Lancer Magazine- Fall/Winter 2013

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Fall / Winter 2013

Volleyball Wins CIF Crown De La Torre Wins Cross Country State Title ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012

The Magic of the Arts


he Board of Regents Campaign for the Arts continues with more than $200,000 in gifts and pledges received. The $300,000 initiative is tailored to add to the strengths of each of the School’s six programs in the Arts (Visual Art, Instrumental Music, Vocal Music, Dance, Theatre, Film and Video Production). More than 43% of La Salle students benefit from La Salle’s award-winning Arts programs at a time when many other secondary schools are reducing or eliminating these programs. The campaign will endow a $100,000 scholarship fund in the Arts, as well as fund $200,000 in refurbishments to the Linda M. Grinstead Theatre, the Mareina Dance Studio, and Band Room with equipment, acoustic shells and instrument

purchases. Sound, lighting and video upgrades for the theatre and LTV’s broadcast studio are also scheduled. The campaign runs through June 30, 2013, and we hope you will be part of the success and the magic. Gifts may be made through the La Salle website, where you will find the Regents Campaign for the Arts on the left side of the homepage; or you can go directly to the giving page at Check out the new page for the Visual and Performing arts

24 Lancer Magazine is published three times a year by the Office of Institutional Advancement at La Salle High School of Pasadena, Inc. for alumni, parents and friends.


Inquiries and/or correspondence should be directed to: John C. Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications La Salle High School 3880 East Sierra Madre Boulevard Pasadena, California 91107-1996 626.696.4316 All pages are displayed on the La Salle website.


OFFICERS & ADMINISTRATIONS Board of Trustees: Mr. Peter Godfrey (Chair) Mr. Ty Gaffney ‘65 Ms. Tamara Flowers Mr. James Canny ’65 Dr. Vera Vignes Sister Marilyn Bender, CSJ Mr. Tom Caulfield Mr. Ryan Resurreccion Mr. Barry Schweiger ’60 Mr. W. Robert Kohorst ’71 Ms. Erica Hahn Dr. Ken Canzoneri ’72 Br. Kevin Slate, AFC Board of Regents: Dennis A. Jebbia, Chair Julie Williams P’04, Vice Chair Geoff Ayres P’11 Lisa Bononi P’15 Doug Campbell John Delaney P’82, ’85, ’89 John DeMarco P’12 Carol Duffey P’10, ’12 Peter Godfrey, Esq. P’07, ’08 Pete Griffith P’00, ’03 Scott A. Hancock, Esq. P’11 ’11, ’11 Bradford Hixson P’13 David Lam P’08, ’09 Alumni Board: Jeff Weigand ’67, P’02, ’05, ’08, Chair Brandon Birr ’03 Angie Gilliam ’02 Marissa Lluch ’95 Tony Messineo ’80

Joseph Lumarda P’14 Edward L. Malicdem ’88, P’16 David J. Skibinski, MBA Craig Sloane P’09, ’11 D’Arcy Sloane P’09, ’11 Michael W. Stoddard P’07, ’10, ’12, ’15 Yolanda Valadez P’08 Serena Flowers Williams P’04, ’06 Walt Williams P’04 Brad Wright ’73, P’07, ’12 Joseph M. Zanetta, J.D. P’12

Steve Peterson ’85 Alex Plumb ’06 Robin Quintanilla ’03 Thomas Stafford ’99 Mike Sullivan ’70, P’08, ’13 Andrew Vogelbach ’01

Administration: Richard Gray, Ph.D., President Patrick Bonacci, AFSC, Vice President for Mission Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, Principal John Ring, Associate Principal for Student Services Frank Laurenzello, Associate Principal for Curriculum and Instruction Robert Packard, Chief Financial Officer Jon Keates, Director of Institutional Advancement Editor: John C. Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications Publication and Production: KGB Studios, Los Angeles

FEATURES 2011-2012 Annual Report............................................................... 5 Financial Reports and the Honor Roll of Donors Frank Ferrante ’81 is Still in the Circus Tent.....................................24 Lifetime of Performances Shaped at La Salle Homecoming 2012........................................................................ 27. Lancers Return for Football, Fun and 10th Battalion Awards Lancer Athletics............................................................................ 32. Undefeated Football Lancers Crowned League Champs Volleyball Girls Capture CIF Rings Daniel De La Torre ’13 is Cross Country State Champion

The Importance of Being Earnest.................................................... 44. Oscar Wilde Lets Student Thespians Shine Tracy Cresta ’13 is Selected as Rose Princess................................... 46. 150 Events Lead up to Tournament of Roses Parade


Editorial Contributors: Kristen Schultz ’98 Jade Rogers ’01 Vicki Paluch

La Salle Matters.............................................................................. 2

Photo Credits: Cover, inside and back cover: John Blackstock ’67 Pages: John Blackstock ’67, pages 1, 11, 27 top, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 43, 50, 51, 54 top, Courtesy Frank Ferrante ’81, pages 24, 25, 26. Robin Smith page 27, top. Hoang Nguyen, page 32, bottom. Duane Norris, page 35. Ron Yary, page 37 top. Kristen Schultz ’98, pages 39, 52, 53, 55. Gifford Family, page 41. Susan Martinez, page 42. Vicki Paluch, page 42, right. Alicia Lownes-Santos ’13, pages 44, 45. Teresa Ring ’03, pages 46, 47.

Amazing Lancers........................................................................... 40 Alumni Profile............................................................................... 43 Jim Fischella ’73

On the Cover: Girls Volleyball team shows solidarity before a game on their way to the CIF Championship. Daniel De La Torre ’13 (inset).

Staying Connected ........................................................................ 56

Principal Ideas................................................................................ 4

Faculty Update...............................................................................50 Alumni Reunion Reviews and More ................................................. 52 FALL / WINTER 2013

© 2013 La Salle High School of Pasadena, Inc.




La Salle I

am back in my office after having spent a delightful hour in the Duffy Lewis Gymnasium enjoying a magnificent Student Christmas Assembly put on by the Visual and Performing Arts Department. There was something for everyone…the 48 voice Choir sang, the elite Jazz Ensemble performed, as did the Advanced Band, the newly formed String Ensemble wowed the students with their technique, the Dance program was showcased, including two students who compete in Irish Step Dancing. There were soloists and a video (produced by the students in the Film and Digital Media Program) entitled The Art Project that featured interviews of student members of the Visual and Performing Arts Department talking about the impact Art (in all of its manifestations) had on their individual development. As I returned to my office, I was struck by two different impressions; the first focused on the obvious - the amazing depth and breadth of student artistic talent which is drawn to La Salle’s VPA program - and, the less obvious but no less important, phenomenal reaction of their student colleagues who cheered and, at one point, initiated a standing ovation, in appreciation of the accomplishments of the student artists performing on the gym floor. As I watched the performance, I realized how much the community of La Salle takes for granted the unique elements - one of which is our four-year Arts Program - that distinguish us from other private high schools in the greater Pasadena area. As an Academic Advisor to freshmen, I regularly work with students who need to schedule certain courses during the School’s Summer Academic Institute in order to ensure that they will be able to pursue their passion in the Arts each semester for the next four years. I’ve been in the school business for over 30 years and I don’t know of another school (certainly none that I’ve worked in) where teenagers willingly take a summer school class in order to clear a space in their schedule so that they could concentrate on one particular academic discipline (this also happens in the Mathematics Department for students who want to take the two-semester Advanced Placement Calculus program in their Senior year). And yet, we have over 200 students doing exactly that. As I reflected on these taken-for-granted elements of the La Salle Difference, it occurred to me that I’m probably not the only Lancer who assumes that the day-to-day experience of the teenagers entrusted to our care is normative for all high school students. Sadly, in fact, for most California teenagers, this is not the case. There is irony in our “take-it-for-granted” attitude to this unique approach to Arts Education at La Salle. While more than one research study highlights the value of exposure to the Arts for all educational disciplines; the Arts are among the first programs to fall prey to the budget axe in the public sector. Budget cuts and the Great Recession have reduced these opportunities for most high school students in the Golden State. Like Counseling, Arts Education is often the first to feel the impact of the deficit-cutting axe when there are too few dollars to support all of the worthwhile educational programs that ought to be available to every student in California.



In his forward to the 2011 report of the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities: Re-Investing in Arts Education: Winning America’s Future Through Creative Schools, US Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan made this observation: The opportunity to learn about the arts and to perform as artists is an essential part of a well-rounded curriculum and complete education. The study of drama, dance, music, and the visual arts helps students explore realities, relationships, and ideas that cannot be conveyed simply in words or numbers. The ability to perform and create in the fine arts engenders innovative problem-solving skills that students can apply to other academic disciplines and provides experiences working as a team. This is not a Screed against the tortured financial politics of the Golden State. What I want to share in this reflection is the deep gratitude I have for the generous donors - alumni, current parents, grandparents and parents of alumni - who recognize that the La Salle Difference is not only worthy of their philanthropic support but dependent upon their generosity - if we are to successfully implement our Mission to “nurture, inspire, challenge and motivate” the students entrusted to our care. This Annual Report highlights the many ways loyal and generous supporters of the La Salle Mission ensure that the students entrusted to our care receive the broadest possible educational program - especially as you will see in this issue - in terms of their exposure to the fine and performing arts. Secretary Duncan uses the term “the magic of the Arts” to describe the impact these disciplines can - and must - have on elementary and secondary students. I am especially grateful for the essential role the “magic of the arts” plays here at La Salle.

Dr. Richard Gray President






n the last issue of Lancer Magazine I wrote about being called back to this school community as its new Principal. My “short” absence of 33 years allowed a great deal of personal growth and maturing to occur for me and I’m a better Brother, educator and person because of it. Since my official re-emergence on July 1, I have often been asked the question, “How is La Salle different today from when you left it in 1979?” My answer in July was a just few sentences as I was reacquainting myself with La Salle. And now, after six months of careful study and conversation, I am able to expound at length on the transformation of this school community and all that it has to offer the young men and women who walk (or run!) our hallways each school day. In 1979, the physical facilities of La Salle for an all boy’s school were adequate. We had a total of five window air conditioners for offices on campus. The hallways were white and simple. The cafeteria walls bled water from the E. Sierra Madre side and on warm days, we “baked” from the asphalt on the yard side. Today, we have central air conditioning for all of the classrooms and offices. Each classroom is technology equipped and ready for the needs of the 21st century. Our science facilities are more spacious and provide better laboratory equipment. We have a fully staffed dining hall and a football/soccer field that is playable in any weather condition. In 1979, our academic program was solid. We did the basics and most of our graduates went to college. In 2012, our curricular offerings are second to none! Both regular and Honors classes prepare our students well in a college preparatory curriculum. We offer 14 Advanced Placement college classes; our Visual and Performing Arts department offers a full four year curriculum; over the last five years, 99% of our graduates move on directly to colleges or universities of their choice. In 1979, we had an all-male student body with an enrollment of 420. Today we boast of our enrollment at 700. More importantly, the young women who now walk our halls make this school setting a healthier and more realistic environment. They allow for classroom discussions to be more authentic and real-world like. They truly enhance and provide a wonderful balance to the former all boys experience. On a personal level, having spent many years in both settings, it was only in the co-ed schools where I was the recipient of truly delectable delights on my birthday or at Christmas time. Yes, they sensed my enjoyment for the sweets. While many of the externals have taken on a different “look”, the most important things have not. We still deliver, as in 1979, a Catholic education in the tradition of Saint John Baptist de La Salle which began in 1680 and is now over 330 years strong. Our education continues to be meaningful, viable, and practical for the students in this school. Parents today, as in 1979, are willing to sacrifice to have their son/daughter attend this school. Private education is not inexpensive! I continue to be in admiration of mothers and fathers who freely choose to forego many of the niceties in order that their offspring are afforded an education that is driven by gospel values. The educators on this campus continue to be dedicated to those students placed in our care. The teaching faculty of 66 continues to be committed to the Mission and belief that each and every young person can be transformed by a meaningful education that this school offers. Our focus is on students and what is best for them. For me to return to this school community, I have been reenergized by the joy and smiles I see each day from the students on this campus. The young Lancers are enjoying their high school years and the opportunities we are able to provide them to be involved with others through service. This fall 40 students were off campus involved in a tutoring program that serves some of Los Angeles’ needy elementary schools. We provided 87 military families at Fort Irwin complete Thanksgiving dinners in addition to 140 Christmas trees. In our Christmas Adopt–a–Family program, we provided gifts and toys to over 150 young boys and girls. Our students were asked and our families responded with gracious and giving hearts. Our school environment is one in which young and the not so old are smiling and enjoying what they are doing. It continues to be a community of learners who enjoy one another. What makes La Salle High School so special are the people. Those who established the school in 1956−the real pioneers of Lancer education: Br. Celestine, Br. Mel, Br. Wilfred, Br. Cormac… and Duffy Lewis. Those that followed them…teachers and students and athletes and stage actors and singers and artists and our mighty alumni. As this School’s Principal−I know that I am blessed to lead an institution that wants to be better than it is. La Salle High School has never been satisfied by the status quo and is not satisfied because of its successes. The School community of today is talented, gifted, smart and hard working. How lucky can I be to return and help move La Salle forward.

Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal 4


annual report 2011-2012





First Row, Erica Hahn P’00, Robert Packard, Tamara Flowers, Nancy Iredale P’06, Ryan Resurreccion, Dr. Vera Vignes, Second Row, Barry Schweiger ’60, Peter Godfrey, Esq. P’07, ’08, Ty Gaffney ’65, Sister Ann Patricia O’Connor, CSJ, Brother William Carriere, FSC, Ph.D., Third Row, Jon Keates, Sister Marilyn Bender, CSJ, Tom Caulfield P’03, James Canny ’65, Dr. Ken Canzoneri ’72, P ’01, ’02, ’04, Not Pictured, Robert Kohorst ’71, P’03, ’07, Brother Kevin Slate, FSC.





Craig Sloane P’09, ’11, D’Arcy Sloane P’09,’11, Yolanda Valadez P’08, Jody Tolan P’11, Serena Flowers Williams P’04, ’06, John DeMarco P’12

Row 2:

Scott Hancock P’11, ’11, ’11, Edward Malicdem ’88, P’16, Dennis Jebbia, Julie Williams P’04, David Lam P’08, ’09, Michael Stoddard P’07, ’10, ’12, ’15

Row 3:

David Skibinski, Douglas Campbell, Walt Williams P’04, Bradford Hixson P’13, Peter Griffith P’00, ’03, John Delaney P’82, ’85, ’89 Not pictured, Geoff Ayres P’11, Peter Godfrey P’07, ’08, Joseph Lumarda P’14 Bradford Wright ’73, P’07,’12 Joseph Zanetta P’12

Financial Data

2012 FALL / WINTER 2013


Contribution Summary TOTAL RAISED BY SOURCE $1,680,569 - JULY 1, 2011 - JUNE 30, 2012

LA SALLE FAMILY OF FUNDS Annie Johnston Memorial Endowed Faculty Professional Development Fund Annie Johnston Memorial Endowed Student Scholarship Fund Bob Thomas Scholarship Fund for Math & Science Brother Celestine, FSC Endowed Scholarship Fund Brother T. Mel Anderson, FSC Endowed Scholarship Fund Class of 1960 Endowed Scholarship Fund Class of 1961 Financial Aid Fund Class of 1997 Financial Aid Fund David Contreras ’98 Memorial Fund

Phillip J. “Duffy” Lewis Interscholastic Athletic Fund Excellence in Coaching Fund Gloria Delaney Memorial Scholarship Fund Grant Glausser ’75 Memorial Scholarship Fund Honor A Lasallian Educator Fund John Matheus Honorary Alumnus Fund Joseph Antonisamy Memorial Music Scholarship Fund Jules Ruggles Memorial Scholarship Fund Linda M. Grinstead Fine & Performing Arts Fund Mareina Chapel Fund

Margaret Roman Memorial Scholarship Fund Michael Rossini ’81 Memorial Scholarship Fund Pat Bonacci, AFSC Endowed Scholarship Fund Bob Alcorn Scholarship Fund for the Humanities Robinson Professional Development Endowment Fund San Miguel Scholarship Fund Sylvia Bernstein Memorial Golf Fund Tim Gripp Memorial Theatre Scholarship Fund Tuition Assistance Fund Women’s Athletic Scholarship Fund

In addition to the La Salle family of funds, gifts of all kinds are greatly appreciated. Planned gifts; gift annuities, life insurance, charitable remainder trusts, lead trusts and bequests are examples of planned giving. Gifts of appreciated securities may be deducted at fair market value on the date of transfer to the school. Your memorial gift to La Salle can help to perpetuate the values that guided a loved one’s life. Gifts may honor a person during his or her lifetime. Gifts of real estate can be given to the school outright, transferred to the School in a bargain sale, or can be used to fund a gift annuity or unitrust. In some cases, it may be possible to arrange a sizable tax deduction by deeding property to the school now, while continuing to occupy the property during your lifetime. 8


A gift-in-kind of capital assets (art objects, jewelry, antiques, cars, computers) can be given for La Salle’s immediate benefit, as well as your year-end tax advantage. Please remember, many businesses and corporations match personal gifts to educational institutions made by employees, retirees and their family members. Your company’s human resources department will be happy to provide you with information about its matching gift program. To obtain more information about how planned giving can work for you, call the Institutional Advancement office: 626.696.4344 or e-mail Jon Keates at

Naming Opportunities FACILITY


Band Room


Computer Center I Computer Center II

Reserved Reserved


Dining Hall $1,000,000 Amphitheater $500,000 Gymnasium Reserved Dr. Phillip J. “Duffy” Lewis Athletic Offices Reserved The James R. Alden Family Administration Hall $250,000 Library Reserved The Blakeslee Family Science Hall Reserved Ahmanson Foundation Atrium Plaza $100,000 Theatre Reserved In memory of Linda M. Grinstead Chapel Reserved In loving memory of Sara Stewart By Tom and Jeri Beck & Family

Norris Foundation Norris Foundation

Art Studios Reserved Hannon Art Studios In memory of Jeffry Beyer by Catherine Babcock, Marly Beyer ’03 and James Beyer ’06 Weight Room


Student Life Center


Library Conference Room Reserved Dedicated In Honor of Brother Celestine Cormier, FSC Founding Principal of La Salle High School By Orriette and Robert R. Quandt Jr. ’64 Science Laboratories Chemistry Laboratory Reserved Francis Bacon Foundation Biology Laboratory I Reserved Francis Bacon Foundation Biology Laboratory II Reserved Pending Physics Laboratory Reserved Pending President’s Office


In honor of the J. Blackstock Family

Principal’s Office Reserved In honor of Patrick Bonacci, AFSC By Russell and Louise Osterman Vice President for Mission’s Office


Principal’s Conference Room $50,000 Associate Principal’s Suite $50,000 Associate Principal’s Office (2) $25,000 each Director of Academic Advising Reserved Given in appreciation of Donald DesHarnais By Scott Twomey and Karen Skinner-Twomey Admissions Center Reserved Given in appreciation of Patrick Henry - Director of Admissions By The Walt, Julie and Andrew (’04) Williams Family Counseling Center Reserved The Twomey Family Institutional Advancement Suite $50,000 Faculty Center Reserved Annie Johnston Memorial Faculty Center Dean of Students Office (2) $25,000 each Media Center Reserved Frank Griffith ’62 Dance Studio Reserved Don and Georgette Mareina Lancer Television Studio Reserved The Twomey Family Classrooms $25,000 each Classroom 301 In Memory of Harold and Eleanor Kreeble By Kenneth T. Kreeble ’60 SmartBoards Reserved Named gifts are permanently attached to the facility as well as listed as members of the Saint Benilde Society. 2012 FALL / WINTER 2013


The Platinum Circle The Platinum Circle is composed of the Bene Merenti Society and the Buttimer Society. It honors those donors who have exercised great leadership in the advancement of the Mission and Philosophy of La Salle, which enables the School to carry out the vision of its founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle.

The Bene Merenti Society

“Bene Merenti” is Latin for “Well-deserving.” Donors whose lifetime cumulative contributions have exceeded $100,000 are truly well-deserving of our gratitude for their commitment to the School’s Mission. Ahmanson Foundation Anonymous Archdiocese of Los Angeles Francis Bacon Foundation, Inc. Tom and Jeri Beck Mr. Shawn Blakeslee ’80 Wendy and Titus Brenninkmeijer Fritz B. Burns Foundation The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation

Dr. and Mrs. Dino Clarizio ’75 The Crowell Family De La Salle Institute (Christian Brothers) Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation Mr. Peter S. Griffith Bill Hannon Foundation William H. Hannon Foundation Kohorst Allen Family Foundation

Bob Kohorst ’71 and Shelley Allen Mr. and Mrs. David Lam Don and Georgette Mareina Marshall Charitable Trust John F. Marshall ’85 George H. Mayr Foundation Mediverse International, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mitchell The Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pankow Mr. Joel Robinson and Dr. Ricki Robinson Rose Hills Foundation The Twomey Family Walt and Julie Williams

The Buttimer Society

Donors whose lifetime cumulative contributions are between $50,000 and $99,999 join the Buttimer Society; named after the first American Superior General of the Christian Brothers – Brother Charles Henry Buttimer, FSC. Like Brother Charles Henry, who governed the Institute during the turbulent decade of the Sixties, these donors ensure the financial stability of La Salle. Mr. Roland Aldridge John Delaney E.L. Wiegand Foundation Blaine and Lynda Fetter Ms. Erica Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Michael Healy Mr. Fred Hughes ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kasper Mr. and Mrs. Larry Keele

Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lo Guercio Mr. Steve Madison Mr. and Mrs. Shyam S. Manwani Mr. and Mrs. John McAlister Dr. and Mrs. Kris Mohandie ’80 The Lluella Morey Murphey Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Nuccio ’71

Mr. Russell J. Osterman Pasadena Community Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Porath Mark and Victoria Richards Mr. Marshall Rose Mr. and Mrs. Steve Seidner Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shuster Mr. and Mrs. Craig Silvers D’Arcy and Craig Sloane Valley Processing

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Vanni Dr. and Mrs. John K. Waken Webb Foundation Weingart Foundation Western Asset Management Company Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Whitehead

Saint Benilde Society The Saint Benilde Society recognizes those individuals who have restricted their contributions of $1,000.00+ to the School’s Endowment Fund or included La Salle in their estate planning. Similar to the visionary actions of Brother Celestine, the founding principal of La Salle High School, the support of these individuals will help secure the perpetuity of the Mission and Philosophy of La Salle High School for generations. Mr. and Mrs. Kamran Aghili ’88 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Alden Anonymous Francis Bacon Foundation, Inc. Patricia and David Barulich Tom and Jeri Beck Brad and Nancy Berger Mr. Monty Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Robin Bieker Mr. and Mrs. James Blackstock ’65 Mr. and Mrs. David Bolstad ’60 10


Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bonacci, AFSC Ms. Tina D. Bonacci ’94 Mr. H. Thomas Boyle and Ms. Wendy Lees Wendy and Titus Brenninkmeijer Mr. and Mrs. R. Keith Brown ’62 Dr. and Mrs. Steve Buccola ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Burke ’60 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Burke ’60 The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Carey Mrs. Mary Danenhauer Mr. and Mrs. Sid D. Danenhauer, Jr. ’60 De La Salle Institute (Christian Brothers) John Delaney Mr. Michael P. Delaney ’60 Jim Dirmann ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doda Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Drasco ’60

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elam III Blaine and Lynda Fetter Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fetters ’60 Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Program Mrs. Alice Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Peter Godfrey Richard Gray, Ph.D. Greater Kansas City Community Foundation



By John Blackstock ’67


ennis Jebbia, Chair of the Board of Regents, received the Distinguished Lasallian Award during the 24th annual Crystal Circle dinner that was held at the Westin Hotel in Pasadena on September 16. This prestigious award is given to an individual or organization that has greatly contributed to the enrichment of a Catholic education for La Salle students. President of La Salle, Dr. Richard Gray, said in his presentation comments that “since Dennis has helmed the Board of Regents, La Salle has successfully raised $800,000 over the course of two phases of the Technology Campaign, presided over the most successful Parent Gift Program in the School’s history and personally made sure that the School’s Mission priority to serve inner-city Catholic elementary students is preserved by joining the Board of Dolores Mission School; is there any one who does not understand why Dennis Jebbia is standing on this dais? Please join me in thanking Dennis Jebbia.” The Crystal Circle at La Salle recognizes the generosity of individuals and organizations whose tax-deductible cash

Saint Benilde Society Mr. Peter S. Griffith The Gripp Family William H. Hannon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harper Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Hoffman ’68 Ms. Carolyn L. Imrie Ms. Nancy Iredale Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Jebbia Mr. Michael R. Johnson ’62 Mr. Tim Q. Johnson ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Karahadian Bob Kohorst ’71 and Shelley Allen Mrs. Julie Bonacci Kolb Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Kreeble ’60 La Salle High School Academic Boosters La Salle High School Senior Class of 1999

Dennis surrounded by his favorite women (wife, mother, daughters).

contributions and new pledges during the year total $1,000 or more. These donors play a critical role in strengthening the current programs for our students and helping La Salle plan for the future. Founded in 1989, the Crystal Circle had 11 individuals, couples, and organizations as members in its initial year. For 2011-2012, 456 individuals, couples, and organizations comprise the membership of this most prestigious order of donors.

