Fall 2015 Lancer Magazine

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Fall 2015 Annual Report 2014-2015



’Tis the Season of Giving Each year La Salle High School provides the students entrusted to our care a safe and nurturing environment to allow them to seek out their highest potential both in and out of the classroom. A robust high school is one that offers an abundance of quality programs that appeal to students with different interests and desires, giving them the chance to challenge themselves and learn more about their strengths and abilities. La Salle is proud to be able to offer such a rich high school experience to our students, but it comes at a cost. It takes $11.8 million a year to run La Salle High School and tuition only covers 81% of that cost. If La Salle charged in tuition what it truly costs to educate each student, the School would no longer be accessible to middle-class families who make up 85% of our school population. Your support, however, can help fill the gap and cover the cost of all of the extras we provide for students each year. Your gift at any level enables a current student to have the opportunity to Learn, Serve and Lead at La Salle.

Make your year-end gift online!



Lancer Magazine is published three times a year by the Office of Institutional Advancement at La Salle High School of Pasadena, Inc. for alumni, parents and friends. Inquiries and/or correspondence should be directed to: John C. Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications La Salle High School 3880 East Sierra Madre Boulevard Pasadena, California 91107-1996 626.696.4316 jblackstock@lasallehs.org All pages are displayed on the La Salle website. www.lasallehs.org OFFICERS & ADMINISTRATIONS Board of Trustees: Ms. Tamara Flowers, Chair Mr. Robert Nuccio ’71, P’00, ’02, ’04 Vice Chair Mr. Brad Berger P’03, ’04, ’07 Sister Marilyn Bender, CSJ Mr. James Canny ’65 Mr. Michael Harper P’93, ’95 Mr. David Holquin

Mr. Andrew Hubert P’13 Mr. Robert Kohorst, ’71, P ’03, ’07 Mr. Ray Pearl, Jr. ’99 Ms. Victoria Richards P’08 Brother Kevin Slate, FSC Dr. Vera Vignes Mrs. Leigh Olivar, P’12 Mr. Tom Radle, P’17 Mr. Brent Schoenbaum, P’16, ’19 Mrs. Karen Sisson, P’16 Mr. David J. Skibinski Mr. Craig Sloane, P’09,’11 Mrs. Lisa Urbina, P’09, ’10, ’16 Mrs. Chelisa Vagim, P’16 Mrs. Sheri Wedeen, P’17,’17 Mr. Brad Wright ’73, P’07, ’12 Mr. Matt Wrigth, P’15 Mrs. Irina Xue, P’17 Mr. Joseph M. Zanetta, P’12

Board of Regents: Dennis A. Jebbia, Esq., Chair Mr. Doug Campbell Mrs. Colleen Deziel, P’17 Mr. Raymond Ealy, P’13 Mr. Peter Godfrey, Esq., ’07,’08 Mr. Peter S. Griffith, P’00,’03 Scott A. Hancock, Esq., P’11, ’11, ’11 Mr. Bret Hardy, P’16, ’19 Mr. David Lam, P’08,’09 Mrs. Linda Lui, P’17 Mr. Joseph Lumarda, P’14 Mr. Edward L. Malicdem ’88, P’16, ’19 Alumni Board: Ms. Tina Bonacci ’94 Ms. Chanel Buccola ’07 Ms. Susan Ehring ’97 Mr. Paul Lees ’75 Mr. Tony Messineo ’80 Mr. Rafael Mirasol ’80, P’17, ’18

Ms. Robin Quintanilla ’03 Mr. Joe Reid ’00 Mr. Chris Rettig ’84, P’19 Mr. Mike Sullivan ’70, P’08, ’13 Mr. Jesse Toribio ’93, P’15 Mr. Tyler Varing ’09 Mr. Phil Velasco ’07

Administration: Dr. Richard Gray, President Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, Principal Mr. Patrick Bonacci, AFSC, Vice President for Mission Mr. Brandon Birr ’03, Dean of Students Mr. Jon Keates, Director of Institutional Advancement Mr. Robert Packard, Chief Financial Officer Mr. Edgar Salmingo, Jr., Associate Principal for Academic Life


Annual Report 2014 -2015 Complete Review of the La Salle Financial Picture and Donor Lists.


The 16th Annual Crystal Ball Disco Music Blasted as a Sell Out Crowd Enjoyed the Night.


Lancer Athletics Swimming, Golf and Track Successes and New Coaches Introduced.


Graduation 2015 The Class of 2015 Celebrates Four Years of Educational Excellence.


A 3-D Future is Now Erin O’Brien ’06 Donates a 3-D Printer for STEAM.


Lancer Golf Classic Alumni parents and friends enjoy a day at the 23rd Annual Golf Classic.


Editor: Mr. John C. Blackstock ’67 Director of Communications

La Salle Matters ............................................................................. 2

Publication and Production: Groovin’ On Productions, Los Angeles

Principal Ideas ............................................................................... 4

Editorial Contributors: Mr. Arthur Richards Ms. Jade Rogers ’01

Ms. Kristen Schultz ’98

Photo Credits: Cover, inside front cover, inside back cover, John Blackstock ’67. Pages 1, 5, 8, 9, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 top right, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 bottom. John Blackstock ’67. Pages 21, top, 26, top, 27, top, 29, bottom, Bryan Ossa ’03. Pages 27, 28, 29, Kristen Schultz ’98. Pages 32, 33, Courtesy Carlos Sanchez ’94. Pages 40, 41, La Salle Athletic Department. Page 47, top Christina Russo ’00. Pages 50, 51, 52, 53, Robin Smith and Kristen Schultz ’98. On the Cover: Banners wave above the Lancer Amphitheatre and proclaim La Salle’s motto: Learn, Serve, Lead.

© 2015 La Salle High School of Pasadena, Inc.

Making A Difference ..................................................................... 32 Carlos Sanchez ’94 Amazing Lancers .......................................................................... 42 Faculty Update ............................................................................. 46 Staying Connected ........................................................................ 54 Last Word .................................................................................... 62 FALL 2015 ANNUAL REPORT




La Salle

Let us remember…that we are in the holy presence of God.


nyone associated with La Salle - actually with any Lasallian school in the 83 countries in which the Christian Brothers are to be found - will immediately recognize this salutation. It begins the prayer at the start of the school day, it begins every class, it launches administrative and faculty meetings, indeed, it is even to be found at the start of athletic contests. It is so ubiquitous that I am fond of telling the story of one La Salle alum who decided to find out how many graduates of Lasallian schools were eating lunch in his college cafeteria. So he stood on a chair and shouted out the first part of the salutation and, not surprisingly, received, in return, the second part of the response from throughout the room. Needless to say, he struck up quite a few new friendships as a result. So, I was delighted to be in attendance at our recent Junior Class Leadership Ceremony, in which the students are presented with various symbols of their newly acquired status as Upperclassmen, to hear Aly Hartman ’17 and Jonny Clarizio ’17 not only begin their student presentation to their classmates and their parents with this salutation but to then expound on its significance for them as they described their journey at La Salle. It’s one thing to shout the salutation out in a crowded cafeteria as a way of identifying those who share the experience of life in a Lasallian school; it is quite another to get up in front of your teenage peers and expound on its actual significance in your day-to-day life. Aly began her portion of the talk with this elegant, but simple observation: The presence of God is a tricky thing to address.

Indeed. Adults can certainly empathize with her observation. After all Aly and Jonny – quite naturally - expect their parents and teachers to help them understand the work of God’s hand in their lives. Little do they know that we find talking about the presence of God just as tricky as they do. Yet, it was ever thus…children become adults only to find that understanding the presence of God is as tricky in adulthood as it was during their adolescence. Still, it is their adolescent belief in the transparency of life’s events which sustains their sense of wonder that God is present even in the smallest of details. How do they come to trust that, because of the presence of God, their world makes sense? Here’s Jonny’s explanation: I experienced the presence of God every time I stepped onto the football field. I felt the presence of God in each of those friends and each of the coaches. La Salle became a place where the presence of God was present every day for me. Aly echoed Jonny’s description of the close-knit quality of the ways in which his teammates interacted with each other by noting what happens when her fellow actors gather just before a show opens: Standing in a circle, holding hands and praying with 30 people that I had begun to consider as family made me realize I wanted to be a positive asset in the lives of those around me.



Listening to these two remarkable young people describe their essential trust in the presence of God and attributing it to their experience of life at La Salle was not only humbling but challenging at the same time. I am humbled to think that we can nurture such a profound experience of God’s presence that teenagers can name clearly quotidian moments as examples. At the same time, I am challenged to support my colleagues who faithfully deliver the Mission every day – by providing the resources they need to be their best selves in and out of the classroom. And in being their best selves, they create the conditions that nurture trust in the presence of God which the young people entrusted to our care deserve to take for granted. Aly described this dynamic even more eloquently: We often forget God in the simple times. It is typical for us to only turn to Him in times of need or in times of triumph. Yet it is in the most mundane of moments of our lives that we develop the most in the hands of the Lord. Aly and Jonny remind me of that wonderful translation of Matthew 21:16 – “out of the mouths of babes…” This year’s Junior Leadership Ceremony showcased two special teenagers who encouraged this world-weary adult to pay attention to the myriad ways in which La Salle High School creates a nurturing space for them in order to develop an appreciation for the hand of God in their lives. Saint John Baptist de La Salle probably did not realize that - centuries later - the priorities he set for the early Brothers would so powerfully impact young people when, in the 1718 edition of his Rule, he stressed the importance of: …giv(ing) the greatest attention they can to the holy presence of God and will take care to renew it from time to time. This Annual Report is replete with examples of how De La Salle’s Mission to instill a sense of the presence of God continues to play itself out here in Pasadena. I encourage you to review the accomplishments of the Class of 2015 in order to see for yourself how they have blossomed over the course of four years. And, lastly, thank you for so generously supporting the Mission so that our young people can discover the presence of God on a daily basis.

Dr. Richard Gray President




Principalideas Dear La Salle Community, Last June, I began to seriously reflect on the next stage of my life’s journey. My reflection was prompted by two observations: first, in looking at the school calendar for this year I am going to turn 64 in January; and second; it is literally taking me more time (and energy) to accomplish tasks and projects that in previous years would have been signed, sealed and delivered in a matter of hours or days. In December, 2011, our President, Dr. Richard Gray invited me to take on the position of Principal at La Salle beginning July 2012. I was of the mind that I could fulfill the responsibilities and duties for years to come. Getting older, in my mind, has never been a concern for me so why would it be in the future. Unfortunately, I’ve come to find out that life does not always work that way. While aging may bring wisdom (one hopes!), it also brings a fresh set of realities into one’s life. Recently, I met with Brother Donald, Visitor of the San Francisco New Orleans District and discussed my thoughts and concerns with him. Since 1979, with the exception of a few years, I have had the privilege of serving in high school administration in six different Lasallian schools. I have been honored to have been a Principal for almost 27 of those 36 years. As a result of my reflections and conversations, I spoke with Dr. Gray and informed him that I will be ending my time and responsibilities at La Salle this coming June. I will be stepping away from school administration and being a Principal. My heart is telling me that it is time to let go! Being a school leader in today’s educational setting requires more than I can realistically give it. If I had the power to add three or four more hours to each day and a body that did not require more sleep than I can give it… I might possibly survive. But that is not how it works. This decision is not the result of an issue, a concern or a person. It is just time to let go and move forward with my life. In my opinion, La Salle deserves more from me than I am able to give it. As for what comes next for me, I honestly do not know. I will continue my conversations with Brother Donald and we will arrive at something at a future date and time. This is my second stint at La Salle, Pasadena. I am most grateful for having been given this opportunity to return and work with some very talented individuals. My respect for this community of educators has deepened and I will always be grateful for having been blessed to help nurture and guide the young men and women who comprise this student body. They are what this school is about and the reason for its existence. I believe Saint La Salle is gratified by our daily work here in Pasadena. I want to thank Dr. Gray for his invitation to help direct this school for these four years. He has been most supportive of my efforts and vision as I have tried to move us forward. It has been a privilege for me to be a part of his leadership cabinet as we focus our energies on providing a human and Christian education to the young. Over the course of these next months, I will have the opportunity to individually thank the many, many individuals who have impacted me by their kindness and support. As a Brother and as an educator, I could not have asked for more. Please do not think that I am “throwing in the towel” today. I am not! I have assured Dr. Gray that my service to La Salle is not complete and will not end until late June. It is time for me to end this note and get back to the business at hand... working to help this school community be even better. With Thanksgiving having just occurred and Christmas at hand, I am most gratified by the many blessings that have come my way. It has been wonderful to have been a Lancer again these past four years! Sincerely,

Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal



ANNUAL REPORT 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5



CONTRIBUTION SUMMARY 2% Golf Tournament (Net Proceeds)

15% Crystal Ball (Net Proceeds) 18% Other

1% Friends 1% Faculty / Staff

6% Alumni

4% Corporations

JULY 1, 2014 TO JUNE 30, 2015


2% Matching Gifts


15% Foundations 29% Current Parents 2% Grandparents 5% Parents of Alumni

La Salle Family of Funds Annie Johnston Memorial Endowed Faculty Professional Development Fund Annie Johnston Memorial Endowed Student Scholarship Fund Bob Thomas Scholarship Fund for Math & Science Brother Celestine, FSC Endowed Scholarship Fund Brother T. Mel Anderson, FSC Endowed Scholarship Fund Class of 1960 Endowed Scholarship Fund Class of 1961 Financial Aid Fund Class of 1997 Financial Aid Fund Corene L. Pindroh Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund David Contreras ’98 Memorial Fund

14% San Miguel / Restricted Scholarships

Phillip J. “Duffy” Lewis Interscholastic Athletic Fund Excellence in Coaching Fund Francis Bacon Foundation Endowed Scholarship for the Arts Gloria Delaney Memorial Scholarship Fund Grant Glausser ’75 Memorial Scholarship Fund Honor A Lasallian Educator Fund Ian Blakeslee ’85 Memorial Scholarship Fund John Matheus Honorary Alumnus Fund Joseph Antonisamy Memorial Music Scholarship Fund Jules Ruggles Memorial Scholarship Fund Linda M. Grinstead Fine & Performing Arts Fund

Mareina Chapel Fund Margaret Roman Memorial Scholarship Fund Michael Rossini ’81 Memorial Scholarship Fund Pat Bonacci, AFSC Endowed Scholarship Fund Robert Alcorn Scholarship Fund for the Humanities Robinson Professional Development Endowment Fund San Miguel Scholarship Fund Sylvia Bernstein Memorial Golf Fund Tim Gripp Memorial Theatre Scholarship Fund Tuition Assistance Fund Women’s Athletic Scholarship Fund

1% Unrestricted Scholarships

58% Unrestricted 16% Capital

JULY 1, 2014 TO JUNE 30, 2015


$1,734,009 9% Endowed Scholarships 2% Restricted






THE PL ATINUM CIRCLE The Platinum Circle is composed of the Bene Merenti Society and the Buttimer Society. It honors those donors who have exercised great leadership in the advancement of the Mission and Philosophy of La Salle, which enables the School to carry out the vision of its founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle.

The Bene Merenti Society “Bene Merenti” is Latin for “Well-deserving.” Donors whose lifetime cumulative contributions have exceeded $100,000 are truly well-deserving of our gratitude for their commitment to the School’s Mission. Ahmanson Foundation Anonymous Archdiocese Of Los Angeles Francis Bacon Foundation, Inc. Tom and Jeri Beck Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Blakeslee ’80 The Brenninkmeijer Family Fritz B. Burns Foundation The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Dino Clarizio ’75

Andrew and Keri Crowell De La Salle Institute (Christian Brothers) Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation Mr. Peter S. Griffith Bill Hannon Foundation William H. Hannon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kasper Bob Kohorst ’71 and Shelley Allen Kohorst Allen Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Lam

Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Don and Georgette Mareina John F. Marshall ’85 Marshall Charitable Trust George H. Mayr Foundation Mediverse International, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mitchell The Lluella Morey Murphey Foundation The Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation

Steve and Cathy Pankow Pasadena Community Foundation The Robert L. Pindroh Family Mr. Joel Robinson and Dr. Ricki Robinson Rose Hills Foundation The Twomey Family Webb Foundation Walt and Julie Williams

The Buttimer Society Donors whose lifetime cumulative contributions are between $50,000 and $99,999 join the Buttimer Society; named after the first American Superior General of the Christian Brothers – Brother Charles Henry Buttimer, FSC. Like Brother Charles Henry, who governed the Institute during the turbulent decade of the Sixties, these donors ensure the financial stability of La Salle. Mr. Roland Aldridge Bank of America Foundation MG Program Mr. Peter K. Barker ’66 Peter K. Barker Foundation Brad and Nancy Berger Mr. Douglas Campbell Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney Gregory Dickson, Ph.D. Blaine and Lynda Fetter Richard Gray, Ph.D. Ms. Erica Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Michael Healy Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Hoffman ’68

Mr. Fred Hughes ’61 Ms. Nancy Iredale Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Jameson Dennis A. Jebbia, Esq. Mrs. Kathryn Keele Mr. Larry Keele Mr. and Mrs. Adam Konrad ’87 Mr. Zili Li and Ms. Yang Liu Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lo Guercio The Lumarda Family Mr. Steve Madison Monique and Edward Malicdem ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Shyam S. Manwani Jane and Jerry Marks Mr. and Mrs. John McAlister

Dr. and Mrs. Kris Mohandie ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Nuccio ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Olender ’70 Mr. Russell J. Osterman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Palffy Dr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Porath Mr. and Mrs. Tom Radle Mark and Victoria Richards Mr. Marshall Rose Dr. Ed Rounds and Dr. Callae Walcott-Rounds Mr. and Mrs. Steve Seidner Mark and Daina Shuster Mr. and Mrs. Craig Silvers Craig and D’Arcy Sloane

Southern California Edison Company Valley Processing Mr. and Mrs. Greg Vanni The Honorable Janet M. Frangie and Dennis P. Voltattorni Dr. and Mrs. John K. Waken Weingart Foundation Wells Fargo Educational Foundation MG Center Western Asset Management Company Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Whitehead E.L. Wiegand Foundation

TRUSTEES Back row, left to right, Barry Schweiger ’60, Robert Nuccio ’71,P’00, ’02, ’04 (Vice Chair), Victoria Richards P’08, Michael Harper P’93, ’95, Peter Godfrey P’07, ’08, Robert Kohorst ’71, P’03, ’07, Ray Pearl, Jr. ’99, front row, left to right, Sister Marilyn Binder, CSJ, Tamara Flowers (Chair), Dr. Vera Vignes, not pictured, Brad Berger P’03, ’04, ’07, James Canny ’65, David Holquin, Andrew Hubert P’13, Brother Kevin Slate, FSC.



SAINT BENILDE SOCIETY La Salle recognizes those donors who have restricted their contributions of $1,000.00+ to the School’s Endowment Funds or included La Salle in their estate planning through one of a number of Planned Giving instruments including gift annuities, life insurance, charitable remainder trusts, lead trusts and bequests. These donors are honored as members of the Saint Benilde Society. Similar to the visionary actions of Brother Celestine, the founding principal of La Salle High School, the support of these individuals will help secure the perpetuity of the Mission and Philosophy of La Salle High School for generations. Mr. and Mrs. Kamran Aghili ’88 Ahmanson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James R. Alden Anonymous Francis Bacon Foundation, Inc. The Harrison R. Baker, Jr. Family Mr. Peter K. Barker ’66 Peter K. Barker Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Peter Barry ’62 David and Patricia Barulich Mr. and Mrs. Zoran K. Basich Tom and Jeri Beck Mr. and Mrs. Ned R. Bennett ’65 Brad and Nancy Berger Mr. Monty Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Robin Bieker Mr. and Mrs. James Blackstock ’65 Mr. and Mrs. David Bolstad ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bonacci, AFSC Ms. Tina D. Bonacci ’94 Mr. H. Thomas Boyle and Ms. Wendy Lees The Brenninkmeijer Family Mr. and Mrs. R. Keith Brown ’62 Dr. and Mrs. Steven T. Buccola ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Burke ’60 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Burke ’60 The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation The Carey Family Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cheney ’61 Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford Mrs. Mary Danenhauer

Mr. and Mrs. Sid D. Danenhauer, Jr. ’60 De La Salle Institute (Christian Brothers) Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney Mr. Michael P. Delaney ’60 Jim Dirmann ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doda Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dooling ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Drasco ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elam III Blaine and Lynda Fetter Mr. Lawrence Fetters ’60 Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Program Dr. Robert G. Frank, Jr. ’61 and Ms. Jeanne Adams Mrs. Alice Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Peter Godfrey Mark and Bettina Graf Richard Gray, Ph.D. Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Mr. Peter S. Griffith The Gripp Family Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harper The Hastings Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Hoffman ’68 Ms. Carolyn L. Imrie Ms. Nancy Iredale Dennis A. Jebbia, Esq. Mr. Michael R. Johnson ’62 Mr. Tim Q. Johnson ’60 Mr. Louis Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Mark Karahadian Mr. David L. Kennelly ’65 Bob Kohorst ’71 and Shelley Allen Mrs. Julie Bonacci Kolb ’97

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Kreeble ’60 Mr. Gregory M. Kunert and Ms. Carol A. Watson La Salle High School Academic Boosters Mr. and Mrs. David Lam Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Lucas, Horsfall, Murphy & Pindroh, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Lumas ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O. Mackel Don and Georgette Mareina Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Maurin ’65 George H. Mayr Foundation Mediverse International, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Kris Mohandie ’80 Mr. Michael Molino Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mueller The Lluella Morey Murphey Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Nino ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Nuccio ’71 Nursing Home Solutions, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stan D. Oliai ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Chip Ossman III Mr. Russell J. Osterman Steve and Cathy Pankow Charles Pankow Foundation Pasadena Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James H. Pike ’71 The Robert L. Pindroh Family Dr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Porath Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Quandt, Jr. ’64 Dr. and Mrs. John T. Quigley The Estate of Steve F. Ready ’65 Mark and Victoria Richards Mr. Joel Robinson and Dr. Ricki Robinson

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Roman, Jr. ’73 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Roosevelt, Jr. ’63 Mr. Robert M. Rossini Mr. Thomas Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Ted T. Saraf ’60 The Schow Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund Mr. Barry J. Schweiger ’60 and Ms. Donna Jorgensen Mr. and Mrs. Steve Seidner Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Shortell ’62 Mr. David J. Skibinski, MBA Mr. Louis P. Smaldino ’60 The Estate of Marge Smith Mr. and Mrs. David C. Soltis ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Perry C. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Thompson ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Trudeau ’60 Ms. Dolores Tukich The Twomey Family Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. Vert ’62 The Honorable Janet M. Frangie and Dennis P. Voltattorni Wellpoint Foundation WFB Ohio-Foundation (MN) Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Wiegand ’60 Peter and Serena Williams Walt and Julie Williams Mr. Donald Wood Kristen Schultz Wray ’98 Carol and Bradford Wright ’73

REGENTS Bottom row, Mrs. Lisa Urbina, P’09,’10,’16; Mrs. Sheri Wedeen, P’17,’17; Mrs. Irina Xue, P’17; Mrs. Linda Lui, P’17; Mrs. Chelisa Vagim, P’16; Mrs. Serena Flowers Williams (Past Regent), P’04, ’06, middle row, Ms. Yolanda Valadez (Past Regent), P’08; Mrs. Colleen Deziel, P’17; Mr. Edward Malicdem ’88, P’16, ’19; Mrs. Karen Sisson, P’16; Mr. Michael Stoddard (Past Regent), P’07, ’10, ’12, ’15; Mr. Bret Hardy, P’16, ’19, top row, Mr. Joseph M. Zanetta, P’12; Mr. Peter S. Griffith, P’00,’03; Mr. Brent Schoenbaum, P’16, ’19; Mr. Dennis Jebbia (Chair), Mr. Doug Campbell; Mr. Raymond Ealy, P’13; Mr. Tom Radle, P’17, not pictured, Mr. Peter Godfrey, P’07,’08; Mr. Scott Hancock, P’11,’11,’11; Mr. David Lam, P’08,’09; Mr. Joe Lumarda, P’14; Mr. David Skibinski; Mr. Craig Sloane, P’09,’11; Mr. Brad Wright ’73, P’07,’12; Mr. Matt Wright, P’16. FALL 2015 ANNUAL FALL REPORT 2014


HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Each year La Salle High School recognizes the generosity of individuals and organizations whose tax-deductible cash contributions and new pledges during the year total $1,000 or more. These donors play a critical role in strengthening the current programs for our students and helping La Salle plan for the future. Founded in 1989, there were 11 individuals, couples, and organizations as members in its initial year. For 2014-2015, 428 individuals, couples, and organizations comprise the membership of its most prestigious order of donors. *Alumni Affiliate, graduates of the last 15 years.


