June/July 2013 Parent Newsletter

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ParentNewsletter The La Salle


Principal Ideas Learn•Serve•Lead

Our school days in the month of May and June were filled with a variety of learning experiences and activities. During our Founder’s Day Liturgy on May 15, we honored four students for their unique contributions to Saint La Salle’s spirit of service for those-in-need within our greater community: Samantha Hardy (9th), Madison Lanyi (10th), Derek Iwata (11th) and Andrew Torrijos (12th). At the core of the legacy of Saint La Salle is the firm commitment to service for the poor and those most in need within our local and greater community. These students honored for their service inspire all of us by their faithfulness to the spirit and legacy of Saint La Salle.

Educator of the Year On this day, we also announced and honored our Lasallian Educator of the Year, Mr. David Soltis '90. As a graduate of La Salle and 14 year veteran educator, he is widely respected and appreciated for his work in the classroom as an English instructor. For many years he served as a coach on the Cross Country team and is currently involved in our student retreat program and the moderator of our Literary Magazine Freelancers. (Read more about Dave in the Obsequious Observer on page 27).

Text Book Swap Meet I remind parents and students that the used textbook “swap meet” will take place on Friday, June 28, from 1:00pm to 4:30pm in the Dining

Hall. An updated listing of all textbooks being used for next year, with their accompanying ISBN numbers, is available on the school’s website (under the “Academic” tab). Please review this list carefully so that you do not end up with a book that is not approved for use next year. It is important to note that you will also find on our website the listing of the books that are assigned to be read by students over the summer.

We Say Good-Bye

With the end of the school year having Continued on page 2

The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers “Like John the Baptist, you are the voice that prepares the hearts of your students to receive Jesus Christ. Ask God to give you the power to touch hearts.” Saint John Baptist de La Salle c.1703

Meditations for Sundays and Feast Days



JUNE / JULY 2013

Principal Ideas Continued from page 1


arrived, it means that we are also saying “good-bye” to several educators who have served our school community well over the years. Earlier this semester, I informed you that our two Deans of Students, Mr. Johnston and Dr. Ruggles would not be returning to La Salle next year. We are most fortunate that their replacement, Mr. Brandon Birr, a La Salle alum from the class of 2003 and current teacher, is ready, willing and able to build upon the work they began. Mrs. Diana Barnes, instructor in the Visual Arts has chosen to return to school, full time, in search of a Master’s degree in Art Therapy. Mr. Mark Knowles, our pioneer educator in Dance having been with us since 1995, is retiring from his work in secondary education. Also leaving are Ms. Kaelyn Silva, Mr. Antoine Peterson and Ms. Joanne Lamb. We wish them our best in their future endeavors and thank them for their 41 years of combined service to the students of La Salle.

Director of Admissions Mr. M. Patrick Henry, after 15 years as the Director of Admissions, is transitioning back to the classroom as a Social Studies teacher. He was most pleased when I told him that we were able to accommodate his strong desire to step down from the admissions role and return to his first love – teaching. In light of this change, we just completed a national search for his replacement and we are pleased to be welcoming Ms. Ronée McLaughlin from the Washington D.C. area. Ms. McLaughlin comes to us with a rich background as an experienced Director of Admissions and as a consultant to institutions and families regarding admissions work. Earlier in the year, I reported that Mr. Frank Laurenzello would be stepping down from the position of Associate Principal for Curriculum and Instruction. I am pleased that we will be able to retain Mr. Laurenzello in a role that will have him working closely with our teachers.


Partnership Makes a Difference The 54th Commencement Exercises were held on May 24 and, as is always the case, the Church of Nazarene was filled with over 1700 guests who were present to honor our newest La Salle High School graduates. The ceremony had all the joy and happiness one could ask for. I especially enjoyed watching the faces of parents knowing that some of their long held dreams and desires for their son/daughter were occurring right before their eyes – graduation from high school. The personal and family sacrifices that are made by parents in order that their son/daughter attends La Salle are most noteworthy. I never take a student’s enrollment for granted. Thank you parents for allowing us to work with you during the high school years. I am confident our partnership makes a difference!

My Thanks to You As I conclude my first year back at La Salle, I want to express my thanks and appreciation for your support and confidence this year. I have been the recipient of many nice words and compliments about La Salle and the positive changes that are occurring. As Principal, I have been blessed to be surrounded by a terrific and talented group of educators and support staff. They work very hard and I want to acknowledge their diligence in caring for the students entrusted to our care. May all of you have a wonderful and action packed summer. For me, a few days with a good book in a cool, shady spot will be perfect.

Have a safe and blessed Summer!

Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal


JUNE / JULY 2013

From the Parent Association

Year End Report As school year 2012 – 2013 draws to a close, I want to take a moment to say “thank you” to all of you who have made this year a success for the Parent Association. Any attempt to develop a complete individualized list of the many acts of kindness shown by our parent volunteers would be exhausting and futile. However, we can at least say a hearty “thank you and farewell!” to the parent volunteers of graduating seniors. These individuals were recognized at our final Parent Association meeting in April: Athletic Boosters: - Bernie Barham (Swimming) - Steve Ferri (Softball) - Linda Graves (Girls Tennis) - Dyana Hansen (Swimming) - Sue Hulbert (Boys Tennis) - Sue Kopcha (Girls Basketball) - Arts Boosters: - Sue Buchanan - Ana Meza - Vicki Pulach - Academic Boosters: - Denise Bieker, outgoing President Student Life Boosters: - Yisenia Cuervo

- - - - - -

Cynthia Mirly (Swimming) Annamaria Palffy (Girls Volleyball) John Reid (Football Bar-b-que) Donna Rey (Soccer) Dina Rude (Girls Basketball) Carolyn Torres (Football)

- - -

Daphne Trager Barbara Yelinek Richard Yelinek

Parent Association USED BOOK SALE June 28, 2013, 1:00-4:30pm Dining Hall "Great values for your student"

Parent Association: - Pamela Jacques (Crystal Ball) - Teri Sinclair - Karen Paciorek (Faculty Appreciation Lunch) - (Service Hour Program) - Kelly Puga (Faculty Appreciation Lunch) - Charmayne Ealy - - (Family Communion Breakfast) - Dr. Gray made a special presentation to Charmayne’s husband, Raymond Ealy, who had the vision and perseverance to arrange, organize, and execute the morning drop-off traffic line in front of the school. With heartfelt thanks to all of the above for your many hours of dedicated commitment to our wonderful school, we congratulate you and your graduating senior as we bid you adieu! With many thanks for all of God’s blessings,