(continued from page 10)

Mr. and Mrs. David Lam Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Lumas ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O. Mackel Don and Georgette Mareina George H. Mayr Foundation Mediverse International, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Kris Mohandie ’80 Mr. Michael Molino Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mueller The Lluella Morey Murphey Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Nuccio ’71 Nursing Home Solutions, Inc. Mr. Leon Okurowski Mr. and Mrs. Stan D. Oliai ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Chip Ossman III Mr. Russell J. Osterman

Charles Pankow Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Steven Pankow Dr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Porath Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Quandt, Jr. ’64 Dr. and Mrs. John T. Quigley Mark and Victoria Richards Mr. Joel Robinson and Dr. Ricki Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Roman, Jr. ’73 Mr. Robert M. Rossini Mrs. Joann Ruggles Mr. Thomas Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Ted T. Saraf ’60 Schwab Charitable Fund Mr. Barry J. Schweiger ’60 and Ms. Donna Jorgensen

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Seidner Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Shortell ’62 Mr. David J. Skibinski, MBA Mr. Louis P. Smaldino ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Trudeau ’60 The Twomey Family Mr. Willard L. Umphrey Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. Vert ’62 The Honorable Janet M. Frangie and Dennis P. Voltattorni Wellpoint Foundation WFB Ohio-Foundation (MN) Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Wiegand ’60 Peter and Serena Williams Walt and Julie Williams Mr. Donald Wood Kristen Schultz Wray ’98 Carol and Bradford Wright ’73 FALL / WINTER 2013


Honor Roll of Donors Each year La Salle High School recognizes the generosity of individuals and organizations whose tax-deductible cash contributions and new pledges during the year total $1,000 or more. These donors play a critical role in strengthening the current programs for our students and helping La Salle plan for the future. Founded in 1989, there were 11 individuals, couples, and organizations as members in its initial year. For 2011-2012, 456 individuals, couples, and organizations comprise the membership of its most prestigious order of donors PRESIDENT’S CABINET $10,000+

Anonymous Anonymous Mr. Shawn Blakeslee ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bononi Wendy and Titus Brenninkmeijer Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Burke ’64 Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Dino Clarizio ’75 The Crowell Family Gregory Dickson, Ph.D. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund George H. Mayr Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Hancock Mr. Fred Hughes ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Jameson Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Jebbia Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kasper Kohorst Allen Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kohorst ’03 Bob Kohorst ’71 and Shelley Allen Mr. and Mrs. Adam Konrad ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Kreeble ’60 Mr. and Mrs. David Lam Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lo Guercio The Lumarda Family Mr. Steve Madison Mr. and Mrs. Shyam S. Manwani Don and Georgette Mareina Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Marks John F. Marshall ’85 Mediverse International, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Kris Mohandie ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pankow Pasadena Community Foundation Rose Hills Foundation Dr. Ed Rounds and Dr. Callae Walcott-Rounds D’Arcy and Craig Sloane The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Walt and Julie Williams


Mr. Peter K. Barker ’66 Campbell Family Foundation Mr. Douglas Campbell Mr. Robert D. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. James J. Canny ’65 Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Jay Crabtree Mrs. Bertrina De Rouen Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Program Fluor Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark Forbush Mrs. Alice Godfrey Mr. Peter S. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Bret Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Hixson Ms. Nancy Iredale 12


Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Koskovich, C.P.A. ’73 The Lluella Morey Murphey Foundation Monique and Edward Malicdem ’88 Mr. and Mrs. John McAlister Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Nuccio ’71 Peter K. Barker Foundation Bob and Corene Pindroh, P ’90 Murrey and Sue Seidner Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shuster The Twomey Family Webb Foundation Wells Fargo Educational Foundation MG Center Mr. and Mrs. Ken Whittingham Wilmington Trust Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wright Mr. and Mrs. Yung Yeung Joseph M. Zanetta, J.D.

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE $2,500-$4,999

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Arriola III Bank of America Foundation MG Program Mr. James Bannon and Mrs. Gigi Coello-Bannon Mr. and Mrs. David Beringer ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bouton Tom, Julie and Jennifer Brady ’14 Mr. and Mrs. R. Keith Brown ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Brown The Brumm Family Dr. and Mrs. Steve Buccola ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Buchan ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Burke ’60 California Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Manuel C. Camargo Jr. Michele and Kenneth Canzoneri ’72 The Capital Group Companies Mr. and Mrs. Hector J. Chacon Julie Solberg and Ted Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Clarizio, Jr. ’81 Donald and Sally Clark Mr. and Mrs. Scott Coolidge Mr. and Mrs. Manfred F. Czypull ’72 Justin and Mia Dean John Delaney The Dennis Finnerman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Chip Dewey II Michael and Carol Duffey Mr. and Mrs. Winston Elizalde The Emanuel Bachmann Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James Evans Mr. Frank Feng and Ms. Sio Ip Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Finnerman Mr. and Mrs. Terence A. Fitch Ms. Tamara Flowers and Mr. Steve Cobb

The Honorable Janet M. Frangie and Dennis P. Voltattorni Dr. and Mrs. Robert Glass Mr. and Mrs. Peter Godfrey Richard Gray, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Greenstreet * Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Griffith ’00 * Ms. Shelley Griffith ’03 Ms. Erica Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hammett Mr. and Mrs. Michael Healy Ms. Connie Holguin Mr. R. Patterson Jackson III Mr. Peter Javryd and Ms. Sharon Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Johnson Mr. Jon Keates and Ms. Thanh Hoang Mr. and Mrs. David Kruse Mr. and Mrs. Kim-Ming Lau Ronnie and Patcharin Law Mr. and Mrs. Jesoo Lee Dr. Ellen Leggett Lucas, Horsfall, Murphy & Pindroh, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mathison Mrs. Kathleen McCarthy Dr. and Mrs. Steven McLaren Dr. Michael Miller and Ms. Catherine Louden Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Olender ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Girish R. Patel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pontrelli Mr. and Mrs. John R. Queen III ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ready ’65 Mr. and Mrs. John Reid Mrs. Smooch Reynolds Mark and Victoria Richards Mr. John Ring Mr. and Mrs. Obed Sanchez Charlotte Schieffelin Mr. Barry J. Schweiger ’60 and Ms. Donna Jorgensen Mr. and Mrs. Steve Seidner Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sisson Mr. and Mrs. Sam Situ Southern California Edison Company Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sprengel Dr. and Mrs. John Tamkin Drew and Diane Taylor Dr. Roland Tcheng and Ms. Jean Pfaffinger Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Throop Ms. Jody Tolan Mr. and Mrs. Neil Travers Morris and Esther Victor Mr. and Mrs. Richard Victor Mr. and Mrs. Peter Viehl Dr. and Mrs. John K. Waken Mr. Shantai Way and Ms. Grace Hsiao Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Whitehead

William H. Hannon Foundation Peter and Serena Williams Mr. Donald Wood Mr. Herbert Wu and Ms. Reling Wong Mr. Hai Yin and Ms. Liqun Si Mr. and Mrs. Jason Young Mr. Keith Zubchevich * Young Alumni Affiliate

CRYSTAL CIRCLE $1,000-$2,499

Dr. Pierre Abboud and Ms. Grace Soueidan Mr. and Mrs. Randy Adams Mr. and Mrs. Alan Akobian Mr. William Anabel and Ms. Elizabeth Hall Mr. Jim Anderson and Ms. Kathleen Walker Mr. and Mrs. Greg Andrade Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Asao Mr. and Mrs. Georges Attar Mr. John Austin Mr. and Mrs. William Ayala Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Ayres Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Baier, Sr. Mr. J. Brian Baird and Mrs. Deborah Sinnette-Baird Mr. John Balmer Mr. Paul M. Baranich and Mrs. Susan Grady Baranich Ms. Priscilla Barrio Mr. and Mrs. Baret Basham Mr. and Mrs. James Bauer Tom and Jeri Beck Mr. and Mrs. Robert Begley Mr. and Mrs. George Bent Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Berge ’80 Brad and Nancy Berger Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berger-Davis Mr. and Mrs. Robin Bieker Mr. Thomas Blaney and Ms. Heidi Rous Mr. and Mrs. David Blue Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bogue ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bonacci, AFSC Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Borquez Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bottala Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Boull’t Mr. and Mrs. John Bragg Mr. Frank Brandauer and Ms. Cheryl Butler Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Brown Ms. Angela Browne Mr. and Mrs. Michael Browne Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Buchanan Mr. John Caldas and Mrs. Marissa Pantastico-Caldas

Mr. and Mrs. Jose Carrillo Mr. and Mrs. Mark Carroll Dr. and Mrs. Dimitri Chamieh Mr. Kee Chan and Ms. Henny Ang Mr. Roy Chang Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cheney ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cheung Mr. Dauhli Chi and Ms. Sharon Wu Mr. Robert Chong and Ms. Pamela Wen Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Chow Mr. and Mrs. Steven Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Thane Christopher Mrs. Laurie Corwin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Costa Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Cotter ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cross Ms. Yisenia Cuervo Mr. James Dalgarn and Ms. Cathi Chadwell Mr. and Mrs. Julian Damas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis Becky Bailey and Jorge de la Mora Mr. Simón De La Rosa Mr. Michael P. Delaney ’60 Mr. and Mrs. John DeMarco Mr. Donald DesHarnais Mr. and Mrs. Scott Do Vale Dr. Brian J. Doerning ’81 and Mrs. Maryann Messina Doerning Mr. and Mrs. Gil Dominguez Mr. Dennis Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dooling ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Duell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dyer Mr. Raymond Ealy and Mrs. L. Charmayne Ealy Ms. Lisa Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Edwards ’61 Mr. Bruce Epstein Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Erskine Dr. James L. Eshom and Ms. Brenda Hayakawa Mr. Ray Farhang and Ms. Lisa Vellanoweth Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fearon Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. David Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Forster The Four J Foundation Dr. Robert G. Frank, Jr. ’61 and Ms. Jeanne Adams Mr. Todd Frankel and Ms. Roberta Tinajero-Frankel Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone R. Gaffney ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Guido Galli Mr. and Mrs. Nanda Ganesan Mr. and Mrs. Julius Garcia Dr. and Mrs. Paul Gately Mr. and Mrs. Thanos Gauthier Mr. Roger Gewecke Mr. and Mrs. James Gilb Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gillies Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gohrick Mr. and Mrs. Rene Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Gonzalez Ms. Teresa Gonzalez Google Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Michael Griffin ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griffith The Gripp Family

The Robert E. Hansen Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hardy ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Haro Mr. M. Patrick Henry Mr. Gregory Hickey and Ms. Patricia Benoit Drs. Kurt and Melissa Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Hoffman ’68 Mr. Jonathan Holmes and Ms. Denise Guerrero * Mr. Dustin Hopper ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Howard Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hubert The Ann Jackson Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Jacquet Mr. and Mrs. William S. Jameson Mr. Michael R. Johnson ’62 Mr. Louis Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Jordan ’74 Mr. Ricardo J. Jurado ’95 Mr. Dave Jurasevich and Ms. En Lee Lin Dr. Anton Kapustin and Mrs. Michele Pickerell Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kisich Mrs. Katalina Klein Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Klich Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Knop Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kober Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kouladjian Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Krouse ’70 La Salle High School Academic Boosters La Salle High School Arts Boosters La Salle High School Athletic Boosters La Salle High School Employees La Vencedora Products, Inc. Martin and Patricia Lakatos Mr. Frank A. Laurenzello Law Office of Karen Maarse Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Alan Law Dr. and Mrs. Brian J. Le Berthon ’78 Mr. Ming Lee and Ms. Christelle Lam Mr. and Mrs. Apichart Luyapan M W Rose Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk MacDonald ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O. Mackel Mr. and Mrs. Jay Madden Mr. and Mrs. Viken Mankerian Christine Marez Mr. and Mrs. Dikran Marikian Mr. and Mrs. Xavier Marquez Mr. and Mrs. William Martin Mr. Jack Matar and Ms. Asma Owens Mr. Paul McCudden and Ms. Christine Delany Mr. and Mrs. Edward McFaul ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Russell McGregor Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McKiernan MCV Business Network Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mehren ’61 Mindy Meserve Mr. and Mrs. Duffy J. Mich, Jr. ’71 Ms. Tara Milton

Mr. and Mrs. Syrus Mobayen John A. Moe II ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Hilmar Monninger Mr. and Mrs. Mark Montoya Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mooneyham Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Moore ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Phil Morrison Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Mouton Drs. Keith Munson and Linda Lasater Munson Mr. Mike Nachabe and Ms. Tuyen Trinh Mr. and Mrs. Chandru Nankani Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Narvaez Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Navarro Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Stan D. Oliai ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Juan Ossa ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Chip Ossman III Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Overing Pacific Homeworks, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Paluch Mr. Steven Paradis Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Parra Pasadena-San Gabriel Valley Bridge Unit 559 Mr. and Mrs. Allan Patatanyan Mr. and Mrs. James Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pearl Mr. James Pearman and Ms. Julia Peacock Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pearson Mrs. Dana Pelsone Ms. Donna Perez Mr. James Picker Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pomeroy IV Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Pope Mr. Erwin Quadra and Mrs. Raymunda Concepcion-Quadra Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Hector Quitzon Mr. and Mrs. Edward Raines Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Ramirez Mr. Patrick A. Randolph, Jr. ’62 Mr. and Mrs. James Ratkovich Mr. and Mrs. Philip Raycraft Mr. Barry Rein and Ms. Desiree Zamorano Dr. and Dr. Kim Reynolds * Ms. Teresa Ring ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rix * Mr. John Paul Romo ’05 Mr. Marshall Rose Dr. and Mrs. R. Fernando Roth Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rozario Ms. M. Patricia Rubalcava Mr. and Mrs. Vijayakumar Sabanayagam Mrs. Diana Natasha Salamon Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Saldivar Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Sanchez Barbara and Loren Sanladerer Santa Anita Park Mr. and Mrs. Ted T. Saraf ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Schiff Mr. Brent Schoenbaum and Ms. Lynnea Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Scofield Seidner’s Collision Centers Mr. Isaac Shadian and Mrs. Cynthia York Shadian Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir Sigur

Mr. David J. Skibinski, MBA Mr. and Mrs. Craig Snodgrass Mr. and Mrs. John Sofio Dr. Susana Santiago-Soriano Specialty Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Stamos Mr. Joseph Stanek III and Mrs. Kavita Anand Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Stanislawski Mr. and Mrs. John Steger Dr. and Mrs. Ken Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Stoddard Ms. Charlene Stone Mr. Mel Stoutsenberger and Ms. Vickie Blair Dr. and Mrs. Ridwan Sudirgo Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sullivan ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tan Mr. and Mrs. Man Hip Tan Mr. and Mrs. Elias Tango Mr. and Mrs. Nazim Thawerbhoy Mrs. Jayne Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Thompson ’71 Thon Beck Vanni Callahan & Powell Mr. William Ting and Ms. Johna Lee Mr. Sam Tor and Mrs. Ju Zhang Tor Mr. and Mrs. Edward Torrez Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Trager Mr. and Mrs. Andy Tran Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Trejo ’82 Mr. Alfredo Tuason and Mrs. Angeline Yu-Tuason Ms. Palencia Turner Mr. and Mrs. Gary Urbina Mr. and Mrs. Valentin H. Usle Ms. Yolanda Valadez Mr. and Mrs. Rommel Valarao Mr. and Mrs. Joe Valdes Ms. Jeannette Valdivia Dr. Mario Alberto Vazquez and Mrs. Maria Del Consuelo Vazquez Mr. and Mrs. Max Villalpando David and Barbara Volckmann Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wallace Wells Fargo Foothill Capital Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Werden Dr. and Mrs. James Wight Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wong Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Worley Carol and Bradford Wright ’73 Mrs. Darrell A. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Wu Mr. and Mrs. William Zanteson Mr. and Mrs. Antonio B. Zate, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zumel * Young Alumni Affiliate



Indivisa Manet In the spirit of the School’s motto, “Indivisa Manet” (Together as One), the following listing of donors includes individuals and organizations that support the everyday operations of La Salle High School. The following giving programs are included in this generous and supportive group: Parent Giving Program, Lancer Golf Tournament, Crystal Ball, Alumni, Scholarship and Financial Aid, Endowment, Capital, Technology and all General Donations. Thank you for supporting the students at La Salle High School. FOUNDATIONS & ORGANIZATIONS

3-2-1 Talent Showcase Acting Studios A Cruise World AAF Rose Bowl Aquatics Center Altadena Town & Country Club Alter Ego Ambiance by Bernadette Angel International Fine Art, Inc. Applebee’s Applied Materials Arcadia Party Rentals Arcadia Ultimate Automotive Armstrong Garden Centers Arnold’s Hardware & Gifts Arroyo Seco Saints Baseball Art Del Rey Realty, Inc. Assumption Of The BVM School Azusa Greens Country Club, Inc. Barb’s Gift Gallery Beam Global Spirits & Wine, Inc. Bella Adorna Bicos Restaurant Group, Inc. Big 5 Sporting Goods Bradford Renaissance Portraits Brooks Surety & Insurance Service Buchalter Nemer Burger Continental Buster’s Ice Cream & Coffee Shop Butterfly Effect Day Spa Cabot & Sons Funeral Directors Cafe Santorini California Picture Framing Casa del Rey Mexican Restaurant CATZ Pasadena Center for WellBeing Central Park Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts The Chandler School The Cheese Store of Pasadena Chefelle Christine Gifts CKW Uniforms Don & Sally Clark Foundation Clay Lacy Aviation Clipper Commodities, Inc. Corner Bakery CrepeStudio DC Golf De La Salle Institute (Christian Brothers) Del Mar Thoroughbred Club Diana Dee’s Stationery Dick’s Sporting Goods Disney Worldwide Outreach Domenico’s Earthquake Store El Cholo Pasadena El Portal Envirosax Thomas Fallon Photography Fannie May SERVE Matching Gifts Donations Fasching’s Car Wash Fidelity Institutional Wealth Services Flower Ave. Filmworks Foothills Mathematics Group 14


Fosselman’s Ice Cream Co. Freecause, Inc. Gate of Recovery, Inc. Grand Avenue Insurance Agency Grand Slam Sports Center Green Street Restaurant The Groundlings Halper Fine Art Hamburger Hamlet Haven Gastropub + Brewery Hellas Construction, Inc. High Point Academy Hollywood Improv Holy Angels Church Holy Angels School The Huntington Library In-N-Out Burger Jostens JP Paper Shredders Kids Klub Pasadena Kraemer Jewelers Krikorian’s Premier Theatres Kuttruff Plumbing La Grande Orange Café La Salle High School Associated Students La Salle High School Pasadena The Langham, Huntington Pasadena Lasallian Education Fund Le Cordon Bleu Colleague of Culinary Arts Little Kuts Logo Chairs LoJack Corporation Los Angeles Lakers The Los Angeles Philharmonic Association Loyola High School Lucky Baldwin’s Delirium Lunch Salon Jacob Maarse Florist Maria’s Italian Kitchen Matt Denny’s Ale House Mayfield Junior School Mead Johnson Medieval Times Merchants Building Maintenance Mijares Mexican Restaurant The Misplaced Priorities Mobile Cardiac Imaging Monarch Productions Moore & Associates, PLC Moore House Sober Living Nan’s Gourmet Nationwide College Tours Mrs. Nelson’s Toy & Book Shop Nestle USA, Nestle USA Foundation Netversity, Inc. Nikki C’s Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Foundation Norman’s Nursery Northwestern Mutual Foundation Okamoto & Pawley Orthodontic Group The Old Spaghetti Factory P.M. Jacoy

P.S. Construction Pacific Palms Resort Palm Springs Aerial Tramway Panda Inn Panda Restaurant Group, Inc. The Pasadena Playhouse Pasadena Tournament of Roses Performance Nails/Pampered Chef & Tastefully Simple Pie ’N Burger Pink Thread Boutique, LLC Plantation Bed & Breakfast Potomac Group, Inc. Power 106 Private Practice Systems Professional Skincare Services Ranchero Mexican Food Rancho Cucamonga Quakes Ravissant The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation Real Food Marketing redwhite+bluezz Wine Bar & Grill Sarah Richardson Jewelry Roclord Photography Studio Rowley Portraiture Roy’s Restaurant Rubio’s S A R Enterprises Saladang Thai Restaurant Sam’s Club San Antonio Winery San Diego Zoo Global Sasaki InnoVessense SkinCare Savor the Flavor Seaworld San Diego See’s Candies Senscey Sharp Seating Co. Sierra Madre Pizza Co. Sierra Madre School The Skin Care Shop Snips First Avenue Spa Xanadu Speedzone St. Luke Catholic Church Studio Charis Studio K Sugar Fix Mike Sumner Painting Talianko Design Group, LLC TDG Digital, LLC Technical Advantage, Inc. Temple Air Conditioning & Heating Tinzee Nail Salon Togos Hastings Ranch Tommy’s World Famous Hamburgers Trader Joe’s Company Trader Joe’s, Hastings Ranch University of Southern California Venetia’s Estate Properties VIP Sports Marketing VJ’s Auto Service Votre Hair Salon Walnut-Vista Automotive Ind., Inc. Wasabi by Jill Pearson

Webster’s Liquor Wells Fargo John Wells Golf Shop Western Supreme Rooter, Inc. Westin Hotel Wistaria Restaurant & Bar Women’s World Fitness Center Wopschall Printing Yardhouse The Yellow Balloon Yoga Madre Zoey Van Jones Brow Studio


Mr. and Mrs. Henry Abadjian Mr. Joseph A. Acosta ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Acosta Mr. Jordan M. Adams ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Manoochehr Adhami Dr. and Mrs. George Afram Mr. Patrick M. Afram ’12 Ms. Lisa Agajanian Mr. and Mrs. Ali Aghili Ms. Griselda Aguilar Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ajamian Dr. Lawrence Albinski ’80 Mr. David Albright and Mrs. Lynda Ott-Albright Mrs. Carol Alcorn Mrs. Michelle Medeiros Alexander ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Alexander II ’96 Ms. Amanda Alfaro Mr. Omar Ali ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Sabott Ali Mrs. Carol Allen Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Allen ’84 Mrs. Johanna Allen Ms. Meaghan E. Allen ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Alvarado ’88 Mr. and Mrs. David Alvarado Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Alvarez Mr. Ethan W. Anabel ’12 The Anastasia Family Mr. and Mrs. Leo Anaya ’89 The Honorable Clifford R. Anderson III ’70 and Mrs. Karen Anderson Mr. and Ms. James Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Anderson ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Andre Mr. Steven G. Andres ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Andrews Ms. DrewAnn K. Andrews ’11 Mrs. Christyann M. Stanislawski Andrianopoulos ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Anicich ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Anthony ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Jovi Aragon Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Archer ’97 Ms. Angela Arms Mr. Jimmy Arms Mr. Miles G. Arnay ’01