Francis Bacon Foundation, Inc. Mr. Peter K. Barker ’66 Peter K. Barker Foundation Campbell Family Foundation Mr. Douglas Campbell Dr. and Mrs. Dino Clarizio ’75 Gregory Dickson, Ph.D. Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation Ernest A. Hollady Mr. Peter S. Griffith Ms. Erica Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Bret Hardy Mr. Ernest Hollady Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Jameson Dennis A. Jebbia, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kasper Mr. and Mrs. Adam Konrad ’87 Mr. and Mrs. David Lam Mr. Zili Li and Ms. Yang Liu Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lo Guercio Mrs. Linda Lui The Lumarda Family Monique and Edward Malicdem ’88 Don and Georgette Mareina Mediverse International, Inc. The Lluella Morey Murphey Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Nuccio ’71 Steve and Cathy Pankow Mr. and Mrs. Tom Radle Rose Hills Foundation Dr. Ed Rounds and Dr. Callae Walcott-Rounds The Schow Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vagim Webb Foundation


Anonymous The Emanuel Bachmann Foundation Bank of America Foundation MG Program Edward Paul Bryant Fund (Submitted by Janine Saraf P’99) California Wellness Foundation Julie Solberg and Ted Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chiara Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Deziel Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Ms. Tamara Flowers and Mr. Steve Cobb Fluor Foundation Dr. Kathy Fogarty Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grigg Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Hancock 10


Mr. and Mrs. Steve Holland Mr. Brad Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Koskovich, C.P.A. ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Ali LeRoi Mr. Min Lin and Ms. Jian Qing Xu Methodist Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Navarro Mr. Russell J. Osterman Dr. and Mrs. Carlos Rico Mr. Joel Robinson and Dr. Ricki Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Ted T. Saraf ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Brent Schoenbaum Schwab Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sisson Ms. Ling Sun The Twomey Family Wells Fargo Capital Finance Wells Fargo Educational Foundation MG Center Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. Ken Whittingham Walt and Julie Williams Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wright Mr. and Mrs. Yung Yeung Heather and Jason Young

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE $2,500-$4,999

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Antonides Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burgh California Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James J. Canny ’65 The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Mr. Yan Chen and Ms. Lisa Jiao Mr. and Mrs. Scott Coolidge Mr. and Mrs. Chris Daughters The Walt Disney Company Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mike Elizalde Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eslava Estate International, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Terence A. Fitch Mr. and Mrs. Mark Forbush Dr. and Mrs. Marc Futernick Mr. and Mrs. Peter Godfrey Grainger Matching Charitable Gifts Program Richard Gray, Ph.D. *Mrs. Kathryn Canzoneri Griffith ’02 *Ms. Shelley Griffith ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helbing Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Helgeson Mr. George Ho and Ms. Maisie Cheung Mr. Bac Van Hong and Ms. Joanie Chung Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hsu

Ms. Nancy Iredale Dr. Irina Jasper and Mr. Dimitry Barkovsky Brad and Debbie Jenkins Mr. Jon Keates and Ms. Thanh Hoang Mr. William Kinney and Ms. Lily Chen Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Lee Mr. Chen Lu and Ms. Sharon Liang Jane and Jerry Marks Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mathison Dr. and Dr. Michael Miller John A. Moe II ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray Mr. and Mrs. John Nahas Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Olender ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Stan D. Oliai ’88 Mrs. Leigh Olivar Pasadena Community Foundation Mrs. Dana Pelsone Mr. and Mrs. Dante Puccinelli Dr. and Mrs. James Recabaren Mr. Peter Sandford and Dr. Raquel Sandford Mark and Daina Shuster Craig and D’Arcy Sloane Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Stiver Mr. and Mrs. James Surtees Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Tapert ’79 Mrs. Jayne Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Gary Urbina The Honorable Janet M. Frangie and Dennis P. Voltattorni Mr. and Mrs. Adam Waggoner Dr. and Mrs. John K. Waken Mr. Shantai Way and Ms. Grace Hsiao Dr. and Mrs. Glenn P. Wedeen *Mr. and Mrs. Troy Whitehead ’07 *Ms. Samantha L. Whitehead ’11 William H. Hannon Foundation Carol and Bradford Wright ’73 Mr. Herbert Wu and Ms. Reling Wong Ms. Junning Xu Mr. and Mrs. Frank Xue Mr. Hai Yin and Ms. Liqun Si Mr. Keith Zubchevich Dr. and Mrs. John Zweizig * Alumni Affiliate

CRYSTAL CIRCLE $1,000-$2,499

Dr. Pierre Abboud and Ms. Grace Soueidan Mr. and Mrs. Randy Adams Mr. and Mrs. Ali Aghili

Ms. Bertha Aguirre Ms. Mariel Alipio and Ms. Shirley Saenz America Changda Railway Equipment, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Rick Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Greg Andrade Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Chris Arrocha Mr. Felipe Arroyo Ms. Rosemary Arroyo Ms. Hue Ary Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Asao Mr. and Mrs. William Ayala Ms. Priscilla Barrio Mr. Marcos Barron and Ms. Ashleigh Heisley Dr. and Mrs. Peter Barry ’62 Mr. and Mrs. James Bauer Mr. and Mrs. John Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Marc Beddawi Mr. and Mrs. Ned R. Bennett ’65 Mr. George Bent Mrs. Monika Bent Brad and Nancy Berger Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berger-Davis Mr. and Mrs. Kirakos Bilanjian Mr. Ramon Biosca and Ms. Anna Calafell Mr. and Mrs. Henry Birr Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bottala Mr. Enrique Boull’t and Mrs. Gloria Bravo-Boull’t Tom, Julie and Jennifer Brady ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Breen Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Brennan Robert Brkich Construction, Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michael Browne Mr. John Burch and Ms. Carla Buigues Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Burke ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bury Mr. and Mrs. James Caan Mr. John Caldas and Mrs. Marissa Pantastico-Caldas Mr. Bruno Campo and Ms. Carolyn Grijalva Michele and Kenneth Canzoneri ’72 Ms. Claudeane Cardenas Mr. Enrique Casas and Ms. Apurva Uniyal Dr. Dino Cecconi and Ms. Emanuela Murara Mr. Roy Chang Mr. John Charity and Mrs. Theresa Woo Charity Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Chen

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cheung Mr. Dauhli Chi and Ms. Sharon Wu Mr. Robert Chong and Ms. Pamela Wen Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Chow Mr. and Mrs. Don Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Thane Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Clarizio, Jr. ’81 Don & Sally Clark Foundation Donald and Sally Clark Mr. and Mrs. Phil Clark Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cloer Coca-Cola Foundation Confidence Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cortes Mrs. Laurie Corwin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Costa Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Costello Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Cotter ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Todd Daley Mr. and Mrs. Sid D. Danenhauer, Jr. ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dean Mr. and Mrs. Dustin DeMesa ’96 Mr. Donald DesHarnais Mr. and Mrs. John Dewar Jim Dirmann ’60 Dr. Brian J. Doerning ’81 and Mrs. Maryann Messina Doerning Mr. and Mrs. Scott DoVale Mr. Raymond Ealy and Mrs. L. Charmayne Ealy Dr. James L. Eshom and Ms. Brenda Hayakawa Mr. Philip Feghali and Ms. Michelle LeBrane David and Tricia Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fosselman Fosselman’s Ice Cream Co. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Foster Dr. Robert G. Frank, Jr. ’61 and Ms. Jeanne Adams Mr. Robert Gabriel Mr. and Mrs. Nanda Ganesan Mr. and Mrs. Jose Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gelinas Dr. Robert P. Gendron ’68 Mr. Jonathan Genton Mr. and Mrs. James Gilb *Mr. Michel J. Giraldo ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Rene Gomez Ms. Cathy Goyette Mr. J. Brady Graham ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Graham Mr. Dean C. Griffith ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Herag Haleblian Mr. and Mrs. David Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Hansen ’65 The Robert E. Hansen Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Haro Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harper Dr. William Harrity II Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hart Mr. and Mrs. Michael Healy

Mr. M. Patrick Henry Ms. Cristina Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hillier Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Hoffman ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Barc Holmes Mr. Jonathan Holmes and Ms. Denise Guerrero Mr. Stephen Horvath and Mrs. Kristen Bergman-Horvath The Ann Jackson Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William S. Jameson Mr. Peter Javryd and Ms. Sharon Palmer Mr. Indika Jinadasa and Dr. Priyanthi Jinadasa Mr. and Mrs. Esper Kanaan Mr. David L. Kennelly ’65 Mrs. Katalina Klein-Dier Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kouladjian Mr. and Mrs. Shant Koumriqian Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Kreeble ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Krings Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Krouse ’70 Mr. and Mrs. David Kruse Mr. and Mrs. Eric Krystad Mr. Gregory M. Kunert and Ms. Carol A. Watson Mr. Andrew Kuo and Mrs. Yau Fen Hou La Salle High School Academic Boosters La Salle High School Arts Boosters La Salle High School Athletic Boosters Martin and Patricia Lakatos Mr. and Mrs. William Larr Lasallian Education Fund Mr. Kenneth Lau and Ms. Alicia Choi Mr. Frank A. Laurenzello Mr. and Mrs. Garry Law Ronnie and Patcharin Law Mr. Cesar Lepe and Mrs. Norma Avendano-Lepe Dr. Yiwen Li and Dr. Jing Xu Ms. Ely Lin Mr. Fu Zhong Lu and Ms. Any Lee Mr. and Mrs. Apichart Luyapan Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mace Mr. and Mrs. Jay Madden Mr. and Mrs. Dikran Marikian Mr. and Mrs. William Martin Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Maurin ’65 Ms. Jacquie Mayo Mr. and Mrs. Craig Mazaros Mr. Ken McFall and Mrs. Emily Vaughn Henry Mr. and Mrs. Edward McFaul ’75 Mr. and Ms. John Medearis Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mena Mr. and Mrs. Mourad Milad Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Miller Ms. Tara Milton Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Mirasol ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Monarrez Mr. and Mrs. Hilmar Monninger Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Moore ’79

Mr. and Mrs. John Moreno Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morioka Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Mouton Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mullin Drs. Keith Munson and Linda Lasater Munson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray Ms. Pacita Nabua Mr. Mike Nachabe and Ms. Tuyen Trinh Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Navarro Mr. and Mrs. Toan Nguyen Northrop Grumman Corp. Charity Trust Mr. Andy Ogden and Mrs. Shelley Short Ogden Ossman Project Management Consulting, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Chip Ossman III Mr. and Mrs. James Paige Dr. Severino Palaganas and Ms. Maria Aurora Mariano PAN Partnership Mr. Steven Paradis Mr. and Mrs. Raju Patil Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pearl Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pearson Mr. Joseph Pelayo Mr. and Mrs. Alan Phan Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pickett Mr. and Mrs. James H. Pike ’71 The Robert L. Pindroh Family Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pontrelli Mr. Gonzalo Posada and Mrs. Zoraida Davila-Posada The Pyle Family Mr. William Quach and Ms. Debbie Thai Dr. and Mrs. John T. Quigley Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Quinn Ms. Sheila Quintana Mr. and Mrs. Hector Quitzon Mr. and Mrs. Edward Raines Mr. Jorge Ramirez Mr. Rafael Ramirez and Mrs. Denise Miyashiro-Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. James Ratkovich Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds Dr. and Dr. Kim Reynolds Mark and Victoria Richards Mr. and Mrs. Joel Riegsecker Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rix Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Romano ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rosales Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ryan Mr. and Ms. Stephen Samerjan Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Sanderl, Ed.D. ’92 Mr. Sean R. Sansone ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Schiff Mr. and Mrs. Kahn Scolnick Ms. Tricia Searcy Mr. Joseph Sebenius and Ms. Jennifer Kiser Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Sharp Shelter 37, Inc. Mrs. Lori Show Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sirois Mr. and Mrs. Sam Situ Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Smith Mr. Ray Sosa and Ms. Leticia Sanchez

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Southard, Jr. Southern California Edison Company Specialty Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Spotts Nick and Connie Stamos Mr. Joseph Stanek III and Mrs. Kavita Anand Mr. and Mrs. John Steger Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Stein Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stern Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Stoddard Mr. Mel Stoutsenberger and Ms. Vickie Blair Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Suderburg Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Tim Sweetland Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Synold Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tan Mr. and Mrs. Elias Tango Mr. and Mrs. Celso Templo The Hastings Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Mr. John J. Thomas Mr. Michael Thoresen and Mrs. Souzan Maleki Thoresen Mr. and Ms. Michael Tian Mr. Sam Tor and Mrs. Ju Zhang Tor Mr. Solomon Trager Mr. and Mrs. Andy Tran Ms. Crystal Tran Mr. Alfredo Tuason and Mrs. Angeline Yu-Tuason Ms. Dolores Tukich Mr. and Mrs. Valentin H. Usle Mr. and Mrs. Rommel Valarao Mr. and Mrs. David Van Slooten Mr. Russell Varing Mr. Chris Vaughan and Ms. Rhonda Leung Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. Vert ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wagner Ms. Xue Wang Mr. Yujun Wang and Ms. Junhong Ma Mr. and Mrs. James Washington Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wasson Dr. Jeffrey Weitzel and Ms. Pauli Morin Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Werden Cathy A. Wetzell Peter and Serena Williams Mr. Steven Williams and Ms. Rose Corrigan Dr. Lee Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wong Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Woodman Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Worley Mrs. Darrell A. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Wu Mr. and Mrs. Mike Xu Mr. and Mrs. David Yang Ms. Yvette Ybarra Mr. and Mrs. Steven Yee Mr. and Mrs. Vadim Yuzefpolsky Joseph M. Zanetta, J.D. Mrs. Lori Zanteson * Alumni Affiliate FALL 2015 ANNUAL REPORT


INDIVISA MANENT In the spirit of the School’s motto, “Indivisa Manent” (We Stand Undivided), the following listing of donors includes individuals and organizations that support the everyday operations of La Salle High School. The following giving programs are included in this generous and supportive group: Parent Giving Program, Lancer Golf Tournament, Crystal Ball, Alumni, Scholarship and Financial Aid, Endowment, Capital, Technology and all General Donations. Thank you for supporting the students at La Salle High School. ORGANIZATIONS / FOUNDATIONS 3-2-1 Talent Showcase Acting Studios Agile Solutions, Inc. Altadena Town & Country Club AM Electric, Inc Arroyo Village Escrow Services, Inc. Bear Carvings and Jade Benevity Community Impact Fund Blaze “Fast Fired” Pizza Blo Out Lounge Blue Terrace Gallery Boeing Gift Matching Program Bradford Renaissance Portraits The Buccaneer Lounge, Inc. Butterfly Effect Day Spa California Marketing, Inc. Casa del Rey Mexican Restaurant Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts The Chandler School Citta Caffe CKW Uniforms Classic Kick boxing Colliers International Computer Parts Warehouse Incorporated Corfu Restaurant Corner Bakery Courtney’s Custom Creations Dal Rae Restaurant Del Mar Thoroughbred Club Di Pilla’s Italian Restaurant Disney Worldwide Outreach E.C.S. Electrical Embassy Suites Arcadia Thomas Fallon Photography Fasching’s Car Wash Fiesta Parade Floats Fitness Factor Four Seasons Tea Room The Gates Salon GM Computer Services, Inc. Great Expectations College Prep Green Street Restaurant GT Management Halper Fine Art High Point Academy Holy Angels School Holy Family School - Glendale Hornblower Cuises & Events Hunt Ortmann Palffy Nieves Lubka Darling & Mah, Inc. The Huntington Library Hutchinson Community Foundation The Ice House The Improv Comedy Theater In-N-Out Burger Integrated Business Solutions Jostens K.B. Construction Company KGB Studios, Inc. Jimmy Kimmel Live! KO-AM Gifted Education, Inc. Krikorian’s Premier Theatres Kudos Education Center La Salle High School Board of Regents La Salle High School Board of Trustees La Salle High School Pasadena La Vencedora Products, Inc. The Langham Huntington Pasadena Little Kuts Maggie’s Fitness For Women Malbec 12


Matt Denny’s Ale House Miller Financial Services Mixed Apron Etsy Shop Monsieur Crépe Nestle USA, Nestle USA Foundation Nikki C’s Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Foundation Nova Old School Eatery The Only Place In Town Open Road Films OptimaGrocery, Inc. Palm Springs Air Museum The Pampered Chef Pasadena Bar Association Pasadena Community Orchestra The Pasadena Playhouse Pasadena Tournament of Roses Pasadena-San Gabriel Valley Bridge Unit 559 The Peach Cafe Peridot Nails & Spa The Physical Edge Pie ’N Burger Pizza Rev Plant Goddess Landscaping Post Alarm Properties International R C Masonry Rancho Cucamonga Quakes Rent A Green Box Robusto Cigars Roclord Photography Studio Rowley Portraiture Salutation Home San Diego Zoo San Gabriel USD Santa Anita Park Gordon H. Sasaki M.D., F.A.C.S. Saute Academy Savor the Flavor Seaworld San Diego Shaffer Awards Sharp Seating Co. Sierra Madre Music Simply Cupcakes of Pasadena Sincere Care Services Skin Deep Laser Med Spa Snips Salon & Spa St. Luke School St. Rita’s Church Stiletto Entertainment Stonefire Grill Studio Charis Suo Boutique Talianko Design Group, LLC Diane Tarantino Accountacy Corporation Transfiguration Church Venetia’s Estate Properties Village Pizzeria Wasabi by Jill Pearson Western Asset Management Co. Women’s World Fitness Center

INDIVIDUALS Mr. Aaron Abdus-Shakoor and Ms. Myshia Laboss Mr. Chris Acker Mr. C. Ryan Adams ’15 Mr. Harry Agajanian Ms. Lisa Agajanian Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Agapito Mrs. Gliceria Agapito

Ms. Gina Agapito Ms. Griselda Aguilar Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ahn Mr. and Mrs. Alan Akobian Mr. JoeAl W. Akobian ’15 Mr. Jaime Albino and Mrs. Elva Vieyra Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Albinski ’80 Ms. Amanda Alfaro Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Alinan ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Allen ’84 Mr. Cameron D. Alsbrook ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Alvarado ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Javier Alvarez Mr. and Mrs. Laurenti Alviso Mr. and Mrs. Tony Amatullo Mr. and Mrs. Michael Amerio Ms. Angelica Amezquita Katherine and Jack Anastasia Mr. and Mrs. Ken Anderson The Honorable Clifford R. Anderson III ’70 and Mrs. Karen Anderson Mrs. Barbara Anderson Mrs. Frances Anderson Mr. Steven G. Andres ’94 Mrs. Christyann M. Stanislawski Andrianopoulos ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Anthony ’67 Mr. Nate Apodaca Ms. Lola Appel Mr. and Mrs. Lito Aralar Mr. Ernest E. Arboles and Ms. Stephanie M. Chavez Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Archambault ’75 Ms. Margaret Arellanes Mr. Peter Argentine Mr. Paul E. Arko ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Armstrong Mr. Greg D. Artis ’89 and Mrs. Valerie Escoffery-Artis Mr. and Mrs. Richard Asao Ms. Monica Augustine ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Augustine Mr. Humberto Baca Mrs. Toya Bailey Mr. Rod Bailey Mr. J. Brian Baird and Mrs. Deborah Sinnette-Baird Mr. Kaspar Balaian and Ms. Anny Matossian Ms. Karren A. Balaian ’15 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Balak ’62 Ms. M. Teresa Baldonado and Mr. Mitchell Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Fred Balian The Reverend and Mrs. Michael Bamberger Mr. and Mrs. Duke Banks III ’64 Mr. Evan J. Baranich ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Barbaro III ’02 Ms. Melissa Barrero ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Jose Barrios Mr. John Barrow Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Barta Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Bartolme ’65 Mr. Ernest Baskerville Ms. Patricia Batista-Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baum ’63 Mr. Federico Baylon and Dr. Elizabeth Baylon Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Becerra Mr. Lonny Beck Mr. and Mrs. Bert Becker ’65 Dr. and Mrs. Abdallah Beddawi

Mr. Lorenzo P. Begay ’04 Mr. Max S. Behrens ’15 Mrs. Barbara Behrens Ms. Jennifer Belak ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Belcher ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bell ’70 Ms. Linda Belton Ms. Jacqueline Beltran Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Benitez Mr. and Mrs. Todd G. Bennett ’98 Brother De Sales Benning, FSC Ms. Jamie Bennison ’06 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Bent ’70 Brother Dominic Berardelli, FSC Mr. and Mrs. John Berberian Mr. and Mrs. Jack Berberian Mr. and Mrs. Nick Berberian Mr. and Mrs. Mike Beresford Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Berge Mrs. Josie Beringer Mr. Blake Bernstein ’02 Mr. Nikolai G. Berrones ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Berry ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Bevan ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bianco Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Bigley ’80 Mr. Jacob T. Bigley ’09 Dr. and Mrs. John M. Bigley ’75 Ms. Lois Billings Ms. Mylene Billups Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Birr ’03 Ms. Paola A. Bisharat ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Nabil Bisharat ’02 Ms. Angelique Black Mr. and Mrs. James Blackstock ’65 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Blackstock ’67 Mr. and Mrs. David Blue Dr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Bock Ms. Karen Boehm Mr. Vincent Bohanec Ms. Angela Bohanec Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bolle Mr. Joshua W. Bolle ’15 Ms. Tina D. Bonacci ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bonacci, AFSC Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bononi Ms. Aerienne Booker Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott Boone Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Borquez Mr. and Mrs. Veniamin Botezatu Mr. John L. Bottala ’08 Ms. Joi Bourgeois Dr. Kimberly Bozart Ms. Lauree Bradley Mr. Peter Brady ’04 Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Brady Mr. and Mrs. John Bragg Mr. Jake R. Bragg ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Braun ’61 Mr. Daniel Braun and Ms. Joan Goulding Mrs. Diana Breda James and Barbara Brennan Mr. Taylor B. Brennan ’15 Mr. Jeffrey T. Briegel ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Briegel Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Brink ’86 Mr. Christian W. Briones ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Derek Broussard Mr. and Mrs. R. Keith Brown ’62 Mr. Corey Brown Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Brown Mr. Scott Brown ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown Mr. and Mrs. Peter Browne Ms. Erika Bruder

Ms. Lea A. Bruder ’15 Mrs. Antoinette Kathol Brunasso ’04 Dr. and Mrs. Steven T. Buccola ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Buchanan Mr. Jeffrey A. Buennagel ’98 Ms. Eireen Buntuyan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Burch Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burruso Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Busbee Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Bushmeyer ’62 Mr. Porter M. Byers ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cabot ’82 Ms. Melissa Y. Cafagna ’09 Ms. Michelle E. Cafagna ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cahill ’76 Mr. Ian Cairns and Ms. Virginia Gladwin Mr. John E. Caldas ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Manuel C. Camargo Jr. Ms. Isabella R. Camargo ’15 Mr. Hector A. Campos, Jr. ’00 Mr. Jesus Campos Cabezas and Mrs. Gayle Reyes-Campos Mr. and Mrs. Phil T. Cannon ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Cappiello ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Cardoza Mr. Alan M. Cardoza ’15 Ms. Nicole M. Carlos ’12 Mr. James Carrido ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Jose Carrillo Mrs. Allie Carsia-Talbott ’95 Mr. Rudy Casignia and Ms. Teresita Prejillana Mr. Christian Caso Mr. and Mrs. Victor Castillo Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Castillo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Castor Mr. and Mrs. John Caulfield ’03 Mr. Vladimir Cerin Mr. and Mrs. Hector J. Chacon Mrs. Munmi Chae Mr. Nathaniel C. Chandler ’15 Dr. and Mrs. Robert Cheng Mr. Kyle Cheng ’07 Ms. Sierra G. Cheung ’15 Ms. Alison Chi ’15 Ms. Stacey Chodoba Mr. Ethan W. Chong ’15 Mr. Dillon J. Chow ’15 Ms. Elyse E. Chui ’09 Mr. Craig M. Ciebiera Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cimino Mr. and Mrs. John Cina Mrs. Barbara Cina Citizens Business Bank Mr. Patrick C. Clark ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Clarke ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cockroft Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Collins ’67 Mrs. Marianne Compton Ms. Joni Conlon Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Coombes ’75 Mr. Jesse L. Corona ’81 and Ms. Esmeralda Garcia Mrs. Jean Corpe Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Coxsom Mr. and Mrs. Barnaby Crahan Mr. Jacob Crahan ’15 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Crawford ’65 Mr. Richard K. Crawford ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Crews ’86 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Crowley ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cuellar Anthony and Catherine Cuellar Ms. Rosalie Curry Mr. and Mrs. David Dal Ponte Mr. James Dalgarn and Ms. Catherine Chadwell Mr. and Mrs. Joel Damir Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Damore ’75 Mr. Gregory E. Danenhauer ’70 Ms. Sinclair Daniel ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Daubert Mr. Scott P. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Davis ’63 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Daws ’60

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Day Mrs. Kimberly L. Muljono Day ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Vergel Benedict De La Cruz Mr. Simón De La Rosa Ms. Ana R. Delgado ’93 and Mr. James Addicott Mrs. Lupe Delgado Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Delgatto Mr. and Mrs. John M. Delgatto ’65 Mr. Frankie A. Delgatto ’15 Ms. Rosemarie DeMarco Mrs. Jenny Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSales Ms. Haley A. DeSales ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Dewald ’75 Mrs. Claudia Di Pilla-Ramunno Mr. and Mrs. Armando Diaz Mr. and Mrs. Richard Diaz Mr. and Mrs. John Dickason Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dickerson Mr. Duane Dier Ms. Samantha M. Dier ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Dignam ’68 Mr. Jason Dineros ’05 Mr. Rick Dinkel Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Dionisio Mr. and Mrs. Sean Dixon Mr. William Dochnahl ’61 Mrs. Nancy Doede Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Doerning Mr. and Mrs. Gil Dominguez Mr. Randall P. Dominguez ’12 Ms. Kelly A. Dominguez ’15 Kristin L. Donahue Mr. Mark Dondanville ’04 Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Dong Ms. Kerry A. Donoghue ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dooling ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Doring ’73 Mr. Charles Downey Ms. Nancy Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Drasco ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Drean ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Duell Ms. Ashley M. Duell ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Mario Duenas Ms. Megan M. Duenas ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Duffy ’60 Dr. Mosey Nuccio Dunn ’02 Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Duran Mr. and Mrs. William Dwyer Ms. Annette Dyson Mr. Irwin Dyson Ms. Carolann P. Dyson ’15 Mr. Jack F. Eagan ’15 Mr. Aaron M. Ealy ’13 Ms. Susan E. Ehring ’97 Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Elfelt ’70 Mr. James F. Elko ’67 Mrs. Teresa Ring Elmslie-Britt ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Encinas Ms. Karla Enrequez Mr. Frank Enterante Mr. Sergio Escalante ’75 Mr. Tyler S. Escoffery-Artis ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Escoto Ms. Dana J. Esparza ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Espino Mr. and Mrs. James Espinosa Mr. and Mrs. Steven Espinoza Mrs. Mary Helen Esquibel Mr. and Mrs. Max R. Esquivel ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Estrada Ms. Amanda C. Evans ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Everett M. Evleth ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Exposito ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Faber ’86 Ms. Claire M. Faber ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Fallar Mr. Francisco Farias and Mrs. Maria Dzul Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Farroni ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Feese Ms. Sydney M. Feese ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fernandes

Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Fernandez Mrs. Rochelle L. Rodriguez Ferrari ’97 Mr. and Mrs. John K. Fielder ’64 Ms. Giselle Figueroa ’07 Mr. and Mrs. William Filice Mr. Scott Filippi Mr. and Mrs. Al Flores Ms. Xochitl Flores Ms. Megan Foley Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Fong Mr. and Mrs. John R. Foran ’74 Vincent Fortanasce, M.D. Ms. Lindsay Fossatti Ms. Amanda Fowler ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Warren F. Fox ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Franco Ms. Gerri Fraser Ms. LaToya Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freiberger Mr. Jack Freiberger ’15 Mr. Raimund Freihube Ms. Venetia S. Freihube ’15 Ms. Sonya Froio Ms. Lori Froio Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fryer Mr. and Mrs. Adrian C. M. Fulay ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fulps Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone R. Gaffney ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gaggioli, Jr. Mr. Matthew Gaggioli ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Gianni Galati ’86 Ms. Celia Gallegos Ms. Carmen Galvez Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ganguin Mr. and Mrs. James Garber Ms. Kimberly Garber Mr. and Mrs. Julius Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Ryan E. Garcia ’97 Mr. Colby A. Garcia ’15 Ms. Erin M. Garcia ’15 Ms. Isabella Garcia ’15 Mr. Dan Garrison and Ms. Raina Fulton Mr. and Mrs. Thanos Gauthier Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Genovese ’68 Mrs. Constance Genton Mr. and Mrs. Danilo Gerolaga Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Gettinger ’64 Mr. and Mrs. James Gibbs Mr. James Gibbs ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ginoza Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gioia Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gioia ’04 Ms. Stephanie R. Gioia ’08 Ms. Gianna A. Gioia ’05 Dr. Frank R. Gioia ’69 Dr. and Mrs. Robert Glass Mrs. Roma Goddard Mrs. Alice Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. James L. Goetz ’70 Mr. Todd Golper Ms. Lauren F. Gomez ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gong Mr. Philip M. Gong ’15 Mr. Dennis Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Gonzalez Mrs. Rose Marie Good Mr. Troy Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gordon Ms. Kennedy M. Gordon ’15 Mr. Paul J. Gormican, Jr. ’79 Mr. Steve Gormly Mr. Jackson R. Goyette ’14 Mrs. Kirsten Real Granger ’06 Ms. Senka Grbavac Ms. Emily J. Greenstreet ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Greenstreet Ms. Jennifer Gregory Mr. Bill Gregory Mr. Sean M. Grimes ’02 Mr. and Ms. Thomas V. Grimes, J.D. ’70 Ms. Elsa Gutierrez Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Guzman Ms. Jesstine Guzman ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Erik Hakanen

Ms. Julia M. Hakanen ’15 Ms. Taylor J. Hakanen ’15 Ms. Karina L. Haleblian ’15 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hall ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Hall ’62 Ms. Katrina S. Hall ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamm Ms. Kelley Hanna Ms. Jacqueline P. Harding ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hardy ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harold, Jr. ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Harper ’68 Mr. Brett D. Harper ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Harris Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Harris Mr. Alexander P. Harrity ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hauerwaas Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Haupt ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hazlett Mr. and Mrs. Chria Hazlitt ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Otis Healy Mr. and Mrs. Steven Henderson Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson Sr. Mr. Philip Hendrie ’70 Ms. Anny Heng Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Henke Ms. Madeline N. Herlache ’09 Mr. Paul Hermsdorf ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Armando A. Hernandez ’66 Ms. Dolores Hernandez Dr. and Mrs. Steven W. Herring ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hesson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hickey II ’60 Mr. Ken Higdon Mr. and Mrs. John T. Higgins ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hilland Mr. Robert Hillier II ’15 Mr. Howard Hines and Mrs. Angela Carfino-Hines Ms. India M. Hines ’15 Mr. Michael A. Hinojos ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hipolito Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoffman Drs. Kurt and Melissa Hoffman SPC Timothy P. Hoffman ’09 Mr. Mitchell J. Hoffman ’13 Ms. Taryn Hoffman ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hou ’90 Mr. and Ms. Joseph Hough Mr. Matthew Housman ’09 Da Huang Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hubert Ms. Molly A. Hulbert ’09 Father Timothy Hunter ’62 Mr. Christopher A. Iglesias ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Inman Ms. Talia C. Ireland ’09 Dr. and Mrs. Eloy A. Ituarte ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Jacobsen, Jr. ’61 Mr. Jeffrey S. Jahnke ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Jahnke Mr. Brady G. Jameson ’15 Mr. Christian P. Javryd ’15 Ms. Jasmine J. Jenkins ’09 Mr. Justin B. Jitpatima ’15 Mrs. Carolyn Johnson The Honorable and Mrs. Frank J. Johnson ’70 Mr. Tim Q. Johnson ’60 Mr. Michael R. Johnson ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jones Mr. Matthew S. Jones ’05 Mr. Cass Jones and Mrs. Stephanie Ellerbe-Jones Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Jones Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Jordan ’74 Mr. John A. Joseph ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Joseph, Jr. ’80 Mrs. Christie C. Joseph Mr. Ray Judson Mr. Ricardo J. Jurado ’95 Mr. Ricky J. Jurado II ’15 FALL 2015 ANNUAL REPORT


INDIVISA MANENT Mr. and Mrs. Tony F. Kane ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kaplan Mr. Douglas J. Karnowski ’68 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Karnowski, C.P.A. ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Kasper ’85 Mr. Randy Katz Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kavanaugh Ms. Jodie E. Kaya ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Kealey ’85 Mrs. Nancy Kearney Mr. and Mrs. Vicken Kedjidjian Ms. Tatiana M. Kedjidjian ’15 Ms. Lisa M. Keeler ’00 Drs. Susan and Tom Keens Mr. and Mrs. John Keipp Mr. and Mrs. William Keith ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keller Mr. and Mrs. Clive Kelly Mrs. Laura Kelly Mr. Terence M. Kelly ’75 and Ms. Alison Nichols Ms. Katherine J. Kelso ’09 Mr. Jason W. Kenoyer ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Sunder Khemani Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Kiertzner Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy F. “ Buzz “ Kiley ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Terrence E. Klein ’65 Mr. Steven Klein Ms. Kathleen Klock Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Klute ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Knapp Mr. Larry Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kneier ’67 Richard and Trudi Knoedler Mr. Christopher Knowles ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Knuth Mr. Tim Knuth Ms. Shannon Kobashigawa August M. and Annamae Koch Bob Kohorst ’71 and Shelley Allen Mrs. Julie Bonacci Kolb ’97 Mr. Johann Konrad Mr. Cosmo Konrad ’15 Mr. Ryan Konrad ’15 Mr. John W. Kopcha III ’09 Mrs. Walter Kummetz Ms. Tasha Kusama Mr. and Mrs. Doug Kuttruff Mr. Mackenzie K. Kuttruff ’15 Ms. Carrie Kwan Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kwong Mr. Chris Kyriakakis and Ms. Wee Ling Wong Mr. and Mrs. David La Salle Mr. David La Salle ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Guy Labbe ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ladesich Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Ladesich ’66 Mr. Santiago Lakatos ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lamberti ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lanyi Ms. Madison V. Lanyi ’15 Mrs. Gina M. Bottala LaPorte ’99 Mr. and Mrs. William R. LaRue ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lasater Mr. and Mrs. Kim-Ming Lau Dr. and Mrs. C. Patrick Lauder ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lauman Ms. Herminia Lavilla Mr. Andy Law ’90 Mr. Rafael Lazcano, Jr. ’96 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Le Berthon ’75 Dr. and Mrs. Brian J. Le Berthon ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Armando Lebrilla Mr. Paul Lee and Ms. Benita Chen Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Lees ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Bernardino Leis Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lepore Mr. and Mrs. Bert LeRoy Ms. Nancy Lesky 14



Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lester ’65 Mrs. Corinne Leufroy Mr. William Leustig and Mrs. Ania Kubik Ms. Tierra M. Leustig ’15 Mr. James LeVeque ’80 Mr. David Levkovitz Ms. Michele Lewis Mr. Jose Leyva and Ms. Catalina Zuluaga Mr. and Mrs. Eric Lilavois ’97 Mr. Leslie Lindeman and Ms. Karyn McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lingenfelser Mrs. Gail Littlejohn Ms. Yan Liu Liming Liu Tianze Liu Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lloyd Mr. Paul LoDuca Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Louden Mr. Nicholas Louie ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Low Ms. Dalila Luna Dr. and Mrs. Joe Luthey Mr. and Mrs. Minh Ma Ms. Pauline Ma ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Kirk MacDonald ’85 Katie and Gary Macdonald ’75 Mr. Matthew L. MacDonald ’15 Mr. Gregor B. MacKay ’62 Ms. Allison T. Madden ’08 Ms. Patricia Madrigal Mr. and Mrs. John Magluyan Mr. David J. Magluyan ’15 Mr. Patrick Mahoney, P.E. ’90 Mr. John Maitino ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mak Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Maldonado ’73 Mr. Robert A. Mallek, Jr. ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Nardo, Jr. Manaloto Mr. Gobind S. Manwani ’09 Ms. Ellen Mareina Christine Marez Mr. and Mrs. William Marich Ms. Nina L. Marikian ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Marcelino Mariscal Mrs. Erin L. Mann Markel ’97 Mr. Jordan N. Marks ’12 Ms. Taylor C. Marks ’15 Mr. Michael J. Marlatt ’75 Mr. Kyle J. Marrs ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Json D. Marruffo ’95 Mr. Steve Marsden ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Marsh Mr. John R. W. Marsh ’15 Mr. Bill Martin Mr. Ernest S. Martin ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Martin Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Martinez ’92 Ms. Silvia Martinez Mr. Filiberto Martinez and Mrs. Regina Marquez-Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Martinez Mr. Alex Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Martinez ’96 L. Robert Mastro, Pharm D ’61 Mr. Mark Mastromatteo and Mrs. Sheri Bonner Ms. Megan B. Mathison ’15 Mr. and Mrs. John Maucher Mr. Tim Mayworm Mr. and Mrs. Ross Maza Mr. and Mrs. John McAlister Mr. Robert F. McAlister ’14 Mrs. Barbara McAloney Mrs. Kathleen McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Sean R. McCarthy ’83 Mr. Matthew McCarty ’07 Mrs. Kathleen McCauley Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCracken Mr. and Mrs. John McCreary

Ms. Deborah McElligott Mr. Ken McElvany Mr. Dick McElvany Mr. and Mrs. James McGoldrick Ms. Madeline A. McGoldrick ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Russell McGregor Ms. Ellery G. McGregor ’15 Ms. Erin A. McInerney ’99 Mr. and Mrs. John McInerney ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McInerney ’71 Mr. Sean A. McIntosh ’09 Mr. and Mrs. William McKay Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. McKenna ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McKiernan Dr. and Mrs. Steven McLaren Mr. and Mrs. Richard McLaren Mr. John S. McLoughlin ’64 Mr. and Mrs. James M. McManus ’68 Ms. Elizabeth McSweeny ’04 Dr. and Mrs. Robert Meaglia ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Medina Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Meek III ’94 Ms. Aoife H. Megaw ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio Mejia Ms. Kimberly A. Mejia ’15 Mr. Luis E. Melendez ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Roman Mena Mr. Alec R. Mena ’15 Mr. Matthew Mendoza ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Mendoza ’03 Mr. Asa M. Merrigan ’09 Mr. Michael Merrigan and Ms. M. Bonner Meudell Mindy Meserve Byers Mrs. Barbara Messina Mr. Tony G. Messina-Doerning ’11 Mr. Joseph B. Messina-Doerning ’15 Mr. Anthony Messineo ’80 Mr. Thomas Miller Mrs. Jessica Short Miller ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller Mrs. Annabel Miller Mr. and Mrs. John Miller ’68 Ms. Melissa A. Miller ’09 Mr. Michael J. Miller ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Miller ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Miller ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minehart Mr. Arnaldo P. Mirasol ’83 Dr. and Mrs. Alan P. Mirasol ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mispagel ’66 Ms. Inga Mkhitanyan Mr. and Mrs. Syrus Mobayen Mr. Gregory A. Moeller ’84 Ms. Desiree M. Monarrez ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Monohan III ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montano Ms. Isamar S. Montano ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Juan R. Montoya ’79 Mr. Tim Mooney Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mooneyham Dr. and Mrs. Horace Moore Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Morales Mr. Anthony Morales Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moreno IV Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Morgan ’75 Dr. Dave Moritz Mr. and Mrs. Phil Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Moscaret Ms. Julie Mottola Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Mueller ’70 Mr. Bob Mulick Mrs. Virginia Mullen Ms. Elizabeth Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mullins Ms. Emily M. Multari ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Joel Munoz Ms. Melody S. Munson ’15 Ms. Nicole L. Murph ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy I. Murphy ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Chandru Nankani Mr. and Mrs. David Nardoni

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nee Mr. David P. Needles Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Nelson Dr. Gregory Nelson and Dr. Denise Veich Ms. Kymberly Nelson Mr. Kevin Nguyen and Ms. Lang Ma Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nguyen Reverend William C. Nicholas, Jr. ’88 Ms. Anita Nicol Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Nino ’62 Ms. Eugenie Nogueira Mr. Timothy R. Nolan ’62 Mr. Lawrence A. Nordstrom ’64 Reverend and Mrs. Ernest Nosari Ms. Lynn H. Nuccio ’04 Mr. Daniel Nugent and Ms. Sabina Zenkich Ms. Alaina D. Nugent ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Edward O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O’Connor Sister Ann Patricia O’Connor, CSJ Ms. Meghan M. O’Donnell ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Aris O’Reilly Mr. Thaddeus O’Shea Mr. and Mrs. J. Oberreiter Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Ochoa Dr. Schubert Ogden Mr. and Mrs. John R. Oldham ’74 Ms. Katie Olender ’09 Mr. Dan Olender Mr. Joseph M. Olender ’08 Ms. Regina P. Orona ’03 Mr. Roberto Ortega ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Osborne ’62 Mr. Kirk Osborne ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Juan Ossa ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Ossa ’10 Mr. Minsha Ouyou ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Palffy Mr. Adam Palffy ’03 Mr. Michael T. Palffy ’08 Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Palmer ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Palomino Mr. and Mrs. John Paniagua Ms. Emily Paniagua ’02 Mr. Evan J. Paniagua ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Paris Ms. Stephanie Parker ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Parker Mrs. Maria Parra Mr. and Mrs. Mark Passarini ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Girish R. Patel Mr. and Mrs. James Patrick Mrs. Marion Patrick Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Patzia Mr. Michael Patzia Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio Pavon Mr. and Mrs. Cecilio Payne Mr. and Mrs. Ray V. Pearl, Jr. ’99 Mrs. Lori Pelentay Mr. and Mrs. Isaias Pena Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Petermann ’70 Ms. Jacqueline Peters ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Peters ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Petrovich Mr. Michael R. Petrovich ’09 Mr. Nam N. Phan ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Piesik Ms. Marie Y. Piette ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pizante Mr. and Mrs. Mike Plummer ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Pohlson ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Victor V. Polek ’74 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Pollara ’66 Frank and Dawn Ponnet Ms. Linda Poon Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Poon Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Pope Mr. Truman Pope Ms. Olivia C. Pope ’15

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Popoff The Porges Family Ms. Alexandra C. Porges ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Powers ’65 Ms. Briana Price Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Provencio Ms. Nina Punaro Mr. Erwin Quadra and Mrs. Raymunda Concepcion-Quadra Mr. Patrick C. Quadra ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Quandt, Jr. ’64 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Quandt ’67 Ms. Rene Quenell Mr. Ian S. Quinn ’13 Mr. Kevin G. Quinn ’15 Ms. Robin Quintanilla ’03 Mr. Martin Quintero and Ms. Claudia Melendez Mr. and Mrs. Hazim Rabadi ’87 Mr. Edwin Rabanal Mr. Michael J. Rademacher ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Radle Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Randolph ’65 Mrs. Juliana DelMuro Ravetto ’99 Dr. and Dr. Virgil Raymundo Mr. Jonathan Raymundo ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Brad G. Reaume ’70 Mr. Joseph J. Reaume ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Reaume ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Regalado Mr. Ryan Resurreccion Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Rettig ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rewers Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rey Ms. Joan Reyes Ms. Lydia L. Reyes Ms. Sarah E. Reynolds ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Riboli Ms. Cristi Ricker Ms. Marcia Ridley Mr. John Ring Ms. Lissette Rivas Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Rivera Mrs. Benigna Rivera Ms. Kayla M. Rix ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roberti ’70 Mr. Michael Robison ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Rodriguez ’00 Mr. and Mrs. David Rodriguez ’89 Mrs. Emily S. Cairns Roffe-Silvester ’05 Mr. Mike Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Rogers ’92 Mr. Francois Rogez Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roosevelt ’65 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Roosevelt, Jr. ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rose Mr. and Mrs. James G. Rouse ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rozario Mr. Thomas M. Ruggles ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ruiz Mr. Norbert Ruiz Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rupp Ms. Lisa M. Russo ’03 Mr. and Mrs. James B. Ryan ’86 Mr. Doug Rynerson and Mrs. Jude Lucas-Rynerson Mr. and Mrs. Galindo Saavedra Mr. Victor M. Saavedra ’15 Mr. Dharshan Sabanayagam ’15 Mr. Peter Sabido and Mrs. Mary J. Aquino Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Salas, Jr. ’75 Mr. Daniel J. Saldivar ’15 Mr. Dennis Salkin Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Salmingo Mr. and Mrs. Juan Samartin Mr. Jack M. Samartin ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Samples Mrs. Nora Sanabria Mr. Carlos E. Sanchez ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Obed Sanchez Mr. Emerson Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Al Sanchez Mr. Adrian B. Sanchez ’15 Mrs. Elaine Sanderl

Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Sanderl ’90 Mr. Armando Sandoval and Mrs. Kirsten Tallmon Mr. Brandon A. Sandoval ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Luciano Santoro Mr. and Mrs. Albert Santos Ms. Crystal C. Santos ’15 Pete and Irene Santucci Mr. and Mrs. Orman Sartwell Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sayer Mr. and Mrs. Philip Scalzo Mr. Jeffrey L. Schauer ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Carson Scheller ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schoenbaum Mr. Richard Schuler Mr. Aubin M. Schuler ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Chad Schumacher Mr. Barry J. Schweiger ’60 and Ms. Donna Jorgensen Mr. Luke A. Sciaraffa ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Scofield Mr. and Mrs. Steven Scott Mr. Cameron J. Scott ’09 Mr. Marshall Searcy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Seastrom ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Seidner Mr. and Mrs. Joe Selbak Mr. and Mrs. Mike Serhan Ms. Taleen A. Seropian ’04 Mr. Jose Serrano and Mrs. Mayra Arias-Serrano Mr. Michael D. Seymour Mrs. Michelle N. Mouton Shackelford ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Shambrey Mr. Brian Shanaghan Ms. Erin Shaw Ms. Caitlin Shea ’03 Mr. Daniel T. Sheridan ’98 and Mrs. Andrea Nelson Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Shima ’65 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Shortell ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shumate Mr. Colin S. Shumate ’15 Ms. Kirstin I. Shuster ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Pete Siberell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Siegmeth ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Sielen ’67 Ms. Ashley E. Siewert ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir Sigur Mr. Kristian S. Sigur ’15 Ms. Nicole Silva ’05 Mr. Peter S. Singer ’03 Ms. Anne-Marie Singer ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Singer ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Singer ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Tony Siracusa Ms. Natalie R. Sirois ’15 Mr. Harvey Situ ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Slade ’95 Brother Kevin Slate, FSC Mrs. Ellen Slatkin Mr. and Mrs. John B. Slavin ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Ms. Kristina Smith-Speakman Ms. Mary P. Snodgrass ’09 Mrs. Jenifer Beck Sojka ’04 Mrs. Rona Solberg Ms. Elizabeth Solis Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sonnenburg Mr. Dennis M. Sorges ’65 Mr. Manny S. Soriano ’12 Byron Sotomayor, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sparks Ms. Katie N. Sparks ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Trevor R. Spicer ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sprengel Mr. and Mrs. John Staff Mr. Thomas Stafford ’99 Mr. Alexander N. Stamos ’15 Ms. Purnima J. A. Stanek ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Steben Mr. and Mrs. James Stein Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Steinmeier ’67

Ms. Jesslyn A. Stephen ’10 Ms. Amy Stipa Ms. Katherine E. Stoddard ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Stone Ms. Charlene Stone Ms. Katelyn H. Stone ’15 Mrs. Vanessa Strouse-Kenney ’97 Mr. Jack Stuebe Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sullivan ’70 Mr. and Mrs. William L. Sullivan ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Surowiec Ms. Mallory A. Susank ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Sweeney ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Talbot ’95 Mr. Evan L. Talianko ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Man Hip Tan Ms. Bea A. Tan ’15 Ms. Alexandra M. Tango ’15 Ms. Alyssa Tavera ’15 Drew and Diane Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Eric Taylor Mr. Matthew K. Techy ’09 Dr. Geza Techy and Ms. Kerry Fuse Ms. Terryll Ann Tellez Mr. Donald Tellez ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Virat Thantrakul ’68 Ms. Ashley M. Thomas ’09 Ms. Melissa E. Thomas ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Thompson ’71 The Honorable and Mrs. Nicholas S. Thompson ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Thorsen Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thorsen Mr. William Ting and Ms. Johna Lee Mr. Bill Tollett Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tom Mr. and Mrs. Tim Tomko Mr. and Mrs. Joel Tooley Mr. and Mrs. Bradley R. Toothman ’91 Mr. Kent L. Tor ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Toribio, Jr. ’93 Mr. Jesse B. Toribio ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Reynaldo Torio Mr. and Mrs. Jose Torres Mr. and Mrs. George Torres Ms. Serenidad V. Torres ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Mario Torres Mr. Sergio Torres and Mr. Richard Bourell Mr. Michael N. Torres ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Torrez Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Tortell Ms. Courtney C. Totten ’15 Ms. Patricia Tovar Mary Jo Townsend and Family Ms. Laura D. Trujillo ’09 Ms. Kimberly M. Tsuchiya ’09 Ms. Tiffany Tsuchiyama Mr. Alexander J. Tuason ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Tyson Tuchscherer ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Tonny Tulleners ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Turner Ms. Jena C. Umfress ’09 Mr. Thomas F. Usle ’15 Mr. Gary Utter ’80 and Ms. Linda Ramsey Mr. Francis Uyemura Ms. Maria Michelle Uzeta Ms. Yolanda Valadez Fred and Diane Van der Linde Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Vargas Ms. Victoria R. Vargas ’09 Mr. Tyler R. Varing ’09 Ms. Virginia Vasquez Ms. Nelly Velarde Mr. Phil Velasco ’07 Mr. Rony S. Velasquez ’04 Dr. Juan Carlos Velosa and Ms. Patricia Gil Mr. and Mrs. Andre C. Vener ’91 Ms. Roxana Verano Ms. Hethyr Verhoef Ms. Teri Vessella Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vessella

Morris and Esther Victor Mr. Christopher S. Victor ’05 Ms. Tess Victor Mr. and Mrs. Richard Victor Ms. Sarah Vielma Dr. Vera J. Vignes Mr. and Mrs. Joel Villamater Ms. Julia R. Villamater ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Villanueva ’04 Mr. and Mrs. George Villavicencio Ms. Alyssa D. Villavicencio ’15 Mrs. Francisca M. Gonzalez Virtue ’94 Dr. and Mrs. K.-Heiner Vogelbach Mr. Carter Voges Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Wagner, Sr. Ms. Pam Wagner Ms. Lesley N. P. Wake ’03 Mrs. Keisha Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Loren Wallis Mr. Riley N. Wallis ’15 Ms. Nancy Walsh Mr. and Mrs. James C. Walshe III ’63 Mrs. Nancy Walters Mr. and Mrs. Mark Walton ’71 Ms. Feihong Wang Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wann Mr. and Mrs. Brandon D. Ward ’99 Ms. Julie Ward Mr. and Mrs. Hiroyoshi Watanabe Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Webb, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Weigand ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Weigel ’65 Mr. and Mrs. James K. Weisenberg ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Joel C. Wesser ’99 Mr. and Mrs. William Westphal Dr. and Mrs. David Wheat Mr. Brett T. Wheat ’15 Mr. R. Phillip Wheeler ’65 Mr. Jeffrey D. White ’04 Mr. Brian White Mr. Kenneth F. White, M.P.A. ’82 and Dr. Carla White Ms. Jeanie Whited Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Wickhem Ms. Lisa M. Wickhem ’07 Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Wiedenfeld ’67 Mr. Roger Wilcox ’69 Mr. Austin M. Williams ’09 Ms. Erika N. Williams ’98 Mr. Billy S. Williams Christopher and Nancy Willis Mr. Glen C. Willis ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn G. Willumson ’67 Mr. Mark Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson Ms. Alicia M. Wilson ’15 Mrs. Tamara Wann Wolf ’97 Mr. Joshua H. Wood ’15 Mr. Gary Wood ’70 Mr. Richard “Woody“ Woodaman ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wooler Ms. Riley M. Worley ’15 Kristen Schultz Wray ’98 Mrs. Barbara Wright Mr. Ben J. X. Wu ’15 Mr. Samuel Wu ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yamarone Mr. Richard Yang and Ms. Vicky Zhou Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Young ’62 Ms. Karen Yuen Mr. Pedro Zaldivar and Ms. Yaneth Drada Mr. and Mrs. Leeland Zanteson Ms. Alexi S. Zate ’15 Ms. Jenay Zhou ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Ziegler ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ziehler-Martin Mr. Rory T. Ziehler-Martin ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zumel Mr. Justin Thomas V. Zumel ’15 Mr. and Mrs. David Zuniga Ms. Kathleen C. Zuniga ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zuniga Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Zwart III ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zwart ’71 FALL 2015 ANNUAL REPORT


ALUMNI GIVING La Salle High School would like to give special recognition and thanks to all the alumni donors who supported the School community throughout the 2014-2015 fiscal year. All donations benefited the numerous programs for our students, faculty, staff, and coaches. Because of these individuals, total alumni tax-deductible giving exceeded $196,000. CLASS OF 1960 21.13% Dennis P. Burke P’85 Sid D. Danenhauer, Jr. William E. Daws Jim Dirmann Mitchell Drasco Charles R. Duffy Robert Hickey II Michael A. Hinojos Tim Q. Johnson Anthony F. Kane P’82, ’84 Kenneth T. Kreeble James G. Rouse Theodore T. Saraf P’99 Barry J. Schweiger Thomas E. Siegmeth

CLASS OF 1961 16% Chris Braun Phil T. Cannon James M. Crowley William Dochnahl Robert G. Frank, Jr. Richard W. Jacobsen, Jr. C. Patrick Lauder L. Robert Mastro

CLASS OF 1962 25.61% David C. Balak Peter Barry R. Keith Brown Steven T. Buccola Donald J. Bushmeyer William R. Hall Terence A. Hall Timothy Hunter Michael R. Johnson William Keith Kennedy F. Kiley Gregor B. MacKay Timothy I. Murphy Henry E. Nino Timothy R. Nolan Wayne J. Osborne Stephen Shortell Tonny Tulleners Victor E. Vert Richard Woodaman Thomas L. Young

CLASS OF 1963 10.29% Michael Baum Robert W. Davis Michael Dooling John M. Karnowski John McInerney P’99, ’01 James P. Roosevelt, Jr. James C. Walshe III 16


CLASS OF 1964 10.59% Duke Banks III Matthew R. Cappiello John K. Fielder Peter J. Gettinger John S. McLoughlin Philip F. Monohan III Lawrence A. Nordstrom Gregory Palmer P’87 Robert R. Quandt, Jr.