Craig Snodgrass, P’09, ’12, ’14 Parent Association President PAGE 3


JUNE / JULY 2013

La Salle Matters If you look up the definition of philanthropy in Webster’s Dictionary, you will find a quite serviceable, no-nonsense American definition of the term:

…private initiatives, for the public good, focusing on quality of life

But if you look to the Greeks for a translation of the word, which was created around the time of Aeschylus (ca. 460 BCE) and which got its start in life as an adjective, not a noun (hang in there!), you would encounter a far more poetic (and satisfying) definition:


…love of humanity in the sense of caring for, nourishing, developing and enhancing what it is to be human Note this definition does not say “what it means to be human”, rather, “what it is to be human.” In other words, the goal of philanthropy, understood through the lens of classical Greek, aims at nothing less than the transformation of the human condition such that it moves closer to a state of perfection. I like this approach because it hints at the fundamental challenge which confronts all modern-day philanthropists: how to be certain one’s philanthropy makes a difference. This challenge brings us back to the factoid noted earlier - that the earliest, primitive, use of the word philanthropy was as an adjective, not a noun. The Greeks used the term as an adjective in order to better describe the relationship between benefactor and beneficiary...both of whom would be fundamentally changed by the philanthropic act. More specifically, both would benefit, not just the beneficiary. Thus, the philanthropist would become more fully human through the selfless act of philanthropy while the beneficiary would be shaped by the opportunity to escape whatever current malignant condition prevented him/her from becoming more fully human. I choose to dwell on this particular, rather arcane, subject as we enter the interregnum between the end of one school year and the start of another because it occurs to me that we tend to overlook how we at La Salle are continually being shaped by philanthropic acts. Recently, I took the opportunity at the School’s annual Platinum Circle Dinner, in which we honor retiring Trustees, Regents and Alumni Association Board members, to comment on three forms of philanthropy - as practiced at La Salle - which transforms the lives of the students entrusted to our care.

•Philanthropy of mentoring •Philanthropy of serving •Philanthropy of giving

At La Salle - to stress the Greek understanding of the term as an adjective - these are overlapping relationships. Alumni Board members, for example, frequently volunteer to be college and career mentors PAGE 4


JUNE / JULY 2013

for our seniors, offer service during our annual Adopta-Family drive and make a contribution to the School’s Annual Fund and/or one of our endowed scholarships (which enables students without the means to attend La Salle). Each of those activities – together and separately – shapes the relationship of the alumnus to La Salle and the School to the alum. All of which reminds me of the powerful exhortation Saint John Baptist de La Salle gave the early Brothers about their relationship to the students entrusted to their care: that their interactions with young people should be as an older brother watching out for the younger one. This is why the understanding of philanthropy as a “love of humanity” strikes such a powerful cord in me. At La Salle, we aim at nothing less than changing the world one student at a time. We can’t do this if we are not in relationship with our students, their parents, our colleagues, alumni and friends who care about the same Lasallian values. There is a wonderful line in the Musical Wicked in which Glinda and Elphaba describe their relationship this way:

Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better? But because I knew you I have been changed for good. I am confident that, at La Salle, administrators, teachers, parents and alums strive to love humanity, to nurture and enhance what it means to be human and, in doing so, change for the better the lives of those entrusted to our care. Without a doubt, philanthropy at La Salle makes an enormous difference. Just one person’s Midsummer’s musings…

La Salle High School

3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, California 91107-1996 • Telephone 626.351.8951 Facsimile 626.351.0275 www.lasallehs.org • The La Salle ParentNewsletter is published monthly except January and July by La Salle High School of Pasadena, Incorporated

© 2013

• Editor, Designer John Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Telephone: 626.696.4316 • email: jblackstock@lasallehs.org

Richard Gray, Ph.D President

Transforming Lives Since 1680



JUNE / JULY 2013

176 Lancers Graduate at La Salle’s 54th Commencement GRADS ACCEPTED AT OVER 250 COLLEGES IN ThE USA

Senior Commissioners lead the class in saying the Alma Mater. The commissioners are, from left, Melanie Franco, Megan Reid, Ryan Hulbert and Kelley Sanchez, who was also gave the Welcomer Address.

La Salle High School graduated 176 seniors at its 54th Commencement on Friday evening, May 24. Commencement Exercises took place at the Church of the Nazarene, next-door to the School. Andrew Lucas, Summa Cum Laude, received the La Salle High School General Excellence Award for the highest accumulative grade point average in the class. Andrew also received the Excellence Award for English and will attend the California Institute of Technology in the fall. Ryan Flynn, Summa Cum Laude, received the La Salle Scholar Award for Math and Science while Emily Paluch, Summa Cum Laude, received the La Salle Scholar Award for Liberal Arts and Visual and Performing Arts. Kelley Sanchez Magna Cum Laude, gave the Welcome Address and Patrick Sullivan, Summa Cum Laude, was chosen by the Faculty Commencement Committee for the honor of delivering the Commencement Address. Julia Jacques and Andrew Torrijos received the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Christian Service Award. Jennifer Robi was selected by her senior class peers to receive the Pro Deo et Patria Award. The De La Salle Service Award went to Michael Anastasia. Garrett Stone and Katherine Smither received the Brother Celestine All Around Athlete Award. 99.5% of La Salle’s graduating class will attend college or post graduate academies next year, and 87% of the class will matriculate at a four-year institution. PAGE 6


JUNE / JULY 2013

Patrick Sullivan delivered the Commencement Address

Emily Paluch The Scholar Award for Liberal Arts and Visual and Performing Arts

Ryan Flynn The Scholar Award for Math and Science

Garrett Stone, Student Life President and Brother Celestine All-Around Athlete Award

Andrew Lucas, General Excellence Award

Michael Anastasia, De La Salle Service Medal



Senior Presentation and Baccalaureatte Mass Learn Serve LEAD

Senior Presentation was before the entire student body on Thursday, May 23, in the Duffy Lewis Gymnasium. In addition to the recitation of graduates and awards and an address by Ryan Flynn, the seniors were also inducted into the La Salle Alumni Association. Dr. Gray and Alumni President, Jeff Weigand '67 flank the new Alumni Association Scholars, Julia Jacques and Jennifer