Mrs. Grace Arrighi Ms. Angela Arunarsirakul ’09 Ms. Caroline Ashkar ’06 Mr. Jose Astorga Mr. and Mrs. Fausto Atilano ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Badzey ’84 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Balak ’62 Ms. M. Teresa Baldonado and Mr. Mitchell Lehman Mr. Leonard Bales Ms. Shay L. Baluyot ’12 The Reverend and Mrs. Michael Bamberger Mr. and Mrs. Alan Barba Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Barilla ’82 Mr. Andrew B. Barmann ’11 Mrs. Diana Barnes Mr. and Mrs. James Barrero Mr. Matthew J. Barrero ’12 Ms. Melissa Barrero ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Nestor Barrero Mr. Guillermo Barriga and Ms. Rosita Wang Ms. Brianna T. Barta ’13 Mr. Gary Barta and Mrs. Jeanie Tacadena-Barta Ms. Arolyn D. Basham ’12 Mrs. Maureen Bateman Dr. Samir Batniji Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Baumer ’63 Dr. and Mrs. Jose Bautista Mr. and Mrs. Winston J. Bautista ’93 Ms. Andrea J. Baylon ’95 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Bearse Ms. Adrienne Beauvois Ms. Alison P. Beck ’01 Mr. Lonny Beck Mr. Andrew Beggs Ms. Sue Behrens Ms. E. Jeannette Beighau Mr. David Bekoff ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bell ’70 Chef Claud Beltran Mrs. Alejandra Benavides Mr. and Mrs. Ned R. Bennett ’65 Ms. Linda Bennett Mr. Todd G. Bennett ’98 Brother De Sales Benning, FSC Ms. Jamie Bennison ’06 Brother Dominic Berardelli, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Kiros Berhane Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Berry ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Bevan ’70 Mr. Peter D. Bevan ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bickel Mr. Michael A. Bigley ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Bigley ’77 Ms. Jelena T. Bilog ’12 Dr. Marilu Bintz Mr. and Mrs. Bill Birkholz Mr. Brandon Birr ’03 Mr. Shaddi T. Bishara ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Tawfiq Bishara Mr. and Mrs. Nabil Bisharat ’02 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Blackstock ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Justin W. Blackstock ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Blades Dr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Bock Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bolle Ms. Tina D. Bonacci ’94 Mr. James L. Bonaccorso ’85 Mrs. Eva Bonfiglio Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott Boone

Mr. and Mrs. Veniamin Botezatu Mr. Michael J. Bottala ’10 1Lt Jacob M. Brady ’01 Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Brady Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brand ’72 Mr. Roger E. Braun ’12 Mr. David Breda Mrs. Diana Breda Dr. John Brekke and Ms. Heather Halpern Mr. and Mrs. James Brennan Mr. Miles D. Brenninkmeijer ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Briegel Mr. Jeffrey T. Briegel ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Brink ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brkich Mr. Robert Brkich Jr. ’82 Ms. Juliet H. Brooks ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brooks Mr. David Bruder Ms. Erika Bruder Ms. Marycarmen E. Bruer ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bruer Mr. and Mrs. William Brumm Mr. Christopher Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Bryant Ms. Tamara Bryant ’02 Mr. Brendan A. Buchanan ’11 Mr. Patrick J. Buchanan ’10 Ms. Karlie M. Buller ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Burch Dr. and Mrs. Joel Burdick Dr. Peter R. Burke ’66 Mr. David T. Burkhart ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Warren Burkhart Ms. Shannon N. Burr ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Busbee Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bussard Mr. Johnny Buzzerio and Ms. Tanya Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. Gary Byrd ’61 Mr. George Cabot ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Cabot III Ms. Maryann K. Cafagna ’09 Ms. Melissa Y. Cafagna ’09 Ms. Michelle E. Cafagna ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Cafagna Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cahill ’76 Ms. Alexandria M. Cannata ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Danny Cannata Mr. and Mrs. Phil T. Cannon ’61 Mrs. Janie Cantos Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cappello Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Cardoza Ms. Nicole M. Carlos ’12 Ms. Glenda Caro Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Carreon Brother William Carriere, FSC, Ph.D. Mr. Rudy Casignia and Ms. Teresita Prejillana Mr. Alfredo Casildo and Ms. Maribel De La Paz Mr. Frank Castor Mr. and Mrs. James A. Castro ’94 Ms. Valeri Castro Mr. and Mrs. Steven Catano Mr. and Mrs. John Caulfield ’03 Tom Caulfield and Corinne McCann-Caulfield Mrs. Vanessa L. Casillas Caulfield ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni Cevallos Mr. and Mrs. David Chambers Mr. Alexander Chan ’06

Mr. Jean-Claude Charrier ’12 Mrs. Krista M. Lindsay Charvat ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Charvat ’72 Mr. and Mrs. John Cheng Mr. Kyle Cheng ’07 Dr. and Mrs. Robert Cheng Mr. Aaron Chui Ms. Elyse E. Chui ’09 Mr. Craig M. Ciebiera Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cimino Ms. Judie Cimino Mrs. Barbara Cina Mr. and Mrs. John Cina Mr. John N. Cina ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Ciro Mr. and Mrs. James T. Clifford ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clougherty Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cockroft Mrs. Jessica L. Charles Coffin ’01 Charlene and John Cole Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Collins ’67 Mr. Adam T. Compton ’08 Mrs. Marianne Compton, P ’08 Mr. Pasquale Consiglio Mr. and Mrs. John Coombes ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher V. Coppi ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cornet ’69 Mr. Jesse L. Corona ’81 and Ms. Esmeralda Garcia Mrs. Jean Corpe Mr. Michael L. Cotter ’68 and Ms. Elaine Huang Ms. Kathy Coyne Dr. and Mrs. James A. Crabtree Ms. Tawni Cranz Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Crawford ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Norberto Cresta Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cribbs Mr. and Mrs. George Crowder Mr. and Mrs. Steven Crowder Ms. Andrea Cuecuecha ’06 Mr. Kevin Cullen ’73 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cummings ’82 Mrs. Loretta Cunha Ms. Rosalie Curry Mrs. Maria Dakan Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dakan Mr. Tomas A. Dakan ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Joel Damir Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Damore ’75 Mr. Richard L. Damrel Mr. Gregory E. Danenhauer ’70 Ms. Erin DaSilva ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Daughters Mr. Robert C. Davidson III ’97 Ms. Carol A. Davis ’02 Mr. Scott P. Davis Ms. Analisa V. De Haro ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Raul De La Torre Mr. Jeremiah de Leon ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Frank De Marco Mr. and Mrs. Dustin De Mesa ’96 Mr. and Mrs. John DeBets Ms. Katrina A. Dela Cruz ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Dela Rosa ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Delaney ’89 Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Delaney ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Jatir Delazeri Ms. Ana R. Delgado ’93 and Mr. James Addicott Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Delgatto Mr. and Mrs. Joe Delgatto

Mr. Vincent J. Delgatto ’12 Mr. Paul R. DeMarco ’95 Mr. Mark Deneen and Dr. Wendy Deneen Mrs. Jenny Dennis Mr. James M. Depew ’72 Mr. Bowdien H. Derby ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSales Mr. David Desmond Mr. Steven R. Dewey III ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Diedrich Mr. and Mrs. James Dinniene Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Anthony Dionisio III Mr. Mark A. Dizon ’98 Mr. and Mrs. James Doede Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Doerning Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dolan, Jr. ’71 Mr. Randall P. Dominguez ’12 Kristin L. Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dondanville Ms. Kerry A. Donoghue ’97 Mr. Patrick Doocy ’74 Mrs. Patricia Dooley Mrs. Beth Dorr Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Drasco ’60 Mr. Jeffrey M. Driscoll ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Driscoll Ms. Margarita Ductoc Mrs. Margarita Ductoc Mr. and Mrs. Mario Duenas Mr. Connor F. Duffey ’12 Ms. Monica Duong ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Duong Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Durandette ’77 Mrs. Cindy K. Dostalek Duynstee ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Duzian Ms. Annette Dyson Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Echeverry ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Eiben ’63 Ms. Maria Ekizian Ms. Gloria Elio Mr. Matthew G. Encinas ’01 Ms. Rebecca C. Escandon ’96 Mr. and Mrs. James Espinosa Ms. Alexandra G. Evans ’12 Ms. Amanda C. Evans ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Evans Mr. Orrin A. Evans ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Everett M. Evleth ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Exposito ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Faber ’86 Mr. and Mrs. John Fahey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fahey ’73 Ms. Candice Fajardo Mr. Alexander R. Farhang ’12 Ms. Jeanette Farr Mrs. Maria Feeney Mr. Thomas Feeney Pamela Fehring Mr. Vincent G. Feng ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund B. Ferguson ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fernandes Dick Fernandez, Esq. ’62 Mrs. Rochelle L. Rodriguez Ferrari ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ferris Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ferris Mr. Steven Fey Mr. John Fick Kazu Fick Ms. Giselle Figueroa ’07 FALL / WINTER 2013


Indivisa Manet (continued)

Ms. Martha Figueroa Mr. Michael G. Figueroa ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fischella ’69 Mr. Austin L. Fitzgerald ’12 Mr. Cesar A. Flores ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Randall Floyd Ms. Megan Foley Ms. Stacey Forbes Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Fortanasce, M.F.T. ’91 Ms. Megan France ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Franco Mr. and Mrs. James Fraser Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frausto Ms. LaToya Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freiberger Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fryer Mr. and Mrs. Adrian C. M. Fulay ’90 Herbert W. Fulmer, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fulps Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Fung ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gaggioli, Jr. Mr. Matthew Gaggioli ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Gianni Galati ’86 Mrs. Jennifer L. Rattan Gallasch ’94 Ms. Sarah N. Gallegos ’05 Mr. and Mrs. James Garber Mr. and Mrs. Jose Garcia Mr. Ryan E. Garcia ’97 Mr. Nicolas C. Garcia-Corona ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Werner Garciano ’87 Ms. Jessica E. Gardner ’12 Ms. Melanie Garion Mr. and Mrs. Scott Garriola Ms. Amelia M. Garrison ’12 Mr. Dan Garrison and Ms. Raina Fulton Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gausman Dr. Robert P. Gendron ’68 Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Genovese ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Gettinger ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Christian Ghantous Dr. and Mrs. Guy G. Giacopuzzi ’72 Mr. George Giambastiani ’72 Mr. and Mrs. John Giambastiani ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Hung Giang Ms. Jasmine T. Giang ’12 SK3 Adam M. Gibbs ’02 Ms. April L. Giddens ’08 Ms. Jennifer N. Giddens ’10 Ms. Nicole J. Giddens ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Giddens Mr. William Gifford Ms. Rhonda Gilbert Mr. Gary Gileno ’03 Ms. Angie Gilliam ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gioia ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gioia Dr. and Mrs. Frank R. Gioia ’69 Ms. Gianna A. Gioia ’05 Ms. Stephanie R. Gioia ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glaser Ms. Lauren A. Glass ’12 Mr. Dominick C. Gokgoz ’12 Mrs. Cynthia L. Cerecedes Goldstein ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gong Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Gonzales Mr. Larry Gonzales ’62 and Ms. Anntonette Capre Mrs. Janel Moncada Gonzalez ’99 Mrs. Jetzabel Gonzalez 16


Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A. Gonzalez ’96 Ms. Patricia Gonzalez-Bekoff Mrs. Etta Goode Mr. Nicholas P. Gorman ’99 Mr. Paul J. Gormican, Jr. ’79 Ms. Jennifer Gosselin ’02 Ms. Monique Gougeon ’03 Ms. Cathy Goyette Mr. J. Brady Graham ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Granieri ’61 Ms. Kristanna Grant Mr. and Mrs. Silvera Grant Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Gravely Ms. Jennifer Grbavac ’03 Mrs. Melanie C. Scott Green ’97 Mr. Kenneth Greene and Ms. Maite Andonegui Ms. Maryann Griffin Ms. Shirley O. Griffin Mr. Brendan R. Gripp ’08 Ms. Erin B. Gripp ’06 Ms. Hayley E. Gripp ’11 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Grivich ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Guerrero Ms. Carmen Guevara Mrs. Barbara Guich Mr. John T. Guidas ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Trisna Gunadi Ms. Elsa Gutierrez Mr. Thomas Gutierrez Mr. Mason S. Guzman ’12 Ms. Krista Haas and Mr. Patrick Bengford Ms. Kathryn J. Haderlein ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Steve J. Haderlein Mr. Ryan Hagen ’94 and Ms. Dyana Stewart ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hagen Mr. and Mrs. Erik Hakanen Mr. and Mrs. Herag Haleblian Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hall ’62 Dr. Liana Harmandjian Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harmon Mr. Vartouk Haroutunian Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Harper ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Harris Mr. Jeremy Hartley ’06 Geraldine Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Harvey Mr. Bradley Hawes ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Hazlitt ’93 Mr. Daniel Healy ’01 Mr. Kevin M. Healy ’09 Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson Sr. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Henderson Ms. Mariana L. Henry ’12 Mrs. Roma Henry Mr. and Mrs. Armando A. Hernandez ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Hernandez Mr. Rick Hernandez ’86 Dr. and Mrs. Steven W. Herring ’71 Mr. James Hickey ’72 Mr. Greg Hicks Ms. Vilma Higuera Mr. Jordan T. Hill ’12 Ms. Gabriela Hinojoza Dr. and Mrs. Alan L. Hiti ’71

Mr. John Hochhausler and Ms. Stacy Brightman Mrs. Sharon (Williams) Hoeg ’98 Ms. Elizabeth R. Hoffman ’12 Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoffman Mr. Timothy P. Hoffman ’09 Mr. Jacob Hollis ’04 Mr. Darick Holt Ms. Dorothy Homan Mr. Aaron Hong ’12 Mr. Wen Hong and Mrs. Carol Hong Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hou ’90 Mr. David Howard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulbert Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Huley Mr. Douglas T. Hulsey ’12 Father Timothy “Tad“ Hunter ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hustler Ms. Kelly S. Ikeda ’12 Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Inboden Mr. and Mrs. Travis J. Ingrao ’96 Mr. Hector Ituarte, Ph.D., M.P.H. ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Burton Iwata Ms. Leigh Jackson Mrs. Pamela Jacques and Mr. Tom Raimondi Ms. Lindsey P. Jahnke ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Jahnke Mr. and Mrs. Gerardo Jaime Mr. Alok K. Jain ’01 Mrs. Janna L. James Mr. and Mrs. John Jauregui Ms. Nancy Javore Mr. Connor B. Jenkins ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Johnson Mr. Stephen P. Johnson ’63 Ms. Katherine E. Johnston ’01 Mr. Thomas E. Johnston Mr. Cass Jones and Mrs. Stephanie Ellerbe-Jones Ms. Dana Jones Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Jones Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jones ’80 Mrs. Kara L. Schaefer Jones ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jones Mrs. Christie C. Joseph Mr. Ray Judson Mrs. Kelly S. Large Jung ’95 Mr. Casimer Jurecki and Mrs. Marcella Loubet-Jurecki Mr. Justin Lawrence B. Justo ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Justo M. Justo Ms. Lisa D. Jutsum ’05 Mr. Will Kaliel ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kane ’60 Mr. Douglas Karnowski ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Kasper ’85 Ms. Antoinette M. Kathol ’04 Mr. Kevin P. Kato ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kato Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kaya Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kealey Mr. and Mrs. Vicken Kedjidjian Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keeler Drs. Susan and Tom Keens Mrs. Emily D. Holl Keezer ’01 Mr. and Mrs. William Keith ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keller Mr. and Mrs. Clive Kelly Ms. Kimberlyn R. Kelly ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Kennedy ’71

Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Kennedy Ms. Vicki Keros Mr. Robert J. Kershner, Jr. ’93 Ms. Randa Keysselitz Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Kiertzner Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy F. “Buzz“ Kiley ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kinney Ms. Lisa Kiriakidas Mr. and Mrs. Richard Klein Ms. Shirley M. Klein Ms. Melanie K. Klich ’12 Ms. Barbara D. Knight Richard and Trudi Knoedler Ms. Rochelle C. Ko ’12 Dr. and Dr. Haig J. Kojian Mrs. Julie Bonacci Kolb ’97 Mr. and Mrs. John Kopcha Mr. Philip A. Krizek ’12 Dr. and Mrs. John R. Krouse ’68 Mr. Garrett W. Kubon ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Kubon Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kummetz Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kun Ms. Keri Kunkel Mr. Martin A. Kunz ’82 and Ms. Maria McCord Mr. and Mrs. Doug Kuttruff Mr. Jonathan C. Kwong ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kwong Mr. and Mrs. Thomas La Corte Ms. Grace La Fraudri Mr. and Mrs. David La Salle Mr. and Mrs. Rand Laird Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lamberti ’76 Mr. Brian A. Lamendola ’11 Mr. Richard Lamont and Ms. Alice Rademacher Mr. Richard L. Lamont Jr. ’12 Mr. Bryon F. Lanagan ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lanyi Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lanzarotta Mrs. Gina M. Bottala LaPorte ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Camilo Lara Mrs. Sarah L. Holl LaReau ’98 Mr. Peter B. Larr ’07 Mr. Spike R. Larr ’12 Mr. and Mrs. William Larr Mr. Clement Lau ’12 Dr. and Mrs. C. Patrick Lauder ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lauman Mr. Alexandre Law ’12 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Le Berthon ’75 Mr. Francis X. Leary, Jr. ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Lees ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Stefan C. Lehner ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Leming ’92 Mr. John LeNoue Ms. Megan M. LeNoue ’09 Mr. Cesar Lepe and Mrs. Norma Avendano-Lepe Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lepore Mr. and Mrs. Bert LeRoy Mrs. Corinne Leufroy Mr. William Leustig and Mrs. Ania Kubik Mr. and Mrs. James LeVeque ’80 Mr. and Mrs. David S. Lewis ’89 Mr. Jeff Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Jon Lewis Mr. Mark Lewis ’82 Ms. Michele Lewis Mr. Patrick Lin

Mr. Andrew N. Linaac ’12 Mrs. Gwen Lisboa Mr. and Mrs. Mark Liska ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Liske ’79 Mrs. Gail Littlejohn Mr. Diego Lizarazu ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Lizarazu ’78 Ms. Marissa Anne Lluch ’95 Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Logan Mr. Christian G. Lomeli ’12 Mr. and Mrs. George Lomeli Mr. and Mrs. Evan D. Loomis ’01 Mrs. Meagan E. Bitonti Loomis ’02 Ms. Melissa Lopez ’97 Ms. Erin Lopez-Valdez ’11 Ms. Cynthia M. Louie ’12 Ms. Della Lovato Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lucas Ms. Elaine Lugo ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Lumas ’60 Ms. Dalila Luna Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lundgren Mr. and Mrs. Minh Ma Mrs. Clara Maarse Mr. Gregor B. MacKay ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mackey Mr. and Mrs. Ian MacMillan Ms. Patricia Madrigal Mr. and Mrs. John J. Maffei ’66 Mr. and Mrs. John Magluyan Mrs. Carol Mahoney Mr. Patrick Mahoney, P.E. ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mak Mr. and Mrs. Cosimo Mallozzi Mr. and Mrs. Nardo, Jr. Manaloto Ms. Gina S. Manwani ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Manzke Ms. Pamela Marceca Mr. George Mareina Mr. Jesse Marez Mr. Jordan N. Marks ’12 Mrs. Sylvia Marlow Mr. and Mrs. Steven Marsh Ms. Corey Marshall ’06 Mrs. Karla Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Martin Mr. and Mrs. Jack Martin Mr. Alex Martinez Mrs. Elida Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Martinez Mr. Filiberto Martinez and Mrs. Regina Marquez-Martinez Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Martone Ms. Nicole S. Martorano ’95 Ms. Josette L. Maskin ’12 Ms. Ann Masri Mrs. Michelle C. Dungao Massetti ’95 Dr. and Mrs. Leonard R. “Bob“ Mastro, Jr. ’61 Mr. Mark Mastromatteo and Mrs. Sheri Bonner Mr. John Matheus Ms. Yaichi Matsuoka Mr. Matthew R. Maulit ’06 Mr. Jason E. Maust ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Mayclin ’62 Mr. Tim Mayworm Ms. Claire C. McCarthy ’12 Ms. Meg D. McCarthy ’08 Ms. Molly M. McCarthy ’10 Ms. Carolyn McCartney Mrs. Kathleen McCauley

Ms. Shannon G. McCauley ’12 Mr. George McClellan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. McCormack ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCracken Mr. and Mrs. John McCreary Mr. and Mrs. John McInerney ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McInerney ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Allan McIntosh Mr. and Mrs. William McKay Mr. and Mrs. Richard McLaren Mr. John S. McLoughlin ’64 Mr. and Mrs. James M. McManus ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McManus ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. McNamara ’96 Mrs. Sarah Hansen McNamara ’02 Mr. Casey S. McNulty ’96 Ms. Colleen R. McWilliams ’12 Mr. and Mrs. George McWilliams Ms. Brittney Medrano ’03 Mrs. Barbara Mee Mr. and Mrs. J. Carlo Mejia ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio Mejia Ms. Yanira A. Melendez Gonzalez ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Roman Mena Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mena Ms. Lupe Mendoza Mr. and Mrs. Jose Mercade Ms. Kelly M. Mercade ’12 Mr. Michael Merrigan and Ms. M. Bonner Meudell Mr. Anthony Messineo ’80 Mr. Sal Messineo Mrs. Lorraine Millard Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Miller ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Miller Ms. Madison E. Miller ’03 Mr. Mark C. Miller Ms. Melissa A. Miller ’09 Mr. Michael J. Miller ’05 Mr. Randolph R. Miller ’12 Ms. Jeanne Mills Mr. Arnaldo P. Mirasol ’83 Mr. Chuck D. Mispagel ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mispagel ’66 Ms. Christine P. Mitchell ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Mitchell, P.E. ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mizerski ’72 Mrs. Josephine Molyneux Mr. and Mrs. Lars Momsen Mr. and Mrs. James Monachino Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Monarrez Mr. and Mrs. Larry Montalvo Ms. Ileana M. Montano ’03 Dr. and Mrs. J. Alberto Montano Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Montilla Mr. and Mrs. Juan R. Montoya ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry J. Moore ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Morales Mr. Carlos Morales ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moreno Dr. Dave Moritz

Dr. Robert Morrison and Mrs. Cindy Spittler-Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Moscaret Mr. and Mrs. Ireneo Mosquera Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Mueller ’70 Mr. Don Mukai and Mrs. Maria Mazaira-Mukai Ms. Elizabeth Mullen Mrs. Virginia Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mullins Mr. Tom Munnerlyn Ms. Nicole L. Murph ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy I. Murphy ’62 Mrs. Beatrice Mycroft Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mycroft Mr. Luther W. Nash Ms. Kelly A. Nebeker ’96 Mr. David P. Needles Dr. Gregory Nelson and Dr. Denise Veich Ms. Sophie C. Nelson ’12 Ms. Dorothy A. Neuman Mrs. Khristie Neville Mr. Wayne F. Ng ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Hoang Nguyen Mr. Trang Nguyen and Ms. Hong Dinh Ms. Diane Nicol Dr. and Ms. Gustavo Nino Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Nino ’62 Mr. Eric J. Nobriga, Sr. ’80 Mr. Timothy R. Nolan ’62 Pamela del Rey Mrs. Meagan Nolan-Marion ’98 Mr. Michael J. Novell ’12 Mrs. Marion Nuccio Mr. Peter Nuguid ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nummelin ’82 Mrs. Stacie D. Torres Nyborg ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Francis O’Brien Sister Ann Patricia O’Connor, CSJ Mr. and Mrs. Edward O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Jack O’Leary ’62 Ms. Missy O’Neill ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Aris O’Reilly Ms. Suzanne O’Shea Mr. and Mrs. George Occhipinti Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio Ochoa Mr. and Mrs. John R. Oldham ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Hector Ornelas, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Osborne ’62 Ms. Jane Osick Ms. Brittany J. Ossa ’12 Mr. Christopher T. Otte ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Otte Mr. and Mrs. John Paciorek Mr. and Mrs. Robert Packard Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paddock, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Padiernos Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Palffy Ms. Emily Paniagua ’02 Mr. Evan J. Paniagua ’06 Mr. and Mrs. John Paniagua Mr. and Ms. Nemi Panimdim Mr. Brandon Y. Paris ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Parker Mr. and Mrs. Mark Passarini ’72 Mr. Bhavesh Patel ’87 Mr. Bruce P. Patnou ’73 Ms. Lindy Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pavon

Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio Pavon Mr. and Mrs. Ray V. Pearl, Jr. ’99 Mr. Jay Pearsall Mr. Michael Pedote Mr. Michael V. Pedote ’12 Mrs. Lori Pelentay Mr. and Mrs. Isaias Pena Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Perez Mr. and Mrs. George Perez Mrs. Herminia Perez Ms. Lauren A. Perez ’12 Mr. Ricardo A. Perez ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Tony D. Perez Ms. Kimberly Perkins ’97 Ms. Antoinette Perry Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Peters ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Petro Mr. David C. Pett ’01 and Ms. Matti Vann Ms. Margaret C. Pett ’98 Ms. Beth Pflueger Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pick Mr. Hayden J. Picker ’12 Ms. Kara A. Pilar ’12 Mr. Benjamin D. Pirih ’96 Ms. Jennifer M. Pittman ’01 Mr. Harold Pleitez Mr. Alexander Plumb ’06 Ms. Ashley C. Pond ’96 Ms. Stacey Ponnet ’09 Ms. Casey M. Pontrelli ’12 Ms. Linda Poon Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Poon Mr. Truman Pope The Porges Family Mr. David J. Priore ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Priore Ms. Danyelle C. Proano ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Provencio Mr. and Mrs. Gerardo Puga Ms. Nina Punaro Mr. and Mrs. James R. Quandt ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Quandt, Jr. ’64 Ms. Rene Quenell Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Quinn Ms. Robin Quintanilla ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Hazim Rabadi ’87 Mr. Rick Raimondi Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Armando Ramirez ’93 Mr. Aureliano J. Rangel ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Rapista ’85 Mr. and Mrs. N.A. Rasheed Dr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Ray ’60 Ms. Maria Raygoza Mr. and Ms. Louis Raymundo Dr. and Dr. Virgil Raymundo Ms. Kirsten Real ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Real Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reardon Mr. and Mrs. John Redmond Mr. Benjamin S. Reed ’12 Ms. Kim Reed Mr. and Mrs. Martin Regalado Ms. Marianne L. Reifer ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Reinke Mrs. Jill M. Trousdale Remelski ’01 Ms. Valentina Renzetti Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rey Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rey Mr. Mitchell R. Reynolds ’12 FALL / WINTER 2013


Indivisa Manet (continued)

Mr. Fred Riancho Mr. and Mrs. Steve Riboli Colonel and Mrs. Michael Richards ’63 Mr. Austin E. Richey ’01 Mr. Kevin Riddle Ms. Diamond B. Ridley-Pierce ’12 Ms. Linda C. Riedmann ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Risdon Mr. Brian Robertson ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robertson Ms. Emily E. Robertson ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robi Dr. and Mrs. Mario Robles Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rocha Mr. Brian Roche ’69 Mr. and Mrs. James Rodgers Mr. Jordan J. Rodgers ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Rodriguez ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rolan Mr. John Paul B. Roldan ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roldan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rose Mrs. Saskia Rossi Mr. Stefano A. Rossi ’12 Mr. and Mrs. James G. Rouse ’60 Mrs. Grace Roxas Mr. Raymond Roxas Jenny and Michael Rue ’69 Dr. Joanie Ruggles Mr. Thomas M. Ruggles ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rupp Mr. and Mrs. James B. Ryan ’86 Mr. Joel Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Ryan Mr. Douglas Rynerson and Mrs. Jude Lucas-Rynerson Mr. Jim Saake and Ms. Gabrielle Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Galindo Saavedra Mr. Tom Safa ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Salazar Mr. and Mrs. Mario Salgado Mr. Dennis Salkin Mr. and Mrs. Juan Samartin Mr. and Mrs. Al Sanchez Mr. Marcos Sanchez and Ms. Cynthia Casillas Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Sanchez ’65 Mr. Royner Sanchez Mrs. Elaine Sanderl Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Sanderl ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Sanderl ’97 Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Sanderl, Ed.D. ’92 Mr. Peter Sandford Mr. Armando Sandoval and Mrs. Kirsten Tallmon Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Sanello ’73 Ms. Maria Sansosti Mr. and Mrs. Luciano Santoro Mr. and Mrs. Albert Santos Mr. Bernie Santos ’80 and Mrs. Erin Lownes-Santos Mr. and Mrs. Rodrigo Santos Pete and Irene Santucci Kathleen A. Sarreal Yintawati Satyarahardia 18


Mr. and Mrs. George Schano Ms. Lauren M. Schano ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmidt ’72 Mrs. Elizabeth R. Herman Schmutzer ’01 Mr. Richard Schuler Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Seastrom ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Rick Seeker Mr. Matthew S. Seidner ’12 Mr. Michael S. Sepulveda ’97 Mr. John Seredich ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Serhan Mr. Milton Sett Mr. and Mrs. Jack Seymour ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Shaughnessy Ms. Addi Shaw Mr. and Mrs. David Shaw Mr. Trevor Shaw Ms. Caitlin Shea ’03 Mr. Gery Short Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Shortell ’62 Mr. Alec L. Shumate ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shumate Mr. Alec V. Shuster ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Pete Siberell Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Sielen ’67 Ms. Nicole Silva ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Simon ’74 Mr. and Mrs. James Simone Mrs. Mary Simone Ms. Teresa Sinclair Mr. Peter S. Singer ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sirois Mrs. Ellen Slatkin Mrs. Jennifer K. Bubalo Sloan ’95 Ms. Francine Smith Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robin D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Hank Smither Ms. Lisa A. Snodgrass ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Augustin Solaun Mr. and Ms. Sigfrid D. Soli Mr. and Mrs. David C. Soltis ’90 Mr. Nick I. Sonnenburg ’12 Mr. Manny S. Soriano ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sparks Mr. and Mrs. Bob Spriestersbach Mr. and Mrs. John Staff Mr. Thomas Stafford ’99 Mr. and Mrs. William Stafford Mr. Dylan C. Stein ’11 Mr. and Mrs. James Stein Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Stein Ms. Miranda R. Stein ’12 Mr. Aaron P. Steinberg ’01 Mr. Christopher Stellar ’05 Mrs. Catherine Sterling-Kay Ms. Mary Stoddard Edward T. Stork and Mary E. Barrie Ms. Emily B. Stork ’97 Mr. Jim Stracka Ms. Elsie M. Strong Mrs. Anita Suazo Mr. Tri Sudjono and Ms. Sheila Abad-Sudjono Mr. and Mrs. Chung Suh ’80 Mr. Jeffrey Sullivan ’07 Ms. Tracy K. Sullivan ’10

Mr. William “ Jay “ Sullivan ’07 Mr. and Mrs. William L. Sullivan ’75 Ms. Megan Sulzinger ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Sumner ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sumner Mr. and Mrs. M. Kevin Susank Charles O. Swallows Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Sweeney ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Tim Sweetland Mrs. Susan Sweetman Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Synold Mr. and Mrs. Ken Talianko Mrs. Kelly Harper Tapert ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Tapia Mr. Mark Tappan and Mrs. Felecia Garrison-Tappan Mr. and Mrs. Paul Taquino, Jr. ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Vince R. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Ted J. Tekippe ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Virat Thantrakul ’68 Mr. William Thatcher and Mrs. Cynthia Dudley Thatcher Ms. Sara G. Thawerbhoy ’12 Mr. Keith I. Ton ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Sunny Ton Mr. and Mrs. Bradley R. Toothman ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Toribio, Jr. ’93 Ms. Camille S. Torres ’12 Mrs. Lynn Torres Mr. and Mrs. George Torres Ms. Jennifer T. Torres ’12 The Torres - Tremblay Family Mr. Sergio Torres and Mr. Richard Bourell Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tostado Ms. Christina Tostado ’07 Ms. Rita Totten Ms. Michelle Toyoshima ’03 Mr. and Mrs. John Trager Mr. and Mrs. Walter Trask Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tse Ms. Tiffany Tsuchiyama Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Hans Underbrink ’82 Mrs. Miki Uyeda Ms. Peteronila M. Vaeluaga ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Palghat Vaidyanathan Mr. Sagar R. Vaidyanathan ’12 Ms. Denise Valadez Ms. Lauren M. Valdes ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Armando Valdez Marianne and Brillando Valmonte ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Panfilo Valmonte Fred and Diane Van der Linde Mr. John Van Leeuwen Mr. and Mrs. David Van Noppen Ms. Alexis J. Vanni ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Greg Vanni Mr. and Mrs. Larry Vanni Mr. and Mrs. Russell Varing Ms. Virginia Vasquez Dr. Leonor Vazquez Mr. and Mrs. Raul Vazquez Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Velasco Mr. Phil Velasco ’07 Mr. Jesse Veliz and Dr. Liliana Ibarra-Veliz Ms. Sarah A. Veliz ’12 Mr. Marc Venegoni Mr. and Mrs. Andre C. Vener ’91

Mr. and Mrs. John Venti Mr. Ronald Veronese ’67 Mr. Christopher S. Victor ’05 Mr. Geoffrey N. Viernes ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Romulo Viernes Mr. and Mrs. Joel Villamater Ms. Reena-Joy L. Villamater ’12 Mr. Joe Vinci Mr. Andrew M. Vogelbach ’01 Dr. and Mrs. K. Heiner Vogelbach Ms. Hannah C. Volckmann ’12 Ms. Samantha Voorhees ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Voss ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Erik Wahl Mr. Anthony Wake ’11 Dr. William Wake and Ms. Lynn Pilchak Ms. Carolyn Waldo Holmstrom Ms. Michelle L. Wall ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Loren Wallis Mrs. Nancy Walters Mr. and Mrs. Mark Walton ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wann Mr. and Mrs. Brandon D. Ward ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Ward Mr. and Mrs. Hiroyoshi Watanabe Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weideman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Weigand ’67 Mr. David Wessel and Ms. Michele Bruno Mr. and Mrs. William Westphal Mr. Jeffrey D. White ’04 Mr. Kenneth F. White, M.P.A. ’82 and Dr. Carla White Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wiegand ’72 Ms. Elizabeth Wight ’06 Ms. Rachel H. M. Wight ’12 Mr. Roger Wilcox ’69 Mrs. Hannah E. Miller Wilder ’97 Mr. Billy S. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Williams Mr. and Mrs. Lester Williams Mrs. Elia Willms Mr. and Mrs. Glenn G. Willumson ’67 Mr. Arthur L. Winders Mr. Craig Windsor Mr. and Mrs. Eric K. Winschel ’83 Mrs. Tamara Wann Wolf ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wooler Ms. Madison E. Worley ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wratten Mr. Timothy W. Wratten ’98 Kristen Schultz Wray ’98 Mr. Stephen B. Wright ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yamarone Ms. Barbara Yarbrough Mr. and Mrs. Steve Young Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Zaffina Mr. Samuel L. Zanetta ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Zavala Dr. and Mrs. Stephan Zeeman ’69 Ms. Lara Zerda-Baratta Ms. Zhenni Zhu ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ziehler-Martin Mr. John Zuker and Ms. Rooh Steif Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Zwart III ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zwart ’71

Technology Match Our sincere thanks to each of you who helped La Salle achieve a new annual fundraising record of $1,680,569 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012! With a generous matching gift from one of our loyal families, we have eclipsed our Technology Match Campaign goal of $300,000 with contributions totaling $310,183. These gifts have been used to enhance our technology infrastructure, upgrade hardware and increase network speed. Your support helps sustain the level of excellence in academics, the arts, athletics, student life and financial aid programs that define La Salle. Again, thank you! PRESIDENT’S CABINET $10,000 + Anonymous Wendy and Titus Brenninkmeijer The Crowell Family Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Jebbia Kohorst Allen Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kohorst ’03 Mr. and Mrs. David Lam Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Mediverse International, Inc. Pasadena Community Foundation Dr. Ed Rounds and Dr. Callae Walcott-Rounds The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Nuccio ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wright Joseph M. Zanetta, J.D. * Affiliate $1,000 - $2,499 for graduates

of the last 15 years

CRYSTAL CIRCLE $1,000 - $2,499 Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Ayres Ms. Brianna T. Barta ’13 Mr. and Mrs. David Beringer ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bottala Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bouton Mr. and Mrs. James J. Canny ’65

The Ann Jackson Family Foundation Ms. Jody Tolan Ms. Yolanda Valadez Morris and Esther Victor Mr. and Mrs. Ken Whittingham Peter and Serena Williams

LANCER SOCIETY $500 - $749 Mr. Donald DesHarnais Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hoffman Mr. William Ting and Ms. Johna Lee

PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL $5,000 - $9,999 Mr. Peter K. Barker ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bononi Campbell Family Foundation Mr. Douglas Campbell Mr. Robert D. Campbell Fluor Foundation Mr. Peter S. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Hixson Monique and Edward Malicdem ’88 Mr. and Mrs. John McAlister Bob and Corene Pindroh D’Arcy and Craig Sloane The Lluella Morey Murphey Foundation Walt and Julie Williams

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE $2,500 - $4,999 Bank of America Foundation MG Program Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Program Mrs. Alice Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Griffith ’00 * Ms. Shelley Griffith ’03 * Mr. and Mrs. Michael Healy Ms. Nancy Iredale Mr. Jon Keates and Ms. Thanh Hoang Lucas, Horsfall, Murphy & Pindroh, LLP The Lumarda Family

Mr. James Dalgarn and Ms. Cathi Chadwell John Delaney Mr. and Mrs. John DeMarco Mr. and Mrs. Peter Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Michael Griffin ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Bret Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Jackson Mr. and Mrs. William S. Jameson Mr. and Mrs. Shyam S. Manwani Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Marks Mark and Victoria Richards Mr. David J. Skibinski, MBA Specialty Family Foundation

RED & BLUE SOCIETY $250 - $499 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Burton Iwata Moore House Sober Living Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry J. Moore ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Moore ’79 Private Practice Systems Mr. and Mrs. Al Sanchez

LA SALLE ASSOCIATE $150 - $249 Mr. and Mrs. Ali Aghili Dr. John Brekke and Ms. Heather Halpern Mrs. Loretta Cunha Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Exposito ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fulps Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gaggioli, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kouladjian Mr. and Mrs. Richard McLaren Mrs. Josephine Molyneux Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Pope Mr. Truman Pope Mr. Barry Rein and Ms. Desiree Zamorano Ms. Valentina Renzetti Charles O. Swallows Mr. and Mrs. Tim Sweetland Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yamarone

DONOR $1 - $149 Anonymous Mrs. Johanna Allen Mr. Leonard Bales Mr. Lonny Beck Mrs. A. Benavides Mr. and Mrs. William Brumm Charlene and John Cole Mrs. Marianne Compton, P ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Durandette ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kaya Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Kiertzner Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kummetz Mrs. Corinne Leufroy Mrs. Carol Mahoney Mrs. Barbara Mee Mr. Sal Messineo Moore & Associates, PLC Mrs. Virginia Mullen Mrs. Beatrice Mycroft Mrs. Marion Nuccio Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paddock, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Redmond Ms. Teresa Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sparks Mr. and Mrs. William Westphal



Memorial Gifts The following individuals have given gifts “In Memory Of” an individual to the following funds: Bob Alcorn Memorial Scholarship Fund For Humanities, Sylvia Bernstein Memorial Golf Fund, Brother Celestine, FSC Endowment Fund, Gloria Delaney Memorial Scholarship Fund, Phillip J. “Duffy” Lewis Interscholastic Athletic Fund, Annie Johnston Memorial Endowed Student Scholarship Fund, Annie Johnston Memorial Endowed Faculty Professional Development Fund, San Miguel Scholarship Fund, Bob Thomas Memorial Scholarship Fund For Math & Science and the Margaret Roman Scholarship Fund. IN MEMORY OF ROBERT ALCORN

Mr. and Mrs. David C. Balak ’62 Ms. E. Jeannette Beighau Mr. and Mrs. R. Keith Brown ’62 Dr. and Mrs. Steve Buccola ’62 Mr. and Mrs. James T. Clifford ’62 Dick Fernandez, Esq. ’62 Mr. Larry Gonzales ’62 and Ms. Anntonette Capre Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hall ’62 Father Timothy “ Tad “ Hunter ’62 Mr. Michael R. Johnson ’62 Mr. Stephen P. Johnson ’63 Mr. and Mrs. William Keith ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy F. “Buzz“ Kiley ’62 Dr. and Mrs. C. Patrick Lauder ’61 Mr. Gregor B. MacKay ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Mayclin ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy I. Murphy ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Jack O’Leary ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Osborne ’62 Mr. Patrick A. Randolph, Jr. ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Seymour ’62

IN MEMORY OF MARIA AURORA APARICIO Mr. M. Patrick Henry IN MEMORY OF SYLVIA BERNSTEIN Mr. Patrick Mahoney, P.E. ’90 IN MEMORY OF MARVIN BIEDEBACH Mr. and Mrs. Francis O’Brien IN MEMORY OF ROBERT BIRDSALL Mrs. Darrell A. Wright IN MEMORY OF NORMAN BOXLEY Mr. and Mrs. Francis O’Brien IN MEMORY OF OLIVIA CORMIER Mr. M. Patrick Henry IN MEMORY OF MARIO DE GUGLIELMO Mr. and Mrs. Francis O’Brien IN MEMORY OF DICK DE ROSA Mrs. Darrell A. Wright IN MEMORY OF GLORIA DELANEY Mrs. Jenny Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone R. Gaffney ’65 20



IN MEMORY OF ANNIE JOHNSTON Mr. Miles G. Arnay ’01 Ms. Angela Arunarsirakul ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Berry ’70 Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Brady Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gausman Mr. Daniel Healy ’01 Ms. Katherine E. Johnston ’01 Mr. Louis Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O. Mackel Mr. Jason E. Maust ’01 Merchants Building Maintenance Mr. and Mrs. Chip Ossman III Mr. and Mrs. John Paniagua Mr. Brian Roche ’69 Ms. Alexis J. Vanni ’08 Mr. Andrew M. Vogelbach ’01

IN MEMORY OF MARIE PEDERSEN Mrs. Maria Feeney Gate of Recovery, Inc. Ms. Shirley O. Griffin Mr. M. Patrick Henry Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kealey Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kinney Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Logan Buchalter Nemer Mr. and Mrs. Francis O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Tony D. Perez Mr. Joel Ryan Ms. Addi Shaw Mr. and Mrs. William Stafford Mrs. Catherine Sterling-Kay

IN MEMORY OF OLIVIA JONES Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jones ’80

IN MEMORY OF CHUCK REDDON Mr. and Mrs. Francis O’Brien



IN MEMORY OF PHILLIP J. “DUFFY” LEWIS Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kane ’60



IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM R. HOUSTON Dr. Samir Batniji Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Brink ’86 Ms. Rhonda Gilbert Ms. Shirley M. Klein Ms. Ann Masri Ms. Maria Sansosti Yintawati Satyarahardia University of Southern California

IN MEMORY OF JOSEPH McNEIL ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Drasco ’60


IN MEMORY OF MAUREEN MELLOR Mr. M. Patrick Henry Mr. and Mrs. Chung Suh ’80 IN MEMORY OF AKSEL PEDERSEN Ms. Shirley O. Griffin Mr. M. Patrick Henry Buchalter Nemer Mr. and Mrs. Tony D. Perez Mr. and Mrs. N.A. Rasheed Ms. Addi Shaw

IN MEMORY OF MARGARET ROMAN Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Zwart III ’67 IN MEMORY OF JANE ROSS Mr. M. Patrick Henry IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM SANDERL Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Sanderl ’90 Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Sanderl, Ed.D. ’92 IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM R. “BOB” THOMAS Mrs. Jayne Thomas IN MEMORY OF JEAN SEBAN Mrs. Darrell A. Wright IN MEMORY OF TONY WAFFEN Mrs. Darrell A. Wright IN MEMORY OF BROTHER RAPHAEL WILLEKE, FSC Mrs. Darrell A. Wright

Dal Ames ’62 Maria Aurora Aparicio Grandmother to Ileana ’07 and Olivia ’09 Sal Barilla Father of Jim ’78, Peter ’79, Mike ’82, Tom ’83 and Paul ’85 James Beaven ’66 Brother of Philip ’61 Jose Becerra Father of Patty ’97 Eric Betzler Father of Stephanie ’95, Trent ’99 and Allison ’05 Ian Blakeslee ’85 Brother of Shawn ’80 and Jonathan ’89 Tim Borquez Brother of Laura ’14 Kristen Bruer Sister of Lauren ’11 and Marycarmen ’12 Chris Cahill Son of William ’62 Br. Haig Martin Charshaf Former Faculty Member Michael Cimino Former Faculty Member Olivia Cormier Mother of Kevin Cormier, Faculty Member George Courville, Sr. Father of George ’72 Elizabeth “Betty” Dunn Mother of Barbara Browne, Former Employee Shirley Eaton Grandmother to Russell Gordon, Employee Gladys Elliot Grandmother to Elizabeth ’96 and Andrew ’00 Sutton Wat Ho Chun Fong Grandmother to Eric ’88 and Albert ’90 Wat Kenneth Forbes Father of Ryan ’96 and Ashley ’99 Shannon M. Foster Mother of Craig ’63 William Gagliardi Father of Paul ’86 Veronica Griffith Mother of Frank ’62, Grandmother to Mary Jo Boyd Prince ’96 Patrick Otis Healy ’03 Brother of Kevin ’09 Kevin Higgins ’73 Brother of John ’65 Charles Hixson Grandfather to Taylor ’13 and Father of Brad Hixson, Member of Board of Regents Ryan Hoherd ’97 Brother of Charlie ’00 and Peter ’04 Luzy Hooser Mother of Catalina ’10 William R. Houston Father of Bill ’83 and Tom ’86 Michael Hynes ’98 Robert Klotz Father of Brian ’88 and Phil ’91 Dick Kuhlberg Father of Jill ’01 James Landis ’76 Mary “Banta” Laos Mother of Norma Wong, Former Employee, Grandmother to Brett ’94 and Eric ’96 Wong Earl LaLone Grandfather to Travis Ingrao ’96 Roger Harris Lindbeck Grandfather to Andrew Viehl ’13 Santos I. Lucero Grandmother to Brandon Birr ’03, Faculty Member Maxine Lynch Mother of Tim ’73 Richard D. Lynch Father of Christian ’85 Jeanne Mabry Mother of Richard ’89 Mari Lou Magluyan Mother of Eddie ’94 and Mary ’99, Grandmother to David ’15 Ben McFarland Father-in-Law of Anthony Fernandes, Faculty Member Nyle Milam Father of Aaron ’99, Grandfather to Marie Piette ’09 John Miller Father of Erika ’02 Joseph Mims Father of Bruce ’83 Linda Messineo Mother of Tony ’80, Grandmother to Jessica ’14 Gregory Moore ’79 Brother of Peter ’73, Paul ’74, Gavin ’77 and Brendan ’80 Bob O’Rourke Step-Father to Todd Bennett ’98 and Ashley Bennett Carlton ’00 Robert Ott Father of Tyler ’04 and Hailey ’08 Aksel Pederson Father of Michael ’78 and Erik ’85, Grandfather to Derek ’02 Marie Pedersen Former Employee, Mother of Michael ’78 and Erik ’85, Grandmother to Derek ’02 Pat Randolph ’62 Brother of Don ’65 Michael Robinson ’65 Charles Roth Father of Robert ’83 Katherine Ryan Grandmother to Julie Saldana Curley ’96, Matt ’98, Dan ’03 and Andy ’07 Saldana Carlos Salazar Former employee Alessandra Sanchez Sister of Marissa ’08 and Riccardo ’13 Ben Schmidt Father of Brian ’98 and Josh ’01 Ed Short ’65 Danny Staggs Father of Zach ’97, Daker ’00 and Nikki ’02 Xavier Suazo Grandfather to Jennifer ’13 and Julianne ’14 Robi and Chris Carnahan ’00 Ed Sutton ’62 Lewis Titus ’60 John (Ted) E. Townsend Step-Grandfather to Colleen ’06 and Randy ’12 Miller Margaret Tullman Grandmother to Jenny ’02, Tamara ’04 and Kimberly ’06 Gosselin Leon Valdez Grandfather to Elena Gallud, Employee Maria Guadalupe Velasco Grandmother to Rebecca ’04, Matthew ’04 and Phil ’07 Br. Raphael Willeke, FSC Former Principal of La Salle High School Michael Whalen ’62 Carolyn Winders Grandmother to Ricky ’11 and Aubrey ’13 Deneen Elizabeth “Betty” Woodman Wife of Richard “Woody” Woodman ’62 Mike Zubia ’86

In Memorium 2012

Please pray for the these members of the La Salle Community who have passed away during the last 12 months. Live Jesus in our hearts... forever.