CLASS OF 1965 31.07% Florencio R. Alinan, Jr. Wayne J. Bartolme Bert Becker Edward R. Bennett James Blackstock James J. Canny Gary J. Clarke Gerald P. Cotter John W. Crawford John M. Delgatto Gary T. Drean Tyrone R. Gaffney Ronald P. Hansen Robert Harold, Jr. John T. Higgins David L. Kennelly Terrence E. Klein Stephen Lester John Maitino Robert A. Mallek, Jr. Paul F. Maurin Bert A. McKenna Thomas J. Powers Donald C. Randolph Michael A. Roosevelt Thomas L. Shima John B. Slavin Dennis M. Sorges Paul Thompson Mark C. Weigel R. Phillip Wheeler P’92 Jay R. Ziegler

CLASS OF 1966 8.43% Peter K. Barker Armando A. Hernandez Gregory P. Ladesich Richard J. Mispagel Frank M. Plummer John B. Pollara Michael J. Rademacher

CLASS OF 1967 18.48% Thomas R. Anthony Jack W. Belcher

John C. Blackstock Edward W. Collins James F. Elko Warren F. Fox J. B. Graham Eloy A. Ituarte Brian Kneier James R. Quandt Alan B. Sielen Timothy R. Steinmeier Dennis A. Sweeney Jeffrey P. Weigand P’02, ’05, ’08 Robert P. Wiedenfeld Glenn G. Willumson Frank M. Zwart III

CLASS OF 1968 15.15% Charles Dignam Robert P. Gendron Michael A. Genovese Robert G. Harper Peter C. Hoffman P’02, ’04 Douglas J. Karnowski James M. McManus Robert Meaglia John Miller John A. Moe II Gary M. Pohlson Thomas Romano Carson Scheller Virat Thantrakul Tyson Tuchscherer

CLASS OF 1969 6.41% Frank R. Gioia Dennis M. Haupt William R. LaRue James K. Weisenberg Roger Wilcox

CLASS OF 1970 23% Clifford R. Anderson III Paul E. Arko Thomas R. Bell Thomas C. Bent Ronald Berry P’00, ’04 Mark H. Bevan Gregory E. Danenhauer Timothy J. Elfelt James L. Goetz Thomas V. Grimes Francis J. Johnson Christopher Klute Mark R. Krouse Howard S. Miller Stephen G. Mueller Don J. Olender P’08, ’09

Michael A. Petermann Brad G. Reaume P’05, ’06, ’08, ’10 Michael Roberti Stephen E. Seastrom Stephen M. Singer Michael Sullivan P’08, ’13 Gary Wood

CLASS OF 1971 8.51% Steven W. Herring Bob Kohorst P’03, ’07 Matthew McInerney Robert M. Nuccio P’00, ’02, ’04 James H. Pike P’99, ’03 Peter C. Thompson P’11, ’14 Mark Walton Paul Zwart

CLASS OF 1972 2.41% Kenneth Canzoneri P’01, ’02, ’04 Mark Passarini

CLASS OF 1973 4.71% Jeffrey G. Doring Daniel Koskovich Jeffrey A. Maldonado Bradford Wright P’07, ’12

CLASS OF 1974 6.94% Anthony Exposito P’08 John R. Foran Henry K. Jordan John R. Oldham P’08 Victor V. Polek

CLASS OF 1975 26.97% Paul J. Archambault John M. Bigley Scott Brown Dino Clarizio P’06 Philip A. Coombes Richard K. Crawford Wayne J. Damore Mark M. Dewald Sergio Escalante Terence M. Kelly James L. Le Berthon Paul J. Lees Gary Macdonald P’01, ’04 Michael J. Marlatt Steve Marsden Edward McFaul P’06 ’10, ’11, ’16 Robert A. Morgan Kirk Osborne

Thomas M. Ruggles Miguel Salas, Jr. P’06, ’07 Robert Singer William L. Sullivan P’07, ’07, ’10 Donald Tellez Nicholas S. Thompson

CLASS OF 1976 5.63% Kevin A. Cahill Paul Hermsdorf Michael J. Lamberti Joseph D. Peters

CLASS OF 1978 1.37% Brian J. Le Berthon

CLASS OF 1986 6.58% Patrick M. Brink Joseph Crews Gianni Galati Guy Labbe P’18 James B. Ryan

CLASS OF 1987 5.06% Everett M. Evleth Adam Konrad P’15, ’15 Hazim Rabadi Sean R. Sansone P’18, ’19

CLASS OF 1988 5.56% Ben F. Alvarado

CLASS OF 1979 7.41% Paul J. Gormican, Jr. Brian S. Miller P’03 Alan P. Mirasol Juan R. Montoya Kevin J. Moore Charles W. Tapert P’16

Steven G. Andres Tina D. Bonacci Russell E. Meek III Carlos E. Sanchez Trevor R. Spicer Francisca M. Gonzalez Virtue

Ray V. Pearl, Jr. Mary Magluyan Pearl Juliana DelMuro Ravetto Thomas Stafford Brandon D. Ward Joel C. Wesser

CLASS OF 1995 5.52%

Hector A. Campos, Jr. Dean C. Griffith Lisa M. Keeler Jason W. Kenoyer Nicole L. Murph Jeffrey R. Rodriguez

Christyann M. Stanislawski Andrianopoulos Allie Carsia-Talbott Ricardo J. Jurado P’15 Json D. Marruffo Michelle N. Mouton Shackelford Steven A. Slade Steven L. Talbot



CLASS OF 2000 3.51%

CLASS OF 2002 4.60% Philip Barbaro III Blake Bernstein Nabil Bisharat Vanessa L. Casillas Caulfield Maureen Nuccio Dunn Kathryn Canzoneri Griffith Sean M. Grimes Emily Paniagua

2015 74.12%

1970 23.00%

CLASS OF 1980 9.46%

1965 31.07%

1960 21.13%

CLASS OF 2003 7.87%

Lawrence Albinski Thomas Bigley P’09 Benjamin J. Joseph, Jr. James LeVeque Anthony Messineo Rafael Mirasol P’17, ’18 Gary Utter

1975 26.97%

1967 18.48%

1962 25.61%

1961 16.00%

2009 24.86%

1968 15.15%

Brandon Birr John Caulfield Teresa M. Ring Elmslie-Britt James Gibbs Shelley Griffith Gregory Mendoza Regina P. Orona Adam Palffy Robin Quintanilla Lisa M. Russo Caitlin Shea Peter S. Singer Lesley N. Wake Kathleen C. Zuniga

CLASS OF 1981 3.41% Orlando Clarizio, Jr. P’13, ’17 Jesse L. Corona P’12 ,’16 Brian J. Doerning P’11, ’15

CLASS OF 1982 3.03% Brian Cabot P’12, ’15 Juan Ossa P’10, ’12 Kenneth F. White

CLASS OF 1983 6.33% Max R. Esquivel P’17 Jeffrey J. Farroni P’19 Sean R. McCarthy Arnaldo P. Mirasol

CLASS OF 1984 7.81%

Help get your class in the Top Ten! Make your donation today at www.lancernetwork.com/InvestToday Edward Malicdem P’16, ’19 William C. Nicholas, Jr. Stan D. Oliai P’14, ’18

CLASS OF 1989 2.99% Greg D. Artis P’15 David Rodriguez

CLASS OF 1990 5.63% Adrian C. M. Fulay Owen Hou Patrick Mahoney Mark R. Sanderl

CLASS OF 1991 3.57% Bradley R. Toothman Andre C. Vener

Jeffrey J. Allen Bill Hardy John A. Joseph P’13, ’16 Gregory A. Moeller P’17 Christopher Rettig P’19

CLASS OF 1992 5.36%

CLASS OF 1985 4.40%

CLASS OF 1993 3.37%

Robert R. Kasper Christopher E. Kealey Kirk MacDonald P’15, ’17 Jeffrey L. Schauer

Ruben Martinez P’15, ’18 ,’19 Jeffrey J. Rogers Michael E. Sanderl

Ana R. Delgado Christopher C. Hazlitt Jesse M. Toribio, Jr. P’15

CLASS OF 1994 5.71%

CLASS OF 1996 2.08% Dustin DeMesa P’17 Rafael Lazcano, Jr. Louis A. Martinez

CLASS OF 1997 7.04% Kerry A. Donoghue Susan E. Ehring Rochelle L. Rodriguez Ferrari Ryan E. Garcia Julie Bonacci Kolb Eric Lilavois Erin L. Mann Markel Vanessa Strouse-Kenney Kathleen E. Polenzani Talbot Tamara Wann Wolf

CLASS OF 1998 4.67% Todd G. Bennett Jeffrey A. Buennagel Kimberly L. Muljono Day Jesstine Guzman Daniel T. Sheridan Erika N. Williams Kristen Schultz Wray

CLASS OF 1999 5.39% Gina M. Bottala LaPorte Nikkell Chiappetta Lilavois Erin A. McInerney

CLASS OF 2004 13.17% Lorenzo P. Begay Jennifer Belak Peter Brady Antoinette Kathol Brunasso James Carrido Mark Dondanville Amanda Fowler Anthony Gioia Jeffrey S. Jahnke Christopher Knowles Nicholas Louie Elizabeth McSweeny Jessica Short Miller Lynn H. Nuccio Stephanie Parker Jacqueline Peters Taleen A. Seropian Jenifer Beck Sojka Rony S. Velasquez Paul Villanueva Nicole Anderson Villanueva Jeffrey D. White FALL 2015 ANNUAL REPORT


ALUMNI GIVING CLASS OF 2005 6.59% Jason Dineros Amanda C. Evans Matthew Gaggioli Gianna A. Gioia Christopher A. Iglesias Matthew S. Jones Michael J. Miller Nam N. Phan Emily S. Roffe-Silvester Nicole Silva Christopher S. Victor

CLASS OF 2006 4.27% Monica Augustine Melissa Barrero Jamie Bennison Kirsten Real Granger Taryn Hoffman Evan J. Paniagua Daniel Reaume

CLASS OF 2007 5.29% Porter M. Byers Kyle Cheng Giselle Figueroa Matthew McCarty Matthew Mendoza Erika Palffy Reaume Anne-Marie Singer Phillip R. Velasco Gerald Whitehead Lisa M. Wickhem

CLASS OF 2008 4.17% John L. Bottala Stephanie R. Gioia Allison T. Madden Joseph M. Olender Michael T. Palffy Joseph J. Reaume Luke A. Sciaraffa

CLASS OF 2009 24.86% Cameron D. Alsbrook Nikolai G. Berrones Jacob T. Bigley Paola A. Bisharat Christian W. Briones Melissa Y. Cafagna Michelle E. Cafagna Elyse E. Chui Michel J. Giraldo Emily J. Greenstreet Jacqueline P. Harding Madeline N. Herlache Timothy P. Hoffman Matthew Housman Molly A. Hulbert Talia C. Ireland Jasmine J. Jenkins Katherine J. Kelso 18



John W. Kopcha III Gobind S. Manwani Kyle J. Marrs Ernest S. Martin Sean A. McIntosh Asa M. Merrigan Melissa A. Miller Isamar S. Montano Emily M. Multari Kathryn D. Olender Roberto Ortega Michael R. Petrovich Marie Y. Piette Cameron J. Scott Ashley E. Siewert Mary P. Snodgrass Matthew K. Techy Ashley M. Thomas Melissa E. Thomas Laura D. Trujillo Kimberly M. Tsuchiya Jena C. Umfress Victoria R. Vargas Tyler R. Varing Austin M. Williams Glen C. Willis

CLASS OF 2010 2.89% Patrick C. Clark Amber N. Fountain Ossa Bryan A. Ossa Jesslyn A. Stephen Serenidad V. Torres

CLASS OF 2011 1.06% Anthony G. Messina Doerning Samantha L. Whitehead

CLASS OF 2012 2.59% Jeffrey T. Briegel Angelique Nicole M. Carlos Randall P. Dominguez Jordan N. Marks Manuel Martin S. Soriano

CLASS OF 2013 1.69% Aaron M. Ealy Mitchell J. Hoffman Ian S. Quinn

CLASS OF 2014 1.79% Samantha M. Dier Jackson R. Goyette Robert F. McAlister

CLASS OF 2015 74.12% Christopher R. Adams JoeAl W. Akobian Karren A. Balaian Evan J. Baranich Max S. Behrens

Joshua W. Bolle Jake R. Bragg Taylor B. Brennan Lea A. Bruder John E. Caldas Isabella R. Camargo Alan M. Cardoza Nathaniel C. Chandler Sierra G. Cheung Alison Chi Ethan W. Chong Dillon J. Chow Jacob Crahan Savannah S. Daniel Frank A. Delgatto Haley A. DeSales Kelly A. Dominguez Ashley M. Duell Megan M. Duenas Carolann P. Dyson John F. Eagan Tyler S. Escoffery-Artis Dana J. Esparza Claire M. Faber Sydney M. Feese Jack Freiberger Venetia S. Freihube Colby A. Garcia Erin M. Garcia Isabella Garcia Lauren F. Gomez Philip M. Gong Kennedy M. Gordon Julia M. Hakanen Taylor J. Hakanen Karina L. Haleblian Katrina S. Hall Brett D. Harper Alexander P. Harrity Robert Hillier II India M. Hines Brady G. Jameson Christian P. Javryd Justin B. Jitpatima Ricardo J. Jurado II Jodie E. Kaya Tatiana M. Kedjidjian Cosmo Konrad Ryan Konrad Mackenzie K. Kuttruff David La Salle Santiago Lakatos Madison V. Lanyi Tierra M. Leustig Pauline Ma Matthew L. MacDonald David J. Magluyan Nina L. Marikian Taylor C. Marks John R. W. Marsh Megan B. Mathison

Madeline A. McGoldrick Ellery G. McGregor Aoife H. Megaw Kimberly A. Mejia Luis E. Melendez Alec R. Mena Joseph B. Messina Doerning Desiree M. Monarrez Melody S. Munson Alaina D. Nugent Minsha Ouyou Olivia C. Pope Alexandra C. Porges Patrick C. Quadra Kevin G. Quinn Jonathan Raymundo Sarah E. Reynolds Kayla M. Rix Victor M. Saavedra Dharshan Sabanayagam Daniel J. Saldivar Jack M. Samartin Adrian Reimer B. Sanchez Brandon A. Sandoval Crystal C. Santos Aubin M. Schuler Colin S. Shumate Kirstin I. Shuster Kristian S. Sigur Natalie R. Sirois Harvey Situ Kathleen N. Sparks Alexander N. Stamos Purnima J. A. Stanek Katherine E. Stoddard Katelyn H. Stone Mallory A. Susank Evan L. Talianko Bea Angeli A. Tan Alexandra M. Tango Jewels A. Tavera Kent L. Tor Jesse B. Toribio Michael N. Torres Courtney C. Totten Alexander J. Tuason Thomas F. Usle Julia R. Villamater Alyssa D. Villavicencio Riley N. Wallis Brett T. Wheat Alicia M. Wilson Joshua H. Wood Riley M. Worley Benjamin J. X. Wu Samuel Wu Alexi S. Zate Jenay Zhou Rory T. Ziehler-Martin Justin Thomas V. Zumel

MEMORIAL GIFTS The following individuals have given gifts “In Memory Of” an individual to the following funds: Bob Alcorn Memorial Scholarship Fund For Humanities, Sylvia Bernstein Memorial Golf Fund, Ian Blakeslee ’85 Memorial Scholarship Fund, Pat Bonacci, AFSC Endowed Scholarship Fund, Brother Celestine, FSC Endowed Scholarship Fund, Gloria Delaney Memorial Scholarship Fund, Tim Gripp Memorial Theatre Scholarship Fund, Annie Johnston Memorial Endowed Student Scholarship Fund, Annie Johnston Memorial Endowed Faculty Professional Development Fund, Corene L. Pindroh Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund, STEAM, Bob Thomas Memorial Scholarship Fund For Math & Science, Tuition Assistance Fund and the Margaret Roman Scholarship Fund. IN MEMORY OF ROBERT ALCORN

Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Hall ’62 Father Timothy Hunter ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Osborne ’62 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Walshe III ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Zwart III ’67

IN MEMORY OF BRIAN BARTA Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Barta


Mr. Patrick Mahoney, P.E. ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McInerney ’71

IN MEMORY OF IAN BLAKESLEE ’85 Mr. Gary Utter ’80 and Ms. Linda Ramsey



Mr. and Mrs. Peter Browne


Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Alinan ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Bartolme ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Becker ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Ned R. Bennett ’65 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Blackstock ’65 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Canny ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Clarke ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Cotter ’65 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Crawford ’65 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Delgatto ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Drean ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone R. Gaffney ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Hansen ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harold, Jr. ’65 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Higgins ’65 Mr. David L. Kennelly ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Terrence E. Klein ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lester ’65 Mr. John Maitino ’65 Mr. Robert A. Mallek, Jr. ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Maurin ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. McKenna ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Powers ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Randolph ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roosevelt ’65 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Shima ’65 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Slavin ’65 Mr. Dennis M. Sorges ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson ’65

Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Weigel ’65 Mr. R. Phillip Wheeler ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Ziegler ’65


California Community Foundation Ms. Tamara Flowers and Mr. Steve Cobb


Mr. J. Brian Baird and Mrs. Deborah Sinnette-Baird California Community Foundation Ms. Tamara Flowers and Mr. Steve Cobb Mr. M. Patrick Henry Mr. Jon Keates and Ms. Thanh Hoang Pete and Irene Santucci


Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Tortell

IN MEMORY OF BRUCE PATNOU ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Doring ’73


Mr. and Mrs. Everett M. Evleth ’87



Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Shima ’65

Mr. M. Patrick Henry

IN MEMORY OF RITA M. PIKE IN MEMORY OF JOHN FESSLER ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Seastrom ’70

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Pike ’71 Pete and Irene Santucci

IN MEMORY OF CORENE PINDROH IN MEMORY OF PEYTON COLEMAN FLOWERS California Community Foundation Ms. Tamara Flowers and Mr. Steve Cobb

GENERAL MEMORIAL DONATIONS Ms. Annette Dyson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montano


Francis Bacon Foundation, Inc. The Hastings Foundation The Schow Foundation



Mr. and Mrs. Victor V. Polek ’74

Mr. Peter S. Griffith


Pete and Irene Santucci

Mr. Scott P. Davis



and Mrs. Ronald Berry ’70 Scott P. Davis and Mrs. Chip Ossman III Tyler R. Varing ’09

IN MEMORY OF CLYDE LAIRD Mr. M. Patrick Henry Mrs. Tamara Wann Wolf ’97

Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Zwart III ’67




Mr. Cameron D. Alsbrook ’09 Mr. Nikolai G. Berrones ’09 Ms. Paola A. Bisharat ’09 Mr. Christian W. Briones ’09 Ms. Melissa Y. Cafagna ’09 Ms. Michelle E. Cafagna ’09 Ms. Elyse E. Chui ’09 Ms. Emily J. Greenstreet ’09 Ms. Jacqueline P. Harding ’09 Ms. Madeline N. Herlache ’09 Mr. Matthew Housman ’09 Ms. Molly A. Hulbert ’09 Ms. Talia C. Ireland ’09 Ms. Jasmine J. Jenkins ’09 Ms. Katherine J. Kelso ’09 Mr. John W. Kopcha III ’09 Mr. Gobind S. Manwani ’09 Mr. Kyle J. Marrs ’09 Mr. Ernest S. Martin ’09 Mr. Sean A. McIntosh ’09 Mr. Asa M. Merrigan ’09 Ms. Isamar S. Montano ’09 Ms. Emily M. Multari ’09 Ms. Katie Olender ’09 Mr. Roberto Ortega ’09 Mr. Michael R. Petrovich ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Petrovich Ms. Marie Y. Piette ’09 Mr. Cameron J. Scott ’09 Ms. Ashley E. Siewert ’09 Ms. Mary P. Snodgrass ’09 Mr. Matthew K. Techy ’09 Dr. Geza Techy and Ms. Kerry Fuse Ms. Ashley M. Thomas ’09 Ms. Melissa E. Thomas ’09 Ms. Laura D. Trujillo ’09 Ms. Kimberly M. Tsuchiya ’09 Ms. Jena C. Umfress ’09 Ms. Victoria R. Vargas ’09 Mr. Tyler R. Varing ’09 Mr. Austin M. Williams ’09 Mr. Glen C. Willis ’09

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Werden


Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Sanderl ’90


IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM R. “BOB” THOMAS Mr. Patrick Mahoney, P.E. ’90 Mr. John J. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Zwart III ’67

Mr. M. Patrick Henry Ms. Lydia L. Reyes Sincere Care Services



IN MEMORIAM Please pray for the these members of the La Salle Community who have passed away during the last 12 months. Live Jesus in our hearts... forever. Abram Apodaca Grandfather to Alexi ’15 and Noah Zate ’18 Megan Weller Bearse Wife of Sam ’01 Peggy Bent Mother of Tom ’70 and Dave ’75 Wendy Brenninkmeijer Mother of Ian ’07, Sophie ’09 and Miles ’12 Peter R. Burke ’66 Roberta May Cadd Mother of Christopher Cadd (Employee); Grandmother to Robin ’19 Adeline Camperi Grandmother to Nick Krizek ’07, Veronica Krizek ’08, Philip ’12 and Alex Krizek ’14 Jeff Carroll Father of Matt ’06 Frank Caudillo Former Employee Siro Chenorhavorian Mother of Saro ’93 and Ani (Chenorhavorian) Djingeuzian ’98 Shannon Muriel Fitzgerald Curran Grandmother to Derek ’04 and Robert Williams ’06 Margaret Erline Degrazio Grandmother to James ’07 and Caley Mauch ’10 Mark Deneen Father of Ricky ’11 and Aubrey ’13 Gary Dimkich Father of Nicole (Dimkich) Bukovensky-Szabo ’95 and Cara ’98 Richard “Dick” Fernandez ’62 Charles Michael Fontana ’61 Ed Garcia Father of Martin ’87 August Gioia ’64 Brother of Frank ’69 Mary Gormican Mother of Michael ’65, Kevin ’73 and Paul ’79 Philip Grochmal Father of Patrick ’07 and Preston ’09 Dennis Hart Father of Tawni (Hart) Wagner ’96 Lola Bernice Hayward-Norris Mother of Duane Norris (Employee) John Hermsdorf ’69 Brother of Robert ’71 and Paul ’76 Marianne Heydorff Grandmother to Gillian ’06 Rodney Hurst Father of Dianna ’08 Esler Johnson Grandfather to Madison ’12, Riley ’15 and Troy Worley ’17 Benny Joseph, Sr. Father of Ben ’80, Paul ’82 and John ’84; Grandfather to Justin ’13 and Christian ’16 Greg Kazanjian ’72 Robert “Bob” Kenz ’68 Brother of David ’71 Peter Kostos ’10 Bob Kummer Grandfather to Ryan ’13 and Sydney Flynn ’16 Clyde Laird Father of Rand Laird (Employee) Janie Lamp Mother of Savanah ’03 Gianny Lucarelli Father of Teresa (Lucarelli) Martin ’94 Mike McCaffrey ’64 Brother of Bill ’67 Mike McCord ’61 Ben Meier ’00 Michael Messina Father-in-Law to Brian Doerning ’81; Grandfather to Anthony ’11 and Joey Messina-Doerning ’15 and Gina Puccinelli ’17 Richard Miller ’60 Brother of Frank ’68 Joanna Muro Mother-in-Law to Ashley (Godwin) Muro ’00 Jack O’Leary ’62 Anthony Oliver Father of Christopher ’04 Thomas Plante ’73 Father of Jeff ’98 and Liz (Plante) Isaacs ’01; Brother of Robert ’74 and John ’79 Fernande and Harvey Plourde Aunt and Uncle to Donald DesHarnais (Employee) Cory Privett Father of Erika ’06 and Dayne ’09 Reyes Retana Grandfather to Ryan Garcia ’97, Melissa (Garcia-Bayha) Klose ’99, Stacie (Torres) Nyborg ’99, Jennifer Bayha ’06 and Christopher Torres ’06 Roman Anthony Sanchez Father of Kathy Sanchez-Fitzgerald (Employee) Cindy Sharp Mother of Jennifer (Sharp) Vegors ’05 and Ted ’09 Evelyn Smith Mother-in-Law to Pat Bonacci (Employee); Grandmother to Tina Bonacci ’94 and Julie (Bonacci) Kolb ’97; Great Grandmother to Dustin Pavon ’17 Mary Squire Mother-in-Law to Tom O’Connor (Employee) Joel Trudeau ’63 Brother of Dennis ’60 and Mark ’67 Charles Wimmer ’76 Brother of Richard ’74 Will Zanteson Father of Jane ’16 and Liam ’18 20



Kimberly Mejia gives the Commencement Address.

Evan Rambo, Ricardo Jurado, Thomas Morenov and Will Pyburn.

Back row, Maddy McGoldrick, Dharshan Sabanayagan. Front row, Desiree Monarrez, Megan Duenas.

Evan Talianko, Cameron Henerson, Aubin Schuler, Victor Saavedra and Sarah Reynolds.



Class of 2015 “Turning of the Tassel” ceremony.


a Salle High School graduated 170 seniors at its 56th Commencement on Friday evening, May 22, 2015. Commencement Exercises took place at the Church of the Nazarene. Alyssa Villavincencio, summa cum laude, gave the Welcome Address and Kimberly Mejia, summa cum laude, was chosen by the Faculty Commencement Committee for the honor of delivering the Commencement Address. Nathaniel Chandler, summa cum laude, received the La Salle High School General Excellence Award for the highest cumulative grade point average in the class. Karina Haleblian, summa cum laude, received the La Salle Scholar Award for Math and Science while Victor Saavedra, summa

Yolanda Valadez received the De La Salle Service Award at Commencement, shown with her aughters, Dianna Hurst ’08 and Denise Valadez.



cum laude, received the La Salle Scholar Award for Liberal Arts. Colin Shumate, summa cum laude received the La Salle Scholar Award for Visual and Performing Arts. Lea Bruder and David Magluyan received the John Stygles ’64 Excellence in Academics and Athletics Award. Riley Worley and Alexander Tuason received the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Christian Service Award. Haley DeSales and Justin Zumel received the Brother Celestine Excellence in Athletics and Sportsmanship Award. Tyler Artis received the De La Salle Award for academics, leadership and service. 99% of La Salle’s graduating class is attending college or universities or postgraduate academies and 92% of the class has matriculated to four-year institutions.