Robi, shown above right. Read more about these scholars in the spring issue of Lancer Magazine. During Baccalaureatte Mass, Daniel De La Torre received his diploma, since he was participating in the CIF State Finals on Saturday May 24, graduation night. PAGE 8

JUNE / JULY 2013


JUNE / JULY 2013

2013 Signum Fidei Award Recipients Each year, the members of the Senior Senate select adults from our school community to receive the Signum Fidei – Sign of Faith Award. Each recipient is selected because of their long service and dedication to the Mission and traditions of La Salle High School and for their modeling the spirit of our Founder, Saint John Baptist de la Salle. Pictured above from left are: Ms. Kjersti Holyfield ' 04, Mr. Rand Laird, Mrs. Vicki Paluch P'13, Mr. Mark Knowles, Mr. and Mrs. Hoang Nguyen, Ms. Gloria Elio and Mr. Ty Gaffney '65. Not pictured: Dr. Kenneth Canzoneri '72, P'01,'02,'04, Dr. Joanie Ruggles.

Mrs. Denise Bieker Receives De La Salle Service Award Principal, Brother Christopher Brady, FSC and President, Richard Gray, presented the De La Salle Service Award to Mrs. Denise Bieker for her years of service to the La Salle Community. She is shown with her family; husband Robin, son Andrew '10, daughters Lauren '08 and Janelle '13, at the 54th Commencement Exercises. PAGE 9


JUNE / JULY 2013

From the Athletic Boosters

Lancers Final Sports Report


It is hard to believe another school year has ended and we are headed for summer. However, if you think it will be a quiet summer you are mistaken. Summer is when most of our athletes go the extra mile to prepare for the next year. Most students get only a few weeks off and then the rest of the summer they are in summer camps. For some it is a break - others it is time to prepare. La Salle had a very productive year in athletics with three "Coach of the Year" awards, fifteen CIF qualifying teams, four league championships, six league MVP honors and much more. Please see the Lancer Athletics website for details. The Athletics Boosters would like to recognize the following student athletes for special athletic awards: Underclassmen of the Year: Milan Acquaah and Katherine Knop Lancer Scholar Athlete: Stephanie Ferri and Bruno Alonso Philip Clarke Athlete of the Year Daniel De La Torre and Caroline Knop Brother De Sales Athletic Achievement Award Bryce Shaw and Samantha Torrez Hall of Fame Inductees Brett Mirley (Swimming) Samantha Torrez (Swimming) Congratulations to all of these Athletes for their hard work and dedication. The Athletic Booster’s next big project will be in the fall when Lancer Football begins. It is the main source of income for the Athletic Boosters

Club and this year promises to be a banner year. First, our varsity will be defending its league title with six home games this coming season, (one more than normal), and the games will be big. Cathedral, Maranatha and Pasadena are our preseason home games, so plan for a packed house. We will need "all hands on deck" for these games, so you veterans know we appreciate your help. New parents should know working the games is a great way to meet people at La Salle, so get involved.

The Athletic Boosters' Season Packages Gold Package: Includes 2 stadium Chairs, 2 Hats, 2 Shirts, Admission for 2 to all La Salle Home Games, 2 meals at each event (sandwich, chips, drink) and 1 precious parking space on top next to the field.

Price $550

Silver Package: Admission for 2 to all La Salle Home Games, 2 meals at each event (sandwich, chips, drink) and 1 precious parking space on top next to the field. Price $400 Season Pass Package: Prepaid Admission to all Home Games and Reserved Parking for 1 car on top next to the field. Price $200

For Specific Game Dates, Times and Locations Log on to Lasallelancers.org or lasallehs.org Athletics. Please visit the La Salle Athletics page at www.lasallelancers.org under Boosters for volunteer opportunities. PAGE 10

ParentNewsletter If you are interested in any of these packages please contact me at my email address. I would like again express our appreciation to the departing parents and athletes. Thank you for your service to the Boosters and to your children. Thank you for the excitement you provided to all of us and mainly for the hard work you have put in to make Lancer Athletics so special. Finally, the Boosters are always looking for people who want to become more involved in La Salle, so please do not hesitate to contact me for more information at jdcina@sbcglobal.net. You can also find out more details on Lancer Banners as well as schedules and results on our sports website @ www.lasallelancers.org I hope to see you next year on the second Tuesday of each month in the Band Room at 6:30pm for the Athletic Boosters meeting. So, until then, be safe and Go Lancers! God Bless,

JUNE / JULY 2013

Doctors and Nurses Needed The La Salle Athletic Department is still looking for Parent Volunteers to help with this year’s summer physicals. We are in need of physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and nurses to help with medical exams on July 13 (9:00am1:00pm). Parent volunteers are needed to help with check in and forms. Athletics wishes to have a minimum of six physicians staffed for each exam period. Please contact Tim Rasmussen, Trainer, at trasmuss@lasallehs.org for more information. Thank you.

John D. Cina P'13, '14 Athletic Boosters President

P.S. See page 12 for some Year End Athletic Banquet and Hall of Fame photographs.


Summer Institute and Athletic Camps As in past years, La Salle High School will conduct the Summer Academic Institute from June 24 to July 25. In addition, we will conduct various sports camps throughout June and July. Current students and incoming students are invited and encouraged to attend. The Summer Academic Institute Program is available online and at the reception desk. Please refer to the school website for updated information and registration for all camps.



JUNE / JULY 2013

Lancer Hall of Fame The La Salle Year End Athletic Banquet was held on May 22, 2013 in the Dining Hall. Dozens of athletes were acknowledged and honored including the CIF Championship Girls Volleyball team and League Champions in Football, Girls Volleyball, Boys Swimming and Girls Track. A listing of awards and honorees is available on the La Salle Lancers Athletics website.


Top left, Brett Mirly Hall of Fame, Swimming. Top right, Samantha Torrez, Hall of Fame, Swimming. Left, Daniel De La Torre and Catherine Knop, Philip Clarke Athlete of the Year Award recipients.




Arts Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Category on each photo.

