-year banquet to make it a celebration of individuals as well all the sports teams at la Salle. I have received nothing but positive comments about the event, so hopefully we will have even more to celebrate at the end of 2013. Next year will see more changes starting with the Kohorst Field renovations that are currently underway. The new field will debut with a victory at the first home football game (no pressure Coach Gordon). The Athletic Boosters are continually working to make the sporting events as pleasurable as possible for our families and guests. In this vane, we are arranging for additional space for viewing of our football games and we are adding additional areas to make it more convenient to buy merchandise and refreshments during the games. The Athletic Boosters strive to make the La Salle experience better each year. In keeping with this theme, we offer the following: Football boosters gold package #1

2 tickets to every home game, 2 reserved seats on the 50 yard line, 1 free parking space for each home game (worth the price alone), meal for 2 from the gourmet snack bar, 2 stadium chairs, 2 hats, 2 La Salle shirts, 1 La Salle blanket. The Price is $450. Football boosters gold package #2

2 tickets to every home game, 2 reserved seats on the 50 yard line, 1 free parking space for each home game (worth the price alone), meal for 2 from the gourmet snack bar. The Price is $250. PAGE 8

Banner Sponsorships are also available. Details can be found on the La Salle Athletics website under Facilities and Directions. Please keep in mind the funds raised from these items are benefit La Salle athletic programs. Last, but not least, the Booster Board needs your help. We have two positions open: Treasurer and Gym Operations Manager. If you are interested in helping the Athletic Boosters please contact me at jdcina@sbcglobal.net. The Board is a great place to meet lots of parents and make new friends. I strongly recommend our new parents get involved. As the parent of a recent graduate, I can tell you it goes by way to quick, so do not miss out. I would like to take one last moment on behalf of the Athletic Boosters to again wish the graduating class of 2012 the best of luck for their future as well as thank their parents for all they have done while at La Salle. I would also like to thank the school for putting on a very classy graduation ceremony as well. I would like to thank Anthony Harris, our new athletic director for striving to make La Salle sports better. The last thank you is to Mr. Bonacci for his support of La Salle Athletics. I know we will see you next year and I am sure our new Principal, Brother Christopher Brady, FSC will step right in where you left off. So until the fall, have a great summer, be safe, and GO LANCERS! God Bless, John D. Cina Athletic Boosters President



Good News!

You can fulfill required hours during summer vacation! Please check the calendar on the Parent Association website. If you have not yet signed up on the Volunteer Website: Go to the La Salle Website. Click on “Parents” at the top of the screen. Click on “PA volunteer website” on the left side of the screen. Click on “member log in.” Enter your user name, this is your firstname_lastname (lower case). Your password is your last name (lower case). Once you are in the La Salle Parent website you can click on the «calendar» at the top of the screen. Now you can look through the calendar year and click on the events that you are interested in volunteering for.


Please check to see how many volunteers are needed, and how many have already signed up.






6/6/12 7/12/12 7/13/12 8/5/12 8/6/12

Used Uniform Buy-Back 8:30 PM 4 Used Uniform Sale 4:00 PM 3 Used Uniform Sale 12:00 PM 6 Used Uniform Sale – Set-Up 4:00 PM 2 Used Uniform Sale 9: AM & 6 PM 2+2 Volunteer Coordinators: Ellen Hoffman ehoffman929@gmail.com • Diane Taylor drewndi@verizon.net *Start time and number of service hours is approximate. Volunteers will be advised of exact start time prior to the event. Credit will be based on actual hours served.

Uniforms - New and Used CKW/Sue Mills New Uniform Sales Dining Hall Noon-6:00pm Used Uniform Sale Blakeslee Library Noon - 6:00pm July 13, 2012

CKW New Uniform Sales Dining Hall Used Uniform Sale Library 9:00-11:00am and 6:00 - 7:30pm August 6, 2012 PAGE 9



Founder’s Day 2012 Let Us Remember... ONE OF THE BEST FOUNDER'S DAYS YET

Each year, La Salle commemorates the life of its spiritual founder with a week of service and festivities. Students, faculty, and staff volunteered Monday through Thursday, with each grade level leaving campus on a specified day of the week. On Friday, the entire community celebrated Founder's Day beginning with an invigorating Liturgy, with Father Ken Deasy. Service Awards, "Well Done!" Awards, a talent show and the exciting Founder's Day Olympics completed the day.