Benjamin Wu entertains the seniors as they prepare for the commencement exercises.

WE THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW… There are 170 students in the graduating class. Of those, 168 (99%) are attending colleges, universities or two-year colleges. One student is attending a prep school and one is taking a gap year. The 154 students attending four-year colleges (92% of the class) are in 19 states, the District of Columbia, and two foreign countries. Students applied to an average of 8.4 schools. Of four-year colleges in California, 85 students (50% of the class) are attending 36 schools: 23 public and 13 private.


University of California System (12%) Berkeley (3) Davis Irvine (5) Los Angeles (3) Riverside (5) San Diego Santa Barbara (2) Santa Cruz

California State University System (22%)

STATE COLLEGES Alabama Auburn University Jacksonville State University University of Alabama Arizona

Arizona State University Northern Arizona University (4) University of Arizona (8)


University of Denver University of Colorado at Boulder (2)

District of Columbia George Washington University

Channel Islands (3) Chico (2) Fullerton (2) Long Beach (2) Los Angeles Monterey Bay Northridge (8) Pomona (5) Sacramento San Bernardino San Diego (5) San Francisco San Jose (2) San Luis Obispo (2) Sonoma


Emory University


University of Hawaii at Manoa (4)


Massachusetts College of the Holy Cross Northeastern University


Art Center College of Design (2) Azusa Pacific University (3) California College of the Arts California Lutheran University (2) Chapman University (3) Loyola Marymount University (4) Pepperdine University (2) Santa Clara University Stanford University University of La Verne University of Redlands (3) University of San Francisco University of Southern California (3)

OUT OF STATE COLLEGES Of four-year, out-of-state colleges, 69 students are attending 49 colleges (21 public and 28 private) in 19 states, District of Columbia and 2 foreign countries, for a total of 41% of the class:

Illinois DePaul University North Park University Northwestern University Principia College School of the Art Institute of Chicago University of Chicago Indiana

DePauw University Indiana University at Bloomington Purdue University

Michigan Hillsdale College Missouri

Webster University

Nebraska University of Nebraska at Lincoln (2) New Mexico University of New Mexico Nevada

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

New York

Hofstra University Manhattan College Marist College New York University (3) Union College Fashion Institute of Technology


Lewis & Clark College Pacific University University of Portland Willamette University University of Oregon (2) Portland State University

Pennsylvania Lafayette College South Carolina The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina Texas Baylor University Southern Methodist University Washington Pacific Lutheran University Seattle University Evergreen State College Washington State University (2) Canada Thailand

University of Victoria Chulalongkorn University

14 students (8%) are attending 2-year community colleges, all in California. Citrus College (3) Pasadena City College (7) Santa Barbara City College (3) Santa Monica College Additionally, students were accepted at the following colleges and universities: Academy of Art University, Bryant University, Caldwell University, Castleton State College, Clark, University, Clemson University, College of New Jersey, Concordia University – Irvine, Daemen College, Elon University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – AZ, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Ithaca College (2), Jacksonville University, Louisiana State University, Miami University, Michigan State University (2), Montana State University, Montclair State University, Mount St. Joseph University, New Mexico State University, Pace University, Parsons The New School of Design, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pittsburg State University, Pratt Institute, Quinnipiac College (2), Regent University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Rice University, Saint Joseph’s University, Saint Louis University (2), Seton Hall University, Siena College, Simpson University, St. Bonaventure University, St. Edward’s University, Sterling College, Trinity College, Tulane University, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, University of Hawaii at Hilo (2), University of Mississippi (2),University of New Haven, University of Rochester (2), Virginia Commonwealth University, Washington College, Wayne State University, Western New England University (2), Western Washington University, and Xavier University. FALL 2015 ANNUAL REPORT



“I believe in expanding horizons and never being afraid to step outside of your comfort zone,” says Justin who pushed himself to the limit on the swim and water polo teams, as their captain. He also completed his Eagle Leadership project about the renovation of Big Dalton Day Camp, and earned the rank of Eagle Scout. “I think being a captain and Eagle Scout had expectations that help create a well-rounded individual. I built relationships and learned more about myself,” he says. Justin is attending Santa Clara University and majoring in economics.


“I want to focus on designing products that provide what the public needs. For example, I could design the next automated wheelchair to be more comfortable and useful, respond to voice command, adjust its own seat, the possibilities are endless,” says Monique. Monique studied at UCLA’s Design Media Arts Institute and at Art Center College of Design. She received La Salle’s Excellence Awards in both Design and Advanced Art. “Part of being an artist and a designer is having creative instincts, but hard work pays off.” She was a member of the volleyball team, Pi Alpha Chi, CSF, NHS, and Habitat for Humanity and is now studying at the Jimmy Iovine and Andre “Dr. Dre” Young Academy for Arts, Technology, and Business Innovation at USC.


“At La Salle there is always someone around to show support, whether it’s a teacher, coach, family or friend. Everyone wants to see you happy and push you to be the best,” says Claire. “I loved playing tennis. My friend Natalie and I played doubles. Working as a team we were able to help each other improve.” Claire received the Most Inspirational Player award in 2012 and 2014, and also received the Principal’s Scholar Athlete award for achieving a 4.0 GPA while participating in a varsity sport. She is attending CSU Channel Islands where she is pre-med.


The School’s mantra, “Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve” has been ingrained into Tyler’s everyday life, especially as a member of Habitat for Humanity and as a retreat leader. “Each club and activity provided me with unforgettable memories. Seeing my schoolmates excited about donating to others and seeing the smiles that we put on families’ faces is a very rewarding feeling,” says Tyler. “I aspire to a career that gives me the opportunity to serve others. My goal is to mix my passion for sports and helping others into a degree in sports medicine.” Tyler is majoring in Kinesiology at Pacific Lutheran University.




“My favorite memory is from the league swim finals. It was the last event of the meet and I was anchoring the 4x100 relay. We were nearly a body length behind and it was my turn to swim. I dove in and took the lead and we won the event,” recalls Alex. These past four years, Alex has basically lived in a pool as a member of the swim and water polo teams. “My teammates became my family and my coaches pushed me to my limit to become a better student-athlete. So many of us are built to run fast, but not many of us can actually swim fast. My career goal is to become a doctor and open a few medical clinics in the inner city.” Alex is majoring in bioengineering at UC Riverside.


“Music has changed my life. It’s given meaning and purpose to me. It perfectly reflects my emotions and it has helped me get through difficult moments,” confesses Joey. He has performed in Concert Band, Pep Band, Drumline, and Jazz Band. “I loved each one because, as a senior and captain, I could foster musical growth of other musicians and I was able to experiment and expand my musical interests.” Joey is attending USC’s Thornton School of Music and eventually wants to become a music producer, manager or writer.


“It is always a perfect time to sing for others and I love seeing everyone’s smiles while I perform because it lifts me up” says Kayla. She has been singing since she was six years old. She has performed in La Salle musicals, Jazz Band, and the Chamber Choir. Kayla’s first performance was in “The Musical Revue,” which was also her most memorable musical. “It was my freshman year, and I was actually the only freshman performing. Jude Lucas gave me a solo and encouraged me to be more confident in my singing. I learned so much from her and she inspired me to keep performing.” Kayla is attending Pasadena City College and then she will transfer to USC or NYU, where she hopes to study marketing and music.


Being a filmmaker is Evan’s love and passion. “Every time I work on a project I learn something new. When I’m on set I try to maintain laser like focus while keeping the creative juices flowing. Learning through experience is the best way to become excellent,” he says. Evan has completed three films, but is most proud of “Hooked” which is about a teen who seeks repentance after being trapped in a world of drugs and alcohol. His other films, “Red” a psychological study of the color red and how a savage killer exhibits violence through the color red; and a film about the love of playing the piano through interchanging black and white and color

styles. “I want to share my talent with the world, stand out and create a message that will make a difference.” Evan is studying Film Production at CSU Northridge.


By Jade Rogers ’01


uch like the red hair she has, RILEY WORLEY is a fiery and bright young lady. That drive, determination and persistence deep within her spread like a wildfire, pushing her to do her very best, never giving up and conquering her goals. And just like a wildfire, Riley took on enormous and massive roles during her four years in and outside of La Salle. She was Student Life President, a Gold Award recipient for Girl Scouts of America, captain of Varsity Softball and Varsity Water Polo, a member of the Senior Senate, and manager and head coach of the Altadena Little League Challenger Baseball program. Riley was unstoppable and untouchable, and no one could fail to see her accomplishments and leadership abilities. “Holding these leadership positions and being a part of these programs, sports and activities is what I love. I wanted to be a part of them and do all that I could, and I did,” says Riley. One of her biggest accomplishments was being elected La Salle’s Student Life President, which she first realized she wanted to run for when she was in the 8th grade. “Being President was such an honor and a position I appreciated everyday,” says Riley. Being able to represent La Salle at various events was one of her favorite activities. Whether it was Grandparent’s Day, Open House or the Pasadena Prayer Breakfast, Riley loved being able to speak on behalf of La Salle. Being Student Life President was a challenge, but it was being a Class Commissioner her freshman and sophomore year that helped prepare Riley because it gave her a taste of what it meant to hold a leadership position at La Salle. “Each year I held a leadership position that was more impactful and that helped me grow each step of the way. I am extremely grateful for that,” says Riley. Riley’s second biggest accomplishment was receiving the Gold Award for Girl Scouts of America. The Gold Award is Girl Scouts’ highest achievement and it is given to a high school student that has completed a seven-step project where they have to identify and change a community problem. “My project was with the Altadena Little League Challenger Baseball program. I began working with them when I was in the 5th grade, starting as a volunteer, to now being manager of the team and organizing practices and exercises. So when it came time to complete my project there was no other organization that I would have rather served,” says Riley. For her project, Riley built awnings to cover the dugouts so that no one would have to cancel practice on hot days. She also did general renovations by pulling weeds, laying new dirt down, and cleaning up the base path. “Girl Scouts has played a huge role in my life and has helped me develop into the leader I am today,” says Riley. For the past four years at La Salle, Riley has enjoyed being involved and definitely had a difficult time saying no when a new opportunity arose to join a club, a sport, or participate in an event. “It was a challenge at times, not to mention overwhelming and stressful when the responsibilities would pile on top of each other, but the most important quality of being a great leader is to have confidence. Also, I received a tremendous amount of support from teachers, coaches, family, friends and faculty. I can’t even begin to express how grateful I am for all the people that helped me,” says Riley. As a Lasallian student, Riley learned the importance of what it meant to be a servant leader and putting the needs of others before her own by giving all of her skills to benefit those around her. Riley’s skills kept her busy with other clubs and associations at La Salle that included Mock Trial, NHS, CSF, Student Ambassador, Support Our Troops, LEAP, Retreat Leader, and Pi Alpha Chi. Riley is attending the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University where she has a double major in Finance and Accounting, and hopes to pursue a major position at a Fortune 500 company. I believe Alicia Keys said it best: “This girl is on fire!”

“Our cross country team went to Mammoth Lakes for high altitude training. Running in the mornings, evenings, and nights, all while playing games and telling stories in between, was one of the greatest weeks of my life,” says Thomas, who also became the fastest runner on the team his senior year. One thing that being on cross country has taught him is that your limitations rise with the challenges you face. “I never would have guessed I would have gone from being the slowest runner on the team, to being the fastest. It was with that determination that I was able to achieve more than I perceived possible for myself.” Thomas believes it is always important to know your limits, but to never be afraid to challenge yourself because you might surprise yourself. Thomas is attending Webster University in Missouri and studying computer animation.


“Service to others is one of the most rewarding things anyone can ever do. It not only betters the lives of the people that are being served, but also the one who is doing the serving.” Victor recalls that at Camp CHLA (Children’s Hospital Los Angeles) he was in the Pediatric Oncology ward under the supervision of a nurse who was taking the lunch orders of all the children. One child, whom I had spent much time with, ordered more than his usual lunch. When the nurse asked him why, he looked at me and said, ’I wanted to order some food for my new friend here.’ “Hearing that little boy say that about me melted my heart and I knew right then and there that I wanted to dedicate my life to helping people like him.” At La Salle, Victor says he learned to venture outside of his comfort zone, and to push himself to be better each day. Victor also interned at Huntington Memorial Hospital and was on the football and track and field team. Victor matriculated at Northwestern University in Illinois and is a Biomedical Engineering student and hopes to become a surgeon.



By John Blackstock ’67


t was chills and thrills all week as the homecoming game approached at the culmination of Haunted Homecoming week. Student Life did a grand job of sponsoring five days of wearing themed Halloween costumes (monsters or villains, groups or pairs and orange and black attire), contests and games. Our traditional Thanksgiving/Homecoming Mass and Alumni Service Award presentation to Caley Mauch ’10 (see page 49) on Thursday was followed the next day by a spectacular and chilling Halloween inspired homecoming rally where members of the faculty and staff performed Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.”

Amon Milliner



Homecoming saw hundreds of alumni, students, parents and fans witness the crowning of Spencer Schoenbaum and Samantha Hardy as Homecoming King and Queen, while everyone thrilled to the hard-fought football game between Salesian High School and the Lancers. Time ran out on La Salle as their comeback fell short with a 21-14 loss. The Haunted Homecoming was a fun and exciting week with tremendous participation by the entire La Salle community. See more photos on La Salle’s Flicker page: www. lasallehs.org

Faculty members perform Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” at the Homecoming Rally.


Left to right, Hayden Tapert, Kayci Jatico, Tyler Rix, Amell Bishara, Spencer Schoenbaum, Samantha Hardy, Harry Yin, Madeleine Malicdem and Christian Billings

Raquel Ruiz ’17, Jewelyn Picket ’17, Jessica Synold ’17, David Pyle ’17, Mariam Seary ’17 Jenny Rodriguez ’16 and Jennifer Payne ’17.

Sabrina Hilario ’16

Natalie Gohrick ’18, Stephanie Stiver ’18, Sophia Anderson ’18 and Abby McKiernan ’18.

Lancer Cheerleaders



2015 Homecoming King and Queen, Spencer Schoenbaum and Samantha Hardy.

Alex Tuason ’15, Colin Shumate ’15, David Magluyan ’15, Courtney Totten ’15, Karren Balaian ’15

Tracy Cresta ’13, Madeline Pefferle ’13, Burt Cresta ’14, Andy Sett ’14

Don Olender ’70 and Keith Brown ’62

Michael Alexander ’10, Edward Alexander ’02, Adam Gibbs ’02

Kara-Leigh Huse ’08 and Michael Alexander ’10 with their 10th Battalion Alumni Athletic Awards

Alumni Board Members Jesse Toribio ’93, Tony Messineo ’80, Mike Sullivan ’70, Paul Lees ’75, Susan Ehring ’97, Phil Velasco ’07, Robin Quintanilla ’03



Anna Rapacz ’10, Bryan Ossa ’10, Robby Quintanilla ’10, Samantha Krost ’10

Kevin Delaney ’89 and his family

Luis Padron ’84, Joe Alvarez ’83, Jeff Allen ’84, Chris Rettig ’84

Susan Ehring ’97, Kathleen (Polenzani) Talbot ’97, Steven Talbot ’95, Jackson Talbot

Every decade was represented at Homecoming 2015 on Friday, October 30th. We loved welcoming all of our alums back to campus and seeing all of them at the alumni tent in the upper parking lot! At half-time Kara-Leigh Huse ’08 and Michael Alexander ’10 were

presented with the Tenth Battalion Alumni Athletic Award for their athletic accomplishments at La Salle and beyond. The alumni after party will be a new tradition so we look forward to seeing you all next year!

La Salle Cheerleaders perform at halftime.



10th Battalion

2015 Homecoming Honorees Michael Alexander ’10 Michael Alexander ’10 was a driven and passionate student athlete at La Salle. He was the youngest of five in his family to come through La Salle, so he was born a Lancer. He made that known on the football field as a versatile player who played multiple positions including WR, QB, Kick/ Punt Returner, Safety, and Cornerback for the Lancers. His diversity on the field and leadership from the bench made him a key player for the Lancers. Over his four years on the team Michael compiled 1,883 (642 receiving /646 rushing /212 passing) all purpose yards, 16 touchdowns, 37 tackles, and 4 interceptions. His accolades include being named All-CIF, League MVP, All-League, 1st Team All Area as well as being named La Salle’s Athlete of the Year in 2010. After graduation, Michael moved to northern California to study business and compete as a wide receiver, kick/punter returner for the Menlo College Oaks. He was a starter all four years for the Oaks and played in every game from 2010-2014 (41 games in total). Michael ended his career at Menlo with 140 catches for 1,570 receiving yards, 330 rushing yards and 17 touchdowns. Michael was one of the only players to run/ catch/throw a touchdown all in one game in college football of all levels. Michael graduated from Menlo College in 2014 with a degree in Business and currently works in the technical sales industry. His preparation and hard work stemmed from his family. He looked up to his older siblings as they led the path for his success. He would like to thank La Salle for being the second family to him they have always been and for the honor of the Tenth Battalion.



Kara-Leigh Huse ’08 team achieve All-Time top ten records in Consecutive Games Won (14) and Consecutive League Games Won (38). Kara-Leigh ended her Water Polo career at La Salle being inducted into the Hall of Fame, was named the La Salle Female Athlete of the Year and received the Brother Celestine All-Around Athlete Award at Graduation. Kara-Leigh signed with the University of Southern California to play Women’s Water Polo and played for the Trojans all four years with a trip to the NCAA Women’s Water Polo Championships every year. The Trojans won the National Championship in 2010 and with that win Kara-Leigh was invited with her teammates to Washington DC to meet with President Obama. Her honors and achievements at USC include earning the Scholar Athlete Award of Honor in 2010, 2011 and 2012; Mountain Pacific Sports Federation, All Academic Honors in 2010 and 2012; Cardinal and Gold recognition in 2012 for extraordinary service and commitment to the USC campus community.

Kara-Leigh Huse ’08 was a pioneer player with La Salle’s first ever girls water polo team in 2005. She was a First Team All-League selection for three years in the Prep League and helped the team to CIF play-offs in 2006, 2007 and 2008. KaraLeigh was named to the All-CIF First Team for three seasons and was also named Pasadena Star News All-Area Co-Player of the Year in 2008. During her junior year, she earned Junior Olympic MVP honors as a member of the City of Commerce 18 & Under Club Water Polo Team and took her senior year by storm setting a new CIF All-Time Girls Water Polo record for Most Goals Scored in a Career (620) and Most Goals Scored in a Season (183). Kara-Leigh played a critical role in helping the

Kara-Leigh, right, with fellow USC teammate Nadia Dan, holding the NCAA Championship trophy.

Kara-Leigh graduated in 2012 with a Bachelor of Fine Art from the USC Roski School of Fine Arts. An internship led to her full time position as a Youth Care Counselor at Optimist Home and Family Services where she runs the art workshop for at-risk youths. Kara-Leigh is concurrently pursuing a Master Degree in Art Therapy from Saint Mary of the Woods College in Indiana. FALL 2015 ANNUAL REPORT





ommunity service has been a passion for Carlos Sanchez ’94 as far back as he can remember. He was fortunate to be brought up in a family that taught him the importance of giving back to others who are less fortunate. “When I was younger, I recall my father, who was a dentist, doing pro bono work for people who could not afford his services. That same school of thought and work ethic was passed down to me. Much of my efforts during my professional career have focused around giving back,” says Carlos. When Carlos was accepted to the University of Southern California, he began to understand how he could better help those in need by implementing what he was studying at the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry. “I remember having to

background may have taken for granted. After being involved with the USC mobile clinic operations for four years as a student, it dawned upon me that this was my calling and something that I wanted to pursue in my professional career.” From becoming a Registered Dental Hygienist (RDH) and later earning a bachelor degree in dental hygiene (BSDH), Carlos continued to pursue higher education and earned a Master in Public Health from the USC Keck School of Medicine, with a focus on Health Education and Promotion. After completing his MPH, Carlos was recruited by USC to serve as a clinical co-director of the USC Neighborhood

rs of the an, Co-directo Linda Brookm ogram. d Pr an ic z in he Cl nc Dental Carlos Sa hood Mobile or hb eig N USC

go out to the migrant fields of Bakersfield to provide dental services to the children of that area via dental mobile clinics.” Carlos observed that most of the children had limited access to care and, in many cases, had never had a basic dental screening, or even been in a dental-care setting. The need was great and, more often than not, the efforts would be rewarded by smiles and hugs from the kids, reassuring the staff that their efforts were not unappreciated. The dental services were at no cost; so many parents welcomed Carlos and the rest of the staff with open arms. In some cases, the parents showed their appreciation by feeding the large group of dental students and faculty. Certainly a generous gesture! “Knowing that we could potentially be making huge differences in these children’s lives was far more gratifying and rewarding than any monetary compensation. It also made me reflect and truly value my fortunate upbringing and access to the basic health care needs that others in the same socioeconomic 32


Mobile Dental Van Prevention Program (NMDVPP) and an instructor in clinical dentistry at the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry. “I knew that I could not only make a difference with my patients in private practice but also serve the greater good through implementing what I had learned in graduate school. These positions have given me the opportunity to pass on my expertise to the next generation of oral health care practitioners as well as influence and point out the need for more community minded service.” The USC NMDVPP has been providing preventive dental treatment to children since its establishment in 1994. It is

Lead faculty, Carlos Sanchez, with dental colleagues and students at one of the many community health fairs.

the only school-based, mobile dental program in the City of Los Angeles. It seeks to reduce the prevalence of tooth decay through preventive care and education among elementary-school children, especially in areas where dental care can be outside the economic reach of families. “Our services currently include dental sealants, fluoride, prophylaxis, oral hygiene instructions, nutritional guidance, oral health education and anti-tobacco education for school children and teens in Kindergarten through 12th grade. By providing children in need with access to free oral health care and education, the incidence of dental disease has decreased in the areas we serve, thus increasing the quality of life that each child and family experiences. The Oral Health Baseline Needs Assessment of Underprivileged Children for Los Angeles County states that 75% of elementary school age children in Los Angeles have tooth decay. We hope to reduce the prevalence of childhood tooth decay through our oral health care efforts.” The NMDVPP collaborates with USC’s Good Neighbors Campaign. The Campaign provides grants for programs that enhance educational opportunities, promote good health and fitness, support economic development, and improve safety. USC faculty, staff, and friends gather together every October to help USC be a good neighbor. In all, more than $17.7 million dollars has been donated in support of universitycommunity partnerships. One hundred percent of the contributions are distributed via USC Good Neighbors grants. “My program, the NMDVPP, has benefited from these contributions by providing some sustainability and becoming a signature program for the Campaign.” Since becoming co-director of this unique dental program, Carlos has provided preventive care and education to more than 11,500 children at 15 local elementary and secondary schools within Los Angeles. The ultimate goal for the program is to

continue promoting optimal oral health and reduce the prevalence of childhood tooth decay and oral diseases in the city of Los Angeles while increasing awareness on the importance of good oral health via education and dental treatment. Carlos and the NMDVPP program will continue providing dental services via two more mobile dental vehicles, which allow for better access to schools and more community events. New approaches will include the expansion of an Anti-Tobacco Education Program to the secondary schools within LAUSD and educational health sessions (including oral health, nutrition and anti-tobacco) and oral cancer screenings offered to parents, teachers, staff, and administrators of these respective schools. Working in the health-care field and being able to provide such a valuable service has been genuinely rewarding on a personal level for Carlos. Bridging that gap in access to care via mobile dentistry is a powerful tool in improving the lives of hundreds of

Carlos with his mother Violeta Sanchez, brother Alex Sanchez ’87 and Dean Avishai Sadan of the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC after receiving the Outstanding Faculty award.

children. Knowing that he is having such a tremendous impact today only reaffirms Carlos’ efforts and hard work from his younger years “Some of my fondest memories regarding community service started while at La Salle. I would participate in various community outreach activities in which we would often partner with local community organizations and volunteer our time and efforts to benefit the under served as well as individuals with physical or developmental challenges. I can recall thinking to myself that it was so rewarding to know that as a high school student my efforts were making a difference,” says Carlos. And Carlos continues to make a difference today. FALL 2015 ANNUAL REPORT


A Far Out and Groovy Night.

Can You Dig It? By Jade Rogers ’01

Principal, Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, left and President, Dr. Richard Gray, far right, present the 2015 Crystal Ball honoree Ed Malicdem ’88 with the award. Next to Ed is his wife Monique and children Madeline ’16 and Michael ’19.