Alumni Giving La Salle High School would like to give special recognition and thanks to all the alumni donors and members of the Loyal Lancer Society who supported the School community throughout the 2011-2012 fiscal year. All cash donations benefited the numerous programs for our students, faculty, staff, and coaches. Because of these individuals, total alumni tax-deductible giving exceeded $340,274. Class of 1960

Dennis P. Burke P ’85 ♥ Michael P. Delaney Mitch Drasco, J.D. Anthony Kane P ’82, ’84 ♥ Kenneth T. Kreeble Albert J. Lumas James G. Rouse Ted T. Saraf P ’99 Barry J. Schweiger ♥

Class of 1961


Class of 1967


Gary Byrd Phil T. Cannon James Howard Cheney Melvin Lee Edwards Edmund Brown Ferguson Robert G. Frank, Jr. ♥ Robert Michael Granieri, Esq. P ’87 John T. Guidas Frederick M. Hughes, Jr. ♥ C. Patrick Lauder ♥ Leonard R. Mastro, Jr. ♥ Edward J. Mehren

Class of 1962


David C. Balak ♥ R. Keith Brown Steve Buccola James T. Clifford Dick Fernandez, Esq. Larry Gonzales William R. Hall Father Timothy “ Tad “ Hunter Michael R. Johnson William Keith Kennedy F. Kiley Gregor B. MacKay Bruce L. Mayclin Timothy I. Murphy ♥ Henry E. Nino Timothy R. Nolan ♥ Jack O’Leary Wayne J. Osborne ♥ Patrick A. Randolph, Jr. ♥ Jack Seymour Stephen Shortell

Class of 1963

Richard E. Baumer P ’94 Michael Dooling ♥ Joseph P. Eiben ♥ Stephen P. Johnson ♥ John McInerney P ’99 ’01

Class of 1964

Gerald P. Burke Peter J. Gettinger ♥ James A. Grivich P ’96 John S. McLoughlin Robert R. Quandt, Jr. John Seredich

Class of 1966

Peter K. Barker ♥ Peter R. Burke ♥ George Cabot Armando A. Hernandez 22

Class of 1970




Class of 1968

Michael L. Cotter Robert P. Gendron Michael A. Genovese ♥ Robert G. Harper Peter C. Hoffman P ’02 ’04 ♥ Douglas Karnowski ♥ John R. Krouse James M. McManus ♥ John A. Moe II * Virat Thantrakul*

Class of 1969



Thomas R. Anthony ♥ John C. Blackstock ♥ Edward W. Collins ♥ John Giambastiani J. Brady Graham ♥ Michael Griffin P ’11 ’11 ♥ Charles David Mispagel P’86 ♥ James R. Quandt Alan B. Sielen ♥ Dennis A. Sweeney Jeffrey P. Weigand P ’02 ’05 ’08 ♥ Glenn G. Willumson Frank M. Zwart III ♥

Chris Cornet ♥ Philip Fischella ♥ Frank R. Gioia ♥ Brian Roche Michael M. Rue Roger Wilcox ♥ Stephan Zeeman, Ph.D. ♥


Class of 1965

Edward R. Bennett James J. Canny ♥ Gerald P. Cotter ♥ Tyrone R. Gaffney ♥ Steve F. Ready Ronald A. Sanchez P ’98 ’01

John J. Maffei ♥ Richard J. Mispagel

Clifford R. Anderson III ♥ Thomas Ray Bell Ronald Berry P ’00 ’04 ♥ Mark H. Bevan ♥ Gregory E. Danenhauer ♥ Mark R. Krouse ♥ Stephen G. Mueller ♥ Don J. Olender P ’08 ’09 ♥ Stephen E. Seastrom Michael Sullivan P ’08 ’13 ♥

Class of 1971


Class of 1973


Scott Buchan P ’09 ’10 ’14 Thomas Fahey Daniel Koskovich, C.P.A. ♥ Bruce Peter Patnou ♥ Rocco Sanello P ’01 ’04 Bradford W. Wright P ’07 ’12 ♥

Class of 1974

Gregory Anicich Patrick Doocy Anthony Exposito P ’08 ♥ Henry K. Jordan ♥ John R. Oldham P ’08 ♥ Bernard Simon ♥

Class of 1975



Class of 1976


Class of 1977


Class of 1978


Class of 1979


Paul A. Bigley P ’05 ’07 ♥ Lawrence Durandette, Esq. John Hoffman P ’06 ’08 ’12 ♥ Hector Ituarte, Ph.D. Brian John Le Berthon ♥ Enrique Lizarazu P ’08 ’12 ♥


Paul J. Gormican, Jr. ♥ Thomas Liske Brian S. Miller P ’03 ♥ Juan R. Montoya ♥ Kevin J. Moore, Esq. P ’16 ♥

Class of 1980



Peter D. Bevan Joseph Brand Kenneth J. Canzoneri P ’01 ’02 ’04 ♥ Mark Charvat P ’95 ’97 Manfred F. Czypull P ’99 ’99 James M. Depew Thomas T. Fung Guy Gerald Giacopuzzi George Giambastiani James Hickey


David Beringer P ’11 ’14 ♥ Dino Clarizio P ’06 ♥ Richard K. Crawford ♥ Wayne J. Damore ♥ James L. Le Berthon ♥ Paul Josef Lees Thomas M. Ruggles ♥ William L. Sullivan P ’07 ’07 ’10 ♥ Kevin A. Cahill, Esq. Michael J. Lamberti ♥ Joseph D. Peters

Justin W. Blackstock P ’02 ’10 John Edward Dolan, Jr. ’13 ♥ Steven W. Herring ♥ Alan L. Hiti Michael P. Kennedy Bob Kohorst P ’03 ’07 ♥ Mark Liska Matthew McInerney ♥ William J. Mich, Jr. Robert M. Nuccio P ’00 ’02 ’04 ♥ Peter C. Thompson P ’11 ’14 ♥ Paul Zwart

Class of 1972

Stephen McManus Daniel Mizerski Mark Passarini ♥ Richard Schmidt Paul Taquino, Jr. Robert S. Wiegand P ’97


Class of 1984


Class of 1985


Class of 1986


Class of 1987


Class of 1988


Class of 1989


Class of 1990


Class of 1991


Class of 1992


Class of 1993


Class of 1994


Class of 1995


Jeffrey J. Allen Peter G. Badzey Bill Hardy ♥

James L. Bonaccorso Robert R. Kasper Louis Kinerk MacDonald P ’15 John F. Marshall Jeffry J. Moore Wayne Wing-Fai Ng Patrick Michael Brink Steven T. Faber P ’14 ’15 Gianni Galati ♥ Ricardo A. Hernandez James B. Ryan, Esq. Everett M. Evleth Adam Konrad P ’15 ’15 ♥ Bhavesh Patel Hazim Rabadi Ben F. Alvarado ♥ Patrick Bogue Edward L. Malicdem P ’16 ♥ Stan D. Oliai P ’14 Leo Anaya Kevin J. Delaney David S. Lewis Adrian C. Mison Fulay Owen Hou ♥ Patrick Mahoney, P.E. Mark Richard Sanderl ♥ David C. Soltis ♥ Bradley R. Toothman Andre Christoph Vener


Lawrence Albinski Michael J. Berge P ’08 ’12 ’14 ♥ Shawn Blakeslee ♥ Joseph Jones James LeVeque Anthony Messineo Krishnan R. Mohandie Eric J. Nobriga, Sr. Bernardito Santos P ’13 ’14 ♥ Chung Suh

Class of 1981


Class of 1982


Orlando Clarizio, Jr. P ’13 ♥ Jesse L. Corona P ’12 ’16 ♥ Brian J. Doerning P ’11 ’15 ♥ Brillando B. Valmonte P ’13 ♥ Michael T. Anderson Fausto Atilano Michael F. Barilla Robert Brkich Jr. John Coombes John R. Cummings Timothy J. Delaney Martin A. Kunz Mark Lewis Christopher T. McCormack Paul Nummelin Juan Ossa P ’10 ’12 ♥ Raymond M. Trejo Hans Underbrink Michael Voss Kenneth F. White, M.P.A. ♥

Class of 1983

Christopher V. Coppi J. Carlo Mejia P ’10 Arnaldo P. Mirasol John R. Queen III Eric K. Winschel ♥

Stefan C. Lehner ♥ Daniel E. Mitchell, P.E. Michael E. Sanderl, Ed.D.

Ana Rebeca Delgado Christopher C. Hazlitt Kara L. Schaefer Jones Robert J. Kershner, Jr. Ricardo Antonio Perez ♥ Pedro Armando Ramirez P ’14 Jesse M. Toribio, Jr. P ’15 Steven G. Andres Tina D. Bonacci James A. Castro Brian A. Dela Rosa Sergio Echeverry P. Ryan Hagen ♥ Christyann M. Stanislawski Andrianopoulos Analisa V. De Haro Paul R. DeMarco Kelly S. Large Jung Ricardo J. Jurado P ’15 ♥ Marissa A. Lluch* Michelle C. Dungao Massetti John Paul B. Roldan Jennifer K. Bubalo Sloan Kelly Harper Tapert Ted J. Tekippe

Class of 1996

Dustin De Mesa Jorge A. Gonzalez Travis John Ingrao Michael A. McNamara Benjamin D. Pirih Ashley C. Pond Dyana M. Stewart ♥

Class of 1997



Russell A. Archer ♥ Cindy Kay Dostalek Duynstee Rochelle L. Rodriguez Ferrari Ryan E. Bayha Garcia Cynthia L. Cerecedes Goldstein Melanie C. Scott Green Julie Bonacci Kolb Melissa Lopez Matthew J. Sanderl Michael S. Sepulveda Emily Barrie Stork Hannah E. Miller Wilder Tamara Wann Wolf ♥

Class of 1998


Class of 1999


Suzanne Saenz Bogue Mark Anthony Dizon Sharon (Williams) Hoeg Sarah L. Holl LaReau Meagan Nolan-Marion Margaret Catherine Pett Timothy W. Wratten ♥ Kristen M. Schultz Wray ♥ Janel Moncada Gonzalez Nicholas P. Gorman Dustin Hopper Gina M. Bottala LaPorte ♥ Stacie D. Torres Nyborg Mary F. O’Neill Ray V. Pearl, Jr. Mary Magluyan Pearl Thomas Stafford* Brandon D. Ward, Esq.

Class of 2001


Miles G Arnay 1Lt Jacob Michael Brady Jessica Lynn Charles Coffin ♥ Matthew Garrett Encinas Daniel Healy Alok K Jain Katherine Elizabeth Johnston Emily D. Holl Keezer Evan David Loomis Jason Everett Maust Brandon Yoshio Paris David Charles Pett Jennifer M Pittman Marianne Lynn Reifer Jill M. Trousdale Remelski ♥ Austin Eugene Richey Elizabeth R Herman Schmutzer Aaron Phillip Steinberg Andrew Michael Vogelbach ♥ Michelle Louise Wall Nabil Bisharat Carol Anne Davis Jeremiah de Leon SK3 Adam Michael Gibbs Angie Gilliam ♥ Kathryn Canzoneri Griffith Meagan E. Bitonti Loomis Sarah F. Hansen McNamara Emily Paniagua ♥

Class of 2003

Brandon Birr ♥ Orrin A. Evans Gary Gileno Monique Gougeon

Class of 2004


Class of 2005


Class of 2006


Anthony Gioia ♥ Jacob Hollis Antoinette Marie Kathol ♥ Tom Safa Jeffrey D. White Amanda C. Evans ♥ Matthew Gaggioli Gianna Athena Gioia ♥ Lisa D. Jutsum ♥ Michael J. Miller ♥ John Paul Romo Nicole Silva Christopher Stellar Christopher S. Victor Caroline Ashkar Melissa Barrero David Bekoff Jamie Bennison ♥ Alexander Chan Andrea Cuecuecha Erin DaSilva Megan France Erin Brianne Gripp Jeremy Hartley Bradley Hawes

Class of 2010


Class of 2011


Class of 2012


Michael James Bottala ♥ Patrick James Buchanan Jennifer Norita Giddens Molly Maureen McCarthy Jean Carlo Morales ♥ Tracy Kathleen Sullivan ♥ DrewAnn Kristine Andrews Andrew Bernard Barmann Brendan Andrew Buchanan Hayley Elizabeth Gripp Brian Anthony Lamendola Alec Lawrence Shumate Dylan Calder Stein Anthony Robert P. Wake Samantha Leigh Whitehead

Jordan Marcus Adams Patrick Marcos Afram Omar Ali Meaghan Elizabeth Allen Ethan William Anabel Shay Louise Baluyot Matthew James Barrero Arolyn Danelle Basham Jelena T Bilog Shaddi Taffy Bishara Roger Eric Braun Miles Davenport Brenninkmeijer



Class of 2002

Megan Michelle LeNoue Melissa Ann Miller ♥ Anastasia M. Ponnet


Class of 2000

Dean C. Griffith ♥ Wilfred Kaliel Nicole L. Murph Jeffrey R. Rodriguez

Shelley Griffith ♥ Kevin Kohorst Robin Quintanilla Teresa Marie Ring Peter Scott Singer ♥



2012 1962 1961 1972 1982

60.51% 24.14% 22.22% 18.82% 15.53%

1980 1967 1971 2001 1960

13.89% 13.68% 12.37% 11.70% 11.39%

Help get your class in the Top Ten! Make your donation today at Corey Marshall Matthew R. Maulit Evan Jon Paniagua ♥ Alexander Plumb Kirsten Real Megan Sulzinger Samantha Voorhees Elizabeth Wight

Class of 2007


Class of 2008


Class of 2009


Kyle Cheng ♥ Giselle Figueroa Peter Bennett Larr ♥ Jeffrey Sullivan William Sullivan Christina Tostado Phillip Rafael Velasco Gerald Whitehead Adam Ted Compton ♥ April Lynn Giddens Stephanie Rose Gioia ♥ Brendan Ryan Gripp Meg Delaney McCarthy Alexis Johanna Vanni ♥ Angela Arunarsirakul Maryann K Cafagna Melissa Y Cafagna Michelle E Cafagna Elyse Elizabeth Chui Kevin Michael Healy ♥ Timothy Patrick Hoffman

Jeffrey Tyler Briegel Juliet Hunter Brooks Marycarmen Elena Bruer Karlie Marie Buller David Thomas Burkhart Shannon Noel Burr Alexandria Marie Cannata A. Nicole Mungcal Carlos Jean-Claude Charrier John Nicholas Cina Tomas Adriano Dakan Katrina Abat Dela Cruz Vincent Joseph Delgatto Bowdien Henry Derby Steven Robert Dewey III Randall Patrick Dominguez Jeffrey M Driscoll Connor Fitch Duffey Monica Duong Alexandra Grace Evans Alexander Ray Farhang Vincent Gabriel Feng Michael Gilbert Figueroa Austin Louis Fitzgerald Nicolas Cruz Garcia-Corona Jessica Elena Gardner Amelia Marie Garrison Jasmine Truc Giang Nicole Jasmin Giddens Lauren Amanda Glass Dominick Cem Gokgoz Mason Salazar Guzman

Kathryn Jean Haderlein Mariana Lilani Henry Jordan Taylor Hill Elizabeth Rae Hoffman Aaron Hong Douglas Taft Hulsey Kelly Sachiko Ikeda Connor Bradley Jenkins Justin Lawrence Bonifacio Justo Kevin Philip Kato Kimberlyn Rose Kelly Melanie Kaethe Klich Rochelle Christine Ko Philip Andrew Krizek Garrett William Kubon Jonathan Chase Kwong Richard Lee Lamont Jr. Spike Ray Larr Clement Lau Alexandre Law Andrew Nolan Linaac Diego Lizarazu Christian George Lomeli Cynthia Megan Louie Gina S Manwani Jordan Nicholas Marks Josette Leigh Maskin Claire Catherine McCarthy Shannon Grace McCauley Colleen Reed McWilliams Yanira Alexa Melendez-Gonzalez Kelly Marisa Mercade Randolph Richard Miller Christine Page Mitchell Sophie Carolina Nelson Michael J Novell Peter Nuguid Brittany Jacqueline Ossa Christopher Tyler Otte Michael Vincent Pedote Lauren Alexandra Perez Hayden James Picker Kara Ann Pilar Casey Marie Pontrelli David John Priore Benjamin Shawn Reed Mitchell RM Reynolds Diamond Briana Ridley-Pierce Linda Christina Riedmann Emily Elizabeth Robertson Jordan James Rodgers Stefano Antonio Rossi Lauren Marie Schano Matthew Steven Seidner Alec Vincent Shuster Lisa Ann Snodgrass Nicolas Ian Sonnenburg Manuel Martin Santiago Soriano Miranda Rose Stein Sara Grace Thawerbhoy Keith Ian Ton Camille Suzanne Torres Jennifer Taylor Torres Peteronila M Vaeluaga Sagar Raj Vaidyanathan Lauren Marie Valdes Sarah Andrea Veliz Geoffrey Nucum Viernes Reena-Joy Llamas Villamater Hannah Currier Volckmann Rachel Hayley Mei Wight Madison Elizabeth Worley Stephen Bradford Wright Samuel Leggett Zanetta Zhenni Zhu = The Loyal Lancer Society recognizes alumni who have provided financial support to La Salle, at any level, for three consecutive years or more.





Frank Ferrante ’81


As a student at La Salle in 1980, Frank Ferrante portrayed the young Groucho Marx in “Minnie’s Boys,” a show about the vaudeville days of the five singing Marx boys and how they evolved into the anarchistic comedy legends - the Marx Brothers. He has been playing Groucho ever since. “Brother Malachy Biller picked “Minnie’s Boys,” knowing that I loved Groucho,” recalled Ferrante, who has been called the “greatest living interpreter of Groucho Marx’s material.” “Six years later, I was doing “Groucho: A Life in Revue” in New York.” “Groucho: A Life in Revue,” launched his stage career, taking the then 23-year-old Ferrante off-Broadway - and then to London - portraying Groucho from age 15 to 85. For his work in the off-Broadway production, Ferrante won New York’s Theatre World Award in 1987 and was nominated for an Outer Critics Circle Award. For the London run, Ferrante was nominated for a Laurence Olivier Award for comedy performance that same year. Subsequently, Ferrante starred in, produced and directed a stage production of “Groucho: A Life in Revue” for PBS television, which aired in 2001. Today, Ferrante continues to channel the iconic comedian in his oneman show, “An Evening with Groucho.” He has been touring in the one-manshow for more than a decade. The theater arts program at La Salle “changed my life and prepared me to work in the field that I love,” said Ferrante, who was raised in Sierra Madre, graduated from La Salle in 1981, and still resides in the San Gabriel Valley. His brother Tony graduated from La Salle in ’83 and youngest brother John teaches and is an administrator at Cathedral High School,

another Christian Brothers school. “The theater arts program allowed Frank to blossom,” recalled Brother Christopher Brady, who as a young teacher served as the technical director for La Salle’s spring musicals. “He had a true knack for theater and entertaining.” Brother Chris said that he saw Frank’s talent during the school’s production of Cole Porter’s “Anything Goes,” in 1979, when as a sophomore Ferrante played the comic role, Sir Evelyn Oakleigh, whose famous duet is “Let’s Misbehave.” “Those were my first huge laughs,” Ferrante mused. All the spring musicals, Brother Chris noted, were performed in a big circus tent on the school’s parking lot. “I’m still performing in circus tents,” said Ferrante, who plays the comic lead in “Hail Caesar!” in Teatro ZinZanni’s cirque show in San Francisco and Seattle. He has been running off to the cirque each summer for the past 12 years. This fall, he took his wisecracking Latin lover character, ’Caesar,’ to Europe, where his show was presented by Palazzo, a similar cirque in Amsterdam. He performed there for four months. The seeds for the two major facets of his successful career – comedy and music – were sewn at La Salle High School. The musicals were directed by the late Brother Donald Mansir, FSC, who Ferrante credits for inspiring him to pursue a life in the theater. “Brother Donald treated us like true pros. We would workshop the musical for four months. He taught us dance, improvisation, and vocal exercises. Then, we diligently rehearsed the songs, dances and comedy,” Ferrante recalled fondly of his late mentor. “He was serious and stern, and grand in a warm, theatrical way. A tremendous scholar, he was passionate about the theater and theater people. And when he laughed at something you did, you knew you had done something right, something supreme.” Brother Donald, who died last year, was an expert in Middle Eastern affairs who taught at FALL / WINTER 2013


St. Mary’s College in Moraga, California. Ferrante remained dear friends with Brother Donald, visiting him when his work with Teatro ZinZanni took him to the Bay Area. “He literally saw my shows dozens of times. He was my biggest fan. He was the first person to really see me, what I could do. He celebrated life with his big personality,” Ferrante said. Under Brother Donald’s and Brother Malachy’s direction at La Salle, Ferrante played Harold Hill in “The Music Man,” Nathan Detroit in “Guys and Dolls,” John Adams in “1776” and Sir Evelyn Oakleigh in “Anything Goes.” As a drama student at USC, Ferrante was discovered in 1985 by Arthur Marx, the son of Groucho who co-wrote “Minnie’s Boys” and “Groucho: A Life in Revue” with Robert Fisher. Arthur Marx cast Ferrante to play the title role in “Groucho: A Life in Revue,”

starred as a talking mime in Rob Corddry’s Emmy Award-winning TV comedy “Childrens Hospital” on Adult Swim and was heard on Cartoon Network’s animated “Garfield.” He estimates he has taken “An Evening with Groucho” to more than 400 cities. He sees no end in sight for the one-man show. “That’s because there’s no such thing as an old joke if you never heard it before,” he said. “Young people are discovering Groucho Marx all the time.” More than just parroting the jokes, Ferrante ad-libs his way throughout the performance in Groucho style, engaging audience members in the fun. “I love Groucho’s irreverence. I was a shy kid. He’s fearless in that persona and it’s empowering,” said Ferrante. He has been in love with Groucho’s work since he was a boy watching Marx Brothers movies and his comedy-quiz show “You Bet Your Life” on television. “I always felt he was speaking to me,” recalled Ferrante, who did his first Groucho impression as an eighth grade student at St. Rita’s School in Sierra Madre. “I want to introduce his brash style to younger audiences. Groucho is

Frank Ferrante,with actors, Sean Penn and Robin Williams

hiring him as soon as Ferrante graduated college in 1985 to try out the play in Kansas City. By 1986, Ferrante was starring in a hit show off-Broadway and in London the next year. He brought the show to the Pasadena Playhouse in 1989. Ferrante remained close to Arthur Marx, who died last year at age 89, and to Groucho’s daughter, Miriam Marx Allen, who recently attended Ferrante’s one man show in Long Beach. Ferrante’s many regional theater roles include Max Prince in Neil Simon’s “Laughter on the 23rd Floor” at Philadelphia’s Walnut Street Theatre, which Ferrante also directed. He played George S. Kaufman in the one-man show “By George,” which Ferrante wrote about the famed playwright and director who collaborated on many of the Marx Brothers films. An accomplished director himself, Ferrante directed and developed the 1995 world premiere of Pulitzer Prize finalist, “Old Wicked Songs” at the Walnut Street Theatre which has been his creative home for 20 years. This past summer, Ferrante guest26


the best physical and verbal comedian we have.” “I’ve been so fortunate that I get to hear laughter Frank Ferrante with Sid Caesar every night,” said Ferrante. “I have been validated in my work as actor, director, comedian, and improv artist. There have been many highs and lows. One high was seeing Robin Williams wipe away tears while laughing at my interactive improv set. Another - being told by Sean Penn that I’m a good actor. The greatest satisfaction is knowing that it’s been almost 30 years and I am still attempting to get better. It never ends.” Ferrante’s favorite comedians – Groucho, Jackie Gleason, Sid Caesar, W.C. Fields and Milton Berle – have the rare ability to channel angst and rage into laughter. “Humor and music are great antidotes,” Ferrante said. “The older I get, the more I appreciate it.”