Student L if President, e Vinny D elg presented atto a surprise "W Done!" a ell w to Princip ard a Bonacci. l


Principal ith w Bonacci ! e o D Well n icip Award re rlyn be im K ent, Kelly.



SEE more Founder's day photos on the la salle website

Principal Bonacci with Well rd a Done! Aw im T t, n recipie . n to n Sta

Top Left, Lasallian Educator of the Year, Mrs. Paula Moore received her medal from Principal Bonacci. Center, CFO, Robert Packard with his Founder's Day Olympics team, "The Christian Brothers." Above, Father Ken Desey delivered an energetic, funny and insightful homily during the Founder's Day Liturgy. Other photos this page and opposite: Founder's Day Olympic events.




From Guidance and Counseling

Keep Mind and Body Healthy By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling



Our seniors have graduated and once again the faculty and staff have watched your student’s academic, spiritual, and personal growth during the past four years at La Salle High School. This summer will be a busy time as your college-bound students approach the transition from high school students to college students. If you think your student may need or benefit from emotional support to accomplish the transition from home to college, it is important to obtain that support this summer. It is also part of college preparation to remind your graduate that if they experience distress that seems to be persistent during their freshman year, there are many supports available from their college student health centers. There was an article in the Sunday, June 3 edition of the La Cañada Valley Sun newspaper which discussed the recent suicide of a 15 year old Crescenta Valley High School student during the school day. The article provided additional information about the incident and addressed differences of opinions that inevitably occur when a tragedy of this magnitude occurs. The circumstances that led to the student's suicide may never be fully understood or disclosed. The tragedy surrounding this student’s death evokes the concerns of parents and educators about adolescent mental health. We know that adolescents are vulnerable to stresses that may occur during their high school years. Often teenagers can be impulsive when trying to solve problems because they lack adequate coping skills. Students are affected when circumstances in their lives and at school feel overwhelming. Peer relationships, family crises and academic problems are just a few circumstances that can cause emotional distress. There are signals of distress in your student’s behavior that may occur gradually or unexpectedly. It is important for parents to be aware of some behavior changes that could indicate that your student might benefit from mental health support. Behavior changes that indicate distress include episodes of intense anxiety that persist and recur with increasing frequency. Students who gradually begin to isolate themselves from friends, neglect their homework, lose interest in associating with others, stop engaging in activities that they once enjoyed, become more irritable or moody, and have ongoing changes with their sleep and eating habits may be experiencing anxiety or depression. Those behaviors could also indicate that your student may be involved in alcohol or drug abuse. If you become concerned about your student because he or she seems to be struggling and you notice behavior changes that might indicate distress, please contact us for help. We can provide both school or referral-based support that we believe would be helpful to your student. We have a wholehearted commitment to your student’s well being. We believe that this commitment is an integral part of caring for your student, whom you have entrusted to our care. We wish you a safe and relaxing summer.



La Salle Lancers Flags Perfect for Graduation Parties Large 28" x 42" Flag 3" sleeve to fit standard wooden flag poles $25.00


Contact Esmeralda Garcia to place an order. esmeralda_g_c@yahoo.com

An Arts Boosters Exclusive

20th Annual Lancer Golf Tournament and Banquet

Save the Date

Monday, October 29, 2012 Glendora Country Club Four-Person Scramble 11:00am Shotgun Start More information? 626.696. 4381


TOO COLD TO SINK TOO IMPORTANT TO FAIL Sean Murphy '14, Cassidy Rey '13 and Taylor Hixon '13.