Winery via a private he Disco Era of Learjet 35. the late 1970s came back to Over 450 guests life on May came to enjoy the 8 with “Disco Fever” Crystal Ball and to Enjoying the “Fever” were Bret and Michele Hardy P’16, ’19 with Lynnea and Brent Schoenbaum P’16, ’19. at the 16th Annual congratulate the 2015 Crystal Ball that Lasallian Volunteer of was held at the Langham Huntington Hotel in Pasadena. Crystal the Year honoree: Ed Malicdem ’88, P’16 ’19. Ed, who is currently Ball Chairs Ellen Radle, P’17 and Lisa Rico P’17, ’18, chose the the Director of the Glendale branch of Merrill Lynch, has built theme that spanned the time of flashing lights, steady tempos and success upon success. He has served on the Finance Council and as choreographed dance moves that were all “groovy” in the ’70s. the President of the School Board at Saint Dominic’s, and the Board Guests at the Crystal Ball were dressed head-to-toe in of Regents at La Salle. Ed also launched Hoop-it-Up at La Salle, a polyester, jumpsuits, loud patterns, colorful leisure suits, and national organization that promotes 3x3 basketball tournaments in platform shoes, all while enjoying a night filled with fun, laughter, local communities. Now in its third year, Hoop-it-Up has generated and fellowship. “The theme ’Disco Fever’ clearly told you what the in excess $60,000 in support of financial aid. From the time Ed Crystal Ball was about. Guests arrived and stayed in character, was a student at La Salle and to this day, he never lost sight of what wearing platform shoes, bellbottoms, and afros. It was hilarious and the Christian Brothers taught him, which was to have a personal unbelievable. We really struck gold with this year’s theme,” gushed and moral responsibility to give back to others the gifts that God Ellen. Guests also enjoyed dancing underneath the shooting light has given you. Ed’s journey has come full circle with his daughter beams and spinning disco ball to the musical hits from the ’70s Maddie, a senior and his son Michael, a freshman, both at La Salle. that included the soundtrack from Saturday Night Fever. Tables With a sold-out attendance, this year’s Crystal Ball netted over were elegantly dressed with silver overlays and topped with clear $258,000, putting the total amount raised to more than $3 million cylinders filled with diamond crystals, water lights and white and since the first Crystal Ball in 2000. “The entire committee had a purple flowers and the guests were treated to three scenes from blast putting together ’Disco Fever.’ The Crystal Ball is about having La Salle’s spring musical “Disco Inferno.” fun and raising money for La Salle and everyone from this year’s New to the Crystal Ball this year was the use of electronic committee is coming back. Nobody wants to leave,” says Ellen. The bidding. Guests felt the rush of excitement as they priced their bids Crystal Ball is La Salle’s biggest fundraiser of the year. Proceeds on their smartphones using an app that cataloged dozens of items from the evening help support the School’s academic, athletic, arts during the Silent Auction. Live Auction items included a six-night and financial aid programs. The generosity and support that La Salle stay in Catalina, Staples Center luxury suite watching your favorite receives help foster each student’s unique talents and gifts through team, dinner with Dr. Gray and Brother Christopher, five-night stay its many programs and services. in Laguna Beach, and a trip to the O’Connell Family Napa Valley FALL 2015 ANNUAL REPORT


David and Angela Lam P’08,’09, third and second from right with their guests.

Students perform a dance from “Disco Fever,” the spring musical.

Rafael and Monica Mirasol ’80, P’17,’18



Brother Christopher Brady, FSC and Dr. Richard Gray, present gifts to the Crystal Ball Co-Chairs, Lisa Rico P’17,’18, left, and Ellen Radle P’17.

Members of the softball team did a wonderful job selling “Opportunity Drawing” tickets during the silent auction. Above are Vanessa Dwyer ’16, Paula Damas ’16 and Kolby Deziel ’17.

Father Bill Nicholas ’88, Stan Oliai ’88, Ed Malicdem ’88 and Brother James Joost, FSC.

Tony and Monique Delgatto P’12,’15.

Matt Wright P’16 checks his electronic bid.

Dr. Says Aloha to the Islands C

Ellen Radle and Robin Tapert with lucky winner Dr. Vincent Fortanasce.

ongratulations to Dr. Vincent Fortanasce P’91, ’94, ’97 winner of the fabulous Hawai’i drawing. The winning ticket was drawn by Brother Christopher at the Crystal Ball. Shown at left, Dr. Fortanasce was presented with his winning certificate by Ellen Radle P’17, Co-Chair of the Crystal Ball and Robyn Tapert P’16, Chairperson of the Hawai’i Opportunity Drawing. Dr. Fortanasce will enjoy eight fabulous days in beautiful Maui, Hawai’i. This is a Pleasant Holidays vacation for two, including round-trip airfare from LAX, plus $300 credit towards food, beverage, restaurants and room service. This luxurious vacation also includes two tickets to the fabulous Myths of Maui Luau all made possible by a grant from the William H. Hannon Foundation. Dr. Fortanasce purchased his lucky ticket at the La Salle Golf Classic held in October 2014. Congratulations to Robyn Tapert for an outstanding year in ticket sales. This year Robyn succeeded in selling $11,200 in tickets. Thank you Robyn! All proceeds go directly to La Salle High School. Maybe next year will be your lucky year! Aloha Dr. Fortanasce! FALL 2015 ANNUAL REPORT


IT’S A THREE By John Blackstock ’67


After four years of Latin, then Spanish and then Chinese, who would have thought the one language I needed to know was Dutch!” said Erin (O’Brien) Oliver ’06 during her presentation of a new 3-D printer that she and her husband Simon donated to La Salle for the STEAM Program. “When I read about the STEAM Program in Lancer Magazine I knew this would be a perfect addition to the arts and science part of the curriculum,” she said. Erin and Simon started fbrc8 (pronounced “fabricate”) just 18 months ago and have 25 employees manufacturing Ultimaker 3-D printers in the United States. “It’s a Dutch company, but we are the US manufacturer and support partner,” she says. “Many major US companies have our machines, and now La Salle does too!” The Gift Acceptance Committee at La Salle has accepted a number of gifts-in-kind recently,” notes Jon Keates, Director of Institutional Advancement, “but Erin’s gift provides an important boost to our STEAM initiative.” Keates reports that the School is hard at work to acquire the three additional 3-D printers that are among the capital needs identified in the STEAM Master Plan. Keates contends that when these are acquired, La Salle will enjoy a significant edge in technology over most of the secondary schools in Southern California. “Gifts-in-kind like Erin’s can be enormously helpful to our School,” says Keates, “and they may also qualify as a tax deduction for the donor, so the benefits are plural.” Erin’s journey toward entrepreneurial business ownership started after graduation when she matriculated to Indiana University of Pennsylvania and majored in History and Asian Studies. Following graduation, Erin was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship and taught ESL classes in Taiwan where she also wrote a storybook geared for ESL students. “IUP was a great fit for me after La Salle. There was a big service learning component and I already had a Lasallian background, so it was incredibly rewarding. Everyone is 38


not given the same breaks in life, so it’s gratifying to know you can help to make a difference in someone’s life. I feel that way with our employees. They all make a living wage and have benefits. We never ask them to do anything we haven’t done. After all, for the first couple of months, Simon and I were building all the printers ourselves.” “As an actress and tech-hand, Ms. Lucas was very influential in my life at La Salle, so I am doubly pleased to give back to my alma mater and the arts program,” said Erin. “Three-D printing will be a big part of the future and we are thrilled to have this machine for the art Department,” commented Ms. Jude Lucas, Chair of Visual and Performing Arts. The science department is using our first 3-D printer in Brian Miller’s Innovations class. They intend to create parts for a prosthetic hand in a future class. This summer, Mr. Brian Miller ’79 and Mr. Doug Rynerson will teach a class that will allow students to program and build another 3-D printer. “They essentially will clone their own 3-D printer,” said Miller. “Talk about cost effectiveness,” commented math and film arts teacher Doug Rynerson. “Many classes today are flipped, so we can’t wait to see what amazing and creative ideas our student come up with,” he says. Erin reminisced that just over a year ago fbrc8 was based in a one-room office over a coffee shop. “I knew teaching was not for me, but at La Salle and IUP critical thinking was paramount so this opportunity to be at the vanguard of a new industry was hard to turn down. I have always been a “techy” and Simon was into 3-D printing and we just lept at the chance to make a really great machine more accessible to the Erin (O’Brien) Oliver ’06 US.” assembles a 3-D printer. Erin believes there is a learning curve to the technology, but has no doubt La Salle students will do great things with it. The technology has innumerable applications in the medical, aerospace, education and virtually all-manufacturing fields. The future has more dimensions every day.




LANCERS ATHLETICS The La Salle boys golf program set new standards in a historic season. The varsity golf team was comprised of seniors Jesse Toribio, Ryan Konrad and Cosmo Konrad and juniors Tyler Anastasia, Sean Kelly, Noah Gohrick and Zack Christopher. The team compiled an overall record of 18-0 in match play and captured the Del Rey League Crown with a league record of 10-0. The team defeated Arcadia and Maranatha in non-league play as well as sweeping league rivals Cathedral and Bishop Amat. The Lancers swept through the league prelims at Wilson Golf Course and league finals at Skylinks Golf Course earning all five spots to the CIF Southern Division Individuals at Skylinks. The team advanced to the CIF South Coast Divisional at Talega Golf Course in San Clemente. One of the highlights of the season was shooting a 7-under par in a match vs. Bosco Tech at Whittier Narrows Golf Course. Sean Kelly earned league MVP honors with a 36 hole score of 149 at league prelims and finals. Tyler Anastasia, Jesse Toribio, Ryan Konrad, Cosmo Konrad and Noah Gohrick earned 1st Team AllLeague. Zack Christopher earned 2nd team all-league honors. Toribio signed a letter of intent to continue his playing career at California State University San Bernardino. The Junior Varsity team had an overall record of 9-1. Freshman Jeremy Law had a standout season shooting consistently low scores. Nicholas Reyes-Campos shot a hole-in- one on a par 3 hole at Altadena Golf Course.


Sean Kelly

League champion and the CIF medley “Dream Team,” from left are, Jacqueline Torrez ’16 , Madison Lanyi ’15, Raquel Ruiz ’17, Isabella Garcia ’15.



Head Swim Coach Mike Jafari was happy to announce that our biggest swim squad in three years sent 15 qualifiers to CIF, 12 of them moved on to the CIF Finals on May 15. “That’s a huge percentage qualifying for finals,” he said. Jackie Torrez captured the CIF Individual Championship in the 100 Breast stroke and the 200 IM in the Division IV Finals in Riverside in May. *See the Lancer Athletics website for final results in all sports.


Long and Triple Jump and hurdle star, India Hines ’15 had another successful track and field season, where she led the small but mighty Lady Lancer team to becoming the 2015 Del Rey League Champions. India finished the season strong at the CIF Division IV finals, becoming the 2015 Division IV champion in the triple jump, and placing 4th in the 300 low hurdles. La Salle took nine athletes that were entered in 12 events to the CIF prelims in Carpinteria. Six athletes advanced in seven events including top-ten qualifiers India Hines, triple jump, 300 meter hurdles, Eleni Daughters, 400 meter dash, Harvey Situ, pole vault, Sebastian Schiff, shot and discus plus the girls 4x100 relay team.

India Hines ’15 on the long jump runway.




Four Lancers Sign to Play College Athletics




By John Blackstock ’67


ational Letters of Intent were signed by four Lancers in the spring. Alyssa Tavera signed with Azusa Pacific (Volleyball) and Jesse Toribio signed with Cal State San Bernardino (Golf). Will Pyburn signed with Jacksonville State (Football) and Robbie Hilliard signed with North Park University (football). WILL PYBURN created a tremendous buzz by throwing for 1501 yards and 17 touchdowns as a junior. His senior season was not as productive, throwing for 998 yards and 7 touchdowns, but Pyburn had an outstanding Blue-Grey All-Star game and was was offered a scholarship to Division IA Jacksonville State in Alabama. ROBBIE HILLIER II signed with North Park University in Chicago, Illinois. Hillier had a standout senior season for the Lancers at receiver, conerback, and was a dynamic kick returner. Hillier came up with big plays whether it was intercepting a pass, making a great catch, or returning a kick for a touchdown. ALYSSA TAVERA “The key to a successful volleyball program is having a good Setter. She is your quarterback and the person who touches every second ball. Alyssa was a phenomenal setter, and a natural leader and competitor,” said her coach, Tiare Tuitama. The Lancers’ 5’ 4” setter put up 2,896

set assists, 758 digs, 211 kills and 17 solo blocks. Tiare recalls that in the 2012 CIF Championship game we are down by one point against El Dorado. The ball is served and Alyssa is back row but surprisingly dumps the ball over the net to tie the game saving the win. The next year in the CIF championship against Harvard Westlake, we just needed one point to win. Our front row is getting blocked, but Alyssa gets a good pass and deftly dumps the ball again to win the 2013 Championship! She was always told she was too short to set at the collegiate level, but she is now the starting setter at Azusa Pacific University. JESSE TORIBIO is a three-time All Del Rey League golfer. Jesse has been tremendously consistent in all aspects of his game, which includes off the tee, in the fairway and with his short game. Jesse helped lead the Lancers to back-to-back league championships and was an integral player in leading the Lancers to an 18-0 record in match play in 2015. Jesse capped off a stellar career by being named one of the Lancer golf team MVP’s. Jesse will continue his playing career on scholarship at California State University at San Bernardino. Pyburn



Athletic Director, Anthony Harris reports that in the last four and a half years, La Salle has signed 31 student-athletes to participate in college athletics.

Lancer Alumni currently participating in collegiate level athletics: • Caroline Knop – University of Michigan (Volleyball) • Jordan Hill – University of Wisconsin (Basketball) 2014 NCAA Final Four Participant • Daniel DeLa Torre – UCLA (Cross Country & Track and Field) • Bubba Derby – San Diego State University (Baseball) • Beverlee Valerio - Redlands University (Softball) • Kennedy Cribbs – University of Indiana (Softball) • Claire Fitzgerald - University of Puget Sound (Basketball) • Samantha Torres - Bryant University (Swimming) • Cassidy Rey – University of Denver (Soccer) • Alex Astorga – Jackson State University (Soccer) • Sam Dier – St. Edwards University (Soccer) • George Medina – Midland University (Baseball) • Bryce Harvey – Western Colorado (Football) • Stephanie Ferri – Fordham University (Softball) • Sterling Shuster – LMU (Softball) • Alyssa Gonzales - Seattle University (Track and Field) • Michelle Johnson - MIT (Track and Field) • Itos Aikhionbare - UC Irvine (Track and Field) • Tracy Cresta - Redlands University (Track and Field) • Marcus Tappan - Montana State (Football) • Haley DeSales - Washington State (Volleyball) • Evan Rambo - Cal (Football) • Isaiah Spencer-Lopez - Sacramento State (Football) • Nate Chandler - University of Chicago (Football) • Chris Robinson - Montana State (Football) • Alyssa Tavera - Azusa Pacific University (Volleyball) • Jesse Toribio - Cal State San Bernardino (Golf) • Will Pyburn - Jacksonville State (Football) • Robbie Hillier II - North Park University (Football)

Michael Lynch

Michael Parisi

Two Outstanding Coaches Join the Lancers MICHAEL LYNCH has been the Head Basketball Coach at Price High School in Los Angeles since 1996 where he recorded a 511-105 record in 19 seasons. His teams made 12 CIF Finals appearances coming away with 10 CIF Championship trophies while setting the CIF consecutive championship win streak at eight. Price has won six state titles, eight regional titles, 10 division titles, and 11 league titles. Under Lynch’s leadership, Price is only one of two schools to ever win four consecutive boys state titles. Lynch has done more than just win games. He has sent 29 student-athletes to college on athletic scholarships, 19 of them to Division I Universities and another dozen to Division II and NAIA Universities. He has served two tenures as Athletic Director for the Knights. Lynch, the five-time CIF Coach of the Year, and the CIF State Coach of the Year has been a mentor, role model, father figure and friend to the student-athletes that have come through the program. “Mike brings his exceptional coaching ability and his extensive basketball background to our coaching staff and has a Christian-based ethic that will be a perfect fit for us,” said La Salle’s Athletic Director, Anthony Harris. Lynch began his basketball career at Pius X High School and graduated from Dominguez Hill High School. He then played at Victor Valley City College and finally at Long Beach City College. MICHAEL PARISI joins the Lancers as varsity baseball head coach after he led the Pasadena High School Bulldogs to seven CIF play-off appearances from 2009 to 2015. Mike was the Pacific League Coach of the Year in 2012 and coached a record 20-win season with the Bulldogs in 2013. Mike had a 117-101 record during his eight-year tenure at Pasadena.

Previously, Coach Parisi was the varsity baseball head coach at Arcadia High School from 1999-2003 (87-21) leading the Apaches to Pacific League Championship titles four consecutive years. In 2000, he was recognized as Pacific League Coach of the Year. In 2002, he was named the Pasadena Star-News Coach of the Year. Parisi graduated from Arcadia High School in 1991 where he earned all CIF Honors in both basketball and baseball his senior year. At California State University, Fullerton, Parisi was the starting pitcher for the Titans from 1992-1994 where they played in the College World Series in 1992 and 1994. He was “All Big West Conference” in 1993 and 1994. In 1994, he was also recognized as a “Collegiate Baseball AllAmerican.” The California Angels drafted Parisi in the 30th round in 1991 after his senior year at Arcadia and in 1994 he was drafted by the Florida Marlins in the 6th Round of the Major League Baseball Draft. He played four minor league seasons with the Florida Marlins reaching Double A in 1997. In 1998, he played for Sonoma County Crushers Independent League where they won the championship. Coach Parisi is a member of ABCA (American Baseball Coaches Association), and BCA (Baseball Coaches Association) as well as the CCA (California Coaches Association). He received his BA in Communications from Cal State Fullerton in December 1997, his MBA in July 2000 and earned his single subject credential in Physical Education in 2005 from Azusa Pacific University. La Salle’s Principal, Brother Christopher Brady, FSC said, “Coach Parisi is a great addition to La Salle. He is a very experienced and successful coach in developing exceptional student-athletes.” FALL 2015 ANNUAL REPORT


c i s s a l C f l o G R E C N LA Over one hundred Lancer Golfers ready for the shotgun start!


n a spectacular, warm, sunny Southern California day, 110 alumni, parents, students, friends and faculty gathered at beautiful Glendora Country Club to participate in the 23rd Annual La Salle Golf Classic on Monday, October 12. Golfers took to the links to test their skills in a four-person scramble tournament, featuring ’hole-in-one’ and ’closest-to-the-pin’ contests on all four Par 3 holes and two long-drive contests. The tournament also featured both a ’$1 Million Dollar Shootout’ and a ’$5,000 Putt’ contest. The ’$1 Million Dollar Shootout’ contest provides the opportunity for one lucky player to take home a $1 million dollar, 40-year annuity by sinking a 165-yard shot from the 18th fairway. The lucky name drawn was Michael Palffy ’08, who made a great shot that landed just off the right of the green. The chance to sink a 40-foot putt for $5,000 was won by Dennis Jebbia from the LSHS Board of Regents. Unfortunately, Dennis left his difficult right-to-left breaking putt, just a tad short. Golf was followed by a cocktail reception and awards banquet in the dining room of the newly-remodeled Glendora CC clubhouse. The attendees enjoyed cocktails and plated hors d’oeuvres, while La Salle’s own, Pat Wickhem, called out the day’s raffle winners and promoted the tournament’s Silent Auction. A delicious buffet meal followed, and while everyone finished eating dinner, tournament Co-chairs, Don ’70 and Joe Olender ’08, announced the tournament’s winners.

Tom Bigley ’80, with his son, Jake ’09 and nephew Chris ’05

Dr. Glen Weeden P’17



Jim Reedy ’67, Brian Kneier ’67, Marty Kneier ’66 and Larry Brown ’67

Nicole Paradis ’03, with proud dad, Steve Paradis

Dr. Gray holds the Gof Classic trophy with the 1st Place winners – Net 55 – Tommy Radle ’17, Josh Yee ’16, Tyler Anastasia ’16 and Sean Kelly ’16

Tom Radle, Tommy Radle ’17, Sean Kelly ’16, Clive Kelly, Josh Yee ’16, Steve Yee, Tyler Anastasia ’16, Jack Anastasia

Harry Agajanian with Kevin, ’03, Matt ’07 and Bob Kohorst ’71

Classic Co-chair Don Olander ’70 with Michael Palfy ’08 and his dad Tom




Brother De Sales Celebrates His th 60 Anniversary Brother De Sales Benning, FSC.


Comments by Brother Christopher Brady FSC, Principal at the celebratory liturgy in the fall.

rother De Sales and I share a common anniversary this wouldn’t think of him when reading these words of Saint John year: Brother De Sales is celebrating his 60th anniversary Baptist de La Salle: as a Religious Brother and I am…60. I can’t resist pointing “Be warm-hearted to everyone, speaking to others in a gentle and out to him that, at the time Brother De Sales joined the Christian respectful way.” Here’s what Brother Lawrence Haley of the Cathedral Brothers Brothers, I was joining the world. And yet, here we are, sixty years later, celebrating an amazing milestone for Brother De Sales - long Community had to say about Brother De Sales at the time of his after many people leap into retirement, he leaps into his car every 50th anniversary of vowed life: “His presence, his spirit of faith, his creative zeal, his wit morning and makes the commute from the Cathedral High School Community to his beloved La Salle and puts in a full day’s work. and humor and his generosity have enriched our lives, the lives And his devotion to La Salle does not end with the start of summer of his colleagues and the lives of those students he has taught vacation. Students would not necessarily know this, but Brother De and counseled.” Lastly, one of the most powerful images Saint John Baptist de Sales continues to come to work during the summer to help Kathy Medlock, our Registrar, close out current student files and prepare for the next academic year. Brother Roque Amorim, FSC, Brother La Salle Bossong, FSC, Brother De Sales Benning, FSC, Brother William Carriere, FSC, In my brief remarks this morning I want to Brother John Montgomery, FSC and Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, draw your attention to ways in which Brother De renew their vows as Christian Brothers before the Sales daily exemplifies the ideals articulated by La Salle Community. Saint John Baptist de La Salle over 300 years ago. In his Meditations for the Time of Retreat, De La Salle asserted that: “You must then, look upon this work entrusted to you (by parents) as one of the most important and most necessary services in the church.” To say that Brother De Sales loves and is deeply committed to his work at La Salle is an understatement. In fact, his 29 years of service to La Salle represents more than a third of his 60 years in Religious Life. His devotion to his students and colleagues is not only exemplary but worthy of emulation by veteran and novice teachers alike. And yet, as devoted to his work in and out of the classroom as he is, Brother De Sales knows how to enjoy his involvement with students and colleagues here at La Salle. As one member of the La Salle articulated in describing the ideal relationship between the faculty observed: Brothers and their students aptly captures Brother De Sales’ daily “He is such a good sport with students…” …especially when he dons a bear costume at a Rally, dances around interaction with everyone in this room: “You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those the floor of the Duffy Lewis Gymnasium, only to remove the bear’s head and receive a stunned and delighted standing ovation from entrusted to your care.” Please join me in thanking Brother De Sales for 60 years of the students upon their discovery that our Brother De Sales was devoted, loving and faithful service to the students entrusted to his more than happy to have some fun at his own expense. Who, knowing Brother De Sales for any length of time, cares. 46




Ring gets the Ring

eresa Ring ’03 and Sean Elmslie-Britt were married under the shade trees at the Padua Hills Theatre, in Claremont on May 1, 2015. The newlyweds honeymooned in Hawai’i before returning to their new home in Ontario. Former principal, Patrick Bonnaci officiated the nuptials and Christina Russo ’00 was the wedding photographer. Teresa is currently Assistant to the Guidance and Counselling Department.

Top, Robby Quintanilla ’10, Sean Elmslie-Britt, husband, Chris Ring ’01, bottom, Joni Ablay ’03, Lisa Russo ’03, maid of honor, Jenny Reaume ’03, bridesmaid, Teresa Ring, Elmslie-Britt ’03, bride, Brittney Medrano ’03, bridesmaid, Robin Quintanilla ’03, bridesmaid, Christina Russo ’00

Kjersti (Housman) Holyfield ’04 is Lasallian Educator of the Year


By Brother Christopher Brady, FSC

he Lasallian Educator of the Year award is given annually to a faculty member who exemplifies the qualities of St. La Salle. They must be a dedicated, committed and qualified educator. A person who cherishes and cares for their students like an older brother or sister and, above all, someone who is committed to a life of faith and prayer so that they can teach their students in the spiritual life, inculcating living values. Without a doubt, Kjersti (Housman ’04) Holyfield exemplifies these criteria. In every way, St. La Salle himself would have been proud of this 21st century educator.

Kjersti clearly enjoys teaching and being around young people. One of the qualities that she exhibits in teaching and leading is a real passion for developing the whole student. In fact, one can find our recipient on campus at all hours because of the commitment that has been made to be available before classes begin and then during break and lunch. Kjersti has been associated with La Salle for 15 years - having been a Lancer and now a teacher. As a graduate of the Class of 2004, she was most proud of getting a CIF championship ring for track. We are proud to honor this teacher who has been serving this community of students and who now becomes our newest Lasallian Educator of the Year.

Hello Doctors May 2015 was a great month for Jude Lucas and Doug Rynerson as they completed research and doctoral dissertations at USC. Dissertations were titled, The Impact of Globalization, Economics and Educational Policy on the Development of 21st Century Skills and STEM education in Costa Rica. They successfully defended and were both awarded Doctorates in Education, (EdD)

by the University of Southern California in Educational Leadership. Doug is a Theatre Arts Technical Supervisor and a mathematics instructor while Jude is the Visual and Performing Arts Department Chair, a department instructor and directs many of La Salle’s theatrical productions.



COACH AGAJANIAN Convocation Celebrates RETIRES, (sort of) FACULTY UPDATE

302 YEARS OF LASALLIAN SERVICE The 2015 Lasallian Convocation honoring La Salle High School employees was held on October 6th in the Grinstead Theatre. Over 300 years of dedicated Lasallian service was represented by our faculty and staff who celebrated anniversaries.

By John Blackstock ’67


Mr. Patrick Bonacci, AFSC, P’94, ’97 receives his 30th Anniversary gift from President, Dr. Richard Gray.

30 Years

PATRICK BONACCI, AFSC P’94, ’97, Vice President for Mission

25 Years

STEVE GOLDSTEIN Social Studies BRIAN MILLER ’79, P’03 Science Depaertmment IRENE SANTUCCI P’95 Assistant Director, Institutional Advancement for Database Management TIM STANTON Maintenance and Transportation

15 Years


10 Years






5 Years



fter 31 years of coaching baseball, including the past 10 years as the Lancer Head Baseball Coach, Harry Agajanian announced that he is stepping down as the head coach. “It’s time to explore other opportunities outside of Head Coaching duties,” Coach Agajanian said. “I have nothing but respect and admiration for the administrators, parents, and students in the La Salle community and have had a great ride here as a Lancer. I will miss my peers and (some) umpires in the game. I wish the La Salle baseball program all my best and offer my continuous support for the future” To that sentiment, Athletic Director, Anthony Harris reported that Coach Agajanian has been appointed Baseball and Softball Operations Manager. Agajanian will manage our new fields at Los Angeles County Park in Arcadia. Not only will Agajanian administer the programs, but he will coordinate and initiate fundraising events and opportunities as well as manage the adult and youth leagues that use our joint facilities at Arcadia Park. Early in the season, the Lancers beat Alhambra High School in the Elks Tournament 4-1. This was Coach Agajanian’s 200th victory as a varsity baseball head coach. “This is a terrific milestone in a coaches career. We celebrate and congratulate you,” said Harris. The Lancers wrapped up the 2015 varsity baseball season with an overall record of 9 wins and 14 losses. Coach Agajanian began his high school coaching career at Bosco Tech in Rosemead, moved to Arcadia High School, and finished at La Salle where he won two league championships and took the Lancers to the playoffs five times during his 10 year tenure as the Lancer skipper.