The La Salle Visual & Performing Arts Awards Ceremony and Hall of Fame presentation was held in the La Salle Dining Hall on May 21. See more photos from this event on the La Salle Website. Chorus


Above, Tesia Meza, Jude Lucas, Director, Judah Lacy. Right, Melanie Phoebe Franco, Mrs. Nancy Deode, Choreographer, Elysse Mosquera.



Above, Nicky Keros, Mr. Doug Rynerson, Producer. Right, Andrew Ting, Claire Fitzgerald Ms., Megan Foley Conductor, Kevin Chan.



Above, Erin Hill, Mrs. Ellen Slatkin, Teacher, Brittany Barrera. Right, Gianni Consiglio, Tesia Mesia, Jude Lucas, Director.



JUNE / JULY 2013

Juniors Receive Fellowships and Academic Scholarships

Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, joins juniors Olivia Kavanaugh, Elisa Stephens and Steven Bickel, who were selected to attend the first La Salle environmental immersion project in Yellowstone National Park during July, 2013.

The Robinson Fellowship Thanks to the generosity of Ricki and Joel Robinson, parents of Chad, an alum of La Salle, the School has created the Robinson Fellowship in Environmental Science. Three juniors, Olivia Kavanaugh, Elisa Stephens and Steven Bickel, will spend a week this summer in Yellowstone Park, working side-by-side with National Park Service ecologists and field researchers. They will work on conservation and wildlife restoration projects, collect data related to current field research including population studies, invasive and endangered species accounting as well as challenges to the food chain. As part of the Fellowship, they will be expected to prepare a presentation on the experience for their fellow students in the Environmental Science class. “This opportunity was designed for me!” said Olivia Kavanaugh when she received word PAGE 14

of her selection. “When I envision my future, I strongly believe that I will pursue science in a way that is both beneficial and impactful,” she continued. “I feel a sense of duty when it comes to our earth.” Elisa Stephens says she has always been drawn to and involved in science. “I am passionate about the opportunity to fully involve myself in this type of hands on opportunity. I have a yearning to not only help my environment, but also those who share that environment.” “I have enjoyed Yellowstone in the past on vacation and I understand that people need to give back. I am ready to make a commitment to the park by learning how to restore the land.” commented Steven Bickel after recieving the grant. Steven believes Yellowstone is a place where humans have not really changed nature. "In fact, I think Yellowstone is a place that changes people.”


JUNE / JULY 2013

JUNIOR SCHOLARS NAMED Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Mr. John Ring , and Dr. Richard Gray with junior George Situ.

The Bob Thomas Scholarship Mr. William “Bob” Thomas had an everlasting impact on his science and math students while he taught at La Salle. Graduates who experienced Bob Thomas in and out of the classroom reported his skills as a teacher, his insistence on precise thinking and his expectation that each of his students would give their best effort to the disciplines he loved. The scholarship in his name recognizes a junior who excels in math and science. The 2013 Bob Thomas Scholarship was awarded to George Situ.

The Robert Alcorn Scholarship Robert Alcorn was a revered taskmaster during the decade of service he gave to La Salle High School. Virtually every student who passed through his classroom now reports that their literacy, language, and composition skills are what they are because of his dedicated efforts and high expectations. Bob Alcorn’s efforts in languages and language arts were matched by his dedication outside of the classroom. Drama, French and Spanish clubs all benefited from his single-minded devotion to excellence. Jamie Kwong i To honor the remarkable achievements of Mr. Bob Alcorn, the Class of 1962 has established a permanent scholarship to be awarded to a La Salle Junior at the time of the Spring Academic Awards Ceremony. They established as the criteria academic excellence in the fields in which Mr. Alcorn exercised such a profound influence: languages and language arts. The scholarship is $1,000 to be applied to the student’s Senior year tuition. The 2013 Robert Alcorn Scholarship was awarded to Jamie Kwong. PAGE 15


JUNE / JULY 2013

From the College Counseling Center

College Center News By M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors

Class of 2013

College Planning Survey

Congratulations to the Class of 2013! We wish all members of this class good luck as they begin their college years. We have really enjoyed helping each and every graduate find their college “match.” We look forward to staying in touch and would like you to serve as a resource for La Salle students to contact to learn more about your college and your freshman year experience.

A Senior College Planning Sur vey and a parent questionnaire will be available on Naviance mid-July. Both student survey and parent questionnaire are due to their counselor by August 30. Ms. Baldonado or Mr. Hou will meet with each member of the class of 2014 to review their college list in the fall before the college application period.

Class of 2014



College Information Night

In May, we completed our meetings with all juniors who have submitted their Jr. College Planning Survey. Your students received a list of prospective colleges on Naviance to investigate. Summer is a good time to research and visit colleges and work on a personal statement. Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou highly recommend all students narrow their college list down to 6-8 schools by the fall.

To minimize the number of meetings for our parents, the Senior College Information Night will be held on the same evening as our Back-toSchool Night on Thursday, August 29. Seniors and their parents should mark their calendars to attend the mandatory College Information night. During this meeting, we will be discussing the application protocol/paperwork, letters of recommendation, essay writing tips and lots of other pertinent information.

Camp College

Plan to Visit Colleges

The College Center will be offering a three-day seminar for rising seniors. The purpose of this course is to provide hands-on interaction with students who need additional help with their college planning and application process. At the completion of this course, students will have created an organizational system, completed two college essays and learned in depth about college visitations, interviews, recommendations, financial aid, and developed a much better understanding of the colleges’ selection process. The cost of Camp College is $200. The complete summary of the course can also be found in the Summer Academic Institute brochure or online at www.lasallehs.org. Two sessions are available for students to choose: June 10 - June 12, 8:00am to 12:00pm (limited spaces remain). August 12 – August 14, 8:00am to 12:00pm. Please contact Mr. Hou should you need more information on Camp College.

Visiting colleges during the school year is one of the most valuable experiences in the college planning process. Not only does it help your student determine whether a college is a good fit, it also sends a strong message to the college admission office that your student is seriously considering their college. Looking at next year’s calendar, the best time to plan an out-of-town visit is during mid-October, as there will be no school on Friday, October 11, Monday, October 14 (Columbus Day), and Wednesday, October 16 (Standardized testing for all non-seniors).