It is Sink or Swim Time! The third annual Cardboard Regatta took place on May 3, at the Sierra Madre Aquatic Center. The cold, clouds, and threat of rain did not stop our exciting Cardboard Regatta from setting sail. Twenty teams of physics and honors geometry students proudly brought their cardboard creations to the pool at the aquatic center. Equipped with only standard or appliance grade cardboard and clear packaging tape, the teams were charged to design seaworthy boats that would hold three of their team members and then paddle the length of the Sierra Madre pool and back. This year, three passangers were required to traverse the "sea," where as, last year only two students were required to be on board. The students had to apply what they learned in geometry and physics classes and calculate and indicate where the water line would be on their craft once all three members of the team were safely on board. This new requirement created an even tougher degree of caluculations and planning. The teachers involved were quite pleased that most groups calculated where the water lines occurred perfectly and were easily able to navigate two lengths of the pool.


Above, Linnea Hasket '13, Will Thatcher '13, Robby Hanson '13. Left, Alex Cross '13, Olivia Pope '14, Erika Sanislawski '13.




Above, Taylor Jones '13, Erica Duell '13, Courtney Santos '13 and Sam Crawford '13. Right, Austin Wallis '13 Oliver Gokoz '13 and Katrina Palffy '13 go down with their ship.

Above, Kaitlyn Arriola '13, Will Gately '13, and Catherine Baun '13. Right, in the bow, Sophie Nelson'13 and Alex Virula. True to it's namesake their boat sank

Above, Noeh Martinez '13 and Victor Saavectra '15 abandon ship! Right, Sabrina O'Reilly '15 left, helps teammates prepare to launch the elaborately decorated '"The Arc."




From the College Counseling Center

College Counseling News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors

Class of 2012 Congratulations to the Class of 2012! We wish all members of this class good luck as they begin their college years. We have really enjoyed helping each and every graduate find their college “match.” We look forward to staying in touch and would like you to serve as a resource for La Salle students to contact to learn more about your college and your freshman year experience.

Class of 2013 In May, we completed our meetings with all juniors who have submitted their Jr. College Planning Survey. Your students received a list of prospective colleges on Naviance to investigate. Summer is a good time to research and visit colleges and work on a personal statement. Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou highly recommend all students narrow their college list down to 6-8 schools by the fall.


Camp College The College Center will be offering a three-day seminar for rising seniors. The purpose of this course is to provide hands-on interaction with students who need additional help with their college planning and application process. At the completion of this course, students will have created an organizational system, completed two college essays, learned in-depth about college visitations, interviews, recommendations, financial aid, and developed a much better understanding of the colleges’ selection process. The cost of Camp College is $200. The complete summary of the course can also be found in the Summer Academic Institute brochure or online at www.lasallehs.org. Two sessions are available for students to choose: June 11 - June 13, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. August 13 – August 15, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Please contact Mr. Hou should you need more information on Camp College.


A Senior College Planning Sur vey and a parent questionnaire will be available on Naviance mid-July. Both student survey and parent questionnaire are due to their counselor by August 31st. Ms. Baldonado or Mr. Hou will meet with each member of the class of 2013 to review their college list in the fall before the college application period. To minimize the number of meetings for our parents, the Senior College Information Night will be held on the same evening as our Back-toSchool-Night on Thursday, August 30th. Seniors and their parents should mark their calendars to attend the mandatory College Information night. During this meeting, we will be discussing the application protocol/paperwork, letters of recommendation, essay writing tips and lots of other pertinent information. All members of the class of 2013 should have taken the ACT and/or the SAT by this time. Students who plan to apply to certain east coast colleges should also take two SAT Subject exams in the fall. A list of colleges that require/recommend SAT Subject Tests can be found at http://www. compassprep.com/admissions_req_subjects.aspx. Although the UCs no longer require two SAT Subject Tests, they are still recommended and strongly recommended for engineering and science majors.

Fall Exam Dates are as Follows: SAT Reasoning AND Subject Tests October 6* November 3* December 1* *proposed dates ACT September 8 October 27 December 8 Register early! Registration deadlines are usually about five weeks before the test dates.