Alumni NEW ALUMNI BOARD Service Award Did you know that your Alma Mater has an active Alumni Association Executive Board? The Board, currently made up of 13 alums spanning 1970-2009, works to support La Salle’s mission by connecting with and engaging alumni through communications, programs and events. Find out more about your Alumni Board online at www.lancernetwork.com/Board. Meet your 6 new Board Members!

PAUL LEES ’75 - Paul believes in the tradition of giving

back and serving his community. He is involved with several service groups and is excited to give some of his time and talent back to his Alma Mater. Paul’s favorite alumni events are anytime his ’75 classmates get together whether it be at a Reunion, Taste of La Salle or just a weekend BBQ. Paul works in consumer product goods as a Space Management Specialist for Advantage Sales and Marketing.

CHRIS RETTIG ’84 - It’s tough for Chris to pick a single Former principal Pat Bonacci with Caley Mauch ’10


aley Mauch ’10 received the Alumni Service Award at the Homecoming Mass on October 29th for her work with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The Alumni Service Award recognizes young alums who have embodied the Lasallian Mission of “Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve” in their adults lives. Caley serves as a spokesperson for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and their community. She also works alongside Dr. Tom Keens of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles speaking to medical school students and has collaborated with researchers at Cal Tech. In addition, Caley has served as a guest speaker at various CF events and has been a part of many local colleges and nursing school engagements to promote awareness of CF. Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disorder that primarily effects the lungs as well as the pancreas and digestive system. There is no known cure for CF and the average life expectancy is in the mid 30s. Both Caley and her brother James ’07 suffer from CF so her main priority is to spread awareness about the disease and to assist with fundraising efforts to help find a cure.

favorite memory from his time at La Salle but he feels extremely fortunate for the friendships he made over those four years that he still has to this day. His favorite alumni events are the ones that give him the opportunity to reconnect with fellow Lancers, especially those from the early ’80s. He always wanted to get back involved and when his son chose to attend La Salle there was no better time to make that commitment. Chris feels it is important to serve in a way that will have a positive impact on past, current and future Lancers. Chris is an independent sales executive currently focused in wholesale and liquidation services.

TINA BONACCI ’94 - Tina is proud to be a founding

member of Lancer Television and to know that it is still a strong program, and part of the teaching curriculum in the Digital Media department, is very exciting for her. As a proud alum and current staff member, Tina is interested in continuing her support of her Alma Mater to offer an even better experience to current students. Tina is a College Counselor at La Salle.

JOE REID ’00 - Joe has too many great high school memories

to narrow it down to one! The sense of community he felt at La Salle will forever encompasses all of his memories. He says the long-lasting friendships he forged through those four years are priceless. Joe thoroughly enjoys coming back for Homecoming and joined the Board to reconnect with the La Salle community and give back in a meaningful way. He currently serves as the Director of Business Development and Client Relations for Pacific Asset Management.

CHANEL BUCCOLA ’07 - Chanel loves coming back for reunions and attending the Taste of La Salle and she wanted to join the Board to relive some of her fondest memories and exciting times she had as a student. She says that La Salle has always been her home and she wants to be more connected to the School as it adapts and grows. Chanel works in administration for the USC Athletics Department.

TYLER VARING ’09 - Tyler will always remember his

Homecoming liturgy October 29, 2015

sophomore English class with Ms. Johnston and loved coming back for his Five Year Reunion! He wanted to join the Board to become more involved with his Alma Mater and to help the School advance its mission. Tyler is a Sales Representative for Integrated Business Solutions. FALL 2015 ANNUAL REPORT


Class of 1965



he Class of 1965 kicked off the celebration of their 50 Year Reunion on May 21, 2015 at their Golden Diploma Presentation during Senior Presentation. A poignant and humorous address was given by Don Randolph ’65 (for which he received a standing ovation from the student body) prior to each Golden Grad receiving their Golden Diploma. Following the presentation, those in attendance took a tour of their Alma Mater and joined together for a private luncheon in the Blakeslee Library on campus (the former Cafeteria for the Class of ’65). The festivities continued over the weekend of June 12-13, 2015. The Class gathered for a private 50 Year Reunion Dinner at Beckham Grill where many laughs and stories were shared. The celebration continued at the Decade of the ’60s Reunion on Saturday night at La Salle. The Class of 1965 set a Reunion Gift goal to raise $8,500 to support La Salle’s Financial Aid Program in memory of their classmates who are no longer with them. To date, the Class has

surpassed their goal, raising $9,800. If you are interested in supporting their Class Gift initiative please contact the Alumni Office at 626.696.4362 or you can make a gift online at: www.lancernetwork.com/65Gift. Those in attendance on Friday night at the Reunion Dinner included top row, Gary Drean, Steve Lester, Chet Horn, Tim MacDonaugh, John Delgatto, Don Randolph, Terry Klein, Ed Hewko, Bob Mallek, Jim Canny, Bert Becker, Ron Hansen, John Crawford, John Higgins, Sean Murphy, John Westfall, Ned Bennett, Eddie Alinan, Norm Nally, middle row, Terry Slavin, Gary Clarke, John Slavin, Tom Shima, Jay Ziegler, Jesse Connor, Mark Weigel, bottom row, Steve Germain, Chuck Miller, Ken Rimpau, Thom Pike, Paul Thompson, David Kennelly, Pete Martin, Ty Gaffney. More pictures can be found on the alumni website at


Golden Diploma Presentation Golden Graduates in attendance for the Golden Diploma Presentation included, left to right: Jay Ziegler ’65, Tom Shima ’65, Bert Becker ’65, Don Randolph ’65, Berton McKenna ’65, Ty Gaffney ’65 and Jim Canny ’65.



Class of 1975



he Class of 1975 celebrated their Forty Year Reunion on Saturday, June 6, 2015. 41 members of the class were in attendance along with favorite teachers Don Blair, John Ring and Father Dan McSweeney. Many thanks to Hope and Dino Clarizio ’75 for hosting the event at their home and to the Reunion Committee for all of their hard work in making it a fun party. Those in attendance at the Reunion included: Paul Archambault, Dave Bent, David Beringer, Dan Berry, John Bigley, Scott Brown, Dino Clarizio,

Phil Coombes, Dick Crawford, Mark DeWald, David DiLettera, Steve Elerding, Sergio Escalante, Jae Evers, Paul Hartfield, Terry Kelly, Jim LeBerthon, Paul Lees, Gary Macdonald, Mike Marlatt, Steve Marsden, Ed McFaul, Vincent Mejia, Norman Merino, Steve Meskell, Robert Morgan, Bill Morris, Kirk Osborne, Fernando Pacheco, Pat Riley, Tom Ruggles, Javier Salas, Miguel Salas, Bob Singer, Rick Snyder, Bill Sullivan, Don Tellez, Nick Thompson, Andre Vaughn, Ron Zullo and John Zwart.

Bill Morris ’75, Gary Macdonald ’75, Bill Sullivan ’75

Father Dan McSweeney, John Ring, Don Blair

John Bigley ’75, Gary Macdonald ’75, John Zwart ’75, Steve Marsden ’75, Bob Singer ’75

Norman Merino ’75, Paul Lees ’75, Dave Bent ’75, Mark DeWald ’75, Ed McFaul ’75

Dino Clarizio ’75, Phil Coombes ’75, Paul Lees ’75, Paul Hartfield ’75, Nick Thompson ’75, Mike Marlatt ’75, Mark DeWald ’75 and Dick Crawford ’75

Jim LeBerthon ’75, David DiLettera ’75, Miguel Salas ’75, Andre Vaughn ’75, Mark DeWald ’75



Decade of the ’60s Reunion T

he much anticipated return of the Decade of the ’60s Reunion took place on Saturday night, June 13th, celebrating the Classes of 1960-1970. The event was a huge success with over 230 people in attendance including favorite former faculty members Brother Mel Anderson, FSC, Brother Martin Ash, FSC and Brother Raphael Patton, FSC. A special presentation was made by Larry Nordstrom ’64 and Tim Manning ’68 of the Alma Mater that was written by Henry Mancini and Mary Nordstrom (Larry’s mother) back in the ’60s. Attendees danced the night away thanks to the great live ’60s music provided by Don Randolph ’65 and The Weasels.

Special anniversaries were celebrated that night including the Class of 1960’s 55th Reunion, the Class of 1965’s 50th Reunion and the Class of 1970’s 45th Reunion. Don’t miss the next Decade of the ’60s Reunion which will take place in 2020! The Decade of the ’60s is raising money in honor of their Reunion to support La Salle’s financial aid program. To date, the Decade has raised $35,045. To make your gift visit www.lancernetwork.com/60sGift. Thank you in advance for your support in making a Lasallian education possible for students in need.





A Brother Martin Ash, FSC shares a laugh with his former student Bob Mallek ’65

B Jim Elko ’67, Jack Belcher ’67, Chuck Mispagel ’67 C Tom Shima ’65, Thom Pike ’65, John Delgatto ’65 D Michael Higgins ’68, Patti Paquette, Randy Paquette ’68, John Miller ’68

E Woody Woodaman ’62, Tom Farley ’62, Bill Hall ’62, Keith Brown ’62, Dave Hall ’62

F Michael Petermann ’70, Frank Johnson ’70, Sam Auriemma ’70,

E 52

Mike Sullivan ’70, John Caldwell ’70 LANCER MAGAZINE






The plaque that was presented to the School on behalf of Tim Manning ’68 and Larry Nordstrom ’64 with the original Alma Mater from the 1960s as written by renown composer Henry Mancini and Mary Nordstrom (Larry’s mother).

G Tom Anthony ’67, Patty Anthony, Brother Raphael Patton, FSC, Mike Porter ’68

H Mike Curran ’66. Ken Kaefer ’66, Rich Mispagel ’66 I

Joe Cici ’60, Ted Saraf ’60, Tony Kane ’60, Jim Dirmann ’60, Tim Johnson ’60


Greg Palmer ’64, Larry Nordstrom ’64, Mike Russell ’64

K Clockwise from top left, Bob Granieri ’61, Phil Cannon ’61, Jim Crowley ’61, Dick Granieri ’61, Bill Dochnahl ’61, Bob Frank ’61, David Reidy ’61



Alumni News, Weddings & Births

Peter Barry is an orthopedic surgeon with Marine Hills Medical Group in San Anselmo, CA.




Tim Johnson is a broker associate with Coldwell Banker and resides in Sierra Madre. He also enjoys his time hiking, traveling and spending time at his ranch in Montana. Al Lumas and his wife June own A&J Ranch, a horse boarding ranch in Milpitas. Before this Al was a field salesperson for an electronic components manufacturers’ representative firm for which he is still part owner and a member of its Board of Directors. Al and his wife have three grown children. Larry Callaghan is a retired attorney and lives in Oakland. He served on the Executive Committee of the Financial Services Section of The Federalist Society in Washington, DC and remains involved with activities at Corpus Christi Church and School in Piedmont.


Phil Cannon is a retired salesman from the Xerox Corporation and lives with his partner Cheryl in Sierra Madre. Between the two of them they have five kids and six grandchildren, all of whom live in California. John Guidas is retired and lives in Washington, DC.


Steve Buccola is a professor at Oregon State University. He and his wife have

two grown sons and reside in Corvallis, OR. Terry Hall is a restaurant owner and commercial property owner. He is also president of the Georgetown Divide Rotary Club. Terry and his wife Yolande have three grown children, three grandchildren and reside in Georgetown, CA. Woody Woodaman is the CEO of Synergy Clinical Research Center and serves as Chairman of the Board for the Escondido Municipal Art Gallery. He also serves on several non-profit medical boards. He and his late wife Betty have two grown sons and two grandchildren. Woody resides in Poway. Timothy (Tad) Hunter is still a monk at Mt. Tabor Monastery in Redwood Valley where he helps with the formation of the new, younger monks. Wayne Osborne is enjoying retirement from the US Navy as a senior volunteer for the California Highway Patrol. He and his wife Marilyn celebrated their 50 Year Wedding Anniversary last November and have two grown daughters and two grandsons. Wayne lives in Escondido. Larry Gonzales is the former Undersecretary for the California Department of Veteran Affairs. He also served as an equal opportunity officer for the US Marine Corp and was a principal in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Larry and his wife Anntonette have three children, five grandchildren and reside in Watsonville, CA.

Les Kovats is the president of Western Screw Products, Inc., a manufacturing company. He resides in Palm Desert. J. Michael Roney is the principal of Roney and Company, a financial services firm in Pasadena. He resides in Newport Beach. Bob Konrad is a professor of social medicine and health and policy administration at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Victor Vert is the owner of MacSmith Corporation, a manufacturing and fabrication company in Gardena. He and his wife Shelly formed California Boss Hoss V8 Motorcycles, a motorcycle dealership over ten years ago and sell, fabricate and customize corvette v8 motorcycles. He is an avid collector of vintage motorcycles and classic cars and builds hot rods as well. Victor has four children and resides in Rolling Hills Estates.


John Karnowski is a senior financial analyst for the RSR Corporation, a battery recycling and lead smelting company. He had formerly been in management in the energy industry. John is the former treasurer of his church and is a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church. He and his wife Ann have two grown children and reside in Dallas. Mike Dooling is a partner with Jacaranda Partners, an investment company in Pasadena. He and his wife Kathy have four children and nine grandchildren. Jim Walshe is a first vice-president for Morgan Stanley in Beverly Hills. He and his wife Heakyoung have been married for 34 years and have two children and two grandchildren. Jim resides in Walnut.

2015-2016 ALUMNI EVENTS CALENDAR We hope to see you at one of these upcoming events. For more info visit www.lancernetwork.com. DECEMBER 2015

12/5 - Alumni Adopt-A-Family Gift Wrapping Party & Santa Visit @ 10am (Grinstead Theatre) 12/26 - Alumni Soccer Game @ 10am (Kohorst Field)

3/12 - Alumni Spring Musical Production @ 2pm 3/19 - Taste of La Salle @ 6:30pm (La Salle Dining Pavilion & Atrium)


MAY 2016

1/6-1/8 - Take A Lancer To Lunch Week 1/6 - Young Alumni Networking Event @ 7pm (Old Town Pasadena) 1/14 - Student Academic Awards Ceremony Honoring an alum with the Brother Mel Anderson, FSC Alumni Award for Excellence in Academics 1/30 - Alumni Baseball Game @ 1pm warmup starts at 11am (Arcadia County Park)

Alumni National Month of Service 5/14 - Class of 1976 Forty Year Reunion 5/25 - Legacy Reception for the Class of 2016 5/25-5/26 - Class of 1966 Fifty Year Reunion 5/26 - Class of 2016 Alumni Induction 5/27 - 57th Commencement Exercises

MARCH 2016

Return of the Decade of the ’90s Reunion including 20 Year Reunion for the Class of 1996 20+1 Year Reunion for the Class of 1995

3/8-3/10 - Career Days To serve as a speaker contact the Alumni Office 54


FALL 2016


John Spalding retired from New Mexico State University where he worked as a scientific software engineer and later as an adjunct associate professor in molecular biology. He now works part-time as the lab director for General Genetics Corporation, a DNA testing laboratory. He and his wife Dorothy reside in Las Cruces, NM and enjoy golfing and RVing. Patrick Richards is the principal for RPS Consultants, a consulting firm for the mining industry. He also volunteers on the Somis Municipal Advisory Committee. Patrick is a pilot and owns a Cessna 182. He and his wife Eileen have four children and ten grandchildren. Larry Viselli retired as an air traffic manager with the FAA and resides in Morrow Bay with his wife Laurie. They have two grown sons. Peter Thomas is a retired physician. He is an active volunteer with the San Diego Audubon Society and Meals on Wheels. Duke Banks is a retired international development consultant and worked in over 23 countries on various development projects. He currently serves on the Executive Board of Friends of Gulf Branch Nature Center and is an advocate for more park lands. Duke and his wife Elvira have been married for nearly 35 years, have three grown children and live in Arlington, Virginia. William Sturtevant retired from the plastics industry and just completed a memoir of his days at La Salle titled Hobie and Dewey Days which is currently available by download on Amazon. He and his wife Annelore have two children and live in Germany. Jim Jarvis is a retired teacher and is now writing a book on the oxidation of structures. He is a Smithsonian Institute Associate and volunteers his time at his local public library. He and his wife Jeannette have two sons, three grandsons and reside in Annandale, Virginia.


Robert Mallek is a tax and business law attorney with Dietrich, Glasrud, Mallek & Aune in Fresno. He is also on the Advisory Board for the College of Arts and Humanities at Cal State Fresno and serves on the Board of Directors for Alliance Francaise de Fresno. Rick Huntley is the vice president of human resources for Pegasus Solutions in Dallas, Texas. He lives with his wife Christine in Addison, TX. Thomas Pike was the lead instructional designer for the CV-22 Osprey Training Team before he retired. His team produced several hundred hours of courseware for the Osprey School at Kirkland Air Force Base which included webbased training and classroom instructional material for CV-22 aircrews. Thom lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

a lawyer and partner in a small law firm in Tallahassee, Florida. Prior to that, he spent nearly 14 years working for the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and another six legislative sessions (5½ years) as the Director of the Florida Medicaid Program. Gary is also the immediate past Chairman of the Board for the Brain Injury Association of Florida. He and his wife Susan have been married for 45 years and have four children and six grandchildren. Paul Maurin is a director with McGladrey Wealth Management LLC in Los Angeles. He has been a volunteer with the Pasadena Tournament of Roses for 36 years and has served on the Board of Directors for Five Acres for seven years. He has three grown children and lives in Pasadena.

Jim Canny owns his own public accounting firm and serves on La Salle’s Board of Trustees.

Robert Loscialpo works as a design consultant for men’s apparel companies. He currently serves as president of the New York chapter of the International Association of Clothing Designers and Executives. Robert has three grown children and three grandchildren.

John Maitino retired in 2010 from Cal Poly Pomona where he taught English and served as the director of the Secondary Credential Program. He has four grown children and resides in San Juan Capistrano.

Wayne Bartolme owns his own tax firm and volunteers his time with the American Legion and at his parish. He and his wife Patricia have been married for 40 years, have five children and reside in Huntington Beach.

Paul Thompson is a professional photographer and owner of The Huntington House. He and his wife Mary have four daughters and live in Huntington Beach.

Paul Johnson works as an English tutor in Bangkok, Thailand and assists high school students in passing their college entrance exams. He and his wife Tip have two childrenWillie (12) and Jasmine (9).

Gary Drean is the owner of Affinity Development Group. He and his wife Sue have been married for 25 years and reside in Rancho Santa Fe. Michael Roosevelt is an attorney with Friedman, McCubbin, Spalding, Bilter, Roosevelt & Montgomery in San Francisco. He serves on the board for a number of organizations and lives in Berkeley with his wife Deborah. Gary Clarke

has spent the last 17 years as

John Higgins retired as headmaster for High Point Academy and now spends his time relaxing and visiting his two children and four grandchildren in San Diego. John is also a board member for the Convalescent Aid Society. He and his wife Maureen reside in Altadena. Terrence Klein retired from the United States Air Force after 20 years of service and was awarded the Meritorius Service Medal at the

ALUMNI GET SOME SOUL SOULCycle Pasadena once again invited La Salle alumni to check out a complimentary class on Sunday, September 13th. Those in attendance had a great workout and got a chance to catch up with each other and their Alma Mater. Back row, from left, Melissa Castillo ’15, Instructor, Monica Dejbaksh ’05, Daniela Ramunno ’08, Maddie Herlache ’09, Angela Bruning ’07, Monica Augustine ’06, Olivia Pope ’15, Sherry Kalra ’96, Savanaha Lamp ’03, front row, from left, Jessica Cabot ’15, Monique Nguyen ’08, Samantha Godfrey ’08, Katie Olender ’09, Chanel Buccola ’07, Jamie Bennison ’06, not pictured, Kelly (Harper) Tapert ’95, Angela (Torres) Ziskie ’96, Erika Williams ’98, Joe Amar ’00, Mike Gordon ’00, Will Kaliel ’00, Lindsey (Van Leeuwen) Gordon ’04.



Pentagon. He spent another 14 years as a software engineer for First Data Corp and is now enjoying retirement. He and his wife Theresa have four grown children and recently moved to Tucson, Arizona. Rich Callaghan works in real estate development and investments. He and his wife Lissa have been married for 46 years, have three children, seven grandchildren and live in Newport Beach. David Kennelly is a semi-retired attorney but continues to represent overseas clients. Tom Shima was an OBGYN in North County San Diego for 35 years before retiring in 2012. He and his wife Diane are avid travelers and were high altitude trekkers for many years. They have an additional home in Queenstown, New Zealand where they enjoy spending time inbetween their travels. Tom and Diane have two children and five grandchildren. Dennis Sorges is a program manager with the Engility Corporation which supports the Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division in China Lake. He has two grown daughters, nine grandkids, one great-grandson and lives in Ridgecrest. Thomas Faherty is an architect with Valley Architects. He and his wife June have been married for 44 years, have three children, two grandkids and reside in St. Helena. Ned Bennett spent 35 years teaching at Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep High School in San Francisco and served as chair of the Religious Studies department for 21 of those years. He retired in 2012 and has spent time volunteering with the Friends of Knowland Park, a group dedicated to preserving the wildlife habitat in the Oakland Hills. Steve Germain is a deacon and business manager for St. Ireneaus Church in Cypress. He and his wife Sharon both work in retreat ministry and are enjoying being back in California after being away for over 35 years. They plan to return to their home in Boise, Idaho in a few years to really retire. Steve has four grown children and ten grandchildren.

John Crawford is an attorney with a focus in estate planning, trust administration, probate and conservatorships. He is a member of Fallbrook Village Rotary and serves as the secretary and legal counsel for the Fallbrook Land Conservancy Board of Directors. John and his wife Debbie have been married for 45 years, have three children and four grandchildren. John Slavin is responsible for the operation of the hematology department at Marshall Medical Center in Placerville, CA. He and his wife Jane have two grown sons and four granddaughters. Chuck Miller is the senior managing director for Tigress Financial Partners out of New York City. He and his wife Gloria have three sons and reside in Tucson, Arizona. Michael Meza is an attorney and lives in Seal Beach. He is a member of the United States Professional Tennis Association, the Professional Ski Instructors of America and is a 3rd degree black belt in Gracie/Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Don Randolph is a trial attorney with his own practice Randolph & Associates. He and his wife Suzanne have three children, three grandsons and live in Pacific Palisades.


Richard Mispagel is a retired fire captain and lives with his wife Wendy in Cherry Valley. They have one daughter and two grandkids. Mike Plummer a retired teacher and coach. He and his wife Sharon have been married for 45 years and live in Weed, CA. John Maffei a sportswriter for the San Diego Union Tribune. He has two children, three grandchildren and resides in Escondido. Jim Lynch is a fine art photographer and also hosts a weekly progressive talk radio program on WVSB 90.1FM in Stony Brook, NY. He and his wife Ginger have a grown son and reside in Miller Place, NY.

Ted Luiten is the construction supervisor and resident engineer for MWH Construction where he manages the construction of water and waste treatment plants, reservoirs, pump stations and pipelines.


Save the Date WEDNESAY, MAY 25, 2016 and


www.lancernetwork.com/66Fifty Steven Salem retired from Northrop Grumman in 2010 after 30 years as senior staff engineer. He keeps himself busy raising his ten year old daughter Lizzy and studying classical piano. He and his wife Lorna live in Torrance. Steve also has five grown children and three grandchildren. Gregory Ladesich is a courier for Federal Express and lives in Laguna Niguel. Larry Bolton lives in Sacramento and serves as the president for the Foster Youth Education Fund, a non-profit that assists former foster youth in California.


Robert Wiedenfeld is a professor emeritus at Texas A&M University and an adjunct professor at Northwest Vista College. He volunteers as a confirmation instructor at Sacred Heart Church. Bob and his wife Virginia have four children, six grandchildren and reside in Comfort, TX.

DERBY DRAFTED BY OAKLAND A’s San Diego State junior pitcher Bubba Derby ’12 was selected by the Oakland A’s on the second day of the 2015 Major League Draft. Derby was taken in the sixth round (188th overall). Derby was a first-team all-Mountain West selection this past season who finished with a record of 8-4 and a 3.32 earned run average. He led the conference by a wide margin with 131 strikeouts, a figure that ranks as the third-most ever in a season by an Aztec hurler. Derby was also named to the NCAA Regional All-Tournament team last month during SDSU’s postseason play at Lake Elsinore, Calif. The right-hander from Monrovia recorded a complete-game victory over No. 13 UC Santa Barbara in the Aztecs’ tourney opener. Bubba was selected to the La Salle Hall of Fame after a stellar senior year. He was personally recruited by MLBs Tony Gwinn, the then coach of SDSU after pitching 94mph fastballs at La Salle.



Jim Quandt is the founder and chairman of Thomas James Capital Inc and serves on the board of numerous companies and organizations. He and his wife Marleen have two sons and reside in Coto de Caza.

have three children and live in La Canada Flintridge. Michael Genovese is a longtime political science professor at Loyola Marymount University, author of over 40 books, and chair of

Jeff Weigand is a healthcare executive with Huntington Hospital. He is also a member of the Pasadena Tournament of Roses and former president of the La Salle High School Alumni Association. Jeff and his wife Debbie have been married for 36 years, have three childrenRyan ’02, Brett ’05, Alexa ’08- and reside in Pasadena. Mike Hartfield is a CPA and is very active in his parish in Chatsworth. He resides in Glassell Park. Frank Zwart was the campus architect and associate vice chancellor for physical planning and construction at UC Santa Cruz from 1988 until his retirement in 2010. Warren Fox is a retired research associate from UC Irvine. He now volunteers on the board for the Yulupa Mutual Water Company and acts as their facilities manager. He and his wife Mary Zetlmaier (Alverno ’68) have two grown daughters and live in Santa Rosa.