Standardized Testing All members of the class of 2014 should have taken the ACT and/or the SAT by this time. Students who plan to apply to certain east coast colleges should also take two SAT Subject exams in the fall. A list of colleges that require/recommend SAT Subject Tests can be found at http://www.

ParentNewsletter compassprep.com/admissions_req_subjects.aspx. Although the UCs no longer requires two SAT Subject Tests, they are still recommended and strongly recommended for engineering and science majors. Fall exam dates are as follows: SAT Reasoning AND Subject Tests October 5 November 2 December 7 ACT September 21 October 26 December 14 Register early! Registration deadlines are usually about five weeks before the test date. For those students who have not taken an SAT prep course, Princeton Review will be offering a four-week SAT prep course on campus late September for students taking the October 5th SAT.

Test 1 Saturday Class Monday Class Wednesday Test 2 Saturday Class Monday Class Wednesday Test 3 Saturday Class Monday Class Wednesday Test 4 Saturday Class Monday Class Wednesday

September 7 9:00am – 1:30pm September 9 3:00 – 6:00pm September 11 3:00 – 6:00pm September 14 9:00am – 1:30pm September 16 3:00 – 6:00pm September 18 3:00 – 6:00pm September 21 9:00am – 1:30pm September 23 3:00 – 6:00pm September 25 3:00 – 6:00pm September 28 9:00am – 1:30pm September 30 3:00 – 6:00pm October 2 3:00 – 6:00pm

JUNE / JULY 2013

Class of 2015 The class of 2014 will be taking the PSAT on Wednesday, October 16. PSAT/NMSQT stands for Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. It is a standardized test that provides firsthand practice for the SAT Reasoning Test. It also gives you a chance to enter National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) scholarship programs. All Junior students will be taking the ACT at La Salle on February 8, 2014 for no charge. The Juniors will register for the ACT during Mentor Period in September so there is nothing to do on your part. In addition, most juniors will be taking the SAT Reasoning test for the first time in the Spring of 2014. If the family is considering a testprep course for the SAT, we suggest you choose a program that finishes close to the test date. Those students who are involved in a winter sport, theatre or have a full schedule during the months of January, February and March, might consider taking a test prep course over the summer or during the fall and take the SAT in October. Utilize Naviance! Remind your student to add their school and non-school activities and awards they received during freshman and sophomore years in “My Resume”. This is a great place to gather information and keep it organized for the college application process. Also, complete the ‘personality type’ assessment. Successful completion of the Do What You Are® Self Discovery Personality Type assessment will generate a report that will provide your student with important information about their personal characteristics. Your student will learn about careers that match their characteristics, their personal strengths and blindspots, how they negotiate in their daily life, and a host of other useful information.


Class of 2016 This year, the Class of 2016 received their student code to register onto Naviance in their Mentor group. Naviance is a college planning website where students can research colleges, their interests and careers. Your student can start keeping track of their school and non-school activities and awards they received during freshman year in Continued on page 18 PAGE 17


JUNE / JULY 2013

College Center Continued from page 17

“My Resume”. Naviance is a great place for students to organize and keep track of their information for college applications. Parents also have a personal log-in. Please contact Ms. Baldonado if you have not received your unique registration code for Naviance. The Class of 2016 will take the PLAN on Wednesday, October 16th (while the Class of 2015 takes the PSAT). The PLAN is a standardized test that is the precursor to the ACT. Please note that the ACT is as widely accepted among the colleges as the SAT. In addition to providing practice for the ACT, the PLAN has a unique section that tests science skills, which provides valuable feedback to our Science Department.


Fall College Tours We will again be touring colleges in the San Francisco Bay Area and to local colleges this fall. The Bay Area Tour will be held on Friday, October 11 and Saturday, October 12. Students will be visiting UC Berkeley, Santa Clara University, UC Santa Cruz, Stanford, Saint Mary’s College of California, and University of San Francisco. The Greater Los Angeles Tour will be held on Monday, November 11. Students on that tour will be visiting UCLA, Loyola Marymount and Cal State Long Beach.

July 31 and Wednesday, August 1, 2013, 7:00pm (please choose one to attend). Tuesday and Wednesday, July 31 and August 1, 2013, 7:00pm. Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City Sierra Ballroom 555 Universal Hollywood Drive Universal City, CA 91608 All students and parents who are interested in learning more about these liberal arts colleges and universities and interested in hearing more about the CTCL philosophy – namely that there are great college options for every student (not just for the strongest students) and that the college search should focus on finding the best match for each student – are invited to attend. There is no cost to attend and pre-registration is not required. Please read Loren Pope’s book or go to www.ctcl. com for additional information on the colleges in the CTCL group.

NHS and CSF Registration If your student is eligible for membership in the National Honor Society (NHS) and/or the California Scholarship Federation (CSF), please remind him/her to register. The deadline to register for both NHS and CSF is late August. CSF and NHS applications will be available on August 23.

General Information Students should use their summer time wisely. It is a great time to read (helps build vocabulary and critical thinking skills), find a job (helps with time-management and communication skills) participate in an activity that they are passionate about (athletics, music, theatre, academics, etc.) or give their time to an organization that can use an extra pair of hands (contact Mr. Birr for non-profit organizations in the San Gabriel Valley). The colleges featured in Loren Pope’s book Colleges That Change Lives (aka CTCL) will have an information session and a college fair at the Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City on Tuesday, PAGE 18

Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou will be in the office over the summer so please do not hesitate to contact us with any question you may have regarding college counseling. We wish all La Salle families a restful and safe summer.


JUNE / JULY 2013

Many Thanks to Our No Cost Fundraiser Supporters A sincere "thank you" goes out to the families, grandparents and friends of La Salle for participating in our year-round, NO COST FUNDRAISERS! We would not have these programs if it were not for companies who give back to La Salle’s Parent Association. Please help us in thanking the following organizations: eSCRIP, Vons, Hows, Ralphs and Target and their hundreds of suppliers and vendors.

eScrip is an Easy way to help la salle

Reporting for September 2011 through August 2012: eScrip: $7,352 Ralphs: $1,349 Target: $ 720 Total: $9,421 Do not forget, these programs give back to La Salle all year long and you and your family and friends can sign up anytime. Go to the La Salle webpage and select “Parents” in the menu bar, then select “eScrip”, “Ralphs” or “Target” and learn how to sign up. Any questions, please call or email: Cheryl Butler 626.351.1264 cheryl_butler@yahoo.com Michele Hardy 626.836.8391 mlhardyconsulting@yahoo.com If you have not signed up yet, it is not too late! Sign up today! Thanks for your support at No Cost to you!