ParentNewsletter For those students who have not taken an SAT prep course, Princeton Review will be offering a four-week SAT prep course on campus late September for students taking the October 6th SAT. Test 1 Saturday Class Monday Class Wednesday Test 2 Saturday Class Monday Class Wednesday Test 3 Saturday Class Monday Class Wednesday Test 4 Saturday Class Monday Class Wednesday

September 8 9:00am – 1:30pm September 10 3:00 – 6:00pm September 12 3:00 – 6:00pm September 15 9:00am – 1:30pm September 17 3:00 – 6:00pm September 19 3:00 – 6:00pm September 22 9:00am – 1:30pm September 24 3:00 – 6:00pm September 26 3:00 – 6:00pm September 29 9:00am – 1:30pm October 1 3:00 – 6:00pm October 3 3:00 – 6:00pm

Class of 2014 The class of 2014 will be taking the PSAT on Wednesday, October 17th. PSAT/NMSQT stands for Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. It is a standardized test that provides first-hand practice for the SAT Reasoning Test. It also gives you a chance to enter National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) scholarship programs. All Junior students will be taking the ACT at La Salle on February 9, 2013 for no charge. The Juniors will register for the ACT during Mentor Period in September so there is nothing to do on your part. In addition, most juniors will be taking the SAT Reasoning test for the first time in the Spring of 2013. If the family is considering a testprep course for the SAT, we suggest you choose a program that finishes close to the test date.


Those students who are involved in a winter sport, theatre or have a full schedule during the months of January, February and March, might consider taking a test prep course over the summer or during the fall and take the SAT in October. Utilize Naviance! Remind your student to add their school and non-school activities and awards they received during freshman and sophomore years in “My Resume”. This is a great place to gather information and keep it organized for the college application process. Also, complete the ‘personality type’ assessment. Successful completion of the Do What You Are® Self Discovery Personality Type assessment will generate a report that will provide your student with important information about their personal characteristics. Your student will learn about careers that match their characteristics, their personal strengths and blindspots, how they negotiate in their daily life, and a host of other useful information.

Class of 2015 This year, the Class of 2015 received their student code to register onto Naviance in their Mentor group. Naviance is a college planning website where students can research colleges, their interests and careers. Your student can start keeping track of their school and non-school activities and awards they received during freshman year in “My Resume”. Naviance is a great place for students to organize and keep track of their information for college applications. Parents also have a personal log-in. Please contact Ms. Baldonado if you have not received your unique registration code for Naviance. The Class of 2015 will take the PLAN on Wednesday, October 17th (while the Class of 2014 takes the PSAT). The PLAN is a standardized test that is the precursor to the ACT. Given recent changes to the SAT, there are now more incentives for our students to take the ACT in addition to the SAT. Please note that the ACT is as widely accepted among the colleges as the SAT and colleges will pick the higher score among the two. In addition to providing practice for the ACT, the PLAN has a unique section that tests science skills, which provides valuable feedback to our science department. College Counseling Continued on page 18

Check SAT and ACT Exam dates


ParentNewsletter College Counseling Continued from page 21

General Information


Students should use their summer time wisely. It is a great time to read (helps build vocabulary and critical thinking skills), find a job (helps with time-management and communication skills) participate in an activity that they are passionate about (athletics, music, theatre, academics, etc.) or give their time to an organization that can use an extra pair of hands (contact Ms. Grima for non-profit organizations in the San Gabriel Valley). The colleges featured in Loren Pope’s book "Colleges That Change Lives" (aka CTCL) will have an information session and a college fair at the Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City on Tuesday, July 31 and Wednesday, August 1, 2012, 7:00pm (choose one to attend). Tuesday, Wednesday, July 31 or August 1, 7:00pm. Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City Sierra Ballroom 555 Universal Hollywood Drive Universal City, CA 91608


All students and parents who are interested in learning more about these liberal arts colleges and universities and interested in hearing more about the CTCL philosophy – namely that there are great college options for every student (not just for the strongest students) and that the college search should focus on finding the best match for each student – are invited to attend. There is no cost to attend and pre-registration is not required. Please read Loren Pope’s book or go to www.ctcl. com for additional information on the colleges in the CTCL group.

NHS and CSF Registration If your student is eligible for membership in the National Honor Society (NHS) and/or the California Scholarship Federation (CSF), please remind him or her to register. The deadline to register for both NHS and CSF is late August. CSF and NHS applications available August 24th. Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou wish all La Salle families a restful and safe summer. We will be in the office over the summer so please do not hesitate to contact us with any question you may have regarding college counseling.