The Royal Court, from left, Judah Lacy, Dominic Dagondon, Bridgit Murphy, Austin Wallis, Monica Perez, Paul Hoffman, Alex Astorga, Noeh Martinez, Summer Taylor and Michael Gordon. All are seniors.



he theme for Homecoming Week that began on October 29 was “Around the World in Five Days.� Students dressed in traditional costumes from different parts of the world each day of the week. From Africa, (lots of animal costumes), Asia, (Kimonos, Saris etc.), to South America and outrageous Halloween costumes. All Souls Liturgy was held on Thursday and Friday was homecoming so all the students dressed in Red and Blue for the afternoon rally. The Homecoming King and Queen, Judah Lacy and Paul Hoffman, were crowned at half time. The band and cheer squad performed and the 10th Battalion Alumni Athlete Award, for our alums who have had outstanding college athletic careers was presented. The Lancer football team went on to defeat Bosco Tech to top off a great week. FALL / WINTER 2013


The 10th Battalion Alumni Athletic Award Presentation. John Ring, Associate Principal for Student Services, Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, Principal, Honoree Jenny Belak ’04, Honoree Matt Jones ’05, Richard Gray, President

Patrick Bogue ’88 and Suzanne Saenz Bogue ’98 with their daughters Avery and Brynn Vincent Garciano ’89, Edward Garciano ’89



Mark Dannhausen ’10, Robin Quintaniwlla ’03, Robby Quintanilla ‘10

Paul Lees ’75 & Tony Messineo ’80 working the Alumni Tent

Jeff Kinder, Antionette Santucci Kinder ’95, Ricky Jurado ’95, P’15

Julia Frisina ’11 & Joline Zelenski ’11

Ryan Hagen ’94 with his son Paul

Jesse Corona ’81, P’12,’16, photo of Nico Garcia-Corona ’12 who is away at college, Emilio Garcia-Corona ’16, Esmeralda Garcia P’12,’16

Pat Bonacci, AFSC, and Julie Bonacci Kolb ’97 with Jacob Kolb and Jayden Kolb

Terrell Oliver ’12 & Antoine Peterson ’11



10 Battalion th


By Kristen Schultz ’98, Director of Alumni Relations

JENNY BELAK ’04 JENNIFER BELAK, Class of 2004, was one of the most talented softball players La Salle has ever had. She was on Varsity all four years of her high school career as leadoff batter, first basemen and occasionally, pitcher. During her senior year, she hit .600 and broke the CIF-SS record for hits in a season with 69 - a record that still stands today. Jenny helped lead her team to the Sunshine League and State Championships in both 2003 and 2004. Jenny was a three-time All-California Interscholastic Division V first team, a three-time West San Gabriel Valley first team honoree by the Pasadena Star News, a four-time Sunshine League first team member, league MVP in 2004, and the Star News Player of the Year for 2004. Jenny finished her softball career at La Salle by being named to the Hall of Fame for Softball and was also named the Female Athlete of the Year. Jenny accepted a Division I athletic scholarship to the University of Maryland, where she was a four-year starter for the Terrapins, competing in the Atlantic Coast Conference. Jenny set Maryland career records for at bats (755), hits (219), stolen bases (60), and triples (12). During her sophomore year, she set the Maryland single season records for batting average (.359) and hits (70). Her junior year, she was the only player to start all 59 games and in her final season, she was selected to the All-ACC team. Jenny double majored in Government and Politics and American Studies and returned to California after graduation. She joined the La Salle softball coaching staff for the 2009 season where the team competed in the CIF finals. She also coached four seasons for the local travel team, the SGV Velocity Gold. The Velocity included girls from La Salle and the San Gabriel Valley, and many who are now playing in colleges across the country. Jenny currently works in sales operations for a data storage company.

LA SALLE CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • 2004 Female Athlete of the Year

• Current Record Holder for CIF-SS Hits in a Single Season (69 in 2004)

• 2004 Sunshine League MVP

• 4th ranking in CIF-SS Career Hits (195 – 2001-2004)

• 2004 Star News Player of the Year • 2003 Athletic Hall of Fame – Softball


• 2002-2004 Sunshine League Champions

• 2008 All-ACC 2nd Team

• 2001 CIF Division V Quarter Finals

• 2008 All-ACC Academic Team

• 2002 CIF Division V Semi-Finals

• 2008 NFCA All-Region 1st Team

• 4 Time Sunshine League 1st Team

• 2008 set Maryland career records for at bats, hits, stolen bases, and triples

• 3 Time All-CIF Division V 1st Team

• 2006 set Maryland single season records for batting average and hits in a season

• 3 Time West SGV Star News 1st Team 30


MATTHEW JONES ’05 MATT JONES, Class of 2005, entered La Salle High School hoping that he would be a part of the Baseball program. Little did he know how much of an impact he would have. In his freshman year, he was named the JVs Most Valuable Pitcher. As a sophomore, he made the varsity team and was named the Varsity Rookie of the Year. He helped bring home a League Championship and was a member of the 2003 CIF Baseball Championship Runner-Up Team. In Matt’s junior year, he was named All League, the League’s Most Valuable Pitcher and was instrumental in bringing home another League Championship for Lancer Baseball. His senior season started as Matt was named team Captain and finished as he was named to the La Salle Hall of Fame for Baseball. His final season he was named All League, League Most Valuable Pitcher, All-Area; All-CIF, and a San Gabriel Valley All Star. After graudation, Matt went on to Occidental College where he

was a four year starter for the Tigers. In his freshman and sophomore years, he played shortstop and pitcher earning him the team’s MVP honors. He was also named All-Conference team pitcher that year. In his final two seasons at Occidental, he ruled the mound as a starting pitcher. Once again, he was named All-Conference Pitcher in his junior year and was made Captain for his final season. Matt graduated from Occidental College in 2009 with a degree in Economics. He was a member of the La Salle Baseball coaching and pitching staff in 2010 and is now in his final year of law school at Loyola Marymount University where he is the Senior Production Editor of the Loyola of Los Angeles International & Comparative Law Review. Matt is interested in corporate law, specifically mergers and acquisitions. Matt has also been a member of the La Salle Golf Tournament Committee since 2009.



• 2005 Team Captain; All-League; League’s Most Valuable

• 2009 Pitcher; Team Captain

Pitcher; All- Area; All-CIF; San Gabriel Valley All Star;

La Salle Baseball Hall of Fame

• 2008 Pitcher; All-Conference Team Pitcher

• 2004 All-League; League’s Most Valuable Pitcher;

• 2007 Played Shortstop and Pitcher;

League Champions

• 2003 Varsity Team Rookie of the Year;

All-Conference Team Pitcher; Team MVP

• 2006 Played Shortstop and Pitcher

League Champions; Member 2003 CIF-Runner Up Team • 2006-2009 Baseball Team Letterman

• 2002 JV Baseball Team Most Valuable Pitcher FALL / WINTER 2013


UNDEFEATED By Russell Gordon with John Blackstock ’67


his fall, the Lancers completed an amazing, undefeated season to qualify for the CIF playoffs. The road to the league championship began last winter when new head football coach, Coach Russell Gordon, along with his new coaching staff, addressed the students involved in the Lancer Football program. The first things Gordon said was “this will no longer be recreational football. We are going to implement our strength and conditioning program along with our football system. We will build upon what Coach Peterson has built and you will win.” From that day forward, it was apparent to all that it was time to go to work, on and off the field. “Our minimum goal, for the first season, was to go 5-5 and beat Maranatha,” recounted Gordon. But well into spring workouts

Coach Gordon and his staff realized that this could be a special season. “These kids work extremely hard in the weight room and on the field. Once the expectations were set, we did everything as a staff to make sure that we super exceeded them.” The staff made sure that the student athletes lived our moto; Unity, Hustle, Pride. “Remember that offense sells tickets, and defense wins championships!” Gordon remarked. In the spring, a solid foundation was laid and it showed this fall. The team compiled an impressive preseason and league record of 10-0. They were the Del Rey League Champions and advanced to the Southern Section playoffs before losing a very close game to Centennial Compton 12 to 10 in their final game.

GAME-BY-GAME SYNOPSIS WEEK 0: La Salle beat Temple City 27-0 with 345 yards of total offense and four offensive touchdowns. The Lancers had 215 yards rushing and 130 yards passing. Defensively, we owned the line of scrimmage. WEEK 1: La Salle outscored Glendale High School 45-16. La Salle had 347 yards of offense and six offensive TDs with 275 yards rushing and 77 yards passing. The defense was very stingy. WEEK 2: We beat a tough Village Christian team 50-6. The Lancers broke open a close game in 32


the second half. We had 604 yards of offense and six offensive TDs. We had 433 yards rushing and 172 yards passing. The defense was very strong. WEEK 3: We won 63-7 against our rival Maranatha. We had a total of 397 yards of offense and nine offensive TDs. The Lancers had 230 yards rushing and 167 yards passing. Once again, our defense played stingy and we capitalized on the Minutemen’s errors. At this point, the coaches noticed that the players had bought in to our program 100% and it would be hard for anyone to defeat us.

WEEK 4: The Lancers won 47-30 against Westchester High. We had 446 yards of offense and six offensive TDs. We had 247 yards rushing and 199 yards passing. Our defense faced its first true challenge against a FAST Westchester team, but held its ground when they needed. WEEK 5: We had a bye, but more importantly we went to Hillsides Orphanage as a team. We brought toys for the underprivileged kids and played capture the flag with them. We invited the children to our next game. They came and sat on our sidelines with grins from ear to ear. WEEK 6: La Salle won 65-7 against Verbum Dei. We had 213 yards rushing and 187 yards passing for a total of 400 yards of offense and a total of 10 offensive TDs. Our defense was very tough. WEEK 7: We defeated Mary Star 47-6. We rushed for 401 yards and passed for 176 yards for a total of 577 yards of offense with a total of seven offensive TDs. Again our defense was extremely stingy. WEEK 8: La Salle beat perennial league power, Bishop Montgomery 29-10. We rushed for 154 yards and passed for 126 yards for a total of 280 yards of offense with two offensive TDs. Our defense bent, but did not break. WEEK 9: We defeated Cantwell Sacred Heart 61-30 and had 336 yards rushing and 163 yards passing for a total of 499 yards of offense and nine offensive TDs. Cantwell scored some late points against some very young La Salle defensive players who were filling in for injured starters. WEEK 10: During our Homecoming celebrations we defeated Bosco Tech 73-3 for a perfect 10-0 regular season record and our first Del Rey league football title since becoming part of the Del Rey League. Once again, our defense played fantastic. WEEK 11: In the first round of the CIF playoffs, we lost to a speedy Compton Centennial 12-10. We rushed for only 69 yards and passed for 119 scoring 0 offensive TDs. Defensively, we held a very fast team to 12 total points. Offensively we struggled and had a season low of 188 yards of total offense. This loss cannot overshadow what this team accomplished in the 2012 season. The Lancers came from being 1-19 to 10-1 with the majority of the same players. “We can say that our goal was achieved and more,” quipped coach Gordon. The Lancer student athletes worked incredibly hard from the spring through the fall and their efforts equaled their results. Final stats for the season showed 517 points for and 127 points against (the fewest in entire CIF Division). The Lancers were not only successful on the field, but in the classroom as well. When Coach Gordon arrived, there were 15 student athletes in academic trouble so he implemented a daily study hall, and no Lancer was ever placed on the academic ineligibility list. Coach Gordon said with pride at the end of the season, “We leave the 2012 season knowing the Lancers were successful on and off the field and learned several lifelong lessons. These are lessons that they can implement into their daily life for the rest of their lives.”






ome might call what happened on the La Salle Lancers’ field in the past three months a football miracle. The Lancers hoped to win at least five games this season. But they came out and won their opening game. They won the next week, too, and the next. La Salle did not stop at five wins, or six, or seven. They ran the table in the regular season to go a perfect 10-0. “I never would’ve seen us going 10-0, but Coach (Russell) Gordon is one of those coaches who believed in us,” said Lancers wide receiver Jalen Gray. Gordon said morale was a little low, but he saw a bright future for La Salle. “The culture needed to be changed, as far as this wasn’t going to be recreational anymore,” he said. Some people might have thought the first-year head coach was crazy. He left Campbell Hall for La Salle, which was 1-19 the past two years. “I came to their homecoming game last year,” Gordon said. “They were 0-8. I saw the community support and it was awesome. The way they embraced this team, it was definitely something I wanted to be a part of.” His coaching style paid off quickly on the scoreboard. The Lancers were not only undefeated, they won by an average of almost 40 points per game. “Effort equals results,” Gordon said. After going 10-0, La Salle could not quite take it all the way. They lost their first game in the CIF playoffs by two points. “We made mistakes that night that were out of character,” Gordon said. “That’s what happens. These games are about competition and so is life. They learned another life lesson out of it.” So now the off-season workouts begin in the place the turnaround all started: the La Salle weight room.


Go to KABC NFL Coach of the Week/Gordon to see the video of the presentation on November 14, 2012.




his fall, La Salle completed a $650,000 upgrading of Kohorst Field’s football and soccer playing surface as well as the track. The project features the new Lancer mascot at mid-field and a new blue all weather track. The field has shaded numbers, and blue colored end zones as well. “This project has been an image in my mind for over a year and it sure is nice to see it come to fruition” said Athletic Director, Anthony Harris. Construction began in mid June and the football field was completed in early July. The track was finished and lined during the three week period of away and bye games during the football season. 34


DANIEL DE LA TORRE STATE CHAMPION By Keith Lair, Reprinted from the San Gabriel Valley News

Senior Daniel De La Torre is La Salle’s first State Champion. After winning the CIF SS Division IV Cross Country crown for the second year in a row, he set off to the State Meet with only one thing in mind - the championship. It did not look promising. La Salle High School’s Daniel De La Torre trailed reigning CIF State cross country champion John Lawson of Sir Francis Drake by 15 seconds with a mile to go. But 50 yards before the finish of the 5,000-meter race at Fresno’s Woodward Park, De La Torre pulled off the pass and won the state title. De La Torre, who was third last year, said he was going to give it his all to catch Lawson. “Win state or nothing,” the senior said. “It has been something I have been working up to. If I didn’t win I would have just thrown the medal in the corner of my room.” He became La Salle’s first state champion in any sport when he won in 15:30 with Lawson four seconds behind him. “That was a heck of a last mile,” Lancers coach Fred Riley said.

“I had so much to lose,” De La Torre said. “I’m astonished and so happy. I worked on my lack and it paid off.” The result surprised Riley, who did not know Lawson had been caught until the final stretch. The runners go out of view over most of the final mile. “I did not see until there were 40 yards to go and what I saw I actually could not believe,” he said. “It is his day, his turn, his time.” Lawson and De La Torre went out together at the pace De La Torre prefers, fast and furious, and Lawson went with him. But Lawson pulled ahead on a hill. “I told myself I have to keep him in my sight,” De La Torre said. “It was nothing we did,” Riley said. “This guy has incredible character. He was determined to not let Lawson beat him again.” FALL / WINTER 2013


Katrina Palffy scores for the Lancers.



ollowing an amazing season of exciting stand-up-and-cheer volleyball, where the Lancers were undefeated in league play and suffered only two losses, the team set off for the CIF playoffs. “You can’t put anything past our team,” libero Caroline Knop said. “You think we’re going to lose? We won’t. We can promise you we are not. Then enlisting shades of legendary coach Duffy Lewis, Knop continued “We will take on any team, at any time, any where.” During the CIF-Southern Section Division 1A championship match at Santiago Canyon College, El Dorado High School tried to break the Lancers streak. But the Golden Hawks (20-14) were swept 25-16, 25-20, 29-27, and La Salle won its first CIF-SS volleyball title in three tries. 36


In the final game, the No. 2 seeded Lancers (34-3) were down 24-21, when La Salle’s coach, Tiare Tuitama called timeout and said to the girls, “We’ve been here before; done this before. You know you can get this done.” The fact that they know they can get it done goes a long way here, she said. (The Lancers reached last year’s CIF-SS Division 2AA final, where they lost to St. Lucy’s). After the time out, Katrina Palffy leads off with a kill, Jessica Kennedy has back-to-back kills to tie it at 24-24. The Lancers and Golden Hawks matched points and errors until a second match point where setter Alyssa Tavera’s cleaver dump shot ties it again at 27-27. Haley DeSales’ spike went off a blocker for a score breaking the tie, and then DeSales powers a crossing shot for the victory.

All left to right, back row, Sierra Bononi, Haley DeSales, Coach Andrew Sandoval, Head Coach Tiare Tuitama, Coach Trevor Lanzarotta, Olivia Bin, Renaissance Forster. Middle row, Reilly Spriestersbach, Jaya Banks, Jessica Kennedy, Cheri Raymundo, Katrina Palffy. Bottom row, Maddie Pefferie, Katie Smither, Caroline Knop, Katherine Leek, Alyssa Tavera.

“Normally we don’t get second chances like this,” DeSales said. “We got that chance. We were going to win this one. We have no regrets.” The Hawks knocked off St. Lucy’s in the quarterfinals and had a lot of size, creating tough shot opportunities for the Lancers. Palffy and Riley Spriestersbach each had 10 kills and DeSales and Kennedy had nine each. The Hawks’ front line of 6 footers made it tough for the Lancers. “I definitely made some silly errors, but the rest of the team really stepped up.” DeSales said. Middle blocker Olivia Bin, who transferred from Immaculate Heart, who played sparingly until recently because of injuries, took the step up. “She is a natural outside hitter, but it was her eight kills and block that seemed to change the tone early when the Hawks were blocking everything in sight,’ said Tuitama. The Lancers displayed a balanced attack with four players recording at least nine kills in the match. Riley Spriesterbach, who played her best postseason match at the most opportune time.

“Riley has had a good playoff run, but she was great in the finals,” Tuitama said. “It’s one of the best games I’ve seen her play.” Setter Alyssa Tavera also stepped up for the Lancers with 37 assists to go with timely digs that helped La Salle edge the Golden Hawks in the highly intense third game. “The players that experienced last year’s loss are the ones that made a big impact,” Tuitama said. “The fact that the girls know what it feels like to lose just eliminates any nerves from last year. They were just having fun.” Winning a CIF championship extended La Salle’s season as they clinched a CIF State tournament berth. “It’s a tough one,” Tuitama said prior to the opening state match. “We have a four-hour drive and harder play. It’s interesting to see the talent and play from different areas in the state. I like that we’re going to see teams we’ve never seen before. Both sides have to adapt to what’s going on.” However, the girls’ volleyball season came to an end during the first round of the CIF State Division I playoffs as La Salle fell to fourth-ranked Clovis West, 19-25,25-23, 25-15, 18-25, 15-11. The defeat caps the season for fifth-ranked La Salle, which won La Salle’s first-ever CIF Southern Section Division I-A championship. Sophomore Haley DeSales paced La Salle with 15 kills and 15 digs, while libero Knop tallied 40 digs, setter Tavera totaled 45 assists, Kennedy added 19 kills and three blocks, Cheri Raymundo contributed 10 digs and Spriesterbach finished with 12 kills and two blocks. “We just didn’t have the same energy as we had in the CIF finals, but I’m still proud of our girls,” Tuitams said. “It’s bittersweet. We didn’t go as far in state as last year or as far as I would have liked, but we won a ring this year, which we didn’t do last year. We did something this year that the school has never done, so that’s great.”

Libero, Caroline Knop digs a spike.



Hayley DeSales IS






Reprinted from the Pasadena Sun


n a season rich with triumph, it was inevitable that the La Salle High girls’ volleyball team would reap the benefits of its CIF accomplishments. And in the aftermath of claiming a CIF Southern Section Division I-A championship — the first in program history — the Lancers found themselves once more atop the division, as sophomore standout Haley DeSales was named the All-CIF Division I-A Player of the Year, as released officially on Monday afternoon, while La Salle Coach Tiare Tuitama was named the division’s coach of the year.

DeSales, a sophomore outside hitter, was a catalyst in leading the Lancers, who moved up from Division II-AA the season prior when they also advanced to the finals, to their first championship, as they swept through El Dorado, 25-16, 25-20, 29-27. “It’s a huge honor for me,” DeSales said. “There are so many awesome players in our division. It was one of my goals to get it during my career. It’s just an amazing honor and I got a lot of help from my teammates. Every year, you hope to improve in one skill or another. I want to help make La Salle into a big name for girls’ volleyball.”

“It’s a huge honor for me. There are so many awesome players in our division. It was one of my goals to get it during my career. It’s just an amazing honor and I got a lot of help from my teammates.”

In addition, junior libero Caroline Knop was named to the All-CIF first team in the division. After winning the Del Rey League title, Tuitama navigated the Lancers to the title and a 34-3 record on the season. “It’s something that’s very rewarding,” Tuitama said of being named the division’s coach of the year. “I’m shocked to have gotten it because there are a lot of great coaches out there. It does feel good, and it’s something you hope for.” 38


DeSales finished with 389 kills, 220 digs, 55 aces and 38 blocks. “It’s well-deserved because she was our go-to hitter and was our closer,” Tuitama said of DeSales being named the player of the year. “She developed as an outside hitter at a very fast pace. She knows where to put the ball. I’m very proud of her being named AllCIF.” Knop, who’s bound for the University of Michigan, averaged 4.9 digs per game and had 29 total aces. “She’s the one who sets the standards for our team,” Tuitama said of Knop. “Her volleyball IQ is the highest I’ve seen it from a player at any level. She will get better and be one of our leaders again next year.”

Chanel Buccola ’07 (left) and Blake Shaw ’07 (right) with Ed O’Connor (Center), Director of Student Life.

ALUMNI SERVICE AWARD Chanel Buccola and Blake Shaw

CHANEL BUCCOLA ’07 and BLAKE SHAW ’07 were presented with the Young Alumni Service Award at the Homecoming Liturgy on November 1st for their embodiment of the Lasallian Mission of “Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve.” Both Chanel & Blake participated in City Year. City Year is a national non-profit organization that engages college graduates into low income communities in Los Angeles as a way to combat the drop out crisis. One in four students in the Los Angeles Unified School District will not receive their high school diploma. City Year encourages young adults to commit to one year of service as a way to improve this statistic. Chanel graduated from USC in 2011 and knew that she would never again have the opportunity to provide extensive service to her community so she decided to devote one year of her life to City Year. Chanel taught all subjects in a 6th grade classroom in Koreatown with a partner educator. She was also appointed the After School Coordinator where she designed and implemented lesson plans regarding social justice issues on a daily basis. In addition, she organized after school events for parents and the community as a whole, which promoted a sense of unity within the community and offered a safe place for the neighborhood. Her work was primarily in the classroom but not limited to it. Chanel completed 1,700 hours of service in ten months, dedicating time at the Los Angeles Food Bank and assisting with school beautification at sites throughout Los Angeles. Chanel is positive that her perspective on community service was framed through her years at La Salle. “The adage of City

Year is ’Give A Year, Change The World’. Each time I heard this, I recalled the aphorism of La Salle, “Enter to Learn, Leave To Serve”. Blake graduated from Harvey Mudd College in 2011 and learned about City Year from a friend. Once he realized that this would be a great way to share his love of learning and awaken that same feeling in students, he was sold. Blake worked in a 9th grade math classroom in Koreatown to deliver specialized intervention tutoring to students at risk of dropping out. He also helped lead after-school tutoring and enrichment sessions to keep the kids motivated about learning. In addition to typical corps member duties, City Year’s mission is to impact the whole school environment so Blake also helped organize school-wide events such as a teacher appreciation breakfast, an open mic night, and even a circus carnival. 50+ hour work weeks were the norm and though it was certainly challenging, Blake is thoroughly grateful for the opportunity to gain so much through service. Blake believes that his experience at La Salle had a hand in his decision to volunteer with City Year. “Many of my teachers at La Salle fostered that same love of learning that I felt so empowered to share with at-risk students. Of my service experiences at La Salle, I remember most poignantly was the chance to work with lively youngsters in a small school in Tijuana on Venaver. Many of the students’ parents worked as scavengers at a nearby dump and they were completely surrounded by poverty but they saw past that. They loved life and they loved learning. On the tough days at City Year, they reminded me of the essential goodness and love of learning in every student and every person.” FALL / WINTER 2013



Excerpts from the Pasadena Sun with additional reporting by John Blackstock ’67


enior Jennifer Robi’s life has been touched by tragedy but now is graced with triumph and a trophy. Robi was recognized for her community contributions at the Police Chief’s Breakfast, where she was awarded the Bernard K. Melekian Award. Helping others is nothing new for Robi as she comes from a law enforcement family. Her mother is a retired LAPD Detective and her father is currently a bomb squad technician at LAPD who risks his life everyday protecting the community. Her brother, too, is a Los Angeles Police Officer (Chris Carnahan ’00).