Online Shoppers Earn Money for La Salle Earn up to 16% from your favorite online retailers. You already shop online, why not earn when you shop? Get gifts for Moms, Dads, Grads, or just shop for the everyday stuff you need, and get great contributions for La Salle High School!

ONLINE MALL 1. Sign up or sign in at www.escrip.com 2. Click on the “Online Mall” logo 3. Shop your favorite brands at online retailers to automatically earn for our group.

“EASY” BUTTON AutoEARN is the easiest way to earn when you shop online with participating retailers. Install it and forget it. Download it from the Online Mall, and in seconds you’ll be on your way to earning more for our group. Get one hour of parent service when you download the AutoEarn feature too! Some of the vendors who are giving back: 1-800-flowers.com • Adidas Store • Amazon.com • American Eagle Outfitters • Apple Store • Barnes & Noble • Best Buy • Bloomingdale’s • Disney • eLuxury • Gap • Home Depot • Nordstrom • Old Navy • PetSmart • Radio Shack • Safeway • Sony • Toys R Us and many more. PAGE 19


JUNE / JULY 2013

From Guidance and Counseling

Leaving for College May be New for You By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D. Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling



La Salle High School faculty and staff bid a fond farewell to the Class of 2013. The commencement ceremony is a ritual which celebrates the passage of your daughters and sons from the end of childhood to young adulthood. This transition is a developmental milestone in the lives of your student and your family. There is a sense of excitement as your student prepares to move to college. They will experience both independence and a responsibility for their behavior as adults. If going to college is the first time your student has lived away from home for any length of time, this will be a new experience for both of you. You and your student could experience some feelings of ambivalence about leaving home. It is their first step in the direction of living separate lives. When a college bound student is a first or only child, going to college will be another ‘first time’ experience for parents. When your student has siblings, his or her siblings will have to adjust to shifting roles and responsibilities in your family. It might be helpful for you to speak with friends who have already been through this transition. There are adjustments that your student and family will make during the time between graduation and beginning college. These adjustments will occur regardless of whether your student will go away to college or remain at home to attend college. Sometimes there are conflicts about the existing house rules that were in place when your student was in high school. If these conflicts occur, try to have a discussion with your student which does not lead to arguments and discord. Remember that you are also experiencing an adjustment to the new phase of your student’s life that parallels that of your college bound student. Hopefully, you have already been thinking about which rules and limits are negotiable and those which are not. Finally, in the midst of all this change, be sure to let your college bound student know that your love and support remain a constant in their lives.


JUNE / JULY 2013

2013-2014 Student Calendar August 21 (Wednesday) New Student Welcome

August 22 (Thursday) First Day of Classes September 2 (Monday) Labor Day – Holiday October 11 (Friday) Student Holiday (Faculty In-service) October 14 (Monday) Columbus Day – Holiday November 11 (Monday) Veterans Day – Holiday November 27 – December 1 Thanksgiving Break December 17 – 20 Fall Semester Examinations

December 21 – January 6 Christmas Vacation

2014 January 7 (Tuesday) Classes Resume

January 20 (Monday) Martin Luther King, Jr. – Holiday

February 14 (Friday) Student Holiday (Faculty In-service)


February 17 (Monday) Presidents’ Day – Holiday March 17 (Monday) School Holiday April 17 – 27 Easter Vacation May 23 (Friday) Graduation, School Holiday May 26 (Monday) Memorial Day – Holiday May 30 – June 4 Spring Semester Examinations

Used Uniform Sale Friday, July 12, 2013 Why waste time and gas driving to buy La Salle Uniforms or pay for shipping and handling when you buy online? The Academic Boosters will be selling used uniforms on campus during the CKW and Mills uniform sale. This will be the only used uniform sale this summer. Used uniforms that meet current school standards and are in new to good condition will be sold at significant discoun ts (20% - 75% off new). Used uniforms are bought back the previous spring from La Salle graduates as well as underclass students who have outgrown their uniforms. The proceeds from the Used Uniform Fundraiser enable the Academic Boosters to continue their mission of support for the teaching and enrichment programs of our school curriculum by granting faculty and staff wishes for equipment and materials. Consider supporting your students in more ways than one - please visit the Used Uniform Sales this summer! PAGE 21


JUNE / JULY 2013

A TRIBUTE TO AMERICA'S HEROeS La Salle’s Principal, Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, helps present a “Portrait of Courage” by sophomore Isabella Camargo to Major David Denial, USMC.

Students Present Art as Memorial Day Tribute With paintbrushes and drawing pencils at the ready, 11 La Salle High School students worked after school throughout the academic year to create a dozen Portraits of Courage, depicting various U.S. Marines from Camp Pendleton as a way of thanking them for their bravery and service. Sixteen-year-old Isabella Camargo presented Maj. David Denial (CQ) with the acrylic painting she created of him and his wife, Maj. Tera Denial, on Tuesday, the day after Memorial Day. “Wow! That is beautiful,” exclaimed Maj. David Denial, who was dressed in a casual green shirt and walking shorts, not a uniform because he did not want to cause the student body to think he was recruiting. PAGE 22

The sophomore based her painting of the Denials on a formal U.S. Marine portrait of the couple, which he submitted to the school’s newly formed Portraits in Courage club. With the stars and stripes of the U.S. flag to the left and the flag of the U.S. Marines with its proud eagle to the right, the Denials stare directly at the viewer as their heads lean gently toward one another. On their dress uniforms, they each have a row of medals for their service in Iraq and Afghanistan. Their smiles convey their love for each other and their country. “This is really special,” said the major, who drove up from Camp Pendleton to collect the artwork and to personally thank the students