La Salle Matters Continued from page 5

the importance of listening carefully to both sides of an issue: As the church and society face tumultuous times, the board (CMSM) believes it is imperative that these matters be addressed by the entire church community in an atmosphere of openness, honesty, and integrity. I have no idea how things will end with the controversy swirling around Health-care Reform; nor do I have a glimmer of insight as to what will happen to LCWR as it engages in dialogue with the Vatican. I do know that we can learn a lot from their approach that would go a long way towards dialing down the stridency that is poisoning political conversation here in the US.

Richard Gray, Ph.D. President PAGE 18

Please Register NOW Be sure you are signed up at Vons, Ralphs and Albertsons. • To register for VONS, go to www.escrip.com. • To register Ralphs Rewards cards, go to www.ralphs.com • To register at Albertsons go to www.albertsons.com.

Our School ID is: 139428998 or type in La Salle High School.

If you need help please email Craig Snodgrass at altadena.craig@gmail.com or call him at 626.688.6523



Seniors Win Annual PowderPuff Game

GREAT TRADITION GREAT GAME The oft postponed PowderPuff football game finally was played on May 18, midst construction on Kohorst Field. The Seniors prevailed again, beating the juniors 6-0. Seniors above, from left, coach Terrel Oliver, Becca Fahey, coach Alec Shuster, Kristie Simone, Jennifer Torres, Diamond Ridley-Pierce, and Mary Farris.

Juniors above, from left, Sabrina Montalvo, Claudia Vasquez, Bridget Murphy, Janelle Bieker, Maddie McGregor, Angela Dionisio and Julianna Taylor.


ETASTY TASTY ParentNewsletter

JUNE /JULY 2012 A Transit of Venus: left. Below, actual photo of image through telescope lens on campus, June 5. Middle, Trustee Br. William Carriere, FSC, makes sure all is well in the universe.


On Tuesday, June 5, around 3:15 in the afternoon, a transit of Venus, which is one of the rarest of astronomical events, took place and members of the La Salle community were there to witness it live. During the transit, the planet Venus moved between Earth and the sun, and for a few hours it was a perfect black dot moving slowly across the sun’s face. Such transits come as pairs — with an eight-year interval — but it will be more than a century before it happens again in 2117. The Transit of Venus in 1771 is when the calculations for estimating the distance of the earth from the sun were made and the story of how those calculations were made is astonishing. Without any swift or reliable means of communications the world’s scientists banded together to measure the transit and thus revolutionize science. Even in the midst of the Seven Years War they planned a worldwide astronomical feat to track the transit globally. Two hundred and fifty years ago, this was not so simple a task. And yet, in 1761 and 1769, hundreds of astronomers from more than a dozen nations stationed at more than 130 locations around the world turned their telescopes simultaneously to the sky to observe the transit of Venus. They did so against heavy odds because they believed that the transit held the key to one of the most pressing quests of the age: the distance between Earth and the sun and, by extension, the size of the solar system. By establishing the time and duration of the transits, they hoped to work out the elusive question of distance. But there was one problem: astronomers had Kjersti Holyfield views the transit with her husband.


to view the transit from as many places, as far apart as possible, around the globe. Depending on their position in the Northern or Southern hemispheres, they would see Venus crossing the sun on a slightly different track.

With the help of relatively simple trigonometry, these different tracks would allow them to arrive at a measurement. They had to travel to the outposts of the known world. Instrument makers worked around the clock to provide the best possible telescopes as dozens of intrepid astronomers crossed national and colonial borders to get to Tahiti, the Arctic Circle, Siberia, India and Spanish California. One of the most important locations during the transit in June 1769 was California (then in Spanish hands) because the entire transit would be visible there. French astronomer Jean-Baptiste Chappe d’Auteroche, who had observed the first transit in Siberia petitioned the Spanish Crown to provide transportation for viewVenus Continued on page 21