One of her most memorable speeches was given when she was in eighth grade. With her mother, Robi gave a presentation before a crowd of 850 students and faculty members about drunk driving at La Salle High School. One year later, Jennifer had the opportunity to speak at La Salle again this time as a student. At La Salle’s Every 15 Minutes program, she gave a testimony of the motor vehicle collision she and her mother were involved. Robi has spoken at more than 50 Every 15 Minutes programs through her volunteer work with MADD. However, she says nothing can


POLICE CHIEF’S AWARD “I am honored to be here today and accept this award. Coming from a law enforcement family makes this award even more meaningful. I want to thank the Pasadena Police Foundation for all the work they do in helping our youth. I would also like to thank my College Counselor, Ms. Baldanado, for nominating me for this award. Giving back to the community is something I am very passionate about, thank you for acknowledging my efforts,” Robi told the crowd as she accepted the Bernard K. Melekian award plaque and the $500 check that goes with it. Robi started her volunteer work as a young girl when she turned a tragic accident into something positive. In sixth grade, Robi and her mother were involved in a serious car accident after they were hit by a drunk driver. Robi and her mother were both seriously injured. Instead of remaining traumatized and wallowing in emotion, Robi courageously channeled her strength and will to turn the tragedy around by volunteering with MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). Since then, she has been giving speeches to youth groups, detention facilities, first-time offenders and high school and college students to raise awareness about the dangers of drunk driving. 40


compare to speaking to and impacting the lives of her classmates. Robi says that one of the most rewarding parts of her work with MADD, is after a presentation, when people come up to her, and share a personal story about drunk driving or alcoholism affecting their family. “It never ceases to amaze me, the vast amount of people whose lives are negatively affected by alcohol. I am always moved by the honest and surprisingly candid stories that people who I have just met feel comfortable sharing with me. I go into a presentation with the goal of educating and inspiring others. However, I leave having been inspired by the individuals I meet.” In presenting the Bernard K. Melekian award, Pasadena Police Foundation Advisory Council member Angela Hawekotte, said that “Jen is a kind of person who does not let life challenges set her back. She refuses to be discouraged or defined by her obstacles. She is a fighter and quitting is not in her vocabulary. She is passionate in her work and will continue with her volunteer work through college. She wants to dedicate her life to volunteer work. Jen lives the La Salle motto, Continued on page 59

La Salle Senior


Graduates from


reparing himself for a future career in the fire service, La Salle senior Will Gifford recently graduated from the 52nd Los Angeles Fire Department Explorer Academy. The training these Explorers received was nothing less than grueling, and nothing less than what would be expected of professional firefighters. “During the Academy, I experienced the hardest six weekends of my life,” stated Will, who said becoming a firefighter has been his dream as long as he can remember. The first weekend, he and the others in Battalion 4, Post 4 trained at Camp 8 in Malibu with the personnel who are responsible for wild-land firefighting. The following few weekends of training at the County Fire Department’s Operations Headquarters were dedicated to hose lays, ladder commands and proper fire fighter survival. Fire Fighter Specialist Pete Ramirez of Los Angeles County Fire Station 82 in La Cañada served as the adviser to Battalion 4, Post 4. “The final day of the Academy, we traveled to Lancaster to do a “live burn” which is where we enter a room filled with fire and we experiment with different levels of heat and how the water interacts under certain conditions,” he explained. For the graduation, the Fire Explorers put on quite a show. “Two vehicles parked in concrete grounds of the training center just exploded,” Will said of the October 13 graduation exercise. “And we had to put them out.” In addition to that, Will and the other Explorers demonstrated all the skills and techniques they learned while in the Academy, including building ventilation, over-the-side rope placement, SCBA’s (Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus) and ladder placements. “Along with the physical demands of working for two days straight, there was the mental aspect that I had to quickly overcome,” Will said. “I had to keep my boots polished, my uniform neat and keep the station orderly. Everything we did as a group had a purpose, from filling the coffee pot to saying ’yes sir’ or ’no sir’ to the captains.” Since his graduation from the academy, Will has already participated in several “24-hour ride-alongs.” During these events, he is expected to use the training he received in the academy to assist county fire department personnel on emergency incidents and participate in other station activities and duties. “I stay in the same quarters and participate in the same way I would if I had been a paid fire fighter,” Will said. After all that, he is even more determined to pursue a career in the fire service. FALL / WINTER 2013



Junior Helps “Seniors” Earns GOLD AWARD



Emma at her booth at the Health & Wellness Fair in Sierra Madre

By John Blackstock ’67


fter the horrific windstorms of December 2011, the residents of Sierra Madre were left without power for up to seven days. That’s when Emma Martinez ’14 got an idea for her Gold Award Project for Girl Scouts. “We live in an area with many seniors, who were very worried, scared, cold, and unprepared,” said Martinez. “ I felt I just needed to help. I kept thinking about my grandparents in Pasadena and how much danger they were in.” Over the course of the next six months, Emma was able to raise $3,275 in order to put together 250 disaster preparedness kits for the elderly in Sierra Madre. She obtained two mini grants of $500 each from the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) and the Sierra Madre Rotary Club. In addition to these two grants, she raised the remainder of the money by babysitting, holding yard sales, establishing a web donation page, and obtaining pledges from family and First Lady, Michelle Obama recognized Emma friends. for her efforts and sent her a letter of Through presentations to congratulations for her meaningful project. seniors and by getting the word out in the Sierra Madre Patch, she was able to have a booth at the Wellness Fair for Sierra Madre seniors at Memorial Park on September 22, 2012. At the Fair she was able to reach out to local seniors and distribute her kits. Each kit cost approximately $13 and included non-perishable food, water, light source, emergency blanket, whistle, and first aid kit. “It was funny because it was hard to give the kits away at first. The seniors couldn’t believe they were free!” she says amused. Ultimately, the seniors in the Sierra Madre community were quite pleased with her contribution toward their safety. “It was great to see Emma accomplish her goal, make a difference, and enjoy the support of her family, friends, and neighbors as well as community,” said her mother Sue. Emma has been in scouting since kindergarten, and is a member of Troop 2171 in Sierra Madre. “This Gold Award project took over 100 hours to complete, but was well worth it in the end when I was able to see the smile of gratitude in so many kind faces. My grandparents got a kit too,” Emma said. 42



enior Emily Paluch conducted cutting edge research into the ways in which materials are processed and combined to create designer materials such as solar cells and stronger metals during an eight-week program at UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science. Under the mentorship of graduate student Jonathan Quan, Materials Science Professor JennMing Yang and visiting professor Arie Venkert, Emily and her partner, Sandy Babich, studied the effects of oxygen concentration on zinc oxide nanostructures grown by chemical vapor deposition. They conducted their research in the Hybrid Materials Lab at the department of Materials Science and Engineering. Emily was among 54 high school students selected from over 300 applicants to participate in the 2012 UCLA High School Summer Research Program. In addition to conducting research, the students learned about the latest research trends by studying journal articles and listening to presentations from various professors of different disciplines. They also met with engineers from such companies as Raytheon and Northrop Grumman to learn about the industrial applications of engineering. At the conclusion of the program, all of the students gave presentations on their findings to their peers and mentors, as well as producing scientific posters to summarize their research. The process mirrored that of academia. Displaying their work at the program’s closing Poster Symposium, the students discussed their work with the Associate Dean Richard Wesel, and other professors and graduate students, all of whom volunteered their time to the program. The UCLA High School Summer Research Program was started in 2006. Demonstrating UCLA’s dedication to nurturing the next generation of American engineers, the program provides an “incentive award” to students or the opportunity to live on campus for the eight weeks. UCLA HSSRP is sponsored by The Nicholas Endowment, Lockheed Martin, and the Samueli Foundation.


Jim Fischella ’73 Returns to Laud IT Careers


im Fischella, from the Class of 1973, returned to La Salle in November to speak to the computer education and robotics classes as part of the Alumni Association’s Career Mentor Program. After reviewing the industry segments that a career in Information Technologies offers, Jim discussed his real world industry experience and gave examples of how technology was improving the “bottom line” for a number of global companies. Jim has 20 years of experience as a skilled information technology (IT) executive and business professional working in the financial services, higher education, automotive and public sectors and over nine years of experience as a college–level classroom and online instructor. Jim is currently an Associate Director within the Information and Media Technology Department at Azusa

By John Blackstock ’67

Pacific University. He is also an adjunct professor at both Citrus College and APU in the School of Business and Management. His college career began at the University of Southern California - Marshall School of Business - where he earned his BS. He then received a MBA in Finance at Claremont Graduate University - Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management During his years at La Salle, Jim was involved in both the drama club and the soccer team. “La Salle certainly prepared me for college and life, really,” he said. “We had some great teachers and I loved the Christian environment and the camaraderie and fellowship among the boys,” (La Salle was an all boys school from 1956 until 1991). If you are interested in sharing your career and/or life experience with current students please contact Kristen Schultz ’98, Director of Alumni Relations, at 626.696.4362 or Check out the Alumni Career Mentor Program online at



Jessica Messieno ’14 and Tesia Meza ’13

It’s important to be Ernest By John Blackstock ’67 and Vicki Paluch

La Salle thespians took audiences on fun-filled “Wilde Ride” into the English countryside where mistaken identities and deception run roughshod over Victorian manners in Oscar Wilde’s delightful comedy, “The Importance of Being Earnest.” The play was performed before SRO crowds during its nine-performance run in the Linda M. Grindstead Theatre in November. Ms. Lucas painstakenly kept true to the era in costuming and sets. Because of the “abundance of talent, or at the least, very dedicated actors,” said a member of the crew, was performed by two casts.



Luke Bolle ‘14, and Tesia Meza ‘13.

Directed by Jude Lucas, Wilde’s “trivial comedy for serious people” was a biting satire of Victorian manners. The script brims with Wilde’s acerbic wit, as found in a quote from the play’s Lady Bracknell: “To lose one parent, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune. To lose both looks like carelessness.” The comedy tells the story of two young gentlemen living in 1890’s England who have taken to bending the truth in order to put some excitement into their lives. Jack Worthing (Ari Harris/ Spencer Raines) has invented a brother, Ernest, whom he uses as an excuse to leave his dull country life behind to visit the ravishing Gwendolyn (Cheyanne Williams/ Dani Pomeroy). His best friend, Algernon Montcrieff, (Luke Bolle/ Alec Gillies) also has decided to take the name ‘Ernest’ when visiting Worthing’s young and beautiful ward, Cecily (Tesia Meza/Emily (Kate) Coolidge) at the country manor. Things start to go awry when they end up together in the country and their deceptions are discovered, threatening to spoil their romantic pursuits. Add to the mix, the acerbic Lady Bracknell (Taylor ArrighiBracci/Maddie Pefferle), who is Gwendolyn’s no-nonsense mother, who proves to be a force of, if not nature, the Victorian upper class, Jessica Messineo as Miss Prism, Johnny Consiglio as Rev. Chausable, and Ryan Browne as Merriman. Members of the second cast include Emily Wright as Miss Prism, Andrew Ting as Rev. Chausable, and Bailey Le Roy as Merriman. Dominic Dagandon as Lane and Thea McKay as Anne appear in both casts. This was another outstanding theatre performance showcasing the extraordinary talents of La Salle students and highlighting our allencompassing Arts Program.

Gianni Consiglio ‘13, Jessica Messineo ‘14, Tesia Meza ‘13.

Cheyanne Williams ‘13 and Ari Harris ‘13.

Gianni Consiglio ’13 and Jessica Messieno ’14 FALL / WINTER 2013


Oh, the Places

Will Go!

Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to great places! You’re off and away!” This year’s theme for the 124th Annual Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade is “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” based on the American classic written by Dr. Seuss. His book, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” transcends all ages as it talks about the journey that life has to offer, as well as the new experiences and chapters all people face as time passes. The theme “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” is a perfect representation for every young lady that tries out for the historical Rose Court. Each young woman fights for the chance to fill one of the seven prestigious spots in the hope that she can start a new chapter in her life as one of the members of the Rose Court. On October 8, 2012 one of those spots was given to Senior Tracy Cresta. Oh, the places Tracy will go as one of the 2013 Rose Court princesses.

By Jade Rogers ’01

ladies would be a part of the Rose Court, and Tracy, number 376, was called to the front to accept her bouquet of roses. Tracy, similar to her favorite mammal the dolphin, epitomized generosity, intelligence, kindness, and the willingness and ability to explore new surroundings. She defined what the judges were looking for. Tracy explained, “The judges know when a girl is being genuine and they also really like it when a girl has proper manners. Wearing the same rainbow striped dress helped too. I felt it went with my personality, as well as the theme “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” The judges must have agreed because they nicknamed me the ‘The Themed Dress Girl.’” From October to January, Tracy will attend more than 100 community service and philanthropic events. These will include visits to retirement homes, schools for adults and children with disabilities, photo shoot opportunities, and public relations visits.

TRACY CRESTA ’13 SELECTED AS 2013 ROSE PRINCESS On September 15, 2012, Tracy, along with over 900 other young Rose Court hopefuls, gathered at the Tournament House for their first day of tryouts. Tracy said, “It had always been a dream of mine to be a part of the Tournament of Roses Royal Court. I would watch the parade every year and wish that someday I could be on the float and be given the opportunity to represent my hometown of Pasadena.” Tracy, wearing her rainbow striped dress and a dolphin necklace, went into the Tournament House feeling relaxed, feeling like herself and not afraid of the judges. Tracy says, “I wanted the judges to recognize me from previous interviews. So, after the first round I kept wearing my rainbow striped dress and dolphin necklace in the hopes that my favorite animal would give me luck.” Wearing the same dress and dolphin necklace definitely paid off because as over 900 girls dwindled to 250, then to 75, and then to 33, it was finally announced on October 8 which seven 46


Tracy, along with the other ladies of the Rose Court, visited Ability First in Pasadena for their Halloween Party and also went trickor-treating with the children at Huntington Hospital. Upcoming events for Tracy will include a trip to to Disneyland, a visit with the 2013 Grand Marshal, Jane Goodall, riding in the Goodyear Blimp, and meeting the players of both of the football teams that will compete in the Rose Bowl. “The best part of being on the Rose Court has to be meeting new people. It’s fun and rewarding to spend time with new and interesting people. I am thankful to be able to spend some time and to make a difference in the lives of others, especially at the hospitals that we have visited.” Tracy is appreciative to meet with and learn about so many different individuals and to be able to share stories with them, give a smile, or even sit down and listen to what they have to say. What Tracy is looking forward to the most is riding on the float down Colorado Boulevard on January 1, 2013. She says, “I am

beyond excited about riding on the float New Year’s Day, especially with these six other girls that I now consider to be my sisters. As members of the Rose Court, we are doing our best to enjoy every moment while we represent not only the city of Pasadena and our schools, but the Tournament of Roses. But I’m extremely proud to say that I am a La Salle Lancer at any event.” Though she is busy with Rose Court duties, Tracy continues to be involved with activities at La Salle. She is a member of the National Honor Society (NHS), California Scholarship Federation (CSF), Student Ambassadors, the Lasallian Education Advantage Program (LEAP), and the Physical Activity Club (PAC). Tracy is also the Captain of the School’s Cross Country and Track and Field teams. Off campus, Tracy goes to the Los Angeles Union Station

every three months with her mom to cook meals and she is also involved in her parish community as an altar server, Eucharistic minister, usher, and decorator for the holidays. Once Tracy graduates from La Salle, she plans on either attending San Diego State University or Loyola Marymount University. She hopes to become a lawyer and later a judge. Since becoming a Rose Princess, Tracy feels she has grown more as an adult. Her manners have become more refined, she feels she has a wider range of vocabulary, and she no longer has a fear of public speaking. Tracy is off to a great and memorable start as one of the 2013 Rose Court princesses. And will she succeed? Well, as Dr. Seuss says in Oh, the Places You’ll Go!, “You will indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed). Kid, you’ll move mountains.”



pl ay headed for

OFF BROADWAY By Vicky Paluch


ith her sights set on an acting career in New York City, Monet HurstMendoza graduated from La Salle in 2005 and went to Marymount Manhattan College as a theatre arts major. She wanted to concentrate on musical theatre but, as luck would have it, she was wait listed for the program. When forced to consider other department options, playwriting and directing captured her imagination. “Prior to that I hadn’t really thought about writing. I enjoyed it, but I wanted to be an actor. Then, I remembered that I had this play that I wrote as a senior at La Salle in Theatre Practicum,” she recalled. “I showed them my play “Rail,” about a teen-age drug addict, and, next thing I knew, I was in the playwriting program that admitted only six students.” Now, at age 25, Monet is in an even more rarefied environment. She is awaiting the first fully-staged production of one of her plays off-Broadway. The play, “Veil’d,” is slated to be produced in 2013. “Theatremania” website featured Monet last spring in a special report on getting your first play produced. Monet credits her success to Jude Lucas, La Salle’s Visual and Performing Arts Department Chairperson. “She taught us how to be professionals and how you have to learn everything.” “In the senior year of Theatre Practicum, Ms. Lucas gave us an assignment to write a 10-page play and told us to turn it in the next class. I came back with 50 pages,” recalled Monet, who attended La Salle on a San Miguel Scholarship. “I couldn’t stop writing.” Ms. Lucas said that Monet had a special quality from the very start. “Monet was the most driven student. She had this wonderful energy and focus,” said Ms. Lucas. “Her work ethic and professionalism as an actor translated to her writing.” Monet graduated from Marymount Manhattan College in 2009 with a degree in theatre arts with a dual concentration in writing for stage and directing. When she graduated, she received the 2009 Gold Key for Excellence in Theatre Arts, Writing for Stage. Written as her senior thesis for college, her off-Broadway-bound play “Veil’d” tells the story of a 16-year-old Afghan girl living in America. She has a skin allergy to the sun, forcing her to protect her skin with a burqa. The play deals with the struggles of her immigrant parents and their daughter’s desire to become Americanized. The play has been presented in a staged reading and in workshop performances. The performance next spring will be a fully-staged Equity workshop. A college internship with the Rising Circle Theatre Collective led to her current position as its literary manager. “I’ve learned so much about writing through this job,” she said. She also works as a box office manager for Vital Theatre Company and Theatre Row Studios. She is a semi-finalist for the Julliard School’s Playwriting Fellowship and the 2012-2014 Women’s Project Playwright’s Lab. Since graduating college, she has made the connections necessary to work within the theater world, which has allowed her to self-produce her plays, 48


direct plays and produce the plays of others. In addition to “Veil’d, her plays include “The Annex,” “Homecoming,” “In the Waiting Line,” “ShangriL.A.,” “Lilia” and “Jane’s Room.” “I identify myself as a female playwright of color,” Monet said. “I am telling stories from a perspective that is not heard on stage very much.” Her plays, such as “Lilia,” confront social problems head on. “Lilia” tells the story of a 14-year-old prostitute in Mexico during the 1930s. The girl turns to prostitution because her mother is an alcoholic and Lilia feels she has to care for her. The town priest tries to tame the girl’s wild streak and becomes the subject of the town’s gossip mongers. “It’s based on my grandfather’s town,” she said. “I’m hoping to get it produced in 2013-2014. It’s been in development for years.” Her first directing credit was also at La Salle, where she directed “Little Murders” as part of La Salle High School’s Performing Arts Conservatory. At Marymount she directed “Mud,” “Springtime,” “The Distance from Here,” “Rabbit Hole,” “A Month in the Country,” and “365 Days/365 Plays.” She estimates that she has directed some 80 plays in college and after, but she says she never directs her own plays. “I added the directing track at college because of Jude,” Monet said. “She’s an actor and brings an actor’s sensibility to her directing. And, of course, she does everything. She taught me professionalism from the time I was thirteen onward.” At La Salle, she performed in “Mad Woman of Chaillot,” “Man of La Mancha,” “Rhinoceros” and “Tartuffe,” among other works. “I was very, very blessed to have been given a San Miguel scholarship,” she said. “It allowed me to learn, act, direct and and discover myself.”

Teaching Teachers By Jade Rogers ’01


n October 19-21, 2012, science teachers Chija Bauer, Anthony Fernandes, Brian Miller ’79, and Kjersti (Housman) Holyfield ’04 attended the 2012 California Science Education Conference in San Jose. This year’s conference focused on the Common Core Standards, the Next Generation Science Standards, Literacy, and STEM to Career. Only 180 workshops were selected for the conference out of more than 1,450 presented for selection. The La Salle Science Department was honored to have three workshops selected: “Global Warming Cumulative Project for Physics,” “Inquiry Based Physics Classrooms and Standard Based Grading,” and “Low Budget Manipulatives to Teach Chemical Stoichiometry.”

La Salle Science Department gives Three Presentations at the California Science Education Conference Brian explained, “We brainstormed and came up with four proposals. The proposal period opened in November 2011 and ended at the end of January 2012. Accepted presenters were notified at the end of March 2012. We feel very fortunate and proud that we had three workshops accepted of the 180.” Chija and Kjersti co-presented “Global Warming Cumulative Projects for Physics,” which was based on their big end of the year project in physics. Chija says, “One of the goals of this project was to have the kids examine global warming through the lens of physics. We cover fluid dynamics, as well as thermodynamics, which can be directly applied to studying the causes of global warming.” The other workshop that Chija co-presented with Kjersti was “Inquiry Based Physics Classrooms and Standard Based Grading.” Chija said, “Last year, we made the change to a more inquiry based physics classroom. Along with this we changed our grading style from the typical tests, quizzes, labs, etc., to a standards based grading system in the hopes of supporting student learning even more.” The third workshop, “Low Budget Manipulatives to Teach Chemical Stoichiometry” was co-presented by Brian and Anthony. According to Brian, “Anthony and I put together a presentation that included teaching stoichiometry by providing the students with manipulative tools to help them succeed. We also incorporated the ideas of teaching the Three C’s: teaching students to Think Critically, Communicate Effectively and Work Collaboratively, as a means of changing the dynamics of the classroom and placing learning in the hands of the students.” This was the first time Chija, Anthony, Kjersti, and Brian have presented together at a major conference. Prior to the 2012 California Science Teacher Association conference, Brian presented workshops at Assumption, St. Elizabeth’s, St. Dominic’s, Burbank Middle School, and the Los Angeles Academy of Arts and Enterprises. Chija is currently running workshops in Southern California for new physics teachers. She holds these workshops three times a year at various universities. Chija ran a workshop in August 2012 at USC and at Cal State Long Beach in December 2012. FALL / WINTER 2013



Receives Alumni Award for Excellence in Academics By Dr. Richard Gray, edited by Jade Rogers ’01

“Even by the standards set by the characteristics of previous recipients of the Brother T. Mel Anderson, FSC Award, Brandon Birr ’03 is a remarkable individual,” commented Dr. Richard Gray as he introduced Brandon as the 2012 recipient of the Brother T. Mel Anderson, FSC Alumni Award for Excellence in Academics. During his four years at La Salle, Brandon was actively involved in Pi Alpha Chi, Student Ambassadors, LEAP, Junior Classical League, Chorus, and Track and Field. But what Brandon was most actively involved in was Campus Ministry. He says, “It was through my volunteer work at St. Dominic’s in Eagle Rock that I was able to fill a need at La Salle while a student. My faith has always been important to me, and that can be found in my inspiration to work and be involved in Campus Ministry.” This deep commitment to co-curricular programs as a student at La Salle did not prevent him from succeeding academically as well. He received the Archdiocesan Christian Service medal, selected by the faculty to be the Commencement Speaker at graduation, and also received the Bank of America and Senior Class Scholastic Award. After graduating from La Salle, Brandon attended St. Mary’s College in Moraga, where he majored in History and minored in Spanish. Prior to attending St. Mary’s, Brandon became familiar with the campus from when he participated in student leadership programs sponsored by the Christian Brothers. He says, “As a student at La Salle I participated in three Lasallian Youth Assemblies, the last one taking place at St. Mary’s. The Lasallian Youth Assemblies were community service conferences geared towards students who did community service at their respective high schools.” His commitment to community service deepened while at St. Mary’s when he was given the opportunity to work at 50


three Lasallian schools: De Marillac Middle School in San Francisco, St. Mary’s College High School in Berkeley, and San Miguel High School in Tucson, Arizona. Upon graduating from St. Mary’s, Brandon had a growing passion for teaching and it wasn’t long after that he was notified about a position for a Social Studies teacher and Service Coordinator opening at La Salle, leading Brandon to come back to where it all began. He says, “I wanted to come back to La Salle because I have a great respect for the Lasallian Mission and the Christian Brothers, and I wanted to help the Mission continue to grow.” Brandon took on his responsibilities at La Salle with the same enthusiasm that characterized him as a student. Taking on a hefty load of classes in the Social Studies Department, serving as part of the adult team of Student Life, and his dedication to the Lasallian Mission resulted in him getting selected for the Christian Brothers’ Discerning Leaders Program which nurtures talented educators serving in Lasallian schools on the West Coast with a view towards preparing them to become the next generation of academic administrators. Brandon currently serves as a Religious and Social Studies teacher, the Liturgy Coordinator, and Co-Moderator of the San Miguel Program. To Brandon, the Lasallian Mission teaches students to use God’s gifts to the best of their abilities in order to live lives of compassion. It is his students that keep him committed to the Christian Service. He says, “I love what I do and I see the value of working with them on a daily basis. I think they teach me more than I could ever teach them.” It is Brandon’s continuous devotion to the Lasallian Mission that resulted in him being honored to receive the Brother T. Mel Anderson, FSC Alumni Award for Excellence in Academics.






a Salle Art teacher Ellen Slatkin was honored with a medal and commendation certificate from the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers because her students were recognized by the Alliance as gold medal winners. The Alliance for Young Artists and Writers acknowledges teenagers with exceptional creative talent and brings their outstanding work to a national audience through the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. There were more than 200,000 submissions for this year’s Scholastic Art and Writing Awards but only 1,600 students across the country earned National

Awards. The Alliance for Young Artists and Writers has recognized Ellen Slatkin as a supportive, inspiring, and dedicated teacher that stands behind each student to make every one of them successful. Ms. Slatkin continues to “invent” exciting ways to bring art and writing to her students. The Alliance for Young Artists and Writers acknowledges that Ms. Slatkin understands that teaching is not just a career but a way of life. It is reasons like this why Ellen Slatkin was awarded a medal to commemorate this amazing milestone in her career.