ParentNewsletter for the work they are doing to help military families. “It’s a surprise birthday present for her. And for me, it’s like coming full circle. I was in art class for all four years of high school.” Maj. David Denial enlisted in the Marines four days after he graduated from Warren High School in Downey 22 years ago. Both he and his wife, whom he married nine years ago on Valentine’s Day, have been deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Isabella Camargo painstakingly painted their medals, including one of his three Medals of Valor which he received for his bravery in Fallujah, Iraq, where both of his ear drums were lacerated. “I have two hearing aids, but that’s a small price to pay,” he commented modestly. Maj. Tera Denial, a contracting officer, had also been awarded medals for her meritorious service, including one for her efforts in support of the Global War on Terrorism.“For the rest of our lives, we will have this to look at and remember,” Maj. David Denial said. The 11 members of the Portraits of Courage club were allowed to pick the subject they wanted. Isabella Camargo selected the only couple in the batch of photos submitted to the club last fall. “I picked them because they look really happy,” said Isabella Camargo. “To paint a portrait of them, I feel, is a great honor because they have worked so hard in the military and it’s good to give back.” Isabella Camargo was one of the few students to paint a portrait, the other students did pencil drawings. It took her nearly five months to complete it. Taylor Brennan, a La Salle High School sophomore, founded the new school club, Portraits of Courage, last October as a way to help military families through the healing powers of art. For his effort in this club and another school club he started, Support Our Troops, he was featured last February as an ABC7/ KABC-TV Cool Kid. La Salle art instructor Joanne McGee-Lamb is the staff moderator of the club, which meets after school on Tuesdays, when the students work on the portraits. Mrs. Lamb explained that these students, who are either freshmen and sophomores, are highly gifted artists who are serious about their art and about giving back to the community. The other students in the “Portraits of Courage Crew” include Mariel Lo Guercio, Olivia Pope, Ethan Chong, Aubin Schuler, Jodie Kaya, Elias Villalpando, Corinne Dyson, Jacqueline Tooley and John Stover. “It’s so cool that the kids got to meet him,” Mrs. McGee-Lamb said, noting that the other student-made portraits and were shipped to the servicemen or their families by May 31.

JUNE / JULY 2013

Top, Mariel Lo Guercio '15. Taylor Brennan '15, Portraits of Courage Club President with moderator Joanne McGee-Lamb. Bottom, Aubin Schuler '15..



JUNE / JULY 2013

JUNE / JULY 2013

Student Film Earns Accolades

Check out La Salle Arts on Twitter and Facebook

Actors David Grant Wright, Stephen Boyer in "Opus."

Page 24

Stephen Boyer '14, a 16-year-old filmmaker acted and wrote the screenplay. His inspiration for in the LTV program, recently won Best Live Action the film came from his own volunteer efforts at Film at the STN (Student Television Network) Film Huntington Memorial Hospital, where he played Festival for his 12-minute film, “OPUS.” And a piano in the recovery room. week later, he learned OPUS won the “Best of the Best 2013” award as the Best U.S. Narrative at the Lovett Film Festival in Atlanta, Ga., on May 4. “It’s an insane honor,” said Stephen '14. “I’m constantly surprised and honored by how people see the film, and how it touches them.” “OPUS” has also been selected to be screened at The Santa Monica Teen Film Festival at the Miles Memorial Playhouse and at the Bay Area Youth Media Network Festival in San Francisco, both on June 1. The festival attracted 325 submissions from around the world. While Stephen’s films are winning awards and praise, his four-part documentary on La Salle’s arts program helped the school secure a $100,000 Francis Bacon Foundation grant to endow a Stephen Boyer '14 holds STN award with Mr. Doug Rynerson. scholarship for the arts program. His film “OPUS,” which can be viewed “I had to act in it because an actor dropped on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/user/ out due to a family emergency,” Stephen said. “I StephenHP44) along with his other videos, tells had a deadline to meet.” Stephen has made more than 18 films since joining LTV. His partner in filmmaking is Matthew Seidner, ’12, who serves as the producer and film editor on their joint efforts. Matthew is continuing his film studies at Video Symphony TV & Film School in Burbank. Stephen also collaborates with Manny Soriano ’12 and Richard Ayala '13. Immediately after making “OPUS” in February, Stephen wrote and directed “Summer in the Suburbs,” a 13-minute film about middle school angst. “I went from making a warm and fuzzy, director-writer centric film with "OPUS" to an actor-centric film about teenage angst. I’m working through all the genres," he said as he laughed. the story of a teen who has walled himself off As for the near future, Stephen said he will from being sentimental and learns the value of be directing and editing a promotional video for human connections through his school’s required the Pasadena Symphony that features his father, community service. The teen plays piano in a Peter Boyer, who was the orchestra’s Composer-in hospital clinic, where he meets a mature cancer Residence for the 2012-13 season. patient played by David Grant Wright, an actor Stephen has taken a page out of his father’s whose work can be seen in film and television. songbook by scoring his own films as well as those Stephen not only directed the film, he of friends.


JUNE / JULY 2013

Torrez Signs with Bryant University In May, Samantha Torrez '13 signed a National Letter of Intent to swim for Bryant University, a private Liberal Arts University in Rhode Island. Bryant is an NCAA Division I university participating in the Northeast Conference. Samantha was a key member of the first ever girls swim Division IV CIF championship in 2012. She was a three event winner at the 2012 CIF Finals (100 Fly, 100 Back, 400 Free Relay) and was the 2013 Del Rey League Champion in the 100 fly, 100 Back and 400 Free Relay. She was recently inducted into the La Salle Athletics Hall of Fame. We are very proud of Samantha commented Athletic Director Anthony Harris at the signing. He cautions that only two of 100 high school athletes will ever play in college and just one out of every 1000 high school athletes will receive a Division I scholarship. “Samantha has accomplished something very special here at La Salle,” he said.