2012 Signum Fidei Awards

Each Year the members of the Senior Senate select adults from our school community to receive the Signum Fidei – Sign of Faith Award. Each of these recipients was selected because of their long service and dedication to the Mission and Traditions of La Salle High School and for their modeling the spirit of our Founder, Saint John Baptist de la Salle. Above, from left, Mr. Brandon Birr, ’03, Faculty, Ms. Jane Osick, Faculty, Mr. Robert Packard, Administration, Mrs. Leah Rojhani, Faculty, Ms. Teresa Ring, ’03, Staff, Ms. Nancy Iredale P’06, Trustee, Louis Johnston, P’01, Administration, Sr. Ann Patricia O’Connor, CSJ, Trustee, Mrs. Marty Hoffman P’06,’08,’12, Ms. Jennifer Gibson, Faculty, Mr. David Desmond, Faculty, Mr. John Hoffman ’77, P’06,’08,’12, Mr. Patrick Bonacci, AFSC P’94,’97, Administration, Br. William Carriere, FSC, Trustee, not pictured.




Continued from page 20

ing the transit. The King agreed but provided a ship so Others such as Captain James Cook returned small that everybody worried he would never survive a to Britain on the Endeavour with good results from winter Atlantic crossing. When Chappe finally arrived Tahiti, as did the astronomers who observed the transit in Vera-Cruz, Mexico, he found himself in the midst of around the globe. It took until the summer of 1771 for a hurricane. Then he had to cross Mexico on mules and the hundreds of observations to be collected. When boats with one ton of instruments to reach the Baja Cali- the calculations were done, it was determined that fornia coast. He reached Baja, just a few days before the the distance from Earth to the sun was between 92.9 transit on June 3. He quickly set up his observatory at a million and 96.9 million miles, impressively close to typhus-ridden Jesuit mission. He observed the transit and today’s reckoning of 92,960,000 miles. The scientists’ made the measurements, but after he had taken his last achievement was astonishing; their adventures exciting. notes — already delirious with fever — he died of typhus But most amazing of all was that they succeeded in workand was buried at the mission. Chappe’s observations ing peacefully together and the concept of the modern were added to the other data more than a year later. scientific expedition was born. Based on research from the Los Angels Times




The Obsequious Observer By John Blackstock, The Editor


Well, another great year has come and gone. With it, my friend of 45 years, Pat Bonacci, moves into the Vice President for Mission office. In a few weeks Brother Christopher Brady, FSC arrives and we are off to another exciting year at La Salle. The last few weeks have been jamp a c ke d w i t h events. Some of these exciting events are noted in this newsletter, but great event photos of graduation, Founder’s Day and the Cardboard Regatta are in the website photo gallery. Be sure to check them out. Rotary Club Teacher Awards Pat Bonacci reminds us that during the Founder's Day Liturgy Mrs. Paula Moore received the Lasallian Educators Medal for her 15 years of teaching at La Salle (See the May ParentNewsletter). In addition Pat thought you would want to know that Paula Moore also received the Sierra Madre Rotary Club Teacher Recognition Award. Two others from our community also received the award: Mrs. Rebeca Bickel, her son Steven is a sophomore, and she teaches at Sierra Madre Middle School, and Caroline (Potter) Varner '03 who teaches at The Gooden School. Plus, the current Sierra Madre Rotary Club President is Tom Brady who's daughter, Jennifer is also a sophomore, handed out the awards. Last Tuesday, my fellow colleagues and students joined Astronomy Club moderator Chija Bauer to witness a transit of Venus. Visit page 20 for more on this amazing event.

Names in the News The local council of the Girl Scouts informs us that Aleen Mankerian '12, Mary PAGE 22

McCreary '14, Monica Perez '13, Lisa Snodgrass '12, and Joely Zucker '14, have earned the Gold Award this past semester. As part of the World Association of Girl Scouts, 10 million girls worldwide, these girls are in an exceptional position to take action and make the world a better place. The Gold Award is the highest achievement within the Girl Scouts of the USA. Only 5.4% of eligible Girl Scouts successfully earn the Gold Award. Daniel De La Torre '13 continues to stride toward a state championship. He was the CIF Division 4 Individual Cross Country Champion in the fall and the CIF Division 4 Individual Champion in the 1600 (4:21.24) and 3200 (9:15.15) meter runs, setting a school record in both races. Two weekends ago, he finished 4th in the State meet. (See photo below). "I'm a little disappointed and I'm sure I can do better, but I still have next year,"

he notes. Alessandra Gonzales '13 also set a school record in the 100 meter dash in 12.49 seconds. (See photo at left). Please note the Athletic Hall of Fame inductees are listed on the La Salle Athletics website.