Jeff Wright is self-employed as a beer, wine and spirits specialist. He also volunteers his time with the Knights of Colombus. Jeff and his wife Ellie celebrated their 42nd wedding anniversary this year and have three kids and two grandkids. They reside in Woodland, CA. Tom Romano is the owner of Tom Romano Insurance Agency Inc. in Alhambra and is in the equestrian order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem. He and his wife Margie celebrated their 44th wedding anniversary this year and have three grown daughters, five granddaughters and one grandson. Bob Harper is the US leader of human resource operations for PricewaterhouseCoopers. He and his wife Joan have been married for 32 years,

Steve Seastrom is the vice president of finance for the Owl Companies. He has also served as treasurer for the Knights of Columbus Council 9487 for the last ten years. He and his wife, Sue McComb, were married in August 2015. Greg Danenhauer is the vice president of engineering for Parker Boiler. He has five grown children and resides in Laguna Beach.

the university’s Institute for Leadership Studies, has been named president of the World Policy Institute at Loyola Marymount University. The World Policy Institute is a renowned think-tank focusing on crucial but neglected challenges and opportunities of an increasingly connected world.

Thomas Bent is the medical director for the Laguna Beach Community Clinic and practices family medicine. In addition, he has restored a 400 year old village home in rural France as documented on House Hunters International Renovation. Thomas and his wife Carolyn have been married for 32 years and have a grown daughter. Greg Munro is a senior vice president with Merrill Lynch and resides in Fallbrook. Peter Bukunt retired from GE after 35 years and now works as an energy consultant. He and his wife Nancy reside in Danville.

John Miller is a district sales manager for Diamond V working in the animal feed industry. He works with dairy and poultry producers in California, Arizona, Argentina and Brazil. He and his wife Marsha have two grown daughters, two grandchildren and live in Visalia.

Preston Grochmal is a staff accountant with the Development Capital Group in Pacific Palisades. He graduated from UC Riverside in 2013.


Ron Sardisco is the CEO of Ditalini Management Associates, a small business consulting firm, and lives in Green Valley.

Dennis Haupt retired after 37 years teaching in the El Monte Unified School District and now works as an antique dealer for Pasadena Mission Furniture and Old California. He volunteers his time at High Point Academy where his daughter Sydney attends. Steve Yunker has been a trial lawyer in San Diego since 1983 and is in the process of retiring to Maui where he plans on doing pro bono legal work. He has done pro bono migrant worker and political asylum work since the 1980s.


Michael Cousineau is a professor at the Keck School of Medicine at USC, working in public health research and policy analysis. He and his wife Nancy have two grown children and live in Culver City.

John Caldwell started as a legislative staffer in Sacramento in 1982 and has been there ever since. He currently works as a lobbyist. His firm represents about 40 clients including insurers, hotels and local government agencies. John and his wife Cindi have been married for over 33 years and have one grown daughter. Mark Bevan is the vice president of sales for Seville Classics, an import company with factories in China that sells to many of the big box stores here in the states. Mark still volunteers his time driving floats in the Tournament of Roses Rose Parade. He and his wife Maureen have a grown daughter and live in Pasadena.

EMMA MARTINEZ ’14 ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP TRIP Emma Martinez ’14 (a 2014 recipient of the Alumni Association College Scholarship) spent her spring break on an impactful border immersion trip with the Borderlinks organization which she used her Alumni Scholarship money to pay for. Emma was accepted into the “Interns for Justice” program this past summer and interned with Alexandria House, a transitional home for women and children in LA. She is a social work major, double minoring in social justice and gender & women studies at the University of Portland and currently serves as the Service & Justice Coordinator (SJC) for her dorm. (Emma is pictured far left with her immersion trip group.)



Julio Salazar retired after 37 years as a transportation manager for 20th Century Fox. He and his wife Beth have been married for 15 years and have two children, Sage (15) and Bodie (12). Julio and his family live in Acton. James Edwards owns Diversified Project Services International, Inc., an engineering company that also does project and construction management, geomatics and mechanical integrity. His company recently installed replacement subsea pipelines offshore California, the first successfully permitted in over 30 years. He started the company in 2007 with one employee and now has over 100 employees and four offices throughout the state. James has also been a volunteer with the City of Hanford Police Department for over 12 years. He and his wife Jennifer have been married for 42 years, have two grown children and two granddaughters. Bill Kolberg is the fire chief at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim. He and his wife Barbara have two children, three grandsons, and live in Claremont. Michael Petermann is a retired banker and resides in Poway. He has two sons and two granddaughters.


Tom Fung has seen enrollment double in his first year as the director of the master’s program in global fashion enterprise at Philadelphia University. He welcomed his first granddaughter, Jennifer Jade Fung, last year.


John Zwart is a graphic designer for JJ&A. He resides in San Gabriel. Paul Hartifeld is a pediatrician with Kaiser Permanente and lives in Riverside. John Bigley is the chief of staff for Kaiser Hospital in Baldwin Park. He and his wife Nancy have three grown children and two grandchildren. Terence Kelly is a partner with Dorsey & Whitney LLP, a corporate, securities and intellectual property practice for emerging growth technology

companies. He currently serves on the board of directors of several organizations including the Consortium for Global Development, The Sustainability Fund and the ASSU Legal Counseling Office. Terence and his wife Alison have four sons and live in Palo Alto. Jae Evers is a designer with Armstrong & Brooks Consulting Engineers. He resides in Murrieta. Robert Morgan is an orientation and mobility specialist for blind and visually impaired students within the Corona Norco Unified School District. He and his wife Paula have two grown children and live in Corona. Paul Archambault is the director of facilities and logistics for At Home, a home décor retailer operating in 22 states. He oversees all facility related activities of the existing 82 stores along with the 20 stores opening this year, the corporate office and the distribution center. Paul and his wife Tina have been married for 23 years and have grown twins. Dave Bent created and patented a line of sunglasses, Surf Shades LLC, for water sports which are sold in retails stores and online. He has a grown daughter and resides in Newport Beach. William Morris is a categorical program advisor with Los Angeles Unified School District providing budget oversight for federal and state funding. He enjoys sailing and has written for nautical publications as well as authoring The Windvane Self-Steering Handbook. He is currently authoring his second practical sailing book. Bill and his wife Maria Luisa have three children, two grandchildren and live in Wilmington.


Joseph Peters is the parish ambassador (liaison between Holy Name of Mary of San Dimas and Immaculate Heart Radio HR AM930). He and his wife Cherrie recently attended the Immaculate Heart Radio retreat in Loomis, CA. On behalf of Holy Name of Mary in San Dimas, they presented a thank you plaque and some family festival t-shirts to the President

and his wife. IHR had placed several daily 30 second radio spots on AM930 (Catholic Radio in L.A.) to advertise HNM’s recent family festival.


SUNDAY, MAY 14, 2016 More details to follow. Your Reunion Committee is making plans for a great party. FOR MORE INFORMATION, GO TO:



Douglas MacCourt has accepted an appointment in Washington DC with the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Indian Energy as a Senior Policy Advisor. He will be working on the National Strategy for the Arctic and the Climate Action Plan developing policy to promote clean energy throughout Indian Country, including Alaska Native Villages, Alaska Native and Regional Corporations and Tribes in the lower 48 states.


John Cummings proud to announce the first year anniversary of Advance Capital Solutions LLC dba ACS Factors in Upland. This is a company he started with his

CLASS OF 2015 MEET IN CHICAGO Aoife flew in from Berkeley. They cheered on Nate at his football game and enjoyed the tourist sights. They talked a lot about their schools and were comparing their schedules and campus cultures. They all enjoyed seeing familiar faces and catching up with good friends.

Katie Sparks ’15 (Purdue), Riley Worley ’15 (Indiana University), Nate Chandler ’15 (University of Chicago), Aoife Megaw ’15 (UC Berkeley), Victor Saavedra ’15 (Northwestern) and Alex Mena ’15 (Hillsdale College) met up in Chicago over their fall break (October 9-11). Nate and Victor are already in Chicago. Katie and Riley took a bus from Indiana and Alec took a train from Michigan. 58


family and his daughter Briana is the portfolio manager. ACS Factors is a commercial finance company serving the transportation industry and the factoring needs of small businesses with clients from coast-to-coast. For more information John can be reached at 909-946-5599 or cummings.john@acsfactors.com.


James Ryan his wife Donna and

their children, Jack (10) and Julia (10), joined 2,700 participants in Sharon’s Run for Epilepsy on April 26, 2015. The 5K run is sponsored by the Epilepsy Foundation of San Diego County. James and his family participated in this event in conjunction with Alumni National Month of Service. There was an impromptu chance meeting of La Salle alumni in August when Ethan Caldwell ’86, Jeffrey Moscaret ’77 and Steve Moscaret ’80 met in St. Andrews, Scotland.


Michael Sanderl, EdD accepted the position of Vice President, Ascension Health and Chief Mission Integration Officer, Wisconsin. Michael and his wife, Stacey, reside in Whitefish Bay, WI with their two sons, Liam (4) and Paul (2).


Erik Kachmarsky is a manager with ARRYVE Consulting in Bellevue, Washington. He and his wife Erica have two children and live in Redmond. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center recently hired Rebecca Loya ’98 to do a day-long training in Harrisburg, PA. In attendance at the training was Annie Gebhardt ’99 who is the Director of Technical Assistance for the Center.


Mia (Mazadiego) Guenther and her husband Mark launched Neon Retro Arcade in Old Pasadena in January 2015. The familyfriendly arcade features 40+ classic arcade & pinball machines and has been featured by the Pasadena StarNews, KPCC, Los Angeles Magazine, ABC7, NBC4, CBS2 & KCAL9. Mia and Mark have been married for seven years and reside in Los Angeles after six years in Washington, DC and abroad.



Matt Alden is senior vice president at AST, a financial services company. He and his wife Katie have two children, William (5) and Emma (3), and reside in Reno, Nevada. Siobain (Courtney) Cruz is a personal trainer and lives in Sierra Madre with her husband Jonathan. Lisa Keeler has joined the law firm of Carmichael Clark, P.S. in Bellingham, Washington. She is practicing in the areas of insurance defense, appellate advocacy and general litigations.


Heather (Godwin) Bush has been appointed CFO of Agritek Holdings, Inc., a fully reporting company on the OTCQB and leader in compassionate care technology and agricultural solutions for the medicinal cannabis industry. Previously, Heather served as controller of Medmix Specialty Pharmacy and its affiliated pharmaceutical compounding companies. Heather resides in Jacksonville Beach, Florida with her husband, daughter Charlette, and their two fur babies.


Amber (Aloi) Martinez is the director of corporate philanthropy for City of Hope Hospital. Adam Gibbs is now a Storekeeper 2nd class petty officer in the United States Coast Guard. This past year he served overseas in Bahrain and is now stationed at Sector LA/LB in San Pedro for the next four years. Brian Hoffman is the head chef at Belcampo Meat Co.’s Grand Central Market restaurant in downtown LA. Ryan Weigand is the new assistant director of development for the Spartan Fund at Michigan State University. He is responsible for generating gifts ranging from $10,000 - $99,999 in support of Spartan student-athletes and their quest for excellence.


Brian Quinn graduated from USC’s Keck School of Medicine in May. Brian will complete a year of training in general surgery at Kaiser LA and then he will be specializing in radiology at LAC+USC Medical center. He is pictured with his wife, Jessica (Horn) Quinn ’03.

NEW ALUMNI SCHOLARS TYLER ARTIS ’15 (left) and TIERRA LEUSTIG ’15 were named the recipients of the Alumni Association College Scholarship at Senior Presentation. Jeff Weigand ’67, former Alumni Association President, presented Tyler and Tierra with their scholarship checks. Tyler is attending Pacific Lutheran University and Tierra is attending DePauw University. The Alumni Association College Scholarship is made possible due to the success of the Taste of La Sallea food and beverage tasting event put on by the Alumni Association every other year. Mark your calendars for the return of this very popular event coming back to campus on March 19, 2016 (see the back cover of Lancer Magazine for more details).



Savanaha Lamp is the print producer for M&C Saatchi in Santa Monica.


Jenny (Wight) Wilkens received her Master of Public Health from UCLA in 2012. She and her husband Travis live in San Juan Capistrano.


Chris Wright received his Master of Health Administration from USC on May 15, 2015. Courtney Wright completed the 26.2 mile Boston Marathon earlier this year despite the 42 degree temperature and rainy weather. Courtney resides in San Francisco and is working for Zenefits, the #1 startup in 2014 (according to Forbes). She is a human resources and benefits advisor. After qualifying for and running Boston, Courtney has her sights set on the Big Sur marathon and hopes to run at least one marathon a year.


Gina Figueroa turned one of her favorite hobbies into a career and is working as a baker and pastry chef. She previously worked at Porto’s Bakery & Café in Glendale and Spago in Beverly Hills. She is currently baking treats at Poppy Cake Baking Company in Sierra Madre, a few blocks away from La Salle.


Chelsea Henley is a youth counselor at St. James Youth Center in South Pasadena. She earned her Bachelor of Art in Psychology from Western New England University in 2014.


Laura Barrero graduated from UCLA with a BA in Communication Studies in 2014 and now works as the business operations assistant in UCLA’s Office of Undergraduate Admission. Laura also serves as a volunteer for the Santa Monica Youth Orchestra.


Julia Frisina graduated from the University of Arizona in May.


Manny Soriano spent the summer working at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory as an electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) engineering Intern. As an EMC intern, his main responsibilities were to support the EMC Group in performing tests for various NASA/JPL missions and to design test procedures for future missions on the International Space Station (ISS). Manny is in his senior year at USC where he is studying electrical engineering. Kyle Brumm spent the summer interning at the White House. He worked within the Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs helping plan events, write policy memos and maintain communications with external stakeholders. Kyle is in his final semester at Cornell University and is currently applying to law school. In the photo Kyle is standing by the entrance of the West Wing of the White House.


Claudia Vasquez is an international studies major, minoring in russian at Fordham University. In March she had the opportunity to travel to Cuba with a few professors and fellow students for a study of post-revolutionary life in Communist Cuba. Claudia is currently studying abroad in Moscow for the 2015-2016 school year, her junior year. On August 31, 2015 the University of Denver Women’s Soccer Team took on the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Hawaii. Cassidy Rey ’13, pictured center, who plays for the University of Denver, was cheered on by her fellow La Salle classmates who currently attend the University of Hawaii including, left to right, Maddie McGregor ’13, Nikole Maroe ’13 and Josh Valmonte ’13.


Jackson Goyette is majoring in computer engineering at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Ben Dalgarn ’14 and Patrick Sullivan ’13 met up with each other at the National Collegiate Club Volleyball Tournament in Kansas City, MO earlier this year. Ben is a sophomore at Notre Dame and Patrick is in his junior year at Villanova.

Engagements Charles Barakat ’07 got engaged to the love of his life, Nicole Faith Hernandez, on June 28, 2015. They have been best friends for 13 years and dating for six. Nicole was his freshman homecoming dance date at La Salle.

Weddings Sean Brown ’02

and Shoko Nozawa were

married in Yokohama, Japan on March 31, 2015. Alumni in attendance included Jonathan Loomis ’02, Jonathan Fan ’02 and Chris Tostado ’02. Sean and Shoko reside in Lafayette, CA. Megan Farrell ’06 and Michael Doherty were married on Cape Cod in Chatham, MA on September 27, 2014. Addie Stathatos ’06 was the Maid of Honor. Other alumni guests in attendance included Julia Ramage

SAN DIEGO ALUMNI CHAPTER San Diego area alums had a great time at the San Diego Alumni Chapter event organized by Chapter Reps Everett Evleth ’87, Kristin Seeker ’00 and Ashley Adams ’06 at Culture Brewing Company in Solana Beach. Those in attendance included, back row, left to right: Everett Evleth ’87, Becky Evleth, Garrett Payne, Wayne Avjian ’77, Rick Hornbuckle ’78, James Ryan ’86, Ed Jenkins ’62, Donna Jenkins. Middle row, left to right: Chris Kozo ’90, Brad Hawes ’06, Ashley Adams ’06, Mike Ryan ’85, Donna Ryan and Kristin Seeker ’00. Chapter Events are organized and promoted via email so make your email is on file with the Alumni Office at alumni@lasallehs.org to be included for future gatherings!



’05 and Jennifer Welty ’99. Megan is currently working as an area manager and independent consultant with Arbonne International and Michael owns and operates a commercial and residential painting company. The couple resides in Sierra Madre.

Births & Adoptions Emily (Cole) Doss ’97 and her husband welcomed their second child on April 23, 2015. His name is Shea Declan Doss. Emily is still a DA for Los Angeles County and was recently on the national show, 48 hours, which featured one of the cases she handled. Erin Swedlow-Murphy ’98 and her husband Brendan welcomed their second son, Logan Murphy, on May 15, 2015. Mark Perez ’98 and his wife Katie are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Korra Karyn, on November 12, 2014, measuring in at 6lbs., 3oz. and 21in. long. She was baptized on June 6, 2015 at Immaculate Conception Church in Monrovia. Attendees included Korra’s godparents: Mark’s brother, Jason Perez ’01 and his wife Kristina [Reyes] Perez ’01, Virgil Tolentino ’98, Enrico Bustamante ’98 and Mark Dizon ’98. Mark is a specialty design consultant & Katie is a set decorator imagineer at Walt Disney Imagineering.

Brian Ursettie ’99 and his wife Trish welcomed their second child, Eloise Claire, on April 8, 2015 weighing 10lbs., 3oz. and 22in. long. They are all very happy and very tired! Charlie Hoherd ’00 and his wife Erin would like to announce the birth of their second son, Corey Johnson Hoherd. Corey was born March 24, 2015 at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach. He and his big brother Shane (3) are both doing great. Charlie and his family live in Los Alamitos. Eva (De La Parra) Dotti ’00 and her husband Nathaniel had their first child, Vincent, on July 24, 2015 at 5:17am. He weighed 8lbs., 9oz., and was 22in. long. Eva and her husband both work at CSU Long Beach- she is an accountant for student financials and Nate is the campus space analyst. They celebrated four years of marriage on October 8, 2015 and reside in Long Beach. Elizabeth (Herman) Schmutzer ’01 and her husband Eric are thrilled to announce the birth of their second daughter, Natalie Jo Schmutzer, born on March 19, 2015.

Emily Grace, into the world on February 17, 2015 at 7:25am weighing 8lbs., 5oz. and 20in. long. Big brother Jonah is thrilled to have a little sister! Jennifer (Gibbs) O’Brien ’02 and her husband Garry welcomed their first child, son Jack Declan O’Brien, born at Arcadia Methodist Hospital on August 1, 2015, weighing 8lbs., 2oz. In addition to his proud parents, Jack is being spoiled by his many aunts and uncles including Jimmy Gibbs ’03, Shannon Gibbs ’07, Peter Gibbs ’11, Michael Gibbs ’17 and David Gibbs ’19. Shannon (Acosta) George ’03 and her husband Alex welcomed their first child, Harper Jane George, on March 26, 2015 in La Jolla. The Georges are happy to be back in the Golden State after surviving four winters in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Alex currently works as a dentist and Shannon as a teacher in San Diego. Katy (McCauley) Roberts ’04 and her husband Kenny welcomed a baby girl on March 2, 2015. Abigail McKenna weighed 6lbs., 7oz. and was 22in. long. She is full of energy and smiles. Danielle (Encinas) Caster ’05 and her husband Josh welcomed their son, Joshua Ryder, into the world on June 4, 2015 at 11:45pm. Ryder weighed 7lbs., 3oz. and was 22in. long. Danielle and her family reside in San Diego.

Erik Knoedler ’01 and his wife welcomed their daughter Hannah on June 22, 2015 at 3:16pm weighing 7lbs., 13oz. Erik and his family reside in Portland, Oregon. Irene (Siripasopsotorn) Helley ’02 and her husband Bradley welcomed their daughter,

YOUNG ALUMNI NETWORKING EVENT You’ve heard the buzz word “networking” and how important it is to do it but what does it really mean and how do you do it? Enjoy a drink and some food in a casual space while hearing more about how to create your own personal brand strategy in today’s competitive job market so that you can network with the right people and get the job you’ve always wanted! There will be plenty of time to socialize and mix and mingle. WHEN:

Wednesday, January 6, 2016 TIME: 7:00pm

- 9:00pm


White Horse Lounge 41 S. De Lacey Avenue, Old Town Pasadena


Joe Olender ’08, Founder & Director of Sound + Mountain COST:

$15 per person (includes 1 drink & appetizers)

Sign up online at www.lancernetwork.com/Network16 FALL 2015 ANNUAL REPORT



Hangouts, Hamburgers & Haunts By John Blackstock ’67

Members of the class of 1969 visit with the “Big Boy” at Bob’s Big Boy on Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena. From left, they are Paul Reinbolt, Paul McManus, Henry Bataille, Dennis Haupt and ASB President, Mark Jaqua.




ver the years, the La Salle Lancers have had their favorite hamburgers, hangouts and haunts. Almost all the favorite restaurants featured hamburgers with fries and some had tacos and some chicken; fried, baked and breaded. Following the standing-room-only basketball games in the La Salle gym during the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s, (and the Friday night football games now), the guys would head to Bob’s Big Boy on Colorado Boulevard to hangout and watch the plethora of custom hot rods and cars cruise the drive-in. Older Alums remember Eaton’s Restaurant on the corner of Michillinda Avenue and Colorado. “Eat at Eatons!” was the motto for the boys who hung out there. Gwinn’s, farther east on Colorado, was a nice date place after the games. My personal favorite was Pie ’n Burger on California Boulevard near Lake Avenue. Hand

crafted burgers with great big slices of pie. Yum. Yes, it’s still a crowd pleaser today. An all-time favorite was Bob’s Beef Burger on Huntington Drive in Arcadia. They served tasty and big double patty burgers with lots of cheese. It’s gone now, but it was the prototype for In-n-Out Burger restaurants. When the owners of Bob’s split, one kept Bob’s and the other opened an In–n-0ut in Baldwin Park but was prohibited from opening one in Arcadia. That’s why there was never an In-n-Out in Arcadia until Bob’s Beef Burger closed in 1984. And if you wanted lots of food and your French fries in a box The Hat on Walnut was the place. The giant Van de Kamps spinning windmill restaurant and bakery in Arcadia on Huntington and Santa Anita hosted a number of post-game sorties along with The Great Scott restaurant just a block away on Santa Anita. Van de Kamps later became Tiny Naylors and saw many Lancers there after the games.

The east side of San Marino had Twohey’s, “Home of the Little Stinko.” It was such a fun place to go featuring famously delicious onion rings, big burgers and sundaes. The Coffee Grinder on Colorado saw many a Lancer talking with numerous actors and actresses after rehearsals at the Pasadena Playhouse until the end of the ’60s. And just doors away was Will Wright’s Ice Cream

Parlor, a great date-night place. (Who doesn’t like ice cream?). Lancers hung out at Tonio’s, near the Hastings movie theatre in the ’80s, for pizza and IHOP (the International House of Pancakes if you are not old enough to remember what the acronym means) is where Panera Bread is today in Hastings Ranch, so naturally lots of Lancers had “Pigs in a Blanket” there. IHOP, with its big, blue A-frame roof, was next to Islands Restaurant that was a long-time hangout for classes in the ’70s, and ’80s to the guys and girls at La Salle today. Fast food joints like McDonalds, Peaks (both competing for our loyalty in the early days with 10 or 15 cent hamburgers), Jack in the Box, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Lita, Del Taco and Taco Bell always seemed to be around, but they didn’t have the charm for the Lancers like The Boat with it’s chilli cheeseburgers and fries docked right next to Clearman’s Northwood’s Inn on Rosemead Boulevard and Huntington FALL 2015 ANNUAL REPORT


The “Big Boy”

Drive. Both restaurants are still there, albeit The Boat has been bifurcated and it’s not really the same. Closer to La Salle in the ’60s and ’70s down Rosemead was the A&W Root Beer Drive-In and Pup ’n’ Taco. The root beer floats were fantastic, but neither spot was a great hangout simply because the food was pedestrian and there was great pizza at Sunny Italy right across the street. Today’s Lancers frequent Tops, located just down the street from La Salle, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Starbucks, Pasadena Sandwich Company and Dog Haus near PCC. But by far, the Lancer’s favorite burgers today are from In-n-Out Burgers in Arcadia (Flying Dutchman Animal Style anyone?). Well, I hope you enjoyed this drive down Memory Lane with some long-forgotten memories and recent recollections for the Lancers of yesterday, today and certainly, tomorrow. Thanks to Gary Kovacic P’99, my four brothers, and the many Lancer alums and alums on the faculty for their recollections and guidance. 64


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La Salle High School

3880 East Sierra Madre Boulevard Pasadena, CA 91107-1996 www.lasallehs.org Address Service Requested Parents of Alumni: If your son or daughter no longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please notify the Alumni Office of their new mailing address. You can call 626.696.4362 or email alumni@lasallehs.org.

Transforming Lives Since 1680



SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 2016 AN EVENT FOR THE TASTEBUDS FEATURING UNLIMITED TASTES FROM Stone Brewery • Paco’s Mexican Restaurant • Poppy Cake Baking Company • Merengue Jones Coffee Roaster • Pasadena Sandwich Company • Altadena Town & Country Club • Pick Up Stix The Eatery/ Bacchus Kitchen/Claud & Co. Catering • Choza Mama Peruvian Restaurant • City Café Teriyaki Madness • Angel City Brewing Company • San Antonio Winery • Steven Marshall Productions Fosselman’s Ice Cream Co. • Argaux: Curations & Tastings • Domenico’s Italian Restaurant • El Portal Anheuser-Busch • Stonefire Grill • Jersey Mike’s • Alondra Hot Wings • And many more! Buy your Opportunity Drawing tickets NOW for a chance to win a fabulous prize like “Eat Out for a Year” featuring gift cards to local eateries • “Stock Your Bar” featuring premium libations • Chef Prepared Private Dinner for 2 plus many more! Opportunity Drawing tickets are discounted between now and January 31st - 2 for $10, 10 for $25, 25 for $50 or 60 for $100. Winners will be drawn at the event and do not need to be present to win.

www.lancernetwork.com/Draw2016 Sponsorships and Event Tickets will be available online at www.lancernetwork.com/Taste2016 in the New Year!

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