Lancers Swim League Champs On May 2, the La Salle Swim team got off the bus at the John Argue Pool Complex determined and ready take care of business. After winning the first of three Del Rey League invitational meets, the men’s team strode into the second league preview meet with confidence. After an unfortunate disqualification of a relay team, they finished in second place. The time had come for the Lancers to perform at the third and last Del Rey League Finals. Beat Cathedral. Win the meet. Win the League. The men started strong by capturing first, second and third place in the first two individual events and kept that momentum rolling. During the distance events however, Cathedral’s depth started to show itself and they caught up to La Salle. The Championship came down to the last relay of the season. La Salle had to go 1-2 in both the ‘A’ and ‘B’ relays to win the meet. A first and third place would not do it. First Varsity Swim Team year Coach, Michael Jafari, split the ‘A’ relay placing two of the top four swimmers onto the ‘B’ relay—making one relay a little slower, one a little faster. By taking a gamble on beating Cathedral's top team with both of La Salle’s relay teams the Lancers got it done with a 1-2 finish, winning League Finals and becoming Boys Varsity Del Rey League Champions. PAGE 25


JUNE / JULY 2013

JUNE / JULY 2013

The Obsequious Observer By John Blackstock, The Editor


Names in the News Senior, Cassidy Rey, Lancer All-League goalkeeper was selected on the Star-News All-Area soccer team. Junior Marisol Dakan was also selected to the All-Area water polo team. Senior Samantha Torrez was selected for the All-Area swimming team. Junior Brandon Mulligan was named to the All-Area track team. The undefeated senior, Daniel De La Torre, won his second consecutive distance titles in the 1,600 and 3,200 meter races at the CIF Southern section Track and Field Championships. Daniel De La Torre was also named All-Area track and field Athlete of the Year. The Lancers’ boys varsity track coach, Fred Riley was named All-Area Coach of the Year. Senior Noeh Martinez enjoyed a great Senior AllStar Game playing third base at Mt. Sac on June 3. He was selected to play by the area coaches after his nomination from La Salle’s head coach, Harry Agajanian. Recent graduates, Jalen Gray and Aaron Ealy, were honored on June 2 by The Gamma Zeta Boule Foundation (GZBF) LAMP Mentor Program (Leadership, Achievement, Management and Professionalism) a program that supports high school students who are committed to attending and graduating from the college or university of their choice.

Soltis is Educator of the Year Following Founders Day Liturgy, Brother Christopher named David Soltis '90 the Lasallian Educator of the Year. This award is given annually to a faculty member who exemplifies the qualities of St. La Salle…specifically meeting the following criteria: • A dedicated and committed individual who is a qualified educator. • An educator who understands their own dignity as a child of God so that he or she can pass this on to their students. • A person who cherishes and cares for their students like an older brother or sister, and, above all, someone who is committed to a life of faith and prayer so that they can teach their students in the spiritual life, inculcating living values. "Without a doubt, Dave exemplifies these criteria," said Principal, Brother Christopher Brady, FSC. Page 26

JUNE / JULY 2013


JUNE / JULY 2013

Three of the many teachers who nominated our recipient described the honoree this way: "This educator is dedicated to the development of the “whole” student." "This teacher is an excellent role model for students and faculty alike." "An individual who has been a model of faith and service as a source of inspiration to the academic department." Brother Christopher continued, "In every way, St. La Salle himself would have been proud of this st 21 century educator who loves, instructs and guides students in the pursuit of a human and Christian education. Our recipient diligently works with our students when asked. In fact, one can find Dave on campus available before classes begin, in the classroom during break and lunch and again after school. Our Lasallian Educator spends a great deal of time teaching, tutoring students, and always has a positive attitude about what can be accomplished. Our educator of the year teaches the values of trust, critical thinking and hard work. Dave believes in and lives the principle of teaching the whole person (body, heart, mind and soul), and models what he teaches in his own hard work and dedication to this school community." La Salle is proud to honor David Soltis who was once a student Lancer himself, and has been serving this community of students since 1999.

Vault Record Broken, Twice! On May 2, a school record, which was set by Jessica Horn ’03 and stood since 2003, was broken not once, but twice in the same hour! During the Del Rey Track and Field League Finals at Monrovia High School, three La Salle girl pole vaulters had the best vaults of their careers. Senior Jessica Legaspi ’13 (LMU) started the incredible day off for the Lancers with a 10 inch increase of her PR (personal record). She finished the day with a third place in league, and a final height of 7’7” eighth on the La Salle Top Ten list. Then there were two. Junior Noelle Crowley and senior (Rose Princess) Tracy Cresta (Redlands) still had a shot at the league championship title. The crossbar continued to move up and the girls continued to clear height after height. They both cleared 9’1” and the bar moved up six inches. At 9’7”, the crossbar loomed one inch above the school record, a record both girls have been striving for during their time vaulting for La Salle. The pole vault area was surrounded by friends, coaches, family members, and many athletes from schools in the league, as it had become clearly evident that something special was happening. Noelle cleared the bar on her first attempt and set a new school record! Then Tracy sprinted toward the pit and cleared the bar to tie the new school record. The crossbar goes up another six inches to 10’1”. With a quiet, but excited crowd looking on, Tracy then cleared the bar on her next attempt and set an even higher school record. Noelle must now Noelle Crowley, Tracy Cresta clear that height, but hits the crossbar and finished and Jessica Legaspi.. the day with a second place in league, an invitation to the CIF Prelims, and a final height of 9’7”, a 13" increase of her personal record. Tracy’s huge jump also resulted in a 13" increase of her PR and an invitation to the CIF Prelims. Tracy, who will be running track for the University of Redlands next spring, finished the day as the Del Rey League Champion and La Salle’s new pole vault record holder. "Princess" Tracy is now the "queen" of La Salle pole vaulters.



JUNE / JULY 2013


JUNE / JULY 2013

Check your School calendar for event times and dates JUNE / JULY 2013






June 17 Advanced Academic Institute Begins June 24 Academic Institute Begins Office Hours: 7:30am to 3:00pm June 28 Parent Association Used Book Sale 1:00-4:30pm Dining Hall

July 4 Independence Day Holiday July 5 Summer Institute and School Closed July 12 CKW / Sue Mills New Uniform Sale Dining Hall 12:00 - 6:00pm Academic Boosters Used Uniform Sales Blakeslee Library 12:00 - 6:00pm

July 13 Athlete Physicals 9:00am to 1:00pm Band Room July 25 Academic Institute Concludes August 5 CKW New Uniform Sale Dining Hall 9:00am - 11:00am 6:00pm - 7:30pm


21st Annual Lancer Golf Classic & Banquet • Monday, September 23, 2013 Glendora Country Club See eFlyers for esco Book Buyback

PowderPuff Football Pix on Web Check out the fun PowderPuff football photographs in the La Salle Gallery on our website. The game was held on May 16 with the Juniors victorious.

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