See BASKETBALL CAMP flyer that Follows the Newsletter Online Above, from left, Venetia Freihube '15, Corina Crowder '15, Chloe Beauvois '14, Kyle Lefroy '15, Nick Buzzerio '15 and that's Kimberly Chavarria '13, in the center looking through the glass.

Stephanie Delazeri '13 was honored in New York at Carnegie Hall as a National Gold Medal recipient in the 2012 National Scholastic Art Awards for her inventive and humorous animated film, “Ballmation.�

Science Recognition One behalf of the La Salle community, Pat Bonacci sends his congratulations to science teachers Chija Bauer, Kjersti Holyfield, Anthony Fernandes and Brian Miller, members of La Salle's Science Department. These individuals have received invitations to present workshops at the 2012 California Science Teacher Association Conference in San Jose next October. Only 180 workshops were selected for the conference out of more than 1,450 presented for selection. For the La Salle Science Department to have three workshops selected is truly an honor for our department. The 2012 California Science Education Conference will center around the Common Core Standards (CCS), The Next Generation Science

Standards (NGSS), Literacy and STEM to Career. Chija and Kjersti will co-present two workshops, "Global Warming Cumulative Project for Physics" and "Inquiry Based Physics Classrooms and Standard Based Grading" while Brian and Anthony will co-present "Low Budget Manipulatives to Teach Chemical Stoichiometry".

Track and Field Renovation

The renovation of Kohost Field and track

continues on schedule. Athletic Director Anthony Harris tells us that the new drainage system has been finished and installation of new synthetic turf will begin the week of June 11. The project should be completed before the start of classes in August.


a ParentNewsletter



Check your School calendar for all event times and dates

JUNE / JULY Highlights June 9 Athletic Physicals 9:00-12:00pm Band Room


June 11 Advanced Academic Institute Begins June 18 Academic Institute Begins Office Hours 7:30am to 2:30pm July 4 Independence Day No School



July 13 CKW / Sue Mills New Uniform Sales Dining Hall 12:00 - 6:00pm Used Uniform Sales Blakeslee Library 12:00 - 6:00pm July 14 Athlete Physicals 9:00am to 12:00pm Band Room

July 19 Academic Institute Concludes July 23 Academic Institute Final Grades Mailed Home August 6 CKW New Uniform Sales 9:00am - 11:00am 6:00pm - 7:30pm Dining Hall Used Uniform Sales Blakeslee Library

Library Volunteer Opportunities The Blakeslee Library is in need of after-school monitor volunteers each school day afternoon from 3:00-5:00pm. This is a good way to fulfill your Parent Volunteer Hours obligation! Also, donations of snacks and drinks will also be accepted for the Café Bibliothèque events in the library. The dates for events are: September 20, October 25, November 29, January 24, February 14, March 14, and April 25. Please call Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332 or Delia Swanner at 626.696.4313 to sign up.

Volunteers for Lancer Physicals The Athletic Department will hold the final summer physicals on July 14. We are looking for parent volunteers to help with this process. The department needs physicians and registered nurses to aide in the physical exams and parents willing to check in the students. Parent volunteer hours will be awarded for your participation. If interested, please contact Tim Rasmussen, Head Athletic Trainer at trasmuss@lasallehs.org.

Important Notice for Summer Trips Neither La Salle High School nor Student Life of La Salle High School is sponsoring or is liable for any student participation in summer trips to places such as Europe, Mexico, Alaska or Hawai'i. These activities are solely the responsibility of the sponsoring person or group. School sponsored events, such Venaver or those with Student Life, will always include the standard Parent Request Form that clearly indicates the School’s support and approval of the event. PAGE 24

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