Convocation Honors Loyal Lasallians On October 16, the annual Lasallian Faculty Convocation celebrated the contributions of the entire faculty to La Salle. Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, Principal, presented commemorative gifts for dedicated years of service to the faculty and staff.

20 YEARS Rodolfo Rodriguez Maintenence Staff 15 YEARS Jane Osick, English Department Chair Robert C. Packard, Chief Financial Officer Paula Moore, English, Student Life Retreats

10 YEARS John C. Blackstock ’67 Director, Communication Editor ParentNewsletter, Lancer Magazine Susan E. Keens PhD. School Psychologist, Counselor Anthony Fernandes, Science Susan Harrison, Mathematics Department Chair Jennifer Rocha World Languages

Jude Lucas-Rynerson Chair, Visual & Performing Arts Department, Choir 5 YEARS Brandon Birr ’03 Social Studies, Religious Studies, Student Life, Liturgy Monique Gougeon ’03, Religious Studies Rand Laird, English, LEAP Coordinator

Lisa Schulman, Mathematics Ludwin Vazquez, Maintenence Staff NEW EMPLOYEES Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, Principal Russell Gordon, Associate Athletic Director Head Football Coach




The Alumni Association sponsored annual Lancer Athletics Weekend took place over the Thanksgiving holiday and alums had a great time playing in the Flag Football Tournament, Softball Game, Basketball Game, Soccer Tournament and Water Polo Game.

FOOTBALL Alumni Flag Football Players included, back row, left to right, Michael Alexander ’10, Kevin Healy ’09, unregistered player, Brandon France ’08, Chris Knowles ’04, Patrick Grochmal ’07, Jeff Knowles ’07, John Escandon ’98 (hidden), Nathan Bury ’07, Sean Perry ’07, Brent Pattison ’01, Westley Riley ’07, Will Stifel ’02, James Zaffina ’02, Gabriel Castillo ’96, unregistered, unregistered, Ryan Garcia ’97, Trent Osaki ’02, Darrell Triplett ’09, Ben Pirih ’96. Bottom row, left to right, Eddie Alexander ’02, JR Davidson ’99, Preston Grochmal ’09, Stephen Wright ’12, Terrell Oliver ’12, Antoine Peterson ’11.

SOFTBALL Alumnae Softball Players, Maddie Herlache ’09, Sterling Shuster ’11, Jenny Belak ’04.



WATER POLO Water Polo Game, back row, left to right, Dillon McMonigle ’12, unidentified. Middle row left to right, unidentified, Tomas Dakan ’12. Front row, left to right, Mark Barr ’91, Alex Plumb ’06, Brian McSweeny ’09, Andrew Crabtree ’12, Dave Ebert ’80. Front and center, Diego Lizarazu ’12.

SOCCER The 80s were well represented at the Alumni Soccer Game with, from left to right, Tom Hardy ’81, John Cummings ’82, Steve Peterson ’85, Jimmy Brisco ’82, Glenn Swart ’81, Jay San-Martin ’85, Alex Freitas ’85.

BASKETBALL Top Row, left to right: Jeff Briegel ’12, Graham Calvario ’10, Josh Anderson ’10, Chris Knowles ’04, Michael Bushmeyer ’96, Adam Konrad ’87, Thoms Mendez ’04, Madison Viray ’04, Joe Blackman ’89, Michael Perry ’10, Jeremiah de Leon ’02, Lujaye Ramirez ’07, Andrew Mahlmann ’02. Bottom row, left to right, Austin Fitzgerald ’12, Jared Padiernos ’12, Jon Stoddard ’07, Sean Perry ’07, Hazim Rabadi ’87, Jared McCray ’07, Albert Aquino ’00. FALL / WINTER 2013


CLASS REUNIONS CLASS OF 1962 hosted their 50 Year Reunion Weekend September 7-8, 2012. They had nearly 40 members of their class in attendance during the weekend of events.

Those present at the Reunion Dinner included: 1-Dennis Baldi, 2-Buzz Kiley, 3-Pete Lindstrom, 4-Randy Thill, 5-Ed Jenkins, 6-John Seymour, 7-Dick Kolberg, 8-Terry Hall, 9-Tony Nicklin, 10-Kim Horn, 11-Victor Vert, 12-Russ Harrison, 13-Larry Gonzales, 14-Frank Griffith, 15-Steve Shortell, 16-Keith Brown, 17-John Penders, 18-Tim Murphy, 19-Richard O’Neil, 20-Jerry McElroy, 21-Tim Nolan, 22-Wayne Osborne, 23-Tony Paegel, 24-Michael Johnson, 25-Michael Madison, 26-Dave Hall, 27-Bill Keith, 28-Steve Buccola, 29-Michael Roney, 30-Dick Fernandez, 31-Timothy (Tad) Hunter, 32-Henry Cardoza, 33-Tom Farley, 34-Bill Hall, 35-Paul Snyder, 36-Don Bushmeyer.


Happy Hour There are over 150 alumni living in San Diego County. Thanks to San Diego Chapter Rep Everett Evleth ’87 alumni in the area have a chance to get together to network and reconnect. The first Happy Hour took place on September 13th at McGregor’s Grill & Ale House. They are planning their next Happy Hour for North County and a service project for some time in the spring. To make sure you are included in these happenings confirm your information with the Alumni Office at 626.696.4362 or Left to right, Everett Evleth ’87, David Lopez ’74, James Ryan ’86, Bill Houston ’83, Tom Iarossi ’68, Daryl Hernandez ’82 and James Ryan ’86. 54


CLASS of 2002 A


B The Class of 2002 celebrated their 10 Year Reunion on August 25th at Barney’s Beanery in Old Town Pasadena. A. Back Row, left to right: Angie Gilliam, Beth (Ursettie) O’Brien,

Pat Hughes, Guest, Jeff Voltattorni, Stephanie Bergdahl. Front, left to right: Jenny Gosselin, Sarah (Hansen) McNamara.

B. Phil Barbaro, Dan Cung , Tim Valdivia, Sean Grimes,

Adam Gibbs, James Shifflett.

c. Samantha Malisos, Brad Helley, Irene (Siripasopsotorn) Helley,


Brian Hoffman, Nabil Bisharat.

CLASS of 2007


The Class of 2007 celebrated their 5 Year Reunion on Thanksgiving Eve at Café Santorini’s Rococo Room in Old Town Pasadena. More pictures can be found online at


B Giselle Figueroa, Angela Bruning, Erika Palffy.

Lauren McAulay, Blaine Strong, Chris Satoh, Lujaye Ramirez, Jared McCray.


D Travis Barnes, Sean Perry, Kristy Gausman, Carl Salazar.

Cayce Jackson, Shelby McCray, Chris Wright. FALL / WINTER 2013


Alumni News, Weddings & Births




James Walshe is a first vice president and financial advisor with Morgan Stanley in Beverly Hills. He and wife have enjoyed a lifetime of traveling and have two grown children and two grandsons. Jim and his wife Heakyoung live in Walnut.

Class of 1963 50 YEAR REUNION A Celebration so big it’s 2 days long! THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2013 Golden Diploma Presentation & Luncheon at La Salle

FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2013 Optional Daytime Activities & Reunion Dinner Room blocks for the Reunion Weekend have been established. For more information, go to or contact the Alumni Office at 626.696.4362.

the Pasadena Republican Club, the So Cal Dock Dog Club, the Military Working Dog Team Support Association and the SoCal Baja Bug Club. Dick’s son Christopher ’94 lives in Glendora and has blessed him with two granddaughters. Joseph Little is retired and lives in Dallas. He and his wife have four children and two grandchildren. Gary Fernadell owned his own mental health agency working with victims of crime and has since retired. He and his wife Irma have been married for 35 years and have two daughters. He resides in El Monte. Joe Eiben and his high school sweetheart Pennie have two grown children and reside in Visalia.

Robert Knebel has his own electrical engineering company, BK Engineers, Inc., and lives in Moorpark with his wife Gabriele. They have three children and two grandchildren. Neil McElwee is a partner with M&A, LLC, a hi-tech marketing firm. He and his wife Cathie live in Aptos.

Robert Davis has his own practice as a public accountant in Oceanside. He and his wife Christy have six children, three granddaughters and two grandsons. Terry Kennedy is a real estate broker and owner of Kennedy Properties. He is the Board Chairman of The John Henry Foundation supporting those with mental illness, a member of the Lady of Guadelupe Choir, on the Board of Directors for La Habra Meals on Wheels and is involved with the Knights of Columbus. Terry and his wife Pam have three daughters and one granddaughter and live in Whitter. He is sorry to be missing his 50 Year Reunion in May but he will be in Washington DC for the 30th Anniversary of the Vietnam War Memorial Wall. A. Richard Steel is the executive vice-president and CFO of Point.360, an integrated digital media services company. He and his wife Cathy have three grown children, eight grandchildren and reside in Burbank.


Robert Crowley and his wife Jeanne have five children, eight grandchildren and live in Camino, CA.


Scott Parker earned his BS from UC Santa Barbara, a MS from Cal State San Bernardino and a Ph.D. in Biology from Virginia Tech. Subsequently, he studied for 3½ years in Sydney, Australia, as a post-doctoral fellow, concentrating on evolutionary developments in reptilian reproductive physiology. He is currently a professor of biology, specializing in comparative animal physiology, at Coastal Carolina University, one of South Carolina’s state universities,

Stephen Luder is a psychotherapist for the Department of Veteran Affairs working with veterans with addiction issues and PTSD. Prior to this, he spent 35 years as a corporate financial executive. Stephen has two grandchildren and resides in Menlo Park. Craig Trust three Craig

Foster is a principal broker with Realty Group. He and his wife Bernadette have grown children and five granddaughters. lives in Lake Oswego, Oregon.

Steve Johnson is an elementary school teacher with the Pacifica School District. He has one daughter and lives in Pacifica, CA. Richard Baumer is the vice-president for Imagination Publishing managing and analyzing online, email and social media programs his firm creates for clients. Dick volunteers his time with 56




LANCER PRIDE Mark Rettig ’77, Mike Marlatt ’75, Scott Rettig ’74 and Ryan Rettig ’94 enjoy a game at Wrigley Field in Chicago.

in Conway, SC. He lives in Conway with his wife, Michelle (also a professor of biology), and their two children, William-Joseph and Linnea.


Joe Blackman

competed in

been practicing at Core Conditioning Physical Therapy & Pilates in Burbank for the last 3 years where she was recently named the Best Physical Therapist in Burbank for 2012. Leigh specializes in sports-specific training, preventive medicine, postural retraining and TMJ dysfunction.


Thomas Edwards is currently pursuing his MBA at Southern Methodist University.

the USA Masters Track & Field Outdoor Championships in Lisle, IL, at Benedictine University in August. He took 1st in triple jump, 2nd in 4x100 relay, 2nd in 4x400 relay, 3rd in long jump, 9th in the 200 meters, and 11th in the 100 meters in his age group.


Phil Barbaro is the director of finance for BOOM! Studios, a comic book publishing company, in Los Angeles. He and his wife Johanna Deming were married on May 1, 2011. Leigh Dannhausen received her BA in Psychology from the University of San Diego and her doctorate in physical therapy from USC. She is currently a board member of the APTA and has

William Graf graduated from UCSB with a BS in Physics in 2011 and is working as a laboratory technician doing research at the California Institute of Technology. He started his master’s program at UCLA this past fall.


Charles Barakat graduated with his BS from Cal Poly Pomona earlier this year.

Sarah Shevlin graduated from Saint Mary’s College in 2011 with a BS in Business Administration-Accounting. She is now working as an accountant with Andersen, Horie & Co., in Monrovia.

Isabelle Huang graduated with her BA from USC in 2011 and is now working as a program advisor for the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.

Sean Perry graduated from USC in 2011 and is now working as a technical associate for Lieberman Research Worldwide, a market research company in Culver City.

Montana Rucobo graduated with her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Otis College of Art and Design earlier this year and is now interning as an assistant with Hurley International in Costa Mesa.

Lisa Caruso graduated with a BA from UC Irvine in 2011 and went on to earn her Master of Science in Education with an emphasis on counseling from the University of Pennsylvania. Lisa is currently working as an admissions counselor for UC Santa Barbara.

Kasey Johnson graduated with a BA in Psychology from USC in 2011 and is now working for Herbalife and planning on going back to school to become a nurse. Megan Chisholm graduated from LMU in 2011 and is working as an assistant for Nickelodeon.

Lauren Palfrey graduated from USC in 2011 and is now working in marketing and sales for the Paul & Joe fashion label in Los Angeles. Lauren is also the assistant cheer coach at La Salle.

Scott White is currently stationed at the Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point in North Carolina. He graduated with a BS from the United States Naval Academy in 2011.

Allison Macdonald graduated Summa Cum Laude with her BA in Psychology from Emory University in 2011 and is now enrolled in the Clinical Psychology PhD Program at Emory.

The Decade of the ’70s Reunion will be here before you know it! On Saturday, June 22, 2013 the classes of ’70, ’71, ’72, ’73, ’74, ’75, ’76, ’77, ’78 and ’79 will gather again back at La Salle for an evening of reminiscing and fun. This is one reunion you are not going to want to miss! The Reunion Rep Committee is looking good but we could always use more volunteers. If you have ideas for the event or want to help out as a Rep please contact the Alumni Office at 626.696.4362 or In the meantime, mark June 22, 2013 on your calendar and keep a look out for more information on the event coming soon. This is a good time to update your email address with the Alumni Office since much of the information will be sent via email. Check out the Reunion Webpage at or the ’70s Reunion Facebook Page. 1970 Mike Sullivan

Christopher Wright graduated from LMU in 2011 and is now working as a hospital administration intern at USC’s Keck Medical Center.

1971 1972 Bob Mizia Ken Canzoneri Peter Thompson

1975 1976 1977 Dino Clarizio Fletcher Ingram Dennis Driscoll Phil Coombes Joseph Peters John Hoffman Dick Crawford Jim LeBerthon Paul Lees Mike Marlatt

1973 Brad Wright Thom Wynne

1974 Vince Braun

1978 Doug Brignole Hector Ituarte Enrique Lizarazu

1979 John McTeague Brian Miller Kevin Moore

Kimberly Evans graduated from LMU in 2011 with her BA in Film & Television Production. She has been working for Now and Zen Productions producing live events for Nike such as launching their Olympic lines for America and China as well as some of their new products. She also finished working on a pilot for Sony Pictures Entertainment called “Made in Jersey” which was picked up by CBS. Whitney Strouse graduated from Humboldt State this year with a BA in Globalization Studies and German and is now running her own small business, Notnu. Thomas Quigley graduated in 2011 from Northern Arizona University with a BS in Environmental Studies and continues to live in Flagstaff. Troy Baugh attended Azusa Pacific University from 2007-2008 and then transferred to Cypress City College where he played two years of basketball and earned a scholarship to Notre Dame College of Ohio where he graduated earlier this year. In October, he began playing basketball for Brekerfeld TUS in Germany.




James Haro is a senior at Drexel University and has been producing theatre and acting during his time in Philadelphia. Danny David graduated from Officer Candidate School in Rhode Island and was commissioned as an Ensign in the Navy. He will be trained as a nuclear engineer and work in the submarine fleet.


Kyle Brumm is an applied economics and management major at Cornell University.

Engagements Jason Kenoyer ’00 and Jackie Anderson are engaged to be married. Jason proposed on October 21, 2012 on the beach at the Montage Hotel in Laguna Beach. Jason lives in Pasadena.

Weddings Rachelle Robinson ’96 married Brandon Garmon on July 7, 2012 at All Saints Church in

Pasadena. Rachelle’s sister Raegan (Robinson) Vanderput ’99 was the matron of honor. Others in attendance included Johnathan Reid ’95, Rob Davidson ’97, and J.R. Davidson ’99. Rachelle works for the Los Angeles Unified School District as a categorical programs advisor and Brandon works for the Los Angeles Sheriffs Department. The couple resides in Los Angeles. Scott Holman ’03 and Sarah Buckle were married at Holy Family Church on August 18,


LOLA (Ladies of La Salle Alumnae) formed a team to participate in the City of Hope’s 5K Walk for Hope on Sunday, November 4th. Those who participated included, from left to right: Kristen Schultz Wray ’98, Rose d’Amato Salinas ’98, Sarah Holl LaReau ’98, Kelly Large Jung ’95, Abby Sandico ’94, Marissa Lluch ’95, Sarah Hansen McNamara ’02 and Lauren Engel ’95. Check out the “Ladies of La Salle High School Alumnae” Facebook page for information on future events.

Anthropologie stores. They live in South Pasadena. Luke Betzler ’06 and Sarah Serdienis ’07 were married on July 14, 2012 in Mission Viejo after meeting at La Salle and dating for seven years. The couple honeymooned in Wailea, Maui and continue to work and live in Newport Beach. Alumni Mark Kennedy ’06 and Christine Yuan ’07 also attended the celebration.

Births & Adoptions Kevin Delaney ’89 and his wife Kimberly Frasca are proud to announce the birth of their twins, Anthony Vincent and Gloria Elena. They were born on April 28, 2012 in Arcadia. Vincent Fortanasce ’91 and his wife Elizabeth welcomed their daughter, Ava Sophia, on May 9, 2012 in Phoenix, Arizona, weighing 7lbs., 2oz.

2012. The wedding party included Steve Holman ’98, Adam Richey ’99, Laura (Holman) Richey ’99, Jenny Holman ’05, Dan Saldana ’03 and Nathaniel Ru ’03. Scott works in the wealth management department for Citizens Business Bank in Pasadena. Sarah is a visual manager for 58


Yvonna (Rowinski) Press ’98 and Michael Press are happy to announce the birth of their son Henry “Hank” Thaddeus

Press. Hank was born May 24, 2012 in Plymouth, MA, weighing 10lbs., 8.6oz and 22” long. A curious and happy fellow, Yvonna and Mike could not be luckier! Sarah “Annie” Gebhardt ’99 and Erik Talvitie were delighted to announce the arrival of their son, Maxwell Talhardt, in September 2012. At birth, Max weighed 8 lbs., 3oz. and measured a whopping 21.5” long. The family lives in Central Pennsylvania, where Annie is a training specialist at the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. Albert Aquino ’00

and his wife Christine are over the moon about the arrival of their baby girl, Parker Alexis Aquino, who was born on October 14, 2012 weighing 6lbs., 14 oz. and 20.5” in length.

Ashley (Smock) Beene ’01 and her husband Josh welcomed their baby boy, Jack Reagan Beene, on August 7, 2012, weighing 9lbs., 10oz. and 23” long. He is named after his uncle, Jack Smock ’02. Josh is a Deputy Sheriff and recently appointed liaison for Search & Rescue at the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office and Ashley is a stay at home mom. Madison Viray ’04 and Kimberly (Derby) Viray ’05 welcomed their son, Kaison Phillip Viray, on August 30, 2011 weighing 7lbs., 11oz. His godparents are Valerie Derby ’04 and Christopher Knowles ’04.

Continued from page 40


Adopt-a-Family ’Enter to learn, leave to serve.’” Hawekotte continued, “It is clear that Jen wants to pursue a career where she can help others.” After high school, she hopes to live out Saint La Salle’s mission of serving the poorest of the poor. To this day, Robi continues her advocacy against drunk driving and regularly gives speeches on the topic. (It is estimated that Robi has spoken to over 50,000 youth since first starting her volunteer efforts with MADD). She is also an acknowledged expert on the effects of drinking on teenagers. She works closely with the Los Angeles Police Department, and is an instructor for their Cadet Traffic Safety Program. Despite her busy schedule, Robi is also active in sports, particularly basketball. She is a La Salle student ambassador and a member of various clubs, including the Spanish Club, Helping Humanity and Support Our Troops. “My favorite part about La Salle is the great sense of community between the faculty, staff, and students. I truly consider La Salle an extension of my own immediate family. I have always been awestruck by the dedicated faculty and staff, who work tirelessly to ensure their students succeed. The teachers here truly live out Saint La Salle’s mission to nurture, challenge, and inspire the students entrusted to their care,” she says. Robi has also earned membership in the National Honor Society and the California Scholarship Federation. Off campus, Robi has participated in Girl Scouts, Healing Hearts Across Borders, and also volunteers as a member of the leadership team at the Santa Teresita Medical Center. Only recently, Robi made it to the top 25 candidates for the Tournament of Roses Royal Court. Robi plans on going to the University of Southern California. “I was born and raised a Trojan, and plan on attending USC sometime in my academic career.” Robi has not settled on a major, because she says, she has a variety of interests from Theology to Criminal Justice, and has not been able to confine her interests to one major. “As far as my future career path goes, I feel it is only fitting to quote one of my favorite teachers, Mr. Birr. He has told me on many occasions that ’If you ever want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.’” My life has been a testimony to just how true these words are. I have learned that there is no possible way for anyone to predict the future. However I have no doubt that I will pursue a career where I am using my talents to help others.”

Some of the alumni gift wrappers take a break for a photo with Santa. Top row: Tony Messineo ’80, Santan, Brian Lamendola ’11. Bottom row: Robin Quintanilla ’03, Brittney Medrano ’03, Teresa Ring ’03, Brandon Birr ‘03

This year’s Alumni Adopt-A-Family Drive was a huge success! The Alumni Association raised over $3,200 to purchase 125 gifts and grocery store gift cards for foster families and needy families in our community. Alumni came back to campus on December 8th for the annual Alumni Wrapping Party to help wrap the gifts and many brought their children, families and even pets for Photos with Santa. Mark your calendars for this wonderful Alumni Christmas Tradition!

Morgan Alexander and Kate Alexander sit with Santa (daughters of Bill Alexander ’96 and Michelle Medeiros Alexander ’97)

Christian Keezer takes in his first visit with Santa (son of Emily (Holl) Keezer ’01) FALL / WINTER 2013




Alum Gives Back in a

Planned Way By John Blackstock ’67


en Kreeble ’60 recently named a classroom in memory of his parents. “They sacrificed so much so I could go to a private school. It was something I just felt I should do.” His significant donation goes to the Brother Celestine Endowment Fund. He also gave a planned gift by naming La Salle in his will. As a member of the class of 1960, the first class at La Salle, Ken was always in the “senior” class. He was the basketball team manager under Coach Duffy Lewis and got to travel with the team. “A great bunch of young athletes that grew up to represent the Lancers well along with their great coach,” he says. With a new school and new teachers, it was a learning environment from day one. “Those teachers were tough but good. They gave me a confidence that made college a little bit easier I think. I remember once or twice I rewrote some English papers that I did at La Salle and got the best marks in my class in college,” he said with a laugh. “Mr. Alcorn was one of my favorites, but Brother Timothy could throw a mean eraser!”

After graduating from Cal State Los Angeles with a degree in anthropology and a minor in police science, Ken earned a JD from Southwestern Law School. “I wanted to be a district attorney, but I ended up defending public entities such as school districts and law enforcement agencies. My odd combination of majors actually helped quite a bit,” he says. He is currently a reserve Los Angeles County Sherriff and received his 40-year pin in August of 2012. “Without a doubt, I would not have been so successful in college or Law School if not for the solid faculty and education I found at La Salle, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. That is why I have also named La Salle in my will.” For more information about Planned Giving at La Salle please contact Jon Keates, Director of Institutional Advancement at 626.696.4344 or you may email him at

La Salle High School

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Transforming Lives Since 1680


We climbed onto the gym roof around 11:50am on September 21 to shoot some photos as the Space Shuttle Endeavour and it’s F-18 escorts flew over near La Salle on its way to JPL and the Rose Bowl. It is seen approaching Kohorst Field with the light standard in the frame. Hundreds of students broke from lunch to witness the fly-over on the baseball outfield. - The Editor

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